Common Grant Example #3

Common Grant Proposal Form
Your Profile
Class yr.
Project or internship title: Business Intern
Location of project or internship: Rogers Park Business Alliance, Rogers Park, Chicago, IL
Proposed start and end dates: June 3 to
August 2nd
Letter of Support will come from:
Amount requested ($): 2190
Name of advisor(s):
Funding for which you are applying (check all that apply):
For more information on these funds, see:
International Education Grant
Weissberg Human Rights Grant
Venture Grant
LAPC Fellowship/Grant
Description of Project or Internship
Describe your project or internship, including goals and what you intend to learn. If internship,
include your title, roles, responsibilities and number of hours expected.
An internship at a non-profit organization such as Rogers Park Business Alliance will
grant me the opportunity to exercise my community leadership in one of the
neighborhoods of Chicago. Roger Park is one of three Chicago neighborhoods that does
not have a racial majority, with residents speaking over 38 languages and coming from
over 82 countries it is a place characterized by diversity. As a business intern, I will be
able to contribute to the improvement of the business climate of Rogers Park by working
with business owners prior to the opening of their business, provide review on their
business plans and grant them access to market information as well as lender referrals. As
part of the Rogers Park Business Alliance team, I will be able to grant marketing and
technical assistance to area businesses and entrepreneurs in order to improve the
neighborhood. I am looking forward to the projects that will allow me to recruit, train and
manage volunteers for programs such as the Clark Festival. I am extremely eager to
immersing myself on process planning and working with community-based committees
of residents, business owners and shareholders. I believe an internship at Rogers Park
Business Alliance will enable me to use my organizational, communication and logistic
skills. It will grant me the chance to learn how communities function and learn about the
many factors that contribute to the development of a business.
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Explain how your experience, coursework and activities demonstrate a commitment to the aims
of each of the grant programs to which you are applying. Carefully review the criteria pages
linked here:
Lapc Fellowship/Grants:
Small Business Internship Fellowship:
My experience as an intern at Rogers Park Business Alliance will bring me one step
closer to the discovery of my entrepreneurial spirit. As a liberal arts student, I am
learning that my multifaceted education is preparing me for a dynamic career path. From
my liberal arts and business courses, I have acquired a number of skills needed to be
successful in the Entrepreneurial world. I have taken business courses in Money and
Banking, Accounting and Finance, and Quantitative Analysis. Through these, I have
learned about the tools that leaders at community based organizations use to make
efficient and profitable business decisions. Furthermore, my quest for the discovery of
my inner entrepreneur has led me to form part of the Liberal Education and
Entrepreneurship course this semester. Through it, I am learning the impact, skills and
motives of the entrepreneur with discussions of preferred learning styles, motivation, and
non-cognitive skills associated with entrepreneurial orientation. I will also be
participating during the Spring 2014 semester in the Chicago Entrepreneurship Program,
an experience that will enable me to learn the ways entrepreneurs, artists and activists
come together in a complex city like Chicago. The experience will enable me to explore
the city and the variety of start-up companies and non-profits as well as the diverse mix
of cultures and ethnicities in it. All these experiences serve as learning vehicles on
entrepreneurship and I am looking forward to adding to my knowledge on it through an
internship at Rogers Park Business Alliance.
Class of 1996 Service Learning Fellowship:
An internship opportunity at Rogers Park Business Alliance will bring me one step closer
to a professional career of corporate philanthropy. Throughout my college career, my
quest for helping my community and the developing world has led me to form part of
multiple community organizations such as Rotaract Club, where I contributed in the
raising of $5,500 to package 50,000 meals for children living under extreme poverty
conditions in Nicaragua on part of Kids Against Hunger. I have also participated as an
active member in ONE Club, managing a session showing the “Water Pressures”
documentary in order to raise awareness on campus about water consumption. During my
semester at ONE Club, I collected over 20 used cell phones to help coordinate antenatal
care and ensure deliveries in Kenya under the Hope Phones Challenge. All these club
memberships have been a way for me to have an impact on my community and I believe
that an experience with the Rogers Park Business Alliance team will grant me the
opportunity to have an impact in one of the most culturally diverse neighborhoods of
Chicago through the improvement of the economic climate of Rogers Park.
