Quarterly Management Information CPC Report Period: October - December 2011 Introduction and Summary Summary As recommended by CAPCOG work is being progressed to identify a mechanism to improve the robustness and quality of the analysis of the statistical data availed to CPC. Level of CP investigations continued within the normal range during this quarter, however it should be noted that at the very end of the reporting period and into January has seen a significant rise in activity particularly in the Oban area. Overall the long term trend shows reducing numbers of children on the CPR all be it that there is a rise on the low of May 2011 and it is anticipated that numbers on the register will reduce further in the early part of the next quarter. Within this Helensburgh saw an increase in registrations. Oban recorded a significant drop. Rates in Bute and Cowal are slightly up on longer term. At this stage it is not anticipated that the increased CP activity reported above will necessarily result in increased registrations next quarter as it appears that a significant proportion of children have moved to live with relatives in the short term, removing them from immediate risks. Closely linked to the reduction in numbers of children on the register has been a reduction in overall periods of registration, there are currently no children on the CPR over 12 months, and 81% of children on the CPR have not experienced a change in social worker through their period of registration. Category of registration data is included for reference – this will cease to be recorded next quarter and will be replaced by reasons for registration which are included within the report. This change reflects changes resultant from the National Guidelines and Government reporting requirements. Overall parental issues of substance misuse, domestic violence, mental health and poor parenting dominate concerns. Conference attendance figures are included, based on the record from minutes, this quarter 37% of conferences failed to achieve the CPC’s minimum practice standard that social work, health services and the police will always contribute to a child protection conference It is worth noting that in all but 1 conference parents attended and that while GPs contributed to 3 initial conferences (25%) there was no GP contribution to any review conferences recorded. SCRA submissions of children’s ‘Having your Say’ forms continue to be low with no forms submitted in 2 of the 3 months this quarter. 2|Page Social work staffing levels appear to be maintained at core complement levels in most areas, the one exception is MAKI where they are under complement in both Mid Argyll and Campbeltown. A new Social Worker and Team Leader are due to start in Mid Argyll imminently, and work is on-going to recruit agency workers for Campbeltown. Consideration has been given to temporarily increasing staffing in Oban in response to increased activity. Mark Lines, Chair of PPQI 3|Page The following information has been gathered from the Child Protection Register and Carefirst, as they stood on 31st December 2011. Registrations/Investigations initiated per Month Month Children registered CP Invest. Commenced April May June July August September October November December 29 26 36 40 42 42 45 40 37 Total 10 17 19 24 11 17 12 16 12 138 Table 1 Number of Children Registered by Team Team Campbeltown Cowal Helensburgh Islay Lochgilphead Oban Rothesay Total Table 2 Apr 12 3 5 0 1 7 1 29 May 7 3 7 0 1 7 1 26 Jun 5 4 12 2 3 9 1 36 Jul 5 6 14 2 3 9 1 40 Aug 5 3 16 2 3 13 0 42 Sep 5 5 14 2 3 13 0 42 Oct 5 9 17 2 2 10 0 45 Nov 5 9 16 2 2 6 0 40 Dec 7 7 15 2 2 4 0 37 Graph 1 4|Page Graph 1 shows the trend over the past two years of the number of children on the register, by area, at the end of each month. Graph 2 Graph 2 shows the cumulative total of children on the register for all areas, at the end of each month, for the last two years. Also included is a linear trend line (black) for the period, representing the pattern the results are following and to assist in predicting the values for the future. Category of Registration Month Apr May Jun P.I % PN % 41% 31% 12 9 54% 35% 14 9 22% 36% 8 13 Jul 23% 38% 9 15 Aug 17% 31% 7 13 Sep 21% 29% 9 12 Oct 27% 27% 12 12 Nov 28% 30% 11 12 Dec 30% 32% 11 12 Table 3 Trends: Registration category S.A. % E.A % FtoT % Total 4 0 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 14% 0% 6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 8% 8% 4 3 13 14 20 19 19 14 11 14% 12% 36% 35% 48% 45% 42% 35% 30% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 29 26 36 40 42 42 45 40 37 5|Page Graph 3 Trend data covering period December 2009 to December 2011 Graph 3 shows the trend over the past 2 years, for each of the registration categories, on a monthly basis. Linear trend lines (black lines) have been added to give some indication of the general trend over the 2 year period: o There are no children registered under category ‘Failure to thrive’ o There is a slight increase overall in trend for children being registered under the following categories: o Physical Injury o Sexual Abuse o