SP Research Paper Rubric

Senior Project - Research Paper Rubric
“A” (90-100)
EXEMPLARY Stands as a model for future papers on the topic.
Papers receiving a 90 to 100 show clear and consistent mastery of content and organization, as well as reasonably consistent mastery in the
categories of language use and mechanics/vocabulary. Papers receiving a 90-100 contain no critical errors and contain minimal (0-3) other
grammar mistakes. Critical errors include fragments, run-ons, comma splices, subject-verb agreement errors, pronoun-antecedent
agreement errors, and apostrophe errors. Papers must include the minimum number of required sources. Papers must meet the minimum
length requirement of 5 full pages.
Thesis presents well-phrased controlling idea/argument
All argumentative statements are persuasively worded and logically support thesis with a related point
Each body paragraph contains well-chosen documented material that effectively support the point
All quotes are embedded in lead-in sentences
Interpretations present insightful, well-developed analysis
Essay effectively uses relevant research to develop points
Essay maintains focus on controlling idea, all points are substantial and well-developed
Essay demonstrates attention paid to the audience and the purpose
Concluding paragraph draws conclusions that go beyond restating thesis
Paragraphs logically sequenced
Smooth transitions between and within paragraphs create coherence and unity
Documented material arranged logically within paragraph to support topic sentences
Fluent expression of ideas
Focus maintained throughout essay
Language Use/Vocabulary:
Sentences varied in length and structure
Diction appropriate for academic writing
Unique, confident and engaging voice and style
Word choices are engaging and fresh
Proper syntax
“B” (80-89)
Works Cited (MLA)
___ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
Parenthetical Citations (MLA)
____ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
( ) yes
( ) no
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
( ) yes
( ) no
Papers receiving a grade of 85 to 89 show reasonably consistent mastery in the categories of content and organization, as well as adequate
mastery in the categories of language use and mechanics/vocabulary. Papers earning this grade may contain one to two critical errors and
4-6 other grammar mistakes. Papers must include at least four sources.
Thesis presents solid controlling ideas
All topic sentences support thesis with a related point, though wording may be imprecise or the argument may be vague
Each body paragraph contains adequate documented material that support the thesis, though some may not be as strong as others
All quotes are embedded in lead-in sentences
Commentary is generally insightful but could be developed further
Generally maintains focus of controlling idea, though some points could further clarified or developed
Essay generally demonstrates attention paid to audience and purposes
Concluding paragraph generally effective, though it may restate thesis or points already made
Paragraphs logically sequenced
Transitions between and within paragraphs generally effective, though coherence can be strengthened
Documented material arranged logically within paragraph to support topic sentences
Focus generally maintained throughout essay, though some points may be tangential
· Language Use/Vocabulary:
Some sentence variety with effective but simple sentence
constructions, some complex constructions
Occasional errors in diction
Generally effective syntax
Word choices are adequate for the assignment, though
not very engaging or fresh
Works Cited (MLA)
___ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
Parenthetical Citations (MLA)
____ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
( ) yes
( ) no
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
( ) yes
( ) no
“C-D” (70-79)
Papers receiving a grade of 75 to 79 show adequate mastery in the categories of content and organization, as well as developing mastery in
the categories of language use and mechanics/vocabulary. Papers earning this grade may contain 3-5 critical errors, / 7-10 other grammar
mistakes, or both. Papers must include at least three sources.
Thesis present but vaguely or imprecisely stated
Controlling idea apparent but needs clarification and development
Topic sentences tend to state a fact about the text, or do not have a clear argumentative point, or are unrelated to thesis
Documented material may not be well-chosen, or may be irrelevant, or do not effectively support topic sentences
Documented material may not be properly embedded in lead-in sentences
Commentary tends to restate the quote, or do not make developed or insightful points, or are rather simplistic, lacking insight
(may retell the story)
Little or no attention paid to audience or purpose
Essay may not maintain focus of controlling idea, tends to wander or treat topic in a superficial manner
Paragraphs may not flow logically
Weak transitions between and within paragraphs that prevent coherence
Documented material may be disconnected, poorly arranged
Essay may not be effectively unified, essay tends to lack coherence
Language Use/Vocabulary:
Major problems with simple/complex constructions
Sentences may tend to be choppy or syntax may be awkward
Simple diction characterized by idiomatic usage
No distinct voice or style expressed
Major syntax problems
Word choices are simplistic
“F” (0-69)
Works Cited (MLA)
___ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
Parenthetical Citations (MLA)
____ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
( ) yes
( ) no
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
( ) yes
( ) no
Papers earning this grade contain6 or more critical errors, more than 10 other grammar mistakes, or both. Papers may utilize too few
Thesis vague or not discernible, lacks argumentative focus
Controlling idea is vague or over-generalized or not present
Topic sentences do not relate to thesis or are not present
Documented material poorly chosen or absent and/or not embedded in lead-in sentences
Commentary restates documented material, interpretation is superficial and demonstrates no insightful analysis
No attention paid to audience or purpose
Essay does not show understanding of topic
No apparent organization to essay
Points randomly made
Essay lacks coherence and unity
Language Use/Vocabulary:
Diction inappropriate for academic writing
Many syntax problems
Word choices are poor
Number of Critical Errors __________
Works Cited (MLA)
( ) correct) ( ) incorrect
Cited (MLA)
( )(correct)
___ sources
(2 gov, edu, org)
) yes ( )(incorrect
) no
6 sources (2 gov,
edu, org)
(MLA) ( () )yes
correct)( )( no
) incorrect
____ sources (2 gov, edu, org)
( ) yes
( ) no
Number of Other Errors__________