February 21, 2016 - Four Oaks United Methodist Church

Proclamation Of The Word
Second Sunday In Lent
The Scripture Lesson
February 21, 2016
10:55 A.M.
(Children's Worship Kits are available out front - We also have gift for our guests)
(Large print Hymnals and Bibles are also available.)
The Welcome and Announcements
(Please use mic when speaking)
Response To The Word
The Prelude
The Procession of the Cross and Lighting of the Altar Candles
Crucifer, Acolytes
The Call to Worship
*The Greeting
God is our light, our salvation, and our hope.
God’s light beckons us like a moth to a flame.
Lift up your head and see the bright light of love.
We look up, seeking the face of God.
Stand firm and trust the promise:
God is with us now.
“How Firm A Foundation”
The Children’s Sermon
Children age 4-2nd grade are invited downstairs for Children’s Church)
The Evangelism Moment
The Thanksgiving And Intercessions
The Morning Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer (all join hands)
The Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Offering
The Offertory
*The Doxology No. 94
*The Prayer of Dedication
The Litany of Affirmation
The journey to the cross is long.
The journey of life is long.
The journey with God is challenging.
The journey of life is challenging.
The journey of faith is a gift.
The journey of life is a gift.
On this long and challenging journey, we are not alone.
Christ walks beside us.
Christ is walking with us even now.
Thanks be to God for this marvelous gift!
*The Hymn No. 357
*The Dismissal with Blessing
*The Choral Benediction
*The Postlude
*The Opening Prayer
*The Hymn No. 529
*The Celebration of Community
The Anthem
The Sermon
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 (OT p. 11)
Philippines 3:17-4:1 (OT, p.187)
“Everywhere I Go”
Chancel Choir
“Stand Firm And Press On”
Joey Yow
“Only Trust Him”
*All Who Are Able Please Stand
Sending Forth
Colin Kroll
The End of Worship
The Beginning of Service
Assisting In Worship
Rhys Finch
Anna Smith
Children’s Church: Susan Vann
Pauline and Matt Ketchum
Kristen Parker, Julie Yow, Morgan Roberts
Christine and Andy Wilson
Kerry Danger, Cameron Kirsch, Nick Kirsch
Flowers: The flowers on the altar are given to the glory and praise of God and In Memory of our
Loved ones in Heaven by Shane and Rhonda Norris.
Meals For Matt and Lindsey Gardner – Please contact Bridget Lassiter if you would like to help with
providing a meal for Lindsey and Matt Gardner. Bridget’s info: 919-280-0841 or
Opportunities This Week
Next Sunday:
5:00 p.m., Youth Group (FH)
6:15 p.m., Body & Soul Café (Pairs & Spares Class Serving Chicken Casserole,
salad and dessert) (FH)
6:45 p.m., Adults “Believe” (Sanctuary); JAM - Children 5-11 (Downstairs);
Youth 12-18 (FH)
7:30 p.m., Choir Practice (Upstairs) “New Members Always Welcomed!”
7:00 p.m., Long “Range Planning” Team Meets (FH)
Please fill out and plan to discuss S.W.O.T Analysis. (Strength, Weaknesses,
Opportunity, Threats) Team: Joey, Colin, Emily, Kandis, Toni, Andy, Vivian, Tom
Williams, Paula, Rufus, Sherrill, Susan.
10:55 a.m., Dedicate Hearts For Children Camp Sunday
3:00 p.m., Youth Council (FH)
Cares of the Congregation
For Health And Well Being: Maydell Baker (Colin’s grandmother; heart); Betty Aiken, Elvin
Johnson, Juanita Wynn, Margaret Walker, Nancy Holloman, Penny McGowan, Charles Broadway
(back surgery), Philip Sterling
Nursing & Rest Home Care: Cindy Johnson (long term care); Mike Wagnon (McLamb’s); Melba
Chandler (fall’s River Village); Mary Lou Byrd (Liberty Commons); Charles Davis (Hospice)
In Times of Bereavement: Family of Everette Barefoot
Mission Quilt
Please take a heart from the mission quilt and make a donation in honor of a child. The hearts will
be placed on the altar February 28th. All proceeds will go to the Methodist Home for Children.
UMMen Golf Tournament
The UMMen annual spring golf tournament will take place on Friday, April 1, at 12 noon, at
Reedy Creek. The format will be 2 person superball teams. Registration forms are available out front.
New Bricks Are In Place
The most recent order of bricks for the “walk of faith” outside have been put in place. A special
thanks to Jim Farmer and Larry and Barbara Rhodes for doing this for us. Remember also that you
may purchase a brick at any time with the proceeds going to Building Our Future (formerly C120) for
future needs. Forms are in the podium out front.