Matthew M. & David W. 4th Hour 11-29-12 A World Without Rainforests Have you ever heard of the Amazon Rainforest? It is the largest rainforest in the world, and it is located mostly in South America in Brazil. Many people visit it and they are amazed by its amazing qualities. Many species of tree frogs and other types of animals and plants live here. This essay will be talking about whether we should be using the rainforests or protecting them. Some things people like use the rainforests for are for timber. Loggers need to collect all of the wood in them so that they can make a fortune and keep a healthy lifestyle. They also need wood for the company they are working for so it can be produced into many things. Another thing people use the rainforest for is medicine. Most prescription drugs sold these days come directly from tropical rainforest plants. Rubber tappers also the rainforests. Some trees, called rubber trees, have rubber in them and people “tap” it to take it out. Rubber tappers want to keep the rainforest because when people chop them down, they chop down rubber trees with it. Now we will give our counter claim. There is a company that saves the rainforest called the Nature Conservancy program. The Nature Conservancy was founded in 1951. They save rare plants and animals that are almost extinct and build new habitats for them. One of the many ways that this company helps build these new homes are by acquiring new land to build them on.. Since then, it has protected millions of acres or hectares of critical habitats in the United States. It also has helped preserve several million acres in Latin America, including tropical rain forests. The organization has about 1 million members. That is our counter claim. So do you think you know more about rainforests now? You learned about how the Amazon Rainforest is one of the most amazing and biggest rainforest in the world. You also learned about how people like loggers, doctors, and rubber tappers need the rainforest. Finally you learned about how people save the rainforest, which the Nature Conservancy program helps out a lot with. That is our essay about how people use the rainforest. Citations Works Cited Butler, Rhett. "Oil Extraction Threatens the Amazon Rain Forests." Oil. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Oil Extraction: The Impact Oil Production in the Rainforest." 2009. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. < OverType=&query=&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&contentModules=&mode=vie w&displayGroupName=Viewpoints&limiter=&currPage=&disableHighlighting=false&sou rce=&sortBy=&displayGroups=&search_within_results=&action=e&catId=&activityType =&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ3010734215&userGroupName=birm35703&jsid=9 7eca797d59b1556cb31ddadb8e92bb0> Hart, Diane. Geography Alive! Regions and People. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2006. Print. "Nature Conservancy." World Book Student. World Book, 2012. Web. 5 Nov. 2012.< inforest> Peters, Charles M. "Rain forest." World Book Student. World Book, 2012. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>