INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 CODING OF MOVING PICTURES AND AUDIO ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 N5499 March 2003 Source Leonardo Chiariglione, Convenor Title Report of the 64th meeting Status Report of the 64th meeting 1 Opening The 64th WG11 meeting was held on 2003/03/10-14 in Pattaya, TH. 2 Roll call of participants Annex 1 gives the attendance list 3 Approval of agenda The agenda is given in Annex 2 4 Allocation of contributions Annex 3 gives the list of input documents 5 Communications from Convenor The were no specific communications made 6 Report of previous meeting This was approved 7 Processing of NB Position Papers Input documents were considered and processed as appropriate 8 MPEG Phase 1 8.1 Part 1 – Systems 8.2 Part 2 – Video 8.2.1 Corrigenda The text of ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993/COR was approved as N35545. 1 8.3 Part 3 – Audio 8.4 Part 4 – Conformance 8.5 Part 5 – Reference software 9 MPEG Phase 2 9.1 Requirements 9.2 Part 1 – Systems 9.2.1 Standard 9.2.2 Amendment 1 9.2.3 Amendment 2 The following documents were approved N5674 DoC of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/FPDAM2 N5604 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/FDAM2 9.2.4 Amendment 3 9.2.5 Corrigenda The following documents was approved N5606 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/DCOR1 9.3 Part 2 – Video 9.4 Part 3 – Audio 9.5 Part 4 – Conformance 9.5.1 Standard 9.5.2 Amendment 1 9.5.3 Amendment 2 9.5.4 Amendment 3 9.5.5 Amendment 4 9.5.6 Corrigenda 9.6 Part 5 – Reference software 9.6.1 Standard 9.6.2 Amendment 9.6.3 Corrigenda 9.7 Part 6 – DSM-CC 9.8 Part 7 – Advanced Audio Coding 9.8.1 Standard 9.8.2 Amendment The following document was approved 5568 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-7: 2003/FPDAM 1 2 9.8.3 Corrigenda 9.9 Part 9 – System extension RTI 9.10 Part 10 – Conformance extension - DSM-CC 9.11 Part 11 – IPMP on MPEG-2 Systems 9.11.1 Standard The following document were approved N5607 DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-11/FCD N5608 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-11/FDIS 9.11.2 Amendment 9.11.3 Corrigenda 9.12 Workplan This was approved 10 MPEG Phase 4 10.1 Requirements 10.2 Part 1 – Systems 10.2.1 Standard 10.2.2 Amendment 1 – FlexTime 10.2.3 Amendment 2 – XMT BIFS nodes 10.2.4 Amendment 3 – IPMP-X 10.2.5 Amendment 4 – AFX & MUW 10.2.6 Amendment 5 – MP4 base text 10.2.7 Amendment 6 – MP4 MPEG specific text 10.2.8 Amendment 7 – Systems Extensions for AVC 10.2.9 Amendment 8 – Advanced Text & Graphics 10.2.10Amendment 9 – MPEG-7 in MPEG-4 Systems 10.2.11Amendment 10 10.2.12Corrigenda 10.3 Part 2 – Visual 10.3.1 Standard 10.3.2 Amendment 1 – Studio Profile 10.3.3 Amendment 2 – FGS 10.3.4 Amendment 3 – New Levels &Tools 10.3.5 Amendment 4 – Error Resilience in Scalable Enhancement Layer The following document was approved 5548 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001/FPDAM4 Visual Error Resilient Simple Scalable Profile 3 10.3.6 Corrigenda 10.4 Part 3 – Audio 10.4.1 Standard 10.4.2 Amendment 1 – Bandwidth Extension The following document was approved 5569 DoC on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM 1 5570 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FDAM 1 10.4.3 Amendment 2 – Parametric Extension 10.4.4 Amendment 3 – Lossless Audio 10.5 Part 4 – Conformance Testing 10.5.1 Standard 10.5.2 Amendment 1 – SP, FGS, FlexTime 10.5.3 Amendment 2 – XMT 10.5.4 Amendment 3 – Visual New L&T 10.5.5 Amendment 4 – AVC 10.5.6 Amendment 5 – Error Resilience Scalable Profile Conformance The following documents were approved 5669 Request for ISO/IEC 14496-4/AMD5 5635 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-4/PDAM5 10.5.7 Corrigenda 10.6 Part 5 – Reference software 10.6.1 Standard 10.6.2 Amendment 1 – SP, FGS, FlexTime 10.6.3 Amendment 2 – XMT, DMIF 10.6.4 Amendment 3 – Visual New L&T The following documents were approved 5637 Doc on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/FPDAM3 5636 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/FDAM3 10.6.5 Amendment 4 – AVC 10.6.6 Amendment 5 – Error Resilience Scalable Profile The following documents were approved 5670 Request for ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/AMD5 5638 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/PDAM5 4 10.6.7 Corrigenda 10.7 Part 6 – DMIF 10.7.1 Standard 10.7.2 Corrigenda 10.8 Part 7 – Optimised software 10.8.1 Technical Report 10.8.2 4 Amendment 1 The following document was approved 5550 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-7/DAM1 Optimised Reference Software for Simple Profile and Visual Error Resilience 10.9 Part 8 – 4 on IP Framework 10.9.1 Standard 10.9.2 Corrigenda 10.10 Part 9 – Hardware Reference Description 10.10.1Technical Report The following documents were approved N5673 Disposition of Comment Report on ISO/IEC PDTR 14496-9 Information Technology – Coding of Audio Visual Objects - Part 9: Reference Hardware Description N5641 Text of ISO/IEC DTR 14496-9 Information Technology – Coding of Audio Visual Objects - Part 9: Reference Hardware Description 10.11 Part 10 – Advanced Video Coding 10.11.1Standard The following documents were approved N5551 DoC on ISO/IEC FCD 14496-10 Advanced Video Coding N5555 Text of ISO/IEC FDIS 14496-10 & ITU-T H.264 Advanced Video Coding 10.12 Part 11 – Scene Description and Application Engine 10.12.1Standard 10.12.2Amendment 1 10.12.3Amendment 2 The following documents were approved N5644 Request for ISO/IEC 14496-11/Amd.2 N5645 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-11/PDAM2 5 10.13 Part 12 – ISO Base Media File Format 10.13.1Standard 10.14 Part 13 – IPMP Extensions 10.14.1Standard 10.15 Part 14 – MP4 File Format 10.15.1Standard 10.16 Part 15 – AVC File Format 10.16.1Standard 10.17 Part 16 Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) 10.17.1Standard 10.18 Workplan 11 MPEG Phase 7 11.1 Requirements 11.2 Systems 11.2.1 Standard 11.2.2 Amendment 1 11.2.3 Corrigenda 11.3 Description Definition Language 11.3.1 Standard 11.3.2 Corrigenda 11.4 Visual 11.4.1 Standard 11.4.2 Amendment 1 The following document was approved 5553 Text of ISO/IEC 15938-3 PDAM 1 Visual Extensions 11.4.3 Corrigenda 11.5 Audio 11.5.1 Standard 11.5.2 Amendment 1 11.5.3 Amendment 2 11.5.4 Corrigenda The following document was approved 5583 Proposed ISO/IEC 15938-4:2002/DCOR 1 6 11.6 Description Schemes 11.6.1 Standard 11.6.2 Amendment 1 The following document was approved 5593 DoC on ISO/IEC 15938-5 AMD/1 FPDAM - MDS Extensions 11.7 Reference software 11.7.1 Standard 11.7.2 Amendment 1 The following document was approved N5642 ISO/IEC FDIS 15938-6 Information Technology - Multimedia Content Description Interface- part 6: Reference Software Extensions FPDAM 11.7.3 Corrigenda 11.8 Conformance Testing 11.8.1 Standard 11.9 Extraction and use of visual descriptors 11.9.1 Technical Report 11.10 Workplan This was approved 12 MPEG phase 21 12.1 Requirements 12.2 Part 1 – Vision, Technologies and Strategy 12.2.1 Technical Report The following document was approved 5534 Draft of PDTR of ISO/IEC 21000-1 Second Edition 7 12.3 Part 2 – Digital Item Declaration 12.3.1 Standard 12.3.2 Amendment 12.3.3 Corrigendum 12.4 Part 3 – Digital Item Identification 12.4.1 Standard 12.4.2 Amendment 12.4.3 Corrigendum 12.5 Part 4 – Intellectual Property Management and Protection 12.5.1 Standard 12.6 Part 5 – Rights Expression Language 12.6.1 Standard 12.7 Part 6 – Rights Data Dictionary 12.7.1 Standard 12.8 Part 7 – Digital ItemAdaptation 12.8.1 Standard 12.9 Part 8 – Reference software 12.9.1 Standard 12.10 Part 9 – File format 12.10.1Standard 12.11 Part 10 – Digital Item Processing 12.11.1Standard 12.12 Part 11 – Persistent Association 12.12.1Standard 12.13 Test Bed for MPEG-21 Resource Delivery 12.13.1Standard 12.14 Other MPEG-21 parts 12.14.1Event reporting 12.15 Workplan 13 Overall WG11 workplan This was approved 14 Explorations 14.1 Scalable Video Coding The following documents were approved 5540 Applications and Requirements for Scalable Video Coding 5559 Call for Evidence for Scalable Video Coding 8 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Digital Cinema 3D AV coding On line gaming Test material 15 Liaison matters The following liaisons were issued Liaison Statement to IEEE LTSC Liaison Statement to M4IF Liaison Statement to IEC TC 100 Liaison Statement to TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling Liaison Statement to TV-Anytime Forum on Core experiments for MPEG-7 Systems extensions and TV-Anytime Spec Liaison Statement to TV-Anytime Forum on S1-S5 Drafts for Publication Liaison Statement to SMPTE Liaison Statement to EDItEUR Liaison Statement to OeBF Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG9 Liaison Statement to 3GPP on Meta-Data in ISO Media Files Liaison Statement to 3GPP on 3GP Files Liaison Statement to ITU-T Director’s Ad Hoc Group on IPR Liaison Statement to EBU Liaison Statement to OMA List of Organisations with which MPEG entertains liaisons Responses to National Body Comments Liaison statement to ISO TC 46/SC 9 on ISO/IEC 13818-1/Amd.1 Liaison statement to JPEG Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16 (Mediacom 2004) on MPEG-21 Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16 on 13818-1 :2000 AMD1 16 Administrative matters 16.1 Schedule of future MPEG meetings The following schedule was approved Meeting 64th 65th 66th 67th 68th 69th 70th 71st 72nd 73rd City Pattaya Trondheim Brisbane, QLD Waikaloa, HI München ? ? ? ? ? Country TH NO AU US DE ES ? ? 9 Yr. 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 05 05 05 Mo. 03 07 10 12 03 07 10 01 04 07 Days 10-14 21-25 20-24 08-12 15-19 19-23 25-29 17-21 N5505 N5506 N5507 N5508 N5509 N5510 N5511 N5512 N5513 N5514 N5515 N5516 N5517 N5518 N5519 N5520 N5521 N5524 N5526 N5665 N5671 16.2 Promotional activities 17 Organisation of this meeting 17.1 Tasks for subgroups 17.2 Joint meetings The following joint meetings were held Group 1 MDS Group 2 What Where Day Time Req, Sys DIPE MDS JVT Sys ÀVC in MPEG Systems JVT Aud Sys Audio contrib to BIM Vid Vid MDS Req Req Sys Scalable video coding 3D AV MPEG-7 Sys Ext Mechanism Aud BO Req Req Sys BO Mon 17:0018 :00 Tue 16 :0017:00 Tue 14:00-15:00 Aud MDS JVT Sys Req Aud Req, ISG MDS, Req Tst Tst Req Vid Vid JVT, Vid Vid, Aud, MDS Req Sys MDS MDS Vid MDS, Aud Vid Vid, Aud, Sys ISG Tue Tue Tue MPEG-4 lossless audio Audio DIA Profiling, complexity and ext MPEG-21 architecture & IPMP CfE AVC VT Sys, Profiles Aud Aud JVT Req 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:0016 :00 Tue 16:30-17:00 Tue 17:00-18:00 Tue 17:00-18:00 Wed 11:00-16:00 Vid JVT Req Wed 14:00-14:30 Wed 17:00-18:00 Wed 17:00-18:00 3DAV & Scalable video coding MPEG-21 FF MPEG-7 Amd Conformance bitstreams Scalable video coding Req Thu 09:00-09:30 Sys MDS MDS Vid Thu Thu Thu Thu 09:00-10:00 09:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 11:00-11:30 18 Planning of future activities The following AHGs were established 5662 Ad Hoc Group on IM1 5661 Ad Hoc Group on MPEG-4 Scene Representation 5660 Ad Hoc Group on MPEG-7 Systems 5563 AHG on 3DAV Coding 5567 AHG on AVC Verification Tests 5630 AHG on Core Experiments for MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation 5561 AHG on Core Experiments for Visual Descriptors and Visual-only Description Schemes in MPEG-7 5629 AHG on Editing MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation Study of CD & AM 5631 AHG on Editing MPEG-21 DIP 5562 AHG on Editing MPEG-7 Visual XM and WD 10 5560 AHG on Editorial Convergence and Maintenance of MPEG-4 Reference Software 5542 AHG on Event Reporting 5541 AHG on IPMP Requirements and Architecture 5623 AHG on Metadata Interoperability 5664 AHG on MP4 Extensions 5668 AHG on MPEG Multimedia Test Bed 5544 AHG on MPEG Vocabulary 5585 AHG on MPEG-2 Audio Reference Software and Issues in MP3 on MP4 5591 AHG on MPEG-21 Audio DIA 5667 AHG on MPEG-21 Reference Software 5626 AHG on MPEG-21 REL Publishing Extension 5624 AHG on MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language Editing 5586 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 5588 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Extensions 1 and 2 5589 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding 5587 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Text and Software 5643 AHG on MPEG-4 Part 9: Reference Hardware Description Phase 1 and 2 5590 AHG on MPEG-7 Audio 5530 AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling 5543 AHG on Persistent Association 5625 AHG on Profiles and Extensions of the MPEG-21 REL 5627 AHG on RDD Reference Software and Editing 5564 AHG on Scalable Video Coding 5663 AHG on the Carriage of MPEG-4 Content 5628 AHG on Use of DID by other MPEG-21 Parts 19 Resolutions of this meeting These were approved 20 A.O.B There was no other business 21 Closing The meeting closed on 2003/03/14T23:25. 11 Annex 1 Attendance list FirstName 1. Ian 2. Gerrard 3. Letian 4. Guillaume 5. Christian 6. Rik 7. Joeri 8. Frederik 9. Jan 10. Eric 11. Peter 12. Alex 13. Kemal 14. Lowell 15. Yun 16. Hanqing 17. Shiqiang 18. Feng 19. Miska 20. Mauri 21. David 22. dominique 23. Daguet 24. Jean-Claude 25. Melanie 26. Eric 27. AVARO 28. Pierrick 29. FX 30. Abdellatif 31. gwenaelle 32. Jerome 33. Jean-Michel 34. Marc 35. Franחoise 36. Titus 37. Joerg 38. Heiko 39. Markus 40. Ralf 41. Jan 42. Ralph 43. Gero 44. Daniel 45. Martin LastName Country Burnett Australia Drury Australia Rong Australia Potard Australia Timmerer Austria Van de Walle Belgium Barbarien Belgium De Keukelaere Belgium Bormans Belgium Delfosse Belgium Haighton Canada Luccisano Canada Ugur Canada Winger Canada He China LU China Yang China Bo China Hannuksela Finland Vההnהnen Finland Virette France curet France Christophe France Dufourd France Dulong de Rosnay France Barrau France olivier France Philippe France NUTTALL France Benjelloun Touimi France marquant France Daniel France MOUTIN France GUEZ VUCHER France PRETEUX France Zaharia France Bitzer Germany Schwarz Germany Cremer Germany Geiger Germany Rohden Germany Sperschneider Germany Baese Germany Homm Germany Dietz Germany 12 46. Tilman 47. Tobias 48. Joerg 49. Peter 50. Jens 51. Carsten 52. Jens-Rainer 53. Thomas 54. Istvan 55. Martin 56. Juergen 57. Aljoscha 58. Christoph 59. Stephan 60. Harald 61. Herbert 62. Detlev 63. Gabriel 64. Bernhard 65. Gerald 66. Thomas 67. Stephan 68. Christian 69. Bernhard 70. Ingo 71. Andreas 72. Yuval 73. Zvi 74. aharon 75. Natan 76. Leonardo 77. ROBERTO 78. Pier Carlo 79. Riccardo 80. Takeshi 81. Takayuki 82. Teruhiko 83. Maki 84. Yasunobu 85. Yoshihiro 86. Koiti 87. Itaru 88. SEIICHI 89. Akio 90. Yukiko 91. Hideaki 92. Tomohiro 93. Takafumi 94. Mikio Liebchen Oelbaum Heuer List Spille Herpel Ohm Rusert Sebestyen Schlockermann Herre Smolic Fehn Wenger Fuchs Thoma Marpe Panis Grill Schuller Wiegand Herrmann Neubauer Feiten Wolf Graffunder Noimark Lifshitz gill Peterfreund Chiariglione FOGLIARDI Paltro Leonardi Chujoh Onishi Suzuki Sugiura Kasai Kikuchi Hasida Kaneko GOSHI Yamada Ogura Kimata Azami Ueno Sasaki 13 Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Israel Israel Israel Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan 95. Toshiyuki 96. TAKESHI 97. Shinya 98. Hideki 99. Yoshinori 100. Craig 101. Masayuki 102. Kazumasa 103. Hitoshi 104. Toshiaki 105. Shuichi 106. Tadamasa 107. Yoshihiro 108. Toshihide 109. Masanori 110. Yoshimasa 111. Tsutomu 112. Takanori 113. Yoichi 114. Koichi 115. Toshio 116. Hirofumi 117. Yoshihisa 118. Kohtaro 119. Akira 120. Hiroshi 121. Masami 122. Choong Seng 123. Takuyo 124. Naoya 125. Takehiro 126. TOMOYUKI 127. Mayumi 128. Byeungwoo 129. In Kyu 130. Young-Kwon 131. Jae-Seob 132. Sangyoun 133. Kyuheon 134. Byeong-Moon 135. Wonsook 136. Seok Cheol 137. Wonjun 138. DO-NYUN 139. Hyoung Joong 140. Jong Jin 141. Man Bae 142. Sang-Kyun 143. JEHO Nomura NORIMATSU Kadono Takehara SUGIHARA Schultz TANIMOTO YAMAZAWA HABE FUJII Watanabe Toma Miyamoto Watanabe SANO Honda HORIOKA Senoh Yagasaki Takagi Kamei Nishikawa Yamada Asai Nakagawa Watanabe MIZUTANI Boon Kogure Tanaka Moriya OKAMURA Koike Jeon Park LIM Shin Lee Kim Jeon Lee Kee Hwang KIM Kim CHAE Kim Kim NAM 14 Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. Jeewoong Kim Changhoon Rin-Chul Kyeongsoo Jeong Hoon Min-Cheol Jong-Nam Yong-Ju Yong Han Hyeong-Seok Woo-Shik Geon Hyoung Kwang-deok Yung Lyul sangjo Eunmi Tae-Gyu Sang-Wook Thang Chul-Woo Duck Hoon Youngsik WOONG IL yongman Nammee Jae-Gon yongju jongwon SOOJUN Il Dong Sang-ug Sunghee Hae Kwang Jinwoong munsup YO-SUNG Jean H.A. Marc Werner Hans Jan Tor Tom-Ivar Lena Marek Thiow Keng Keng Pang Shengmei Ryu Whoi-Yul Yim Kim Kim Park Hong Kim Jung Kim Ha Kim Lee Seo Lee lee Oh Chang Kim Truong Cong Kim Kim Huh CHOI ro Moon Kim cho seok PARK Yun Kang Park KIM Kim song HO Gelissen Klein Middelink Oomen Dekker van der Meer Halvorsen Johansen Pedersen Domanski Tan Lim Shen 15 Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Norway Norway Norway Poland Singapore Singapore Singapore 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. Zhengguo Rongshan Edward Xiao Susanto Zhongyang Kok Seng Teck Wee Chong Soon Ming Jing Sua Hong Lee Marc Per Kristofer Chris Claudio Antonio Mattavelli Yi-Shin Chung-Neng Chun-Jen Kate Chris Niels Jean Barney Paul Richard Uwe Simon Mike Panos Leszek Miroslaw Ping Michael Don Jill Peter Tom Huifang Feng Chi Mandayam Brad Anthony Ajith Mike Li Yu Pan Lin Rahardja Huang Chong Foo Lim Ji Liu NEO Men Huang Gauvin Frצjdh Kjoerling Joslin Alberti Romeo Marco Tung Wang Tsai Grant Barlas Rump Stride Wragg Jessop Gooch Jost Rowe Nilsson Kudumakis Cieplinski Bober Wu Casey Harwood Boyce Schirling McMahon Sun Wang Narasimhan Gandee Vetro Nair Rubinfeld Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Spain Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 16 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. James Johnston Andrew Tescher Vladimir Levantovsky Michael Horowitz Brian Link Ajay Luthra Xin Wang Bob Eifrig Schuyler Quackenbush Toshihiro Horie Minhua Zhou Ali Tabatabai Arturo Rodriguez Walter Gish Kumar Swaminathan Bruce Block Carlos Garza Kwok Chau Thomas DeMartini Frank Bossen Gary Sullivan Wo Chang Yuval Fisher fang wu Giordano Beretta Rob Koenen Sorin Cismas David Singer John Smith Yuriy Reznik Viswanathan Swaminathan David Lindbergh Robert Turney Marina Bosi Stephen Mitchell Mohammed Zubair Visharam Barry Andrews Matt Fellers Yasser Syed Charles Lueck Sherman Chen Krit Panusopone Walt Husak Faisal Ishtiaq Sheng Zhong Knox Carey Paul Nelson Sam Liu Limin Wang 17 United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United States 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. Doug Tihao Chris Deepak Andrew Ramzi Grearson Chiang Russell Turaga Fischer Haidamus United States United States United States United States United States United States 18 Annex 2 Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 9.5.5 9.5.6 9.6 9.6.1 9.6.2 9.6.3 9.7 9.8 9.8.1 9.8.2 9.8.3 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.11.1 9.11.2 9.11.3 Opening Roll call of participants Approval of agenda Allocation of contributions Communications from Convenor Report of previous meeting Processing of NB Position Papers MPEG Phase 1 Part 1 – Systems Part 2 – Video Corrigenda Part 3 – Audio Part 4 – Conformance Part 5 – Reference software MPEG Phase 2 Requirements Part 1 – Systems Standard Amendment 1 Amendment 2 - Support of IPMP on MPEG-2 Systems Amendment 3 - Carriage of AVC Content Corrigenda Part 2 – Video Part 3 – Audio Part 4 – Conformance Standard Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Corrigenda Part 5 – Reference software Standard Amendment Corrigenda Part 6 – DSM-CC Part 7 – Advanced Audio Coding Standard Amendment 1 - Embedding of bandwidth extension Corrigenda Part 9 – System extension RTI Part 10 – Conformance extension - DSM-CC Part 11 – IPMP on MPEG-2 Systems Standard Amendment Corrigenda 19 9.12 10 10.1 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.8 10.2.9 10.2.10 10.2.12 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.3.6 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10.5 10.5.1 10.5.2 10.5.3 10.5.4 10.5.5 10.5.6 10.5.7 10.5.8 10.5.7 10.6 10.6.1 Workplan MPEG Phase 4 Requirements Part 1 – Systems Standard Amendment 1 – FlexTime Amendment 2 – XMT BIFS nodes Amendment 7 – Systems Extensions for AVC Amendment 8 – Advanced Text & Graphics Amendment 9 – Use of MPEG-7 in MPEG-4 Systems Corrigenda Part 2 – Visual Standard Amendment 1 – Studio Profile Amendment 2 – FGS Amendment 3 – New Levels &Tools Amendment 4 – Error Resilience in Scalable Enhancement Layer Corrigenda Part 3 – Audio Standard Amendment 1 – Bandwidth Extension Amendment 2 – Parametric Extension Amendment 3 – Lossless Audio Part 4 – Conformance Testing Standard Amendment 1 – SP, FGS, FlexTime Amendment 2 – XMT Amendment 3 – Visual New L&T Amendment 4 – AVC Amendment 5 - Error Resilience Scalable Profile Conformance Amendment 6 - AVC Amendment 7 - AFX Corrigenda Part 5 – Reference software Standard 10.6.2 10.6.3 10.6.4 10.6.5 10.6.6 10.6.7 10.6.8 10.6.7 10.7 10.7.1 10.7.2 10.8 10.8.1 Amendment 1 – SP, FGS, FlexTime Amendment 2 – XMT, DMIF Amendment 3 – Visual New L&T Amendment 4 – AVC Amendment 5 - Error Resilience Scalable Profile Reference Software Amendment 6 - AVC Amendment 7 - AFX Corrigenda Part 6 – DMIF Standard Corrigenda Part 7 – Optimised software Technical Report 20 10.8.2 10.9 10.9.1 10.9.2 10.10 10.10.1 10.11 10.11.1 10.12 10.12.1 10.12.1 10.13 10.13.1 10.14 10.14.1 10.15 10.15.1 10.16 10.16.1 10.17 10.17.1 10.8.2 10.17 11 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 Amendment 1 - Optimised software for simple profile and error resilience Part 8 – 4 on IP Framework Standard Corrigenda Part 9 – Hardware Reference Description Technical Report Part 10 – Advanced Video Coding Standard Part 11 – Scene Description and Application Engine Standard Amendment 1 Part 12 – ISO Base Media File Format Standard Part 13 – IPMP Extensions Standard Part 14 – MP4 File Format Standard Part 15 – AVC File Format Standard Part 16 – Animation Framework Extension (AFX) Standard Amendment 1 - AFX Extension Workplan MPEG Phase 7 Requirements Systems Standard Amendment 1 - Systems Extensions Corrigenda Description Definition Language Standard Corrigenda Visual Standard Amendment 1 - Visual Descriptors Extensions 11.4.3 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.6 11.6.1 11.6.2 11.7 11.7.1 11.7.2 11.7.3 11.8 Corrigenda Audio Standard Amendment 1 - Audio Visual Descriptors Extensions Corrigenda Description Schemes Standard Amendment 1 - Multimedia Description Schemes Extensions Reference software Standard Amendment 1 - Reference software extensions Corrigenda Conformance Testing 21 11.8.1 11.9 11.9.1 11.10 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.4 12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 12.5 12.5.1 12.6 12.6.1 Standard Extraction and use of visual descriptors Technical Report Workplan MPEG phase 21 Requirements Part 1 – Vision, Technologies and Strategy Part 2 – Digital Item Declaration Standard Amendment Corrigendum Part 3 – Digital Item Identification Standard Amendment Corrigendum Part 4 – Intellectual Property Management and Protection Standard Part 5 – Rights Expression Language Standard 12.7 12.7.1 12.8 12.8.1 Part 6 – Rights Data Dictionary Standard Part 7 – Digital ItemAdaptation Standard 12.9 12.9.1 12.10 12.10.1 12.11 12.10.1 12.12 12.12.1 12.13 12.13.1 12.11 12.11.3 12.12 13 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.5 15 16 16.1 Part 8 – Reference software Standard Part 9 – File format Standard Part 10 - Digital Item Processing Standard Part 11 - Evaluation Tools for Persistent Association Technical Report Part 12 - Test Bed for MPEG-21 Resource Delivery Standard Other MPEG-21 parts Event reporting Workplan Overall WG11 workplan Explorations Scalable Video Coding 3D AV coding On line gaming Test material Liaison matters Administrative matters Schedule of future MPEG meetings 22 16.2 17 17.1 17.2 18 19 20 21 Promotional activities Organisation of this meeting Tasks for subgroups Joint meetings Planning of future activities Resolutions of this meeting A.O.B Closing 23 Annex 3 List of documents submitted No. Authors 9344 Wo Chang 9345 9346 9347 9348 9349 9350 9351 9352 9353 9354 9355 9356 9357 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 9365 9366 Title Document Register for SC29/WG11 Meeting Pattaya, TH Masanori SanoEric RehmDavid SingerPeter AHG on Metadata Interoperability Mulder Niels Rump Paul Jessop AHG on Preparing the Appointment of the RA for ISO/IEC 21000-3 Barney WraggThomas DeMartini AHG on the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language FCD Chris BarlasGodfrey Rust AHG on Editing the MPEG-21 RDD FCD Chris BarlasBrad Gandee AHG on MPEG-21 REL Publishing Extension Anthony VetroAndrew PerkisChristian AHG on Editing MPEG-21 Digital Timmerer Item Adaptation CD & AM Jeho NamDebargha Mukherjee AHG on Core Experiments for MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation Mikael Bourges-SevenierMahnjin AHG on AFX documents editing and HanFrancisco MoranMarius Preda Core Experiments Michael SteliarosJames D. K. Kim AHG on AFX SW Implementation Mahnjin HanAlain MignotMikael Bourges- AHG on AFX Conformance Sevenier T. ChiangYi-Shin TungChung-Neng Wang AHG on Editorial Convergence and Maintenance of MPEG-4 Reference Software Miroslaw BoberSang-Kyun Kim AHG on Core Experiments for Visual Descriptors and Visual-only Description Schemes in MPEG-7 L. CieplinskiA. Yamada AHG on Editing MPEG-7 Visual XM and WD Mihaela van der SchaarC.J. TsaiTouradj AHG on Scalable Video Coding Ebrahimi Ralph SperschneiderJens SpilleJean-Claude AHG on MPEG Conformance Editing Dufourd Ian BurnettRik Van de WalleTor Halvorsen AHG on MPEG-21 Reference Software Chun-Jen TsaiMihaela van der ShaarYoung- AHG on MPEG Multimedia Test Bed Kwon Lim Jens Spille AHG on MPEG-2 Audio Reference Software and Issues in MP3 on MP4 Ralph Sperschneider AHG on MPEG-2 AAC Ralph Sperschneider AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance M. VaananenH. Purnhagen AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Text and Software Schuyler Quackenbush AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Extensions and Core Experiments 24 9367 Schuyler Quackenbush 9368 Uwe Jost 9369 Guillaume PotardJens Spille 9370 Wo ChangEric Rehm AHG on MPEG-4 Lossless Coding AHG on MPEG-7 Audio AHG on MPEG-4 AudioBIFS Extensions and MPEG-21 DIA for Audio AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling AHG on 3DAV Coding AHG on Persistent Association WalleIan AHG on Digital Item Processing 9371 Aljoscha SmolicHideaki Kimata 9372 Niels RumpPaul Jessop 9373 Thomas DeMartiniRik Van de Burnett 9374 Craig SchultzBarney Wragg 9375 FX NuttallAndrew Tokmakoff 9376 Claude SeyratCarsten HerpelAdam LindsayAli Tabatabai 9377 Jean-Claude DufourdMichelle KimYuval Fisher 9378 Zvi Lifshitz 9379 Young-Kwon LimJan Van der MeerCarsten Herpel 9380 Craig A. Schultz 9381 Dave Singer 9382 Vittorio BaronciniXuemin ChenTK Tan 9383 Tobias Oelbaum 9384 SC 29 Secretariat 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 AHG on MPEG-21 IPMP AHG on Event Reporting AHG on MPEG-7 Systems AHG on MPEG-4 Scene Representation AHG on IM1 AHG on the Carriage of MPEG-4 Content AHG on MPEG IPMP Extension AHG on MP4 Extensions AHG on AVC Verification Tests AHG on Production of Test Material Table of Replies on ISO/IEC FDIS 21000-2 [SC 29 N 5156] SC 29 Secretariat Liaison Statement from IEEE LTSC [SC 29 N 5163] SC 29 Secretariat Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum [SC 29 N 5186] SC 29 Secretariat ISO/IEC FCD 19775-1: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible 3D (X3D) -- Part 1: Architecture and base components [SC 29 N 5192] SC 29 Secretariat ISO/IEC FCD 19775-2: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible 3D (X3D) -- Part 2: Application programmer interfaces [SC 29 N 5197] SC 29 Secretariat Liaison Statement from MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) [SC 29 N 5193] SC 29 Secretariat IEC NP: Common Control Interface for digital audio and video products on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks [SC 29 N 5198] Olivier AvaroJean-Claude DufourdJan Van der Awaji Systems Meeting Report MeerCraig A. SchultzYoung-Kwon LimClaude 25 SeyratDavid Singer 9392 Niels Rump (ed.) 9393 Niels Rump (ed.) 9394 Wragg 9395 SC 29 Secretariat 9396 SC 29 Secretariat 9397 Xin WangVenugopal VenkatramanThomas DeMartini 9398 Peter HaightonLowell Winger 9399 Ralph Sperschneideron behalf of the AhG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 9400 SC 29 Secretariat 9401 SC 29 Secretariat 9402 SC 29 Secretariat 9403 Knox CareyRob KoenenJack MacKaySteve Mitchell 9404 Jose Neri Lacy Mike 9405 Jose M. Martinez 9406 Jeewoong RyuYumi SohnJeongyeon LimMunchurl KimJong-Nam KimKyeongsoo Kim 9407 Cyril ConcolatoJean Le FeuvreJean-Claude Dufourd 9408 Eric DelfosseAnthony Vetro 9409 A. G. Tescher for USNB 9410 A. G. Tescher for USNB 9411 A. G. Tescher for USNB 9412 A. G. Tescher for USNB 26 Evaluation Methods for Persistent Association Technologies WD (Editor's Version) Summary of answers on the Questionnaire for Candidates for the DII RA MPEG-21 Requirements for IPMP (Draft) Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993/DCOR 3 [SC 29 N 5210] Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC TR 14496-7/PDAM 1 [SC 29 N 5211] An Example Implementation of REL Reference Software for Pocket PCs CANADIAN NB Comments on the MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC FCD Status of MPEG-4 Audio Conformance Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling [SC 29 N 5224] Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on Core experiments for MPEG-7 Systems extensions and TVAnytime Spec [SC 29 N 5225] Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 13818-7/PDAM 1 [SC 29 N 5229] MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements Contribution ANSWER TO MPEG 21 - Event Reporting Group - by Argos International Organisation Proposal for update of MPEG-7 overview Digital Item Basic Operation Functions and DIP Architecture Comments on ATG extensions and Implementation status DIA Extensibility USNB Contribution: 10 bit sample depth and 4:2:2 chroma format in JVT USNB Contribution: Response to Klagenfurt resolution 3.1.3 USNB Contribution: JVT File format and MPEG-4 systems mapping USNB Contribution: Promotion of ISO/IEC 13818 11 to FDIS 9413 A. G. Tescher for USNB 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 USNB Contribution: New subdivision of ISO/IEC 14496 to specify the AVC conformance A. G. Tescher for USNB USNB Contribution: Response to Awaji WG 11 resolution 3.1.8 A. G. Tescher for USNB USNB Contribution: MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Audio Layer III issues A. G. Tescher for USNB USNB Contribution: Mobile applications for MPEG-21 A. G. Tescher for USNB USNB Contribution: Profiles in ISO/IEC 14496 3:2001/FPDAM 1 A. G. Tescher for USNB USNB Contribution: IPR issues for JVT SC 29 Secretariat Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC PDTR 14496-9 [SC 29 N 5242] Marie DahlqvistLars Haglund Description of new HD material Jijun ZhangAndrew Perkis Error log for MPEG-21 DIA AM schema v4.0 WonSook LEESeokCheol KEE 3D face descriptor: proposal for CE Simon LouisGerrard DruryIan BurnettBrett Response to CfP on Digital Item