"HOUSECLEANING" IDOLS AND IDOLATRY INTRODUCTION Occult symbols are fast replacing Christian symbols in our culture. We need to talk about these things to become aware of them ourselves and to also warn others, especially our children who intentionally wear and display them because they are getting so popular. Review: Keep in mind that some of these symbols can have double meanings. For example, the pentagram has been used to transmit occult power in all kinds of rituals for centuries, but to Christians the same shape may simply represent a star -- a special part of God's creation. The image of a fish may mean a sign of the zodiac (astrology) to some, but to Christians it has meant following Jesus and sharing the message of His love. We will continue to delight in the cross, while recognizing that others use the same image to represent their dark forces. Please don't pass judgment on those who happen to wear these symbols. Instead, let us seek God’s will and discernment so that we might all honor Him with our lives. Remember, "Each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block . . . in our brother's way." (Romans 14:12-13) Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before or besides Me. 4) You shall not make yourself any graven image [to worship it] or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5) You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, 6) But showing mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments." DEFINITIONS SMITH'S BIBLE DICTIONARY READS: "IDOLS - An image or anything used as an object of worship in place of the true God. Among the earliest objects of worship, regarded as symbols of deity, were meteoric stones, which the ancients believed to have been images of the gods sent down from heaven. From these they transferred their regard to rough unhewn blocks, to stone columns or pillars of wood, in which the divinity worshiped was supposed to dwell, and which were consecrated, like the sacred stone at Delphi, by being anointed with oil and crowned with wool on solemn days. Of the forms assumed by the idolatrous images we have not many traces in the Bible. Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistines, was a human figure terminating in a fish; and that the Syrian deities were represented in later times in a symbolical human shape we know for certainty. When the process of adorning the image was completed, it was placed in a temple or shrine appointed for it. 1 Corinthians 8:10; Jeremiah 7 and 19. From these temples the idols were sometimes carried in procession on festival days. Jeremiah 4, 26. Their priests were maintained from the idol treasury, and feasted upon the meats which were appointed for the idols' use." WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA READS: "IDOL - is an image made to represent the idea of a god or supernatural being. Idols often appear in a primitive society that has developed some degree of civilization. The early peoples of Mexico and Central America had idols. They were also common among early historical civilizations such as Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome. The Old Testament forbids the making of an image of God in wood or stone. The Koran forbids the Moslems from making any kind of picture or image of their god, Allah. But idols are numerous in the Hindu and Buddhist lands of eastern and southeastern Asia. Idols were used in early Christianity, but many people objected even then. They disappeared almost completely in Eastern Christianity. In Western Christianity idols are usually called images. The word idol soon came to be connected with heathen worship, rather than Christianity. Idolatry means the worship of idols. Probably no people worship the idols which are called fetishes. People use them as images to remind them of their gods. In most cases, prayers and offerings are made through idols rather than to them. ICON or EIKON is a religious picture, usually painted on a flat surface such as wood or ivory. Icons in the Greek Orthodox churches are the pictures of Christ, the Virgin Mary, or the saints. Before the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, icons were placed in the churches and taken with armies into battle. The pictures could be reverenced highly, but the only image which could be adored was that of Christ Exodus 20:4 "You shall not make yourself any graven image [to worship it] or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." ICONOCLAST is a person who attacks long-established beliefs. The word comes from two Greek words, eikon and klastes, which mean image and a breaker. In the days of the early Christian Church the name was given those people who were against the worship of images. There had long been a dispute dividing the Church, especially in the East, about images of Christ and the saints in churches. Emperor Leo III in 726 issued an order forbidding images and incense. Many images were destroyed, and the Church was divided into opposite groups. The iconoclasts were against the presence of images in churches." SMITH'S BIBLE DICTIONARY READS: "IDOLATRY - Strictly speaking, denotes the worship of deity in a visible form, whether the images to which homage is paid are symbolical representations of the true God or of the false divinities which have been made the objects of worship in his stead. I. History of idolatry among the Jews. The first undoubted allusion to idolatry or idolatrous customs in the Bible is in the account of Rachel's stealing her father's teraphim. Gen. 31:19. During their long residence in Egypt the Israelites defiled themselves with the idols of the land, and it was long before the taint was removed. Joshua 24:14; Ezekiel 20:7. In the wilderness they clamored for some visible shape in which they might worship the God who had brought them out of Egypt, Exodus 32, until Aaron made the calf, the embodiment of Apis and emblem of the productive power of nature. During the lives of Joshua and the elders who outlived him they kept true to their allegiance; but the generation following, who knew not Jehovah nor the works He had done for Israel, swerved from the plain path of their fathers, and were caught in the toils of the foreigner. Judges 2. From this time forth their history becomes little more than a chronicle of the inevitable sequence of offence and punishment. Judges 2:12, 14. By turns each conquering nation strove to establish the worship of its national god. In later times the practice of secret idolatry was carried to greater lengths. Images were set up on the corn-floors, in the wine-vats, and behind the doors of private houses, Isaiah 57:8; Hosea 9:1,2; and to check this tendency the statute in Deuteronomy 27:15 was originally promulgated. Under Samuel's administration idolatry was publicly renounced, 1 Sam. 7:36; but in the reign of Solomon all this was forgotten, even Solomon's own heart being turned after other gods. I Kings 11:14. Rehoboam perpetuated the worst features of Solomon's idolatry, I Kings 14:22-24, erected golden calves at Bethel and at Dan, and by this crafty state policy severed forever the kingdoms of Judah and Israel. I Kings 12:26-33. The successors of Jeroboam followed in his steps, till Ahab. The conquest of the ten tribes by Shalmaneser was for them the last scene of the drama of abominations which had been enacted uninterruptedly for upwards of 250 years. Under Hezekiah a great reform was inaugurated, that was not confined to Judah and Benjamin, but spread throughout Ephraim and Manasseh, 2 Chron. 31:1, and to all external appearance idolatry was extirpated. But the reform extended little below the surface. Isaiah 29:13. With the death of Josiah ended the last effort to revive among the people a purer ritual, if not a purer faith. The lamp of David, which had long shed but a struggling ray, flickered for a while and then went out in the darkness of Babylonian captivity. Though the conquests of Alexander caused Greek influence to be felt, yet after the captivity a better condition of things prevailed, and the Jews never again fell into idolatry. The erection of synagogues has been assigned as a reason for the comparative purity of the Jewish worship after the captivity, while another cause has been discovered in the hatred for images acquired by the Jews in their intercourse with the Persians. II. Objects of idolatry. The sun and moon were early selected as outward symbols of all-pervading power, and the worship of the heavenly bodies was not only the most ancient but the most prevalent system of idolatry. Taking its rise in the plains of Chaldea, it spread through Egypt, Greece, Scythia, and even Mexico and Ceylon. Deuteronomy 4:10; 17:3; Job 31:20-28. In the later times of the monarchy, the planets or the zodiacal signs received, next to the sun and moon, their share of popular adoration. 