click - Later Life Training

Kojima G, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Morris R, Gawler S, Iliffe S. Frailty Predicts Short-Term Incidence of Future Falls among British CommunityDwelling Older People: A Prospective Cohort Study Nested Within a Randomised Controlled Trial. BMC Geriatrics. 2015 Dec 2;15:155. doi:
10.1186/s12877-015-0152-7. IF 1.68.
Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Griffin M, Haworth D, Carpenter H, Masud T, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Bowling A, Gage H. The effects of
exercise interventions delivered through primary care on physical activity in older people: The ProAct65+ cluster randomised controlled trial. Br
J Gen Pract. 2015 Nov;65(640):e731-8. doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X687361. IF 2.356.
Chastin SFM, Palarea-Albaladejo J, Dontje ML, Skelton DA. Combined effects of time spent in physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep
on obesity and cardio-metabolic health markers: a novel compositional data analysis approach. PLOS One. 10(10): e0139984.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139984. IF 3.534.
Leask C, Harvey JA, Skelton DA, Chastin SFM. The context of sedentary behaviour in older adults (what, where, why, when and with whom). Eur
Rev Aging Phys Act. 2015;12:4 doi:10.1186/s11556-015-0146-7. IF 0.68.
Heseltine R, Morris R, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Griffin M, Haworth D, Masud T, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ research team. "Keeping Moving":
Factors associated with sedentary behaviour among older people recruited to an exercise promotion trial in general practice. BMC Fam Pract.
2015 May 28;16:67. doi: 10.1186/s12875-015-0284-z. IF 1.74.
Duckham RL, Masud T, Taylor R, Kendrick D, Carpenter H, Iliffe S, Morris R, Gage H, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Brooke-Wavell K. Randomised
controlled trial of the effectiveness of community group and home-based falls prevention exercise programmes on bone health in older people:
the ProAct65+ bone study. Age Ageing. 2015 Jul;44(4):573-9. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afv055. Epub 2015 Apr 23. IF 3.107
Brundle C, Waterman HA, Ballinger C, Olleveant N, Skelton DA, Stanford P, Todd C. The causes of falls: views of older people with visual
impairment. Health Expect. 2015 Mar 4. doi: 10.1111/hex.12355. [Epub ahead of print]. IF 2.852
Crockett J, Finlayson J, Skelton DA, Miller G. Promoting exercise as part of a Physiotherapy-led Falls pathway service for adults with Intellectual
Disabilities: A Service Evaluation. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2015 May;28(3):257-64. doi: 10.1111/jar.12119. IF 1.098.
Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Masud T, Gage H, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Bowling A, Griffin M, Haworth D, Swanwick G, Carpenter H, Kumar A,
Stevens Z, Gawler S, Barlow C, Cook J, Belcher C. Multi-centre cluster randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme with
home based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 and over in primary care. Health Technol Assess. 2014 Aug;18(49):vii-xxvii, 1-105. doi:
10.3310/hta18490. IF 5.116.
Finlayson J, Morrison J, Skelton DA, Ballinger C, Mantry D, Jackson A, Cooper S. The circumstances and impact of injuries on adults with learning
disabilities. Brit J Occup Ther. 2014; 77(8): 400-409. IF 1.096.
Stotz A, Rapp K, Oksa J, Skelton DA, Beyer N, Klenk J, Becker C, Lindemann U. Effect of a brief heat exposure on blood pressure and physical
performance of older women living in the community-a pilot-study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014; Dec 5;11(12):12623-31. doi:
10.3390/ijerph111212623. IF 1.998
Lindemann U, Oksa J, Skelton DA, Beyer N, Klenk J, Zscheile J, Becker C. Effect of indoor cold environment on physical and cognitive
performance of older women living in the community. Age Ageing. 2014 Jul;43(4):571-5. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afu057. IF 3.058.
Chastin SF, Mandrichenko O, Helbostad JL, Skelton DA. Associations between objectively-measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity
with bone mineral density in adults and older adults, the NHANES study. Bone. 2014 Apr 13;64C:254-262. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.04.009.
[Epub ahead of print] IF 3.823
Chastin SFM, Mandrichenko O, Skelton DA. The frequency of osteogenic activities and the pattern of intermittence between periods of physical
activity and sedentary behaviour affects bone mineral content: the cross-sectional NHANES study. BMC Public Health. 2014 Jan 6;14(1):4. doi:
10.1186/1471-2458-14-4. IF 2.08
Chastin SFM, Schwarz U, Skelton DA. Development of a Consensus Taxonomy of sedentary Behaviours (SIT): Report of Delphi Round 1. PLoS
ONE 2013; 8(12): e82313. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082313. IF 3.730
Brovold T, Skelton DA, Sylliaas H, Mowe M, Bergland A. Association between Health-Related Quality of Life, Physical Fitness and Physical
Activity in Older People Recently Discharged from Hospital. J Aging Phys Act. 2014 Jul;22(3):405-13. doi: 10.1123/JAPA.2012-0315. IF 2.085
Brovold T, Skelton DA, Bergland A. Older patients recently discharged from hospital: The effect of Aerobic Interval Exercise on Health-Related
Quality of Life, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity. J Am Geriat Soc. 2013: 61(9):1580-5. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12400. IF 3.737
Muhaidat J, Pilling M, Kerr A, Evans J, Skelton DA. Validity of simple gait-related dual task tests in predicting falls in community-dwelling older
adults. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013; 95(1):58-64. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.07.027. Epub 2013 Sep 23. IF 2.358
Hawley-Hague H, Horne M, Campbell MC, Demack S, Skelton DA, Todd CJ. Multiple layers of influence on older adults’ attendance and
adherence to community exercise classes. Gerontologist. 2014 Aug;54(4):599-610. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt075. Epub 2013 Jul 30. IF 2.283.
Stevens Z, Carpenter H, Gawler S, Belcher C, Haworth D, Kendrick D, Morris R, Masud T, Skelton DA, Iliffe S. Lessons learnt during a complex,
multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial: the ProAct65+ study. Trials, 2013. Jul 1;14(1):192. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-192. IF 2.50
Horne M, Skelton DA, Speed S, Todd C. Perceived barriers to initiating and maintaining physical activity among South Asian and White British
adults in their 60s living in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study. Ethn Health. 2013;18(6):626-45. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2013.814762. Epub
2013 Jul 8. IF 1.203
Horne M, Skelton DA, Speed S, Todd C. Falls prevention and the value of exercise: salient beliefs among South Asian and White British older
adults. Clin Nurs Res. 2014 Feb;23(1):94-110. doi: 10.1177/1054773813488938. Epub 2013 Jun 6. IF 0.88
Stanmore E, Oldham J, Skelton DA, O’Neill T, Pilling M, Campbell AJ, Todd C. Risk factors for falls in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: A
prospective study. Arthritis Care Res 2013; 65(8):1251-58. doi: 10.1002/acr.21987. IF 4.749
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Uzor S, Baillie L, Skelton DA, Rowe PJ. Falls prevention advice and visual feedback to those at risk of falling: study protocol for a pilot
randomized controlled trial. Trials 2013, 14:79 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-79. IF 2.50
Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Skelton DA. Exploring Gait-related Dual Task Tests in Community-dwelling Fallers and non-faller: A pilot study.
Physiotherapy Theory & Practice, 2012; 29(5): 351-370. doi: 10.3109/09593985.2012.752056.
Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Skelton DA. The test-retest reliability of gait-related dual task performance in community-dwelling fallers and nonfallers. Gait Posture 2013;38: 43-50. doi:pii: S0966-6362(12)00384-0. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.10.011. IF 2.58
Stanmore E, Oldham J, Skelton DA, O’Neill T, Pilling M, Campbell AJ, Todd C. Fall incidence and outcomes of falls in a prospective study of adults
with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care Res 2012; 65: 737–744. doi: 10.1002/acr.21892. IF 4.749.
Brovold T, Skelton DA, Bergland A. The Efficacy of Counselling and Progressive Resistance Home- Exercises on Health-Related Quality of Life
and Function after Discharge from a Geriatric Day-Hospital. Arch Gerontol Geriat. 2012. 55(2):453-9. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2012.01.015. Epub
2012 Apr 13. IF 1.452
Mutrie N, Doolin O, Fitzsimons C, Grant M, Granat M, Grealy M, McDonald H, McMillan F, McConnachie A, Rowe D, Shaw R, Skelton D.
Increasing older adults’ walking through primary care: Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Fam Pract. 2012 Dec;29(6):633-42. doi:
10.1093/fampra/cms038. Epub 2012 Jul 28. IF 1.709.
Horne M, Skelton DA, Speed S, Todd C. Attitudes and beliefs to the uptake and maintenance of physical activity among community-dwelling
South Asians aged 60-70 years: A qualitative study. Public Health. 2012 May;126(5):417-23. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2012.02.002. Epub 2012 Mar
23. IF 1.267
Whitehead S, Nyman S, Skelton DA, Broaders F, Todd C. The quality of websites offering falls related advice to older members of the public and
their families: a systematic style review. Health Informatics J. 2012 Mar;18(1):50-65. doi: 10.1177/1460458211432588. IF 1.0
Perry L, Kendrick D, Morris R, Dinan S, Masud T, Skelton DA, ILIFFE S. Completion and Return of Fall Diaries Varies With Participants’ Level of
Education, First Language, and Baseline Fall Risk. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012: 67A(2): 210-214. IF 4.598
Hawley H, Skelton DA, Campbell MC, Todd CJ. Are the attitudes of exercise instructors who work with older adults influenced by training and
personal characteristics? J Aging Phys Act. 2012; 20: 47-63. IF 2.085
Billis E, Strimpakos N, Kapreli E, Sakellari V, Skelton DA, Dontas I, Ioannou F, Filon G, Gioftsos G. Cross-cultural validation of the Greek version of
the Functional Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I) in Greek community-dwelling older adults. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(19-20):1776-84. doi:
10.3109/09638288.2010.546937. Epub 2011 Jan 11. IF 1.555.
