new nurse - october 2000 - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Library Network
Multiple Sclerosis
September 08
Current Awareness Bulletin
Most of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland eLibrary.
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Compiled by C. Boulnois
Library Services Manager (South)
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network
Central Library
Southern General Hospital
1345 Govan Rd
G51 4TF
0141 201 2163
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Alcina A, Fedetz M, Ndagire D, et al. The T244I variant of the interleukin-7 receptoralpha gene and multiple sclerosis. Tissue Antigens. 2008; 72(2):158-161.
Alvarez-Lafuente R, Garcia-Montojo M, De Las Heras V, et al. Herpesviruses and
human endogenous retroviral sequences in the cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis
patients. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):595-601.
Amato MP, Portaccio E, Stromillo ML, et al. Cognitive assessmetn and quantitative
magnetic resonance metrics can help to identify benign multiple slcerosis. Neurology.
2008; 71(9):632-638.
Arnett PA, Barwick FH, Beeney JE. Depression in multiple sclerosis: Review and
theoretical proposal. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2008;
Ban M, Elson J, Walton A, et al. Investigation of the role of mitochondrial DNA in
multiple sclerosis susceptibility. PLoS ONE. 2008; 3(8):Arte Number: e2891. ate of
Pubaton: 06 Aug 2008.
Barach A, Derrick S, Fahmi R, Toomey S, Smith C, Hale L. Perceptions of the effects
of fatigue on daily physical activity in people with multiple sclerosis. Nz J Physiother.
2008; 36(2):83.
Barcellos LF, Ramsay PP, Caillier SJ, et al. Genetic variation in nitric oxide synthase
2A (NOS2A) and risk for multiple sclerosis. Genes Immun. 2008; 9(6):493-500.
Benedict RH, Shucard JL, Zivadinov R, Shucard DW. Neuropsychological impairment
in systemic lupus erythematosus: A comparison with multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychol
Rev. 2008; 18(2):149-166.
Benedict RHB, Hussein S, Englert J, et al. Cortical atrophy and personality in multiple
sclerosis. Neuropsychology. 2008; 22(4):432-441.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Benedict RHB, Munschauer F, Zarevics P, et al. Effects of l-amphetamine sulfate on
cognitive function in multiple sclerosis patients. J Neurol. 2008; 255(6):848-852.
Berger JR. Paradoxically aggressive multiple sclerosis in the face of natalizumab
therapy. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):708-710.
Berthelot L, Laplaud DA, Pettre S, et al. Blood CD8+ T cell responses against myelin
determinants in multiple sclerosis and healthy individuals. Eur J Immunol. 2008;
Binns EE, Taylor D. Does tai chi improve strength and balance in people with
multiple sclerosis -- the current literature. Nz J Physiother. 2008; 36(2):83.
Blanco Y, Compta Y, Graus F, Saiz A. Midbrain lesions and paroxysmal dysarthria in
multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):694-697.
Brahmachari S, Pahan K. Role of cytokine p40 family in multiple sclerosis. Minerva
Med. 2008; 99(2):105-118.
Bramow S, Faber-Rod JC, Jacobsen C, et al. Fatal neurogenic pulmonary edema in a
patient with progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):711-715.
Bryan J. Interferon: The drug that changed our understanding of multiple sclerosis.
Pharmaceutical Journal. 2008; 281(7513):139-140.
Campagnolo DI. Monoclonal antibodies: A new way to treat MS... multiple sclerosis.
Ms Q Rep. 2008; 27(2):10-14.
Castellano V, Patel DI, White LJ. Cytokine responses to acute and chronic exercise
in multiple sclerosis. J Appl Physiol. 2008; 104(6):1697-1702.
Cettomai D, Pulicken M, Gordon-Lipkin E, et al. Reproducibility of optical coherence
tomography in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Neurology. 2008; 65(9):1218-1222.
Chang A, Smith MC, Yin X, Fox RJ, Staugaitis SM, Trapp BD. Neurogenesis in the
chronic lesions of multiple sclerosis. Brain. 2008; 131(9):2366-2375.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Charach G, Grosskopf I, Weintraub M. Development of crohn's disease in a patient
with multiple sclerosis treated with copaxone. Digestion. 2008; 77(3-4):198-200.
