@article{20121614955611 ,

@article{20121614955611 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Applicability of transformation of ground motion records from non-rock site},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wu, Jian and Yu, Yan-Xiang and Yu, Pei},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {457 - 463},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {By applying the site condition correction models of the next generation of attenuation
(NGA) relationships, the equivalent rock site (V<inf>s30</inf> = 500 m) ground motion from
ground motion records at non-rock site (V<inf>s30</inf> < 500 m/s) is calculated. The
obtained equivalent rock site ground motions show consistency with the available true rock site
records statistically. It concludes that this transformation method is applicable for calculating the
equivalent rock site ground motion from non-rock site records. Furthermore, the obtained
equivalent rock site ground motion data can reduce the non-coherency in the data from an
earthquake event with abundant records, as well as improve the spatial data distribution in the data
from an event with limited true rock site records. The equivalent rock site ground motion data
obtained from the ground motion by this transformation method may help overcome the barriers in
some researches due to limited data distribution. Finally, the limitations and some factors needing
further investigation in this method are also discussed.},
key = {Rocks},
keywords = {Earthquakes;Metadata;},
note = {Correction models;Earthquake events;Ground motions;Limited data;NGA;Non-rock
site;Site conditions;Spatial data;Transformation methods;},
@article{20121614955627 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Visual analysis for grouting engineering of dam foundation based on 3D geological
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yan, Fu-Gen and Miao, Zheng-Jian and Li, Ming-Chao and Zhong, Deng-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {567 - 572},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {By means of Struts and Hibernate techniques, the grouting data are collected and
sorted and converted to grouting hole model in grouting analysis system. Then the coupling
between 3D geological model and grouting hole model is achieved. Visual analysis of the effect of
grouting is based on the coupling model. The 3D geological model is cut along any grouting
platoon so as to reveal the vertical distribution of unfavorable geologic body. The color attribytes
of grouting hole model with larger unit grouting are changed, and the corresponding 3D
geological model is coupled to achieve the visual analysis of the unit grouting. The comprehensive
profiles automatically generating are based on grouting parameters, in which geological conditions
will be coupled, and the geologic information will be shown in the comprehensive profiles. The
geological information of any grouting hole model is digitalized to learn the grouting hole model
whether or not to go through unfavorable geologic body and their elevations. On the basis of
construction unit, statistical analysis for unit grouting and geological information is performed.
Application examples show that the visual analysis of grouting engineering based on 3D
geological model can effectively guide the grouting process and obtain a timely and effective
feedback to grouting effects, and it will provide a reliable basis for decision-making of project
management so as to improve the efficiency and level of work.},
key = {Three dimensional},
models;Grouting;Mortar;Project management;},
note = {3D geological model;Analysis system;Application examples;Coupling models;Dam
foundation;Geologic information;Geological conditions;Geological information;Grouting
parameters;Vertical distributions;Visual analysis;},
@article{20121614955603 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Effects of loading direction on ultimate bearing capacity of suction anchors with taut
mooring system},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wang, Jian-Hua and Liu, Jing-Lei and Chen, Wen-Qiang},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {385 - 391},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The soft clay stratum is prepared using the vacuum preloading method in a model test
tank. Model tests on suction anchors with taut mooring system are conducted to study effects of
different load directions on failure modes and the ultimate bearing capacities using the
load-controlled method. The results show that the failure modes are still vertical pullout and the
main factor affecting the ultimate bearing capacities is the reverse end-bearing resistance at the
anchor tip although the lateral displacements and the ultimate bearing capacities obviously
increase when the loading direction varies from 40 degree to 20 degree for the suction anchors
with inclined loads at the optimal load attachment point. The ultimate bearing capacities
associated with model tests are further predicted by the upper bound plasticity analysis and the
limiting equilibrium analysis, which show that the predicted results do not reflect the effects of
variations of loading direction on the ultimate bearing capacities if the reverse end-bearing
resistance factor is taken as a constant. Therefore, a modified relation considering the effects of
loading directions on the reverse end-bearing resistance is developed to correctly predict the
ultimate bearing capacities.},
key = {Factor analysis},
keywords = {Anchors;Bearing capacity;Geologic models;Mooring;Plasticity;Polypropylenes;},
note = {Limiting equilibrium analysis;Model tests;Plasticity analysis;Suction anchors;Ultimate
bearing capacity;},
@article{20121614955614 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Simulation and numerical analysis of impact failure law of coal roadway under
rigid-flexible energy absorbing support},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Lu, Xiang-Feng and Pan, Yi-Shan},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {477 - 482},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Roadway support is always the focus research of rockburst. Using similar simulation
experiments and numerical simulation methods, the impact failure process of roadway under nude
alley and rigid-flexible energy absorbing support is studied. Experimental and numerical results
indicate that the deformation and failure without support are more serious than those with
rigid-flexible coupled support. The cracks in the roof and at two side walls are extended and
through, even objects are thrown into the roadway and collapse under nude alley. The
rigid-flexible coupled support plays a good role in absorbing impact energy, and thus internal
deformation occurs in the roof and two walls, while cracks take place in partial wall. But the
roadway is good when the rigid-flexible energy absorbing support is used. The impact failure laws
of coal roadway under nude alley and rigid-flexible coupled support are similar. The results also
show that energy absorbing support has advantages of weak impact damage and good integrality,
and the rigid-flexible coupled support is better for rockburst roadway.},
key = {Energy absorption},
keywords = {Computer simulation;Cracks;Deformation;Experiments;Numerical analysis;Rock
bursts;Roofs;Underground structures;},
deformation;Numerical results;Numerical simulation method;Rigid-flexible;Side walls;Simulation
@article{20121614955604 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Dynamic centrifuge tests on macro-micro mechanism of liquefaction of saturated sandy
foundation with buried structures},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhou, Jian and Chen, Xiao-Liang and Jia, Min-Cai and Feng, Yuan-Wei},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {392 - 399},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {A new image observation system is designed for recording the motion of sand particles
during the shaking event in centrifuge tests. It involves high-speed video camera, metro station
model and industrial computer. The camera is installed inside the metro station model. With the
metro station model shallowly and deeply buried respectively, the motion of sand particles at
various elevations is real-time recorded during earthquake occurrence. The digital images at
certain stages of the tests are processed by self-developed software named GeoDIP. The
micro-mechanism of liquefaction of sandy foundation at different depths are analyzed by the
micro-fabric evolutions of sand particles, which includes particle orientation, contact normal and
number of particles and porosity ratio. Furthermore, labeled particles are traced to study the
micro-mechanism of soil deformation. The test results show that the particle motion at deep depth
is similar to piping and there is preferred orientation of vertical direction of the long axis of
particles after post-liquefaction drainage. Nevertheless, the motion of shallow particles is similar
to sand boil and there is no preferred orientation of particles. The macro response of saturated
sandy foundation such as acceleration and excess pore pressure accords with the micro-fabric
evolutions of sand particles in centrifuge tests. The results have indicated that the image
observation system is a valuable tool that can properly characterize the liquefaction behaviors
from microscope and provide an insight into a phenomenon previously impossible.},
key = {Sand},
keywords = {Centrifuges;Image analysis;Image recording;Liquefaction;Software testing;Soil
liquefaction;Subway stations;Testing;},
note = {Buried structure;Centrifuge tests;Contact normals;Deep depth;Digital image;Earthquake
occurrences;Excess pore pressure;High speed video cameras;Industrial computers;Long
orientation;Porosity ratio;Post-liquefaction;Preferred orientations;Sand boils;Sand particles;Soil
deformation;Vertical direction;},
@article{20121614955613 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Mechanism analysis of floor heave in Taoshuya tunnel and its prevention techniques},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhong, Zu-Liang and Liu, Xin-Rong and Wang, Dao-Liang and Zheng, Cheng-Guo and
Huang, Ming},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {471 - 476},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the disaster of floor heave in Taoshuya tunnel, the occurrence mechanism
and important influencing factors of tunnel floor heave are analyzed by means of the method of
field observation and geological prospecting. Furthermore, the calculating theory of floor heave of
soft rock tunnel is deduced by using the continuum mechanics. According to the comparison result
between predictive values and field monitoring data, it is proved that the deformation of floor
heave of the tunnel can be simulated well by the proposed method, which provides a theoretical
basis for calculating the floor heave of subsequent tunnels and treatment measures. Besides, the
corresponding prevention techniques for floor heave of soft rock tunnels are obtained. It will be
helpful for construction of other projects.},
key = {Floors},
keywords = {Continuum mechanics;Disaster prevention;Experiments;Tunneling (excavation);},
note = {Comparison result;Field monitoring data;Field observations;Floor heave;Geological
prospecting;Influencing factor;Mechanism analysis;Predictive values;Soft rock tunnel;Theoretical
basis;Treatment measures;},
@article{20121614955621 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Centrifuge modelling of effects of shield tunnels on existing tunnels in soft clay},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Huang, De-Zhong and Ma, Xian-Feng and Wang, Jun-Song and Li, Xiao-Yun and Yu,
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {520 - 527},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {With the rapid development of the subway network, the phenomena of shield tunnels
going across the adjacent tunnels are becoming more and more common. The interaction between
shield tunneling and nearby tunnels is more complicated than the ordinary shield tunneling in
intact soil strata. Based on the project of Shanghai Bund Passage crossing Metro Line 2, the
method of centrifuge modeling together with the field measurement is employed to study the
effects shield tunneling on nearby strata and existing tunnels. In centrifugal model tests, the effects
simulation techniques considering the unloading of excavation, ground loss and grouting are
developed to analyze the longitudinal settlement of the shield tunnel and the existing tunnel
induced by the shield tunneling. Besides, the deformation distribution and settlement curves of the
existing tunnels during shield construction are studied by using the monitoring data.},
key = {Shielding},
@article{20121614955626 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Attenuation relationship of ground motion for Wenchuan Earthquake region based on
NGA model},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yu, Tian and Li, Xiao-Jun},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {552 - 558},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Strong motion records of 64 Wenchuan Earthquake aftershocks are processed. Using
the NGA model and 1D nonlinear site response analysis model, the attenuation relationships of
ground motion for Wenchuan Earthquake region on various site classes are extracted from the
records. The attenuation relationships are presented in terms of the peak ground accelerations,
peak ground velocities and spectral accelerations for several periods. In comparison with other
research results, it is shown that the predicted ground motions from NGA model are lower on rock
sites but higher on soil sites.},
key = {Geologic models},
keywords = {Earthquakes;},
note = {Attenuation relationship;Ground motions;Peak ground acceleration;Peak ground
velocity;Region-based;Research results;Site response;Site response analysis;Soil sites;Spectral
acceleration;Strong motion records;Wenchuan Earthquake;},
@article{20121614955619 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Comparison among some typical constitutive models for soils based on stress response
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Huang, Wen-Xiong and Shen, Jian},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {508 - 515},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The stress response envelope, a kind of geometric representation for tangential
stiffness of constitutive models, is an efficient approach for qualitative studies on characteristic
features of the constitutive models. With regard to the typical constitutive models for soils falling
in the categories of hypoelasticity, elastoplasticity and hypoplasticity, the Duncan model, the
Cam-clay model and the Gudehus-Bauer model are taken as examples for this study. Stress
response envelopes are presented with a discussion of the general features of the corresponding
constitutive models. Comparisons are made for the characteristics of the models of three types. It
is shown that the essential defects exist in the hypoelastic model for modeling soil loading and
unloading. For the elastoplastic model, the model response to a change of loading direction at
stress points near or on the failure surface is unrealistic. For the hypoplastic model, while the main
feature of continuous dependence of the tangential stiffness on the direction of strain increment is
expected, difficulty exists in simple formulation for capturing stress paths of soil tests in
undrained conditions.},
key = {Constitutive models},
note = {Cam-Clay model;Continuous dependence;Duncan model;Elasto-plastic models;Failure
surface;Geometric representation;Hypoelastic models;Hypoelasticity;Hypoplasticity;Loading
direction;Model response;Qualitative study;Soil loading;Soil tests;Strain increments;Stress
paths;Stress points;Stress response;Tangential stiffness;Undrained conditions;},
@article{20121614955606 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Whole surface deformation measurement of triaxial soil specimen based on digital image
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Shao, Long-Tan and Liu, Xiao and Guo, Xiao-Xia and Huang, Chuan and Ju, Peng and
Yang, Song and Xue, Jie},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {409 - 415},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {An automatic digital image processing technique is presented for whole-surface
measurement of specimens' deformations during triaxial tests. This method incorporates digital
imaging techniques and computer-aided analysis to assess the deformation throughout a triaxial
test. A detailed description of hardware as well as other equipment is provided. Regulated power
supply along with a darkened chamber is adopted to ensure the stability of the lighting
environment. Data analysis methodology including distortion correction, pixel equivalent
normalization, strain field calculation and data splicing is provided. The calculation of strain is
based on the assumption that in each neighborhood of time and space, specimen only deforms
along radial. Finally, the advantage of this whole-surface deformation measurement in analyzing
deformation localization for triaxial tests is discussed through results obtained from drained
triaxial tests on saturated sand.},
key = {Deformation},
keywords = {Computer aided analysis;Image processing;Imaging techniques;Normal
distribution;Surface measurement;},
note = {Deformation localization;Deformation measurements;Digital image processing
technique;Digital imaging techniques;Distortion correction;Drained triaxial tests;Lighting
deformation;Triaxial test;},
@article{20121614955618 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Improvement of source spectrum model for synthesis of strong ground motion},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Tao, Xia-Xin and Chen, Fu and Sun, Xiao-Dan},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {504 - 507},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {A source spectrum model for stochastic synthesis of strong ground motion is
introduced in order to eliminate the dependence of the motion on the size of sub-source. In the
model, the domination of asperity on high-frequency motion is emphasized. The corner frequency
is related with the slip of sub-source and decreases with the rupturing, i.e., number of ruptured
sun-sources. Furthermore, an approach is presented to add a scaling factor into the source
spectrum model to counterbalance the energy loss from the change of source spectrum parameters
with the spreading of rupture area. By means of this approach, an obvious decrease of variation of
the total radiated energy at far field is demonstrated by a case study.},
key = {Stochastic models},
keywords = {Energy dissipation;Stochastic systems;},
note = {Corner frequency;Dynamic corner frequency;Far field;High frequency HF;Radiated
energies;Rupture areas;Scaling factors;Source spectrum;Spectral models;Strong ground motion;},
@article{20121614955609 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Dynamic response of closely-attached intersecting underground subway structures under
vertical strong ground motion},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Tao, Lian-Jin and Wang, Wen-Pei and Zhang, Bo and Bian, Jin and Li, Wen-Bo},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {433 - 437},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {It is important for subway approaching excavation and safe management to study the
seismic response characteristics of closely-attached intersecting underground subway structures.
