Dairy Technology

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M. Athar, G. Ahmed, A. Iqbal and Tariq Aziz. 1993. Implications of
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Science Technology and
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Athar, G. Ahmed, A. Iqbal and Tariq Aziz. 1995. Implications of biotechnology
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S. Arif, Tariq Aziz, Yahya Ashraf and M. Safdar Ali. 1998. Residual
sulfonamides in milk, meat and eggs. Journal of Pure and Applied Science. 14(1):
1 - 4.
Shahid Younus, Tariq Masud and Tariq Aziz 2002. Quality evaluation of market
yoghurt / dahi. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 1 (5): 226-230.
H. Athar, Tariq Aziz and M. Akram. 2003 Composition of buffalo and cow milk
produced in different areas of the Punjab province, Pakistan. Pak. J. Agri., Agril.
Engg., Vet. Sc. 19 (1): 43-52.
Ullah, A. W. Younus and T. Aziz 2003. A study on bacteriological examination
of various types of milk from Lahore City market. Journal of Animal and Plant
Sciences. 13 (4): 221-225.
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Athar, I. H., R.H. Usmani, A. G. Khan and I. D. Warsey. (1994). Effect of
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Tariq Aziz, 1996. Meritorious aspects of goat milk. In Small Ruminants: Research
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Research Council, Islamabad. PP 104-109
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Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad.
Athar, I.H. and T. Aziz. (1997). Establishing standards for buffalo and cow raw
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M. A. Khan, M. Anwar, G. Mohiuddin and Tariq Aziz. 1998 Livestock in
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Khan, M.A., M. Anwar, G. Mohiuddin and Tariq Aziz 1998. Livestock in
Pakistan: Vision 2010 (Edt). Proceedings of the International Conference on
Animal Production held at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad,
2 - 3 December 1997 and sponsored by GTZ, FAO, UNDP etc and published by
the Pakistan Animal Husbandry Association. Pakistan.
Aziz, T. 1989. Prospects of Food Irradiation. Progressive Farming. 9(4): 45-48.
Aziz, T. 1989. Indigenous Technology: A challenge. Agro Veterinary News. 1(3):
Tariq Aziz and Javaid Aziz 1993 Dangers of white bread. Pakistan Observer.
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Athar, I. H. and T. Masud. (1991). Practical problems of milk collection and
research approach for their solution. Progressive Farming. Vol. 11, No. 1. JanFeb., 1991. pp 132.
Athar, M., G. Ahmed, A. Iqbal and Tariq Aziz. 1993. Implications of
biotechnology in animal food and nutrition.
Science Technology and
Development (Pakistan). 12(1)9-12.
Athar, I.H. and H. Khan, 2001. Importance of Livestock for Pakistan. Daily
‘DAWN, Lahore’, 24th September 2001. (Economic and Business Review. Sep
24-30, 2001 P III).
Athar, I.H. and H. Khan. 2001. Milk— the White Gold and its Wastage in
Pakistan. Daily “The News, Lahore”, 22nd August 2001.
Athar, I.H. and H. Khan. 2001. Pakistan ki Maeshat main Livestock ki Ahmyat (In
Urdu). “The Nawai Waqt, Karachi”, 11th August 2001.
Aziz, T. 2000. Fasting prevents cancer. Pakistan Observer. Thursday, December
21, Vol. XII No. 331.
Aziz, T. 2001. Combating aftermath of fasting. Pakistan Observer. Thursday
January 4, Vol. XII No. 35.
Aziz, T. 2003. Fasting: How to benefit the best. Pakistan Observer. Thursday
November 20, Vol. XV No. 363.
Aziz, T. 2004. Preparation of standard dairy products (in Urdu). The Shifa News
Intl. Vol. 5, No.5, October issue pp 20 to 22---a popular bilingual health