2 Kings 23:5. Beast worship, as exemplified in the calves of Jeroboam, has already been alluded to. Of pure hero worship among the Semitic races we find no trace. The singular reverence with which trees have been honored is not without example is the history of the Hebrews. The terebinth (oak) at Mamre, beneath which Abraham built an altar, Genesis 12:7; 13:18, and the memorial grove planted by him at Beersheba, Genesis 21:33 were intimately connected with patriarchal worship. Mountains and high places were chosen spots for offering sacrifice and incense to idols, I Kings 11:7; 14:23; and the retirement of gardens and the thick shade of woods offered great attractions to their worshipers. 2 Kings 16:4; Isaiah 1:29; Hosea 4:13. The host of heaven was worshiped on the house-top. 2 Kings 23:12; Jeremiah 19:3; 32:29; Zephaniah 1:5. (The modern objects of idolatry are less gross than the ancient, but are none-the-less idols.) Whatever of wealth or honor or pleasure is loved and sought before God and righteousness becomes an object of idolatry. III. Punishment of idolatry. Idolatry to an Israelite was a state offence, I Samuel 15:23, a political crime of the greatest character, high treason against the majesty of his king. The first and second commandments are directed against idolatry of every form. Individuals and communities were equally amenable to the rigorous code. The individual offender was devoted to destruction, Exodus 22:20; his nearest relatives were not only bound to denounce him and deliver him up to punishment, Deuteronomy 13:2-10, but their hands were to strike the first blow, when, on the evidence of two witnesses at least, he was stoned. Deuteronomy 17:2-5. To attempt to seduce others to false worship was a crime of equal enormity. Deuteronomy 13:6-10. IV. Attractions of idolatry. Many have wondered why the Israelites were so easily led away from the true God, into the worship of idols. (1) Visible, outward signs, with show, pageants, parades, have an attraction to the natural heart, which often fails to perceive the unseen spiritual realities. (2) But the greatest attraction seems to have been in licentious revelries and obscene orgies with which the worship of the Oriental idols was observed. This worship, appealing to every sensual passion, joined with the attractions of wealth and fashion and luxury, naturally was a great temptation to a simple, restrained, agricultural people, whose worship and laws demanded the greatest purity of heart and of life." HOUSECLEANING We should check our houses for objects that need to be destroyed or thrown out and also pray and ask The Lord if you are not sure if you should destroy something or throw it out. Deuteronomy 7:26 "Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you become an accursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is an accursed thing". "Housecleaning" is what we call getting rid of anything in your home that may cause you demonic problems. Look through your home as you pray and the Lord will let you know what items need to be destroyed including things that may have become an idol to you especially things like collections. Pictures of movie stars that you form a soul tie with. Every time the Israelites started worshiping idols they came into captivity and bondage. The anger of the Lord burned against Israel when some of the silver and gold that was supposed to be destroyed was taken by Achan and hidden in his tent. Joshua Chapter 7:25 reads: "And Joshua said, why have you brought trouble on us? The Lord will trouble you this day. And all Israel stoned him and those with him with stones, and afterward burned their bodies with fire." 26) ...Then the Lord turned from the fierceness of His anger. In Genesis 31 Rachel stole her fathers’ idols and died because of it. These are just two incidents. This is not to bring fear upon you, but to let you know what the Lord thinks about idolatry. 1 Samuel 15:23 "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim (household good luck images). Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king." You do not have to worship any item for it to be idolatry. Just having these things in your home give demons legal right to be in your home. Deuteronomy 7:25 "The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire. You shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. 26) Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you become an accursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is an accursed thing." Do lots of research on items that you are not sure about. You may find that their origin is rooted in idolatry. SOME OBJECTS TO DESTROY: (See Lev. 11:13-21 and Deut. 14:7-19) Some accursed objects could be: owls, frogs, unicorns, dolphins, dragons, horseshoes; items from other countries such as Africa, China, Japan; American Indian artifacts, carvings, pictures, buddha statutes. Dolls and stuffed animals – many dolls originated in voodoo; paisley patterns on anything. Nike is a Greek god, according to the dictionary. Collections, Pictures of movie stars, some items passed down from ancestors, Shamrocks, Any kind of good luck charm, Statues, Oriental objects, African items, Indian items, American Indian items, Any items that are used in witchcraft, The Book of Mormon, satanic bible, Books on other religions, Rock and roll music, etc. In a little booklet by Mitsi Burton called IDOLS AND IMAGES (The Second Commandment) "You would do well to read the old classic, THE TWO BABYLONS by HISLOP. On page 102, is a picture of a saucy little GOOSE. There is an ornament around his neck and a little cupid is riding it. His lop identifies it, not only as a Babylonian god, but also as the Egyptian Seb and the Indian brahmany goose. Today those attractive little ceramic geese are sold for home decorations. They are everywhere, on cookie jars, kitchen towels, etc." -- usually with a blue ribbon around the neck. As we have said, pray and ask the Lord what you need to destroy. The word of God says that he who seeks shall find. HOUSE DELIVERANCE After these things have been destroyed then break curses over you and your family and cast the demons out of your house; also anoint your house; plead the blood of Jesus over your home and property; pray a hedge of protection over your home (Ecc. 10:8 - He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him. Eze. 13:5 Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD. Eze. 22:30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none) and property and invite the Holy Spirit and God’s Angels to dwell there and to protect. PERSONAL DELIVERANCE Confess, repent and ask forgiveness for the sin of idolatry for you, your ancestors, spouse, former spouses, former sex partners and their ancestors. Break the curses and command all demons to leave you that had anything to do with idolatry. BURN OR DESTROY IT In the Book of Acts, Chapter 19 is the story about the seven sons of Sceva. After one of the demons beat them up, we find in verse 17, "This became known to all who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, and alarm and terror fell upon them all; and the name of the Lord JESUS was extolled and magnified. 18/ Many also of those who were now Believers came making full confession and thoroughly exposing their [former deceptive and evil] practices. 19/ And many of those who had practiced curious, magical arts collected their books and [throwing them, book after book, on the pile] BURNED THEM in the sight of everybody...." This is the scripture used for "book burnings" "record burnings", etc. Note they BURNED the books. We're talking New Testament here. Why didn't they just bind up or cast out the demons in these books? Well, some of you have artifacts from Africa, India, etc., where these artifacts are offered up to their gods, many pray demons into these artifacts, and then they sell them. I have had people tell me that they bound up the demons or cast them out of the artifacts. Maybe that worked, and maybe it didn't. Maybe the artifacts should be burned. Seek the Lord on this matter. Better safe rather than sorry. We also recommend destroying books and tapes from any ministry that is teaching false doctrine of any kind. We have heard that anything that becomes a fad has probably got a demonic background - angel statues, for instance - started by the new agers. Rainbows started by the new agers and taken over by the homosexual community. AUTOGRAPHS can be an idol. Do you have an autograph that you treasure far too much? What would you feel if someone stole it or it got destroyed? You may need some DELIVERANCE in this area. It could be an idol. SUNDIAL & symbols of the sun - Sundial is a symbol of eternal life, spirit of eternal love and objects of worship Maybe you need to get rid of yours, and dial the SON. FLAMINGO – Public T.V. said according to African myth, the Phoenix (Egyptian god) was on fire in a volcano fire. When the fire died down, in the ashes, was the Flamingo. Flamingos are called "The Fire Bird". Phoenicians believed Flamingo feathers would bring immortality. Their diet causes their red color. Regarding witchcraft: witchcraft is getting to be the norm. We see the mixture everywhere. The clothing manufacturers even put it into our clothes. The leviathan alligator is the symbol of high pride. It portrays the idea of "if you can afford that, then you are really dressed." There are a lot of wild patterns in the