SoW - DSI - Emits

Via Galileo Galilei
Casella Postale 64
00044 Frascati
T +39 06 9418 01
F +39 06 9418 0280
Statement of Work for the Data Consolidation and Bulk
Processing Service Initiative
Prepared by
Date of Issue
Document Type
Issue 1
Revision 12-j
Date 19/11/2012
Approved by
Reason for change
Issue 1
Reason for change
Revision 12-j
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Table of contents:
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Definitions and abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Related documents ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.1 Applicable Documents ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.2 Reference Documents ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
BACKGROUND, APPROACH, OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE ................................................................. 7
2.1 Background and approach ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Objectives ...........................................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Scope of the Service............................................................................................................................................................ 9
CORE SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Data collection and analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1 Description ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Scope ...............................................................................................................................................................................11
3.1.3 Activities ..........................................................................................................................................................................11
3.1.4 Inputs ..............................................................................................................................................................................11
3.1.5 Outputs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.6 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Data consolidation ...........................................................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Description .....................................................................................................................................................................23
3.2.2 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................................24
3.2.3 Activities ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.4 Inputs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.5 Outputs ...........................................................................................................................................................................26
3.2.6 Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................26
3.3 Integration of Processing Systems ................................................................................................................................. 38
3.3.1 Description .................................................................................................................................................................... 38
3.3.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
3.3.3 Activities ........................................................................................................................................................................ 40
3.3.4 Inputs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 41
3.3.5 Outputs ...........................................................................................................................................................................42
3.3.6 Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................42
3.4 Bulk processing / reprocessing/ reformatting operations ............................................................................................ 48
3.4.1 Description .................................................................................................................................................................... 48
3.4.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
3.4.3 Activities ........................................................................................................................................................................ 50
3.4.4 Inputs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 51
3.4.5 Outputs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 51
3.4.6 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................. 51
SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................................................................... 59
4.1 Managerial and technical approach ................................................................................................................................ 59
4.1.1 Overall responsibility ..................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.1.2 Customer and User orientation ..................................................................................................................................... 59
4.1.3 Risk contention .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
4.1.4 Cooperation ................................................................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.5 Autonomy and pro-activeness ...................................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.6 Skills, know-how and experience required .................................................................................................................. 60
4.2 Data Repatriation/delivery .............................................................................................................................................. 61
4.2.1 Description ..................................................................................................................................................................... 61
4.2.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................................. 61
4.2.3 Activities .........................................................................................................................................................................62
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4.2.4 Inputs .............................................................................................................................................................................63
4.2.5 Outputs ...........................................................................................................................................................................63
4.2.6 Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................63
4.3 Data Information and Configuration Management........................................................................................................69
4.3.1 Description .....................................................................................................................................................................69
4.3.2 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................................70
4.3.3 Activities .........................................................................................................................................................................70
4.3.4 Inputs .............................................................................................................................................................................70
4.3.5 Outputs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.3.6 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................. 71
4.4 Service and Project Management .................................................................................................................................... 79
4.4.1 Operating model ............................................................................................................................................................ 79
4.4.2 Use of documented procedures .................................................................................................................................... 80
4.4.3 Support Processes (Availability, Performance and Capacity Management) ............................................................... 81
4.4.4 Service Continuity Management ...................................................................................................................................85
4.4.5 Security Management ................................................................................................................................................... 86
4.4.6 Asset Management......................................................................................................................................................... 87
4.4.7 Issue Management ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
4.4.8 Service Infrastructure Configuration and Change Management .................................................................................99
4.4.9 Release management ................................................................................................................................................... 101
4.4.10 Service Level Management .......................................................................................................................................... 106
4.4.11 Performance Management Measurement and Reporting ..........................................................................................115
4.4.12 Communication Management ..................................................................................................................................... 119
4.4.13 Interfaces to Third Parties ........................................................................................................................................... 121
4.4.14 Escalation procedure ................................................................................................................................................... 123
4.4.15 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................. 124
4.4.16 Project Management .................................................................................................................................................... 125
4.5 Continual Improvement ................................................................................................................................................ 127
4.6 Risk Management .......................................................................................................................................................... 129
4.7 Quality management ...................................................................................................................................................... 130
4.8 Additional Services......................................................................................................................................................... 130
4.8.1 Non-standard activities ............................................................................................................................................... 130
GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................................................. 131
5.1 Customer and Demand Management ........................................................................................................................... 132
5.2 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................. 133
5.3 Meetings and Deliverables ............................................................................................................................................. 134
5.3.1 Meetings ....................................................................................................................................................................... 134
5.3.2 List of deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 134
5.3.3 Use of deliverables and CFIs ....................................................................................................................................... 135
5.3.4 Review and acceptance procedures of the deliverables ............................................................................................. 135
5.4 Yearly Service Review .................................................................................................................................................... 137
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................ 137
TRANSITION MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 139
7.1 Phase-in .......................................................................................................................................................................... 139
7.2 Phase-out ........................................................................................................................................................................ 141
ESA UNDERTAKINGS AND CFI’S ................................................................................................. 143
ANNEXES ....................................................................................................................................144
Annex 1 Definitions and Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. 144
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................................................................... 148
Annex 2 Initial basket of Projects ........................................................................................................................................... 149
Annex 3 Quality Matrix ............................................................................................................................................................151
Annex 4 Roles and Responsibilities .........................................................................................................................................151
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ESA and related players .......................................................................................................................................................... 152
Contractor Players ................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Overview of the principal interfaces ....................................................................................................................................... 161
Annex 5 Deliverable Item List (DIL) ...................................................................................................................................... 162
Annex M – Cost Model ............................................................................................................................................................ 162
Annex Q Quality and documentation management ............................................................................................................... 164
Annex S Security Management ............................................................................................................................................... 166
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Within the Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes (D/EOP) of the European Space Agency – ESA
( - the Ground Segment and Mission Operations Department (EOP-G) includes among
its responsibilities the management of various activities concerning EO data, with the objective of
responding to the data needs of ESA’s EO Data Users.
Some of these activities are performed systematically upon acquisition of the data.
Others are performed if and when considered necessary in a later time frame. These include
- data collection from various media,
- data consolidation,
- integration of processing systems into the operational environment;
- data bulk-processing/reprocessing/format conversion (referred to generically as processing)
This document is the Statement of Work (SoW) for the procurement as a service of these activities as well
as the related management and control activities.
The full document is to be considered as requirements, and not only the requirements which for ease of
reference have been numbered.
Note: the roles and responsibilities referred to in the document are described in Annex 4
Definitions and abbreviations
See Annex 1 [Definitions and Abbreviations]
Related documents
Applicable Documents
Applicable documents are considered to be part of this SoW and the proposals are expected to be
compliant with the Applicable Documents.
[ADS 1] GMGT-SENE-EOPG-RS-09-0002 Network and ICT Security requirements for the EO PDGS v1.1
[ADS 2] ESA Security Directives - Non Disclosure Agreement
[ADS 3] GMGT-SENE-EOPG-PD-10-0004 ESA_EOP-G-NW Policy Implementation-v1.2
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Reference Documents
Reference documents, though not formally part of this document, amplify or clarify its contents.
The documents listed in the table of Annex 2 describing the processors and the datasets are reference
documents to this SoW.
[RDS 1] GMGT-SENE-EOPG-TN-10-0006 EO PDGS data categorization guidelines and security rules v.1.0
[RDS 2] GMGT-SENE-EOPG-TN-10-0007 EO PDGS User Classification v.1.0
[RDS 3] Overall ESA Security Directives - Admin-ipol-2008-006e
[RDS 4] GMGT-SENE-EOPG-PD-12-0011 EOP-G Security Incident Handling Policy
[RD PDSC]: Long Term Data Preservation – Earth Science Preserved Data Set Content, v4.0 Ref. LTDP-GSEGEOPG-RD-11-0003
[RD NAMING] Products standard naming convention PGSI-GSEG-EOPG-TN-06-0001 v2.0
[RD EOCODES] EO Parameters Codes PGSI-GSEG-EOPG-TN-07-0001
[RD STATION CODES] IODI-GSEV-EOAD-TN-02-0001 ODISSEO Station Code Reference List
[RD IDEASICD] IDEAS – Landsat IDEAS ICD, ref. IDEAS-SER-MGT-SPE-1063 – This document although specific
to one mission is representative of the interface with the IDEAS service.
[RD EO-INV] STFC-RAL-LTDP-6.2 EO Inventory Data Model Technical Note v 3.7 of 21/06/2012
[RD IPF-ICD] Generic IPF Guidelines Issue 1 revision 8, MMFI-GSEG-EOPG-TN-07-0003
Background and approach
The demand for the activities mentioned above has been increasing steadily, user needs for reprocessed
and bulk-processed data have increased significantly and so has the volume of data to be handled in these
At the same time, there is a trend in the evolution of IT technology infrastructure that enables the
deployment of computing power and storage on-demand at continuously decreasing costs.
These trends provide an opportunity to improve the efficiency the operating model and optimize usage of
funds for the “on-request” activities through :
- Increased standardisation of the related processes and interfaces;
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Increased exploitation of the most cost-effective combination of commercially available
Leverage of competition to increase value for money;
Economies of scale through the grouping of similar, standardised activities into a single contractual
This has led ESA to adopt for the scope of this SoW a service approach, where the Contractor executes the
activities in scope under agreed levels of quality and performance.
Not only the performance of the core activities, but also the selection, deployment and management of the
resources, means and competences, as well as the technical architecture and implementation, are fully the
responsibility of the Contractor, who is expected to put forward and uphold the most effective technical
and managerial approach to meet the requirements and, beyond, achieve the satisfaction of ESA and of the
data users.
ESA will not impose or provide any technological platform or technical support and will limit the CustomerFurnished Items to the processing systems concerned (in the broad sense, including any processing system
required eg prototype/IPF, format converter, QC tool etc) and the data itself (including the auxiliary data).
The major competences that the Contractor is requested to deploy over the duration of the Contract are:
a) Understanding of Earth Observation data and related knowledge necessary to perform the services in
scope, particularly data consolidation and bulk-processing /reprocessing / format conversion;
b) Efficient utilization of Information Technology, to deploy and maintain a cost-effective infrastructure
able to store and process the data at short notice and with the necessary performance.
The Contractor is also required to deploy and uphold a strong ability to manage service processes and
coordinate the contributions of the various units under its management in order to fulfil its overall
The overarching objective of this initiative is to achieve the satisfaction of ESA and of the data users.
More specifically, ESA has 3 major families of objectives:
Strategic objectives
• Optimal responsiveness to user needs
• Focus on data and user needs
• Outsourcing of infrastructure & technology and a Service approach
• Synergies among activities
• Overall coherence with other data management activities
Operational objectives
• High throughput / turn-around in activities
• Capacity adaptable to increasing or changing demand
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Increased process standardisation
Simple contractual scheme
High level of delegated responsibility
Economic objectives
• Cost efficiency
• Cost model in line with service approach
Only if the Contractor understands and shares these objectives will the initiative be successful and the
scope of the business have a chance to extend to further projects.
Scope of the Service
The scope of this SoW is defined by:
- the missions and corresponding data undergoing the activities:
o ESA missions (ERS, ENVISAT, Earth Explorers);
o ESA Third Party Missions (eg Landsat,, etc.)
o Historical, present and future missions are covered, however future ESA missions are
limited to Earth Explorers (Sentinels are not in the scope of the present procurement);
- the activities:
o so-called coreactivities, executed as projects (including a period of guarantee and follow-up
as indicated in the task descriptions) . The types of projects covered in this procurement
 Data Collection: reception of media from ESA, uploading of the data into the
Contractor’s storage, assessment of the contents and production of an inventory,
entry into the internal CCM system, preparation of the data for subsequent
activities of consolidation and processing;
 Data Consolidation: different stages covering data cleansing (removal of corrupted
data and exact duplicates, merging data of same instrument from different sources
into a single dataset and assessment of data completeness);
 Processing system Integration: where the processing system is installed, integrated
and tested in the operational environment, ready for operational processing;
 Reprocessing / Bulk processing / Format Conversion (collectively referred to as
Processing): execution of the processing itself.
o Service support activities, which are:
 Data Repatriation / delivery: to deliver data to ESA or other centres (PACs or future
LTDP centres) upon request (dissemination to end-users is not in the scope of this
SoW) and to provide on-line access to data for specific purposes;
 Data Information and Configuration Management: to collect, generate and
manage the information necessary for the efficient performance of the core
 Project and Service Process management and other supporting services.
o Governance and financial management;
o Transition management, to drive the phase-in and phase-out periods of the contract.
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The core activities (projects) in this SoW are performed upon explicit request of an internal Customer. The
four types of projects are not always required for a given dataset (for example, consolidation may or may
not be required, processing may or may not be required …). A project of data collection is always the
starting point. A planned scope (referred to as the Initial Basket and shown in Annex 2) is known at the
beginning of the Contract, however the actual scope (with projects removed from and/or added to the
Initial Basket) will be defined in the course of the contract. For planning purposes, the Contractor will have
early visibility of what projects are intended (even though they may later not be confirmed) and the
evolution of the confirmation status.
This contract will be in principle the chosen approach for the core activities highlighted above. This will
however not be systematic, depending on:
- the Contractor’s performance and quality of outputs;
- the knowledge (esp. on the data) required for a given activity vs available in the Contractor’s team;
- the comparative costs of the Service vs. available alternatives;
- external factors (notably constraints linked to Intellectual Property Rights on the processors).
The Service support activities are continuous activities available to support the Core activities (projects).
Out of default scope of this procurement are activities of:
- Scientific data validation of processed data;
- EO data processor and quality control tool development;
- Higher level products generation (>L2);
- On-demand (not systematic) production of L1, L2 products;
- Dissemination of processed data to end users;
- Long-term Archival/Preservation;
- Handling of Sentinel missions data.
Data collection and analysis
This WP consists in collecting and preparing the data for the main activities (consolidation / processing) by
collecting the specified data, taking a working copy into the Service infrastructure storage, analysing it and
storing the data-related information into the data CCM DB and Data Information System in a way that
further WP’s can be activated on this data or that the data can be delivered back to ESA.
The collection of data may be limited to receiving data on HDD as CFI from ESA via the ESA Project Manager
(which will be the most common approach in particular for the first projects to be handled), or it can involve
fetching data from an on-line source or receiving and transcribing media. In some cases the environmentfriendly destruction of the original media is also requested.
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In addition to the HDD, a wide range of media is potentially covered by this WP, including but not restricted
- Exabyte including 8200 and 8500
- Optical disks
- Etc.
Note: in the case of physical media, the media as input to the activity will normally be shipped to the
Note: ESA will deliver the input data with any existing information and reports on completeness and
consistency, which may be available.
The scope of the WP will be indicated project by project. The data concerned in each project may represent
various combinations of:
- data of given missions / instruments
- data currently stored in a certain media / format
- data currently stored in a given location
- Etc.
The scope of the WP always includes data in the broad sense, including primary, auxiliary and ancillary
data as well as mission documentation. The mission documentation concerned is however limited to the
documentation necessary to carry out the activities of consolidation / processing.
Data consolidation is not in the scope of this WP and is the subject of a separate WP.
The activities include:
- Receive and classify various media from ESA or a Third Party, or collect the data from an on-line
- Transcribe data from various media to the Service repository, analyse the data and populate the CM
DB and Data Information System (see ch 4.3)
- Destroy / archive / ship back the original media
Note: depending on the situation (esp. the source of the data) the activities included in each specific project
may vary slightly.The transcription activity will always be included in each project.
For activity “Receive and classify media”
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Media shipped / delivered to the Service
Accompanying inventory (if available) of the media and their contents
For activity “Transcribe data from various source media to the Service storage”
o Media labelled and stored safely
o Inventory of the received package
o Updated CCM data base
For activity “Destroy / archive / ship back the original media”
o Media shipped / delivered to the specified destination
o Instructions from the ESA Project Manager
For activity “Receive and classify media”
o Acknowledgement of receipt of the package
o Media labelled and stored safely
o Inventory of the received package
o Updated Data Information System and CCM data base (with newly received media
For activity “Transcribe data from various source media to the Service storage”
o Contractor’s service storage containing the data transcribed
o Transcription report
o Updated CCM data base and Data Information System (to reflect the transcription status)
o Upon request, HDD containing a duplicate of the data and report on the duplication
For activity Destroy / archive / ship back the original media
o For media specifically requested by the ESA Project Manager to be destroyed, confirmation
of the environmental-friendly destruction;
o For media to be archived: media safely stored in the Contractor’s repository;
o For media to be shipped back: original media shipped to the specified destination and
acknowledgement of receipt of the media by the destination
o In all cases: updated CCM Data Base and Data Information System
Any ancillary tools used / developed by the Contractor during the course of the Collection exercise
to read / convert / transcribe / analyse / inventory the data etc.
Verification documentation
Note: the requirements are listed in sequence, reflecting the natural succession of the activities. The
Contractor is however encouraged whenever practicable to perform the activities not in a strict waterfall but
in a “continuous cycle” approach in order to reduce the project duration.
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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Receive and classify media
This activity consists in receiving (and acknowledging receipt of) a delivery or shipment of media containing
EO data (in the broad sense), including all types of media (paper, tapes, HDD, optical disks, NAS, etc) and
types of data ( primary, auxiliary, ancillary, documents), and complementing the collection of missionrelated data from the various sources available. The activity also includes the identification and labelling of
the individual media items received and their presumed contents, the update of the Contractor’s CCM
system , and the preparation and delivery to ESA of an inventory of the package received.
Reception of the delivery
[Req COLL-REC-10] Upon notification by the ESA Project Manager, the Contractor shall liaise with the party
responsible for the shipment / delivery and if applicable with the Courier in order to facilitate the tracking
of the shipment and the delivery.
[Req COLL-REC-20] Upon delivery of the package, the Contractor shall perform an initial visual inspection of
the contents and acknowledge receipt of the package within 1 NWD to the party doing the shipment and to
the ESA Project Manager , flagging any evident anomaly with the package.
Configuration Management and Inventory Generation of the physical items
[Req COLL-REC-30] The Contractor shall place each of the physical items of the package under Configuration
Management, in compliance with the Data CCM Plan (see Ch. 4.3), including the assignment to each of a
unique Configuration Item Id.
[Req COLL-REC-40] The Contractor shall affix a label on each item with the Configuration Item id.
[Req COLL-REC-50] In case any items already carry a label, the Contractor shall leave the existing label in
place in addition to affixing its own.
[Req COLL-REC-51] The Contractor shall capture the contents of the original label in the Data Information
System and CCM DB.
[Req COLL-REC-60] The Contractor shall record in the Data Information System and CCM DB at least the
following information regarding each item:
- shipment id, shipment origin and delivery date
- Configuration Item id assigned to the item,
- nature,
- type,
- technology,
- capacity,
- status as revealed by visual inspection,
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presumed contents,
reading of any label which may already be on the item at the time of reception
for documents, the reference, document reference, mission, document format (paper or electronic,
and if electronic source system e.g. MS-Word 97), document title, author and version if available
any information regarding the item included in the inventory prepared by the party doing the
shipment (if there is such an inventory)
any known information on the contents of the item.
[Req COLL-REC-70] Pending further action as described below, the Contractor shall store the items received
in an appropriate storage area, compliant with the Security requirements of this SoW.
[Req COLL-REC-80] The Contractor shall extract from the Data Information System and CCM DB an
Inventory of the items received, showing all the items received in the package and for each at least the
information listed above.
The package received will in principle contain an inventory prepared by the party doing the shipment. This
however may not be guaranteed in all cases.
[Req COLL-REC-90] In case the package received is accompanied by an inventory prepared by the party
doing the shipment, the Contractor shall:
- annex the original inventory to its own Inventory and store it in its Data Information System and
- compare the expected contents of the package with the effective contents of the package;
- record any differences in its own inventory.
[Req COLL-REC-100] In case the package received is accompanied by an inventory prepared by the party
doing the shipment and there are any differences between the original inventory and the effective contents
of the package, the Contractor shall liaise with the party doing the shipment to clarify and rectify the
differences, and shall report the progress at least once per week to the ESA Project Manager.
[Req COLL-REC-110] The inventory prepared by the Contractor shall be delivered as part of the overall Data
Collection Report.
However, the Contractor shall send the Inventory in advance in electronic form to the ESA Project Manager.
[Req COLL-REC-120] The Contractor shall complete the registration of the items received into the Data
Information System and CCM DB, the storage into an appropriate area, and the delivery to ESA of the
Inventory within the time not exceeding the threshold indicated in the SLA. Transcribe data from various source media to the Service storage
This activity consists in the transcription of data from various source media to the storage used by the
Contractor for the purpose of the Service. The activity also includes the recovery of failures that may occur
during the transcription and the delivery of a transcription report as part of the Data Collection Report. The
transcription report is an important management tool which will in particular support ESA’s decision to
destroy or not the source media.
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In some cases, it may in addition be required to make a copy of the transcribed data to a HDD and ship the
HDD, accompanied with an inventory of the data contained, to a destination specified by the ESA Project
Note: the physical format of the data (which is linked to the media support) will obviously be affected by the
transcription exercise. The logical format (internal structure of the files) is not affected except in case of
explicit requirements for format conversion which may be put forward on a case by case basis.
The logical structure of the data (directory tree) is driven by the overall organisation of the data in the
Contractor’s storage.
Collection of additional mission documentation
The collection of mission data and documentation goes beyond the material actually shipped to the
Contractor, and includes the pro-active gathering of additional data and documents necessary to perform
any intended activities of consolidation and reprocessing. Additional material may need to be collected
- ESA and centres managed by ESA, taking advantage of the data and document repository
already accumulated and managed by the Data Librarian
- sources indicated by the Data Librarian
- sources indicated by the Contractor itself and agreed with the ESA Project Manager.
[Req COLL-ADD-10] The Contractor shall identify any additional material (data and documentation), which
may be needed for the intended activities to be performed on the data being collected (eg consolidation,
[Req COLL-ADD-20] The Contractor shall collect any additional material identified, which is available directly
from the ESA Project Manager.
[Req COLL-ADD-30] The Contractor shall liaise with the sources indicated by the ESA Project Manager and
collect the additional material identified which is available from these sources.
[Req COLL-ADD-40] The Contractor shall pro-actively search for and propose additional sources of
additional material identified related to the data being collected.
The ESA Project Manager will confirm the use of the additional material and the approach by the Contractor
of the corresponding sources.
[Req COLL-ADD-50] The Contractor shall liaise with the ESA Project Manager on the best way to approach
the proposed additional sources, and liaise accordingly with these sources to collect any additional material
Note: the ESA Project Manager and other ESA roles as needed will interface with the sources in question at
organisational level, while the Contractor will interface at operational level.
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Data transcription
[Req COLL-TRA-10] The Contractor shall transcribe the data from the input media to the storage
infrastructure of the Service.
[Req COLL-TRA-20] The physical location and organisation of the data in the storage infrastructure of the
Service shall be compliant to the prescriptions of the Service CCM plan as prepared by the Contractor and
accepted by the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req COLL-TRA-30] The Contractor shall append to the original file name a unique signature of the file.
Upon proposal of the Contractor, this requirement may be waived by the Project Manager in consultation
with the Data Librarian.
Note: the unique signature to be used should be the MD5 checksum.
In principle, the contents of the media provided by ESA will be homogeneous (eg data of the same mission /
instrument) and will match the indications given by an inventory delivered with the media. However this
cannot be guaranteed in all cases. In all circumstances, the transcription process must collect the full
contents of the original media in order to avoid any loss of data, eg in the case that some tapes cannot
withstand more than one additional use.
[Req COLL-TRA-40] The Contractor shall make sure that the transcription covers all the data contained on
the media regardless of:
 mission, instrument, type of data , etc
 correspondence or not with any inventory information which may have been delivered together with
the media.
[Req COLL-TRA-50] In addition to the label affixed in the course of the previous activity (“Receive and
classify media”), the Contractor shall affix a transcription label to each source media item with the following
- date of transcription;
- indication of fully successful transcription or not;
- reference of the transcription report.
Paper documents are treated as media items for which all the same requirements apply, with in addition
the scanning of the documents into electronic form:
[Req COLL-TRA-60] The Contractor should scan the paper documents into PDF/A format.
Note: scanning to PDF is not required. It is a nice feature to have for a small number of documents to be
scanned occasionally. It is not intended to cover large amounts of documents.
Note: PDF/A is defined in ISO 19005-1:2005, ISO Standard published on October 1, 2005: Document
Management – Electronic document file format for long term preservation – Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A1). This is specifically aimed to “digital preservation of electronic documents”. PDF/A differs from PDF by
omitting features ill-suited to long-term archiving, such as font linking (as opposed to font embedding).
PDF/A-1 is based on the PDF Reference Version 1.4 from Adobe Systems Inc. (implemented in Adobe Acrobat
5 and latest versions)
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[Req COLL-TRA-70] The Contractor shall check the completeness and legibility of the scanned documents
through sample comparisons with the original.
Note: in some cases, the data to be transcribed will not be recorded on media delivered to the Contractor
but will be accessible on a repository on-line. In such cases, the same requirements (including concerning the
checksum on the data) apply.
Storage of the data
Performing the services required in this SoW requires the storage of the data by the supplier. This is not
considered an official archival centre, since the official repositories of data for archival are the PACs or LTDP
centres. However reliable storage is required to perform the tasks of this SoW including the delivery
(repatriation) of data to ESA / PACs / LTDP centres after collection and analysis, consolidation and/or
Although the data will be repatriated to ESA / PACs / LTDP centres after consolidation / processing, the
Contractor may be required to keep a working copy of the data in its storage infrastructure, in order eg to
perform follow-on activities, multiple processing, multiple repatriation exercises, etc.
Storage of the data
[Req COLL-STO-10] The Contractor shall store the data collected into its data storage.
[Req COLL-STO-20] The Contractor shall store the media/equipment holding the data in a storage area
which is:
 compliant with the security requirements of this SoW (see Annex S);
 compliant with the technical requirements of this SoW (see section;
 compliant with the environmental prescriptions of the media/equipment manufacturer (in terms of
temperature, humidity and other parameters);
 protected against fire and other disasters;
 protected against entry by non-authorised personnel;
 reserved for the storage of ESA data (not mixing of ESA and other data in the same [area of]
physical storage)
 clearly marked as containing ESA property for the sole purpose of this project.
[Req COLL-STO-30] The Contractor shall ensure, through the use of appropriate technology, processes,
procedures, controls etc. that the data in the archive suffers no loss or alteration over the entire duration of
the contract. This applies in particular to any transcription of the data performed within the Contractor’s
storage, eg to replace ageing media.
Detection and Recovery of anomalies
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Several standard failure situations may occur while transcribing the data to the Contractor’s storage
infrastructure. The Contractor is requested to detect failure situations and in those cases to take
appropriate corrective action including at least (but not limited to) those described in the following
Missing media in a series
[Req COLL-ANOM-10] The Contractor shall detect cases of missing media in a series which may not have
been visible at the stage of receiving the media (eg due to missing labels).
[Req COLL-ANOM-20] In case of a missing media in a series, the Contractor shall liaise with the ESA Project
Manager , and with the party having provided the media in order to recover the missing media.
Media-related anomalies
[Req COLL-ANOM-30] The Contractor shall detect cases of media-related anomalies, including:
- mechanical failure in the source media (eg tape);
- failure to read the source media;
- failure to read part of the data on the source media;
- discrepancy between the media directory and the readable contents;
- discrepancy between any file descriptor (header, checksum, directory entry etc) and the file
- other error situations traceable to the source media.
[Req COLL-ANOM-40] In case of a media-related anomaly, the contractor shall attempt to recover by
applying at least the following corrective actions:
- repeat the reading process on the same infrastructure;
- repeat the reading process on an alternative infrastructure (eg different tape reader);
- in the case of a tape media, spool the tape and repeat the reading process.
[Req COLL-ANOM-50] In the case that failures in the reading of the source media cannot be solved using any
of the steps defined above, the Contractor shall propose for each remaining failure a specific action plan.
The specific action plan may include actions potentially damaging or irreversible for the media item if
considered helpful. Such actions shall be flagged together with the expected likelihood of success and
impact on the media.
The specific action plans proposed, and the records of ESA’s decisions, shall be delivered as part of the
overall Data Collection Report.
[Req COLL-ANOM-60] The Contractor shall execute the specific action plan proposed for the specific media
item, after explicit authorisation of the ESA Project Manager.
The ESA Data Curator will be the ultimate authority for any action potentially damaging for the media. The
ESA Project Manager will convey the authorisation to the Contractor.
[Req COLL-ANOM-70] No destructive or irreversible corrective action shall be attempted on a media item
without the prior written approval of ESA, communicated by the ESA Project Manager.
Transcription-related anomalies
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[Req COLL-ANOM-80] The Contractor shall detect cases of differences between the data on the source
media and the copy made in the target environment, including at least any errors detectable through
 the MD5 checksum calculated on the transcribed file vs the same checksum stored on the source
media (if available);
 the file size of the transcribed file vs the file size on the source media.
[Req COLL-ANOM-90] In case of errors in the checksum check, the Contractor shall repeat the copy and
repeat the check of the failed reading.
Update of the Data Information System and CCM DB
During the activity of receiving and classifying the media, the Contractor has populated the CCM data base
with information regarding the media Configuration Items.
In this activity, the Contractor populates the Data Information System and CCM DB with the information
related to the data being collected.
This can be done in the course of the transcription process, or as part of a subsequent analysis of the data,
or a combination.
Depending on the existence and level of detail of an inventory delivered together with the media, part of
the information may already tentatively be known and will be confirmed or corrected as part of this activity.
All the data in the broad sense including documents shall be covered by this exercise.
[Req COLL-CCM-10] The Contractor shall determine the information and knowledge regarding the data
transcribed, necessary to populate the CCM DB and Data Information System with the information deriving
from reading the data, including:
- information on the data contents, format, temporal and geographical coverage
- preliminary assessment of the completeness and quality parameters
- information on the transcription process, including provenance of the original media, errors
recovered and not recovered, etc.
Information on the data (esp. origin and lineage of the data, which is typically not included in the media
delivered) shall be collected through various sources including the Contractor’s own corporate knowledge
and sources, web sites, access to on-line catalogues, interviews with the ESA Data Librarian, ESA officers
with specific knowledge of the data concerned, officers of the Facility who shipped the data, etc. The
information collected from other sources than ESA shall always be submitted to ESA for rubberstamping
before it is considered authoritative and included in the CCM DB and Data Information System.
[Req COLL-CCM-20] The Contractor shall populate the Data Information System and CCM DB with the
information and knowledge regarding the data newly ingested into the Service storage through the
transcription activity.
[Req COLL-CCM-30] In case of inventory delivered together with the data, the Contractor shall nonetheless
determine/confirm autonomously the information and knowledge regarding the data, and shall store the
delivered inventory for the record in the Data Information System and CCM DB.
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Provision of a transcription report
[Req COLL-REP-10] Throughout the duration of the transcription exercise, the Contractor shall keep the ESA
Project Manager regularly informed about:
- the progress of the exercise in terms of media transcribed;
- the list of the failures encountered, corrective actions taken and outcome, and further
proposals for resolving open issues.
[Req COLL-REP-20]The Contractor shall produce a transcription report including the following information:
- a listing of the media transcribed;
- a summary of the files / data resulting from the transcription, reflecting the location and
structure of the data on the target storage;
- a summary of the failures occurred during the transcription of the source media, including:
o id of the faulty media;
o corrective actions taken in order to read the data, and corresponding outcome;
o in the case of corrective actions with a potentially damaging or irreversible effect on
the media, the reference to the ESA authorisation and description of the effective
impact on the media;
o suggested further corrective actions available if any;
- a summary on the data which could not be (partially or totally) transcribed due to an
unrecoverable failure, showing all the available information on the data including:
o functional information: mission, instrument, product type, cycle, orbit, date/ time, etc.
o technical information: file name, dimension, location on the media, etc
The transcription report shall be delivered as part of the overall Data Collection Report.
[Req COLL-REP-30] The Contractor shall make sure that the information reported in the transcription report
is stored in the Data Information System / CCM DB.
The contractor is expected to minimise its workload by generating the transcription report as an extract of
the Data Information System and CCM DB.
Note: the requirements on Data Information and Configuration Management become applicable as soon as
the media are delivered to the Contractor to start the transcription and ingestion process, and remain
applicable until the data is dismissed from the scope of the Service.
Throughput of the transcription
[Req COLL-PERF-10] The Contractor shall complete the transcription of the input media within a time in line
with the throughput agreed in the Project Proposal.
The throughput required may vary between projects depending on the technology and age of the input
media, and the needs of the project.
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On-request copy to HDD
In case a copy of the transcribed data (normally including documents) on HDD is requested by the ESA
Project Manager , the Contractor shall activate the Data repatriation / delivery WP accordingly. Destroy / archive / ship back the original media
After the transcription process, the input media, depending on the situation and the instructions of the ESA
Project Manager , shall be destroyed, archived, or shipped back to a destination specified by the ESA Project
Manager (by default, the entity which supplied the tapes in the first place).
[Req COLL-ORIG-10] In all cases, the Contractor shall fully update the CCM DB and the Data Information
System with a record of the decisions taken and the corresponding actions wrt destroy / archive / ship
back the original media.
The following requirements apply depending on the situation.
Storage of the input media
[Req COLL-ARC-10] After the transcription, the Contractor shall keep the source media in its storage area,
compliant with the above requirements for physical storage and the Security Requirements, until further
Destruction of the input media
[Req COLL-DESTR-10]The Contractor shall obtain from ESA and archive a written statement of the decision
to destroy the input media.
[Req COLL-DESTR-20] The Contractor shall dispose of the media in compliance with the local environmental
regulations and best practices.
[Req COLL-DESTR-30] Any media not successfully transcribed shall be saved from destruction and safely
kept in the Contractor’s storage area or shipped back to ESA as indicated by the ESA Project Manager.
[Req COLL-DESTR-40] The Contractor shall wait for 1 month after ESA’s written confirmation before
proceeding to destroy the media in question.
[Req COLL-DESTR-50] The Contractor shall keep the media properly stored in its storage environment until
the destruction.
Shipping of the input media
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The same requirements listed for the shipment of HDDs as part of the Data Repatriation/delivery WP
See chapter 4 Data Repatriation/delivery
Section Data distribution on HDD
Sub-section Shipment of the HDD Verification of the Data Collection activities
[Req COLL-VERIF-10] The Contractor shall prepare the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation
plan (including the test specifications, test scenarios and any tools used in the testing exercise and covering
non regression tests if applicable), perform a Verification exercise on the basis of the plan and document
the outcome in a Verification Test Report.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation plan is also referred to as the
Verification plan. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Plan deliverable.
[Req COLL-VERIF-20] The test scenarios of the Verification Plan shall cover at least the following:
- audit of the transcription report against actual data inserted
- sample checks of the data transcribed vs records in the Data Information System and CCM DB
- sample checks on the checksum of the files transcribed vs the original files
- sample checks on the original media vs the data transcribed
- any other approach depending on the specific project and data.
[Req COLL-VERIF-30] The Contractor shall execute the Verification Plan and document the outcomes in the
Verification portion of the Verification & Validation report.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation report is also referred to as the
Verification report. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Report
The Verification plan and report will be subject to the approval of the ESA Project Manager.
After the successful execution of the Verification plan, the Data Release Management process shall be
activated. Data Collection guarantee and follow-up
The activities of data collection as described in this WP are treated on a project basis. The project
terminates with the completion of all the activities required, based on the data delivered to the Contractor
as input and any additional data collected by the Contractor itself.
The completion of the project is marked by the successful completion of the Verification and of the
Validation (see Chapter “Release Management”).
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However, there is a significant likelihood that additional data which is part of the same mission / instrument
/ time and geographical coverage as the input data will become available for collection after the project
activities are underway including after the completion of the project.
In addition, despite the care taken in the Verification and Validation exercises, ESA or the Contractor may
discover, either autonomously or following notification of further recipients of the data (eg PACs / LTDP
Centres) inaccuracies in the outcome of the activities performed in the course of the project.
[Req COLL-GUA-10] The Contractor shall continue to perform / repeat the project activities on an
incremental basis to cover:
a- cases of errors and omissions by the Contractor in the Project
b- the possible discovery of additional input data.
[Req COLL-GUA-20] The additional collection of further input data (case b above) shall be considered
incremental (and therefore fall under the guarantee and follow-up activities) up to a yearly amount of 3% of
the original data.
Beyond this threshold, further activities will be considered as a new project.
[Req COLL-GUA-30] The guarantee and follow-up period shall last for 1 year after the completion of the
project (or until the end of the Contract).
The guarantee and follow-up activities are an integral part of the project from the funding point of view, ie
no additional cost will be paid by ESA for these activities. However from the operational point of view they
will be carried out as continuous activities managed under the overall service and not any more as project
Data consolidation
For the purpose of this SoW, Data consolidation is a process consisting of 3 stages, as represented in the
Figure hereunder:
- Stage 0: data cleansing, which consists in producing from one or several input datasets a single
dataset which is devoid of corrupted files, aligned on the same naming convention and file format,
and devoid of exact duplicate files;
- Stage 1: analysis of overlaps, which consists in analysing the overlaps remaining inside the files and
proposing a strategy to reduce the redundancy;
- Stage 2: advanced consolidation, which consists of ad-hoc interventions which require advanced
instrument and scientific knowledge of the data and is performed by SPPA (see Annex 4).
Depending on the case, it may be appropriate to apply Stage 0 only or Stage 0+1, or all three stages.
This WP consists in
- Executing Stage 0 of the consolidation
- Facilitating Stage 2 of the consolidation (which is always performed by SPPA).
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Stage 1 is not in the scope, the Contractor may be required to perform it as part of a separate
contractual arrangement.
The WP is supervised by the ESA Project Manager, however SPPA will contribute to the supervision of
the work (eg checking preliminary outputs, participating in meetings, etc).
