THE RINGING WORLD INDEX 2005 Please note that page numbers 1245, 1246, 1247 and 1248 refer to issue no 4938/9, Dec16th/23 rd and page numbers 1245B, 1246B, 1247B and 1248B refer to the first four pages of issue 4940, Dec 30th Abel, John 1265 Abingdon, Oxon new ring of ten 832 quarter in aid of Trade Justice 439 Abrams, Arthur 1040 abseiling 811 ‘ABZ of Sacred Cows’ “Never, ever, say No ...” 519 Obligations and Opportunity 1007 AC/DC rock band 173-5, 224 Acoustical Measurements on Church Bells and Carillons 451 acoustics 75 Adams, John broken ankle 1204 celebration of 25 years of ringing 1023 Adams, Will retirement 191 addiction 1245 Addington, Croydon Eric Godfrey, 40 years tower captain 1159 Adelaide, Australia bridging the generation gap 860 Advent, Cornwall 74 bellframe project 1157-9 first peal since augmentation 573 advert for engine driver (1905) 226 aerials, telecommunications 75, 587, 963, 1251 AIDS 6, 53, 104 Ainsworth, Marion and Mark 152-3 Albion, James 855 Aldgate, London E C 3 special quarter 467 ‘Alternative Test Match’ 812-3 ‘Andrew Fosdike – The Truth?’ 1239 Andrewes, Bishop Lancelot 1079 angklungs 362 Anderton, F 93 Andover, Hants history of church and bells 25-6 Anglican Independent Communion 1013 (see also ‘Peachey, Barry’,and ‘Draycott, Martin’) Annable, Benjamin 940 (see also under ‘COMPOSERS’) Antiquarian Horological Society 1106 ANZAB Western 660 ANZAC Day commemoration 511 ‘Appealing to the young’ 476 Appledore, Kent anniversary peals 209 Appleton Dinner 2005 317 April Fool pages 297-8, 351 Apter, Susan (Swaz) 1052 Archer, John 886 arches, grooved 1060 Archibald, Janet 72 Arkless, Jim and Marjorie Diamond Wedding 1191 Arklow, Wicklow, Ireland peal (1905) 99 Army Guild 755 Arnold, Frank C J 49-51 Around Ringers tour, Vale of White Horse 896 art 472-3 Ascension Day 452 Ash, Somerset special quarter 877 Ashchurch, Glos special peal 649 Ashtead, Surrey peal by Williams (1905) 226 Aslacton, Norfolk special quarter 731, 755 Aspenden, Herts ‘Memorial’ quarter 513 association subscriptions non-payment of 66 Aston Clinton, Bucks Kenyan visitors 884 AUGMENTATIONS Brasted, Kent 1029-31 Hobart, Tasmania 761-2, 764 Irnham, Lincs 805 Rumburgh, Suffolk 421-2, 426 Shrivenham St Andrew’s, Oxon 1053-4, 1056 Augusta, Georgia, USA Church of the Good Shepherd new tower and bells 1077-9 Aune Head Arts 276, 730, 1268 Austin, Aidan youngest ringer in Africa? 732 Austin, Brian 1092 Austin, Brother 1185 Avebury, Wilts augmentation in memoriam Eva Smith 715 Aylesbury, Bucks carol concert ringing 48 Aylesford, Kent quarters for BRF 486 Aylsham, Norfolk special peal 796 back rounds 32, 78,105, 126, 127, 155, 180, 204, 254, 255, 404 Backford, Cheshire special quarter 72 Backwell, Somerset special quarter 612 Bacup, Derbys 278 Badsworth, Yorks 74 Bailey, Philip 30th birthday quarter peals 218 Bailey, Roger 404, 469-70 Bailey, Trevor 50 years a ringer 396 Balderton, Notts young ringers 832 Ball, Peter 879 Balle, Charles 891, 892 Balmain, NSW, Australia 73 Bangor, Co Down special quarter 607 Barber, Charlotte 1104 Barham, James, peal book 1162, 1187, 1249 Barker, Ronnie 1016, 1083 Barnett, Edwin 351, 940 Barnoldswick, W Yorks augmentation appeal 1024 special quarter 485 Barnsley, Glos festival and special quarters 607 Barraclough, Owen and Joan 403-4 Barrow upon Humber, N Lincs fundraising event 537 Bartlett, James 177 Barton, John search for information 377 Barton, Stephen W 1000th peal 1052, 1055, 1062 Barton Turf, Norfolk 1073 Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, Yorks 400th birthday of tenor bell 35, 45 Basford, Hazel 708 Basildon, Essex 328 St Martin of Tours 516 Bateman, Mike 273-5 BATH & WELLS ASSOCIATION bell maintenance course 512 Bridgwater quarters in aid of tsunami disaster 439 Derbyshire peal week 625 dinner photo (1960s) 1230 Dunster annual dinner 145 quarter peal fortnights 20, 1199 Taunton AGM 1187 beanie 768 bearings, plain, repair of 54 Beaumont, Robert de 1207 Beccles, Suffolk 396 Beckbury, Shropshire 74 Beddington, Surrey re-dedication 172 rehanging 640 Bedford Modern School ringing group 1056 BEDFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION quarter peal week 391 young ringers’ reunion 944 Beech, Frank 806, 827, 1120 beer and breweries 768 beer and ringing tours 501 Beer Festival, Knaresborough 444 BEER MATTERS What makes a good pub 193 pump labelling 315 riverside pubs 497 ‘Sex, Lies and Red Tape’ 890 Yorkshire Ale Trends 682-3 ‘Belarus to Birmingham, From’ 905 2 belfry furnishings 78 belfry reform 1118 BELL advisers – see ‘Diocesan Bell Advisers’ database 447 fittings, conservation of 864-5 museum 713 public house names 31-2 wheels 243, 864 Zen symbol of enlightenment 339 ‘Bell Founding in the European Union ..’ 713-5 ‘Bell Moods in Birmingham’ 11045 Bellamy-Knights, Dr Peter 191 Bell’s Life in London 891, 892 BELLFOUNDERS van Aershodt 713, Apolda Foundry 277, Arnold 1206, Austen 1212, Bagley 31, 1102, Barber 1212, Bartlett & Phelps 879, Barwell 1102, 1107, 1213, 1216, Bayley 580, Bayley and Street 580, Bayley and Sweet 266, Bayne 580, Bergamo 715, Bergholtz 713, 715, Bilbie 339, 997, 1212, Blackbourn 1213, Blews 1213, Bond 1213, Bowell 962, Bowen 1213, Brend 426, Briant 426, 1268, Bridgwater Foundry 1212, Brooke 1107, Caborn 1268, Carr 265, 341, 912, 1213, Chapman 733, Cockey 1212, Colbachini 713, 714, 715, Cornille-Havard 372, 714, 715, 931, Davies 266, Davis 997, Delcourt 957, Dobson 274, 1224, Eayre 1206, Eijsbouts 472, 713, 714, 715, 732, 1069, Eldridge 642, Evans 266, 1000, Gardner 426, Gheyn 713, Gillett and Johnston 74, 76, 327, 352, 592, 642, 657, 703, 832, 860 (bell archive), 958, 997, 1033, 1047, 1056, 1102, 1162 (bells cast by Taylor), 1206, 1209, 1212, 1213, Gillett, Bland & Co 1029, Grassmayr 713, 714, 715, Graye 274, Harrison 1268, Hatch 997, Hemony 713, Hey 1212Hodson 1121, Hooper Foundry, Boston 1177, 1210, Innocent 1207, Janaway 1029, Jefferies and Price 709, 997, Keene 927, 1118, Kingston 266, Kipling 879, 938, Knight 345, 348, 592, 1068, 1212, Lester 642, Lester and Pack 25, 26, 31, 100, Leuven Foundry 713, 714, Llewellins and James 74, 266, 642, 997, 1068, 1213, Lott 1212, Manousek 714, 715, Martin 1102, Mears 121, 180, 228, 345, 348, 580, 642, 733, 879, 892, 917, 1056, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1212, 1268, Mears and Stainbank 93, 97, 231, 348, 580, 642, 981, 1000, 1029, 1068, 1249, Michiels 713, Nauen 713, 715, Naylor Vickers 265, 1177, 1210, Newcombe 1206, Newman 274, Noon 251, Norris 805, Norton 266, Oldfield 805, Osbourne & Dobson 391, Paccard 713, 715, 953, 958, 1033, Pack & Chapman 642, 981, Penn 31, Petit and Fritsen 1104, Phelps 1029, 1213, Portilla of Santander 714, 715, Purdue 580, 997, 1068, 1212, Pyatkov 714, 715, Quintana of Soldana 714, 715, Rinker 713, 714, 715, Rudhall 581, 621, 709, 861, 862, 938, 1024, 1069, 1206, 1246, Ruetschi 713, 715, Schiller 713, Sergeys 713, 714, 715, Slegers 713, Smith 31, Taylor, John of Oxford 1159, Taylor, Robert 274, 275, 1206, Taylors of Loughborough – see separate entry, Tincleton 1212, Turmeau 472, Warner 224, 231, 248, 251, 266, 293, 327, 352, 398, 426, 580, 612, 613, 614, 642, 645, 917, 997, 1047, 1107, 1157, 1159, 1213, 1263, Warre 580, 1212, Watts 1107, 1206, 1207, 1208, Watts, Eayre & Arnold 862, Wauthy 958, Wells 31, 74, 1159, 1212, Williams 709, van Wou 1186, Wroth I 266, Xmeco Foundry 832 bellframes Advent, Cornwall, project 11579 conservation of 865 Webb & Bennett’s 345 survey 75 bellhangers 1213 Bellringers’ Broadcasting Co 315 ‘Bell-ringers on bicycles!’ 1181, 1184 BELLS Big Ben 1061 blessing of 1158 Burdett-Coutts 180, 231 buried or submerged 917 conservation of 864 Coptic Orthodox ornamentation 372 French 472 in Tunis 278 German 249-50, 277 Gillett cast by Taylors 1162 Great Bell of Mingun 844, 1160 heavy 472, 1160 rung by women? 