The finite difference procedure FLAC<sup>3D</sup> is used to simulate the seismic response of
typical closely-attached intersecting underground subway structures under vertical strong ground
motion in Beijing, of which the seismic response characteristics are analyzed carefully and
compared with those of a single subway station as well. It is shown that there are significant
changes in the vertical displacement and the stress of structures between the single subway station
and the closely-attached intersecting subway station because of the strong interaction of the upper
station and the lower tunnel, which is also in connection with input ground motion, and that the
monitoring parts have the same variation amplitudes. As soils can filter high frequency component
of ground motion significantly, the vertical displacement difference and the vertical stress
difference between the above two kinds of subway stations under vertical strong ground motion
rich in high-frequency waves are smaller than those rich in low-frequency waves, while they are
not sensitive to peak acceleration of input ground motion.},
key = {Seismic response},
keywords = {Dynamic response;Railroads;Subway stations;Three dimensional;Underpasses;},
note = {AS-soils;Finite difference;Ground motions;High frequency components;High frequency
waves;Low-frequency waves;Peak acceleration;Response characteristic;Strong ground
motion;Strong interaction;Vertical displacements;Vertical stress;},
@article{20121614955623 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on dynamic deformation behaviors of water-rich sandy mudstone
under cyclic loading},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Ding, Zu-De and Peng, Li-Min and Shi, Cheng-Hua and Luo, Jing and Yang,
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {534 - 539},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Through the dynamic triaxial tests on water-rich sandy mudstone, the dynamic strain
analysis is made on the water-rich sandy mudstone under cyclic loading, and the influences of
dynamic stress, static deviator stress and vibration frequency are analyzed emphatically. The
results show that there are two types of cumulative irreversible deformation of water-rich sandy
mudstone under cyclic loading, i.e. stable type and destructive type. The development of
deformation can be divided into the initial and the stable stages for the stable development curve,
and the cumulative deformation during initial stage is of the total deformation of 40% to 50%, but
the proportion decreases with the increase of stress level. For the destructive development curve,
there are three stages: the initial deformation stage, the constant deformation stage and the
accelerative deformation stage. The cumulative plastic deformation of the sandy mudstone grows
with the increase of the dynamic stress and static deviator stress and reduces with the increase of
the vibration frequency, especially at a higher dynamic stress, higher static deviator stress or less
frequency. There is a critical dynamic stress under cyclic loading, which depends on rock property,
stress level and vibration frequency.},
key = {Stress analysis},
keywords = {Cyclic loads;Deformation;Loading;Rocks;},
note = {Cyclic loadings;Deviator stress;Dynamic
frequencies;Sandy mudstone;Tunneling engineering;},
@article{20121614955615 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {New evaluation formula for sand liquefaction based on survey of Bachu Earthquake in
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Li, Zhao-Yan and Yuan, Xiao-Ming and Cao, Zhen-Zhong and Sun, Rui and Dong, Lin
and Shi, Jiang-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {483 - 489},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The in-situ SPT data at 47 sites have been collected in the liquefaction survey of
Bachu Ms 6.8 Earthquake, Xinjiang, China. The feasibility of the existing sand liquefaction
evaluation methods is analyzed, and a new evaluation formula is proposed. The analysis shows
that the current assessment formulae using SPT for sand liquefaction are not applicable in
Xinjiang area, which will present obvious risky results. Based on new investigation data, five
parameters including seismic intensity, measured SPT values, datum SPT values, water tables and
depths of sandy soils are included in the new liquefaction evaluation model. The datum SPT
values, the influencing coefficients of water tables and sand depths are gained by a normalized
method and by an optimizing method, separately. The characteristic depths of sand are larger than
those in the existing Chinese seismic design codes, and the datum SPT values are far larger than
those in the code, indicating that the possibility of deep sand liquefaction under low water tables is
high in Bachu Earthquake. The successful judging rates by the new formula are 86% and 88% for
liquefied sites and for non-liquefied sites, respectively. The proposed new formula can be
employed for site liquefaction evaluation and regional code formulation in Xinjiang area.},
key = {Earthquakes},
keywords = {Groundwater;Liquefaction;Sand;Seismic design;Surveys;},
note = {Evaluation formula;In-situ;Liquefaction evaluation;Low water;Normalized
method;Regional code;Sand depth;Sand liquefaction;Sandy soils;Seismic design code;Seismic
intensity;Site liquefaction;SPT;Water tables;Xinjiang;},
@article{20121614955617 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Simulation and real-time control of whole construction progress of long-distance diversion
tunnels under unfavorable geological conditions},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Hu, Lian-Xing and Zhong, Deng-Hua and Tong, Da-Wei},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {497 - 503},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The long-distance diversion tunnel is often characterized by great embedded depth,
large hole diameter, long tunnel line, high ground stress and extremely complicated geologic
conditions. Geologic issues like rock burst and high water gushing caused by big embedded depth
and high ground stress have great influences on the construction schedule arrangement and control,
especially the construction progress control for bad geological section, which is a key to the
periodical completion of the whole project. Combined with the circular network system simulation
and network project analysis technique, a simulation and real-time control method for the whole
construction progress of long distance diversion tunnels under unfavorable geological conditions
is presented. This method can provide feasible study and scientific basis for change and selection
of real-time progress of construction scheme so as to realize accurate, fast real-time schedule
control and to enhance the construction progress of real-time control.},
key = {Tunnels},
keywords = {Computer simulation;Hydraulic structures;Real time control;Rock bursts;},
tunnel;Embedded depth;Geologic conditions;Geological conditions;Geological section;High
ground stress;High water;Hole diameter;Progress control;Project analysis;Real time schedules;},
@article{20121614955620 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Elastic design theory of frozen soil wall based on interaction between frozen soil wall and
surrounding rock},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yang, Wei-Hao and Yang, Zhi-Jiang and Han, Tao and Zhang, Chi and Bo,
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {516 - 519},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The design theory of frozen soil wall is one of the core technologies for mine shaft
freezing sinking. The conventional elastic design formula for the thickness of frozen soil wall has
large errors in case the modulus ratio of frozen soil wall to surrounding rock is less than 10.
Taking into account the effect of excavation unloading and the interaction between frozen soil
wall and surrounding rock, a more practical mechanical model is established for a more rational
design of frozen soil wall. Its analytical solutions of elasticity are derived. The variation laws of
stresses and displacements in frozen soil wall and surrounding rock are analysed. The design
methods for the thickness of frozen soil wall are discussed. Based on Tresca strength condition
and Mises strength condition respectively, two new elastic design formulae for the thickness of
frozen soil wall are put forward. Analyses and comparisons show that the proposed formulae are
more reasonable and more economical than the traditional elastic design formula for the thickness
of frozen soil wall.},
key = {Frozen soils},
keywords = {Design;Elasticity;Mine shafts;Rock bolting;Unloading;},
note = {Design theory;Elastic analysis;Frozen soil wall;Interaction;Surrounding rock;},
@article{20121614955612 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Time-domain explicit finite element method for wave propagation of transversely isotropic
fluid-saturated porous media},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Li, Liang and Zhai, Wei and Du, Xiu-Li},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {464 - 470},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {A time-domain explicit finite element method for the elastic wave propagation of
transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media is put forward. The space decoupling
technology is adopted for the space discretization and the time-domain explicit step-by-step
calculating format for the time discretization. Using the method, the dynamic response of
transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media is calculated and analyzed, and the calculated
results are compared with those of isotropic fluid-saturated porous media. The effect of the value
of anisotropic coefficient on the calculated results of the dynamic response of transversely
isotropic fluid-saturated porous media is also studied. The calculated results show that the
dynamic response of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media has remarkable difference
from that of isotropic fluid-saturated porous media, and the value of anisotropic coefficient has a
significant effect on the calculated results of the dynamic response of transversely isotropic
fluid-saturated porous media. Meanwhile, the present numerical calculation indicates that the
time-domain explicit finite element method is effective for the calculation and analysis of the
dynamic response of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous media.},
key = {Time domain analysis},
keywords = {Anisotropic fluids;Anisotropy;Dynamic response;Finite element method;Porous
note = {Explicit finite element method;Fluid saturated porous media;Fluid-saturated porous
medium;Numerical calculation;Space discretizations;Step-by-step;Time discretization;Time
domain;Transverse isotropy;Transversely isotropic;},
@article{20121614955624 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on permeability of soft rock of Beizao Coal Mine},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Sun, Qiang and Jiang, Zhen-Quan and Zhu, Shu-Yun},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {540 - 545},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Considering the relation between permeability-strain curve and rock failure process of
roof of Beizao Coal Mine, the relationship among permeability, strain and stress of rock is
analyzed based on the permeability-strain curve and permeability-stress curve under complete
stress-strain path. The results show that the rock can be divided to three groups, that is, sandstone,
mudstone and sandstone with coarse gravel. The lowest permeability of rock corresponds to its
expansion point. The stress-strain path can be divided into three stages, which are
compaction-elastic range, yield range of pre-peak and post-peak range. It is proposed that the
change of rock permeability is caused by the interaction of the smaller micro-scale level burst,
which results in the formation of permeable channels.},
key = {Rocks},
keywords = {Coal mines;Mechanical permeability;Sandstone;Stress-strain curves;},
note = {Coarse gravel;Complete stress-strain;Experimental studies;Micro-scales;Permeable
rocks;Stress-strain;Yield range;},
@article{20121614956264 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio of Suzhou
quaternary sedimentary soil},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhan, Ji-Yan and Chen, Guo-Xing and Yang, Wei-Lin and Hu, Qing-Xing},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {559 - 566},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the comprehensive analysis of the marine and continental depositional
environments and distribution characteristics, the comparative experiments are carried out on 311
undisturbed soil samples to study the dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio of Suzhou
quaternary sedimentary soils. The results show that the influences of transgression and soil depth
are significantly different for various Suzhou quaternary sedimentary soils on the relationship
between shear modulus ratio and shear strain as well as between damping ratio and shear strain.
The dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio of marine clay at the depth of 0~30 m are
smaller and larger than those of continental clay at the same elevation, respectively. However, a
contrary relationship exists for the marine clay at the depth of 30~100 m. The depth has a distinct
impact on the curves of dynamic shear modulus ratio with shear strain for the marine clay, silt clay,
silt sand and continental silt sand as well as on the curves of damping ratio for the marine clay, silt
clay and continental silt sand. The fitting parameters and recommended values for the average
curves of dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio are given after distinguishing the clay,
silt clay, silt and silt sand layers from the depth of 30 m while keeping muddy soil and medium
coarse sand as one layer.},
key = {Damping},
keywords = {Curve fitting;Sand;Sedimentology;Shear strain;Silt;},
note = {Damping ratio;Dynamic shear modulus;Sedimentary soils;Soil depth;Transgression
@article{20121614955616 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {3D refined nonlinear analysis of seismic response characteristics of frame metro station
under near-field strong ground motion of large earthquake},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Chen, Lei and Chen, Guo-Xing and Mao, Kun-Ming},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {490 - 496},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the explicit finite method of ABAQUS software and the 32CPU parallel
computing cluster platform, a three-dimensional refined finite element model for deep soft
soil-frame metro station structure is established to study its nonlinear seismic responses to
Qingping and Wolong ground motions recorded during Wenchuang Earthquake and Nanjing
artificial waves with the exceedance probability of 3% within 100 years. The results show that the
underground frame metro station structure in deep soft site may be seriously damaged under
near-field strong ground motion, and even plastic failure or collapse may appear. Moreover, the
combining sites of pillars, floor slabs and side walls are in unfavorable positions in seismic
resistance, while the pillars are the weakest components. In addition, the peak acceleration and the
spectrum characteristics of the input near-field ground motions also have great influences on the
earthquake response of the underground structure. The seismic response of the subway station
structure has a noticeable three-dimensional effect. Furthermore, the structure will generate
permanent displacements to be accumulated to one side under the near-field ground motion of
large earthquake. The structural responses under Qingping and Wolong ground motions are
obviously larger than those under Nanjing artificial waves. Besides, the seismic damage of
shallowly buried parts is more than that of the deep ones.},
key = {Earthquakes},
keywords = {Nonlinear analysis;Parallel architectures;Refining;Sailing vessels;Seismic
response;Subway stations;Three dimensional;Underground structures;Water wave effects;},
note = {ABAQUS software;Artificial waves;Earthquake response;Exceedance probability;Finite
stations;Nanjing;Near-field;Near-field ground motions;Nonlinear seismic response;Parallel
computing clusters;Peak acceleration;Permanent displacements;Plastic failure;Refined
analysis;Response characteristic;Seismic damage;Seismic resistance;Side walls;Spectrum
characteristic;Strong ground motion;Structural response;Three dimensional effect;Three-layer;},
@article{20121614955605 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Undrained strength characteristics of saturated undisturbed and remolded silty clay after
cyclic loading},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zheng, Gang and Huo, Hai-Feng and Lei, Hua-Yang},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {400 - 408},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Dynamic and static triaxial tests are carried out to study the patterns of undrained
strength development of undisturbed and remolded clay after cyclic loading. The results show that
the undrained strength of undisturbed saturated clay can degrade after cyclic loading, when the
dynamic axial strain is higher than 3%, the reduction factor increases firstly and then keeps steady;
the reduction factor keeps at low level when the ultimate pore pressure ratio stays at 0.5 to 0.7,
and it will rise rapidly if it is higher than 0.7; and with the increase of the reduction factor β,
the stress paths transform from normal consolidation to lightly quasi-overconsolidation, then to
heavily quasi-overconsolidation. The strength of remolded saturated soft clay hardly changes after
cyclic loading.},
key = {Stress analysis},
keywords = {Cyclic loads;Pore pressure;},
note = {Axial strain;Cyclic loadings;Pressure ratio;Quasi-overconsolidation;Undrained strength;},
@article{20121614955607 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Displacement-based aseismic design method for gravity retaining walls-Large scale
shaking table tests},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhang, Jian-Jing and Han, Peng-Fei},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {416 - 423},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The displacement-based design method is a frontier research topic in the aseismic field
of geotechnical engineering. By means of large scale shaking table tests, the researches on
displacement calculation modes of gravity retaining walls can provide supports for the
displacement-based aseismic design method of gravity retaining walls. Firstly, the test scheme is
introduced, including test equipments, mode design, testing procedures, seismic wave input and
loading system. Secondly, the variation laws of displacements and displacement modes of
retaining walls under different seismic intensities are studied, and then, the distribution of seismic
earth pressure and its variation relationship with the displacement are also introduced. Based on
Newmark's sliding block method and Zeng & Steedman's rotating block method, two models
of sliding and rotating displacements are created separately. By comparing the calculated results of
shaking table tests with those of empirical formulas, Whitman & Liao's mean fitting method
is proposed to calculate the sliding displacement of gravity walls. Finally, the displacement-based
aseismic design flow for gravity retaining walls is summarized.},
key = {Retaining walls},
keywords = {Design;Geotechnical engineering;Loading;Seismology;Testing;Underground
note = {Aseismic design;Aseismic design method;Block methods;Design method;Displacement
walls;Loading system;Research topics;Seismic earth pressure;Seismic intensity;Seismic wave
input;Shaking table tests;Sliding block method;Sliding displacements;Test equipments;Test
scheme;Testing procedure;},
@article{20121614955622 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Fluid characteristics dependent on excess pore water pressure of saturated sand after
growth of pore pressure},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wang, Zhi-Hua and Zhou, En-Quan and Chen, Guo-Xing},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {528 - 533},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Shaking table model tests on free ground consisting of saturated liquefiable Nanjing
fine sand are designed and accomplished. According to the acceleration response measured at
different depths, the shear stress and strain of the model soils are obtained using the linear
interpolation method conversion. Furthermore, based on the principles of fluid mechanics, the
evolution characteristics of dynamic apparent viscosity of the saturated sand during the build-up
of the pore water pressure are studied. The test results show that the dynamic apparent viscosity
decreases with the growth of shear strain as well as the increase of shear strain rate during the
sinusoidal wave excitations. In addition, a typical shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluid feature is
discovered. Moreover, the excess pore pressure ratio plays a significant role in the development
and change of apparent dynamic viscosity of saturated sand, and the apparent dynamic viscosity
decreases as the excess pore pressure ratio increases; besides, the relationship curve of the
apparent dynamic viscosity and pore pressure ratio can be well fitted using the power function.
Additionally, the relationship curve of the apparent dynamic viscosity and pore pressure ratio
might not be dependent on the effective overburden pressure. However, this conclusion needs
further verification.},
key = {Pore pressure},
keywords = {Fluid mechanics;Fluids;Geologic models;Non Newtonian liquids;Pressure
distribution;Sand;Shear strain;Strain rate;Viscometers;},
characteristics;Excess pore pressure;Excess pore water pressure;Fine sand;Linear
Interpolation;Nanjing;Non-Newtonian fluids;Overburden pressures;Pore-water pressures;Power
functions;Pressure ratio;Saturated sand;Shaking table model test;Sinusoidal wave;Stress and
@article{20121614955608 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Design and test verification of suspension multidirectional laminar shear model box},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Du, Xiu-Li and Li, Xia and Chen, Guo-Xing and Huang, Hao-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {424 - 432},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the target of the test and the theory of vibration isolation, a suspension
multidirectional laminar shear model box is developed. This box is a spatial structure system
composed of circular frames suspended through steel cables, suspension bracket and motherboard.
Theoretical analysis is carried out. The results show that the methodologies of vibration isolation
and the structural forms can reduce the effect of the model box on the model soil and the inertia
effect caused by the mass of the box itself. The simulated results, the comparison and analysis of
the acceleration and the vibration modes of the model soil indicate that the shear deformation is
developed in the model soil under horizontal earthquake action and the effect of the box on model
soil can be ignored. The suspension multidirectional laminar shear box is very successful in
simulating the soil boundary. The arching effect of the model soil can be eliminated. The
disadvantage of the existing laminar shear box that earthquake wave only can be input in a single
direction can be conquered.},
key = {Geologic models},
keywords = {Computer simulation;Soils;Subway stations;Suspensions (components);Suspensions
(fluids);Vibrating conveyors;},
note = {Arching effects;Design and tests;Earthquake action;Earthquake wave;Inertia
effects;Laminar shear;Laminar shear box;Multi-directional;Shaking table tests;Simulated
isolations;Vibration modes;},
@article{20121614955610 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Discussion of fundamental principles in unsaturated soil mechanics},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Sheng, Dai-Chao and Yang, Chao},
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {438 - 456},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {An unsaturated soil is a state of the soils. All soils can be partially saturated with water.
Therefore, constitutive models for soils should ideally represent the soil behaviours over entire
ranges of possible pore pressure and stress values and allow arbitrary stress and hydraulic paths
within these ranges. The last two decades or so have seen significant advances in modelling
behaviours of unsaturated soils. A review of constitutive models for unsaturated soils is presented.
In particular, it focuses on the fundamental principles that govern the volume change, shear
strength, yield stress, water retention and hydro-mechanical coupling. Alternative forms of these
principles are critically examined in terms of their predictive capacities for experimental data, the
consistency between these principles and the continuity between saturated and unsaturated
key = {Shear strength},
keywords = {Constitutive models;Soil mechanics;Soils;Yield stress;},
note = {Constitutive modelling;Hydromechanical coupling;Unsaturated soil;Volume change;Water
@article{20121614955625 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Typical case study of liquefaction-induced damage at Songbai village following Wenchuan
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Cao, Zhen-Zhong and Li, Yu-Run and Xu, Xue-Yan and Leslie Youd, T. and Yuan,
volume = {34},
number = {3},
year = {2012},
pages = {546 - 551},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The serious damage in Songbai village, Deyang, located at the boundary of seismic
intensity zone VII and VIII, is induced significantly by liquefaction following the 2008 Wenchuan
Earthquake. The large amount of spouted soils categories, a lot of liquefaction-generated ground
fissures and the apparent liquefaction-aggravated damage are the typical features and are worth for
further study. The detailed in-situ tests and comparison with the previous liquefaction-induced
damage reveal: (1) The actual liquefied soils are gravels and significantly different from the
spouted deposits, while most of which are medium and coarse sand. (2) An efficacious filed test
method for measuring gravel liquefaction resistance has not been proposed ever before. The
Chinese dynamic penetration test (DPT) is strongly recommended for gravel liquefaction
evaluation for its simple apparatus, economical test, continuous data acquisition, etc. (3) The
abundant ground fissures in Songbai village are generated by gravel liquefaction rather than the
raptures or secondary faults. The fundamental conditions for the generation of ground fissures by
liquefaction are the flat ground surface (slop less than 3%) and horizontal non-uniform
distribution of liquefiable soils. (4) The fundamental conditions for seismic damage mitigation by
liquefaction are the thick upper non-liquefiable soils and relativey dense upper non-liquefiable soil
cap. The corresponding quantitative assessment method needs to be further studied.},
key = {Soil liquefaction},
keywords = {Earthquakes;Gravel;Soils;},
note = {Dynamic penetration test;Ground fissure;Ground surfaces;In-situ test;Liquefaction
evaluation;Liquefaction resistance;Liquefaction-induced damage;Liquefiable soil;Liquefied
intensity;Songbai village;Test method;Wenchuan Earthquake;},
@article{20121114863215 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Application of fracturing algorithm of intermittent joints in stability of surrounding rock},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wang, Hua-Lao and Xu, Chong-Bang and Xia, Cai-Chu},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {349 - 354},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {According to the phenomenon of attenuation of mechanical parameters in rock failure,
the strength criterion for intermittence jointed rock mass is proposed by use of the attenuation
formula of virtual joint mechanical parameters based on the Jennings Criterion. The strength
criterion for intermittent jointed rock mass and the attenuation formula are applied into the DDA
code to complete the computation program of analyzing the initiation, extending and connecting
of rock fractures, and then the validity of algorithm is verified by making comparison between the
computed results and the shear test ones. At last, this algorithm is employed to analyze the
stability of surrounding rock of Jingjishan Tunnel, which is a multiple-arch tunnel with eight
traffic lanes. The simulated results show the influences of joint distribution features on the
surrounding deformation and give the characters of surrounding displacement. It is shown that the
fracturing algorithm of intermittent jointed rock mass is capable of analyzing the stability of
key = {Algorithms},
keywords = {Rock bolting;Rock mechanics;Rocks;},
note = {Computation program;Intermittent joints;Joint distributions;Jointed rock mass;Mechanical
parameters;Multiple arch tunnel;Rock failures;Rock fractures;Shear tests;Simulated
results;Stability analysis;Stability of surrounding rock;Strength criteria;Traffic lanes;Tunnel
engineering;Virtual joints;},
@article{20121114863219 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Model tests on end-bearing pile foundation by use of settlement adjustor},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhou, Feng and Guo, Liang and Liu, Zhuang-Zhi and Wang, Xu-Dong and Wang,
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {373 - 378},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Settlement adjustor is a special device used to adjust the displacement between contact
points of structures. The installation of the settlement adjustor can ensure the deformation
coordination and the interaction for pile-soil of end-bearing piled raft foundation. In order to study
the influence of the settlement adjustor on the interaction with pile-soil-raft of end-bearing piled
raft foundation, laboratory model tests are performed before and after the installation of the
settlement adjustor. The axial forces of pile, the settlement of raft and the raft-soil contact pressure
are measured. Then, the pile-soil load transfer mechanism, the settlement and difference
settlement of raft and the pile-soil load sharing ratio of end-bearing piled raft foundation under
different load levels are analyzed. The results show that, as compared with the conventional
end-bearing piled raft foundation, the installation of the settlement adjustor has changed the load
transfer rule of piled raft foundation and achieved the interaction of pile-soil. Suitable bearing
stiffness of the settlement adjustor can give priority and full play to the bearing capacity of the soil
beneath the raft and optimize the pile-soil load sharing ratio. The conclusions can provide the
experimental basis for further theoretical researches.},
key = {Piles},
keywords = {Geologic models;Pile foundations;Soils;},
note = {Axial forces;Bearing stiffness;Contact points;Contact pressures;Deformation
coordination;End-bearing piles;Laboratory model test;Load levels;Load sharing;Load
transfer;Load transfer mechanism;Model tests;Pile soil interaction;Pile-soil;Piled raft
foundation;Settlement adjustor;Special devices;Theoretical research;},
@article{20121114863200 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Upper bound solutions of ultimate bearing capacity of curved footing},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Han, Chang-Yu and Xia, Xiao-He and Wang, Jian-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {230 - 236},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The bearing capacity of curved footing over foundation soil is considered. In order to
solve the ultimate bearing capacity of curved footing on the soil, the Prandtl and the Hill
mechanisms are improved. The kinematic approach of the limit analysis is used to calculate the
average limit pressure under footings. Using the limit analysis methods, the upper bound solutions
of the ultimate bearing capacity are obtained. By comparison, the solutions are greater than those
of the ultimate bearing capacity of the plane footing and less than those of the ultimate bearing
capacity of the plane footing with which the buried depth is half the width. The analytical
solutions can be used for calculation of curved footing.},
key = {Bearing capacity},
keywords = {Geology;Geotechnical engineering;},
note = {Analytical solutions;Buried depth;Curved footing;Foundation soils;Limit analysis;Limit
analysis methods;Ultimate bearing capacity;Upper bound solution;},
@article{20121114863214 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Shaft deformation and failure due to rock mass movement induced by underground
backfill mining of a metal mine},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhao, Hai-Jun and Ma, Feng-Shan and Xu, Jia-Mo and Zhang, Ya-Min and Guo, Jie},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {340 - 348},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The vertical shaft plays an important role in underground tunnel mining mines.
However, few attempts have been done on the deformation and failure mechanics of shafts
suffering from rock mass movement in metallic mines undergoing mining activities. Numerical
simulation methods and geomechanical methods are applied in the study of deformation, failure
and stability of the line No.14 ventilating shaft in Jinchuan No.2 Mine under the conditions of
different kinds of mining design. The results show that the shaft is seated in the scope of the
depression induced by the underground mining, and the displacement of rock mass keeps
increasing. Therefore the underground mining is the main factor for the safety and stability of the
shaft. Moreover, whether mining of the rich ore body or combined mining of the rich ore body and
lean ore body, the distribution regularities of displacement and stress of the shaft are similar, and
the section of the faults is still the vulnerable zone of the shaft in which it influences the size and
distribution of the displacement and stress greatly. Consequently, it is the faults which cross the
shaft and lead to reactivation due to underground mining are the trigger factor, and the rock mass
movement, rupture and fall are the primary form of the shaft deformation and failure mechanism,
and this kind of fault effects will be aroused again in the future under the present circumstances of
key = {Mine shafts},
keywords = {Deformation;Mining;Ore deposits;Rock mechanics;Rocks;Safety factor;Shaft
note = {Fault effect;GPS monitoring;Ground movement;Jinchuan;Metal mine;Underground
@article{20121114863208 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Driving response of an open-ended PHC pipe pile group in silty fine sands},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Lei, Guo-Hui and Ai, Ying-Bo and He, Zhen-Xing and Shi, Jian-Yong},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {294 - 302},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Construction response of pipe piles has an important impact on their drivability and
load-carrying behavior. However, very limited case histories of the construction response of pipe
pile groups are available. For this purpose, field tests on soil squeezing and plugging responses to
pile driving are carried out in silty fine sands in an open-ended pre-stress high strength concrete
(PHC) pipe pile foundation of a power plant. In-situ soil lateral displacement, pore water pressure
and soil plug length are measured. Considering the non-orientation feature of the lateral
displacements, the resultant lateral displacements and movement azimuth angles are analyzed by
using a data processing method derived from the working principles of pendulum-type
inclinometers. Meanwhile, real-time changes in the pore water pressure during the whole process
of pile driving are measured by using an automatic dynamic data acquisition system with a
sampling time interval of 28 s. The results show that in silty fine sands changing gradually from
loose to dense state, the soil squeezing and plugging effects decrease with the increasing
penetration depth. The squeezing effect of pipe pile groups decreases due to the soil densification
induced by pre-driven piles. The squeezing effect in the interior of the pile group is more
significant than that in the exterior of the pile group. A short-term buildup of the pore water
pressure is induced around the pile toe, and it is not accumulated during the construction of the
pile group.},
key = {Piles},
keywords = {Data processing;Pile driving;Pile foundations;Pipe;Pore pressure;Pressure
note = {Azimuth angles;Case history;Data processing methods;Dense state;Dynamic data;Field
test;Ground deformations;High strength concretes;In-situ;Lateral displacements;Load-carrying
pressures;Pre-stress;Real-time changes;Sampling time;Silty fine sand;Squeezing effect;Whole
process;Working principles;},
@article{20121114863204 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Shaking table model tests on face-slab dislocation of concrete faced rock-fill dams under
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Kong, Xian-Jing and Liu, Fu-Hai and Liu, Jun},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {258 - 267},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Shaking table model tests on concrete faced rock-fill dams are designed according to
the elasticity-gravity similarity rules. Face-slab model materials are developed, and a system for
the image collection, storage and pattern recognition is presented. On the basis of the results of the
PIV analysis and the numerical simulation, the dislocation mechanism of the face-slab under
earthquakes is analyzed, and the results are compared with the real dislocation damage of
Zipingpu Dam during Wenchuan Earthquake. The results of the model tests agree with those of
numerical simulation. Both of them reveal the slab dislocation phenomenon of Zipingpu Dam.
The results show that the main reasons of the face-slab dislocation are the thrust force towards the
upstream and the friction force towards the downstream along the slab due to the permanent
deformation of the rock-fill. Shaking table model tests can reflect the main damage characteristics
of the prototype dams.},
key = {Dams},
keywords = {Computer simulation;Earthquakes;Elasticity;Pattern recognition;},
note = {Concrete faced rockfill dam;Dislocation mechanisms;Friction force;Image
collections;Model materials;Model tests;Permanent deformations;PIV;Shaking table model
test;Similarity rules;Thrust forces;Wenchuan Earthquake;},
@article{20121114863218 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Displacement at top of underground cavern reinforced by grouted bolts during site
explosion resisting tests},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Ma, Hai-Chun and Gu, Jin-Cai and Zhang, Xiang-Yang and Xu, Jing-Mao and Gao,
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {369 - 372},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The stabilities of underground facilities are the important research contents of
geotechnical engineering. It is meaningful to improve the explosion resisting abilities of
underground caverns for national defense and civil projects. So it has important strategic
significance to carry out site explosion resisting tests on underground caverns. The displacement
characteristics at the top of an underground cavern under three different conditions are introduced,
that is long and close cables, short and close cables and regular cables. Furthermore, the situations
that two kinds of base plates are used for cables to protect the displacement of the top of the
cavern are compared. A conclusion that the protecting effects of flaring cup base plates are better
than paddle base plates is put forward. This passage also analyses the relationship between the
relative displacement at the top of the cavern divided by the span of the cavern and the scale
distance of the explosion is analyzed. It is helpful for searching for the best protecting effects for
practical projects.},
key = {Underground cables},
engineering;Plates (structural components);},
note = {Base plates;Civil projects;Displacement;Displacement characteristic;Grouted
bolts;National defense;Relative displacement;Test;Underground cavern;},
@article{20121114863207 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on unsaturated creep characteristics of landslide soils},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Lai, Xiao-Ling and Ye, Wei-Min and Wang, Shi-Mei},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {286 - 293},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Under the impacts of reservoir water level fluctuation and rainfall, the strength and
deformation of slope soils, on the one hand, have features of properties of unsaturated soils; on the
other hand, they exhibit time-dependent behaviours. Therefore, it is indispensable to investigate
the time-dependent behaviours of unsaturated soils to better account for the long-term stability of
slopes under the effects of water. A series of suction-controlled triaxial creep tests on sliding zone
soils of some landslides in Three Gorges Reservoir Area are performed. Creep curves with
different values of deviator stresses and matric suctions are presented and discussed. The test
results indicate that the creep strain as well as the creep strain rate at constant deviator stress
increases gradually with the decrease of the matric suction. Moreover, for the increasing values of
the deviator stress, a wider variation of the creep strain as well as the creep strain with suction is
obtained. Then, the Mesri creep model for experimental creep strain with different suction values
is established. In the model, a hyperbolic function is adopted for the stress-strain relationship and
a power function for the strain-time relationship. Finally, an expression for the relationship
between the suction and the initial tangent modulus E<inf>d</inf> is derived. Based on this, a
model of stress-suction-strain-time of specimens is developed. The comaprative results indicate
that predicted results using the model are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data.},
key = {Soil testing},
keywords = {Creep;Landslides;Pile foundations;Soils;Stress-strain curves;Water levels;},
note = {Matric suctions;Mesri creep model;Stress-strain-time relationship;Triaxial creep
test;Unsaturated soil;},
@article{20121114863195 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Connotation of deformation safety of high concrete face rockfill dams and its application},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Li, Neng-Hui and Wang, Jun-Li and Mi, Zhan-Kuan and Li, Deng-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {193 - 201},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the analysis of causes for serious damages of worldwide high concrete face
rockfill dams (CFRDs), it is indicated that the empirical design concept of CFRDs should be
discarded. The deformation safety is necessary besides the stability safety and seepage safety for
high CFRDs. A new deformation coordination concept for high CFRDs comprising dam
settlement coordination, dam displacement coordination, dam deformation in face slab normal
direction and dam axis direction synchronously coordinating with face slab deformation is
established. The connotation of deformation safety design of high CFRDs including deformation
coordination standards, judgment criteria, calculation methods as well as counter measures, is put
forward. The necessity of replacing the empirical design concept by the new deformation
coordination concept is explained through the case study of Bakun Dam, 203.5 m in height.},
key = {Deformation},
keywords = {Dams;Rock mechanics;Standards;},
note = {Calculation methods;Counter measure;Deformation coordination;Empirical design;High
concrete face rockfill dam;Judgment criterion;},
@article{20121114863220 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental research on creep properties of two typical soft clays in coastal region of
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wang, Yuan-Zhan and Huang, Dong-Xu and Xiao, Zhong},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {379 - 384},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The non-linear creep characteristics of two typical clays, which are muddy clay and
silt clay in the coastal region of Tianjin, are studied by means of triaxial creep tests. The tests are
carried out by the step loading method, and the creep curves of the soft clays under different stress
states are got from the raw data by Mr. Chen's method. Considering with the change law of the
stress-strain isochronal curves, the results of the creep tests are fitted by the Merchant model based
on the creep curves. The model parameters are confirmed, and then a non-linear rheological model
suitable for these soft clays in the coastal region of Tianjin is established. Based on the
comparative analysis of the change law of model parameters, the empirical formulas for the
relation of these main parameters with the stress are confirmed finally. It is shown that the
modulus of Hooke spring's elasticity with stress difference increases in a negative exponent way;
and the modulus of Kelvin component's elasticity with stress difference increases in a linear way
at the same time.},
key = {Creep},
keywords = {Coastal zones;Elasticity;Rheology;Stress-strain curves;},
note = {Chen's method;Coastal regions;Comparative analysis;Creep curves;Creep
properties;Creep tests;Empirical formulas;Experimental research;Main parameters;Merchant
model;Model parameters;Non-linear creep;Rheological models;Silt clay;Soft clays;Step
loading;Stress difference;Stress state;Stress-strain;Tianjin;Triaxial creep test;},
@article{20121114863203 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Shaking table tests on stabilizing piles of slopes under earthquakes},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Ye, Hai-Lin and Zheng, Ying-Ren and Li, An-Hong and Du, Xiu-Li},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {251 - 257},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The seismic behaviors of piles retaining the slopes are studied by means of large-scale
shaking table tests. The model slope is installed into a model box with a length of 3.7 m, width of
1.5 m and height of 1.8 m. The sizes of model and prototype slope are designed by using the
similar principles with a scale factor of 1:20. Similar materials are made up of the standard fine
sand, gypsum powder, talc powder, glycerin and water, and the specimens are reconstituted with
density of 2.5 g/cm<sup>3</sup>. Three different kinds of seismic waves are input to study the
dynamic response stabilizing piles by increasing the amplitude of input seismic waves. By
monitoring the soil pressure after the piles, the acceleration and displacement response of the
slope, the distribution of the soil pressure behind the piles and the seismic performance of the piles
are studied. This research provides a good foundation for seismic design of stabilizing piles.},
key = {Piles},
keywords = {Dynamic response;Earthquakes;Glycerol;Gypsum;Seismic design;Seismic waves;},
note = {Displacement response;Fine sand;Scale Factor;Seismic behavior;Seismic
Performance;Shaking table model test;Shaking table tests;Similar material;Slope engineering;Soil
pressure;Stabilizing piles;Talc powder;},
@article{20121114863209 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Criteria for determining factor of safety of anchor against pull-out by using reliability
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wang, Yu-Jie and Xu, Jia-Cheng and Wang, Xiao-Gang and Zeng, Qing-Yi},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {303 - 308},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {In the existing specifications and codes, the factor of safety of anchor against pull-out
is generally defined by considering tensile strength of steel bar/strand, bond strength of grout and
the steel bar/strand, and bond strength of grout and surrounding rock/soil. It results in three
different types of factors of safety, which are being applied in practice. The current China's
specifications and codes suggest the same allowable value for the above three different types of
factors of safety. Actually, there is quite difference among them due to different pull-out failure
mechanisms of tendon. In view of this limitation, the difference among them is studied and
discussed under the same reliability (or failure probability) by using the reliability analysis, and
the criteria for determining the factor of safety of anchor against pull-out are proposed.},
key = {Safety factor},
note = {Factor of safety;Factors of safeties;Failure Probability;Pull-out;Pull-out failure;Steel
bars;Surrounding rock;},
@article{20121114863201 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Determination of anchorage depth for rigid anti-slide piles based on reliability analysis},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wu, Kun-Ming and Wang, Jian-Guo and Tan, Xiao-Hui},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {237 - 242},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {To determine the anchorage depth for rigid anti-slide piles, a reliability analysis model
is established based on the strength reduction finite element method. The target reliability index is
selected according to the classification of slope engineering, and the design of the anchorage depth
of anti-slide piles is guided by the target reliability index. Through the analysis of a practical
project, the effects of the variation of soil layer parameters on the anchorage depth are studied.