The intermediate decisions / assessments and validations of proposals by the Contractor are performed
by the DSI-CCB, in particular the DSI-CCB is entitled to designate which among the various datasets is
the master dataset for a given mission / instrument / time period.
- Inventory of sources
- Removal of corrupted files
- Harmonisation of naming
- Harmonization of format
- Removal of exact duplicates
- Analysis of remaining gaps
- Analysis of overlapping
- Proposal of a strategy to
reduce redundancy
- Further consolidation based on
measurement / instrument /
scientific and other advanced
data knowledge
Consolidation Stage 0:
“Data cleansing”
Consolidation Stage 1:
“Analysis of overlaps”
Consolidation Stage 2:
“Advanced Consolidation ”
Data Consolidation: breakdown into stages
Note: for each specific project, there may be some tuning to the requirements in this WP, following inputs /
guidance by SPPA depending on specific situations.
3.2.2 Scope
The data covered by this WP is potentially any data including L0 or higher and auxiliary data. However it is
expected that the target will in most cases be L0. In some cases, SPPA will provide data already
consolidated, particularly for auxiliary data.
Depending on
- the initial status of the source datasets available, their degree of completeness and quality and
other factors,
- the recommendations of the Contractor supported by its expertise and/or a preliminary analysis of
the data,
- the advice of SPPA,
- the decision of the Customer,
the scope of the WP covers:
- Stage 0 of the consolidation
- Upon explicit request, Stage 1 of the consolidation
- Facilitation of Stage 2 of the consolidation
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The 3 stages are described in the requirements hereunder.
The scope does not include
- the rescue of the files from old media, which is part of the “Data collection” WP;
- the actual execution of Stage 2.
Mission documentation is covered to the extent necessary to support the exercise. It is not in the scope of
this WP to perform a systematic collection of a mission documentation, however collecting the
documentation necessary to perform the consolidation (along with any mission-related documents which
may be required for the subsequent activities to be performed on the data eg bulk processing reprocessing) is part of the scope.
3.2.3 Activities
The activities required include:
- Stage 0 (Data cleansing):
o assessing the available sources of data, possibly collecting additional sources and triggering
the “Data collection” WP for the sources selected;
o collecting additional resources necessary for the exercise;
o detecting and eliminating corrupted files;
o aligning / homogenising the data, including for File Naming and Format / packaging,
possibly by means of ancillary tools developed for the purpose;
o merging of data from different sources and eliminating exact duplicates;
o reducing the redundancy across the files.
Stage 1 (Dealing with overlaps):
o analysing the overlaps inside the files, possibly by means of ancillary tools developed for
the purpose;
o proposing a strategy to reduce / eliminate the overlaps within the files.
Facilitation of Stage 2:
o liaising with SPPA (or a third party designated by SPPA) to facilitate their intervention on
the data;
o providing assistance to SPPA or the third party in question to facilitate the further
consolidation of the data.
In conjunction with all 3 Stages:
o producing various statistics on the consolidation process;
o assessing the resulting completeness;
o liaising with DSI-CCB for the validation of the outputs and the designation of the master
3.2.4 Inputs
Data holdings from various sources including the DSI Service itself
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Possible additional sources of information and data
Additional resources (as explained below)
3.2.5 Outputs
Individual datasets resulting from each of the Consolidation Stages and candidate for being labelled
Regular deliveries of the Consolidation Technical Note, documenting the various steps, trade-offs,
decisions, etc.
Updated Data Information System and CCM DB
Any ancillary tools used / developed by the Contractor during the course of the Consolidation
exercise to read / convert / assess redundancy / assess completeness etc.
Verification documentation
3.2.6 Requirements Stage 0: Data Cleansing
Collection of input data
There are sometimes many sources available for the same data, including:
 main archives hosting a complete dataset, and therefore which should be targeted first, such as
Processing and Archiving Facilities;
 alternative archives hosting a backup or a large percentage of a dataset, in particular for low level
data, ground stations, re-transcription centres, Processing and Archiving Facilities using the files as
 other sources : hosting a limited amount of the data: backup ground stations (such as the stations
used after ERS on-board recorder failure), users holding copies of files (less frequent for low level
data), etc.
It is important to identify all the possible sources because:
 in some cases no archive contains all the data and completeness can only be achieved by
merging several sources;
 some files may be corrupted and have to be replaced by another copy
 some files may be stored on obsolete media for which reading devices are no more
available or not for the latest hardware
 the access or restoration of the products may involve more time or manpower depending
on the source.
[Req CONS-STG0-10]The Contractor shall identify any additional sources in addition to the input datasets
provided by ESA as CFI, which may be used in the consolidation process and improve the quality and
completeness of the output.
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[Req CONS-STG0-20] The Contractor shall retrieve from the selected sources any input data / media which
is neither provided by ESA as input to the WP nor already in the possession of the Contractor. The data
collection activities shall not affect the overall project schedule as agreed with ESA.
The ESA Project Manager will confirm the use of the additional sources and the approach by the Contractor
of the corresponding sources.
[Req CONS-STG0-30] The Contractor shall recommend a prioritisation of the sources, indicating which
should be ingested for consolidation and which (if any) should be left aside, on the basis of a cost benefit
trade-off between the cost of extracting the data and the amount of data expectable from each source.
[Req CONS-STG0-40] The Contractor shall provide an estimate of the completeness and redundancy levels
which can be expected by including data from each source at Stage 0 and by applying respectively Stage 0
and Stage 1 consolidation to the selected input data.
Note: the Contractor is expected to base this estimation on its knowledge and experience of the mission /
data in question and of similar activities. No specific level of accuracy is required, but a rational estimation
approach supported by previous experience.
[Req CONS-STG0-50] The Contractor shall collect and ingest into its storage infrastructure the data from the
various input sources (or selected portions) in compliance with the process and requirements of WP “Data
Depending on the input sources and the packaging of the data it may be necessary to separate the
measurement data (or more generally the target data) from other data possibly contained in the inputs:
[Req CONS-STG0-60] The Contractor shall separate in the input sources the target data from the other data
contained. This includes splitting up compound products (made up of eg a measurement file and an xml file
of meta-data) and separating the measurement data file from the remaining files.
Note: no data shall be discarded and any files not involved in the consolidation exercise shall be kept in the
service storage and inventoried in the Data Information System and CCM DB.
Collection of additional resources
In addition to the data itself, data consolidation requires some critical information in particular to assess the
contents of the data, to homogenise the data and to evaluate its completeness.
In particular, the following documentation is typically necessary:
 Accurate and complete format description, for all versions of files : this must be available both for
the analysis of the file content and extent, and then for end-usage of the files.
 Unambiguous and extensive file naming convention.
 History of processing software changes will be required to understand the differences between
redundant or various generation files and eventually set up a selection strategy.
In addition, some mission- and spacecraft-related ancillary data is necessary for homogenisation and
completeness analysis; this may include typically:
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mission phases : a clear definition of the mission phases (start/end orbit and start/end times);
if applicable, mission cycles : proper and clear definition of the cycles ( start/end orbit and start/end
times );
orbits : clear definition of all mission orbits ( start/end orbit and start/end times )
information on payload activity and anomalies : unavailability or anomaly notifications for platform,
instrument, telemetry or ground stations is essential to assess the level of completeness of the data
results of previous assessments of the data (eg for completeness analysis)
Detailed Mission Operations Plan (DMOP): reporting the planning input against actual time series.
This explains when periods with no measurements were planned (e.g. MIPAS duty cycle not 100%
throughout the entire mission).
[Req CONS-STG0-100] The Contractor shall determine the list of additional resources (documentation and
ancillary data) in addition to the information and documentation provided by ESA as CFI, which may be
helpful for the consolidation exercise, and the authoritative sources for these resources.
The ESA Project Manager will confirm the use of the additional resources and the approach by the
Contractor of the corresponding sources where these additional resources are available.
[Req CONS-STG0-110] The Contractor shall collect the additional resources from their authoritative sources.
[Req CONS-STG0-120] In case the Contractor fails to collect any of the inputs required for the exercise, the
Contractor shall:
- justify in the Consolidation Technical Note the reason for the unavailability and the work-around
- analyse in the Consolidation Technical Note the alternative approach and the impact on the endresult of performing the exercise without the inputs in question.
[Req CONS-STG0-130] The Contractor shall incorporate the additional sources into the Service CCM and
Data Information System.
[Req CONS-STG0-140] The Contractor shall document in the Consolidation Technical Note the analysis of
the additional resources considered necessary for the consolidation exercise, the availability at the start of
the project, the resources collected as part of the project, and any resources not available together with the
potential impact of this unavailability on the overall consolidation project.
Removal of corrupted files
[Req CONS-STG0-200] The Contractor shall detect any files which may be corrupted, including:
- files with contents or size not compliant with the header/meta-data;
- files with size / duration obviously not in line with reasonable expectations considering the average
file population;
- files with field values not coherent with the nature of the field;
- files with a checksum not equal to the checksum possibly contained in the file title (if available).
[Req CONS-STG0-210] The Contractor shall eliminate the corrupted files from the target dataset.
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Note: this requirements only applies to fully corrupted files, ie without intact portions from which useful
results may still be obtained.
[Req CONS-STG0-220] The Contractor shall replace the corrupted files with intact versions if present in
another source, if available.
Note: ESA will deliver a new version of files flagged by the Contractor as corrupted, if available.
[Req CONS-STG0-230] The Contractor shall keep in the target dataset the files only partially corrupted (eg
with portions of corrupted data) and flag them in order to be able to closely monitor the subsequent
utilisation (eg processing) of these files.
Alignment / homogenisation of the data
The files collected for the consolidation may be heterogeneous in terms of:
- file naming;
- format;
- packaging eg including or not an XML metadata file for each file into a compound product .
The data needs to be homogenised in order to facilitate the consolidation as well as the further utilisation
of the data.
File Naming
[Req CONS-STG0-300] The Contractor shall propose (in cooperation with the ESA Project Manager ) and
implement a naming convention for the consolidated data, based on:
- any ICDs and other applicable documents;
- the expectations (ICD) of the processor envisaged for subsequent processing of the data;
- the most frequently used naming convention used in the sources being consolidated;
- the most recent file naming convention used for the mission;
- the most widely used file naming convention by the users of the data;
- the most suitable file naming convention.
The proposed naming convention should be an existing standard naming convention. Unless necessary to
satisfy the required criteria, no new naming convention should be invented.
[Req CONS-STG0-310] The Contractor’s proposed naming convention shall have no dependency on other
resources, ie all the fields of the file name (eg orbit number, start and stop time, checksum code) shall be
extracted from the contents of the file itself.
[Req CONS-STG0-320] The Contractor’s encoding approach for the receiving stations should be compliant
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[Req CONS-STG0-330] The Contractor’s proposed naming convention should be based on the standard
definition of orbit (and corresponding time frame) = “from equator crossing in ascending node (ANX) to
next equator crossing I ascending node (ANX+1)”.
Other definitions (eg from pole to pole) should be avoided.
[Req CONS-STG0-340] The Contractor’s proposed naming convention shall be unambiguous (eg in case a
checksum is included in a file name, the choice of calculation algorithm shall be indicated explicitly).
[Req CONS-STG0-350] The Contractor’s proposed naming convention shall be fully documented:
- as part of the dataset information collected in the Data Information System and CCM DB for the
dataset resulting from the consolidation;
- in the Consolidation Technical Note.
[Req CONS-STG0-360] The Contractor’s proposed naming convention shall ensure that files with any
differences in their contents are assigned different names, and that files with identical contents are
assigned identical names.
Note: this is expected to involve a checksum being part of the file name.
The DSI-CCB, in consultation with other ESA stakeholders, shall make the final decision in the choice of the
file naming convention of the consolidated data.
Format and packaging
[Req CONS-STG0-370] The Contractor shall propose (in cooperation with the ESA Project Manager ) and
implement a format and packaging for the consolidated data, based on:
- any ICDs and other applicable documents;
- the expectations (ICD) of the processor envisaged for subsequent processing of the data;
- the most frequently used format and packaging used in the sources being consolidated;
- the most recent file format and packaging used for the mission;
- the most widely used file format and packaging by the users of the data;
- the most suitable file format and packaging for the long term preservation of the consolidated data.
The proposed file format and packaging should be an existing standard file format and packaging. Unless
necessary to satisfy the required criteria, no new file format or packaging should be invented.
[Req CONS-STG0-380] The Contractor’s proposed file format and packaging shall be fully documented:
- as part of the dataset information collected in the Data Information System and CCM DB for the
dataset resulting from the consolidation;
- in the Consolidation Technical Note.
The DSI-CCB, in consultation with other ESA stakeholders, shall make the final decision on the format and
packaging of the consolidated data.
[Req CONS-STG0-390] The Contractor shall align the data from all the sources contributing to the
consolidation to the chosen file names, format and packaging.
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In the case that reading / conversion tools are not fully available among the material collected, the
homogenisation of the data may require the development by the Contractor of reading / conversion tools.
Tools and configuration management
[Req CONS-STG0-400] The Contractor shall validate and place under Configuration Management any
reading / conversion / packaging etc. tools developed and/or used in the scope of this WP.
[Req CONS-STG0-410] The Contractor shall update the Service Data Information System and CCM DB to
reflect the naming / formatting / packaging harmonisation operations performed.
Any reading / conversion / packaging etc. tools developed in the scope of this WP are deliverable to ESA,
including the related documentation.
Merging of data from different sources
[Req CONS-STG0-500] The Contractor shall merge the data from the various sources into a single dataset.
[Req CONS-STG0-510] The Contractor shall eliminate from the merged dataset the cases of:
- exact duplicates (same file name and content bit-by-bit).
Reduction of redundancy
[Req CONS-STG0-600] The contractor shall make a preliminary assessment and a recommendation
concerning the redundancies in the resulting dataset, and propose a course of action among:
a) no further action, eg in case there are few redundancies;
b) a file-based approach, where full files are kept or discarded without modifying /stitching the
contents of the files, eg in case the redundancies are concentrated in some of the files; in this case
the Contractor shall recommend and justify proposed criteria for selecting highly redundant files to
be discarded;
c) a record-based approach involving further analysis and in view of potential
modification/snipping/stitching of the contents of the files (Stage 1).
[Req CONS-STG0-610] The Contractor shall document the assessment and recommendation on the
reduction of redundancy in the Consolidation Technical Note.
The ESA Project Manager, through the DSI-CCB and other ESA stakeholders, will assess the
recommendations and decide on a course of action.
[Req CONS-STG0-620] In case the ESA Project Manager , upon recommendation of the DSI-CCB and other
ESA stakeholders, opts for a file-based approach (case b above), the contractor shall produce a cleansed
dataset by discarding the files responding to the selected criteria.
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Throughput requirements
[Req CONS-STG0-700] The Contractor shall complete Stage 0 of the Consolidation in a time not exceeding
the throughput indicated in the Project Proposal. Stage 1: Analysis of overlaps
Stage 1 consists of the analysis of the overlaps within the files. It is only part of the WP of Data
Consolidation if explicitly required. In this case it will be covered by data engineering activities to be
specified by SPPA. It is not in the standard scope of this WP. The requirements shown in this section are
typical requirements which may apply to Stage 1 consolidation, however the actual requirements will be
specified by SPPA case-by-case.
[Req CONS-STG1-10] The Contractor shall check that the presumed file start and end times (according to
the file name / header) match the actual contents, and if not shall correct the start and end times.
[Req CONS-STG1-20] The Contractor shall compute for each file the overlap length and percentage with the
previous and next files in chronological order.
[Req CONS-STG1-30] The Contractor shall analyse the overlapping sections of two respective files to
determine if the corresponding data is fully redundant or not, and on this basis produce an index of
redundancy. The analysis shall include at least whether the following criteria are identical in the two
overlapping files / file sections:
- number of data records;
- record times;
- acquisition station / processing centre;
- processor version;
- data in the overlapping records: meta-data, ancillary information, quality fields, measurement.
[Req CONS-STG1-40] On the basis of this analysis, the Contractor shall propose a strategy (eg of stitching of
files and removal of overlapping records) for the elimination / reduction of the redundancy in the data.
[Req CONS-STG1-50] The proposed strategy proposed by the Contractor shall:
- be executable through a defined process applied to the full dataset (a case by case / file by file
action is not in the scope of Stage 1 and may be in the Scope of Stage 2 to be performed by SPPA);
- include rules for associating the newly formed primary and auxiliary data files resulting from the
stitch-and-remove process;
- show any trade-off proposed between the removal of redundant data and the loss of unique data.
[Req CONS-STG1-60] The Contractor shall submit to SPPA the proposed redundancy-reduction strategy and
shall revise the strategy according to the feedback of SPPA.
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[Req CONS-STG1-70] The Contractor shall document in the Consolidation Technical Note the calculation of
the index of redundancy and the proposed and revised redundancy reduction strategy.
SPPA will decide if the proposed redundancy-reduction strategy and/or a different strategy is effectively
applied to the data. In the case that SPPA decides to take action, the corresponding implementation may be
performed by SPPA (and its supporting contractual structure) outside the scope of this contract, or it may
be entrusted to the Contractor in the scope of this Contract. This can take the form of a processing project
(eg applying a consolidation tool like ECONS to the data) or be covered by data engineering activities to be
specified by SPPA. It is in all cases outside the scope of the consolidation WP.
[Req CONS-STG1-100] The Contractor shall update the Data Information System and CCM DB to reflect the
redundancy-reduction strategy proposed, the validation of the strategy by SPPA, and any redundancyreduction operations performed, either by the Contractor or by a third party providing visibility to the
Any redundancy-analysis or redundancy-reduction tools developed in the scope of this WP are deliverable
to ESA.
Throughput requirements
[Req CONS-STG1-110] The Contractor shall complete Stage 1 of the Consolidation in a time not exceeding
the throughput indicated in the Project Proposal.
Note: there may be parallelism between Stage 0 and Stage 1. Facilitation of Stage 2: Advanced Consolidation
The Contractor’s involvement in Stage 2 is in essence limited to data transfer to and from SPPA and
provision of information on an advisory basis. Stage 2 is in the standard scope of the Consolidation WP
however it may be waived on a case-by-case basis if SPPA decides not to perform Stage 2 activities. The
data repatriation activities follow the same processes and requirements listed in Ch 4.2 Data
Repatriation/delivery however the data volumes involved come on top of the volume estimates which are
indicated in Ch 4.2.
Stage 2 of the consolidation consist in ad-hoc treatment of the data by SPPA or a SPPA-designated third
party (generically referred to as SPPA in this section) based on measurement-related, instrument-related,
scientific or other advanced knowledge.
Note: this may in principle apply only to ADFs or Level 1 products, as Level 0 products are not changed by
SPPA only analysed. In some cases, what may be needed is a Level 1 processing in order to judge the quality
of the input Level 0.
The Contractor will be requested to interface SPPA (or a SPPA-designated third party) for the provision of
the data for Stage 2 consolidation and the recuperation of the data afterwards for further custody in the
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service storage and processing. The Contractor will also be required to give the assistance that SPPA may
require for its Stage 2 consolidation, “on an advisory basis” ie in terms of knowledge of the particular
dataset and its lineage.
[Req CONS-STG2-10] The Contractor shall facilitate the access to the data by SPPA by the means selected by
SPPA amongst:
- selecting a subset of the data if requested, by applying filtering criteria specified by SPPA;
- delivering a copy of the data to SPPA by means of the same media used for the on-media bulk
- putting a copy of the data on-line at the disposal of SPPA by means of the same access mechanism
used for the on-line data delivery.
[Req CONS-STG2-20] The Contractor shall give assistance to SPPA on the data to be consolidated by
providing knowledge about the data on an advisory basis.
[Req CONS-STG2-30] The Contractor shall liaise with SPPA and recuperate the data at the end of SPPA’s
intervention, through the same means used to deliver the data to SPPA for its Stage 2 consolidation.
[Req CONS-STG2-40] The Contractor shall put the data at the disposal of SPPA within 2 NWD of the request
and recuperate the data within 2 NWD of SPPA’s notification of availability.
[Req CONS-STG2-50] The Contractor shall collect from SPPA the full information about the operations
performed and corresponding outcomes.
[Req CONS-STG2-60] The Contractor shall update the Service CCM and Data Information System to reflect
the Stage 2 consolidation operations performed. Statistics, completeness and quality assessment
Production of statistics on anomalies and redundancies
[Req CONS-STAT-10] The Contractor shall produce statistics on the Stage 0 Consolidation exercise including
(before and after the cleansing exercise):
- list, number, percentage of files detected as fully corrupted (ie cannot be read);
- list, number, percentage of files detected as clones ie exact duplicates (including clones revealed as
a result of the renaming operation);
- list of file renamings, showing the old name and the new name) per source, number and
percentage of files renamed per source / overall;
- list of different formats encountered per source and list, number, percentage of files per format
and of files translated to a different format;
- if applicable as part of the approved redundancy-reduction policy: list, number, percentage of files
rejected because they were overlapping with other files and having lower quality or fewer records,
amount of overlap before and after the overlap reduction, data completeness before and after the
overlap reduction.
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[Req CONS-STAT-20] In the case that Stage 1 is activated, the Contractor shall produce statistics on the
Stage 1 Consolidation exercise including:
- list, number, percentage of overlapping portions of files before and after the redundancy-reduction
- proportion of overlaps (index of redundancy) in the output dataset.
[Req CONS-STAT-30] The Contractor shall produce the statistics in a way which allows automatic filtering for
specific statistics:
- per phase of the mission;
- per type of input media;
- per input source;
- according to other TBD criteria.
[Req CONS-STAT-40] The Contractor shall include / append the statistics produced to the Consolidation
Technical Note.
Assessment of completeness
The assessment of completeness of the dataset consists in detecting the missing data (with respect to
planning – DMOP) and qualifying these gaps either as platform/instrument/station anomalies or data loss.
In principle, all missing data should be related to a platform or instrument unavailability (such as
manoeuvre, orbit or phase change) or anomaly during data acquisition in the ground segment.
Any “lost data” must be considered as suspect and solved either by improving the list of anomalies or
recovering the still missing data (in some cases to be justified there may be a remaining part of
“unexplained gaps” as sometimes the corresponding info cannot be retrieved anymore). An index of
completeness is then calculated to qualify the output dataset.
[Req CONS-STAT-60] The Contractor shall detect:
- inter-file gaps, ie elapsed time between the end and the start of two chronologically consecutive
- intra-file gaps, time between two consecutive records within the same file larger than a threshold
commensurate with the mission / instrument /type of file.
[Req CONS-STAT-70] The Contractor shall determine the duration and geographical location of each gap.
[Req CONS-STAT-80] The Contractor shall produce a list of the gaps, each associated with its duration and
the corresponding geographical location.
Crossing with unavailabilities / anomalies
[Req CONS-STAT-90] The Contractor shall establish a list of the data which can be expected to be present
considering all the availability factors, ie:
- mission planning if applicable
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instrument unavailabilities
platform unavailabilities
station unavailabilities
subject to consultation with the ESA Data Librarian or DSI-CCB, the “inter-phase” time ie the time
elapsed in between two consecutive phases, in which measurements may be available but are not
considered significant.
[Req CONS-STAT-100] The Contractor shall produce a “net” list of the gaps, each associated with its
duration, orbit identification and time, and the corresponding geographical location, limited to the gaps not
explained by an unavailability.
[Req CONS-STAT-110] The Contractor shall compute an index of completeness of the consolidated dataset
based on:
- the data which was expectable considering the unavailabilities;
- the data which is indeed present in the dataset.
[Req CONS-STAT-120] The Contractor shall provide a justification for any gap in the data not explained by a
known unavailability, including:
- possible reason why the sources of data in input do not contain the data in question
- possible additional sources of data able to fill the gap;
- possible presence of the data in the sources rejected following the cost benefit trade-off performed
at the start of the exercise;
- possible additional unavailabilities.
[Req CONS-STAT-130] The Contractor should use catalogue information from the various organisations
managing and distributing the data being consolidated in order to support the differentiation between data
which was never acquired and data which was lost.
[Req CONS-STAT-140] Upon request of the ESA Project Manager , the Contractor shall propose a revised
(enlarged) input set of data to be consolidated, in the form of a delta consolidation including additional data
previously excluded, together with an estimate of the gain expectable from a new iteration including this
extra data.
[Req CONS-STAT-150] The Contractor shall fully document the completeness assessment and related
statistics and further proposal the Consolidation Technical Note.
Update of the data storage and Data Information System and CCM DB
[Req CONS-STOR-10] The Contractor shall store in the Service storage and keep under CM the data and
other outputs resulting from all the activities of consolidation performed.
[Req CONS-STOR-20] The Contractor shall keep at all times the Data Information System and CCM DB up to
date by to recording the operations performed as part of the consolidation and the resulting evolution of
the statistics and designation of master dataset.
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[Req CONS-STOR-30] The Contractor shall ensure that the final outputs of the consolidation exercise are
fully recorded in the Data Information System and CCM DB within 3 NWD of the delivery of the outputs to
the ESA Project Manager. Verification of the Data Consolidation activities
[Req CONS-VERIF-10] The Contractor shall prepare the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation
plan (including the test specifications, test scenarios and any tools used in the testing exercise and covering
non regression tests if applicable), perform a Verification exercise on the basis of the plan and document
the outcome in a Verification Test Report.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation plan is also referred to as the
Verification plan. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Plan deliverable.
[Req CONS-VERIF-20] The test scenarios of the Verification Plan shall cover at least the following:
- sample checks and statistical evidence of the presence of corrupted / duplicated files /
inconsistent file naming / inconsistent file format
- sample checks and statistical evidence of the presence of unjustified gaps
- sample checks and statistical evidence of the presence of overlaps among the files
- the recalculation of selected samples of the statistics produced, using the same tools as in the
consolidation exercise or alternative tools
- sample checks of the data storage contents vs records in the Data Information System and CCM
- any other approach depending on the specific project and data.
[Req CONS-VERIF-30] The Contractor shall execute the Verification Plan and document the outcomes in the
Verification portion of the Verification & Validation report.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation report is also referred to as the
Verification report. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Report
The Verification plan and report will be subject to the approval of the ESA Project Manager.
After the successful execution of the Verification plan, the Data Release Management process shall be
activated. On-request copy to HDD
In case a copy of the consolidated data (normally including documents) on HDD is requested by the ESA
Project Manager , the Contractor shall activate the Data repatriation / delivery WP accordingly.
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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Data Consolidation guarantee and follow-up
The activities of data consolidation as described in this WP are treated on a project basis. The project
terminates with the completion of all the activities required, based on the data delivered to the Contractor
as input and any additional data collected by the Contractor itself.
The completion of the project is marked by the successful completion of the Verification and of the
Validation (see Chapter “Release Management”).
However, there is a significant likelihood that additional data which is part of the same mission / instrument
/ time and geographical coverage as the input data will become available for consolidation after the project
activities are underway including after the completion of the project.
In addition, despite the care taken in the Verification and Validation exercises, ESA or the Contractor may
discover, either autonomously or following notification of further recipients of the data (eg PACs / LTDP
Centres) inaccuracies in the outcome of the activities performed in the course of the project.
[Req CONS-GUA-10] The Contractor shall continue to perform /repeat the project activities on an
incremental basis to cover:
a- cases of errors and omissions by the Contractor in the Project
b- the possible discovery of additional input data.
[Req CONS-GUA-20] The additional consolidation of input data (case b above) shall be considered
incremental (and therefore fall under the guarantee and follow-up activities) up to a yearly amount of 3% of
the original input data.
Beyond this threshold, further activities will be considered as a new project.
[Req COLL-GUA-30] The guarantee and follow-up period shall last for 1 year after the completion of the
project (or until the end of the Contract).
The guarantee and follow-up activities are an integral part of the project from the funding point of view, ie
no additional cost will be paid by ESA for these activities. However from the operational point of view they
will be carried out as continuous activities managed under the overall service and not any more as project
Integration of Processing Systems
This WP consists in:
- the deployment by the Contractor of the necessary infrastructure to operate a Processing System (see
definitions in Annex 1), its installation and integration into the infrastructure so that the processing exercise
is technically ready to start,
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- the technical verification and validation of the Processing System as integrated in the operational
- the readiness of the infrastructure to start the processing.
In order to avoid any confusion on the different types of verification and validation regarding processors,
attention is drawn to the definitions of verification and validation in Annex 1. While these definitions apply
to all the WP’s in this SoW, it may be useful to further clarify the situation concerning the WP of Integration
of Processing systems in the case of a data processor:
- a processor is in principle delivered as CFI to the Contractor after undergoing Scientific Validation by
SPPA, meaning that the algorithm as implemented produces scientifically correct results;
- the act of integrating the processor in the Contractor’s infrastructure is a technical task which
requires verification and validation to ensure that the processor has been integrated properly (eg
the processor software executes smoothly, uses the right input files with the specified orchestration,
etc). This is ensured via a process of (technical) verification of the integration by the Contractor,
followed by the (technical) validation of the integration by ESA;
- in some cases, the processor delivered has undergone an initial phase of scientific validation but is
not fully scientifically validated. Indeed a full scientific validation requires the processing of a large
amount of data (up to half the data of the mission) and the scrutiny of the processed outputs by
specialised scientific teams. It may therefore happen that a processor is integrated, and
subsequently data is processed, in the scope of this SoW, for the purpose of supporting the full
scientific validation. Clearly in such a case the technical verification (by the Contractor) and
validation (by ESA) of the integration is performed normally.
- The scientific validation is never in the scope of this SoW and is performed by the competent
scientific organisation under the control of SPPA.
The agility, rapidity, low cost and high pro-activeness of the Contractor in performing the integration will
be a major factor in the satisfaction of ESA.
Various degrees of challenges may need to be considered which depend on:
- the type and complexity of the Processing System architecture and its interfaces
- the complexity of the orchestration model to be implemented and input data selection rules
- the complexity of the workflow and dataflow of the processing system
- processing system parallelisation capabilities and constrains
- the number of different input data and their volume
- the number of different output products (which drives the complexity of the validation) and their
- the degree of effective compliance of the Processing System to the ICD and other documentation
- the degree of completeness of the processing system documentation, in particular information
contained in ICD and user/operations manual
- the performance requirements.
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Note: setting up fast and easy access to datasets for external interfaces (SPPA) required for QC and
validation, is also an important factor. This is covered as part of the repatriation / delivery WP.
Note: the definitions in Annex 1 explain the terms Processing System and Processor as used in this SoW.
3.3.2 Scope
The scope of this WP includes all the activities necessary between the delivery of the Processing System
including its accompanying documentation (and possibly sample data) and the readiness to start the
processing exercise with the required performance. This includes in particular the implementation of the
required orchestration model.
The scope also includes the activities to keep the Processing System operational (or in a position to be made
operational again at short notice) for a period of time after the end of the main processing campaign as well
as the integration in the operational environment of minor upgrades to the Processing System.
3.3.3 Activities
The activities required include:
- receive the Processing System from ESA (SPPA), including related documentation and sample/test
data and test scenarios
- place the Processing System under Configuration Management for the scope of the activities under
this SoW (obviously the configuration management related to the development and maintenance
of the processing systems is not in the scope of this SoW)
- deploy the appropriate infrastructure necessary to perform the processing (infrastructure tailored
to the needs of the provided processing system) with the required performance (to remain
available for the period of time required)
- install and integrate technically the Processing System into the operational environment; the
technical integration includes the setup / implementation of the orchestration model specified for
the processor;
- verify the technical integration of the Processing System into the operational environment,
including by
o processing the sample data provided with the processor or already stored in the
Contractor’s repository and specified as sample data according to agreed test scenarios;
o comparing the outputs to the output test data;
- deliver the output of the test processing for further checks by ESA / organisation owning the
Processing System (data delivery is in scope of this WP and follows the processes and requirements
of the Data Repatriation WP)
- generate CR/PR against the Processing System
- receive upgrades of the Processing System and perform delta activities of integration.
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3.3.4 Inputs
Specific project requirements (Annex 2) including start and end dates of processing and additional
period of processing capability)
Processing system software and related documentation. The document set available may vary with the
specific processor, but will in general include the following or equivalent documents:
- Tailored ICD of the specific processor and if available compliance matrix with ESA Generic IPF ICD
- ESA Generic IPF ICD specifications [RD IPF-ICD]
- Processing System Architectural overview and data flow description (possibly part of tailored ICD)
- Processing strategy document, indicating recommended/possible processing sequence and any
constrains. Typically, the Processing strategy document provides or confirms such inputs as:
o reprocessing window (start orbit end orbit)
o processor version is applicable for the reprocessing campaign (and which product baseline
is implemented)
o which aux data is to be used and which version of aux data is applicable (for instance for
precise orbit information)
o which products shall be generated during reprocessing and delivered to whom (e.g.
whether also intermediate products shall be delivered)
o reprocessing sequence (e.g. first all L1 calibration products chronologically and sequentially
orbit by orbit, then L1 science products (L1b, FBR) etc)
o which time periods shall be processed first (e.g. July-Aug 2010 CryoVex Arctic)
o SPPA will perform data quality management
If available, recommendations on parallelisation of processor instances and concurrent execution
capabilities (possibly part of tailored ICD)
Operations Manual
Installation Manual
Software Release Note (highlighting implemented changes and PR fixes with respect to previous
s/w version)
- Procedure to raise PRs and CRs on the processing system to ESA/the Contractor responsible for the
maintenance of the processing system (to be documented as part of a Service Interface Document
between the two organisations)
- User Manual
- Orchestration model
Performance and scalability requirements
Sample data to be processed including sample job order files and test scenarios (which may be provided
together with the Processing System or already be stored in the Contractor’s repository)
Sample output products provided with the processor software
Note: depending on the nature of the processing system (processor, format converter, QC tool, etc) the list
of inputs may be different or a subset. The above list refers to the case of a processor and is the most
complex case.
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Operational infrastructure / environment for the processing in place
Processing System integrated, with orchestrator implemented, verified and technically validated in the
operational environment
Verification plan
Verification test report and test data
Problem Reports and Change Requests against the Processing System and accompanying
documentation and sample data
In case of non-compliances in the Processing System and accompanying material, delta project plan for
the integration.
Processing system integration report
Processed sample data
3.3.6 Requirements Technical Integration
[Req INT-SYST-10] Upon request of the ESA Project Manager , the Contractor shall receive / accept / fetch
the Processing System (with accompanying documentation and sample data, and other related inputs) from
the indicated source, either on-line or through a widespread type of media.
The source is in principle ESA itself (or an entity mandated by ESA).
The Processing System and related material will be delivered accompanied by a CIDL packaged as a set of
Configuration Items. The Contractor is free to adopt the same or a different breakdown in its own
Configuration Management system, provided that:
1) the material received is fully kept under CCM,
2) the original identification and version number of the processing system delivered are maintained;
3) CCM is applied to the material received and to any material generated by the Contractor in the
scope of this WP
4) at the end of the Integration WP the material is packaged and baselined as part of the Data
Information System and CCM DB.
Note: the Contractor must under no circumstances make any changes to the processing systems received as
CFIs, which are maintained / modified under separate contractual contexts under the supervision of the ESA
entity providing them. Therefore no change management (in the sense of change approval cycle and change
implementation control) is necessary on the processing systems. Only configuration management and
baselining are required as CCM activities on these items.
[Req INT-SYST-20] The Contractor shall place the material received under its own CCM system, in
compliance with the approved Data CCM Plan.
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[Req INT-SYST-30] The Contractor shall apply the defined CCM process throughout the WP, covering the
material received from external sources as well as any material generated by the Contractor itself, in
compliance with the approved Data CCM plan.
[Req INT-SYST-40] The Contractor shall deploy the operational environment necessary to run and operate
the Processing System with the required performance and scalability and without impact on the
performance of other concurrent processing projects possibly sharing the same infrastructure.
[Req INT-SYST-50] If a management/orchestration layer is required as part of the processing (case of a
processor), the Contractor shall select / procure / implement and deploy as part of the processing
infrastructure a suitable management/orchestration layer to control, orchestrate and monitor the
processor in compliance with the specified performance and scalability requirements.
[Req INT-SYST-60] The infrastructure and operational environment deployed by the Contractor shall allow
to cope with a rapid increase and high peaks in the processing demand in line with the scalability
requirements, e.g. by allowing dynamic allocation and re-allocation of resources.
[Req INT-SYST-70] The Contractor shall deploy and maintain the operational environment in compliance
with the performance requirements specified as input to the WP, namely:
- project duration, corresponding to the time to make the infrastructure available (including
installation and integration of processor and V&V activities)
- due delivery date of the processed data and consequent necessary throughput (number of times
real-time) of processing
- volume of data which will need to be processed
- duration of the availability of the processing capability at the required throughput of processing (to
cover the processing campaign required)
- subsequent duration of the availability of the processing capability with reduced (10%)
performance (to cover any additional processing – see section
[Req INT-SYST-90] The Contractor shall integrate the Processing System into the operational environment
in a way that ensures:
- the use of the various types of input data according to the orchestration model provided as part of
the Processing System documentation
- the compliance with the specified performance/throughput and scalability requirements
- the compliance with the processing strategy and processing sequence specified in the input
documentation (taking into full account and balancing any dependencies/processing constraints of
the processing system).
[Req INT-SYST-100] In case of non-compliances in the Processing System provided including the
accompanying documentation and data, the Contractor shall generate the corresponding Problem Reports
(PR) and deliver them to the designated interface responsible for the maintenance of the processing
Note: the designated interface may be the ESA Contractor in charge of processing system corrective
maintenance or the ESA Project Manager or another interface, depending on the specific project.
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[Req INT-SYST-110] In case of significant non-compliances in the interfaces/documentation/operation of the
Processing System provided including the accompanying documentation and data, the Contractor shall
determine the feasibility of overcoming the non-compliances through technical or procedural work-arounds
and document the findings in a delta project plan.
Note: the only intervention possible by the Contractor is at the level of technical work-arounds in the
operational environment without changes to the Processing System itself in order to avoid any alterations of
the data processing performed (and to the data orchestration).