clothing which are symbolic of confusion. There are many satanic symbols hidden in clothing such as the yen and the yang, the baphomet, or goat's head, which is the symbol of the church of satan. Many labels are expressions of defeat or pride. Everyone puts their names on the clothing so man, by wearing these name brands, can feel built up and mighty in his own stature. The world wants to make a statement that they have money and position. This deception is a lie from satan. He is trying to make people think they are something they are not. THE FOLLOWING COMES FROM THE GENE AND EARLINE MOODY DELIVERANCE MANUAL CLEANING YOUR HOUSE (OF DEMONS) LIST OF SCRIPTURES L - Ex. 20:4...........Graven Image C - Num. 23:8.......Can only curse if God curses (notice that God curses.) L - Deut. 7:25-26...Those who keep or own cursed objects. (You are cursed.) L - Deut. 14:7-19....Unclean animals (something for you to think about.) C - Deut. 21:23.......Anyone hanged is accursed of God. C - Deut. 32:5,17....Have corrupted themselves. Have worshipped devils (demons) C - Josh. 6:18..........Those who keep or own cursed objects (ARE CURSED.) C - II Sam. 7:29......Blessing of the Lord. L - Prov. 3:33.........Curse of the Lord on house of the wicked. L - Jer. 48:10..........Deceitful worker of the Lord is cursed. C - Gal. 3:13..........CHRIST has redeemed us from the curse (must be applied.) C - Col. 2:14-15....Blotting out ordinances against us. C - Rev. 12:11.......Overcome by word of testimony. C - Rev. 22:3.........No more curse in Heaven. "L" is scripture for lesson; "C" is scripture for cleaning your house. SHOULD HOUSES BE CLEANSED OF EVIL SPIRITS? Books and objects identified with anything related to Satan's kingdom have been known to attract demons. Sinful activities on the part of former residents attract demons. Many have told of hearing voices or sounds in their houses. Such manifestations are sometimes called "poltergeist", a German word meaning "knocking or noisy ghosts". What about owls and frogs? These are classified among the creatures mentioned in Deut. 14:7-19 as being unclean and abominable. They are types of demon spirits. Dt.7:25-26 - "The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire, you shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you be ensnared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God" Demons are definitely attracted to houses by objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism. All such materials should be burned or otherwise destroyed. Houses or buildings which are suspect of demon infestation should be cleansed by the authority of the name of JESUS. Those who live in such places should stand on the provisions of the blood of JESUS CHRIST (Probably the greatest abomination to God is worshiping other gods in any form such as having an idol in your house.) NOTES ON WITCHCRAFT, SYMBOLS AND ACCURSED OBJECTS In Satan worship, oftentimes the arms are crossed as a sign of submission to and being bound by the devil. (Also a sign of rebellion.) Often good luck charms, ankhs, astrological symbols and other jewelry with hex signs, etc. will cause interference with DELIVERANCE. Some objects, particularly rings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry which has been given to a person by someone in witchcraft will have curses and/or bondage in them or idol symbols on them. There is a resurgence of hex signs, satanic/new age symbols and ancient geometric and mystical motifs which are being incorporated into designs for clothing, jewelry, decorative objects and china. In antique shops there are often selections of rings, pendants, pins and various kinds of jewelry which were originally designed to bring good luck and to act as a talisman to chase evil. Some of the most popular currently include: The Egyptian ankh (a cross with a loop at the top which was an ancient fertility symbol); the ancient witchcraft sign of the broken cross, popularly know as the peace symbol; Chais (consists of Hebrew characters spelling the word life); all kinds of Polynesian tikkis, figures, and other things; a wiggly tail which is called the "Italian horn"; protectors from the evil eye; a hand with the index and little fingers pointing up (a satanic witchcraft sign); and a great variety of crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes and other items. Another interesting thing is how many times in religious fetishes and statues there is a dangerous resident demon power. If it is necessary to do an exorcism in a house it is wise to clean the house spiritually afterward, to head off any trouble which might be caused by spirits remaining in the place. (Command the demons to leave the people, house and property.) A WORD ABOUT INCENSE AND/OR INCENSE BURNER Believers must be careful about bringing incense into their homes. Most people are unaware that much of the incense sold in curio and novelty shops was manufactured by devotees of the Hare Krishna cult. Their wares are dedicated to this demon god of the Hindus and can cause trouble. DOLLS Dolls were believed to bring good luck to their owners; to make livestock give more milk; help win wars; and heal the sick. Only witch doctors or medicine men were allowed to handle them. The dictionary defines a doll as a small carved or molded figure which served as a cult object or representation of a nursery story, cartoon or puppet character. Both World Book and Britannica point out that dolls were buried with people and were supposed to be friends and servants in the spirit world. Roman and Greek girls, in preparation for marriage would leave their dolls on the altar of the temples of Artemis and Diana. To this day multitudes of idol (demon) worshipers use dolls in pagan religious ceremonies. When the Lord commanded that "no graven images" were to be made, He wasn't being cruel and heartless. He knew the damage they could put upon people (Ex. 20:4). The Lord has also shown us that puppets are a deception and the Lord places a curse on those that use deceit (Jer. 48:10). TO EXORCISE INANIMATE OBJECTS In the case of objects dedicated to demons (idols, artifacts, etc.), the best course of action is to destroy them. However, it is well to check secondhand cars, homes, and apartments also because if the former owners had Ouija boards, or other occult paraphernalia, or were involved in serious bondage to sin, then there is every reason to suspect that evil spirits could be lingering behind. These spirits can and will cause trouble to the new owners. Keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything other than One True God constitute prayers and/or worship to demons. Very often these are answered in the form of curses, for demons can and do respond to those who request of them. (If you know of demonic prayers against your family, break the curses placed against you.) When you do the house cleaning make sure you’re prayed up (forgiveness for sins, pray in the spirit, ready) and have someone there with you (two or more). The following are things that should be destroyed: Look for little Mexican sun gods or symbols, idols, incense/holders, Buddhas, hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient, Ouija boards, anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, 5 star objects and so on. Books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms, or the cult religions (metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), rock and roll records and tapes all fall in the category of things which have been often loaded with evil spiritual power. Verbally denounce Satan and his power, and all of his demon hosts and claim authority as a Believer-priest because of the name of JESUS CHRIST and the authority of His shed Blood. (There is more power in the spoken word.) Scriptures which has proven useful in this include: Rev. 12:11; 22:3; Col. 2:14-15; Gal. 3:13; Deut. 21:23; 32:5; Num. 23:8, 23; II Sam. 7:29. (Read out loud in the house.) I usually anoint the door lintel, window sills and any openings. Other things such as statues you can anoint if you’re not sure in Jesus name and many times the demonic power is bound. Any specific areas of demonic activity or influence of which you are aware should be denounced by name (Prov. 3:33). SYMBOLS Many symbols are of demonic origin: Fleur-de-Lis - Britannica Encyclopedia gives this explanation. In India and in Egypt it was common decorating device used as a symbol of life and resurrection, the attribute of the god Horus. The Mobile Winged horse Pegasus; FTD's symbol is Mercury or Hermes - the messenger of the gods, god of commerce also god of fraud and cunning. Caduceus the winged wand of Mercury Doctors and the American Medical Profession which is set on a symbol of the 5 pointed star. Nike is the goddess of victory (Athena). The cornucopia represents the goat mother (Amaltheia) who suckled the infant-god in a cave, Zeus is said to have given it to her to insure a plenteous supply of food. All of the gods and goddess and all mythology is a collection of demon worship. Many of the gods and goddess are referred to in the Old Testament by the names the Hebrews would have used. All of them come from the old Chaldean Religion. Tammuz is mentioned in the Bible and the references to groves, temple prostitution, etc. and is about idle or demon worship. Everyone should do a little research into this and discover the original reason for all our holidays and symbols. Old encyclopedias are better than late editions because the latter editions leave out a lot of the information on these types of things that you will need. Research the meaning of Biblical references to groves, temples, temple prostitutes, and celebrations in both Old and New Testaments. It will open you eyes to the revival of Satan and demon worship in America and to our coming judgment. God did not overlook the Hebrews worship of Satan and the demons and He promises not to overlook ours either. If you want to really follow God then as soon as you learn of something you do or have that is an abomination to God you should remove it from your life and property immediately. Your Christian friends may not agree with you and may even criticize you. After you have done your research and have submitted it to God just follow His direction. Don’t go overboard and see demons everywhere but still be thorough. CURSED OBJECTS AND DEMON INFESTATION 1. Books and objects identified with anything related to Satan's Kingdom. 