The main influence parameters are determined. It is shown that using the reliability analysis
method to determine the anchorage depth for rigid anti-slide piles is rational and useful for
engineering applications.},
key = {Anchorages (foundations)},
keywords = {Piles;Reliability analysis;},
note = {Anti-slide pile;Engineering applications;Influence parameter;Reliability analysis
method;Slope engineering;Soil layer;Strength reduction;Strength reduction finite element
method;Target reliability index;},
@article{20121114864195 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Calculation and factors for distribution of initial distribution of peak value of excess pore
water pressure due to shield construction},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wei, Xin-Jiang and Chen, Wei-Jun and Wei, Gang},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {280 - 285},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the stress relief theory and the stress transfer theory, a formula for the peak
value of the excess pore water pressure at any point induced by shield construction is deduced.
Case studies show that the distribution of the peak value of the excess pore water pressure around
shield lining is similar to a circular shape. With the increase of the distance from the central axis
of shield tunnel, the peak value of the excess pore water pressure decreases in a concave curve.
The effect of shield diameter is opposite to the depth of the shield tunnel on the peak value of the
pore water pressure of the soil. The isopleth map of the peak value of the excess pore water of the
soil changes fastest at the bottom of the shield tunnel, but it increases gradually at the top of the
shield tunnel. At a certain depth, the largest peak value of the excess pore water pressure is above
the tunnel axis, and it decreases with the increase of the distance away from the axis. With the
increase of the depth, the maximum value of the peak value of the excess soil pore water has an
increasing trend.},
key = {Pore pressure},
keywords = {Pressure distribution;Shielding;Soils;Water;},
note = {Central axis;Circular shape;Excess pore water pressure;Factor;Maximum values;Peak
construction;Shield tunnel;Soil
changes;Soil pore waters;Stress transfer;Tunnel axis;},
@article{20121114863205 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on permeability of deep clay},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Jiang, Yu-Kun and Sun, Ru-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {268 - 273},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The physical and mechanical properties of deep buried clays differ from those of
shallow buried clays due to deep burial, high pressure and long solidification time. To study the
permeability of the deep buried clays', clay samples are taken from Longgu Coal Mine in
Shandong Province, and their permeability is tested by using the SJ-1A.G triaxial shear equipment.
Firstly, the curve which shows the relationship between coefficient of permeability and axial stress
is studied, and a regression equation I was found to describe it. There are some differences of
regression coefficients between deep buried clays and shallow buried clays. Secondly, the
anisotropy of permeability and the internal reason of the deep buried clays are analyzed. Finally,
the curve which shows the relationship between coefficient of permeability and axial strain is
studied. The curve of the deep buried clays' doesn't have a segment stretched with little slope and
this is because the shallow buried clays will yield under high pressure, while the deep buried clays
will develop micro-crack. The study is of guiding significance for the waterproof design in thick
covered mines and deep excavations.},
key = {Anisotropy},
keywords = {Coal mines;},
note = {Axial strain;Axial stress;Coefficient of permeability;Deep burials;Deep
excavation;Experimental studies;High pressure;Physical and mechanical properties;Regression
coefficient;Regression equation;Shallow buried;Shandong province;Solidification time;Triaxial
@article{20121114863206 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on entrapped air content in quasi-saturated soil subjected to steady
ponded water infiltration},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wu, Zheng-Guang and Zhang, Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {274 - 279},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The quasi-saturated soil is defined as a soil with entrapped air and saturation close to
100%. A series of one-dimensional ponded water infiltration tests are designed and conducted in
laboratory. The influence factors of entrapped air content in the quasi-saturated soil, such as soil
types, dry density and the initial water content, are studied. The influence mechanisms are
analyzed and discussed. The results show that the volume of entrapped air decreases as dry density
increase; the escape of entrapped air is more difficult when the initial water content increases
above a critical water content; the escape ratio of entrapped air in sand is smaller than that in clay
because of the relatively longer time to reach stable state of infiltration for the clay. Some physical
phenomena in real soil infiltration are shown. The results provide test data for better
understanding of soil infiltration process and numerical modelling.},
key = {Infiltration},
keywords = {Soils;},
note = {Air content;AS-soils;Critical water content;Dry density;Experimental studies;Influence
mechanism;Numerical modelling;Physical phenomena;Ponded water infiltration;Real soils;Soil
infiltration;Stable state;Test data;Water infiltration;},
@article{20121114863211 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Computing maximum and minimum horizontal stresses in in-situ stress measurements},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yao, Rui and Yang, Shu-Xin and Lu, Yuan-Zhong and Mi, Qi and Zhen, Hong-Wei},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {317 - 325},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {At present, for the measurements and applications of in-situ stress, people often use
the two nearly horizontal principal stresses or their projections on horizontal surface to replace or
estimate the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses. Generally, there are no considerable
errors. But when the stress structure is special, this replacement or approximation will bring great
errors, even harm to engineering practice. To argue for this fact, taking projection approximation
as an example, the variations of azimuth and magnitude error with the stress shape factor R and
the inclination of the principal stress axis and different magnitudes of the maximum and the
minimum principal stresses in three different 3D stress states are discussed. Also, as examples, the
errors of azimuth and magnitude are calculated using the in-situ stress measurement data.
Theoretical analysis and examples demonstrate that there may be considerable errors in using the
projections of two nearly horizontal principal stresses on horizontal plane to approximate the two
horizontal stresses. It is suggested that in the study of horizontal stresses or physical quantities
related to horizontal direction, the proposed method should be employed.},
key = {Three dimensional},
keywords = {Errors;Stress measurement;Stresses;},
note = {3D stress;Engineering practices;Horizontal planes;Horizontal stress;Horizontal
surfaces;In-situ stress measurement;Insitu stress;Magnitude error;Physical quantities;Principal
stress;Projection approximations;Shape factor;},
@article{20121114863216 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental investigation of geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported embankment at
bridge approach},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zheng, Jun-Jie and Zhang, Jun and Ma, Qiang and Dong, You-Kou},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {355 - 362},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The geogrid-reinforced and pile-supported (GRPS) embankment and the
geogrid-reinforced filling technique are employed to treat the bridge approach in loess area so as
to reduce the differential settlement and alleviate the bump at the end of the bridge approach.
Moreover, the earth pressure on the surfaces above and below the geogrid along the central axis
and shoulder of the embankment are measured as well as deformation of the geogrid. The results
show that the load on the soil between piles can be reduced effectively due to the soil arching and
tensioned membrane effects. In the central axis of the embankment, most of the load is transferred
by the soil arching and the tensioned membrane effects, but the tensioned membrane effect is not
obvious. At the road shoulders, the tensioned membrane effect increases efficiently and the load is
transferred by the soil arching effect together with the tensioned membrane effect. The effect of
load transfer is significant at the bridge approach and decreases gradually with the increase of
distance from bridge abutment.},
key = {Piles},
keywords = {Bridge approaches;Embankments;Hydraulic structures;Membranes;Shoulders
note = {Central axis;Differential settlements;Earth pressure;Experimental investigations;Field
experiment;Geogrids;Load transfer;Loess area;Soil arching;Soil arching effect;Tensioned
@article{20121114863212 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Reliability degree method for stability of surrounding rock of tunnels based on quadratic
orthogonal experimental optimization},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Su, Yong-Hua and Li, Xiang and Ding, Yun and Sun, Xiao-Ming},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {326 - 332},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {By integrating the quadratic regression analysis of orthogonal composite design and
the statistical significance testing, a discriminant method to describe the effect degree of various
factors on structural eigenvalue is established. By introducing such a method into the reliability
analysis process of response surface for the stability of the surrounding rock of tunnels, an
optimum approach for identifying the degree of importance with respect to basic ingredients for
state function is developed, which can eliminate the drawback of being incapable of assessing the
importance degree of basic ingredients on the structural state when establishing a series of
response surfaces for the state function. A MATLAB-based search technology is utilized to solve
the reliability index of the improved response surface by means of the optimum approach
developed for the state function, which figures out the problem of result distortion. On the basis of
the integration between both the above methods, a response surface analysis technique with
relatively high computational efficiency is then proposed for the reliability evaluation of the
surrounding rock of tunnels in complicated stratum. The proposed technique is illustrated by a
certain practical example, in which the running process and operating procedure are demonstrated,
and then several aspects related to this technique such as the computational efficiency and
accuracy of the results are also verified, showing its validity and applicability.},
key = {Rock bolting},
keywords = {Computational efficiency;Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions;Regression
analysis;Reliability;Reliability analysis;Surface analysis;},
regression;Regression;Reliability degree;Reliability Evaluation;Reliability Index;Response
surface;Response surface analysis;Running process;Search technology;Stability of surrounding
rock;State functions;Statistical significance;Structural state;Surrounding rock of tunnel;Tunnel
@article{20121114863202 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Research of size effect on equivalent elastic modulus of columnar jointed rock mass},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yan, Dong-Xu and Xu, Wei-Ya and Wang, Wei and Shi, Chong and Shi, An-Chi and Wu,
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {243 - 250},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on Baihetan Hydropower Project on Jinsha River, 3D discrete element models
for columnar jointed rock mass are established considering the relevant methods of rock
mechanics. Numerical simulations of triaxial compression tests on the columnar jointed rock mass
are carried out. The impacts of diameter change on the equivalent elastic modulus of hexagonal
columnar jointed rock mass as well as those of side length and joint stagger change on the
equivalent elastic modulus of quadrangular columnar jointed rock mass are studied. In order to
investigate the impacts of size change on the equivalent elastic modulus of random columnar
jointed rock mass, a program for controlling columnar size is proposed using the average large
diagonal size. Then the impacts of change of the average large diagonal size on the equivalent
elastic modulus are studied. It is shown from the researches on size effect and comparison with the
in-situ tests that changes in cylinder size have larger impacts on the equivalent elastic modulus
perpendicular to cylinder than on that parallel to cylinder. Changes in stagger of quadrangular
columnar jointed rock mass mainly have impacts on the equivalent elastic modulus parallel to
stagger and have weak impacts on the equivalent elastic moduli in two other directions. The
results can provide reference for the determination of mechanical parameters in engineering
key = {Elastic moduli},
mechanics;Rocks;Size determination;Three dimensional;},
note = {Columnar joints;Diagonal size;Discrete element models;Engineering practices;Equivalent
elastic modulus;Hydropower projects;In-situ test;Jointed rock mass;Mechanical parameters;Side
length;Size effects;Triaxial compression tests;},
@article{20121114863210 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Numerical simulation of infiltration laws of grouts in random aperture based on
multi-fractional Brownian motion},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Luo, Ping-Ping and Wang, Lan-Fu and Fan, Bo and Zhang, Fang},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {309 - 316},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {In order to study the influence of aperture distribution on the infiltration in a single
fracture, based on the fractal theory of multi-fractional Brownian motion (MBM), four groups of
fracture surfaces at different regularization dimensions are constructed, all of which more
realistically reflect the asymptotic self-similarity of aperture distribution of natural fracture surface.
From the numerical simulation of grouting in a single random aperture fracture, it is indicated that
pressure contours show twists and turns spreading over time, which reflects the distinct
non-uniform characteristics. The distribution of closed area has a tendency that is from dot-like
scatter to focused plane with the regularization dimensions tending to reduce, and its spatial
location has obvious influence on the pressure and grouting time. As the development of
percolation, there appears a tendency that the node pressure is from monotonically rapid increase
to stepwise stability, and the more the node approaching the percolation border, the shorter the
grouting time used in the case of reaching the steady pressure. Moreover, there is a power
relationship between the node pressure and the grouting time. In view of this rule, empirical
equations with different parameters are also obtained by fitting curves.},
key = {Mortar},
keywords = {Computer simulation;Concrete construction;Curve fitting;Fracture;Group
theory;Grouting;Hydrogen embrittlement;Seepage;Solvents;},
curves;Four-group;Fractal theory;Fracture surfaces;Natural fracture;Pressure contours;Random
aperture;Self-similarities;Single fracture;Spatial location;Steady pressure;},
@article{20121114863217 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Micro analysis of mechanical characteristics of deep clay under high stress level},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Shang, Xiang-Yu and Yu, Hai-Sui and Zhou, Guo-Qing and Wang, Fei and Lu, Yong},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {363 - 368},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The deep clay exhibits different mechanical properties under different stress levels.
The available test results show that the compression index and internal friction angle of normally
consolidated saturated deep clay at high pressure are lower than those at medium and low
pressures. In order to reveal the intrinsic mechanism of the clay for the above mechanical change,
the e-p curve of the clay at high pressure is firstly compared with that calculated by the existing
method which can predict the e-p relationship at large pressure by use of the parameters obtained
from experimental e-p data at low pressure based on the diffuse double-layer theory. It is seen that
the calculated results underestimates the compression of the deep clay at high pressure.
Unreasonable hypothesis that there is a logarithm relationship between the dimensionless potential
function at the midpoint of two clay platelets and dimensionless distance function is discovered.
