HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. “Enduring Understandings” TIME TO MESSAGES AND COMMIT ATTITUDES AFFECTING TEEN SEXUALITY 10- 15 Healthy attitudes DAYS about one’s own body, one’s sexuality, and the social & psychological forces that support or erode same are important to healthy relationships. OBJECTIVES REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Class-wide or small group concept maps for team building Websites/CDroms available: Students will: 1. Develop group cohesion through the sharing of ideas 2. Analyze various positive and negative influences on human sexuality 3. Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviors 4. Explore how self-esteem and body image affect sexuality including cultural and societal Design a collage using pictures and words describing influences on human sexuality Self-reflection and/or journal writing to a visual or verbal prompt Post questions in an anonymous box that allow students to ask any/all questions they might have pertaining to healthy relationships/sexualit Suggested material that provides information about most of the topics covered in class curricula: Suggested Text: Pearson Healthy Sexual Development Child and Adolescent Sexual Development: Learning to Love curriculum mplan/educators/flash.aspx Complimentary Resources are matched by the number of the objectives: (2 & 4) New Mexico Media Literacy Project, Media Literacy for Health a K-12 Activity Curriculum, Media & Wellness Media Literacy for Success, (3) Movie: Speak 2004 Teen Date Rape Story (some 11th grade English classes already have the book and movie) 4. Youth Talk Back: Sex, Sexuality, and Media Literacy 1 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. norms y uth-Talk-Back.aspx (3) Movie: Speak 2004 Teen Date Rape Story (some 11th grade 5. Recognize the Use prompt English classes already have the book and movie) benefits and cards/vignettes/movie limitations of clips asking students (2, 3, 4, 5) Pearson Healthy Sexual Development establishing to differentiate personal between health and boundaries unhealthy and support their reasoning Letter to self – describe one’s current personal boundaries with reference to friends, family, acquaintances, and/or strangers (to be revisited at the end of the course) TIME TO SEXUAL COMMIT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 5-10 DAYS Comprehension of the anatomical and physiological development of sexual beings better OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of reproductive system over the REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Anatomical coloring book/play dough activity (1-5) Suggested Text: Pearson Healthy Sexual Development (1) Anatomy Labeling cards (1) ASD AP Biology book Chapter (1) Health Line 3D body images @ directory/3dbodymaps Labeling of anatomy 2 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. informs one’s life span models (1) Anatomy models purchase sperm/egg prepared microscope decisions. slides (available at 2. Discuss genetic Video/lecture on (1) Pregnancy website: of genetic determination development/ male/female with (1) Empathy Belly device: purchase variations and Provide a (1) Poster: How Your Baby Grows genetic mutations reading/visual media on the sexual Ambiguous Genitalia website: 3. Define the response and ask “sexual response students to reflect (1) Sex Ed 101: A collection of sex education lessons by Bill cycle” and/or place Taverner responses on a 4. Know terms as continuum they relate to (2) guest speaker, through community resources (e.g. genetic anatomy and Matching game with councilor, pediatrician sexual diversity focus on vocabulary (2) Genetic Home Reference mutationsanddisorders/genemutation (2) American Pregnancy Association Birth Defects and Disorders (2) Boys will be Boy… or Not r_not_straight_talk_about_gender (3) AP Bio Book and Mummy Laid an Egg. (3) overhead copied from college text (Gary Snyder) (4) Guest speakers (e.g. Gay Straight Alliance) 3 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. TIME TO IDENTITY, COMMIT INTEGRITY & INDEPENDENCE 15 DAYS Who am I? What are my values? and How will I pursue my independence? are questions integral to healthy sexual decisionmaking. OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Explore on a personal level the influences on their identity. 