SCHOOL PLAN 2012 -2014 SCHOOL CONTEXT Premer Public School is situated on the Coonabarabran Rd approximately one hour from the centres of Gunnedah and Quirindi. The School has a dynamic staff and community representation and with an increase in community involvement it has raised its profile and boasts an increased enrolment of 28 students and operates with 2 classrooms. Premer school delivers quality teaching to all students. The school is well resourced drawing resources funded by National Partnerships and equity initiatives. The staff is invaluable and highly attentive to the needs of the students. The student enrolment of 28 comprises of a kindergarten-year 2 group of 13 with the remaining forming the other classes to year six. Twelve students represent the township with the remaining coming from outlying farms. The teaching staff comprises of two full time and one part time teacher with a SLSO employed 2 days a week and SAM position 7 days a fortnight. Our school has benefitted from LOW SES communities funding and equity funding of (CAP).Country Area program. We are proactive in encouraging a high level of participation and work ethic which inevitably results in increased self esteem and confident young members of our community. We also actively draw on the increasing bank of community support which assists our schools capacity. The school engages specialised talent in our area including public speaking consultants, technology coordinators, sport coaches and artistic personnel The school has an important network of surrounding schools which meet together with consultants to drive specific school targets. Students benefit from sound teaching practice through these initiatives and also have the opportunity to meet with other schools regularly in social and sporting pursuits. Key: National Partnership CAP Global black spent funds 2014 updates Proposed target INTENDED OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY AREA/S Literacy Numeracy Target achieved Target not achieved or modified Enhanced school leadership capacity for school improvement Increased levels of literacy achievement for every student in line with State, Regional and School Plan targets Diminished gap in literacy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students. Increase levels of numeracy achievement for every student in line with State, Regional and School Plan targets Increased use of technology to enhance mathematical concepts. Enhance ICT infrastructure Teachers trained in early numeracy strategies The staff and students have greater access and skills in the use of digital educational resources Improved emotional well being of students The staff will engage in professional learning and research on the National curriculum. TARGET/S Matched Year 5 students will achieve greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN 2012 in spelling and reading by 2013 Matched Year 5 students will achieve greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN 2012 in numeracy by 2013 PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE: SED ENDORSEMENT : DATE: Enhanced school leadership capacity for school improvement Increased levels of literacy achievement for every student in line with State, Regional and School Plan targets Diminished gap in literacy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students. TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY : Literacy Matched Year 5 students will achieve greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN spelling and reading by 2013 Increase the percentage of students in the school who can who can construct texts which are well structured and descriptive to 60% , currently 40%. STRATEGIES INDICATORS MONITORING Teachers are encouraged to access learning communities and develop skills and Knowledge in reading to learn. Enrol in courses and networking opportunities that are relevant to target areas as professional development opportunities arise. Notebook software. Classroom teachers embed quality teaching. Online courses in understanding Dyslexia will give support to teachers . Determining the frequency and effectiveness of professional learning. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY CRT LAST Reform R1234 FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET TPL $1200 Level of comprehension in reading to learn sessions. TPL $1030 Level of students’ sustained quality writing. Intervention for students Establish a teacher to assess and analyse data in the area of reading and spelling Use of software and development of software with students and teachers to improve spelling. Regular testing and use of variety of activities to support spelling. Multilit and Minilit is used as individual and group intervention program 3 times a week. Improved diagnostic assessment of literacy learning in Kindergarten. Community helpers support classroom teacher in reading. Parents indicate a higher level of participation in reading programs. Peer interactions and level of interest with reading activities. LAST and Support teacher Assessment in Multilit. Assessment in Minilit. Formative assessments. CRT SLSO Opportunity for each term reading roster for both classrooms. Parents community R24 .1 Allocation $13,200 1 day 3 days SLSO $19800 2013 STRATEGIES INDICATORS MONITORING CRT released to: administer tests In Best Start, spelling benchmarking ongoing evaluation Evaluation