[Req INT-SYST-120] In case of approval by the ESA Project Manager of the delta project plan, the Contractor
shall put in place and document the necessary work-arounds in order to overcome the non-conformances.
[Req INT-SYST-130] In case that the Processing System provided including the accompanying
documentation and data, presents opportunity for significant improvements to the operability, the
Contractor shall generate the corresponding Change Requests (CR) and deliver them to the designated
[Req INT-SYST-140] The Contractor shall deliver the CR and PR to the designated interface in electronic
format according to a standard template.
Note: the CR and PR generated by the Contractor will be considered for implementation. However there is no
guarantee whatsoever that they will be implemented, and in case they are implemented there is no
guaranteed release time for the upgrades. The Contractor is expected to run the processing system despite
any imperfections that it may present. Only demonstrated major(blocking) anomalies of the processing
system will be accepted as a basis to revise the project schedule and/or outputs.
[Req INT-SYST-150] The Contractor shall, on request of the ESA Project Manager , liaise with the designated
interface for the resolution of the PR and CR submitted.
[Req INT-SYST-160] The Contractor shall document in the Processing System Integration Report the
technical aspects of the Processing System in the operational environment and in particular:
- the CR and PR submitted to the designated interface, and the feedback received
- the data orchestration approach and implementation (including selection of what primary and
auxiliary data files are processed together)
- the performance
- the scalability of the system and capabilities for concurrent execution and dynamic allocation of
resources. Update of the data storage and Data Information System and CCM DB
For reasons of traceability and in order to allow any required troubleshooting of the data resulting from the
use of the processing system as integrated by the Contractor, it is fundamental to store baselines of the
processing environment.
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[Req INT-CCM-10] The Contractor shall keep under formal configuration management the Processing
System as integrated in the operational environment, including the accompanying documentation,
sample/test data, installation/integration records including technical specifications of the infrastructure
deployed, and other related material, to the extent necessary to guarantee:
- the ability to reconstitute demonstrably the processing environment used to generate a resulting
dataset, in order to support troubleshooting or justify the correctness of the data produced;
- the ability to restore the operational capability of the Processing System within the allowed time,
with the required performance, for the required length of time (eg in order to perform an
additional processing campaign on the same processing system).
[Req INT-CCM-20] The Contractor shall store the processing system including SW, documentation, test
data and all other CI in the Data Information System and CCM DB:
- as a baseline at the end of the integration WP and
- incrementally at each subsequent update of the processing system (see Follow-up activities). Verification of the Integration activities
[Req INT-VERIF-10] The Contractor shall submit to the ESA Project Manager the Verification portion of the
Processing System integration Verification and Validation plan. In the case of test scenarios and specific test
data provided by ESA together with the processing system, the Contractor shall include the provided test
scenarios and use of the test data into the verification portion of the Processing System integration
Verification and Validation plan.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation plan is also referred to as the
Verification plan. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Plan deliverable.
[Req INT-VERIF-20] The Contractor shall include in the Processing System integration Verification Plan the
comparison of sample output products delivered together with the processing system with products
generated by the integrated processing system, and the analysis of any differences.
Note: in the nominal situation (correct integration of the processor) the outputs resulting from processing
the sample inputs may not be fully identical to the corresponding sample outputs provided by ESA (eg due to
different processing date / times). The verification report is required to include an analysis of the differences
and exclude justifiably any cause due to incorrect integration. The final assessment will be performed by
SPPA as part of the validation process.
[Req INT-VERIF-30] The Contractor shall execute the Processing System integration Verification Plan and
document the outcomes in the Verification portion of the Processing System integration Verification and
Validation report.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation report is also referred to as the
Verification report. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Report
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[Req INT-VERIF-40] The Contractor shall run the processing on the required sample/test data and deliver
the output to the ESA Project Manager , and to the designated interface.
The processed sample data shall be attached as an integral part to the Verification report.
The Processing System integration Verification Plan and Report are subject to approval by the ESA Project
[Req INT-VERIF-50] The Contractor shall deliver the output of the processing of the sample/test data
(including output of any post-processors and QC tools) either on-line (e.g. through an FTP server) or through
any of the most widespread types of media, as specified by the ESA Project Manager.
Note: the delivery of the output of the processing of the sample/test data is an integral part of this WP.
However it follows the same approach and requirements described in WP Data Repatriation. For further
details refer to the description of that WP.
Note: Depending on the nature of the Processing System , the output of the processing may also include
output file listing, working directory composed of the Job Order, diagnostic log files, L0, L1, L2, auxiliary data
used and size of products generated.
After the successful execution of the Verification plan, the Data Release Management process shall be
activated. Processing System Integration guarantee and follow-up
The activities of Processing System Integration as described in this WP are treated on a project basis. The
project terminates with the completion of all the activities required, based on the material delivered to the
Contractor as input.
The completion of the project is marked by the successful completion of the Verification and of the
Validation (see Chapter “Release Management”).
However, there is a significant likelihood that, following the analysis of the output of the processing, the
owner of the Processing System will produce updates in order to improve the scientific behaviour and/or
implement some of the CR / PR produced by the Contractor during the integration or by ESA and/or make
other improvements.
In addition, despite the care taken in the Verification and Validation exercises, ESA or the Contractor may
discover, either autonomously or following notification of further recipients (eg PACs / LTDP Centres) of the
data processed following the integration exercise, technical problems in the outcome of the activities
performed in the course of the project.
[Req INT-GUA-10] The Contractor shall continue to perform /repeat the project activities on an incremental
basis to cover cases of:
a- any remaining errors in the Processing System integration by the Contractor
b- the possible delivery of patches of the processing system.
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[Req INT-GUA-20] Upon request of the Project Manager or the owner of the Processing System (normally
SPPA in the case of this requirement), the Contractor shall perform a “delta loop” of integration consisting
- receive / accept / fetch updates/patches of the Processing System (with accompanying
documentation and sample data) either on-line or through any of the most widespread types of
- install the updates of the Processing System in the operational environment;
- perform adequate regression testing of the integration including running the processing on the
required sample data and test scenarios and deliver the output to the ESA Project Manager or
directly to SPPA
- deliver the output of the processing either on-line or through any of the most widespread types of
media, as specified by the ESA Project Manager.
Depending on the circumstances, there may be several delta loops of integration after the main integration
[Req INT-GUA-30] Any updates of the Processing System (case b above) which require no evolution of the
infrastructure and consist in the mere replacement / addition of CI’s of the Processing System (eg with no
data migration or other additional activities) shall be considered updates/patches and therefore fall under
the guarantee and follow-up activities, up to a yearly amount of 3 rounds of regression testing.
[Req INTL-GUA-40] The guarantee and follow-up period shall last for 1 year after the completion of the
integration project (or until the end of the Contract).
The guarantee and follow-up activities are an integral part of the project from the funding point of view, ie
no additional cost will be paid by ESA for these activities. However from the operational point of view they
will be carried out as continuous activities managed under the overall service and not any more as project
activities. Continued availability of the processing capability
Once the integration of the processing system is complete, the Contractor is required to maintain the
processing environment operational availability for a period of time specified in the individual project
requirements. Typically, there will be a first period (for the main processing exercise) with full
capacity/performance followed by a longer period of reduced (10%) capacity/performance.
[Req INT-CONT-10] The Contractor shall maintain the operational capability to process additional data with
a reduced (10%) level of performance as specified in the project requirements, and in any case for no less
than 6 months after the completion of a processing project.
[Req INT-CONT-20] After the end of the subsequent period of availability required for additional processing,
the Contractor shall make the processing capability available again upon request within:
- 2 weeks (reduced performance, 10% of full performance)
- 4 weeks (full performance as defined for the original integration).
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[Req INT-CONT-30] In case it is required to restore the operational capability of the Processing System after
the Contractor has made any changes to the operational environment (eg to redeploy the computing
resources after a period of inactivity of the Processing System), the Contractor shall demonstrate the
continued validity of the operational environment deployed (including for performance) either by
redeploying the exact same original environment or by demonstrating the equivalence, including by a round
of regression testing.
[Req INT-CONT-40] In case it is required to restore the operational capability of the Processing System after
the supplier of the processing system has delivered upgrades/patches, the Contractor shal install the
upgrades/patches and perform adequate regression testing of the integration including running the
processing on the required sample data and test scenarios and deliver the output to the ESA Project
Manager or directly to SPPA.
Bulk processing / reprocessing/ reformatting operations
The purpose of this WP is to execute reprocessing, bulk processing and re-formatting operations on
designated EO datasets in response to customer needs.
One major aspect of ESA’s objectives is to provide high quality while guaranteeing a fast turn-around in (re)processing campaigns.
This includes operating ESA approved scientific processors and software applications for quality control and
data format conversion, provided by ESA as CFI and integrated by the Contractor into its operational
processing infrastructure.
The specific parameters (data, processing system identification, time window etc) of each processing
project will be indicated at the time of requiring the project proposal. See Annex 2 for the specific
parameters of the initial basket of projects.
The ESA-defined strategy for processing may vary across processing projects. In some cases, selected
geographical areas and data acquisition time windows will need to be processed with priority, in other
cases processing will be done from beginning of mission to end of mission or the other way around.
Note: the word “processing” refers generically to an elaboration of data in form of re-processing, bulkprocessing or reformatting. The processing system may consist in a single process or in a combination of
pre-processing, processing, post-processing, QC processes.
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Pre-processing steps might be needed to prepare input data to the format actually requested by
the processing system
The processor is in charge of the main processing
Post-Processing steps might be applied to the output data to apply a naming convention, a format
conversion or to generate quick-looks and other metadata from the output products
A basic Quality Control step is generally part of the Processing task, integrated within the post
processor functionality or based on a separate s/w application which performs basic quality control
on the formal validity of the produced data, i.e. cloud coverage, naming convention, data format,
congruency between input data files and output ones, etc. A further aspect of Quality Control is
performed outside the scope of this contract with the scientific validation of the output data by
SPPA (supported by external organisations). The output of the scientific validation is a go/no-go
decision by SPPA whether the dataset produced can be put at the disposal of end users.
The scientific Quality Control step may trigger a further activation of the processing tasks, as issues
detected in the output products may result in an updated processor s/w to be integrated and to be
operated or different input data to be used.
The processing system (including any QC tools) will be developed as part of separate contractual
arrangements and delivered to the Contractor as CFI.
The Contractor shall integrate the processing system into its own processing infrastructure (see WP on
‘Integration of Processing Systems’) and execute the processing in its own infrastructure as part of this WP.
The technical validation of the processing chain is part of the integration WP. The Scientific validation of the
output data is performed by SPPA or a third party designated by SPPA. The Contractor supports the quality
assessment of processed datasets by enabling data accessibility as part of WP data repatriation and
Processing projects are, like all projects in scope of this contract, initiated by the ESA Technical Officer or
Project Manager on behalf of the Customers for these projects. In the case of processing done for the
purpose of a scientific validation of a processor, the trigger for processing operations, including the
designation of what input data should be processed, the start and stop of operations, and the analysis of
the resulting output data, will be delegated to SPPA (and/or organisations tasked by SPPA for processor
development and validation) who will interact directly with the Contractor.
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This WP requires as pre-requisites:
 the completion of tasks specified under WP ‘Integration of Processing Systems’ namely the successful
integration of the processing system into the Contractor’s processing environment;
 the completion of the tasks specified under WP ‘Data collection’;
 the completion of tasks specified in WP ‘Data Consolidation’ (unless a dataset is considered by ESA to
be ready for processing without going through this WP).
3.4.2 Scope
In Scope of this WP are reprocessing, bulk processing or re-formatting operations executed on ESA EO
datasets using ESA supplied tools (including quality control tools supplied by ESA to facilitate the task of
data quality assessment of a processed dataset).
The processing in scope of the WP includes one or more rounds of processing of the data to generate L1
and L2 but also the repetition of the processing on part (up to 20%) of the same input data in order to
support the scientific validation of the processor.
Included into the WP is the delivery of the reprocessed, bulk-processed and/or reformatted dataset to SPPA
or other ESA specified entities for quality control and verification or other purposes.
The output of the processing (including reprocessed, bulk-processed data and reformatted datasets
together with metadata, quick-looks and QC reports as applicable) is delivered to its destination as part of
the Data repatriation WP.
Note: ESA may be willing to convert L0 data into SAFE format in the scope of this contract, without providing
a SAFE generator as a CFI. In this case, ESA will provide the full SAFE format specification and ask the
Contractor to develop and deliver the SAFE generator. A specific contractual arrangement will be made for
this purpose.
3.4.3 Activities
The activities required include:
 Preparing the processing and readiness review
 Executing Test processing and planning of the operational processing
 Executing the operational processing of the required dataset
 Monitoring the processing for performance, processing failures, production of statistics
 Verifying the outputs of the processing
 Facilitating the Scientific Validation by providing (access to) output data including log files
 Updating the data store and CCM DB / Data Information System
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3.4.4 Inputs
Project parameters of the processing to be performed (see Annex 2);
Contact points for the third parties designated by SPPA for the maintenance/ anomaly
handling/configuration management of the Processor and QC tool and for the Scientific validation of
the data;
Processor documentation including Processing Strategy document (including sequence of operations,
priorities etc.);
Processing System Operations Manual/user manual, and Operational Procedures and any other
available documentation;
Contractor-supplied processing environment integrated with the applicable ESA processors and/or QC
tool and/or format conversion tools
All suitable input data (in particular master data sets) collected, consolidated and ingested within the
operational processing environment (ingestion report) of the Contractor,
Final Transcription Report of the data (all data types) as ingested into Contractor’s operational
3.4.5 Outputs
Reprocessed, bulk-processed or re-formatted datasets, metadata, quick-looks associated to the
data products having passed technical verification and validation and ready for scientific validation
by external entities. In the case of QC tools being run together with the processor, outputs of the
QC tools.
Regular deliveries of the Processing Technical Note documenting the various steps, the progress
and performance, etc.
During processing operations, regular (weekly) statistics and reports on production progress
3.4.6 Requirements Preparation of the processing and readiness review
Prior to the start of a processing, a readiness review of the input data and processing infrastructure are
Readiness review of input data:
The processing will generally be preceded by a consolidation exercise.
In this case, the master dataset will normally be the output of the consolidation exercise.
If not, the preparation / definition of the a master dataset will be done as part of this WP.
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In any case, the processing is always preceded by a data collection WP.
[Req PRO-PREP-10] The Contractor shall prepare the dataset to be processed, by selecting the master
input datasets from the service storage for the primary data as well as the auxiliary data needed for the
[Req PRO-PREP-20] In case there is no identified master dataset for some or all of the input data available
in the storage area, or if the master dataset does not cover the full spectrum (eg time coverage) required
for the processing, the Contractor shall propose an approach for selecting the most suitable dataset
(primary and auxiliary) for the processing, and document the proposal and its rationale in the Processing
Technical Note.
[Req PRO-PREP-30] The Contractor shall liaise with the ESA Project Manager and/or DSI-CCB to confirm the
selection of the input data sets (primary and auxiliary).
[Req PRO-PREP-40] In case any of the datasets (primary or auxiliary) selected as input is not already
marked as the master dataset, the Contractor shall liaise with the ESA Project Manager, and/or DSI-CCB to
select the appropriate course of action among:
confirm the designation of the master dataset;
stop the processing project until a master dataset is designated or made available;
any other appropriate course of action.
[Req PRO-PREP-50] The Contractor shall review ESA’s processing strategy document (if available) and
ensure that the project plan, input data and processing infrastructure are prepared
in compliance to requested processing strategy, sequence and priority.
[Req PRO-PREP-60] The Contractor shall document the selection of the input data, processing strategy and
related decisions in the Data Information System and CCM DB as well as the Processing Technical Note.
Readiness review of processing infrastructure:
The processing project will normally be preceded by a project to integrate the processing system to be
used, culminating in the verification and validation of the integration. However the readiness of the
processing system needs to be verified before the start of the processing for various reasons eg this
processing exercise may be taking place a long time after the successful integration of the processing
system and the initial processing exercise. The ESA Project Manager may waive the corresponding
requirements in case the integration of the processing system has been completed or checked recently.
[Req PRO-PREP-70] The Contractor shall make sure that the readiness of the processing environment is
assured, by proposing and performing regression tests commensurate with the current status of the
processing environment compared to the status at the time of validating the integration of the processing
system (see WP Integration of Processing Systems).
[Req PRO-PREP-80] The Contractor shall make sure as part of the readiness of the processing system that
the end-to-end performance is in line with the project requirements.
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[Req PRO-PREP-90] The Contractor shall tune/customise the operational procedures delivered with the
processing system, according to:
- the most suitable processing strategy for the specific project
- the specificities of the Contractor’s infrastructure
in compliance to the Project’s performance and quality requirements.
[Req PRO-PREP-100] The Contractor shall document in the Processing Technical Note the readiness check
of the processing system.
[Req PRO-PREP-110] In case the readiness of the processing system is no longer assured, the Contractor
shall prepare, document in the Processing Technical Note and execute a plan to establish / restore the
readiness of the processing system.
[Req PRO-PREP-120] The Contractor shall ensure that the Project Proposal and Project Plan take into
account any necessary plan to establish / restore the readiness of the processing system.
[Req PRO-PREP-130] The Contractor shall include in the Preparation chapter of the Processing Technical
Note a recapitulative list of criteria referred to the data and the processing system and the status for each
The Preparation chapter of the Processing Technical Note, including the list of criteria and the status of
each criterion, will be subject to the approval of the ESA Project Manager.
[Req PRO-PREP-140] The Contractor shall start the operations specified within this WP only after the
readiness criteria are all confirmed (or alternatively waived) by the ESA Project Manager. Execution of the processing
The purpose of the processing may be the finalisation of the scientific validation of the processor, or the
production of the final output data.
In the former case, the originator of the processing is typically SPPA, however for the day-to-day operations
(perform a subset of processing, deliver the output…) the Contractor may be in touch directly with the
entity (eg QWG, ESL) in charge of the scientific tasks on behalf of SPPA. In this case, the planning of the
processing is driven by the scientific analysis of the outputs of the processing.
The scientific validation of the processor requires several loops of tests before the final, operational
processing. According to the strategy adopted for the validation, the test loops may cover all the products
over a specific area, all the data acquired over a specific time window, the data acquired in a limited time
window repeated over the cycles of the mission, etc.
In the case of the production of the final output data, the initiator of the processing is the ESA Project
Manager , who will liaise with SPPA. SPPA will continue to check the output data from the scientific point of
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view and may require alterations in the processing plan and/or the processor itself, leading to a repeat of
part of the processing.
[Req PRO-EXEC-10] Upon request, the Contractor shall liaise with SPPA or a third party designated by SPPA,
- the definition of the subsets of data to be processed as part of the test loops (e.g. input data
provided with processor software or data to be extracted from Contractor’s storage area);
- the start / stop of the processing;
and perform the rounds of processing accordingly.
[Req PRO-EXEC-20] The Contractor shall perform the required processing on the dataset(s) specified, in
compliance with:
- the project requirements, including processing speed/throughput and output product
- Processing strategy and sequence agreed with the ESA Project Manager and documented in the
Processing Technical Note;
- the finalised operating procedures of the processing system;
- the orchestration model of the processor;
- the operating procedures and operational scenario of the Quality Control tool, if such tool is to be
In the case of a reprocessing or bulk processing project, the typical outputs of the processing will be higher
level output products, quick looks, meta-data associated to the products (e.g. cloud cover votes) , and
Quality Control reports (in case that QC tools are run as part of the processing).
[Req PRO-EXEC-30] In the case that a Consolidation project has been performed by the Contractor
prior to the Processing project, the Contractor shall consider the outcome of the processing in order
to fine tune the consolidation. Monitoring of the processing
The Contractor is fully responsible for the technical correctness of the processing including the detection
and correction of failures in:
- the infrastructure and its performance;
- the technical compliance of the outputs to the specifications (eg number, format, length,
correctness of the choice of files and orchestration method, etc) documented in the Operating
documentation of the processing system.
[Req PRO-MONIT-10] The Contractor shall ensure that the application of the operational procedure and
the monitoring of the operational processing detect 100% of the operational and technical failures in terms
of violations of the Operating documentation, and shall repeat the corresponding steps until successful
production of the expected outputs.
[Req PRO-MONIT-20] In the case of technical failure of the processing (failure due to a technical error in
the processing system provided as CFI), the Contractor shall:
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raise within 1 NWD of occurrence any operational incidents due to the processing systems supplied by
ESA as CFIs to the designated interface responsible for the maintenance of the processing system (as
defined in WP Integration of Processing Systems);
liaise with the designated interface for the resolution of the problems in question;
keep the ESA Project Manager and SPPA fully informed of the occurrence of such failures and
corresponding correction by the designated interface.
[Req PRO-MONIT-21] In the case that the failure is recoverable by the Contractor, the Contractor shall
correct the error situation and repeat the failed processing. This includes eg situations like:
- error by the Contractor in the execution of the procedures;
- error in the orchestration implementation;
- missing input data;
- failure of the processor which can be overcome by a workaround;
- etc.
[Req PRO-MONIT-22] The Contractor shall perform as part of the standard project cost:
- any repeat processing due to errors traceable to the Contractor’s operations;
- repeat processing up to 20% of the initial amount of data due to processor upgrades (eg due to the
scientific validation) and/or errors traceable to the ESA-provided CFI and/or additional material
collected by the Contractor with the agreement of ESA.
[Req PRO-MONIT-30] Through the design of the operational procedure and infrastructure, the Contractor
shall ensure that the throughput of the processing chain (including any repeats due to operational
incidents) is compliant to ESA performance requirements and the milestone required in the Processing
Project Requirements.
[Req PRO-MONIT-40] The Contractor shall monitor closely the processing performance, and in case of
performance degradation and/or risk of slippage in processing speed/project schedule shall:
1) Immediately alert the ESA Project Manager ;
2) Draft a plan of corrective action including the restoration of the necessary speed / performance and
the recuperation of the backlog;
3) Submit the plan of corrective action to the approval of ESA Project Manager ;
4) Execute the plan as approved;
5) Prepare an internal (Contractor) review and perform a Root Cause Analysis for the loss of
6) Inject the corresponding outputs into the lessons learnt document of the project;
7) Ensure that all subsequent projects follow the lessons learnt.
[Req PRO-MONIT-50] The Contractor shall include the reports, logs generated by the ESA processing
system (in particular in the case of a processor) and the ESA QC tool as a means to closely monitor the
production and to detect any processing failures/erroneous scenes.
[Req PRO-MONIT-60] In case of erroneous scenes and/or problems flagged by the processing system or QC
tool and traceable to defects in the processing system, the Contractor shall generate the
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corresponding problem reports (PR) and deliver them to the designated interface responsible for
the maintenance of the processing system.
[Req PRO-MONIT-70] In addition to the releases of the Processing Technical Note , the Contractor shall
release weekly or fortnightly (as agreed with the ESA Project Manager ) production statistics to the ESA
Project Manager , including the global re-processing or bulk-processing status according to the required
overall processing time window, total number of scenes/orbits/data cycles processed successfully, number
of scenes/orbits/data cycles processed since last report, number of processing failures and reason of failure
(scenes/orbits not processed or flagged erroneous). The progress should preferably be displayed
[Req PRO-MONIT-80] Together with the weekly or fortnightly release of the production statistics, the
Contractor shall release updated maps of location / density of processed scenes as
applicable (eg for optical data). Facilitation of the Scientific Validation
A key aspect for the scientific validation is that SPPA (and the entities supporting SPPA) have rapid access to
the processed data.
[Req PRO-SSCI-10] The Contractor shall facilitate the access to the data for SPPA or other initiator of the
processing in compliance with WP Data Repatriation/delivery, including the delivery of data in slices to
allow the early scientific validation of the outputs.
Note: access to the data by SPPA and related organisations shall be granted throughout the project for any
checks that SPPA decides to perform.
[Req PRO-SSCI-20] The Contractor shall give assistance to SPPA and related organisations on the output
data of the processing by providing knowledge about the input data and processing exercise on an advisory
As the outputs of the test loops are analysed, the initiator of the processing will provide either upgraded
versions of the processor or modified operating instructions (including on the selection of the input data).
[Req PRO-SSCI-30] The Contractor shall collect the feedback from the scientific validation, document the
changes required in the Processing Technical Note, and implement the required changes. In particular, the
Contractor shall carry out any installation of ESA CFI s/w patches during the operations phase while
minimising the impact on the project schedule.
Note: see also the section on Processing System Integration Guarantee and Follow-up.
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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Update of the data storage and Data Information System and CCM DB
[Req PRO-STOR-10] The Contractor shall store the processing system including SW, documentation, test
data and all other CI in the Data Information System and CCM DB as baselined at the start and at the end of
the Processing WP.
[Req PRO-STOR-20] The Contractor shall store in the Service storage and keep under CM the data and other
outputs resulting from the processing.
[Req PRO-STOR-30] The Contractor shall assign to any newly produced dataset a new and unique version
number and store the dataset in the CCM DB accordingly.
[Req PRO-STOR-40] The Contractor shall keep at all times the CCM DB / Data Information System up to date
by recording the operations performed as part of the processing and the resulting evolution of the data
information, in particular the designation of master dataset.
[Req PRO-STOR-50] The completion of the processing exercise and the designation of the master dataset
shall be considered major events and as such the Contractor shall publish them as part of the Knowledge
Management WP. Verification of the Processing activities
The verification of the Processing activities include, beyond the monitoring performed throughout the
processing, the reconciliation of the output data with the input data.
Note: the scope of the verification and validation of the processing activities in scope of this SoW is the
correct operation of the processing system and production of the output data. The scientific validity of the
output is taken care of by SPPA and related organisations (supported by the Contractor as explained above)
and is not part of the scope of this SoW.
[Req PRO-REC-10] Once the processing is complete and by making full use of the detailed processing
statistics collected throughout the project, the Contractor shall perform a reconciliation process between
the input data and output data, including:
- each input file shall be matched to zero, one or more identified output file(s), and vice-versa (e.g.
match L1 product to corresponding input L0 orbit); the matching patterns to be expected will in
principle be provided by SPPA, otherwise the Contractor shall propose the patterns;
- the reason for any mismatch between input and output files shall be determined;
- any mismatch between input and output files shall be eliminated. In case the Contractor is not in a
position, for reasons outside its control, to eliminate some of the mismatches, the ESA Project
Manager in consultation with SPPA may waive this requirement.
Note: this process can also be performed in slices in order to anticipate the detection of errors.
[Req PROC-REC-20] The Contractor shall submit to the ESA Project Manager the Processing verification
portion of the Verification and Validation plan, including the activities of reconciliation.
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Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation plan is also referred to as the
Verification plan. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Plan deliverable.
[Req PROC-REC-30] The Contractor shall execute the Processing Verification Plan and document the
outcomes in the Verification portion of the Processing Verification and Validation report, including the
outcome of the reconciliation process with the list of mismatches and the explanation and resolution of
each, in the Processing Technical Note.
Note: for brevity, the Verification portion of the Verification and Validation report is also referred to as the
Verification report. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Report
The Verification plan and report will be subject to the approval of the ESA Project Manager.
[Req PRO-REC-40] Once the processing and reconciliation are complete, the Contractor shall deliver (as part
of the Processing Technical Note) a final report on the completeness of the processed output dataset to the
ESA Project Manager , based on the completeness of the input data and the outcome of the reconciliation.
As a result of reconciliation, the resulting (higher level) dataset inherits the attribute “master” from the
input (lower level) dataset and can in turn be used to produce yet higher level data (e.g. Level 2): the
attribute “master” propagates up the stages of processing through the reconciliation exercise. This process
is however not automatic and will require confirmation by SPPA through the channel of the DSI-CCB.
[Req PRO-REC-50] The Contractor shall seek, capture and document the assignment by SPPA of the
“master” label for the output dataset through the DSI-CCB.
After the successful execution of the Verification plan, the Data Release Management process shall be
activated. Data Processing guarantee and follow-up
The activities of data processing as described in this WP are treated on a project basis. The project
terminates with the completion of all the activities required, based on the data and processing system
delivered to the Contractor as input.
The completion of the project is marked by the successful completion of the Verification and of the
Validation (see Chapter “Release Management”).
However, there is a significant likelihood that additional data which is part of the same mission / instrument
/ time and geographical coverage as the input data will become available for processing after the project
activities are underway including after the completion of the project. This may come about in particular
through the follow-up activities of data collection and data consolidation.
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In addition, despite the care taken in the Verification and Validation exercises, ESA may discover, either
autonomously or following notification of further recipients of the data (eg PACs / LTDP Centres)
inaccuracies in the outcome of the activities performed in the course of the project.
[Req PRO-GUA-10] The Contractor shall continue to perform /repeat the project activities on an
incremental basis to cover cases of:
a- errors and omissions made by the Contractor in the Project
b- the possible discovery of additional input data (eg for gap filling).
[Req PRO-GUA-20] The additional processing of input data (case b above) shall be considered incremental
(and therefore fall under the guarantee and follow-up activities) up to an amount of 3% of the original data
per year.
Beyond this threshold, further activities will be considered as a new project.
[Req PRO-GUA-30] The guarantee and follow-up period shall last for 1 year after the completion of the
project (or until the end of the Contract).
The guarantee and follow-up activities are an integral part of the project from the funding point of view, ie
no additional cost will be paid by ESA for these activities. However from the operational point of view they
will be carried out as continuous activities managed under the overall service and not any more as project
Managerial and technical approach
The technical and management approach to this contract should emphasise the following aspects:
Overall responsibility
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the fulfilment of the requirements of this SoW for services and
projects, regardless of the choice of infrastructure and of the organisation of the consortium.
Customer and User orientation
The successful delivery of data is a major driver of this procurement and must be emphasised and
maximised in the Management of this Service.
Risk contention
The innovative aspect of the management of this Service must be accompanied by the careful reduction
and mitigation of all risks in order to maintain stakeholders’ confidence in the validity of this model.
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The execution of this Service requires effective cooperation with Interfacing Services -see Annex 4.
A major driver in the successful provision of the Service is a positive and cooperative spirit when dealing
with all stakeholders.
In addition, the Contractor is required to manage and orchestrate all the various services and WPs in a way
that maximises the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall service and the fulfilment of the Service
Objectives. In particular the Contractor must make sure that there is synergy and cooperation among the
various services and WPs for communication of information and provision of inputs.
Autonomy and pro-activeness
The Contractor must be fully autonomous in fulfilling its tasks and reaching the Service objectives. In
particular, there will be no contribution / participation of ESA in the setup, operations and support of the
technical platform, beyond the provision of requirements through this SoW and the review of the
Contractor’s outputs.
Skills, know-how and experience required
The profiles required for the Contractor team in the key roles (as defined in Annex 4) are:
- strong customer orientation and determination to make a joint success out of a challenging service
- no less than 10 years of experience in service and project management, including the coordination and
organization of diverse teams in complex organisations;
- strong experience of at least 5 years in the technical field of EO data management and processing;
- significant experience at least 3 years in the definition and management of KPI’s and service metrics,
and in the implementation, monitoring, analysis and improvement of services according to quality
- familiarity with software engineering standards (ISO 12207 or equivalent);
- familiarity with project management standards (Prince2 or equivalent);
- familiarity with service delivery best practices (ITIL);
- presentation and communication skills.
The Contractor’s team is required to show:
- customer orientation, problem solving orientation and can-do attitude;
- skills and experience in the technical aspects linked to the datasets in scope of the service, and
desirably beyond;
- skills and experience in the modern infrastructure management approaches which allow the flexible
deployment of storage and processing power (eg cloud technology) and the related technical challenges
(security, networking, etc);
- skills and experience in integrating heterogeneous software components in complex environments;
- skills and experience in configuration management.
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In all cases, a strong operations- and customer-orientation is necessary.
Data Repatriation/delivery
The purpose of this WP is to repatriate/deliver the data in scope of this Contract together with
accompanying metadata and mission documentation to various recipients including:
 ESA internal recipients, in particular
o SPPA for processor loop testing, data quality control and advanced data consolidation, etc.
o DISS-UNIT for dissemination of the datasets to end –users (external to ESA)
o OPS-UNIT for archival
 Other recipients, e.g. ESA dissemination facility, PAC’s, LTDP centres, Satellite mission operators
and national space agencies (e.g. USGS, NASA), etc.
Activities of data repatriation/delivery are systematically triggered upon completion of the core WPs,
including Data Collection, Data Consolidation and Data Processing. In all cases, the data after elaboration is
repatriated to ESA and related archiving centres (PACs / LTDP centres). Moreover, specific data
repatriation/delivery activities are required in case of :
WP data consolidation: Datasets resulting from project based activities within this WP are
distributed to SPPA (and/or supporting organisations) for advanced consolidation involving in-depth
scientific expertise;
WP bulk-processing/reprocessing/reformatting operations: Dataset resulting from
processing/reformatting projects, including datasets processed for the purpose of processor loop
testing, are distributed to SPPA (and/or supporting organisations) for scientific data quality control.
In case of output datasets being processed as part of nominal reprocessing/bulk-processing
projects, they are delivered to SPPA (and/or supporting organisations) for further scientific quality
control and for assigning the ESA quality stamp and to DISS-UNIT for implementing the proper
mechanism to deliver the data to end-users (once the ESA quality stamp is available).
4.2.2 Scope
Entire or large portions of the datasets are either distributed on HDD or are made accessible on-line via an
on-line data repository to be set-up and maintained in scope of this Contract.
Note: in the context of data repatriation/ delivery, the term HDD is used to represent a fast access memory
device and covers NAS’es as well as Hard Disks.
Data is also delivered incrementally on-line (and in exceptional cases via HDDs), i.e. small portions of a
dataset are delivered, for various uses.
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Any activities in scope of this WP are triggered/activated with the Contractor on-request of the ESA
Technical Officer.
The default scope of this WP includes the delivery of data on-line (via FTP/SFTP/FTPS) or off-line via HDD to
a limited population (as described above) of recipients including organisation units of ESA and its partners.
Data dissemination to the end-users of the data (ie scientists) are not included in the default scope.
However, it may be required occasionally and for a limited period of time to disseminate data to a large
population of users. This will be handled and funded in a separate context.
In principle, datasets distributed within this service:
o either have already been validated by ESA through SPPA and are considered conformant to ESA
data quality standards (i.e. are quality stamped). In this case, data sets are authorised for
release to other ESA facilities and to users external to ESA (managed though DISS-UNIT) ,
o or are distributed only to specified/authorised expert entities (internal ESA users) for the
purpose of data consolidation and data validation/quality stamping or processor loop testing.
However, any subset of the data may be required for extraction and/or repatriation/delivery, for whatever
recipient and purpose.
The amount of data to be repatriated/delivered yearly through this WP is estimated to be:
- 2 to 3 times the combined amount of data resulting from data collection, data consolidations and
processing projects in scope of the contract
(not including the backup data covered in Chapter Service Continuity).
4.2.3 Activities
The activities include:
For data distribution on HDD
- record destination and shipment details in Contractor’s information System
- copy ESA EO data on HDD
- label media and prepare accompanying inventory
- ship to destination
For on-line data accessibility
- perform basic user management and ensure that any user is registered and thus authorised to
enter the Contractor’s data repository
- setup the on-line data repository and load the data to it
- monitor the access and produce / report statistics
In all cases:
Produce monthly and upon request a data delivery report.
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4.2.4 Inputs
Instructions from the ESA Technical Officer to repatriate / deliver a dataset including identification
of the data to be repatriated/delivered, method of delivery, recipients, start and end date of
availability (in the case of on-line delivery)
4.2.5 Outputs
Data package shipped on HDD or available on-line to the recipient
Record of the delivery (shipment or on-line availability) within the Contractor’s Data Information
Acknowledgement of receipt of the media by the recipient
Data repatriation/delivery report (as part of the Service Monitoring Report) including detailed
regular statistics on data downloads from the Contractor’s data repository (who downloaded which
data when)
4.2.6 Requirements Common requirements
Data repatriation/delivery will be requested:
- at the end of a data elaboration project (collection, consolidation, processing);
- in the course of a data elaboration project, to deliver data gradually in a “continuous cycle”
approach (as opposed to strict waterfall) and reduce the time-to-destination of the data;
- on a time-driven (eg quarterly) or event-driven (eg specific dataset update) basis following the
follow-up activities of the various WPs;
- depending on the needs of the recipients, the agreements between ESA and Third Parties, and
other factors inducing the need for ESA to repatriate data.
HDD-based repatriation/delivery is intended for large amounts of data (a few 100’s Gb to 20 TB) while online access is intended for small to medium amounts (up to a few 100’s Gb).In case very large (above 20TB)
amounts of data need to be repatriated / delivered, the medium will normally be LTO tapes. However it
may occasionally be required to repatriate/deliver small data amounts of data on HDD and large amounts
of data on-line.
[Req DISS-COMM-10] The Contractor shall handle requests to repatriate and deliver data (incremental
amounts of data and larger portions) as a specific category of issues in the management system.
[Req DISS-COMM-20] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall repatriate/deliver
data according to the specifications of the ESA Technical Officer in terms of:
- identification of the data to be repatriated/delivered;
- recipients of the data;
- means of repatriation/delivery.
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The boundaries are indicated in the Scope section. In case the planned boundaries are under- or over-shot
significantly, an adjustment of the financial conditions of this WP will be considered.
[Req DISS-COMM-30] As part the data repatriation / delivery, the Contractor shall extract from its storage
and deliver, unless otherwise specified by the ESA Technical Officer:
- the science data as specified
- the related auxiliary data
- the related documentation
- the related extracts of the data information system and CCM DB.
[Req DISS-COMM-40] The Contractor shall not release any data, documentation or other material or
information entrusted or generated as part of this contract to any party without an explicit request or
agreement by the ESA Technical Officer, ESA Project Manager or DSI-CCB.
The ESA Technical Officer, or their line management may take the responsibility to authorise the release of
[Req DISS-COMM-50] The Contractor shall flag to the DSI-CCB any request from parties external to the
contract for release of data.