Chen Z, Freedman MS. CD16+ gammadelta T cells mediate antibody dependent
cellular cytotoxicity: Potential mechanism in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Immunology. 2008; 128(2):219-227.
Chiasserini D, Di Filippo M, Candeliere A, et al. CSF proteome analysis in multiple
sclerosis patients by two-dimensional electrophoresis. European Journal of Neurology.
2008; 15(9):998-1001.
Chopra P, Herrman H, Kennedy G. Comparison of disability and quality of life
measures in patients with long-term psychotic disorders and patients with multiple
sclerosis: An application of the WHO disability assessment schedule II and WHO
quality of life-BREF. Int J Rehabil Res. 2008; 31(2):141-149.
Clerico M, Faggiano F, Palace J, Rice G, Tintore M, Durelli L. Recombinant interferon
beta or glatiramer acetate for delaying conversion of the first demyelinating event to
multiple sclerosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008; (2).
Contini C, Seraceni S, Castellazzi M, Granieri E, Fainardi E. Chlamydophila
pneumoniae DNA and mRNA transcript levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurosci Res. 2008;
Correale J, Farez M, Razzitte G. Helminth infections associated with multiple
sclerosis induce regulatory B cells. Annals of Neurology. 2008; 64(2):187-199.
Corvol J-, Pelletier D, Henry RG, et al. Abrogation of T cell quiescence characterizes
patients at high risk for multiple sclerosis after the initial neurological event. Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A. 2008; 105(33):11839-11844.
Cournu-Rebeix I, Genin E, Leray E, et al. HLA-DRB1* 15 allele influences the later
course of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Genes Immun. 2008; 9(6):570-574.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Debouverie M, Pittion-Vouyovitch S, Louis S, Guillemin F. Natural history of multiple
sclerosis in a population-based cohort. European Journal of Neurology. 2008;
Dwyer T, van der Mei, I., Ponsonby AL, et al. Melanocortin 1 receptor genotype past
environmental sun exposure and risk of multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 2008;
Ebers GC, Heigenhauser L, Daumer M, Lederer C, Noseworthy JH. Disability as an
outcome in MS clinical trials. Neurology. 2008; 71(9):624-631.
Fazekas F. Lublin FD. Li D. Freedman MS. Hartung HP. Rieckmann P. Sorensen PS.
Maas-Enriquez M. Sommerauer B. Hanna K. PRIVIG Study Group. UBC MS/MRI
Research Group. Intravenous immunoglobulin in relapsing-remitting multiple
sclerosis: A dose-finding trial. Neurology. 2008; 71(4):265-271.
Fernandez-Morera JL, Rodriguez-Rodero S, Tunon A, et al. Genetic influence of the
nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class I molecule MICB in multiple
sclerosis susceptibility. Tissue Antigens. 2008; 72(1):54-59.
Freedman MS, Hughes B, Mikol DD, et al. Efficacy of disease-modifying therapies in
relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: A systematic comparison. Eur Neurol. 2008;
Gaines JJ, Gavett RA, Lynch JJ, Bakshi R, Benedict RHB. New error type and recall
consistency indices for the brief visuospatial memory test - revised: Performance in
healthy adults and multiple sclerosis patients. Clin Neuropsychol. 2008; 22(5):851863.
Gani R, Giovannoni G, Bates D, Kemball B, Hughes S, Kerrigan J. Cost-effectiveness
analyses of natalizumab (tysabri) compared with other disease-modifying therapies
for people with highly active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in the UK.
Pharmacoeconomics. 2008; 26(7):617-627.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Garay L, Gonzalez Deniselle MC, Gierman L, et al. Steroid protection in the
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model of multiple sclerosis.
Neuroimmunomodulation. 2008; 15(1):76-83.
Gatti R, Corti M, Govetto S, Bonzani K, Boccardi S. Electromyographic activity to
keep a lower limb in a raised position in healthy subjects and subjects with multiple
sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):691-693.
