Notice for recruiting research participants

Study information form
Title of the study
Health Outcomes and Lifestyle in a Sample of people with Multiple Sclerosis: the HOLISM
Name of the institution responsible for the study
St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia
Recruitment dates
May 2012 – July 2012
About the study
There is strong evidence to suggest that lifestyle plays an important role in health
outcomes in Multiple Sclerosis. To explore this relationship, the research team is asking
people with MS to complete an online questionnaire about factors related to their lifestyle
(e.g. diet, exercise, sun exposure, vitamin D, Omega-3 supplementation, stress reduction)
and their health-related quality of life, among other questions. Over time, the researchers
intend to follow this group at yearly intervals to see if there is a relationship between
changes in these lifestyle factors and the health of the group. The researchers will then
analyse this information to determine which factors best predict the health of people with
MS. Potentially this research may answer some of the most vexing questions in MS. Those
related to consumption of particular foods and fats, vitamin D and sun exposure, and the
influence of meditation on disease progression among other important findings.
What will participants be asked to do?
Participants will be asked to read some information about the study before giving their
consent to participate. The questionnaire will then be completed online, in participants’
own time. We estimate this will take 30 – 40 minutes, but participants can exit and re-enter
at any time to update their responses. The research team will contact the participants by
email annually to invite them to participate again, should they wish to do so.
Who can take part?
Anyone who has a probable or definite diagnosis of MS and is over 18 years of age. You
can be living anywhere in the world, but the survey is conducted in English.
Who is conducting the research?
The principle investigator is Prof George Jelinek, administrator of the Overcoming Multiple
Sclerosis website and a researcher. He is joined by a research team with an interest in MS
and lifestyle.
Who has reviewed this study?
St Vincent’s Human Research Ethics Committee in Australia has reviewed and approved
this study (LRR 055/12). Data and contact details will be held outside the UK and therefore
won't be subject to UK law.
If you would like to find out more about this study, please read the participant information
sheet by going to or contact research officer Emily
Hadgkiss at Please note that enquiring about participation
does not commit you in any way.