Tierney S, Marras M, Skelton D, Woods S, Rutter MK, Gibson M, Neyses L, Deaton C. What can we learn from patients with heart failure about
exercise adherence? A systematic review of qualitative papers. Health Psychol. 2011; 30 (4): 401-410. IF 3.873
Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Rafferty D, Skelton DA, Evans JJ. Measuring Foot Placement and Clearance during Stair Descent: Technical Report. Gait
Posture. 2011 Mar;33(3):504-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2010.12.004. Epub 2011 Jan 12. IF 2.743
MacMillan F, Fitzsimons C, Black K, Granat MH, Grant MP, Grealy M, MacDonald H, McConnachie A, Rowe DA, Shaw R, Skelton DA, Mutrie N.
West End Walkers 65+: A randomised controlled trial of a primary care-based walking intervention for older adults: Study rationale and design.
BMC Public Health. 2011 Feb 19;11:120. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-120. IF 2.22
Muhaidat J, Skelton DA, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Ballinger C. Older adults’ experiences and perceptions of dual tasking. Br J Occup Ther. 2010; 73(9):
405-412. IF 1.096
Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Skelton D, Gage H, Dinan S, Stevens Z, Pearl M, Masud T. Multi-centre cluster randomised trial comparing a
community group exercise programme with home based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 and over in primary care: protocol of the
ProAct 65+ trial. Trials; 2010; 11: 6-10 [Highly accessed]. IF 1.738
Nicolai S, Benzinger P, Skelton DA, Aminian K, Becker C, Lindemann U. Day-to-Day Variability of Physical Activity of Older Adults Living in the
Community. J Aging Phys Act. 2010; 18: 75-86. IF 2.085
Horne M, SKELTON D, Speed S, Todd C. The influence of primary health care professionals in encouraging exercise and physical activity uptake
among White and South Asian older adults: experiences of young older adults. Pat Educ Counsel. 2010; 78;97-103. IF 2.305
Horne M, Speed S, Skelton DA, Todd C. What do community dwelling Caucasian and South Asian 60-70 year olds think about exercise for fall
prevention? Age Ageing. 2009; 38: 68-73. IF 3.058
Skelton DA, Dinan SM, Campbell MG, Rutherford OM. Tailored Group Exercise (Falls Management Exercise - FaME) reduces falls in communitydwelling older frequent fallers (an RCT). Age Ageing. 2005; 34: 636-639. IF 3.058
Nandy S, Parsons S, Cryer C, Underwood M, Rashbrook E, Carter Y, Elridge S, Close J, Skelton D, Taylor S, Feder G, on behalf of the falls
prevention pilot steering group. Development and preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT)
for use in primary care. J Publ Health. 2004; 26(2):138-43. IF 2.06
James L, Onambele G, Woledge R, Skelton D, Woods D, Eleftheriou K, Hawe E, Humphreys SE, Haddad F, Montgomery H. IL-6–174G/C
genotype is associated with the bone mineral density response to oestrogen replacement therapy in post-menopausal women. Eur J Appl
Physiol. 2004; 92: 227–230. IF 1.931
Skelton DA, Kennedy J, Rutherford OM. Asymmetry in Muscle Strength And Explosive Power Amongst Community Dwelling Frequent Fallers
And Non-Fallers Aged Over 65. Age Ageing. 2002; 31: 119-125. IF 3.09
Onambele NGI, Skelton DA, Bruce SA, Woledge RC. Follow-up study of the benefits of hormone replacement therapy on isometric muscle
strength of adductor pollicis in postmenopausal women. Clin Sci. 2001; 100 (4):421-422. IF 4.61
Woods D, Onambele G, Woledge R, Skelton D, Bruce SA, Humphreys S, Montgomery H. ACE Genotype-Dependent Benefit from HRT in
Isometric Muscle Strength and Bone Mineral Density. J Clin Endocrin Metabol. 2001; 86(5):2200-2204. IF 6.325
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Skelton DA, Phillips SK, Bruce SA, Naylor CH, Woledge RC. Hormone Replacement Therapy increases isometric muscle strength of adductor
pollicis in post-menopausal women. Clin Sci. 1999; 96:357-364. IF 4.61
Skelton DA, Young A, Greig CA. Muscle function of women aged 65-89 years meeting two sets of health criteria. Aging Clin Exper Res. (Aging
Milano) 1997; 9:106-111. IF 1.397
Smith R, Scott OM, Skelton DA, Young A. Hip muscle strength and function in very elderly women. Clin Rehab. 1996; 10:319-327. IF 2.12
Skelton DA, McLaughlin A. Training functional ability in old age. Physiotherapy. 1996; 82(3): 159-167. IF 1.56
Skelton DA, Young A, Greig CA, Malbut KE. Effects of resistance training on strength, power and selected functional abilities of women aged 75
and over. J Am Geriat Soc. 1995; 43:1081-1087. IF 3.805
Young A, Botella J, Greig CA, Skelton DA. Functional performance assessment in old age. In: Harris, S., Suominen, H., Era, P., Harris,W.; eds.
Physical Activity, Aging and Sports III. Towards healthy aging - International perspectives. Part 1. Physiological and biomedical aspects. Centre
for the Study of Aging, Albany, New York: 149-160, 1994.
Skelton DA, Greig CA, Davies JM, Young A. Strength, power and related functional ability of healthy people aged 65-89 years. Age Ageing,
1994; 23:371-377. IF 3.09
Greig CA, Young A, Skelton DA, Pippet E, Butler FM, Mahmud SM. Exercise studies with elderly volunteers. Age Ageing. 1994; 23(3):185-9. IF
Levy DI, Young A, Skelton DA, Yeo A. Strength, power and functional ability. In: Passeri, M. ed. Geriatrics '94 International Association of
Gerontology (I.A.G.) European Region Clinical Section Congress, 1994. Rome, Italy: CIC Edizioni Internazionali. pp. 85-93
Greig C, Butler F, Skelton D, Mahmud S, Young A. Treadmill walking in old age may not reproduce the real life situation. J Am Geriat Soc.
1993;41: 15-18. IF 3.805
Harvey JA, Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. How sedentary are older people? A systematic review of the amount of sedentary behavior. J Aging Phys
Act. 2015 Jul;23(3):471-87. doi: 10.1123/japa.2014-0164. Epub 2014 Nov 11. IF 1.41
Kendrick D, Kumar A, Carpenter H, Zijlstra GAR, Skelton DA, Cook JR, Stevens Z, Belcher CM, Haworth D, Gawler SJ, Gage H, Masud T, Bowling A,
Pearl M, Morris RW, Iliffe S, Delbaere K. Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev. 2014 Nov 28;11:CD009848. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009848.pub2. Review. IF 6.186
Harvey JA, Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. Global Prevalence of Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Int J Envir Res Public Health
2013, 10, 6645-6661; doi:10.3390/ijerph10126645. IF 1.998
Skelton DA, Howe T, Ballinger C, Neil F, Palmer S, Gray L. Environmental and behavioural interventions for reducing physical activity limitation
in community-dwelling visually impaired older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009233. DOI:
10.1002/14651858.CD009233.pub2. IF 6.186
Stevens Z, Barlow C, Kendrick D, Masud T, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Iliffe S. Effectiveness of general practice-based exercise promotion for
older adults: a systematic review. Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2014 Apr;15(2):190-201. doi: 10.1017/S1463423613000017. Epub 2013 Mar 18.
Hall L, Skelton DA. The role of the occupational therapist working with caregivers of people with dementia: A review of the literature. Br J Occ
Ther. 2012; 75(6): 281-288. IF 1.096
Howe TE, Rochester L, Neil F, Skelton DA, Ballinger C. Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
2011, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD004963. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004963.pub3. IF 6.186
Zijlstra A, Ufkes T, Skelton DA, Lundin-Olsson L, Zijlstra W. Do dual tasks have an added value over single tasks for balance assessment in fall
prevention programs? Gerontology. 2008;54(1):40-9. doi: 10.1159/000117808. Epub 2008 May 7. IF 2.78
Skelton DA, Todd C. Prevention of Falls Network Europe: A Thematic Network aimed at introducing good practice in effective falls prevention
across Europe. Four years on. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2007; 7(3):273-278. IF 2.0
Skelton DA, Salvà A on behalf of the ProFaNE Group. Evidence based falls prevention across Europe. Revista Espanola De Geriatría Y
Gerontología. 2005; 40(2): 64-69.
Jørstad-Stein EC, Hauer K, Becker C, Bonnefoy M, Nakash RA, Skelton DA, Lamb SE. Suitability of physical activity questionnaires for older adults
in fall prevention intervention trials: a systematic review. J Aging Phys Act. 2005; 13 (4); 461-481. IF 1.41
Skelton DA, Todd CJ on behalf of the ProFaNE Group. Thoughts on effective falls prevention intervention on a population basis. J Public Health
2005; 13(4):196-202. IF 1.109
Skelton DA, Becker C, Lamb SE, Close JCT, Zijlstra W, Yardley L, Todd CJ. Prevention of Falls Network Europe: A Thematic Network aimed at
introducing good practice in effective falls prevention across Europe. Eur J Ageing 2004; 1(1): 89-94. IF 1.27
Skelton DA, Beyer N. Exercise and Injury Prevention in Older People. Scand J Med Sports Sci. 2003; 13: 1-9. IF 2.87
Skelton DA, DINAN S. Exercise, falls and injury prevention in older people. Osteo Rev. 2001; 9(4):1-5.
