English 9A Journal Entry Topics: Short Story Unit

Mrs. Rice
English 9A
Journal Entry Topics
Short Story Unit
Directions: Write a journal entry for each story we read in class. If there is more
than one topic for a story, you may choose one of the topics to journal about. Your
journal entries need to be a half-page long. Points earned for the entries will be
based on the length and your thoughts on the given subject.
“Sonata for Harp and Bicycle”
Do you believe in the supernatural? Do you believe that spirits or ghosts can inhabit a
building? Explain why or why not.
Have you had an experience where you felt you saw a ghost or a spirit? Explain.
“Three Skeleton Key”
Choose one of the following statements to journal your opinion.
 “Every man for himself” is a good strategy to follow during a crisis.
 Perseverance can lead to success.
 Dire situations can cause people to behave erratically.
 People always act similarly in a crisis.
“The Interlopers”
 Think of a conflict/feud you’ve had with someone. Explain the conflict in detail.
Was it ever resolved? Consider sharing an ongoing conflict/feud you have with
Who is someone who is important to you now that you didn’t have a close
relationship with before? Describe this relationship and how it came to be.
Have you ever misjudged someone? For example, did you not like someone after
a first impression, and then once you got to know that person you felt differently?
Explain the situation.
Have you had a life-altering experience—meaning has something happened in
your life to change how you view the world, school, people, etc.?
“The Most Dangerous Game”
 Describe the most dangerous sport you can think of. Give reasons why it is so
What are your views on hunting? Poaching?
Describe the most competitive situation you have ever experienced or witnessed.
Explain how it made you feel.
Mrs. Rice
“The Scarlet Ibis”
 Describe something horrible you’ve done to a sibling or a friend. Why did you do
it? How did it make you feel?
Growing up with brothers and sisters can be difficult. If you have siblings,
discuss the benefits and shortcomings of your situation. If you’re an only child,
do the same. Would you rather have more siblings, or fewer? Do you think
you’ll feel the same when you are older?
Describe a strong relationship that you have with someone. Who is it and why is
your relationship so strong/meaningful?
“The Cask of Amontillado”
 Describe the most suspenseful scene of a horror story you have read or seen on
TV or in a movie. In general, what makes a horror story or movie suspenseful?
Do you like scary stories or movies? Why or why not?
REVENGE. What does this mean? Have you ever been guilty of seeking
revenge? Do you think it is right to seek revenge? What kinds of “harmless”
revenge have you carried out? Is revenge appropriate behavior at any time? How
do you usually respond when someone does something wrong to you?
There’s “fun scary” (walking through a haunted house, screaming through a
horror movie, riding a roller coaster) and then there’s “scary, scary” (being in a
car accident, being in a storm, being home alone for the first time). Describe a
scary experience.
“The Gift of the Magi”
My most cherished possession is…Perhaps it looks like junk, but you know it’s precious:
the beat-up stuffed animal you slept with every night as a kid, the raggedy baseball mitt
you used in Little League, etc. Choose a beloved object from your own childhood, and
explain why you feel sentimental about it or treasure it so much. What is something you
have that is special to you that you will always want to keep? Who gave it to you? Why
is it so special?
Give an example of the best, most unusual or worst gift you have ever received? Who
gave it to you? How did you react when you received it? Explain why it was the best,
most unusual or worst gift.