Ref:100 AS 03/2009 FOR THE PROVISION OF A DIGITAL DELIVERY INFRASTRUCTURE PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE (PQQ) 1.1 Introduction a) The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) produces a wide range of electronic charts, publications and miscellaneous navigational and non-navigational products for both commercial and defence customers. b) The UKHO is seeking to create a configurable digital delivery infrastructure which addresses process, technology and safety with respect to the management of digital data and the building of quality finished products and services in a data warehouse accessible to internal and external customers given the appropriate permissions. 1.2 Project Definition The Digital Delivery Infrastructure project was developed to create a strategic delivery solution for all of the UKHO’s Digital Products and Services (Commercial and Defence). The project aims to provide a configurable and robust delivery infrastructure capable of supporting the UKHO’s existing digital Product and Metadata requirements, and servicing the UKHO’s future Digital Products Strategy. That is, providing the capability to reliably manage: the secure receipt of digital data from a variety of internal and external data providers; the validation of supplied digital data and product metadata against specified International Standards, Defence specific standards and UKHO proprietary standards; the configuration management and workflow to assemble and build multiple products and services to defined formats; the validation checking of finished products and services, ready for customer delivery, and the distribution service to provide both online access and replication to build hard copy media products. Digital data items and products contain information potentially vital to the safe navigation of vessels at sea. The UKHO therefore has a duty to assess the data it receives and to promulgate essential and quality controlled updates to customers as rapidly as possible. The key elements of the project are; a) Quality Control - During product data import the DDI solution shall ensure the data is free from viruses, the data supplier is authenticated and the data meets basic specified format standards. In workflow management the product data will automatically be validated against a UKHO defined rules database and specified standards. The DDI solution shall include a Chart display facility for system operators to evaluate whether errors identified through the rules database checking are navigationally significant. A similar rules database checking facility against finished products shall ensure that products and services built from the supplied component data meets bespoke UKHO and OEM (SENC) product specifications as well as IHO Product Specifications. 106754201 1 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 b) Configuration Management - The DDI solution shall support the creation of schemas to configuration manage processes against data suppliers, services, units, folios, release rules, permissions, customer requirements, export standards, media types, minimum content, validation rules and to meet specified schedules. Configuration management shall also control ‘item’ versioning, workflow states and associated metadata. c) Workflow & Scheduling - The DDI solution shall enable automatic processing and scheduling based upon configuration management schemas and status alerts; for example alert against non conforming items. Route through the Workflow shall change dependant upon whether certain events occur or do not occur. For example, new rules may apply if Validation is incomplete by a specified point in time or checking may have finished after another dependant process. However, authorised system operators shall have the facility to override an individual alert status and continue scheduled processing. d) Defining New Products and Services - The DDI solution shall be of a modular design to facilitate the easy introduction of new digital products, services, checking mechanisms, signing systems, permit generators or new product build standards without having to significantly change the infrastructure. Introducing new digital services shall predominantly involve the definition and creation of new schemas. e) Scalability - The DDI solution shall be easily scalable such that adding new products and services will not compromise the scheduling of existing workflows or degrade the reliability or robustness of the delivery infrastructure. The project plans to deliver two instances of the DDI solution. One instance will operate on the UKHO Commercial network and one instance on the Defence secure network. The project anticipates a high degree of commonality between the Commercial and Defence modular solution design. As a consequence of the security restrictions dictating the development of the Defence solution, this OJEU competition shall be restricted to those companies that have List-X* status or are willing to undertake the clearance process in order to become so registered. *A List-X site is a commercial site (i.e. non-Government) on UK soil that is approved to hold UK government protectively marked information marked as 'confidential' and above. It is applied to a site and not a company. The term has been used since the 1930s and is equivalent to facility security clearance (FSC) used in other countries. The Invitation To Tender is likely to seek responses with respect to two LOTS; whereby potential bidders can respond to either of the packaged LOTS or the complete DDI solution. LOTS are likely to be logically separated into components; the expert knowledge and management of digital data defined by IHO ENC special publications, and the expect knowledge with respect to delivering business solutions (workflow, reporting, Oracle geospatial databases). The successful Contractor(s) will be required to integrate their bespoke software modules with UKHO preferred COTS applications and existing UKHO propriety modules. Where more than one supplier is selected by the UKHO evaluation team, the project will manage the supplier interfaces. With the exception of the UKHO nominated COTS modules and the successful Contractor(s) recommended COTS modules; the UKHO seeks to own the DDI solution IPR. DDI hardware shall be procured using the UKHO’s existing supplier arrangements. 