Emotional Abuse o There is pronounced decreasing trend in registration under category: o Physical neglect Period of Registration: overall figures for Argyll & Bute Period of Registration April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 0-6 months 20 23 32 30 35 30 34 28 20 6-12 months 5 1 1 7 7 12 11 12 17 12-18 months 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 18-24 months 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 +24 months 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 29 26 36 40 42 42 45 40 37 Table 4: Measuring length of time children have been on the register (calculated on last day of month) 6|Page Age and Gender at Registration (average for three month period) Average: October-December Total 0-12 months 1-4 Years 5-11 years 12-15 years 16+ Male 22 5 6 10 2 0 Female 16 4 9 3 1 0 Table 5: Average age and gender at registration for three month period There were no males or females on the register aged 16+ Age of registration of females: highest numbers is in age range 1-4 Age of registration for males: highest numbers is in age range 5-11 years Age and Gender at Registration: trends Females 0-12 months 1-4 years 12-15 years 16+ Total 5 5 4 4 3 4 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 14 17 20 19 21 4 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 19 15 15 5-11 years April 3 9 May 2 7 June 1 12 July 3 12 Aug 3 12 Sept 4 12 Oct 4 10 Nov 4 8 Dec 3 8 Table 6: Female age at registration trends Graph 4: Female-age at registration trends (2 years) 7|Page There are wide fluctuations in the numbers of females being registered in all age groups Over period there has been an increase in trend for females to be registered in age range1-4 years Over the period there has been a decrease in females being registered in age range 0-12 months Males 0-12 1-4 years months April 2 3 May 2 2 June 4 6 July 4 6 Aug 3 6 Sept 2 5 Oct 6 6 Nov 7 5 Dec 2 7 Table 7: Male age at registration trends 5-11 years 6 7 9 9 10 10 11 11 7 12-15 years 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 16+ Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 19 20 20 18 25 24 18 Graph 5: Male-age at registration trends (2 years) Numbers of males in the age ranges 0-12 months and 12-15years have tended to remain fairly stable over the period Numbers in the age range 5-11 have fluctuated but the trend overall shows numbers having decreased slightly Numbers in the age range 1-4 years have fluctuated but the trend overall is a decrease 8|Page CP Investigations Child protection investigations were initiated for 40 children during the period October-December 2011. Ethnicity Ethnicity White - British White - Scottish White - Other Ethnicity Not Known Not available Total Total 31 5 2 1 1 40 Table 8: Ethnicity of children subject to an investigation during period Outcome of investigation Outcome Current Case Conference Vol Support - Multi Agency Case Discussion No Further Action LAAC Reporter / Supervision Vol Support - Single Agency Total Total 13 11 6 4 3 1 1 1 40 Table 9: Outcome for children subject to an investigation during period Reason for decision Outcome reason Alleged EA - cont risk Alleged EA - no cont risk Alleged EA - not substantiated Alleged PI - cont risk Alleged PI - no cont risk Alleged PI - not substantiated Alleged PN - cont risk Alleged PN - no cont risk Alleged SA - not substantiated Current Total Total 4 2 4 5 2 2 2 3 3 13 40 Table 10: Reason for decision for children subject to an investigation during period 9|Page Parental issues1 Information on parental issues is taken from CP1’s (Initial Investigation Reports) initiated during the reporting period of this report. This information is held on Carefirst. Each child may have more than one parental issue and Table 11/Graph 6 summarises the frequency and type of parental issue identified during the reporting period. Category Domestic Violence Alcohol Misuse Poor parenting capacity Mental Health Sibling Abuse Drug Misuse Over chastisement Total Total 21 14 12 11 7 6 6 77 Table 11: Summary of parental issues for children subject to CP investigation during period Graph 6: Parental issues for children subject to CP investigation during period (%) 1 See Appendix 1 for glossary of parental issues 10 | P a g e REGISTRATIONS Ethnicity Of the 37 children on the register as at 31st December 2011, a breakdown of ethnicity is as follows: Ethnicity Total Ethnicity Not Known 1 White - British 31 White - Other 2 White - Scottish 3 Grand Total 37 Table 12: Ethnicity of children on Register at end of reporting period Child protection concerns at registration2 In line with national guidance, as from 1st August 2011, child protection concerns are now recorded for children placed on the Child Protection Register. These concerns are agreed during the Initial Child Protection Case Conference. This information is held alongside the Child Protection Register on Carefirst. Each child may have more than one child protection concern identified and Table 13 summarises the frequency and type of concerns identified for the 17 children registered after the 1st August; and on the register at the end