Powley Processing: Digital Item Method Language and Digital ItemBase Operations Ralph Sperschneideron behalf of the AHG on Second Edition on MPEG-2 Part-4 MPEG Conformance Editing Mikio Sasaki Proposed Text for Destination in MPEG-21 DIA Frederik De KeukelaereRik Van de Walle Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Method Language and Digital Item Base Operations Anthony VetroAndrew PerkisChristian Editors Input on MPEG-21 DIA CD Timmerer Frederik De KeukelaereRik Van de Walle Suggestions concerning MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items Anthony VetroAndrew PerkisChristianm MPEG-21 DIA AM4.1 Timmerer Vladimir Levantovsky Reference software implementation for MPEG-4 font format Vladimir Levantovsky Resident fonts and metric compatibility in MPEG-4 terminals Vladimir Levantovsky Font compression efficiency with MicroType Express Viswanathan SwaminathanGautam Gopinadhan Respone to CFP on DIP: Using MPEG-J for DIM, DIME, and DIML Viswanathan Swaminathan Gautam Respone to CFP on DIP: Using Gopinadhan MPEG-J for DIM, DIME, and DIML Soo-Jun ParkMyung Gil Jang Text of GoF/GoP Feature of Edge Histogram Claudio AlbertiAntonio RomeoMarco An interpreted solution for 27 Mattavelli 9437 Claudio AlbertiAntonio RomeoMarco Mattavelli 9438 Claudio AlbertiAntonio RomeoMarco Mattavelli 9439 Edgar ValenzuelaXin WangThomas DeMartini 9440 SC 29 Secretariat 9441 SC 29 Secretariat 9442 SC 29 Secretariat 9443 SC 29 Secretariat 9444 SC 29 Secretariat 9445 SC 29 Secretariat interoperable and mobile IPMP systems Draft core library for the Structured IPMP Language Proposed syntax and semantics for the Structured IPMP Language MPEG-21 REL Reference Software for Validating XML Documents Against XML Schemas Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/FPDAM 3 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM 1 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 15938-4/FPDAM 1 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 15938-5/FPDAM 1 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001/PDAM 4 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/PDAM 2 MOSES implementation of MPEG-4 IPMP Messages 9446 Massimo BalestriClaudio Alberti Antonio RomeoJoao Trindade Panos KudumakisLeon Sucharov 9447 Jean StrideKeith Hill Overview of responses to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N5329 ‘Final call for Proposals on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Base Operations and Digital Item Method Language 9448 Sam NarasimhanAjay LuthraBob Eifrig Contributions to carriage of AVC in MPEG-2 9449 Keith MillarDavid White Fast Random Access into BiM Streams 9450 MulderRehm Harmonizing MPEG-7 Person and Place DSs with SMPTE DMS-1 Person and Location Sets 9451 Sang-Jo LeeSang-Wook KimEunmi OhJung- Incorporation of FGS Audio into Hoe Kim MPEG Multimedia test bed 9452 Sylvain DevillersEric Delfosse FNB comment on MPEG-21 DIA: Improvement of BSDL extensibility mechanism (bsdl-1:ignore) 9453 Yoshimasa HondaTsutomu UenoyamaDaijiroh Proposal of Applications and IchimuraShen ShengmeiLee Men Huang Requirements for Scalable Video Coding 9454 Eunmi OhSang-Wook KimYoungsik HuhIngo Extension of adaptationQoS to Wolf support audio digital items 9455 Anthony VetroShunan LinHuifang SunYao Comments on Draft Call for Evidence Wang for Scalable Video Coding 9456 Ralph SperschneiderDoris Huhn MPEG-2 Audio Layer-3 Reference 28 9457 Guillaume PotardJens Spille 9458 SC 29 Secretariat 9459 Gus Reid 9460 Jong-Nam Kim Myung-hwan HaKyeongsoo KimMunchurl KimYumi Sohn 9461 Walter VoessingJens Spille 9462 Juergen SchmidtJens Spille 9463 Jens Spille 9464 Paul KerbiriouDavid SahucThierry Viellard 9465 Anthony VetroThomas DeMartini 9466 Christian TimmererJoerg Heueron behalf of the CE 9467 Nicola Adami CorvagliaLeonardiNishikawa 9468 Jean-Claude Dufourd 9469 Lukasz BlaszakMarek Mackowiak 9470 Yasser SyedMukta Kar DomanskiSlawomir 9471 Yasser Syed Mukta Kar 9472 Toshiaki FujiiMasayuki Tanimoto 9473 Mikio Sasaki 9474 Aharon GIL 9475 Chun-Jen TsaiMihaela van der ShaarYoungKwon Lim 9476 Chris JoslinThomas DiGiacomoTom MoletNadia Magnenat-Thalmann 9477 Jens-Rainer OhmOsamu SunoharaYoichi Yagasaki 9478 Shlomo BirmanYoram ElichaiEhud Spiegel 9479 Shlomo BirmanEhud SpiegelIttay Sharon 9480 Hitoshi HabeKazumasa YamazawaToshio 29 Software and Conformance Test Sequence cross-check Report on sound source wideness 3rd CE Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum [SC 29 N 5247] ERSSP Spatially Enhanced Reference Bitstreams Visual Presentation Preference DS of MPEG-21 DIA Proposed Text for ISO/IEC 13818-5 DCOR (Layer 3 removed intensity problems) Proposed changes to the Draft Requirements for New MPEG-4 Audio BIFS (Version 3) A Solution for Sound Source Wideness Proposal for fonts downloading into MPEG-4 Systems Proposed Revisions to ReferenceType in DIA Report of CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Linking Report of CE on Metadata Adaptation - Integration Integration report for the Awaji meeting Spatio-Temporal Scalability in AVC codecs AVC/H.264 Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request AVC/ H.264 Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request Multi-View Video Acquisition System for FTV Experiment Proposed Text for Situation As the Extension of Destination in MPEG-21 DIA Comments on 14496-2 (2001) and Amd 2 (2002) Working Draft of ISO/IEC TR2100012 Resource Delivery Test Bed Proposal for Virtual Human DIA Draft of 14496-2 Third Edition Report on Synthesized Texture CE Syhthesized Texture Coding Report of EE1 on Omni-directional NomuraTakashi Matsuyama 9481 In Kyu ParkJames D. K. KimDuck Hoon KimIl Dong YunSang Uk Lee 9482 Jeongil SeoGi Yoon ParkDaeyoung JangKyeongok KangJinwoong KimGuillaume Potard 9483 Shuichi WatanabeYasuaki Tokumo 9484 Chung-Neng WangYi-Shin TungTihao ChiangJens-Rainer Ohm 9485 Chung-Neng WangChia-Yang TsaiYao-Chung LinHsiao-Chiang ChuangKin Lam TongFengChen ChangChun-Jen Tsai 9486 Yongju Cho 9487 S. R. Quackenbush 9488 ZY HuangSM ShenMing JiTaka SenohTakafumi UenoTakuyo Kogure 9489 S. R. Quackenbush 9490 S. R. Quackenbush 9491 S. R. Quackenbush 9492 S. R. Quackenbush 9493 Yi-Shin TungJa-Ling WuTing-Jian PanWenHuang ChengPo-Kang Hsiao 9494 Yi-Shin TungTing-Jian PanWen-Huang ChengJa-Ling Wu 9495 Truong Cong ThangYong RoJeho NamMariam Claude Dufourd 9496 Truong Cong ThangYong RoJeho NamMariam Claude Dufourd 9497 Wen Gao 9498 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 Ju JungYong Man Kimiaei-AsadiJean- Video Perceptual 3D shape descriptor: Result of core experiment Report of the Second CE on the Soundfield Description for MPEG-21 DIA Specifications and CE Results on the multiple payload mode with the rational position codes (CE-9: Item b) MPEG-4 Visual: Updated List of Problems Reported FGS-Based Video Streaming Test Bed for Media Coding and Testing in Streaming Environments Proposed MPEG-21 File Format 63rd MPEG Audio Report Using DIA Description Message with low-level Network/Application Protocols Audio Task Groups Report on MPEG-4 Audio Bandwidth Extension Verification Test Analysis of Audio Lossless Coding Performance, Complexity and Architectures Proposed MP3 Codepoint MS Reference Software Update (ERSSP included) Reports on Performance Evaluation of Current QMC and Proposed Changes to Enable Switching MC Modes in the VOP Level CE report on Modality Conversion Preferences (Part 1) Ju JungYong Man CE report on Modality Conversion Kimiaei-AsadiJean- Preferences (part 2) China NB Comments on the AVC profiles Teruhiko Suzuki JNB Comments on JVT-F100 Rehm ID3 to MPEG-7 Mapping Eric RehmDavid SingerSchuyler A Simple Metadata Profile with QuackenbushWo ChangAlan MelbyBhavan Levels GandhiCarlos Garza Akio Yamada Report on VCE-4: Visual DS framework Akio YamadaLeszek Cieplinski MPEG-7 Visual part of eXperimentation Model Version 17.1 Akio YamadaLeszek Cieplinski MPEG-7 Visual Extensions - 30 Working Draft 3.1 MPEG-7 Visual: List of Problems Reported v.2.1 Kemal UgurPanos Nasiopoulos Design Issues and Proposal for H.264 Based FGS I S BurnettG Drury Issues for discussion arising from parts building on the DID IS 21000:2 Takehiro MoriyaAkio JinKazunaga IkedaDai Comments on a scalable framework Yang in lossless audio coding Hae-Kwang KimNam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot CE report on Graphics DIA Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick Gioia David SingerMohammed Zubair Storage of encrypted media in MP4 VisharamGuido FranceschiniGuy Moreillon D.CuretS.Relier comment on the Transport of AVC video data over ITU-T Rec H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 streams D.Curet Global FNB comment for the 64th MPEG meeting Osamu ShimadaYuichiro TakamizawaMasahiro Computational Complexity Figures of SerizawaNaoya TanakaTakeshi Norimatsu the MPEG-4 BWE Decoder Liu JingJi Ming Core Code of MPEG-2 IPMP Reference Software Tor Halvorsen Andrew Perkis Extensions to DIA Description Messages UKNB UKNB Position on hosting WG 11 meetings in the UK Sang-Kyun Kim Report of the Core Experiment of Definition and use of a new “TimeSequence" data container (VCE-3) Sang-Kyun Kim Profile for interactive PPL(Product Placement) and related applications Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi FNB Comments on MPEG-21 DIA: REL-RDD Terminal Capabilities Description Tomohiro Azami Report on MPEG-7 Systems CE-9 Item a: Evaluation of specification consistency (Deferred node and fragment references) Tomohiro Azami Extension of Fragment References Tadamasa TomaYouji NotoyaYoshinori Matsui Sample Definition for AVC Yoshinori MatsuiTadamasa Toma Proposal of Guideline for Brands of File Format Erik SchuijersWerner Oomen Support for tempo and pitch scaling for MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2 (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) Giorgio Zoia Proposed correction to ISO/IEC 14496-1 9504 Akio YamadaLeszek Cieplinski 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9510 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 9516 9517 9518 9519 9520 9521 9522 9523 9524 31 9525 Erik SchuijersWerner Oomen 9526 9527 9528 9529 9530 9531 9532 9533 9534 9535 9536 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9542 9543 9544 Evidence supporting m9213 and m9214, MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2 (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) Itaru KanekoJunya TsutsumiMark Callow Lightweight Graphics Amendment, integration of portable 3D graphics in MPEG-4 Erik SchuijersWerner Oomen Proposed editorial Changes to RM3 of MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2, (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) Itaru KanekoSatoshi Miyata Waseda-TOA experiments on evaluating M/S coding for Lossless Audio Coding Ingo WolfBernhard FeitenAndreas experimental application of gBSDL GraffunderEunmi Oh Sang-Wook Kim on MPEG-4 Audio BSAC Jean Gelissen for DNB Dutch NB comments on MPEG-4 Audio Werner Oomen Response to 'Call for Information and Interest on Lossless Audio Coding for Oversampled One-Bit Representations' Angelo Difino (TI Lab)Munchurl Kim CE report on Personalization (ICU)Yumi Sohn (ICU)Jong Nam Kim Information (KBS)Keongsoo Kim (KBS) Pierrick Philippe Report on MPEG-4 Audio Bandwidth Extension Verification Test (Phase 2) David Singer Comments on the outstanding issues on the JVT File Format David Singer Towards untimed meta-data in ISO media files Kristofer KjörlingMartin DietzPer Signalling, single/dual rate, and EkstrandHeiko PurnhagenDaniel Homm downsampling capabilities within SBR Kristofer KjörlingAndreas EhretMartin Support for using SBR together with a DietzNikolaus RettelbachThomas scalable AAC codec BreitungAndreas Hoelzer Shunan LinAnthony VetroYao WangHuifang Coding Efficiency of Multiple Sun Description Motion Compensation Video Codec Kristofer Kjörling ISO_IEC 14496-3_2001_FPDAM 1, Bandwidth Extension, with the simple editorial changes, listed in NB comments, incorporated Kristofer Kjörling Swedish NB comment on N5107 (ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM1) Lindsay UKNB Support of amendment to ISO/IEC 15938-1 D.CuretS.Relier FlexMux conformance D.CuretS.Relier IM1 coherent integration Young-Kwon LIM Editor's study of 14496-1/FPDAM 7 32 9545 D.CuretS.Relier 9546 CuretF.LorasC.DaguetS.Relier 9547 Young-Kwon LIM 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 9553 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 AVC Access Unit definition AVC Access Unit definition Studio4Slides, slide show creation tool based on MPEG-4 Bob ThomasJohn CollinsKaren Dupre Benchmarks on Compression Percentages, Zip Compression Versus MicroType Express Compression Young-Kwon LIM Using simple payload format for the carriage of AVC contents Jan Van Der Meer - PhilipsNicolas Delahaye - MPEG Timed Text Stream Definition PhilipsPhilippe Gentric - PhilipsDave Singer Apple Jan Van Der Meer - Philips Corrigendum for metadata carriage over MPEG-2 Thomas RusertMathias WienMarkus Beermann Investigation of Proposed Test Sequences for Call for Evidence on Scalable Video Coding Advances Massimo RavasiMarco MattavelliChristophe Complexity Evaluation of Different Clerc Configurations of JVT Codec (complexity databases and visualization tool included) Jong Chul YeMihaela van der Schaar 3-D Lifting Structure for Sub-pixel Accuracy Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering in Overcomplete Wavelet Domain Marquant G. - ThomsonViéron J.Boisson G. Spatial and temporal scalable video François E.Guillemot C. - INRIA coding/decoding architecture for interlaced video material Jong Chul YeMihaela van der Schaar Transcaling for efficient end-to-end streaming over the Internet and wireless networks using adaptive overcomplete wavelet video coding Dave LindberghAmoisonic Apple BT Support for JVT Royalty Free Broadcom ChangHong Cisco Conexant Datang Baseline TD Ericsson FastVDO Glance Haier Huawei iVast Legend Nokia On2 Polycom RADVISION SANDVIDEO Siemens Sun SVA Tandberg Teles Martin WeishartBernhard GrillHarald MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3 GernhardtMichael HaertlJohannes Hilpert Multichannel Encoding using MPEG4 Syntax Christoph FehnKlaas SchüürPeter Meta-Data Requirements for EE4 in KauffAljoscha Smolic MPEG 3DAV Joerg HeuerAndreas HutterAndrea Kofler- Report on MPEG-7 Systems CE-10 VogtHarald Kosch Christoph FehnKlaas SchüürPeter Coding Results for EE4 in MPEG KauffAljoscha Smolic 3DAV Vissarion FerentinosMaurizio MiliaGauthier Initial memory complexity study of LafruitJan Bormans optimized wavelet-based coders Vissarion FerentinosMaurizio MiliaGauthier Initial memory complexity study of LafruitJan Bormans optimized wavelet-based coders 33 9564 Joerg HeuerEric Delfosse; Jan Bormans; Report of CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Gabriel Panis; Joerg Heuer; Andreas Hutter; Linking Christian Timmerer; Harald Kosch; Hermann Hellwagner; Jae-Gon Kim; Yong Wang; Debargha Mukerjee; Geraldine Kuo; Sam Liu; Giordano 9565 Casey Status MPEG-7 Audio Reference Software Version 1.0 9566 Marc Klein Middelink Handling embedded data descriptor for SBR tool 9567 Rohden Herre Quantization Schemes for Binary Audio Metadata – Non uniform quantization 9568 Leon SucharovPanos KudumakisMassimo MOSES Progress Report BalestriClaudio AlbertiAntonio Romeo João Trindade 9569 Ralf GeigerRalph Sperschneider Conformance Issues for Lossless Audio Coding 9570 Ralf Geiger Robustness Issues for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec 9571 Ralf Geiger Information on Improvements for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec 9572 Ralf Geiger Gerald Schuller Comments on Evaluation Metrics for Lossless Coding Proposals 9573 Tilman Liebchen Improvements of the TUB Lossless Audio Codec 9574 Claude Seyrat Study Text of ISO/IEC 159381/PDAM1 9575 Claude Seyrat ISO/IEC 15938-1:2001 Corrigendum items 9576 Claude Seyrat Request for a BiM simple profile 9577 Claude Seyrat First thoughts on MPEG-21 binarization 9578 Claude SeyratCedric Thienot A simple tree reconstruction mechanism 9579 Jerome Daniel Perceptually based DIA descriptor of user environment acoustics for its compensation 9580 Zaharia Francoise Preteux A new categorization of the 3D mesh model database 9581 Xin WangThomas DeMartiniVenugopal The 2nd Version of the Example VenkatramanJose Romero-LoboEdgar Implementation of MPEG-21 REL Valenzuela Reference Software 9582 Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi Contribution to MPEG-21 IPMP Definition 9583 Ye-Kui WangMiska Hannuksela Finnish NB comments on JVT-100 9584 Yasser SyedMichael Horowitz AVC/H.264 Main and Baseline Profiles Should not Change 9585 John WoodsPeisong Chen Cross-check Method for Objective 34 Comparison of Scalable Video Coders Alternative solutions to Hierarchical Profile Concerns 9587 Wo Chang MPEG-7 Interop. Test Bed (M7ITB) Report 9588 Deepak TuragaMihaela van der SchaarJohn Considerations and Example ApostolopoulosSusie Wee Algorithms for Multiple Description Scalable Coding 9589 Thomas DeMartini Input for Study of REL FCD 9590 Kim Extension of Terminal Capabilities to support various frequencies sampled audio DIA 9591 Kim Proposal for binaural recording audio DIA 9592 Kim Proposal for Multichannel audio DIA 9593 Masanori SanoMasahiro Shibata An additional issue on MPEG-7 Video Program Profile 9594 Ali TabatabaiFrank Bossen USNB Comments for AVC ISO/IEC 14496-10 9595 Tom McMahonPeter SymesOliver Morgan SMPTE Recommendation on New Work Item for 14496-10 (AVC) 9596 Yuval Fisher Various Issues 9597 Letian RongZhongyang HuangTor Halvorsen CE on DIA Adaptation Protocol and Configuration 9598 Letian Rong Extension of Terminal Capabilities to support character coding descriptors 9599 Yuval NoimarkOphir Azulai ERSSP Temporal Scalability Reference Bitstreams 9600 Rongshan YuXiao LinSusanto Rahardja Improvement on Proposed Lossless Audio Coder 9601 Brad GandeeThomas DeMartini Comments on Preliminary Call for Proposals on Event Reporting N5337 9602 Teruhiko SuzukiNoriaki OishiYoichi Yagasaki Carriage of AVC over MPEG-2 Systems 9603 SC 29 Secretariat ISO/IEC FCD 19776-1: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible (X3D) Encodings -- Part 1: Extensible Markup Language (XML) encoding [SC 29 N 5257] 9604 SC 29 Secretariat ISO/IEC FCD 19776-2: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible (X3D) Encodings -- Part 2: Classic VRML encoding [SC 29 N 5258] 9605 Mitsuhiro HirabayashiSatoshi TsujiiTeruhiko Definition of Multiple Frames per Suzuki Sample for AVC 9606 Brian Green Liaison Statement from EDItEUR 9607 Stefan EickelerMartha LarsonChristian Cross-verification of the CE for the EckesJoachim Koehler efficient representation of 9586 Polycom Inc Siemens AG Tandberg Teles AG 35 SpokenContent lattice structures 9608 Brad Gandee OeBF Liaison Statement to MPEG 9609 Brad Gandee Comments on the MPEG-21 REL 9610 Ji MingShen ShengMeiTaka SenohTakafumi DVB-CPT's current status and its Ueno impact on IPMP 36 Annex 4 Report of Requirements meeting Source: Rob Koenen, InterTrust Technologies Agenda Monday 9:00-13:45 13:45-14:45 Opening plenary meeting Lunch MPEG-21 Requirements - General USNB Contribution: Mobile applications for MPEG-21 - A. G. Tescher for USNB ANSWER TO MPEG 21 - Event Reporting Group AHG on Event Reporting - FX Nuttall, Andrew Tokmakoff Comments on Preliminary CfP on Event Reporting N5336 – Gandee, DeMartini. MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements 9374 AHG on MPEG-21 IPMP - Craig Schultz, Barney Wragg 9394 MPEG-21 requirements for IPMP (Draft) – Wragg 9416 9404 9375 start-17:00 9601 9447 9423 17:00-18:00 9426 9434 9428 9428 9611 Joint with MDS on DIP Overview of responses to CfP on Digital Item Processing […]Stride, Hill Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing - Louis, Drury, Burnett, Powley Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing- De Keukelaere, Van de Walle Respone CFP on DIP: Using MPEG-J for DIM, DIME, and DIML – Vishy Suggestions on MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items - De Keukelaere, e.a. Suggestions on MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items - De Keukelaere, … Suggestions on MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items - Thomas DeMartini Orchid A MDS Tuesday 09:00-10:00 New MPEG Business 9403 9372 10:00-12:30 9392 9436 9437 9438 9610 12:30-13:00 13:00-14:00 MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements MPEG-21 IPMP requirements Contribution - Knox Carey, AHG on Persistent Association - Niels Rump, Paul Jessop Evaluation Methods for Persistent Association Technologies WD - Niels Rump (ed.) An interpreted solution for interoperable and mobile IPMP systems - Alberti, Draft core library for the Structured IPMP Language - Claudio Alberti Proposed syntax and semantics for the Structured IPMP Language – Alberti DVB-CPT's current status and its impact on IPMP - Ji Ming et. al. Joint with MDS on reviewing the DIP discussions Lunch Joint with Video on Scalable Video Coding, 3D coding 14:00-15:00 9453 Proposal of Applications and Requirements for Scalable Video Coding – Honda 9559 Meta-Data requirements for EE4 in MPEG 3DAV - Christoph Fehn, 15:00-16:00 MPEG-7 Requirements 9405 Proposal for update of MPEG-7 overview - Jose M. Martinez Orchid A Orchid A MDS Vid Orchid A 16:00-16:30 MPEG-21 Part 1 (Technical Report) Version 2 Orchid A 16:30-17:00 Joint with Audio on MPEG-4 Lossless Audio Coding Aud Joint with JVT on AVC Profiles and Professional Extensions 17:00-18:00 9470 AVC/H.264 Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request - Syed, Kar Wednesday 9:00-11:00 Plenary meeting Orchid B Ballroom 11:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 MPEG-21 Architecture and IPMP (joint with Systems, MDS) Lunch Orchid A MPEG-21 Architecture and IPMP (joint with Systems) Orchid A 16:00-17:00 Multimedia middleware/API’s (follow-up to ‘New MPEG Business’) Orchid A 17:00-18:00 MPEG-7 Profiles (Joint Meeting with MDS, Aud, Vid and Systems) Orchid A 37 9370 AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling - Wo Chang, Eric Rehm 9517 Profile for interactive PPL and related applications - Sang-Kyun Kim 9593 An additional issue on MPEG-7 Video Program Profile - Sano, Shibata 9400 Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling [SC 29 N 5224] - SC 29 Secretariat 9500 A Simple Metadata Profile with Levels - Eric Rehm et. many al. (NOT AVAILABLE) Thursday Joint with Video Group Call for Evidence SVC Requirements Document 3DAV 9:30- 10:00 Brief discussion MPEG vocabulary 9:00-9:30 10:30-11:00 11:0012:00 12:00-14:00 14:0015:00 15:00-16:00 16:0017:00 Orchid A Orchid A MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements Document and AHG tasks Orchid A Review MPEG-21 Architecture (joint with Systems) Orchid A Lunch (long lunch to allow M4IF / MPEG-7 / MPEG-21 discussions) MPEG-21 DIP Orchid A MPEG-21 Requirements Orchid A Joint meeting with Audio (New Audio Profiles) Audio MPEG-21 Requirements 17:0018:00 Event reporting WD of Technical Report v.2 Persistent Association Orchid A Friday 8:30-9:00 Explorations/General SVC Requirements SVC Call for Evidence – Video document 3DAV Requirements Resolution chair requirements AHG on Vocabulary 9:00- 9:30 Concluding MPEG-4 MPEG-4 Overview ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001-FDAM 1 CfP extended bit depth and sampling modes in AVC (Need AHG?) Concluding MPEG-7 MPEG-7 Overview (José ) 9:30-10:00 MPEG-7 Profiles under Consideration (Sano-san) Profiling Definition (Sano-san) Orchis Orchid A Orchid A Concluding MPEG-21 Response to AFNOR on Rights Languages / DIA Draft MM Test Bed requirements MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements MPEG-21 Architecture REL evaluation against Event Reporting Requirements Workplan for ER CE Event Reporting 10:00-12:00 22 Draft PDTR of MPEG-21 part 1 Version 2 Resolution on MMMW being part of MPEG-21 Current vision on MMMW Persistent Association document Draft Agenda for Persistent Association AHG meeting AHG Event Reporting AHG Persistent Association AHG IPMP Requirements and Architecture 12:30-14:00 Lunch 38 14:00-22:10 Plenary meeting MPEG-4 Joint with Audio on MPEG-4 Lossless Audio Coding The Requirements group and the Audio group met to discuss the results of the call for proposals. The requirements assisted in asking questions. Decisions on how to proceed were left to the Audio group. Joint meeting with Audio on MPEG-4 Profiles The Requirements group met jointly with the Audio group to discuss the MPEG-4 Profiles for AAC and High Efficiency AAC. While some experts proposed adding some tools to the new AAC profile (error resilience, scalability), there was no consensus for doing so and the request was not supported by NB comments. The decision was not to make the change. Joint with JVT on AVC Profiles and Professional Extensions 9470 AVC/H.264 Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request - Syed, Kar The Requirements group met jointly with the JVT on AVC profiles and professional extensions to the Advanced Video Coding standard. The issue of discussion was making Main a hierarchical superset of Extended. It was recognized that achieving hierarchy was desirable, but the meeting decided against the change, for a number of reasons: It is MPEG’s policy to achieve hierarchy where possible, but not at all cost ISG advised that it may incur complexity in terminals that don’t need the extra tools (error resilience) There were NB comments advising against the change, and none for the change A Call for Proposals (N5523) was issued asking for technology that can extend AVC to professional applications. Technology includes 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chroma support and 10 and 12 bit sample depth. MPEG-7 MPEG-7 Requirements 9405 Proposal for update of MPEG-7 overview - Jose M. Martinez There was an (incomplete) new version of the MPEG-7 Overview submitted. The editor could not attend the meeting but agreed by email to update the overview with the outcome of the Pattaya meeting. MPEG-7 Profiles (Joint Meetings with MDS, Aud, Vid and Systems) 9370 AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling - Wo Chang, Eric Rehm 9517 Profile for interactive PPL and related applications - Sang-Kyun Kim 9400 Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling [SC 29 N 5224] - SC 29 Secretariat 9500 A Simple Metadata Profile with Levels - Eric Rehm et. many al. (NOT AVAILABLE, but elements were still addressed) After going over the contributions, it was decided to create a working draft for the MPEG-7 Profiles (MPEG-7 Part 9), with only the one or two most stable profiles included. Unfortunately, this document could not be completed by the end of the week; it is now a task of the MPEG-7 Requirements AHG to complete this work. Profiles that have not been worked on for the last few meetings will be moved to the Section “Abandoned Profiles” at the next 39 meeting. If no one shows interest in these profiles, they will be removed at a subsequent meeting. The new PuC document is N5527. The Group will keep working with the TV Anytime forum as an important user constituency, and welcomes its comments. 9593 An additional issue on MPEG-7 Video Program Profile - Sano, Shibata The contribution suggests changes to the Video Program Profile and to the way Profiles can be defined. The meeting agreed on the points made by the contributors. The Profiles under Consideration Document (N5527) was updated according to proposals in m9593, and also “Description on MPEG-7 Profiling was updated (N5528), notably highlighting that Profiles can define semantic constraints that are not otherwise expressed in the syntax. MPEG-21 MPEG-21 Part 1 (Technical Report) Edition 2 A new edition of the MPEG-21 Technical Report was started at this meeting. The existing document is one of the most popular for people that are trying to understand what MPEG-21 is about, but unfortunately MPEG’s understanding of MPEG-21 has evolved in major ways since the TR was finalized and approved. The new “Draft of PDTR” (N5534) is up-to-date with respect to the MPEG-21 parts that are approved or under development. Its outline reflects current thinking better than the old version. The Requirements Subsections have been updated considerably. MPEG-21 Requirements - General 9416 USNB Contribution: Mobile applications for MPEG-21 - A. G. Tescher for USNB This contribution sparked an interesting discussion. Observations and conclusions are: 1. We need to be able to subset REL (and possibly other tools in MPEG-21 2. We need to be able to signal support for such subsets (Profiles) in MPEG-21 We do not know yet how to do this – because we still do not understand the architecture of MPEG-21 There is reportedly interest in OMA to work together with MPEG on subsetting the REL. Stage 1 is standardized in OMA – based on ODRL. Now defining requirements for phase 2 – working assumption is ODRL but the reports are that OMA participants are concerned about interoperability with MPEG and rest of the world Should MPEG define profiles or just give others the possibility to do so? We must learn from MPEG-4 experience. Too many profiles were defined in MPEG-4, but on the other hand, industry has chosen a very restricted subset of Profiles that it likes, and a good consensus has emerged. Providing the tools for everybody to define their own profile requires an infrastructure to translate between different infrastructures, and may result in noninteroperability Would it be good that MPEG defines Profiles? (Or should MPEG leave it to other to do so) pro: eases interoperability con: one person’s profile may not suit another It is definitely too early to define profiles. (That’s what USNB says too). But we can start asking for comments and input: OeBF 40 OMA IEEE LTSC MPEG constituency itself We can give them guidance on how we define profiles. Should we organize an “MPEG-21 REL User Group” meeting? Brad Gandee volunteered to draft document as follows: What is a profile? How would you go about defining one? Example helps. (caveat 1: this is only an example caveat 2: we may or may not engage in standardizing profiles) What are existing thoughts on which subsets might be useful in specific industries? This document still needs to be created. 9518 FNB Comments on MPEG-21 DIA: REL-RDD Terminal Capabilities Description Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi FNB submits that a terminal may not support REL, but other language, and should still be able to operate in the MPEG-21 framework. Proposes standardize descriptors in DIA that indicate tools for MPEG-21 REL and other, alternative tools. Would in principle allow translation (adaptation) of rights expression used in DI to rights expression supported in terminal. MPEG policy on supporting non-MPEG technology if there is an MPEG way to solve the problem has historically been through the use of registration authorities. After a discussion, the group came to the following resolution: The Requirements Group advises not to add descriptors for alternative Rights Languages to DIA as requested by the French National Body. The Requirements Group recognizes that there are two related issues at stake: 1) Achieving interoperability in the MPEG-21 framework 2) Dealing with tools in the MPEG-21 framework that are alternatives to MPEG-21 tools. The Requirements Group is of the opinion that these issues should not and cannot be solved piecemeal. Rather, MPEG needs to arrive at coherent approach. In this particular instance, there is the extra complication of having to manage trust in the framework, which makes it doubtful that the suggested solution will actually work. The Requirements Group feels that the issues cannot be resolved before there is a better understanding of the MPEG-21 Architecture and how it facilitates interoperability, and hence recommends not making the suggested changes to the DIA specification. The French National Body and other concerned parties are invited to contribute solutions to questions 1) and 2) called out above. Event Reporting 9375 AHG on Event Reporting - FX Nuttall, Andrew Tokmakoff Event Reporting is still in requirements development phase. The recurring theme in the discussions (see below under MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements) is that the various roles that Event Reporting can play in MPEG-21 need to be better understood before a complete set of requirements can be written and a CfP can be published. 