Ghezzi A, Zaffaroni M. Female-specific issues in multiple sclerosis. Expert Review of
Neurotherapeutics. 2008; 8(6):969-977.
Giesser. Exercise and gait retraining in persons with multiple sclerosis. Ms Q Rep.
2008; 27(2):15-18.
Golan D, Somer E, Dishon S, Cuzin-Disegni L, Miller A. Impact of exposure to war
stress on exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology. 2008; 64(2):143148.
Goodin DS, Cohen BA, O'Connor P, Kappos L, Stevens JC. Assessment: The use of
natalizumab (tysabri) for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (an evidence based
review): Report of the therapeutics and technology assessment subcommittee of the
american academy of neurology. Neurology. 2008; 71(10):766-773.
Grover LK, Hood DC, Ghadiali Q, et al. A comparison of multifocal and conventional
visual evoked potential techniques in patients with optic neuritis/multiple sclerosis.
Documenta Ophthalmologica. 2008; 117(2):121-128.
Gusev YI, Banach M, Simonow A, et al. Efficacy and safety of botulinum type A toxin
in adductor spasticity due to multiple sclerosis. J Musculoskeletal Pain. 2008;
Harbige LS, Pinto E, Xiang M, Leach M, Sharief MK. PUFA in the pathogenesis and
treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis. Proc Nutr Soc. 2008; 67(OCE):E21.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Harp CT, Lovett-Racke AE, Racke MK, Frohman EM, Monson NL. Impact of myelinspecific antigen presenting B cells on T cell activation in multiple sclerosis. Clinical
Immunology. 2008; 128(3):382-391.
Hart SL, Vella L, Mohr DC. Relationships among depressive symptoms, benefitfinding, optimism, and positive affect in multiple sclerosis patients after
psychotherapy for depression. Health Psychology. 2008; 27(2):230-238.
Hayes CE, Donald Acheson E. A unifying multiple sclerosis etiology linking virus
infection, sunlight, and vitamin D, through viral interleukin-10. Med Hypotheses.
2008; 71(1):85-90.
Hebb AL, Moore CS, Bhan V, et al. Expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein
family in multiple sclerosis reveals a potential immunomodulatory role during
autoimmune mediated demyelination. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):577-594.
Held U, Steyer K, Menzler S, Kucheahoff H, Daumer M. Evaluation of some
alternative designs for phase 2 multiple sclerosis trials - A simulation study. Drug Inf
J. 2008; 42(4):359-367.
Hellings N, Stinissen P. Tovaxin, radiation-attenuated, patient-specific T-cells for the
therapeutic vaccination of multiple sclerosis. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs.
2008; 9(5):534-540.
Hirst C, Ingram G, Swingler R, Compston DA,S., Pickersgill T, Robertson NP. Change
in disability in patients with multiple sclerosis: A 20-year prospective populationbased analysis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2008;
Hoegerl C, Zboray S. Pathological laughter in a patient with multiple sclerosis. J Am
Osteopath Assoc. 2008; 108(8):409-411.
Hoffmann S, Cepok S, Grummel V, et al. HLA-DRB1*0401 and HLA-DRB1*0408 are
strongly associated with the development of antibodies against interferon-beta
therapy in multiple sclerosis. Am J Hum Genet. 2008; 83(2):219-227.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Holmoy T. The immunology of multiple sclerosis: Disease mechanisms and
therapeutic targets. Minerva Med. 2008; 99(2):119-140.
Hoppenbrouwers IA, Aulchenko YS, Ebers GC, et al. EVI5 is a risk gene for multiple
sclerosis. Genes & Immunity. 2008; 9(4):334-337.
Husain S, Yildirim-Toruner C, Rubio JP, et al. Variants of ST8SIA1 are associated
with risk of developing multiple sclerosis. PLoS ONE. 2008; 3(7):Arte Number: e2653.
ate of Pubaton: 09 Ju 2008.
Invernizzi P, Benedetti MD, Poli S, Monaco S. Azathioprine in multiple sclerosis.
Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2008; 8(9):919-926.
Jarius S, Franciotta D, Bergamaschi R, et al. Polyspecific antiviral immune response
distinguishes multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2008; 79(10):1134-1136.