of the reporting period of this report. Category of Registration No children registered under this category 6 Total Parental Alcohol Misuse Parental Mental Health problem Neglect Other Concerns 2 2 1 3 3 Parental Drug Misuse Other Concerns 3 3 7 Domestic Abuse Parental Alcohol Misuse Physical Abuse 5 5 7 Sexual Abuse 1 Nil - Grand Total 17 Emotional Abuse Physical Neglect Physical Injury 2 Category of CP concern See Appendix 1 for glossary of parental issues 11 | P a g e Children on the CPR: allocation of Social Workers during period of registration The following HMIe performance indicator has been selected by the CPC for inclusion in the quarterly management report. Getting this right increases the likelihood of a positive outcome for the child. Children have the same allocated social worker from when their name is placed on the CPR until de-registration It has been agreed that for the purpose of this report, the ‘as at’ figure will be used for the quarterly report; this gives an indication of the number of worker changes for all children on the register from registration to date. (The annual report will provide data on the number of changes in worker from registration to the de-registration date.) No of changes of worker from registration date to 31/12/11 0 1 No children on CPR @ 31/12/11 subject to this number of worker changes 30 7 Total: 37 % children on register 81% 19% Table 14: summary of changes of worker during registration 12 | P a g e Agency Contribution at CP Initial Case Conferences The information which follows is taken from the conference record on Carefirst. Agency attendance at these meetings, as well as report provision has been kept to evidence multi-agency participation at such conferences. There were 12 initial case conferences held during the period. With regard to the CPC committee’s ‘Statement of Minimum Practice Standards’ that: ‘Social work, health services and the police will always contribute to a child protection conference’ A summary of the contribution made by these agencies by attendance at these case conferences is as follows: Conference ID M2884 M2852 M2801 M2853 M2933 M2802 M2810 M2763 M2771 M2773 M2812 M2956 Social Work Police Y X Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y X Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Table 15: Agency attendance at CP Initial Conferences Health Educ inc Pre-5 Parent GP Y X Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Not invited3 Y Y NA Y Y Y X NA Y Y NA Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y X X X Y Y X X X X X Report provision by agencies to CP conferences will be available for the next management information report (Q4 11/12) 3 This has been addressed with responsible team leader Agency Contribution at CP Review Conferences The information which follows is taken from the conference record on Carefirst. Agency attendance at these meetings, as well as report provision has been kept to evidence multi-agency participation at such conferences. There were 15 review conferences held during the period. With regard to the CPC committee’s ‘Statement of Minimum Practice Standards’ that: ‘Social work, health services and the police will always contribute to a child protection conference’ A summary of the contribution made by these agencies by attendance at these case conferences is as follows: Conference ID Social Work Police Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y X Y X Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Table 16: Agency attendance at CP Review Conferences M2848 M2741 M2544 M2582 M2508 M2656 M2774 M2805 M2701 M2708 M2710 M2735 M2768 M2857 M2928 Health Educ inc Pre-5 Parent GP Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y X NA Y X Y NA NA Y Y NA Y NA Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X X X X X X X X Not invited X X X X X X Report provision by agencies to CP conferences will be available for the next management information report (Q4 11/12) 14 | P a g e Agency Staffing Levels: Social Work (as at 31/12/11) Area Team Team Leader Social Worker SW Assistant Team establishment 2 6.5 2 Area Team Team Leader Social Worker SW Assistant OLI No No posts agency unavailable* workers 2.5 2 Bute & Cowal Team establishment 1 5 4 No No posts agency unavailable* workers 1 1.5 1 0.5 Area Team MAKI Team Leader Social Worker SW Assistant No No posts agency unavailable* workers 1 0.6 3.5 0.2 1 0 Team establishment 2.5 7.75 4 Area Team Team Leader Social Worker SW Assistant Helensburgh Team establishment 2 9 2 Area Team No No posts agency unavailable* workers 1 1 1 SWA long term off sick and currently covered on a temporary basis by one of the EKS Unit staff CABD Team establishment No No posts agency unavailable* workers H&L MAKI B&C OLI 1 1 1 2 P/T 1 1P/T *No posts unavailable-this is a post which is current vacant/or post-holder is on long term sick leave/maternity leave/on a placement etc. Agency Staffing Levels: Police (as at 31/12/11) The Child Protection resources are as follows: Oban 1 x Detective Sergeant CID, 2 Detective Constables CID, 1 Detective Constable PPU, 1 Trainee Detective Constable CID/PPU, 1 Constable