Our philosophy of agricultural education is to provide each student with a solid
background in every area of today’s agricultural field. We feel that it is important to see
that every student be given an equal chance and to be treated like a young adult. If that
chance is not taken advantage of, we find it hard to provide that student with the best
educational opportunity possible. Otherwise, we will do our very best to see that each
student gets more out of AG-ED than any other subject area in the school district.
Program Description
Agricultural Education programs are made up of three separate, but interwoven parts.
These parts include: 1. Agricultural Education classes; 2. FFA organizations at the local,
area, state and national level 3. Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs (SAEP).
When a student enrolls in the Agriculture Education class, he or she is enrolling in all
three parts of the program and must meet the standards of each.
Definition of Agricultural Education- Educational program involving classroom
instruction and student responses in the basic study of animal science, plant and
crop science, leadership, agribusiness management, agricultural management,
horticulture, agricultural mechanics, greenhouse management, etc.
Definition of FFA- National organization of students enrolled in Agricultural
Education programs designed to provide training in leadership, citizenship, and
cooperation. Additionally, FFA provides contest and award programs for students
to participate in to display their skills in the area of agricultural education. FFA is
an intracurricular part of Agriculture Education.
Definition of SAEP- This is known as the backbone of the Agricultural Education
Program. SAEP is that aspect of the total program which includes entrepreneurial
and occupational experiences based on the student’s career objectives which are
conducted outside of the classroom. In addition, it is that component of the
program, as a result of classroom instruction, from which students are able to
apply their knowledge to hands on learning with their project under the
supervision of the Agricultural Education Instructor.
Classroom Methods and Requirements
A. Tests
*Tests will be given at the end of each unit.
*Quizzes may also be given at any time.
B. Make up work
* When you are absent you will be given the same number of days missed
to make up the work that was assigned.
C. Grading
* See student handbook for grading scale.
* Record books will be graded monthly
* Notebooks will be graded quarterly
D. Attendance
*It is very important for you to be in attendance and on time for every
Classroom Policies and Discipline
A. Discipline
* You are in this class by CHOICE NOT BY CHANCE!
* Any student who is disruptive to other students or to the instructor will
be dealt with promptly and accordingly. More than one confrontation may
result in the student being dismissed from the class and/or the program!
B. Policies
* No Cell Phones! If we see it, we will take it!
* No Food or Drink allowed in class.
* Smoking and Chewing Tobacco is not allowed and will be dealt with
according to the school handbook!
* Students must follow all safety rules to remain included in the laboratory
experiences. IF NOT, YOU WILL WATCH!
* You are required to show respect to all teachers and students around
C. Procedures
* You should come to class with needed materials (paper, pencil, book,
and notebook)
*Students should bring appropriate clothing when working in shop, or
going to the farm. ALL students are expected to participate
* You should be in your seat ready for class when the bell rings.
* You need to use the restroom before or after class.
* There will be a few minutes at the beginning of each class for
* Once class has begun you should remain in your seat until told otherwise
or when permission has been granted.
* You will be given time at the end of class to put up your materials.
D. Key to this Class
* RESPECT- We will show Respect to you as Students, as long as Respect
is shown us as Teachers.
* If you show Respect at all times then the other policies and procedures
will be taken care of automatically.
E. School Farm Facility
The Ozark Agricultural Education Department is very fortunate to have the
use of an Animal Science facility where students will get the opportunity to
work hands-on with various livestock species. We will teach and go over
animal safety procedures and rules before working with the animals. Failure to
follow the safety rules or general “horseplay” could get you or someone else
hurt. This will not be tolerated at the facility and will result in strict
disciplinary action and may result in you being excused from the class.
Program Requirements
The requirements set forth by this department are designed to promote the most
beneficial experience possible for all students in the program. Failure to meet these
requirements can result in the dismissal of the student from the program.
All members are expected to pay annual dues.
Members are expected to participate in FFA activities.
All Ag Science 1 students will be required to attend FFA Banquet
SAE- Supervised Agriculture Experience
All Students must have an SAE project.
Students are responsible for the management, accounting, and development of
their SAE project.
The Instructor will supervise the SAE by making roughly two SAE visits per year.
If any questions please call!
School- 582-5901 ext. 3255
Mr. Phipps
Mr. Wright
Mr. Sisco