Society for Learning Unlimited Grant for Internships or Community-based
An internship opportunity at Rogers Park Business Alliance will act as a vehicle for a
community-based learning summer that will allow me to apply, challenge and reflect on
my traditional classroom education. Throughout the summer, I will have the opportunity
to conduct surveys amongst community members, work with business owners prior to the
opening of their business, provide review on their business plans and grant them access to
market information as part of the Rogers Park Business Alliance team. I believe that as
an intern I will be able to learn from both the entrepreneurs I will be working with and
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the racially and culturally diverse community of Rogers Park. I am extremely eager to
collaborating and learning from the other Kemper Scholars I will be working with as well
as learning from my supervisors. At Beloit College, my quest for insights into
community based learning has led me to seek an opportunity in the Duffy Program for
the Fall 2013, exploring both a micro and macro understanding of how institutions
interact within our society and I believe that an internship at Rogers Park Business
Alliance will enhance my knowledge on community-based learning and allow me to
bring these experiences to the Duffy Program and the Beloit community.
Methodology (for research projects only)
How do you plan to carry out the project and gather information (i.e. using questionnaires,
observation, interviews, photographs, work experience, etc.)? How will you measure the
success of your project?
Status and Contingency Plans
What is the status of your arrangements? If any of the arrangements you are making for your
project or internship fail to materialize, how might you adjust to achieve your goals?
I had the opportunity to speak with Sandi Price, the Executive Vice President of Rogers
Park Business Alliance about summer opportunities at the organization. She reviewed my
resume and, afterwards, asked to complete a common application and send a cover letter
along with my transcript and two letters of recommendation.
Academic and Personal Development
How will the project or internship contribute to your Beloit College studies and to your
academic and personal development, including your professional goals?
A business internship at Rogers Park Business Alliance will bring me one step closer to
understanding how communities function and learning about the many factors that
contribute to the development of a business. From my multifaceted education I have
learned many of the tools that leaders at community based organizations use to make
efficient and profitable business decisions, and I believe that an opportunity at Rogers
Park Business Alliance will allow me to put these skills into practice in a real world
scenario. I believe an internship at a non-profit organization will give me unparalleled
opportunities that will aid in the development of both my business and entrepreneurial
skills. As part of a small team, I will be assigned full responsibility on multiple projects
and will be in charge of activities ranging from making budgets to writing press releases
–all which will surely contribute to my professional development. I look forward to
employing my organizational, communication and logistic skills and to having the chance
to learn how communities function and the many factors that contribute to the
development of a business. My internship experience at Rogers Park Business Alliance
will grant me the opportunity to obtain a micro perspective of the economy. It will enable
me to learn how the units in the economy perform and interact and will allow me to study
a community on a micro level. This experience will enabled me to meet with local
politicians and business owners and gain insights on how these entities intertwine.
Final Outcome & Dissemination
Describe the outcome of your project and how you will share the results with the Beloit College
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community (presentation, writing, poster, etc.).
I am extremely eager to share my experience through a reflective evaluation. I will like to
create a blog where I could record my experiences and achievements on a weekly during
the course of the internship. I believe this will be a great opportunity for students from
the Beloit community to learn about my experience in fostering economic and business
development in a neighborhood of Chicago. In addition, I am eager to share my summer
experience through an article in the Round Table, where students will be able to learn
about my summer experience and get to know the link to my internet blog.
Itemized budget
Your estimates should be based on researched
Housing in Rogers Park
Travel using Chicago Card Plus
$795/per month
$100/per month
$50/per week
Total: $2190
If foreign currency, please provide exchange rate:
Absolute minimum support you need to carry out the internship or project:
Budget Notes
Provide information that helps to clarify the budget items listed above. Please also note the
source(s) of information on which you based your estimated costs above.
Groceries: I spoke with Karla Figueroa, who lived in Chicago over the summer of her
sophomore year about the cost of groceries per week.
Other Compensation or Funding
Provide a list of the compensation (if any) you expect, including internship salary (per week or
month), rate of pay wage (per hour), or stipend (per week or month), any in-kind support for
your living expenses, and any other sources of funding for which you are applying.
Rogers Park Business Alliance is a non-profit organization that provides unpaid
internship opportunities. Thus, I am hoping to be able to obtain the necessary funding in
order to be able to carry out this business internship and share my experiences with the
Beloit community.
Download a PDF copy of your unofficial transcript from the Portal, save it, then insert it into
the field below.
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