231 ‘Hell’s Bell’ 173-5 in musical performances 987 mediaeval 362, 1118, 1121 oldest rings 1118 recast 403 Scottish railway 24 single, large, hung in church porch 119, 126, 154, 231, 570 steel 341, 1107, 1177 stone 204, 278 miniature reproductions 427 substitute 447, 499, 769, 868, 1251 Trinity House buoy bells 74 unidentified 1162 weighing of 666 Bells and Belfries of Dorset part III 932 Bells and Man 868 Bells and Ringers of ... Bromham, Wiltshire 267 ‘Bells or Beer?’ 1245 Bells, The Sound of 224 Belton, Lincs ringers’ rules 815 Benenden, Kent new flat 6th 320 Bennett, Gareth 1034 Bennett, Geoff and Nan wedding anniversary 48 Benstead, Ben 70 years a ringer 343 Bergamo, Paul 372 Berlioz ‘Symphonie Fantastique’ 987 Bermondsey, London special peal 433 Berrow’s Worcester Journal 985, 986 Bevis, Trevor ‘Memories of a ... Prolific Fen Tower’ 1040, 1083 ‘Bexley Borough Bellringers’ 221 Bidford on Avon, Warwicks special quarters 120 Billingshurst, Sussex 396 Bird, Margaret 1248B bird netting 793 Bird, Patrick bell dedication 932 BIRMINGHAM Bournville Carillon 1104-5 peal band (1960’s) 196 peal ringers of September 1755 885-8 St Anne’s, Moseley 76 appeal 1107 inscriptions 1107 St Chad’s peal of Stedman Triples no 1 765 St Edburgha, Yardley recast bells (1950) 1102-3 St Martin’s in the Bull Ring new secretary 396 peals by St Martin’s Youths before 1785 886 (see also ‘St Martin’s Guild’) ringing for Architecture Week 763, 765, 815 St Marys, Moseley 1107 special quarter 265 St Paul’s in the Jewellery Quarter new light ten 2 St Philip’s Society, 19th century 891 Triples Eisteddfod 176, 184 250th anniversary of St Martin’s Guild 1-2, 120 (see also ‘St Martin’s Guild’) ‘Birmingham change-ringing, rise of’ 178-9 ‘Birmingham peal-ringers of September 1755 ..’ 885-8 Birmingham University Society 27 dinner 355, 365 tour of Bristol 265 Bishopstoke, Hants Campanile first peal on the bells 353 Bisley, Glos 100th peal on the bells 770 Blackburn, Lancs Easter ringing 480 Blair, Alan ‘Great Bell of Mingun, The’ 1160 Blair, Cherie and Tony 493-4 Bland, Tilly 1004 3 ‘Blessed are the Cheesemakers’ 297-8, 328 Blisworth, Northants first peal since augmentation 408 Blisworth Tunnel Bicentenary 408 Blue Peter Caron Keating Foundation 168 Gloria Hunniford 168 John Noakes taught to ring (1966) 105 Blunsdon, Wilts first peal since augmentation 209 Bluntisham, Cambs first peal on the bells 185 restoration 273-5 Boast, Elsie 80th birthday 191 Bodmin, Cornwall 445-6, 499 Bohan/Bohun, Richard 230, 277 Bollee, Orleans 372 booklets, pocket-size? 769 Bordeaux Porta Sancti Jacobi 472 Boroughbridge, N Yorks rededication 97-9, 180 Boston, Lincs three foreign students taught to ring 588 Boston, Mass, USA 1008 Advent Guild 277 King’s Chapel 440 Bournemouth, Dorset Sacred Heart quarter in memoriam John Paul II 417 Bowden, Richard J 703, 1012 Bowen Therapists European Register 1162 Box, Linda new chancellor of Southwell diocese 224 boxes, 1186, 1249 Boyce, Admiral the Lord 398 Bracegirdle, Robert ‘A Bellfounder in Wartime’ 1216 Bradfield, Berks record of ringing 302-3, 571 Brampford Speke, Devon 100th peal on the bells 131 Brancepeth, Durham 779 return of Durham University Soc 1182 Branston, Lincs Woodside Campanile 296 Brasted, Kent augmentation 1029-31 Bredon, Worcs refurbishment update 612 breweries 768, 843 Brewster, Andrew 121-2, 124 Brigg Garden Centre, N Lincs fundraising event 537 Brisbane Cathedral 198 BRISTOL Ss Philip and Jacob 100 St Stephen Patrick Bird Bell Dedication 932, 1204 British Carillon society 1033 British Museum 99, 116 Broad Chalke, Wilts special peal 1223 broadcasting ringing 768, 843, 889, 938, 1241, 1249 Brooke, Samuel 886-7 Brooke, William 887 Brown, Kathleen and Michael Golden Wedding 1087, 1100 Brown, Robert D S 1000th peal 329 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 1186, 1249 Bryant, David 864-5 Buckfast Abbey 276 Buckingham, Bishop of 493-4 Bunyan, John 570 Burchnall, Grace and Katherine 666, 739 Burdett-Coutts, Baroness 180, 231, 255, 277 Burghill, Herefordshire 286 Burke, Walter 983 Burne-Jones, Edward 229 Burnley, Lancs record peal 625 Burton upon Trent, Staffs special quarters 19 Burwell, Cambs special memorial quarter 997 Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk dedication of cathedral 781 Butler, John 487 Butler, William 641 butterflies 1124, 1187 buttresses, best 255 Byrne, Alex 769 Bythorn, Huntingdon special quarter 265 call change quarter peals 1035, 1060, 1083 call change ringers, Devon 302, 403, 427 call changes, Devon 276, 403, 427 calling Holt’s Original 176-77, 248, 278, 570 calling while ringing 177 calls of nature 522, 570, 595 Calton, Clive 861-3 Calvert, George 419 Cambridge St Mary the Great special quarter 612 Cambridge University Engineering Dept bell project 120 Cambridge University Guild tour of Norfolk 960, 967 under 21’s quarter peal 612 Campanalogia 927 Campton, Beds outing with Haynes young ringers special quarter 93 cannons, removal of 1083 Cape Town, S Africa 516 Carey, David and Jean 489 CARILLONS ‘Bell Moods in Birmingham’ 1104-5 Cappelle-le-Grande and Hondschoote 1032-3 ‘Carillon Country ..Le Nord, France’ 957-9 information on (to 1939) 277 ‘Original Taylor Carillon, The’ 541-2, 546-7 Saltley, Birmingham 1033 Carlisle, Cumbria Cathedral history of bells 881 hosts Requiem Mass 420 new bell (sharp second) 881 St Stephen’s 231 CARLISLE D G secretary retires 399 striking competition 600 Young Ringer’s Award 444 Carpenter, Clare and Edwina 694, 717 Carter, F E, Dean of Grahamstown 293 Carter, John 376 Carveth, Alan 446, 499 Cassandra 615, 1211 Castings Technology International 815 Cathedral Fabric Committees 879 Cattermole, Paul 49-51, 1073 Catworth, Cambs 74 Caunton, Notts first peal since augmentation 10 Cave, Audrey and Roy Golden Wedding 698 Caversham, Berks peal book (1905) 376, 739 Cawley, David L ‘Parish and ... Church of St Mary de Castro, Leicester’ 1205-9 review of Church bells of Dorset 1212-3 CENTRAL COUNCIL AGM 1905 617, 659 Agenda 520 AGM 2005 Agenda 423 Minutes 689 peals 600 RW overview 565-8 Annual Report 2004 424-5 committee structure 450-1 COMMITTEE REPORTS 299, 301, 325-6, 347, 349-50, 371, 373-5, 399-401, 691-3 COMMITTEES Administrative 373-4, 350-1 new committee 540, 564 Bell Restoration 347, 349 Fred Dukes International Fund 48, 347 invitation to apply for grants 841, 1124 Biographies 326 Education 299, 525, 827 ‘Training, A New Framework for’ 1010-11 ‘Training Young People’ 913-5 Information and Communi-cations Technology 375 Library 299, 301 Methods 347, 350, 377, 450, 548, 596, 738, 1051, 1162 Peal Compositions 326, 717 Peals Analysis 399-401 Public Relations 320, 325, 564, 595, 632, 832, 884, 907, 1028, 1126 Noise Complaints Coordinator 784 publicity leaflet 1028 see also ‘Trafalgar Festival’ Publications 301 Records 371, 373 Redundant Bells 350 Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells 375, 489 Ringing Centres 326, 564 4 Ringing Trends 839 Towers and Belfries 349, 4489, 495 information for PCCs and ringers 51 MEETINGS WITH OTHER BODIES Council for the Care of Churches 447, 499, 1251 English Heritage 75 STEWARDS’ REPORTS Carter Ringing Machines 350 Rolls of Honour 350 Chamberlain, John th 80 birthday 166 Champion, Pauline 1000th peal 669 Channel Island Festival 426, 729, 760 Chapman, H 955 charities 227-8 (see also ‘fund raising’) Charities, A Remarkable Collection of 227-8 charity, Christian 104 Charles Church, Plymouth/Charles, N Devon 104-5 Chartham, Kent flower festival 997 Chattell, William 891 Chatteris, Cambs 1040 Chawleigh, Devon 1024 Cheesemakers .. 297-8, 328 Cheltenham, Glos St Mark’s history and bells 321-2, 324, 403-4 Cheltenham, Warden Hill, Glos first 25 quarters now rung 216 Cherry, Richard Robert, Attorney General for Ireland 1245 CHESTER D G 147 Chester 486 East quarter peal week 462 Festival 944 Mid-Cheshire quarter peal fortnight 18 ringing for Grosvenor wedding 18, 24 ruby weddings peals 943 South Ringing Master’s Evening Outing 879-80 striking competitions 705, 944 Wirral quarter peal ‘event’ 1238 quarters commemorating end WWII 825 young ringers at Chester Cathedral 200 Chewton Mendip, Somerset starting a band from scratch 1230 child protection 914 Childs, Thomas 580 Chiltern Midweek Group 18, 92, 439, 579, 1046 Chislet, Kent 760 Cholsey, Oxon 43ers’ special quarter 829 Christchurch, New Zealand St Paul’s Papanui 196 Church Bells of Gloucestershire 227-6 Church Bells of Kent 227 Church Bells of Leicestershire 1205 Church Bells of Lincolnshire 227 Church Bells of Norwich 1073 Church Bells of Staffordshire 892 Church Bells of Suffolk 230 Church Bells of the County of Stafford 31 Church Knowle, Dorset 74 Church of England dealings with Quintel S4 956 doomed 884, 916 churches, photographs of 1061, 1106 churches, redundant 498, 523 cider, illicit sale of 286 ‘Cinque Ports welcome new Lord Warden’ 397-8, 408 Cirencester, Glos 757 clamming 815 CLAPPERS replacement of Great Paul’s 815 speroidal graphite 1245B-7B wooden 1245B-7B wrought iron 1245B-7B wrought iron v. ductile iron 596, 645, 667, 694, 716, 739, 792 Clark, John 917 Clark, Pat 1210 Claybrooke, Leics special quarter 1100 Clent, Worcs ringing ladies (1905) 1011 Clerical Guild 443 Clevedon, Somerset experience of novice ringer 154 Clifford, Herefordshire a note of appreciation 1000 Clifton, Notts 74 clock keepers 1082 clock chimes, night silencer 180 clockmakers Bartholomew 1212 Clothworkers Livery Company 231, 255, 277 Clothworkers’ Hall 277 Clouston, Ranald 1212, 1213, 1247B Cockey, Revd H A 1012 Coggeshall, Essex 546 Colchester, Essex 67 Coleorton, Leics 73 Coleridge, Canon G F 910 Colgate, Doris 90th birthday 563 Collections of Rung Surprise, Delight ... Methods corrections to names 450 College Youths, Ancient Society of 892, 1214, 1215 and Fabian Stedman 927 election of officers 1124 first Lady Master 1101 four peals of Maximus in a day 588 knockout competition 594 past secretary, compliment to 1088, 1100 peal weekends 943, 1017-8 visitors’ tour of UK 808, 1089 ‘ .. College Youths: History of ...’ 