Historical Studies 445-L01

Historical Studies 445-L01
The University of Calgary
Dr. D.B. Smith
2007-2008 Academic Year
SS 646
Winter Session
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 2-3 and by appointment
Class Times: MWF 13:00- 13:50
A general history of Quebec covering from the French Regime to the present-day, with
particular emphasis on the development of French Canadian nationalism, and the
Quebec/Canada relationship.
To pass this course students must complete ALL requirements (biographical essay, midterm
test, term paper, and final exam). The biographical essay and the tem paper are due in class
on the day indicated.
Mid-term Test
Biographical Essay
Term Paper
Final Exam
Friday, February 8, 2006
Wednesday, February 27, 2006
Wednesday, March 26, 2006
To be scheduled by Registrar (2 hours)
Bothwell, Robert, Canada and Quebec, One Country, Two Histories
Dickinson, John A. and Brian Young, A Short History of Quebec, 3rd edition
Mann, Susan, The Dream of Nation. A social and intellectual history of Quebec
Behiels, M.D., ed., Quebec Since 1945: Selected Readings
Behiels, M.D., ed., Quebec since 1800
Bradbury, B. Working Families: Age, Gender, and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal
Danylewycz, M., Taking the Veil. An Alternative to Marriage, Motherhood and Spinsterhood in
Quebec, 1840-1920
Dumont, M. et al., Quebec Women. A History
Francis, Douglas R., Richard Jones, and Donald B. Smith, Origins. Canadian History to
Gagnon, Alain-G. ed., Quebec. State and Society, 3rd ed.
Institute for Research on Public Policy, ed., As I Recall/Si je me souviens bien. Historical
Linteau, P.-A., Quebec: A History 1867-1929
Linteau, P.-A., Quebec Since 1930. A History
McRoberts, K., Quebec, Social Change and Political Crisis. Most recent edition (1993)
Miquelon, D., ed., Society and Conquest
Rudin, R., The Forgotten Quebecers. A History of English-Speaking Quebec
Schull, J., Rebellion 1837
Wade, Mason, The French Canadians. Two volumes
New France: A Brief Survey
The Seven Years' War and the Fall of New France
The Immediate Significance of the Conquest
Quebec and the American Revolution
The Birth of Nationalism
The Rebellions of 1837-38 and Their Consequences
French Canada and Confederation
Industrialization and Clerical Nationalism
Quebec's Response to the New Imperialism
French Canadians Outside of Quebec
Women in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Quebec
The Conscription Crisis of World War One
Economic and Political Developments, l9l9-l939
Quebec in World War Two
The Breaking Down of the Monopolies of the Catholic Church, l940s-l950s
The Quiet Revolution: Changes in the Quebec State, l960-l970
Cultural Duality at the Federal Level and the Rise of Separatism, l970-l980
The Future of French-speaking Minorities Outside of Quebec
Anglophone, “Allophone”, and First Nation communities within Quebec
The Quebec Referendum, 1995
Quebec and Canada Today
Mid-Term Test (Friday, February 8, 2008)
Students will answer one of three essay type questions, all based on the material covered in the
texts and in the lectures to the mid-term. The test will be fifty minutes.
Biographical Essay (Wednesday, February 27, 2008)
The essay, 1200 to 1500 words, or four to five typed, double-spaced pages, must include
footnotes/ or endnotes, and a bibliography (at least four major books and/ or articles on the
selected individual’s life and times). For all figures who died before 1920, students should
include the entry from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vols. 1 to 15 (1966-2005),
available on the Web <www.biographi.ca> The biographical essay should be based on a
thorough reading and analysis of an important figure in the history of New France or Quebec.
In marking your paper I will look particularly for the extent of your research into the biographical
and historical literature on your chosen subject, a thesis statement that you argue throughout,
and good analysis. The History Department Home Page (http://www.ucalgary.ca/HIST/)
contains the “Essay Guide” (also available in print), and the “Writing Tutor”, both useful guides
for the preparation of your essays.