9601 Comments on Preliminary CfP on Event Reporting N5336 – Gandee, DeMartini. Contributions submits that REL may be used for Event Reporting. Group made initial assessment and concludes that many requirements can be addressed, but agrees that requirements need to be further development to make a final assessment. 41 Output docs are: N5531 (Workplan ER Core Experiments on Event Reporting Language) and N5532 (REL Evaluation against Event Reporting Requirements). 9404 ANSWER TO MPEG 21 - Event Reporting Group ARGOS International Organization The Group was pleased to learn that AIO supports the ER work and is willing to bring its expertise to the work. MPEG-21 IPMP Requirements A recurring theme in the IPMP discussion was that there needs to be a better understanding of the architecture of MPEG-21, and how the different elements work together. Several sessions were held discussing the issues, starting with basic and simple use cases and walk-throughs. The Group concluded again that IPMP is central to MPEG-21’s architecture, and should be designed in from the start rather than as an afterthought. The discussions also revealed that there are different (often implicit) views on how MPEG-21 works in the MPEG-21 community, and the exercise of trying to arrive at an explicit and shared view were highly valuable and productive (but do take considerable time). These discussions need to – and will – continue, because the effort was not nearly completed. Draft output is found in N5529. Continuing these discussions is a major element of the AHG meeting that is planned for the first week of June in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Group decided in a recommendation to hold central MPEG-21 meetings with all involved groups every Wednesday ‘for the foreseeable future’ – i.e., until there is no longer a need to do so. 9374 AHG on MPEG-21 IPMP - Craig Schultz, Barney Wragg 9394 MPEG-21 requirements for IPMP (Draft) – Wragg The AHG did useful work and a result was a draft for requirements for an “IPMP Language and Dictionary”. Some usage scenarios were developed over the weekend, but not yet incorporated in any output document. It was observed that it may be necessary to write specific use cases for IPMP, next to the ones that already exist in the MPEG-21 Use Case Document. 9403 MPEG-21 IPMP requirements Contribution - Knox Carey, The contribution argues that the MPEG-21 architecture needs to be better understood before comprehensive requirements can be written and a design/specification phase can be started. The contribution also gives a framework for discussion about where IPMP functionality resides, and what needs to be standardized. Lastly, the contributors took a look at the major roles in the value network and the requirements and can be gleaned from those interests. M9403 was integrated into m9394 and the result is N5535. 9436 An interpreted solution for interoperable and mobile IPMP systems - Alberti, 9437 Draft core library for the Structured IPMP Language - Claudio Alberti 9438 Proposed syntax and semantics for the Structured IPMP Language – Alberti The Requirements Group took a high-level look at these contributions on what could be called ‘Structured IPMP’ – a programmable approach to IPMP like Structured Audio is a programmable approach to audio coding. While very interesting, it is too early to determine whether these contributions represent a good solution, as the group is still in the process of defining the problem and its requirements. 9610 DVB-CPT's current status and its impact on IPMP - Ji Ming et. al. A report was given on the difficulties DVB is experiencing in defining a specification for Content Protection and Copy Management. Specifically, it has proven difficult to find consensus on 42 what constitutes and Authorized Domain. The meeting discussed the issues for a while, and noted that, where DVB tries to essentially define a business model, MPEG may stop sort of doing so, but rather will define the tools that allow the market to define these concepts. Persistent Association 9372 AHG on Persistent Association - Niels Rump, Paul Jessop 9392 Evaluation Methods for Persistent Association Technologies WD - Niels Rump (ed.) The group decided to seek input from industry through a special AHG meeting. The agenda for this meeting is in N5537. The meeting is bi-located in New York and London with a conference bridge between these two locations. Date is 5th of May, 2003. An updated version of the WD was issued as N5536. Digital Item Processing 9447 Overview of responses to CfP on Digital Item Processing […]Stride, Hill 9423 Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing - Louis, Drury, Burnett, Powley 9426 Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing- De Keukelaere, Van de Walle 9434 Respone CFP on DIP: Using MPEG-J for DIM, DIME, and DIML – Vishy 9428 Suggestions on MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items - De Keukelaere, e.a. 9428 Suggestions on MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items - De Keukelaere, … 9611 Suggestions on MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items - Thomas DeMartini These contributions and submissions were mainly dealt with in the MDS Group. In joint meetings, however, it became clear that the MDS group had a hard time deciding on which road to follow, basically because the requirements were poorly written and open to multiple interpretations. The main item of dispute was the sophistication and power of DIP. Is it just about a few simple basic operations on Digital Items and a way to structure these, or about a (much) more extensive system allowing complicated operations to be programmed? The link with MPEG-4 scene description was also discussed, and there were concerns that DIP would duplicate much of the MPEG-4 Scene Description work. In several break-outs and joint meetings, the concepts were further investigated, and the role of DIP was clarified – although the last word about the exact nature of DIP has probably not been said yet. The conclusions did allow the MDS group to proceed. It also became clear that DIP and IPMP are closely linked, and that DIP may play a central role in the discussions on the MPEG-21 (IPMP) Architecture. Multimedia middleware/API’s Several discussions were dedicated to an assessment of the adoption of MPEG’s standards, and where more work would need to be done. It was concluded that work on Multimedia Middleware would be a useful addition to bring the newer MPEG standards closer to market adoption. The idea is to define an API exposed by a Middleware sitting on top of a generic Operating System, so that downloaded applications are offered an easy and rich access to terminal (Peer) resources. While this proposal fits directly into the MPEG-21 vision it also has clear application to other MPEG standards (like the other work in MPEG-21). A close link exists with AN initial list of functionalities that could be offered by the API is: 1. Media coding and decoding - MP3 players, MP4 decoders, 2. Graphics supporting MPEG-4 rich media (MPEG-GL) 3. DRM functionalities, such as IPMP hooks, 4. Metadata 43 5. Media adaptation N5533 captures these first thoughts. MPEG Vocabulary It was noted that MPEG would benefit from a vocabulary of terms that are used in MPEG. This vocabulary would be useful both inside and outside of MPEG. It would not contain terms that have a commonly understood meaning in literature, but more terms and acronyms that have been defined to have a specific meaning in an MPEG context. It would span all MPEG standards. An AHG was created to start drafting the vocabulary (N5544) Multimedia Testbed A first Requirements document was drafted for the Multimedia Testbed. (N5538) Explorations Joint with Video on Scalable Video Coding, 3D coding 9453 Proposal of Applications and Requirements for Scalable Video Coding – Honda 9559 Meta-Data requirements for EE4 in MPEG 3DAV - Christoph Fehn, The Group discussed the new requirements proposed in these contributions. The document “Applications and Requirements for 3DAV” (N5539) was updated with material from them. Studies continue. The work mainly takes place in the Video Group. The Call for Evidence for Scalable Video Coding was reviewed and edited. The resulting documents, N5540 (Applications and Requirements for Scalable Video Coding) and N5559 (Call for Evidence for Scalable Video Coding) were updated and considered sufficiently mature for publication. Acknowledgement He Requirements Group expressed its sincere appreciation for the dedicated and conscientious way that Fernando Pereira has served as the chair of the Requirements Group between the two Pattaya meetings. The group missed his presence in Pattaya, and hopes and expects to have the benefit of his active participation in Trondheim again. 44 Annex 5 Report of Systems meeting Source: Title: Status: Systems Chair and Break-out group Chairs Systems Meeting Report Approved Editor: Olivier Avaro (France Telecom R&D) Contributors: Olivier Avaro (France Telecom R&D), Jan Van der Meer (Philips), Young-Kwon Lim (net&tv), Joerg Heuer (Siemens), David Singer (Apple) Overview The main outputs of the meeting from the Systems Sub-group perspective are: No. Title TBP 13818-1 Systems N5674 DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/FPDAM1 No N5604 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/FDAM2 No N5605 Study Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1:200/FPDAM3 Yes N5606 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/DCOR1 No 13818-11 Systems N5607 DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-11/FCD No N5608 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-11/FDIS No 14496-1:2001/Amd.7 AVC in MPEG-4 Systems N5609 Study Text of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/FPDAM7 Yes 14496-11:2003/Amd.2 ATG N5644 Request for ISO/IEC 14496-11/Amd.2 No N5645 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-11/PDAM2 Yes Referencing Explanatory Report to accompany ISO/IEC 14496N5646 No Available 2003/03/14 2003/04/14 2003/04/07 2003/03/17 2003/03/14 2003/04/14 2003/03/21 2003/03/14 2003/03/28 2003/03/14 11/Amd.2 N5647 N5648 N5649 N5650 N5651 N5652 N5653 N5654 N5655 N5656 N5657 N5658 N5659 Items for corrections of ISO/IEC 14496-11 Core Experiments on ATG MPEG-4 Systems Profiles for consideration 14496-11:2003/Amd.3 Audio BIFS Extensions WD 1.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-11/Amd.3 14496-12/Amd.1 File Format WD 1.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-12/Amd.1 14496-15 AVC File Format Study Text of ISO/IEC 14496-15/FCD 15938-1 Systems WD 3.0 of ISO/IEC 15938-1/Cor1 Study Text of ISO/IEC 15938-1/PDAM1 Core Experiments for Systems Extensions Technology under consideration for 15938-1/Amd.1 MPEG-7 Systems reference software workplan 21000-9 MPEG-21 File Format WD 1.1 of ISO/IEC 21000-9 Exploration WD 1.0 of MPEG-4 streaming text format 45 No No No 2003/03/21 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 No 2003/03/14 Yes 2003/03/14 Yes 2003/03/21 No No No No No 2003/03/21 2003/03/21 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 2003/03/28 No 2003/03/14 No 2003/03/21 General issues General The meeting report (M9391) has been approved. List of standards under development Pr 2 2 4 Pt 1 1 1 Edit. 2002 2003 2002 Project Amd.3 Cor.1 Amd.7 Description CfP Carriage of AVC Correction of Amd. 1 Use of AVC in MPEG-4 Systems WD 4 4 1 11 2002 Amd.8 2003 Amd.2 Use of MPEG-7 in MPEG-4 02/07 03/07 03/12 04/03 02/07 03/03 03/07 03/12 4 4 11 12 2003 Amd.3 2003 Amd.1 4 15 2003 1st Ed. AVC File Format 7 7 21 1 1 9 2002 Cor.1 2002 Amd.1 200x 1st Ed. Systems Corrigendum Systems extensions File Format Advanced Text and 2D Graphics New Audio BIFS Nodes ISO File Format Extensions CD FCD 02/05 02/12 03/03 02/07 03/03 FDIS 03/07 03/07 03/07 03/03 03/07 03/12 04/03 03/03 03/07 03/12 04/03 02/07 02/12 03/07 02/12 03/03 03/12 02/03 02/07 02/12 03/07 03/12 03/03 03/07 03/12 04/03 Latest references Pr 2 Pt 1 2 1 Standard Issue ISO/IEC 13818-1:2002 (MPEG-2 Systems 2nd 00/12 Edition) ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/COR1 01/01 Pisa 2 1 ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/COR2 01/12 Pattaya 2 1 ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/Amd.1 (Metadata on 2) 2 1 ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/Amd.2 (Support for IPMP on 2) 02/10 Shanghai 03/03 Pattaya 2 11 ISO/IEC 13818-1:2003 (IPMP on 2) 03/03 Pattaya 4 1 ISO/IEC 14496-1 (MPEG-4 Systems 3rd Ed.) 4 1 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 (MPEG-4 IPMP Extensions) 4 1 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2003/Amd.1 (SL Extensions) 02/10 Shanghai 02/10 Shanghai 02/12 Awaji 4 8 ISO/IEC 14496-8 (MPEG-4 on IP Framework) 02/03 Jeju 4 11 ISO/IEC 14496-11 Description) 4 11 ISO/IEC 14496-11/Amd.1 (Multi-user and AFX) 4 12 ISO/IEC 14496-12 (ISO Base Media File 02/10 (MPEG-4 46 Scene 02/10 Shanghai 02/10 Awaji No. Published 2000/12/01 N384 4 N440 4 N527 0 N560 4 N560 7 N527 7 N528 2 N547 1 N471 2 N527 8 N548 0 N529 2002/03/01 2002/12/01 Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not 4 13 Format) ISO/IEC 14496-13 (IPMP-X) 4 14 ISO/IEC 14496-14 (MP4 File Format) 7 1 ISO/IEC 15938-1 (MPEG-7 Systems) 7 2 ISO/IEC 15938-2 (MPEG-7 DDL) Shanghai 02/10 Shanghai 02/10 Shanghai 01/07 Sydney 5 N528 4 N529 8 N428 5 01/07 Sydney N428 8 Not Not 2002/07/06 2002/02/02 Demonstrations The following demonstrations have been made: M9547: Studio4Slides, slide show creation tool based on MPEG-4. The tool will be made available to the MPEG Community. Web site Volunteers needed to develop and maintain Systems Web site. FAQ The FAQ were updated as needed. AOB None. MPEG-2 Systems (13818-1) 13818-1:2000/Amd. 2 Topics IPMP 1. IPMP Tool Representation and Communication Systems mapping on MPEG-2 Systems Contributions IPMP None. 13818-1:2000/Amd. 3 Topics Carriage of AVC Content in MPEG-2 Systems Contributions Carriage of AVC Content in MPEG-2 Systems Production of Study text for AVC Transport. Most of the effort dedicated to work with JVT (Finalization of the HRD). M9448, M9602, M9510: Taken into account in the Study. 13818-1:2000/Cor.1 Topics Correction to Metadata on 2 Contributions Carriage of AVC Content in MPEG-2 Systems M9551: Corrigendum for metadata carriage over MPEG-2. Approved. Taken as the basis for the production of DCOR. As agreed by ISO and ITU secretariat, the metadata amendment will not be published before the corrigendum is finalized. Only the corrected version will be published. 47 Liaison from TC46: Request for code points to be added in the corrigendum.The specifications to be referred to are not yet finalized. Code points additions are additions and not corrections. Rejected. MPEG-2 IPMP Extensions (13818-11) 13818-11 Topics IPMP Extensions in MPEG-2 Systems Contributions IPMP Extensions in MPEG-2 Systems M9412: Request to address conformance and interoperability between IPMP systems and review possible definition of profiles to achieve this. Conformance activity will be started from previous work done in MPEG-4 IPMP conformance. M9610: DVB-CPT's current status and its impact on IPMP. DVB Technical requirements are not ready yet. Decision on requirement expected by the 27th of March. No reason to delay IPMP specification. Issue FDIS. MPEG-4 Systems (14496-1) 14496-1:2001 Amd.7 Topics Elementary Stream Management 2. Use of AVC in MPEG-4 Systems Contributions Elementary Stream Management M9546, M9545: AVC Access Unit definition . Finalization of the discussion on Access Units. M9544: Taken as a basis for the production of the study. M9549: Using simple payload format for the carriage of AVC contents. For information. AVC on 4 review Is a RAP SEI really a randomaccesspoint? Yes, in that it stops a discard happening that is waiting for a randomaccesspoint. Add explanatory note. randomaccesspoint = ( ((This is IDR) OR (This contains RAP SEI)) AND ((parameters sets needed for this AU are in DSI) OR (parameter sets needed are in this AU)) ) Remove the profile table and refer to the video specs (part 2) for the value, and the chair will ask for the suitable video amendment. 14496-1:2001 Amd.8 Topics Elementary Stream Management 3. Use of MPEG-7 in MPEG-4 Systems 48 Contributions Elementary Stream Management For two meetings there could no activity be observed on the work item MPEG-7 on MPEG-4 systems. Concerned about the low activity the System group recommends to discontinue the work item MPEG-7 on MPEG-4 systems if until the next meeting no commitment is given. MPEG-4 Scene Description (14496-11) 14496-11:2003 Amd.2 Topics Scene Description 4. Advanced Text and 2D Graphics Contributions Scene Description M9414: Several comments on text representation. Reference to OpenType: Agreed, MPEG will reference OpenType 1.4 and enable referencing of future OpenType spec. Profiling: Agreed, a list of technology that can be used to define profiles of the text representation will be made available in the CD. IP Statements: Agreed, Cf. Explanatory report. Scaling (and more generally rendering): Agreed and will be documented in the MPEG-4 spec. Rendering model similar to PDF and printing: not the current MPEG model, complexity of the terminal will be monitored by the means of profiles. Requirement of Unicode ‘cmap’ table: Agreed. Support color bitmaps: already supported in BIFS. Comparing font compression technology: Cf. M9432 and M9548. M9464: Proposals to complete fonts downloading into MPEG-4 Systems. Discussed and captured in the CD. Fontformat values: rejected. MPEG will not refer to proprietary solution but MPEG will put in place an RA mechanism. The table of values may also include other ISO standards. Streamtype for Font Streams: Agreed. M9432, M9548: Benchmarks on Compression Percentages, Zip Compression Versus MicroType Express Compression. The two contributions are consistent although the figures are calculated differently (incremental compression gain over original in M9548, differential gain between techniques in M9432). The gain achieves by MicroTypeExpress (20% to 30% over zip) justifies its standardization by MPEG. M9550: Agreement that MPEG should define a simple format for streaming text (will be under the Streamtype Scene Description and there will be one or more object_type indication); It should be easy to translate between the 3GPP specification to the MPEG specification; It should be flexible enough to accommodate future requirements from W3C; It should be easy to integrate in a BIFS scene (ex: new nodes, or use of existing nodes). To be documented in the WD with 3GPP mapping as an example. M9431: Resident fonts and metric compatibility in MPEG-4 terminals. Metrics specification will be included in the ATG specification. The fonts data and license agreement will be include as an informative annex of the reference software. 49 M9478, M9479: Report on Synthesized Texture CE and synthesized texture coding. Results of the discussion on the design of the synthesized texture node is captured in the ATG CD. The node will be compressed with existing BIFS mechanisms. A core experiment will be set up to finalize evaluation on compression performances of BIFS vs BiM as well as animation support. M9407: Comments on ATG extensions and Implementation status. Results of the discussion capture in the ATG CD. 14496-11:2003 Amd.3 Topics Scene Description 5. New Audio BIFS Contributions See Audio Sub-group meeting report. 14496-11 Exploratory activity Topics MPEG-J 6. APIs to access sync. information and elementary stream data. Low Complexity BIFS Items for Corrections Contributions MPEG-J M9526: Lightweight Graphics Amendment, integration of portable 3D graphics in MPEG-4. Issues: we need to signal what are the non-MPEG packages that are needed to execute the MPEG-let. Applet vs MPEG-let: need to assess why an MPEG-let won’t be sufficient. Access to ETO: is it an access to a file systems or a generic access to an elementary stream? (More analysis needs to be done). Synchronization through even listeners may be very weight. Fine granular synchronization may be very difficult to achieve. More careful analysis is needed as well on that topic. Same for the Live Texture handler. Low Complexity BIFS Profile definition for graphical animation. Requirements: Low footprints: should be possible to have low footprints BIFS decoder; Have predefined scripts. Advantages: Compression of synthetic visual data Streaming/progressive download Local/remote interactivity Compact Interactive Animations Scene Graph and Graphics. Items for Corrections M9524, M9596: Proposed correction to ISO/IEC 14496-1. Rsults of the discussion integrated in items for corrigendum document. MPEG-4 AVC File Format (14496-15) 50 14496-15 AVC File Format Topics Elementary Stream Management 7. ISO File Format Extensions Contributions Elementary Stream Management Several activities on file format:Extension of the MP4 File Format for static metadata (M9535, approved);AVC File Format;MPEG-21 File Format; Best practice description on the usage of brands (Informative). Several of these technologies may be beneficial to all file formats derived from the ISO File Format.start a new common activity on File Format together with JPEG on these topics. MPEG-4 AVC File Format (14496-15) 14496-15 AVC File Format Topics Elementary Stream Management 8. AVC File Format Contributions Elementary Stream Management M9509: Storage of encrypted media in MP4. Agreement that we should signal whether a stream is protected or not. Decision to allocate new Streamtype values for that purpose. Will be included in an on-going amendment of Part 1 (Amd.7). M9522: Proposal of Guideline for Brands of File Format. Decision to take it as starting point for an informative Annex of the file format. M9521 (updated from Awaji 9229): “This was neither accepted nor rejected. The group would like to commit this question for further study of both the motivations and usage, and the proposed solutions, for the next meeting. This will be part of the mandate of the ad-hoc group.” Why is it necessary to have complex structures when there are too many frames? Why put too many frames in in the first place? The meta-data within the samples really breaks a design principle. The motivation is to try to reduce the size of the moov atom; but we already have movie fragments. We seem to be introducing complexity and layer violations here; do we need multiple frames per sample? The assumption is that the total amount of meta-data is roughly constant; does it really gain to move it around? M9612 (movie fragments) : This gives an alternative to frame_count, by using fragments. Matsushita feels that both approaches are valuable; frame_count for compacting the moov atom in non-fragmented files (for editing etc.), and fragments when they are acceptable. But how editable are multi-frame per sample files? M9605 (sample structure) : Also looking at frame_count > 1. There seems to be several defintions of “sample” here (single AU, many AUs, many AUs with an embedded moof atom); this needs to be clarified. There are some design issues here which need clarification 51 (sample definition particularly, and the fact the movie fragments are defined to extend in time, not provide more detail for, an existing movie). Conclusion on these contributions: 1) The issue is the up-front meta-data size (moov atom size) in download-and-play (progressive download), and random accessibility. But we already have movie fragments for this case, and indeed the mfra box if you want to random access without adding the fragments into a single moov. 2) Operations done in memory in, for example, editing systems, need not influence the file format. Example: the moov atom can be compacted by various techniques including subsetting the data. Only if the interchange format precludes this do we want to change it. 3) We’d really like to see figures that show an overall win when the interoperable file format is used, for having multiple frame samples. Multiple frame samples really complicate lots of issues and we need a clear win to justify them. 4) We are willing to add an informative section to the ISO File format amendment on how to manage the moov atom size and these issues: editing, random access, progressive download with and without discard of data or caching of data, and so on. We welcome contributions providing text for this annex. We note that the recommendations on forming fragmented files (aligning fragments etc.) in 9612 could be part of this annex. M9411: US NB : ‘avc1’ accepted. We should also change the sample entry and any other places we call the codec ‘JVT’. On the frame typing, accepted in principle but detailed design is needed, and provided in the following contribution which was accepted in principle. M9534: Dave Comments. Dave/Zubair should design the table for depends-on/is-dependedon (two bits each, with a don’t know value), and the ‘pre-roll group’. Samples should be allowed to not belong to any group of a type (group index == 0). The rest was taken as input. XXXX – Questions from Thomas W. No start codes. The elementary stream shall not include start codes. As stored, each NAL Unit is preceded by a length field; this enables easy scanning of the sample’s NAL Units. Q: Why no start codes, but length field instead? You want to avoid parsing the stream, I guess. But you are mixing metadata and media data in this case. Hinting of the tracks is possible but becomes more difficult. ANSWER: Start-codes make it easy to parse the NAL Units without having to scan for start-codes; you can easily skip down the NAL Units looking at them. I'm not sure I get the comment about 'mixing'; AVC gives us the choice, and it seems that in a memory/disk format the length field choice is better. I think hinting is easier; it's easy to tell 'does the next NAL Unit fit into a packet', for example. I agree, if you are delivering over a start-code-based stream, you'll have to replace the length fields with start-codes. If start-codes had been a consistent size, we might have mandated that size for length fields. The sample data shall follow the syntax and semantics defined for AVC video access units in sub-clause 4.1.4. 52 Q: Why multiple pictures in an AU? Why not creating several tracks? You will have an overhead of metadata, but it is small compared to media data. How do you know which of the picture is the one you want to read? How do you know its relation? You need to have a description of each AU because it can varies from AU to AU. You are mixing metadata and media data in this case as well. You will need multiple hintsamples and a description of each hint-sample. ANSWER: We have changed the design to match a sample to an access unit. This means that if there are several switching pictures (with different dependencies) at the same time, several tracks are needed. The switching track must be linked to the track into which it switches (the destination track) by a track reference of type ‘swto’ in the switching picture track. If the switching track contains SP pictures, the switching track must be linked to the track from which it switches (the source track) by a track reference of type ‘swfr’ in the switching picture track. If you have multiple pictures in a switching track, how do you know which picture of an AU is needed to switch to the desired video track? There might be not only two video tracks. There could be a single switching track for each switching. How about “connecting” the source track ( with its own tref) with the switching tracks, and each switching track with the destination track? No parsing of all switching tracks necessary only the ones linked with the source track. ‚swrf’ – this track uses the referenced track(s) as a switching crossover to a different track ‚swto’ – the referenced track contains the media data where this track switches to ANSWER: The problem comes with SI tracks; they don't have a 'from' track at all. So you always have to look for switch tracks to see where you can go -- you can't rely on them being linked to the 'from' track as you suggest. In general, I think you'll have to form the graph when you open the file. Q: How do you want to handle redundant slices? In a separate track like switching pictures? They are part of the access unit according to the JVT spec., so they are currently in-stream. I think more work may be needed in this area. What's the technical difference between a redundant picture with different dependency from the primary, and an SP picture from and to that same stream, with different dependency from the primary? 53 M9624: Statistics from Dominique. The graphs show a bi-polar distribution; large NAL Units and small ones each having a bunch. The contribution save about 400 bytes over a 30second 60 kbit/s sequence. This is not worth it for the file format, or for MPEG-4 systems. File Format draft review, actions: 1. Change/add to authors 2. Change sample definition to say it is an AU. (4.2) 3. Add compatible_profile to the AVC Configuration. 4. Could remove picture length from the configuration record. 5. Get rid of the priority trick in favor of the new dependency table. 6. 4.2.2. AU again 7. Figure 2 – get rid of extension 8. 4.2.21 simplify to one picture, increment by NAL U Length. 9. AU again 10. – multiple pictures per sample for redundant: need open issue since they are in one NAL U, how do you tell without scanning all the NAL Us? 11. 5.2 Change to avc1 and allow as major brand. 12. 5.4 – remove restrictions which duplicate AU restrictions 13. 5.11 should simply say IDR 14. insert “one” before instance, again in 15. 7 remove “thinning” comment 16. 7 – add pre-roll group description entry, and cover sampletogroup groupID==0. 17. 8 – document the single picture/multi-tracks/consistent direction. 18. – go to single frame, simplify 19. 8.4 still open. 20. 9.3 – delete it 21. 10.1 – done 22. 10.2 – delete it 23. 10.3 – done 24. 10.4 – done 25. 10.6 – done 26. 10.7 – not possible, remove 27. add open issue – fragment design On Movie Fragments, try adding parallel boxes to the track run for sample-group and sampledependency, with defaults in additional boxes in the trex. Designs desired. We might need a note on how to handle parameter sets in switching tracks. MPEG-7 Systems (15938-1) General Joint with Audio – Binarization of audio descriptions It was agreed that a joint CE will be set up to investigate type specific codecs for 159381/Amd 1 to efficiently encode audio descriptor with non uniform. parameterized quantizers. Joint with Requirements – MPEG-7 Schema Profiling The signaling of profiles in textual MPEG-7 descriptions has been discussed. It has been identified that signaling of profiles is only relevant for the current state of the standard and not for former stages. Due to this fact it is sufficient to support profile and levels in the 159385/Amd1 if this specifies the current state of the standard when profiles and levels are defined. 