Reading Assignment - Triad Local Schools

American Studies – 10th Grade
Summer Reading 2014-15
Uprising, Margaret Peterson Haddix, ISBN: 978-1-4169-1171-5
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome to American Studies! During this summer, you are assigned to read
Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix. This book will delve into the time of
industrialization in the United States. Industrialization will be one of the first
topics we discuss as a class, as well as the first major unit of study during the
2014-2015 school year. While this book is historical fiction, it does an excellent
job of examining the time period, as well as the many struggles and triumphs
noticed during industrialization. In this packet, I will provide you with some
background info related to the basics of industrialization, some info about the
book, Uprising, and your assignment associated with the book, as well as the
expectation that I have for you when you return to Triad in August. I highly
encourage all of you to read the book since it will be a focus of many major grades
in my class, as well as central to our discussions for the first weeks of the year.
While the book is a little long, it is an easy read with large print and a clear focus.
I hope all of you enjoy it. Lastly, I hope you have a great summer, and I look
forward to seeing you in August.
Mr. Johnson
Triad High School
10th Grade American Studies
School Phone: (937) 826-3771 ext. 2019 (feel free to call and leave questions!)
School Email: (feel free to email with questions!)
I will answer your questions as soon as I possibly can during the summer. The
school will be closed during most of July, but I can at least check my email.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Background of Industrialization in the US
The industrial growth that began in the United States in the
early 1800's continued steadily up to and through the Civil War.
After the Civil War, however, American industry changed
dramatically. Machines replaced hand labor as the main means of
manufacturing, increasing the production capacity of industry
tremendously. A new nationwide network of railroads distributed
goods far and wide. Inventors developed new products the public
wanted, and businesses made the products in large quantities.
Investors and bankers supplied the huge amounts of money that
business leaders needed to expand their operations. Many big
businesses grew up as a result of these and other developments.
They included coal mining, petroleum, and railroad companies;
and manufacturers and sellers of such products as steel,
industrial machinery, automobiles, and clothing.
The industrial growth had major effects on American life. The
new business activity centered in cities. As a result, people
moved to cities in record numbers, and the cities grew by leaps
and bounds. Many Americans amassed huge fortunes from the
business boom, but others lived in extreme poverty.
The use of machines in manufacturing spread throughout American
industry after the Civil War. With machines, workers could
produce goods many times faster than they could by hand. The new
large manufacturing firms hired hundreds, or even thousands, of
workers. Each worker was assigned a specific job in the
production process. This system of organizing laborers, called
the division of labor, also sped up production.
More than 25 million immigrants entered the United States
between 1870 and 1916. Immigration plus natural growth caused
the U.S. population to more than double during the same period,
rising from about 40 million to about 100 million. Population
growth helped the economic boom in two ways. It increased the
number of consumers, and thus enlarged the market for products.
It also provided the additional workers needed for the jobs
created by the new business activity.
In the late 1800's, the American railroad system became a
nationwide transportation network. The distance of all railroad
lines in operation in the United States soared from about 9,000
miles in 1850 to almost 200,000 miles in 1900. A high point in
railroad development came in 1869, when workers laid tracks that
joined the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads near
Ogden, Utah. This event marked the completion of the world's
first transcontinental railroad system. The system linked the
United States by rail from coast to coast. Advances in
communication provided a boost for the economy. Railroads
replaced such mail-delivery systems as the stagecoach. In 1876,
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. These
developments, along with the telegraph, provided the quick
communication that is vital to the smooth operation of big
The government did little to regulate business during the late
1800's and early 1900’s. Unrestricted, business executives in
the United States wiped out competition and gained complete
control of their industries. They formed monopolies, which are
businesses with complete control of an industry. Some business
owners in the same industry merged (united to form a single
company) in order to reduce or eliminate competition. Other
business leaders formed trusts. A trust was a monopoly in which
a group of managers controlled rival businesses without formal
ownership of the businesses. Businesses often took advantage of
labor by using child labor, unsanitary and unsafe working
conditions, long hours, no benefits, inconsistent pay, and poor
treatment of workers.
Due to the rise of big business leaders that destroyed
competition, as well as often overworking and underpaying labor,
individuals worked to rise up to challenge business. The United
States noticed labor joining unions to fight for rights and
noticed striking when demands were not met by the business
leaders. Ultimately, this clash would lead to government
So...let’s review…
Industrialization is the growth of industry, which allows for mass productions
of goods…think Honda being an industry.
Positive: Industrialization in the United States relates to the rise of cities
(urbanization), increased immigration, improved transportation (trains),
improved communication (telephones, etc.), and mass production of goods.
Negative: Industrialization in the United States led to the rise of big
business that often abused labor. This led into a large gap between the rich
and poor. Many cities were in horrible conditions due to lack of sanitation and
the large number living in poverty. Big business leaders had complete control
over workers and industry.
Results: Due to industrialization, workers attempted to get recognition and
rights through labor unions, striking, and ultimately government regulation of
Here is a little info from the book jacket of Uprising:
“Bella, newly arrived in New York from Italy, gets a job at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. There, along with
hundreds of other immigrants, she works long hours at a grueling job under terrible conditions. Yetta, a
coworker from Russia, has been crusading for a union, and when factory conditions worsen, she helps
workers rise up in a strike. Wealthy Jane learns of the plight of the workers and becomes involved with their
Bella and Yetta are at work -- and Jane is visiting the factory -- on March 25, 1911, when a spark ignites
some cloth and the building is engulfed in fire, leading to one of the worst workplace disasters ever.
Margaret Peterson Haddix draws on extensive historical research to bring the tragedy of the Triangle
Shirtwaist fire to tangible life through her thrilling story of Bella, Yetta, and Jane.”
Expectations for your return to Triad – August 21, 2014
1 – Finished the book, Uprising – August 21, 2014.
2– Prepared for discussion of the book. August 21, 2014
3– Complete the in-school assignment of five questions related to the reading of the book;
complete the character analysis grid – Due Tuesday, September 2, 2014. Worth 20 points
(Assignments Attached)
4 – Prepared to complete an assessment of industrialization, as well as Uprising. This test will
be during the first quarter of the year. Worth 50 points.
5 – Prepared for industrialization project with options related to Uprising. This project will be
during the first quarter of the year. Worth 50 points.
In-School Summer Reading Assignment - Five Questions/Character Analysis:
1. What challenges did Bella face moving to America? Why did she leave for
America? How was she treated in the United States by others? What challenges did she
face in the United States? What surprised her of living in a city?
2. Why are the workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory on strike? What demands
do they want met? What problems do they have with the business leaders? How are the
workers on strike treated by the police?
3. How do Jane and Bella meet? Why does Jane move away from her home? What
does she hope to gain by moving away from her house? What struggles does Jane have as
she enters life away from her home? What job does Jane find when she did leave her
father’s home?
4. How could the company have protected its workers from the fire? Why didn’t
they work harder to protect the workers? Do you think the company is responsible for the
death of the workers, if so why or why not?
5. I would suggest when finishing the final chapter to go back and read the first, it
ties the book together. Also, read the ‘Author’s Notes’ at the end of the book because they
provide much necessary detail as to the division between fact and fiction, as well as other
interesting details about the Triangle Shirtwaist tragedy. After reading the Author’s Notes,
answer these questions: How did things change after the fire? While the Triangle
Shirtwaist fire led to many improvements, do we still notice problems similar to this in the
world today? If so, what kinds of problems and where?
Name ______________________________
Class ______________________
UPRISING – Character Analysis
Names 
Facts/Details 
and Changes
Role of
towards end of
Character And