Organizing Committee

Welcome to SuDBE2009 ................................................................................................................... 2
Organization ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Conference Information.................................................................................................................... 4
Organizing Committee ...................................................................................................................... 5
International Scientific Committee ................................................................................................... 9
Keynote / Invited Speakers ............................................................................................................. 10
Program........................................................................................................................................... 17
Tour Information ............................................................................................................................. 26
Welcome to SuDBE2009
Chairman of SuDBE2009 Opening Address
Sustainable Development of buildings and urban environments is an important
consideration for all architects, building and environmental technologists and
engineers and for government regulators. To realise such a goal, will require an
Integration of social, economic, technological, environmental and ecological factors
in an overall system of building and urban design and management.
Nearly 40% of all carbon emissions are generated through building architecture,
including construction, interior fitting, lighting, heating and maintenance. In order to
tackle the impact of on global warming, architects and designers need to reduce the
carbon footprint and the whole life consumption and construction of buildings.
It is our collective duty, as architects, building technologists and environmental
engineers, to undertake research and development of innovative methods of
construction and management of buildings for sustainable development of our urban
cities so we may live happily, safe and be harmonious with our environment. This is
especially so, for Chinese, because this is our belief and culture – to be harmonious
with our environment in order to achieve a satisfactory health and wellbeing in our
The presentation topics included at this SuDBE 2009 conference focuses on the
philosophy, methodology and technology required for energy efficiency, renewable
energy technology, building designs and standards, health and safety, recycling and
management of wastes and natural resources, management of water usage and so
on. This conference has played a great role in providing an excellent forum for
reviewing the present state‐of‐the‐art for sustainable development of buildings and
urban environments and hopefully will contribute to future research and education
our young architects, technologists and engineers for sustainable development of all
buildings for all cultures in different parts of the world, especially in the Far East. I
also hope the conference proceedings can also provide an influence in the
environmental policy of governments.
In closing, I sincerely thank all the conference sponsors and scientific committee for
their contribution to make this conference possible. I would also like to congratulate
and thank the keynote and invited speakers and all the other speakers for their
papers and their contributions for sharing their knowledge and experiences with us.
Thank you very much.
Professor Baizhan Li
Chairman of the International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building
and Environment (SuDBE2009), 28-30 October 2009, Chongqing, China.
Chongqing University
National Natural Science Foundation of China
University of Cambridge, UK
Purdue University, USA
University of Reading, UK
Tsinghua University, China
Aalborg University, Denmark
University of Hongkong, China
International Society of the Built Environment, UK
Centre for Sustainable Healthy Buildings, Korea
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of P.R.China
China Green Building Council, China
Chongqing Science & Technology Commission, China
Chongqing Construction Commission, China
CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers), UK
nCUBUS, Funded by UK EPSRC(Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
CIB(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction)
Conference Information
Beity Hot Spring Tourism Resort
Address: Agricultural Road, Baishiyi town, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing.
It takes 40~50 minutes to take a taxi from the airport or railway station to get there.
28-30 October 2009
10:00-22:00, 28 October 2009,Lobby
8:00-9:00, 29 October 2009, Lobby
Organizing Committee
Chair of SuDBE 2009 Conference
Prof. Baizhan Li
Prof. Baizhan Li is a professor of built environment at Chongqing University, the Dean
of Faculty of Urban Construction & Environmental Engineering of Chongqing
University and a member of national expert panel on climate change challenge. He
also serves as the Director of Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s
Eco-environment (Ministry of Education) at Chongqing University
Professor Li’s current research topics are on sustainable urbanization, indoor thermal
environment, building energy efficiency and green building. He has been the principle
investigator of several key projects from National Eleventh Five-year R & D Plan,
National Natural Science Foundation and UK EPSRC etc. Prof. Li is an active
professional in the field of sustainable built environment. He has received numerous
awards including Awarded the Achievement through Innovation category (UK) prize
for a prototype software tool ‘ADePT’(1999), the Advance in Science and Technology
top award from the Chinese Ministry of Education (2008), and several Science and
Technology in Chongqing. He has published over 180 papers in international journals
and conferences, and several professional books. He is also chairing the National
Standard Assessment of Indoor Thermal Environment for Civil Buildings.
Co-chair of SuDBE 2009 Conference
Prof. Koen Steemers
Prof. Koen Steemers is a Professor of Sustainable Design and the Head of Department
of Architecture at the University of Cambridge. He is also a Director of Cambridge
Architectural Research Ltd and the President of PLEA International (an association of
2500 members worldwide interested in 'Passive and Low Energy Architecture').
As an architect and sustainable design specialist, his current work deals with the
architectural potential of environmental issues such as energy, light and comfort. His
research activities are focused on the environmental performance of buildings and
cities - with a particular interest in human perception and behaviour - which are the
topics of funded research projects and his PhD students. He has produced over 150
publications and works with architects, engineers, developers and government.