Skelton DA. Effects of physical activity on postural stability. Age Ageing 2001; 30-S4, 33-39. IF 3.09
Skelton DA, Dinan SM. Exercise for falls management: Rationale for an exercise programme to reduce postural instability. Physiotherapy:
Theory and Practice. 1999; 15: 105-120. IF 0.561
Skelton DA. To exercise or not to exercise? Spectrum International 1998; 41: 1-6.
Young A, Skelton DA. Applied physiology of strength and power in old age. Int J Sports Med. 1994; 15(3):149-151. IF 2.43
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Greig CA, Young A, Skelton DA, Pippet E, Butler FMM, Mahmud SM. Exercise studies with elderly volunteers. Age Ageing, 1994; 23:185-189. IF
Howe T, Skelton DA. Consensus on core outcome measures of function are needed if we are to progress our knowledge of “best practice”
exercise components for older people. Editorial. Age Ageing. 2011; 40 (5): 532-533. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afr082. Epub 2011 Jul 25. IF 3.09
Papers In Press:
Hawley-Hague H, Horne M, Skelton DA, Todd C. Older adults’ uptake and adherence to exercise classes: Instructors’ perspectives. J Aging Phys Act. IF
Kojima G, Iliffe S, Morris RW, Taniguchi Y, Kendrick DM, Skelton DA, Masud T, Bowling A. Frailty Predicts Trajectories of Quality of Life over Time
among Community-Dwelling Older People. Qual Life Res. IF 2.486.
Bruce J, Lall R, Withers EJ, Finnegan S, Underwood M, Longo R, Sheridan R, Skelton DA, Martin F, Lamb SE on behalf of PreFIT Study Group. A Cluster
Randomised Controlled Trial of Advice, Exercise or Multifactorial Assessment to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Community Dwelling Older Adults: The
Prevention of Falls Injury Trial (PreFIT). BMJ Open. IF 2.271.
Davis JC, Liang Hsu C, Robertson C, Cheung W, Brasher P, Li LC, Khan K, Sykes J, Skelton DA, Liu-Ambrose T. Can the Otago Falls Prevention Program be
Delivered by Video? A Feasibility Study. BMJ Open. IF 2.063.
Kumar A, Delbaere K, Zijlstra GAR, Carpenter H, Iliffe S, Masud T, Skelton DA, Morris R, Kendrick D. Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people
living in the community: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Age and Ageing. IF 3.058.
Papers Submitted:
Harvey JA, Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. Acceptability of novel lifelogging technology to determine context of sedentary behaviour in older adults.
(Submitted to AIMS Public Health (special issue on sedentary behaviour), Dec 2015). No IF.
Petropoulou E, Finlayson J, Hay M, Spencer W, Park R, Tannock H, Galbraith E, Godwin J, Skelton DA. Injuries reported and recorded for adults with
intellectual disabilities who live with paid support in Scotland: A comparison with Scottish adults in the general population. (Submitted as Short Report
to J Appl Res Intellect Disabil, Oct 2015). IF 1.098.
Gawler S, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Masud T, Morris RW, Griffin M, Kendrick D, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ team. Reducing Falls among older people
in general practice: the ProAct65+ exercise intervention trial. (Submitted to Arch Geriatr Gerontol, June 2015). IF 1.525.
Horne M, Wearden A, Emsley R, Woodham A, Skelton DA. Ethnic and gender differences in intention to undertake physical activity among community
dwelling South Asian adults aged 60 and over. (Submitted to J Public Health, Sept 2015). IF 2.039.
Horne M, Emsley R, Wearden A, Woodham A, Skelton DA. What factors and cultural adaptations influence uptake and adherence of physical activity
among South Asian adults? A systematic review. (Submitted to J Public Health, Sept 2015). IF 2.039.
Dontje M, Leask C, Harvey J, Skelton DA, Chastin SFM. Why older adults spend time sedentary and break their sedentary behaviour: a mixed methods
approach. (Submitted to Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, Dec 2015.). IF 5.416.
Fjellman-Wiklund A, Nordin E, Skelton DA, Lundin-Olsson L. Reach the person behind the dementia - Physical therapists’ reflections and strategies
when composing physical training. (Submitted to Physical Therapy Journal, Nov 2015. IF 2.526.
Lindelöf N, Lundman B, Lundin-Olsson L, Skelton DA, Rosendahl E. Experiences of older people living with dementia participating in high-intensity
functional exercise among in residential care facilities. (Submitted to Physical Therapy Journal, Oct 2015). IF 2.526.
Kendrick D, Kumar A, Carpenter H, Zijlstra GAR, Skelton DA, Cook JR, Stevens Z, Belcher CM, Haworth D, Gawler SJ, Gage H, Masud T, Bowling A, Pearl
M, Morris RW, Iliffe S, Delbaere K. Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
2014 Nov 28;11:CD009848. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009848.pub2. Review.
Skelton DA, Howe TE, Ballinger C, Neil F, Palmer S, Gray L. Environmental and behavioural interventions to reduce activity limitation and improve
quality of life in older people with visual impairment. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD009233. DOI:
10.1002/14651858.CD009233.pub2. Review.
Howe TE, Rochester L, Neil F, Skelton DA, Ballinger C. Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011, Issue 11. Art.
No.: CD004963. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004963.pub3. Review.
Chastin S, Skelton DA, Harvey J, Helbostad J, Gardiner P, Ashe M. Environmental and behavioural interventions for reducing sedentary behaviour in
community dwelling older adults. Title accepted Jan 2013. Protocol being prepared.
Howe TE, Skelton DA. COCHRANE SPECIAL COLLECTION: Physical activity and exercise for health and well being of older people.
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Donaldson C, Roy M, Hill-O'Connor C, Biosca O, Baker R, Kay A, Gillespie M, Godwin J, Morgan A, Skelton DA, Stewart J, Anderson I, Docherty
C, Fulford H, Munoz S-A, Teasdale S, Thomson H. Global issues, local solutions: rethinking wealth and health through the lens of social
enterprise. Health Economics Working Paper Series HEWPS Number: 201402. ISSN: 2052-9368.
National Surveillance and Local Monitoring of Physical Activity amongst Older Adults in Scotland. A Report prepared by SPARColl for NHS
Health Scotland. (Expert Advisor)
Skelton DA, Dinan-Young SM. Effective Exercise Interventions to prevent falls and fractures. Department of Health Prevention Package.
Department of Health, London.
Ballinger CB, Neil F, Howe T, Skelton DA, Palmer S, Gray L. A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of the Views and Experiences of Older People
with Visual Impairment about Interventions to Reduce Falls. Report to the Thomas Pocklington Trust.
Skelton DA, Neil F. An Evaluation of the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Falls and Bone Health Strategy, Report to the Research Assessment
Directorate of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.
ProFaNE: Prevention of Falls Network Europe. Final Report to the EC, Framework 5 Thematic Network. QLRT-2001-02705
ProFaNE: Prevention of Falls Network Europe. Fourth Year Report to the EC, Framework 5 Thematic Network. QLRT-2001-02705
ProFaNE: Prevention of Falls Network Europe. Third Year Report to the EC, Framework 5 Thematic Network. QLRT-2001-02705
ProFaNE: Prevention of Falls Network Europe. Second Year Report to the EC, Framework 5 Thematic Network. QLRT-2001-02705
Todd C, Skelton DA. What are the main risk factors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effective interventions to prevent
these falls? How should interventions to prevent falls be implemented?. World Health Organisation Health Evidence Network for Policy
Makers, World Health Organisation, Denmark.
ProFaNE: Prevention of Falls Network Europe. First Year Report to the EC, Framework 5 Thematic Network. QLRT-2001-02705
Skelton DA, Young A, Walker A, Hoinville E. Physical Activity in Later Life: Further analysis of the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey and
the HEASAH, Health Education Authority, London, (1999) ISBN 0 7521 1573 1
Skelton DA. Designing programmes for older adults. Personal Trainer, April 2015. P71-72.
Skelton DA. Do we sit too long? Advantage Magasine, Age Scotland, Winter Edition, Issue 42. P14-15.
Skelton DA, Van Wijck F, Grant M, Chastin S, Dall P, Thow M, Brownlee M, Mead G. Are physiotherapists contributing to patient harm? Are
your patients FIT TO SIT? Agility (AGILE Journal, CSP). Summer Edition.
Lowton K, Laybourne A, Whiting D, Martin F, Skelton D. High impact actions: preventing falls and encouraging exercise. Nursing Management
17(4): 22-25.
Skelton DA, Gawler S. Otago Home Based Exercise for Older People. SportEx. Nov 2008:Issue 19(Nov):18-20.
Skelton DA, Townley B. Take a Seat - Chair Based Exercise for Older People. SportEx. Oct 2008:Issue 18(Oct) 9-11.
Skelton DA. Keeping active, keeping independent. Care Management Matters. Dec 2007.
Laventure R, Skelton DA. Breaking down the barriers: Strategies to motivate the older client to begin and sustain exercise participation.
Fitness Professionals Sept; 42-43.
Skelton DA, Dinan S. Exercise and Cardiovascular Health Part 2. Fitness Professionals Jun; 42-43.
Skelton DA, Dinan S. Exercise and Cardiovascular Health Part 1. Fitness Professionals May; 41-42.
Skelton DA. Exercise and falls prevention in older people. CME Geriatric Medicine 9 (1): 16-21.
Skelton DA. Weight bearing exercise. Falls and Fractures. Feb (1):5
Skelton DA. Preventing falls in elderly people - a practical guide. Practice Nurse. July 7: 22-24.
Skelton DA. How can the Primary Care Team help Older People stay active and maintain independence? Update (GPs) Feb: 78-81.