2. Sinful activities of former residents left curses. 3. Knocking or noisy ghosts (poltergeist) and apparitions. 4. Owl and frog images of all types. 5. Witch's mask and fetishes used by witch doctors. 6. Objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism. 7. Graven images of gods (demons). 8. Objects dedicated to demons (idols and artifacts). 9. Ouija boards or other occult paraphernalia. 10. Prayers and worship to demons bring curses on home. 11. Mexican sun gods and symbols; idols, incense/burners; Buddhas; hand carved objects from Africa or the Orient; anything connected with astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, etc.; books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms or cult religions (metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.); rock and roll records and tapes. 12. Jewelry given to a person by someone in witchcraft, hex signs, and ancient geometric and mystical motifs, jewelry designed to bring good luck and act as talisman to chase evil. 13. Egyptian ankh, broken cross (peace symbol), Chais, Polynesian tikkis of gods, African jujus, Italian horn, protectors from the evil eye, hand with index and little fingers pointing up, crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, luck coins, mystic medals, horseshoes, religious fetishes and statues. 14. Products with cryptic curses (hidden secret, occult curses). 15. Dolls used for witchcraft and magic; puppets, cult objects or representations. SIX STEPS TO CLEANING A HOUSE AND PROPERTY 1. Prayer of forgiveness - you forgive your ancestors, descendants and others, ask God to forgive and bless them. Ask God to forgive you; you forgive yourself for sins against your body. Also ask forgiveness for spiritual adultery. 2. Break curses and soul ties from others (ancestors) and to others (descendants); break curses of psychic or Catholic prayers. 3. Clean out house of those objects or exorcise objects (you do this). 4. Anoint house with oil and cast evil spirits out of house (you do this). 5. Cast demons out of people that came in through curses from others (optional). 6. Plead the blood of Jesus over your house, the land and all your possessions in Jesus Name. Pray a hedge of protection around your house land and all your possessions and ask the Holy Spirit and God’s angels to dwell there and protect your house land and possessions. REFERENCES (EXCERPTS WERE TAKEN FROM THESE REFERENCES.) 1. "Should Houses be Cleansed of Evil Spirits", pp. 141-143, PIGS IN THE PARLOR 2. "How to Exorcise Inanimate Objects", pp. 220-222, BATTLING THE HOSTS OF HELL 3. "Biblical Curses", pp. 56-59, ANNIHILATING THE HOSTS OF HELL, BOOK I "Notes on Witchcraft, Symbols and Accursed Objects", pp. 18-20, CONQUERING THE HOSTS OF HELL 4. "A Word About Incense", pp. 17-18, DEMOLISHING THE HOSTS OF HELL 5. "Dolls", pp. 54-55, ANNIHILATING THE HOSTS OF HELL satanic/pagan Symbols ALL-SEEING EYE: A universal symbol representing spiritual sight, inner vision, higher knowledge, insight into occult mysteries OR EYE in top Triangle of the PYRAMID: Masonic symbol for the all-seeing eye of god - a mystical distortion of the omniscient (all-knowing) Biblical God. You can find it on the $1 bill. See triangle, Eye of Horus, the Franklin Institute website, and the symbol for the U.S. government's new Total Information Awareness (TIA) System. ALCHEMY: This simple 17th century "sign" illustrates the blending of geometric shapes, elemental symbols and astrological signs. Each part representing the various "elements" and forces needed for magical work in the quest for physical transformation and spiritual illumination and immortality. Many medieval alchemists based their philosophies on mystical traditions rooted in the Kabala (Jewish mysticism), Hermetic magic and the occult practices of ancient civilizations such as Egypt and China. See Philosopher's stone and phoenix. AMULET: A magic charm (such as this little Navajo bear earring), worn to bring good luck and protection against illness, accidents and evil forces. [See Establishing a Global Spirituality] ANARCHY: Popular among school aged children today, this symbol for anarchy fits the message that pervades the most popular video games, role-playing games, movies and television. The lines of the "A" often extend outside the circle. To most satanists and other fast-growing occult groups this symbol represents their slogan, "do what thou wilt." A former occultist explained that it represents the ASMODEAS: a demonic force driving teenagers toward sexual perversion and suicide. ANKH: An Egyptian cross symbolizing a mythical eternal life, rebirth, and the life-giving power of the sun. ANGEL: Symbol of good and evil spirits in many religions around the world. This picture shows a Tibetan guardian angel. ARROW: These two pictures show the astrological sign for the archer (Sagittarius) -- part of the zodiac. But, through history, the arrow has also symbolized war, power, swiftness, the rays of the sun, knowledge... as well as deities such as the Greek god Apollo and goddess Artemis (both hunters), the Hindu weather god, Rudra; and various gods of sexual attraction: Eros (Greek), Cupid (Roman), Kama (Hindu).... On ancient Roman coins, it represented the Zoroastrian god, Mithra. The native American Cheyenne warriors revered the "sacred medicine arrows" as symbols of male power. Arrows held by skeletons would point to disease or death. Today, they usually just point in the preferred direction. Crystal or Gazing BALL: Used for divination (fortunetelling, scrying, clairvoyance...). When the heavy crystal balls were too expensive, witches often used glass-ball fishing floats, colored glass balls, or magic mirrors. One website that markets these balls taunts you with: 'Why not buy one and try your own free psychic reading." BAT: A symbol of good fortune in the East, it represented demons and spirits in medieval Europe. BLAIR WITCH: A five-pointed compound symbol with a center triangle pointing down. The five lines resemble the microcosmic man with arms and legs outstretched inside a circle (with a pentagram in the background) -- a magic symbol or charm among medieval alchemists and wizards – the growing in popularity “burning man festival” held in a desert in the USA has this same symbol that gets burned the last day of the festival. BUTTERFLY: Reminds Christians of the amazing transformation that takes place through Christ's redemption and regeneration. When "born again," we become "a new creation." (2 Cor. 5:17) To many pagans, its mythical meaning is linked to the soul (of the deceased) in search of reincarnation. There's a theory that says if a single butterfly flaps its wings in, say, China, the air disturbance may cause a storm in Nunavut, Canada a month later. If that's the case, imagine the power of your own ideas and others to help improve the quality of life in the world's 208 countries! The Butterfly 208 contest is a chance for you to create your own Butterfly effect! 