Prof. Qingyan Chen
Dr. Qingyan Chen is a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University, a
Changjiang Chair Professor at Tianjin University, and a Principal Director of the
National Air Transportation Center of Excellence for Research in the Intermodal
Transport Environment (RITE). He also serves as
the Editor-in-Chief of international
journal “Building and Environment”.
Prof. Qingyan Chen has been working in the thermo-fluid aspect of mechanical
engineering. He is actively involved in the fundamental research in turbulent flow and
heat transfer and its applications in the HVAC industry. Prof. Chen's current research
topics include indoor environment, aircraft cabin environment, and energy-efficient,
healthy, and sustainable building design and analysis. In recent years, Prof. Chen has
received several technical paper and poster awards and Distinguished and Exceptional
Service Awards from the ASHRAE. He is a recipient of the CAREER award from the
National Science Foundation in the United States. Prof. Chen has also received the
Willis J. Whitfield Award "for significant contributions to the field of contamination
control through numerous published papers, studies, and reports" from the Institute
of Environmental Sciences and Technology. He is a fellow of the ASHRAE and the
International Society of Indoor Air Quality.
Prof. Xudong Yang
Dr. Xudong Yang is presently the Chang-Jiang Professor and Deputy Director of the
Institute of Built Environment and Equipment Engineering, School of Architecture,
Tsinghua University. He received his B.S. (1988) and M.S. (1993) degrees in Thermal
Engineering from Tsinghua University, and Ph.D. in Building Technology from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1999). From 1999 to 2005 he was a faculty
member and director of the Building Environmental Systems Laboratory at the
University of Miami and received tenure in 2005. He currently serves as founding
Editor-in-Chief for Building Simulation: An International Journal and associate editor
for Building and Environment.
Prof. Yang is an active member of the American Society of Heating, Ventilating, and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) where he served as secretary of technical
committee TC 4.3 (Ventilation Requirement and Infiltration). He has received
numerous awards including the Research Career Award from the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2000), the New Investigator Award from the
ASHRAE (2000), the Advance in Science and Technology award from the Chinese
Ministry of Education (2000), and the ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award (2008). He
has published over 100 papers in international journals and conferences, and the
papers have been cited 350 times by SCI.
Conference Secretary-general
Dr. Hong Liu
Dr. Hong Liu is an associate professor of Faculty of Urban Construction &
Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University. She is assistant of dean and
responsible for international cooperation and exchange affairs. Her research focuses
on the impacts of indoor thermal environments on human thermal comfort. As
Secretary-general, she was responsible for International Conference on Asia-European
Sustainable Urban Development in 2006, and International Conference on Sustainable
Development in Building and Environment in 2007.
Prof. Qihong Deng
Dr. Qihong Deng is a professor of the Central South University. He was appointed as
the “Shenghua” chair professor in 2007. Due to outstanding research and
achievements, he won the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China prize in
2005 and become a member of the program of New Century Excellent Talents in
University (China) since 2005. His current research is mainly focused on the indoor
particulate matter and its health effects. During April 22-24, 2007, he organized an
international workshop on indoor air quality (IAQ2007) at Central South University. He
is now members of the Editorial Board of “Journal of the IEST (an international
journal)” and “Building Energy & Environment (a Chinese journal)”.
Prof. Jun Lu
Dr. Jun Lu is a professor of Chongqing University. He is the director of Department of
Building Environment and Facility Engineering. He also serves as the director of China
Association of Refrigeration Institute and expert of China Building Energy
Conservation and Emission reduction Union. As Secretary-general, he was responsible
for International Conference on Asia-European Sustainable Urban Development in
2006, and International Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and
Environment in 2007.
Conference Staff
Dr. Meng Liu, Dr. Yongchuan Yang, Ms. Qin Li, Mr. Ming Jin, Dr. Yulan Yang, Mr.
Xiaoqing Peng, Mr. Zhengsong Wu, Ms. Lulu Yang, Mr. Zhihua Zou, Mr. Jie Yuan, Dr.
Fang Liu, Dr. Junmin Gao, Mr. Liang Tang.