As possible subjects for your bibliographical essays the following names are provided. On each
of these individuals ample biographical books and articles exist-- as well as studies of the
period of Canadian history in which the person lived. With prior consent of the instructor,
students can compare two important biographical figures, for example, Wolfe and Montcalm. In
consultation with the instructor students are encouraged to work on a subject of their own
choice-- “new” topics are to be approved in consultation with the instructor. Students are to
select different time periods for their biographical essays and term papers,
Jacques Cartier, Samuel de Champlain, Marie de l’Incarnation, Marguerite Bourgeoys (knowledge of
French needed), Jean de Brébeuf, Count Frontenac, Marquis de Montcalm
James Wolfe, Guy Carleton, George-Etienne Cartier, Alexander Tilloch Galt, Thomas D’Arcy McGee,
Louis-Joseph Papineau (knowledge of French needed),
Wilfrid Laurier, Honoré Mercier (knowledge of French needed), Henri Bourassa, Lionel Groulx (knowledge
of French needed), Maurice Duplessis, Thérèse Casgrain, Jean Lesage, Pierre-Elliot Trudeau, René
Lévesque, Lucien Bouchard
George Stephen, Donald Alexander Smith, Alphonse Desjardins (knowledge of French necessary),
Samuel Bronfman
Cornelius Kreighoff, Louis Fréchette (knowledge of French necessary), Stephen Leacock, Paul-Emile
Borduas (knowledge of French necessary), Gabrielle Roy, Felix Leclerc (knowledge of French needed),
Gilles Vigenault (knowledge of French needed)
Ignace Bourget (knowledge of French needed), Charles Chiniquy (knowledge of French needed)
Term Paper (Due in class, Wednesday, March 26, 2008)
The term paper, 2000 to 2500 words, eight to ten double-spaced pages, must include
footnotes/or endnotes, and a bibliography (at least six major books and /or articles on the
selected topic). Students are to select different time periods for their biographical essays and
term papers.
In marking your term paper I will review the extent of your research into the historical literature
on your chosen topic. I will look as well for your thesis statement that you are to argue
throughout your text. The History Department Home Page http://www.hist.ucalgary.ca contains
the “Essay Guide” (also available in print), and the “Writing Tutor”, both useful guides for the
preparation of your essays. A bibliography and suggested essay topics follow.
Students are encouraged to propose their own topics for essays, but if you do so, you must do
so in consultation with me, and present a one-paragraph outline by February 25th, the end of
study week.
Final Exam (To be Scheduled by the Registrar)
The final exam will be two hours long. It will review the material from the mid-term to the end of
the course. Students will choose two questions to answer from a list of at least five.
Plagiarism occurs when one submits or presents one’s work in a course, or ideas and/or
passages in a written piece of work, as if it were one’s own work done expressly for that
particular course, when, in fact, it’s not.
As noted in the Department of History Guide to Essay Presentation, plagiarism may take
several forms:
Failure to cite sources properly may be considered plagiarism. This could include
quotations, ideas, and wording used from another source but not acknowledged.
Borrowed, purchased, and / or ghostwritten papers are considered plagiarism, as is
submitting one’s own work for more than one course without the permission of the
instructor(s) involved.
Extensive paraphrasing of one or a few sources is also considered plagiarism, even
when notes are used, unless the essay is a critical analysis of those works. The use of
notes does not justify the sustained presentation of another author’s language and ideas
as one’s own.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. A plagiarized paper will automatically be failed.
Plagiarism may also result in a failing grade for the entire course and other penalties as noted
in The University of Calgary Calendar.
Readings to be completed by the indicated date
January 18
New France
Short History, 3-105; Dream, ch. 1
January 25
Quebec Immediately After the Conquest
Short History, 3-105; Dream, chs. 2-3
February 1
Birth of French Canadian Nationalism
Dream, ch. 4
February 8
Background to the Rebellions of 1837-38
Short History, 106-197; Dream, ch. 5.
Friday February 8
February 15
The Impact of the Union of the Canadas and of Confederation on
Short History, 106-197; Bothwell, ch. 2; Dream, chs. 6-7
Study Week is from February 16 to 23
February 29
Women in Quebec in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Short History, 238-270; Dream, chs. 8, 12
BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY due in class, Wednesday February 27
March 7
Quebec-- At the turn of the century
Short History, 198-237; Bothwell, chs.3-4; Dream, chs. 9-11
March 14
World War One and its Aftermath
Dream, chs. 13-14
March 19
The Depression and World War Two
Dream, chs. 15-16
No class on Friday March 21, Good Friday
From World War Two to the Quiet Revolution
March 28
Short History, 271-344; Bothwell, chs. 5-6; Dream, chs. 17-18
TERM PAPERS due in class, Wednesday March 26
The Quiet Revolution’s Aftermath
April 11
April 18
Short History, 345-375; Bothwell, chs. 7-8; Dream, ch. 19
The Referendums of 1980 and 1995
Bothwell, chs. 9-12; Dream, ch. 20
Students are encouraged to propose their own term paper topics, but, if they choose to
must do so in consultation with me, by the end of study week, February 25. A oneparagraph summary will suffice. Students must prepare their term papers on a topic in a
different time period than that selected for their biographical essay.
Who was the greater general: Montcalm? or Wolfe?
Did the British Conquest catapult the Roman Catholic clergy into positions of power and
prestige that it had never known during the French Regime?
Was Lord Durham correct?