Note: in principle, the confirmation of L0 data delivery will only be given after a data confidentiality
agreement was signed between the user of the data and ESA. Access to L0 primary data will normally be
granted only to internal users of SPPA, and supporting organisations.
[Req DISS-COMM-60] The Contractor shall, on a monthly basis and upon request of the ESA Technical
Officer, produce a data repatriation/delivery report showing detailed statistics on the data
repatriated/delivered, the channel, and for data delivered on-line the statistics per user and affiliation.
[Req DISS-COMM-70] The repatriation / delivery report shall be embedded in the Service Monitoring Report
and is not required as a self-standing deliverable. However the Contractor shall also deliver intermediate
releases of the repatriation / delivery report on request independently from the Service Monitoring Report.
[Req DISS-COMM-80] The Contractor shall perform Verification activities to ensure the correctness of the
repatriation / delivery activities and outputs.
[Req DISS-COMM-90] The Contractor shall document:
- the principles and the approach for the verification of the repatriation / delivery activities and
outputs in the Service Governance Plan;
- the verification activities performed for each repatriation / delivery exercise as part of the
repatriation/delivery report.
ESA will validate the repatriation / delivery activities and outputs on the basis of spot checks.
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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Data Extraction
[Req DISS-EXTR-10] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall extract the specified
data to HDD.
The exact technical specification of the HDD (or possibly other media) will be agreed on a case by case basis
between the Contractor and the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req DISS-EXTR-20] The Contractor shall extract data to HDD with the throughput specified in the SLA. Data delivery on HDD
Data (primary data, auxiliary data, ancillary data, documentation) is repatriated/delivered on HDD primarily
to ESA internal users (SPPA and DISS-UNIT) and to ESA partner organisations eg PACs, LTDP centres, other
satellite mission operators, national space agencies etc. In exceptional circumstances, data may be
disseminated to end users.
The Contractor shall procure the needed HDD, copy the data and check the correctness of the copy, prepare
a report on the copy operation and ship the HDD to the destination specified by the ESA Technical Officer.
Note: in the case that the amount of data to be shipped is small (a few 10 Gb) it may be agreed between the
Contractor and the ESA Technical Officer to replace the shipping of HDD with an on-line data transmission
mechanism. The details of the mechanism to be used will be agreed case by case.
Apart from the media to be used, the same requirements apply to the on-line transmission of data as to the
HDD-based transmission.
Preparation of the HDD
[Req DISS-HDD-10] The Contractor shall procure HDDs according to the total size of the data to be
transcribed, following technical specifications agreed with the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req DISS-HDD-20] The Contractor shall copy the requested data from its storage to the HDD.
[Req DISS-HDD-30] The data on the target HDDs shall be structured as a hierarchical tree according to a
structure to be proposed by the Contractor. The default structure shall be where the first path level is the
unique source media Configuration Item Id and the remaining path structure reflects the structure of the
original media.
[Req DISS-HDD-40] The Contractor shall label each target HDD with the following information:
- Unique HDD id;
- Summary of the contents including at least mission / instrument / time coverage;
- Used capacity vs. total capacity.
[Req DISS-HDD-50] The Unique HDD Id shall follow the format:
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<DISK GENERATION DATE> is the disk generation date in format DD MMM YYYY;
<ORIGIN> identifies the origin of the media, and in the case of DSI is “DSI”;
<n> is the number of the HDD in the series;
<N> is the total number of HDDs in the series.
[Req DISS-HDD-60] The Contractor shall ensure that the entire scope of data concerned is copied without
any file being overlooked.
[Req DISS-HDD-70] The Contractor shall ensure that the MD5 checksum of each file as copied to the
destination HDD is identical to the corresponding MD5 checksum file in the source environment.
[Req DISS-HDD-80] The Contractor shall produce and attached to the data a HDD inventory report including:
- a list of the HDD produced identified by their unique ids
- the contents of each HDD expressed in terms of mission / instrument / type of data / detailed
[Req DISS-HDD-90] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall attach to the inventory
report the transcription report from the original exercise of transcription of the data into the Contractor’s
[Req DISS-HDD-100] Upon explicit request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall generate and
attach to the HDD to be shipped a full formatted extract of the Data Information System and CCM DB,
including the full DSD, to convey all the knowledge regarding the data concerned.
Shipment of the HDD
The activities required include packaging and shipping the HDDs to the required destination and liaising
with the contact point at the destination and with the courier until the successful reception is confirmed.
[Req DISS-HDD-110] The Contractor shall package and ship the HDD together with the HDD inventory report
to the requested destination.
[Req DISS-HDD-120] The Contractor shall email a copy of the HDD inventory report to the ESA Technical
[Req DISS-HDD-130] The Contractor shall ship the HDDs by means of a courier service chosen among the 3
major providers of such services in the country where the shipment originates.
[Req DISS-HDD-140] The Contractor shall use the highest available level of reliability and tracking
granularity among the options offered by the Courier service.
[Req DISS-HDD-150] The Contractor shall track the shipping at least once a day and liaise with the Courier
service until the successful delivery of the media is acknowledged by the contact point at the destination.
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[Req DISS-HDD-160] The Contractor shall notify the ESA Technical Officer in case of any issues with the
shipping process, indicating the nature of the issue and the proposed recovery plan.
[Req DISS-HDD-170] The Contractor shall notify the ESA Technical Officer upon successful reception of the
package by the requested destination within 2 NWD.
[Req DISS-HDD-180] Unless otherwise agreed with the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall complete
the process of delivery (including preparation and shipment) of the HDD within a time not exceeding a
throughput of 3 TB per NWD.
Recording of the Shipment details and destination
[Req DISS-HDD-190] The Contractor shall record in the Data Information System / CCM DB the details of
what data is shipped to what recipients on what media and at what date. On-line data delivery/accessibility service
This service enables on-line accessibility to specified data and accompanying information (metadata, QC
reports and mission documentation) on an FTP/SFTP/FTPS server through the Contractor’s service
infrastructure. Potentially any part of the data will have to be made available for QC or other purposes. The
online data repository shall be available at short notice upon request.
Datasets are accessible only to registered and authorised users, and primarily to ESA internal users (SPPA
and its supporting organisations, DISS-UNIT). Datasets are made accessible from the Contractor’s
infrastructure for a limited amount of time, e.g. for1 to 2 weeks in order to allow the recipient the time to
download the data while minimising the risks of unauthorised attempts to access the data and the use of
the resources.
Basic User Management
Note: throughout the document and in particular in this section, the term user refers to the user population
defined in Annex 4; therefore the end-user population of European Scientists is not in the scope of the user
management described here. Even in the exceptional case that end-user dissemination may be required,
there will be no management of individual user accounts for that population of users.
[Req DISS-ONL-10] The Contractor shall collect from the ESA Technical Officer the list of users entitled to
download the data, including name, affiliation and contact details.
[Req DISS-ONL-20] The Contractor shall manage the required user population, as defined in the section on
Service Level Management.
[Req DISS-ONL-30] The Contractor shall provide to each user a unique password-protected access account
for the specified protocol (e.g. FTP/SFTP/FTPS/HTTP/HTTPS) to access the requested data.
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[Req DISS-ONL-40] The Contractor shall communicate to each of the users concerned the access details to
the data (IP address, protocol, user credentials).
[Req DISS-ONL-50] The Contractor shall manage user credentials (esp. passwords) according to the standard
rules of security applicable.
[Req DISS-ONL-60] The Contractor shall implement a simple user management function through the Service
desk to assist users with basic user management needs (lost password, change of person associated to an
account, etc)
[Req DISS-ONL-70] The Contractor shall ensure that only authorised users gain access to the data delivery
[Req DISS-ONL-80] The Contractor shall ensure that every user attempted access (successful or not) to the
service infrastructure data repository is logged.
[Req DISS-ONL-90] In case of a security breach, e.g. unauthorised access to data, the Contractor shall
inform immediately, within 1 NWD, the ESA Technical officer and the ESA Infrastructure and Security officer
and take immediate actions to stop the unauthorised access, in accordance with the Security requirements
of this SoW.
[Req DISS-ONL-100] The Contractor shall ensure that the main data repository is not subject to any security
risk even in the case that the security of the data delivery server is compromised.
Setup of an on-line data repository and loading of the data
[Req DISS-ONL-110] The Contractor shall propose, agree with the ESA Technical Officer and implement/
configure for each dataset in scope on the data repository a well-defined directory structure, possibly
following a “YYYY/MM/DD” (YYYY for year, MM for month, DD for day) or similar folder structure.
[Req DISS-ONL-120] The Contractor shall make the data available via FTP/SFTP/FTPS according to the
specifications of the ESA Technical Officer.
Note: HTTP/HTTPS may also be required although this is not expected to be the default approach.
[Req DISS-ONL-130] After approval by the DSI-CCB (see Common Requirements), the Contractor shall make
the specified data available on-line to the recipient(s) within a time not exceeding 1 NWD for every 3 TB of
data, and notify the recipients of the availability of the data.
[Req DISS-ONL-140] The data delivery server shall allow simultaneous access of at least 10 users and a
stable download performance for each of these 10 users of at least 100 GB/user/day including in case of
simultaneous access to the same data.
[Req DISS-ONL-150] Upon explicit request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall generate a full
formatted extract of the Data Information System and CCM DB, including the full DSD, to document all the
knowledge regarding the data concerned, and make it accessible on the data server together with the data.
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Recording of the on-line repatriation/delivery
[Req DISS-ONL-160] The Contractor shall register in the Data Information System the contact details of the
users entitled to download the data, together with the specifications of the data to be downloaded, the
start and end dates and the request of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req DISS-ONL-170] Within the Data Information System, the Contractor shall record in detail any user
access to the data delivery server, including the identity of the user, the user access details (user account)
and information on the dataset(s) the user has been granted access to and when, and the data effectively
accessed. Optional data dissemination to end-users
Although the standard channel for disseminating data to end users is through the Dissemination Facilities
managed by DISS-UNIT, the Contractor may occasionally be required to put in place a simple way of
disseminating data.
The approach for simple dissemination of data to end-users shall be based on the following features:
- Yearly duration (renewable)
- Volume of data equivalent to the full output of the processing;
- Users geographically distributed, mainly in Europe;
- Up to 20 simultaneous users;
- FTP/SFTP/FTPS server or better user friendliness;
- Single user credentials to be shared by all the users accessing the same set of data;
- Sufficient data throughput to allow appropriate performance (100 Mbps) in terms of simultaneous
access and download time;
- No management (registration, allocation of credentials etc) of individual users / no end-user
support etc.
- Constant monitoring of the data dissemination to prevent and correct service interruptions and
degradation of the performance.
This option shall be activated on request and funded separately from the rest of the repatriation/delivery
Data Information and Configuration Management
This WP consists in collecting and managing configuration information on the data while it is being handled
in the scope of the main WPs of this SoW.
The long term archival of the data is performed i.a. in the PACs / LTDP Centres as part of separate
contractual arrangements and is not in the scope of this contract. Indeed, DSI will only hold the data
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temporarily, for as long as this will be useful for the purposes of this SoW. It is therefore particularly
important to perform rigorous configuration management of the data.
The information managed includes, in addition to the configuration information, all the knowledge about
the data which is of use for determining and interpreting the characteristics of the data (esp. quality and
completeness) affected by these WP’s.
4.3.2 Scope
The scope of the WP includes:
1) Data Records (ranging from raw data to higher level products, browses, auxiliary, ancillary and
calibration and validation data set)
2) Processing systems operated in the scope of this SoW and kept under CCM for later reference
as explained under WP Integration of Processing Systems.
3) Mission Documentation to the extent that it is used as part of the WP’s of this SoW and
including format description, naming conventions, Mission Operations Plans, etc.
Data records are identified as:
1. Raw data: Raw data can be disregarded if consolidation to Level 0 data has been successfully
completed without any raw data loss. In the case of ENVISAT, for some instruments, the raw
data are turned into NRT Level 0 data, and NRT Level 0 data are processed into “consolidated”
L0 data. In this context the consolidation consists in removing overlaps (by means of a tool
called ECONS).
2. L0 data
3. L1 to higher levels mission data products when systematically generated as part of the mission
requirements and/or reprocessed.
4. Meta-data
5. Browses whenever generated
6. Ancillary data (spacecraft ephemeris information, attitude, etc)
7. Auxiliary data required to process the telemetry payload data to generate the nominal mission
8. Cal/Val data (needed to calibrate the satellite instruments and monitor data quality)
4.3.3 Activities
The activities required include:
 Performing the Configuration and Change Management of the data
 Collecting, recording, organising, maintaining operational information about the data subject to the
core activities of this SoW;
 Managing the resulting Data Information System and CCM DB;
 Providing a variety of reports and answering questions and enquiries on the data holding and its
4.3.4 Inputs
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Data holdings in scope of the core WP’s of this SoW:
- Data Records
- Mission Documentation
- Baselines of the Processing Systems operated as part of this SoW
Issues regarding the data holdings
Data Change Requests
4.3.5 Outputs
Data Configuration and Change Management Plan (Data CCM Plan)
Data holdings under Configuration Management
Data Change Requests (DCR’s) resulting from issues
Dispositioned DCR’s
Up to date Data Information System and CCM DB and corresponding outputs, exports and reports
including configuration status accounting reports
4.3.6 Requirements Data information management
The data managed as part of this WP is an irreplaceable asset. Its value is in the ability to use it, which
depends in large part on the knowledge of the asset and the management of this knowledge.
As indicated in Annex 4, the Data Librarian is the ESA role in charge of managing this knowledge. It is
however necessary to support this ESA role with activities in this contract, since significant information
concerning the data originates in this contract or revolves around the activities performed in this contract.
This WP includes the management by the Contractor of the Data Information System and CCM DB relating
to the data in scope of the core WP’s.
[Req DCCM-INF-10] The Contractor shall maintain and update an Information System concerning the data
included in the scope of the core WP’s of the Service and in the Contractor’s data storage.
[Req DCCM-INF-20] The Contractor shall cover as part of the data-related information system the
information pertaining to the data, including at least (but not limited to):
- the information represented in the data model of the ESA inventory data base (EO-INV) provided as
input [RD EO-INV];
- the full set of attributes of each dataset contained in the Dataset Description (DSD) described in the
section on CCM;
- the major events related to the data, taking place within or outside this contract.
[Req DCCM-INF-30] The Contractor shall include as part of the data-related information system the
information related to the activities performed in the scope of this contract, including:
- projects performed (consolidation, reprocessing, etc) and their status
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data delivery activities including the data delivered, the date and the destination / audience
activities of guarantee and follow-up from the core WP’s.
[Req DCCM-INF-40] The Contractor shall deliver to the ESA Technical Officer a fully readable (ASCII) export
of the Data Information System and CCM DB, once per month and additionally upon request, covering:
- either the full current data holding (default)
- or a specified subset per mission / instrument / instrument type and/or time range.
ESA needs to have at its disposal the contents of the Data Information System and CCM DB without
depending on the Contractor. The readable format of the dump of the information system will be agreed
between the Data Librarian of ESA and the Data and Configuration Manager of the Contractor during the
contract phase-in.
[Req DCCM-INF-50] The Contractor shall provide to the ESA Technical Officer, regularly and on request,
various reports on the data holding, including but not restricted to:
- the detailed inventory of the data storage in relation to this Contract, including identification, size,
coverage, status, completeness, quality, etc.
- the detailed description of some or all of the datasets related to a mission / instrument, including
the DSD information and all available mission / instrument / dataset information formatted for
management presentation;
- the evolution of the data between 2 given dates sorted per mission / instrument / dataset
(reprocessing, completeness/quality improvements, additions, delivery, etc);
- the evolution of the data due to a given project.
These reports are of particular importance for the credibility of the Contractor and of the Service as
they will be further distributed to ESA Management and used in the formation of strategic plans
and as a basis for launching new projects.
The precise contents and format of the reports will be agreed between the Data Librarians of ESA
and of the Contractor during the contract phase-in.
[Req DCCM-INF-60] The Contractor shall respond by email to requests for information on the data in scope
of the core WP’s coming from the ESA Technical Officer and other ESA key roles specified in Annex 4 as well
as the EOP-G line management. The Contractor shall CC the Data Librarian of its responses to the queries.
[Req DCCM-INF-70] The Contractor shall update the Data Information System within 2 NWD of any update
of the information contained or discovery of addition information. Data Configuration Management
[Req DCCM-CCM-09] The Contractor shall produce and apply a Data Configuration Management Plan to
document the activities of configuration and change management applicable to the data as described in this
The Data Configuration Management Plan is subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
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Configuration Management
This process includes managing and tracking the status and evolution of the Data Records (datasets and
their components) and of the Mission Documentation.
In addition, Processing Systems are covered to the extent of capturing and archiving baselines of the tools
provided as CFI’s as per the requirements of WP Processing System Integration.
[Req DCCM-CCM-10] The Contractor shall maintain
- the data files, datasets and dataset descriptions, and
- the mission documentation
under configuration and change management, and apply all the normal rules of CCM, including (but not
restricted to):
- any data file/record shall be part of one or more identified CIs
- any document shall be part of one or more identified CIs
- any change to the data shall follow a controlled process including the recording and authorisation
of the change
- any change to the contents of a dataset shall give rise to a new version number.
[Req DCCM-CCM-20] The Contractor’s CCM process should preferably classify the documents relevant to
the data according to [RD PDSC].
[Req DCCM-CCM-30] The Contractor’s CCM process shall define and uniquely identify all Configuration
Items (CIs) and their attributes, their constituent components and their mutual interrelations.
The identification and structure of the CI are an integral part of the Data Configuration Management Plan
and are subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req DCCM-CCM-40] The Contractor shall produce and maintain a Configuration Item Data List (CIDL),
listing the Configuration Items subject to the various services in this SoW.
[Req DCCM-CCM-50] The Contractor shall maintain as part of the CIDL an up-to-date map of the
dependencies among CIs within and across datasets.
The dependency map covers in particular the dependency of primary data to auxiliary data, ancillary data
and other components required for the processing of the primary data.
[Req DCCM-CCM-60] The CCM process, including the choice of the CIs and the CI structure, shall allow to
control all changes to existing CIs, in particular:
- Change to a Dataset description
- Change to a data file name
- Addition, removal, replacement of a data file in a dataset
- Addition/creation of new Datasets, DSD, data files, mission documents
- Change to mission documents.
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Note: depending on the Contractor’s design of the CCM system, changes in the contents of a data file may
be treated as addition of a new file and removal of the old file.
[Req DCCM-CCM-70] The Contractor shall adopt a versioning system compliant with the following features:
- each data CI version will be of the form xx.yy
- yy shall be increased at each minor intervention on the CI (ie intervention performed as part of the
follow-up and guarantee component of the core WP’s)
- xx shall be increased at each major intervention on the CI(ie intervention performed as part of a
project WP).
Note: The versioning system should reuse any existing identification / naming / versioning conventions.
[Req DCCM-CCM-80]The Contractor shall make the DSD a component CI of the dataset (ie one of the CI
elements in the breakdown of the overall CI which is the dataset).
Management of baselines
[Req DCCM-CCM-90]In addition to tracking and recording individual changes, the Contractor shall manage
and store, and as necessary retrieve and deploy, baselines of the data and of the mission documentation.
[Req DCCM-CCM-100] The Contractor shall take a baseline of a dataset at a minimum:
- upon delivering / starting the dissemination of a dataset
- before and after every major change to a dataset (where a major change is identified as triggered
by a project).
[Req DCCM-CCM-110] The Contractor’s baseline management shall take account of the dependencies:
- among datasets (eg primary / auxiliary)
- between datasets and dataset-specific mission documentation.
[Req DCCM-CCM-120] The Contractor shall label and store baselines in a way that guarantees unambiguous
[Req DCCM-CCM-130] In addition to the baselining requirements of WP Processing System Integration, the
Contractor shall take a baseline of each Processing System operated as part of this SoW:
- upon delivery by ESA of the Processing System as a CFI
- upon the start of operations of the Processing System as part of a project;
- upon the termination of operations of the Processing System as part of a project. Data Change Management
Change Control Rules
[Req DCCM-CCM-200] Within the scope and for the purpose of this SoW, the Change Authority applicable
to the Data (including documentation) handled under this SoW shall be the DSI-CCB, as defined in Annex 4.
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The process for raising, collecting and managing issues, Service Requests, Project Requests and Data Change
Requests is described in Section “Service Process Management”.
Note: the ESA Technical Officer has the authority to pre-empt or to override the decision of the DSI-CCB and
disposition the change autonomously. This will only happen in exceptional circumstances. In any case, only
ESA is entitled to reject a DCR.
[Req DCCM-CCM-210] If for any reason the ESA Technical Officer pre-empts or overrides the decision of the
DSI-CCB and dispositions the change autonomously, the Contractor shall document the decision and the
different approval process.
Change Management
This process consists in the pro-active change management of the data, including managing and tracking
the evolution of the datasets and their components and of the documents.
The process ensures that standardized methods and procedures are applied for efficient and prompt
handling of all issues giving raise to Data Change Requests in order to avoid change-related problems.
[Req DCCM-CCM-300] The Contractor shall manage and record changes in a way that all the changes
between any two successive baselines can be listed and individually undone.
[Req DCCM-CCM-310] The Contractor shall manage the life cycle of Data Change Requests (DCR) based on a
detailed DCR generated and managed in the Change Management system.
[Req DCCM-CCM-320] The detailed DCR in the Change Management system shall contain at least the
following information, essential to the change management process:
 Unique DCR identifier
 Originator of the issue or DCR and corresponding Contact information
 Change authority applicable in compliance with the above indications
 Date and time stamps of the DCR
 Detailed description of the change requested including details of the configuration items (CIs)
 Reason for the change and/or impact of not making the change
 Impact of the change including risks involved
 Cost of the change (which is zero depending on the type of issue giving raise the the DCR)
 Severity/urgency of the underlying issues / of the change requested
 Related DCRs if any
 Issue count/linking issues In case the DCR results from issues reported by users of the data, the DCR
needs to be linked to the corresponding issues, and the occurrences of the issue counted.
References/links to any issues with matching symptoms shall be included in the DCR record. This
allows the severity of the situation to be properly assessed, and helps support staff identify
workarounds and resolutions;
 Links to further information eg any associated documents
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Proposed implementation approach and schedule
History An accurate record of the investigation or other activities undertaken shall be stored within
the DCR
Status The current status of the DCR shall be recorded in the DCR record. The range of status shall
include: initiated, proposed, approved, rejected, work-around applied, complete.
Other data useful for the management of the change by the Contractor.
[Req DCCM-CCM-330] Except in exceptional cases where the ESA Technical Officer waive the resolution of
a Data Change Request, the Contractor shall carry out the implementation and the verification of all the
approved Data Change Requests (DCRs) as part of the guarantee and follow-up activities of the relevant
WP’s, within the boundaries indicated for guarantee and follow-up activities.
[Req DCCM-CCM-340] Whenever data or documents necessary to resolve a DCR (eg data files
corresponding to a gap in the data holding) are identified and available, the Contractor shall endeavour to
acquire that data or document from its source, regardless of the type of media on which it is available. This
includes the scanning to PDF/A of paper documents.
[Req DCCM-CCM-350] Throughout the various activities performed as part of the contract, the Contractor
shall keep the Data Records and the corresponding Mission Documentation fully aligned and inter-related,
- the links between the datasets and the dataset-specific documents
- the links between the data and the documents describing the data (eg format).
[Req DCCM-CCM-360] The Contractor shall define, maintain, execute and track the life cycle and workflow
of the DCR’s. The life cycle shall reflect at least the steps defined below:
 the collection of DCRs through the Issue Management Process, which acts as the point of generation
and primary collection of DCRs from all authorised sources;
 the appropriate approval process to ensure only approved changes to the data are implemented and
deployed/delivered (or alternatively waived), including the recording of the disposition of the DCR by
the approving authority competent (see above);
 the implementation and verification of the disposition
 the corresponding update of the Data Information System and CCM DB;
 the activation of the Release Management process for successful deployment/delivery.
[Req DCCM-CCM-370] The Contractor shall ensure the feedback of the life cycle of the changes from the
Change Management process and tool to the Issue Management process and tool, so that the latest status
of the original issue is always up to date.
Assistance to the Secretariat of the Data Configuration Control Board
Changes to the data will be debated and dispositioned by the Data Configuration Control Board (DSI-CCB),
described under the Section “Roles and Responsibilities”.
DSI-CCB meetings are the forum where the DSI-CCB debates and dispositions the DCRs for the scope of this
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In order to accelerate the approval process in urgent cases, or for logistical reasons, electronic meetings
(with minutes) or exchanges of email are an acceptable way of collecting the disposition.
The DSI-CCB shall meet in principle once a month. Upon proposal of the Contractor and/or decision of the
Chair of the DSI-CCB, the frequency of the meetings may be altered and/or ad-hoc meetings may be called,
eg to disposition urgent change requests or to process a surge of Data Change Requests.
[Req DCCM-CCM-400] The Contractor shall assist the Secretariat of the DSI-CCB, and in particular upon
request of the co-chairs or secretary prepare, organize, help moderate, support, record and/or document
the DSI-CCB meetings. Status Accounting and Reporting
[Req DCCM-CCM-500] As part of the execution of the DCR life cycle, the Contractor shall keep the DCR
information, particularly the status, up to date at each step of the entire life cycle.
[Req DCCM-CCM-510] The possible states and associated values for the status of a DCR shall include at least
the following:
 Raised
 Under review
 Under approval
 Accepted
 Rejected
 Suspended
 Under implementation
 Validated
 Released
[Req DCCM-CCM-520] The Contractor shall deliver, on demand, outputs, exports and reports (status
accounting) and CCM DB extracts, including:
- full inventory of the data currently in the custody of the Contractor, including the physical location
of the data down to the individual media
- full inventory of the original media provided by ESA including labelling information, physical
location, physical and technical characteristics, precise contents, etc.
- full contents, in readable form (ASCII) and/or in a format to be specified during the phase-in of the
Data Information System and CCM DB.
[Req DCCM-CCM-530] The Contractor shall provide the ESA Service Manager and Data Librarian with
permanent read-only access to the Data Information System and CCM system.
[Req DCCM-CCM-540] There may be cases in which a dataset which is subject to guarantee and follow up of
the core WP’s is also, simultaneously, undergoing a project (eg reprocessing) as part of a separate project,
possibly under a separate contract with a different supplier. To cover this type of situation, the Contractor
shall upon request of the ESA Technical Officer:
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communicate the changes performed as part of the guarantee and follow up to the project team
through the ESA Technical Officer. The Project Team will be responsible carry over the changes into
the new development.
capture into the data information system of the service, through the ESA Technical Officer, the
information concerning the Project. Provision of inputs to ESA CCB
ESA operates change control on its Ground Segment infrastructure, which may occasionally impact
the interfaces and the CFIs of DSI. Such changes are decided based on a variety of factors. The
Contractor will be required to provide the DSI input for this decision making process.
[Req DCCM-CCM-600] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall provide an
assessment of the impact of proposed changes to its interfaces and CFI’s on the cost / schedule /
other aspects of the activities covered under this SoW, and potentially alternative proposals.
The ESA Technical Officer will assess the Contractor’s impact assessment together with the
Contractor and present the agreed input to the relevant ESA change control body, which will take
the final decision on the basis of all the drivers involved.
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Service and Project Management
Operating model
The overall operating model is represented hereunder:
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DSI – Operating Model
End users
Key Roles
Request /
Request /
Request /
Request /
DSI Service Desk (1st level)
Ticket opening
Ticket in scope
of DSI?
TO /
External sources
of information /
Sources of
additional data
(beyond CFI)
- Core Services
Destination of
repatriation /
- Support Services
Sources of
requests /
Third parties /
4.4.2 Use of documented procedures
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[Req SERV-PROC-10] The Contractor shall ensure that the service and underlying infrastructure are
managed, monitored, serviced, maintained and operated according to documented Service Operational
[Req SERV-PROC-20] The Contractor shall train the operators involved in the service to the technical
functioning of the service tools and infrastructure and to the operating procedures applicable to the
The Contractor’s Service Operational Procedures are not a deliverable subject to the approval of the ESA
Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine them on request.
4.4.3 Support Processes (Availability, Performance and Capacity
This section lists general requirements applicable for Capacity, Availability and Performance Management. General Requirements
[Req SUPP-PERF-10] The Service Infrastructure shall fulfil the levels of capacity, availability and
performance, respectively during NWH and EWH, specified in the SLA.
[Req SUPP-PERF-20] The capacity at any time shall be sized to meet the performance and availability
requirements of all the projects and Service activities on going at the time.
Note: the ESA Technical Officer will share with the Contractor all the information available from the Demand
Management process concerning the planning and scheduling of the projects. The planning and schedule of
the projects to be undertaken in the scope of this SoW will be known in advance (2-3 years) with a margin of
fluctuation, and the accuracy will improve gradually as the time nears (1 year – 6 months). However it may
also occur that projects are decided at short notice and/or re-scheduled at short notice (~ 2-3 months). The
above requirement applies in all cases.
[Req SUPP-PERF-30] In addition to the required performance levels specified in the SLA, the Contractor
shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the Service infrastructure and Service Management
System remains available outside the schedule specified in the SLA. Technical Requirements
The technical requirements are designed to ensure that the infrastructure used by the Contractor for the
delivery of the Service is cost-effective and to avoid vendor- and supplier- lock-in.
In addition, the technical requirements aim to minimise the likelihood and impact of infrastructure failure.
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[Req SUPP-TECH-10] The Contractor shall ensure that the infrastructure used for the purpose of the Service
- in line with the current mainstream technology, excluding niche or immature technology;
- based on standard components and building blocks (in terms of choice of HW, OS, etc);
is commercially available (excluding proprietary technology) and chosen amongst the best selling in
its category.
[Req SUPP-TECH-20] The Contractor shall ensure that the infrastructure used for the purpose of the service
is scalable, to support:
- the peaks and troughs induced by the variations in time of the level of demand;
- the potential continuous increase in the amount of data to be stored, extracted and
repatriated/delivered, resulting from the increase of scope of the service as well as the generation
of data by the service itself;
- the possible activation of the option for end-user dissemination;
- the fast restoration of the processing environment in case of need;
- other possible business events resulting in ESA requesting an increase in service capacity.
[Req SUPP-TECH-30] The Service infrastructure shall be coherent in terms of:
- the same standard solution shall be applied throughout the Service infrastructure to implement the
same function / feature;
- the number of internal and external interfaces and data flows shall be minimal.
[Req SUPP-TECH-40] The Contractor shall ensure that all the components of the infrastructure are covered
by the appropriate guarantee and/or maintenance arrangements, compatible with the end-to-end
performance parameters of the SLA.
[Req SUPP-TECH-50] The Contractor shall ensure that no data is stored in media/equipment that has
exceeded its recommended useful life time as per Constructor documentation.
[Req SUPP-TECH-50] The Contractor shall submit an Infrastructure Architectural Design Document
describing the architecture main building blocks and their interfaces as well as the approach to fulfilling the
infrastructure requirements of this SoW.
The Contractor’s Infrastructure Architectural Design Document is a deliverable subject to the approval of
the ESA Technical Officer. Process Requirements
[Req SUPP-PROC-10] The Contractor shall ensure that the Service Operational Procedures include
Infrastructure Operational Procedures defined and applied for the management, monitoring, servicing,
maintenance and operation of the Service infrastructure.
[Req SUPP-PROC-20] The Contractor shall devise, document in the Data CCM Plan and apply a standard
labelling system for the media and equipment used to archive data.
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[Req SUPP-PROC-30] The Contractor shall include in the operational procedures regular checks on the
continued legibility of the labels and their physical adherence to the corresponding media/equipment.
[Req SUPP-PROC-40] The Infrastructure Operational Procedures shall include in particular:
- system housekeeping at OS and DB level;
- automatic, semi-automatic and manual failure detection and status monitoring and failure
- preventive and corrective interventions, triggered either by the Monitoring and Detection activities
or through a notification to the Service by a user or by an ESA Service key role.
[Req SUPP-PROC-50] The Infrastructure Operational Procedures, including preventive and corrective
interventions, shall be based on the use by the Contractor of the Service Management System.
Note: this is required in particular for tracking and tracing purposes.
[Req SUPP-PROC-60] The use of the Service Management System for the Infrastructure Operational
Procedures shall be based on a classification of issues:
- separate from the other issues managed in the system;
- fully accessible in R/O mode to the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req SUPP-PROC-70] The contractor shall produce, maintain and execute an Infrastructure Maintenance
Plan composed of:
- a list of all Infrastructure components (HW/ OS/ DBMS/ COTS/ Middleware/ Tools /data storage and
network components) detailing the version information and any expected need to upgrade due to
obsolescence (ie technical upgrade triggered by the discontinuation of technical support by the
corresponding vendors) or cross incompatibility within the contract period.
- the corresponding Upgrade and Migration action plan for each component.
The Contractor’s Infrastructure Maintenance Plan is not a deliverable subject to the approval of the ESA
Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
ESA reserves the right to audit the Contractor’s infrastructure for compliance with the requirements of this
SoW related to:
- Physical security and access control including adequacy of the physical environment
- Existence and day-to-day utilisation of written procedures
- Training of the operators
- Adherence to the other requirements listed in this section.
[Req SUPP-PROC-80] The Contractor shall facilitate ESA’s audit process by providing access to the
infrastructure as well as the evidence (written procedures, logs, training records etc) and cooperation
necessary to perform an audit by the ESA Technical Officer upon 3 NWD’s notice. The access to the archive
shall include:
- Physical access to the archive and media/equipment
- Read-only access to the data itself.
[Req SUPP-PROC-90] The Contractor shall produce, maintain and apply a Support Process Management
Plan covering:
- Capacity
- Availability
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- Performance
Including in particular:
- projected capacity required in the short/mid-term based on the expected nature and level of
activity (see the Section on Demand Management);
- corresponding plan for the evolution of the infrastructure. Monitoring and Detection Requirements
[Req SUPP-MGT-10] The Contractor shall define infrastructural resources and corresponding parameters
critical to the fulfilment of the availability, performance and capacity requirements.
[Req SUPP-MGT-20] The critical parameters shall include:
- the level of utilisation / occupation of the critical resources, including CPU, RAM, storage, media,
and bandwidth;
- the number of uses of those resources with a limited maximum number of uses recommended by
the Constructor, including tapes;
- the age of those resources with a limited life span recommended by the Constructor, including
[Req SUPP-MGT-30] The Contractor shall define thresholds for the critical parameters, defined such that the
thresholds are reached before any performance requirement is impacted.
[Req SUPP-MGT-40] The Contractor shall continuously monitor:
- the status of the critical resources;
- the current (real-time) and projected critical resource parameters usage against the defined
[Req SUPP-MGT-50] Where necessary, the Contractor shall automate monitoring features by means of
automated tools, semi-automatic (eg scripts) or manual (eg procedures) means.
[Req SUPP-MGT-60] The Contractor shall detect any critical infrastructure component not in nominal status
or defined threshold exceeded and notify the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req SUPP-MGT-70] The Contractor shall immediately trigger the appropriate preventive and/or corrective
maintenance activities upon:
- critical infrastructure parameters exceeding the defined threshold values;
- detection of a non-nominal situation of the infrastructure and/or notification;
- notification of a non-nominal situation by a user or by an ESA Service key role. Reporting Requirements
[Req SUPP-REP-10] The Contractor shall include in the Service Monitoring Report a section on Infrastructure
Status and Monitoring Report containing in particular:
- the composition, allocation and status of the infrastructure;
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the monthly values and trends on all critical parameters;
a summary of the incidents reported against the infrastructure during the period and their status;
a summary of the evolution of the infrastructure during the period;
the current forecasts of infrastructure needs;
the current plans of evolution of the infrastructure.
4.4.4 Service Continuity Management
[Req SERV-DR-10] The Contractor shall apply the following policy for Service Continuity:
 the data is ordinarily held in the Contractor’s storage;
 the Contractor takes a backup of the data regularly and ships a copy of this backup to ESRIN (as a
location different from its regular storage), which serves as disaster recovery copy;
 the Contractor is requested to have a plan for the setup and activation of a disaster recovery
environment in case of a disaster, able to preserve the full data holdings and partially restore the
capabilities of the projects and related services.
[Req SERV-DR-20] The Contractor shall be able to ensure the continuity of the service operations in the
event of any one disaster striking its facilities by producing and maintaining a Disaster Recovery plan and
related emergency procedures as a section of the Service Continuity Plan.
[Req SERV-DR-21] The Disaster Recovery plan shall cover:
- the full recovery of the data holdings (including science data, documentation, service data,
processing systems software, infrastructure settings etc), based on the backup policy requirements
of this section;
- the recovery of an operational capability commensurate with the nature and urgency of the DSI
scope: unlike a receiving station DSI covers no real time functions and no data loss is incurred in
case of loss of functionality.
[Req SERV-DR-22] The Contractor shall propose as part of the Disaster Recovery plan the recovery of
operational capability to an extent which is cost effective in relation to the type and architecture of
infrastructure used. The Contractor shall consider the following priorities:
- recovery of the complete data holdings: top priority
- recovery of the data information system and CCM DB: high priority
- recovery of the data dissemination capability, with a revised throughput to be agreed with the ESA
technical officer: high priority
- completion of on-going projects with revised schedule to be agreed with the ESA Technical Officer
and ESA Project Managers concerned: high priority
- execution of projects not yet started: medium priority
- recovery of the remainder of the Management System: medium priority
- recovery of the full SLA compliance: low priority.
Note: for Disaster Recovery, only the plan is requested as part of this SoW, not any implementation or spare
infrastructure. In case of disaster, the contractor will be required to provide within 20 NWD a project
proposal (cost and schedule) to execute the Disaster Recovery section of the Service Continuity plan.
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[Req SERV-DR-30] The scope of the Service Continuity Management (backup policy as well as Disaster
Recovery system and plan) shall cover the data currently present in the Service infrastructure (in the broad
sense, including data records, documentation and processing systems), as well as the Service Management
System, Data Information System and CCM data base and the full set of service documentation, the
operational tools, infrastructure settings, etc.