Publication Manager
Ms. Weiping Chen, Central South University, China
Ms. Min Luo, Chongqing University, China
Mr. Matt Lord, USA
International Scientific Committee
Prof. Baizhan Li, Chongqing University, China
Prof. Koen Steemers, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Qingyan Chen, Purdue University,
U.S.A (Co-chairman)
Prof. Xudong Yang, Tsinghua University, China
Prof. Francisco Allard, Université de La Rochelle,
Prof. Chimay J. Anumba, The Pennsylvania State
University, USA
Prof. Edward Arens, University of California at
Berkeley, USA
Prof. Godfried Augenbroe, Georgia Institute of
Technology, USA
Prof. James E. Braun, Purdue University, USA
Prof. Nicholas Brooke, Professional Property
Services Ltd, HK, China
Prof. Andrew Baldwin, Hong Kong Polytechnic
Univ., HK, China
Prof. David Claridge, Texas A & M University, USA
Prof. Derek Clements-Croome, Reading University,
Prof. Tony Day, London South Bank University, UK
Prof. Qihong Deng, Central South University, China
Prof. William Fisk, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, USA
Prof. Zhishi Guo, U. S. Environmental Protection
Agency, USA
Prof. Manuel Correia Guedes, University of Lisbon,
Prof. Per Heiselberg, Aalborg University, Denmark
Mr. Charl Janeke,Kartago INC,USA
Prof. Yi Jiang, Tsinghua University,China
Prof. Phil Jones, University of Cardiff, UK
Prof. Fariborz Haghighat, Concordia University,
Prof. Gary Hunt, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. David Hughes, President of PIUK, UK
Prof. Jian Kang, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Shinsuke Kato, University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Kwang-Woo Kim, Seoul National University,
Prof. Taeyeon Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
Prof. Jean Lebrun, Université de Liège, Belgium
Prof. Mark Levine, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, USA
Prof. Haiyan Lin,China Academy of Building
Prof. Jiaping Liu, Xi’an Arch. & Tech. University,
Prof. Yuguo Li, Hong Kong University, HK, China
Prof. Weiding Long, Tongji University, China
Prof. Farhad Memarzadeh, National Institutes of
Health, USA
Prof. Qinglin Meng, South China Polytechnic Univ.
Prof. Andrew Miller, University of Brighton, UK
Prof. Peter Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. Youguo Qin, Tsinghua University, China
Prof. Saffa Riffat, Univesity of Nottingham,UK
Prof. Carsten Rode, Technical University of
Denmark, Denmark
Prof. Ali Sayigh, World Renewable Energy Network,
Prof. John Spengler, Harvard University, USA
Prof. John Swaffield, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Prof. Youwei Wang, China Academy of Building
Prof. Qingqin Wang, China Academy of Building
Prof. Chau Kwong Wing, University of Hong Kong,
HK, China
Prof. Henry Xue, California State Polytechnic
University, USA
Dr. Runming Yao, University of Reading, UK
Prof. Chuck Yu, International Society of the Built
Environment Ltd., UK.
Prof. Jianing Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology,
Prof. Guoqiang Zhang, Hunan University, China
Prof. Neng Zhu, Tianjin Univ., China
Prof. Jianshun Zhang, Syracuse University, USA
Prof. Yuanhui Zhang, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA
Keynote / Invited Speakers
Prof. Yong Wu
Mr.Yong Wu gratuated from former Chongqing Jianzhu University (merged with
Chongqing University in 2000) and is appointed as a Guest Professor at Chongqing
University. He used to be deputy director of the Department of Urban Construction,
deputy director of the Department of Science & Technology at the Ministry of
Construction. And he is now an inspector of the Department of Building Energy
Efficient and Science & Technology at the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Development. He is in charge of the affairs of policy-making in the field of building
energy efficient.
Prof. Patrick Godfrey
Dr. Patrick Godfrey is a Fellow of Royal Engineer (UK), a Professor of Systems
Engineering at The University of Bristol, and Director of the Industrial Doctorate
Centre in Systems at University of Bristol and University of Bath. His research focuses
on systems thinking applied to complex engineering topics such as: infrastructure
design, operations and management; risk, value and safety management and more
recently systems for the built environment and sustainability. He has for most of his
career been a Director of a large consulting engineering company – Halcrow.
Prof. Phillip Jones
Prof. Phillip Jones is Head of School and Director of the Centre for Research in the
Bult Environment at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University. His research
activities are in the field of low carbon design and sustainability in the built
environment and he has carried out numerous funded research projects and design
consultancies in UK, Europe, Malaysia, Middle East and China. He is working closely
with the Welsh Assembly Government providing a research base to inform the
development of their low to zero carbon building programme. He chairs the Wales
Low Carbon Research Institute (LCRI), which comprises a consortium of six Welsh
university partners, and which has a £40+ milllion research programme in the areas
of low carbon built environment, hydrogen technologies, marine energy, bioenergy,
large scale power generation and solar PV. He is chair of the European COST Action
C23, Low Carbon Urban Built Environments (L-CUBE) with nineteen European partner
countries. He has held honorary and visiting professorships at Chongqing Universisty,
Xian University of Architecture and Technology, University Putra Malaysia, and Hong
Kong Polytechnic University, and is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of
Architects in Wales.