54 Joint with MDS - schema versioning The MDS group has a versioning problem. It requires the help of the DDL group to evaluate the best strategy to manage schema evolution. Decision was taken to postpone promotion to FDAM. Jointly with MDS an output document will be generated to specify the problem of extensibility, to discuss usecases and requirements and to elaborate on initial solutions. Other M9541: UKNB Support of amendment to ISO/IEC 15938-1. Support acknowledged. The Systems subgroup thanks the UKNB for his support. 15938-1/Cor1 Topics MPEG-7 Systems Corrigendum Contributions MPEG-7 Systems Corrigendum M9575: Few corrigenda items have been identified during the meeting. Moreover, few corrigendum items identified at the last meeting have been solved during the meeting. A new working draft has been produced including these improvements. 15938-1/Amd 1 Topics MPEG-7 Systems extensions Contributions MPEG-7 Systems extensions M9574: Taken has the basis for the production of the new study. M9449: The contribution presents the work undertaken in TV-Anytime on fast random access into BiM streams. Contrary to the assumption of the authors of this contribution the M9240 is not focusing the indexing of one single AU but a stream of AUs. The group concludes that the fast random access mechanism presented seems well suited for the restricted BiM streams specified in the TV-Anytime. However due to restrictions applied to the BiM streams which are not applicable in MPEG-7 the random access mechanism lacks functionality and efficiency if applied on not restricted BiM streams. The group decides to evaluate the proposed technical requirements and to take them under account for further evaluations. Furthermore as a work item of a continued CE on fast random access into BiM streams the applicability of TV-Anytime approach to MPEG-7 shall jointly with TV-Anytime be evaluated and harmonized solutions shall be considered. M9483: The contribution presents the results of the core experiment on the multiple payload mode with rational position codes. In the report the encoding/decoding method of the rational position codes in the multiple payload mode for the version 2 standard are specified. The method uses the incremental position codes same as the version 1 standard, and realizes the multiple payload mode by only adding sorting/re-sorting processes of the rational positions at encoding/decoding. The Group decided to adopt the rational position codes for the multiple payload mode as specified in the CE-9 report M9483 in the Study of PDAM. To investigate an efficient ordering of the rational position codes a mini experiment is started. 55 M9519: The contribution presents the results of the core experiment on deferred node and fragment references. Solutions of fragment references from both viewpoints of the consistency between the deferred node and the fragment references, and the mapping between the TeM and the BiM have been evaluated. A technical solution improving the solution should be provided if necessary. The report illustrated that the proposal in N9235 lacks the specification of “non deferred fragment references” of the current approach in the PDAM. Furthermore the report evaluated that the “FragmentReferenceDeferredNode” is currently only supported by BiM and not by TEM. Compared to the coding size of fragment references it is questionable if the binary representation of context paths is a significant part of the bitstream so that further compression of this part is meaningful. On the other hand the computational complexity of resolving fragment references would favor to have an efficient mechanism to identify the fragment references in the BiM stream. This is obviously supported by the filtering capabilities of the current approach. The group decided to continue the CE and to provide evidence that the compression with respect to the code size are essential and to propose and evaluate mechanisms to provide this functionality within TEM, since it is at least desired to provide the same functionality by BiM and TeM. M9520: The contribution presents an Extension of Fragment References. A specification of the extended fragment references that supports referencing description streams is provided, the relationship between the extended fragment references and the multiple description streams is clarified. The proposal lacks clarity how the context paths of the substream are encoded based on a virtual root in the substream. Furthermore no constrains on the decoder init of the substream is specified. It is not clear that compatibility can be ensured without constraining the substream with respect to namespaces and type codecs. Also the initialization of referenced substreams prior to their reference in FUUs seems to be required. To clarify these questions already a vivid discussion via email took place during this meeting. Based on the progress in clarifying these issues the group was confident that continuing the CE on multiple bitstream will result in a mature contribution of tools and evaluation thereof to the 65th meeting. So the decision was taken to continue the CE on coding of multiple bitstreams. M9560: The contribution presents the results of the core experiment on fast random access into BiM streams. The authors evaluate the usage of TVA approach in the MPEG-7 framework. It is stated that the separation of indexed paths and indexed value seems to be also applicable in MPEG-7 in general. However the use of IndexList with fragment and key paths seems not to be appropriate due to constrains on the encoded fragments which do not exist in MPEG-7. Also Mandating the use of sub-indices seems not to be efficient in all cases.Beyond that storage concepts for the index data and referencing mechanisms of FUUs were evaluated. Referencing in the case of external indices and asynchronous delivery of descriptions needs further consideration. First evaluation results based on this implementation of the indexing approach proposed in M9240 were presented. The authors concluded based on these experiments that look ups into the stream can be significantly accelerated. However due to the size of the index efficient representation of index data matters.The group decided to continue the CE to evaluate a harmonization with the TVA approach, to evaluate reference mechanisms of FUUs further also with respect to mechanisms of fragment references used in FUUs and to investigate possibilities for a more efficient representation of the index data. M9567: The contribution presents the results of the core experiment on Evaluation of Quantization Schemes for Binary Audio Metadata – Non Uniform Quantization - This document shows that quantization error could be clearly reduced by using non-uniform quantizers in the examined example scenario. However neither a implementation into the reference software nor a specification of the codec syntax has been specified. The group 56 decided to continue the experiment for type specific codecs and to specify non regular quantizers for matrix datatypes and specific audio datatypes (if needed). For these experiments the codec/type mappings in PDAM 1 will be evaluated. M9578: Proponent absent. Differed. MPEG-21 (21000) 21000-9 Topics File Format Contributions File Format M9486: Proposed MPEG-21 File Format. Discussed. Taken as a basis for the production of the WD. 21000 Exploratory Activities Topics Architecture Binarisation Contributions Architecture None. Binarisation None. 57 Unpublished Systems Standard Standard Title Status Document with Purpose Topics No. MPEG-2 Systems 138181:2000/Amd.1 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems FDIS 2002-10-25 Amendment 1 ITU-T FDAM closing Elementary Stream Management 2003-05-06 Carriage of Metadata in MPEG-2 Systems. 138181:2000/Amd.1 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems FDIS 2003-03-14 Amendment 2 Editor Final edits due by IPMP 2003/04/15 Support for IPMP tools in MPEG-2. 13818-11:2003 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: IPMP FDIS 2003-03-14 Extensions Editor Final edits due by IPMP IPMP Tool Representation and Communication Systems 2003/04/15 mapping on MPEG-2 Systems MPEG-4 Systems 14496-1:2001/ COR1 Coding of audio-visual Part 1: Systems TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM1 objects -- DCOR ballot : from ‘01-02-09 to ‘01- 0509 COR : ‘01-07-20 Editor 58 To be consolidated to 3rd Edition Miscellaneous correction to 14496-1 Standard Title Status Document with Purpose Topics No. MPEG-4 Textual Format 9. XMT-A 10. XMT- Scene Description 144961:2001/Amd.2 Coding of audio-visual Part 1: AMENDMENT 2: Textual Format objects -Systems FDAM (Jeju w4698) 2002-03 [Editor's submission and DOCR):2002-06] (FDAM Editor To be consolidated to 3rd Edition 11. 12. 13. 14. Media Sensor MediaControl MediaBuffer MatteTexture Elementary Stream Management 15. OD Framework Segment Descriptors) 16. MP4 additions additions (OD execute, Profiles and Levels Basic2D, Core2D, Main2D, Advanced2D (Scene Graph and Graphics) profile. 144961:2001/Cor2 Coding of audio-visual Part 1: Systems TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM2 objects -- Cor2 2002-10-25 14496-1:2003 Coding of Part 1: Systems audio-visual objects -- 144961:2001/Amd.3 Coding of audio-visual Part 1: Systems Amendment 3 objects -- 144961:2003/Amd.1 Coding of audio-visual Part 1: Systems Amendment 1 objects -- Editor To be consolidated to 3rd Edition Miscellaneous correction to 14496-1 Editor 3rd Edition MPEG-4 Systems Edition 2003: Integration of 14496-1:2001, 144961:2001/Amd.1, 14496-1:2001 COR 1, 14496-1:2001/Amd;2, 14496-1:2001 COR2 FDAM 2002-10-25 Editor Final Edits IPMP Extensions FDAM 2002-12-13 Editor Final Edits SL Extensions MPEG-4 Transport of MPEG-4 over IP Networks 14496-8 Coding of audio-visual objects -Part 8: Transport of MPEG-4 over IP Network (14496-8) FDIS (w4712) 2001-12-07 YoungKwon Integrate comments MPEG-4 Scene Description and Application Engine 59 IETF IETF RFC for transport of MPEG-4 over IP Framework for the carriage of MPEG-4 content over IP network. Standard Title Status Document with Purpose Topics No. 14496-11 Coding of audio-visual objects -Part 11: Scene Description and Application Engine 2002-10-25 Yuval 3rd Edition BIFS XMT MPEG-J 14496-11/Amd.1 Coding of audio-visual objects -Part 11: Scene Description and Application Engine Amendment 1 2002-12-13 Editor Final editing Multi-user and AFX MPEG-4 ISO Base Media File Format 14496-12 Coding of audio-visual Part 12: ISO Base Media File Format objects -- 2002-10-25 David Final Edits File Format Final Edits IPMP Extension Final Edits MP4 File Format MPEG-4 IPMP Extension 14496-13 Coding of audio-visual Part 13: IPMP Extension objects -- 2002-10-25 Craig MP4 File Format 14496-14 Coding of audio-visual Part 14 : MP4 File Format objects -- 2002-10-25 David 60 Published Systems Standard Standard Title Status Topics MPEG-2 Systems 13818-1/Amd.7 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems AMENDMENT 7: Transport of ISO/IEC 14496 data over ISO/IEC 13818-1 Published 2000-12-01 Elementary Stream Management 13818-1:2000 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems Published 2000-12-01 MPEG-2 Systems Edition 2000 13818-1:2000/COR1 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 published on 2002-03-01 Elementary Stream Management published 2002/12/01 Elementary Stream Management Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information – Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published 1999-12-01 Elementary Stream Management 13818-6/Amd.3 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information -Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC AMENDMENT 3: Transport buffer model in support of synchronized user-to-network download protocol Published 2001-12 Elementary Stream Management 13818-6/ COR2 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information – Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Published 2002 Q3 Elementary Stream Management 13818-6/ Amd.1:2000/COR1 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information – Part 6: Extensions for DSM-CC TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Published 2002 Q3 Elementary Stream Management 13818-1:2000/COR2 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 MPEG-4 Over MPEG-2 FlexMux Descriptor Buffer model for PID2. MPEG-2 DSM-CC 13818-6/COR1 MPEG-4 Systems 61 Editorial correction Transport buffer model in support of synchronized user-to-network download protocol. Editorial correction Editorial correction Standard Title Status Topics MPEG-2 Systems Elementary Stream Management 14496-1 Published 1999-12-15 Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 1: Systems Systems Decoder Model Object Descriptor Framework Synchronization of Elementary streams Multiplexing of Elementary streams Object Content Information IPMP Scene Description BIFS Syntactic Description Language Profiles and Levels Elementary Stream Management MPEG-4 File Format (MP4) Scene Description 14496-1:1999/Amd.1 Coding of audio-visual objects –Part 1: Systems AMENDMENT 1: Systems extensions Published 2001-11 Application Window as a BIFS node Advanced Audio BIFS Material Keying Advanced coding (PROTO, Integration of Mesh, coding of Mfield). Application Engine (MPEG-J) Profiles and Levels 14496-1:1999/COR1 14496-1:2001 Coding of audio-visual objects – Part 1: Systems TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published 2001-11 Miscellaneous correction to 14496-1 Coding of Part 1: Systems Published 2001-11 MPEG-4 Systems Edition 2001 Integration of 14496-1, 14496-1/Amd.1, 14496-1 COR 1 audio-visual objects -- 62 Standard Title Status Topics MPEG-2 Systems Elementary Stream Management 14496-1:2001/Amd.1 Coding of audio-visual Part 1: AMENDMENT 2: Extended BIFS objects -Systems Published 2001-10 Flextime Rebufering Scene Description Flextime nodes ServerCommand ExternProto Advanced BIFS Coding Profiles and Levels MPEG-7 Systems 15938-1 Multimedia content description interface Part 1: Systems Published 2002-07/06 MPEG-7 Architecture MPEG-7 dynamic descriptions MPEG-7 binary format 15938-2 Multimedia content description interface Part 1: DDL Published 0202-2002 MPEG-7 DDL 63 Resolutions of Systems Cf. WG11 resolution. Action Plan N° What Who Check Patent Vlad. & Paul statements & License for OpenType Check if Web site Vlad. & Paul reference for Open Type is sufficient 1. 2. When Status ASAP O ASAP O Trace List of reviewed contribution N° Title 9391 Awaji Systems Meeting Report 9401 Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on Core experiments for MPEG-7 Systems extensions and TV-Anytime Spec [SC 29 N 5225] 9407 Comments on ATG extensions and Implementation status 9411 USNB Contribution: JVT File format and MPEG-4 systems mapping 9412 USNB Contribution: Promotion of ISO/IEC 13818 11 to FDIS 9414 USNB Contribution: Response to Awaji WG 11 resolution 3.1.8 9430 Reference software implementation for MPEG-4 font format 9431 Resident fonts and metric compatibility in MPEG-4 terminals 9432 Font compression efficiency with MicroType Express 9446 MOSES implementation of MPEG-4 IPMP Messages 9448 Contributions to carriage of AVC in MPEG-2 9449 Fast Random Access into BiM Streams 9464 Proposal for fonts downloading into MPEG-4 Systems 9478 Report on Synthesized Texture CE Authors Olivier Avaro et al. SC 29 Secretariat Concolato et al. A. G. Tescher for USNB A. G. Tescher for USNB A. G. Tescher for USNB V. Levantovsky Vladimir Levantovsky Vladimir Levantovsky Balestri et al. Sam Narasimhan Ajay Luthra Bob Eifrig Keith Millar David White Paul Kerbiriou David Sahuc Thierry Viellard Shlomo Birman Yoram Elichai Ehud Spiegel 9479 Synthesized Texture Coding 9483 9486 9486 9509 9510 Shlomo Birman Ehud Spiegel Ittay Sharon Specifications and CE Results on the multiple payload mode with Shuichi Watanabe the rational position codes (CE-9: Item b) Yasuaki Tokumo Proposed MPEG-21 File Format Yongju Cho Proposed MPEG-21 File Format Yongju Cho Storage of encrypted media in MP4 David Singer et al. comment on the Transport of AVC video data over ITU-T Rec D.Curet 64 N° Title H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 streams 9519 Report on MPEG-7 Systems CE-9 Item a: Evaluation of specification consistency (Deferred node and fragment references) 9520 Extension of Fragment References 9521 Sample Definition for AVC 9522 9524 9526 9534 9535 9535 9541 9543 9544 9545 9546 9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9560 9567 9568 9574 9575 9578 9596 9602 9605 9610 Authors S.Relier Tomohiro Azami Tomohiro Azami Tadamasa Toma Youji Notoya Yoshinori Matsui Proposal of Guideline for Brands of File Format Yoshinori Matsui Tadamasa Toma Proposed correction to ISO/IEC 14496-1 Giorgio Zoia Lightweight Graphics Amendment, integration of portable 3D Kaneko et al. graphics in MPEG-4 Comments on the outstanding issues on the JVT File Format David Singer Towards untimed meta-data in ISO media files David Singer Towards untimed meta-data in ISO media files David Singer UKNB Support of amendment to ISO/IEC 15938-1 Lindsay IM1 coherent integration D.Curetn, S.Relier Editor's study of 14496-1/FPDAM 7 Young-Kwon LIM AVC Access Unit definition D.Curet S.Relier AVC Access Unit definition Curet F.Loras C.Daguet S.Relier Studio4Slides, slide show creation tool based on MPEG-4 Young-Kwon LIM Benchmarks on Compression Percentages, Zip Compression Bob Thomas Versus MicroType Express Compression John Collins Karen Dupre Using simple payload format for the carriage of AVC contents Young-Kwon LIM MPEG Timed Text Stream Definition Jan Van Der Meer et al. Corrigendum for metadata carriage over MPEG-2 Jan Van Der Meer Joerg Heuer et al. Report on MPEG-7 Systems CE-10 Quantization Schemes for Binary Audio Metadata – Non uniform Rohden quantization Herre MOSES Progress Report Sucharov et al. Study Text of ISO/IEC 15938-1/PDAM1 Claude Seyrat ISO/IEC 15938-1:2001 Corrigendum items Claude Seyrat A simple tree reconstruction mechanism Claude Seyrat et al. Various Issues Yuval Fisher Carriage of AVC over MPEG-2 Systems Teruhiko Suzuki Noriaki Oishi Yoichi Yagasaki Definition of Multiple Frames per Sample for AVC Mitsuhiro Hirabayashi Satoshi Tsujii Teruhiko Suzuki DVB-CPT's current status and its impact on IPMP Ji Ming et al. 65 N° 9612 Title Usage of the Movie Fragment 66 Authors Y. Matsui, T.Toma Annex 6 Report of MDS meeting Source: John R. Smith (on behalf of MDS sub-group) Chair (contact): John R. Smith IBM T. J. Watson Research Center 30 Saw Mill River Road Hawthorne, NY 10532 USA The MPEG MDS sub-group’s activities included work items for MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards as shown in Figure 1. The primary work items included the following: MPEG-7: o MPEG-7 MDS Extensions (FPDAM) o MPEG-7 Profiles (with Requirements, Systems, MDS, Audio, Video) MPEG-21: o Digital Item Identification (Registration Authority) o Rights Expression Language (FCD Study of FCD) o Rights Data Dictionary o Digital Item Adaptation (CD Study of CD) o Digital Item Processing (CFP WD) MPEG-7 v.1: • MDS (FDIS) • Conformance (FDIS) • Extraction & Use (TR) • Profiles MPEG-7 v.2: • Extensions (FPDAM) MPEG-21: • DID (FDIS) • DII (FDIS, RA) • REL (FCD Study) • RDD • DIA (CD Study) • DIP (CfP WD) Figure 1. Overview of MPEG Multimedia Description Schemes Sub-Group work items for 64th Pattaya meeting. Overview: The main MDS activities related to MPEG-7 during the week were as follows: 1. MPEG-7 Version 2 o NB Comments on FPDAM; MPEG-7 Extensions (with MPEG-7 Systems) 2. MPEG-7 & Metadata Interoperability o Reviewing ID3 to MPEG-7 mapping; MPEG-7 Person and Place DSs 3. MPEG-7 Profiles (joint meeting TBD): o Joint with Requirements, Systems, Video, Audio o Proposals on: Simple metadata profile 67 Interactive product placement BiM simple profile Video program profile Requirements sub-group to be focal point for MPEG-7 Profiles The main MDS activities related to MPEG-21 during the week were as follows: 1. Analyzed recommendations of AHGs 2. Made selection and recommendation to SC29 for MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification (DII) Registration Authority (RA) 3. Produced MPEG-21 REL Study of FCD 4. Analyzed results of Digital Item Adaptation Core Experiments; produced DIA Study of CD and Adaptation Model v.5; defined Core Experiments for DIA 5. Analyzed proposals on REL, RDD, and DIA 6. Edited and approved output documents (WD, CD, AHGs, new CEs, etc.) MPEG MDS Group activities Num. Contributions Agenda, Goals and Issues for the Week for MDS Sub-Group Agenda, Goals and Issues for the Week for MDS Group John R. Smith During the kick-off session, the workplan for the week for MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 development was discussed and approved. Furthermore, the following points were discussed: Organization of work into main MDS track with BoGs (REL/RDD/DII) Scheduling of MDS sub-group plenary meetings for Wednesday and Thursday Plan for generating revised MPEG-7 XM Plan for evaluating candidates for DII RA Plan for producing REL Study of FCD Plan for generating MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) Study of CD and AM v.5 Plan for software development for MPEG-21 DIA Plan for software for MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language and Rights Data Dictionary Schedule of joint meetings MPEG-7 activities: MPEG-7 Version 2 o Activity leaders: K. Hasida, J. R. Smith o NB Comments on FPDAM; MPEG-7 Extensions (with MPEG-7 Systems) o MPEG-7 & Metadata Interoperability o Review ID3 to MPEG-7 mapping; MPEG-7 Person and Place DSs MPEG-7 Profiles (joint meeting TBD): o Joint with Requirements, Systems, Video, Audio o Proposals on: Simple metadata profile Interactive product placement BiM simple profile Video program profile Requirements sub-group to be focal point for MPEG-7 Profiles 68 MPEG-21 activities: MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification (Part 3): o Activity leader: Niels Rump o Input: DII RA Candidate Selection AHG report Table of Replies on RA for DII Summary of answers for DII RA o Actions: Review DII AHG report Review table of Replies and Summary of answers Finalize recommendation of RA for DII o Output: Recommendation to ISO for DII RA MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language (Part 5): o Activity leaders: Barney Wragg, T. DeMartini o Input: REL Editing AHG report Input for Study of REL FCD Comments on MPER-21 REL Software contributions on REL o Actions: Review comments and open issues (if any) Update REL reference SW plan Updates to MPEG-21 MDS FAQ o Output: MPEG-21 REL Study of FCD MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary (Part 6): o Activity leaders: C. Barlas, G. Rust o Input: RDD AHG report o Actions: Review comments and open issues (if any) RDD software plan Updates to MPEG-21 MDS FAQ o Output: MPEG-21 RDD Study of FCD (if necessary) MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (Part 7): o Activity leader: A. Vetro o Input: DIA Editors’ Input on CD, AM 4.1, AHG reports CE report & Proposal documents o Actions: Review CE results and proposals DIA requirements Refine DIA spec. & define core experiments Update DIA reference software plan o Output: 69 MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD & AM MPEG-21 DIA Software Implementation Plan v.3 MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing (Part 8): o Activity leaders: TBD o Input: DIP AHG report Input documents o Actions: Review AHG recommendations Joint meeting with Requirements on DIP Requirements Define CE’s Produce DIP WD and DIP PM (as needed) o Output: MPEG-21 DIP WD v.1, PM v.1 MPEG-21 DIP CEs MPEG-21 DIP Software Implementation Plan v.1 Break-out Groups (created at kick-off meeting): Rights Expression Language (REL): o Mandates: Review contributions/liaison statements regarding REL publishing extension Review contributions and revise plan for REL SW plan o Schedule: Tues PM Room 6 Digital Item Processing (DIP): o Mandates: Review MPEG-21 Use Cases Better document DIP Requirements with respect to User interactions throughout Digital item lifecycles and value chains o Schedule: Mon PM o Working Draft Outline: Section on non-DIML and non-DIBO stuff in DIP Section on names, parameters, and behaviors of DIBOs Section on DIML and syntx of DIBOs Digital Item Adaptation (Extensibility BoG): o Mandates: Produce guidelines on extensibility (level of modularity, DIA base type extensions, use of enumeration) o Schedule: Tues PM MPEG-21 Adaptation QoS/BSD Linking BoG: o Mandates: Continue discussions Create text for AM and SoCD Prepare text for overview o Schedule: 70 Mon PM MPEG-21 DIA Adaptation Protocol & Messaging BoG: o Mandates: Study relations of DIA and DID Produce text o Schedule: Tues PM Review of AHG resolutions and action points: Doc No. Contribution Source Masanori Sano, Eric Rehm, David Singer, Peter Mulder 9345 AHG on Metadata Interoperability Topic: Presented results of AHG on Metadata Interoperability. Results: o Created mapping of MPEG-7 to 3GPP required fields for metadata description (see m9500) o Created mapping between ID3v.1 and some of ID3v.2 to MPEG-7 o Created draft of mapping of DMS-1 sets to MDS; proposing revisions to Person DS and Place DS Actions: Meeting later in week on MPEG-7 metadata interoperability Meeting on MPEG-7 profiles Create resolution on adopting extensions to MPEG-7 in preference to MPEG-21 Invite MPEG-7 experts to join review of MPEG-21 extensions proposal AHG on Preparing the Appointment of the RA for ISO/IEC 21000-3 Niels Rump , Paul Jessop 9346 Topic: Completed evaluation summary for RA candidates EAN dropped out, leaving CISAC, NCA, SMPTE RA, and Verisign as candidates All of fit for task, but some differences Action: Hold meeting later in week to complete selection among candidates AHG on the MPEG-21 Rights Barney Wragg, Thomas DeMartini 9347 Expression Language FCD Topic: Drafted FCD and disposed on NB comments in Awaji and needed to compose informative annexes Actions: Need to handle liaison statements (eg., OeBF) Develop REL Study of FCD Move forward on reference SW (two ideas) REL BoG (room 6) AHG on MPEG-21 REL Publishing Chris Barlas, Brad Gandee 9349 Extension 71 Topic: Meeting of MPEG & EDItEUR (ONIX metadata) & OeBF OeBF committed to developing extensions to REL (9609 – new rights, eg., TTS, display on screen, Max count, Search, Retrieve, Portion, Lend) – do not seem to merit introduction into based REL verbs Actions: Create AHG to further work on REL Publishing Extension until Trondheim AHG on Editing the MPEG-21 RDD Chris Barlas, Godfrey Rust 9348 FCD Topic: Drafted new text for FAQ Will present demo on RDD term lookup Actions: Nothing major this week on RDD Create AHG to make editors input document to Tronheim AHG on Editing MPEG-21 Digital Item Anthony Vetro, Andrew Perkis, Christian Timmerer 9350 Adaptation CD & AM Topic: Worked on editing of DM & AM: o Editorial changes o Adopted typ-based approach to extensibility o May work on revising over figure o Redefinition of semantics of ReferenceType o Recommendations for modifications Actions: Produce new output document on extensibility (level of modularity, DIA base type extensions, use of enumeration) Adopt proposed changes to DIA AM v4.1 Questions about timeline – when to start DIA AMD/1? AHG on Core Experiments for MPEGJeho Nam, Debargha Mukherjee 9351 21 Digital Item Adaptation Topic: Presented consolidated report of MPEG-21 DIA core experiments. Reccommendations: Recommendations from CE on Modality Conversion Preferences: o Promote the ModalityConversionPreference Descriptor into the MPEG-21 DIA SoCD o Promote the TransmodingType Descriptor into the MPEG-21 DIA SoCD o Adopt the derivations of transmoding method parameter types to AM o Continued CE for improvements and further investigation o Promote the refined syntax and semantics of Presentation priority preference be into the MPEG-21 DIA SoCD Recommendations from CE on DIA Adaptation Protocols and Messaging o Include DIA Configuration Protocol (diacp) in the DID adaptation tools section in the SoCD o Include Assertion statements in the current DIADescriptionMessage schema o Establish a break-out group to draft an informative text on the following issues: o Use the DIAinDID from DID Choice/Selection Preference on linking Choice/Selections with DIA information/capability descriptors o Both single resource and multiple resources approaches should be facilitated/combined according to the complexity of DIA adaptation and DID 72 configuration Recommendations from CE on Graphics DIA o Promote the GraphicsPresentationPreference (Geometry, Material, Animation Qualities) and Graphics format and parameters in the MPEG-21 DIA SoCD o Redefine the Multiview3Dto2D as derivation of Transmoding method parameter types in the AM o Adopt the Graphics2Dparameters in AM Recommendations from CE on Personalization information o Consider promotion the extension of 'PersonType’ in a view of the extension mechanism in MPEG-7 o Propose the extension of ‘ContentPreferences’ (RecordingPreference, BrowsingLocation, Preference Condition) in MDS meeting Recommendations from CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Linking o Establish a BoG during the meeting with the following mandates: (1) to continue evaluation of improvements proposed in the CE, (2) to recommend improvements of tools for AM and/or SoCD to the MDS group by the end of the week o Review and adopt the overview section compiled in the CE as an informative section for the AM/SoCD Recommendations from CE on Metadata Adaptation Integration o Adopt the MetadataAdaptationIntegration (in Metadata Adaptability DIA tools) in AM o Continued CE for further improvements and exploration Report of CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Christian Timmerer, Joerg Heuer, on behalf of the CE 9466 Linking Report of CE on Metadata Adaptation - Nicola Adami , Corvaglia, Leonardi, Nishikawa 9467 Integration Report of the Second CE on the Jeongil Seo, Gi Yoon Park, Daeyoung Jang, Soundfield Description for MPEG-21 Kyeongok Kang, Jinwoong Kim, Guillaume DIA Potard 9482 Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong CE report on Modality Conversion Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd 9495 Preferences (Part 1) Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong CE report on Modality Conversion Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd 9496 Preferences (part 2) Hae-Kwang Kim, Nam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick Gioia 9508 CE report on Graphics DIA Angelo Difino (TI Lab), Munchurl Kim CE report on Personalization (ICU), Yumi Sohn (ICU), Jong Nam Kim (KBS), Keongsoo Kim (KBS) 9532 Information Joerg Heuer, Eric Delfosse; Jan Bormans; Gabriel Panis; Joerg Heuer; Andreas Hutter; Christian Timmerer; Harald Kosch; Hermann Hellwagner; Jae-Gon Kim; Yong Report of CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Wang; Debargha Mukerjee; Geraldine Kuo; Sam Liu; Giordano 9564 Linking CE on DIA Adaptation Protocol and Letian Rong, Zhongyang Huang, Tor Halvorsen 9597 Configuration Topic: 73 All of the above CE reports were presented in the DIA CE AHG meeting on Sunday and the results were reported in the CE AHG report above (m9351) Thomas DeMartini, Rik Van de Walle, Ian Burnett 9373 AHG on Digital Item Processing Topic: Presented results of two-day AHG meeting on DIP, in which responses to call were presented: Recommendations: 1. The AHG thanked the authors of the following documents for their input: m9406, m9423, m9426, and m9434. 