106754201 2 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 The project team envisage a gradual phasing for delivery and launch of the DDI solution by division (Commercial & Defence) and sub divided by digital product type. Working closely with the UKHO project team, the service transfer will include component and solution design documentation, knowledge transfer, training, data migration, desk working practices and support agreements. 1.3 Purpose The purpose of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is to establish the Applicant Organisation’s technical capability, commercial standing, financial viability and ability to undertake a project of this nature. 2 COMPLETION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2.1 In this document, “Applicant Organisation” means the company that is seeking selection as a bidder in the above-mentioned project. Where a consortium is seeking selection, a lead party must be nominated at the outset and be identified in the PQQ. The lead party must have the authority to act on behalf of the Applicant Organisation throughout the competition process. The lead party should therefore complete a single PQQ response on behalf of the consortium. 2.2 Applicant Organisations should note that, if one of its member companies withdraws from the consortium formed for the purpose of bidding for this project, or is replaced by another, we will regard this as a new consortium which will be required to undergo the full pre-qualification process before being admitted to the competition. 2.3 All questions contained in the questionnaire must be answered or, if not, reasons provided. Failure to complete all or part of the questionnaire without reasonable cause, or failure to provide sufficient narrative or comment where required, may be used as grounds for rejection of an applicant organisation’s request to be selected. 2.4 Responses should be strictly sequenced in the order that the questions are asked. 2.5 Please supply 1 soft copy of your response, (for Company accounts 1 hard or soft copy is required) clearly marked with the respondent Company’s name. All pages and all paragraphs are to be numbered. The UKHO and any advisers it may use will treat all responses as commercially confidential (Protect - Commercial). Respondents are also advised that their responses may be reproduced by MOD and that no further indication or request for permission will be made. Such reproduction will be for use by MOD and its advisers solely in connection with this pre-qualification exercise. 3 3.1 RETURN OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE Completed questionnaires should be returned by 08:00 hours, 09 November 2009 to: Commercial Manager 2 The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Admiralty Way Taunton Somerset TA1 2DN Further details can be obtained from: Andrea Stout, Commercial Manager 2 Tel: 01823 723355 Fax: 01823 326885 E mail: 106754201 3 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 4 COPYRIGHT 4.1 Recipients should note that the copyright in all the documentation issued by the Contracting Authority for the purpose of this exercise rests with the Crown and its contents should be treated in confidence. Unless necessary for the completion of this exercise, reproduction of this document, or any of the documents provided by the Contracting Authority, either in whole or in part other than for the purpose for which it is issued, is forbidden except with the express written permission of the Contracting Authority. 5 COSTS 5.1 Applicant Organisations are responsible for all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by them in connection with the preparation and submission of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and of any resulting tender and related negotiations. 6 SURETY 6.1 UKHO reserves the right not to follow up this invitation to submit a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and/or cancel the procurement process at any time. 106754201 4 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 SECTION A COMMERCIAL INFORMATION DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT ORGANISATION A1. Registered name. A2. Current trading name. A3. Previous trading name (if different from current trading name). A4. Registered address. A5. Authorised Person for contact purposes. A6. Telephone Number of A5 A7. Fax Number of A5. A8. E-mail address A9. Is the applicant organisation a (please tick appropriate) Single Bidder Consortium A10. Type of Organisation (Private Limited Company; Partnership; UK Public Limited Company, UK Registered Branch of Overseas Company; Other (please specify and state if listed on the London Stock Exchange). A11. Please give UK registration number (if appropriate). IF THE APPLICANT ORGANISATION IS A CONSORTIUM, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTION A12. A12. Please give details of how the Consortium will be formed. A13. If the questionnaire is being completed by an agent on behalf of a principle, please give the name, address and status of the agent. A14. Please provide a brief history of the Company including parent and associated companies. (no more than 150 words) A15. Please give details of your organisations membership of professional or trade Associations A16. Please provide copies of published business plans. 106754201 5 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 SECTION B FINANCIAL INFORMATION DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT ORGANISATION NOTES 1. The details requested in this section should be supplied by each member (if required) of the applicant organisation identified in response to Section A. 2. Applicant organisations and their members are to note that, throughout this section, “accounts” refers to the full statutory report and audited financial statements. Abbreviated, abridged, modified or summary accounts are NOT sufficient. B1. Unless already supplied to UKHO within the last six months please supply copies of the last two years’ audited accounts. If any such accounts are not available, for example, in the case of a new business or partnership, a full explanation should be given below, together with equivalent financial information certified by the directors or partners. If already supplied please state when and to whom. B2. Please supply any published interim accounts relating to periods after the last full audited account. B3. Please provide details of any post balance specific event(s) between: a) The date on which the last set of accounts was authorised for issue. b) The date submission of this pre-qualification questionnaire which, had the accounts not been authorised for issue until this submission date, would have required