Jozefowicz-Korczynska M, Lukomski M, Pajor A. Identification of internuclear
ophthalmoplegia signs in multiple sclerosis patients: Saccade test analysis. J Neurol.
2008; 255(7):1006-1011.
Kalmar JH, Gaudino EA, Moore NB, Halper J, DeLuca J. The relationship between
cognitive deficits and everyday functional activities in multiple sclerosis.
Neuropsychology. 2008; 22(4):442-449.
Kanzaki M, Mochizuki H, Ogawa G, et al. Clinical features of opticospinal multiple
sclerosis with anti-aquaporin 4 antibody. Eur Neurol. 2008; 60(1):37-42.
Karpatkin H. Clinical point of view. respiratory changes in multiple sclerosis. J
Neurol Phys Ther. 2008; 32(2):105.
Karper WB. The holistic effects of long-term exercise, health education, and
resource assistance on one woman with multiple debilitating medical problems: A
case report. Holist Nurs Pract. 2008; 22(4):206-209.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Katsara M, Matsoukas J, Deraos G, Apostolopoulos V. Towards immunotherapeutic
drugs and vaccines against multiple sclerosis. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica.
2008; 40(7):636-642.
Kinter J, Zeis T, Schaeren-Wiemers N. RNA profiling of MS brain tissues.
International MS Journal. 2008; 15(2):51-58.
Ko MW, Tamhankar MA, Volpe NJ, Porter D, McGrath C, Galetta SL. Acute
promyelocytic leukemic involvement of the optic nerves following mitoxantrone
treatment for multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci. 2008; 273(1-2):144-147.
Krakauer M, Sorensen P, Khademi M, Olsson T, Sellebjerg F. Increased IL-10 mRNA
and IL-23 mRNA expression in multiple sclerosis: Interferon-beta treatment increases
IL-10 mRNA expression while reducing IL-23 mRNA expression. Multiple Sclerosis.
2008; 14(5):622-630.
Kuenz B, Lutterotti A, Ehling R, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid B cells correlate with early
brain inflammation in multiple sclerosis. PLoS ONE. 2008; 3(7):Arte Number: e2559.
ate of Pubaton: 02 Ju 2008.
Kulbatski I, Mothe AJ, Parr AM, et al. Glial precursor cell transplantation therapy for
neurotrauma and multiple sclerosis. Prog Histochem Cytochem. 2008; 43(3):123176.
Lam S, Wang S, Gottesman M. Interferon-beta1b for the treatment of multiple
sclerosis. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology. 2008; 4(8):1111-1117.
Leete M, Kayes NM, Mawston G, et al. Exploring actical accelerometers as an
objective measure of physical activity in people with multiple sclerosis. Nz J
Physiother. 2008; 36(2):87.
Lewy H, Rotstein A, Kahana E, Marrosu MG, Cocco E, Laron Z. Juvenile multiple
sclerosis similar to type I diabetes mellitus has a seasonality of month of birth which
differs from that in the general population. J Pediatr Endocrinol. 2008; 21(5):473477.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Lincoln JA, Hankiewicz K, Cook SD. Could epstein-barr virus or canine distemper
virus cause multiple sclerosis?. Neurol Clin. 2008; 26(3):699-715.
Lowe MJ, Beall EB, Sakaie KE, et al. Resting state sensorimotor functional
connectivity in multiple sclerosis inversely correlates with transcallosal motor pathway
transverse diffusivity. Hum Brain Mapp. 2008; 29(7):818-827.
Lunemann JD, Jelcic I, Roberts S, et al. EBNA1-specific T cells from patients with
multiple sclerosis cross react with myelin antigens and co-produce IFN-gamma and
IL-2. J Exp Med. 2008; 205(8):1763-1773.
Macniven JAB, Davis C, Ho M-, Bradshaw CM, Szabadi E, Constantinescu CS. Stroop
performance in multiple sclerosis: Information processing, selective attention, or
executive functioning?. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2008;
Mandrioli J, Sola P, Bedin R, Gambini M, Merelli E. A multifactorial prognostic index
in multiple sclerosis: Cerebrospinal fluid IgM oligoclonal bands and clinical features to
predict the evolution of the disease. J Neurol. 2008; 255(7):1023-1031.