2. The AHG recommends that WG11 issue a first working draft for DIP out of this meeting. The working draft outline should contain: i. Section on non-DIML non-DIBO stuff in DIP ii. Section on names, parameters, and behavior of DIBOs iii. Section on DIML and syntax of DIBOs 3. The AHG is of the opinion that either of the two proposals for DIML (MPEG-J Bytecode Model using new APIs (hereinafter referred to as "MPEG-J") and ECMAScript) can be used to satisfy the requirements. However, as there are many use models for the DIML we feel it is not appropriate to force all Users to use a bytecode approach or a scripting language approach. Therefore, the AHG recommends that the DIML section provide for the choice between the MPEG-J and ECMAScript and that the scope of these will be that they operate at the DID level. 4. The AHG further recommends that the DIML section contain an informative guide to aid the decision to use MPEG-J or ECMAScript and that such guide contain the following: i. If you want to express the method inside the DID in a textual format, then you should use the scripting language. ii. If fast execution speed is critical, then you should use the bytecode. iii. If the DIM is relatively small, you should use the scripting language. iv. If the DIM is relatively large, you should use the bytecode. v. If the DIMs are to be edited and/or created by less-experienced programmer then you should use scripting language. vi. If the DIMs are expected to work together in the same runtime environment then you should use the bytecode. vii. If the consuming User of the digital item requires the methods they consume to be preverified, the creating User should use the bytecode. 5. The AHG recommends that the above list of functionalities be considered by the requirements group to prioritize those functionalities with respect to each other and also with respect to the decision to have 1 or 2 languages. The AHG further recommends that satisfying all the above 7 functionalities be considered more important than any requirement to only have one language. 6. The AHG recommends that for each DIBO the standard i. Should specify: 1. Name 2. Parameter 3. Behavior (Including Action Type and Events it relates to, if applicable.) 4. Exceptions Thrown 5. Return Value ii. Should not specify: 1. Implementation 7. The AHG recommends that WG11 begins creating a list of DIBOs by defining the evaluation process for DIBOs (those from the proposals as well as additional ones to be 74 proposed in the future). In order to do this, the following steps should be taken: i. First develop 1. Base platform reference software implementations for each DIML profile. 2. Framework of DIP for DIBOs to fit into. ii. Then develop the core experiment process rules using the following rules as a starting point: 1. People come with a DIBO they need and a reason why they need it. 2. Multiple parties commit to implement them on top of the base platforms. 3. Then follow the core experiment process set up in MPEG-21. 4. When producing core experiment proposals, participants should call out the level of granularity of the DIBO and referees should comment on it. 5. Keep a best practices document for DIBOs and check new core experiments with respect to the best practices document. If it changes, make sure to check the impact of that change on old DIBOs. Actions: Continue to study above recommendations/proposals in BoG Meeting later in week with Requirements to examine progress against DIP requirements Create first draft of specification given progress on above MPEG-21 DIA Editing: Doc No. Contribution 9427 Editors Input on MPEG-21 DIA CD Source Anthony Vetro, Andrew Perkis, Christian Timmerer Anthony Vetro, Andrew Perkis, Christianm Timmerer 9429 MPEG-21 DIA AM4.1 Topic: Reviewed editing revisions since Awaji meeting (summarized above for AHG report – m9350) MPEG-21 DIP Handoff & Requirements : Doc No. 9447 Contribution Source Overview of responses to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N5329 ‘Final call for Proposals on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Base Operations and Digital Item Method Language Jean Stride, Keith Hill Thomas DeMartini, Rik Van de Walle, Ian AHG on Digital Item Processing Burnett 9373 Topic: Reviewed recommendations of DIP AHG (summarized above for AHG report – m9373) 75 Actions: Established that DIP requirements are making it difficult to select among technologies for language Request DIP BoG to investigate use-cases for DIP throughout value chain to examine what types of methods are needed and how different requirements for language emerge MPEG-21 DII RA Candidates : Doc No. 9346 Contribution Source AHG on Preparing the Appointment of the RA for ISO/IEC 21000-3 Niels Rump Summary of answers on the Questionnaire for Candidates for the DII RA Niels Rump 9393 Topic: Discussed process for selecting DII RA among four candidates Section proving difficult because all candidates seem capable of doing job for RA Actions: Formed committee of three experts (Niels Rump, Haw KWang Kim, Paul Jessop) to evaluate responses in m9393 and complete additional evaluation scorecard on candidates Those experts would report back at meeting later in week to make the final selection Result: Hae Kwong Kim – recommends NCA because of strengths from “willingness” Paul Jessop – recommends CISAC because of JTC1 experience. Agreed with tentative recommendation of AHG that all candidates were capable. Focussed on high-risk areas (1,2,6) Niels Rump – recommends CISAC. Used AHG document/proponents answers to questionnaire. Concentrated on risks (CISAC/NCA) and evaluation sheet (CISAC). MPEG-21 DIA Editing : Doc No. 9421 Contribution Error log for MPEG-21 DIA AM schema v4.0 Proposed Revisions to ReferenceType in DIA DIA Extensibility Source Jijun Zhang, Andrew Perkis Anthony Vetro, Thomas DeMartini 9465 Eric Delfosse, Anthony Vetro, 9408 Topics: Need to clarify semantics of ReferenceType Actions: Create output document on Extensibility of Tools - Design Guidelines MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD: Doc No. 9495 Contribution Source Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong CE report on Modality Conversion Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Preferences (Part 1) Jean-Claude Dufourd 76 9496 9508 Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong CE report on Modality Conversion Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Preferences (part 2) Jean-Claude Dufourd Hae-Kwang Kim, Nam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick CE report on Graphics DIA Gioia Proposed Text for Destination in MPEG-21 DIA Mikio Sasaki 9425 Topic: Reports of CEs (summarized above in DIA CE AHG report) Actions: Adopt to DIA AM: o Transmoding Methods/Parameters o New derivations of CodecParameter for Graphics2D Adopt to MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD: o Additions to PresentationPreferences (Graphics, Soundfield, ModalityConversion, PresentationPriority) o Character set codes supported by terminal o User destination MPEG-21 DIA Personalization : Doc No. Contribution Source Angelo Difino (TI Lab), Munchurl Kim Personalization (ICU), Yumi Sohn (ICU), Jong Nam Kim (KBS), Keongsoo Kim (KBS) CE report on 9532 Information Topic: Proposed Recording Preferences to support MPEG-21 DIA Actions: Adopt to MPEg-7 XM with goal of starting AMD/2 in July Consider defining CE? MPEG-7 Profiles: Doc No. Contribution Source AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling Wo Chang, Eric Rehm 9370 Topic: Examine methods for declaring profiles and levels for MPEG-7 o Eg., add profile=”…” and level=”…” Discussed relationship with issues of schema extension being studied for MPEG AMD/1 Actions: Cannot complete profile/level design until better understand MPEG-7 schema extension mechanism. Create output document discussing alternatives and explore in AHG. MPEG-21 DIA AM5.0 : Doc Contribution Source 77 No. 9495 9597 9508 Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd Letian Rong, Zhongyang Huang, Tor Halvorsen Hae-Kwang Kim, Nam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick CE report on Graphics DIA Gioia Report of CE on Metadata Adaptation - Nicola Adami , Corvaglia, Leonardi, Integration Nishikawa CE report on Modality Conversion Preferences (Part 1) CE on DIA Adaptation Protocol and Configuration 9467 Topic: Reports of CEs (summarized above in DIA CE AHG report) Actions: Adopt to DIA AM: o Transmoding Methods/Parameters o New derivations of CodecParameter for Graphics2D Adopt to MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD: o Additions to PresentationPreferences (Graphics, Soundfield, ModalityConversion, PresentationPriority) o Character set codes supported by terminal User destination MPEG-7 Extensions - w. MPEG-7 System: Doc No. Contribution Source Claude Seyrat, Carsten Herpel, Lindsay, Ali Tabatabai Adam 9376 AHG on MPEG-7 Systems Topic: Joint meeting studied the problem of defining extensions of MPEG-7 schema for ver. 2 (or MPEG AMDs) Actions: Decided not to promote MPEG AMD/1 specifications to FDAM until issue resolved. Creating output document presenting alternatives Create AHG to study the issue until Trondheim and make recommentation MPEG-21 REL CD: Doc No. Contribution Source 9589 9609 Input for Study of REL FCD Comments on the MPEG-21 REL Thomas DeMartini Brad Gandee MPEG-21 Audio DIA - w. Audio: Doc No. Contribution Source 78 9579 9590 9591 9592 9454 Perceptually based DIA descriptor of user environment acoustics for its compensation Extension of Terminal Capabilities to support various frequencies sampled audio DIA Proposal for binaural recording audio DIA Proposal for Multichannel audio DIA Extension of adaptationQoS to support audio digital items experimental application of gBSDL on MPEG-4 Audio BSAC Jerome Daniel Kim, Kim, Kim, Eunmi Oh, Sang-Wook Kim, Youngsik Huh, Ingo Wolf Ingo Wolf, Bernhard Feiten, Andreas Graffunder, Eunmi Oh , Sang-Wook Kim 9529 Topic: Proposals to support audio adaptation in DIA Actions: Audio to create CEs to further explore audio DIA and report back in Trondheim MPEG-21 Architecture w. Rqmnts & Sytems: Doc No. 9511 9416 Contribution Global FNB comment for the 64th MPEG meeting USNB Contribution: Mobile applications for MPEG-21 FNB Comments on MPEG-21 DIA: REL-RDD Terminal Capabilities Description Source D.Curet, A. G. Tescher for USNB Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi 9518 Topic: Proposal of REL/RDD support element to DIA terminal capabilities IPMP problem not yet addressed Actions/Recommendations: Recommend proponents/all experts to help MPEG achieve interoperability Need to have policy (ok to add field that is not managed by MPEG) Need to solve more general problems across IPMP, DIA, REL/RDD, etc. Requirements group recommends not to adopt proposed elements at this time but work on general solution MPEG-7 & Metadata Interoperability : Doc No. 9345 9450 9499 Topic: Contribution Source Masanori Sano, Eric Rehm, David Singer, Peter Mulder AHG on Metadata Interoperability Harmonizing MPEG-7 Person and Place DSs with SMPTE DMS-1 Person and Location Sets Mulder Eric Rehm ID3 to MPEG-7 Mapping Rehm 79 Identified some small gaps in mapping ID3 to MPEG-7 (consider revisions for MDS AMD/2) Actions: Include example mapping in MDS XM Adopt modified Person DS/Place DS to MDS XM MPEG-21 DIA Contributions (Part 1) : Doc No. 9460 9473 9598 9452 9488 9514 9476 Contribution Source Jong-Nam Kim , Myung-hwan Ha, Visual Presentation Preference DS of Kyeongsoo Kim, Munchurl Kim, Yumi MPEG-21 DIA Sohn Proposed Text for Situation As the Extension of Destination in MPEG-21 DIA Mikio Sasaki Extension of Terminal Capabilities to support character coding descriptors Letian Rong, , FNB comment on MPEG-21 DIA: Improvement of BSDL extensibility mechanism (bsdl-1:ignore) Sylvain Devillers, Eric Delfosse Using DIA Description Message with low-level Network/Application ZY Huang, SM Shen, Ming Ji, Taka Senoh, Protocols Takafumi Ueno, Takuyo Kogure Extensions to DIA Description Messages Tor Halvorsen , Andrew Perkis Chris Joslin, Thomas DiGiacomo, Tom Proposal for Virtual Human DIA Molet, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann MPEG-7 MDS AMD/1: Doc No. Contribution Source Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 159385/FPDAM 1 SC 29 Secretariat 9443 Topic: Reviewed NB comments on MPEG-7 MDS Extensions FPDAM Completed all disposition Actions: Decision not to promote MDS AMD/1 until solve issue on schema extension mechanism MPEG-21 DID : Doc No. Contribution Source Issues for discussion arising from parts building on the DID IS 21000:2 I S Burnett, G Drury 9506 Topic: Presented some issues for working with DID: o Overlooked validation rules o Add ReferenceTyp4e attribute to Reference o Anchor 80 o Attribute inheritance and chain of references o Amend/Correct annotation (adding validation rule) Actions: Create AHG to investigate DID issues and define DIA XDI Plan to state DID AMD/1 and/or COR/1 at Trondheim MPEG-21 REL Software : Doc No. 9397 9439 Contribution An Example Implementation of REL Reference Software for Pocket PCs MPEG-21 REL Reference Software for Validating XML Documents Against XML Schemas The 2nd Version of the Example Implementation of MPEG-21 REL Reference Software Source Xin Wang, Venugopal Thomas DeMartini Venkatraman, Edgar Valenzuela, Xin Wang, Thomas DeMartini Xin Wang, Thomas DeMartini, Venugopal Venkatraman, Jose Romero-Lobo, Edgar Valenzuela 9581 Topic: The above three presentations addressed implementations of software around REL: o PocketPC implementation o Adding conditions to previous REL S/W (exercise limit and validity interval) o Tool for validating REL documents against REL schemas o Performs correct XML schema validation for REL Actions: How can DIA context be used with REL to specify conditions? Need examples showing use of REL with DIA RDD Lookup Demo Chris Barlas Topic: Presented tool that allows browsing of dictionary and navigation of terms, derivations, etc. Electronic form of RDD makes much easier to understand Actions: Upload to MPEG S/W site Make MDS resolution pointing out location of electronic form of RDD Investigate interface of REL & RDD for using term lookup in REL authorization Add RDD plan to REL SW plan MPEG-21 DIP WD : Doc No. Contribution Source Jeewoong Ryu, Yumi Sohn, Jeongyeon Lim, Digital Item Basic Operation Functions Munchurl Kim, Jong-Nam Kim, Kyeongsoo and DIP Architecture Kim 9406 Topic: Proposal for DIBO functions & DIP architecture Proposed video summarization services: o DIBOs for SLIDESHOW, TYPETEXT, IMGTREE Actions/Questions: Can DIXOs be implemented using the proposed DIBOs? 81 Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Method Language and Digital ItemBase Simon Louis, Gerrard Drury, Ian Burnett, Operations Brett Powley 9423 Topic: Itemization of DIBOs: COPY, STORE, PLAY, PLAYASYNC, WAIT< STOP, PAUSE< RESUME, DISPLAY, DELETE, ADAPT, EXTRACT, EMBED, PRINT Many DOM-like manipulations: CREATEDIDLNODE, etc. Actions/Questions: Which DIBOs are essential? Which DIBOs are covered by DOM API? Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Method Language and Digital Item Base Frederik De Keukelaere, Rik Van de Walle 9426 Operations Suggestions concerning MPEG-21 Frederik De Keukelaere, Rik Van de Walle 9428 Processing Items and Method Items Topic: Proposed ways for DIMs to be incorporated into digital items, eg., inline script, using reference Other methods using MIMEtype can lead to confusion Respone to CFP on DIP: Using MPEG-J Viswanathan Swaminathan , Gautam Gopinadhan 9434 for DIM, DIME, and DIML Suggestions concerning MPEG-21 Thomas DeMartini 9611 Processing Items and Method Items Topic: Object MAP vs. Object Type (distributed object map?) Entry point – init DIM, each could have entry points Recommendation: Free-up DIP Separate methods into components Clarify InitDIM vs. EntryPoints Candidate DIBOs: COPY (WD), STORE (WD), PLAY (WD), PLAYASYNC (TuC), WAIT (WD), STOP (WD), PAUSE (WD), RESUME (WD), DISPLAY (TuC), DELETE (WD), DOM-like (TuC) 82 Results on MPEG Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS) work items: Promotion of MPEG Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS) work items: MPEG-7: o MDS Extensions (XM v.17) MPEG-21: o Rights Expression Language (Study of FCD) o Rights Data Dictionary o Digital Item Adaptation (Study of CD) o Digital Item Processing (WD) MPEG-7 Results: MPEG-7 MDS AMD/1: o Reviewed and disposed of NB comments on MPEG-7 MDS Extensions FPDAM o Decision to delay promotion of FPDAM because of MPEG-7 schema extensibility/namespace issue o Need to finalize namespace mechanism for MPEG-7 version 2 (affects amendments of all parts of MPEG-7) o MPEG-7 Systems AHG mandate to further study issue until July meeting o Created “MPEG-7 Extensibility Study” output document MPEG-7 Conformance AMD/1: o Created MPEG-7 Conformance ver. 2 WD, which corresponds to AMD/1 of MDS, Audio, Visual Adopted to MPEG-7 XM: o Recording Preference DS o Extensions to Person DS and Place DS (harmonization with MPEG-21 DIA and DMS-1) o New MPEG-7 description examples showing mapping of ID3v.1 to MPEG-7 Summary of MPEG-7 output documents: o DoC on MPEG-7 MDS AMD/1 FPDAM o Study of FPDAM on MPEG-7 AMD/1 o MPEG-7 XM v.17 o MPEG-7 Extensibility Study o MPEG-7 Conformance AMD/1 WD MPEG-21 Results: MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification (DII) Registration Authority (RA): o Completed evaluation of candidates for Registration Authority for MPEG-21 Identification Systems o We very much thank the candidates: CISAC, NCA, SMPTE RA, Verisign o Selection was not easy because of strong case for each of the candidates o Final recommendation to SC29 is to issue the ballot asking for CISAC to be appointed Registration Authority for ISO/IEC 21000 83 MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language (REL): o Reviewed and expressed in MPEG-21 REL a contract provided by Editeur o Created examples showing how OeBF rights verbs (eg, Text-to-speech, Display-onscreen, Search, Lend, etc.) can be supported by MPEG-21 REL extension o Developed REL Study of FCD describing techniques for REL extension o Updated REL Software and Software Implementation Plan o Output: Study of REL FCD REL Software Implementation Plan v.2 AHG on Profiles and Extensions of MPEG-21 REL AHG on MPEG-21 REL Publishing Extension AHG on Editing REL SoFCD MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary (RDD): o No major issues addressed in Pattaya (currently under FCD ballot) o Demonstrated browsable electronic form of Rights Data Dictionary o Discussions with REL on software interface for RDD term lookup by REL authorization program o Output: AHG on RDD Reference Software and Editing MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA): o Several major issues discussed and resolved: Extensibility of Tools Semantics of ReferenceType Better understanding of link between DID and DIA o Adopted to MPEG-21 DIA AM: Modular approach to AdaptationQoS Improved definition of BSD Link tool Transmoding Methods/Parameters New derivations of CodecParameter for Graphics2D Metadata Adaptation for Integration DIARequest added to DIA DesccriptionMessages o Adopted to MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD: Additions to PresentationPreferences (Graphics, Soundfield, ModalityConversion, PresentationPriority) Character set codes supported by terminal User destination o MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation: Revised Software Implementation Plan (v.3) Currently 20 modules Developed timeline for DID validation, extraction of DIA, resource adaptation interface Integration plan (to be discussed further by Jean-Claude) o Core Experiments (4): Metadata Adaptation AdaptationQoS and BSDLink DIA Configuration and Messaging Transmoding o Output: 84 MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD MPEG-21 DIA Adaptation Model (AM) (v.5) MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing (DIP): o New work item with goal of adding “functionality” to MPEG-21 digital items o Created initial design of DIP: DIMs (digital item methods) DIML (digital item method language) to specify DIMs DIBOs (digital item base operations), eg., print, play, delete, etc. DIxOs (digital item extensible operations) o Adopted above basic elements to WD o Adopted ECMAScript as a starting point DIML o Adopted initial specification on embedding DIMs in MPEG-21 DID o Adopted normative interface for DIBOs o Identified MPEG-J as a starting point platform for executing DiXOs (other platforms to be considered as well) o Adopted additional solutions for embedding DIMs in DID to DIP Technologies under Consideration document o Output: MPEG-21 DIP WD v.1 MPEG-21 DIP Technologies under Consideration (TuC) v.1 85 New Core Experiments (CEs): The following MPEG-21 experiments were approved during the Pattaya meeting: Organisations Application Reviewers University of Brescia Mitsubushi Electric Corp. Metadata Adaptation Yong Man Ro Jean–Claude Dufourd University of Klagenfurt IMEC HP Labs ETRI Columbia University Siemens AdaptationQoS and BSDLink Anthony Vetro Zhongyang Huang University of Wollongong Panasonic Singapore Labs IMEC DIA Configuration and Messaging Youngsik Huh Do-Nyun Kim ENST ICU ETRI Transmoding Youngsik Huh Riccardo Leonardi Ian Burnett 86 List of MDS Output documents: No. 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 Title 15938-5 MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Schemes DoC on ISO/IEC 15938-5 AMD/1 FPDAM - MDS Extensions Study of FPDAM – MPEG-7 MDS Extensions MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Schemes XM (v17.0) MPEG-7 Extensibility Study 15938-5 MPEG-7 Conformance Request for Amd/1 to ISO/IEC 15938-7 Conformance WD of 15938-7 AMD/1 MPEG-7 Conformance 21000-2 MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification 21000-5 MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language 5599 Study of Text of ISO/IEC FCD 21000-5 Rights Expression Language 5611 MPEG-21 REL/RDD Software Implementation Plan v.2 21000-6 MPEG-21 Rights Data Dictionary 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 21000-7 MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation Study of ISO/IEC CD 21000-7 Digital Item Adaptation MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation AM v.5 Tool Design Guidelines for Extensibility in MPEG-21 DIA MPEG-21 DIA Software Implementation Plan v.3 Overview of MPEG-21 DIA Core Experiments Workplan for Core Experiment on Metadata Adaptation Workplan for Core Experiment on AdaptationQoS and BSDLink Workplan for Core Experiment on DIA Configuration and Messaging Workplan for Core Experiment on Transmoding 21000-10 MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing 5621 MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing WD v.1 MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing Technologies under Consideration 5622 (TuC) v.1 87 TBP Available N Y N N 2003/03/14 2003/03/21 2003/03/21 2003/04/04 N N 2003/03/14 2003/21/03 Y Y 2003/28/03 2003/03/14 Y N N N Y N N N N 2003/04/04 2003/04/04 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 2003/03/14 N 2003/03/28 N 2003/03/28 List of AHGs approved by the MDS group: N5623 Mandate: Co-Chairs Duration: Meetings Reflector: Subscribe N5624 Mandate: Chairman: Co Chair Duration: Meetings Reflector: N5625 Mandate: Chairman: Co Chair Duration: Meetings Reflector: N5626 Mandate: 22.1.1 AHG on Metadata Interoperability 1. Analyze interoperability of MPEG-7 with external metadata systems, e.g., MXF, 3GPP, ID3 V2, and EXIF. 2. Further process of mapping for more DMS1 sets/frameworks to MPEG7 datatypes, Ds, and DSs. 3. Investigate the activity of making XML schema for DMS-1 in SMPTE and try to find the possible way to have interoperability with MPEG-7 by using that schema. David Singer, Eric Rehm (Singingfish / THOMSON), Peter Mulder ,Masanori Sano (NHK) Until 65th meeting Week-end before the next meeting Subscription: Send email message to (No subject or message body required.) Ad Hoc Group on Editing the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language Edit the Study on the FCD to accommodate all actions arising from the BoG in Pattaya. Study to be release by 28/3/03. Review and prepare disposition of any National Body comments Barney Wragg Thomas DeMartini Until the 65th meeting Business will be conducted by E-mail or Telephone. Meeting 20th July in Trondheim message titles prefixed [REL] Ad Hoc Group on Profiles and Extensions of the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language Review the procedure and explanation for Profiles and Extensions of the REL Collect requirements from other industries for possible WG11 standardized profiles and extensions Facilitate liaison with OMA on a profile of the MPEG REL with respect to the OMA Phase 2 requirements. Brad Gandee Barney Wragg Until 65th meeting Business will be conducted by E-mail or Telephone. Location and date of co-located meeting with the OMA to be confirmed. message titles prefixed [REL] AhG on MPEG-21 Publishing Extension 1. Liaise with OeBF and EDItEUR about development of a publishing extension to the MPEG-21 REL 88 2. To study the interoperability implications of extensions Co-Chairs Duration: Meetings: Until the 65th Meeting a).1.1.1 The AhG will be conducted by email The AhG will be conducted by email and phone conference(s). It is also intended to convene a face to face meeting, date to be agreed with OeBF and EDItEUR Reflector: a).1.1.2 Subscribe: a).1.1.3 To subscribe, send email to: N5627 Mandate: AhG on RDD Reference Software and Editing 1. Review NB Comments on RDD FCD 2. Prepare editor’s draft of the FDIS for use in 65th meeting 3. Develop further requirements for RDD Reference Software 4. Continue integration of RDD Reference Software with REL Reference Software Plan 5. Prepare draft Disposition of Comments Co-Chairs Chris Barlas [] Duration: Meetings: Reflector: Subscribe: N5628 Mandate: Godfrey Rust ( Until the 65th Meeting The AhG will be conducted by email and a possible face to face meeting prior to 65th Meeting 20th July, Trondheim (Optional) messages to use the prefix [RDD] Send email to AHG on Use of DID by other MPEG-21 parts 1. Discuss and propose refined definition for Context Digital Item. 2. Discuss issues raised in relation to usage of DID, and, if required, propose amendments and/or corrections arising from discussions a. Semantics of Reference element. Consider proposals in previous reflector discussions. b. Use of Annotation/Assertion. c. Evaluation of target value to single node for Annotation and/or Assertion. d. Correction of examples for Annotation and Assertion. e. Requirement of fragment attribute for Anchor without a Reference child. f. Inheritance of attribute values in the case of a Reference chain. Co-Chairs: Gerrard Drury (UoW) Do-Nyun Kim (LGE) Duration: Meetings: Reflector: Subscribe: N5629 Until 65th meeting Business will be conducted by E-mail and/or telephone conference. Mandate: 1. messages to use the prefix [DID-Use-AhG] To subscribe, send an email to 22.1.2 AHG on Editing MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation Study of CD & AM Produce the Study of CD and AM5.0 after a 3-week editing period and upload the documents on or before April 4, 2003. 89 2. 3. 4. 5. Chairman Co-chairman Duration: Meetings: Reflector: N5630 Mandate Chairman Co Chair Duration Meetings Reflector 5631 Maintain schema and validated examples for the Study of CD and AM5.0 on Based on the Tool Design Guidelines for Extensibility of MPEG-21 DIA (N5614), recommend improvements to the design of existing tools. Discuss the possibility to specify CPU capabilities. Produce Editors Input on the FCD and AM5.1. Anthony Vetro ( Andrew Perkis ( Christian Timmerer ( Eric Delfosse ( Until the 65th Meeting. a).1.1.4 AHG Meeting to be held on the Sunday prior to 65 th meeting. Ad Hoc Group on Core Experiments for MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation 1. Maintaining the MPEG-21 MDS CE Development process document. 2. Carry out Core Experiments on DIA and make recommendations to modify and improve the Committee Draft (Study of CD) and Adaptation Model (AM v5.0). 3. Encourage delivery (according to software implementation plan v.3 N5615) of implementation software from participants. Jeho Nam ( Debargha Mukherjee ( Until 65th MPEG meeting A meeting will be held on the weekend before the Trondheim meeting. Other business will be conducted by E-mail or Telephone. AHG on Editing MPEG-21 DIP 1. 2. Mandate 3. Edit the Working Draft WD1.0 of MPEG-21 DIP Encourage submissions of further DIBOs and discussion of the level of DIML and DIBO processing Discuss and encourage demonstration of DIxOs that illustrate the use of this extensibility mechanism. 