APUSH Talking Points The Ferment of Reform and Culture 1790 to 1860 AP Focus From 1830s to 1850s, the nation experiences a burst of reform activity, Various movements set out to democratized the nation further by combating what they see as institutions and ideas thwart the expressions of democratic values principles. American Pageant: Chapter #15 The Ferment of Reform and Culture 1790 to 1860 A third revolution accompanied the formation of American politics and the transformation or the American economy in the mid nineteenth century - the desire to improve the character of ordinary citizens and make them more upstanding and godfearing and literate. YOUR NOTES: What is the Antebellum Period? The time belonging to the period before a war, especially the American Civil War. POLITICAL, SOCIAL, and ECONOMIC ISSUES of the ANTEBELLUM PERIOD Unfavorable POLITICAL conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. many Americans were excluded from the political process Women were disenfranchised Free blacks were disenfranchised In some states, property ownership was a requirement for voting Unfavorable ECONOMIC conditions 1. Oppressed urban workers were attempting to protect themselves by forming unions 2. There were no stay laws (preventing people from going to prison for indebtedness) 3. Unfair tax laws discriminated against small farmers and urban working poor 4. Land was not attainable for many inhabitants of the US 5. Many farmers could not afford their own farm 6. the market economy was susceptible to fluctuations inherent in the business cycle (Panics!!!) Unfavorable SOCIAL conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Women were second class citizens Racial discrimination was pervasive Slavery was becoming intolerable Treatment of the mentally ill was inhumane Urban decay – poor housing, sanitation, crime, and disease Working conditions were unsafe and unhealthy Limited public education system, learning was only available to those that could afford it 8. The Native American population was being systematically disseminated by the Indian Removal act 1 2