Marcotte TD, Rosenthal TJ, Roberts E, et al. The contribution of cognition and
spasticity to driving performance in multiple sclerosis. Archives of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation. 2008; 89(9):1753-1758.
Martinez A, Santiago JL, Cenit MC, et al. IFIH1-GCA-KCNH7 locus: Influence on
multiple sclerosis risk. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2008; 16(7):861-864.
McKeage K. Interferon-beta-1b: In newly emerging multiple sclerosis. CNS Drugs.
2008; 22(9):787-792.
Merwick A, Sweeney BJ. Functional symptoms in clinically definite MS - pseudorelapse syndrome. International MS Journal. 2008; 15(2):47-51.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Mesaros S, Rovaris M, Pagani E, et al. A magnetic resonance imaging voxel-based
morphometry study of regional gray matter atrophy in patients with benign multiple
sclerosis. Archives of Neurology. 2008; 65(9):1223-1230.
Michalowska-Wender G, Wender M. Peripheral blood cell immunomarkers in the
course of methylprednisolone treatment of multiple sclerosis relapses. Folia
Neuropathologica. 2008; 46(2):134-138.
Mikol DD, Barkhof F, Chang P, et al. Comparison of subcutaneous interferon beta-1a
with glatiramer acetate in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (the REbif vs
glatiramer acetate in relapsing MS disease [REGARD] study): A multicentre,
randomised, parallel, open-label trial. Lancet Neurology. 2008; 7(10):903-914.
Minden S, Hoaglin D, Jureidini S, et al. Disease-modifying agents in the sonya slifka
longitudinal multiple sclerosis study. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):640-655.
Motl RW. Physical activity and its measurement and determinants in multiple
sclerosis. Minerva Med. 2008; 99(2):157-165.
Nicoletti A, Patti F, Lo Fermo S, et al. Frequency of celiac disease is not increased
among multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):698-700.
Nociti V, Batocchi AP, Bartalini S, et al. Somatosensory evoked potentials reflect the
upper limb motor performance in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Sci. 2008; 273(1-2):99102.
Nunez C, Dema B, Cenit MC, et al. IL23R: A susceptibility locus for celiac disease
and multiple sclerosis?. Genes & Immunity. 2008; 9(4):289-293.
Ortler S, Leder C, Mittelbronn M, et al. B7-H1 restricts neuroantigen-specific T cell
responses and confines inflammatory CNS damage: Implications for the lesion
pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Eur J Immunol. 2008; 38(6):1734-1744.
Orton S, Morris AP, Herrera BM, et al. Evidence for genetic regulation of vitamin D
status in twins with multiple sclerosis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008; 88(2):441-447.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
O'Sullivan RJ, Brown IG, Pender MP. Apneusis responding to buspirone in multiple
sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):705-707.
Pakenham KI. Making sense of caregiving for persons with multiple sclerosis (MS):
The dimensional structure of sense making and relations with positive and negative
adjustment. Int J Behav Med. 2008; 15(3):241-252.
Penton-Rol G, Cervantes-Llanos M, Cabrera-Gomez JA, et al. Treatment with type I
interferons induces a regulatory T cell subset in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
from multiple sclerosis patients. Int Immunopharmacol. 2008; 8(6):881-886.
Politte LC, Huffman JC, Stern TA. Neuropsychiatric manifestations of multiple
sclerosis. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2008;
Prakash RS, Erickson KI, Snook EM, Colcombe SJ, Motl RW, Kramer AF. Cortical
recruitment during selective attention in multiple sclerosis: An fMRI investigation of
individual differences. Neuropsychologia. 2008; 46(12):2888-2895.
Prunty M, Sharpe L, Butow P, Fulcher G. The motherhood choice: Themes arising
in the decision-making process for women with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis.
2008; 14(5):701-704.
Pueyo V, Martin J, Fernandez J, et al. Axonal loss in the retinal nerve fiber layer in
patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):609-614.