569 Collett, Betty and John Golden Wedding celebrations 927 Colletti, Stefano, carilloneur 957, 958 Collingwood, Admiral 1128 Collins, Tim fundraising ride 362, 368, 574, 575-6 Colmar/Colmer, John 230, 277 commitment required of learners 352 COMPETITIONS (see also names of Guilds) Association 11, 496-7, 600, 705, 944, 956, 976, 1093, 1182 Branch 420, 574, 584, 587, 611, 787, 878, 1027, 1268 College Youths’ Knockout 594 Devon National Challenge 547, 730 Essex Trophy 1027 Handbell (Manchester, 1905) 960 judging of performances 1083 National Twelve Bell eliminator results 296 final results 636 report and photos 661-5 Northern (1916) 451 Oswy Street Cup winners 48 Oswy Street Cup 2005 1051 Ridgman Trophy 582 Roses 1080 Tewkesbury Shield results 467, 496 Worthington Cup 956 COMPOSERS Adams, Christopher 1129 Allton, Richard I 869, 961, 1242 Annable, Benjamin 176, 177, 940 Bailey, Roger 869 Barber, Alan M 1242, 1243 Barnett, Edwin 940 Beard, David W 893 Brown, Robert D S 869 Chandler, S D 797 Coleman, Murray 521, 1242 Cross, Oliver D 869 Driver, Albert G 1058 Fielden, John H 961 Fielding, Ian R 869 Flavell, Paul J 869 Goldthorpe, John M 125 Hilling, David P 961 Holt, John 176-7, 248 Hull, David G 331, 625 Horton, Roderick R 125 Hunt, Alex 869 Hyden, John 961 Kilby, Robert M 1242 King, P R 1084 Kippin, Robert C 961 Lewis, C Kenneth 961 Meyer, C M 254 Morrison, Donald F 125, 253, 869, 1242 Offen, Richard C 1242 Parker, J J 176 Pickup, Michael J 1058 Pipe, Roderick W 1084, 1243 Price, Brian D 125, 470, 1084 Reeves, Harvey 940 Saddleton, P A B 1084 Taylor, Glenn A A 125 Thurmott, Maurice J 961 Warboys, John S 1243 Whiting, Brian E 961 5 COMPOSITIONS GENERAL calls employed in long length peals 571, 619, 644 correction to A Collection of Compositions in Popular Major Methods (2001) 125; false 377 Trafalgar Day 717, 961, 999 METHODS DOUBLES Grandsire [1945] 571 DOUBLES AND MINOR Plain Bob [165] 1071 MINOR Plain and Little B [365] 999; Spliced S (3 methods) 1058, (4 methods) 1058; TRIPLES Barrow-upon-Humber [1260] 1129, 1186; Grandsire (general) 1034; Grandsire [3192 (1945)] 352, [2436 (1805)] 352, [1945] 404, 523; Grandsire (Holt’s Original) 176-7, 248, 278, 570; Grandsire and Stedman [2005] 404; Plain Bob [1805] 999; spliced Stedman and Erin 1084; Stedman [1296] 571, 1060; [1065] 1071 TRIPLES AND MAJOR Plain Bob [1605] 1071 MAJOR Ascension Day S 521; Ashtead S 253; Bax Castle D 253; Bolton S 253; Branodunum S 253; Bristol S 869; Cornwall S 869; Crec S 521; Ealing S 253; Fromefield S [10752] 306; Great Dodd D 253; Hinton S 521; Irchester S [10560] 893; Jevington S 253; Jonquil S 521; Kellmerse S 521; Kettonby S 521; Kirby Muxloe S 521; Llandaff D 253; Little Bob (correction to Glenn Taylor’s 2008) 125; London S [17280] 470; 869: Medway S 521; Newlyn S 253; Newton Harcourt S 521; Oborne S 253; Oferton S 521; Omega S 253; Otley S 253; Papanui S 253; Pennydarren S 521; Plain Bob [5200] 961; San Gimignano D 253; Septembre D 253; Snowdon S 521; Spliced Plain (14-45 methods) 1084; Spliced Surprise (2 methods) 125, (4 methods) 125, (5 methods) 125; Tavistock S 253; Trafalgar S [5200] 961; Trent S 521; Triduum S 521; Truro D 253; Wakefield S 253; Wesley S 521; Wilbertestone S 253; Willoughby Waterleys S 521; Wychwood S [10304] 669; Xirolofos S 521; Yorkshire S 869;Ytterbium S 253 CATERS Stedman [peals] 961, 1242, [1605] 1071 ROYAL Black Sheep S [10002] 625; Bristol S [5200] 961; Cambridge S [5200] 961; Cat’s-Eye S [12080] 331; London No 3 S [5200] 961; Spliced Surprise (4 methods) [5200] 961; Yorkshire S [5200] 961, [5040] 1084; CINQUES Erin [peals] 1242, [1313] 254, [1250] 302; Stedman [peals] 1242, 1243, [1605] 1071 CINQUES AND MAXIMUS Spliced Stedman and Bristol 1084 MAXIMUS Maypole A [5200] 961; Trafalgar S [5200] 961 SEXTUPLES Stedman 1243 SEPTUPLES Stedman 1243 Compositions, A Collection of Ten Bell 1099 Compositions, A Collection of Twelve Bell 1099 ‘Conducting Grandsire Caters (1)’ 789-790 Part 2 816, 827 Part 3 866-7 conducting PB Minor 525 conductors 377 training of 474 Consistory Court Judgement 587 Cook, Roland 50th anniversary of first peal 819 Cook, William T 569 Corby, Lucile 564 Cornwall Archaeological Society 1157 CORRECTIONS TO PEALS – see ‘PEALS’ Council for the Care of Churches 75 appointment of members, Bells & Clocks Committee 78, 231 response to M Fellows’ letters 154, 231 appointment of consultant bells advisers 78, 231 meetings with CCCBR 447, 499, 1251 new name? 320, 328 Cotton, Percy Powell 844 County Band 30 years of monthly peal ringing 260 Couperthwaite, John 176-7 COURSES Geldrop at Nottingham 1051 Hereford 447, 465, 760 Keele 951-2 Wantage 975 COVENTRY D G Rugby Deanery quarter peal day 1199 Cox, Roy 642 Crabtree, Tony 1053-4, 1056 Craddock, Andrew 257, 279-82. 363 Cranfield, Beds special quarter 491 Crediton, Devon 1007 Holy Cross first peal on the bells 1133 Crennell, Kate 951 cricket match 812-3 Cross, Andrew and Stephen 832 ‘Cross Border Bells and Red Tape’ 249-50 Crosthwaite, Cumbria refit complete 248 Crowder, Mike and Roseanne 943 Crowdy, Ben joins octogenarian band 825 Croydon Tramlink 444 Cruwys Morchard, Devon re-opening of bells (1905) 563 cubits 1083, 1129 Cumberland Youths, Junior 99, 116 Cumberland Youths, Royal Society of 99, 116, 892 AGM, new officers elected 1004 country meeting, Hexham area 796-7 ladies’ peal 797 ‘Not the Dinner Day’ 456 peal board presented at Semley, Wilts 1100 peal weekend 133 Suffolk tour 355 Cupitra, Nelson citizenship quarters 1210 oath of allegiance 467 curfew 227 Curtin, John 101-2 cycle tour, young people’s 1099 Dafydd II and III 1076, 1081 Dale, Peter 50 years of ringing 956 ‘Tale of Two Belfries’ 1032-3 Dalton, Christopher 613-4 Bells and Belfries of Dorset part III 932 review 1212-3 response to article 645 Daniell, R A 855, 1267 Daniel-Tyssen, J R 228 Darlington, Co Durham 100th peal on the bells 1014 ‘Dartmoor Changes’ project 276 review of CD 1268 Dartmoor National Park 276 ringing celebration 730 Dartmouth, Devon special quarter 489 Darvill, Reg 90th birthday 468 data gathering v interpretation 154 date touches, anniversary 352, 404, 1199 Davies, Holly 476 responses to article 522-3, 548 Davies, Joan Margaret 127 Davies, Peter 917, 934-5, 937, 939 (see also ‘Roadshow’ organiser and diary) Day, John 1, 886, 891, 892 Dead Ringers 980 death, in belfries/ringing chambers 95, 143 Denyn, Josef 542 6 Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 499 Deptford, London 76 DERBY D G Derby quarter peal days 19, 1069 election of youngest ever member 808 Peak quarter peal day 1175 peal week 1112 Derby Mercury 985 Devon and Exeter Institution 1181 DEVON GUILD 1181, 1184 quarter peal week 142, 165 ‘Diary of an Indexer’ 102, 175, 315, 402, 500, 641, 787, 903, 1061, 1263 responses 738 Die Zeit 249-50 Dimbleby, David 588 Dingley, Joyce and Maurice Golden Wedding 877 Diocesan Advisory Committees 793 Diocesan Bell Advisers 1251 guidelines on role of 1082, 1106 overstepping terms of reference? 