Prof. Yuguo Li
Dr. Yuguo Li is a Professor at the University of Hong Kong. He was a Principal Research
Scientist of CSIRO Australia prior to 2000. He graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong
University and Tsinghua University in China, and received Tech Lic in Heating and
Ventilation, PhD in fluid mechanics from Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
His research interests are city ventilation, engineering infection control, building
ventilation and energy efficiency. His work led to the findings of the roles played by
airflow and ventilation in the 2003 Amoy Gardens SARS outbreak. He was co-author of
the 2007 WHO infection control guidelines, and the lead author of the 2009 WHO
guideline on natural ventilation. He coordinates a research study on mega-city
environment and energy at HKU. Prof. Li serves as Vice-President (Research) of
International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate from 2009 and Associate Editor
of Indoor Air journal. He is a fellow of ASHRAE and ISIAQ, and received the HKU
Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2003, and the Best Paper Award of Indoor Air
Journal 2005-2007 (First Prize). He served or serves as guest professor in 8 universities
in China and overseas, and the Otto Mønsted Visiting Professor of Technical University
of Denmark.
Prof. Per Heiselberg
Per Heiselberg is professor in Architectural Engineering at the Department of Civil
Engineering at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interest focuses on
energy-efficient design of buildings, on zero energy building technology and on
ventilation and air flows in the built environment. He is leader of the Strategic
Research Centre on Zero Energy Buildings, which include researchers from seven
different departments at Aalborg University in a cross disciplinary research
environment. He has been involved in international research cooperation within the
International Energy Agency for about 20 years and been project leader of several
projects. Per Heiselberg has been appointed as adjunct professor at Hunan University,
Changsha, China, as visiting professor at Chongqing University, Chongqiing, China and
as a guest professor at Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan. Per Heiselberg has
written more than 225 publications of which 26 are International Journal
publications, 85 are peer-reviewed conference papers and 8 are books and book
chapters. He has given more than 25 invited lectures in the last five years in 10
different countries in Europe, USA, China and Japan.
Prof. Tony Day
Tony Day is professor of energy engineering at London South Bank University and
Director of the new Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB).
Opening in 2010, CEREB will be a specialist teaching and research centre for low and
zero carbon solutions in buildings. Tony specialises in building energy analysis and the
application of low and zero carbon technologies in the urban environment, and has
done extensive work with the Greater London Authority and others to evaluate the
impact of these technologies in London. His work includes modelling of combined
heat and power systems, renewable energy monitoring and the practical use of
monitoring and targeting software for energy management. He has run numerous
knowledge transfer projects in partnership with industry to deliver practical, real
world solutions for saving carbon where they will be most effective. He has presented
his work on energy policy and planning around the world, and is a regular speaker at
conferences and seminars. Tony is a Fellow of the Energy Institute, member of CIBSE,
and Vice-Chair of the UK Solar Energy Society.
Prof. Chuck Yu
Prof. Chuck Yu is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Indoor and Built Environment.
He is also the President and Executive Director of the International Society of the Built
Environment Ltd (ISBE) and Managing Director of EnviroAct Consultants Ltd. Recently,
Chuck has been appointed as an IAQ Adjunct Professor at the Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Chuck was previously a Principal Consultant at BRE responsible for formulation and
management of projects related to Materials Emissions and development of novel
sustainable products for buildings, Indoor Air Quality, investigation of sick buildings
and water quality, including sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). Chuck was at
BRE for over 21 years and in those years, he has gained considerable experiences in
Polymer Sciences, Wood and BioComposite Materials, Polymer Additives including
CFCs blowing agents for thermal insulating plastic foams, Concrete Technology and
Building Environmental Assessment. He was a BSI technical committee member of
PRI/72/- and CEN TC88 on thermal insulating plastic foams for buildings. He was also a
member of the “Ozone Working Group” that advised DoE/DTI on the phasing out of
CFCs. During his time at BRE, he contributed to the development of BREEAM, Codes
for Sustainable Homes and best practice guides for NHBC (National House-Building
Council) on: ozone depletion, IAQ and health and wellbeing; as well as on EIA
(Environmental Impact Assessment) issues relating to surface water quality and SUDS.