4. Produce study on WD1.0 and recommendations on improving WD1.0 . Chairman Co Chair Duration Meetings Reflector Subscribe Rik Van de Walle ( Ian Burnett ( Munchurl Kim ( Vishy Swaminathan ( Until the 65th Meeting. AHG Meeting to be held on the Sunday prior to 65th meeting. Follow procedure at 90 MPEG MDS group schedule for 64th meeting: MDS Sub-Group Schedule MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 Number TITLE FINAL ROOM & SOURCE STD Monday Morning (9h00-13h00) MPEG Plenary Plenary room Monday Afternoon (14h00-20h00) Kick-off of MPEG MDS activities (14h00-14h30) Agenda, Goals and Issues for the Week for MDS Group Room 3 (MDS Room) ALL John R. Smith Review of AHG resolutions and action points (14h3016h00) 9345 AHG on Metadata Interoperability Room 3 (MDS Room) 9346 AHG on Preparing the Appointment of the RA for ISO/IEC 21000-3 AHG on the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language FCD AHG on MPEG-21 REL Publishing Extension AHG on Editing the MPEG-21 RDD FCD Niels Rump , Paul Jessop 9350 AHG on Editing MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation CD & AM Anthony Vetro, Andrew Christian Timmerer 9351 AHG on Core Experiments for MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation Report of CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Linking Jeho Nam, Debargha Mukherjee Report of CE on Metadata Adaptation Integration Report of the Second CE on the Soundfield Description for MPEG-21 DIA Nicola Adami , Corvaglia, Leonardi, Nishikawa Jeongil Seo, Gi Yoon Park, Daeyoung Jang, Kyeongok Kang, Jinwoong Kim, Guillaume Potard Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd 9347 9349 9348 9466 9467 9482 9495 CE report on Modality Preferences (Part 1) Conversion 9496 CE report on Modality Preferences (part 2) Conversion 9508 CE report on Graphics DIA 9532 CE report on Personalization Information ALL Masanori Sano, Eric Rehm, David Singer, Peter Mulder Barney Wragg, Thomas DeMartini Chris Barlas, Brad Gandee Chris Barlas, Godfrey Rust Perkis, Christian Timmerer, Joerg Heuer, on behalf of the CE Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd Hae-Kwang Kim, Nam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick Gioia Angelo Difino (TI Lab), Munchurl Kim (ICU), Yumi Sohn (ICU), Jong Nam Kim (KBS), Keongsoo Kim (KBS) 91 NOTES 9564 Report of CE on AdaptationQoS BSD Linking 9597 CE on DIA Adaptation Protocol Configuration AHG on Digital Item Processing 9373 and Joerg Heuer, Eric Delfosse; Jan Bormans; Gabriel Panis; Joerg Heuer; Andreas Hutter; Christian Timmerer; Harald Kosch; Hermann Hellwagner; Jae-Gon Kim; Yong Wang; Debargha Mukerjee; Geraldine Kuo; Sam Liu; Giordano Letian Rong, Zhongyang Huang, Tor Halvorsen Thomas DeMartini, Rik Van de Walle, Ian Burnett Define BoGs and Mandates (16h00-16h30) Room 3 (MDS Room) ALL MPEG-21 DIA Editing (16h30 - 17h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 9427 Editors Input on MPEG-21 DIA CD Anthony Vetro, Andrew Christian Timmerer Perkis, 9429 MPEG-21 DIA AM4.1 Anthony Vetro, Andrew Christianm Timmerer Perkis, MPEG-21 DIP Handoff & Requirements (17h00- 18h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) 9447 Jean Stride, Keith Hill 9373 Overview of responses to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N5329 ‘Final call for Proposals on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Base Operations and Digital Item Method Language AHG on Digital Item Processing MPEG-21 DIA Adaptation QoS / BSD Linking BoG (18h00 - TBD) MPEG-21 Thomas DeMartini, Rik Van de Walle, Ian Burnett ROOM 6 MPEG-21 MPEG-21 DII RA Candidates (09h00 - 10h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 9346 Niels Rump , Paul Jessop Tuesday Morning (09h00-13h00) 9384 9393 AHG on Preparing the Appointment of the RA for ISO/IEC 21000-3 Table of Replies on ISO/IEC FDIS 21000-2 [SC 29 N 5156] Summary of answers on the Questionnaire for Candidates for the DII RA SC 29 Secretariat Niels Rump (ed.) MPEG-21 DIA Editing (10h00 - 11h30) Room 3 (MDS Room) 9421 Jijun Zhang, Andrew Perkis 9465 9408 Error log for MPEG-21 DIA AM schema v4.0 Proposed Revisions to ReferenceType in DIA DIA Extensibility MPEG-21 Anthony Vetro, Thomas DeMartini Eric Delfosse, Anthony Vetro, MPEG-21 DIA Extensibility BoG (11h30 - 15h00) ROOM 6 MPEG-21 MPEG-21 DIA Study of CD (11h30 - 12h30) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 92 9495 CE report on Modality Preferences (Part 1) Conversion Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd 9496 CE report on Modality Preferences (part 2) Conversion Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd 9508 CE report on Graphics DIA 9425 Proposed Text for Destination in MPEG-21 DIA MPEG-21 DIP Requirements with Requirements (12h3013h00) Hae-Kwang Kim, Nam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick Gioia Mikio Sasaki Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 MPEG-21 REL BoG (14h00 - 16h00) TBD (ROOM 6 - CONFLICT) MPEG-21 MPEG-21 DIA Personalization (14h00 - 15h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 9532 Angelo Difino (TI Lab), Munchurl Kim (ICU), Yumi Sohn (ICU), Jong Nam Kim (KBS), Keongsoo Kim (KBS) Tuesday Afternoon (14h00-20h00) CE report on Personalization Information MPEG-7 Profiles (14h00 - 15h00) Requirements 9370 AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling [SC 29 N 5224] A Simple Metadata Profile with Levels Wo Chang, Eric Rehm Sang-Kyun Kim 9576 Profile for interactive PPL(Product Placement) and related applications Request for a BiM simple profile 9587 MPEG-7 Interop. Test Bed (M7ITB) Report Wo Chang 9593 An additional issue on MPEG-7 Video Program Profile Masanori Sano, Masahiro Shibata 9400 9500 9517 MPEG-21 DIA AM5.0 (15h00 - 16h30) CE report on Modality Preferences (Part 1) 9597 CE on DIA Adaptation Protocol Configuration CE report on Graphics DIA 9508 SC 29 Secretariat Eric Rehm, David Singer, Schuyler Quackenbush, Wo Chang, Alan Melby, Bhavan Gandhi, Carlos Garza Claude Seyrat Room 3 (MDS Room) 9495 Conversion and MPEG-7 Truong Cong Thang, Yong Ju Jung, Yong Man Ro, Jeho Nam, Mariam Kimiaei-Asadi, Jean-Claude Dufourd Letian Rong, Zhongyang Huang, Tor Halvorsen Hae-Kwang Kim, Nam-Yeol Lee Alan Mignot Jeho Nam Debargha Mukherjee Mahnjin Han Jean-Claude Dufourd Patrick Gioia 93 MPEG-21 9467 Report of CE on Metadata Adaptation Integration Nicola Adami , Corvaglia, Leonardi, Nishikawa MPEG-7 Extensions - w. MPEG-7 Systems (15h00-16h00) SYSTEMS MPEG-7 BoG ROOM 9376 Claude Seyrat, Carsten Herpel, Adam Lindsay, Ali Tabatabai AHG on MPEG-7 Systems MPEG-7 MPEG-21 DIA Adaptation Protocol & Messaging BoG (16h00 - TBD) MEET AT MDS ROOM MPEG-21 MPEG-21 REL CD (16h30 - 17h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 9589 Input for Study of REL FCD Thomas DeMartini 9609 Comments on the MPEG-21 REL Brad Gandee MPEG-21 Audio DIA - w. Audio (17h00 - 18h00) AUDIO ROOM MPEG-21 9579 Perceptually based DIA descriptor of user environment acoustics for its compensation Jerome Daniel 9590 Kim, 9591 Extension of Terminal Capabilities to support various frequencies sampled audio DIA Proposal for binaural recording audio DIA 9592 Proposal for Multichannel audio DIA Kim, 9454 Extension of adaptationQoS to support audio digital items Eunmi Oh, Sang-Wook Youngsik Huh, Ingo Wolf 9529 experimental application of gBSDL on MPEG-4 Audio BSAC Ingo Wolf, Bernhard Feiten, Andreas Graffunder, Eunmi Oh , Sang-Wook Kim Kim, Kim, Wednesday Morning (09h00-13h00) MPEG Plenary (9h00-12h30) Plenary room MPEG Plenary MPEG-21 Architecture w. Rqmnts & Sytems (11h0016h00) 9511 Global FNB comment for the 64th MPEG meeting 9416 USNB Contribution: Mobile applications for MPEG-21 9518 FNB Comments on MPEG-21 DIA: RELRDD Terminal Capabilities Description REQUIREMENTS ROOM MPEG-21 D.Curet, A. G. Tescher for USNB Abdellatif Benjelloun Touimi Wednesday Afternoon (14h00-17h30) MPEG-21 Architecture w. Rqmnts & Sytems (11h0016h00) REQUIREMENTS ROOM MPEG-21 MPEG-7 & Metadata Interoperability (15h00-16h00) ROOM 6 MPEG-7 9345 Masanori Sano, Eric Rehm, David Singer, Peter Mulder AHG on Metadata Interoperability 94 9450 9499 Harmonizing MPEG-7 Person and Place DSs with SMPTE DMS-1 Person and Location Sets ID3 to MPEG-7 Mapping MPEG-21 DIA Contributions (Part 1) (15h00 - 16h00) DS Visual Presentation MPEG-21 DIA 9473 Proposed Text for Situation As the Extension of Destination in MPEG-21 DIA 9598 Extension of Terminal Capabilities support character coding descriptors 9452 FNB comment on MPEG-21 DIA: Improvement of BSDL extensibility mechanism (bsdl-1:ignore) Using DIA Description Message with lowlevel Network/Application Protocols 9514 Extensions to DIA Description Messages 9476 Proposal for Virtual Human DIA Rehm Room 3 (MDS Room) 9460 9488 Preference Mulder Eric Rehm of to MPEG-21 Jong-Nam Kim , Myung-hwan Ha, Kyeongsoo Kim, Munchurl Kim, Yumi Sohn Mikio Sasaki Letian Rong, , Sylvain Devillers, Eric Delfosse ZY Huang, SM Shen, Ming Ji, Taka Senoh, Takafumi Ueno, Takuyo Kogure Tor Halvorsen , Andrew Perkis Chris Joslin, Thomas DiGiacomo, Tom Molet, Nadia MagnenatThalmann MPEG-21 DII RA Candidates (16h00 - 17h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 MPEG-7 Profiles (17h00-18h00) REQUIREMENTS ROOM MPEG-7 Plenary MDS and Report of BoG (17h00 - 18h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MDS Plenary MPEG-21 RDD MPEG-21 REL MPEG-21 DIA MPEG-21 DIP MPEG Social Event (18h00 - midnight) Thursday Morning (09h00-12h30) MPEG-21 REL BoG (09h00 - 10h30) ROOM 6 Ballroom) MPEG-21 File Format (09h00 - 10h00) Systems MPEG-21 MPEG-7 MDS AMD/1 (09h00-09h30) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-7 9443 SC 29 Secretariat Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 159385/FPDAM 1 MPEG-7 Video Extensions (09h30 - 10h00) (Backup Room 3 (MDS Room) 95 is Grand MPEG-21 MPEG-7 MPEG-7 Conformance v.2 (10h00-10h30) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-7 MPEG-21 DID (10h30 - 11h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 9506 I S Burnett, G Drury Issues for discussion arising from parts building on the DID IS 21000:2 MPEG-21 REL Software (11h00 - 12h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) 9397 An Example Implementation of Reference Software for Pocket PCs 9439 MPEG-21 REL Reference Software for Validating XML Documents Against XML Schemas The 2nd Version of the Example Implementation of MPEG-21 REL Reference Software Edgar Valenzuela, Thomas DeMartini RDD Lookup Demo Chris Barlas 9581 REL MPEG-21 Xin Wang, Venugopal Venkatraman, Thomas DeMartini Xin Wang, Xin Wang, Thomas DeMartini, Venugopal Venkatraman, Jose Romero-Lobo, Edgar Valenzuela MPEG-21 DIA Software (12h00 - 12h30) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 MPEG-21 Multimedia Testbed (12h30 - 13h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 MPEG-21 DIP WD (14h00 - 15h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 9406 Digital Item Basic Operation Functions and DIP Architecture 9423 Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Method Language and Digital ItemBase Operations Response to CfP on Digital Item Processing: Digital Item Method Language and Digital Item Base Operations Suggestions concerning MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items Respone to CFP on DIP: Using MPEG-J for DIM, DIME, and DIML Suggestions concerning MPEG-21 Processing Items and Method Items Jeewoong Ryu, Yumi Sohn, Jeongyeon Lim, Munchurl Kim, Jong-Nam Kim, Kyeongsoo Kim Simon Louis, Gerrard Drury, Ian Burnett, Brett Powley Thursday Afternoon (14h00-19h00) 9426 9428 9434 9611 Frederik De Keukelaere, Rik Van de Walle Frederik De Keukelaere, Rik Van de Walle Viswanathan Swaminathan , Gautam Gopinadhan Thomas DeMartini MPEG-21 DIA (cont) (15h00 - 16h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MPEG-21 Plenary MDS and Reports of BoG (16h00 - 17h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) MDS Plenary Review of Output documents, AHGs, CEs, DoC, Std (17h00- 18h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) Friday Morning (09h00-13h00) Wrapping up (09h00 - 13h00) Room 3 (MDS Room) Approval of resolutions, AHGs and Output 96 MDS Plenary documents Friday Afternoon (14h00-21h00) MPEG Plenary Plenary room 97 MPEG Plenary Next targets for the Trondheim (65th) meeting: MPEG-7 Complete MPEG-7 MDS Extensions FPDAM Create second WD of MPEG-7 Conformance AMD/1 Contribute to WD of MPEG-7 Profiles MPEG-21 Review results of MPEG-21 DIA Core experiments approved during the Pattaya meeting Review and dispose of NB comments on MPEG-21 REL FCD; produce MPEG-21 REL FCD Review and dispose of NB comments on MPEG-21 RDD FCD; produce MPEG-21 RDD FCD Review and dispose of NB comments on MPEG-21 DIA CD; produce MPEG-21 DIA FCD second WD of MPEG-21 DIP Advance MPEG-21 Software Implementation 98 Annex 7 Report of Video meeting Source : Jens-Rainer Ohm, Miroslaw Bober MPEG-1 Corrigendum 3 (N5545) of 11172-2 was issued. This contains mainly corrections to the nonnormative annex D (e.g. 2D DCT equation and two VLC tables), as well as other miscellaneous items where wording is contradicting or may lead to mis-interpretations. There were no specific comments in the ballot. Documents reviewed: M9395 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993/DCOR 3 [SC 29 N 5210] SC 29 Secretariat No. Title TBP Available 5545 Text of ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993/COR3 03/03/14 MPEG-4 New Levels and Tools Amendment The software FDAM related to 14496-2:2001/Amd.3 was issued (N5636). The DoC on the PDAM is in N5637. Documents reviewed: M9440 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/FPDAM 3 SC 29 Secretariat Error resilience in Scalable Enhancement Layer This amendment had been started in Awaji. Based on the votes, the text FPDAM was issued with corrections made after NB comments (N5548), and the software (N5638) and conformance (N5635) PDAMs were produced. Documents reviewed: M9444 M9459 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001/PDAM 4 ERSSP Spatially Enhanced Reference Bitstreams M9493 MS Reference Software Update (ERSSP included) M9599 ERSSP Temporal Scalability Reference Bitstreams SC 29 Secretariat Gus Reid Yi-Shin Tung Ja-Ling Wu Ting-Jian Pan Wen-Huang Cheng Po-Kang Hsiao Yuval Noimark Ophir Azulai Software and Conformance fixing, List of Problems reported Further work has been done in the cleanup of the video-related software problems, bug fixing is permanently performed, and cross-checks between the newest versions of the Momusys and Microsoft packages are running. It is planned to have all bugs as documented in the 'List of Problems Reported' (N5549) fixed in the context of 14496-5:2001 PDAM5 (ERSSP amendment). Further tests were made about compatiblity of existing conformance streams with software versions, which are also documented in N5549. To fix these problems, cooperation with the M4IF is 99 sought (see M9355 and N5506). From the side of the video group, Yi-Shin Tung will take the responsibility for this task. Regarding the report brought on performance evaluation of QMC (M9494), it was clarified that the approach proposed is not viable, as it would require syntax changes on existing tools. A similar effect might well be achieved by encoder optimization. Documents reviewed: M9355 AHG on Editorial Convergence and Maintenance of MPEG-4 Reference Software Tihao Chiang Yi-Shin Tung Chung-Neng Wang M9389 Liaison Statement from MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) [SC 29 N 5193] SC 29 Secretariat M9484 MPEG-4 Visual: Updated List of Problems Reported M9493 MS Reference Software Update (ERSSP included) M9494 Reports on Performance Evaluation of Current QMC and Proposed Changes to Enable Switching MC Modes in the VOP Level Chung-Neng Wang Yi-Shin Tung Tihao Chiang Jens-Rainer Ohm Yi-Shin Tung Ja-Ling Wu Ting-Jian Pan Wen-Huang Cheng Po-Kang Hsiao Yi-Shin Tung Ting-Jian Pan Wen-Huang Cheng Ja-Ling Wu New edition of MPEG-4 Part 2 and issues related to maintenance of 14496-2 A new edition of MPEG-4 Visual part (N5546) is in preparation, which will integrate on top of the 2001 edition Amendments 1-3 (Studio, Streaming Video, New Levels and Tools) and Corrigendum 2. In addition, a number of editorial issues brought in M9474 will be included; this is documented in N5672. The editing period ends by April 30. In the new version of the 'MPEG-4 Visual: List of Problems reported' (N5549), the remaining items from M9474 were listed. The Video group asks National Bodies to consider this document which contains a number of potential items to be clarified in a future corrigendum to 14496-2. As many of these items require careful consideration and further discussion, National Bodies and individuals with qualified expertise are kindly invited to provide the Video group with input which would alleviate the formulation of such a corrigendum. Documents reviewed: M9474 Comments on 14496-2 (2001) and Amd 2 (2002) M9477 Draft of 14496-2 Third Edition Aharon Gill Jens-Rainer Ohm Osamu Sunohara Yoichi Yagasaki Amendment for Optimized Reference Software For 14496-7:200x/Amd.1, the DAM text (N5550) was produced. This contains software for runtime-optimized Simple Profile encoder and decoder and optimized software for the error resilience tools. No specific comments were made in the PDAM ballot. Documents reviewed: M9396 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC TR 14496-7/PDAM 1 [SC 29 N 5211] 100 SC 29 Secretariat MPEG-4 AVC Documents related to AVC which were input to the video group have been brought to the attention of the JVT for proper disposition: M9557 CANADIAN NB Comments on the MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC FCD USNB Contribution: 10 bit sample depth and 4:2:2 chroma format in JVT USNB Contribution: Response to Klagenfurt resolution 3.1.3 USNB Contribution: New subdivision of ISO/IEC 14496 to specify the AVC conformance USNB Contribution: IPR issues for JVT AVC/H.264 Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request AVC/H.264 Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request China NB Comments on the AVC profiles JNB Comments on JVT-F100 Complexity Evaluation of Different Configurations of JVT Codec (complexity databases and visualization tool included) Support for JVT Royalty Free Baseline M9583 Finnish NB comments on JVT-100 M9398 M9409 M9410 M9413 M9418 M9470 M9471 M9497 M9498 M9553 M9586 AVC/H.264 Main and Baseline Profiles Should not Change Alternative solutions to Hierarchical Profile Concerns M9594 USNB Comments for AVC ISO/IEC 14496-10 M9595 SMPTE Recommendation on New Work Item for 14496-10 (AVC) M9584 Peter Haighton Lowell Winger A. G. Tescher for USNB A. G. Tescher for USNB A. G. Tescher for USNB A. G. Tescher for USNB Yasser Syed Mukta Kar Yasser Syed Mukta Kar Wen Gao Teruhiko Suzuki Massimo Ravasi Marco Mattavelli Christophe Clerc Dave Lindbergh et al. Ye-Kui Wang Miska Hannuksela Yasser Syed Michael Horowitz Inc Tandberg Teles AG Ali Tabatabai Frank Bossen Tom McMahon Peter Symes Oliver Morgan The Video group has approved the text of 14496-10 FDIS Advanced Video Coding (N5555), the related DoC (N5551), the AVC software WD (N5565) and Version 1.0 of the AVC Verification test plan (N5566). Output documents related to MPEG-4 No. 5546 5672 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5555 Title TBP Available 14496-2 MPEG-4 Visual Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2 Visual Third Edition 03/04/30 Editorial Items for Third Edition of 14496-2 03/03/14 Disposition of Comments on 14496-2:2001/PDAM4 03/03/14 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001/FPDAM4 Visual Error Resilient Simple 03/03/14 Scalable Profile MPEG-4 Visual: List of Problems Reported version 8.0 Y 03/03/14 14496-7 MPEG-4 Optimised Reference Software Text of ISO/IEC 14496-7/DAM1 Optimised Reference Software for 03/03/14 Simple Profile and Visual Error Resilience 14496-10 MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding Disposition of Comments on 14496-10 FCD 03/03/31 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-10 FDIS Advanced Video Coding 03/03/31 101 5565 Working Draft of Reference Software for Advanced Video Coding 03/05/15 MPEG-7 MPEG-7 related work in Pattaya The work in MPEG-7 mainly concerned the following themes: Review and Approval of the Visual Ad Hoc Group Recommendations Inclusion of new technology into Visual Experimental Model (for version 2) Preparation of the conformance descriptions for version 1. Review of the input documents and planning of new Core Experiments for amendment 3 Call for the MPEG-7 Visual Demos Review of the reports of problems with Visual version 1 specification and preparation of the report including solutions. Work on MPEG-7 Profiles and Profiling mechanisms (jointly with Requirements, MDS, Audio and Systems). XM software status review with ISG (for version 2). Review and Approval of the Visual Ad Hoc Group Recommendations All AdHoc group recommendations were approved. VCE-1: Perceptual 3D shape descriptor M9481 - Perceptual 3D shape descriptor: Result of core experiment SAIT, HUFS, and SNU presented the result of database selection and categorization for evaluating the perceptual 3D shape (P3DS) descriptor. The database consists of 540 VRML models with 42 categories, which is classified based on the subjective human perception. Work will continue to collect more 3D models until next meeting. Based on the new database and the proposed categorisation categorization, the proposal shows a preliminary result of shape retrieval. The results are still unsatisfactory and more work needs to be performed on better categorization and on the matching technique. During the ongoing core experiment, the P3DS descriptor will be improved further to find optimal node and edge attributes as well as the best matching technique. VCE-2: Binary Representation of Visual Descriptors Experimentation shown that several minor bugs exist in the BiM software, this information was forwarded to the systems group for analysis and corrections. Some discrepancies exist between the BiM software and Visual XM software, so full exchangeability of the BiM and Visual-binary bit-streams can’t be achieved. The recommendation is to continue the CE with the unchanged objective to provide a complete set of results obtained with the latest version of BiM. Additionally, this CE should also deliver conformance bit-streams. VCE-3: Definition of a new "time-sequence" container M9435 - Text of GoF/GoP Feature of Edge Histogram M9516 - Report of the Core Experiment of Definition and use of a new “TimeSequence" data container (VCE-3) Experiments were performed on the “time sequence container” with homogeneous texture descriptor and shown correct functioning. However, it was decided that the database should be extended to include more “moving textures”. The CE will continue in the context of homogeneous texture and other descriptors that have not been yet tested. 102 VCE-4: Description schemes for the visual tools M9501 Report on VCE-4: Visual DS framework A detailed study of the impact of the proposed DS framework on Visual and MDS structures was performed and several modifications to MDS structures were proposed. In addition, some modifications to visual tools were proposed – with 3 basic DS’s now in the Visual DS framework. The group felt that proposed framework was sound and that discussions with the MDS group should start to agree on the necessary changes in the MDS structures. 3 Core Experiments were approved for continuation and one new created (see below). Promotion of technology into Visual PDAM (for version 2) Time-sequence container in conjunction with Edge Histogram layout Advanced Face Recognition GOP-GOF-Feature Review of the input documents and planning of new Core Experiments for version 3 4 Core experiments are defined (N5556): VCE-1: Perceptual 3D Shape Descriptor VCE-2: Binary Representation of Visual Descriptors, including collection of conformance descriptions. VCE-3: Definition and use of a new "time-sequence" container Review of the reports of problems with Visual version 1 specification The list of problems reported (M9504) with the current specification was reviewed. Some of the contributions proposed fixes, which were approved by the group. A list of known problems is maintained by Dr Cieplinski (, where problems can be reported by emiail. This document is public in order to help people currently implementing the visual specification. Review of the remaining input documents Proposals for the database extensions and some new experimental results for the 3D perceptual shape descriptor were presented. There were two different proposals regarding the database structure and categorisation, which were discussed during the meeting and a single merged and coherent categorisation was agreed. It will be used in the CE. New proposal regarding 3D face descriptor was presented, but the results were not sufficiently advanced to merit start of a new CE. The participants are encouraged to perform more experiments are present more results. Doc Authors M9435 Soo-Jun Park Myung Gil Jang M9422 WonSook LEE SeokCheol KEE M9580 Titus Zaharia Francoise Preteux Title Text of GoF/GoP Feature of Edge Histogram 3D face descriptor: proposal for CE A new categorization of the 3D mesh model database XM software status review with ISG 103 New tools accepted should be delivered to Stephan Herrman within two weeks after the meeting. All software currently integrated is working correctly and the software is in a very good shape. Output documents related to MPEG-7 No. 5553 5554 5552 5556 Title TBP Available 15938-3 MPEG-7 Visual Text of ISO/IEC 15938-3 PDAM 1 Visual Extensions 03/03/28 MPEG-7 Visual: List of Problems Reported version 3.0 Y 03/03/14 MPEG-7 Visual eXperimentation Model (XM) version 18.0 03/03/14 Description of Core Experiments for MPEG-7 Visual Extensions 03/03/14 Explorations Scalable Video Coding The main activity in Scalable Video Coding was the finalization of the Call for Evidence on Scalable Video Coding Advances (N5569). The Call is due for the July meeting, test materials will be made available to prospective proponents shortly after the meeting. As an outcome of the Call, it is expected that proponents are able to show that new scalable video coding technology exists which is able to overcome the previous limitations, in particular that scalability and good compression performance are not contradicting properties and that different dimensions of scalability can be much more flexibly combined than in available standard solutions. Results will be first reviewed in a 2-day AHG meeting before the Trondheim meeting, and further be analysed during the 65th meeting. A set of mandatory tests is related to proofs of the free combination of spatial/temporal/SNR scalability, while retaining high coding efficiency. Anchors to be compared against are AVC based on the stable version of JM4.2, and ASP+FGS/FGST, most probably based on Visual reference software. The spatial scalability will be over two levels (SD/SIF/QSIF), temporal scalability as well (30/15/7.5 fps). Range of rates is between 64 kbit/s and 6 Mbit/s. Scalable proposals shall only encode once, and decode all results from cropped streams, while the AVC anchors will be encoded at each individual rate and resolution, the ASP+FGS/FGST anchors once at each spatial resolution. In addition, a non-mandatory test was designed in the context of the MPEG-21 multimedia test bed. This will be performed in comparison against ASP+FGS/FGST decoded anchors under dynamically varying network conditions. Other optional tests are to show advantages of more flexible combinations of temporal/spatial/SNR scalability and show performance with finer rate-granularity than in mandatory set of conditions. A new version of the Applications and Requirements document (N5540) was produced jointly with the Requirements group. In particular, requirements for surveillance applications were added. More technical input was reviewed, related to – FGS and spatial scalability with AVC base layer; – Spatial scalability with reversed-order spatio-temporal MC wavelet coder; – Multiple description aspects of scalable streams (e.g. combination with channel diversity); – MC wavelet coder for flexible encoding of interlaced material, including interlace/progressive scalability. This that still continuous progress is made in the new scalable coding technology available. Nevertheless, all Exploration Experiments were terminated, as the next step is to analyze the evidence which will be brought as response to the Call. Documents reviewed: 104 Mihaela van der Schaar C.J. Tsai Touradj Ebrahimi Chun-Jen Tsai Mihaela van der Schaar Young-Kwon Lim Yoshimasa Honda Tsutomu Uenoyama Daijiroh Ichimura Shen Shengmei Lee Men Huang Anthony Vetro Shunan Lin Huifang Sun Yao Wang Lukasz Blaszak Marek Domanski Slawomir Mackowiak Kemal Ugur Panos Nasiopoulos Shunan Lin Anthony Vetro Yao Wang Huifang Sun Thomas Rusert Mathias Wien Markus Beermann M9358 AHG on Scalable Video Coding M9361 AHG on MPEG Multimedia Test Bed M9453 Proposal of Applications and Requirements for Scalable Video Coding M9455 Comments on Draft Call for Evidence for Scalable Video Coding M9469 Spatio-Temporal Scalability in AVC codecs M9505 Design Issues and Proposal for H.264 Based FGS M9538 Coding Efficiency of Multiple Description Motion Compensation Video Codec M9552 Investigation of Proposed Test Sequences for Call for Evidence on Scalable Video Coding Advances M9554 3-D Lifting Structure for Sub-pixel Accuracy Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering in Overcomplete Wavelet Domain Jong Chul Ye Mihaela van der Schaar M9555 Spatial and temporal scalable video coding/decoding architecture for interlaced video material Marquant Vieron Boisson François Robert Guillemot M9556 Transcaling for efficient end-to-end streaming over the Internet and wireless networks using adaptive overcomplete wavelet video coding Jong Chul Ye Mihaela van der Schaar M9562 Initial memory complexity study of optimized waveletbased coders M9585 Cross-check Method for Objective Comparison of Scalable Video Coders M9588 Considerations and Example Algorithms for Multiple Description Scalable Coding M9475 Working Draft of ISO/IEC TR21000-12 Resource Delivery Test Bed M9480 FGS-Based Video Streaming Test Bed for Media Coding and Testing in Streaming Environments 105 Vissarion Ferentinos Maurizio Milia Gauthier Lafruit Jan Bormans John Woods Peisong Chen Deepak Turaga Mihaela van der Schaar John Apostolopoulos Susie Wee Mihaela van der Shaar Young-Kwon Lim Chung-Neng Wang Chia-Yang Tsai Yao-Chung Lin Hsiao-Chiang Chuang Kin Lam Tong Feng-Chen Chang Chun-Jen Tsai 3D AV Coding In 3D AV coding, the following Exploration Experiments were performed until the Pattaya meeting: EE1 – Evaluation of usage of mesh objects for omni-directional video EE2 – Free viewpoint video EE4 – Depth/disparity coding for 3D-TV Technical input was received on EE1 and EE4, while for EE2 new achievements in production of video test materials (16 cameras with plans to go up to 100) were reported. Participants in EE2 have indicated that they are preparing to bring major contributions on this basis to the next meeting. For EE1, it was concluded that the best method for data representation of the multiple-view patches is the isocahedron. The approach taken might be realizable with existing MPEG-4 tools, when a new level for the Core Profile would be defined. An exact specification for this is expected by the next meeting, such that this experiment could be terminated afterwards. To define a new level, relevant industry support must be shown for the proposed application. In EE4, new results were presented on simple viewpoint adaptation approaches based on stereo video and depth information, where however only one (monoscopic) signal should be transmitted, and stereoscopic reconstruction be made by the depth map. This would allow compatible stereoscopic applications in the context of existing (MPEG-2) broadcast. In this context, it is still necessary to identify issues of transport over MPEG-2 streams until the next meeting. Most probably, no new normative elements if MPEG-4 Visual is used for disparity encoding. Also, a proposal was made to use AVC for the compression of the depth map, where however it is unclear yet whether this would require new syntax and semantics definitions. It is also planned to terminate this experiment by the next meeting, after these clarifications have been made. For EE1 and EE4, it was planned to integrate the investigated technology with MPEG-4 compliant software. This activity has however been stalled, as further clarifications are necessary about the licensing status of the available compliant MPEG-4 viewers. In order to not further delay the plans for a "promotional" CD or DVD on 3DAV that were made in Awaji, it was decided to produce a first version of this item until the next meeting, most probably on the basis of proprietary software. This has been made a mandatory task under the activity of exploration experiments in a new EE5. The technology investigated in EE2 (Free viewpoint video) requires potentially major new definitions not existing in any MPEG standard so far. It is still further necessary to explore the benefits of generic approach for viewpoint adaptation from an arbitrary number of camera views in the continuation of this experiment. Progress has been made in definition of a unique test data set; ongoing definition of quality measures is also an important goal of the experiments. A new version of the Applications and Requirements document (N5539) was produced jointly with the Requirements group. Test material for 3DAV is made available from the NIST ftp site, using the usual MPEG login and password. Documents reviewed: M9371 AHG on 3D AV Coding M9472 Multi-View Video Acquisition System for FTV Experiment M9480 Report of EE1 on Omni-directional Video M9559 Meta-Data Requirements for EE4 in MPEG 3DAV 106 Aljoscha Smolic Hideaki Kimata Toshiaki Fujii Masayuki Tanimoto Hitoshi Habe Kazumasa Yamazawa Toshio Nomura Takashi Matsuyama Christoph Fehn Klaas Schüür M9561 Peter Kauff Aljoscha Smolic Christoph Fehn Klaas Schüür Peter Kauff Aljoscha Smolic Coding Results for EE4 in MPEG 3DAV Output documents related to Explorations No. 5539 5557 5558 5540 5559 Title TBP Available 3D AV Applications and Requirements for 3DAV 03/03/14 Description of Exploration Experiments in 3DAV 03/03/14 Status of Exploration on 3DAV Y 03/03/14 Scalable Video Coding Applications and Requirements for Scalable Video Coding 03/03/14 Call for Evidence on Scalable Video Coding Advances Y 03/03/14 AHGs supported by the Video Subgroup No. 