593-4, 666 CCC Guidelines on role 843 Diserens, Jim recording of Cambridge S Major 377 distractions 471 ‘Diversity, in Celebration of’ 77 Dixon, William 177 Dodd, Geoff 25-6, 260, 829, 1247B Donhead St Mary, Wilts special quarters 679, 877 Donovan, Neil 1162 Dorrien Smith, Edith and Thomas A 1076 Dorothy L Sayers Society – see Sayers, Dorothy L DORSET C A AGM 96 dinner 1230 Douai, Le Nord, France French Carillon School 957-9 Mining Centre Museum 958-9 Dover, Kent DVD with Dunkirk 1032-3 Down St Mary, Devon 419 Dowse, Joan and William 943 Draycott, Revd martin 1004 draft, long, unguided 827 Drayton, Oxon centenary, F E Robinson’s 1000th peal 910 Drew, Tom 70 years a Romsey ringer 368 Driver, Albert 90th birthday 266 Drury, Michael 879 Duckworth, Richard 927 dumbbells, mini 1164 Dunblane Cathedral retirement of tower captain 1119 Dundee, first Viscount 204 Dunham Massey, Cheshire St Margaret’s 125th anniversary 727 Dunham-on-Trent, Notts first peal since augmentation 528 Dunholme, Lincs special quarter 141 Dunkirk DVD with Dover ringers 1032-3 Durban, S Africa 516 DURHAM Cathedral first peal of Major on the bells (1905) 1155 St Mary-the-Less history of church and bells 1121 DURHAM & NEWCASTLE D A annual festival (1905) 1183 Durham University Society 779 calendar of nudes 1229 life members’ tour, London 888 life members’ tour, Winchester 980 quarter peal day 216 return to Brancepeth Durleigh, Somerset special quarters 115 Durrant, Arthur 230 Dursley Glos, Rednock School anniversary peal 1167 Dymock, Herefords 1108 dyslexia 53, 77, 79, 295 Earis, Philip J 185, 1001, 1013 Earl Shilton, Leics special quarter 588 East Bergholt, Suffolk 143, 181 East Bridgford, Notts special quarter 631 Eastbourne, Sussex 100th peal on the bells 818 Eastwood, Notts steel bells for sale (1905) 341 Eayre & Smith 122, 124, 732, 997, 1245B, 1246B merger with Taylor’s 492 ecclesiastical exemption 75, 447, 1251 ‘Eddystone Lighthouse Bells, A Short History ..’ 703 Edinburgh, Lothian Fettes College Chapel first peal since augmentation 83 Edwards, Maurice 1102-3 Edwards, Roland W 1103 Eggleston, James 684 Eisel, John 667 address 351 ‘Charity’ 227-8 ‘Our Fellow Freeman’ 1005-7 ‘The Celebrated Thomas Gay’ 891-2 ‘Warner’s Long Range’ 1108 ‘Wilkes and Liberty’ 985-6 Evans, Darren 172 Edwards, Group Captain Hugh 101 Eldridge, Joy 468 Ellacombe chimes 100 Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson/Henry Thomas 105 Ellesborough, Bucks rededication of six 493-5 Eloie, Yvonne 101st birthday 115 Elphick, George 1212, 1213 Elsee, Rev H J 955 Elstob, Eric 469, 470 Ely, Cambs St Mary’s special ringing 1124 ELY D A Ely quarter peal weekend 900 library 962 training day for conducting 1203 endowments for bells to be rung 227-8 English Heritage 75, 422, 1158 epitaphs 361 essays 525 ESSEX ASSOCIATION annual dinner 1070 AGM 467 125th anniversary 203 Eastern quarter peal week 579 Northern quarter peal fortnight 902 South West striking competition 584 Essex Association ... Handbook 767, 843 European Union 713-5 Every Fourth Thursday Assoc (EFTA) 931 Evesham ringers painting- jigsaw 781 Ewell, Surrey 51 Exeter, Devon Cathedral bells (1905) 193 cycling club peal (1923) 1184 St Mark casting of bells; peal and quarter 1107, 1111 special quarter 463 St Michael and All Angels, Pinhoe 100th peal on the bells 106 Exeter Ringers’ Cycling Club 1181, 1184 Faculties 1251 de minimis matters 868 Fain, Revd Robert 1078 Fairhead, Bernard 225-6 Faking It 272 Faraday Guild 790 tour of Herts and Beds 1209 ‘Farningham Surprise Minor?’ 167 Faull, Sue 1025 Fawkes, Guy Gunpowder Plot touches 1071 Fawley, Hants special quarter 166 Fay, Prudence 733-5 Fearn, Henry 1 Fellows, Martin 404, 427 Felsted, Essex noteworthy quarter 111 Filey, N Yorks special peal 309 films on ringing 843, 889 Finchingfield/Wethersfield, Essex Founders’ prize for young ringers 344, 736-7, 767 special quarters 1046 Fire Service Guild 708, 1118 Firefighters’ Memorial Trust 1118 firing 815 fishtails in London S Major 1082 Fitter, Harold 1102, 1103 fittings, conservation of 864-5 Flatters, Gerald A 657 Fletcher, Abraham 887 Flood, Alan 1052 7 Floyd, Les 493-5 footnotes comments 155; false 404; inappropriate 105; selfcongratulatory 255 Forster, Alban 932 Forster, James 27 43ers’ reunion 829 correction 1035 43ers’ 60th Anniversary 1012 Fosdike, Andrew 1239 Foulds, Michael 705, 915 Foulds, Nita 492, 499 Founders, Worshipful Company of 28-9, 326, 1075 prize for ringing centre 564, 1028 prize for encouraging young people 344, 588, 612, 736-7 Fowey, Cornwall St Finbarrus, painting of ringers 472-3 Fowler, Charles 909, 910 frames, conservation of 865 Fraser, Simon 60th birthday 266 Freiston, Lincs special quarter 463 Fressingfield, Suffolk 230 Sanctus bell 523 Friends of CC Library 525 Friends of the Elderly centenary ringing 1060, 1064, 1076, 1082 Fullbrook, Oxon 73, 74 Fulham ringers’ cycling club (1905) 515 FUNDRAISING Anglican missionaries to Paraguay 377 cancer unit, Hereford 895, 1036 Caron Keating Foundation 48 Friends of the Elderly 1060, 1064, 1076, 1082 Hearing Dogs for Deaf People 1082 Llewellyn Edwards BRF 224 National Deaf Children’s Society 1052 Plymouth, Devon 811 support for 916 talks about bells and ringing 452 Tim Collins for Dorset bells 362 Furniss, Peter 986, 998 Fussell, W H, diarist 938 Galebreaker Products 180 garlic 959 Gathercole, Louise Nelson descendant in quarter 1156 Gay, Phil and Rowena 951-2 Gay, Rowena – see ‘Diary of an Indexer’ ‘Gay, The Celebrated Thomas’ 891-2 Gay, Thomas 891-2, 986 Gaze, Isaac 643-4 Geddington, Northants first peal since augmentation 308 Gent & Co, clockmakers of Leicester 546 George, Robert (and onions ..) 1052 German Reich collection of bells 249-50, 277 Germinal 959 Getting it Right: guidelines for offices of ringing societies 641 Gibson, Pearl and Stuart 1248B Gift Aid donations 199, 868 and open days 268, 570 Giggleswick, Yorks 327 Gilbert, Brenda and John Golden Wedding anniversary 982 Gilbert, John 75 years of ringing celebrated 505 tower captain for 25 years 487 Gildersleve, Bernard R 938 Gill, Margaret 709, 711, 1000 ‘Glasbury Muscle Men’ 709-11 Glasbury-on-Wye, Powys first peal on the bells (1911) 710 history of church, bells and ringers 709-11 peals and peal ringers 710-11 Glasgow, Margaret, MBE 51 Gloucester St Michael’s Juniors, first blows of Cambridge S M 717 GLOUCESTER & BRISTOL D A Cirencester quarter peal evening 463, 878 Wotton-under-Edge striking competition 1027, 1082 Glover, Rod ‘40 Years (Onward?)’ 1185 glycerine 79, 155 Godfrey, Eric 40 years’ tower captaincy 1159 Golden, Iris 90th birthday 796 Goldsmith, John S 1216 Goldthorpe, S Yorks 546 Gooderham, Michael 216 Gordon, Jenny 975 Gordon Riots 986 Goring-on-Thames, Oxon special quarter 755 Gosport, Hants Jack and Jill House Campanile first peal on the bells 551 new tenor clapper 416 Goulburn NSW, Australia 76 Baptism and bell news 712 Cathedral 1206 Gould, Sabine Baring 694, 739 graffitti 177, 917 Graham, Billy 560 Graham, Wendy 872, 881 Grahamstown/Hillandale, S Africa 293, 295, 516 Christmas broadcast 1249 Grantham, Lincs St Wulfram’s bells, ringers and new bells 1226-7 service of dedication 1227 grants, applications invited by BRF Committee 841 Granville, Earl 398 Gray, Godfrey Tower Captain Emeritus of Dover 784 Great Exhibition 1851 892 Great Glen, Leics special quarter 191 Great Industrial Exhibition 1862 892 Greece, bells in 769 Greens Norton, Northants special quarter 607 grids 740 grievances, the nursing of 1210 Griffiths, Harry 708 Grimthorpe, Lord (1905) 467 grip – see ‘sallies, slippery’ grooves 1060 Grytviken, S Georgia bells 492 GUILDFORD D G Farnham striking competition 878 Guildford AGM 96 quarter peal fortnight 165 striking competition 976 Gulval, Cornwall 1268 Gunpowder Plot touches 1071 Gwennap, Cornwall special quarter 1093 Hackney, London E5 St John the Baptist first peal since augmentation 58 Hackthorn, Lincs 76 Halesowen, Worcs (1937) 31 Hall, Bob 90th birthday 309 Hall, Emily youngest member ever of Derby DG 808 Hall, Stephen J young conductor 61 Hall, William peals databases 197-8 Hallow, Worcs 636, 707 Halls, Pat 1248B Hammond, Derek retirement tribute 731, 755 Hampsthwaite, N Yorks 76 HANDBELLS handbell practices, Sunderland 473 Minnesota weekend 679 handedness 77 Handy, William 227 Hanley Castle, Worcs special quarter 1204 Hanslope, Bucks special quarters 1117 Harbottle, Derek new CC treasurer 540 Harris, Ian 421-2, 426 Harris, Revd Brian 889 Harrison, John (1770 ms) 423 Harrison, John 323, 325, 345-6, 348 ‘F E Robinson and Wokingham’ 911 ‘Training, A New Framework for’ 1010-11 ‘Training Young People (Conclusions)’ 913-5 Harrogate, Yorks St Wilfrid’s 1004 Harrow, Middlesex twinned with Douai 958, 959 Hartington, Derbys 76 Hartlepool, Durham St Oswald special quarters 72 Haslam, Mrs J 1107 hats 425, 712, 768, 938 8 Hattersley, Roy 559 Hawkins, Joe 1214 Hawkins, Nadeem 172 Hawkins, Rhode 613 Haxey, Lincs Haxey Hood Game 27, 29 Hayward Mills 224, 327-8, 589, 733-5, 1158, 1226 Hayward, Peter 592 headstock mementos 345 health and safety 596 Hearing Dogs for Deaf Peaple 1082 Hearne, Thomas, diarist 927 Hell Fire Club 985 ‘Hell’s Bell – A Rock Odyssey’ 173-5, 224 helping learners (‘standing behind’) 1094 Helping Unite Generations 150 Henley-on-Thames, Oxon special quarter 513 Henry Johnson Dinner – see’ St Martin’s Guild’ Henshaw birth of Miles Joseph de Courcy 196 Hereford Nelson a freeman 1005-7 HEREFORD D G first all ladies peal 895 Church Stretton training day quarters 1093 Hereford quarter peal festival 166 Hereford Journal Newent, Glos (1843) 643-4; (1897) Nelson, Horatio, freeman of Hereford 1000, 1005-6 nineteenth century peal reports 195, 1108 Hereford Times 1108 Hernia, Ohio .. 