The improved hypothesis and the relevant procedure are proposed. There is quite good agreement
between the calculated and experimental e-p relationships at large pressure. And then, based on
the elastic adhesive friction theory, the calculated results show that the friction coefficient of the
clay at 0.2 MPa is 2 times the one at 1.6 MPa, which is almost consistent to the measured one.},
key = {Mechanical properties},
keywords = {Friction;Reflective coatings;},
note = {Almost consistent;Clay platelets;Compression index;Distance functions;Double
layers;E-p curve;Elastic adhesives;Friction coefficients;High pressure;High stress;Internal friction
angle;Intrinsic mechanisms;Low pressures;Mechanical characteristics;Potential function;Stress
@article{20121114863213 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Effects of vibration history on nonlinear shear modulus and damping ratio of sand},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Bai, Li-Dong and Xiang, Wei and Stavros, Savidis A and Frank, Rackwitz},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {333 - 339},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The effects of vibration history on nonlinear dynamic properties of dry sand are
studied by applying torsional previbration using the non-resonant vibration mode by means of the
Stokoe resonant column apparatus. The study shows that, for a given sand sample, there is a
threshold number, below which G<inf>max</inf> decreases and beyond which it increases with
the number of cycles. Normalized shear modulus is not affected by preloading frequency but
damping ratio increases with preloading frequency under the confining pressure under which
previbration is applied. The normalized shear modulus decreases and the damping ratio increases
with the number of cycles. Reloading confining pressure may decrease and unloading confining
pressure may further magnify the effects of the vibration history on the normalized shear modulus
and the damping ratio. The effects of vibration history on the normalized shear modulus and the
damping properties result from for the jointed effects of wear process and reorientation of
interparticles in vertical direction.},
key = {Elastic moduli},
keywords = {Damping;Rock pressure;Shear strain;Unloading;},
note = {Confining pressures;Damping property;Damping ratio;Dry sand;Interparticles;Nonlinear
dynamic properties;Nonresonant;Number of cycles;Preloading;Preloading frequency;Resonant
pressure;Vertical direction;Vibration modes;Wear process;},
@article{20121114863196 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Improvement of analysis of free surface seepage problem by using initial flow method},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Pun, Su-Loi and Wang, Quan-Feng and Yu, Jin},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {202 - 209},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {When the initial flow method is applied in solving problems of free surface seepage,
we often find an oscillating solution determined due to the error caused by taking the Gaussian
integration points as the assumed nodes based on calculation of nodal initial flow. In order to
reduce the impact of this factor and to improve the efficiency of computation, an analysis is made
with the free surface equation commonly used by 4-node plane elements and 8-node 6-plane
three-dimensional elements, a technique of transformation of coordinates as well as isoparameters
is proposed to improve the calculation of the nodal initial flow, and an introduction of partial
integration is also suggested according to the state of free surface penetrating elements, making
the integration upper limit and lower limit in consistence with the formatting of the Gaussian
requirements. Accordingly, an exact nodal initial flow integration will be obtained by using the
Gaussian method, and this accurate nodal initial flow will then benefit the itself improvement of
the oscillating solution and increase the precision of the calculation. Through the analysis of a
homogeneous rectangular case, it is shown that a fair state of stability and convergence has been
achieved by using the proposed improved method.},
key = {Oscillating flow},
keywords = {Factor analysis;Gaussian distribution;Integration;Seepage;Surfaces;},
note = {Fixed mesh;Free surface seepage;Free surfaces;Gaussian integration method;Gaussian
limits;Oscillating solutions;Stability and convergence;State of free;Three-dimensional
elements;Transformation of coordinates;Unconfined seepage;Upper limits;},
@article{20121114863199 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Fast inversion for advanced detection using induced polarization in tunnel},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Nie, Li-Chao and Li, Shu-Cai and Liu, Bin and Li, Shu-Chen and Zhong, Shi-Hang},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {222 - 229},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Geological hazards such as water inrush have become one of the bottleneck problems
for tunnel construction. It's very common that there are many water-bearing structures in front of
tunnel face. And advanced detection of many water-bearing structures is a hard problem to be
solved. Chargeability as one parameter of induced polarization (IP) is sensitive to water. And IP is
introduced into the advanced detection of water-bearing structures in tunnels. IP on the advanced
detection is deeply studied from the aspects of forward theory, inversion interpretation, physical
simulation and application. Firstly, a theoretical formula for detecting many water-bearing
structures is derived. And apparently chargeability data are calculated using the equivalent
resistivity method, laying a solid foundation for fast inversion. Secondly, the traditional damping
least squares inversion method controls two changing factors using one damping factor, which
causes a contradiction. And the idea that two damping factors are used to control step length and
search direction is put forward. The improved damping least squares inversion method with little
dependence, fast convergence rate and high accuracy is put forward based on theoretical formula.
Apparent resistivity and IP data are inversed at the same time. And many models for the
water-bearing structures are inversed successfully. Finally, the physical model tests and
engineering applications show that IP fast inversion method is efficient in detecting water-bearing
structures. And it provides a feasible approach to solving the problem of advanced detection of
many water-bearing structures.},
key = {Least squares approximations},
keywords = {Damping;Problem solving;},
note = {Advanced detections;Fast inversion;Induced polarization;Physical model test;Tunnel
@article{20121114863197 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Improved risk matrix method of instability risk for excavations with cantilever retaining},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Cao, Wen-Gui and Zhai, You-Cheng and Zhang, Yong-Jie},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {210 - 216},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Instability risk assessment is an important link of design and safe construction of
excavations. Firstly, based on a comprehensive analysis of risk events and their risk factors for
excavations with cantilever retaining, a comprehensive analysis model of instability risk for
excavation engineering is formulated considering the risk probability and risk consequence.
Secondly, considering the mechanical mechanism of instability of excavations and the interval
uncertainty feature of physical and mechanical parameters of soil, a method to determine the risk
probability of foundation instability is presented by introducing the non-probabilistic reliability
analysis. Thirdly, based on the information entropy theory, the evaluation method for the risk
consequence is formulated, which can reflect the experts' evaluation level. And the improved risk
matrix method of instability risk for excavations with cantilever retaining is developed. Finally,
the method is used to analyze the practical engineering, and it is shown that the proposed method
is feasible and reasonable.},
key = {Risk assessment},
note = {Excavation engineering;Information entropy;Non-probabilistic
consequence;Risk matrix;Risk probability;},
@article{20121114863198 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Computation method for long-term surface and subsurface settlements induced by
excavation of tunnels in clays},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yang, Min and Huang, Ju and Sun, Qing and Liu, Kan and Zeng, Ying-Jun},
volume = {34},
number = {2},
year = {2012},
pages = {217 - 221},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the Mair's theory of immediate settlement of soil due to tunneling, and the
results of finite element simulation, a computation method for the long-term settlement of the soil
at surface and subsurface is proposed. Ong's centrifuge test is simulated first to verify the validity
of the finite element model, then a numerical study on the long-term settlement of the soil at
different depths is carried out. The relationship between ground losses under immediate and
long-term conditions is established. Formulas for width parameter and the maximum settlement of
settlement trough at different depths are also given, and the profile of settlement trough can be
determined. Compared with the field measurement and numerical simulation, the validity of the
proposed method is demonstrated. It can be employed in practical projects.},
key = {Soils},
keywords = {Centrifugation;Tunneling (excavation);Tunnels;},
note = {Centrifuge tests;Computation methods;Field measurement;Finite element models;Finite
element simulations;Ground loss;Immediate settlement;Long term settlement;Numerical
studies;Subsurface;Surface and subsurface settlement;},
@article{20120714767091 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Resonant column and bender element tests on maximum shear modulus of dry sand},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Bai, Li-Dong and Xiang, Wei and Savidis, A Stavros and Rackwitz, Frank},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {184 - 188},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The problems and solutions of applying the bender element method to determine the
maximum shear modulus (G<inf>max</inf>) of sand are investigated by conducting resonant
column (RC) and bender element (BE) tests on four dry sands obtained from Germany. The study
indicates that the start-to-start method is more reliable to identify the time of shear wave
propagation in specimens compared to other methods. In BE tests, the excitation frequency of
input waves has influence on the tested Gmax, and this influence is dependent on soil types and
reduced by increasing confining pressure. A comparison between RC and BE tests shows that
G<inf>max</inf> by both methods may be well expressed as a linear equation; for the Berlin sand
and Braunschweig coarse sand, there exists a threshold G<inf>max</inf> below which
G<inf>max</inf> by BE tests (G<inf>max</inf> (BE)) is greater than that by RC tests
(G<inf>max</inf> (RC)), however beyond which the G<inf>max</inf> (BE) is smaller than
G<inf>max</inf> (RC) and the distance between both increases with increasing stiffness soil. In
practice, it is suggested that the input voltage with proper high frequency is preferred for BE tests,
as compared with RC tests.},
key = {Sand},
keywords = {Elastic moduli;Shear strain;},
note = {Bender element tests;Dry sand;Excitation frequency;Maximum shear modulus;Resonant
column tests;},
@article{20120714767075 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Model tests on capillary-barrier cover with unsaturated drainage layer},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Deng, Lin-Heng and Zhan, Liang-Tong and Chen, Yun-Min and Jia, Guan-Wei},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {75 - 80},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Model tests are carried out to study the response of capillary-barrier cover with
unsaturated drainage layer under heavy rainfall situation. The test equipment includes a model box
with a dimension of 2 m×1 m×1.2 m, a rainfall simulator and measuring facilities.
The materials of fine layer, unsaturated drainage layer and coarse layer of the capillary-barrier
cover model are silt, sand and gravel respectively, and the gradient of model is 1V:3H. The
intensity of simulated rainfall is 65~76 mm/h. During the tests the rainfall infiltration process and
lateral drainage phenomenon are observed, and the surface runoff, lateral drainage and percolation
through capillary-barrier cover are measured. In Test I, runoff accounts for 69.4% of the total
rainfall, and most of the infiltration is stored in the silt layer. The lateral drainage of the sand layer
is significant, being 3.5% of the total rainfall; and the percolation through the cover is 2.9% of the
total rainfall. In Tests II and III, the infiltration flux is reduced by an addition of bentonite into the
silt layer. A delayed response in the lateral drainage is observed in the sand layer, and the
percolation is reduced to only 0.8% of the total rainfall in Test II and no percolation is observed in
Test III. The model test results indicate that the percolation through the capillary-barrier cover can
be controlled under heavy rainfall condition by reducing rainfall infiltration and enhancing
capillary barrier effect and lateral drainage capacity. The research makes the application of
capillary-barrier cover in humid regions feasible.},
key = {Infiltration},
note = {Capillary barrier effect;Capillary-barrier;Delayed response;Drainage layer;Heavy
equipments;Total rainfall;Unsaturated drainage layer;Water balance;},
@article{20120714767087 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Influences of construction of side-crossing shield tunnel on adjacent ancient architectures
and reinforcement effect of protection measures},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wu, Chang-Jiang and Zhang, Zi-Xin and Ding, Wen-Qi and Zhang, Deng-Yu},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {158 - 165},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the side-crossing construction of Shanghai Metro line No. 11 close to the
ancient architectures, numerical simulation and field monitoring are employed to study the
settlement of the adjacent ancient architectures induced by the construction of MJS piles and the
side-crossing of newly shield-driven tunnel. The influences on the buildings during the whole
construction process can be divided into three stages: disturbance of pre-reinforced piles and
crossing of up and down lines. The stage of pre-construction of MJS piles has the most remarkable
impact. Due to the protection of MJS piles, the stages of crossing of up and down lines have the
second largest and the smallest impacts, respectively. In addition, because of the construction of
piles and the existing buildings at the left side of the tunnel, the settlement trough differs from the
traditional one, and the distribution of horizontal displacement obviously changes. Moreover, due
to the protection of isolation piles, the settlement produced by shield driving greatly decreases.