208 = Number of Countries in the World: Butterfly + 208 = A totally interconnected world! A world where even small actions can have a big effect." CHAOS: Apparently a self-made form of occultism taught through role-playing games such as Warhammer. According to one Warhammer fan, "Chaos is the opposite of order. Since everything changes, there is no right or no wrong -- only the quest for pleasure. The 8-pointed star represents the many different directions of chaos and the many ways you can follow it. We worship demons and angels, and when we die, Chaos rewards us with the pleasures we liked in life. Chaos is everywhere; it blows in the wind..." CIRCLE (sacred hoop or sacred ring): An ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness, infinity, the goddess, and female power. To earth-centered religions throughout history as well as too many contemporary pagans, it represents the feminine spirit or force, the cosmos or a spiritualized Mother Earth, and a sacred space. Gnostic traditions linked the unbroken circle to the "world serpent" forming a circle as it eats its own tail. CIRCLE with a DOT or (BINDU) in the center: In the complex symbolic system of Hinduism and Buddhism, the bindu (dot) represents the male force. Together, the circle and the bindu symbolize the merging of male and female forces. CIRCLE (quartered): The sacred circle filled with a cross, four equal lines pointing from the center to the spirits of the north, east, south, and west -- or to the basic element: earth, water, air (or wind), and fire. In Native American traditions, it forms the basic pattern of the MEDICINE WHEEL and plays a vital part in major spiritual rituals. Many contemporary pagans consider it their main symbol for transmitting the energy of the goddess. (See sun wheel) Churches have used variations of the same popular shape, usually calling it the Celtic Cross. COMPASS (Masonic): The Masonic symbol of the compass and the T-square represents movement toward perfection and a balance between the spiritual and physical which resembles Egyptian and oriental mysticism. The compass (used to form circles) represent spirit. The ruler (part of a square) represent the physical. Some public schools pass out pencil cases and other gifts decorated with this emblem. COW: It symbolized the sky goddess Hathor to Egyptians, enlightenment to Buddhists, one of the highest and holiest stages of transmigration (reincarnation) to Hindus. CRESCENT MOON: A symbol of the aging goddess (crone) to contemporary witches and victory over death to many Muslims. In Islamic lands, crescent can be seen enclosing a lone pentagram. CROSS of Christianity: While anyone--even pagans--now use the cross as decoration or as an occult symbol, Christians must continue to treasure the cross of Calvary. But be careful what kind of cross you wear - and what message you communicate to others. To grasp the significance of the Biblical cross and its cost to our crucified and resurrected Inverted cross: Originally represented the apostle Peter's humility in his martyrdom. He insisted that he be crucified upside-down, because he felt that he was unworthy to die in the same position as Christ. But today, especially in the rock music culture, it generally represents the opposite: satanism and its mockery of Christ. Lucifer continues to twist God's wonderful truths and works into lies and deceptions. Celtic CROSS: The symbol for a cultural blend of medieval Catholicism and ancient Celtic traditions. Notice the similarity between the old Celtic cross and the cross designed by PBS (tax-funded Public Broadcasting in the U.S.) to represent Christianity (left side). Do you wonder why PBS would choose a similar cross (right side) to represent the Quartered Circle of the earth-centered religions of Aborigines around the world? CROSS (IRON or EISERNAS KREUZ): Adopted as the Iron Cross in Prussia. During the First World War, it appeared on German fighter planes and tanks. Later, it became a fascist symbol in France, Portugal and other nations. Double-headed Eagle: A Masonic seal and initiation symbol. The number inside the pyramid over the eagle's head is 33. The eagle is a universal symbol representing the sun, power, authority, victory, the sky gods and the royal head of a nation. DRAGON: A mythical monster made up of many animals: serpent, lizard, bird, lion... It may have many heads and breathe fire. To mediaeval Europe, it was dangerous and evil, but people in Eastern Asia believe it has power to help them against more hostile spiritual forces. In the Bible it represents Satan, the devil. DREAMCATCHER: An American Indian magic spider web inside a sacred circle. After making dreamcatchers in crafts lessons in school, many children hang them on or near their beds. They have been told that these occult symbols will block bad dreams but allow good dreams to pass through the center. Don't believe that myth! [See New Beliefs for a Global Village] ELEMENTS: The four basic elements to many pagans are earth, water, air (wind or spirit) and fire. Many consider the first two passive and feminine - and the last two active and masculine. In Wiccan or Native American rituals, the "quartered circle" (also the Medicine Wheel) represents a "sacred space" or the sacred earth. The four lines may represent the spirits of the four primary directions or the spirits of the earth, water, wind and fire. (This set of elements differs from those used in alchemy.) EYE OF HORUS: A favorite crafts project in schools, it represents the eye of Egyptian sun-god Horus who lost an eye battling Set. Pagans use it as a charm to ward off evil. (See All-Seeing Eye) Notice that the picture shows a compound symbol - several symbols joined together to give a more complex meaning. It includes an unbiblical cross and, at the bottom, part of a face inside the rays of the sun. (See Sun) FROG: A symbol of fertility to many cultures. The Romans linked it to Aphrodite, the Egyptian to the shape-shifting goddess Heket who would take the form of a frog. To the Chinese, it symbolized the moon -- "the lunar, yin principle" bringing healing and prosperity.[1] Since frogs need watery places, their image was often used in occult rain charms. HEARTAGRAM: Originally a logo of "Love Metal" band, HIM, whose fans would wear the symbol --within a circle -- as a tattoo. But its popularity has spread far beyond the band that designed it. To many, it represents the dialectic or blending of opposites such as love/hate and life/death. See Pentagram, Popular Occultism and Yin yang HEXAGRAM (see triangles) or SIX-POINTED STAR: When surrounded by a circle, it represents the "divine mind" (a counterfeit of God's wisdom) to numerous occult groups through the centuries. Many still use it in occult rituals. But to Jewish people, it is their Star of David. ITALIAN HORN (Cornu, Cornicello, Wiggly Horn, Unicorn horn, Lucifer’s horn or Leprechaun staff). The ancient magical charm or amulet worn in Italy as protection against "evil eye" has also been linked to Celtic and Druid myths and beliefs. Other superstitions link it to sexual power and good luck. It is often worn with a cross (for double protection or luck?). In pre-Christian Europe, animal horns pointed to the moon goddess and were considered sacred. HOOK 'EM HORNS & HORNED HAND (Mano Cornuto): "President Bush's 'Hook 'em, horns' salute got lost in translation in Norway, where shocked people interpreted his hand gesture during his inauguration as a salute to Satan. That's what it means in the Nordics when you throw up the right hand with the index and pinky fingers raised, a gesture popular among heavy metal groups and their fans in the region....'Shock greeting from Bush daughter,' a headline in the Norwegian Internet newspaper Nettavisen said." "Norwegians Confused by Bush Salute" LABYRINTH: “...predate Christianity by over a millennium. The most famous labyrinth from ancient times was in Crete... the supposed lair of the mythological Minotaur.... Turf labyrinths still exist in England, Germany and Scandinavia, and are thought to be linked with local feminine deities and fertility rituals.... The patterns of the labyrinth are similar in design and conception to the mandalas of South Asian Buddhism, which are physical representations of the spiritual realm designed to aid in meditation. Labyrinths blend their visual symbolism with the process of walking, which is similar to the Japanese Zen practice of kinhin, literally 'walking meditation... In the early 90’s, when Jean Houston, one of the leading New Age teachers, introduced the Christian world again to the use of this practice for seeking spiritual enlightenment through walking the labyrinth." Steve Muse, Esoteric Christianity LIGHTNING BOLT: In ancient mythologies from many cultures (Norse, Roman, Greek, Native American, etc.) the lighting bolt would be hurled by male sky gods to punish, water, or fertilize the earth or its creatures. Navaho myths linked it to the Thunderbird, the symbol of salvation and divine gifts. On children's toys, it represents supernatural power. Double bolts, popular with contemporary skinheads, symbolize Nazi power. LIZARD: Its "sun-seeking habit symbolizes the soul's search for awareness." To the Romans, who believed it hibernated, the lizard meant death and resurrection. [2] Magic MIRROR: Used for "scrying" (foretelling the future, solve problems, answer questions....) The preferred spectrum might decorated with "magic signs" during full moon rituals. Rosemary Ellen Guiley explains: "The ancient art of clairvoyance achieved by concentrating upon an object- usually one with a shiny surface-- until visions appear....The term scrying comes from the English words descry which means 'to make out dimly' or 'to reveal." The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 307. MANDALA: The Hindu term for circle. In Hindu and Buddhist meditations, it is used to raise consciousness. In meditation, the person fixes his or her mind on the center of the "sacred