2. Define and prioritize personal values 3. Discuss the stages of independence and self-sufficiency skills 4. Describe communication styles and identify personal style (as related to cultural/regional differences) REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Interview family to identify groups to which you strongly identify (cultural, class, political, religious, talents) (1-5) Suggested Text: Pearson Healthy Sexual Development (1-5) Books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. What Color is Your Parachute? For Teens; Discovering Yourself, Defining Your Future by Richard Nelson Bolles and Carol Christen (1) Tom Jackson’s Activities that teach → (needs to be Purchased) (1) Variety of Personality Testing: (1) Personality tests: and Self-defining art project Values clarification exercise Draw a concept map related to skills needed for independence Role play assertive, aggressive, and passive communication styles (as a guest in middle 5. Discuss “tool school or other set” for promoting classroom) (2) web sites on values to support discussion: learning/values.html (2) Definitions Values: Core%20Values%20Defined.pdf character_ethics.htm (3) Independent Living skills Overview pendentliving_chapter5.pdf (4) communication style quiz to support discussion: (4) Definitions and Table to support discussion: 4 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. more effective communication Individuals (e.g., eye contact, anonymously describe listening, their communication (4 or 5) Interpersonal communication w/ instructor guide restating, styles on paper. Small acknowledging, groups respond with indefinition.html not interrupting) suggestions about how to improve one’s interpersonal.html communication. TIME TO COMMIT HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS OBJECTIVES REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Students will: 15 DAYS Human relationships are varied and require insight and practice to maintain. 1. Explore stages of relationships (attraction, initiation, conflict, break up, make-up….etc) 2. Learn the components of relationship “triangle” (attraction, emotional closeness, commitment) Groups brainstorm (1-6) Suggested Text: Pearson Healthy Sexual Development aspects of healthy and (Sharon, this text is no longer available) unhealthy relationships (1) The science of Love (1) PBS Evolution series List “Key to Success” (1) Link to relationship issues for teens: (Respect, Mutuality, Effective Communication, Conflict Management) and (2) Link for states of relationships: Ask Kids: Sternberg’s Triangle have students of Love indicators of Theory-of-Love.html each in relationships (2) Science of Love websites whether it’s based on 5 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. a friendship, family 3. Learn about or intimate (2) Helen Fisher (Rutgers) youtube video science of love the variety of relationship. (2) Book: The 5 Languages of Love, by Gary Chapman, also these intimate Visual media or are on web. relationships movie depicting (2) Video: PBS Evolution Series, Why Sex? (friendship, various relationships sexual, spousal, (heterosexual, significant other) homosexual etc) as (3) Group Discussion discussion or writing (3) Ten Habits That Predict Relationship Success Adapted from 4. Develop prompts Brent J. Atkinson (handout from Julia Lemmerman) insight into skills needed for Students select a card 4). Healthy Relationship Bingo ($39.99) healthy identifying a type of (4) The ABSc of a Healthy Relationship for Teens: relationships relationship (familial, friend or other) and (4) CDC Talk to Teens about Healthy Relationships: 5. Recognize the they discuss 2 or 3 characteristics of video clips of their unhealthy choosing that depict (5) The ABSc of a Healthy Relationship for Teens: relationships that type including warning (5) Unequal Partners: Teaching About Power and Consent, by Bill signs and issues Select literature, Taverner related to consent photography and art to explore the role of 6. Examine the sexuality in effects of drugs, relationships over alcohol and other time. chemical (6) American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy substances on relationships eandIntimateRelationships.asp 6 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. (6) Teen Drug Use: (6) Sexuality and Substance Abuse by Bill Taverner TIME TO REPRODUCTIVE COMMIT HEALTH 15 DAYS Reproductive health covers a broad spectrum of decisions and personal needs therefore, young adults must be empowered to make healthy reproductive decisions. OBJECTIVES REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Guest speakers will show and tell about the various forms of contraception, how they work and cost, effectiveness and limitations (1-5) book: Changing Bodies, Changing Lives (1-5) website and video: Sex, A Guide for the Young (1-5) website: n/educators/flash.aspx 3. Understand STIs including HIV/AIDS modes of transmission and treatment options Prepare an informational fact sheet with local resources/agencies which address pregnancy and choices parenting and abortion. (1) guest speaker, nurse from MOA DHHS’s Reproductive Health Clinic (1) contraception kits (1) American Pregnancy Association: Overview of Different Types of Birth Control Including Abstinence. wtypesbirthcontrol.html and 4. Increase awareness of local resource options related to Guest