He also contributed to the development of European standards for emissions testing
and European Collaborative Action for IAQ Guidelines and Wood-based panel
Prof. Tetsuo Hayashi
Dr. Tetsuo Hayashi is a professor of Department of Energy and Environmental
Engineering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Kyushu University. He specializes in
Building Thermal Performance Simulation, Energy Consumption in Residential
Buildings, Passive Design of Buildings, Air-Conditioning of Buildings, etc. He is Fellow
member of the Society of Heating, Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineering of Japan
(Director of Kyushu Branch), Member of Architectural Institute of Japan, Member of
Japan Solar Energy Society, and Member ISO TC163 SC2
Mr. Charl E Janeke
Mr Janeke a member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and a steering
member of the CALSTATE Fullerton (CSUF) Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Technology Advisory Board. Mr Janeke graduated from the University of Pretoria
South Africa with a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering 1963 and worked
with the Heat Mechanics division Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
during 1964. He then joined the Research & Process Development division of the
South African Iron & Steel Corporation (ISCOR) as a research engineer from 1965 to
1970 where he worked on automation, oxygen steel-making, infrared photometry and
computational modeling of the freezing of molten steel. During the course of 1965 Mr
Janeke innovated a modification to the classical Binder Schmidt solution to the Euler
second order differential equation for transient heat conduction in a solid material to
model crust formation of a two-phase molten system. The results were
experimentally verified via a wax model and documented as a Masters Thesis in 1967.
Mr Janeke consulted in HVAC from 1970 and taught computational modeling at the
University of Johannesburg (WITS) from 1973 to 1983. During that time he also
developed a stochastic optimization model for large scale building structures
employing a recursive heat storage model, Kalman filtering and Dynamic
programming. The content of the work was presented at number of international
conferences as of 1982 to 1992. Mr Janeke subsequently focused on air quality,
trans-atmospheric propulsion and real estate ventures through the period 1993 to
Prof. Yinping Zhang
Dr. Yinping Zhang is a professor of Institute of Built Environment, Dept. of Building
Science, Architecture School, Tsinghua University, P. R. China. His research interests
are indoor air quality, heat and mass transfer and energy storage in built environment.
He was the visiting researcher or professor in Stuttgart University, Germany (1994-95),
Tokyo University, Japan (1996), and Technique University of Denmark (DTU) (2004)
DTU, Denmark (2007/2008).
He has published over 80 papers in international journals in the above fields. Zhang
serves as a member on editorial boards of 3 international journals such as Indoor Air,
and 3 Chinese journals such as Chinese Science Bulletin, J. of Solar Energy. He is the
administrative vice-chairman and general secretary of Chinese Association of Indoor
Environment and Health. In 2007, he received the NSFC outstanding young researcher
award. In 2008, he became the fellow of International Science Academy of Indoor Air.
Prof. Shengwei Wang
Shengwei Wang is chair Professor of Building Services Engineering, Department of
Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is leading the
research group on Building Automation and Energy Management in the department.
He is extensively involved in the research and application on building energy
management, HVAC system fault diagnosis and optimal control, intelligent building
technology and building system dynamic simulation. He has obtained over twenty
research and technology development funds from (Hong Kong) Research Grant
Council (RGC), industrial funds and other resources over the last ten years. He
co-authored four books and published around 170 papers in refereed journals
(including 100 papers in journals cited by SCI) and over 50 papers in international
conferences. He is an associate editor "HVAC&R Research', the academic journal of
ASHRAE, and a member of the Engineering Panel of Hong Kong Research Grant
Council (RGC). He is/was a guest/adjunct/visiting professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Hunan University, Huazhong University of science and
Technology, South China University of Technology, and University of Maryland.
Prof. Daniel W T Chan
Dr. W T Chan is a Professor in the Department of Building Services Engineering of the
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has experience in research of indoor
environmental quality with emphases in indoor thermal comfort and indoor air
quality. The main area of concern in his study is a pragmatic approach to the real life
problems in indoor environmental quality.
Prof. Qingqin Wang
Qingqin Wang is Assistant president of China Academy of Building Research. He is
research Professor and director of Scientific and Technological Division. He is focusing
mainly on the research of built environment, building energy efficiency and indoor air
pollution control. he has finished a research project of “the ninth five year plan”
National Key Research Program, a research project of National SARS Key Research
Program, a Sino-Canada cooperation research project on building energy efficiency, a
Sino-Japan cooperation research project on the performance of residential buildings
etc. now is responsible for a key research project financially supported by the
“eleventh five year plan” National Key Technologies R&D Program. Completed 5
national and industrial standards and codes as the editor-in-chief, published 5 books
together with other experts, win 4 province-level scientific and technological prizes,
published more than 60 paper on magazines and conference proceedings. Now he is
the deputy secretary-general of China Green Building Council, the executive member
of China Society of Laboratory Animal, deputy secretary-general of Housing Industry
and Technique Committee of China Society of Real Estate.
