Quick Reference Guide: Registration Census - AITS

AITS – Decision Support
University Administration
Student Registration Census Universe
Quick Reference Guide
EDW – STU – Registration Census
Who should use this universe?
Functional Offices interested in creating student enrollment and/or general student information
reports with “frozen” data for Official University/State/Federal Reporting
Academic Colleges and Departments who are interested in re-creating their student enrollment
and/or general student information “10-Day” and “Final Grade” reports previously offered via the
mainframe. (Additional “frozen” dates are available – See the List below in the Data Available
Any other users who received and used the student enrollment “10-Day” and/or “Final Grade” type
What types of business questions can I answer using this universe?
What does a population of enrolled students “look” like at a specific point in time?
o Who were the First Time Freshman whose Primary or Secondary Major is Accountancy by
their name, UIN, Primary Curriculum Admit Term, and Expected Graduation Date at UIUC
for Fall 2004 – Census?
How many students does my Campus/College/Department have at a specific point in time?
o What was the number of students in Fall 2004 at UIC by their Enrollment Time Status,
Primary College and Department at Census?
What is the comparison of students from one census date to the next?
o Who are the students in Spring 2005 who were James Scholars in the College of ACES at
UIUC on Census?
What was the Grade Distribution between all Sections of ENGL101 at UIC for Fall 2004 at Final
Grade? (Please Note: Only Final Grade is available in Registration Census. Other Term and
Degree GPA, Grade, and Academic History Degree information are NOT available in any frozen
How does this population of students at Census compare to student at Census from Fall 2004?
o Who were the Students at UIS in Public Affairs & Administration by their Overall Level GPA,
Institutional Term GPA for Fall 2004 at Final Grade?
Universe Description
Student Registration Census offers a picture of student data on points in time throughout a semester. Its
primary focus is on students and the classes for which they have registered. This universe will primarily
support Census reporting, analysis and review of General Student Record, and reporting on Registration
Activity of Students.
Because the data is frozen at each of the defined Census dates, it can be useful for comparing who has
registered for what classes across semesters. In addition to freezing registration data, bio/demographic,
academic record, and general student data is also saved. This allows for a comparison of how many
students of a particular major are enrolled in specific courses. Analysis can also include the class of
students who are registered (e.g. senior psychology students enrolled in Psychology 310 as of the last day
to add classes).
Copyright © 2016 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
AITS – Decision Support
University Administration
Data Included in the Registration Census Universe
All data in the Registration Census universe is frozen as of specified census dates determined by
each campus OAR, Information Management, and University Administration Offices.
This universe contains Student Biographic/Demographic, Course Registrations, Schedule Information,
Enrollment/Withdrawal, Academic Degree Information, Level/Term/Degree GPA information, Visa,
Prior College and Degree, Prior High School, Admission Standard High School, Maximum Test Scores,
Primary and Secondary Curriculum, Attributes, Cohort, and Athlete Sport data
This universe contains students who have course registration records for a term. Students with a
Banner E-Term record (EDW Student Registration Header record) will be included in Census files.
Students who are eligible to register but have not registered will not be included in Census files.
After Grade Roll and Final Grade data is available in Registration Census. Degree GPA, Grade, and
some Academic History information will not be available in all census dates.
When reporting student grades, ALWAYS include the Course Id, Course Subject Code
(MATH, ECE, etc), Course Number (100, 210, etc) and Course Reference Number (CRN) as
result objects. Having these rows on your report will help you find the best grade for the
student especially when the gradable section for a course has changed.
Additionally when reporting student grades, in order to not return multiple rows, set a
condition to Course Grade Code NOT IN LIST (DFR, NA). This will remove any deferred or
not reported grades in your report. Of course if you want to know which sections still have
deferred or not report grades then this condition will not work for your report
When reporting student addresses, use the PREDEFINED FIELDS in the Universe to pull one address
for your student. If the student does not have a MA, PR or RH Address Type Code then the columns
will appear BLANK in your report.