[Req SERV-DR-30] The backup policy shall be as follows:
- the FREQUENCY shall be as follows:
o Incremental backup: daily
o Full backup: weekly
- the RETENTION shall be as follows:
o Daily backup: last 7
o Full backup: last 3
- a copy of the last full backup of every month shall be shipped to ESRIN;
- the backup media shipped to ESRIN shall be LTO5 tapes;
- the ESRIN copy of the backup media shall be shipped to ESRIN to the attention of the ESA Data
- the backups shall be accompanied by a detailed listing of their contents.
After delivery of each full backup, ESA will check the backup and return the previous backup tapes to the
Contractor for re-use.
[Req SERV-DR-40] The Contractor shall liaise with the ESA Technical Officer to organise the shipment of the
tapes to be reused.
[Req SERV-DR-50] The Contractor shall develop, manage and maintain a Service Continuity Plan including at
least the following:
 scope;
 approach;
 roles and responsibilities;
 backup and restore procedures;
 disaster prevention, detection and mitigation (eg fire / flood / intrusion protection) processes and
procedures including alert systems and decision making process for disaster assessment and
recovery activation;
 disaster recovery as specified above;
 service continuity test and validation approach.
When Disaster Recovery is activated the SLA and the schedule of all projects will be relaxed in agreement
between the Contractor and the ESA Technical Officer and the ESA Project Managers concerned.
4.4.5 Security Management
Security Management is addressed in Annex S of this SoW.
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4.4.6 Asset Management
[Req ASS-MGT-10] The Contractor shall manage as part of the Infrastructure Maintenance Plan an inventory
of all the assets (software and hardware, data storage components and media, etc) used for the provision of
the Service throughout their lifecycle (licenses, maintenance contract, obsolescence, etc…).
The asset inventory provides a complete list of the assets and who is responsible for their control.
4.4.7 Issue Management
The Issue Management process consists in the collection, analysis, processing and follow-up of issues raised
in relation to the data and services in scope.
There may be cases in which the issue management support officers (Service Desk) will need to resort to
the specialized and deeper technical knowledge of the data and infrastructure engineers for the execution
of their activities. Such situations shall be treated internally by the service as part of the organization of the
service and in a way completely transparent to the execution of the service, provision of the required
support, production of deliverables and corresponding schedules.
A “co-location” approach where members of the Service Desk and data and infrastructure engineers are
located at the same premises is encouraged. This approach is considered important in the service
[Req SERV-ISS-10] The Contractor shall handle Issue Management both as a pro-active and as a re-active
process, anticipating or responding to situations that affect, or potentially could affect the service.
[Req SERV-ISS-20] The Contractor shall analyse issue statistics to identify the occurrence of multiple issues
or increasing trends for specific types of issues, and shall seek to resolve the underlying causes of these
issues, so as to prevent their recurrence.
[Req SERV-ISS-30] The Contractor shall ensure that the results of issue management for each issue are
adequately fed back into all the service processes by providing data for performance metrics on issue
response and resolution times.
[Req SERV-ISS-40] The list of possible status of an issue shall include at least the following:
waiting for treatment
Solved with workaround (*)
a workaround resolution has been
applied and is pending the confirmation
from the Originator of the issue
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a resolution has been applied and is
pending the confirmation from the
Originator of the issue
no resolution can be applied (e.g. in
case of a known defect for which fixing
has been waived)
no resolution can be applied (e.g. in
case of a Change Request rejected by
the DSI-CCB)
Pending Issue Originator
Pending DSI-CCB
pending ESA Technical
pending Third parties
pending other
analysis in progress
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Solved or Unsolved status is accepted
by the Originator of the issue
waiting for an event not under the
control of the Contractor but from the
originator of the issue (e.g. clarification,
pending input). This status is always
accompanied by the reason for being
waiting for DSI-CCB disposition
waiting for an intervention by the ESA
Technical Officer. This status is always
accompanied by the reason for being
pending (Pending notification to the
ESA Technical Officer)
waiting for an event not under the
control of the Contractor but of third
parties involved in the end to end user
perspective of the service. This status is
always accompanied by the reason for
being pending
waiting for an event not under the
control of the Contractor. This status is
exceptional and always accompanied
by the reason for being pending
indicates that the issue is in charge of
the Contractor that is working to
analyse and to find a resolution.
under implementation
indicates that the resolution is being
implemented. This status is always
accompanied by the planned date/time
for completion
(*) When an issue is solved with this status, a new issue is raised for the final resolution of the original issue.
The SLA applies to the original issue until it is solved, then to the subsequent issue with the relevant
[Req SERV-ISS-50] Issue management and Control procedures shall be supported by the Service
Management System. Issue collection
The user population defined in Annex 4 will be generating issues of the types defined in Chapter Service
Level Management, section Issue Classification.
[Req SERV-ISS-60] The Contractor shall ensure the collection of issues through:
- email (available to all entities allowed to raise issues on the Service);
- as a desirable feature, direct access to the Management System (available to EOP-G Service Key
Personnel and EOP-G Personnel designated by the ESA Technical Officer).
Detailed requirements for the Service interface Definition (SID) and for the operating model to interface
and coordinate any third parties impacting the provision of the end-to-end service are provided in the
section “Interfaces to Third Party services” Coordination vs Interfacing of third parties
Coordination (as opposed to simple interfacing) is required in the relationship between the Contractor and
third parties (including the EOHELP Service Desk) which contribute to providing an end to end service from
the User / Customer point of view.
[Req SERV-ISS-70] The Contractor Shall be the end-to-end owner of its related issues and of the Issue
Management. It shall therefore be responsible to manage, coordinate, supervise any third parties (including
the EOHELP Service Desk), check the progress of the resolution and whether the third party’s performance
is aligned with any relevant SLA as communicated by the Technical Officer of the Service in question, and
escalate if necessary.
[Req SERV-ISS-80] When a ticket/issue is assigned to any third parties by the Contractor, the Issue
Management process shall automatically notify the third party.
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The third party will be responsible to notify the Contractor via email of the next change of status of the
The closure of the ticket/issue (switch from “Solved” to “Closed” status) remains the responsibility of the
Contractor Service desk, after agreement of the originator of the issue. Raising of issues
[Req SERV-ISS-90] The Contractor itself shall raise an issue whenever a risk, shortcoming or opportunity for
improvement occurs and the resolution is liable to preserve or improve the service to users, mitigate the
risk or facilitate subsequent service work or projects.
[Req SERV-ISS-100] The Contractor shall continually look out for existing issues in the data (gaps, overlaps,
non-compliances, missing documentation etc.) which may not yet be identified or documented and
generate corresponding issues in the Service Management System.
[Req SERV-ISS-110] The Contractor shall continually look out for existing solutions to known issues in the
data (newly available document, files usable to fill a gap, etc) which may not yet be resolved or addressed
and generate corresponding Change Requests (CRs) in the Service Management System.
Note: the Change Requests generated in relation to the data will give raise to Data Change Requests (see
Section Issue processing)
In particular, initiatives that tend to improve the collection and recording of Data-related information in
support of the Data Librarian are encouraged. The raising of preventative issues to avoid negative
operational consequences of any slowly degrading situations is also encouraged.
Issues are normally directed to the Service Desk, which opens the ticket in the Service Management System.
[Req SERV-ISS-120] Whenever the issue is raised directly to a key person or representative of the
Contractor, or raised by the Contractor itself, the Contractor shall record the issue in the Service
Management System.
[Req SERV-ISS-130] In order to speed up the service rendered to the user, the scope of related issues
covered by Service Desk at the first contact shall:
- be no lower than specified in the SLA;
- increase gradually based on knowledge transfer from level 2 support.
Issues shall be handled at the first contact by Service Desk when sufficient documentation on the subject of
the issue and related procedures can be supplied by the Contractor’s Service Management. After approval
of the inclusion of new issues, the Service Desk shall process such issues at the level of the Service Desk.
Any further tickets related to such issue that would be not resolved at the first contact by Service Desk will
be considered as a failure of the Service Desk, to the extent that the ticket was solvable at the first contact.
[Req SERV-ISS-140] Whenever an issue is likely to re-occur and can be solved by applying systematically a
well-defined procedure with no impact on configuration items, the Contractor shall:
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include that issue among those to be covered at first contact
document in detail the solution of the issue
train the designated Service Desk personnel to solve the issue. Classification of the issues
An issue is classified as described in section “Issue classification” of chapter “Service Level Management”.
An issue is classified according to its type (e.g. PR, CR, SR) and severity (High, Medium, and Low)
The preliminary classification of the issue is done by the Service Desk. The Contractor has always the
responsibility within the overall execution of the service to ensure that the issue is properly classified and to
modify the classification as needed. Moreover the ESA Technical Officer has the prerogative to further
modify the classification of the issue, and have the final word on the classification.
The classification is normally based on the conformance of the data and service to written requirement
specifications and/or other documentation. In cases where the available info and documentation alone
does not allow the classification, a common-sense approach is to be used, based on the information
provided by the generator of the issue and on generally accepted service practices, and applying the rules
defined in section “Issue classification” of chapter “Service Level Management”.
The severity classification of the issue shall also be a function of the business context. For example,
depending on the visibility of a particular dataset in terms of usage and applications, an error reported in
the data will take a higher level of severity.
In addition, the severity classification of the issue shall be incremented from Low to Medium or from
Medium to High if the issue is or becomes urgent or in case the processing of the issue has been delayed by
an error in the initial classification made by the Contractor. Security Issues
A security issue occurs when a violation of the Security requirements or Interconnection Agreement occurs.
Security issues are always to be considered with severity “High”.
[Req SERV-ISS-150] In case of security issue, the Contractor shall carry out the actions recommended in the
approved action plan following the activation of the requirements for Defence against Security Vulnerability
(SeeAnnex S) and at no additional cost. Issue analysis
[Req SERV-ISS-200] Whenever an issue is raised, the Contractor shall, as the first step of the analysis, detect
whether the issue is classified as a PR (Problem Report) with priority High (also referred to as blocking
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[Req SERV-ISS-210] In case the issue is a blocking problem, the Contractor shall immediately and in
accordance with the SLA, devise a quick but working solution to allow the originator of the issue to
overcome the block. The quick solution may be the final solution or a provisional one, i.e. a work-around
such as a manual procedure, an alternative user scenario, etc. The Contractor shall generate a Problem
Report and activate the problem management process to implement the quick solution.
If an issue is identified by the Contractor as non-blocking, the ESA Technical Officer may at his/her
discretion, following reasonable criteria, override this assessment and increase the severity level of the
issue to blocking.
The further steps apply equally to all issues (including blocking problems and other issues):
[Req SERV-ISS-220] The Contractor shall identify the root cause of the issue (as opposed to covering just the
immediate symptoms) so as to propose the most cost-effective and long-lasting resolution.
The root cause of an issue reported may reside in the infrastructure (HW, SW tools, network, storage
components, etc.), procedures, knowledge aspects, etc.
The Contractor shall determine an efficient resolution i.e. the best compromise between at least the
following factors:
 effectiveness of the resolution,
 cost and time to implement,
 preservation of the integrity of the data,
 conflicts, overlaps or synergies with other open issues,
 impact on operations,
 integrity of the system of tools supporting the service (including functional and technical impact
cross-impact among tools),
 functional and technical impact on the infrastructure (HW, SW, tools and storage components)
 professional standards and best practices
[Req SERV-ISS-230] The Contractor shall assess, flag and track any external dependencies between the
resolution of this issue and events or decisions beyond the scope of this contract and beyond the decision
power of the stakeholders of the issue.
[Req SERV-ISS-240] The Contractor shall assess, flag and track any dependencies between the resolution of
this issue and other issues, in order to ensure the coherence and alignment of all data and other service
components in the resolution of the issue.
[Req SERV-ISS-250] The Contractor shall assess, flag and track any similarities to other issues, open and
closed, in order to ensure coherence through time in the treatment of similar issues, avoid duplication of
work on identical or overlapping issues and take advantage of synergies.
[Req SERV-ISS-260] The Contractor shall assess, flag and track any impacts of potential resolutions of the
issue, not limited to the scope of the original issue and shall avoid detrimental side effects of the proposed
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[Req SERV-ISS-270] The Contractor shall assess, flag and track any conflicts among issue resolutions or
between issue resolutions and other drivers, and reconcile them.
[Req SERV-ISS-280] The Contractor shall perform the necessary assessment to ensure the tracing:
 between proposed resolutions and the original issues;
 among issues and resolutions with similarities, impacts, conflicts or dependencies.
[Req SERV-ISS-290] Whenever a resolution of an issue bears upon more than one data set, the Contractor
1. breakdown the issue into autonomous but cross-referenced individual data set-level issues;
2. breakdown the resolution into autonomous but cross-referenced individual data set-level
[Req SERV-ISS-300] In case the resolution of the issue is not in the scope the baseline service, the
Contractor shall evaluate the cost of implementing the resolution.
[Req SERV-ISS-310] In case the issue submitted is out of the scope of the service performed by the
Contractor (misrouting of an issue):
- in the case of an issue submitted by a Customer or Stakeholder of the Service, including EOP-G
personnel, the Contractor shall:
o endeavour, on a best effort basis, to help the originator of the issue nonetheless;
o kindly remind / inform the originator of the issue about the exact scope of the Service;
In the case of an issue erroneously routed to the Service by a third party (eg EOHELP), reject the issue
and send it back to the third party following the agreed interface for misrouted issues;
in all cases:
o inform the ESA Technical Officer;
o track the request in the management system in order to propose an enlargement of the Service
scope if the same type of request becomes frequently recurrent. Comprehensiveness of the analysis and resolution
[Req SERV-ISS-400] The analysis of the issue and the proposed resolution shall cover the end to end chain
(from the originator’s perspective) of causes and consequences involved in the occurrence of the issue and
the complete removal of negative consequences of the issue.
The complete chain may involve several functional and technical aspects linked through a process or system
interfaces where side-effects of the issue may have propagated.
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[Req SERV-ISS-410] Whenever the issue has an impact on the data, the analysis of the issue and the
proposed resolution shall cover the correction of all the instances of affected data in the Contractor’s
[Req SERV-ISS-420] Whenever the issue has an impact on the data, the Contractor shall propose, on the
basis of the records of data delivery and of the projects for which the data concerned in an input, a list of
communications to be made about the data issue and the text of the communication, including always SPPA
in the list. Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall also take care of sending the
In the case of blocking problems affecting the Data Information System or CCM DB, the correction of the
problem is to be considered as equally urgent as the correction of data-related problems. ESA Approval
[Req SERV-ISS-500] Any proposed issue resolution that involves a significant change to:
 the architecture or technology of the data storage components;
 the data model and main functions of the Data Information System and CCM system;
shall be submitted to the explicit approval to the ESA Technical Officer in addition to the regular
Configuration and Change Management process; in this case the Contractor should propose alternative
solutions and make the range of possible options available for consultation by the ESA Technical Officer.
ESA may reject the proposed resolution at its discretion based on justified and objective motivations.
In case ESA rejects the proposed resolution, the Contractor shall propose an acceptable alternative solution
in accordance with the SLA. Issue processing
[Req SERV-ISS-600] The Contractor shall prepare and enter the issue in the Service Management System,
including all the information related to the issue and necessary for the processing, logging, monitoring and
[Req SERV-ISS-610] Whenever the issue entails a change, the Contractor shall prepare and enter a Data
Change Request (DCR) in the Data Change Management system or an Infrastructure Change Request (ICR)
in the Infrastructure Change Management System.
[Req SERV-ISS-620] Depending on the issue classification, the Contractor shall:
(US) need for user support: provide the originator of the issue with the necessary support or
information in compliance with the requirements of the corresponding Service processes
(PR) problem report: activate the Problem Management process.
(CR) change request : .
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If the required change impacts data configuration items, activate the Data Change
Management process (this is typically the case for the guarantee and follow-up portion of
the core WP’s)
If the required change impacts infrastructure configuration items, activate the
Infrastructure Change Management process
(RNP) preliminary request for new project: analyse the requirements provided by ESA, design (high
level) the solution and create the Project proposal including all required information and a draft
Project Plan, in compliance with the requirements of the corresponding Service processes including
Project Management. Immediately escalate the matter to the ESA Technical Officer, who will
evaluate the proposal and submit to the appropriate approval authorities.
(SR) Service request:
If the SR requires a change to a CI (data or infrastructure), activate the corresponding
Change Management process
Otherwise, implement the requested action in compliance with the requirements of the
corresponding WP.
In some cases, the processing of an issue may require a combination of the above actions. For example, a
recurrent problem in the infrastructure and related tools should trigger not only the problem management
process but also the change management process.
[Req SERV-ISS-630] The service shall cover as part of the issue management process all the components,
the data holdings (data records and mission documentation)
the Service Infrastructure, including HW, storage components, middleware, tools, etc.
any Data processing software (not including the CFIs) including any custom ancillary scripts
the Service Documentation (such as technical documentation, operating documentation)
any Configuration and parameters used in the fulfilment of the Service including the operation of
the processing systems and other CFI’s.
[Req SERV-ISS-640] Whenever the resolution of an issue has an impact on the Level 0 or auxiliary data, the
Contractor shall evaluate the impact on the higher levels of data, document it in the Data Information
System and notify the Data Librarian.
Coherence of the Service Infrastructure and Tools
[Req SERV-ISS-650] The Contractor shall keep all the components of the Infrastructure and Service tools
and their corresponding documentation fully aligned, coherent and complete.
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This covers the necessary documentation updates, including the requirements and specifications of the
technical and service documentation, the operational procedures and any training material.
Issue follow-up and closure
[Req SERV-ISS-700] Upon allocation of an issue to the Service and insertion of the issue in the Service
Management System, the Contractor shall automatically acknowledge receipt of the issue to the originator
and to the ESA Technical Officer within the time allowed in the SLA.
[Req SERV-ISS-710] For issues resulting in changes to the Data holdings, the Contractor shall indicate as
part of the acknowledgement of receipt the classification and the contents of the issue/ticket generated,
and the planned implementation date.
[Req SERV-ISS-720] As part of the follow up of the issues, the Contractor shall notify each change of status
of the issue along its defined life cycle to the ESA Technical Officer and to the originator of the issue.
[Req SERV-ISS-730] For blocking problems, the Contractor shall continuously (at least twice per NWD)
provide feedback on the progress until the implementation of the solution or work-around is completed
with success.
[Req SERV-ISS-740] For all issues, the Contractor shall set the status of the issue to Solved or Solved with
Workaround when, depending on the classification of the resolution:
 the necessary clarification has been provided to the issue originator;
 the solution/change has been delivered to Production;
 the operational procedure requested has been completed and the outcome validated;
 the Project Proposal for a new project has been delivered.
[Req SERV-ISS-750] Upon resolution of an issue (status set to Solved), the Contractor shall automatically
notify the originator of the issue and the ESA Technical Officer within the time allowed in the SLA and ask
for confirmation that the issue may be closed (set to Closed status).
[Req SERV-ISS-760] The Service Desk, as the owner of the issues, shall be responsible for changing the status
of the issues to Closed. Final closure of an issue shall only take place when the issue originator has
confirmed the closure or 5 NWD have elapsed without an answer.
In case the originator of the issue rejects the closure of the issue, the Contractor shall set the status of the
issue back to Open.
[Req SERV-ISS-770] The Contractor shall perform issue categorization upstream of the processing (category
assignment by the Service Desk upon opening of the ticket: “symptom”) as well as downstream
(categorization by the Contractor upon resolving the ticket: actual).
[Req SERV-ISS-780] The Contractor shall identify in the issue entry and categorization all the details required
to perform in-depth analysis of the Service provision.
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[Req SERV-ISS-790] The Contractor shall automatically escalate to the ESA Technical Officer all issues
assessed as severity High (only in the case of blocking problem) and all issues that have exceeded resolution
time or other SLA thresholds.
As indicated in the Performance Management and Measurement Reporting chapter, the Contractor is
required to report periodically (monthly) on key issue Management performance indicators.
Issue originator satisfaction
[Req SERV-ISS-800] Every issue shall be handled to the satisfaction of the issue originator in terms of
courtesy, timelines, accuracy and completeness of the information provided, and compliance with the SLA.
[Req SERV-ISS-810] Upon closure of each issue, the Contractor shall enquire about the satisfaction of the
issue originator based on a classification with at least 4 levels and register the originator’s level of
satisfaction in the service management system for each ticket as part of the follow up of the issue
management process.
[Req SERV-ISS-820] The percentage (proportion) of issues (tickets) where issue originator feed-back is very
satisfied or satisfied by the service shall be no lower than specified in the SLA.
As indicated in the Performance Management and Measurement Reporting chapter, the Contractor is
required to report periodically (monthly) on issue originator satisfaction.
Autonomy in performing the service
[Req SERV-ISS-850] Aside from the mandatory interventions of the ESA Technical Officer or issue originator
to oversee the service performance, provide further clarification, inputs and validate the outputs, the
Contractor shall endeavour to perform the analysis, processing and closure of the issues in full autonomy.
It is Contractor’s responsibility to involve the personnel and competence necessary to have the required
mastering of the data-related, managerial, functional and technical aspects of the Service.
Involving ESA in the analysis or resolution of the issues would denote a problem in the service performance
and should be done as a last resort.
Involving the issue originator is also discouraged, except in cases where more information is needed on the
issue and cannot be obtained without involving the originator.
Problem Management
While issue management is focused on managing all issues (requests) raised to the service and restoring
normal service as quickly as possible including with work-arounds, problem management is focused on the
identification and resolution of underlying problems and their root causes.
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Issue management provides problem management with much of the information it requires in order to
identify the existence of underlying problems.
[Req PB-MGT-10] For each Problem Report with High severity, the Contractor shall produce within the time
allowed by the SLA a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report including:
An executive summary;
A Service Impact section, detailing the impact on all service areas affected and, if applicable, the
various deviations from the SLA caused by the incident;
A Problem description section, where the problem is fully explained in terms of cause and
implications at a technical level;
Resolution section, where the resolution activities are fully explained at a technical level;
Sequence of events, where the chronology of the incident and resolution is detailed;
Improvement plan, where the preventative actions on Contractors, ESA and/or third parties are
[Req PB-MGT-20] In case of a Blocking Problem (severity High) the Contractor shall work continuously until
the problem is solved, without interruption due to normal working hours and without charging any costs for
extra working hours.
Note: this is not a requirement for 24x7 service since the raising of the issue is regulated by the NWH. This
requirement is about not interrupting the work required to solve a blocking problem once the issue is raised.
[Req PB-MGT-30] The Contractor shall provide as part of the monthly Service Review Report details and
documentation on ‘known problems’, including known workarounds and solutions, and make them
available on the Knowledge Management System.
Issue management makes use of this information to provide a quick response/resolution of incidents.
[Req PB-MGT-40] Whenever the resolution actions to solve a problem require changes to data
configuration items, these changes are implemented under the control of the data change management
[Req PB-MGT-50] Whenever the resolution actions to solve a problem require changes to infrastructure
configuration items, these changes are implemented under the control of the infrastructure change
management process.
[Req PB-MGT-60] The Contractor shall ensure that the process of Problem Management interacts
adequately with the Core Services and Support and Management Services to communicate in particular:
- expected problem resolution times;
- SLA thresholds and actual resolution times;
- Identification of the CI’s impacted by a problem.
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[Req PB-MGT-70] The Contractor shall support and record the process of Problem Management with the
Service Management System in a way to ensure the constant availability through the Management System
of detailed information on the progress of problem resolution and the resulting state of the Service.
[Req PB-MGT-80] Except in exceptional cases where the ESA Technical Officer waive the resolution of a
Problem Report, the Contractor shall solve all the PR generated by the issue management process as part of
the guarantee and follow-up activities of the various core WP’s, within the boundaries indicated for
guarantee and follow-up activities, or as part of the support WP’s.
[Req PB-MGT-90] Whenever a temporary solution /work-around (eg making available a dataset with a
partial coverage if a major problem is detected in the main dataset) has been put in place to respond to a
problem, the Contractor shall make available the final solution and perform the removal of the workaround when the final solution is deployed.
4.4.8 Service Infrastructure Configuration and Change Management
Service Infrastructure Configuration Management
[Req INFR-CCM-10] The Contractor shall produce and apply an Infrastructure Configuration and Change
Management Plan to document the activities of configuration and change management applicable to the
infrastructure as described in this SoW.
The Contractor’s Infrastructure Configuration Management Plan is not a deliverable subject to the approval
of the ESA Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine them on request.
[Req INFR-CCM-20] The Configuration Management Process shall unequivocally define and uniquely
identify all Configuration Items (CIs), their constituent components for all the components of service
infrastructure under the Contractor responsibility and shall define the information to be recorded for each
[Req INFR-CCM-30] The Contractor shall produce and maintain a Configuration Item Data List (CIDL), which
enumerates the Configuration Items on Services Infrastructure CIs, including:
- the HW and SW systems and tools;
- network and security components;
- any components produced or procured by the Contractor in the scope of the Service and Projects;
- any component developed or procured by the Contractor in order to meet a Service or Project
requirement and which modifies the data in any manner (eg semi-automatic script for gap-filling,
- the Service Management System and tools, Data Information System and Data Configuration
Management System, etc.
- all service deliverables as defined in the relevant chapters, including the service documentation and
contractual documentation, operating procedures, management and other documentation (eg SID)
shared between ESA and the Contractor;
- the reports and other deliverables of the Service and Projects as from the initial delivery to ESA.
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[Req INFR-CCM-40]The contractor shall include on CIDL an up-to-date map of the dependencies among CIs
within and across Infrastructure products. The dependency map shall be updated and delivered at each
delivery of a new product/infrastructure component.
[Req INFR-CCM-50] The Contractor shall apply formal, state-of-the-art Configuration and Change
Management to the Service Infrastructure.
Service Infrastructure Change Management
[Req INFR-CCM-60] The Service Infrastructure Change Management shall apply to all changes to the
infrastructure regardless of the origin:
- continued compliance to service availability , performance, capacity requirements;
- continued compliance to security requirements;
- project requirements;
- service improvements;
- etc.
[Req INFR-CCM-70] The Contractor shall apply formal CCM to the Service Infrastructure as from the KO of
the Contract, taking as initial baseline of the infrastructure the reference architecture proposed as part of
the bid.
[Req INFR-CCM-80] The Contractor shall manage and record changes in a way that all the changes between
any two successive baselines can be listed and individually undone.
[Req INFR-CCM-90] The Contractor shall manage the life cycle of Infrastructure Change Requests (ICR)
based on a detailed ICR generated and managed in the Infrastructure Change Management system.
[Req INFR-CCM-100] The detailed ICR in the Change Management system shall contain the necessary
information for a formal and rigorous change management of the infrastructure.
[Req INFR-CCM-110] The Contractor shall define, maintain, execute and track the life cycle and workflow of
the ICR’s.
[Req INFR-CCM-120] The Contractor shall take a baseline of the infrastructure used to execute each
processing activity in a way that:
 it is possible at all times to determine what infrastructure was used to produce the output data.
 it is possible to restore the status of a particular infrastructure product/CIs at the time of the
baseline was taken.
Infrastructure baselines shall include the full set of infrastructure CIs including the documentation
(covering requirements, design, technical and user documentation, procedures, etc)
[Req INFR-CCM-130] The Contractor shall determine the impact of the proposed changes.
The Change Authority applicable to ICRs shall be an Infrastructure CCB setup and managed by the
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[Req INFR-CCM-140] The ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager shall be invited as an observer to the ICCB.
Note: the ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager may not participate to all the I-CCB meetings but will
expect to be fully informed of the agenda and minutes of the meetings.
[Req INFR-CCM-150] In order to provide visibility on the infrastructure CCM process, the Contractor shall :
- provide to the ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager ESA for information including on-request
reports (status accounting) and CMDB extracts;
- provide the ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager with permanent on-line read-only access to
the configuration data repository.
The Contractor’s Infrastructure status accounting reports and CMDB extracts is not a deliverable subject to
the approval of the ESA Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
ESA reserves the right to perform Configuration or Change verification and audits.
[Req INFR-CCM-160] The Contractor shall ensure that the process of Infrastructure CCM interacts
adequately with the Core Services and Support and Management Services.
[Req INFR-CCM-170] Infrastructure configuration management and control shall be supported by the
Service Management System.
[Req INFR-CCM-180] The Contractor shall ensure the feedback of the life cycle of the changes from the
Change Management to the Ticket Management tool within the Service Management System, so that the
latest status of the original issue is always up to date and available on line for users and the other ESA
[Req INFR-CCM-190] For each possible change of the Service Infrastructure managed by the service which is
required to be compliant with SLA, the assessment, analysis, procurement, build and test necessary to
guarantee the delivery of the change shall be part of the service at no extra cost to ESA.
4.4.9 Release management Release Management for Data
This section applies to the outputs of the WP’s which elaborate data. The WP of integration of processing
systems is a preparatory WP to the elaboration of data by that processing system. As such this section also
applies to this WP.
The verification activities are described as part of the respective WPs. The process of releasing data starts
after the successful completion of the Verification and consists in 3 further steps:
 data Validation;
 data Readiness Review
 data roll-out.
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Data Validation
The validation of the data consists of a combination of 3 options :
 scrutiny of the Verification Test Report;
 re-run of part of the verification;
 run of additional tests and validation activities (free tests).
The validation exercise will be conducted by an ESA data validation team led by SPPA and including the ESA
Project Manager in charge of the data elaboration activities being validated. The ESA validation team may
use the services of external contractual entities to perform the validation activities.
[Req VAL-DATA-10] The Contractor shall support the validation as described in this chapter.
[Req VAL-DATA-20] The Contractor shall support the data validation process by:
 preparing the Validation portion of the Verification and Validation plan and recording the validation
activities and outcomes in the validation portion of the Verification and Validatin report
 providing access to all the material involved in the exercise, including all the outputs of the activity and
of the verification process plus any additional material required by the ESA validation team in relation
to the validation;
 providing explanations / clarifications on the verification report and material in general;
 re-executing and/or facilitating the re-execution of V&V tests and actions on request of the ESA
validation team;
 executing / facilitating the execution of additional V&V tests and actions on request of the ESA
validation team.
Note: for brevity, the Validation portion of the Verification and Validation plan is also referred to as the
Validation plan. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Plan deliverable.
Similarly, the Validation portion of the Verification and Validation report is also referred to as the Validation
repotr. It is however not a separate deliverable but an integral part of the V&V Report deliverable.
The Validation plan and report will be subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
As part of the data validation exercise, SPPA may decide to assign or re-assign the Master flag to the newly
validated dataset.
Data Readiness Review
The data shall undergo a RR before its roll-out (deployment) to operations / repatriation to ESA and/or LTDP
The RR shall consist in the checking of a checklist based on the following 2 sets of criteria:
 Common criteria including:
 Data Information System and CCM DB up to date
 Successful outcome of the Validation process;
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 Availability and validation of all the deliverables
 Readiness of the infrastructure including performance and capacity aspects
 Communication of the new data ready in terms of contents and list of recipients.
Data specific criteria.
[Req RR-DATA-10] The Contractor shall propose a Data RR checklist (list of readiness criteria) including at
least the criteria listed above.
The Data RR checklist shall be subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req RR-DATA-20] The Contractor shall ensure that the common and project-specific criteria including those
of the above list are fulfilled, and provide the corresponding evidence.
[Req RR-DATA-30] The Contractor shall support the ESA validation team in checking / confirming the status
of all the criteria in the Data RR list.
[Req RR-DATA-40] The Contractor shall record the outcome of the Data RR in the Service Management
System and shall record a summary of the outcome in the Data Information System.
Data roll-out
[Req ROL-DATA-10] Upon successful completion of the RR, the Contractor shall roll-out the data to
operations by flagging the dataset correspondingly.
[Req ROL-DATA-20] The Contractor shall prepare a Data Delivery Note containing at least the associated
issue identifiers, the name and contact details of person responsible for the release, date/time of release,
the data affected, the reference to the Readiness Review and its outcome and, if applicable, the fall back
As from the roll-out, the data becomes usable for operational purposes (eg processing and repatriation).
[Req ROL-DATA-30] The Contractor shall submit to the ESA Technical Officer a list of candidate recipients of
a communication of the availability of the newly validated data.
[Req ROL-DATA-40] The Contractor shall submit to the ESA Technical Officer the draft of a communication
to inform the candidate audience of the new availability of data. The text of the communication shall
include a summary of the activities which led to the data being validated and rolled-out, as recorded in the
Data Information System.
[Req ROL-DATA-50] The Contractor shall ensure the feedback of the roll-out process to Data Change
Management process and tool.
Planning of the data deliveries
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[Req ROL-DATA-50] The Contractor shall prepare, maintain and implement the Data Delivery Plan, planning
the contents and issue date of data to be rolled-out on the basis of:
- the planning of the completion and verification activities of all projects
- the number and severity of the DCR solved in the to-be-released data
- any dependencies among the various datasets to be released
- any dependencies between the various activities impacting the various datasets to be released
- the indications of the Data Librarian on the importance and urgency of the availability of the to-bereleased data.
[Req ROL-DATA-60] The Data Delivery Plan shall be embedded in the Service Monitoring Report and is not
required as a self-standing deliverable.
[Req ROL-DATA-70] In the case of urgent solutions in response to blocking issues (severity High), the
Contractor shall perform the immediate implementation, verification, validation and delivery of the solution
independently from the nominal schedule of planned deliveries and in time to comply with the SLA. Release Management for the Service Infrastructure
The Service Infrastructure is subject to a standard engineering process for release to operations.
[Req INFR-REL-10] The Service Infrastructure evolution, verification and validation shall not interfere with
the operational activities, in particular with respect to availability and performance.
Service Infrastructure Verification
[Req INFR-VERIF-10] The Contractor shall prepare and execute an Infrastructure Verification and Validation
plan including test scenarios, test cases and test data, covering the issues resolved by the to-be-released
update of the infrastructure.
The Contractor’s Infrastructure Verification and Validation plan is not a deliverable subject to the approval
of the ESA Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
[Req INFR-VERIF-20] The Contractor’s verification plan shall cover in particular:
- non regression aspects for the components affected by changes;
- functionality, capacity and performance of the components affected.
[Req INFR-VERIF-30] The Contractor shall generate a Verification and Validation Report listing the tests
performed according to the plan, and the test results.
The Contractor’s Infrastructure Verification and Validation Report is not a deliverable subject to the
approval of the ESA Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
[Req INFR-VERIF-40] The Contractor shall appoint for the verification and validation tasks personnel who is
not directly involved in the performance of the activities.
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Service Infrastructure Validation
The validation of the infrastructure consists of a combination of 3 options:
 scrutiny of the verification report;
 re-run of part of the verification;
 run of additional tests and validation activities.
[Req INFR-VAL-10] The validation exercise will be conducted by the Contractor Infrastructure and Security
[Req INFR-VAL-20] The Contractor shall perform the validation process by:
 re-executing of a selection of verification tests and actions as documented in the V&V plan;
 executing selected additional tests as documented in the validation plan
 Documenting the activities, tests performed and outcomes in the Infrastructure Verification and
Validation Report.
[Req INFR-VAL-30] The Contractor shall provide ESA access to all the material involved in the Infrastructure
V&V, including all the outputs of the verification and validation process.
Service Infrastructure Readiness Review
The infrastructure shall undergo an SRR before its roll-out (deployment) to operations.
The SRR shall consist in the checking of a checklist based on the following 2 sets of criteria:
 Common criteria including:
 Service Infrastructure CCM DB up to date
 Successful outcome of the Validation process;
 Availability and verification of all the deliverables
 Readiness of the infrastructure with respect to performance and capacity aspects
 Communication of the new data ready in terms of contents and list of recipients.
 Project specific criteria.
[Req SRR-DATA-30] Before the SRR, the Contractor shall produce an instantiated list of SRR criteria based on
the criteria listed above.
The instantiated SRR checklist is not a deliverable subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
[Req SRR-DATA-40] The Contractor shall ensure that the common and project-specific criteria including
those of the above list are fulfilled, and provide the corresponding evidence to the ESA Technical Officer.
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[Req SRR-DATA-60] The Contractor shall record the outcome of the SRR in the Service Management System.
Service Infrastructure roll-out
[Req ROL-INFR-10] Upon successful completion of the SRR, the Contractor shall roll-out the Service
Infrastructure to operations.
[Req ROL-INFR-20] The Contractor shall prepare an Infrastructure Delivery Note containing at least the
associated issue identifiers, the name and contact details of person responsible for the release, date/time
of release, the components affected and, if applicable, the fall back plan.
The Infrastructure Delivery Note is not a deliverable subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
[Req ROL-INFR-30] The Contractor shall ensure the feedback of the roll-out process to Service
Infrastructure Change Management process and tool.
As from the roll-out, the updated Service Infrastructure data becomes operational.
Planning of the infrastructure releases
[Req REL-INFR-10] The Contractor shall prepare, maintain and implement the Service Infrastructure Delivery
Plan (roll-out to operations), planning the contents and issue date on the basis of:
- the planning of the completion and verification activities of projects
- the number and severity of the ICR solved in the release
- any dependencies among the various components to be released
- any dependencies between the various activities impacting the various components to be released
- the indications of ESA on the importance and urgency of the availability of the new delivery in
The Contractor’s Infrastructure Verification and Validation plan is not a deliverable subject to the approval
of the ESA Technical Officer. However ESA reserves the right to examine it on request.
[Req REL-INFR-20] In the case of urgent solutions in response to blocking issues (severity High), the
Contractor shall perform the immediate implementation, verification, validation and delivery of the solution
independently from the nominal schedule of planned deliveries and in time to comply with the SLA.
4.4.10 Service Level Management
This section contains the information that specifies the level of service required and constitute the SLA
between the Contractor and ESA.
[Req SERV-SLA-10] The Contractor shall keep the SLA under formal configuration and change control.
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The defined Service Level Management process aligns ESA needs with the delivery of the services during the
Operational Phase. It provides the interface with ESA that allows the other processes to deliver solutions
that are in line with the contractual agreements.
