Challenging Out of Class Assignment regarding Leg and Foot

Challenging Out of Class Assignment regarding Leg and Foot Muscles
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1) Which of the following is an insertion of tibialis anterior?
Medial cuneiform bone
Lateral condyle of tibia
Dorsal surface of cuboid bone
Lateral surface of fibula
2) Which of the following is an action of extensor digitorum longus?
Flexes the knee
Medially rotates the knee
Extends toes
Abducts pinky toe
3) What’s the origin of peroneus longus?
a) Intermediate cuneiform bone
b) Patella
c) Head and lateral surface of proximal two-thirds of fibula
d) Lateral surface of calcaneus
4) What the insertion of peroneus brevis?
a) Base of metatarsal I
b) Distal phalanx of big toe
c) Head of fibula
d) Base of metatarsal V
5) Which of these is an action of gastrocnemius?
a) Inverts the foot
b) Everts the foot
c) Dorsiflexes the foot
d) Plantar flexes the foot
6) What’s the insertion of the soleus muscle?
a) Lateral surface of talus
b) Dorsal surface of head of metatarsal V
c) Patella
d) Calcaneus
7) Which of these is an action of the popliteus?
a) Rotates tibia (if femur is fixed)
b) Flexes knee
c) Extends knee
d) Plantar flexes foot
8) What’s the origin of flexor digitorum longus?
a) Anterior surface of tibial shaft
b) Lateral surface of fibular shaft
c) Posterior surface of tibial shaft
d) Calcaneus
9) What’s the origin of flexor halluces longus
a) Inferior two-thirds of posterior fibula and interosseous membrane
b) Anterior tibial shaft
c) Distal phalanx of great toe
d) Proximal phalanx of great toe
10) What’s the insertion of tibialis posterior?
a) Posterior surface of proximal half of tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane
b) Navicular, medial cuneiform, metatarsals II-IV
c) Distal phalanx V
d) None of these
11) What’s the origin of extensor halluces longus?
a) Calcaneus; plantar aponeurosis
b) Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
c) Anterior surface of middle of fibula, interosseous membrane
d) Cuboid; lateral cuneiform; tibialis posterior tendon
12) What’s the origin of extensor digitorum brevis?
a) Calcaneus
b) Navicular
c) Cubiod
d) Talus
13) What’s the insertion of abductor digiti minimi?
a) Calcaneus
b) Proximal phalanx V
c) Proximal phalanx I
d) Middle phalanges II-IV
14) What’s the action of abductor digiti minimi?
a) Abducts great toe
b) Flexes great toe
c) Abducts and flexes little toe
d) None of these
15) What’s the origin of flexor digitorum brevis?
a) Calcaneus
b) Navicular
c) Cuboid
d) Base of 5th metatarsal
16) What is the action of abductor halluces?
a) Abducts great toe
b) Flexes great toe
c) Extends great toe
d) Abducts little toe
17) What is the origin of flexor halluces brevis?
a) Cuboid, lateral cuneiform
b) Calcaneus
c) Navicular
d) Base of metacarpal V
18) What is the action of the lumbricals?
a) Abducts metatarsals
b) Extends toes II-V
c) Flexes toes II-V
d) Adducts metatarsals
19) What is the origin of flexor digiti minimi brevis?
a) Metatarsal V
b) Metatarsal I
c) Talus
d) Calcaneus
20) What is the action of the dorsal interossei
a) Adducts toes II-IV
b) Flexes toes II-IV
c) Abducts toes II-IV
d) Extends toes II-IV