Ramagopalan SV, Valdar W, Dyment DA, et al. No effect of preterm birth on the
risk of multiple sclerosis: A population based study. .
Ramagopalan SV, Valdar W, Dyment DA, et al. No effect of preterm birth on the
risk of multiple sclerosis: A population based study. BMC Neurology. 2008; 8:30.
Roosendaal SD, Moraal B, Vrenken H, et al. In vivo MR imaging of hippocampal
lesions in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2008;
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Rovira A, Leon A. MR in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis: An
overview. Eur J Radiol. 2008; 67(3):409-414.
Saari A, Tolonen U, Paakko E, et al. Sympathetic skin responses in multiple
sclerosis. Acta Neurologicia Scandinavica. 2008; 118(4):226-231.
Satoh J-, Misawa T, Tabunoki H, Yamamura T. Molecular network analysis of T-cell
transcriptome suggests aberrant regulation of gene expression by NF-kappaB as a
biomarker for relapse of multiple sclerosis. Dis Markers. 2008; 25(1):27-35.
Sellebjerg F, Datta P, Larsen J, et al. Gene expression analysis of interferon-beta
treatment in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):615-621.
Serana F, Sottini A, Ghidini C, et al. Modulation of IFNAR1 mRNA expression in
multiple sclerosis patients. J Neuroimmunol. 2008; 197(1):54-62.
Sharma KR, Saadia D, Facca AG, Bhatia R, Ayyar DR, Sheremata W. Chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy associated with multiple
sclerosis. Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease. 2008; 9(4):385-396.
Sheremata WA, Jy W, Horstman LL, Ahn YS, Alexander JS, Minagar A. Evidence of
platelet activation in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2008; 5:27.
Siegel SD, Turner AP, Haselkorn JK. Adherence to disease-modifying therapies in
multiple sclerosis: Does caregiver social support matter? Rehabil Psychol. 2008;
Siepman TAM, Janssens ACJW, De Koning I, Polman CH, Boringa JB, Hintzen RQ.
The role of disability and depression in cognitive functioning within 2 years after
multiple sclerosis diagnosis. J Neurol. 2008; 255(6):910-916.
Signal NEJ, Boston LR. The relationship between fatigue and depression in people
with multiple sclerosis. Nz J Physiother. 2008; 36(2):92.
Siniscalchi A, Gallelli L, De Sarro G. Drugs treatment of pain in multiple sclerosis.
Current Clinical Pharmacology. 2007; 2(3):227-233.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Smith CM, Hale LA, Schneiders AG, Olson K. How does the experience of fatigue in
people with multiple sclerosis change during an eight week exercise programme? Nz J
Physiother. 2008; 36(2):92-93.
Sotgiu S, Musumeci S, Marconi S, Gini B, Bonetti B. Different content of chitin-like
polysaccharides in multiple sclerosis and alzheimer's disease brains. J Neuroimmunol.
2008; 197(1):70-73.
Svejgaard A. The immunogenetics of multiple sclerosis. Immunogenetics. 2008;
Szabo K, Kern R, Griebe M, Baezner H, Hennerici MG, Gass A. Magnetic resonance
imaging demonstration of fascicular inflammation in sixth nerve palsy as the
presenting symptom in multiple sclerosis. Eur Neurol. 2008; 60(2):92-94.
Thickbroom GW, Sacco P, Faulkner DL, Kermode AG, Mastaglia FL. Enhanced
corticomotor excitability with dynamic fatiguing exercise of the lower limb in multiple
sclerosis. J Neurol. 2008; 255(7):1001-1005.
Thompson JP, Noyes K, Dorsey ER, Schwid SR, Holloway RG. Quantitative riskbenefit analysis of natalizumab. Neurology. 2008; 71(5):357-364.
Van Der Linden FAH, D'Hooghe MB, Nagels G, Van Nunen A, Polman CH, Uitdehaag
BMJ. Proxy ratings from multiple sources: Disagreement on the impact of multiple
sclerosis on daily life. European Journal of Neurology. 2008; 15(9):933-939.
Vercellino M, Votta B, Condello C, et al. Involvement of the choroid plexus in
multiple sclerosis autoimmune inflammation: A neuropathological study. J
Neuroimmunol. 2008; 199(1-2):133-141.