Mr. Siegfried Franz
Mr. Siegfried Franz earned his degree (Diplom) Environmental Protection Engineer
in Technical University of Berlin. Main subjects in his studies have been waste
management, water resources management, contaminated sites and environmental
Planungsgesellschaft Bodensanierung mbH as engineer on investigation projects
concerning contaminated sites.In 1999 Mr. Franz worked in the municipal
administration of the city Konstanz in Germany on the organisation of
waste-recycling and tour management.In 2000 Mr. Franz returned to the field of
contaminated sites by working for DB Verkehrsbaulogistik GmbH, a subsidiary
company of Deutsche Bahn AG *(German Railways). Since 2001 he continues his
work as project engineer at DB Netz AG, a direct allied company of the German
Railways Group. His task is the planning and implementation of projects concerning
investigation, remedial design and remedial action on contaminated sites. He has
done a multitude of projects from small range up to large dimensions of several
millions EUR budget.
Program at a Glance
Opening Ceremony
Photo Taking & Coffee Break
Keynote Speech
Lunch Buffet
Invited Speech
Coffe Break
Invited Speech
Indoor Thermal
Environment (Room B1)
Green Building
Urban Ecology
(Room B2)
(Room B3)
Technical Session
Technical Session
Technical Session
Coffee Break
Technical Session
Technical Session
Lunch Buffet
Technical Session
Technical Session
Technical Session
Technical Session
Coffee Break
Technical Session
Technical Session
Program in Detail
29th October Morning
Room A0, Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech
Speaker /Topic
Chairman/Co-Chairman of SuDBE 2009
President of Chongqing University
Per Heiselberg/
Qinyan Chen
Guest address
Photo Taking & Coffee Break
MOHURO(Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Development of P.R. China)
Phil Jones
“Predictive Modeling for Low Carbon Buildings and Low
Carbon Cities”
Patrick Godfrey
“Using Systems Thinking to Learn to Deliver Sustainable
Built Environments”
Yuguo Li
“City ventilation of high-rise compact cities for better
energy efficiency”
Tony Day/
29th October Afternoon
Room A0, Invited Speech
Topic/ Speaker
Tony Day
“Carbon and Cost Analysis of Tri-generation”
Shengwei Wang
“Intelligent Building Energy Management based on
System Dynamic Simulation, Optimal Control”
Chuck Yu
“Health and well being: an important consideration for
sustainable buildings”
Charl E Janeke /
Tetsuo Hayashi
Yingping Zhang
“Indoor VOC emissions: Understanding & Control”
Daniel W.T.Chan
"Sustainable Immunized Building - A Novel Building
Quality for Built Environment”
Coffee Break
Per Heiselberg
“Zero Emission Buildings – A solution for sustainable
development in the building sector”
Charl E Janeke
“Polar Equilibrium”
Qingqin Wang
“The Evaluation and Deployment of Green Buildings in
Tetsuo Hayashi
“Total Energy Simulator”
British Consulate-general Chongqing
W.T.Chan /
Yingping Zhang
30th October Morning
Room B1, Indoor Thermal Environment
Bin Chen
Passive Solar Heating and Indoor Air Quality
Peng Gao
Impact of Air Pressure on VOC Emissions from a Carpet
Rongguang Cao
Experimental investigation and optimization of the
ventilation for subway island-platform in north cities
Qiong Yu
Study of simplified prediction model for lighting energy
consumption and its application in office building optimal
design at scheme stage
Chen Huang
Study of thermal environment and indoor air flow with
half-blowing system in a large space
Ning Cai
Discussion of thermal environment of effective utilization of
nature source in large space building
Furen Zhang
CFD Numerical Simulation of Dispersion Law of Indoor Gas
Leakage Based on Weather Conditions
Coffee Break
Fang Liu
Simulation on Indoor Thermal Environment of Radiant Floor
Cooling System
Jianhui Wang
Wind tunnel testing on the dispersion around high-rise
residential building using a tracer gas
Liwen Zhang
The analysis of the impact of mechanical ventilation on the
indoor thermal environment
Daqi Lian
The Analyse of the Building External Shading Effecting on
Indoor Light Environment
Xiaojing Wang
Experimental Study on the Artificial Lighting Environment
Evaluation of the Residential Living Room
Wei Yu
Measurement and Simulation Analysis on Indoor Thermal
Environment for Natural Ventilation Residential Building in
Hendrik Voll
Indoor climate in educational and residential buildings
Yuguo Li
30th October Afternoon
Room B1, Indoor Thermal Environment
Wenjie Li
Thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated indoor environment
in hot and humid climate zone in P. R. China
Mengnan Xu
Field study on thermal environment of residential building in
winter in Chongqing
Xiaolei Ma
A Field Study of Thermal Comfort and Preferences in
Air-Conditioned Offices in Chongqing, P. R. China
Meilan Tan
Field experiments on thermal comfort in university
dormitories in Chongqing, P. R. China
Hong Liu
Impact of Summer Office Air-conditioning Temperature on
Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort
Xuelian Bai
Dynamic thermal comfort and energy conservation of HVAC
Coffee Break
30th October Morning
Room B2, Green Building
Steve Rowlinson
Achieving social sustainability in the workplace in
construction industry: professional burnout-engagement and
organizational environment
Jeong Hyen Kim
Evaporating Characteristic of Enclosed Space by Water Driven
Ning Feng
Research of vegetation’s effects on wind environment in
residential area
Seongsoo Kim
Analysis of Grinding Energy of Planetary Ball Mill By DEM
(Discrete Element Method) Simulation
Baiyi Li
Cutting out waste in construction
Xiao Liang
Financial analysis on rainwater reuse for agricultural irrigation
in Beijing
Guoqing Yu
Study on the thermal performance of the integration of solar
collector and building envelop
Hanshik Chung
Simulation on fin tube heat exchanger with metal foam
Neng Zhu
Coffee Break
Simulation on fin tube heat exchanger with metal foam
Gonçalo Nuno
Reis Torres
Sustainable Housing Cells:Mass personalization of sustainable
collective housing.