With the implementation of the Directory Project, the existing Address/Telephone indicators were
changed to provide three different options (Mailing Address Indicator, Permanent Address Indicator
and Residence Hall Indicator). These indicators provide a hierarchy to allow users to pull one
address per person. The address that will be reported using this structure will provide one current
address and telephone number per student. If you use the below indicators then you may “loose”
students if they do not have a MA, PR or RH address type.
Mailing Address Indicator – This indicator if equal to Y in the report will return the
most current MA address but if NO current MA address is available, the most current
PR (permanent) address will be returned. If NO MA or PR address is available, the
most current RH (residence hall) will be returned. If NO MA, PR or RH address, the
data will appear as ‘blank’.
Permanent Address Indicator - This indicator if equal to Y in the report will return
the most current PR address but if NO current PR address is available, the most
current MA (mailing) address will be returned. If NO PR or MA address is available,
the most current RH (residence hall) will be returned. If NO PR, MA or RH address,
the data will appear as ‘blank’.
Residence Hall Address Indicator - This indicator if equal to Y in the report will
return the most current RH address but if NO current RH address is available, the
most current MA (mailing) address will be returned. If NO RH or MA address is
available, the most current PR (permanent) will be returned. If NO RH, MA or PR
address, the data will appear as ‘blank’.
The Section Meeting information is being sourced from a “non-frozen” table called T_SECT_MEETING.
This table will provide up to date section meeting information, not frozen based on a suggestion from
the business owners for this data. Generally after the 10th day of class during a term, the Section
Copyright © 2016 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
AITS – Decision Support
University Administration
Meeting information does NOT change nor is tracking changes to this information necessary
therefore the data is sourced from the most current data in the EDW. Additionally, CRNs may have
multiple sequence numbers for the Section Meeting information so your counts may increase.
The Admission Address at Time of Application/Admission is being sourced from T_ADM_APPL_ADDR.
This table contains the original address of an applicant at the time of their application or at the time
of their admission to the University, whichever event happens last.
DS has removed REG_SNAPSHOT_KEY: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 from the T_RS_TIME
table in the EDW. These snapshots are for the 0304 academic year as "test" keys during the
implementation of this table.
The available Census Type Codes and Descriptions are:
Snapshot Code
Registration Snapshot Type
Snapshot Code
Registration Snapshot Type
1st Day of Adv Enrollment
AY End of Term
After Grade Roll
AY Fall
Before Grade_Roll
AY Prior Fall
Continuing Ed
Last Day_Add Class
Last Day_Drop Class
DayBefore_1st Day of Class
Last Day_Drop Class_1stHalf
1st Day of Classes
Last Day_Add Class_LastHalf
DayBefore_1st Day_Orientation
Last Day_Orientation
1st Day_Erly/Adv Registration
Last Day_Erly/Adv Registration
Final Grade
Last Day_Drop Class_FullTerm
AY Annual
Last Day_Drop Class_LastHalf
Report Creation Tips
This universe is not updated on a daily basis, and data will not reflect “current” student information.
The universe is designed to capture data as it exists on specific points in time.
Each campus OAR determines which Census Types and Census Dates are captured for their own
campus. Refer to the DS website (link below) in order to obtain the Census Types, Census Dates,
and Terms chosen by your campus.
You must always specify a Term and Registration Census Type in your reports. Without specifying
this data, you will receive erroneous or duplicate data that you may not need.
When reporting lists of students, always use the Confidentiality Indicator for FERPA restrictions.
Academic vs. Administrative College - The ACADEMIC College is the college associated with the
student’s department of instruction or the college that the student will receive their degree. The
ADMINISTRATIVE College is the college associated with the applicant/student’s admission college.
For example, Undergraduate students the Academic College is the same as the
Administrative College. For Graduate students the Administrative College is the Graduate
College (i.e. KS for Urbana, FS for Chicago) but the Academic College is the college that the
student will receive their degree.
Data Quality Advisories
This universe may contain inaccurate or incomplete non-international race/ethnic information for
data between November 2005-January 2006.
Copyright © 2016 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois