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Information Design & Data Visualization Course Material

Information Design and Data Visualisation
(Online Short Course)
Week 1
#1 Relevance - The readers are not confused with
additional/irrelevant details that are not explained in the key.
#2 Appropriate Knowledge - It references a clock with the
visuals for time, which is a concept audiences are likely to
#4 Perceptual Organisation - It provides clear space between
each of the authors along a timeline to follow.
#5 Discriminability - Each piece of data is represented
differently to distinguish between them and make it clear.
#6 Compatibility - It feels pretty logical to me.
#7 Informative Changes - Each piece of data has its own location, to allow meaning to be shown
in size, colour or presence (e.g. icon).
#8 Capacity Limitation - Its feels like a good amount of content for me.
Is it functional? Is it visually appealing? Is it concise?
First up is my bad example!
Here is the link: http://echeloninsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/theyearinnews20141.png
Overall I think this is clearly a very bad way of presenting data, it is extremely overloaded with
colours and it could easily give someone a headache.
Relevance: There are many other colours included in the data which are not explained, and take
away from any of the information you may be able to process
Discriminability: We can see that each piece of data is represented differently by being a different
colour, but many colours are similar and without the explanation as to which colour is what then
the difference if colour is meaningless.
Now for the good example!
Here is the link: http://www.noceilings.org/workforce-gap/
After looking at this piece of data in comparison to the last I instantly feel calmer… The colours are
mellow and similar yes the differences in data (male / female) is shown clearly.
Relevance: The information is relevant; we are not confused by other colours or statistics and
everything we need to know is clearly presented
Discriminability: Although there are many countries included, the male / female differences in data
is very clear and it is easy to distinguish between the two and move the mouse to focus on different
Week 2
LATCH theory :
*Data viz catalogue