297-8, 328 Herring, Colin and Di Silver Wedding peal 991 HERTFORD C A Bishop’s Stortford quarter peal weekend 462 peal holiday 991 peals disallowed 181 Watford 787 quarter peal weekend 1093 Western 2, 71, 248, 361, 490, 539, 631, 708, 790, 944, 1239, 1250 quarter peal day 143 Herz, Wilfried 249-50 Heuren, Englelbert Wiegman Van 451 Hexham Abbey handbell ringers 462 Hibbert, William A 300 Higby, Matthew & Co 252, 932, 1227 Higson, Andrew D 657, 953 Hillingdon, Mayor of 600, 612 Hillyard Trust 148 Hilmartin, Wilts 76 ‘History of Spliced Minor’ 117 Hitchens, Neil 1127, 1150 HMS Pickle 1127, 1133, 1137 HMS Victory 1153 Hobart, Tasmania St David’s Cathedral augmentation 761-2, 764 Hodgson, David 1248B Hodgson, Robin 1248B Hogarth, William 985 Holborn, London W C 2 St Giles in the Fields 48 Holkham, Norfolk renovation completed 657 Holloway, London special striking competition 684 Hollowell Steam Fair, Peterborough 788 Holme-next-the-Sea, Norfolk loud tenor 694 tower renaissance 1106 Holt, Wilts special quarter 1049 Honolulu, HI 708 Hopgood, Frank 909, 910 Hopkins, John 667 Horham, Suffolk oldest complete eight 1118 Hornchurch, Essex ANZAC commemoration quarter 511 Horsell, Surrey special quarter 48 Horsley, Glos peal contest (1844) 231, 351 Hough, Martin 1013, 1119, 1264 Housman, A E 619 Howitzer shells 1216 HSBC ringers’ outing 1071 Hughes, Albert 1214, 1215 Hughes, Annie 1214, 1215 Hughes, Douglas and Marjorie 1214 Hughes, Florence 1214, 1215 Hughes, Kathryn ‘Foundry Life During the Second World War at Whitechapel ..’ 1214-5 Hughes, William 1214 Hull, David joint authorship of 10/12 bell composition collections 1099 Hungerford, Berks special quarter 344 Hunt, Walter 955 Huntingdon, Cambs 303 Husborne Crawley, Beds special quarter 755 Hutchieson, Stuart 717 and Elizabeth 1057 hymns 694, 707, 739 Hynard, Ed and Mary Ed’s 80th birthday 272 move to Guernsey 120, 272 hypocoristicons 916 Iffley, Oxon ‘Mixed Doubles’ 784 Imber, Wilts 739, 793 Ingestre, Staffs 1215 inscription bands, decorative 31 INSCRIPTIONS Augusta, Georgia Church of the Good Shepherd 178 Birmingham St Anne’s, Moseley 1107 Bluntisham, Cambs 274, 275 Boroughbridge, N Yorks 97-8, 180 Carlisle Cathedral new sharp second (Ailred) 881 Durham, St Mary-the-Less 1121 INSCRIPTIONS (cont) Grantham, Lincs St Wulfram’s two new bells 1226 Halesowen, Worcs 31 Irnham, Lincs 805 Leicester, St Mary de Castro 1208 Leigh-on-Sea, Essex Our Lady of Lourdes 953 Lundy Island 155 Stockport, Gtr Manchester St Mary’s 862, 889, 938 Tadcaster fifth 143 Writtle, Essex 124 insurance for maintenance 277 Intermediate Spliced Treble Bob Minor 915 Intwood, Norfolk special quarter 655 Inverness St Andrew’s Cathedral 708 IRISH ASSOCIATION first peal out of Ireland (1905) 294 first peal of London S Major rung outside England (1905) 609 Waterford peal (1905) 693 Irnham, Lincs augmentation 805 Islington, London N1 St Mary’s rehanging, restoration 733-5 Itchingfield, W Sussex special quarter 511 Ivey, Laura 637-8 Ivinghoe, Bucks special quarter 825 Jack and Jill House Campanile – see ‘Gosport’ Jackson, Derek and Ruth 1248B Jerusalem AIDS project 1123 jigsaw puzzles 781 Johannesburg, S Africa 516 All Saints, Four Ways Gardens new ring of six 832 John, Graham A C 1000th peal 1018 Johnson, Beth senior moment and false footnote 404 Johnston, Ron honorary doctorate 832 Johnstone, Peter 72 Joiner, Tim 120, 516, 517-8, 523, 1227 Jones, Mary 77 Jones, Matthew 272 Jones, Reginald T 90th birthday celebrations 1223 Jones, Richard 3, 5 ‘Birmingham peal-ringers, Sept 1755 ..’ 885-8 ‘Church Bells of Dorset’ [poem] 1213 ‘The rise of Birmingham change ringing ..’ 178-9 Jones, Ruth 60 years of ringing 1069 Joyce, Maggie 320 Joyce of Whitchurch, clockmaker 727 ‘Junk, A Load of Old’ 864-5 9 Kaleidoscope Ringing 304 Keeves, Roy 50 years ringing at Hanslope, Bucks 1117 Keltek Trust 327, 346, 489, 499, 1107, 1157 Activities 2004 73-4, 76-7 Kelvedon, Essex special peal 991 KENT C A Ashford quarter peal week 19 insurance 277 125th anniversary 720, 726 quarters 878 Kentish Gazette 985, 986 Kentish Post and Canterbury Journal 985 Kenwyn, Cornwall 445-6, 499 Kenyan visitors to Aston Clinton 884 Kerslake-Griffiths, Martin special quarters 997 Ketteringham, John 101-2, 805, 1124, 1268 Kibworth Beauchamp and Saddleton, Leics special ‘quarter’ 1261 Kidd, Chico ‘What of the Night’ 1240-1 KIDS.RING.OUT. 1105 Kilburn, London NW6 ringers’ outing (1964) 196 St Augustine’s Secondary School 518 Kimber, Jean 640 Kinchin twins 738 Kingskerswell, Devon special quarters 578 Kingsley, Staffs special peal 625 Kingston, Dorset open day 451 Kintbury, Berks new loos 148 special quarter 320 Kipling, Benjamin 327-8, 352 Kippin, Chris 2nd peal photo (1955) 979 Kippin family ‘Two Anniversaries and a Memorial’ 920 Knaresborough, Yorks Beer Festival 444 fundraising walk 1082 open day for non-ringers 860 Knight, Walter 147, 243, 252, 425, 560, 1123 Knox, John R ‘Bell Moods in Birmingham’ 1104-5 ‘Carillon Country ..’ 957-9 Kursanty 445, 446, 499 La Chapelle des Fougeretz, Rennes 372 Lacy, Peter S 1000th peal 284 LADIES’GUILD 642-3 Central 393 East Midlands 545 Kent 393 ladies, peal-ringing (1905) 1011 Lamb, Charles 1267 LANCASHIRE ASSOCIATION 867 Blackburn 574 Fylde Trafalgar ringing 1155 Liverpool quarter peal week 166 striking competitions 611, 791 peal week 1191 Wigan quarter peal day 391 Lane, N David 1000th peal 647 Lannoy, Jacques, carilloneur 958 Lansallos, Cornwall fire 224 Lapenotiere, Lieut. 1127, 1137 lapping 231, 351, 451, 570 Launcells ringers’ paianting 1137 lavatories 148 Lawrance, Joe 90 year old ringer 588 leading up and down 524 LEARNERS commitment required 352 common faults 444 experience of a novice 154 progress of 452 LEARNING CURVE, THE Bob Doubles 842 feeling the bell 205 ‘Grids’ 740 habits, developing good ones 1161 ‘Know your instrument’ 7 ‘Knowing and doing’ 304 leading up and down 524 musicality 620 rhythm 1059 ‘Ringing and Numbers’ 103 Stedman structure 441 structure, helpful bits of 964 ways of doing things 1161 learning ladder, the 256 Leckhampton, Glos quarter of Variable Hunt PB Minor 271 Lee, K G 727 Leeds Mercury 985 Leek, Staffs oldest ringer (1905) 171 Lees, Christopher 1000th peal 919 ‘Legends of Buried Bells’ (Bell News 23 Sept 1905) 917 Leicester and Nottingham Journal 985 LEICESTER Cathedral wartime ringing 127 churches and bells 1205-9 St Mary de Castro 1205-9 churchwardens’ accounts 1207-1209 estimates for new bells 1208 peals 1209 Leicestershire Armaments Group 1216 Leigh-on-Sea, Essex Our Lady of Lourdes, 953, 955 details of bells 953 Lesecq, Alfred, carilloneur 1032-3 Leslie twins 768 letters, anonymous (1905) 1003 Lewis, Colin A 293, 295 First text book for ringers ..’ 927 ‘Glasbury Muscle Men’ 709-11 Lewis, Frank ‘Brasted project ..’ 