circle." Geometric designs are common. The center of some mandalas show a triangle with a bindu (dot) inside a circle. It represents the merging of male and female forces. MASONS (Freemasons): The Masonic symbol of the compass and the T-square represents movement toward perfection and a balance between the spiritual and physical which resembles Egyptian and oriental mysticism. The compass (used to form circles) represent spirit. The ruler (part of a square) represent the physical. Some public schools pass out pencil cases and other gifts decorated with this emblem. See All-Seeing Eye, Eye of Horus, and Dreamcatcher. Read "Masonic Centers are dream catchers," then "Brotherhood of Darkness" by Dr. Stan Monteith. MASK: Used by pagans around the world to represent animal powers, nature spirits, or ancestral spirits. In pagan rituals, the wearer may chant, dance and enter a trance in order to contact the spirit world and be possessed by the spirit represented by the mask. The mask pictured represents the mythical Hindu elephant god, Ganesha. MEDICINE SHIELD: A round shield decorated with personal symbols or pictures of the animal spirit(s) contacted on a Spirit Quest or through a classroom visualization simulating an American Indian ceremony. Its basic image is often the form of the "medicine wheel" or quartered circle. [See The Earth Charter's Unholy Ark] OM: Sanskrit letters or symbol for the "sacred" Hindu sound om (ohm or aum) called "the mother of all mantras. Apparently, the four parts symbolize four stages of consciousness: Awake, sleeping, dreaming, and a trance or transcendental state. [See Heresy in high places] PEACE SYMBOL or NERO'S CROSS: A broken, upside-down cross. To Roman emperor Nero, who hated and persecuted the early Christians, it meant destruction of Christianity. Revived in the sixties by hippies and others who protested nuclear weapons, Western culture, and Christian values, it now symbolizes a utopian hope for a new age of global peace and earth-centered unity. But many of heavy metal rock fans would agree with Nero and use it to mock Christ and His followers. PENTACLE or PENTAGRAM (FIVE-POINTED STAR pointing up): A standard symbol for witches, freemasons, and many other pagan or occult groups. To witches, it represents the four basic elements (wind, water, earth and fire) plus a pantheistic spiritual being such as Gaia or Mother Earth. The pentagram is also "used for protection. To banish energy, or to bring it to you, depending on how it's drawn," wrote a Wiccan visitor. Compare with the next link. PENTAGRAM (FIVE-POINTED STAR pointing down): Used in occult rituals to direct forces or energies. Often represents satanism, the horned god or various expressions of contemporary occultism, especially when a goat-head is superimposed on the inverted pentagram within a "sacred" circle. See Heartagram, Baphomet and Pentagrams and Pentacles PHILOSOPHERS STONE: The symbol for the Alchemist quest for transformation and spiritual illumination, it was also the British title of the first Harry Potter book (the U.S. publisher changed it to Sorcerer's Stone). The double-headed eagle in the center is a Masonic seal. See also the Phoenix. PHOENIX: A universal symbol of the sun, mystical rebirth, resurrection and immortality, this legendary red "fire bird" was believed to die in its self-made flames periodically (each hundred years, according to some sources) then rise again out of its own ashes. Linked to the worship of the fiery sun and sun gods such as Mexico's Quetzalcoatl, it was named "a god of Phoenecia" by the Phoenician. To alchemists, it symbolized the destruction and creation of new forms of matter along the way to the ultimate transformation: physical (turn lead into gold) and spiritual (immortality - an occult alternative to the Christian salvation). The philosopher's stone was considered the key to this transformation. SCARAB: Symbol of the rising sun, the Egyptian sun god Chepri (or Khepera), and protection from evil. To ancient Egyptians, the dung beetle rolled its dung balls like Chepri rolled the sun across the sky. The "sacred" symbol adorned popular seals, amulets and magic charms (worn as protection against evil spirits or to overcome bareness) first in Egypt, then in Phoenicia, Greece and other Mediterranean lands. Medieval alchemists used its pattern in their magical diagrams. SERPENT OR SNAKE: Most earth-centered or pagan cultures worshipped the serpent. It represents rebirth (because of its molting), protection against evil, either male of female sexuality, rain and fertility, a mediator between the physical and spiritual world.... The list is endless, but in the Bible it usually represents sin, temptation, destruction, and Satan. (See dragon) The circular image of the serpent biting its tail links the mythical significance of the serpent to that of the sacred circle. See uroborus. SPIDER: Linked to treachery and death in many cultures, it was seen as a "trickster" in ancient Africa, a "spinner of fate" in ancient goddess cultures and -- in ancient Greek myths -- the goddess Arachne turned into a spider by her jealous rival Athena. "Christian" cultures have linked it both to an evil force that sucked blood from its victims and to "good luck" because of the cross on the back of some species. The Chinese have welcomed the spider descending on its thread as a bringer of joys from heaven. SPHINX: Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian guardian of sacred places --an idol with human head and a lion's body. The Greek sphinx would devour travelers who failed to answer her riddle. According to A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (by Arthur Waite, xii) the Masonic sphinx "is the guardian of the Mysteries and is the Mysteries summarized in a symbol. Their secret is the answer to her question. The initiate must know it or lose the life of the Mysteries. If he can and does answer, the Sphinx dies for him, because in his respect the Mysteries have given up their meaning." (An occult, counterfeit view of redemption) See www.srmason-sj.org/web/temple.htm SPIRAL: Linked to the circle. Ancient symbol of the goddess, the womb, fertility, feminine serpent force, continual change, and the evolution of the universe. (Illustrated at this website) SQUARE: In contrast to the circle which often symbolizes the sacred and spiritual (including the "sacred" earth), the square represents the physical world. Like the quartered circle, it points pagans to the four compass directions: north, east, south and west. While the circle and spiral symbolize female sexuality in many earth-centered cultures, the square represents male qualities. SUN FACE: The pictured image is part of an 18th century Masonic ritual painting, but it illustrates a symbol that has been central to most major spiritual systems of history. Since the sun god usually reigned over a pantheon of lesser gods. His symbol played a vital part in pagan worship (and in the rituals of occult secret societies) around the world. In Inca myths, the sun was worshipped as the divine ancestor of the nation. For links to more information, see Sun face in our Q&A section. SUN & MOON JOINED AS ONE: A universal pagan expression of the merging of opposites. Like the Yin Yang, the marriage of the male sun and the female moon represents unity in diversity, compromise instead of conflict, and conformity to a new consciousness where all is one. (See The Marriage of the Sun and Moon) SUN and SUN SIGN: The sun was worshipped as a personified, life-giving deity in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other major civilizations of history. The more common symbol is the familiar face in the center of the sun's rays. (This will be explained in our report on the Teletubbies. (See sun symbol below the picture of the Eye of Horus) A dot or point in the center of a circle symbolizes the blending of male and female forces. (See air, which also represents spirit, among the symbols for Elements) Hindus call the midpoint in a circle the bindu - the spark of (masculine) life within the cosmic womb. SUN SIGN 2: Found in Turkey and believed to represent the sun and the four directions. (See Swastika 1 and 2). Compare the curving lines with the primary lines of Swastika 3, the iron cross. Notice also that without the horizontal line, the symbol resembles the outline of the YinYang. SUN WHEEL or RING CROSS: A universal symbol found on ancient slabs in Nordic countries, in pre-Columbian America and in Mediterranean countries. "Today, it is used as a log by some new fascist organizations," according to the Dictionary of Symbols. [3] Like the swastika and other sun symbols, it represents power and supremacy. See also Circle (Quartered) It serves as a logo for the Swedish national socialist party, Nordiska Rikspartiets (scroll to drawing of the sun wheel on a banner), and for the French Jeune Nation. SWASTIKA 1: Ancient occult symbol of the sun and the four directions. Revived by Hitler, it represents racism and the "white supremacy" of neo-Nazis. Like other occult symbols, it is often placed inside a circle. See also Swastika meant good before evil. "The swastika is actually a preHitler elitist symbol that has been found in the Skull & Bones vault at Yale. There is also a swastika on the gravestone of John Ruskin (mentor of Cecil Rhodes, who formed the secret Society of the Elect 'to take the government of the whole world,' in Rhodes' own words). In TIME AND TIDE (1867), Ruskin wrote that "...the Government must have an authority over the people of whom we now do not so much as dream." According to award-winning author Alan Axelrod, Ruskin was 'reportedly a student of the ILLUMINATI.'" SWASTIKA 2 (Crux Dissimulata): An ancient swastika which symbolized the four winds or directions and their corresponding spirits. It was also a "fire and sun symbol occurring initially in Asia and later among the Germanic tribes," according to The Herder Symbol Dictionary.