ITEM NO. 7 REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION TO REGENERATION INITIATIVES OFFICER GROUP: 29TH SEPTEMBER, 2008 AND REGENERATION INITIATIVES CABINET WORKING GROUP: 13TH OCTOBER, 2008 TITLE: SALFORD WEST – TOWN CENTRES UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: That RIOG/CWG (1) Note the report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The report updates members on work to date and planned in relation to Salford West’s town centres. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework (Available for public inspection) ASSESSMENT OF RISK: There is a risk that the Town Centres within Salford West will see a further downturn in their fortunes unless concerted action between the owners/agents and the City Council is taken. This in turn will mean Salford residents have less choice and reduced access to retail and other services within Town Centres. SOURCE OF FUNDING: Limited resources are being targeted at Town Centres from within the Salford West capital allocation. These resources must be used to lever in investment by Town Centre owners and other investors. Preliminary discussions have taken place to scope any support City West may be able to give via their business planning process. LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: None at this time. FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Wendy Gregory, Accountant, Chief Executive Directorate D:\533574896.doc CONTACT OFFICERS: Cath Inchbold – 0161 793 3796, Paul Gill - 0161 793 2207 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Salford West wards KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Community Plan, Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework and Action Plan DETAILS: 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Town Centres is a priority work stream within the Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) Driver 2 – A network of high quality neighbourhoods. A cross Directorate/partner based Task Group has been established to take the work forward. Partner organisations MIDAS and City West have taken up membership of the Task Group alongside SCC officers. The Task Group has met four times and has established a 2008/09 work programme. 1.2 Team Manchester have also established a Town centre task group which Manchester Enterprises are convening. Unfortunately Salford did not secure direct membership of this group but officers will keep in touch with and seek to influence its work. Their first piece of work will be to commission some research looking at the potential role of town centres within Greater Manchester (GM), which will highlight the GM town centres the group will focus on. 1.3 The Cabinet Working Group received a summary report on work on Town Centres in February 2008 and the Leader’s Briefing received update reports during April 2008 on Eccles, Swinton and Walkden town centres. These reports included SWOT analyses, a summary of current and planned activity in town centres and surrounding areas, investment and ownership details and an indication of current discussions with owners and agents. 1.4 Dialogue with the three major owners of the town centres is critical to developing and successfully implementing any agreed strategy. Discussions between Urban Vision and the owners of Swinton Shopping Precinct and the Mall Shopping Centre in Eccles have been ongoing to discuss future investment plans and ongoing management and maintenance issues. A meeting has also taken place between SCC officers and the owners of West One, PBN Holdings, regarding potential investment proposals and planning policy issues. 1.5 Pre-planning discussions have taken place between Urban Vision and the agents for the Eccles Mall Shopping Centre regarding a proposed food retail development on the site of the indoor market and the adjoining buildings. D:\533574896.doc 1.6 Planning applications in relation to the town centres have been received or are pending as follows: an application from Derwent Holdings for a 168k sq.ft. Tesco store in Walkden has been agreed; an application is expected relating to the potential food retail development in West One in Eccles. Discussions regarding the planning policy issues this development would raise are ongoing. 2. ACTIONS UNDERWAY 2.1 A clear baseline and evidence base for each town centre is an essential first step towards developing a strategy. The Task Group are currently assessing background data on the three town centres to provide a clearer understanding as to what is happening within each centre and how each centre fares in comparison to GM / national averages on key indicators such as rental levels, commercial yields, vacancy rates, footfall and diversity of uses. A city wide Retail Capacity Study is also being undertaken with a view to informing future potential for additional retail development. This data will be compiled into a baseline report for each town centre. 2.2 Environmental audits were undertaken in August 2008 looking at the overall environmental quality of the town centres and potential improvements which could be undertaken to improve their appearance. Officers are currently assessing and costing up these proposals. 2.3 Officers will be undertaking a series of consultations between now and November with the Swinton and Walkden Political Executives and the Eccles Neighbourhood Partnership Board. Following that, local traders and occupiers from each town centre will be invited to a workshop with SCC officers and other key stakeholders. These discussions will focus on the baseline reports and environmental audits and discuss key issues and priorities. 3. NEXT STEPS 3.1 Following the consultations referred to in 2.3 above, preliminary action plans will be drawn up for each town centre. It is proposed to implement some ‘quick wins’ which the environmental audits have highlighted, to demonstrate to the owners and local traders the council’s commitment to a partnership approach to Salford West’s town centres and with a view to levering in private sector investment. 3.2 It is clear that a comprehensive strategy is required to agree the appropriate mix of uses within and between the area’s Town Centres which includes both developing the retail offer and improving the public realm/infrastructure and connectivity within and surrounding the centres. The strategy must ensure that Salford West’s town centres complement rather than compete with each D:\533574896.doc other. This can both feed from and to the Team Manchester work. The resourcing of the strategy work is currently under discussion. D:\533574896.doc