1029-31 libraries of ringing societies 889, 962, 1034 Licensing Act 2003 6 LICHFIELD Cathedral 31 first peal on the 12 (1929) 168 Diocesan Mobile Belfry 537 historical pageant (1905) 609 Lichfield Diocesan Mobile Belfry Barnsley, Yorks 1009 Hollowell Steam Fair 788 Lichfield Diocese Consistory Court Judgement 587 Lifepath 1137 Lilley, Herts special peal 968 Limbach, Heather 50th birthday 185 Limehouse, Middlesex St Anne first peal since augmentation 527 LINCOLN Bishop of 645, 667, 739 Black Boy Inn 1080-1 Cathedral ringers (1944) 101-2, 570 Cathedral ringers’ jack 1080-1 LINCOLN D G AGM (1905) 668 AGM 520 Southern quarter peal week 486 striking competition 976 West Lindsey 976 quarter peal month 654 ‘Young Ringers’ Activity Day’ 928, 1025 Lindoff, Gabriel 955 Linford, Simon 685-5 Linguists, Joint Services’ School 445-6 linseed oil 243 Linton, Cambs first peal since augmentation 572 listening, how to 1163 Litten, Dr Julian Abbey Dore, Herefordshire 1265 Cirencester, Gloucs 757 Lostwithiel, Cornwall 4 Portsmouth Cathedral, Hants 879, 938 Sturminster Marshall, Dorset 500 comment and correction 540 Thaxted, Essex 657 Torbryan, Devon 362 Wirksworth, Derbys 229 Penrith, Cumberland 100 Little Bowden, Leics school bell 979, 1013, 1106 Little Rock, Arkansas first peal on the bells (1988) 1087 LIVERPOOL, Merseyside Anglican Cathedral 1214, 1216 Parish Church first peal of Stedman Cinques 986 St Barnabas, Mossley Hill 546 St Barnabas, Penny Lane 76 Liverpool College Youths 986 ‘Liverpool College Youths’ Peal Book 1800-82’ 998 10 Liverpool Universities’ Society dinner 332 Liversedge, Yorks history and refurbishment 1224 LLANDAFF & MONMOUTH D A Llandaff quarter peal fortnight 143 Monmouth KIDS.RING.OUT. activities 1105 quarter peal fortnight 1069 striking competition 587 outing to Bristol 1185 pensioners’ peal tour 433 special peal 60 Llandrillo yn Edernion, Clwyd 76 Llansillin, Powys first quarter on the bells 950 lock in 167 locking apparatus 143, 181 LONDON, CITY OF St Botolph’s, Aldgate 732 St Giles Cripplegate E C 1 London ringers’ choir at Advent service 24 St Lawrence Jewry 1215 St Michael, Cornhill E C 3 peal for wedding (1905) 440 St Vedast, Foster Lane special quarter 684 LONDON C A new master 172 peal by Thomases (1905) 485 London University Society 636 peal weekend 529 Long Stratton, Norfolk 50th consecutive Christmas Eve peal 23, 49-51, 58 Longhurst, Cecil 90th birthday 968 Longney, William 643-4, 667 Lostwithiel, Cornwall 4 Loughborough, Leics Bell Foundry Campanile special quarter and peal 1107, 1111 opening of pedestrian area 1124 Lourdel, Jehan de, carilloneur 957 Love, Dickon 1210 Loveday, Malcolm S 228 Lovell, Harry 70 years ringing at local church 503, 516 Low Bentham, N Yorks big porch bell 126, 154 Lubenham, Leics first peal since augmentation 208 Ludlow, Shropshire 76 Lundy Island centenary of first peal celebrated 912-3, 1012, 1060 Ilfracombe ringers rang for dedication service 1060 Lunesdale Midweek Ringers 271, 278, 611, 1047, 1263 Lupton, Edward 839-40 Lutton, Lincs special quarter 391 Lyle, John 1137 Lynam, Charles 31 Lytham, Lancs special quarter 511 McFall, Alan and Pamela 943 McGrath, Harold 70 years’ ringing 1204 McKay, Chris 1082 Maclean, Sir John 1157 MADRID cathedral bells 472 San Francisco El Grande 1247B Madron, Cornwall 224 rededication 785-7 refurbishment completed 286 Trafalgar ringing 1127 Magistrates’ ringing weekend 1057 Maile, Caleb 1108 Make Poverty History campaign 343 Mandalay, Myanmar 1160 Manger, David and Pam Silver Wedding 266 Mann, Bernard and Rosemary 422, 426 Mansley, Martin 867 calling Holt’s Original 248 Mansley, Ruth 60 years’ membership of Lancashire Association 867 map references Northumberland rings 255 Marcham, Oxon special quarter 997 Market Rasen, Lincs special quarter 191 Marks, Carol 1137 Marlborough, Wilts special quarter 779 MARRIAGES Angrave/Murphy 967, 977 Askew/Bennett 245 Banton/Endean 52 Bell/Dunford 1001 Billenness/ Gibson (1905) 1094 Bishop/Schrocksnadel 515 Carless/Rothera 1177 Charlton/Coates 681 Clement/Hyden 808 Hughes/Tuppen 665 Johnson/Owens 487 Kimmins/Tickle 561 Kinson/Wild 219 Kippin/Linford 159, 169, 172 Little/Palfrey 513 Pailing/Smith 929, 967 Parker/Stott 1003 Robins, Mark and Denise 344 Robinson/Smith 265 Ruddick/Tregillus 1047 Shepherd/West 977 Walker/William-Cassell 950 Marshall, Chris 1230 Marston Bigot, Somerset special quarter 1069 Pig-le-Tower record length peals 306, 669, 718, 893 Martley, Worcs oldest complete ring 1118 Maskrey, William 229 Mason, R Kingsley 1206, 1209 ‘Peals at St Mary de Castro’ 1209 masts, mobile phone – see ‘aerials’ Maulden Historical Society 1209 Mawnan, Cornwall first peal on the bells 1086 Maximus Bibendus – see ‘BEER MATTERS’ Mayou, Ann 809-10 ‘Meat Pie and Sausage Roll Tour’ to Cumbria 90-1 comment 180 Medical Ringers’ Guild 545, 688, 1225 50th anniversary 1225 ‘Memories ... of a Prolific Fen Tower’ 1040, 1083 Menangle, NSW, Australia 74 Messenger, Daniel 444 method structure 441, 450, 498, 964 METHODS (see also COMPOSITIONS) definition, as rung in Spliced TDMM 32, 619, 644, 596, 667, 694, 814 differential hunt, description as 548, 596, 667, 738 Grandsire, calling Holt’s Original 176-7, 248, 278, 570 Grandsire Caters, conducting 789-90, 816, 827, 866-7 names, hoax or insult? 32, 54, 126, 155 naming of (see also ‘differential hunt’) 53, 54, 155, 204, 738 Sowerby/Woodbine – Woodbine restored as name for extensions 1162 splicing 1096-7 Stedman structure 441, 498 METHODS, GENERAL Anglia Alliance 126; first quarter of Erin Cinques still to be rung 180; Cambridge S Maximus – first blows rung? 717; Clifford S Major 1187; Fat Cat S Major – does it exist? 1129, 1187; METHODS NAMED 1983-2003 MAJOR Amburn T B (RW 1994, p. 656) renamed Imperial 450, Garsdale S (RW 1991, p. 1184) renamed Inkersall 450, Rhadegund S (RW 1983, p 426), renamed Biddulph 450 ROYAL Anglia Alliance (RW 2003, p. 923) renamed Anglian Alliance Royal 54, 95, Saltby S (RW 1993, p. 807) renamed Medeshamstede 450 MAXIMUS Quartzite S (RW 2002, p. 463) renamed Hillingdon, Shutford S (RW 1994, p. 311) renamed Derngate 450 METHODS NAMED IN 2004 MINIMUS Buscot L P 235 already named Aelhaiarn L P 571, Cheeky L P 235, Cherington Hybrid 235, Clearwell Hybrid 235, Custard Hybrid 235, Daglingworth Hybrid 235, Double Trouble L P 235, Elmstone Hardwicke Hybrid 235, Itram L P 235, Lathors Cure Hybrid 235, Parsley Hiybrid 235, Rosemary Hybrid 235, Rhubarb Hybrid 235, Sage Hybrid 235, Smod Hole Inn Hybrid 235, Stanway Hybrid 235, Thyme Hybrid 235, Wader Wodon Hybrid 235, Wyck Rissington Hybrid 235, 11 METHODS NAMED IN 2004 (cont) MINIMUS (cont) Ypsen Harpen Hybrid 235, MINOR Alfold S 56, Barium D 36, Bestow S 129, Blur T B 129, Brincken T P 20 correction 456, Butterley S 60, Caesium D 36, Cecilia T P 20, Cerium D 36, Coslany A 41, Curdworth S 81, Cwmbran S 81, Dunsley S 81, Dysprosium D 60, Erbium D 60, Europium D 59, Focus T B 129, Gadolinium D 59, Gebesee T P 20 correction 456, Greywell S 60, Gyachung Kang T P (RW 2004, p. 1149) correction 456, Hallowe’en T P (RW 2004, p. 1149) correction 456, Hobnob B 90, Holium D 60, Hudson D (RW 2004, p. 186) renamed Norwich 450, Iodine D 36, Islay T B 36, Isle of Wight T B 60, Jura T B 36, Lanthanum D 36, Lauberhorn T P 20, Lundon S 129, Lundy T B 36, Margaret of Scotland T P 20, Maurice B 90, Mont Blanc T P 165, Monte Rosa T P 165, Morris B 90, Neodymium D 37, Norwood Tunnel S 60, Open University T P 165 correction 456, Praseodymium D 37, Promethium D 37, Quarme B 115, Quoich S 37, Raasay S 37, Rainhill B 90, Rum S 129, Samarium D 37, Sapperton Tunnel S 60, Seythves Dygemusur T B 44, Speen Church S 196, Terbium D 60, Thulium D 129, University College T P 165, Va Va Voom S 129, Valparison T P 190, Vastern Manor S 33, Wetterhorn T P 20, Xena T P 190, Xenon D 36, Xite S 129, Yuletide T P 190 MAJOR Beckenham B 57, Berengaria D 59, Bretforton S 80, Bruce D 11, Cheers Bob 11, Chester le Street S 128 corrected to Concaster S 504, Evdomida S 8, Far Canal S 32 renamed Farthest Canal 54, Hipporay D 8, Ipsden S 56, Keele University D 133, King Ranch S 160, Langwith College S 35, Lifton S 8, Michigan D 408, Millhouses S 11, Norfolk and Good S 32 renamed Nearest Canal S 54, Sedgeberrow S 80, Tebeth S 57, The Good Shepherd D 160, Washingwell D 129, Wellington and Bubble A 36, Zero D 57 ROYAL Aloxe-Corton D 57, Corby Glen S 10, Loughborough D 55, Ujay S 11 METHODS NAMED IN 2005 SINGLES Barnoldswick T B 485, 510 MINIMUS Bamboo Enthusiasts Diff 361 DOUBLES Astrop B 696, Bidston 243, Bishops 1109, Blakesley B 598, Bozeat B 330, Brackley B 696, Brixworth B 871, Catthorpe B 284, Churchover B 284, Cold Ashby B 871, Cottesbrooke B 871, Creaton B 1110, Duncote B 598, Easton Maudit B 330, Eastonon-the-Hill B 647, Great Creaton B 871, Harpole B 1063, Harringworth B 647, Inglis P 306, King’s Cliffe B 647, King’s Sutton B 696, Kislingbury B 1063, Lincolnshire B previously named as All Hallows Place 1237, Milthorpe B 598, Newbottle B 696, Olympic Differential 702, Owston B 696, Pailton B 284, Paulerspury B 919, Plumpton B 598, Ragdale B 669, Rosemary Lowery 1109, St Patrick’s Day 339, St Piran P 216, St Rumbald B 379, Seagrave B 669, Spratton B 1110, Swinford B 284, Tiltonon-the Hill B 696, Trafalgar Day 1148, Weldon B 647, Wicken B 919, Woodend B 598, Woolscott B 284 MINOR Aberdour Castle S 285, A’Chralaig S 432, Actinium D 431, Affric T B 380, Aldgate East B 285, Allantotoxiam B 354, Americium D 431, An Cliseam S 431, Aran Fawddwy S 432, Askival S 431, Astatine D 431, Aston Diff B 108, Aurum D 380, Austrey Diff B 108, Bacton S 286, Balmoral Castle S 286 preferred title Balmoral Castle Differential 377, Barking B 285, Barrclashcame S 432, Barston Diff B 108, Basil S 432, Baurtregaum S 432, Becontree B 285, Beg T B 380, Beinn a’Chreachain S 432, Beinn Alldhobhar S 432, Beinn an Lochain S 432, Beinn an Oir S 431, Beinn Bhan S 431, Beinn Dearg S 431, Beinn Fhada S 432, Beinn Ime S 432, Beinn Laoigh S 431, Beinn Laomuinn S 431, Beinn MacDuibh S 431, Beinn Mhor S 431, Beinn na Caillich S 432, Beinn Nibheis S 431, Beinn Odhar Bheag S 432, Beinn Sgulaird S 432, Belladonna B 354, Ben Ben Chonzie S 432, Clibrig S 431, Ben Cruachan S 431, Ben Hope S 432, Ben Lawers S 431, Ben Merrick S 432, Ben Mor Coigach S 432, Ben More Assynt S 431, Ben Vorlich S 431, 432 (432 ref should be Loch Watten), Benbaun S 432, Benedict XVI T P 535, Berkelium D 431, Bethersden D 1174, Bickenhill Diff B 108, Bidean a’Ghias Thuill S 432, Bidean nam Bian S 431, Binnein Mor S 432, Birmingham St Chad Diff B 108, Birmingham St Martin Diff B 108, Birmingham St Philip Diff B 108, Bismuth D 431, Bitter Almond B 354, Bla Bheinn S 431, Blue Vitriol B 354, Boldmere Diff B 108, Bow Church B 285, Bow Road B 285, Brandon Mountain S 431, Braunston-in-Rutland S 1131, Brierley Hill Diff B 108, Broad Law S 432, Bromley-by-Bow B 285, Cac Carn Beag S 432, Californium D 431, Canisp S 432, Cansves Forth Noweth War Whegh Clogh D 702, Carn Eighe S 431, Carn nan Gabhar S 432, Carnedd Llewelyn S 432, Carrauntoohil S 431, Castle Bromwich Diff B 108, Caustic Alkali B 354, Caustic Potash B 354, Cawsor Castle S 286, Chno Dearg S 432, Coe T B 431, Coleshill Diff B 108, Colonial T B 900, Computer Says No D 216, Coseley Diff B 108, Creach Bheinn S 432, Creag Meagaidh S 431, Croagh Patrick S 432 redefined Differential S 498, Croaghaun S 431, Cross Fell S 432, Cul Mor S 432, Cullacabardee D 1117, Curdworth Diff B 108, Curium D 431, Dagenham East B 285, Dagenham Heathway B 285, Deadly Nightshade B 354, Dessary T B 431, District Line B 285, Dog’s Mercury B 354, Double Stromboli B 1199, Doune Castle S 286, Doune Hill S 432, Duckstein T B 803, Dun da Ghaoithe S 432, Eadburgebyrig T P 390, East Ham B 285, Edgbaston Diff B 108, Edinburgh Castle S 286, Einsteinium D 431, Elm Park B 285, England expects that every man will do his duty D 1022, Erdington Abbey Diff B 108, Erdington St Barnabas Diff B 108, Errigal S 432, Etive T B 431, Eydon S 895, Fermium D 431, Finnan T B 431 redefined Differential TB 498, Fionn Bheinn S 432, Flitton D 140, Fool’s Parsley B 354, Francium D 431, Fyvie Castle S 286, 12 Galtymore S 431, Ganu Mor S 432, Gaor Bheinn S 431, Garry T B 431 redefined Differential TB 498, Gharb Beinn S 432, Glamis Castle S 431, Glas Leathad Mor S 432, Gleouraich S 432, Glyder Fawr S 432, Gnangara D 900, Goat Fell S 431, Gold D 380, Great Barr Diff B 108, Grendon Diff B 108, Gretta T P 1022, Guy Fawkes S 1199, Hafnium D 380 corrected 472, Hampton-in-Arden Diff B 108, Handsworth Diff B 108, Harborne Diff B 108, Harris T B 431 redefined Differential TB 498, Helvellyn S 432, Highbury T P 1117, Hornchurch B 285, Huntly Castle S 431 redefined Differential S 498, Hydrargyrum D 431, Innaloo D 824, Inverarary Castle S 431, Iridium D 380, Isla T B 431, Jedburgh Castle S 431, Jellalabad B 702, JJLG T P 505, Joachim T P 1022, Kingie T B 431, Kingsbury Diff B 108, Kings Norton Diff B 108, Kinloch Castle S 431, Knockmealdown S 432, Knowle Diff B 108, Ladhar Bheinn S 432, Lapworth Diff B 108, Lea Green B 107, Lea Marston Diff B 108, Lead D 431, Little Creatures T B 777, Livet T B 431, Loch Awe S 286, Loch Beag S 286, Loch Cam S 286, Loch Dearg S 286, Loch Earn S 286, Loch Fyne S 286, Loch Gorm S 431 redefined Differential S 498, Loch Hope S 431, Loch Insh S 431, Loch Katrine S 431, Loch Lomond S 431 redefined Differential S 498, Loch Maree S 380, Loch Ness S 380 corrected to Loch Nevis 625, Loch Oich S 380, Loch Pattack S 380, Loch Quie S 380, Loch Rannoch S 380, Loch Shin S 431, Loch Tay S 431, Loch Uaine S 431, Loch Vaa S 431, Loch Watten S 431 corrected to Newark, Loch Yucal S 431, Lochleven Castle S 431, Lord nelson S 1135, Lucas D 607, Lugnaquillia S 431, Luna Caustic B 354, Lutetium D 380, Matilda Bay T B 702, Max S 900, Meadow Saffron Bb 354, Meall a’Bhuiridh S 431, Mercury D 431, Middleton Diff B 108, Minster of the Moors 1022, Monkshood B 354, Morton Castle S 380, Moseley St Anne Diff B 108, Moseley St Mary Diff Place 108, Mount Leinster S 432, Muness Castle D 285, Mweelrea S 432, Nephin S 432, Neptune T P 630, Neptunium D 431, Nether Whitacre Diff B 108, Newark Castle S 380, Newton Regis Diff B 108, Nightshade B 354, Northfield Diff B 108, Old Whittington T B 1117, Osmium D 380, Oxenfoord Castle S 380, Packwood Diff B 108, Pangbourne T P 190, Pebbles S 432, Pen y Fan S 432, Perry Barr Diff B 108, Pharmacolite B 354, Phosphorus B 354, Pitsligo Castle S 380, Plain 12Cylindrical 996, Plaistow B 285, Platinum D 380, Plumbum D 431, Plutonium D 431, Polesworth Diff B 108, Polonium D 431, Potterhanworth B 438, Protactinium D 431, Prussic Acid B 354, Pudding Mill Lane B 285, Quadragesima T P 390, Quendale D 285, Radon D 431, Radium D 431, Rainhill Diff B 308, Ravenscraig Castle S 380, Revenge of the Sith S 535, Rhenium D 380, Rois-Bheinn S 432, Rowley Regis Diff B 108, Ruadh-stac-Mor S 432, St George’s Cathedral S 607, Salter Street Diff Place 108, Scafell Pike S 431, Scalloway Castle S 285, Schiehallion S 432, Seckington Diff B 108, Selly Oak Diff B 108, Sgorr Dhearg S 432, Sgorr Ruadh S 432, Sgurr a’Choire Ghiais S 431, Sgurr Alasdair S 431, Sgurr a’Mhaoraich S 432, Sgurr Dhomhnuill S 431, Sgurr Fhuaran S 432, Sgurr Mor S 431, Sgurr na Ciche S 431, Sgurr na Coinnich S 432, Sgurr na Lapaich S 431, Sheldon Diff B 108, Shirley Diff B 108, Shustoke Diff B 108, Single St Helens B 107, Skiddaw S 432, Slieve Cor S 432, Slieve Donard S 431, Slievenamon S 432, Smarden D 1174, Smethwick Diff B 108, Snaefell S 431, Solihull Diff B 108, Spidean a’Choire Leith S 431, Spretone S 1038, Stepney Green B 285, Strychnine B 354, Sugar of Lead B 354, Sutton Coldfield Diff Bob 108, Tantalum D 380, Tanworth-in-Arden Diff B 108, Thallium D 431, Thatto Heath B 107, The Briar Rose Diff B 108, The Church Diff B 108, The Figure of Eight Diff B 108, The Gunmakers Diff B 108, The Jointstock Diff B 108, The Litten Tree Diff B 108, The Square Peg Diff B 108, The Storr S 432, The Wellington Diff B 108, Thirlestane Castle S 431, Thorium D 431, Thorn Apple B 354, Tiny Pants T P 1195, Two Thousand and Five 140, Tungsten D 380, ULM T P 1045, Upminster B 285, Upminster Bridge B 285, Upney B 285, Upton B 510 renamed Umbrage over Upton B 967, Upton Park B 285, Uranium D 431, Uranus T P 630, Urquhart Castle S 431, Varrich Castle S 431, Vestmannaeyjar S 218, Water Hemlock B 354, Wemyss Castle S 431, Western Buccaneer T B 1174, Western Challenger T B 1068, Western Champion T B 654, Western Gladiator T B 726, Western Invader T B 140, Western Thunderer T B 314, Western Warrior T B 950, William Dawson T P 390, Wimbledon B 285, Wimbledon Park B 285, Wishaw Diff B 108, Wolfram D 380, Wolf’s Bane B 354, Yardley Diff B 108, Yeah, But, No, But, Yeah, But D 216, Yester Castle S 431, Yonkers T P 190, Yr Wyddfa S 431, Xiuhtecutli T P 535, X-Moor B 1195, Ytterbium D 380, Zanzibar T P 190 correction 456 TRIPLES Fitzroy B 339, Irish Sea B 1261, Kingsclere B 61, Llansteffan T P 165, Plymouth Differential 855, Sole Differential Bob 630, 990, Stoke Minster B 901, Peel’s Mandjar B 972, Titanic 208 MAJOR Abbots Langley S 1132, Admiral Benbow D 719, Amersham D 1085, Ashes D 1039, Avon Link L A 306, Ayston S 502, Barton S 1135, Broad Blunsdon S 209, Buckley S 850, Burtone S 