Was the Union of the Canadas a disaster, economically and politically, for the French
Canadians of the St. Lawrence valley?
What was George-Etienne Cartier's contribution to Quebec’s entry into Confederation?
Why did so many French Canadian women enter religious orders in Quebec in the late
nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries?
What was the impact of the Roman Catholic Church's control over education in Quebec
(in the late 19th and early 20th centuries) on the development of Francophone Quebec?
Compare Wilfrid Laurier's and Henri Bourassa's views on imperialism.
Why did the French Canadians play only a minor role in the ownership of Quebec's
economy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
Did Maurice Duplessis make any positive contributions to the development of Quebec?
Was Henri Bourassa justified in his opposition to Conscription in 1917?
When did Quebec's "Quiet Revolution" begin? And when did it end?
What role did the immigration issue play in Quebec politics from the mid-1960s to the
How did Parti Québécois come to power in Quebec in 1976?
Compare the history of the English-speaking minority in Quebec with that of the Frenchspeaking minority on the Canadian prairies in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Why did the James Bay Cree sign the James Bay Treaty in 1975?
Why did the Quebec referendum of 1980, on the question of seeking "sovereigntyassociation" with Canada, fail?
Were the Rebellions of 1837/38 a war between "two
For additional sources consult your texts, John A. Dickinson and Brian Young, A Short History
of Quebec, 3rd Edition; and Susan Mann, Dream of Nation.
Students are encouraged to propose their own topics for essays, but if you do so, you must
discuss the proposal with me first, and present a short outline by February 25th, the end of
study week.
1 & 2 Quebec Immediately Before and After the Conquest
Armstrong, R., Structure and Change. An Economic History of Quebec
Brunet, M., Les Canadiens après la conquête
Brunet, M., French Canada and the Early Decades of British Rule, 1760-1791, Canadian
Historical Association (CHA) Pamphlet
Burt, A.L., The Old Province of Quebec, 2 v.
Desbarats, C., "Agriculture within the Seigneurial Regime of Eighteenth Century Canada: Some
Thoughts on the Recent Literature," Canadian Historical Review, 73, 1(1992): 1-29
Dictionary of Canadian Biography vol. 3, 1741-1770, xv-xxx (essays by W.J. Eccles and C.P.
Stacey on French and British forces in the 1750s)
Dumont, M., et al., Quebec Women. A History
Eccles, W.J., France in America
Eccles, W.J., Essays on New France, pp. 26-37
Fregault, G., "Preface and Conclusion," Canada: The War of the Conquest
Greer, Allan, The People of New France
Igartua, J., "A Change in Climate. The Conquest and the Marchands of Montreal," Canadian
Historical Association, Historical Papers, 1974, pp. 115-134.
Jaenen, C., The Role of the Church in New France
Johnston, A.J.B., Religion in Life at Louisbourg, 1713-1758
Lanctot, G., Canada and the American Revolution
Miquelon, D., ed., Society and Conquest
Miquelon, D., The First Canada: to 1791
Neatby, H., Quebec, 1760-1791
Nish, C., ed., The French Canadians, 1759-1766
Ouellet, F., Economy, Class and Nation in Quebec: Interpretative Essays
Ouellet, F., Economic and Social History of Quebec, 1760-1850
Rawlyk, G.A., Revolution Rejected, 1775-1776
Ruddel, D.T., Quebec City, 1765-1832
Stacey, C.P., Quebec, 1759
Stanley, G., New France: The Last Phase, 1744-1760
Stanley G., Canada Invaded, 1775-1776
Steele, I.K., Guerillas and Grenadiers
Tousignnant, P., "The Integration of the Province of Quebec in the British Empire," Dictionary of
Canadian Biography, vol. 4; 1771-1800, pp. xxxii-xlix.
Trudel, M., An Initiation to New France
Vachon, A., "The Administration of New France," Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 2:
1700-1740, pp. xv-xxv.
Wallot, Jean-Pierre, "Religion and French-Canadian Mores in the Early Nineteenth Century,"
Canadian Historical Review, 52 (1971): 51-91
Lower Canada, 1791-1841
Armstrong, R., Structure and Change. An Economic History of Quebec
Bernard, J.P., Les rébellions de 1837 et 1838
Cook, G.R., ed., Constitutionalism and Nationalism in French Canada
Craig, G., ed., Lord Durham's Report
Dickinson, J.A. and B. Young, A Short History of Quebec, 2nd ed.
Dubuc, A., "Problems in the Study of the Stratification of Canadian Society from 1760 to 1840,"
Canadian Historical Association Report, 1965, pp. 13-29
Greer, A. Peasant, Lord and Merchant: Rural Society in Three Quebec Parishes, 1740-1840
Greer, Allan, Patriots and the People: The Rebellion of 1837 in Rural Lower Canada
Manning, H.T., Revolt in French Canada
McCallum, John, Unequal Beginnings: Agricultural and Economic Development in Quebec and
Ontario until 1870
Ouellet, F., Economic and Social History of Quebec, 1760-1850
Ouellet, F., Lower Canada, 1791-1840
Ouellet, F., Economy, Class and Nation in Quebec: Interpretative Essays
Paquet, G. and J.P. Wallot, Lower Canada at the Turn of the Century. CHA Pamphlet.
Ruddel, D.T., Quebec City, 1765-1832
Rudé, George, Protest and Punishment: The Story of the Social and Political Protestors
Transported to Australia, 1788-1868
Schull, J., Rebellion
Senior, E.K., Redcoats and Patriotes: The Rebellions in Lower Canada, 1837-38
Wade, M., The French Canadians, volume 1
4 & 5 Canada East, 1841-1867
Ayearst, M., "The Parti Rouge and the Clergy," Canadian Historical Review, 15 (1934)
Bellavance, M., Le Québec et la Confédération: Un choix libre? Le clergé et la constitution de
Bernard, J.P., Les Rouges
Bonenfant, J.C., The French Canadians and the Birth of Confederation, Canadian Historical
Association pamphlet
Brunet, M., "The French Canadians' Search for a Fatherland," in Nationalism in Canada, ed.,
Peter Russell, pp. 47-60
Careless, J.M.S., The Union of the Canadas
Cook, G.R., ed., Confederation
Dickinson, J.A. and B. Young, A Short History of Quebec, 2nd ed.
Hamelin, J., dir., Histoire du Québec
Martin, G., ed. The Causes of Canadian Confederation
McCallum, J., Unequal Beginnings: Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and
Ontario until 1870
Monet, J., The Last Cannon Shot
Morton, W.L., The Critical Years, 1857-1873
Nish, E., ed., Racism or Responsible Government
Ouellet, F., Economic and Social History of Quebec
Schull, J., Rebellion
Seguin, M., L'idée de l'independance au Québec
Silver, A.I., The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation 1864-1900
Wade, M., The French Canadians, volume 1
Waite, P.B., ed., The Confederation Debates
Waite, P.B., ed., The Life and Times of Confederation
Young, B., George-Etienne Cartier
Quebec Women
A good library search, plus:
Baillargeon, Denyse, Making Do: Women, Family, and Home in Montreal During the Great
Depression. Trans. Yvonne Klein
Barry, F., Le travail de la femme au Québec: l'évolution de 1940 à 1970
Bradbury, B., Working Families: Age, Gender, and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal
Brandt, G.C., "Weaving it Together: Life Cycle and the Industrial Experience of Female Cotton
Workers in Quebec, 1910-1950," Labour/Le Travail 7 (1981): 113-125
Casgrain, Thérèse, A Woman in a Man's World
Cross, S., "The Neglected Majority: The Changing Role of Women in Nineteenth Century
Montreal," Histoire Sociale/Social History, 6, 12 (1972): 202-223
Danylewycz, M., Taking the Veil. An Alternative to Marriage Motherhood and Spinsterhood in
Quebec, 1840-1920
D'Augerot-Arend, Sylvie, "Why So Late? Cultural and Institutional Factors in the Granting of
Quebec and French Women's Political Rights," Journal of Canadian Studies, 26, no. 1
(Spring 1991): 138-165
Dessaulles, H., Hopes and Dreams. The Diary of Henriette Dessaulles, 1871-1881
Dumont, M., et at., Quebec Women. A History
Dumont, M., Girls' Schooling in Quebec, 1639-1960, Canadian Historical Association pamphlet
Gagnon, Mona-Josée, Les femmes vues par le Québec des hommes
Lévesque, Andrée, "Historiography: History of Women in Quebec Since 1985," Québec
Studies, 12 (1991): 83-91
Light, B. and V. Strong-Boag, True Daughters of the North. Canadian Women's History: An
Annotated Bibliography
Michaud, F., "Irma LeVasseur: pionnière, femme d'action, et fondatrice méconnue," Cap-auxDiamants, 2, 2 (1985): 3-6
Pelletier-Baillargeon, H., Marie Gérin-Lajoie: De mère en fille, la cause des femmes
Pierson, R.R. They're Still Women After All: The Second World War and Canadian
Strong-Boag, V., The New Day Recalled. Lives of Girls and Women in English Canada 19191939
Trofimenkoff, S.M., The Dream of Nation
Trofimenkoff, S.M., "Henri Bourassa and 'the Woman Question'," Journal of Canadian Studies,
10, no. 4 (Nov. 1975): 3-11
Trofimenkoff, S.M., "Les femmes dans l'oeuvre de Groulx," Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique
française, 32, 3 (1978/79): 385-398
Trofimenkoff, S.M., "Thérèse Casgrain and the CCF in Quebec," Canadian Historical Review
66, 2 (1985): 125-153
7 & 8 Quebec in the late Nineteenth Century (also see entries under topic 9)
Bélanger, R., Wilfrid Laurier
Bonenfant, J.C., "Sir George-Etienne Cartier," in French-Canadian Thinkers of the Nineteenth
and Twentieth Centuries, ed. L. LaPierre, pp. 41-57
Clark, L.C., The Guibord Affair
Dafoe, J.W., Laurier
Desilets, A., Hector-Louis Langevin, Un père de la confédération canadienne
Dickinson, J.A. and B. Young, A Short History of Quebec, 2nd ed.