of NAPLAN data of any weaknesses in students’ performance in literacy Analysis of individual needs and provision of support Regular updating and monitoring student progress using PLAN software Purchase authentic texts to supplement class and home reading. Personal Reading log books School magazine for every student in upper division. Introduce RAFT at 10:00 (Read anything for ten .) Subscribe to books in homes Purchase writing prompts box. Set up after school study centre. Resources. Targeted groups show growth and increase in confidence. Evaluating student work samples over each semester Targeted students needs identified in NAPLAN PLAN and school based reporting. Adjustments made by LST support team and SLSO. Sample survey of students with self monitoring and reflection of how they rate their learning. Computer coordinator to lead projects to develop computer skills Provide variety of stimulus to model and provide time to have sustained writing time. Evaluated by the students capacity to write effectively. High level literature texts and Modelled writing resources purchased. Books with a focus on Oral literacy will assist speech difficulties. Students accountable for reading High level interest readers with Aboriginal theme. Higher level of enjoyment in reading Increased fluency Staff capacity to improve student learning outcomes consolidated. Homework routines established All students in K-6 will develop skills in computer use and have access to develop digital content. Innovative use of interactive technologies TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Reform R2 CRT CRT LAST Students parents Continue program based on interest and availability of staff. SLSO Principal Parents $3300 8 days casual 3 term 1 2 term 2 I term 3 2 term 4 .1Allocation LST Survey students Allocate time for specific time to teach writing Reward reading regular log book entries with new books at gift giving ceremonies. FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET R 245 NP Low SES $530 S1200 $333 $640 $405 $538 R2346 R14 $400 Computer coordinator wages STRATEGIES INDICATORS MONITORING Employment of additional teacher to enable fluid and flexible grouping targeting students with identified needs using school Best Start and NAPLAN assessments 0.2 shared for Numeracy outcomes Students enter the classroom with a mindset and capacity to learn. Use additional teacher to provide individual and small group support in literacy if school enrolment increases to 26. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Principal SLSO Reform R345 Minilit & Multilit reading programs implemented to move target students on the Literacy continuum. Specific allowances Focus on building vocabulary and increasing typing speed through type quick program. Introduce daily editing tasks and proof reading tests on the grammar focus using the computer. Utilise Ipads for building vocabulary Teachers choose strategies through SMART software. Assess writing and explicitly teach writing criteria using English K-6 syllabus. Employ a computer tutor to assist in publishing word documents and graphic elements utilising software Support teachers for professional learning for the introduction of the National curriculum Professional learning in specific software that is comprehensive and sustained over time. FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET NP Low SES $21,542 Wages teacher 0.2 $22,515 $10,920 wages teacher $9600 wages SLSO Students showing improved literacy skills Ongoing assessment Computer utilised efficiently as a tool to improve writing . School assessments will show that more students are demonstrating stage appropriate outcomes in writing. Students will have skills to access tools to write texts that have the components of NAPLAN writing criteria. The texts will be published in newsletters. Students will publish a short story and poetry anthology for school and personal use. Principal R3 NP Low SES $1,135 $1287allowance CRT Principal Coordinate with Principal to provide individual tuition in publisher word documents. Teachers will be familiar with the components of the English syllabus. Monitor writing styles and criteria with regular peer evaluations. Use works samples and compare with local schools Teachers will be equipped to deliver lessons which are engaging to students. Train students in using software effectively. Computer tutor R34 Staff SASS 234 Computer Coordinator See table below $1700 term 1and 2 $1700 term 3and 4 $4818 12 5 $2468 1800 terms 1 and 2 $642 term 3 and 4 STRATEGIES INDICATORS Speech and Drama consultant employed to assist individuals to write speeches reports and plays. High participation and success in public Speaking and writing competitions. MONITORING TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Principal Consultant Parents Reform 2346 FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET $2400 Term 1 2 $2680 It is intended at the end of the three year cycle that the school will: Increase levels of numeracy achievement Increased use of technology to enhance mathematical concepts. Enhance ICT infrastructure Have greater access to digital educational resources. Teachers trained in early numeracy strategies Matched Year 5 students will achieve greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN 2012 in numeracy by 2014 TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY : Numeracy STRATEGIES