DAU Dunoon 1 x Detective Sergeant PPU (covering all LB), 1 Detective constable PPU, 1 Detective Sergeant CID, 2 Detective Constables CID and 1 Trainee Detective Constable CID/PPU, 1 Constable DAU. Campbeltown 1 x Detective Sergeant CID, 1 Detective Constable CID, 1 Detective Constable PPU, 1 Trainee Detective Constable CID/PPU, 1 Constable DAU (based at Lochgilphead) Rothesay 1 x Detective Constable PPU Helensburgh 1 x Detective Sergeant PPU, 5 Detective Constables PPU and 2 Trainee Detective Constables PPU, 1 Trainee Detective Constable CID/PPU With the exception of Helensburgh all these officers are dual purpose as they perform Re-active CID and Family Protection duties. The officers in Helensburgh do not perform Re-active CID duties, however, in addition to Helensburgh they cover West Dunbartonshire. There are currently no vacancies. 16 | P a g e Training Joint investigative Interview Office Oban Dunoon Campbeltown Lochgilphead Rothesay Helensburgh Total No. staff 4 4 3 1 1 37 50 Sex Offences Liaison Officer Office Oban Dunoon Campbeltown Rothesay Helensburgh Total No. staff 4 3 3 1 20 31 Agency Staffing Levels: Health (at 31/12/11) Area Team OBAN, LORN & ISLES Team establishment WTE Public Health Nursing Team Total - Health Visitor - School Nurse - Staff Nurse - Support Staff - Family Support Worker Community Children’s Nurse Community Paediatrician1 No. posts unavailable* Head count WTE 2 0 Head count No. of Agency Workers WTE Head count 3.0 0.8 0.5 1 1.4 0 17 | P a g e Midwives CPNs Learning Disability Nurses 1 – includes Consultant post with CHP wide role Area Team BUTE & COWAL Team establishment Public Health Nursing Team Total - Health Visitor - School Nurse - Staff Nurse - Support Worker Community Children’s Nurse Community Paediatrician Midwives CPNs Learning Disability Nurses Area Team WTE Head count 7.83 10 4.56 1.69 0.73 0.85 5 2 1 2 1 1.05 12.15 7.5 0 1 2 14 8 0 WTE Head count No. of Agency Workers WTE Head count 0 0 No. posts unavailable* No. of Bank/ Agency Workers MID ARGYLL Team establishment Public Health Nursing Team Total - Health Visitor - School Nurse - Staff Nurse - Support Worker Community Children’s Nurse Community Paediatrician (MAKI) Midwives CPNs Learning Disability Nurses Area Team No. posts unavailable* WTE 1.6 0.80 6.0 0.6 Head count 3 2 8 1 WTE 0 0 0 0 Head count 1.0 1 0 0 0.8 6.0 7.0 1.0 1 6 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WTE 0 0 0 0 Head count KINTYRE 18 | P a g e Team establishment Public Health Nursing Team Total - Health Visitor - School Nurse - Staff Nurse - Support Workers Community Children’s Nurse Midwives CPNs Learning Disability Nurses Area Team Head WTE count 1 bank HV 0 0 0 WTE 1 0.6 0.6 0.53 WTE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.6 3.0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 bank Midwife 0 0 No. posts unavailable* No. of Bank/ Agency Workers ISLAY & JURA Public Health Nursing Team Total - Health Visitor - School Nurse - Staff Nurse - Support Worker Community Children’s Nurse Midwives CPNs Learning Disability Nurses WTE 0.8 0.866 0.8 0.72 Head count 1 1 2 1 WTE 0 0 0 0 0 2.8 1.3 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 Head count WTE 0 0 0 0 Head count 0 0 0 0 HELENSBURGH & LOMOND Team establishment Public Health Nursing Team Total - Nursery Nurse - Health Visitor - School Nurse - Staff Nurse - Support Workers Community Children’s Head count No. of Agency Workers Head count 1 1 1 1 Team establishment Area Team No. posts unavailable* WTE Head count 0.58 3.6 0.75 3.44 1.00 SLA 15 5 1 6 2 SLA No. posts unavailable* WTE Head count No. of Agency Workers WTE Head count 19 | P a g e Nurse Community Paediatrician Midwives CPNs Learning Disability Nurses 0.8 SLA SLA 1 2 SLA SLA 1 0 0 0 0 No. post unavailable*- this is a post which is currently vacant/ post holder is on long term sick leave/ on a placement/ maternity leave etc. Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration The following HMIe performance indicator has been selected by the CPC for inclusion in the quarterly management report. Getting this right increases likelihood of a positive outcome for the child: Reports submitted by children aged over 8 years in advance of children’s hearings The following information has been supplied by SCRA: ‘It’s All About Me” forms returned: October No children age 8+ subject of a hearing during period of this report 28 November 22 0 0% December 35 2 6% Total 85 2 2% Month No forms submitted in advance of hearing % return for month 0 0% The ‘It’s All About Me” form is filled in by a child in advance of their hearing and gives children the opportunity to let the members of the children’s hearing know how they feel and what they would like to happen as a result of the hearing. 20 | P a g e Appendix 1 Glossary of Parental Issues Full description Short name Physical/Sensory impairment PSI Learning support needs LSN Mental health MH Alcohol misuse ALC Drug misuse Drug Domestic violence DV Sibling abuse SA Non-co-operative parents NCP Poor parenting capacity PP Young carer YC Over chastisement OC Internet related abuse IRA Fabricated illness FI 22 | P a g e