[4] "The cross inscribed in a circle mediates between the square and the circle," emphasizing the "joining of heaven and earth.... and "the perfected human being." SWASTIKA 3: A contemporary variation of the many swastikas with labyrinth patterns. Like the two swastikas above, its arms point counterclockwise indicating a mystical, lunar and female orientation. Compare its two intersecting lines with Sun Sign 2, its curved arms (following the shape of the circle) with Swastika 2, and its dark areas with the Iron Cross. The TAO: An ancient Chinese symbol used originally to represent a widespread belief in unity, polarity, holism, and magic. See the Yin-Yang and read a longer definition in the Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis, who suggested the Tao as an ethical system for our times. THEOSOPHY: A simplified version of the symbol behind the occult beliefs of UN leader Robert Muller (his World Core Curriculum became a worldwide pattern for global education) and education leader Shirley McCune [See Star Wars Joins United Religions at the Presidio and The International Agenda] Notice the ankh in the center. The more elaborate version inserts a variety of other symbols such as the OM, pentagram, cross, etc. (Because of its dark occult meaning and similarity to some of the complex magical signs used in alchemy and Masonic rituals, we prefer not to post it.) TOAD: Linked to witchcraft and other occult practices. TONGUE (protruding): Linked to flame, fire, fertility, sexual power and spiritual power. In nations around the world, images of deities or masks with protruding tongues have indicated active and occupying spiritual forces -- often a union of masculine and feminine spirits. Such images were vital to pagan rituals invoking [demonic] spirits. The sexual/spiritual forces represented by gargoyles with protruding tongues which adorned Gothic cathedrals were believed to protect the buildings from other spiritual powers. TOTEM: Carved, painted representation of power animals or animal-human ancestors. To American Indians in the Northwest, who believe that all of nature has spiritual life, the animals in their totems poles represent the spiritual powers of animal protectors or ancestors. TRIANGLE (earring pictured): Associated with the number three. Pointing upwards, it symbolizes fire, male power and counterfeit view of God. (See pyramid) To Christians, it often represents the Trinity. Pointing down, it symbolizes water, female sexuality, goddess religions and homosexuality. See chart of symbols in What Teletubbies Teach Toddlers. See a large picture of Kabalistic triangles and how they are used together in ritual magic. TRIDENT: Called "the devil's pitchfork," it has symbolized major gods in various pagan cultures. In India, it is linked to the Hindu "trident-bearer" Shiva, spouse of the skull-bearing goddess Kali. More recently, this three-sponged spear has been used by Hindu militants in India to intimidate Christians. See article: "India Local Government O.K.’s 'Anti-Christian' Weapons Distribution" UNICORN: To many New Agers, it means power, purification, healing, wisdom, self-knowledge, renewal and eternal life. Origin: In the 4th century BC, Greek historian Ctesias told about a wild animal with healing powers and a spiral horn on its forehead. Medieval myths suggested it could only be caught with help from a virgin who would befriend it. UROBORUS: The circular serpent biting its own tail represents eternity and the cycles or "circle of life." Medieval alchemists linked it to the cyclical processes in nature. The uroborus pictured here (encircling the UN symbol for humanity seen inside a triangle) was the official symbol on for the 1996 United Nations Conference on Human Settlements pictured on all its literature. See (Habitat II). See other versions of the Uroborus at serpent. and at www.uroborusgnosticeditions.com.au WHEEL: A universal symbol of or cosmic unity, astrology, "the circle of life," evolution, etc. The pagan sacred circle plus any number of radiating spokes or petals form the wheel - a Wheel of Life to Buddhists, a Medicine Wheel to Native Americans, and a Mandala to Hindus. It symbolizes unity, movement, the sun, the zodiac, reincarnation, and earth's cycles of renewal. Pagans use it in astrology, magic and many kinds of rituals. (See Medicine Wheel and Quartered Circle) This SUN WHEEL became a magical amulet to the Celtic Gauls or Gaels in Europe. Later, "Christians adopted the form, changing it slightly, so that it became a Christ monogram drawn within a circle." [celticrevival.com] Tibetan Prayer WHEELS: "devices for spreading spiritual blessings and well being. Rolls of thin paper, imprinted with many, many copies of the mantra (prayer) Om Mani Padme Hum... are wound around an axle in a protective container, and spun around and around. Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying this mantra, out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion." (From The Prayer Wheel) WHEEL OF DHARMA: Buddhist wheel of life and reincarnation. WISHBONE: Civilizations dating back to the 4th Century (Etruscans, Romans... Britain, America) have held turkey or chicken wishbone contest. Pulling the dry turkey or chicken bone until it snapped ("lucky break"), they believing the winner's wish or dream would come true. In today's increasingly superstitious culture, many believe that this symbol will "catch" their dreams, bring good luck, and make their wishes come true. As in contemporary witchcraft or magic, the object becomes a channel of "good" energy. Astrology and horoscopes link it to Sagittarius. It might also be confused with the Lambda (looks like a lower case, upside-down "y"), the Greek letter adopted by the International Gay Rights Congress in 1974 as the global symbol of homosexual "pride". WORLD TRIAD: Originally an oriental symbol, it was "adopted by western Gnostics as an emblem of cosmic creativity, the threefold nature of reality or fate, and the eternally spiraling cycles of time... In Japan it was maga-tama or mitsu tomoe, the world soul.... In Bhutan and Tibet, it is still known as the Cosmic Mandala, a sign of the Trimurti."5 Like the yin yang (below), it also represents eternity. This is also the symbol for U.S. Department of Transportation. Another Gnostic symbol is the uroborus. YIN YANG: A Chinese Tao picture of universal harmony and the unity between complimentary opposites: light/dark, male/female, etc. Yin is the dark, passive, negative female principle. Yang is the light, active, positive principle. Since the holistic balance between Yin and Yang is dynamic and constantly changing, it illustrates the consensus process, the vision of global unity, and the blending of opposing energies at the heart of Holistic Health. Since it represent monism (all is one) and pantheism (all is God), it opposes Christianity, which shows us that there is only one God (monotheism), and only in Christ can we be one. See The Tao COMPOUND SYMBOLS ASTROLOGICAL CHART: used by medieval alchemists in divination. Notice the symbol of the intellect and of the planet (and Roman god) Mercury inside the center triangle. This triangle is surrounded by a hexagram and two smaller triangles positioned as male and female energy - and seven more concentric circles. Compound symbols within magical codes and names inside multiple circles have been used by occultists and sorcerers in many parts of the world. It is still used in African witchcraft. All-seeing EYE in the PYRAMID: The official symbol for DARPA Total Information Awareness, a surveillance and information system established by they U.S. government. [See programs] Notice how the Masonic all-seeing eye of the new world order covers the planet with its enlightening rays. [Sometime in December 2002, this symbol was removed from the TIA website. Perhaps too many people complained. The GREAT SEAL (back side) of the United States of America: "An unfinished pyramid appears on the reverse of the seal, inscribed on its base with the date 1776 in Roman numerals. Where the top of the pyramid should be, the so-called eye of Providence watches over it. Two mottos appear: Annuit Cœptis signifies that somebody (presumably Providence) has "nodded at (our) beginnings". Novus Ordo Seclorum, a quotation from Virgil, refers to a "new order of the