INDICATORS MONITORING TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Use situational analysis information to prepare school plan and modify annually. Conduct phone interviews organise surveys and analyse data School leaders can report on findings Forums surveys dialogue with teachers and SED Principal SAM Low SES National Partnership Funding program ended in December 2013. School community Reform R5 6 Teacher employed FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET NP Low SES $2,400 casual wages TPL Semester 2 $1700 $660 casual release Provide professional learning and resources to support the implementation of the maths syllabus Workshops on Numeracy Continuum NSW Syllabus, arithmetic strategies and error analysis. Small School cross- stage programming Provide professional learning for stage 1 teachers to be trained in early numeracy strategies Provide training in PLAN for kindergarten teacher. Assessment and reporting Targeted groups supported from analysis of NAPLAN and school based data Numeracy team works on Implementation of the syllabus including checklists scope and sequence and programing formats Build on performance of higher achieving students to next stage level. Evaluating courses and providing opportunities for further learning when available to enhance learning Principal Teacher Quality Advisor and officers R1 5 Global $1200 Casual teacher $900.00 Increase in the level of engagement of stage 1 and stage 2 as evidenced by classroom observation. Adjustments put in place with evidencein programs to cater for the needs of relevant students Targeted groups show growth and confidence Diminished gap in numeracy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students No early literacy professional development courses were available. Principal Move students along the literacy and numeracy continuum. Provide regular feedback to parents Monitor through work samples and Personal learning plans Teacher Quality Officers CRT Principal Teachers Curriculum advisors and officers learning and engagement officer Global $660 Casual teacher STRATEGIES INDICATORS MONITORING Utilise math software programs and smart notebook on all computers Trial wireless network for improved access IXL maths software program for schools and homes. Skwirk Software. Professional learning in smart notebook and other maths software. Upgrade technology with new computers and Ipads and apps. A secure reliable computer environment is supporting student learning and engagement Wireless network working well. Registration in smart notebook professional learning Training was not extensive. Continue to source training. Region R 1,2,3 Access National partnership support staff to present early numeracy workshops to teachers and parents Contribution to Region Innovative use of interactive technologies No workshops were available National Partnership funding ened in December 2013. SEO CRT Parents R 1,2,3,6 Restructure timetable to have mental operations as part of the morning block Increase performance of lower performing students in the speed and accuracy they process mental operations and problems. Weekly testing of mentals, problems and tables facts. CRT Principal Support Staff R24 Continue to develop quick recall of tables facts. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Principal DEC IT staff Reform R1 3 FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET $563 software $360 Hardware $6,000 $3,000 CAP $965 hardware $1850 $1993 $1200 $600 resources OUTCOME/S It is intended at the end of the three year cycle that: The staff and students have greater access and skills in the use of digital educational resources Improved emotional well being of students The staff will engage in professional learning and research on the National curriculum. STRATEGIES Arrange video conferencing opportunities for online writing interschool debating and Maths challenges. TARGET/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY : Literacy & Numeracy ( Focus on engagement and ICT) Matched Year 5 students will achieve greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN 2012 in spelling and reading by 2014 Matched Year 5 students will achieve greater than or equal to expected growth in NAPLAN 2012 in numeracy by 2014 INDICATORS MONITORING TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Reform FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET Global $800 Students will have peer interaction and support Teacher and peer led discussion and reflection Principal CRT Students will experience success in their learning by being able to support their own learning 34 Monitor individual proficiency on each skill. Focus on achievements and results document strengths and weaknesses Support to write descriptive stories. Principal: leads self evaluation process and researches best practice Leads through professional development opportunities Improved access to and training in computer programs. Adjust strategies accordingly to modify plans if professional learning in the above are not available. Principal CRT Learning and engagement Coordinator CAP $3,000 126 STRATEGIES INDICATORS MONITORING Upgrade computers and network. Students surveyed respond with positive comments Students are given multiple opportunities to display skills Evidence based data of teaching and learning. Students will regularly use technology as a tool for learning SED to inform of new course available pertinent to above learning. Utilise regional ICT staff to train students and staff in new programs in notebook software Deliver curriculum using videoconferencing Reports to community via ASR. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Region Principal Computer Coordinator Reform $6,000 12345 Computer coordinator was employed . School also sourced personnel skilled in teaching programs and purchased computers. Employ a computer coordinator to assist students in developing computer skills. FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET $4800 $300 Office supplies Writer of the week competition. Student written work chosen to be published in newsletter. Develop an anthology of student written work to be put in a compilation for a school magazine at the end of the year. Peer will judge high level literature based on writing criteria for various social purposes. (Information, entertainment, fact) Printing company Printing costs $2000 Author and Illustrator workshops. Develop networks with Wollemi school group to share resources on National Curriculum. Build upon existing network in Tamworth network to assist in implementing school reforms. Local school staff meetings at central school each fortnight build networks and group professional learning opportunities. Plan meetings according to specific need in school plan and departmental reforms Keep up to date with recent school reforms Every student every school. Disability standards. Rural and Remote Education , Great Teaching inspired learning. Attend PPA meetings. PLAST trial Librarian Author Illustrator Craig smith Phil Kettle Principals CRT learning and engagement officers. Leaning and Leadership personnel Public Director of schools R 2,3,5,6 INDICATORS MONITORING STRATEGIES Use video conferencing facilities to take part in virtual excursions and other learning opportunities with schools. Improved access to learning opportunities at reduced cost for rural and remote students. Develop and maintain professional practice . Release proficient teachers to mentor accredited teachers through planning lesson observations. New Scheme teacher will have opportunities for professional development based on student needs school plan and areas of strengths and development. Teachers and SASS staff will be given opportunities to continue professional development. Encourage placements for internship at Premer School. Teachers plan together to support individuals and groups. Taking different groups to provide extra support. Implement Live life well action plan Implement Tai chi well being and dance program All students benefit from shared and team teaching approach. Physical well being Greater concentration in class Improved physical fitness More energy for challenging tasks Present dances for community dances. Live Life Well training for additional classroom Teacher Personal learning Plans are developed for Aboriginal students and other students who are at risk. Supporting and increasing the level of performance for each student. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY CRT Principal DART virtual excursions Online writers program Through regular reading and updates in School Biz, PSA and My PL teachers and SASS staff will monitor own learning opportunities. Reform Reforms 3 46 LST Support Teacher CRT Principal SAM Reforms 1 23456 Evaluate programs on completion to extend or discontinue. Tai Chi Program not available Principal Teachers parents 146 Each term plans reviewed and adjusted according to needs. Ongoing plan to implement. Parents Students CRT Principal Aboriginal Consultant 456 Findings reported to classroom teachers. teachers continue to build on their strengths in professional development FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET Global funds Release 20 days As training presents. Mentoring training for LMBR reforms for SASS staff and Principal 10 days $2000 $300 CAP $1500 dance classes term 2 $350 Tai Chi instructor for 10 weeks in term 1 Funded by Govt Casual Release $660 $150 INDICATORS MONITORING STRATEGIES Adopt a plan for peer mediation to settle any minor disputes. Online Course challenging behaviours Social emotional well being of each student is child improved. Processes are in place for conflict resolution strategies. Students can support each other. Lower levels of conflict. Resolve conflicts and improve behaviour and relationships. Give strategies to students to adopt at school and beyond. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 2014 RESPONSIBILITY Provide training and support Monitor progress through students’ satisfaction. School leaders Principal School Counsellor Monitor at whole school level after implementing interventions. Principal CRT Reform 3 4 FUNDING SOURCE/ BUDGET CAP$300 $150 Reforms 356 Minimal funding. Online learning after school. National Partnership Reforms Reform 1 Incentives to attract high performing teachers Reform 2 Adoption of best practice performance management and staffing arrangements that articulate a clear role for principals Reform 3 School operational arrangements that encourage innovation and flexibility Reform 4 Provide innovative and tailored learning opportunities Reform 5 Strengthen school accountability Reform 6 External partnerships with parents, other schools, businesses and communities and the provision of extended services (through brokering arrangements)