SYLLABUS General information Title and code of subject, number of credits BME 344 Methods of Obtaining Diagnostic Information- 3 credits (Biomedical Image Processing & Analysis) Department Program Academic semester Lecturer Biological sciences Bachelor 2016 spring Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in biological Sciences Zaur M. Karimov +994 55 7935115 11 Mehseti Street, AZ1096 Baku, Azerbaijan (Neftchilar campus), room Lectures: Seminars: E-mail: Phone number: Lecture room/Schedule Course language Type of the subject Textbooks and additional materials Teaching methods Assessment Consultations Azerbaijani Major Textbooks: 1. Introduction to Biomedical Imaging, Andrew Webb – John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2003 (required) Optional Reference Texts: 2. The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd Edition, (2002) by J. T. Bushberg, J. A. Seibert, E. M. Leidholdt, J. M. Boone, Lippencott Williams & Wilkins Pulb. (Kluwer), Additional Resource Texts: 3. The Physics of Medical Imaging, S. Webb, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1988. 4. Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic Radiology by Thomas S. Iii Curry, James E. Dowdey, Robert C., Jr Murry, Lea & Febiger Publishing, 4th edition, 1990. 5. Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry, F. H. Attix, John Wiley and Sons Publishing, 1986. 6. Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, B. H. Brown, R H Smallwood, D C Barber and D R Hose, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd., 1999. 7. The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, J. van Dyk, Medical Physics Publishing, 1999. 8. Radiobiology for the Radiologist, Eric J. Hall, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 5th edition, 2000 9. Lihong Wang & Hsin-I Wu, Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-471-74304-0 (2007) 10. Medical Imaging Physics – Fourth Edition, W.R. Hendee, E. R. Ritenour. Wiley-Liss Inc. 2002. 11. Fundamentals of medical imaging, Paul Suetens, Cambridge University Press, 2002. 12. The Physics of Diagnostic Imaging D.J. Dowsett, PA Kenny and R.E. Johnston. Chapman & Hall Medical, 1998. 13. L. V. Wang and H.-i Wu, Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging (Wiley, 2007). 14. B. Block Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy (2004) Auxiliary Web sources: 15 Lecture 15 Group discussions at seminars Components Date/ Deadline Percent (%) During the semester 10 Tests At each lesson 10 Active participation Course description Course objectives Outcomes of study Rules (Educational policy and behavior) At the end of the semester 15 Individual research papers and presentations 5 Attendance 25 Midterm exam 35 Final exam Final 100 This course introduces imaging methods in medicine and biology. Various medical imaging modalities (x-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, SPECT, optical imaging, etc.) and their applications in medicine and biology. Extends basic concepts of signal processing to the two and three dimensions relevant to imaging physics, image reconstruction, image processing, and visualization. The basic physical and engineering principles behind major medical imaging techniques will be described, and their relative advantages and disadvantages will be explored. The capabilities of the imaging techniques will be explained in terms of performance criteria such as spatial and temporal resolution, contrast, and signal-to-noise-ratio. The effectiveness of the methods will be illustrated in terms of their clinical applications. An historical perspective of the development of each technique will be presented, as well as the latest innovations. Finally, potentially new and emerging medical imaging technqiues will be considered. The main objective of this course is to enable students to develop a basic familiarity with all the major medical imaging techniques employed in modern hospitals, including x-ray imaging, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, nuclear isotope imaging, and electroencephalography. Each technique will be introduced in the context of the underlying clinical requirements. Students need to learn what physical principles are involved, and what properties of tissues the corresponding medical images show. The module will aim to develop an understanding of the historical evolution of these imaging methods, as well as indicate how medical imaging is likely to develop over the next few years. What students should know by the end of the course: Ionizing Radiation, Radiation dosimetry, risk and protection. Radiation Biology. Radiography, Filmscreen and digital, Mammography & Fluoroscopy. Optical imaging. Ultrasound Imaging. Ultrasound Image Analysis. Computed Tomography. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Nuclear Medicine Imaging. Imaging applications in Therapy. Lesson organization General information on the subject will be provided for the students during lectures. Student’s knowledge on the previous topics will be evaluated and new topic will be explained by mins of visual aids during seminars. Student’s knowledge level will be tested oraly and in written forms before midterm and final exams. Submission of the individual works by the end of course is obligatory. Attendance Participation of students at all classis is important. Students should inform dean’s office about missing lessons for particular reasons (illness, family issues and etc.). Students, missing more than 25% of lessons, are not allowed to take the exam. Lates Those students who are late for lessons for more than 15 minutes are not allowed to participate at the lesson. Despite this, the student is allowed to take part in the second part of the lesson. Tests Those students who have informed the teacher and the dean’s office about missing the test in advance for particular reasons, are allowed to take the test next week. Exams All the issues related to the participation and admission to the exam are regulated by the faculty dean. Topics of midterm and final exams are provided for the students before the exams. The questions of midterm exam are not repeated in the final exam. Violation of the rules of the exams Disrupting the test and taking copy during midterm and final exams is forbidden. Test papers of the student who do not follow these rules are canceled and the