ages", i.e. a paradigm shift." See www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Great-Seal-of-the-UnitedStates The GREAT SEAL of the United States of America: The design for this national emblem was completed in 1782. Some consider its occult and Masonic images an American mission statement. The inscribed motto, E Pluribus Unum means "Out of many, one." The words Novus Ordo Seclorum mean "a new order of the ages," according to this website: www.greatseal.com. The two sides show the symbol of the eagle (first a phoenix) and the eye in the pyramid. But the more correct meaning would be NEW WORLD ORDER [novous = new, ordo = order, seclorum = secular or world]. Click here The SEAL of the SENATE "...includes a scroll inscribed with E Pluribus Unum floating across a shield with thirteen stars on top and thirteen vertical stripes on the bottom. Olive and oak branches symbolizing peace and strength grace the sides of the shield, and a red liberty cap and crossed fasces represent freedom and authority. Blue beams of light emanate from the shield." FASCES: "...a bundle of wooden rods tied together as a cylinder around an axe. ... The fasces lictoriae ("bundles of the lictors") (in Italian, fascio littorio) symbolized power and authority (imperium) in ancient Rome." Click here Click on www.uri.org/religions/ UNITED RELIGIONS: Its former symbol joined 14 religious symbols together in a circle around planet Earth. The new symbol(s) shows a linear list of 16 religious symbols with a world map in the background. By clicking on the symbols, you can find each of their meanings. But each symbol will be presented from an occult or universalist perspective -- even the cross. See Star Wars Joins United Religions at the Presidio MYTHOLOGY EXAMINED BIBLICALLY MYTH DEFINED An early 1900's reprint of The Original Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1847 edition gives the best definition; the modern versions have become "politically correct" to line up with the apostasy of our day. I looked up the word myth. This is the definition that was given... "Myth; A fictitious or fanciful narrative, having an analogy more or less remote from some real event." To put it simply, a myth is a fictitious story having some vague similarity to some far removed fact, event. Another dictionary says a myth is, "a person or thing existing only in imagination." This is the English idea of myth. Does the word "myth" appear in the Bible? If you were to read the King James Version of the Bible you would not find the English word myth but you should not conclude that the Bible does not address the issue. In reality the word fable(s), a synonym, occurs five times in the New Testament. Each time the word occurs the underlying Greek word muthos (3454 moothos) which is where our English word myth comes from. Strong says the word means "a tale, i.e. fiction (myth): fable." Another adds; a myth is "that which is fabricated by the mind in contrast to reality.”In fact, in the New Testament, the primary use of this word denotes "a fable full of falsehood and pretenses." What does the Bible have to say about "mythology? Myths are substitutes for the truth We have not yet defined truth. Truth is "the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conforming with fact; agreement with a standard.”The standard that Christians are to use is the Bible. It is the foundation for what we believe. It is our standard of truth. That's why we are to study the Bible (2 Tim. 2:15). Studying the word is beneficial (2 Tim. 3: 1617). But, what believers do when people don't want to face the truth or reject the truth? 2 Timothy 4:24 reveals the answer... "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season: reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be tuned unto fables." FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF THOSE WHO REFUSE TO ADHERE TO BIBLE TRUTH We lean at least four things about those who refuse to adhere to truth as their standard... 1. They are intolerant of the truth ...they will not endure sound doctrine... The word "endure" means to tolerate or put up with. They will not tolerate sound Bible teaching! 2. They make themselves the authority . . . after their own lusts. . . This portion of the verse points out the fact that they evaluate truth based on their own selfish interests, longings or desires. They set the standard, they are the authority, they are "god" deciding for themselves what is good and what is evil. Actually, making yourself the authority is the same thing as adopting the lie that Satan sold to Eve in Eden (see Genesis 3:4-5) God's truth is not relative! Psalm 119:89 "For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven". This verse simply says God will judge us by his unalterable standard that is recorded in heaven where man can't change it. He may try to add to, subtract and manipulate the truth here on earth, but the standard is secure and man will answer according to God's pure, permanent standard! 3. They look for others who will support their error ...they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; It is important to realize that a majority vote does not determine the validity of truth though it may determine whether that truth is accepted. That's where the term "politically correct" comes in. Political correctness is determined by "the powers that be." They manipulate the truth and substitute lies based on their philosophical mind set. Those who jump on the bandwagon are "politically correct!" 4. They substitute myths for the truth ...they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. It is dangerous to turn your back on the truth. When you do that, a vacuum is created and nature abhors a vacuum. According to the Bible, what moves in when truth is expelled is a lie! Rom 1:25 says, who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. When God's truth is rejected it is replaced by a lie. Probably the best example of this is the theory of evolution! Evolution has been "politically correct" for years. It is taught as fact and yet it is not supported by fact. Indeed Darwin's theory of evolution is a myth...a lie. MYTHS ARE DESIGNED TO DECEIVE 2 Pet 1:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables. When we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. A "cunningly devised fable" is one that is devised to be acceptable. It is often introduced slowly and becomes increasingly popular. Now, I am not against fun. How many of you remember Bugs Bunny. There is a big difference between Bugs Bunny and the current Disney production Pocahontas. This animated Disney production has substituted occult philosophy for historical and Biblical truth! It is a cunningly devised fable. In fact, in The Green Egg (Autumn 1995), a widely circulated occult magazine, says about "(Pocahantas) is without a doubt the most Pagan-positive movie ever to come out of Disney, and it is not out there alongside Fern Gully and Captain planet teaching kids about why MOTHER NATURE deserves our reverence..." p.53 You must remember that nearly all mythology has it roots in pagan religion and worship and today there is a revival of pagan worship. People are really believing in and worshipping Mother Nature. They communicate with Trolls (we know them as demons). They seek to contact nature spirits, fairies, nymph, etc. There are those who really worship Diana/Artimas (Acts 19:24 & ff). What should the believer’s response to myths be? Myths are to be ignored l Tim 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do. Titus 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments o f men, that turn from the truth. In both verses we are told not to heed fables, myths. This Greek word means, to hold in the mind; pay attention to or have regard for. In other words, reject the myth. But that is not all. We are rather to PROMOTE THE TRUTH. This will lead to building up others. Satan has cleverly disguised himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14-15). I think that many Christians are being conditioned to be receptive to the occult by mythology and further by the use of visualization and guided imagery, which are techniques of sorcery, they may be brought into contact with demons. I suggest that we follow Acts 19:19-20 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. CONCLUSION: THE OVERALL EFFECTS OF IDOLATRY/IDOLS Lessons to learn: JOSHUA OUR EXAMPLE: o The Promise: Joshua 1:1-9 o The Trespass: Joshua 7:1-9 o The Answer: Joshua 7:10-14 TEN LESSONS WE LEARN: 1. God’s Promises to Us Are Awesome! 2. God’s Promises Are Often Contingent upon Our Obedience. 3. Physical Things Sometimes Carry Spiritual Significance. 4. There Are Certain Things That We Are Forbidden to Possess. 5. The Use of an Item Can Establish Its Spiritual Significance. 6. Illicit Possessions Can Separate Us from God’s Purposes and His Power. 7. One Person’s Crime Can Create Corporate Guilt and Result in Corporate Consequences. 8. When We Seek God He Will Reveal the Defiled Things. 9. We Should Ruthlessly Rid Ourselves of Wicked Things. 10. Obedience Restores Our Fellowship with God and Reinstates His Purpose.