Huizhong Zhao
Experimental Study on Large Space Atrium’s Energy
Consumption under Nozzle Outlet during Winter
Rongguang Cao
Test and analysis on three heating systems in north China
Ju Sik Woo
Application of Bubble Pump for Solar Energy Utilization in
Yong Cao
Experimental study on methods for evaluation cleanliness of
ventilation ducts
Fang Liu
Investigation on Balcony Plume Entrainment
Dan Shi
Energy Saving Efficiency Based On Climate Utilized Of Green
Erdal Turkbeyler
Experimental study of urban microclimate for a building
30th October Afternoon
Room B2, Green Building
Ming Liu
Study on Design Model of Passive Residential Building and the
Simulation Analyses
Zhili Chen
Study on solar desalination with enhanced falling film
evaporation and regeneration
Xuelian Bai
Discussion on the integrated air-conditioning system of WSHP
and thermal storage
Yanbao Zhang
Study on operating dynamic energy efficiency of HVAC systems
David Lim
Impact of UK Building Regulations on design and thermal
performance of dwellings
Liying Liu
Study on Heat Transfer Performance of Fresh-air Handing Device
Using Earth Energy
Qing Luo
Passive Cooling of Porous Tile Used on Outer Wall Envelope
Le He
An energy-saving potential analysis for a teaching building with
intermittent heating system in a university of Tianjin
Jeong Eun Song
The Reduction Effect of Benzene and Formaldehyde by Plants per
Coffee Break
Qizhen Chen
Research of thermal properties in phase change wallboard room
based on air conditioning cold storage
Yong Ding
Method for Acquiring Part load Distribution Coefficient of Air
Conditioning System
Min Zheng
A model of large public buildings modernizaiton process
Chunni Yao
Building-integrated Renewable Energy Policy Analysis in China
Jun Lu
Study on Building Cooling by Night-Time Ventilation
Lin Jiang
Analysis on the Thermal measuring of the Green Roof
Bing Wang
The Research of the Measurement and Simulation of the Wind
Environment of Buildings in Campus
Kaisheng Guo
Cost-effectiveness analysis of single U-tube and double U-tube
heat exchangers in Chongqing area
30th October Morning
Room B3, Urban Ecology
Qiang Zhang
Engineering Application for Further Treatment of Waste Water
with High Concentration of Ammonia Nitrogen & Phosphoru
Hui Zhang
State Simulation of Water Distribution Networks Based on DFP
Lei Wu
The Simulation Research of Absorbed Nitrogen and
Phosphorus Pollution in Xiao Jiang River Watershed of Three
Gorges Reservoir Area
Tairong He
The Characteristics of Heavy Metals Pollution (Cd, Cu and Zn)
in Water, Suspended Matter and Surface Sediment in Typical
Mountainous Urban River ---A Case Study in Qingshui Stream
in Chongqing (China)
Tengrui Long
Research on Dephosphorization Mechanism of Prolonged
Sludge Age SBBR Treated Saline and High-phosphorus
Li Huang
Research and Demonstration on Sustainable Water System of
Green Residential District
Zhi Zhang
Study on Strengthening Nitrogen Removal for Low-carbon
Wastewater in Reversed A2/O Process by Regulation
Coffee Break
Reactivation of a contaminated location of German Railways*
for urban development
Study on Composition and Recovery Method for Electrolytic
Manganese Residue
Xing Fan
Dechlorination of 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane by Fe/Mn Bimetal
under Microwave Irradiation
Jun Du
Microwave-Aided Roasting for Extraction of Vanadium
Dagui Sun
Preparation of Insulating Oil by Vegetable Oil and its Electrical
Yukun Wang
The Stratified Compactor Process Research of Municipal Solid
Study on Performance Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste
Collection and Transportation System
The game analysis on social conflict of solid waste treatment
Renlong Liu
Purification of Oily Wastewater in Thermal Power Plant by
Coal Fly Ash
Chuck Yu
30th October Afternoon
Room B3, Urban Ecology
Xin Zhang
An integrated characterization method of COD fractions and
its application in influent COD of a WWTP
Zuohua Liu
Study on Corrosion Behaviour of Heat Exchanger in Water
Source Heat Pump
Liao Wang
Sintering condition of Sewage Sludge for Artificial
Lightweight Aggregate
Chuanxing Jia
Establishment of Total Ammonia-nitrogen Accumulation
Prediction Model in Two-phase Anaerobic Digestion of
OFMSW and its Application Verification