[Req SERV-SLA-20] The Contractor shall apply a clear and rigorous process to:
- define detailed metrics on the basis of the Quality Matrix of this SoW
- measure performance against KPIs and performance requirements;
- measure contractual penalties incurred for SLA violations;
- accurately monitor the adherence to the SLA;
- report performance and related information through the Service Management System, ensuring the
delivery of the services in line with the contractual conditions.
[Req SERV-SLA-30] The Contractor shall be subject to penalties in cases when the agreed Service Levels are
not met, as detailed in the Quality Matrix.
User Population and Location
The user population (see Annex 4) is mostly located in ESRIN.
There is no expected impact of the location of the users on the provision of the Service.
Data Separation
Data under elaboration needs to be distinguished and separated from the data delivered / available for
[Req SLA-ENV-10] Any updates to the data shall ensure a clear differentiation between:
- Data undergoing changes (continual improvement, processing etc)
- The data which constitutes the current baseline for the given dataset, to be used eg for any day-today request for data repatriation.
[Req SLA-ENV-20] During the modification process of the data, the current baseline of the data shall remain
available for all the functions of the Service.
[Req SLA-ENV-30] After validation of a dataset produced by the Service, the roll-out process (see section on
Service Process Management) shall consist in making the newly validated data a baseline available for
further tasks including delivery.
The SLA and related minimum acceptable values (as laid out in the Quality Matrix, attached as an Annex 3
to this SoW) for each KPI’s include all services related to the network connections procured by the
Contractor, security services and working environments.
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It is not considered necessary or required for the Contractor’s infrastructure to be connected with a
dedicated network link to the ESA network, unless the Contractor considers this necessary for the fulfilment
of the requirements.
In case the Contractor requires to be connected with a dedicated network link to ESA (ESA network is
extended to the Contractor’s site);
 the network link will be implemented, through ESA network service provider and will be supervised
by ESA EOP Security Officer;
a direct access by ESA will be ensured for monitoring / retrieving data (e.g ESA Security Officer can
decide to disconnect the link in case of emergency).
Service Coverage
The following definitions apply:
Normal Working Day (NWD): Monday to Friday during 52 weeks of a year, with the exception of
ESRIN bank holidays (there are 12 bank holidays a year);
Normal Working Hours (NWH): From 08:00 to 18:00 (CET) on normal working days;
Hours (h): From 00:00 to 24:00 (CET) on 365 days of a year;
Extra Working Hours (EWH): defined and agreed as necessary to extend the applicability of the SLA.
The NWD and NWH is the standard time during which the service metrics of the SLA apply (in terms of time
to close an issue, availability, performance and response time, etc..).
However the service may in addition be required for certain Datasets or Tasks for periods of EWH, ie
outside the NWD-NWH, either during the night, week-ends or ESRIN bank holidays.
If there are ESA requests of EWH, such requests will be managed as extra requirements (not considered
part of the baseline service). Such requests will be communicated to the Contractor, normally 4 weeks (and
in any case at least 10 working days) prior to the requested period of coverage.
Any work outside NWH which may be necessary for compliance with the SLA is included in the baseline
Service Interruptions
[Req SLA-INTR-10] Planned downtime for routine maintenance, upgrades or problem resolution:
 shall not be performed during NWH/EWH, except for release of authorised emergency change
 shall be scheduled, as far as possible, on a predefined yearly calendar.
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[Req SLA-INTR-20] Planned downtime for routine maintenance, upgrades or problem resolution shall be
agreed with ESA Technical Officer and in consultation with the User/Customer representatives.
[Req SLA-INTR-30] In case of planned or unplanned downtime, the Contractor shall inform the affected
users in advance in compliance with the SLA.
[Req SLA-INTR-40] The downtime notification shall indicate as a minimum the data, tools, processing or any
tasks involved, the affected users, the nature and the duration of the service interruption.
[Req SLA-INTR-50] The Contractor shall issue a confirmation note of service restoration after every
to the ESA Technical Officer only in case the interruption was planned and the schedule of the
interruption was respected;
- to the ESA Technical Officer and the user population impacted in all other cases.
Issue Classification
The following table lists the type classification of the issues to be handled in the Service.
Note: the word “incremental” in this table has the meaning defined in the description of the Guarantee and
follow-up activities of the various projects (3% /1 year threshold). As a consequence, a request for
improvement to a dataset shall be classified as a CR or RNP ( threshold exceeded), otherwise as a SR.
The choice of classification between CR and RPN for an improvement above the threshold will be done on
the basis of the extent of the change and other situational factors on a case by case basis.
Problem Report
Definition and/or Meaning
General definition for the classification of an issue as PR: an
Issue is categorized as Problem Report (PR) type when an
event occurs which is not part of the standard operation of the
projects/service and which causes or may cause disruption to
or a reduction in the quality of projects and services.
In particular, the following events/requests shall be classified
as PR:
- a problem occurs during the execution of a project (eg a
breakdown in the project infrastructure)
- a user has trouble obtaining the on line data (e.g. ftp
server not available, slow performance)
- a user has trouble obtaining the data from a Media (e.g.
data not available/readable, etc)
- a user has trouble obtaining the on-line data info from a
tool under the Contractor scope (e.g. Web Portal, Service
Management System, etc..)
- the Contractor finds a defect in a CFI provided by ESA –
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Change request
Note: in this case the Contractor manages the PR however
the problem is not for the Contractor to resolve
- a user finds a defect (e.g. corrupted data, data
scientifically incorrect, wrong file name, missing data) in
the data managed/delivered by the Contractor
- a security attack or breach of ESA Security directives
General definition for the classification of an issue as CR: an
Issue is categorized as Change Request (CR) type when the
following conditions are all matched:
• its resolution requires a modification to any
Configuration Item (CI)
• a change to the approved requirements is needed for
its implementation
• the change is not covered by a Service Request (as is
the case in the 3% threshold of Guarantee / followup).
Note: on the other hand, when the implementation can be
performed without any change to the approved
requirements, the issue is categorized as of PR (Problem
Report) type.
The approved requirements are defined by
o this Statement of Work,
o the individual project requirements, approved
project proposals and relevant annexes.
In particular, the following requests shall be classified as CR:
- a CR is necessary following change in the requirements of
a project (eg improved infrastructure of the project for
faster processing)
- user asks for incremental collection, consolidation,
processing of data not covered by the guarantee and
follow-up activities of a project (ie above 3% threshold
defined in the corresponding WPs
a user or the Contractor itself identifies an opportunity
for service improvement
- the Technical Officer requests delivery/repatriation of
data on HDD significantly beyond the threshold indicated
in section 4.2.2
Need for
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user General definition for the classification of an issue as US: an
Issue is categorized as User Support (US) type when the
resolution involves:
- better information to the user;
- collection / capture of further information on the data
which does not involve modification to the data itself,
eg capture of an external mission-related event;
any User management operation (Access
Management such as User account creation, change,
elaboration of service data and preparation of ad-hoc
reports and statistics for service data analysis and
specific objectives
any correction of anomalies which resulted from
system malfunction and/or user error and not
requiring a change in any data configuration Item
In particular, the following requests shall be classified as US:
- a user asks for information related to a data set
- a user finds media or mission documentation or data
of unknown usefulness for the Service scope and
which needs to be evaluated
- a mission-related event is communicated by the
mission owner/operator (e.g. satellite stopping the
provision of data for a certain period)
- support is requested by the ESA Data Librarian and
users of the Service
- a report of a variety of contents and formats is
requested by an ESA Key Role to answer questions and
enquiries on the data holding and its evolution
Request for new A request expressing a need for new project or request for
Engineering Services shall be classified as RNP: e.g.:
- a user asks for Data collection for a new data set
- a user asks for a new project of type data collection
- a user asks for a new project of type data
- a user asks for a new project of type data processing
- a user asks for a new project of type processing
system integration
- a user asks to restore a processing
capability/environment after a long period (as defined
in the project requirements) since the original
installation/integration (e.g. from a back-up), including
patching and running of a readiness review of the
processing system
A request for the
Contractor to
perform activities
relevant to the
Service itself
Actions relevant to the service which contribute to the overall
management and delivery of the service and are not classified
in any of the above categories. This includes actions requested
during service meetings.
In particular, the following requests shall be classified as SR:
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a user asks for incremental collection, consolidation,
processing of data as part of the guarantee and
follow-up activities of a project (ie under 3% threshold
defined in the corresponding WPs)
the ESA Technical Officer requests the sending of HDD
to a destination outside the Contract, or any other
form of data repatriation / delivery
the ESA Technical Officer decides to perform Audit
(e.g. Security, service audit)
a user mistakenly asks for the handling of an issue that
is out of the Contractor scope (misrouted ticket)
the DSI-CCB, after consultation with the ESA Data
Curator or other competent authority, asks for the
destruction of an Original media
a user asks for shipping back of Original media
previously delivered to the Contractor
a user requests the provision of Service reporting and
statistics not explicitly required in the SoW
a user requests the provision of data reporting and
statistics not directly required in the SoW (ad hoc Data
a user makes any request related to Service process
management and support processes managed by the
a user expresses a complaint or a commendation
an ESA key role raises an escalation
OPS-UNIT/SPPA elevates the status of a dataset to a
master dataset
a user asks to restore a processing
capability/environment within a short period (as
defined in the project requirements) since the original
installation/integration (e.g. from a back-up), including
patching and running of a readiness review of the
processing system
SPPA (and/or supporting organisations) asks for a
processor s/w patch to be installed on an operational
The management and resolution of PR, US and SR issues is a task which is part of the baseline service (each
new occurrence has no extra cost for ESA).
Moreover, CR-related activities such as capture, analysis, high level design and estimation necessary to
provide estimation/ Impact assessment for the change requests are part of the baseline service (and do not
give raise to additional costs).
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Activities to deploy changes (including the support to validation) shall be part of the Release Management
process (baseline service) and, therefore and do not give raise to additional costs.
Following an RNP, the analysis and design activities for creating and submitting to ESA a corresponding
Project Proposal (including all required information and draft Project Plan) is a task which is part of the
baseline service (each new occurrence has no extra cost for ESA).
The implementation of the issues related to Guarantee and follow-up activities of projects is not required as
part of the baseline service after the expiry of the period of Guarantee and follow-up. Severity Type
The following table shows the rules for the allocation of a severity level to the issues.
Definition and/or Meaning
Total or partial loss of the following critical functions:
- access / utilisation of the Data Information System and
- extraction or delivery of data
Negative impact on the successful outcome (quality and schedule)
of a project while its root cause is not related to the project.
Issues escalated by ESA Technical Officer from Medium to High
Security-related issue.
Significant degradation of the critical functions listed above, or loss
of non-critical function
Issues managed with workaround (root cause not yet resolved)
after more than a month
Issues escalated by ESA Technical Officer from Low to Medium
Issues traced to:
- processing operational failures not detected during the
processing project [Req PRO-MONIT-10]
- corrupted / duplicated files in consolidated data [Req
CONS-STG0-210] [Req CONS-STG0-510]
- gaps in a consolidated dataset not justified in the Technical
Note [Req CONS-STG0-120]
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All issues not listed in the previous points.
[Req ISS-CLASS-10] In case of regression (same issue reoccurring after being solved or new issue created by
the resolution of another), the severity shall be increased.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
The KPI definitions shall be the basis for the SLA.
The KPI and acceptable limit values apply to the end to end service regardless of the Contractor’s chosen
approach and organisation of the infrastructure and other components. In particular any interventions of
maintenance on hardware, COTS and other components are included in the end to end SLA.
The following table describes the classification of KPI in two macro categories:
The service is observed and measured and the results are reported to ESA.
The results concerning the major prominent and critical aspects for ESA are
evaluated by ESA together with the Contractor in order to identify areas
requiring specific improvements.
The values of the KPI are checked for gaps against the minimum allowed value
(target values) in order to assess the potential application of penalties.
The service is observed and measured, and the results are reported to ESA.
The results are evaluated by the Contractor in order to identify areas requiring
specific improvements.
The KPI’s are measured taking into consideration:
 the service scope of coverage. The measurements shall always be calculated excluding those factors
that are not under the Contractor responsibility (eg service interruptions requested by ESA, third
parties components unavailability, ESA internal network unavailability, etc).
[Req SLA-KPI-10] The Contractor should ensure that the performance measurement regarding the KPI will
be performed on data collected in automated manner and from the Service Management System deployed
for the scope of this service. Any exceptions should be agreed with the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req SLA-KPI-20] The Contractor shall compute and make available on-line to ESA the actual values of the
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[Req SLA-KPI-30] The Minimum/Maximum allowed value for KPI’s related to issues shall be based on:
 Issue Type
 Issue Severity
as defined in the quality matrix.
[Req SLA-KPI-40] The Contractor shall implement and operate a comprehensive, state-of-the-art integrated
Service Management System to measure, perform, report and assess the KPI’s requested in this SoW.
Quality Matrix
The Quality Matrix is described in Annex 3.
It defines the target value and the minimum acceptable value assigned for all KPIs of the SLA, based on the
classification of the issues (type and severity) managed by the Contractor.
Penalties are based on the violation of the Service Level Agreement (allowed values of KPI’s subject to
penalty are violated). The penalties, including the financial aspect, will be calculated as indicated in Annex 3.
Cancellation Criteria
The cancellation criteria are based on the calculation of the KPI and associated penalties, and correspond to
a defined scale of penalty-level failure with failure to restore promptly and in a durable manner.
The cancellation criteria are indicated in the Annex 3.
4.4.11 Performance Management Measurement and Reporting
Performance and customer satisfaction management are critical factors in the success of this Service
[Req PERF-MGT-10] The Contractor shall measure and record service and project status and performance
levels by means of tools and systems integrated with the overall Service Management System.
[Req PERF-MGT-20] The Contractor shall measure and record service and project data in real-time. This
means that performance shall be monitored as the service / projects unfold and any necessary corrective
actions shall be taken while it is time to impact positively on the outcome and not only at the end of the
reporting period.
[Req PERF-MGT-30] The Contractor shall produce and keep up to date a Performance Measurement and
Reporting plan to define and document a list of performance measurements, including at least all the KPI’s,
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and for each the full end-to-end process covering the measurement rules, methods and frequency, the data
collection and validation and the publication of the measurement results.
The Performance Measurement and Reporting plan shall be submitted for approval to the ESA Technical
[Req PERF-MGT-40] The performance measurement processes shall be objective and unambiguous.
[Req PERF-MGT-50] The Performance Management Measurement and Reporting process shall apply to the
SLA including the actual performance of the projects against the project plans and the approved Project
[Req PERF-MGT-60] The service level measurements shall be calculated excluding those factors that are not
under the Contractor’s responsibility (e.g. service interruptions requested or caused by ESA).
In addition to the reports defined in this SoW, further specific reports on particular issues may be requested
occasionally by the ESA Technical Officer. The Contractor is also welcome to pro-actively provide additional
reports providing a complementary view of the Service and Project performance. surveys
[Req PERF-SAT-10] Tickets resulting from issues shall be declared Closed only by the issue originator (or in
case the originator does not respond either way, by the Contractor Service Manager after 5 NWD, informing
the ESA Technical Officer).
[Req PERF-SAT-20] Upon closure of a ticket, the system shall require the issue originator to express a level
of satisfaction on the treatment of the issue related to the ticket.
Service Monitoring and reporting
Service Progress Meetings and Reports
A Service Progress Meeting is held in principle once a week, with the purpose to review and discuss current
issues and the action list.
[Req PERF-PRO-10] The Contractor shall propose the agenda of the Service Progress Meetings with input
from the ESA Technical Officer. One permanent point in the agenda is the action list, managed by the
Contractor Service Manager.
[Req PERF-PRO-20] The Service Progress Meeting shall be supported by a Service Progress Report delivered
by the Contractor Service Manager at least 1 NWD before the meeting and containing:
- the current issues;
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the action list;
any salient point in the Service or Project performance.
Service Review Meetings and Monitoring Reports
[Req PERF-REV-10] A Service Review Meeting is held in principle once a month, with the purpose to:
 review the main service activities and schedules;
 review the service indicators and statistics and take appropriate preventive and corrective action
against deviations;
 review the risk situation and risk management actions;
 review any significant question or salient service point.
[Req PERF-REV-20] The Service Review Meeting is supported by a Service Monitoring Report delivered by
the Service Manager containing the following reports:
- Summary of the activities performed during the period;
- Data Status Report, classified by mission / instrument and including:
- list of dataset baselines per mission / instrument with for each the list of DCR that it
- list of DCR per dataset in each of the states of the life cycle defined in the Change Management
- list of dataset baselines with for each the list of CR that it implements and its status;
- Data Delivery Plan, planning the contents and issue date of data to be rolled-out
- Data repatriation / delivery report
- Project Status Report, including:
- list of on-going projects
- list of salient open points per project, taken from the monthly report of each project
- list of closed projects
- Demand Status Report, including:
- list of projects / activities at each stage of the process
- list of forthcoming projects and pre-requisites to kick-off including any blocking points
- Performance Status Report, including:
- a statistical summary of the issues and tickets handled during the period, showing their status
and classification, and the trends over time; the statistics must include a section on the life
cycle of the issues and the time elapsed in the various phases (eg time for the user to obtain a
CR implementation or PR correction etc.)
- performance against service level targets including all KPI’s of the SLA;
- list of violations of the SLA, together with an analysis of their root causes, corrective and
preventive actions, and recommendation for improvement;
- penalties incurred (calculated and reported quarterly);
- the list of waivers submitted during the period and their disposition;
- the list any Quality alerts occurred during the period and their status;
- any early warnings of potential future problems;
- any third party interventions;
- Infrastructure Status and Monitoring Report
- Service Activity Report, including:
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handling and outcome of major events, eg inclusion of a new mission, major event in a mission,
major problems and changes including traceability through the change life cycle;
- workload characteristics and volumes information
o issues, problems, changes and all service requests;
o volume of data stored and number of datasets and files;
o resource utilisation;
- analysis of the major trends in the service parameters and KPI’s referred to the SLA;
- activities scheduled;
- specific actions undertaken to improve service quality and to solve the reported issues;
- a summary of the knowledge management activities including a statistical summary of the
queries from EOP-G personnel answered and not answered;
Risk Management Report, including:
- risk register for each project of the risk items identified and assessment of each in terms of
likelihood and impact (ESA will provide information on risks identified in previous projects, if
- the list of preventive actions and risk mitigations;
Management Report, including:
- an executive summary with the salient points of the other report components;
- all indicators used to compute the economic value corresponding to the continuous activities;
- economic value of all past, on-going and planned projects;
- risk assessment and mitigation actions;
- security issues if any (this part of the report shall be omitted if there are no security issues
during the period, and shall be delivered in a separate document otherwise);
- any other significant service issue.
[Req PERF-REV-30] For all SLA violations identified in the Service Monitoring Report, the Contractor shall,
prior to the next monthly reporting deadline, propose and initiate corrective actions and preventive actions
to avoid reoccurrence.
[Req PERF-REV-40] In annex to the Service Monitoring Report, the Contractor shall deliver a TicketProcessing Report (as an Excel file) showing for each ticket at least the following information:
- The tracking number assigned to the ticket;
- The initial and final categorisation of the ticket;
- The priority and severity classification;
- The start date/time (the time when the ticket was logged in the Issue Management System);
- The end date/time (the time when the ticket was logged as closed in the Issue Management System);
- Duration (the absolute time of how long the end-to-end treatment of the ticket lasted according to the
Issue Management System);
- Description (a brief description of the ticket and solution);
- Originator of the issue, stakeholders and Users affected;
- Configuration items involved (dataset, tool, processing system, or function involved);
- Service affected;
- Conformance or violation of the KPI concerned.
[Req PERF-REV-50] The Contractor shall deliver the Service Monitoring Report including the TicketProcessing Report and all the accompanying material for a given month by the 5th of the following month.
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[Req PERF-REV-60] One month before the yearly Service Review (see below), the Contractor shall deliver an
executive summary of the Service Monitoring Report.
[Req PERF-REV-70] In addition to the regular reporting, the Contractor shall report specifically to the ESA
Technical Officer any blocking problem and shall communicate the evolution of the situation and the
progress in the resolution at least twice a day.
[Req PERF-REV-80] Notwithstanding the need to perform the service in full autonomy, the Contractor shall
report and escalate to the ESA Technical Officer urgent and major issues immediately and independently of
the formal reporting instruments.
[Req PERF-REV-100] The Contractor shall log all major Service events in an Operational log. Entries to the
log shall include, at least:
 a description of the event;
 the impact on the service;
 any proposed changes to the Service.
The Contractor shall make the Operational log an annex to the Service Monitoring Report and shall make it
available to the ESA Technical Officer on request.
[Req PERF-REV-110] The Contractor shall perform all performance management, measurement, report and
control on the basis of the Service Management System and ensure that all the related information is
constantly updated and kept available.
[Req PERF-REV-120] The Service Management System shall include a “service datawarehouse” with a user
friendly interface available to the ESA Technical Officer allowing to perform real time monitoring and
reporting, interrogation of individual tickets, production of statistics, navigation, etc in order to generate,
supervise and validate the Service performance and the reporting described in this section.
[Req PERF-REV-130] The Contractor shall ensure that the ESA Technical Officer and other personnel
designated by the ESA Technical Officer have permanent read-only on-line access to all areas of the Service
Management System including the Service Data Warehouse.
4.4.12 Communication Management
This WP consists in communicating noteworthy information to the stakeholders of the Service by means of
a web site operated, maintained and populated by the Contractor. In addition, the WP includes the
proposal by the Contractor of inputs for the EO weekly newsletter.
[Req SERV-COMM-010] The Contractor shall setup and maintain a Service web site to communicate the
main aspects of the activities performed in the Contract. The web site shall be considered as the
institutional portal to the Service.
[Req SERV-COMM-020] The Contractor shall propose a structure, design and contents for the Service web
site, to be approved by the ESA Technical Officer.
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[Req SERV-COMM-030] The structure of the Service web site as proposed by the Contractor shall include a
public area including:
- a portion dedicated to the description of the services as seen by the Customer;
- a portion dedicated to the list of projects including completed, on-going and planned projects
with their main objectives, the initial planned completion date (as per project proposal), the
actual completion date (for completed projects), the currently planned completion date (for ongoing projects);
- a portion dedicated to information and statistics on the repatriation/delivery of data;
- a portion dedicated to an extract of the Data Information System and CCM DB;
- a portion for service-related events (eg presentations, infrastructure upgrades, useful tips, etc).
[Req SERV-COMM-040] The structure of the Service web site as proposed by the Contractor shall include a
restricted area including:
- operational information on the service (contact points, email address for submitting tickets)
- access to the System Management System (for those users allowed to access it)
- any other restricted-access function or information.
[Req SERV-COMM-050] The restricted area of the web site shall be available to a small (20 to 30) population
of EOP-G managers identified by the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req SERV-COMM-060] The Contractor shall perform basic user management (attribution of credentials,
reset of password, provision of user list, etc) on the users of the restricted area of the web site.
[ReqSERV-COMM-070] The Contractor shall keep the information presented in the Service web site up to
date with respect to the evolution of the projects and activities of the service, requests from the ESA
Technical Officer and external events, with no more than 1 week latency.
[ReqSERV-COMM-080] The Contractor shall include in the Service Review Report statistics on the number of
contacts to the website, and on the website users’ activities.
[ReqSERV-COMM-090] The Contractor shall propose to the ESA Technical Officer the messages to be used
for official announcement to the users of main events in the service, and shall take care of the
communication after approval of the messages.
[Req SERV-COMM-0100] The Service web site (public and restricted areas) shall carry no financial,
contractual, security-related, classified or confidential information, and shall not be used for disseminating
EO data.
[Req SERV-COMM-0110] The Contractor shall propose inputs to the EO weekly newsletter in the form of
short articles reporting an achievement or other noteworthy event or situation in relation to the work
performed under this SoW.
Web based reporting:
The following is suggested (but not required) in addition to the above requirements.
[Req SERV-COMM-0200] The Contractor should propose a web-based reporting, including contents, format
and related processes, with the following features:
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cover the performance management reporting (Service Progress Report and Service Review
cover the project reporting including progress and issues
freeze the status of the reporting at the date that the past reports have fallen due
show at all times the latest status of all the items reported
be accessible only to a selected list of readers as agreed with the ESA Technical Officer
give notification (eg via email) of updates.
The web-based reporting, if agreed, will replace all or part of the traditional reporting based on documents
and email.
4.4.13 Interfaces to Third Parties
The term “third party” refers in this SoW to any organisation which interacts with the service and/or
contributes to the fulfilment of the objectives or participates to the operations but is not part of the ESA- or
Contractor- component of the service itself.
The Third Parties concerned in this SoW are indicated in Annex 4 (see “Roles interfacing the Contractor”).
The interfaces between the Contractor and the various Third Parties involve:
- ESA personnel working in the various organisational units mentioned in Annex 4. In the same
category are also classified the key personnel of the relevant supporting organisations, who act on
behalf of ESA personnel.
- Organisations supporting ESA via Contractual arrangements, and the services of these
An interface to User support services (EOHELP) is expected to be necessary: while the regular services shall
interface a small population of specialised users who will interact directly with the Service’s 2nd line support,
the end user population will require support by the Contractor for data generated by the Service and
disseminated to end users. This support will be provided not directly to the users but through EOHELP,
which is the single interface to the user. Also, in case the option for end user dissemination is activated,
support or interaction with individual users will be requested and will take place via EOHELP.
The following requirements apply to the Service’s interfaces with third party Contractors’ Services: Interfaces to ESA Personnel
The interface of the Contractor with ESA personnel will be formally through the ESA Technical Officer, while
operationally direct contacts may be established through email, telephone, meetings etc.
[Req INT-KEYP-10] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer. the Contractor shall establish operational
interfaces, based on email, telephone and face-to-face interactions, with key personnel either of ESA or of
organisations supporting ESA as necessary for the fulfilment of the Service.
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[Req INT-KEYP-20] The Contractor shall establish and maintain a list of the interfacing points, including
person, role, organisation, contact details.
The list of interfacing points shall be recorded as part of the Service Management System.
[Req INT-KEYP-30] The Contractor shall ensure that all the interactions with the operational interfaces are
recorded, including at least any actions agreed, decisions made, conclusions reached.
The record of the interactions shall be recorded as part of the Service Management System.
[Req INT-KEYP-40] The Contractor shall ensure that the issues / tickets / actions resulting from the
interfaces are properly recorded and managed in the Service Management System. Interface to Third Party services
ESA will endeavour to setup and formalise reciprocal contractual arrangements for service-to-service
interfaces with the third party contractors involved. In that case, the following requirements will apply.
Coordination of third parties
The Contractor shall interface and coordinate any third parties impacting the provision of the end-to-end
service from the user/Customer point of view.
[Req INT-3RDP-10] The Contractor shall be the end-to-end owner for the resolution of any issues impacting
the Services covered by this SoW. Therefore the Contractor shall be responsible to:
- manage, coordinate, and supervise any third parties involved in the end-to-end delivery of these services;
- monitor the progress of the resolution;
- whenever the 3rd party’s contractual SLA is known, check the performance of the 3rd party against its SLA
and activate actions of reminder and escalation to ESA in case of violation.
[Req INT-3RDP-20] Whenever the resolution of a Service issue becomes pending on the action of a third
party, the Contractor shall ensure that:
- the 3rd party is notified automatically (eg by email) by the Management System of the Service;
- the 3rd party is able to update the status of the issue to “solved” in the Management System of the
Service after completing its intervention, through a defined (eg email) interface.
The closure of the ticket/issue (switch from “Solved” to “Closed” status) remains the responsibility of the
Contractor, after agreement of the issue originator.
[Req INT-3RDP-30] The Contractor shall dedicate a section of the monthly Service Monitoring Report to 3rd
party interventions including for each 3rd party involved:
- the issues / tickets raised to the third party;
- the outcome;
- the actual performance;
- the actual performance with respect to the SLA of the 3rd party, if known.
Formalisation of the interfaces
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The ESA Technical Officer, together with the technical officer of the Contracts of the 3rd parties, will
facilitate the establishment and formalisation of the 3rd party interfaces. It is expected that the interface
between the Contractor and the supplier of SPPA in charge of delivering and maintaining the processors
and QC tools and of performing the quality control on the data will be the subject of a documented
[Req INT-3RDP-40] Upon request of the Technical Officer, the Contractor shall establish, jointly with each 3rd
party concerned, an interface covering the common processes of the respective services and their points of
[Req INT-3RDP-50] The interface shall be documented in a Service Interface Document (SID) jointly
prepared by the two Contractors and approved by the two Technical Officers.
The interface with the 3rd parties shall include the communications necessary for the resolution of the
issues concerned. The communication channels shall be established in the SID and shall include in principle
email, telephone, and access to service management systems.
[Req INT-3RDP-60] The Contractor shall keep the SID under Configuration Management (notwithstanding
the same operation performed by the other Contractor).
[Req INT-3RDP-70] The SID for each service area shall contain:
 the list of joint processes and operational points of interaction between the 2 services;
 the list of Roles and Responsibilities of the 2 parties in relation to the interfacing processes,
including the respective operational escalation points;
 the flagging of which interactions impact the end to end fulfilment of the Services specified in this
SoW, for which the Contractor will be the owner and will not only interface but coordinate /
monitor / remind / urge / escalate the 3rd party;
 the operational, technical and organisational flows of data and control supporting the interface.
4.4.14 Escalation procedure
[Req ESC-PRO-10] The Contractor shall escalate to ESA any problem which has or risks to have a significant
impact on the service and projects, in particular:
- ESA or third party failing to take action or provide information as and when necessary for the
service and projects
- failure or expected failure by the Contractor to fulfil the SLA.
Contact details of the levels of escalation in ESA will be communicated at Kick-off.
[Req ESC-PRO-20] The Contractor shall provide as part of the Service Governance Plan an escalation path to
be used by ESA whenever it considers that a problem which has a significant impact on its business activity
is not being treated adequately by the Contractor or that the visibility it receives on the treatment of the
problem is not sufficient, or when the SLA is violated.
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[Req ESC-PRO-30]The Contractor shall make available at least the following roles and escalation levels:
function in the
Address /
Cell phone
Email Address
BU Head &
Chief Financial
[Req ESC-PRO-40] The Contractor shall communicate to the ESA Technical Officer an updated version of
the escalation procedure table at most 3 NWD after any change in the information contained.
4.4.15 Tools
The following is the full set of tools which should support the projects and services described in this SoW.
The Contractor is expected to deploy at least those required as mandatory in the rest of the document.
Service Management System:
 Issue Management System / Ticket Management tool;
 SLA Management tool;
 Service statistics and reporting management tool;
 Infrastructure Configuration and Change Management tool;
 Availability, Performance and Capacity Monitoring tool;
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Intrusion detection tool;
Service web site;
Data Information System, comprised of:
o Data Information DB/repository;
o Data Configuration and Change Management tool including CCM DB.
4.4.16 Project Management
The Contractor will be managing projects in relation to:
- the project-oriented WP’s, namely:
o Data collection
o Data consolidation
o Integration of Processing Systems
o Bulk processing / reprocessing/reformatting operations
- other activities which may be required by the ESA Technical Officer to be executed as projects.
This section lists the requirements which apply to the management of these projects.
Project Management methodology
[Req PRO-PM-10] The Contractor shall apply state-of the art project management methodology to its
project activities. The preferred methodology is Prince2, however alternatives that may be proposed will be
Note: the application of the methodology is expected to be commensurate with the size, level of risk and
complexity of each specific project.
Project Manager
[Req PRO-PM-20] The Contractor shall assign a Project Manager to each project to be conducted within this
The ESA Technical Officer/Project Manager will approve or reject the choice of Project Manager and in case
of rejection justify their decision.
[Req PRO-PM-30] Each Project Manager proposed by the Contractor shall have following profile:
o 5 to 10 years of experience in project management and in managing projects and teams
on similar activities;
o Skills and experience in data quality assessment and data processing of ESA EO data;
o Specific knowledge of ESA EO data (degree or equivalent experience);
o Ability to take full responsibility for the project objectives and to deliver to the satisfaction
of the ESA Technical Officer and Customer;
o Effectiveness in understanding requirements and communicating.
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[Req PRO-PM-40] For the execution of all activities specified within a project, the interface for the
Contractor shall be the ESA Project Manager. For operational activities the Contractor may be requested to
establish working interfaces with other Personnel, affiliated to ESA or to other parties / companies.
[Req PRO-PM-50] The Contractor shall not replace the appointed Project Manager during project execution
unless authorised by the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req PRO-PM-60] The Contractor shall not communicate on project activities to external entities (outside
this Contract) without authorisation of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req PRO-PM-70] The ESA Technical Officer reserves the right to request the replacement of a Project
Manager. The replacement shall be in place within 3 weeks of the request.
Project Proposal / project plan
[Req PRO-PM-80] Upon request from the ESA Technical Officer of a Project Proposal, the Contractor shall
provide an estimate in terms of schedule and parameters to be applied to the cost model. For any projects
were the cost model does not apply, the Contractor shall also provide an estimate in terms of cost. The time
allowed for the provision of these estimates is defined in the SLA.
[Req PRO-PM-90] The estimate of the Project Proposal in terms of schedule and costs shall be accurate
with respect to the actual Project Proposal, with a margin of 20%.
[Req PRO-PM-100] Upon request from the ESA Technical Officer , the Contractor shall deliver a full project
proposal including a project plan within the time agreed with the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req PRO-PM-110] The proposed project plan shall be compliant with the WP inputs and description of this
SoW relevant to the project.
In particular for processing projects, a major input to the project plan will be the Processing Strategy
Document (or equivalent document showing the processing strategy required).
The projects performed in the scope of the Contract (eg reprocessing operations) will often cover some of
the activities of a more general project (eg reprocessing campaign) carried out in ESA and involving several
players and activities, some of which not related to the scope of this SoW. In such cases ESA will normally
produce a high level project plan and deliver it as reference document to the Contractor.
[Req PRO-PM-120] The proposed project plan shall be compliant with and traceable to the higher level
Project Plan which may be produced by ESA to cover the overall project.
[Req PRO-PM-130] The project plan shall be commensurate with the nature, dimension and complexity of
the project and contain at least the following:
- the proposed key personnel including Project Manager, and their time allocation;
- the proposed WBS;
- any proposed deviations from the requirements of the WP descriptions, and associated justification;
- a Financial Section including the calculation of the cost according to the Financial Management
requirements (cost model) of this SoW.
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Project execution
[Req PRO-PM-140] The Contractor shall execute a project in accordance with the project plan and keep the
plan up to date.
[Req PRO-PM-150] The Contractor shall use the Service Management System to track the actions and issues
of the project, by means of a project-specific classification of the issues. The project issues shall be fully
visible to ESA.
Meetings and reporting
[Req PRO-PM-160] The Contractor shall report on the progress, issues and other project-related matters in
the course of regular meetings on the basis of a meeting schedule agreed in the Project Proposal. ESA
reserves the right to call a meeting at any time during the course of the project.
Meetings shall nominally be held at ESRIN or through teleconference.
[Req PRO-PM-170] The contractor shall deliver a Monthly Project Report at least 5 NWD before the end of
each month, including at least:
- the progress, issues, risks and achievements per WP;
- project inputs to the Service Monitoring Report.
Project closure
[Req PRO-PM-180] A project shall be considered concluded when all the project activities are validated by
ESA, including any activities necessary in order to start performing:
- subsequent activities on the outputs of the project (eg. to start processing after the integration of a
processing system, etc);
- the guarantee and follow-up activities of the project.
[Req PRO-PM-190] The Contractor shall prepare and conduct a final presentation for each project
conducted within this Contract.
[Req PRO-PM-200] The Contractor shall, after the completion of a project, deliver a Project Final Report
including Lessons Learnt with suggestions for improvement (see also the section on Continuous
[Req PRO-PM-210] The Contractor shall facilitate the collection by the ESA Technical Officer of Customer
satisfaction information and record the resulting information in the Service Management System.
Continual Improvement
This section addresses the continual improvement of the Service itself.
The Contractor team together with the ESA team shall be committed to a programme of continual
improvement in recognition of:
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the importance of the satisfaction of the Customers of the Service;
the innovative nature of the approach, which lends itself naturally to optimisation and
[Req STRA-IMPR-10] The Contractor shall continually collect information targeted to the continual
improvement of the Service, from a variety of sources including:
- the Customers’ reported level of satisfaction as part of the various projects;
- the lessons learnt document generated as part of each project;
- the issue originators’ feedback on the closure of the tickets;
- the project compliance records in particular on schedule compliance;
- the service performance management records in particular on SLA compliance, root cause analysis,
corrective action and preventive action;
- the Contractor’s internal service records and management reports;
- the operational log of major service events;
- the regular Service Progress Meetings and Service Review Meetings;
- the day-to-day experience of the Service;
- any other sources and opportunities.
[Req STRA-IMPR-20] The Contractor shall document in the Service Management System the
improvement information collected.
[Req STRA-IMPR-30] The Contractor shall derive from the improvement information collected concrete
improvement actions including:
- improvement to the Service operational procedures;
- improvement to the Service tools and systems, in particular the Service Management System, Data
Information System and CM DB;
- improvement to the Service interfaces and sources of information and data;
- improvement to the Service technical infrastructure and security;
- improvement to the staffing and training processes;
- improvement to the Performance targets (KPI’s) and service performance management,
measurement and reporting processes, procedures and tools;
- improvement to the Service (including Project) requirements and related documentation and
- improvement to the Service CFI’s and the CFI delivery process;
- any other area of the Service amenable to improvement.
[Req STRA-IMPR-40] The Contractor shall propose Change Requests to the Service and related
infrastructure including:
- a coherent set of improvements – eg improvements to the operating procedures and corresponding
adjustment of the Service Management System;
- an assessment of the expected positive effect of the proposed improvements to the Satisfaction of
the Customer and/or the cost of the Service.
[Req STRA-IMPR-50] The Contractor shall collect and record Change Requests from the ESA Technical
Officer and other key roles for further improvements to the Service.