Irwin D, Skelton DA, Dinan S. Exercise and Falls. Sportex Medicine Mar: 11-13.
Skelton DA. Use It or Lose It. Care Select 2001 Nursing and Residential Homes Directory, p49-51.
Skelton DA. Exercise to prevent and manage falls and fall related injuries in older people. SportsCare News (NISM, National Institute of
Sports Medicine UK) Issue 23, p15-16
Skelton DA. Step Up Exercise To Reduce Falls. Health & Ageing Sept: 45-46.
Skelton DA. Exercise for healthy ageing. Care Choices 2000 Nursing and Residential Homes Directory
Skelton DA. Balance in the Gym Environment. Health Club Management Sept.
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Skelton DA, Dinan S, Laventure B. Exercise and falls prevention. Sportex Medicine Dec.
Skelton DA, Dinan S. Strength, Power and Balance Part 1 and 2. Fitness Professionals Magazine
Skelton DA, McLaughlin AW. It's never too late to get fit. Health & Ageing Jan 1997: 49-52
ABSTRACTS (Published):
2014. Petropoulou E, Finlayson J, Skelton DA. Two-year incidence of injuries amongst adults with intellectual disabilities who live with paid support in
Scotland, UK. J Appl Res Intellectual Disabil 2014;27(4):314.
2013. Gawler S, Skelton DA, Haworth D, Barlow C, Stevens Z, Kendrick D, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ team. Who joins an exercise intervention study for
older people recruited through general practice? Primary Health Care Research & Development 2013; 14 (S1).
2013. Heseltine R, Skelton DA, Kendrick D, Morris RW, Griffin M, Haworth D, Masud T, Iliffe S. Sedentary Older Participants who volunteer for
structured exercise programmes are not like other community dwelling older sedentary people. Age Ageing 2013; 43 (suppl 2): ii17-ii18.
2013. Stanmore EK, Oldham J, Skelton DA, O’Neill T, Todd C. Falls, fear of falling and risk factors in adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Prospective
Study. Ann Rheum Dis 2013;72(Suppl3):130.
2012. Stanmore EK, Oldham J, O’Neill T, Todd C, Campbell A, Pilling M, Skelton D. Rheumatoid Arthritis, fall incidence and consequences: A
prospective cohort study of 559 men and women. Gerontologist 2012; 52(Suppl 1): 138.
2012. Skelton DA. Preventing falls and fractures with physical activity and exercise. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S102.
2012. Iliffe S, Haworth D, Stevens Z, Barlow C, Gawler S, Pearl M, Belcher C, Gage H, Carpenter H, Kendrick D, Dinan-Young S, Bowling A, Masud T,
Skelton DA. The ProAct65+ Exercise Trial Symposium: An overview, practical implications and lessons learned. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl:
2012. Yarrow L, Nelson J, Mackinnon M, Orr M, Skelton DA. Otago from 180 degrees: The older person's perspective. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl:
2012. Sipe C, Howe T, Skelton D. Issues in Active Ageing Research: An Argument for Consensus on Outcome Measures. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20
Suppl: S11.
2012. Howe T, Neil F, Rochester L, Ballinger C, Skelton DA. Exercise for improving balance in older people. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S132S133.
2012. Muhaidat J, Kerr A, Evans JJ, Skelton DA. Falls efficacy, executive function and functional performance in community dwelling older adults. J
Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S144-S145.
2012. Ballinger C, Waterman H, Todd C, Skelton D, Brundle C, Stanford P, Mcevoy L. Exploring visually impaired elders' views about occupational
therapy falls prevention interventions: How focus group findings will inform the VIP2UK trial. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S103.
2012. Stevens Z, Barlow C, Kendrick D, Masud T, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Iliffe S. Effectiveness of primary care physical activity interventions in
older adults: A narrative review. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S126.
2012. Gawler S, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Morris R, Iliffe S. Characterisation and standardisation of exercise interventions in older adult exercise
trial (ProAct65+). J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S160-S161.
2012. Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. Classification of sedentary behaviour: Toward a Taxonomy. J Aging Phys Act 2012; 20 Suppl: S325-S326.
2012. Uzor S, Baillie L, Skelton DA. Senior Designers: Empowering Seniors to Design Enjoyable Falls Rehabilitation Tools. Computer Human
Interaction, 2012. Senior designers. ACM Press, p. 1179. CHI '12 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; Austin, TX, USA —
May 05 - 10, 2012.
2011. Uzor S, Baillie L, Skelton DA. Designing enjoyable multimodal activities to reduce falls risk in the community. 5th International Conference on
Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, PervasiveHealth 2011, pp. 414–417. Dublin, Ireland, May 23-26, 2011; 01/2011
2011. Uzor S, Baillie L, Skelton DA, Fairlie F. Identifying Barriers to Effective User Interaction with Rehabilitation Tools in the Home. in: Campos, P.,
Graham, N., Jorge, J., Nunes, N., Palanque, P., Winckler, M. (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 36–43. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011 - 13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal,
September 5-9, 2011, Proceedings, Part II; 01/2011
2010. Burleigh L, Mclellan A, Skelton DA, Anderson M, Lee A, Harkness A. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Falls and Fracture Liaison Service Coordinated Health Care is Reducing Fractures and Falls. (Premier Poster Candidate). Osteo Int 2010; 21 (3): S463-464. IF 4.859
2010. Stanmore E, Todd C, Oldham J, O’Neill T, Skelton DA. Falls and their effects on people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Inj Prev 2010: 16(1):A103. IF
2010. Muhaidat J, Skelton DA, Kerr A, Evans JJ. The feasibility of different task combinations for the assessment of dual task performance in
community-dwelling fallers and non-fallers. Inj Prev 2010: 16(1):A225. IF 1.941
2010. Hawley H, Skelton DA, Todd C. Understanding how we can engage and maintain older adults in exercise classes: the role of the exercise
instructor. Inj Prev 2010: 16(1):A96-A97. IF 1.941
2010. Skelton DA, Neil FN, Mclellan A, Burleigh L, Anderson M, Lee A. Reduction in hip fracture admissions over a ten year period in a Scottish health
board with a well established falls and fracture liaison service. Inj Prev 2010; 16(1): A228. IF 1.941
2010. Muhaidat J, Skelton DA, KerrA, Ballinger C, Evans JJ. Are we using the right dual task tests to detect mobility problems? Perspectives from older
people. Parkins Rel Dis 2010; 16S1: S52-53. IF 4.126
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2009. Skelton DA. physical activity and osteoporosis. Bone 2009; 44(2): S200. IF 4.461
2008. Skelton DA, Stranzinger K, Dinan SM, Rutherford O. BMD Improvements Following FaME (Falls Management Exercise) in Frequently Falling
Women Age 65 and Over: An RCT. J Aging Phys Act 2008; 16(Suppl):S89-90. IF 1.41
2008. Laventure RME, Dinan SM, Skelton DA. Someone Like Me: Increasing Participation in Physical Activity Among Seniors With Senior Peer Health
Motivators. J Aging Phys Act 2008; 16(Suppl):S76-77. IF 1.41
2006. Todd C, Skelton DA. Prevention of falls network Europe - A four year thematic network. Eur J Publ Health 2006; 16 (Suppl 1): 85. IF 2.46
2006. Bruce SA, Skelton D, Gentles H, Christopher T, Rosenberg M, Woledge R. Responses to perturbations of gait while walking on a treadmill in
older females after a falls prevention programme. J Am Geriat Soc 2006; 4 (Suppl): S132. IF 4.216
2004. Skelton DA. What types of exercise work in fall prevention (The FaME Study). J Bone Min Res 2004; 19 (Suppl 1): S493. IF 6.589
2004. Skelton DA, Dinan SM, Campbell M, Rutherford OM. FaME (Falls Management Exercise): An RCT on the Effects of a 9-month Group Exercise
Programme in Frequently Falling Community Dwelling Women age 65 and over. J Aging Phys Act 12 (3); 457-458. IF 1.41
2004. Skelton DA. ProFaNE: Prevention of Falls Network Europe – A 4-year Thematic Network. J Aging Phys Act 12 (3); 456-457. IF 1.41
2004. Skelton DA. The Postural Stability Instructor: Qualification in the UK for Effective Falls Prevention Exercise. J Aging Phys Act 12 (3); 375-376. IF
2004. Skelton DA, Dinan SM, Laventure REM. Later Life Training: Exercise and Physical Activity Training for Working with Older People in the UK. J
Aging Phys Act 12 (3); 274-275. IF 1.41
2004. Skelton DA. Falls Management Exercise (FaME): Group Exercise for Frequent Fallers. J Aging Phys Act 12 (3); 403-404. IF 1.41
2001. Skelton DA, Kennedy J, Rutherford OM. Lower limb muscle strength and power in community dwelling female fallers and non-fallers aged over
65 years. J Physiol 531P: 48P. IF 4.544
2001. Onambele NGL, Woods D, Skelton DA, Bruce SA, Woledge RC, Humphreys SE, Montgomery H. Possible genetic influences on responses to
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women. J Physiol 531P (proceedings), pp.38P. IF 4.544
2000. Skelton D. Balance control, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness among older Tai Chi practitioners – Commentary. Br J Sports Med. 2000; 34
(1): 34. IF 4.171
2000. Woods D, Onambele G, Woledge R, Skelton DA, Bruce SA, Humphreys S, Montgomery H. The ACE I/D polymorphism and the response to
hormone replacement therapy. J Endocrin 167 (suppl): P20. IF 2.719
1999. Skelton DA, Kennedy J, Rutherford OM. Lower limb muscle power in frequently falling community dwelling women aged 65 and over. J Aging
Phys Act 7(3): 281. IF 1.41
1994. Skelton DA, Greig CA, Malbut KE, Young A. Does increased strength and power improve functional ability in healthy elderly women? Clin Sci
86:27P. IF 4.187
1993. Skelton DA, Greig CA, Malbut KE, Young A. Muscle strength and power after strength-training by women aged 75 and over: a randomized,
controlled study. J Physiol 473:83P. IF 4.605
1993. Skelton DA, Young A. Are the National Fitness Survey strength and power thresholds for performance of everyday tasks too high? J Physiol
473:84P. IF 4.605
1992. Skelton DA, Greig CA, Davies JM, Young A. Muscle function in healthy women aged 65 to 84. Med Sci Sports Ex. 24: S75. IF 3.399
1992. Skelton DA, Greig CA, Davies JM, Young A. Muscle function in healthy men aged 65 to 84. Age Ageing 21: P8. IF 3.058
1992. Skelton DA, Aston H, Greig CA, Young A. Effect of cooling on the power of voluntary and electrically stimulated contractions of the lower limb
extensors. Clin Sci 83 (suppl 27): 16P. IF 4.187
LETTERS (Published):
2012. Chastin SM, Skelton DA. Minimise sedentary behaviour at all ages for healthy ageing. BMJ. 2012. 344:e2451. IF 12.827. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e2451.