Fraser, B., "The Political Career of Sir Hector Langevin," Canadian Historical Review, 42
(1961): 93-132
Hamelin, M., Les premières années du parlementarisme Québécois (1867-1878)
Linteau, P.A., et al., Quebec: A History, 1867-1929
Munro, K.J., The Political Career of Sir Adolphe Chapleau. Premier of Quebec 1879-1882
Neatby, B. & J.T. Saywell, "Chapleau and the Conservative Party in Quebec," Canadian
Historical Review, 37 (1956): 1-22
Neatby, H.B., Laurier and a Liberal Quebec
Schull, J., Laurier
Silver, A.I., The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900
Skelton, O.D., Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 2 vols.
Sweeney, A., Cartier
Wade, M., The French Canadians, vol. 1
Waite, P.B., Canada, 1874-1896
Young, B., George-Etienne Cartier
Quebec. Economic and Social History in the Late Nineteenth
and Twentieth Centuries
Armstrong, R. Structure and Change. An Economic History of Quebec
Audet, L.P., "Educational Development in French-Canada after 1875" in Canadian Education: A
History, ed. D. Wilson, pp. 337-359
Brunet, M., "Trois dominantes de la pensée canadienne-française" in La Presence Anglaise et
les Canadiens, pp 113-166 (translated into English in Dale Miquelon, ed., Society and
Copp, T., The Anatomy of Poverty. The Condition of the Working Class in Montreal, 1897-1929
Courville, S. and N. Séguin, Rural Life in Nineteenth-Century Quebec (Canadian Historical
Association pamphlet)
Danylewycz, M., Taking the Veil. An Alternative to Marriage Motherhood and Spinsterhood in
Quebec, 1840-1920
Dickinson, J.A. and B. Young, A Short History of Quebec, 2nd ed.
Dumont, M., et al., Quebec Women. A History
Durocher, R. & P.A. Linteau, ed., Le 'RetardÆ économique du Québec
Falardeau, J.C., "The Role and Importance of the Church in Quebec," in French Canadian
Society, ed. M. Rioux et Y. Martin, pp. 342-357
Fahmy-Eid, N. et M. Dumont, éds. Maîtresses de maison, maîtresses d'école, Femmes, famille
et éducation dans I'histoire du Québec
Gendron, J.R., "Industrial Development and Labour Unrest in Quebec, 1896-1914," M.A. thesis,
University of Calgary, 1977
Harvey, F., Le mouvement ouvrìer au Québec
Lacoste, N., "The Catholic church in Quebec: Adapting to Change" in Quebec Society and
Politics, ed. D.C. Thomson, pp. 167-172
Le Blanc, P., One Church, Two Nations?
Linteau, P.A., et al., Quebec: A History 1867-1929
Magnuson, R., "The Decline of Roman Catholic Education in Quebec: Some Interpretations and
Explanations," Culture, 30, 3 (1969): 192-198
Magnuson, R., A Brief History of Quebec Education. From New France to Parti Quebeçois
Musée du Québec. Le grand héritage. l'Eglise catholique et la société du Québec
Report of the Royal Commission on Education (Parent Commission)
Rioux, M., L'Eglise et le Québec
Rioux, M., "The Development of Ideologies in Quebec" in Studies in Canadian Social History,
ed. M. Horn and R. Sabourin, pp. 347-370
Rouillard, J., Histoire du syndicalisme québécois
Roy, F., Progrès, harmonie, liberté: le libéralisme des milieux d'affaires francophones à
Montréal au tourant du siècle
Rudin, R., The Forgotten Quebecers. A History of the English-Speaking Quebecers
Rudin, R., Banking en français: The French Banks of Quebec, 1835-1925
Rudin, R., In Whose Interest? Quebec's Caisses Populaires, 1900-1945
Ryan, W.F., The Clergy and Economic Growth in Quebec, 1896-1914
Siegfried, A., The Race Question in Canada
Trudeau, P., "Quebec on the Eve of the Asbestos Strike" in French-Canadian Nationalism, ed.