The change requests proposed for the improvement of the Service shall be dispositioned:
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by the Service infrastructure CCB for the changes with no contractual impact;
by the yearly Service Review for the changes with a contractual impact.
[Req STRA-IMPR-60] At the end of each year of Service, the Contractor shall present to the Yearly Service
Review :
- the list of changes to the services approved and implemented in the course of the year and since
the start of the service;
- the actual improvements obtained from the changes.
Any demonstrated improvement to the cost of the Service, the quality being equal or better, shall be shared
evenly between ESA and the Contractor.
Risk Management
The risk management approach to the service provision is part of the service management and is based on
an evaluation of the risk factors and for each risk factor an assessment of its likelihood of occurrence and
the impact of its occurrence.
Performing risk management in compliance with ISO 27001 requirements for Information Security is not
required but would be considered an asset.
[Req RISK-MGT-10] The Contractor shall systematically and continuously run a risk management program to
identify, assess, manage, document, prevent, mitigate and monitor all risks associated with the processes,
services and projects contained in or related to the scope of this SoW.
[Req RISK-MGT-20] In case either the likelihood or the impact of a risk item is considered medium to high by
the Contractor or by ESA, the Contractor shall take prevention and/or mitigation action.
[Req RISK-MGT-30] The Contractor shall document:
- the list of risk factors,
- the assessment of each (in terms of likelihood and impact)
- the corresponding prevention and mitigation actions
- the resulting effect on the risk level
in the Risk Management Section of the Service Monitoring Report, which will be reviewed at the
monthly Service Review Meeting.
[Req RISK-MGT-40] The Risk Management Process shall cover all the risks, threats, likelihood, potential
impact, preventive and mitigation actions related to the service. This includes, but is not limited to, risks
belonging to the following categories:
 Transition risks (e.g. failure to meet the phase-in schedule, disruption of the service when taking
over, staffing issues etc.)
 Service delivery risks (e.g. failure by the Contractor to meet service targets for: quality, user and
customer satisfaction, functionality, availability, reliability, flexibility, change management etc.)
 Project risks
 Technical risks
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Security and infrastructure vulnerability risks
Financial risks (e.g. supplier financial viability, danger of bankruptcy, changes in ownership structure
as a result of mergers and acquisitions)
Organizational risks (e.g. supplier major organizational changes, migration of data and support
centres etc.)
Sub-contractor risks (monopoly situations, lack of required skills and knowledge, common
processes and integration)
Exit risks (e.g. lock-in with suppliers, human resources issues, assets transfer, knowledge transfer
Disaster risks.
The Risk Management Section of the Service Monitoring Report and the associated action list are subject to
the approval of ESA.
Quality management
The Quality management requirements are reported in Annex Q.
Additional Services
Non-standard activities
The core WPs described in Chapter 3 follow a standard process, which has many advantages including the
predictability of the outputs, the management of the expectations, the gain of economies of scale, the
application of a cost model, etc.
Activities related to the overall objectives of this SoW may however occasionally depart from the standard
WP descriptions of Chapter 3. This section applies to such activities.
Additional, non-standard activities may be required (RNP) by the ESA Technical Officer. Other Service
stakeholders, including the Contractor, may also propose additional activities.
In case of additional activities proposed by the Contractor, the proposal in order to be considered must be
justified by an appropriate business case showing convincingly the benefits over the costs.
In all cases, any additional activity shall be approved formally by the ESA Technical Officer before the
Contractor undertakes it.
Due to the non-standard nature of such activities, the process, inputs and outputs applicable will be agreed
by the ESA Technical Officer and the Contractor on a case-by-case basis. For the same reason, the cost will
not be governed by the cost model as described in Annex M: the Contractor will be requested to provide a
specific proposal for the activities in question, based on hourly rates agreed before contract signature.
[Req ENG-ACT-10] Depending on the size and complexity of the engineering activity required, as
determined by the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall produce an Engineering Activity Proposal
reflecting the contents required, which will normally include:
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Description of the Work Package(s) and activities to be performed,
Planning of the activities
Required resources (manpower, technical platforms, etc.),
Key personnel,
Roles and Responsibilities,
WP deliverables,
The engineering and managerial approach for the activities will be defined case-by-case in cooperation with
and under the authority of the ESA Technical Officer. In most cases the following requirements will apply.
[Req ENG-ACT-20] The engineering activity shall be executed under the responsibility of a single project
/activity manager appointed by the Contractor, who will be the single point of contact of the ESA
stakeholders for the activity
[Req ENG-ACT-30] The Contractor shall apply a Project Management approach to carry out the activity in
line with the accepted Engineering Activity Proposal and commensurate with the size and complexity of the
[Req ENG-ACT-40] Under no circumstances shall the execution of Engineering Activities impact adversely
the provision of the service and the execution of the standard projects.
[Req ENG-ACT-50] Engineering Activities will normally be performed on a FFP approach based on hourly
fees agreed as part of the overall contract.
[Req ENG-ACT-60] In the case that activities somehow related to the Service in scope of this SoW are
mandated by ESA to an external Contractor in a separate contractual arrangement, the Contractor’s own
Engineering Activities shall consist in participating and contributing to the external activity as required by
the ESA Technical Officer.
The Engineering Activities that will be required vary in content, scope and purpose. The following is a nonexhaustive list of possible examples of such activities:
implementation of a given redundancy-reduction strategy following Stage 1 of data consolidation;
inputs/contributions to project activities carried out outside the scope of this SoW, including user
requirements definition, specifications, architecture and design, interfaces, verification and
validation, acceptance, readiness, deployment;
small pilot projects to prototype, test, and validate technical aspects in relation to the scope of the
Service and Projects;
any other activities related to the overall context of the Service.
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This chapter covers the main guiding principles which drive the management and execution of the projects
and of the service.
[Req GOV-10] The Contractor shall produce and maintain an overall Service Governance Plan to document
the major guiding principles of the management and execution of the projects and of the service.
The Service Governance Plan is a deliverable subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req GOV-20] The governance plan shall document in particular, but not be limited to:
- The major processes and corresponding flows of information;
- The corresponding Roles and Responsibilities, organisation chart and allocation of key personnel;
- The interfacing and communication processes within the Service Organisation and between the Service
Organisation and other parties;
- Escalation procedure.
Customer and Demand Management
The main objective of this Initiative is to improve the satisfaction of OPS-UNIT’s Customers, of which a
typology is given in Annex 4 Roles & Responsibilities.
OPS-UNIT Personnel will manage directly the relationship with the Customers. However the Contractor has
a major role to support OPS-UNIT in the Customer relationship to help increase the satisfaction of the
existing Customers and thereby the likelihood of additional business.
[Req STRAT-DM-10] The Contractor shall publish and maintain up to date on the restricted part of the online knowledge management system the Service Catalogue of OPS-UNIT.
Note: the catalogue of services of OPS-UNIT covers the services in scope of this SoW, with the addition of
end-user dissemination which is not the responsibility of OPS-UNIT but is an integral part of the end-to-end
value chain of the data.
The Contractor Service Manager may occasionally be invited by the ESA Technical Officer to take part in
information sessions / presentations given to existing or prospective Customers.
[Req STRAT-DM-20] Any contacts between the Contractor and the Customers shall take place at the request
or under the supervision of the ESA Technical Officer.
In particular, the Contractor shall refer to ESA Technical Officer any enquiry by a Customer / potential
The Demand Management process put in place by OPS-UNIT with its Customers has 3 phases for a project:
 Phase 1: Intention, where the project is initially broadly defined at an early stage (6+ months before
the start) and is still not confirmed
 Phase 2: Confirmation, where the Customer has made the decision to go ahead with the project
 Phase 3: Implementation, where the project is funded and is proceeding.
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[Req STRAT-DM-30] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall provide the information
necessary for the Customer to transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and from Phase 2 to Phase 3, for
information under its direct control, including:
- cost of the project as per cost model;
- duration of the project in compliance with requirements;
- status / amount / other attributes of the data, for data held as part of the Data Information and
Configuration Management WP.
[Req STRAT-DM-40] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall endeavour to provide
the best estimate of the information necessary for the Customer to transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and
from Phase 2 to Phase 3, for information not under its direct control, including:
- status / amount / other attributes of the data, for data not held as part of the Data Information and
Configuration Management WP.
[Req STRAT-DM-50] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor Service Manager shall attend
(part of) the relevant Demand Management or related meetings with the Customers and provide additional
[Req STRAT-DM-60] The Contractor shall pro-actively advise the ESA Technical Officer on matters of
demand management, including:
- suggested additions / removal / rescheduling of projects;
- suggested changes to the scope and contents of projects.
[Req STRAT-DM-70] The Contractor shall document the business case of its recommendations on matters of
demand management with a clear emphasis on the costs and benefits, centred on the best interests of the
Customers and OPS-UNIT.
[Req STRAT-DM-80]The Contractor shall maintain and keep up to date a repository of all the past, current
and planned projects, including a master schedule of all the projects. The schedule of planned projects shall
be based on the indications of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req STRAT-DM-90] Upon request of the ESA Technical Officer, the Contractor shall produce various reports
and statistics on the projects at the various stages, in particular per Customer (organisation unit / contact
point), budget, type of project, mission, instrument, type of instrument, cost, etc.
[Req STRAT-DM-100] The Contractor shall feed demand information into its infrastructure management
processes since the early stage (intention) and ensure that any implementation process can start within 1
week of the final go-ahead of the Customer.
Roles and Responsibilities
The ESA and Contractor R&R are defined in Annex 4.
In particular, attention is drawn to the need for the Contractor Service Manager to be frequently present in
ESRIN for formal and informal meetings with ESA key roles.
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Meetings and Deliverables
The formal meetings are listed in the various corresponding WPs.
[Req MTG-10] The Contractor shall provide:
- Proposed agenda points at least 5 NWD before the meeting;
- Minutes of all meetings within 5 NWD of the meeting.
The MoM are subject to approval by ESA.
[Req MTG-20] The Contractor shall ensure the participation of its team to each meeting is adequate to the
subjects in agenda and the technical or managerial content of the discussion.
[Req MTG-30] Meetings shall be held in principle by video-conference. Upon request of the ESA Technical
Officer, the meeting shall be held either in ESRIN or in the premises of the Contractor.
Note: physical meetings in ESRIN will normally take place for the KO and the final presentation of projects.
5.3.2 List of deliverables
The list of deliverables is summarised in Annex 5.
The delivery schedule indicated in the table is a recapitulation of the deliverables of the various WP’s. The
delivery schedule should be understood as a default. Deviations may be introduced by both parties
following a mutual agreement.
Similarly, the table indicates templates for some of the deliverables. Any alternative template proposed by
the Contractor will be taken into consideration and a final decision will be taken by ESA. The alternative
template proposed has to reflect at least the contents required in the original template, and more if
deemed appropriate.
The review / approval / acceptance approaches mentioned in the table are described in the next section.
[Req DELIV-10] The Contractor shall write all the deliverables in English.
[Req DELIV-20] The Contractor shall document all the aspects of the service performance, including the
proceedings, meetings, reviews, decision making, schedules and plans and make these records available
[Req DELIV-30] The deliverable documents are delivered in electronic form in MS-Office format without a
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[Req DELIV-40] If the use of a password or other form of protection mechanism is deemed necessary, the
Contractor will agree its usage beforehand with the ESA Technical Officer and the password (or other
protection removal mechanism) will be communicated to the relevant ESA interfaces.
[Req DELIV-50] The Contractor shall deliver any software developed (eg data handling tools for
consolidation etc) in the scope of the contract, including documentation and data, in source form together
with the build instructions to produce the executable form.
If the Contractor plans to make use of any non-commercial tool (eg. its own proprietary tool), this will in
principle be accepted only if a copy of the tool is made available to ESA on a permanent basis and/or the
tool produces or exports data in a format that can be imported into a tool that is permanently available to
5.3.3 Use of deliverables and CFIs
[Req OWN-10] The data and the processed data, as well as support service data (including user details, issue
information, etc), shall remain the property of the Agency. The Contractor shall provide to the Agency the
source code of all of the tools used, of the parameter settings and of any customisation of COTS used, and
shall provide the build instructions (including making files), the functional and technical documentation,
appropriate training material, and the contents of all the components of the management system (incl. the
knowledge management component).
[Req OWN-20] Upon request of ESA, the Contractor shall provide in a timely manner and in the agreed
format all material and data that is the property of ESA.
[Req OWN-30] The Contractor shall retain, backup and take all precautionary measures to preserve data
and material under its custody that is the property of ESA.
[Req OWN-40] The Contractor shall ensure full compliance with any licensing constraints linked to any of
the CFI’s (eg restrictions to the use/ modification/ disclosure of parts of the CFIs, etc).
[Req OWN-50] ESA shall be entitled to freely use and reuse the deliverables produced under the Contract
and to pass on the deliverables to Third Parties for use or reuse for the Agency’s Own Requirements other
than for the Project specified in the Contract, during the Contract and afterwards. The Contractor shall
ensure that no restrictions will be imposed on the right of the Agency to provide to Third Parties (e.g., other
contractors) the deliverables produced under the Contract, whether for modification, maintenance,
updating or any other purpose.
5.3.4 Review and acceptance procedures of the deliverables
In all cases the final authority for approval and acceptance of deliverables rests with ESA.
The acceptance processes vary according to the nature and criticality of the deliverables. The various
processes are described hereunder.
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The Contractor shall provide the deliverables to the reviewing participants at least 10 working days before
the requested feedback date (review or issue of RIDs or comments).
This section indicates the process by which the various types of deliverables will be reviewed and accepted. Explicit and implicit approval
In all cases, the review and approval may be either explicit or implicit. The implicit approval is granted by
default without further communication by ESA if no comments have been received by the Contractor within
10 working days.
ESA reserves the right to request changes to a document after its approval (implicit or explicit).
Document approval is always implicit unless ESA notifies the Contractor that the relevant approval will be
explicit. Review/acceptance of deliverable documents by Formal RID
The major deliverable documents will be subject to formal RID-based review.
ESA will use RID (Review Item Discrepancy) forms to identify shortcomings in the documents and report
them to the Contractor. A formal review meeting will be held to review and disposition each RID. The
disposition is discussed jointly, and the final decision will be made by ESA.
Whenever a new document or a major change to an existing document is produced, the formal review will
be preceded by informal reviews of intermediate but coherent versions eg complete versions of parts of the
documents. The informal deliveries are based on written comments and suggestions and email exchange. Review/acceptance of deliverable documents by Formal Comments
Formal comments will take the form of bulleted lists of points to be corrected in the deliverable, or in the
case of documents of annotations included in the document itself and marked. The response expected from
formal comments is either implementation in the deliverable or a discussion in a meeting. Following the
discussion, ESA reserves the right to confirm or waive the formal comment.
On occasions, ESA may decide to use formal comments to review deliverables for which the formal RID
review is the normal review approach. Review/acceptance of deliveries
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The acceptance of the deliverables is based on the validation approach which is described in the above
sections “Data validation” and “Infrastructure validation”.
In case the decision on the acceptance is negative, the product will not be accepted and rework by the
Contractor shall be required followed by a new verification and validation process.
If ESA considers that the PR generated at validation level are of minor importance, the delivery may be
provisionally accepted and put in production, subject to the resolution of the remaining PR within a period
of time to be set by ESA.
Yearly Service Review
[Req YEAR-REV-10] An annual contractual review shall be conducted with ESA to address and manage the
following aspects:
 financial review, to ensure the Price adjustment of the Service in accordance with the Cost Model,
taking into account the additions and removals of Projects from service scope (cost variation linked
to volume of activity) and the yearly variation in unit costs (cost variation linked to time /
experience) and the deliverables/activities not delivered/executed according to plan, with the
effect of:
o retroactively adjusting the price of the Service for the past calendar year to reflect the
variations to the Projects Portfolio and service scope
o setting the unit cost of the Service for the next calendar year based on the composition of the
Project Portfolio at the time of the review; this will be subject to adjustment at the next yearly
 SLA and service improvement review to analyse the performance of the previous year (including
trends in the KPI’s) and improvements achieved, and to evaluate possible further improvements or
cost savings;
 Contractual review to update any Contractual Documents if needed to reflect the previous points
and review/update the payment plan. This may in particular be driven by the Continual
Improvement exercise.
Note: in the event that any penalties should need to be applied, the corresponding impact will be taken into
account in the financial part of the yearly review.
The costs charged to ESA are:
- the transition (phase-in / phase-out) costs, covering the costs of the initial setup of the service as
described in the next chapter;
- the costs of the Project activities, as defined in this SoW, which are charged to ESA according to the
model described in the next section.
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Note: Change Requests are conceptually and financially small projects, their implementation follows
however a lighter process.
The service and support activities are not charged separately and are funded through the Project activities
as overheads.
Once a project is launched, all the related activities are funded.
While the main project activity (eg collection of data) is a one-off task, the other service and support
activities give raise to many occurrences of service issues related to guarantee and follow-up, data
repatriation / delivery, Configuration and Change Management, Project and Service Management.
These repeated occurrences constitute the baseline service. No extra payment is due for each new
occurrence of these activities: they are performed under the initial project funding until the end of the
guarantee and follow-up period.
The guarantee and follow-up period lasts for 1 year after the end of a project and is renewable.
In terms of types of issues (see Service Level Management) the baseline service covers Problem Reports,
User Support, Service Requests. The provision of project proposals (see [Req STRAT-FIN-20]) is also part of
the service baseline.
[Req STRAT-FIN-10] The Contractor shall comply with the Financial Management processes and
requirements defined in Annex M. In particular, the Contractor shall base the proposed costs of all projects
on these required Financial Management processes.
[Req STRAT-FIN-20] The Contractor shall respond to any request of the ESA Technical Officer for dedicated
projects or engineering activities not corresponding to the standard WP’s of this SoW with project proposals
including committing financial proposals based on FFP price types.
Note: for any project or engineering activity, related or not to the current scope of activities of the Contract,
ESA reserves the right to:
request a proposal to the Contractor and/or alternative suppliers;
proceed or not with the project;
in case it proceeds with the project, grant the contract to the Contractor or to an alternative
[Req STRAT-FIN-30] The Contractor shall keep a complete and fully transparent record of all the financial
aspects of the contract, including the computation of the yearly expenditure per mission / instrument and
per project and support /service activity.
[Req STRAT-FIN-40] The Contractor shall perform the computation of the payment plans in compliance with
the contractual provisions.
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[Req STRAT-FIN-50] The Contractor shall prepare all the necessary inputs for the yearly adjustment of costs
including the fully transparent calculations.
[Req STRAT-FIN-60] The Contractor shall include in the computations of the yearly adjustment of costs any
financial penalties resulting from failure to perform according to the SLA.
[Req STRAT-FIN-70] The various cost elements of the contract shall be charged as follows:
the Transition Phase shall be quoted at : FFP conditions
the projects as described in Ch 3 shall be quoted at FUP conditions based on the cost model of
Annex M; all the costs of the project and baseline service shall be covered by the cost model
and no further cost shall be charged to ESA
Any project activity not falling under the types of projects covered by the cost model shall be
quoted at FFP conditions based on the contractual daily fees.
The Transition Phase is the period used for the service to become operational.
The Transition Phase is broken down into:
- A phase-in period;
- An initial service period.
The phase-in is the period of a maximum duration of 4 months in which the Contractor prepares
and executes the following tasks:
o Acquisition of knowledge
o Service rehearsal
o Service Management System setup (including all supporting tools and processes)
o Agreement with the ESA Technical Officer on the format of all reports
o Finalisation of Transition deliverables
o Service Readiness Review (SRR)
The initial service period (also known as period of grace)of a maximum duration of 4 months is
characterised as follows:
o The period starts when the Contractor is ready to start the operational phase in
accordance with the outcome of the “Service Readiness Review” (SRR) executed at the end
of the phase-in
o The Contractor is fully responsible to execute the services, without any exception in terms
of data/instruments and/or services and processes and/or requirements, unless otherwise
o The SLAs are applicable but the penalty and the cancellation scheme are not applied (i.e.
the values of the KPI will be measured and reported but the penalties will not be applied);
o The cost model of the operational phase is applied.
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At the end of the initial service period, the transition is complete and the SLA and associated penalties
are fully applicable.
Service Readiness Review (SRR)
The objective of the SRR is to demonstrate that the services and associated infrastructure are ready for the
subsequent operations.
The criteria to be considered in the SRR shall cover at least the following areas:
 Service overall
o All the service components are set up and ready
o All the service stakeholders (Contractor and ESA/Third Parties) are trained to the necessary
tools / processes etc.
o A Service rehearsal has been performed on the service processes and has produced
successful results
o The Service Management System tools have been setup, tested, validated and are
operationally available; in particular this applies to the CCM tools;
o The Security criteria are satisfied:
 Test/validation of the compliance matrix for the security requirements defined in
[ADS 1]
 Security plan list and contents approval by ESA Security authority
 Vulnerability scanning aimed to ensure that all main vulnerabilities have been
o Interfaces with Third Parties have been identified and defined (and documented in a
Service Interface Definition document where applicable) and are operational
 Technical
o Service infrastructure setup and validated
o Availability, Performance and stress tests of the service infrastructure successfully passed
 Organisation, Deliverables and Documents
o Contractor resource allocation defined, agreed and documented in the Transition Plan
(name, company, role, location, equipment, roll in-off date, etc) and available for the initial
projects; in particular, the allocation of Personnel and other resources from the Contractor
and sub-contractors shall be addressed under this point;
o Processes and Procedures successfully documented in the corresponding deliverables,
executed and tested, including in particular CCM process and operational procedures;
o Infrastructure (HW/SW/COTS) support maintenance in place including the corresponding
o Transition deliverables (as per Annex 5) accepted and placed under CCM control;
o Template and content definitions of all reports and deliverables (as per Annex 5) agreed;
o Transition Plan for Phase-in delivered and accepted by ESA and activities / actions
[Req PHO-10] The Contractor shall document and submit to ESA for its approval a comprehensive and
detailed Transition Plan for Phase-in, which shall lead to the successful fulfilment of the SSR.
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[Req PHO-20] The Contractor shall allocate during the Transition phase the key personnel (from the
Contractor and any sub-contractors) destined to be allocated during the normal operations.
Note: in other words it is not acceptable for the Contractor to appoint a “ transition team” which will be
disbanded and replaced by an “ operations team” at the end of the Transition phase –in.
[Req PHIO-30] The Contractor shall keep the Transition Plan up-to-date until the Transition is finalized and
In case the SRR fails at the end of the 4-month phase-in period, and the Contractor needs an additional
amount of time to pass the SRR successfully, the duration of the period of grace (initial service period) will
be reduced by the same amount of time. In addition, ESA will then consider the systematic re-routing of
projects falling into the potential scope of the contract to other contractual arrangements, until the SRR is
passed successfully.
On the other hand, early evidence of the successful preparation of the SRR and demonstrated advanced
readiness of the fundamental components (infrastructure, CM system) of the service may lead to awarding
projects before the final formal completion of the SRR. In particular, processing projects with a processor
made available early in 2013 will have a strong pressure in ESA to be executed as soon as the processor is
made available.
The contract phase-out is the 4-month period preceding the end of the contract, in the case that the
contract is not renewed with the Contractor. Constructive cooperation during the phase-out is a major sign
of professionalism.
The purpose is to complete any on-going projects and to transfer to the new Contractor the material and
knowledge necessary for a successful phase-in.
Phase-out tasks and requirements
[Req PHO-10] No later than 1 month into the phase-out period, the Contractor shall submit a Transition
plan for phase-out to the Technical Officer, covering the phase-out activities.
[Req PHO-20] The phase-out activities shall include the transfer to the new Contractor of:
- All the open issues (extracted from the Management System) at some agreed cut-off date to be
defined in the plan
- All the rest of the contents of the Management system and all its components (including the Data
Information System and CCM DB)
- The full data holding (in the broad sense, including science records, documentation, etc.)
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The cooperation with the new Contractor for the resolution of all issues during the phase-out
period, including:
o A) full visibility on the resolution of issues under the Contractor’s responsibility for at least
one month
o B) the formal transfer of the responsibility to the new Contractor
o C) support to the resolution of issues under the new Contractor’s responsibility for at least
one month
[Req PHO-21] Upon completion of the transfer of the required material to the new Contractor, the
Contractor shall, after confirmation of the Technical Officer, erase its own copy of the data holding in scope.
[Req PHO-30] The phase-out activities shall include the delivery by the Contractor to the new Contractor of
Knowledge Transfer / Training sessions covering at least the following:
- Issue management process (at least 12 hours)
- Data management and data CCM process (at least 24 hours)
- Roles, responsibilities and interfaces (at least 6 hours)
Each Knowledge Transfer / Training session shall last no longer than 4 hours.
[Req PHO-40] During the phase-out period, the Contractor should allow the new Contractor read-only
access to (selected portions of) the Management System.
Phase-out approach and constraints
The timing of the phase-out will be arranged in a way that no active projects need to be transferred, ie any
on-going projects will be completed (up to the ESA validation) before the end of the contract.
No work-shadowing of the Contractor personnel / activities by the new Contractor will be requested
(neither at incumbent premises nor ESA premises), in order not to affect the nominal activities. The
Contractor is free to propose work-shadowing sessions and a corresponding, commensurate relaxation of
the SLA.
[Req PHO-50] Except where explicitly specified and agreed by the ESA Technical Officer, the SLA shall
remain applicable during Phase-out.
[Req PHO-60] Direct communication between the Contractor and the New Contractor is necessary and
encouraged, however the Contractor shall document (eg MoM) and CC to the ESA Technical Officer:
all communications contributing to the Knowledge Transfer of the Contractor to the New
Contractor (eg any presentations, training sessions, Q&A sessions, etc)
- all deliveries of material (eg of data, documents) to the New Contractor.
[Req PHO-70] Those phase-out activities which involve ESA and/or the new Contractor shall take place at
ESRIN and/or by teleconference or videoconference.
[Req PHO-80] The Contractor shall facilitate / contribute to the provision by ESA of the facilities (training /
meeting rooms, video-conferences, PCs…) needed for the execution of the plan.
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[Req PHO-90] The Contractor shall maintain the service organisation and at least 75% of the key personnel
allocation stable during the 6 months preceding the end of the contract.
The CFIs of this contract are the processing systems and the input data, and the related documentation, on
a per-project basis. Any other software deemed necessary by the Contractor for the purpose of the service
including transcribing, ingesting, inventorying data into the service infrastructure, removing overlap within
datasets or extracting data from the service infrastructure e.g. by geographical area is to be provided by
the Contractor under its responsibility.
The CFI related to the initial basket (Annex 2) will be delivered either at Contract KO or at the start of the
corresponding projects.
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Annex 1 Definitions and Abbreviations
Baseline service: the baseline service refers to those activities which do not give raise to additional funding
or financial management at each occurrence, and are financed through the project activities.
The baseline service includes:
- the guarantee and follow-up component of each project
- all the Support Services, which are:
o Data Information and CCM
o Data Repatriation / delivery
o Service and Project Management
o the other Support Services
In terms of issue classification, the baseline service includes:
- the management and resolution of PR, US and SR (including in particular the activities linked to the
Guarantee and follow-up of the projects);
- CR-related activities such as capture, analysis, high level design and estimation necessary to provide
estimation/ Impact assessment for the change requests;
- activities to deploy changes (including the support to validation);
- following an RNP, the analysis and design activities for creating and submitting to ESA a
corresponding Project Proposal (including all required information and draft Project Plan).
On the other hand, the baseline service does not include:
- the execution of projects (RNP implementation);
- the execution of CR above the incremental threshold of project Guarantee and follow-up (3%)
- the implementation of the issues related to Guarantee and follow-up activities of projects after the
expiry of the period of Guarantee and follow-up.
Bulk-processing: processing of a dataset which has not been systematically processed so far. The need
originates from user demand for complete datasets (as opposed to on-demand processing).
Customer: The word Customer refers to the internal entity in EOP-G (or other ESA organisation) who
requests and funds an activity and to whom OPS-UNIT has to report for the activity. A Customer may
delegate his / her authority to a Customer representative.
Data completeness: defined as the ratio of files effectively available to the data actually acquired.
Data Delivery: in this SoW, data delivery means the act of making data available to a third party, by
whatever means including availability in an on-line repository, shipping of HDD, etc. The word delivery is
used when the meaning is generic. When the method of delivery is relevant it is specified.
Dataset: set of data which:
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have in common at least the following elements of Data Set Description:
o mission
o instrument and if applicable instrument mode
o data level
o archiving format
were generated by the same acquisition / processing / transcription system.
Dataset Description (DSD): set of attributes of a dataset necessary for the proper management of the
activities defined in the core WP of this SoW and including:
o dataset id
o version information
o dataset description in terms of composition
o dataset data level
o archiving format
o time span (start and end dates)
o completeness and quality attributes (presence of corrupted data, duplicates, overlaps,
homogeneity of file naming and file formats etc)
o provenance and lineage attributes, including transcriptions, conversions, processing,
consolidation etc
o mission id
o mission and payload description
o instrument id
o instrument description
o references / dependencies / links to other datasets (eg linking aux data and L0 data to the
corresponding L1 data, linking a consolidated dataset to the component datasets, etc.)
o references / dependencies / links to specific mission documents (eg linking a particular
dataset to its format description document)
o references / dependencies / links to processors and other systems (eg linking aux data, L0
data and L1 data to the corresponding processing system)
o physical information including volume, number and list of data files, type of media, age of
the media, identification of each of the media, physical location of each of the copies,
procedure to apply and equipment needed to read / transcribe the data, etc.
o service information including date of entry into the scope of the service, original media
from where the data was transcribed, source, outcome of the original completeness /
quality checks, record of operations done as part of the service
o master flag (as defined in Annex 1)
o any other attribute useful to the full identification and description of the dataset.
Note: a dataset (and therefore its Data Set Description) is unique for all the identical physical copies of the
data. In particular, in case that a copy of a dataset is made eg for delivery to a third party, the dataset under
configuration management is still the instance which is in the Contractor’s storage. A trace is kept of the
event that a copy was made and delivered but there is still only one dataset under configuration
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Data quality: fitness of the data for their intended use. The QA4EO (Quality Assurance for Earth
Observation) framework defines guiding principles in this context (see Criteria for the
assessment of data quality, discussed in the context of this SoW are mainly the following:
- presence of corrupted files in a dataset;
- presence of duplications and overlaps;
- presence of gaps within the files;
- scientific quality resulting from the acquisition eg limits of the visibility of the station / azimuth /
incidence angle etc.
- quality factors resulting from previous transcription / processing of the data.
Exact duplicates: in terms of files from different sources being found redundant during a consolidation
exercise, exact duplicates are systematically removed, meaning files with the same title and the same
contents bit-by-bit. Any further removal operation (eg files with same contents but different titles) is
performed only after approval by SPPA.
Job Order file: is the main interface between the Management Layer and a processor. The Job Order file
contains the list of input/output files each task of a processor is supposed to use/generate. The
Management layer passes the job order as parameter to each task of the processor.
Management Layer: Processor tasks are scheduled, orchestrated and controlled by a Management Layer.
The Management layer also allows to monitor task execution.
Master dataset: the dataset which has been designated by the DSI-CCB as the best available dataset for a
given mission / instrument / time period / geographical coverage. The master is the dataset to be used as
input for reprocessing exercises. The master dataset label is awarded to a lower level (normally L0 but also
auxiliary data) dataset and propagated through processing towards the upper levels, eg a L1 master dataset
is the result of processing a L0 master dataset. Typically, a master dataset is the result of a consolidation
exercise and is accompanied by a detailed completeness/consistency report which highlights any remaining
gaps and inconsistencies.
Product: the outcome of a processing. A product may be physically a file or a combination of several files,
possibly aggregated into one single resulting archive (tar / zip) file.
Lineage: the lineage of the data is the genesis of how a particular dataset has been created initially and
evolved through several operations into its current version, including acquisition, processing, consolidation,
transcription, etc.
Media: any physical support of the data including tapes, HDD, optical discs etc.
Orchestration model: set of rules to be applied to the selection of inputs (primary and auxiliary
files), sequencing, and correspondence between inputs and outputs for a processor. Implementing
the required orchestration model in the operational infrastructure is one most important task of
the Integration of a processor.
Processing: application to a dataset of a processing system.
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Processing System: generic name for processor (prototype/IPF), format converter, QC tool or any other tool
which is applied to a dataset to generate another dataset. A processing system consists of a collection of
executables and tasks. Each task is specified by its input and output. The Contractor will be provided with
processing systems as CFI according to this definition. Therefore it is for the Contractor, as part of the
Integration of Processing Systems WP, to setup of a full end-to-end processing chain as defined in [Req INTSYST-50] including as applicable the implementation of the processor’s orchestration model (correct
feeding of the processor with the best available aux data and chaining of processing steps as per processor
Processor: in this SoW, this term refers to a processing system which produces higher level scientific data
(L1, L2…) from lower data (L0, L1…). The development of a processor starts with analysis and assessment of
a number of individual algorithms (typically QWG task) that are coded into a processor prototype (typically
ESL task) and is further coded into an IPF Instrument Processing Facility by Industry. In many cases it is
attempted to leave the implementation to IPF away, to reduce the implementation cycle for a processor
and corresponding costs.
Reformatting: processing of data, not changing the scientific content but the archiving and/or output
format of the data (e.g. L0 conversion from Wilma into SAFE format).
Reprocessing: processing of data systematically to Level 1 or Level 2 (e.g. global ocean and land colour
data, atmospheric composition data, sea surface temperature data).
The need originates from the improvement in the processing baseline of those datasets, as a result of a
better understanding of the instrument behaviour, of the geophysical validation activities and of the
geophysical parameter retrieval methods.
Service Infrastructure = all the means required for the provision of the service and the execution of the
projects, including computer power, storage components, software, network connectivity, media, media
Read/Write devices, etc. Where applicable (eg for capacity requirements) workforce follows the same
requirements as the infrastructure.
Service Management System: integrated set of tools (including eg ticket management tool, configuration
and change management tool, documentation management system, capacity and performance monitoring
tool, etc.) used in the management of the service. The Service Management System is considered part of
the Service Infrastructure.
Transcription = in this SoW, the word Transcription refers to the copy of data from any source media (tape,
HDD, other) to another; this include the copy of data from any input media into the Contractor’s data
Transformation = any action on the data including transcription, bulk-processing, reprocessing, format
conversion, QC tool, etc.
Unit of cost = observable, quantifiable feature of the project which is used as the basis to determine the
cost of the project, through the application of a simple formula.
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Verification & Validation:
 Verification is the process of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing or otherwise
establishing that the outputs of the various WP’s conform to the specified requirements and
expectations. Verification is performed by the Contractor before delivery of the output to ESA for
 Validation is the process of establishing that the output of the various WP’s and associated
verification conform to the specified requirements and expectations. Validation is performed by
ESA after successful completion of the verification by the Contractor and delivery of the output to
Configuration and Change Management
Customer Furnished Item
Configuration Item
Configuration Item Data List
Configuration Management Data Base
Change Request
Data Change Request
Data Librarian
Data Set Descriptor
Data Service Initiative
Earth Observation
Expert Support Laboratory
Extra Working Hours
Full Bit Rate
Firm Fixed Price
Fixed Unit Price
Hard Disk Drive
Interface Control Document
Infrastructure Change Request
Instrument Processor Facility
Intellectual Property Rights
Kick Off
Long Term Data Preservation
Network Attached Server
Non Disclosure Agreement
Near Real Time
Normal Working Day
Normal Working Hour
Processing and Archiving Facility, also expected to act as LTDP Thematic
Problem Report
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Quality Working Group
Root Cause Analysis
Request for New Project
Security Operational Procedures
Standard Archive Format for Europe
Service Interface Document
Service Level Agreement
Statement of Work
Sensor Performance Product and Algorithm
Service Request
Service Readiness Review
User Support
Verification and Validation
Work Package
Annex 2 Initial basket of Projects
The attached table shows the initial basket of projects of the Contract.
The initial basket of projects is ESA’s current knowledge at the time of issuing the tender of the projects
planned for the scope of the Contract during the time span 2013-1015.
It specifies the data and processing system concerned and the expected start date. Specific project
completion dates are specified together with the individual detailed requirements of each project.
Although the initial basket is considered representative of the variety and volume of activities which will fall
in the scope of the contract, there is no guarantee that any particular project will be in the scope, as
explained in section “Scope of the service”. It is on the other hand expected that additional projects will be
added to the scope.
The attached tables show:
the initial basket of projects, including the project start and end dates. Note that the dates
indicated for the processing projects do not take into account any scientific validation of the
processors (to be done outside the scope of this contract). In case the scientific validation of the
processor is needed, an additional ~2 months is to be planned for the end to end duration of the
DSI initial basket
project specifications rev10.xls
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Note: ALOS PRISM and AVNIR-2 bulk processing had originally been considered for inclusion in the initial
basket. This has for the moment been removed from the Initial Basket for programmatic reasons. Similarly,
Orbview-2 Seawifs has been removed from the initial basket although it may later be added again.
Note: for the Landsat bulk processing project, a QC tool will be run as a further processing system after the
data processor itself.
Note: In some cases, the same processor will be used for several processing projects, therefore only one
integration project is necessary, even though of course some tuning of the input data will be necessary
between the various projects.
Examples of cases of sharing the same processor include:
- GOMOS L0->L1, GOMOS L1->L2
- LANDSAT TM L0->L1, MSS L0->L1, ETM L0->L1
- MOS 1-1b VTIR L0->L2, MESSR L0->L2
Note : the processors indicated for ENVISAT ASAR Wave mode and ERS-1/2 SAR wave mode (marked as TBC)
might both be replaced with a new processor (S1-IPF) to be used for all Wave reprocessing activities. This
new processor is expected to have similar technical characteristics and similar performance.
the detailed description of the input datasets which will be delivered as CFI
DSI Initial basket input datasets rev15.xls
the detailed description of the processors which will be delivered as CFI
DSI Initial basket Processor information rev15.xls
Note: Future ESA data processors will in principle all be virtualised, i.e. able to run in a virtualised
environment while the processor interfaces remain unaltered.