2008. Iliffe S, Masud T, Skelton DA, Kendrick D. Promotion of exercise in primary care. BMJ. 2008. 337:a2430. IF 12.827
2006. Skelton DA, Hauer K, Lamb S. Re: ‘Falls definition validation’ Letter to the Editor. Age Ageing 2007; 36:111-112. IF 3.058
2002. Simey P, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Laventure B. Falls Prevention Among Older People: Specific exercise is the key. BMJ. 2002. 325:p1177. IF 12.827
2001. Simey P, Skelton DA. A healthy old age: realistic or futile goal? Older people need to be encouraged to exercise. BMJ. 2001. 322:p796. IF
2015. Skelton DA. Explainer: Why does our balance get worse as we grow older? Oct 8, 2015.
2012. Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. Healthy ageing: minimise sedentary behavior. 27 March 2012. IF 12.827
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2005. Skelton DA, Iliffe S, Dinan S, See Tai S. Effective Falls Prevention in Practice. 25 July 2005. IF 12.827
2004. Skelton DA, Todd C, Dinan S, Iliffe S, Laventure B, Masud T. Re: Exercise interventions in frequent fallers – evidence emerges faster than
guidelines? 29 Mar 2004. IF 12.827
2003. Skelton DA, Todd C. Re: Less Surgery, More Prevention – Remember Falls. 9 Oct 2003. IF 12.827
2002. Strength and Balance Exercises for Healthy Ageing Home Exercise Booklet. Help The aged, London, UK – with S Dinan. ISBN 1-904528-59-7
1995. Skelton DA. Exercise for healthy ageing. Research Into Ageing, London (1995). ISBN 0-9525326-1-1.
2007. Managing Osteoporosis. Eds. Lanham-New S, O'Neill T, Morris R, Skelton D, Sutcliffe A. Oxford: Clinical Publishing. ISBN 1 904392 73 3
2015. Skelton DA, Martin FC. Chapter 21: Physical Activity and Exercise in Later Life. In: ABC of Sports and Exercise Medicine, Fourth Edition. Eds: GP
Whyte, M Loosemore, C Williams. Published 2015 by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-118-77752-7.
2015. Skelton DA, Muhaidat J. Chapter 18: Mobility in Later Life. In: APA Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology, Volume 2. Eds: PA Lichtenberg & BT
Mast. American Psychological Association, Washington, USA. Published Feb 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4338-1804-2.
2013. Skelton DA. Sedentary Behaviour. In: Improving Later Life 2: Understanding the Oldest Old. Eds: editors: S Davidson, J Goodwin, P Rossall. Age
UK, London. 2013. ISBN 978-0-9568731-6-3.
2011. Skelton DA, McAloon M, Gray L. Promoting Physical Activity with Older People. In: Tolson D, Booth J, Schofield I, Eds. Evidence Informed
Nursing with Older People. Wiley Blackwell Publishers, Chichester. 2011. ISBN 9781444331134.
2010. Skelton DA, Dinan SM, Laventure RM. Exercise Prescription for Older People. In: Salva A, Vellas B, eds, AÑO GERONTOLÓGICO, Fundació
Institut de l’Envelliment, Barcelona. 2010; pp 261-278. ISBN 978 84 7429 396 8
2008. Skelton DA, Dinan SM. Ageing and older people. In: Buckley JP, ed, Exercise physiology in special populations. Advances in Sport and Exercise
Science. Elsevier Books: Edinburgh, 2008; pp 161-223. ISBN 978 0 443 10343 8
2007. Onambele-Pearson G, Skelton DA. Exercise and Bone Health. In: Lanham-New S, O'Neill T, Morris R, Skelton D, Sutcliffe A (eds). Managing
Osteoporosis. Oxford: Clinical Publishing, 2007; pp 151-168. ISBN 1 904392 73 3
2007. Skelton DA, Blundell A. Exercise and Cardiovascular Health. In: Lanham-New S, O'Neill T, Morris R, Skelton D, Sutcliffe A (eds). Managing
Osteoporosis. Oxford: Clinical Publishing, 2007; pp 137-149. ISBN 1 904392 73 3
2004. Dinan S, Skelton D, Malbut K. Aerobic Endurance Training In: Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults. Eds. Jones J and Rose D. Human
Kinetics Books, Champaign, Illinois, USA. Pp 191-210. ISBN: 0736045139
2007. Review of Spirduso W, Francis K & McRae W. Physical Dimensions of Aging. Human Kinetics. Age Ageing 36: 113.
FACTSHEETS (Sole Author):
2006. Reducing Falls in Older People. Healthcare Commission Knowledge Network Signpost, London UK.
2002. Benefits of Physical Activity on Prevention and Management of Falls and Fall-related injuries for Older Adults. British Heart Foundation,
Loughborough, UK
2000. Older People and Physical Activity. Older People Factsheet 5. Health Education Authority, London, UK
1999. DTI’s Slips, Trips and Broken Hips Leaflets for Older People and their Carers, Help The Aged, London UK
2012. Exercise for the Prevention of Falls and Injuries in Frailer Older People: A Manual for the Postural Stability Instructor. Eds. Dinan SM, Skelton
DA. Later Life Training Ltd, London UK. 4th Edition. (3rd Edition 2007, 2nd Edition 2003, 1st Edition 1999)
2012. Otago Exercise Programme Exercise Leadership Training. ‘How to Teach’ Training Manual. Later Life Training to accompany the Otago Exercise
Programme. Eds. Dinan S, Skelton DA. Later Life Training Ltd, London UK. 2nd edition. (1st Edition 2006).
2014. Falls Prevention Zone Introduction Video and suite of exercise videos. NHS Inform Falls Zone.
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2004. Help The Aged Exercise Video – Stay Strong, Stay Steady, falls prevention programme with S Dinan
2003. Health Education Board Scotland – Falls prevention education video, with S Dinan
2001. Mr Motivator – Centre Stage – fitness for over 50’s, with S.Dinan
2001. Active for Life – a Falls Prevention Programme, Classroom Resources, with S Dinan
2007. Falls & Bone Health, Kiss of Life Multimedia – Exercise Training to Prevent Falls, with S.Dinan
ABSTRACTS (Keynotes, Invited Lectures, Orals and Posters Presented at Meetings):
2015. Skelton DA. What’s New in Falls Research. BGS 16th International Falls and Postural Stability Conference 11th Sept 2015, London. Invited Lecture.
2015. Skelton DA. What are the determinants of sedentary behaviour in older people? ISBNPA 2015 Satellite meeting 8th & 9th June 2015, Glasgow.
Invited Lecture.
2015. Skelton DA. Primary prevention of falls - evidence for exercise. International Course in Medicine of the Older Adult (RCPE Course), 26th May 2015,
Edinburgh. Invited Lecture.
2015. Skelton DA. Avoiding waste in research. NIHR Ageing meeting 27th Feb 2015, Glasgow. Invited Lecture.
2015. Kojima G, Kendrick DM, Skelton DA, Morris RW, Gawler S, Iliffe S. Population-based studies have investigated frailty as a predictor of future falls
with mixed findings. BGS & AGILE Autumn Meeting 14-16th October 2015, Brighton.
2015. Lloyd M, Skelton DA, Mead G, Williams B, van Wijck F. Systematic Review: Physical activity interventions for nonambulatory stroke survivors.
Poster presented at Scottish Stroke AHP Forum conference, June 8th 2015. [Won Poster Prize].
2015. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. A feasibility study to reduce sedentary behaviour in frail older adults using activity monitors with real-time and
follow-up feedback, International Society of Behaviour Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBANPAH), Edinburgh, June 3rd 2015. Poster.
2015. Skelton DA. Strength, balance and fear of falling: The value of exercise in falls management. Geriatrics Symposium, Marshall University,
Huntington, West Virginia, USA, April 24th 2015. Invited lecture.
2015. Laventure RME, Skelton DA. Functional Fitness Testing: A practical approach to motivating seniors to be active. Geriatrics Symposium, Marshall
University, Huntington, West Virginia, USA, April 24th 2015. Invited lecture and workshop.
2015. Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. Combining folksonomy and expert taxonomy in public health research. Citizen Science 2015 Conference, San Jose,
California, USA, Feb 11th 2015. Oral.
2014. Skelton DA. Tips for increasing uptake and adherence to your falls prevention interventions. Finding Balance Practitioners Day, 3rd Dec 2014,
Edmonton, Canada. Keynote Lecture (Webcast and face to face).