presenter or peer educators as guest presenters about STI/HIV/AIDS (e.g., (2) Types of Adoption: (2) All there is to know about adoption: Students will: 1. Understand the different forms of contraception and how they work 2. Examine responsibilities associated with pregnancy 7 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. reproductive “POWER teens” or 4 (2) Teenage pregnancy options: http://www.preteen-thru-teenagehealth A’s) (2) Abortion, Just the Facts: 5. Examine the (2) effects of drugs and alcohol use (3) Guest speaker, Nurse from MOA DHHS Reproductive Health on reproduction Clinic (e.g., fetal (3) Healthy Teen Network STI and HIV: development, sperm count) EC={7F5AB7CE-6572-4D7E-B649-08A6BB59D06B} (4) Guest speaker(s) OBGYN, Nurse from the MOA DHHS Reproductive Health Clinic (4) Hospital pamphlets (4) “Sex” a guide for the young. (5) Guest speaker from the ANMC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program or the Stone Soup Group. (5) (Language a bit advanced for HS, but does a nice job covering subject) TIME TO SEXUALITY COMMIT ISSUES 10 DAYS Different points of view on sexuality issues come from a broad spectrum of OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Examine national and global controversial REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES Students report on and debate current events. Guest presenter from RESOURCES (1) CDC’s Stop the Violence Video, interpersonal violence in Teen relationships: (1) CDC understanding intimate partner violence: 8 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. influences issues and APD or other law including media, challenges related enforcement e/index.html cultural norms, to sexuality (1) CDC Teen violence Fact Sheet: community and the (including Students create a law. harassment, power point or slide een_dating_violence.html interpersonal show showing the (1) ASD Student Handbook on harassment, interpersonal violence violence and benefits and and exploitation exploitation) limitations on (1)Health risks associated with interpersonal violence: sexuality decisions by 2. Explore various groups internet and other (1 and 2 and 4) guest speakers FBI and APD about risks associated social network Guest presenters from with internet and social networks specifically relating to bullying, media for their juvenile justice, harassment, interpersonal violence, and exploitation limitations and probations, Alaska possible dangers Cares, Other on-line references: related to sexual (2) Bennett Academy: Avoiding the Dangers of the Internet: health (2) 3. Explore networking/dangers-of-social-networking-sites.shtml community, religious, cultural, (3) Group Discussion and activities, panel discussion(s), exercise demographic rotate and review, Book(s): William’s Doll and Mummy Laid an impacts and Egg. biases on (3) Definitions sexuality. (3) Tool for Teacher on teaching multiculturalism: 4. Examine the (3) CNN Movie: The People Bomb laws related to (4) Guest speaker from the SOA Attorney Generals Office sexual behavior (4a)All 50 state’s age of consent chart and a) consenting 9 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. and nonws_chart.html consenting (4a) Sexual Abuse of a Minor, Alaska Law individuals, b) use of electronic and 41.htm and technological devices, c) nt_Age interpersonal Sexting lands teen on sex offender list: violence, d) of sex-offender-list/ child pornography (1) Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas story TIME TO REALIZING COMMIT PERSONAL HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP GOALS 5- 10 Knowledge and DAYS personal reflection promote healthy sexual and relationship decisions. Setting goals for healthy relationships OBJECTIVES REPRESENTATIVE ACTIVITIES RESOURCES Students will: 1. Demonstrate personal insight into sexual and relationship decisions Select a topic from one of the units that is personally relevant and create a poster project/media presentation in anticipation of group presentations, sharing and discussions 10 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS/SEXUALITY EDUCATION Acknowledgement: It is healthier for adolescents to postpone sexual intercourse and many make this choice. At the same time, knowledge about human sexuality is helpful, not harmful; and students deserve accurate information about relationships and sexuality to guide their immediate and future decision-making. empowers youth to Letter to self: When make positive viewing yourself decisions. from the third person perspective what would you envision and wish for yourself in a healthy relationship? Draw a pictorial representation or a life map from birth to 25 yrs old including a) where you expect to be in 10 years with regard to relationships and your representation of personal boundaries, and b) positive and realistic steps you could take to achieve your goal 11