customer access strategy - Allerdale Borough Council

Our strategy
The Council will continue to develop and deliver an inclusive approach to
customer access that provides the people of Allerdale with the information
and services they need, using the most efficient and effective means possible.
Our aims are to:
Make it easy and engaging for customers contacting us through all key
access channels.
Ensure information about local services is accurate, up-to-date and
secure, and provided in a way the customer understands.
Deliver high quality customer service, by resolution of enquiries at first
point of contact, providing a positive customer experience.
Consult with stakeholders/customers to establish, review and respond
to changing customer needs.
Make best use of information technology to improve efficiency and
Instil a customer advocate culture for the whole Council
It is widely recognised that local authorities need to continue to transform,
providing better services and better value for money. One of the ways this can
be achieved is through changing the ways in which services are delivered and
accessed. This transformation has already taken place in many organisations
e.g. the ability to tax cars on line has proved both popular with customers and
cost effective. Many customers now turn to the web as their first port of call for
any public service and Allerdale needs to meet this challenge by building
services which reflect this change in society and customer expectations.
The focus of the strategy is to reduce the quantity of contacts by having
efficient services and processes, getting things right first time and eliminating
waste. We need to continually review processes to ensure services are
delivered efficiently. We must therefore remember that ease of access to
services means nothing by itself unless those services meet the needs of the
customer. It is important not to confuse access to services with good service
itself; each one, however, cannot exist without the other.
Where there is need for the customer to contact us this will ideally be via the
most convenient and cost effective channel. Therefore, wherever possible,
customers will be encouraged and supported to use the self service methods.
The Council supports strongly this approach with self service/ website being
its preferred method for customers to access information and services.
Date May 2011
It is acknowledged that self serve and telephony contact may not always be
appropriate for some customer groups. Where this is identified we will ensure
that the needs of customers are considered, providing targeted face to face
services where needed.
The Customer Access Strategy will be aligned closely to supporting and
assisting delivery of the Council Plan both in promoting and strengthening the
customer interface.
In addition this strategy will involve working closely with a number of partners
including Cumbria County Council, other district councils, town and parish
councils, the police authority, the fire service, the Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)
and the voluntary and community sectors to jointly understand and serve
customers ensuring that their access to services is not impeded by
organisation boundaries.
Customer contact is underpinned by the Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) system which enables the customer to get the same service which
ever way they contact the council and each service will, over time, be
integrated into the CRM.
We will ensure that in carrying out service reviews that this is done to
maximise the use of new technology ensuring access to our services
becomes easier for customers and efficiency savings are delivered.
Customer Insight
The CRM will form the basis for future customer insight because it will provide
full history of customer contacts and details of any issues which the customer
has. This will enable us to build up a picture of our different customer groups
and how why and when they contact the Council. The Council will then be
able to use this information to inform the services it provides and meet the
priority needs of the customers.
Customer access charter
The customer access charter supports this strategy by setting the baseline for
how customers should be treated by staff. They ensure consistency in service
and quality. Examples of standards include response time, manner of
delivery, level of acknowledgement required etc.
(Please refer to “The Customer Access Charter” document).
Performance against these standards will continue to be measured.
As well as providing a range of access channels it is important that customers
are aware of the services we offer. Promoting our services is therefore a
central part of this strategy along with supporting projects to improve
accessibility and encourage take up. The corporate communications and
Date May 2011
branding strategy supports this by ensuring staff have guidelines to follow
covering all aspects of communicating with customers.
To achieve excellent customer service consistently across the Council, it
requires all staff and Members to behave in an open and positive manner. We
will take ownership of service delivery and encourage an ethos of putting the
customer needs at the heart of the organisation.
Access channels
Access channels addressed in this strategy are:
Self service (includes Internet / kiosks/mobile web)
Telephone (including automated telephone technology)
Face to face
Each contact channel is shaped by a statement of intent and a clear set of
outcomes, including the major tasks needed to achieve the outcomes. In
delivering each contact channel we will adhere to the Council’s Corporate
Equality plan which is in line with the Equality framework for Local
Web self service contact
It is important that we make maximum use of our website and other electronic
means to enable customers to help themselves to access our services so that
we provide:
Fast and convenient access to information and services using the web
from any internet connected device at home, work or on a mobile
device, at a time and day that suits the customer.
Availability of transactional website pages and e-forms.
To achieve this we will
Review the Council’s website with the objective of identifying further
self help opportunities
Employ the best design and process re-engineering to make them
easier for the customer and make them appropriate for the web
Ensure full integration of website services with the CRM system
Ensure pages and services on the web meet the highest accessibility
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Ensure that in carrying out Service Reviews, maximum use of new
technology is made, ensuring access to our services becomes easier
for customers, and efficiency savings are delivered
Promote use of the website through:
o Assisted self service through the face to face and phone
channels to encourage use of the website e.g. kiosks at
Customer Service Centres
o Targeted marketing campaigns using social profiling, and GIS
mapping and analysis
The outcomes of this will be that:
Customers will have improved access to our services from any location
A larger proportion of our business will be transacted through the
internet, at greatly reduced cost over the more expensive face to face
and phone channels
Access to services is provided 24 hours, 7 days a week, for all
customers with internet access
Telephone contact
It is important that where appropriate we provide access to Council services
through the Telephone Contact Centre so that we provide:
An efficient and effective telephony service dedicated to customers
accessing Council services through this channel.
An appropriate and timely response to an emergency situation that
occurs outside of normal opening hours.
To achieve this we will
Answer calls with fully trained staff, based in Allerdale with 80 % of
calls being answered within 20 seconds
Ensure all customers get the answers and information they need as
quickly as possible in an understanding, helpful and courteous manner
Ensure that customers are not passed around by taking responsibility
for their enquiry until it is answered; we will resolve at least 80% of
calls answered at first point of contact
Continue to provide an Out of Hours Emergency helpline, currently
outsourced; monitored on a regular basis and reviewed annually.
Date May 2011
The outcomes of this will be that:
All initial telephone enquiries from the customer will be responded to
efficiently, effectively and courteously by or through the Telephone
Contact Centre or Out of Hours Emergency Helpline
Access to a 24 hour, 7 days a week automated payments line
A discrete list of contact numbers for all Council services answered
through a multi-function Telephone Contact Centre. Services offered
will be expanded incrementally to ensure a seamless delivery.
Face to face contact
It is important that we provide information about and access to all Council
services through our Customer Service Centres while encouraging use of
cheaper contact channels. We will continue to provide customers with access
points within each locality area.
To achieve this we will:
Carry out a review of Customer Service Centres, to ensure that
information is provided, in a cost effective and efficient way, working
with other partners, as appropriate to each locality
Provide access to kiosks within our Customers Service Centres to
promote future use of self service
Review payment options with the aim of reducing cash transactions
and encouraging use of online and automated phone channels
Review and reconfigure our use of buildings and a move to integrated
services at the point of delivery along with other local partners ensuring
all offices are compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
Bring together support services to support a more customer focused
approach to improving service delivery and efficiency
The outcomes of this will be:
Face to face access is available to those who require it
Rationalising and closing offices where appropriate within each locality
A more cost effective and efficient face to face service
Date May 2011