2014. Brooke-Wavell K, Duckham RL, Masud T, Taylor R, Kendrick D, Carpenter H, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Gage H, Morris R, Iliffe S. Effectiveness of
community group and home based falls prevention exercise programmes on bone health in older people: The ProAct65+ bone study. National
Osteoporosis Society Annual Conference, Birmingham, Nov 30th 2014. Oral.
2014. Skelton DA. Exercise for patients with osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Society Annual Conference, Birmingham, Nov 30th 2014. Invited
2014. Skelton DA. Exercise and Healthy Ageing: Sedentary Behaviour and health. British Association of Sports and Exercise Sciences Conference, Bristol,
Nov 25th 2014. Invited Lecture.
2014. Skelton DA. Falls Prevention: An update on evidence and implications for ICT. iSTOPP Falls Symposium, 24th Oct 2014, Cologne, Germany.
Keynote Lecture.
2014. Skelton DA. What works in falls prevention – primary and secondary prevention. Public Health Wales FALLS Learning Event, 14th Oct 2014,
Cardiff, Wales. Keynote.
2014. Skelton DA. The only way is up: strength, balance and avoidance of sedentary behaviour to prevent falls and fractures. Physiotherapy UK 2014.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Conference, 10th Oct 2014, Birmingham. Invited Lecture.
2014. Skelton DA. Exercise progression for maintenance of muscle and bone in the older person. Physiotherapy UK 2014. Chartered Society of
Physiotherapy Annual Conference, 10th Oct 2014, Birmingham. Invited Lecture.
2014. Skelton DA. Innovations in Physical Activity Promotion. 10th Int. Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS
Conference), 18th Sept 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Invited Workshop Presenter.
2014. Duckham RL, Brooke-Wavell K, Masud T, Taylor R, Kendrick D, Carpenter H, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Gage H, Morris R, Iliffe S. Effectiveness of
Community Group and Home Based Falls Prevention Exercise Programmes on Bone Health in Older People: the ProAct65+ Bone Study
American Society of Bone Mineral Research, Houston, USA, Sept 14th 2014. Poster.
2014. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. The Art and Science of Defining Context of Sedentary Behaviour by Older Adults using Interview, Activity
Monitoring and Body Worn Cameras. Society of Rehabilitation Research, Birmingham, June 10th 2014. Poster.
2014. Skelton DA. Knowledge translation for fall prevention. Watch Your Step Conference, May 27th 2014, Toronto, Canada. Invited Lecture.
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2014. Skelton DA. What in the World is Next in Fall Prevention. Watch Your Step Conference, May 27th 2014, Toronto, Canada. Part of Closing Panel of
2014. Skelton DA. Exercise to prevent falls: practical implementation. Fit for Life Physical Activity Promotion of Older People in European Cities
European Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 19th Mar 2014. Invited Speaker.
2014. Skelton DA. Workshop 6: Effective fall prevention: The exercises that work. Fit for Life Physical Activity Promotion of Older People in European
Cities European Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 18th Mar 2014. Invited Workshop Moderator.
2013. Skelton DA. Health promotion and exercise for falls prevention. British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting, Harrogate, Nov 21st 2013. Guest
2013. Skelton DA. Exercise and Falls Prevention. Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Conference, Killarney, Ireland, Nov 9th 2013. Keynote.
2013. McEvoy L, Ballinger C, Skelton D, Stanford P, Brundle C, Todd C, Waterman H. Delivering strength and balance exercises to older visually
impaired people who fall. College of Occupational Therapy Annual Conference, Glasgow, 18–20 June 2013. Oral.
2013. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. Amount of Sedentary Behaviour in Older Adults, AHP Agents for Change International Conference, Edinburgh,
October 3rd 2013. Poster.
2013. Stanmore EK, Oldham J, Skelton DA, O’Neill T, Todd C. Falls, fear of falling and risk factors in adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Prospective
Study. The European League Against Rheumatism conference, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
2013. Gawler S, Skelton DA, Haworth D, Barlow C, Stevens Z, Kendrick D, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ team. Who joins an exercise intervention study for
older people recruited through general practice? SAPC, July 2013. Oral.
2013. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Griffin M, Masud T, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Bowling A, Gage H, for the ProAct65+ research team.Multi-centre cluster
randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme with home based exercise with usual care for people aged 65 and over in
primary care: ProAct65+. SAPC, July 2013. Oral.
2013. Kumar A, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Stevens Z, Belcher C, Carpenter H, Cook J, Zijlstra R, Iliffe S for the ProAct65+ team. Exercise for reducing fear
of falling in older people living in the community: A systematic review. SAPC, July 2013. Oral.
2013. Skelton DA. Is my falls assessment effective? Ortho Geri & Bone Specialist Study Day, Royal College of Physicians, London, March 14th 2013.
Invited Workshop.
2013. Skelton DA. Falls and Physical activity in older people. Nursing in Practice Conference, Glasgow, UK, Feb 26th 2013. Invited Lecture.
2013. Skelton DA. Falls and Bone Health Research and Practice Update. Preventing Falls in Kent - A participatory workshop, Kent, Feb 4th 2013.
2013. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. Prevalence of Sedentary Behaviour in Older Adults, National Institute for Health Research Age and Ageing
Speciality Group, Edinburgh. February 1st 2013. Poster.
2013. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. Amount of Sedentary Behaviour in Older Adults. Physical Activity For Health Research Centre Conference,
Edinburgh University, January 29th 2013. Poster.
2013. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. Amount and Prevalence of Sedentary Behaviour in Older Adults. MobEx 16, Manchester, January 20th 2013.
2013. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. The Amount and Effect of Sedentary Behaviour in Older Adults. Staff of NHS Centre for Integrative Care,
Gartnavel Hospital, Glasgow, January 9th 2013. Oral.
2012. Skelton DA. Physical healthand exercise. U3A Study Day, Stirling, UK, Oct 3rd 2012. Invited Lecture.
2012. Skelton DA. Our Active Scotland: The Path to Active Ageing. Paths for All National Networking Event, Glasgow, Sept 27th 2012. Invited Lecture.
2012. Skelton DA. Falls, senses and space. Research in Space Environments: What we can learn from microgravity and inactivity for a sedentary and
ageing population. A joint BBSRC, BSRA, MRC, UKSA Workshop - London, Sept 25th 2012.Invited Lecture.
2012. Skelton DA, Muhaidat J. Dual Tasking and Falls Workshop 12th International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Leeds, UK, Sept10th
2012. Invited Workshop.
2012. Skelton DA. Motivation to exercise when you are older. Your Contribution to Physical Activity and Health Conference, University of the West of
Scotland and NHS Health Scotland, Ayr, UK, Aug 29th 2012. Invited workshop.
2012. Stevens Z, Barlow C, Kendrick D, Masud T, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Iliffe S. Effectiveness of primary care exercise promotion in older adults: a
systematic review. SAPC, July 2012. Oral.
2012. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. Measurement of Context of Sedentary Behaviour: feasibility study in using coupled activity monitor and body
worn camera. World Congress in Active Ageing, Glasgow, August 16th 2012. Oral.
2012. Skelton DA. Falls and Bone Health, where does exercise go next? 8th World Congress on Active Ageing, Glasgow, Aug 15th2012. Keynote.
2012. Skelton DA. Preventing Falls. National Osteoporosis Society Annual Conference, Manchester, July 2nd 2012. Keynote.
2012. Skelton DA. Foot Problems and Falls – should we be doing more? East Midlands and Trent Falls Conference, June 15th 2012, Nottingham.
2012. Skelton DA. Upright and Active Conference, Shrewsbury, May 3rd 2012. Keynote.
2012. Skelton DA. Active Ageing in Scotland. Our PATH to Active Ageing Conference, Joint Improvement Team, Long Term Conditions Alliance and
Reshaping Care for Older People, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, Apr 27th 2012. Keynote
2012. Skelton DA, Laventure RL. Active Ageing. College of Occupational Therapists Older People Study Day, London, March 14th 2012. Keynote.
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2011. Skelton DA. Evidence based practice in falls prevention. British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health Annual
Conference, Nov 2011, Nottingham. Keynote.
2011. Newton R, Nyman SR, Ormerod M, Skelton DA, Ward Thompson C. Falling out: What do we really know about outdoor falls? Paper presented at
the British Society of Gerontology conference, Plymouth, UK, July 2011.
2011. Skelton DA, Palmer S. Environmental and Behavioural approaches to falls prevention in older people with Visual Impairment. KT Equal Invited
Seminar, Nov 2011, Glasgow. Invited Lecture.
2011. Ballinger C, Skelton DA. Preventing falls in people with visual impairment: VIP2UK. KT Equal Invited Seminar, Nov 2011, Glasgow. Invited Lecture.
2011. Skelton DA. Translating evidence in falls prevention. Hellenic Society of Physical Therapy, Athens, Greece, Nov 2011. Invited Lecture and
2011. Skelton DA. Getting the evidence right on falls prevention exercise. AGILE Northern Ireland Conference, Oct 2011, Belfast. Keynote.
2011. Skelton DA. Is Exercise the answer for all older people? 12th International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability Sept 2011, Manchester.
2011 Stanmore E, Todd C, Oldham J, O’Neill T, Skelton DA. Falls and their effects on people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Oral presented at the 11th
International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability Sept 2010, Oxford. Won the Jed Rowe Prize for best Oral.
2011. Aspinall P, Ballinger C, Codinhoto R, Newton R, Nyman SR, Ormerod M, Pearce J, Philipps JE, Skelton DA, Ward Thompson C. Go-Far: Going
outdoors; falls, ageing and resilience. Poster presented at the 12th International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Manchester, UK,
Sept 2011.