R. Cook, pp. 32-48
Untel, Frere (J.P. Desbiens), The Impertinences of Brother Anonymous
Voisine, N., Histoire de l'Eglise Catholique au Québec, 1608-1970
Political History in the Twentieth Century (1896-1939)
Bélanger, Réal, “Laurier”, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 14: 1510-1919 (1999), 610628
Black, C., Duplessis
Couture, C., Le Mythe de la modernisation du Québec
Delisle, E., The Traitor and the Jew
Dirks, P., The Failure of L'Action Libérale Nationale
Jones, R., Duplessis and the Union Nationale Administration. Canadian Historical Association
Booklet, no. 35
Kwavnick, D., ed., The Tremblay Report
Laporte, P., The True Face of Duplessis
Laurendeau, A., Witness for Quebec
Linteau, P.A., et al., Quebec: A History 1867-1929
Linteau, P.A., et al., Quebec since 1930
Mathieu, J. et J. Lacoursière, Les Mémoires Québécoises
Milner, S.H. & H. Milner, The Decolonization of Quebec
Neatby, H. Blair, The Politics of Chaos
Nish, C., comp., Quebec in the Duplessis Era, 1935-1959: Dictatorship of Democracy?
Oliver, M.K., The Passionate Debate. The Social and Political Ideas of Quebec Nationalism
McRoberts, K., Quebec. Social Change and Political Crisis. 3rd edition
Quinn, H., The Union Nationale. 2nd edition
Roberts, L., The Chief
Roy, J.L., La marche des québécois, le temps des ruptures 1945-1960
Rumilly, R., Maurice Duplessis et son temps, volume 2
Thompson, J.H. with A. Seager, Canada 1922-1939
Thomson, D.C., Louis St. Laurent
Trofimenkoff, S.M., Abbé Groulx, Variations on a Nationalist Theme
Trudeau, P., "Quebec on the Eve of the Asbestos Strike," in French-Canadian Nationalism ed.
R. Cook, pp. 32-48
Trudeau, P., Federalism and the French Canadians
Vigod, B.L., Quebec Before Duplessis. The Political Career of Louis-Alexandre Taschereau
Quebec in Two World Wars
Armstrong, E., The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
Angers, F.A., "Why We Shall Never Accept Conscription for Overseas Service" in French
Canadian Nationalism, ed. R. Cook, pp. 228-236
Berger, C.C., ed., Conscription, 1917
Creighton, D.G., Canada 1939-1957
Dawson, R.M., The Conscription Crisis of 1944
Graham, R., Arthur Meighen, Volume I: The Door of Opportunity
Granatstein, J., & J. Hitsman, Broken Promises: A History of Conscription in Canada
Granatstein, J.L., Conscription in the Second World War 1939-1945
Granatstein, J.L., Canada's War. The Politics of the Mackenzie King Government, 1939-1945
Gravel, J.Y., Le Québec et la guerre
Hutchinson, B., The Incredible Canadian
Laurendeau, A., Witness for Quebec, pp. 1-121
Leavitt, J., ed., Henri Bourassa on Imperialism and Biculturalism, 1900-1918
Linteau, P.A., et al., Quebec Since 1930. A History
Lubin, Martin, Conscription,
Morton, D., "French Canada and War, 1868-1917: The Military Background to the Conscription
Crisis of 1917" in War and Society in North America, ed. J.L. Granatstein and R.D. Cuff
Quinn, H., The Union Nationale
Skelton, O.D., The Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Stacey, C.P., ed., Historical Documents of Canada, Volume V. The Arts of War and Peace,
Swettenham, J., To Seize the Victory
Thomson, D.C., Louis St. Laurent: Canadian, pp. 106-167
Wade, M., The French Canadians, 1760-1967, volume II
12, 13, 14
Quebec in the Post-Second World War Era, 1945-1970s
(See also entries under topic 17)
Barnes, S., "The Evolution of Christian Trade Unions in Quebec," in Readings in Canadian
Labour, ed. A. Kovacs
Behiels, M.D., Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution. Liberalism versus Neo-Nationalism,
Behiels, M.D., ed., Quebec Since 1945. Selected Readings
Behiels, M.D., Quebec and the Question of Immigration: From Ethnocentrism to Ethnic
Pluralism 1900-1985 (Canadian Historical Association pamphlet)
Black, C., Duplessis
Chaput, M., Why I am a Separatist
Clarkson, S. and C. McCall, Trudeau and Our Times. Volume 1
Coleman, W.D., The Independence Movement in Quebec, 1945-1980
Cook, R., Canada and the French-Canadian Question
Cook, R., The Maple Leaf Forever
Cook, R., ed., French Canadian Nationalism. An Anthology
Cook, R., Canada, Quebec and the Uses of Nationalism
Couture, C., Le Mythe de la modernisation du Québec
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R.A. Miller and F. Isbester
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Kwavnick, D., ed., The Tremblay Report
Laporte, P, The True Face of Duplessis
Linteau, P.A., et al., Quebec Since 1930. A History
Linteau, P.A., Histoire de Montréal depuis la Confédération
McRoberts, K., Quebec: Social and Political Crisis. Third ed.
