Name: ______________________ Date Submitted: ________________ Answer Key Online Social Studies 11 – (CounterPoints Textbook) Unit 1 Canada in the Twenties Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair Subtotal CHAPTER FOUR Section 1 Task 1: Vocabulary ( /2) Task 2: Figure 4-1 (p.76) questions Task 3: Figure 4-2 (p.77) questions 1, 2 Section 2 Task 1: Activities Questions (p.86) 1, 2, 4 Task 2: Applying the Skill questions (p.81): 1, 3, 4 Task 3: Figure 4-5 (p.82) questions Task 4: Figure 4-6 (p.83) questions Task 5: Article (pp.84-85) questions 2, 4 Section 3 Task 1: Activities questions (p.90) 1, 3 Task 2: Article (89) questions 1, 2 Task 3: Questions 1, 2, 3 Section 4 Task 1: Vocabulary Task 2: Activities questions (p.98) 2, 3, 4 Task 3: Entertainment during Depression question Task 4: Figure 4-15 (p.92) question Task 5: Kristallnacht incident question Task 6: Questions 1, 2 Task 7: German aggression and invasion timeline TOTOAL FOR THIS PAGE Total Date /2 /2 /2 /6 /10 /8 /3 /2 /6 /29 /9 /5 /8 /22 /5 /9 /2 /1 /6 /4 /6 /33 /90 Name: ______________________ Date Submitted: ________________ Answer Key Online Social Studies 11 – (CounterPoints Textbook) Unit 1 Canada in the Twenties Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair Chapter 4 Section 1 SS11 Module A Chapter 4 (Section 1) pp 74-79 TASK 1: Vocabulary (2 marks) 1) Depression 2) protectionism TASK 2: Look at Figure 4-1 (p.76). Suggest why most Canadians bought shares after 1927? Why would people who had bought shares later in the decade have suffered more than those who bought shares before 1927. (2 marks) TASK 3: Refer to Figure 4-2 (p.77) and answer the following: 1) How would you feel if you were one of these unemployed men? (1 mark) 2) Why do you suppose these men waited for several hours in line and allowed themselves to be humiliated? (1 mark) Answer Key Online Social Studies 11 – (CounterPoints Textbook) Unit 1 Canada in the Twenties Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair Chapter 4 Section 2 S 11 Module A Chapter 4 (Section 2) pp 79-86 TASK 1: Activities Questions (p.86): 1,2,4 (10 marks) Question #1: What seemed to be the government’s attitude toward those people who had lost their jobs? Why do you think this was the case? Do you think this attitude exists today towards the unemployed? (3 marks) Question #2: What did people have to do to qualify for “pogey”? Why do you think people were given vouchers instead of cash? (3 marks) Question #4: Write a paragraph describing conditions in Vancouver’s Chinese district during the Depression. Explain why conditions were so harsh. Include information you have learned from earlier chapters. (4 marks) TASK 2: Applying the Skill questions (p.81): 1,3,4 (8 marks) Question #1a) Which years had employment rates of over 15 percent? (1 mark) Question #1b): Which three years had the highest expenditure on relief? (1 mark) Question #3: Use the tables to determine the two worst years of the Depression. List and explain the evidence you used in reaching your decision. (4 marks) Question #4: Which province do you consider was hardest hit by the Depression? Explain. (2 marks) TASK 3: Examine Figure 4-5 (p.82) and answer the Interpreting a Cartoon questions. Tariffs are an important concept for understanding the Depression. What is this cartoon saying about Canada’s protective tariffs? How did tariffs contribute to the stockpiling of goods? To the slowdown in world trade? If you don't understand please ask for some help. (3 marks) TASK 4: See Figure 4-6 (p.83) and answer the following: Can you think of any positive social effects of the Depression? Explain. (2 marks) TASK 5: Read the Counterpoints article (pp84-85) and answer analyzing the issue questions: 2,4 (6 marks). Question # 2: In a two column organizer, summarize the arguments for and against government intervention in the economy: a) in a period of economic slow down: (2 marks) For: Against: b) in a period of economic growth: (2 marks) For: Against: Question #4: What did Bennett mean by “the government is not here to subsidize idleness”? (2 marks) Answer Key Online Social Studies 11 – (CounterPoints Textbook) Unit 1 Canada in the Twenties Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair Chapter 4 Section 3 SS11 Module A Chapter 4 (Section 3) pp 86-90 TASK 1: Activities questions (p.90) 1, 3 (9 marks) Question #1: List the political parties that were started during the Depression. State who were the parties’ supporters; their leaders; and their policies. (6 marks) Question #3a: What were the main recommendations of the Rowell-Sirois Commission? (2 marks) Questions #3b: Why did the wealthier provinces dislike these recommendations? (1 mark) TASK 2: Read the Up Close article on page 89 and answer questions 1 and 2. Question #1: Do you think King’s interest in spiritualism affected his ability to function as prime minister? Is it necessary to know such private details to evaluate his role in Canadian history? (2 marks) Question #2: How was Bennett perceived by Canadians during the Depression? Do you think this image of him was justified? Explain your answer. (3 marks) TASK 3: Answer the following: 1) Is it necessary and/or fair to know everything about a political leader's personal life? Explain. (4 marks) 2) Give a couple of recent examples of politicians who have been affected by media coverage of their personal lives. If you don't follow the news, see your teacher for some help on this question.(2 marks) 3) How do you suppose private information about political leaders gets to reporters? (why?) (2 marks) Answer Key Online Social Studies 11 – (CounterPoints Textbook) Unit 1 Canada in the Twenties Chapter 4: The Thirties: A Decade of Despair Chapter 4 Section 4 SS11 Module A Chapter 4 (Section 4) pp 90-98 TASK 1: Vocabulary (5 marks) totalitarian state Fascist Isolationists Holocaust Appeasement TASK 2: Activities questions (p.98): 2,3,4 (9 marks) Question #2: What factors contributed to the rise of dictators after World War I? (4 marks) Question #3: How did the Treaty of Versailles help the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany? (3 marks) Question #4: Why was the League of Nations unable to stop the aggression of Japan and Italy? (2 marks) TASK 3: Entertainment provided by magazines, radio, and television, was very popular during the depression. Why do you think that entertainment remained popular during these tough times? (2 marks) TASK 4: Look at Figure 4-15 (p.92). What can you conclude about the value of German currency from this photograph? (1 mark) TASK 5: On page 97, a reference is made to the Kristallnacht incident. Research this incident and write a paragraph summarizing it. (6 marks) TASK 6: Answer the following: 1) What was Japan's motivation for attacking Manchuria? (2 marks) 2) Why was Hitler so popular with many of the German people initially? (2 marks) TASK 7: On the timeline below that depicts Germany's aggressions and invasions from 1936 to 1939, state whether you think it was worth going to war over and give your reasons why. (6 marks) 1936 – Hitler ordered troops into the Rhineland; this act went unpunished by League of Nations. 1938, March – Hitler and his troops take over Austria. 1938, September – Hitler demands the right to take over Sudetenland; Britain and France agree and Hitler pledges that this is will be his last territorial claim. 1938, November - Kristallnacht 1939, March – Hitler invades the rest of Czechoslovakia, breaking his previous agreement to not claim anymore land. 1939 – The German army invades Poland.