Ankle Special Tests

Sports Medicine II
Patient Position
Examiner Position
Ankle Special Tests
Name _______________________
Anterior Drawer Test
sitting over the edge of the table with knee flexed
sitting in front of patient; one hand stabilizes lower leg and other hand cups the calcaneus
while the forearm supports the foot in a position of slight plantarflexion
1. Draw calcaneus and talus forward while providing stabilizing force to the tibia.
Positive Test
talus slides anteriorly; may be a clunk; pain
tear of the anterior talofibular ligament and the associated capsule
Patient Position
Talar Tilt Test
lying or sitting with legs over the edge of a table
Examiner Position
in front of the patient; one hand grasps the calcaneus and maintains foot in neutral
position; opposite hand stabilizes the lower leg
1. Hand holding the calcaneus provides an inversion stress by rolling the calcaneus
1. Hand holding the calcaneus provides an eversion stress by rolling the calcaneus
Positive Test
talus gaps excessively; pain
inversion-injury to calcaneofibular, anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular ligaments
eversion-injury to deltoid ligament
Patient Position
Examiner Position
Kleiger’s Test
sitting with legs over the edge of the table
in front of the patient; one hand stabilizes the lower leg; other hand grasps the medial
aspect of the foot while supporting the ankle in a neutral position.
1. Foot is externally rotated
2. Place ankle in dorsiflexion
Positive Test
pain in anterolateral ankle
syndesmosis pathology
Bump Test
Patient Position
sitting with the involved leg off the end of the table, knee straight, lying supine
Examiner Position
standing in front of the involved leg; stabilizing the lower leg
1. With palm, bump calcaneus with progressively more force
Positive Test
fracture of tibia, calcaneus, or talus
Squeeze Test
Patient Position
lying the knee extended
Examiner Position
standing in front of the involved leg; hands placed on tibia and fibula away from the site
of pain
1. Gently squeeze fibula and tibia, gradually adding more pressure
2. Progress to the injured site until pain is elicited.
Positive Test
pain is elicited, especially when it is away from the compressed area
fracture or stress fracture of fibula or tibia; syndesmosis sprain
Thompson Test
Patient Position
prone with foot off the edge of the table
Examiner Position
at the side of the patient with one hand over the muscle belly of calf musculature
1. Squeeze calf musculature while observing for plantarflexion of the foot
Positive Test
when calf squeezed, foot does not plantarflex
Achilles tendon has been ruptured