to be adjusted for, or disclosed in accordance with the provision of SSAP 17 (Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 17 – Accounting for post balance sheet events) B4. Please supply copies of any announcements made to the authorities of the Stock Exchange, market or bourse on which the stocks and shares of the company are publicly traded, since the date of publication of the last audited set of accounts. B5. Please provide a statement of any material pending or threatened litigation or other legal proceedings. B6. Please identify any claims for damages awarded during the last three years. B7. If you are considering submitting a bid as part of a consortium, please provide details of its legal status, constitution and the percentage shareholding of each member. B8. Please provide any further information and commentary necessary for a fair appreciation of the condition and prospects of the applicant organisation and members thereof including, but not limited to: a) Recent management accounts and future budget information. b) Significant pending developments in ownership, prospective take-over bids or buy-outs. c) Details of financial resources and facilities presently available to the organisation. 106754201 6 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 SECTION C MANAGEMENT INFORMATION DETAILS OF APPLICANT ORGANISATION C1. Please provide a summary of the relevant experience of the key management staff who would be involved in the delivery of the system, their experience of project management and team management in particular. C2. Please provide a summary of the relevant experience of the key technical staff who would be involved in the delivery of the system including the development environments with which they are familiar. C3. Please explain your policy on staff management, development, recruiting, selection, training and retention. C4. Please give details of how project teams are constituted and resourced within your organisation. C5. Please provide a summary of how you approach quality assurance, what and how quality standards are implemented by your organisation and how you approach risk management. C6. How is software reliability assured in your organisation? C7. Please provide a summary of why you consider yourselves to be particularly suitable to undertake delivery of this digital delivery infrastructure. C8. Please state whether your List-X accreditation is current, recently lapsed, awaiting assignment, or not yet requested. If you hold a similar accreditation from a non UK government department would you provide details? 106754201 7 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 SECTION D TECHNICAL INFORMATION DETAILS OF APPLICANT ORGANISATION Experience D1. Please provide a summary of your experience, within the last three years, of the following: a) Developing Graphical User Interfaces b) Design & development of component based solutions c) Workflow management tools (for example K2 blackpearl) d) International Hydrographic Organisation ENC standards S-57, S57(S63), S-58, S65 and draft S-100 e) Managing Hydrographic Office digital information, validation and graphical chart display systems. f) Working with ORACLE Geospatial Databases. g) Specifying end user configurable reporting tools h) Developing Knowledge / Rules Based systems i) Developing Web services D2. Please provide a summary of your experience of software integration projects that have: a) Rules and knowledge based engines automating manual tasks b) Software encryption / decryption S-57 (S-63) c) Geospatial software libraries (e.g. checking for overlapping ENC cells) d) Workflow e) Delivering multi media outputs f) Licensing schemes and digital signing g) Database management h) Flexible reporting services i) Web services j) Third party software components D3. Please provide a summary of your experience of working with customer sites on business process re-engineering. D4. Please provide a summary of your experience of; implementing systems that process protectively marked information, and the Ministry of Defence IT Security Accreditation Process. D5. Please summarise your experience of providing effective Storage Strategy solutions, specifically the storage of digital navigation products. D6. Please provide a summary of your experience of safety related systems. In particular: Application of, or evidence of a sound understanding of, Defence Standard 00-56 Application of, or evidence of a sound understanding of, Defence Standard 00-55 Application of, or evidence of a sound understanding of ,Defence Standard 00-58 Evidence of an understanding of the potential issues around the use of COTS software in safety related applications Evidence of familiarity with the following documents: o Safety plan 106754201 8 Ref:100 AS 03/2009 o o o D7. System hazard analysis report Safety case Hazard log Please provide a summary of your experience of delivering systems that have included conformance to the following Standards ISO 19100 series of geospatial standards (especially ISO19115 Geographic Information – Metadata) collectively termed ISO TC211 standards. Approach D8. Please give details of how you would normally deliver software products paying attention to: Product selection Solution design Prototyping Testing and customer acceptance Training and documentation D9. Please explain in outline how you would manage an incremental implementation to minimise disruption of business as usual work and maximise benefits realisation. What issues would you be particularly concerned about? D10. Please provide details of your approach to the interface between subcontractors and the customer. Licensing, Support and Maintenance D11. Please give details of your approach to warranty, the support of software products, the nature of support provided to UK customers and the logistics of obtaining on-site support in the UK D11. I/We certify that to the best of my/our knowledge that the information provided in response to this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire is correct. I/We understand that false or incomplete information could result in my/our not being considered for inclusion in the select list of tenderers. Signed:…………………………………… Name:………………………………………. Date:……………………………………… Position:………………………………….. For and on behalf of: …………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. A director, partner or other senior representative of the organisation should sign the questionnaire. The information in this document shall be treated as confidential. 106754201 9