Milner, S., and H. Milner, The Decolonization of Quebec
Nish, C., Quebec in the Duplessis Era
Pelletier, G., Years of Impatience: 1950-1960 and Years of Choice, 1960-1968
Provencher, J., René Lévesque: Portrait of a Québécois
Quinn, H., The Union Nationale
Rioux, M., Quebec in Question
Roy, J.L., La marche des Québécois: le temps des ruptures (1945-1960)
Thompson, D.C., Jean Lesage and the Quiet Revolution
Thompson, D.C., Vive le Québec libre
Trudeau, P.E., The Asbestos Strike, an excerpt also appears in French-Canadian Nationalism,
ed. R. Cook, pp. 32-48, entitled "Quebec on the Eve of the Asbestos Strike."
Trudeau, P.E., Federalism and the French Canadians
Vallières, P., White Niggers of America
Wade, M., The French Canadians, volume 2, 1911-1967
Linguistic Minorities in Quebec and in the rest of Canada
Arnopoulos, S.M., Hors du Québec: point de salut?
Behiels, M.D., Quebec and the Question of Immigration: from Ethnocentricism to Ethnic
Pluralism, 1900-1985 (Canadian Historical Association pamphlet)
Brown, C., ed., Minorities, Schools and Politics
Caldwell, G. and E. Waddell, The English of Quebec: From Majority to Minority Status
Clark, L., The Manitoba School Question
Comeault, Gilbert L., "La Question des écoles du Manitoba - un nouvel éclairage," Revue
d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 33, 1 (juin 1979)
Cook, R., Provincial Autonomy, Minority Rights and the Compact Theory 1867-1921
Creighton, D., "John A. Macdonald, the Canadian West and Confederation," in Canadian
History Since Confederation, ed. B.áHodgins, pp. 48-57
Crunican, Paul, Priests and Politicians: Manitoba Schools and the Election of 1896
Dodge, W., ed., Boundaries of Identity. A Quebec Reader
Dorge, L. Introduction à l'étude des Franco-Manitobains
Hall, D.J., "'The Spirit of Confederation': Journal of Canadian Studies, 9,4 (1974): 24-43, in
Canadian History Since Confederation, ed. B.áHodgins, pp. 53-77
Hart, E.J., Ambition and Reality. The French-Speaking Community of Edmonton, 1795-1935
Heintzman, R., "The Spirit of Confederation, Professor Creighton, Biculturalism and the use of
History," Canadian Historical Review, 52, (1971): 247-75
Jaenen, C.J., "French Public Education in Manitoba," Revue de l'Université d'Ottawa, 38
(1968): 19-34
Levine, M., The Reconquest of Montreal: Language Policy and Social Change in a Bilingual City
Little, J. Ethno-cultural Transition and Regional Identity in the Eastern Townships of Quebec
(Canadian Historical Association pamphlet)
Louder, D.R. and E. Waddell, éds., Du Continent Perdu à l'Archipel Retrouvé. Le Québec et
l'Amérique française
Lupul, M.R., The Roman Catholic Church and the North-West School Question: a Study in
Church-State Relations in Western Canada 1875-1905
Miller, J.R., "D'Alton McCarthy, Equal Rights and the Origins of the Manitoba School Question,"
Canadian Historical Review, 54 (December 1973)
Miller, J.R., Equal Rights. The Jesuit Estates Act Controversy
Morton, W.L., Manitoba. A History
Painchaud, R., "The Catholic Church and French-speaking Colonization in Western Canada,
1885-1915," (Ph.D. thesis)
Painchaud, R., Un rêve français dans le peuplement de la Prairie
Roby, Y., Les Franco-Américains de la Nouvelle-Angleterre 1776-1930
Roy, M., L'Acadie de ses origines à nos jours
Rudin, R., The Forgotten Quebecers. A History of English-Speaking Quebec
Silla, Ousmane, Ecoles bilingues ou unilingues pour les Franco-albertains?
Silver, A.I., "French Canada and the Prairie Frontier, 1870-1890," Canadian Historical Review,
50 (1969): 11-38
Silver, A.I., The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900
Smith, D.B., "A History of the French-speaking Albertans," in Peoples of Alberta, ed. H. and T.