Finally, the field monitoring data agree with the numerical results. The accuracy and rationality of
the numerical simulation method is validated.},
key = {Tunnels},
keywords = {Architecture;Computer simulation;Piles;Subways;},
note = {Construction process;Existing building;Field monitoring;Field monitoring data;Horizontal
displacements;Numerical results;Numerical simulation method;Pre-construction;Protection
measures;Reinforcement effects;Remarkable impact;Settlement;Shanghai Metro;Shield driven
tunnel;Shield tunnel;Side-crossing;Three stages;},
@article{20120714767088 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Effect of orientation of initial principal stress on undrained shear behavior of saturated
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Guo, Ying and Zhang, Jun-Feng and Luan, Mao-Tian and Liu, Gong-Xun},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {166 - 171},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {By using the soil static and dynamic universal tri-axial and torsional shear apparatus,
the stress-controlled undrained static torsional tests are performed on Dongying intact saturated
silt of Shandong province and remolding saturated silt prepared by tamping method controlling
three kinds of the initial sampling water contents. The conditions of the initial anisotropic
consolidation are the initial mean principal stress of 100 kPa, the initial intermediate principal
stress coefficient of 0.5, the initial deviator stress ratio 0.433 and the initial orientation angle of the
principal stress respectively at 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°. During the
undrained monotonic shearing process, the mean principal stress and the intermediate principal
stress coefficient are fixed. The effects of orientation of the initial principal stress and initial
sampling water content on the stress-strain relations, the pore pressure development as well as the
effective stress paths are studied. The test results show that the effect degree of the initial principal
stress orientation on deformation and strength behavior of intact silt is different from that of the
remolding silt. The initial sampling water content has considerable influence on the test results of
the saturated remolding silt.},
key = {Silt},
keywords = {Degrees of freedom (mechanics);Semiconducting samarium compounds;Shear
flow;Water content;},
note = {Anisotropic consolidation;Deformation and strength;Effective stress;Initial deviator
stress;Initial orientation;Initial principal stress orientation;Intermediate principal stress;Pore
pressure development;Principal stress;Shandong province;Shearing process;Static and
tests;Undrained;Undrained shear;},
@article{20120714767082 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Reliability analysis of underground rock caverns using non-intrusive stochastic finite
element method},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Li, Dian-Qing and Jiang, Shui-Hua and Zhou, Chuang-Bing},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {123 - 129},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {A non-intrusive finite element method for the reliability analysis of deformation for
underground rock caverns is proposed. First, the polynomial chaos expansion is introduced. The
software SIGMA/W is selected to perform the deterministic FEM analysis. Thereafter, a procedure
for the interface between stochastic analysis module and software SIGMA/W is presented, and a
flowchart is provided as well. The non-intrusive finite element method means there is no need for
user-intervention during the calculation of the deterministic finite element code while the normal
stochastic finite element methods always do. This is of practical advantage that realistic
probabilistic analyses become possible for the practitioners. The computational efficiency of the
proposed method is significantly higher than that of the traditional Monte Carlo simulation. It can
serve as an alternate method for the reliability analysis of complex geotechnical problems. The
liner supporting can improve the reliability of the underground rock caverns effectively. The
sensitivity results indicate that the elastic modulus is the most significant random variable,
whereas the unit weight almost has no influence on the reliability results. Therefore, to improve
the reliability of the underground rock caverns effectively, a detailed geological investigation
should be conducted to reduce the uncertainty in the elastic modulus of rock mass.},
key = {Caves},
methods;Polycrystalline materials;Reliability;Reliability analysis;Rocks;},
investigation;Geotechnical problems;Monte Carlo Simulation;Non-intrusive;Polynomial chaos
expansion;Probabilistic analysis;Rock cavern;Rock mass;Stochastic analysis;Stochastic finite
element method;Underground cavern;Unit weight;},
@article{20120714767084 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Seismic stability of slopes of high rockfill dams},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Xu, Bin and Zou, De-Gao and Kong, Xian-Jing and Dong, Guang-Hui},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {139 - 144},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {By using the dynamic finite element stability and deformation method, the definite
methods for the most dangerous sliding surface, the influences of seismic duration and depth of
sliding surface on slope stability and deformation as well as the reinforcement range of dam slopes
are studied. The results show that by means of the pseudo-static method, the slip circle
corresponding to the minimum safety factor is deeper and the slip range is larger owing to the fact
that the acceleration distribution coefficient suggested by the Chinese Code does not match the
seismic response of dams. It is not helpful for determining the reinforcement range of dam slopes.
During the earthquake history, the potential sliding surface varies with the time history, and it
should be arbitrarily searched by using the dynamic finite element method. The potential sliding
surface corresponding to the minimum safety factor is different from the maximum slippage. The
estimation of the stability safety of dam slopes should combine the safety factor with the
deformation. The reinforcement range of dam slopes is suggested according to the calculated
key = {Slope stability},
keywords = {Dams;Deformation;Finite element method;Reinforcement;Rock mechanics;Safety
note = {Chinese codes;Dam slope;Distribution coefficient;Dynamic finite element;Dynamic finite
element method;High rockfill dam;Minimum safety factor;Potential sliding surfaces;Pseudostatic
method;Seismic stability;Sliding surface;Time history;},
@article{20120714767083 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Deterioration of soil cement stabilized in corrosive site},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yang, Jun-Jie and Sun, Tao and Zhang, Yue-Chen and Miao, Jia-Li},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {130 - 138},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The cement stabilized soil in natural condition, as well as stabilization in corrosive site,
will be influenced by environmental pollution such as acid rain, seawater invasion or industrial
pollution, which will lead to deterioration of the structure. Especially in the corrosive site, the
strength of soil stabilized by cement will increase, but at the same time, it will decrease due to the
deterioration at the beginning of stabilization. The experimental work is performed to study the
strength of soil stabilized by cement in the corrosive site which is represented by sea water.
Laboratory tests are carried out to measure the strength distribution by means of the micro cone
penetration tests. Also, the element analysis tests using the ion chromatography to measure the
distribution of Ca<sup>2+</sup> within the specimen are conducted. The effect of seawater
pressure on the strength of cement stabilized marine clay is analyzed. Two conditions are prepared.
In the first condition, two meters of seawater pressure are applied to the specimen by using
vertical pipe filled by seawater, and the other specimen has no pressure applied. It is indicated that
the deterioration extends quickly under seawater environment and the deteriorated depth becomes
deeper with the increase of pressure. The element analysis shows that the concentration of calcium
ions in deteriorated portion is lower than that in non deteriorated portion.},
key = {Soil cement},
keywords = {Acid rain;Deterioration;Seawater effects;Soils;Stabilization;Strength of materials;},
note = {Calcium ions;Cement stabilized soil;Marine clays;Micro cone penetration test;Seawater
@article{20120714767090 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Theoretical simulation and factors for static loading tests on a single pile},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Hong, Xin},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {176 - 183},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {A method for simulating the static loading test on a single pile is established based on
the Mindlin's settlement solution, including surcharge loading tests and anchor pile loading tests.
The two kinds of test load are compared, and the factors for the test results are analyzed. The
influences of arrangement of a bridge with temporary supports or anchor piles on the static
loading tests on a single pile are emphasized. The results show that the surcharge and archor pile
loading tests exaggerate the pile rigidity, and the exaggeration of the former is less than that of the
latter. Additionally the static loading tests according to the Chinese code in some conditions will
cause more errors. Therefore the interaction of the uprising of datum piles due to unloading of the
bridge with temporary supports or pulling of anchor-pile and lowering of datum piles due to
loading of test piles may be fully used to decrease the influences on the results.},
key = {Piles},
keywords = {Loading;Pile foundations;Testing;Unloading;},
note = {Anchor piles;Chinese codes;Mindlin;Pile loading;Single piles;Static loading
test;Surcharge loading;Temporary support;Test pile;Theoretical simulation;},
@article{20120714767086 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Probabilistic analysis of integrity inspection and dynamic evaluation of quality for bored
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Xu, Zhi-Jun and Zheng, Jun-Jie and Bian, Xiao-Ya and Zhao, Dong-An},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {151 - 157},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the probability theory, the probability distribution of integrity inspection for
piles is analyzed, and the analysis shows that the results of sampling inspection relate to the
general unqualified rate and the number of sampling inspection (NSI). Therefore the general
unqualified rate is suggested to be the criterion to judge the quality of all the bored piles. The prior
distribution of the general qualified rate is deduced to follow the normal Beta distribution using
the Bayesian method, and the posterior distribution also follows the Beta distribution according to
the conjugate distribution theorem. The expectation and variance of the posterior distribution are
studied, consequently. A conclusion is drawn that the posterior expectation is the weighted sum of
the current sampling unqualified rate and the prior expectation, and the posterior variance is the
current sampling unqualified rate and the prior variance. It is demonstrated through the analysis of
the relation between the NSI and the weighted coefficients, and the posterior expectation and
variance that the results of sampling inspection are sensitive to the NSI when the NSI is less than
ten, but when NSI is greater than ten, especially, greater than twenty, the results of sampling
inspection are insensitive to the NSI. Finally, a dynamic evaluation model of the general
unqualified rate is established using the relation between the prior expectation and variance and
the posterior expectation and variance. The results from the numerical example indicate that the
general unqualified rate can be more accurately estimated using the dynamic evaluation model,
which is significant in engineering practice.},
key = {Inspection},
keywords = {Bayesian networks;Normal distribution;Piles;},
note = {Bayesian methods;Beta distributions;Bored piles;Dynamic evaluation;Engineering
distribution;Probabilistic analysis;Probability theory;Unqualified rate;Weighted Sum;},
@article{20120714767080 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Convergence-confinement analysis of deep circular rock tunnels based on unified strength
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhang, Chang-Guang and Zhao, Jun-Hai and Zhang, Qing-He},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {110 - 114},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the unified strength theory and a non-associated flow rule, a new analytical
solution for ground reaction curve of a deep circular rock tunnel is presented taking into
consideration the integrated effects of the intermediate principal stress, rock softening, dilatancy
and a small Young's modulus in the plastic zone. The Vlachopoulos's formula due to its rationality
is adopted to determine the relief ratio of longitudinal deformation of the tunnel. The support
pressure differences anticipated from the convergence-confinement analysis between two methods
for determining the initial location of support action are discussed. The results show that the
influence of the unified strength theory parameter on the ground reaction curve and longitudinal
deformation profile of the tunnel is significant. The strength potentials of rock mass are better
achieved due to considering the effect of the intermediate principal stress. The effects of Young's
modulus in the plastic zone and dilatancy on the ground reaction curve are important. The
differences of support pressure between two methods for determining the initial location of
support action are remarkable.},
key = {Rocks},
keywords = {Deformation;Elastic moduli;Elasticity;Soil structure interactions;},
note = {Dilatancy;Ground reaction curves;Intermediate principal stress;Longitudinal
deformation;Support pressure;Unified strength theory;},
@article{20120714767072 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Calculation of ultimate bearing capacity of jacked-in piles in soft soil based on seismic
piezocone penetration tests},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Cao, Quan and Shi, Jian-Yong and Lei, Guo-Hui and Ai, Ying-Bo},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {51 - 57},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {According to the characteristics of installation of seismic piezocone penetration test
(SCPTu) penetrometers and jacked-in piles, the penetration process is simulated by means of the
cavity expansion theory. Based on this evaluation, the analytical solutions of the limit pressure of
spherical and cylindrical cavities are presented. According to the analytical solutions and
comparison of forces between SCPTu penetrometers and the piles, an analytical relationship
between the data measured from SCPTu and the ultimate bearing capacity of a single pile is
established. Compared with the axial load tests on a single pile in the field, the value of the new
analytical solution which is used to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of jacked-in piles by
utilizing the SCPTu data is verified.},
key = {Piles},
keywords = {Bearing capacity;Seismic waves;},
note = {Analytical solutions;Cavity expansion theory;Cylindrical cavities;Penetration
process;Saturated soft clay;Seismic piezocone penetration tests;Single piles;Soft soils;Ultimate
bearing capacity;},
@article{20120714767074 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Comprehensive soaking tests on self-weight collapse loess with heavy section in Lanzhou
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yao, Zhi-Hua and Huang, Xue-Feng and Chen, Zheng-Han and Zhang, Jian-Hua},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {65 - 74},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Soaking tests on self-weight collapse Q<inf>3</inf> loess with heavy section located
in Lanzhou region are conducted without water injection hole and with moisture meter and heat
conduction suction probe embedded. The test results indicate that multiple collapses appear in
different soil layers at different depths, and the times of the collapses decrease with the increase of
loess depth. The volumetric water content at different depths has different rules: the curve above
10 m in depth is made up of 6 stages, that between 10 m and 22.5 m in depth has 5 stages, and that
beneath 22.5 m in depth has 3 stages. The water above 25 m in depth infiltrates easily, and the
water beneath 25 m in depth infiltrates slowly because the upper loess has collapsibility inducing
the compaction and air pressure among soil pores increases gradually. The cracks far from the test
pit are generated by the violent motion of the cracks near the test pit. The wetting front of the
self-weight collapse loess with heavy section takes the shape of an ellipse (the major axis is
horizontal), and finally the eccentricity of elliptical humidification area becomes less. The soggy
angle increases with the increasing supply of water source, and its variation range is
0°~55°. The vertical infiltration velocity presents the reduction tendency of power
key = {Heavy water},
keywords = {Atmospheric pressure;Cracks;Infiltration;},
note = {Matric suctions;Self-weight;Soaking test;Soggy angle;Volumetric water content;},
@article{20120714767076 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Seismic responses of surrounding site of subway station in liquefiable foundation},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhuang, Hai-Yang and Long, Hui and Chen, Guo-Xing and Zuo, Yu-Feng},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {81 - 88},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The liquefiable foundation of the subway station may bring severe seismic damages to
it. Accordingly, a nonlinear model for the liquefiable foundation-subway station interaction is
constituted to calculate the large liquefaction deformation by using the constitutive model for sand.
The space-time transformation of the dynamic pore pressure, the displacement and the
acceleration of the liquefiable foundation are analyzed. The ascent of the subway station and the
dynamic settlement of the side foundation are investigated. The distributions of liquefaction area
and the displacement vectors of the foundation around the subway station are analyzed. The
research findings can be helpful for analyzing the earthquake damages of liquefiable foundation
around the underground structures or the ground structures.},
key = {Foundations},
keywords = {Earthquakes;Liquefaction;Seismic response;Subway stations;Underground
note = {Displacement vectors;Dynamic pore pressure;Earthquake damages;Ground
structure;Non-linear model;Sand liquefaction;Seismic damage;Space-time transformations;},
@article{20120714767077 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Semi-analytical numerical analysis for plane strain consolidation of anisotropic soil with
compressible constituents},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Xu, Jin and Cai, Zheng-Yin and Wang, Xu-Dong},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {89 - 93},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the characteristics of the governing equations of the Biot's consolidation, the
suitable trial functions of displacement and excess pore water pressure satisfying the boundary
conditions are obtained, and a semi-analytical numerical scheme for solving the plane strain
consolidation of multi-layered and anisotropic soil with compressible constituents is presented by
using the Galerkin's method. Moreover, by means of the orthogonality of the trigonometric
functions series, the weighted residual equations are decoupled to several independence ones
associated with different series modes. A computer program is developed for solving the
semi-analytical numerical equations. Several numerical examples are presented, and the numerical
results are compared with other available solutions to verify the validity of the present method.