Vikman T, Fielding P, Lindmark B, Fredrikson S. Effects of inpatient rehabilitation in
multiple sclerosis patients with moderate disability. Adv Physiother. 2008; 10(2):5865.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
Vollmer T, Panitch H, Bar-Or A, et al. Glatiramer acetate after induction therapy
with mitoxantrone in relapsing multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis. 2008; 14(5):663670.
von Budingen HC, Harrer MD, Kuenzle S, Meier M, Goebels N. Clonally expanded
plasma cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients produce myelin-specific
antibodies. Eur J Immunol. 2008; 38(7):2014-2023.
Vyshkina T, Kalman B. Autoantibodies and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis.
Laboratory Investigation. 2008; 88(8):796-807.
Warlop NP, Achten E, Debruyne J, Vingerhoets G. Diffusion weighted callosal
integrity reflects interhemispheric communication efficiency in multiple sclerosis.
Neuropsychologia. 2008; 46(8):2258-2264.
White LJ, Castellano V. Exercise and brain health -- implications for multiple
sclerosis: Part II -- immune factors and stress hormones. Sports Med. 2008;
White LJ, Castellano V. Exercise and brain health - implications for multiple
sclerosis: Part 1 -- neuronal growth factors. Sports Med. 2008; 38(2):91-100.
Wiesemann E, Deb M, Hemmer B, Radeke HH, Windhagen A. Early identification of
interferon-beta responders by ex vivo testing in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Clinical Immunology. 2008; 128(3):306-313.
Ytterberg C, Johansson S, Andersson M, Widen Holmqvist L, Von Koch L. Variations
in functioning and disability in multiple sclerosis: A two-year prospective study. J
Neurol. 2008; 255(7):967-973.
Zahariou A, Karamouti M, Karagiannis G, Papaioannou P. Maximal bladder capacity
is a positive predictor of response to desmopressin treatment in patients with MS and
nocturia. International Urology & Nephrology. 2008; 40(1):65-69.
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.
If you would like to receive additional bulletin, please tick the bulletins you would
like to receive, ensure your name and address are on the front cover and return to
thelibrary address given overleaf.
Allied Health Professionals
Alzheimer’s disease
Ambulatory care
Cancer: Pain
Cancer Supportive Care
Child Protection
Clinical Governance
Community Child Health
Community Nursing
Coronary Intensive and High Dependency Care
Corporate Services
Day surgery
Dental Care Professionals
Digestive Diseases
Elderly Care Bulletin (Nursing)
Gynaecologic Oncology
Head Injury
Health Promotion
Healthcare Associated Infection
Healthy Heart
Lung Cancer
Medicine for the Elderly
Multiple Sclerosis
Neonatal Nursing and Midwifery
New Books
New Books (all sites & Nursing)
New Nurse
Paediatric Anaesthesia & Pain
Paediatric Oncology Nursing
Paediatric Physiotherapy
Paediatric Respiratory Medicine
Parkinson’s disease
Prevention & Treatment of Alcohol &
Drug Abuse (Nursing)
Primary Care Mental Health
School nurses
Speech and Language Therapy
Spinal Injuries
Stroke (North Glasgow)
Stroke (South Glasgow)
Training, education and Management
How to Access Electronic Articles
Many of the articles in this bulletin will be available online at the NHS Scotland eLibrary
Go to the NHS Scotland eLibrary
Click on Journals
Type in the journal title and click search.
Click on the appropriate title, then select the supplier you wish to use.
Put in your Athens password at the “Athens login” link.
Select the correct year, volume, issue and page number for the article you
Please note, the articles you are accessing may be protected by copyright legislation, please
contact your librarian for a copyright declaration form if you are in any doubt. Or, consult the
Copyright Licensing Agency at
If you have any questions regarding this or any other library services please contact
your librarian.
Compiled by C. Boulnois
Library Services Manager
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network
Central Library
Southern General Hospital
1345 Govan Rd
G51 4TF
0141 201 2163
Current Awareness Bulletins provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Library Network are a selection of
current articles and not intended to be exhaustive.