2011. Skelton DA. Preventing falls with exercise. British Science Festival, Bradford, Sept 2011. Invited Llecture.
2011. Skelton DA. Active Ageing: Opportunites. Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh
Edinburgh, Sept 2011. Invited Speaker.
Invited Speaker to the Cross Party group on Older People.
2011. Skelton DA. Physical Activity Guidelines and what they mean for falls prevention. East Midlands and Trent Falls Conference, June 2011,
Nottingham. Keynote.
2011. Skelton DA. Active Ageing in policy and practice. Active Ageing Seminar, Vida Wellness and the British Heart Foundation National Centre for
Physical Activity and Health, June 2011, London. Invited Lecture.
2011. Skelton DA. Exercise in Cardiac heart Failure. Scottish Heart failure Nurses Forum, Edinburgh, May 2011. Invited Speaker.
2011. Harvey J, Chastin S, Skelton DA. Metabolic Response of Short Intervals in Walking. International Conference Physical Activity and Ambulatory
Monitoring (ICAMPAM), Glasgow, May 27th 2011. Oral.
2011. Laventure RL, Skelton DA. Enhancing participation in exercise to prevent falls. International Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Paris, Apr
2011. Symposia.
2011. Skelton DA. What motivates people to do exercise to prevent falls? Psychology Research Seminar, Bournemouth University, Feb 2011. Invited
2011. Skelton DA. Impact of ageing research on older people in Scotland: key knowledge gaps and what research is required now? NIHR Age and
Ageing Speciality Conference, Edinburgh, Jan 2011. Invited Speaker
2010. Laventure RL, Skelton DA. Active in Later Life – Making Active Choices & Increasing the Circle of Life. Older Adults Physical Activity Summit,
Scottish Government, Nov 2010. Joint Keynote.
2010. Skelton DA. Evidence based falls prevention into practice. Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Aberystwyth University. Invited Seminar
delivered live online as well.
2011. Skelton DA. Activity Avoidance and Interventions to prevent falls in older people with Visual Impairment. Webinar on behalf of Age UK’s
National Falls Awareness Week, June 2010. Invited Seminar online -
2010. Skelton DA, Neil FN, Mclellan A, Burleigh L, Anderson M, Lee A. Reduction in hip fracture admissions over a ten year period in a Scottish health
board with a well established falls and fracture liaison service. World Safety Conference Sept 2010, London
2010. Muhaidat J, Skelton DA, Kerr A, Evans JJ. The feasibility of different task combinations for the assessment of dual task performance in
community-dwelling fallers and non-fallers. 11th International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability Sept 2010, Oxford
2010. Burleigh L, Mclellan A, Skelton DA, Anderson M, Lee A, Harkness A. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Falls and Fracture Liaison Service Coordinated Health Care is Reducing Fractures and Falls. National Osteoporosis Society Annual Conference, Liverpool.. 28 Nov-1 Dec 2010.
(Premier Poster Candidate)
2010. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young SM et al. Are participants recruited to a physical activity intervention through primary care typical
of the older population? BGS Conference, Nov 2010.
2010. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young SM et al. What factors affect accrual rates of older people for physical activity in Primary Care trials
in the older population? SAPC Conference, Nov 2010.
2010. Perry L, Stevens Z, Barlow C, Gawler S, Pearl M, Haworth D, Kendrick D, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young SM, Masud T, Iliffe S. Capturing Adverse
Events in an RCT of Physical Activity Promotion for Older People in General Practice. 11th International Conference on Falls and Postural
Stability, Oxford, Sept 2010.
2010. Yarrow L, Nelson J, Skelton DA, MacPherson L, Young J, Dryden M. Stepping Forth with OTAGO. 11th International Conference on Falls and
Postural Stability, Oxford, Sept 2010.
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2010. McGrath G, Anderson M, Skelton DA. Fear of falling and balance confidence following 12 weeks of falls prevention exercise within the Greater
Glasgow and Clyde Falls Prevention Programme. 11th International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Oxford, Sept 2010.
2010. Fitzsimons C, MacMillan F, Rowe D, Black K, Grealy M, Evans A, MacDonald H, Grant M, Granat M, Skelton D, Shaw R, McConnachie A, Mutrie N.
West End Walkers 65+ (WEW65+): Baseline results from a primary care based walking intervention for older adults. BASES Conference,
Glasgow, Sept 2010.
2010. MacDonald H, MacMillan F, Fitzsimons C, Mutrie N, Rowe D, Shaw R, Grealy M, McConnachie A, Grant M, Granat M, Skelton D, Evans A, Black K:
Recruiting older adults from primary care into a walking intervention in Glasgow. Scottish School of Primary Care Conference 2010.
2010. Skelton DA. Effect of exercise on bone, balance and muscle strength. Biology of Ageing Conference. Royal Society of Medicine, London. 29th
June 2010. Invited Lecture.
2010. Burleigh L, Mclellan A, Skelton DA, Anderson M, Lee A, Harkness A. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Falls and Fracture Liaison Service Coordinated Health Care is Reducing Fractures and Falls. NHS Scotland Conference, Edinburgh. 7-8 June 2010. Poster. Won Clinical
Effectiveness Category.
2010. Skelton DA. The National Falls and Fracture Prevention Package. East Midlands and Trent Falls Symposium, Nottingham. 4 June 2010. Invited
2010. Skelton DA. Implementing programmes to encourage active healthy lifestyles in older people- the role of the Occupational Therapist. British
Association of Occupational Therapists and College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Brighton, UK. 24 June 2010. Keynote
2010. Ballinger C, Neil F, Howe T, Skelton DA. A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness and Experiences of Environmental and Behavioural
Interventions in Reducing Falls in Older People with Visual Impairment. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Chile. 4-7 May 2010.
2010. Waltham D, Skelton DA. Knowledge, skills and use of Assistive Computer Technology in Occupational Therapy Practice. World Federation of
Occupational Therapists, Chile. 4-7 May 2010. Poster
2010. Waltham D, Skelton DA. Introduction to Assistive Computer Technology. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Chile. 4-7 May 2010.
2010. Craig J, McInally L, Skelton DA. Clinical Applicability of HOMEFAST in Occupational Therapy Intervention. World Federation of Occupational
Therapists, Chile. 4-7 May 2010. Poster
2010. Neil F, Anderson M, Ballinger C, Skelton DA. A Model of service delivery and best use of Occupational Therapy Staff within a community falls
prevention service. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Chile. 4-7 May 2010. Poster
2010. Skelton DA. Falls prevention strategies. Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast, UK. 28 April 2010. Keynote
2010. Skelton DA. Active Ageing. Marjory Carpenter Lecture. EXTEND Annual General Meeting. 24th Apr 2010. Keynote
2010. Skelton DA. Strengths and weaknesses of falls prevention strategies. KT Equal (SPARC-MRC Seminar Series), Bristol, UK. 18th Mar 2010. Invited
2010 Skelton DA. UK Physical Activity Guidelines – Older Adults. Physical Activity & Health Alliance Scotland, Edinburgh, UK. 25 Feb 2010. Invited
2010. Skelton DA. Implementing programmes to encourage active healthy lifestyles in older people. Healthcare Events Falls Conference, London, UK.
11th Feb 2010. Invited Speaker and Workshop
2010. Skelton DA. Workshop: Implementing the Department of Health’s Older People’s Prevention Package. Healthcare Events Falls Conference,
London, UK. 11th Feb 2010. Invited Speaker
2010. Skelton DA. Active Ageing: Implications for policy. Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh. Invited Speaker to the Cross Party group on Older People.
26th Jan 2010.
2010. Skelton DA. Updating the UK Physical Activity Guidelines: results from consultation. National Coalition on Active Ageing, London. 19th Jan 2010.
Invited Speaker
2009. Pearl M, Dinan-Young S, Gawler S, Kendrick D, Skelton D, Iliffe S. What do we mean by quality assurance (QA) in a pragmatic trial in primary
care, and how do you do it? The ProAct65+ trial. Society for Academic Primary Care Annual Scientific Meeting, St.Andrews, UK, July 2009.
2009. Skelton DA. Active Ageing. Holyrood Magasine Conference, Edinburgh, UK. 23rd Nov 2009. Invited Speaker
2009. Skelton DA. Exercise with older people. British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation. Birmingham, UK. Oct 8-9, 2009. Keynote
2009. Skelton DA. Uptake and adherence to exercise to prevent falls. British Society of Gerontology, Bristol, UK. 3 Sept 2009. Invited Speaker
2009. Iliffe S, Kendrick D, Morris R, Gage H, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Stevens Z, Pearl M, Masud T, Mulvaney C, Barlow C, Haworth D, Gawler S. Multicentre cluster randomised trial comparing a community group exercise programme with home based exercise with usual care for people aged
65 and over in primary care: protocol of the ProAct 65+ trial. 10th National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Blackpool, UK. 7th Sept
2009. Poster
2009. McCarthy C, Skelton DA, Gallagher S, Mitchell L. How useful is the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) in a Falls Clinic population? 10th
National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Blackpool, UK. 7th Sept 2009. Oral. Won Jed Rowe Oral Prize.
2009. Hawley H, Skelton DA, Todd C. Understanding how we can engage and maintain older adults in exercise classes: the role of the exercise
instructor. 10th National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Blackpool, UK. 7th Sept 2009. Poster.
2009. Skelton DA. Physical activity, exercise and Osteoporosis. Baltic Bone Conference, Nyborg, Denmark. Aug 23-27th 2009. Keynote
2009. Skelton DA, NEIL F. An evaluation of the Falls Exercise Service for 65s and over who have fallen in Glasgow, Scotland. 19th IAGG World Congress,
Paris, France. 5th July 2009.