students are expelled from the test by getting 0 (zero). The rule for completing the course In accordance with the University rules the overall success rate to complete the course should be 60% or above. The students who failed the exam would be to take this subject next semester or next year. Rules of conduct for Students Disruption of the lesson and not following ethical norms during the lesson, as well as conduction of the discussions by the students without permission and using mobile phones is forbidden. This program reflects the comprehensive information about the subject and information about any changes will be provided in advance. Week 1 Dates (planned) 12.02 2 19.02 3 26.02 4 04.03 Subject topics Lecture №1. Ionizing Radiation: introduction to ionizing radiation. The history of the discovery of radiation and radioactivity introduction. Types of non-ionizing and their clinical effects. Types of ionizing radiation and their clinical effects. Seminar №1: Conduction of oral and written survey. Ionizing Radiation. Lecture №2. Radiation dosimetry, risk and protection. Radiation Biology: indications for radiation therapy. Development of radiobiological damage. Absorption of radiation. Classification of radiation damage. DNA strand breaks. Chromosome aberrations. Mutations. Direct and inderect actions. Free radicals. Mechanisms of cell death after irradiation. Cell survival curves. Radiosensitivity of cancer cells. Genetic control of radiosensitivity. Seminar №2: Conduction of oral and written survey. Radiation dosimetry, risk and protection. Radiation Biology. Lecture №3. Radiography, Film-screen and digital, Mammography & Fluoroscopy: factors that influence patient radiation dose. Dose affecting factors. Mammography systems. Dose in mammography. Screen-film cassettes used in mammography. Mammography guided biopsy. Fluoroscopy image intensifler. Radiography and angiography with fluoroscopic units. Dose to radiologist. Seminar №3: Conduction of oral and written survey. Control work. Radiography, Film-screen and digital, Mammography & Fluoroscopy. Lecture №4. Optical imaging: bioluminescence imaging. Fluorescence imaging. Seminar №4: Conduction of oral and written survey. Optical imaging. 5 11.03 6 18.03 7 01.04 8 08.04 9 10 15.04 22.04 11 29.04 12 06.05 Lecture №5. Ultrasound Imaging: what is ultrasound? Advantages and problems. Brief history of ultrasound in medicine. Sound waves and ultrasound waves. The physics of ultrasound. Generation of ultrasound. Velocity of sound in various materials. Wavelength and frequency. Reflection and Transmission. Refraction. Ultrasound-tissue intractions. How is the ultrasound image produced? Distance measurement. Instrumentation. Seminar №5: Conduction of oral and written survey. Ultrasound Imaging. Lecture №6. Ultrasound Imaging (cont): The transducer. The piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric materials. The receiver. Time gain compensation. Ultrasound fields. Focused transducers. Factors affecting beamsteering. Types of Scanner modes (A-mode, B-mode, M-mode or TM-mode). Dopler imaging. Artefacts in ultrasound imaging Seminar №6: Conduction of oral and written survey. Ultrasound Imaging (cont). Lecture №7. Ultrasound Image Analysis: vessels, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys. Seminar №7: Conduction of oral and written survey. Control work. Ultrasound Image Analysis: vessels, liver etc. Lecture №8. Ultrasound Image Analysis (cont.): adrenal glands, stomach, bladder, prostate, uterius, thyroid gland. Seminar №8: Conduction of oral and written survey. Ultrasound Image Analysis: prostate, thyroid gland etc. Mid term exam Lecture №9. Computed Tomography: what is computed tomography (ct)? Standard X-Ray views. The CT contrast advantage. Instrumentation. Pixels and voxels. Volumetric data. Sinogram. Classical tomography. Transverse tomography. Measuring an object in CT. Filtred back-projection. Reconstricting the image. Seminar №9: Conduction of oral and written survey. CT. Lecture №10. Computed Tomography: CT numbers of various tissues. Classification according to CT generation. Modern CT scanners. Axial CT. Spiral CT and Multi-slice CT. Computed Tomography fluoroscopy. Contrast agents. Artifacts. Clinical applications of CT. CT angiography. Radiation dosages and risks. Seminar №10: Conduction of oral and written survey. Control work. Angiography. Lecture №11. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): what is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? Why use MRI? Potential risks and contraindications. Basic steps in acquiring MR Images.Where does the MR signal come from? Application of a magnetic field. The Boltzmann distribution. Precession and the Larmor Frequency. Resonance (excitation). Adding an RF Pulse. Generation of the MR signal from patient. After the RF Pulse T1 and T2 relaxation. Pulse sequences. TR. TE (Time to echo). Instrumentation. Magnet assembly. Superconducting Magnet Resonance System. Signal to noise ratio. 13 13.05 14 20.05 15 27.05 RF colls. Gradient coils. Gradient magnetic fields. Seminar №11: Conduction of oral and written survey. MRI. Lecture №12. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (cont.): Neuroimaging research examples: Structural MRI. Functional MRI (task). Diffusion MRI. Functional MRI (resting). Seminar №12: Conduction of oral and written survey. Functional MRI. Lecture №13. Nuclear Medicine Imaging: Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT): what is nuclear medicine? Nuclear imaging. Nuclear imaging-isotopes. Nuclear imaging-radioactive decay. Gamma radiation. Positron emission. Useful isotopes. SPECT. PET. Clinical PET. PET Applications. PET Problems. PET reconstruction. Seminar №13: Conduction of oral and written survey. Nuclear Medicine Imaging Lecture №14. Nuclear Medicine Imaging (cont.): Positron Emission Tomography (PET): PET. Clinical PET. PET Applications. PET Problems. PET reconstruction. Imaging applications in Therapy. Coordinates. X-ray medical imaging. Image contrast. X-ray detectors. Mammography. Fluoroscopy. Use of passive contrast agents. Angiography. CT. Nuclear medical imaging. SPECT. PET. MRI. MR angiography. MR spectroscopy. Seminar №14: Conduction of oral and written survey. Control work. Nuclear Medicine Imaging (cont.) Conduction of oral and written survey. Imaging applications in Therapy. Final Exam