Note1: the authoritative information concerning the processors is contained in the accompanying
documentation (see attached list). For the convenience of the reader, part of this information has been
extracted to the processor information table. However, the reader is referred to the documentation,
specifically ICDs, Software Release Notes and System Technical Descriptions as the reliable source of
Note2: A test data set will be made available at the KO of each processor integration project. It will include
on case by case a sample working directory of a specified processing which contains: input sample data,
output sample data, sample aux data, sample job order files, sample logs and production reports and
sample QC reports.
Note3: the source code and makefiles of the processing systems will in principle not be provided, only the
binary installation kit for the target operating system will be provided.
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Note4: some of the processors are undergoing upgrades and the upgraded version will be used for the
processing. At this stage the current characteristics of the processor is the best known approximation of the
characteristics of the upgraded processor.
The attached table lists technical documentation of the processors. These documents are reference
documents [RD] to this SoW.
DSI Initial Basket
Processor and Data Documentation rev09.doc
Note: this table is a list of the documents (data-related and processor-related) which will be available for the
execution of the projects. Amongst these documents, those which are the most helpful for the bid
preparation are published together with the tender documents.
Note: further material related to the processors (eg task tables, test data, processing software installation
kit) will be made available at the KO of the corresponding projects.
Annex 3 Quality Matrix
Together with Chapter 4.4.10 Service Level Management, the quality matrix constitutes the SLA of the DSI
Annex-Quality Matrix
rev 05a.xls
Annex 4 Roles and Responsibilities
This appendix describes the roles and responsibilities of ESA and Contractor players in the key processes
related to this SoW. Additional information about roles and responsibilities on the ESA side can be found
on-line at and in the EOP-G QMS.
The ESA Technical Officer will have the overall responsibility for the activities performed under this SoW.
However for the sake of efficiency specific tasks will be delegated to other ESA players, and the same will
take place on the Contractor’s side. Operational interfaces will be setup between key players of ESA and of
the Contractor.
The following roles and responsibilities are involved in the work to be performed.
Note: the roles are defined as functions, it is expected that on both sides more than one role will be assigned
to the same physical person.
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ESA and related players
Note: in this appendix and throughout the SoW, code names(MISSION-MANAGEMENT, OPS-UNIT, DISSUNIT) are used to refer to the organisational units which carry out specific functions as defined in this annex.
The mapping of the functions to the organisation is subject to change but the functions themselves will
remain. The mapping to organisation and points of contact will be communicated to the Contractor at KO.
Technical management / supervision of the activities
Within the Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes of ESA (D/EOP), the Ground Segment and Mission
Operations Department (EOP-G) is responsible, inter alia, for the operations of the Payload Data Segment
(data acquisition and recording, standard product generation and distribution, instrument and data quality
assurance, archiving and user services, including the day-to-day interface to the users) and the long-term
preservation of ESA’s EO data.
In this context, the work under this SoW is managed in the organisational unit (OPS-UNIT) which is in
charge, within the Ground Segment Infrastructure and Operations Management Division, of the operations
management of the end-to-end EO data flow from user requests to delivery of data and products.
The roles described in this section contribute to the technical management / supervision of the activities
(the contractual management / supervision is performed by the Contracts Officer).
ESA Technical Officer
The ESA Technical Officer is the ESA representative who has the overall technical authority over the DSI
contract. The technical officer is the formal interface for all technical and managerial issues related to
the contract, in cooperation with the ESA Contract Officer, who is in charge of the legal/contractual
The ESA Technical Officer has the overall authority for financial matters and for the acceptance of the
deliverables and the approval of the corresponding payments.
Along with the ESA Technical Officer, other roles will interact with the Contractor for the supervision /
management of the work covered in this SoW:
 the ESA Service Supervisor
 the ESA Demand Manager
 the ESA Project Manager
 the ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager
 the ESA Data Librarian
 the DSI-CCB.
ESA Service Supervisor
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The ESA Service Supervisor is the role in charge of:
- supervising specifically the service processes, in particular the issue / ticket management, workflow and
- assessing the Contractor’s performance reports and in particular the KPI calculations;
- handling from the ESA side any complaints from the users or from Management;
- supervising the Contractor’s handling of complaints and non-conformances including the preventive
and corrective actions;
- assessing the Contractor’s proposals for continual improvement of the service processes and
ESA Demand Manager
The ESA Demand Manager is the role in charge of:
- liaising with the Customers of OPS-UNIT for the scope of services falling into the remit of OPS-UNIT;
- recommending which projects will fall into the demand of the Contract, with regard to the nature of the
demand, the constraints imposed (eg data or processor IPR’s), the performance of the Contractor, and
other factors;
- following up the intended Customer projects from the original idea to the confirmation of funding, and
making sure that the necessary inputs (eg data, processing system etc) are available at the time of
starting the project;
- following up with the Customer the Departmental governance process leading to the formal approval of
the requested activities;
- managing and applying the internal cost model of OPS-UNIT with the Customers in order to determine
the overall cost of the activities required;
- managing and applying the Contractual cost model between OPS-UNIT and the Contractor in order to
determine the cost of the activities required for the part falling under the Contract;
- providing the corresponding inputs to the internal Contract plan and liaising with the ESA Budget
management process;
- providing the corresponding inputs to the ESA Contracts office and liaising with the ESA contractual
- reporting to the Customers and upper internal Management in terms of activities, progress,
performance and funding.
ESA Project Manager
The core services described in Chapter 3 will be handled as projects.
They will be managed from the side of ESA by an ESA Project Manager. There will be one ESA Project
Manager for each project; the same ESA Project Manager will manage several projects.
The ESA Project Manager is the role supervising end-to-end on the side the delivery, through the Contractor
and specifically the Contractor Project Manager, of the project outcomes in compliance with the
corresponding WP requirements and Project Management requirements of this SoW, within the time
agreed and the cost envelope resulting from the application of the cost model and/or corresponding
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The ESA Project Manager is in charge of supervising the Project activities through the Contractor Project
Manager and in particular of accepting the deliverables and approving the payment milestones.
ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager
The ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager is the role in charge of:
- Defining the technical requirements;
- Defining, in cooperation with the EOP-G Security Office, the security requirements;
- Assessing the Contractor’s proposals for infrastructure for compliance to the technical and security
- Auditing the Contractor’s facilities, possibly assisted by the EOP-G Security Officer or his deputy, for
compliance to the technical and security requirements.
ESA Data Librarian
The ESA Data Librarian is the role collecting and managing the knowledge and information on the data
holdings of ESA, in recognition of the fact that the data is the major asset of OPS-UNIT as an organisation,
and beyond on EO data in general. This includes in particular:
- the definition of procedures and tools for the collection of data-related knowledge and information;
- the definition of the data model and requirements of the ESA Data Information System and the
supervision of the implementation;
- the supervision of the Contractor’s activities in the area of data-related knowledge and information;
- the definition of the requirements and the supervision of the Data Information and Configuration
Management WP, including acceptance of the deliverables;
- the audit of the Contractor’s data storage for compliance to the Data Information System and CCM Data
Base, and to the requirements for appropriate storage of the data;
- the management of the media furnished to the Contractor as inputs / CFIs and of the media collected
from the Contractor as backup data;
- the definition and acceptance of regular or on-request reports on the status of the data.
In all of the above, data is intended in the broad sense as defined in the section of definitions and including
all levels of primary data, auxiliary and ancillary data, mission documentation and processing system
Data Service Initiative Configuration Control Board (DSI-CCB)
The DSI-CCB is the body governing the data under the custody of DSI. It takes any decision concerning this
data, in particular the assessment of quality of the data. This includes in particular:
 approving any action (including destruction) with an irreversible impact on media provided by ESA
as an input or CFI to the Contract;
 approving the release of dataset to any party (inside or outside ESA) and in particular approving a
dataset for delivery;
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approving the erasure or in any manner the destruction of any data;
approving or rejecting the Data Change Requests (DCR’s) raised against the data in the course of the
 approving the readiness checklist before the start of a processing activity;
 validating the outcomes of the data consolidation and data reprocessing activities;
 designating among the various existing datasets for a mission / instrument / coverage which is the
master dataset;
 approving the proposed choices and strategies for data consolidation;
 in general, providing the ESA Technical Officer with expert opinions on matters concerning the data
and guidance on the Service processes.
Note: critical decisions with an impact beyond DSI (eg the destruction of input media) will be referred by the
DSI-CCB to the Data Curator, the relevant Mission Manager and/or Mission Steering Group who will have
the final decision rights. The DSI-CCB will remain the Contractor’s interface and will convey those decisions.
The DSI-CCB membership includes:
 the Head of SPPA or his deputy, who co-chairs the Board;
 the ESA Technical Officer or his deputy, who co-chairs the Board;
 the Data Librarian, who acts as the Board secretary and in particular prepares the agenda and
records the minutes;
 other participants on a case by case basis, as required by the co-chairs or as proposed by the
Contractor Overall Service Manager and endorsed by the co-chairs.
The DSI-CCB shall be the final authority for the matters under its responsibility.
Roles interfacing the Contractor
The roles described in this section interface the Contractor operationally, are expected to generate issues
on the Service and are users (or potential users depending on the nature and operational approach of the
interfaces that will be defined) of the Service Management System.
ESA unit in charge of Sensor Performances, Products, and Algorithms: SPPA
SPPA is the organisational unit within EOP-G (Ground Segment Department) with the role of supplying the
Processor and QC tool for the project and validating the outputs from a Scientific point of view.
SPPA provides the processors and QC tools which will be integrated and run as processing systems. There is
therefore an interface between the Contractor and SPPA (and its supporting organisations) to receive the
processor system (including corresponding documentation) and deliver CR/PR as needed.
SPPA in addition provides an authoritative contribution to:
- the tuning of requirements eg for the consolidation of specific datasets;
- the Validation activities and decisions;
- the decisions concerning the data (disposition of changes, attribution of the master dataset flag).
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There is therefore an interface to deliver output data and information to SPPA.
In addition, SPPA also has a role as a Customer (see below).
SPPA is supported through contractual arrangements with various entities which will :
- Expert Support Laboratories (ESL) develop and maintain the processing baseline for data
reprocessing and bulk processing)
- Quality Working Groups (QWG) represent the community of scientific end-users of the data
- a Service (currently operated by the IDEAS consortium) is in charge of the processors configuration
management and other tasks related to data quality.
There is one ESL and/or QWG per instrument or type of instrument.
For a given project in this SoW there will be typically one interlocutor of the Contractor designated by SPPA.
The population of SPPA and supporting entities who will be using the service in general amounts to 15-20
Note: in the case of processing systems other than processors (see Annex 1) and QC tools, for example for
data format conversion, the processing system provided as CFI may originate from another unit of EOP-G.
ESA unit in charge of Data Dissemination: DISS-UNIT
For the purpose of this SoW, a specific organisation unit (DISS-UNIT) is in charge of disseminating the data
to the end user community.
The nominal approach to disseminating data to the end users is through DISS-UNIT, which manages the user
registration process, runs the user helpdesk and is equipped with end-user tools (Single Sign On, user
interface for catalogue interrogation and data download, statistics).
DISS-UNIT will ask for data to be delivered to the centre designated for the dissemination, typically a PAC.
DISS-UNIT relies for interfacing and supporting the end user community on a Helpdesk service (EOHELP).
The Contractor will not interface with the end users but may have to interface with EOHELP in order to
provide support in cases eg of problems reported by end users in data which was processed by the
Also, in the case that the option for dissemination of data to end users of this SoW is activated (see Ch. 4.2),
the Contractor will be requested to support or interact with end users via EOHELP.
A few (2-3) DISS-UNIT officers will be interfacing with the Service.
PACs and LTDP Centres
The data handled in the scope of this SoW is stored permanently in the Processing and Archiving Centres
(PACs) and in the future by Long Term Data Preservation (LTDP) Centres. The physical dissemination to end
users is also normally performed by these centres, acting as dissemination facilities.
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The Contractor will be interfacing the PACs and LTDP Centres for the delivery of the data.
The Contractor may also have to interface the PACs and LTDP Centres (and/or the data receiving stations)
to collect data and related material.
There are currently 8 PACs, and there will be in future a comparable number of LTDP Centres.
Other sources and recipients of data
In addition to the PACs, LTDP Centres (and occasionally receiving stations), a few (5 to 10) organisations (eg
NASA) under various agreements with ESA are providers and/or recipients of data.
The Contractor may have to interface such organisations and their personnel in order to receive and/or
deliver data.
Influencing roles
The roles described in this section are among the major influencers of the work performed in the scope of
this SoW, although they do not have a direct interface with the Contractor and do not directly generate
issues to the Service.
End users of the data
The end users of the data are the scientific community spread across Europe and beyond. End users are the
ultimate beneficiaries of these services: the value chain is complete once the data reaches the users timely
and with the proper level of quality; however the data is disseminated to the end users through DISS-UNIT;
only in exceptional cases is the Service required to disseminate data to end users (see the WP on Data
ESA Internal Customer
The ESA Customer is the role who commissions, and normally funds, the core services described in this
The major Customers are:
- MISSION-MANAGEMENT: Mission Managers who liaise with the user community of the data and
manage the best trade-off between the mission objectives and the technical and cost constraints of the
- SPPA: officers of the Sensor Performances, Products, and Algorithm Management unit may commission
activities (particularly reprocessing);
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LTDP Programme: the Long Term Data Preservation programme needs data to be collected,
consolidated, reprocessed and curated.
Customers may also include other units of the Ground Segment and Mission Operations Department (EOPG), from the Science, Applications and Future Technologies Department (EOP-S) or from other Departments
/ Directorates of ESA (eg the Directorate of Science).
The Customer role interacts principally with the ESA Demand Manager role (for aspects of planning funding
and overall performance) and with the ESA Technical Officer role (for aspects linked to a specific project).
The interactions with the Customer are handled by OPS-UNIT with the support of the Contractor as
LTDP Data Curator
One important role in EOP-G is the Data Curator, who is in charge to manage the ESA datasets and
associated knowledge. In contrast to the Data Curator, the Data Librarian is the role within OPS-UNIT which
interacts with the Contractor for data-related issues, under the authority of the Technical Officer.
Contractor Players
The roles listed in this section are all considered key personnel roles in the contractual sense, meaning that
the identification of the personnel appointed to the roles shall be part of the contract, in line with the SoW,
Contractor proposal and subsequent negotiation. Subsequent changes in the appointment of personnel
shall constitute a change in the contract and as such shall be subject to a formal CCN.
Unless otherwise specified, all the key personnel covering the roles listed in this section are requested to be
appointed at least 50% to this contract. It is however understood that the same person may cover more
than one role.
Each key person in the Contractor’s team is required to appoint a deputy for periods of leave or other
Contractor Service Manager
The Contractor Service Manager is the person appointed by the Contractor to take the full overall
responsibility for the overall provision of the service and is the single formal interface to ESA for all projects,
processes and issues.
The Contractor Service Manager is responsible for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Service, chiefly the
satisfaction of the Customers of OPS-UNIT. For this purpose, the Contractor Service Manager is responsible
in particular for:
- ensuring the delivery of all the services in scope in compliance to the requirements of this SoW;
- representing the Service from the Contractor point of view in all circumstances and acting as the
Contractor’s primary interface to ESA for the purpose of the Contract;
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appointing, deploying, leading, organising, managing and monitoring the resources (human and
otherwise) and the means necessary for the provision of the Service in compliance with the
requirements and to the satisfaction of the Customers;
managing any sub-contractors in a way that the Contractor organisation behaves and appears as a
single entity focused on the objectives of the Service, and representing the full entity;
interfacing with the sources of the CFI’s (chiefly data and processing systems) to facilitate the successful
and timely delivery;
interfacing with the users to facilitate the successful and timely delivery of the Service outputs;
establishing and operating any other interfaces (eg with third party suppliers) in case of need for the
purpose of the Service;
preventing, detecting and reporting factors prone to hamper the successful provision of the Service,
proposing and undertaking preventive and corrective action, promoting continual improvement;
ensuring the reporting and playing a prominent role in service-related meetings.
In recognition of the strong Customer orientation of this Contract and in particular of the role Contractor
Service Manager, the Service Manager is required to be present in ESRIN on frequent occasions for formal
and informal meetings.
The Contractor Service Manager interfaces all the ESA roles and is the direct counterpart of the ESA
Technical Officer.
Contractor Issue Manager
The Contractor Issue Manager is the role in charge of managing the service processes, in particular the issue
/ ticket management, workflow and reporting. The Contractor Issue Manager is responsible in particular for:
- capturing, logging, tracing, updating and in general managing the issues raised by the users and by the
ESA managers of the Service, taking ownership of all open issues, ensuring that appropriate actions are
taken, documented, completed and recorded to resolve the issues;
- ensuring compliance with the service requirements of this SoW and the corresponding SLA;
- ensuring the availability and usability of the issue management system;
- pro-actively identifying issues that are particularly at risk of SLA violation and issues of particular
relevance or impact on the Customer satisfaction, taking appropriate preventive action and taking
personally the lead on the management of these issues;
- providing statistical information and trends upon request to support the SLA management, identifying
and proposing improvements to the service processes and opportunities for continual improvement;
- making sure that the SLA report is produced and delivered in compliance to the requirements of the
- in case of SLA violation, taking the appropriate corrective and preventive actions, performing the Root
Cause Analysis, scheduling and co-chairing the Contractor internal reviews, documenting the end-toend violation management process and submitting the dossier to the ESA Service Supervisor;
- in case of user complaint or commendation, performing the root cause analysis, and taking the
corresponding corrective, preventive or reinforcing actions;
- reporting overall on the Service performance.
The Contractor Issue Manager is the direct counterpart of the ESA Service Supervisor.
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Contractor Data and Configuration Manager
The Contractor Data and Configuration Manager is the role is the counterpart of the ESA Data Librarian. The
responsibilities of the holder of the role include in particular:
 ensures that no data is ever lost, destroyed, damaged or otherwise degraded in the life time of the
Service. The data is an irreplaceable asset and the most valuable asset of the Organisation. This is
therefore by far the most important responsibility of this role and of the Contractor in general;
 implements and maintains the Data Information System and Data CCM system, processes, procedures
and tools, including the Configuration and Change Management plan;
 ensures the continual population and update of the Data Information System and Data CCM system in a
way that continually reflects the actual status of the data, the decisions of the DSI-CCB (together with
their rationale and any related trade-off), and any external events relevant to the missions,
instruments, datasets and other related entities in the scope of the Service;
 captures and records knowledge and information about missions, instruments, datasets and other
related entities which are currently not in the scope of the Service, as relevant to the context and in
anticipation / facilitation of a potential expansion of the service scope;
 takes direct operational responsibility for the Data Information and Configuration Management WP in
compliance to the requirements of this SoW;
 delivers to ESA as requested knowledge, information and reports regarding the data and corresponding
statistics; also provides opinions, advice and recommendations while differentiating clearly between
information and recommendations;
 ensures the publication of controlled levels of knowledge and information on the restricted and open
parts of the knowledge management system (data information web site);
 provides guidance and proposals with corresponding cost / benefit analysis concerning or new projects
to be undertaken on the data, in support to the Demand Management;
 manages in CM the media and documents provided by ESA as CFI’s;
 ensures, in liaison with the Contractor Infrastructure and Security Manager, that the backup copies and
ESA copies of the data are properly generated and delivered to their destinations;
 liaises with the Contractor Infrastructure and Security Manager to make sure that the data is safely and
securely stored;
 facilitates the audit of the Contractor’s data storage by the ESA Data Librarian.
In all of the above, data is intended in the broad sense as defined in the section of definitions and including
all levels of primary data, auxiliary and ancillary data, mission documentation and processing system
The Contractor Data and Configuration Manager is the direct counterpart of the ESA Data Librarian.
Contractor Infrastructure and Security Manager
The Contractor Infrastructure and Security Manager is the in charge in particular of:
 deploying and maintaining the infrastructure necessary to fulfil the service and project requirements;
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making sure in particular that all the necessary security and environmental precautions are fulfilled to
guarantee the reliable conservation of the data and of the media provided as CFI’s;
pro-actively facilitating the integration of processing systems particularly in cases of less-than-fully
available or compliant documentation of the processing systems;
deploying and maintaining the service tools, and ensuring the availability and usability of the tools;
ensuring that the technical and security requirements are fulfilled at all times, including the
requirements linked to project and service performance;
in cooperation with the Contractor Demand Manager, planning the evolutions in the infrastructure
necessary to perform the various projects and services with the requested performance, and
implementing the necessary variations in the capacity of the infrastructure;
facilitating the audit of the facilities by the ESA Infrastructure and Security Manager, possibly assisted
by the EOP-G Security Officer.
The Contractor Infrastructure and Security Manager is the direct counterpart of the ESA Infrastructure and
Security Manager.
Contractor Project Manager
The Contractor Project Manager is the role taking the end-to-end responsibility for the delivery, of the
project outcomes in compliance with the corresponding WP requirements and Project Management
requirements of this SoW, within the time agreed and the cost envelope resulting from the application of
the cost model and/or corresponding negotiation.
The Contractor Project Manager role is in charge in particular of:
- planning, leading, organising and verifying the project activities in compliance with the requirements of
this SoW and any potential specificities of the project, and producing the Project Plan;
- performing the activities and reporting on the progress and completion:
- performing the verification and facilitating the performance by the ESA Technical Officer of the
validation of the project outputs;
- pro-actively managing the project risks.
The Contractor Project Manager is the direct counterpart of the ESA Technical Officer.
Overview of the principal interfaces
The diagram hereunder shows the main interfacing lines, notwithstanding additional lines of interface
which will be established operationally.
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Annex 5 Deliverable Item List (DIL)
The attached is the list of deliverables from the SoW.
The deliverables are subject to the approval of the ESA Technical Officer.
DSI DIL rev23.xlsx
Annex M – Cost Model
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The cost model serves to define the cost of a Project activity on the basis of the cost of the initial basket of
projects (see Annex 2) to ensure that the costs are:
- predictable,
- transparent, ie linked to objective parameters of the project
- linked to the level of activity
- aligned with the costs of the initial basket.
The cost model is implemented in 3 phases:
Phase 1: bid phase
During the bid phase, the Contractor proposes a FFP quotation for each project in the initial basket (in
addition to the FFP for the transition phase).
Importantly, each individual project is quoted separately.
The Contractor takes into account in the quotation the volume and schedule of the initial basket.
For cost analysis purposes, the FFP quote of each project is broken down into the component of cost
corresponding to:
- the main project itself (from KO to validation);
- the guarantee and follow-up period;
- the Data info and CCM activities;
- the Data repatriation / delivery activities;
- the other service and support activities.
Note: the Contractor is also requested to provide FUP prices corresponding to daily fees of the following
professional profiles, defined for each year of the 3+2 duration of the contract:
- Project Manager
- Data and processing engineer
- Infrastructure / network engineer
- Analyst / Programmer
- Data processing operator
Phase 2: negotiation phase
Before the KO, the FFP proposal of the bid is first object of negotiation then is used as the basis for the joint
detailed definition of the cost model, through the following steps for each type of project separately:
Definition of a Unit of Cost
Definition of a method to count the units of cost of a project
Application of the method of step 2 to the initial basket
Count of the total number of units contained for the particular type of project in the initial basket
Calculation of the average cost per unit in the initial basket (expressed as sum of the FFP costs of
the projects of this type in the initial basket / total number of units as counted in step 4)
6. Definition of qualifiers if needed, to reflect the fact that certain characteristics of a type of project
have a direct bearing on the cost of the project
7. Definition of coefficients to the qualifiers, to reflect numerically the bearing of the qualifier on the
8. Finalisation of the cost calculation formula:
Cost of a project = f (type of project, number of units of cost, qualifier(s))
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In addition, multiplying factors are agreed in order to reflect:
- any variations in the volume of the activities, in comparison to the initial basket
- the experience effect whereby the value of the unit of cost is each year lower or equal to the
previous year.
Note: the formula is calibrated in a way that the FFP cost agreed for a project of the initial basket is also the
result of the formula for this project.
Phase 3: contractual phase
After the KO, the cost of any the projects undertaken (including the projects in the initial basket) is
calculated according to the formula defined for the corresponding type of project.
At the end of each 12-month period (annual review) of the operational Service, the multiplying factors for
cost adjustment linked to volume and time are applied to the previous year’s projects. Volume is counted as
the number of units in projects started during the specific 12-month period considered.
In the case that a project does not fall into one of the 4 project types for which the model apply (or presents
such peculiarities that the model is not considered applicable by both the Contractor and ESA), the project
proposal shall be based on the agreed daily fees rather than the cost model.
The attached presentation (presented at the DSI Industry Day of 22 June 2012) includes an overview of the
working of the cost model.
DSI cost model
Annex Q Quality and documentation management
The Contractor should run a comprehensive and state-of-the-art quality management system.
The Contractor should ensure that the quality management system is certified ISO 9001:2008. A
copy of the certificate should be provided at signature of the contract and at each renewal
The Contractor should provide, on request, evidence of their internal quality plan which should
describe the relevant organization, policies, processes & procedures, industry best practices
and standards used, supporting tools such as information systems.
[Req QUA-10] The Contractor shall provide ESA with the results of any internal audits
conducted against the contracted service delivery and any internal or external quality
management system audits conducted against their operations, including ISO 9001:2008.
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[Req QUA-20] The Contractor shall inform ESA of any change concerning the status of the
quality management certification.
Quality Audit
ESA reserves the right to conduct audits at any point in time, with 3 NWD’s notice, on the Contractor to
review any of the processes relevant to the service.
[Req QUA-30] The Contractor shall support ESA audits and provide all the requested data to ESA.
Configuration management audits shall be regularly performed by the Contractor and shall include the
recording of deficiencies, the instigation of corrective actions and the reporting of the outcome.
The Contractor shall support the following configuration management audit activities by ESA:
Functional configuration audit which ensures there is conformity between the documented
baselines and the actual business environment to which they refer;
Configuration control audit which ensures that no CI is added, modified, replaced and removed
without an approved change request to guarantee the reliability of the CMDB;
Configuration status accounting which enables tracking of the status as a CI changes from one state
to another in order to control the coherence of the CMDB;
Physical configuration audit which ensures the accuracy of the CMDB through a series of reviews
and audits to verify the physical existence of the CI and the recording process of CIs.
ESA reserves the right to access all Contractor documentation, even if the information is considered
proprietary, relevant to the service along with all areas and operations within the Contractor’s facilities
in which work is performed. ESA undertakes not to disclose such information to a third party.
The Contractor shall maintain an audit plan of internal processes and of the processes of third party
providers and on request provide the necessary information to ESA.
ESA reserves the right to conduct (either directly or through nominated third parties) technical
performance audits at any point in time, with 3 NWD’s notice, on the services provided by the
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The Contractor shall facilitate and support technical performance and security audits with the aim to
assess the performance of each operational service. The audit activities may entail but not be limited
Perform performance tests;
Perform ad-hoc tests for security and network services according to applicable requirements;
Compare results of audit tests with baseline performance.
Network Security scans
Implement corrective actions if required to improve service performance.
The Contractor shall allow ESA to perform security audits in order to ensure requirements compliance. ESA
security audits will be in line with the ISO 27001:2005 standard.
The Contractor shall commit to take appropriate corrective actions (if any) following the outcomes of an
ESA audit, and shall generate and implement dedicated corrective action plans.
Annex S Security Management
Whatever solution is proposed, the Contractor is required to fulfil the requirements in this section.
Depending upon the model, approach, architecture, there may be differences in the instantiation of the
requirements on the particular solution. For example, a private or a public cloud solution for the service
infrastructure is not excluded, as long as compliance with the security requirements is demonstrated.
Security requirements
[Req SEC-GEN-10] The Contractor shall ensure and demonstrate compliance with [ADS-01] and [ADS-02].
[Req SEC-GEN-20] The Contractor shall implement the requirements and provide the security services of
[ADS 1], tailored to the applicable situation as described in section 3.3, and potentially amended according
to the Contractor’s proposal and subsequent negotiation.
Note 1: It is expected that according to the classification of section 3.3 the Contractor’s network will not
be an ESA network extension (non ESA Site).
Note 2: Unless otherwise agreed between the Contractor and ESA before the start of the contract, all
the requirements of [ADS 1] will be applicable. In case the Contractor considers that any of the
requirement of [ADS 1] is not applicable to the particular situation (eg requirements applicable for ESA
EO systems or ESA sites), this has to be agreed before the contract signature.
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[Req SEC-GEN-60] The Contractor shall ensure that the NDA [ADS 2] is signed and respected by its legal
representative and by each of the key Personnel of the Contract.
[Req SEC-GEN-70] Notwithstanding the above compliance requirements, the Contractor shall not divulge or
share any EO or Service data with any third party beyond the required activities of this SoW without the
explicit authorisation of the ESA Technical Officer.
[Req SEC-GEN-80] The Contractor shall consider [ADS 3] as a requirement document for aspects of data
flow, network, allowed protocols to support the design of a network architecture and related
implementation, taking into account the provided example of network design compatible to [ADS 1].
[Req SEC-GEN-100] The Contractor should obtain and/or maintain the certification to security Standard ISO
Note: Certification to Standard ISO 27001 will be considered an asset for the Contractor, but it is not
[Req SEC-GEN-110] The Contractor shall communicate to the ESA Technical Officer any change or
confirmation in the status of its certification to ISO 27001.
[Req SEC-GEN-140] The Contractor shall appoint an Infrastructure and Security manager who shall be
responsible for all aspects of the service related to IT security.
[Req SEC-GEN-150] The Contractor shall produce security operational procedures (SECOPS) documented as
part of the Service Operations Manual.
[Req SEC-GEN-160] The Contractor shall ensure that their service personnel and subcontractors have the
appropriate level of awareness, training, physical access, account rights and clearance(s) to perform the
required services.
Network Security
Although the infrastructure requested in this Contract is not requested to be an extension of the ESA
network, the Security Requirements are applicable. In particular, the attention is drawn to the following
network requirements:
[Req SEC-NET-10] With reference to [ADS 1] and [ADS 3], the network implemented for the Service shall
consist of different zones, each one characterized by common requirements and functionalities. As minimal
implementation, the Contractor’s infrastructure shall be based on a network consisting of at least 3
different zones, mapped to different security levels:
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An Internal Zone for storing and processing L0 data
A demilitarized zone (DMZ) for delivery and access
A zone containing the sensitive data (eg private data of users eg name and address).
No physical machine shall be connected to more than one security zone.
All Zones can be instantiated as more networks, tailored to the configuration proposed by the Contractor
for the infrastructure.
[Req SEC-NET-20] The firewall shall detect and prevent any access to Internal Zone from any other network,
unless communication is initiated by servers on the Internal Zone. All incoming and outgoing traffic shall be
screened by the security elements, which are in charge of blocking unauthorized connectivity, filtering
dangerous access or unsupported protocols for outgoing traffic.
[ReqSEC-NET-30] DMZ traffic shall be subject to filtering by security elements, limiting protocols and target
machines in both directions. DMZ servers shall be prevented to connect to trusted network by firewall
[Req SEC-NET-40] All the equipment used for the performance of the Service shall be hosted in the network
internal zone, except the equipment which is dedicated to disseminating / publishing data through the
In particular, the storage systems storing the reference copy of data shall be connected to internal network
only and publishing of data shall be achieved by copy of data from the storage systems sitting on the
internal network to the servers in the DMZ.
[Req SEC-NET-50] The DMZ network shall be dedicated to external access to the necessary data and services
from Internet, based on standard data access protocols (e.g. http/https, ftp, ftps, ftps, sftp). Allowed
protocols are listed in [ADS 3].
[Req SEC-NET-60] External access via terminal protocols (e.g. ssh, telnet) shall be blocked, i.e. no external
user shall be allowed to open a terminal session from Internet to any server of both DMZ and trusted
Note: notwithstanding the above requirement, the equipment hosted in the DMZ and internal networks may
be accessed by remote secure channels eg a VPN and token implementation, to fulfil operational needs
and/or allow access by ESA key personnel.
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[Req SEC-NET-70] A connectivity matrix shall be provided to ESA by the Contractor, allowing to evaluate
proper implementation of security rules. The connectivity matrix shall be based on the template contained
in [ADS 3]. The connectivity matrix shall include
- Connections from / to DMZ machines
- Connections from Internet to DMZ networks
- Connections from/to internal Networks to DMZ networks
The connectivity matrix shall be kept updated and redelivered as part of the Contractor’s quarterly Service
Security Report.
[Req SEC-NET-90] A secure privileged remote access to the trusted network shall be implemented, eg
through usage of a VPN network, based on portable tokens.
This access will be used by ESA for monitoring and supervision purposes, and it shall be restricted to a fixed
list of machines and protocols.
Legal requirements in relation to security
[Req SEC-GEN-10] The Contractor shall ensure that all the Science and Service data handled as part of the
service shall either be physically stored or kept on the territory of one or more ESA Member States or
stored or kept on the territory of a non-ESA Member State whose legislation, however, facilitates easy
recovery by ESA of its data.
[Req SEC-GEN-20] The Contractor shall not make any use of the data, documentation or any other material
entrusted to it as part of this contract for any other purpose than the fulfilment of the Contract.
Physical security
[Req SEC-PHYS-10] The Contractor shall ensure that only explicitly authorised Personnel has access to the
infrastructure and physical facilities used for the purpose of the Contract.
[Req SEC-PHYS-20] The Contractor shall ensure that the infrastructure and physical facilities used for the
purpose of the Contract are fitted with an alarm and associated procedure able to detect and react to:
unauthorised access to the facilities;
adverse temperature and other environmental conditions.
[Req SEC-PHYS-30] The Contractor shall ensure that the infrastructure and physical facilities used for the
purpose of the Contract are fitted with uninterruptible power supply.
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Defence against security vulnerability
[Req SEC-DEF-10] The Contractor shall monitor and update the service infrastructure to detect security
[Req SEC-DEF-20] The Contractor shall perform security threat analysis of all the Service components and
proactive monitoring of all security related services, implement effective reaction/mitigation procedures,
and report as part of the Project Progress Meetings.
[Req SEC-DEF-30] The Contractor shall monitor the vulnerabilities of the infrastructure announced by the
related vendors and suppliers of security services.
[Req SEC-DEF-40] In case of a security threat, the Contractor shall:
- liaise with the ESA office in charge of security assessments (ESACERT) and/or with the ESA Technical
Officer to determine the level of urgency of the security patch; ESACERT and the ESA Technical
Officer shall have the final authority in deciding the level of urgency of the patch;
- plan and schedule the application of the patch in accordance with the level of urgency;
- perform an impact analysis of the patch on the infrastructure and on the Service;
- perform regression testing and the necessary changes to eliminate any adverse impact of the
security patch on the Service;
- report to the ESA Technical Officer within the time allowed in the SLA.
[Req SEC-DEF-50] The Contractor shall monitor the accesses and attempted accesses to the Service
[Req SEC-DEF-60] In case of a security incident, the Contractor shall liaise with the ESA Technical Officer, the
EOP-G Security Officer and ESACERT and/or with the ESA Technical Officer to assign a degree of severity to
the attack and propose an action plan. Security incidents shall be handled according to [RDS 4]
[Req SEC-DEF-80] The Contractor shall record in the Service Management System:
- the security alerts and incidents and their subsequent resolution;
- the threats detected and patches installed;
- the proactive measures undertaken by the Contractor to improve the security of the Service
[Req SEC-DEF-90] The Contractor shall report on security service related issues within a dedicated chapter
in the Service Progress Report.
Note: Security related reporting has to be considered sensitive information and thus shall be provided only
to the ESA TO.
Authentication and user management
Authentication services are essential for the security of the access of ESA users and Customers to the data
and services managed in the scope of this SoW.
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[Req SEC-AUTH-10] The Contractor shall provide authentication services and control and monitor the access
to all the data and services managed in the scope of this SoW.
[Req SEC-AUTH-20] The Contractor shall perform the common activities of user management as per
relevant operation manual and in accordance with the necessary authorization, including:
 Account creation, change, deletion, blocking, archiving and recovery;
 Registration and de-registration of users/groups;
 Administration of user access rights, privileges and restrictions through defined application and
process profiles and security roles;
 Administration of end user distribution lists used for notification of downtimes, upgrades;
 Password administration and reset in compliance with the corresponding ESA security policy.
[Req SEC-AUTH-30] The Contractor shall ensure that user management section in the operation procedure
provides complete information and procedures for Contractor Personnel;
is in line with the user functions and roles/privileges within ESA as defined in [RDS 2].
[Req SEC-AUTH-40] The Contractor shall create and allocate personal accounts (ie accounts associated to a
single, identified person) as opposed to functional or group accounts, unless explicitly requested by ESA.
[Req SEC-AUTH-50] The following account and password policy shall be applied:
 All accounts have a password;
 Privileged passwords are not granted except to the Contractor Personnel, ESA Technical Officer;
 Privileged passwords are changed every 6 months;
 Privileged passwords are difficult to guess (including by brute-force attack);
 Privileged passwords are changed when a staff member leaves the Contractor team;
 Passwords are not physically visible in any way.
[Req SER-VIR-10] For all the systems used as part of the service, including personal computers used by the
Contractor Personnel, the Contractor shall:
- Equip the system with anti-virus software;
- Ensure that the virus definitions are up to date at all times;
- Ensure that the systems are scanned for viruses at least once a week;
- Ensure that any virus infection is immediately detected and resolved;
- Report on virus-defence activities in the quarterly Service Security Report.
Data Security, Integrity and Confidentiality
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[Req SEC-CONF-30] Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall consider all data,
documentation and information produced and provided by ESA as proprietary information which
may only be used within the scope of the contracted activities.
[Req SEC-CONF-50] The Contractor shall retain the logs of user accesses and activities for a retention period
of no less than 12 months.
Security audits
ESA reserves the right to perform Security Audits.
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