Mobile Phone SMS Commands & Responses: TS: Test SAM. Respond immediately with firmware version number, dated and time plus the number of active alarms. AA: Respond immediately with number of active alarms, the date and time plus all the active alarms (multiple sms’s may be transmitted). CP: Check power alarms, used check the power status of the BTS/RBS, responds immediately as follows: Site ID Utility Fail: ACT/CLR Mains Fail: ACT/CLR/DIS Gen1 Run: ACT/CLR/DIS Gen2 Run: ACT/CLR/DIS Start Fail: ACT/CLR/DIS EPCC On: ACT/CLR/DIS BTS Batt Low: ACT/CLR/DIS Alms Active: (Number of Active Alarms) HS: Hybrid (EPCC) Status, used check the Hybrid (EPCC) mode status, respond immediately as follows: Site ID Date & Time Utility Fail: ACT/CLR Mains Fail: ACT/CLR/DIS EPCC (Hybrid Mode) On: ACT/CLR Voltage (BTS Battery): Analog value Charge Current: Analog value Discharge Current: Analog value Alms Active: (Number of Active Alarms) CA##: Respond immediately with status of the alarm number, i.e. EPCC Triggered with dated and time plus the number of active alarms (To check alarm 6, type CA06). Response Options: Triggered, Clear or Disabled. Can be useful to remotely determine whether an alarm is enabled or disabled. RG: Reset Generators. Respond 60 seconds later with "GEN1 RUN" and "GEN2 RUN" Status, i.e. GEN1 RUN Triggered, GEN2 RUN Clear with dated and time plus the number of active alarms. SG1: Start Generator 1. Respond 60 seconds later with "GEN1 RUN" Status, i.e. GEN1 RUN Triggered with dated and time plus the number of active alarms. SG2: Start Generator 2. Respond 60 seconds later with "GEN2 RUN" Status, i.e. GEN2 RUN Triggered with dated and time plus the number of active alarms. Note: The reset and start generator commands operate exactly the same as the remote commands from the ECT or NMC. Note the sms commands are not case sensitive eg can be: CP, Cp cP or cp. A cross-reference of alarm number and alarm names would be usefull.