The applicabilities of the present method in dealing with the anisotropy of permeability, the
compressibility of pore fluid and the layered characteristics of soil are demonstrated.},
key = {Numerical methods},
keywords = {Anisotropy;Compressibility;Galerkin methods;Soils;},
note = {Biot's consolidation;Computer program;Excess pore water pressure;Galerkin's
functions;Trigonometric functions;Weighted residuals;},
@article{20120714767081 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Experimental study on GPR model for artificial freezing projects},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Song, Lei and Zhang, Xiao-Jun and Yang, Wei-Hao and Li, Hai-Peng},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {115 - 122},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {It is effective to detect the thickness and lacuna of artificial freezing walls by means of
the ground penetrating radar (GPR). Based on the physical model tests, the similarity criteria of
GPR exploration are derived for artificial freezing projects, which have clear physical meanness
and can be employed to explain the relationship of the propagation time and amplitude of GPR
signals between the model and the prototype. According to the electromagnetic properties of
freezing soils with different frequencies, the similar criterion is a contradictory one in GPR model
for the artificial freezing projects. It is deduced that in AFE the travel time and characters of
anomalies in GPR profiles are similar to those of the prototypes, while the amplitude of GPR
signals will be much stronger than that of the prototypes. Through model tests and field
explorations, the characteristics of typical anomalies in AFE, such as freezing pipe and defects, are
obtained and reported. It is found that they play an important role in the construction of the
connecting passage of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel. The research findings have an important
theoretical value for the GPR experimental study and can be used in artificial freezing projects and
engineering construction in permafrost regions.},
key = {Freezing},
keywords = {Frozen soils;Geologic models;Geological surveys;Ground penetrating radar
systems;Soil testing;},
note = {Dielectric constants;Different frequency;Electromagnetic properties;Experimental
studies;Field exploration;Freezing pipes;Ground Penetrating Radar;Ground penetrating
radars;Model test;Model tests;Permafrost region;Physical model test;Propagation time;Similarity
criteria;Theoretical values;Travel time;Yangtze River;},
@article{20120714767092 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Deterioration reaction between alkali materials and laterite dams},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yang, Hua-Shu and Wei, Hai and Yang, Yu-Lu and Li, Jin-Yu and Yin, Xiao-Lin},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {189 - 192},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Alkali substances, such as cement and lime, have been largely used to reinforce soil
structure. But the laterite has been chronically eroded by alkali materials. Based on the chemical
analysis of mutual deterioration of the materials, accelerated life dip in calcium hydroxide is
designed for the laterite. The hydraulic factors are compared and the ion concentrations of seepage
are tested. The test results show that the alkali substances reduce the cohesion of sesquioxides,
depletes the clay particles of the laterite, and leads to poor-gradation of soil. Mutual deterioration
of alkali reinforcement materials and acidic laterite is released. The leakage mechanism of contact
zone is found for the acid and alkali materials. It is helpful for the strengthening of laterite dams.},
key = {Soils},
keywords = {Deterioration;Hydrated lime;Hydraulic structures;Materials;Reaction products;Soil
concentrations;Laterite;Leakage mechanism;Reinforcement materials;Soil structure;},
@article{20120714767078 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Coupled boundary element method for creep settlement of thick raft foundation on
viscoelastic ground},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Yan, Fu-You and Liu, Zhong-Yu and Yin, Wei-Xi},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {94 - 101},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {A coupled boundary element method for analyzing the interactive behaviour between
thick raft foundation and viscoelastic half-space soil medium below the foundation in the time
domain is presented. The viscoelastic rheological model for soils, combining a standard
Boltzmann model in deviatoric component with an elastic model in volumetric component, is
employed, and the effect of transverse shear deformation in the raft foundation is considered as it
bends under varying columnn loading during construction. The boundary element method is
employed to simulate the raft foundation and the ground creep respectively, and the relevant
numerical formulae are derived, in which the Newton quadratic interpolation for subgrade reaction
in the time interval is introduced. The present method, as well as the computing pragrom, can be
used to calculate settlements and differential settlements as well as bending moments and shear
forces in the raft. It is shown that the values of subgrade reaction will slightly increase on the
edges of the raft and decrease in the centric domain with soil creep after the completion of
construction, but the values of variation are not significant and may be ignored reasonably.
Howerver, the values of the raft settlement and differential settlement and the maximum bending
moments increase pronouncedly with soil creep up to a few years, and tend towards their stable
values. And thus the behaviors should be paid attention to in foundation designs for some soil
strata with high rheology.},
key = {Geologic models},
keywords = {Bending moments;Boundary element method;Creep;Geometry;Soils;Time domain
foundations;Rheological models;Shear force;Soil creep;Soil medium;Subgrade reactions;Time
domain;Time interval;Transverse shear deformation;Viscoelastic half-space;Volumetric
@article{20120714767071 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {New advances in basic theories of sand dynamics},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Zhang, Jian-Min},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {1 - 50},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The author's main achievements in the basic theories of sand dynamics in the past
three decades are summarized from the following five aspects: (1) 2D and 3D dynamic effective
strength criteria considering six frictional and non-frictional effects; (2) a cyclic elasto-plastic
model based on several new experimental findings of constitutive laws such as reversible and
irreversible dilatancies; (3) a constitutive theory of large post-liquefaction deformation with
emphasis on the establishment of a cohesive theoretical framework consisting of mechanical laws,
physical mechanisms, constitutive descriptions, numerical algorithms and pragmatic methods of
prediction; (4) a static and cyclic elasto-plastic model for interfaces between soils and structures,
which are established based on five basic experimental laws; (5) seismic earth pressure theory for
rigid retaining walls and shallow-buried structures under any lateral displacement. These advances
are obtained based on experimental observations, numerical simulations, mechanism analysis and
theoretical description. Special attention in the present study is paid to the deep understanding of
the realistic dynamic behaviours, rational descriptions of the cyclic effects of dynamic loadings
induced by earthquakes, and new developments of simplified and pragmatic methods of
key = {Rigid structures},
models;Interfaces (materials);Liquefaction;Pressure distribution;Retaining walls;Seismology;Soil
note = {Constitutive relations;Cyclic loading;Dynamic strength;Large deformations;Sandy
soils;Seismic earth pressure;},
@article{20120714767073 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Micromechanical properties and mechanical parameters of talus deposit based on digital
image technology},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Xu, An-Quan and Xu, Wei-Ya and Shi, Chong and Li, De-Liang},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {58 - 64},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Talus deposit is often seen in hydropower projects in the southwest of China. Its
mechanical properties are so complex that the microstructural study is often used to reveal the
essence of its deformation and damage. The digital image processing technology (DIPT) is
introduced to the simulation of talus deposits. Based on the study of DIPT, a
Photo-To-FLAC<sup>3D</sup> (PTF) auto-modeling program is developed. It is able to realize
the whole process: analyzing and processing the digital images, acquiring the information and
establishing the micro-model files. A new modeling method is developed for the mechanical
behaviors of talus deposits. As an example, some talus deposit data of Gushui Hydropower Station
are used. A micro-model for the talus deposit is established fast and correctly by means of the PTF
from the field digital photo. The mechanical properties and parameters are studied by the
numerical simulation of triaxial tests. The results show that the talus deposit has the feature of
"bully" in deformation while that of "Unicom band" under force. A random statistical analysis
method for the mechanical parameters is proposed by selecting field multiple photos. The
mechanical parameters based on the statistical analysis method are very close to those of
experiments in the actual engineering, indicating that the new method of acquiring mechanical
parameters is credible. A new way is opened up for selecting the mechanical parameters of talus
deposits, which provides a useful supplement for large-scale field tests.},
key = {Mechanical properties},
methods;Three dimensional;},
note = {Digital image;Digital image technology;Digital photos;Field test;Hydropower
parameters;Micro-model;Micro-structural;Micromechanical property;Modeling method;Triaxial
test;Whole process;},
@article{20120714767085 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Temperature measurements of long-distance liquid nitrogen freezing in high-confined
aquifer reinforcement},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Chen, Cheng and Yang, Ping and Zhang, Ting and Shi, Zhi-Ming},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {145 - 150},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Based on the Qingchun Road cross-river tunnel of Hangzhou, frozen parameters and
process of long-distance liquid nitrogen freezing in high-confined aquifer are obtained, and field
measurements of freezing temperature are performed. The results show that the long-distance
liquid nitrogen freezing temperature should be guaranteed in the way when the temperature
reaches the working liquid nitrogen below -100°C, and the exit temperature after cycling
should be held between -50°C~-70°C. By using three 1 cm-thick layers of polyethylene
insulating materials and three layers of sealed film alternately, the heat preservation effect is
obvious, the package temperature has a rise of 0.070°C/m, and the longest distance for the
liquid nitrogen freezing can reach 1000 m. The development speed of permafrost from large to
small order is gravel layer> silt sand layer> silt clay layer. The temperature of segment is
affected by external environment, and the temperatures at segment-shield shell interface before,
during and after welding of shield tail brushes are 5.4°C~-3.2°C,
19.3°C~8.7°C and 12.7°C~4.8°C so as to ensure the thawing and welding
quality of frozen walls. Compulsory thawing only needs 2 days to achieve the condition for the
shield, and this procedure has a total duration of 23 days, which solves the problem of replacing
shield tail brushes in confined aquifer.},
key = {Freezing},
note = {Confined aquifers;Exit temperature;External environments;Field measurement;Freezing
temperatures;Frozen soil wall;Frozen wall;Hangzhou;Heat preservation;Sand layer;Shell
interface;Silt clay;Temperature field;Three-layer;Welding quality;},
@article{20120714767079 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Analytic solution of seepage calculation for dams and levees with mound drains on
impervious strata},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Wu, Shi-Yu and Song, Xin-Jiang},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {102 - 109},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {The seepage calculations of dams and levees with mound and layer drains on
impervious strata are introduced. The slope angle of drain boundary is greater than 90°. The
main contents and results are as follows: (1) For the mound drain with the downstream water
depth H<inf>2</inf>=0, according to the Kochina's theory q/k=μh<inf>0</inf>, the
reciprocal of ratio μ between the flow quantity and the height h<inf>0</inf> of release point
is calculated, and the relevant fitting formula for 1/μ is presented. By means of the
transformed hypergeometric function, a formula for the exit gradient and its distributions with
slope angles of 90°, 135°, 180° is given. (2) The conformal mapping method is
employed to get the critical water depth H<inf>C</inf> of the mound drain, and its derivation
process is much simpler than that of the Novmurov's method. (3) For the mound drain with
coefficients D<inf>1</inf> and D<inf>2</inf> of additional length of downstream seepage path
are calculated, and two fitting formulae for D<inf>1</inf> and D<inf>2</inf> with enough
precision are presented. The conformal mapping method is used to get the exact seepage solution
in downstream district with mound drains, combined with the corresponding solution by
Normurov in the upstream district of dams and levees, an example is calculated accurately to get
the flow quantity ratio q/k, height of release point h<inf>s</inf>, distribution of exit gradient I,
coordinates of the whole phreatic line and its inflection points to check the corresponding program
of finite element and other approximate methods. (4) For the mound drain with
0<H<inf>2</inf><H<inf>C</inf>, two approximate formulae for the height h<inf>s</inf>
of release point and the additional length ΔL<inf>2</inf> of downstream seepage path are
presented. The calculated results agree with the results of the finite element methods.},
key = {Seepage},
keywords = {Approximation theory;Conformal mapping;Dams;Finite element method;Levees;},
variable;Conformal mapping method;Corresponding solutions;Drain boundaries;Finite
Element;Fitting formula;Flow quantities;Hypergeometric functions;Inflection points;Mound
drain;Phreatic line;Seepage calculation;Slope angles;Water depth;},
@article{20120714767089 ,
language = {Chinese},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Applications of ameliorated Culmann's graphical construction in fold line slopes},
journal = {Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering},
author = {Li, Da-Peng and Zhang, Wei-Feng and Zhao, Jian-Kui and Sun, Yun-Hou},
volume = {34},
number = {1},
year = {2012},
pages = {172 - 175},
issn = {10004548},
address = {34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, 210024, China},
abstract = {Aiming at simplifying the application of the Culmann's graphical construction in fold
line slopes, the bio-fold and tri-fold line slopes behind the retaining wall are taken as the analytical
models based on Wang Kuihua's amelioration on straight line slopes. According to the Coulomb's
earth pressure theory and the similarity between the geometric triangle and the force vector
triangle, a new graphical method is developed. Compared with the Culmann's graphical
construction, the newly ameliorated approach needn't calculate the weight of the slide masses, and
either needn't measure the line segments out proportionally to present the weight of the slide
masses. The proposed approach needs fewer calculations and is more convenient, and the results
are more precise.},
key = {Retaining walls},
keywords = {Pressure distribution;},
note = {Analytical model;Coulomb's earth pressure theory;Earth pressure;Force vectors;Graphical
methods;Line segment;Line slope;},