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5567 5668 Title AHG on Editorial Convergence and Maintenance of MPEG-4 Reference Software AHG on Core Experiments for Visual Descriptors and Visual-only Description Schemes in MPEG-7 AHG on Editing MPEG-7 Visual XM and PDAM AHG on 3D AV Coding Mtg Sponsor(s) N Video AHG on Scalable Video Coding Y AHG on AVC Verification Test AHG on MPEG Multimedia Test Bed Y Y 107 Y Video N Y Video Video, Requirements Video, Requirements Test, Video Integration, Video Annex 8 Report of Audio meeting Source: S. Quackenbush, Chair, Audio Subgroup Opening of the meeting The MPEG Audio Subgroup meeting was held during the 64th meeting of WG11, March 10-14, 2003 in Pattaya, Thailand. The list of participants is given in Annex A-1. Administrative matters Approval of previous meeting report The Audio Subgroup Awaji Island meeting report had been previously distributed by email and was approved. Approval of agenda and allocation of contributions The agenda and schedule for the meeting, shown in Annex A-II, was discussed, edited and approved. The documents contributed to this meeting and presented to the Audio Subgroup, either in the task groups or in Audio plenary, are shown in the agenda and schedule. The Chair brought relevant documents from Requirements, Systems and MDS to the attention of the group. Communications from the Chair The Chair summarised the issues raised at the Sunday evening Chair’s meeting, proposed task groups for the week, and proposed agenda items for discussion in Audio plenary. Joint meetings The joint meetings with Audio over the course of the week below. Group 1 Group 2 What Audio Sys MPEG-7 Audio contrib. to BiM, 9567 Audio Req MPEG-4 Lossless Audio Audio MDS MPEG-21: Audio DIA 9454, 9529, 9579, 9590, 9591 MPEG-7: 9499 Audio MDS Audio Req MPEG-7 Profiles: 9576 Audio Sys MPEG-4 File Format: 9509, 9535 are listed here and are reported on Where Audio Day Tue 22.1.3 Time 1400-1500 Audio Audio Tue Tue 1630-1700 1700-1800 MDS Wed 1500-1600 MDS Wed 1600-1700 Systems Thu 0900-1000 Received National Body Comments and Liaison matters The NB Comments and Liaison documents for the meeting that require a response are as shown below. No. Title Response From IEC NP: Common Control Interface for digital audio and video S. R. Quackenbush 9390 products on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks Task Groups Task groups were convened for the duration of the MPEG meeting, as shown in ANNEX-III. Results of task group activities are reported below. 108 Record of Audio plenary, joint meetings and task group activities Audio plenary discussions MPEG-4 Extensions Schuyler Quackenbush presented m9490, Report on MPEG-4 Audio Bandwidth Extension Verification Test. Test results showed that the Bandwidth Extension Technology satisfied all acceptance criteria specified at the start of the standardization process. Werner Oomen presented m9531, Response to 'Call for Information and Interest on Lossless Audio Coding for Oversampled One-Bit Representations'. This was an excellent tutorial on SACD, DST and DSD technology. Salient points were: SACD (Super Audio Compact Disk) is a two-layer digital media disk, the first layer being in convention 2-channel CD format (470 MB), the second being a new format with 4.38 GB capacity that is used to store a 5 or 6-channel signal. DSD (Direct Stream Digital) – the multiplexed, 64-times oversampled 1-bit audio signal, as from a sigma-delta A/D converter. This signal format supports an audio bandwidth of up to 100 kHz, SNR of up to 120 dB at a data rate of 2.8 Mbit/sec. DST (Direct Stream Transfer) – a losslessly compressed version of DSD, achieving a compression ratio of approximately 2.3:1 A bit of arithmetic confirms that in order to fit a 74-minute DSD (stereo and 5 channel) signal onto a SACD, one needs a compression algorithm yielding a compression ratio of approximately 2.3. Philips is willing to submit Definition of DSD Test material Specification of DST compression algorithm It should be noted that Philips has placed two restrictions on the technology they submitted in the response, as indicated in the following text extracted from m9531: Since Direct Stream Transfer is already used in the SACD application, we strongly recommend that the DST specification as is, will at least become a mode in the possible forthcoming MPEG specification. “Philips hereby declares that it is prepared to license its patents, both granted and pending, which are necessary to manufacture, use, and sell implementations of the proposed DST Technology for Lossless Audio Coding for Oversampled One-Bit Representations on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, provided that Philips may decide not to license such patents for applications which are likely to be used to make or play back a pirated recording.” ISO will investigate whether these terms can be accommodated in the standardization process. Received national body comments and liaison matters Kate Grant, Nine Tiles, presented a liaison document from IEC, m9390, Common Control Interface for digital audio and video products on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network. She requested that Audio experts read m9390 and comment, particularly with respect to how to support the desired control and status functionality via MPEG-7 metadata and/or MPEG-21 DIA. Joint Meetings With Requirements on MPEG-4 Lossless Audio The Requirements Chair urged the Audio Subgroup to use the Use Case Scenario document to guide the work on lossless coding. He agreed with the Audio proposal to have separate architectures to focus on the following objectives: lossless compression scalable lossy to lossless compression 109 and that any new scalable tools should be better than those already incorporated into MPEG-4. With Requirements on MPEG-4 AAC and High-Efficiency AAC Profiles The AAC and High Efficiency AAC profiles in ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FDAM 1 were reviewed. There was discussion on the advantages of profiles with targeted scope that address current market needs, and also of profiles with additional tools that maximize interoperability. Although the Requirements Chair has always stated that interoperability is a paramount goal of standardization, there was neither consensus among Audio experts nor ballot comments to support adding additional audio coding tools to the two profiles. With Systems on MPEG-7 Audio – Joerg Bitzer Results of CE towards BiM extension (m9567) were discussed: o Optimal (non-uniform) quantization improves the representation of Audio LLDs at low bit rates (e.g. < 8 bit) o But: existent basic scalar codec implementation in BiM is not extensible towards a non-uniform encoding mechanism that sufficiently fulfils the needs of several Audio LLDs (vector quantizer needed) new CE proposed o investigate: either a vector quantizer can be implemented within current BiM or BiM extension needed With MDS and Systems on Extensibility of MPEG-7 – Joerg Bitzer During the meeting some problems has been addressed concerning the problem of extensibility and versioning of MPEG7 version 1. All groups agreed that further work is necessary during the next AdHoc period. This decision leads to the delay of the promotion of Amendment 1 from FPDAM to FDAM. With MDS on MPEG-21: Audio DIA – Anthony Vetro m9454: Extension of AdaptationQoS to support Audio o Propose several audio-related adaptation operators o Demo that shows trade-off between channel dropping and FGS layers o Adopted to AM / CE Workplan was defined among participants o The CE workplan was approved by Audio. MDS will monitor the CE progress m9529: gBSDL with MPEG-4 Audio BSAC o Propose parameter for gBSD that is an input to the adaptation process o Seems to fit best with objectives of BSD-Linking tool rather than in gBSD o This issue will be discussed further in the BoG o Current changes in the DIA framework allow alternative solutions. These will be evaluated during the AhG period. m9590: Ext of Terminal Capabilities to support various frequencies of audio o Propose to add two attributes to AudioOutputCapabilitiesType: samplingFrequency and bitsPerSample o Adopt minor revisions to Study of CD m9591: Proposal for binaural recording of audio o Propose to add one attribute to AudioOutputCapabilitiesType: headphoneMonitoring o Propose to add two elements to AudioPresentationPreferencesType: AudioOutputDevice and BalancePreference o Adopt minor revisions to Study of CD m9482: Report of the CE on the Soundfield Description for MPEG-21 DIA 110 o o o o o CE results were reviewed, but attendance was sparse Syntax and semantics of proposed tools are okay from MDS side Recommend that Audio review the results and provide a recommendation to MDS This was reviewed again in Audio and ??? Since this tool has been under investigation for several meetings, it is reasonable to recommend that it be adopted to the Study of CD if the Audio group is confident that the technology is useful m9579: Perceptually based DIA descriptor for acoustic compensation o This is a new proposal that requires Audio people expertise, however attendance became too sparse, so this was not reviewed in this session o From the document, this proposal is still in the very early stage o Recommend that Audio group review the contribution o This was reviewed again in Audio and ??? o Consider establishing a CE workplan if deemed appropriate o If a workplan is established, this is purely an Audio issue at this stage, so it should be approved and monitored by Audio as with the Soundfield CE Task group discussions MPEG-1/2 Layer III Schuyler Quackenbush presented m9492 (Proposed MP3 Codepoint). Bernhard Grill presented m9558 (MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3 Multichannel Encoding using MPEG-4 Syntax). The first contribution was a subset of the second, the second being a method to carry stereo or multi-channel Layer III bitstreams in MPEG-4 Systems (e.g. MPEG-4 File Format). Werner Oomen noted that this method is generic for MPEG-1 and -2 and so could also support Layers I and II. In cooperation with the Integration group, WD of ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 13818-4 AMD 4 (New Lay 3 LSF bitstreams) [N5633] and Text of ISO/IEC 13818-5:1997/Amd.1-1999/DCor.2 (Lay 3 Refsoft corrections) [N5634] were prepared. MPEG-2 Audio Conformance, MPEG-4 Audio Text, MPEG-4 Audio Conformance – Ralph Sperschneider The status of submission and cross-check of MPEG-4 conformance streams were reviewed. It was noted that the conformance streams for SASBF and General Midi are missing. The Audio chair volunteered to follow-up on this issue. In cooperation with the Integration group, the WD of Second Edition on MPEG-2 Part-4 (ISO/IEC 13818-4:2003) [N56532] was prepared. The editing of the proposed ISO/IEC 14496-3:2003 (3rd edition) was continued. MPEG-4 Extension 1, BWE (FDAM 03/03), BWE Signaling (FPDAM 03/03) Kristofer Kjörling presented m9536 Signaling, single/dual rate, and downsampling capabilities within SBR. This presented various issues involving Bandwidth Extension, including: adding level to High Efficiency profile to support running the AAC core at same rate as SBR tool. Adding “convenience bits” to advise decoder on best operating mode. They would indicate that SBR data was actually present (hence requiring upsampling) and that under certain circumstances a decoder must decode the AAC+SBR signal and not the just the AAC core signal. There was consensus on the functionality supported by the new level 3, but there was not yet agreement on how to harmonize this with the levels in the AAC profile. Marc Klein Middelink and Pierrick Phillipe questioned the need for the convenience bits, as this information would be implicitly available by parsing the SBR data. Summary of outstanding issues: add down-sampling (consensus) 111 remove single-rate (consensus) add new level to High Efficiency profile (more discussion) do not support a two-stream solution (more discussion) keep hierarchical signalling (more discussion) introduce SBRextension bits in the audioSpecificConfig() (more discussion) consider re-ordering of the FIL elements in the AAC stream (more discussion) With respect to signaling of SBR data in the AudioSpecificConfig(), the group reached consensus after extensive discussions. The final method is a combination of the hierarchical signaling (initial CT proposal) and the two descriptor proposal by Philips. The hierarchical signaling can be applied in existing systems (e.g. LATM) in which no length indication is available for AudioSpecificConfig(). However in case backward compatible signaling is required, the two descriptor approach needs to be used. Note that the second descriptor is appended to the existing AudioSpecificConfig(), which therefore requires a length indication in order to guarantee backward compatibility. Bernhard Grill, Ralph Sperschneider, FhG, made a presentation on “UDP-Light” which is a modification to the IP protocol that can be used to great advantage with MPEG-4 Error Resilient AAC. UDP-Light is a IETF draft proposal that permits IP packet-based networks to deliver packets that have correct headers but errored payloads, in which case the MPEG-4 ER tools can typically decode most bits in the errored payload. This is most applicable to wireless IP networks in which packets will be delivered within the timeout limits but may contain individual errored bytes. Chuck, TI, comments that most new applications are audiovisual, such that audio-only integrated error treatments are of limited value. The profiles issue will be revisited later in the week with consideration of balancing interoperability (i.e. market share per profile) and implementation cost for (perhaps) unused features. MPEG-4 Extension 2, Parametric Coding Werner Oomen presented m9523, Support for tempo and pitch scaling for MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2 (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio), m9525, Evidence supporting m9213 and m9214, MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2 (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) and m9527, Proposed editorial Changes to RM3 of MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2, (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio). These documented that the Extension 2 RM3 has been updated to support decoding of a stereo base layer and dynamic update of decoder parameters. It also proposed editorial changes to a Study on PDAM, which were accepted by the Audio Subgroup. The final contribution showed how Extension 2 technology supports inherent decoder-parameter-based tempo and pitch scaling of the output signal. MPEG-4 Extension 3, Lossless Coding There was not enough time to present the following contributions in Sunday’s Lossless Audio Coding AhG, so there were presented in Audio plenary. m9528, Waseda-TOA experiments on evaluating M/S coding for Lossless Audio Coding m9569, Conformance Issues for Lossless Audio Coding m9570, Robustness Issues for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec m9571, Information on Improvements for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec m9572, Comments on Evaluation Metrics for Lossless Coding Proposals m9573, Improvements of the TUB Lossless Audio Codec m9600, Improvement on Proposed Lossless Audio Coder Ralf Geiger, FhG, presented m9569, Conformance Issues for Lossless Audio Coding. Covers issues of robustness of possible lossless compression architectures to differences in software implementation and possibly platforms. Specifically, it shows that different implementations of conformant AAC decoders can produce outputs that differ by 1 lsb value or more. Integer versions of AAC decoders alleviate this problem Yuriy Reznik, RealNetworks questioned whether AAC is the right algorithm for such lossless compression tasks, since one must have bit-exact decoders, whether in the time or frequency domain. 112 Jim Johnston, Microsoft, noted that the CfP does not require AAC as the core lossy coder, only that it be a conformant MPEG-4 audio coder. Ralf Geiger, FhG, presented m9570, Robustness Issues for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec. Tested FhG-AAC submission on x86/Linux and Sparc/Solaris platforms, and verified lossless decoding using CompAudio. It verifies that 32-bit integer arithmetic is sufficient for lossless compression on various platforms. It observes that there may be a benefit of turning off or not implementing some AAC tools in the deterministic AAC decoder when the objective is only lossless coding. Takehiro Moriya, NTT, noted that one could combine a deterministic “AAC decoder” with timedomain lossless compression. It would be interesting to know if such a deterministic AAC decoder could be compliant. Ralf Geiger, FhG, presented m9572, Comments on Evaluation Metrics for Lossless Coding Proposals. This notes that AAC-core-based algorithms permit random access on an AAC block boundary, which is 1024 samples. It also notes that not all sampling rate and word length combinations are meaningful in the marketplace. Specifically, 24-bit word lengths are likely more meaningful moving forward, although 48/16 is an important legacy format. Yuriy Reznik, RealNetworks commented that access granularity might be better specified as a time interval as opposed to a fixed number of samples. Noiseless block codes have compression inversely proportional to the code block length, so 1024 may not be the best choice. Longer could be better. Richard Gooch, IFPI, volunteered to poll industry to find out exactly which Fs/Wd combinations are most commonly used. Tilman Liebchen, TUB, presented m9573 Improvements of the TUB Lossless Audio Codec. He achieved 1% better performance with 50% higher codec complexity. Rongshan Yu, I2R, presented m9600 Improvement on Proposed Lossless Audio Coder. He reported approximately 0.5% performance improvement via modifications of the bit-plane noiseless compression. Ralf Geiger, FhG, presented m9571 Information on Improvements for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec. Improvements were achieved by reducing the number of Givens rotations in the IntMDCT, which leads to a better approximation to the MDCT and to a lower computational complexity. Overall compression performance improved approximately 1 % and computational complexity of IntMDCT was reduced by approximately 30%. MPEG-7 Ext 1, Conformance and Reference Software Ext 1 (FDAM 03/03) – Joerg Bitzer The task group reviewed input documents. The group agreed that the CE on Lattice Compression was successful and that this technology should go into future amendments. Furthermore, the status of the conformance description and of the XM-software were reviewed in detail. Some minor inconsistencies between the software and the text of standard have been found. The group decided to publicize a new proposed corrigenda on the MERL ftp-site to give users a chance to understand the issues in more detail. The task group responded to NB Comments and produced a DoC. All NB Comments has been considered and the group agreed on accepting all with minor changes of the proposed solutions. All changes have been presented to representatives of the NB and they agreed on the final solution. So, we expect that they will change their vote to yes. However, during the meeting a major problem in terms of the extensibility of the schema has been found. This issue was addressed and the group decided to delay the final promotion to the next meeting, in order to have more time to found a suitable solution in cooperation with the MDS and Systems group. Therefore, the final FDAM text and the DoC are not approved and will not appear as output documents. MPEG-4 BIFS, MPEG-21 DIA and 3D-Audio 9457, Report on sound source wideness 3rd CE 9462, Proposed changes to the Draft Requirements for New MPEG-4 Audio BIFS (Version 3) 9463, A Solution for Sound Source Wideness 113 Meeting deliverables Press statement The Audio part of the press statement was prepared and reviewed. Dispositions of Comments DoC were presented and approved. Responses to Liaison and NB comments The very brief response prepared by the Audio chair was not reviewed. Recommendations for final plenary The Audio recommendations were presented and approved. Establishment of Ad-hoc Groups The following ad-hoc groups were established by the Audio subgroup: AHG on MPEG-2 Audio Reference Software and Issues in 5585 MP3 on MP4 22.2 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 5586 5587 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Text and Software 5588 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Extensions 1 and 2 5589 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding 5590 AHG on MPEG-7 Audio 5591 AHG on MPEG-21 Audio DIA Approval of output documents All output documents, shown in Annex-IV, were presented in Audio plenary and were approved. Future activities Schedule of future meetings Ad Hoc group meetings are shown in the table listing the Ad Hoc groups. Agenda for next meeting The agenda for the next MPEG meeting is shown in Annex V. All other business There was none. Closing of the meeting Audio Chair congratulated those who worked to bring the Bandwidth Extension technology to FDAM status and acknowledged that this was a particularly demanding week of technical debate. The Audio Subgroup meeting was adjourned at 14:30. 114 Annex A-I: Participants Kok Seng Chong Markus Jerome Cremer Daniel Martin Dietz Bernhard Feiten Matt Ralf Richard Bernhard Jürgen Daniel Fellers Geiger Gooch Grill Herre Homm Geon James Hyoung Johnston Uwe Itaru SangWook Kristofer Jost Kaneko Kim Country Affiliation DE Houpet Digital Audio SG Panasonic Singapore DE FhG IIS-AEMT FR France Telecom R&D DE Coding Technologies DE Deutsche Telecom USA Dolby DE FhG IIS-A UK IFPI DE FhG IIS-A DE FhG-IIS-A DE Coding Technologies KR Samsung USA Microsoft Corporation UK Canon JP Waseda Univ. KR Samsung Kjörling S Marc NL Tilman Brian Charles Takehiro Sua-Hong Toshiyuki Takeshi Eunmi Werner Pierrick Klein Middlelink Liebchen Link Lueck Moriya Neo Nomura Norimatsu Oh Oomen Philippe Guillaume Potard AUS Schuyler Susanto Yuriy Jan Jeongil Quackenbush Rahardja Reznik Rohden Seo USA SG First Name Last Name Jorg Bitzer DE USA USA JP SG JP JP KR NL FR USA DE KR e-mail address Coding Technologies Philips TU Berlin Dolby TI NTT Panasonic NEC Matsushita Samsung Philips France Telecom R&D Univ of Wollongong ARL I2R Realnetworks FhG IIS-AEMT ETRI 115 marc.klein.middelink Ralph Jens Naoya Mauri Sperschneider Spille Tanaka Väänänen DE DE JP FIN David Virette FR Lin Rongshan Xiao Yu SG SG FhG IIS-A Thomson Panasonic Nokia Res. Center France Telecom R&D I2R I2R 116 Annex A-II: Agenda and Schedule for the Pattaya MPEG Audio Meeting Time Agenda Item Number Title Sunday 1000-1600 9491 9507 Monday 0900-1330 1330-1430 1430-1700 Room 3 MPEG-1/2/4/21 Source AHG on Lossless CfP Analysis of Audio Lossless Coding Performance, Complexity and Architectures Comments on a scalable framework in lossless audio coding 9362 9363 9364 MPEG Plenary Lunch Audio Plenary Opening of the meeting Administrative matters Approval of agenda Approval of Shanghai meeting report 63rd MPEG Audio Report Communications from the Chair List of contributions Allocation of contributions to agenda and schedule Joint meetings Review of AhG reports AHG on MPEG-2 Audio Reference Software and Issues in MP3 on MP4 AHG on MPEG-2 AAC AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 9366 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Extensions and Core Experiments 9365 AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Text and Software 9367 AHG on MPEG-4 Lossless Coding 9368 AHG on MPEG-7 Audio 9369 AHG on MPEG-4 AudioBIFS Extensions and MPEG-21 DIA for Audio 9371 AHG on 3DAV Coding 9487 S. R. Quackenbush Takehiro Akio Kazunaga Dai Yang Moriya Jin Ikeda X X Audio Chair S. R. Quackenbush X Jens Spille Ralph Sperschneider Ralph Sperschneider Schuyler Quackenbush M. Vaananen H. Purnhagen Schuyler Quackenbush Uwe Jost Guillaume Potard Jens Spille X X X X Aljoscha Smolic Hideaki Kimata X X X X X X Review of task groups and mandates Received national body comments and liaison matters 9415 USNB Contribution: MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Audio Layer III issues 9417 USNB Contribution: Profiles in ISO/IEC 14496 3:2001/FPDAM 1 9530 Dutch NB comments on MPEG-4 Audio 9540 9389 1700-1730 9390 180017309490 9533 9531 9528 Swedish NB comment on N5107 (ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM1) Liaison Statement from MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) [SC 29 N 5193] IEC NP: Common Control Interface for digital audio and video products on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks [SC 29 N 5198] HOD Meeting Plenary issues Report on MPEG-4 Audio Bandwidth Extension Verification Test Report on MPEG-4 Audio Bandwidth Extension Verification Test (Phase 2) Response to 'Call for Information and Interest on Lossless Audio Coding for Oversampled One-Bit Representations' Lossless Coding Task Group Waseda-TOA experiments on evaluating M/S coding for Lossless Audio Coding 9569 Conformance Issues for Lossless Audio Coding 9570 Robustness Issues for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec 117 A. G. Tescher for USNB A. G. Tescher for USNB Jean Gelissen for DNB Kristofer Kjörling SC 29 Secretariat SC 29 Secretariat X X X X X X Room 1 S. R. Quackenbush Pierrick Philippe Werner Oomen Itaru Kaneko Satoshi Miyata Ralf Geiger Ralph Sperschneider Ralf Geiger X X X X X X Room 1026 MPEG-7 Time Agenda Item Number Title Information on Improvements for Proposed Scalable Lossless Audio Codec 9571 Room 3 MPEG-1/2/4/21 9572 Comments on Evaluation Metrics for Lossless Coding Proposals 9573 Improvements of the TUB Lossless Audio Codec 9600 Improvement on Proposed Lossless Audio Coder Tuesday 0900-0930 0915-1300 Audio Plenary Outline plan for the day Break into task group activity (TOA lossless doc?) MPEG-4 Extension 1, BWE (FDAM 03/03) Signalling, single/dual rate, and downsampling capabilities within SBR 9566 Handling embedded data descriptor for SBR tool 9539 ISO_IEC 14496-3_2001_FPDAM 1, Bandwidth Extension, with the simple editorial changes, listed in NB comments, incorporated 9537 9402 9441 0915-1300 9565 X Ralf Geiger Ralf Geiger Gerald Schuller Tilman Liebchen Rongshan Yu Xiao Lin Susanto Rahardja X X X Audio Chair 9536 9512 Source Computational Complexity Figures of the MPEG-4 BWE Decoder Support for using SBR together with a scalable AAC codec Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 13818-7/PDAM 1 [SC 29 N 5229] (Signalling of BWE) Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM 1 (BWE) MPEG-7 Status MPEG-7 Audio Reference Software Version 1.0 9607 Cross-verification of the CE for the efficient representation of SpokenContent lattice structures 9442 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 15938-4/FPDAM 1 Kristofer Kjörling Martin Dietz Per Ekstrand Heiko Purnhagen Daniel Homm Marc Klein Middelink Kristofer Kjörling Osamu Shimada Yuichiro Takamizawa Masahiro Serizawa Naoya Tanaka Takeshi Norimatsu Kristofer Kjörling Andreas Ehret Martin Dietz Nikolaus Rettelbach Thomas Breitung Andreas Hoelzer SC 29 Secretariat X X X X X X SC 29 Secretariat X Casey Stefan Eickeler Martha Larson Christian Eckes Joachim Koehler SC 29 Secretariat X X X 1300-1400 Lunch 1400-??? Joint meeting w Req on MP7 Profile 1400-1500 Joint meeting with Sys on Audio contrib. to BiM, 9567 Quantization Schemes for Binary Audio Metadata – Non uniform quantization Rohden Herre X MPEG-4 Extension 2, Parametric Coding Support for tempo and pitch scaling for MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2 (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) Evidence supporting m9213 and m9214, MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2 (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) Proposed editorial Changes to RM3 of MPEG-4 Audio Extension 2, (Parametric coding for High Quality Audio) Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/PDAM 2 Erik Schuijers Werner Oomen Erik Schuijers Werner Oomen Erik Schuijers Werner Oomen SC 29 Secretariat X Guillaume Jens Spille X 9567 1400-1530 9523 9525 9527 9445 1530-1700 9457 X X X MPEG-4 BIFS and 3D-Audio Report on sound source wideness 3rd CE 118 Potard Room 1026 MPEG-7 Time Agenda Item Number Title Proposed changes to the Draft Requirements for New MPEG-4 Audio BIFS (Version 3) A Solution for Sound Source Wideness 9462 9463 1630-1700 Joint meeting with Req on Lossless Coding 1700-1800 Joint meeting with MDS on MPEG-21 Audio DIA 9454 9482 9529 9579 9590 9591 1830-1900 1800-1900 1900- Wednesday 0900-1100 1100-1130 1200-1300 9399 9424 Room 3 MPEG-1/2/4/21 Extension of adaptationQoS to support audio digital items Report of the Second CE on the Soundfield Description for MPEG-21 DIA experimental application of gBSDL on MPEG-4 Audio BSAC Perceptually based DIA descriptor of user environment acoustics for its compensation Extension of Terminal Capabilities to support various frequencies sampled audio DIA Proposal for binaural recording audio DIA Audio Plenary Status for Chairs Meeting Liaison Meeting Chairs Meeting Jerome Daniel Kim Kim X X X X X X X Room 1 MPEG Plenary Audio Plenary Report on Chairs meeting and outline of plan for the day Audio Chair Task group activity MPEG-2 AAC, MPEG-4 Audio Text, MPEG-4 Conformance, MPEG-4 Reference Software Status of MPEG-4 Audio Conformance Second Edition on MPEG-2 Part-4 Lunch 1400-1430 1430-1530 9492 MPEG-1/2 Layer III MPEG-2 Audio Layer-3 Reference Software and Conformance Test Sequence cross-check Proposed Text for ISO/IEC 13818-5 DCOR (Layer 3 removed intensity problems) MPEG-4 Layer III Codepoint Proposed MP3 Codepoint 9558 MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3 Multichannel Encoding using MPEG-4 Syntax 9461 Eunmi Oh Sang-Wook Kim Youngsik Huh Ingo Wolf Jeongil Seo Gi Yoon Park Daeyoung Jang Kyeongok Kang Jinwoong Kim Guillaume Potard Ingo Wolf Bernhard Feiten Andreas Graffunder Eunmi Oh Sang-Wook Kim X Audio Chair 1300-1400 9456 Source Juergen Schmidt Jens Spille Jens Spille Room 1026 MPEG-7 1500-1600 9499 Joint Meeting with MDS at MDS on MPEG-7 ID3 to MPEG-7 Mapping 1600-1700 Joint Meeting with Req on MPEG-7 Profiles Ralph Sperschneider on behalf of the AhG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance Ralph Sperschneider on behalf of the AHG on MPEG Conformance Editing X Ralph Sperschneider Doris Huhn Walter Voessing Jens Spille X S. R. Quackenbush Martin Weishart Bernhard Grill Harald Gernhardt Michael Haertl Johannes Hilpert X X X X MDS Rehm 119 N/A Time Agenda Item Number Title 9370 9500 1700-2200 Room 3 MPEG-1/2/4/21 Source Wo Chang Eric Rehm Eric Rehm David Singer Schuyler Quackenbush Wo Chang Alan Melby Bhavan Gandhi Carlos Garza AHG on MPEG-7 Interoperability and Profiling A Simple Metadata Profile with Levels X N/A Social Thursday 0900-1030 1030-1300 Lossless coding task group Bandwidth Extension task group 1300-1400 Lunch 1530-1600 Joint Meeting with Systems on MPEG-4 9509 Storage of encrypted media in MP4 9535 Towards untimed meta-data in ISO media files 1400-1430 Joint Meeting with Req on new Audio profiles 1430-1730 Task group activity 1730-1800 Audio Plenary Status for Chairs Meeting Chairs Meeting 1800- Friday 0900-1300 1300-1400 1400- David Singer Mohammed Zubair Visharam Guido Franceschini Guy Moreillon David Singer Audio Chair Room 1 Audio Plenary Report on Chairs meeting and outline of plan for the day Discussion of unallocated contributions Meeting deliverables Press statement Dispositions of comments Responses to NB comments Liaison statements Recommendations for final plenary Establishment of new Ad-hoc groups Approval of output documents Future activities Agenda for next meeting A.O.B. Closing of the Audio meeting Lunch MPEG Plenary 120 Audio Chair Room 1026 MPEG-7 Annex A-III: Task Groups 1. MPEG-1/2 Layer III Chair: Jens Spille Mandates: 1.1. Review contributions 1.2. Prepare Audio Text for ISO/IEC 13818-4 DCor. X (new test sequences for L-3 LFE) to be forwarded to Jean-Claude 1.2.1. 