Zhiyang Li
The mechanism study on the reduction of asphalt fumes
emission with fume-reducing additives
Chun Yang
A study of steroid oestrogen removal using a pilot-scale
trickling filter
Cui Bai
EGSB-BAF integrated system to achieve methanogenesis ,
anaerobic ammonium oxidation and shortcut
Chuan Huang
Effects of Inoculating Microorganisms EMs on the Mesophilic
Anaerobic Digestion of Septic Sludge
Angui Li
Coffee Break
Zhu Xiaohong
Application of Support Vector Machine on Fault Diagnosis
for Water Distribution Systems
Xiao Yi Xu
Isolation of aerobic denitrifier and characteristics of
intensifying nitrogen removal in concentric-Circles Reactor
with diversion wall
fang fang
Three-dimensional Fluorescence Spectra Characterization of
Dissolved Organic Matter in Xiaojiang Backwater Area, Three
Gorges Reservoir
Zhili Chen
Development and Performance study of Device via
Combined Filler for Domestic Sewage Treatment
Furen Zhang
Evaluation of Urban Environmental Quality Based on
Unascertained Measure Model and Entropy Weight
Dexin Zong
Urban and Architectural Sustainable Design Strategies: The
Case of Chongqing
Yuzhen Wang
Hydrolysis Extraction of Amino Acid from Feather under
Microwave-Ionic Liquid System
Yuan Cheng
Influence of coagulant dosage on micro-filtration process of
the Yangtze River raw water
Zhenliang Li
A model for characterizing the process of activated sludge
compression settling
Tour Information
Chaotianmen Dock
Chongqing--Yangzi river and Jialing river--meet. Chaotianmen Dock is the gate
or facade of the peninsula metropolis. It is a big in southwest China, and the
best place to see the beautiful night view of Chongqing. Every night there are
cruise on the two rivers for visitors.
People’s Great Hall
The People's Great Hall is an architectural symbol of Chongqing. It is a large
complex including the auditorium, Peoples' Square and People's Hotel .It was
built in the traditional Chinese palace style, imposing, beautiful and
magnificent. The dome resembles the Temple of Heaven and its front of the
Tiananmen in Beijing.
Ciqikou Ancient Town
The ancient town of Ciqikou has a histroy of over a thousand years. In former
days, this place had an extraordinary lively amphibious wharf and was the
Jialing River downriver commodity collection and distribution center. After
millennium years of invariable rich and simple ancient customs, it becomes the
miniature and symbol of Jiangzhou old town in Chongqing.
Huguang Assembly Hall
Huguang Assembly Hall with its eastern culture has a history of 200 years. It
was hailed as one of world top 10 wooden theater buildings. It has unique
carving and relief embossment. You will get a full view of complex and delicate
ancient buildings, which represent the architectural style of old-time southern
Old Hongyadong with a history of 2300 years has a very special contruction
feature with one side of the house resting on rocks while the other three sides
supported by wooden or bamboo poles. Now it is newly built, with the
traditional appearance and lifestyle of the old one. It is a good place for
sightseeing, relaxing, entertaining.
Red tour
The red tour brings visitors back to the time when revolutionaries fought for a
new future of China. Zhazi Cave and Bai gongguang were a clandestine prison
for Kuomintang to lock up and persecute revolutionaries, where lots of heroic,
solemn and stirring stories happened . Cemetery of Revolutionary Martyrs at
Geleshan is also an indispensable part of the red tour.
Dazu Rock Carvings
Dazu Rock Carvings is the general name of over 50,000 carved figures of religion in 74
different places within Dazu County. The Dazu carvings form an important
constituent part of the rock art of China. These stone with high quality art are
famous and clearly reflects the Chinese secular and religious life during their
period. It is a world's cultural heritage in China.
Three Gorges Museum
Three Gorges Museum was the first large museum with the title of “China " named
by the State Council Office of the People's Republic of China beyond Beijing. It also
has another name - Chongqing Museum.It's not only a specified museum of Three
Gorges but also a comprehensive museum of history and art, a collection of over
170,000 pieces of cultural relics.