Page 12 of 14
2009. Skelton DA. Physical activity and osteoporosis. 36th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Vienna, Austria. 23rd May 2009. Invited Speaker
2009. Skelton DA. Falls Prevention – what are the gaps in the evidence? – International Symposium on Falls Prevention, Erlangen, Germany. 4th April
2009 Keynote
2009. Skelton DA. Evidence based exercise to prevent falls. Human & Exercise Physiology Themed Meeting of The Physiological Society. London, UK.
3rd April 2009. Invited Speaker
2009. Skelton DA. Keeping physically active. Preparing For Retirement Conference, Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK. 18th Feb 2009. Invited
2009. Skelton DA. Exercise to prevent falls. Balance, Vertigo and Dizziness Conference, Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK. 27th Jan 2009. Invited
2008. Skelton DA. Exercise and falls prevention in different settings (Oral). Berzelius Symposium77; Prevention of falls and injuries in older people.
Stockholm, (6-7 Nov 2008). Invited Speaker
2008. Tulle E, Ballinger C, Skelton D, Victor C. Ageing, Exercise and Culture: Pointers for a critical research agenda (Oral) The 6th International
Symposium on Cultural Gerontology, Spain (16-18 Oct 2008).
2005. Horne M, Skelton D, Todd C. Attitudes and beliefs about the uptake and adherence of exercise and physical activity in 60-70 years olds in
relation to fall prevention. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Meeting, Coventry.
2005. Dinan S, Kitchener S, Bernadout R, Gana J, Pethybridge J, Routh A, Chamberlain S, Kramer T, Iliffe S, Skelton DA. Camden & Islington PCT Falls
Exercise Service (FES). 6th National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, Manchester.
2005. Skelton D, Bruce S, Gentles H, Christopher AH, Rosenberg ME, Woledge RC. Responses to perturbations of gait while walking on a treadmill in
older females after a falls prevention programme. British Geriatric Society Autumn Meeting, Harrogate.
2004. Ali A, Morris RO, Skelton DA, Masud T. Falls Services in the UK – A Survey of UK Geriatricians. 5th National Conference on Falls and Postural
Stability, Manchester.
2003. Skelton DA, Gentles H, Bruce SA, Christopher AH, Rosenberg ME, Woledge RC. Normative corrective responses to the perturbation of the leg
during walking on a treadmill in older people with and without a history of falls. 4th National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, London
(Poster won Poster Prize)
2002. Skelton DA. FaME into practice - training the exercise teachers. A report to the European Union 5th Workshop on Mobility and Exercise,
Utrecht, Holland (Oral)
2002. Simey P, Skelton DA, Dinan S, Land S, Irwin D. From Research Into Reality: Setting up effective practical exercise programmes for Older Fallers.
2nd National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, London (Poster)
2002. Skelton DA, Thompson K, Cobbold M, Moosavi M, Rutherford O. A controlled trial of exercise training in older people using a mechanised
rotating platform – the Podiatron. 2nd National Conference on Falls and Postural Stability, London(Poster)
2001. Skelton DA. Balance Exercise in Falls Prevention – FaME into Practice. A report to the Exploratory Workshop on Interventions for Falls
Prevention, Brussels, European Commission (Oral). Invited Lecture
1999. Skelton DA, Rutherford O. SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire in self-reported frequent fallers and non-fallers. EGREPA Conference, Vittel,
France (Poster)
1999. Kennedy J, Skelton DA, Rutherford OM. Lower limb muscle strength in frequently falling community dwelling women aged 65 and over.
EGREPA Conference, Vittel, France (Oral)
1996. Skelton DA, McLaughlin AW, Carter F. Exercise promotion for over 75's - Experience of a general practitioner's surgery. Physical Activity, Aging
and Sports III, Finland (Poster)
1996. Skelton DA, Young A. Exercise for improvement of functional ability in elderly women. Physical Activity, Aging and Sports III, Finland (Oral)
EXTERNAL REVIEWER for the European Commission:
2007. LEARN FROM THE EUNESE PILOT PROJECTS EXPERIENCE: A 7-Step Guide to implement a successful intervention for injury prevention among
elderly people (65+). Center for Research & Prevention of Injuries (CEREPRI) on behalf of the European Network for Safety among Elderly
2006. Priorities for Elderly Safety in Europe: Agenda for Action. Policy Manual. An initiative of the European Network for Safety among Elderly
(EUNESE) by Johan Lund and the members of the Working Group 4.
Papers In Preparation:
Sandlund M, Skelton DA, Pohl P, Ahlgren C, Melander-Wikman A, Lundin-Olsson L. Views on exercise to prevent falls: Mixed methods review with a
gender persepctive. Submitting to Health Behaviours.
Kojima G, Iliffe S, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Masud T, Morris R, Griffin M, Haworth D, Kendrick D, Bowling A, for the ProAct65+ Team. Effects of
Group- and Home-Based Exercise Programmes on Quality of Life among Community-Dwelling Older People in England: the ProAct65+ Trial.
Submitting to Age Ageing. IF 3.058.
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Waterman H, Ballinger C, Brundle C, Chastin SFM, Gage H, Harper R, Henson D, Laventure RME, Mcevoy L, Pilling M, Olleveant N, Skelton DA, Stanford
P, Todd C. A feasibility study to prevent falls in older people who are severely visually impaired. Being prepared for Age Ageing.
Skelton DA, Backlund C, Walter M, Lundin-Olsson L. Older Women’s strategies for getting up from the floor – A descriptive study. Being prepared for
Physiotherapy: Theory and Practice.
Skelton DA, Rutherford O, Dinan-Young S, Sandlund M. FaME – Strength and Functional Ability improvements following falls preventative exercise.
Being prepared for Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.
Skelton DA, Rutherford O, Sandlund M, Dinan-Young S. FaME – Bone density results following falls preventative exercise. Being prepared for Journal
of Aging and Physical Activity.
Hawley-Hague H, Horne M, Skelton DA, Todd C. The definition of adherence in studies examining older adults’ participation in exercise classes. Being
prepared for Age & Ageing.
STANMORE E, O’NEILL T, SKELTON DA, OLDHAM J, TODD C. A pilot study to assess muscle strength and balance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
(Physical Therapy IF = 2.645/Archives for physical medicine and rehab IF = 2.54 or Physiology IF = 7.657)
STANMORE E, OLDHAM J, SKELTON DA, O’NEILL T , PILLING M, CAMPBELL AJ, TODD C. Fear of falling and associated risk factors in adults with
rheumatoid arthritis: A 1 year prospective study.
BURLEIGH L, MCLELLAN A, SKELTON DA, NEIL F, ANDERSON M, LEE A, HARKNESS A. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Falls and Fracture Liaison
Service - Coordinated Health Care is Reducing Fractures and Falls
SKELTON DA, GALLACHER SJ, MCCARTHY C, MACLEAN F, MITCHELL LE. The use of the Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) and National Osteoporosis
Guidelines Group (NOGG) advice in a Falls Clinic population: Diagnostic accuracy. Submitted to Osteoporosis International, Jun 2012. Resubmit
BROOKE-WAVELL K, SKELTON DA, MASUD T, DUCKHAM R, KENDRICK D, ILIFFE S. Influence of group and home based falls prevention exercise
programmes on regional fat and lean distribution in older people. Being prepared for Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
BROOKE-WAVELL K, SKELTON DA, MASUD T, DUCKHAM R, KENDRICK D, ILIFFE S. Physical activity and hip structure. Being prepared for Osteoporosis
BROOKE-WAVELL K, SKELTON DA, MASUD T, DUCKHAM R, KENDRICK D, ILIFFE S. Correlates of sarcopaenia in a UK primary care population of
community dwelling older people. Being prepared for The Gerontologist
HORNE M., WOODHAM A, SKELTON DA. Using nominal group technique to develop a culturally sensitive physical activity referral scheme for South
Asian older adults (working title). Health Expectations.
Sandlund M, Skelton DA, Pohl P, Ahlgren C, Melander-Wikman A, Lundin-Olsson L. Gendered views and preferences on exercise programs to prevent
falls in older women and men: A review. (Submitted to Physiotherapy Research International, Aug 2015). Resubmit
Submitted Abstracts:
Duckham RL, Masud T, Taylor R, Kendrick D, Carpenter H, Iliffe S, Morris R, Ladd H, Skelton DA, Dinan-Young S, Brooke-Wavell K. Effectiveness of a
Community Group and Home Based Exercise intervention on the maintenance of vertebral body height and prevention of vertebral compression
fractures in Older Adults: the ProAct65+ Bone Study. Submitted to World Congress on Active Ageing, Melbourne, June 2016.
Accepted Abstracts 2016:
Lloyd M, Skelton DA, Mead G, Williams B, van Wijck F. Systematic Review: Physical activity interventions for non-ambulatory stroke survivors.
Accepted for Society for Research in Rehabilitation (SRR), London, Feb 2nd 2016.
Dontje M, Leask C, Harvey J, Skelton DA, Chastin SFM. Why older adults spend time sedentary and break their sedentary behaviour: a mixed methods
approach. Accepted for 2nd Behaviour Change Conference: Digital Health and Wellbeing, UCL, London, Feb 24th 2016.
Dontje ML, Dall PM, Skelton DA, Chastin SFM on behalf of the Seniors USP Team. When is a change in sedentary behaviour a real change? Accepted
for ISBNPA 2016 annual meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, June 8-12, 2016.
Harvey JH, Chastin SFM, Skelton DA. SOS Study: Stomp Out (prolonged) Sitting in older adults living in sheltered housing complexes using activity
monitor feedback. Accepted for ISBNPA 2016 annual meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, June 8-12, 2016.
Leask CF, Skelton DA, Sandlund M, Chastin SFM. Co-creating a sedentary behaviour reducing intervention with older adults. Accepted for ISBNPA 2016
annual meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, June 8-12, 2016.
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