Basic elements quiz! Answer the following using the knowledge you have gained during art lessons! Q1. We use tone for And also (1-2 marks) Q2. Use the following words to fill the gaps in the sentences below. TEXTURAL TONAL LINEAR A drawing that uses line only is referred to as a _______ study. A __________ drawing is one where careful attention is paid to the light and dark areas of the object. If a drawing is aiming to portray the surface qualities of the object it is said to be a ___________ study (1-3 marks) Q3 List the following pencil types in order going from softest (darkest) through to hardest (lightest) 3H 3B HB 2H 4B 2B 6B (1 mark) Q4 Negative/Positive space In the picture below show where the negative space is and where the positive space is by using arrows. (1-2 marks) Q5 What is charcoal made from? What way should you use it? (2 marks) Q6 Fill in the blanks using the following words: Pattern focal texture viewfinder shape tone line balance A good composition is a good _____________ of __________, ____________, and ____________ around the __________ point. In Art we can use a _____________ to help select a good composition. (1-6 marks) Q7 What are the main elements you need to consider when you are going to draw something? Fill in the letters to make the main art element words Pr_ _ _ _ tion T_ x _ _ _ e _h__e T_ _ e _i_e Pers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (6 Marks) Q8 Choose one of the above words and write a sentence to explain what it is and how it is relevant in Art. e.g. Tone is used to show the light and dark on an object and to show that an object is three dimensional. We make tone by pressing lighter and harder on the page and by layering and blending tone __________________________________________ __________________________________________ _________________________________________ (2 marks) Q9 What are weighted lines? (2 Marks) Q10 What is an ellipse? Where might you find one? (2 Marks)