HBL online biography

Jonathan Chuang 3S2 (05)
Ai Weiwei is the kind of visionary any nation should be proud to count among its creative class. He has drawn the world's
attention to the vibrancy of contemporary Chinese culture. More important, Ai, 53, has shown compassion for his fellow
citizens and spoken out for victims of government abuses, calling for political reforms to better serve the people. It is very
sad that the Chinese government has seen a need to silence one of its most innovative and illustrious citizens. For the
world, Ai continues to represent the promise of China.
more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2066367_2066369_2066
464,00.html #ixzz1NHRXpE93
Ai Weiwei is the kind of visionary any nation should be proud to count among its creative class.
The introduction intrgues me and encourages meto find out how Ai Wei Wei is a visionary that a country should
be proud of. It also gives me back ground information that he works in the creative field
Sequence and Plot
The information is fed to us bit by bit, with each bit encouraging us to read more about Ai Weiwei.
It begins with praising the artist, allowing us to feel connected and admiring the character that is Ai
wei wei, then proceeds to tell us about his predicament, evoking sympathy in us.
Ai Weiwei is the kind of visionary any nation should be proud to count among its creative
For the world, Ai continues to represent the promise of China.
Praising of Ai, casts
China's actions in
negative light
He has drawn the world's attention.
shown compassion for his fellow citizens and spoken out for victims of government
It is very sad that the Chinese government has seen a need to silence one of its most
innovative and illustrious citizens.
Rewrite this paragraph:
Ai Weiwei is the kind of visionary that China should be proud to count among its creative class. He has drawn
the world's attention to the vibrancy of contemporary Chinese culture. More important, Ai, 53, has spoken out
for victims of government abuses, calling for political reforms and opposing the views of the government.
Although Chinese government has seen a need to silence one of its most innovative and illustrious citizens, Ai
continues to represent the diversity of China.
The author takes an anti China stance, while the rewritten version takes a more neutral point
of view. This is as the author of the bio graphy is a US ambassodor and might b pro US and
anti China