Tuesday, 9th November, 2010
The beginning of GCCN: GCCN started its journey on 28th February 2010. Grameen
Caledonian College of Nursing (GCCN) is working for those girls who come from the
rural area of Bangladesh. We have 38 students in our first batch. All the teachers and
students work together in a very friendly atmosphere. Since GCCN started its journey
there were several activities and occasions which were observed by GCCN which is
highlighted below.
Nurses Day Celebration: On 12th may all the students and staff members of GCCN
celebrated the Word Nurses Day. There were many activities through out the whole day.
In the morning all the students and staff took out a rally. The rally moved around the
Grameen Bank Complex. Later on in the evening many guests were invited to observe
the day with GCCN family. There was an open discussion. All the guests participated in
the discussion. They discussed about the works, mission and vision of the nursing
profession. Then a cultural program was arranged with the students performing dances,
play and singing songs. It was prepared by the teachers and the students. They presented
the drama abut the life history of Florence Nightingale. The celebration ended with
dinner for all.
Social Business Day: Social Business Day (SBD) was celebrated on June 28 2010 in
Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon. The main idea of observing this day was to promote this
concept and gain awareness of the possibilities in the future of Social Business. Important
dignatories from business organizations, educational institutions and leaders from
different fields of expertise participated in this event. The inaugural ceremony included
an opening speech and launch of Social Business Day by Prof. Yunus, in the presence of
high - profile members of the business and academic sectors. Prof. Barbara Parfitt
(Principal of GCCN) and all other students’ staff participated in this occasion. Prof.
Parfitt gave speech and GCCN had its own stall in the fair where it was portrayed what
Grameen Caledoninan College is about. It was a learning experience for all staff and
students on Social Business
Organisational Development workshop at Comilla
Learning experience in the midst of nature
Start up phase for any institution includes hurdle and ambiguity which the organisation
has to overcome as a team. The key to well functional team is to have order, discipline
and unity which are quoted from the three pillars of Buddha’s word of wisdom. Just when
our team at GCCN was struggling through the hurdles of the start up phase, Ms. Freya
Brannan came all the way from GCU to help us overcome this situation as a team. We
had a short 2 days trip to Comilla Bard where Ms. Freya led an organisational
development workshop. We had discussion as a group on what are our expectations, what
has been working right and what was not. A team effectiveness survey was conducted by
Ms. Freya which showed our strengths and weakness as a team. After these discussions
we realised what was wrong and what needed to be done. Two of the main issues
identified were that clarity was required in the job roles and responsibilities for all staff
members and a revised organisational structure with clear line management and
functional teams. Since the workshop, it seems we have overcome several problems as a
team. Now we have regular team meetings were we set up goals to achieve with
timelines, which includes introducing and implementing systems in different areas and
manage the administration side of the college effectively. Staff members have structured
planning and execution of their tasks which lead to active participation. I believe we still
have a long way to go but as a team we can conquer all the obstacles ahead. Gradually as
the college grows, we even grow with it and it is a learning experience for us all.
Work, activities and performance of our students: The students of GCCN are very
active and punctual.. The first year first semester final examination was held from 18 July
2010 to 22 July 2010. The result was published on 26 August. Prof. Parfitt and the
academic members were satisfied with their performance and grades.
At the beginning of second semester the students started their Clinical visits to four
partner hospitals. According to the schedule they visited National Heart Foundation,
ICDDRB, Shaheed Shahrowardi Hospital, and Kumudini Hospital. They gathered a lot of
practical experience through the visiting.
Following the clinical visits the students participated in Community visit . Their
Community placement was in Lamb Hospital at Parbortipur in Dinajpur. The first and
second group went there on 16th October 2010 and came back on 22nd October 2010 and
the third and fourth group went on 22nd October and came back on 29th October 2010.
Pitha Utsob: After the students completed their final examination on the 22nd July
2010 a pitha utsob was arranged for the staff and students by Mr. Monir in cooperation
with students and academic members. Different types of pitha (cakes) and fruit salads
were prepared. There was also a short cultural program where the students sang songs,
told stories and jokes etc. All the staff and the students participated in the program and it
was a good recreation for GCCN family.
Visit of Miss. Masyo: Miss. Masyo is a Japanese lady who visited GCCN on 25th
August 2010 during Ramadan. For the purpose of respecting the guest and get together of
all staffs, GCCN arranged for an Iftar party on that day.
English Course by British Council : The medium of language in which the Diploma in
Nursing program is English. It is very important for students to read, write, listen and
speak in English. To ensure that students get the proper guidance needed to learn this
language GCCN arranged for English course by British Council for all the students. Two
administrative staff Ms. Sajia and Ms. Hira is also taking the course as a part of
professional training. It is an eight week course and will finish at the end of 2010.
Prof. Cam Donaldson’s visit: Recently Prof. Cam Donaldson visited GCCN. He
conducted seminars for the staff emebers and students. Prof. Cam, Prof. Barbara and Dr.
Nazmul Huda went on a trip to Barishal Eye Hospital and Grameen Bank on 4th and 5th
October. The purpose of the visit was mainly to see how the social business is running
Professor Muhammad Yunus of the Grameen Caledonian Partnership will be awarded
the Congressional Gold Medal by the US Government for his efforts to fight global
poverty. The bill to award the medal to Professor Yunus was passed by a unanimous vote
in the US Congress, and has gone to President Obama for signature. It is the highest
civilian honour awarded by the United States government, together with the Presidential
Medal of Freedom, which President Obama presented to Professor Yunus in 2009.
Professor Yunus received the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of
Freedom from President Barack Obama in 2009. Only seven individuals including Martin
Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela have achieved all three.
Professor Yunus was also awarded the highest national award of Peru, "Order of the
Sun," in the grade of "Grand Cross" at a ceremony in Lima last Wednesday.
Breaking News:
1. Ms. Susana Marcos Alonso joined GCCN on 16th November’2010.She joined as a
volunteer teacher. She will work with Ms. Poly. Her subject is Nursing Inquiry.
2. Computer and IT related volunteer teacher joined in GCCN on 1st
November’2010.His name is A.S.M. Sariful Islam.
3. Ms. Kellie Gibson visited GCCN on 1st November’2010 to 4th November. She did
session with students and staffs on rheumatoid arthritis. She also shared her
knowledge about leprosy with all.
Dear all, staffs and students of GCCN: Please give your ideas, items, and articles
and contribute in the GCCN newsletter. Your active participation will help us to
deliver a nice newsletter for all.