2 wks editing 1.3. Prepare Audio Text for ISO/IEC 13818-5 DCor. X to be forwarded to Jean-Claude 1.3.1. 2 wks editing 1.4. Discuss carriage of MPEG-1/2 in MPEG-4 file format 1.4.1. Prepare WD of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/AMD 3 (MP3 in MPEG-4) To clarify default MP3 “access unit” To define “MP3onMP4” DSI and AU 2. MPEG-2 Audio Conformance, MPEG-4 Audio Text, MPEG-4 Audio Conformance Chair: Ralph Sperschneider Mandates: 2.1. Review contributions 2.2. Support Jean-Claude in finalizing DRAFT Proposed ISO/IEC 13818-4:2003 (2nd edition) 2.3. Review Proposed ISO/IEC 14496-3:200x (3rd edition) (NO OUTPUT DOC) 2.3.1. don’t issue until it can be merged with AMD 1 (BWE) 2.4. Revise Proposed ISO/IEC 14496-3:200x/Cor. X (NOT OUTPUT) 2.5. Review and revise Status of MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 3. MPEG-4 Extension 1, BWE (FDAM 03/03), BWE Signaling (FPDAM 03/03) Chair: Kristofer Kjörling Mandates: 3.1. Review contributions 3.2. Review AHG recommendations and resolve outstanding issues, e.g.: 3.2.1. Method(s) for signaling BWE 3.3. Prepare DoC on ISO/IEC 13818-7: 1997/PDAM 1 (no comments so no DoC) 3.4. Prepare Text of ISO/IEC 13818-7: 1997/FPDAM 1 3.5. Prepare DoC on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM 1 3.6. Prepare Text of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FDAM 1 3.7. Report on informal Verif Test 3.8. Prepare Workplan for MPEG-4 Extension 1 Formal Verification Tests 4. MPEG-4 Extension 2, Parametric Coding Chair Werner Oomen Mandates: 4.1. Review contributions 4.2. Prepare Status of MPEG-4 Extension 2 Core Experiments 4.2.1. informal interim test results 4.3. Prepare Study on PDAM (editorial changes) 5. MPEG-4 Extension 3, Lossless Coding Chair: Schuyler Quackenbush Mandates: 5.1. Review contributions 5.1.1. Next steps in DRAFT CfP on 1-bit Lossless (Resolution for NB comments) 5.2. Review recommendations of AHG 5.2.1. RM0 selection process 5.3. Prepare Report on Evaluation of Audio Lossless Coding 5.4. Prepare Workplan for Audio Lossless Coding 6. MPEG-7 Ext 1, Ext 1, Conformance and Reference Software Ext 1 (FDAM 03/03) Chair: Joerg Bitzer Mandates: 6.1. Review contributions 6.1.1. methods for extension of BiM 6.2. Prepare DoC on ISO/IEC 15938-4:2001/FPDAM 1 6.3. Prepare Text of ISO/IEC 15938-4:2001/FDAM 1 6.4. Proposed additional tools 6.5. may be more 6.6. Review Status and Workplan for MPEG-7 Audio Ref Sw and Conformance 7. MPEG-4 BIFS, MPEG-21 DIA and 3D-Audio Chair: Guillaume Potard Mandates: 7.1. Review contributions. 7.2. Prepare WD of ISO/IEC 14496-1:200X/AMD Y (Audio BIFS Version 3) 7.3. Revise Workplan for MPEG-4 AudioBIFS Sound Source Wideness Core Experiment Table of Audio-related Standards under Development Std Pt Edit. Project Description CfP 121 WD CD FCD FDIS 2 4 4 7 7 7 3 3 4 6 1997 2001 2001 2001 2001 Amd.1 Amd.1 Amd.2 Amd.1 Amd.1 Embedding of bandwidth extension Extension 1 – Bandwidth extension Extension 2 - Parametric Audio extension Audio Descriptors Extensions Reference software extensions 122 02/03 01/12 01/12 01/12 02/05 02/12 02/05 02/05 03/03 02/10 03/07 02/10 03/03 03/07 03/03 03/12 03/03 03/07 Annex A-IV: Output Documents Output Documents The Audio Subgroup produced the following output documents. Those approved for public release are indicated by the entry “Yes” in column TBP (to be public). No. Title TBP Available 13818-7 MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding 5568 Text of ISO/IEC 13818-7: 2003/FPDAM 1 Yes 03/03/28 14496-3 MPEG-4 Audio 5569 DoC on ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FPDAM 1 5570 Text of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001/FDAM 1 03/03/28 Report on Informal Subjective Quality Tests of MPEG- Yes 03/03/28 5571 4 Extension 1 (Bandwidth Extension) Workplan for MPEG-4 Extension 1 (Bandwidth 5572 Extension) Formal Verification Tests 5573 Workplan for MPEG-4 Extension 2 5574 Study on 14496-3:2001/PDAM 2 (Parametric Coding) WD of ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001 /AMD 3 (MP3 in MPEG03/03/28 5575 4) 5576 Report on Evaluation of Audio Lossless Coding 03/03/28 5577 Workplan for Audio Lossless Coding Workplan for Evaluation of Integer MDCT for FGS to 5578 Lossless Experimentation Framework Exploratory Call for Proposals on Lossless Coding of Yes 03/03/28 5579 One-Bit Audio Signals 14496-4 MPEG-4 Conformance 5580 Status of MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 15938-4 MPEG-7 Audio 5581 Proposed Tools for MPEG-7 Audio Amd 2 Status and Workplan for MPEG-7 Audio Reference 5582 Software and Conformance 5583 Proposed ISO/IEC 15938-4:2002/DCOR 1 Yes 21000-7 MPEG-21 DIA 5584 Workplan for CE on Audio Adaptation QOS 123 Annex A-V: Agenda for the 65th MPEG Audio Meeting Agenda Item 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Administrative matters 2.1. Approval of agenda 2.2. Approval of Pattaya meeting report 2.3. Communications from the Chair 2.4. Allocation of contributions 2.5. Joint meetings 2.6. Review of AhG reports 2.7. Review of task groups and mandates 2.8. Received national body comments and liaison matters 2.9. Plenary issues 3. Task group activities 3.1. MPEG Layer III Items 3.1.1. MP3 on MP4 3.2. MPEG Bandwidth Extension 3.2.1. MPEG-2 Signalling 3.2.2. MPEG-4 Conformance 3.3. MPEG-4 Lossless Audio Coding 3.3.1. Lossless only 3.3.2. Scalable to lossless 3.3.3. 1-bit serial 3.4. MPEG-4 BIFS 3.5. MPEG-7 3.5.1. Conformance 3.6. MPEG-21 Audio DIA 4. Discussion of unallocated contributions 5. Meeting deliverables 5.1. Press statement 5.2. Dispositions of comments 5.3. Responses to NB comments 5.4. Liaison statements 5.5. Recommendations for final plenary 5.6. Establishment of new Ad-hoc groups 5.7. Approval of output documents 6. Future activities 6.1. Agenda for next meeting 7. A.O.B. 8. Closing of the meeting 124 Contributions Annex 10 Report of Integration meeting Opening of the Meeting Goals for the week The main outputs of the meeting from the Integration Sub-group perspective are: Title Available 13818-4 MPEG-2 Conformance Draft of ISO/IEC 13818-4 Second Edition 03/03/14 WD of ISO/IEC 13818-4 AMD 4 03/03/14 13818-5 MPEG-2 Reference Software Draft of ISO/IEC TR 13818-5:1997/Amd.1:1999/COR.2 03/04/02 14496-4 MPEG-4 Conformance Text of ISO/IEC 14496-4/PDAM5 (Error Resilience 03/03/14 Scalable Profile Conformance) Request for ISO/IEC 14496-4 AMD5 (Error Resilience 03/03/14 Scalable Profile Conformance) 14496-5 MPEG-4 Reference Software Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/FDAM3 03/03/14 (Visual New Levels and Tools) Doc on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/FPDAM3 03/03/14 (Visual New Levels and Tools) Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/PDAM5 03/03/14 (Error Resilience Scalable Profile Reference Software) Request for ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002 AMD5 03/03/14 (Error Resilience Scalable Profile Reference Software) 21000-12 MPEG-21 Test Bed for MPEG-21 Resource Delivery WD2.0 of TR 21000-12 MPEG-21 Test Bed 03/03/14 Editors Ralph Spille/Senoh Ralph Jens Jens Jens Jens Jens Jens CJ Tsai General discussion Allocation of contributions Monday Plenary 9468 Jean-Claude Dufourd Integration report for the Awaji meeting 9355 T. Chiang, Yi-Shin Tung, Chung- AHG on Editorial Convergence and Maintenance of MPEG-4 Reference Neng Wang Software 9360 Ian Burnett, Rik Van de Walle, Tor AHG on MPEG-21 Reference Software Halvorsen 9361 Chun-Jen Tsai, Mihaela van der AHG on MPEG Multimedia Test Bed Shaar, Young-Kwon Lim 9362 Jens Spille AHG on MPEG-2 Audio Reference Software and Issues in MP3 on MP4 9364 Ralph Sperschneider AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 9365 M. H. Purnhagen Vaananen AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Text and Software 125 9378 Zvi Lifshitz AHG on IM1 Integration Plenary 9399 Ralph Sperschneider Status of MPEG-4 Audio Conformance 9424 Ralph Sperschneider Second Edition on MPEG-2 Part-4 9542 D.Curet, S.Relier FlexMux conformance 9446 Panos Kudumakis et al. MOSES implementation of MPEG-4 IPMP Messages xxxx JC Conformance Status : MPEG-4, MPEG-7 xxxx Taka Senoh WD Conformance of MPEG-2 IPMP 9475 Chun-Jen Tsai, Mihaela van der Working Draft of ISO/IEC TR21000-12 Resource Delivery Test Bed Shaar, Young-Kwon Lim 9513 Liu Jing, Ji Ming Core Code of MPEG-2 IPMP Reference Software 9430 Vladimir Levantovsky Reference software implementation for MPEG-4 font format 9439 Edgar Valenzuela, Thomas DeMartini Xin Wang, MPEG-21 REL Reference Software for Validating XML Documents Against XML Schemas 9397 Xin Wang, Venugopal Venkatraman, An Example Implementation of REL Reference Software for Pocket PCs Thomas DeMartini Xin Wang, Thomas DeMartini, The 2nd Version of the Example Implementation of MPEG-21 REL Reference 9581 Venugopal Venkatraman, Jose Software Romero-Lobo, Edgar Valenzuela 9440 SC 29 Secretariat 9451 Sang-Jo Lee, Sang-Wook Eunmi Oh, Jung-Hoe Kim Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/FPDAM 3 Kim, Incorporation of FGS Audio into MPEG Multimedia test bed 9543 D.Curet, S.Relier IM1 coherent integration xxxx Zvi Lifshitz IM1 workplan xxxx Ralph Update of MPEG-2 Layer3 Audio Ref. Soft. 126 List of standards under development Latest references Project MPEG-4 P. Standard 4 ISO/IEC 14496-4:2003 (MPEG-4 Conformance 2nd Ed.) 4 ISO/IEC 14496-4:2001/Amd.1 (FlexTime, Studio and Streaming Video Profile) 5 ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001 (Ref. Soft 2nd Ed.) MPEG-4 5 ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd.1 (FlexTime) MPEG-4 5 ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd.2 (XMT) MPEG-7 6 ISO/IEC 15938-6:2002 (Reference Software) MPEG-7 7 ISO/IEC 15938-7:2002 (Conformance) MPEG-4 MPEG-4 Issue 02/12 Awaji 02/07 Klagenfurt 01/07 Sydney 02/03 Jeju 02/05 Fairfax 01/12 Pattaya 02/07 Klagenfurt No. N545 7 N508 3 N436 8 N471 1 N486 5 N447 5 N493 7 MPEG-2 Conformance m9399 (Status of MPEG-4 Audio Conformance) and m9424 (Second Edition on MPEG-2 Part-4) were presented shortly for information after their presentation to the Audio group. It was requested that video experts and systems experts have a look at the second edition. The working draft of IPMP of MPEG-2 Conformance was presented and looked in a very good shape. MPEG-2 Reference Software m9513 (Core Code of MPEG-2 IPMP Reference Software) was presented. It is based on MPEG-2 software that will be released with the ISO copyright but is not the original MPEG-2 reference software. There is new reference software for MPEG-2 Layer 3, which will be a COR to the last amendment to the TR. MPEG-4 Conformance (14496-4) m9446 (MOSES implementation of MPEG-4 IPMP Messages) was presented. It contains conformance tools and sequences for MPEG-4 IPMP. m9542 (FlexMux conformance) was presented : this document is to be folded into the ISO/IEC 14496-4/FPDAM4 before its approval in Trondheim. MPEG-4 Reference Software (14496-5) m9446 (MOSES implementation of MPEG-4 IPMP Messages) is also relevant to Reference Software. The software is very well documented. m9543 (IM1 coherent integration) is really a document about the Flexmux reference software within IM1: values assigned in the text and in the software were incoherent, and have been fixed. A new version of the software, aligned with the text, is available and will be folded into ISO/IEC 144965:2002/FPDAM4. MPEG-21 Reference Software m9475 (Working Draft of ISO/IEC TR21000-12 Resource Delivery Test Bed) was presented. It documents the released software. There is a request for help for the IPMP part of the framework. m9451 (Incorporation of FGS Audio into MPEG Multimedia test bed) was presented : the good news is that audio is now included in the test bed ; the less good news is that the audio extension is based on the previous version of the test bed, and needs integration into the current test bed. It will be integrated in the version on the test bed site as soon as possible (maybe 2 months). Unpublished Integration Standards 127 144964 2003 2nd Ed Conformance testing ITTF To be published 144964 2003 Amd. 1 ITTF FDAM to be issued by ITTF 144964 2003 Amd. 2 ITTF FDAM to be issued by ITTF 144965 2001 Amd. 2 Conformance Testing (Conformance testing for MPEG-4) Conformance Testing (MPEG-4 Conformance extensions for XMT and media nodes) Reference SW 02/05/10 2nd ed. (XMT, DMIF) ITTF to be published 144965 2001 Amd. 3 Reference SW 03/03/14 2nd ed. (Visual new level ? and tools) 159386 Reference Software 159387 Conformance testing 01/12 Under FDIS ballot (Closing 2003-04-0427) 02/10/25 Edito Prepare FDIS text r 128 ITTF Resolutions of Integration Resolutions 1. The Integration subgroup requests all users of the NIST CVS server to obey the following procedure for the commitment of new versions of software: o fill the following information form and send it on the IM1 reflector, o wait for 24h, o if noone objected, commit the files announced on the reflector. The information form should contain: name of the developer, exhaustive list of files or modules to be modified, reason for change (short), expected impact on other modules (as long as needed but preferably short). 2. The Integration subgroup kindly requests MPEG-2 video and systems experts to check the draft second edition of MPEG-2 Conformance (Nxxxx) and report problems to the editors. Documents No. Title TBP Available 13818-4 MPEG-2 Conformance 5632 Draft of ISO/IEC 13818-4 Second Edition N 03/03/14 5633 WD of ISO/IEC 13818-4 AMD 4 N 03/04/02 13818-5 MPEG-2 Reference Software 5634 Draft of ISO/IEC TR 13818-5:1997/Amd.1:1999/COR.2 N 03/04/02 No. 5635 5669 5639 5636 5637 5638 5670 Title TBP Available 14496-4 MPEG-4 Conformance Text of ISO/IEC 14496-4/PDAM5 (Error Resilience Scalable Profile N 03/03/14 Conformance) Request for ISO/IEC 14496-4:2002 AMD5 (Conformance Extensions N 03/03/14 for Error Resilience Scalable Profile) Study of ISO/IEC 14496-4/PDAM4 (IPMPX Conformance) N 03/03/14 14496-5 MPEG-4 Reference Software Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/FDAM3 (Visual New Levels and N 03/03/14 Tools) Doc on ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/FPDAM3 (Visual New Levels and N 03/03/14 Tools) Text of ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002/PDAM5 (Error Resilience Scalable N 03/03/14 Profile Reference Software) Request for ISO/IEC 14496-5:2002 AMD5 (Error Resilience N 03/03/14 Scalable Profile Reference Software) No. Title TBP Available 21000-8 MPEG-21 Reference Software 5639 WD of ISO/IEC 21000-8 Reference Software N 03/03/14 21000-12 MPEG-21 Test Bed for MPEG-21 Resource Delivery 5640 WD2.0 of TR 21000-12 MPEG-21 Test Bed N 03/03/14 129 AHG Mandate: AHG on MPEG-21 Reference Software 1. Follow the integration plan for the MDS DIA reference software outlined in N5615, section 3. 2. Produce at least one complete DIA parser and promote its use within the parts of DIA reference software 3. Collect results and feedback of the DID/DIA validations 4. Maintain the MDS DIA reference software implementation document, including tracking of the proposed deliveries of software to Chairman: Ian Burnett (, Rik Van de Walle (, Tor Halvorsen ( Duration: Meetings Reflector: Subscribe: Until 65th Meeting None Send email with “Subscribe mpeg-21-refsoft” to AHG on MPEG Multimedia Test Bed Mandate: 1. Work with MPEG-21 reference software AHG for incorporating MPEG-21 modules into the test bed. 2. Work with Scalable Video Coding AHG for testing of scalable video coding technologies. 3. Incorporate IPMP modules into the test bed. 4. Incorporate informative reference software of 14496-8 for testing of signaling and carriage of MPEG-4 content over IP network. Chairman: Chun-Jen Tsai (NCTU), Mihaela van der Shaar (Philips), Young-Kwon Lim (mp4cast) Duration: Until 65th Meeting None Meetings Reflector: Subscribe: Send an email to with subject ‘subscribe’ 130 IM1 workplan Module MUW ATG IPMP Extensions AFX Elementary Stream Management Tasks Responsibility Fix bugs and add features in the core if Octaga / Optibase necessary Update of the ATG nodes in the ENST / Agfa Osmose player Fix bugs Panasonic / Access Ticket / Optibase / Moses Agreed workplan AFX Integrate the implementation of SL-X 131 France Telecom Optibase Date next meeting next meeting next meeting next meeting / next meeting Annex 11 Report of Test meeting Agenda Joint Meeting with Video Group on SVC 5:30pm Wednesday 14:00-14:30 - Video room Joint meeting with Video/JVT on Verification Test Wednesday 17:00-18:00 - JVT room Test meeting on AVC Verification Tests Thursday 11:00-12:00 – Test room Test meeting on final resolutions Friday 9:00-10:00 - Test room Review Adhoc Group Reports and Documents - 2 Ad Hoc reports m9382 - AHG Report on AVC Verification Test o Presented the Report. o For selection of test sequences a preliminary coding of HD sequences was done at a fixed bitrate (8 Mbit/s). o Decided to add 1080p as format to be tested o Due to the delay of FDIS for AVC schedule for the verification tests was shifted from July to October o Displays to be used for HD testing were discussed. DVD-Forum is testing with 3 different display types. To keep the test manageable only one display type should be used. Decision about what kind of display to be used was deferred, as there was no clear recommendation from the experts and as this also depends on the facilities available at the test site. o Some more sequences for the test were made available by Teracom/SVT and Polycom o FUB volunteers for MD and SD tests, NIST volunteers for SD and HD tests. o Recommendations of the AHG: Adopt revised schedule Complete selection of test sequences Review test plan Start discussion about logistics m9701 - AHG on Production of Video Test Sequences o Two more sequences donated by Teracom/SVT o Sequences available via anonymous ftp at o Suggestion to have one common copyright statement was made o Toolset for conversion between different yuv formats complete Comment: this AhG will not be renewed any longer. Work items during the week - Output document for the AVC Verification Test Plan Version 1.0, public document Fixed coding conditions Major changes: o Pre-processing allowed o 1080p added as format to be tested o Coded files have to match a certain and have to be conforming with buffer constraints, but not to a certain bit rate. Test sequences for all resolutions/scanning standards were selected o Proposed HD sequences coded at 8 Mbit/s were demonstrated o Test sequences will be available at Hannover ftp server 132 o Set contains 14 different sequences (10 for main at different resolutions, 4 for baseline) Demografx will provide pre-processed sequences for testing AVC codec Two points of comparison for AVC – MPEG-2: MPEG-2 “High Quality” encoders (e.g. encoders used for broadcast) and MPEG-2 TM-5 A “dropbox” will be installed to allow contributors to anonymously deliver their bitstreams. This was the result of discussion about anonymity issues brought up by some proponents. AVC coded streams will not be produced using the reference software but commercial available encoders. Proponents believe that they will not be aible to deliver AVC coded bitstreams before early October. Suggestion to shift the schedule from October to December due to the availability of AVC coded bitstreams. - CFE on SVC Revied CFE on SVC Results of this CFE and experiences from this test will be used to refine test conditions for SVC To allow many parties to contribute in this CFE it was decided not to include HD material in full resolution but to use only a cropped part from the sequence to maintain the characteristics (high detail) of a HD picture. - Test Material Text for one common copyright statement will be presented as an input document to the 65th meeting. “Individuals and organizations extracting sequences from this archive agree that the sequences and all intellectual property rights therein remain the property of <Company>. These sequences may only be used for the purpose of developing, testing promulgating and promoting technology standards. <Company> makes no warranties with respect to the materials and expressly disclaim any warranties regarding their fitness for any purpose.” The following companies already stated, that they would sign the above given copyright statement: DemoGraFX, Taurus Media Technik, Polycom, SVT, Teracom Adhoc Groups AHG Report on coding efficiency analysis and testing of AVC codec Output Documents Version 1.0 AVC Video Verification Test Plan Recommendations Thanks to: Companies for coding sequences: o Teracom, Sony and Munich University of Technology Teracom, SVT and Polycom for providing SD and HD material 133 Annex 12 Report of ISG meeting Source: Editor: ISG Chair Marco Mattavelli (EPFL) Overview The main work items of the Implementation Studies Subgroup in Pattaya are: 1. The advances in the development of the MPEG-4 “Part 9 Reference Hardware Description” and the promotion of the PDTR to DTR. 2. The advances in the work of phase 2 concerning the evaluation of the hardware platform and the integration of the MPEG-4 optimized reference software in the mixed software hardware implementation. 3. The reviews of the contributions providing examples and results of complexity analysis methodologies and tool for AVC and the evaluation phase of SVC. 4. The drafting of the FDAM for MPEG-7 part 6 reference software extensions. Input contributions w.r.t. the above items are summarized according to the following table: Contributions “Report of the AHG on MPEG-4 Part 9 "Reference Hardware Description" “Initial Memory Complexity Study of Optimized WaveletBased Coders” Marco Mattavelli, Robert Turney M9533 “Complexity Evaluation of Different Configurations of JVT Codec (complexity databases and visualization tool included)” Christophe Clerc, Massimo Ravasi, Marco Mattavelli Source: LTS3 EPFL, Switzerland M9471 “A Main Profile Response to N5423/F102 Request” M9584 AVC/H.264 Main and Baseline Profiles Should not Change Yasser Syed, Mukta Kar, CableLabs (on behalf of its 50+ members in US, Canada, Latin America), Scientific- Atlanta, Motorola, Broadcom, Harmonic, IBM, Mitsubishi (US), ATI, SG Microelectronics, AOL-Time Warner Yasser Syed Michael Horowitz Source: AOL-Time Warner, Apple Computer, ATI Technologies, Broadcom, CableLabs, Cisco, Comcast Cable, Harmonic, LSI Logic, Nokia, Polycom, Sand Video, Scientific Atlanta, Siemens, ST Microelectronics, TANDBERG, Teles, Thomson and UB Video. M9614 M9562 Vissarion Ferentinos, Maurizio Milia, Gauthier Lafruit, Jan Bormans Source: 134 IMEC, Belgium Detailed Report Reference hardware description for MPEG-4 The MPEG-4 part 9 “Reference hardware description phase 1” has reached the status of DTR at Pattaya meeting. The document, approved by the group, will be available by the end of March after a short editing period. The activities for the development of phase 2 has proceeded with consistent progress, the functionality of the validation platform (a laptop PC + PCMCIA card including the configurable HW module) has been evaluated. The optimized reference software is currently integrated in the validation platform and communication test with the HW platform have been successful. Next step is the porting of the modules of Part 9 on the configurable hardware platform. This phase will also be a validation of the definition of the virtual socket proposed in part resolutions. Only the integration of at least 3 or 4 modules will enable the group to proceed with the specification of such module. The ad-hoc group on the development of MPEG-4 Part 9 has been re-established with the usual mandates, including the schedule for 4 telephone conferences before next meeting. Complexity analysis for AVC and SVC activities Two contributions were reviewed presenting methodologies and results for appropriate complexity evaluations of video compression algorithms. Contribution M9562 shows how a bad specification of the interface of two well known functional blocks such as the DWT and Entropy coding can lead to very inefficient implementations without any other advantage. The goals and methodology for the analysis of a complete system that includes data dependencies has been presented to the video group for the future activities on the definition of SVC technology. A contribution M9533 reported some results of the analysis of different configurations of the AVC codec. The contributions included an analysis tool description and the data exploration technology. MPEG-7 reference software The inclusion of new descriptors and some modifications of the software to solve interfacing problems has lead to the approval of a new amendment for MPEG-7 Part 6. Resolutions The above activities have led to the following resolutions and output document approval. MPEG-4 part 9 related resolutions: The Implementation Studies subgroup recommends to approve the following documents No. Title TBP 14496-9 MPEG-4 Reference Hardware Description N5641 Text of ISO/IEC DTR 14496-9 Information Technology N – Coding of Audio Visual Objects - Part 9: Reference Hardware Description 135 Available 03/03/28 N5673 DoC of ISO/IEC PDTR 14496-9 Information technology N coding of audio visual Objects - Part 9: Reference hardware description 03/03/28 The Implementation Studies subgroup recommends to establish the following Ad Hoc group: No. Title Mtg N5643 AHG on MPEG-4 Part 9: Phone conferences on 24th Apr, Reference Hardware Description 22nd May, 19th June, 17th Phase 1 and 2 July. Part 10 related resolutions: The Implementation Studies subgroup has assessed that ASO/FMO/RS error resilient tools in AVC Main profile entail a significant complexity burden in the implementation of conformant AVC decoders. MPEG-7 part 6 related resolutions: The Implementation Studies subgroup recommends to approve the following documents 15938-7 MPEG-6 Reference Software N5642 ISO/IEC FDIS 15938-6 Information Technology - N 03/03/28 Multimedia Content Description Interface- part 6: Reference Software Extensions PDAM N5666 Request for new amendment to ISO/IEC 15938-6 N 03/03/28 The Implementation Studies subgroup recommends that Stephan Herrmann is awarded an ISO certificate for his work on the development of the MPEG-7 reference software. Exploration related resolutions: The Implementation Studies subgroup recommends to adopt appropriate complexity analysis methodologies when making comparisons between SVC schemes so as to capture overall system complexities, including the data dependencies between the functional modules. 136 Annex 13 Report of Liaisons meeting Source: Jan Bormans The Liaisons Group considered the following input documents: Input No. Contribution Title M9385 M9386 M9387 M9388 M9389 M9390 M9400 M9401 M9458 M9603 M9595 M9604 M9606 M9608 M9625 Liaison Statement from IEEE LTSC Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum ISO/IEC FCD 19775-1: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible 3D (X3D) -- Part 1: Architecture and base components ISO/IEC FCD 19775-2: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible 3D (X3D) -- Part 2: Application programmer interfaces Liaison Statement from MPEG-4 Industry Forum (M4IF) IEC NP: Common Control Interface for digital audio and video products on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum on Core experiments for MPEG-7 Systems extensions and TV-Anytime Spec Liaison Statement from TV-Anytime Forum ISO/IEC FCD 19776-1: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible (X3D) Encodings -- Part 1: Extensible Markup Language (XML) encoding SMPTE Recommendation on New Work Item for 14496-10 (AVC) ISO/IEC FCD 19776-2: Information technology -- Computer graphics and image processing -- Extensible (X3D) Encodings -- Part 2: Classic VRML encoding Liaison Statement from EDItEUR OeBF Liaison Statement to MPEG Liaison Statement from ISO TC 46/SC 9 The Liaisons Group also received and considered liaisons statements from ITU-T SG9 (on 3D broadcast), EBU (on Persistent Association) and 3GPP (on Meta-data in ISO Media Files and on alternate groups in the AVC file format). In addition to replying to the incoming Liaison statements, it was agreed to take the initiative to send outgoing Liaison statements to: JPEG (on file format issues), ITU-T Director’s Ad Hoc Group on IPR (on AVC), OMA (on MPEG-21 REL), ITU-T SG 16 Mediacom 2004 (on progress made in MPEG-21) and ITU-T SG 16 (on 13818-1:2000 AMD1). The responses for the non-technical National Body comments as well as an updated list of organisations with which MPEG entertains liaisons were completed. The following recommendations were issued: 137 the approval of the following documents: Title Liaison Statement to IEEE LTSC Liaison Statement to M4IF Liaison Statement to IEC TC 100 Liaison Statement to TV-Anytime Forum on MPEG-7 Description Profiling Liaison Statement to TV-Anytime Forum on Core experiments for MPEG7 Systems extensions and TV-Anytime Spec Liaison Statement to TV-Anytime Forum on S1-S5 Drafts for Publication Liaison Statement to SMPTE Liaison Statement to EDItEUR Liaison Statement to OeBF Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG9 Liaison Statement to 3GPP on Meta-Data in ISO Media Files, Streaming Text, Advanced Text and Graphics Amendment Liaison Statement to 3GPP on 3GP Files Liaison Statement to ITU-T Director’s Ad Hoc Group on IPR Liaison Statement to EBU Liaison Statement to OMA List of Organisations with which MPEG entertains liaisons Responses to National Body Comments Liaison statement to ISO TC 46/SC 9 on ISO/IEC 13818-1/Amd.1 Liaison statement to JPEG Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16 (Mediacom 2004) on MPEG-21 Liaison statement to ITU-T SG 16 on 13818-1:2000 AMD1 No. N5505 N5506 N5507 N5508 N5509 N5510 N5511 N5512 N5513 N5514 N5515 N5516 N5517 N5518 N5519 N5520 N5521 N5524 N5526 N5665 N5671 the approval of the Response to National Body Comments (N5521) the approval of the updated List of Organisations with which MPEG entertains liaisons (N5520) 138