Lesson Plan - Senses - The Beaconhouse Times

-+Pre Nursery
Topic: SENSES (sense of sight)
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this
lesson students will
Identified the part
of the body
associated with
sense of sight.
Use their sense of
sight to observe
things around the
Activity Plan/Methodology
Recap: discuss the book “A Beautiful Day” with the
students and recall all the senses used by the children
in the story’ now ask the students to close their eyes
and ask them which sense they are not using. If their
eyes are closed.
Introduction: Teacher to show cellophane sheets
(red, blue and yellow) to Students, explaining that
today they will be using these coloured sheets to see
images of different objects.
Students will be asked to identify colours of the
cellophane sheets. Pupils will be shown images of some
objects that are of same colour e.g. if the sheet is
blue then they will be an shown image of blue object.
Repeat it the process by using other coloured sheets
with objects of different colours.
Main Activity: Teacher takes the students to the
school playground and encourages them to observe
how things change colour when they are seen through
different coloured papers e.g. a clear blue sky seen
through red, yellow and green coloured sheets.
Follow up:
Focused Activity:
Students will use their sense of sight and draw what
they see in the classroom.
Creative Corner:
Students will make glasses from the coloured sheets
of cellophane paper of their choice.
Exploring Corner:
With the Teacher Aide, pupils will play a game “what I
see I remember.” Few items will be kept on a try and
shown to a group of students. Then they will be
covered and on item will be removed. Students in turn
will be asked to identify the removed items.
Area of Experience: Knowledge and Understanding
10 mins
25 mins
Assessment of Learning Outcome
Students will be assessed on their
ability to:
Identify the part of the body
associated with sense of sight.
Use their sense of sight to observe
things around the environment
30 mins
5 mins
Through their Oral responses during the
activities and their observational
Own plan
(red, blue,
green and
Objects of
Wrap up:
students will be asked to share their work and discuss
where they saw the pictures they have drawn, and
play the game of “I spy with my eyes”
Evaluation of Students learning:
.what did the student learn in this lesson?
. What did they actually do?
. What were they not able to do/understand?
Evaluation of Teaching:
. If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently?
(comment on any ONE aspect of your teaching or planning)