Palmer, pp. 84-108
Stanley, G.F.G., "French and English in Western Canada," in Canadian Dualism, ed. Mason
Wade, pp. 311-350
Tulchinsky, G.J.J., "The Third Solitude: A.M. Klein's Jewish Montreal, 1910-1950," Journal of
Canadian Studies, 19,2 (Summer 1984): 96-112
Aboriginal People in Quebec: The James Bay Cree and the
James Bay Power Development in the 1970s
Anderson, J.W., Fur Trader's Story (1961)
Carlson, Hans M. “A Watershed of Words: Litigating and Negotiating Nature in Eastern James
Bay, 1971-75,” Canadian Historical Review, 85 (2004): 63-84.
Feit, H., A., "Hunting and the Quest for Power: The James Bay Cree and Whitemen in the
Twentieth Century", in Native Peoples. The Canadian Experience, ed., R. Bruce Morrison
and C. Roderick Wilson (1986), pp. 171-207
Gnarowski, Michael, ed. I Dream of Yesterday and Tomorrow: A Celebration of the James Bay
Crees (2002)
Helm, J., ed., Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 6. Subarctic
Helm, J. and Eleanor B. Leacock, "The Hunting Tribes of Subarctic Canada" in North American
Indians in Historical Perspective, ed., E.B. Leacock and Nancy Lurie, pp. 343-374
Horning, James F., ed. Social and Environmental Impacts of the James Bay Hydroelectric
Project (1999)
Lacasse, R., Baie-James
McCutcheon, S., Electric Rivers. The Story of the James Bay Project
MacGregor, Roy, Chief: The Fearless Vision of Billy Diamond
Morantz, Toby, The White Man’s Gonna Getcha. The Colonial Challenge to the Crees in
Quebec (2002)
Niezen, Robert, Defending the Land: Sovereignty and Forest Life in James Bay Cree (1998)
Richardson, B., Strangers Devour the Land (1975)
Rynard, Paul, “Welcome In, but Check Your Rights at the Door. The James Bay and Nisga’a
Agreements in Canada,” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 33 (2000): 211-243.
Rynard, Paul, “Ally or Colonizer? The Federal State, the Cree Nation and the James Bay
Agreement,” Journal of Canadian Studies, 36 (20012): 8-48.
Salisbury, R., A Homeland for the Cree: Regional Development in James Bay, 1971-1981
Tanner, Adrian, Bringing Home Animals. Religious Ideology and Mode of Production of the
Mistassini Cree Hunters
Vincent, S. et Garry Bowers, éds., Baie James et Nord québécois dix ans après
Willis, Janes, Geniesh: An Indian Girlhood
Political Developments, late 1960s to 1990s
(See also entries under topics 12, 13, 14 & 16)
Behiels, M.D., ed., Quebec Since1945. Selected Readings
Bothwell, Robert, Canada and Quebec. Two Countries Two Histories
Coleman, W.D., The Independence Movement in Quebec, 1945-1980
Cook, R., Canada, Quebec and the Uses of Nationalism, 2nd ed.
Desbarats, P., René
Delacourt, S. United We Fall
Dodge, W., ed., Boundaries of Identity. A Quebec Reader
Dufour, C.A., A Canadian Challenge
Dupont, P., How Lévesque Won
Fournier, P., Meech Lake Post-Mortem
Fraser, G., P.Q. René Lévesque and the Parti Québécois in Power
Gagnon, A.G., ed., Quebec. State and Society, 2nd edition
Lévesque, R., Option Quebec
Levine, M., The Reconquest of Montreal: Language Poling and Social Change in a Bilingual
Linteau, P.-A., et al., Quebec Since 1930. A History
Milner, S. & H. Milner, The Decolonization of Quebec
Monière, D., Ideologies in Quebec
MacDonald, L.I., From Bourassa to Bourassa. A Pivotal Decade in Canadian History
McRoberts, K., Quebec: Social Change and Political Crisis, Third Edition
McRoberts, K., English Canada and Quebec. Avoiding the Issue
McRoberts, K., Misconceiving Canada. The Struggle for National Unity
Ouellet, F., "The Historical Background of Separatism in Quebec" in French-Canadian
Nationalism, ed. Ramsay Cook, pp. 49-64
Provencher, J., René Lévéque
Resnick, P., Letters to a Québécois Friend. With a reply by Daniel Latouche
Rioux, M., Quebec in Question
Rudin, R., The Forgotten Quebecers. A History of the English-Speaking Quebecers
Saywell, J., The Rise of the Parti Québéçois 1967-1976
Simeon, R., Must Canada Fail? (See in particular the essay by James de Wilde, "The Parti
Quebecois in Power," pp. 15-27)