308, Butt D 573, Cank S 990, Canon’s D 131, Chapelfields D 942, Christopher Robin S 106, Cosgreave D 695, Crich S 455, Cropthorne S 528, Cross Fell D 528, Crowder S 1068, Crutched Friars S 966, Dame Allan’s A 1252, Deuteron S 306, Dilton S 502, Dong D 600, Dringhouses D 772, Etchilhampton S 330, Farthinghoe S 1086, Figaro D 894, Flockton S 1111, Fothergill D 1191, Four Candles S 1016, 1083, Frog Island S 871, Fromefield S 306, Gazelle D 741, Ghaxaq D 741, Gilbert B 505, Glasbury-on-Wye S 894, Golden S 456, Great Shunner Fell D 184, Harbourside D 1252, Heathcote B 990, Hexham A 719, Holy Cross D 965, Huntsham A 330, Impala D 107, Indian Queens D 599, Irish D 744, Jacksondale S 817, Jacobean S 1130, Jacob’s Ladder D 850, Jalousie D 597, JJLG S 505, Kemnal S 646, 13 Kenilworth A 232, Kenmore S 234, Keresley A 870, Kettelby S 82, Lincolnshire D 284, Manikata D 157, Monkwearmouth S 871, Mynyddislwyn D 478, Newent S 1109, No Hope D 184, North Lincolnshire S 339, Offenham S 1167, Osbaldwick S 818, Oval Triumph A 965, Pimpernel S 719, Ponteland S 284, Pope Benedict XVI S 572, Priestfield D 598, Priors Marston A 1188, Provost’s Seventieth A 461, Quinn’s D 502, Rabbit S 206, Radyr S 794, Rawdykes S 1189, Regent’s Park S 286 correction to place notation 552, Ridlington S 647, Ridware S 719, Rockingham Civic Centre S 623, Rollestone S 283, St Brannock’s S 526, St James D 795, Septuaginta A 1025, Smith A 967, Swiss Cottage S 1254, Tan Hill D 430, The Judd D 307, The Rainham End D 131, Thetford D 1015, Thorpe Maisor S 259, Towpath D 817, Trafalgar Little S 1136, Tytherton S 232, UB313 S 850, Ullenwood S 453, Umbridge S 158, University of Sheffield S 573, Upper Hellions S 549, Vanbrugh College S 84, Varicella Zoster D 455, Victory S 1135, Wentworth College S 209, West Hill S 354, Wigginton S 1167, William Champion D 941, Winnie the Pooh S 718, Xerxes D 470, Yetholm D 622, Yonder Canal S 183, Yorkshire Terrier S 528, Zither S 598 CATERS Baldrick Differential Little Bob 630 ROYAL Aldergrove S 428, Allbrook S 648, Allington Lock A 182, Battle of Trafalgar S 1135, Belmesthorpe S 850, Black Sheep A 329, Chearsley S 850, Coxheath D 283, Duchess of Cornwall S 406, Eagle Nebula S 109, Euler S 621, Exodus S 406, GevreyChambertin D 157, Glasgow D 895, Golden Wedding S 379, Goulceby S 1086, Hangingwater S 234, Hengrove S 1109, January D 131, Jay Pisa D 770, Knotty Ash D 1015, Kryten D 573, Langley Heath D 870, Leith Hill S 354, Leviticus, S 283, Lincolnshire D 330, Lockmeadow A 454, Londres S 184, Longmead S 988, Monkhill S 309, Nelson S 1135, Nether Edge S 479, Newbury Roadshow S 989, Nirvana S 284, Quarndon S 772, Quixhall D 942, Reverse Blofield A 741, Riggwelter S 1222, Royal Ascot S 623, Rutland Water S 83, Saga D 234, St Neots S 719, Saltergate D 504, Septuaginta Little A 1015, SMG250 A 871, Tattersalls S 308, Thatcham D 1085, Tintern S 453, Titan D 108, Underwood S 1110, University S 990, Wrotham Heath D 794, Zamara S 550, Zouch D 1254 MAXIMUS Avonlink L A 130, Black Cat D 598, Brookside L B 207, Clachmannan S 1036, Cotswold A 428, Lincolnshire D 1110, Miele S 504, Parkway L B 1221, President S 598, Shipward Little S 130, Space Oddity Diff L Hybrid 597, Vermille A 82 corrected place notation 160, Weaverham A 207, Zinfandel Differential 1165 SIXTEEN Clyde Little S 597, Glasgow Little S 597, Strathclyde S 597 Michaelston-y-Fedw, Gwent first peal on the bells 621 Michiel of Doornik, carillon builder 542 Michigan, University of Rackham Foundation 277 Mid-Devon Ringers’ tour 91 Middle Rasen, Lincs special quarter 141 Middleham, Yorks wedding report (1905) 810 MIDDLESEX CA & LONDON DG AGM and special quarter 511 North & East quarter peal day 486 Open Day 2006 979 St Mary’s, Islington 733-5 Middlesex Open Day 3 Miles, Harry 910, 1034 Miller, Hector 879 Miller, Tom 1 Mills, Andrew 117, 119, 592 corrected to Stephen 160 ‘Mingun, The Great Bell of’ 1160 mini-rings 499, 889, 917 Charmborough ring in Trafalgar Square 1227 Ministry of Munitions 1216 Minnesota Handbell Weekend 679 Mitchell, Jo 97-9 mnemonics for calling Holt’s Original 248, 278, 570 Mold, Flintshire appeal 732 faculty granted for augmentation 732 Molineux, Revd G F 1181, 1184 Moore, A P (of the Redenhall Foundry) 892 Moreton, Adrian ‘Conducting Grandsire Caters Part I ’ 789-90 Part 2 816, 827 Part 3 866-7 Moreton, Michael 396 60th anniversary of first peal 1088 Morgan Three Wheeler Club 1204 Morley, Arnold 60 years of ringing at Belper 980 Morris, John 286 Morris, William 229 Morrison, Don 491 Moseley, W Midlands see ‘BIRMINGHAM, St Anne’s, St Mary’s’) Mottershead, Julie 426, 473 Musbury, Devon first peal on the bells 58 musical performances 987 musicality 620 Napoleon Bonaparte 155 Narberth, Pembrokeshire 793 Nash, John G 351 Nash, Thomas 855 National Trust Bellringers Trafalgar ringing 1156 National Twelve Bell ... Contest ... 2003 (CD) 769 Naunton, John 1249 Needham, Frances and Henry Golden Wedding 463 Nelson, Horatio 983, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1129, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1153, 1156 (see also, TRAFALGAR) descendant in quarter 1156 freeman of Hereford 1005-7 Nelson, Lancs 1153, 1249 Nelson Society 1006 ‘Nelson’ touches 999 nervousness 474 ‘New Year Travelogue, A’ 30 Newark, Notts “Ringing for Gofer” 1245 Newbury beer festival 860 Newent, Glos opening of bells 1843 643-4, 667 Newing, Angela 645, 667, 739 contact number 1057 Newman, Algernon 319, 361 Newport Pagnell, Bucks 255, 278 news reports, nineteenth century 195, 204 Newton, Bill 90th birthday quarter 588 Nicholls, Doug 761-2, 764 Nichols, Margaret H 440 Nicholson Engineering 422, 426, 543, 932, 1053-4, 1056 Nicholson, Sir Charles 879 Nicholson, Stephen 1204 Noakes, John 105 noise complaints, France 47 noms de plume see ‘pseudonyms’ Norris, John mini-dumbbells and software 1164 NORTH AMERICAN GUILD quarter peal fortnight 1117 North Hinksey, Oxon special quarter 877 North Notts Association (1905) 515 North Scarle, Lincs 76 NORTH STAFFS ASSOCIATION quarter peal week 631 ringing in memoriam Fred Wilshaw 355 NORTH WALES ASSOCIATION Wrexham 14 Trafalgar tour 1139 Norwich City 302 NORWICH D A quarter peal week 579 Trafalgar celebration 1136, 1138, 1150 Norvell, Fleming and Sandra 1078 Nottingham All Saints first peal since augm 37 luxurious ringing chamber 245 Nottingham University Society 37 Nunwick Hall, Great Salkeld, Cumb 100 OBITUARIES Agg, Susan 148, 355, 364 Allum, Robin 684, 795, 872, 880 Avenell, John (Jack) 192 Bailey, Trevor N J 1028, 1151-2, 1174 Baker, Revd Ben 61, 67 Baker, Terry 1095 Barnes, Philip A 850, 856 Bing, Richard 123, 331, 340, 361 Boase, Vivian Tregarthen O’neill 168 Briers, Lyn Frances (nee Morris) 808 Bruce, Peter 11, 21, 23 Burbery, Margaret 116 Burbery, Roger 832, 1174-5, 1176 Buckley, David 395, 574, 581, 583-4 Cornford, David Alexander 392 Cornish, Rosemary Joyce 904 Crowder, Kathleen M 1003, 1095 Earl, Stanley F 559 Easton, Joanna 1241 Edwards, Ralph G 491, 612, 720, 728, 817 Fisher, Leslie William 512 Flack, Francis Peter George 608 Fox, John 856 Frost, Harold V 955, 1200 Furminger, H H (Dicky) 1095 Gale, Ron 708 Giles, John 655 Golder, P George 1255, 1264 Goodship, Marie 585 Haslum, Frank 956 Hedderwick, Jim 67 Horrocks, Joan 828 Houghton, Walter J 440 Hughes, Jonathan 1268 Hughes, Lionel B 512 Hunt, Fred 631 Jakeman, Philip 516, 540, 824 Jennings, Frank 269 Jewell, Derek 316, 327 Johnson, David S 1120 Joyce, Maggie 344, 378, 551, 559, 560 Kingston, Gerald 598, 797, 8045 Kirton, Derek E 244 Knights, Bob 116 Laing, Pauline 1152 Lancefield, Mark S 480, 488-9 Lawrence, Fred 168 Lewis, Thomas W 1000 Lindsell, Bob 391 Longridge, John N 1268 Loveridge, Eric 536 Luddington, Peter 92 Lunn, Leslie 456, 464 Maddocks, Peter C 1152 Mann, Revd Gary 23, 144 Matcham, Gladys D 859, 1072-3 Monk, Stanley Phillips 292 Mordue, Cyril 367 Mouland, Fred 316 Mounsey, Jennie 656 Mountfort, Vic 44 Murray, Dame Rosemary 235, 244 Nichols, Nora (nee Honey) 656 Overy, Raymond 856 Pack, Joseph 880 Pailing, James H 658, 828 Palmer, John 657, 1174-5, 1176 Park, Kenneth John 392 Parsons, David 1124 Pipe, Sylvia (nee Bowyer) 295, 523, 585, 632 Porter, Gerald 408, 416, 456, 464 Powell, Reg 564 Price, Frank C 492, 624, 632, 742, 756-7, 1223 Price, Dr T K 192 Rees, Sydney 872, 880 Retter, George 1120 Reynolds, Philip Herbert 952 Ridgway, Micky 84, 92 Roberts, Cecily Cairn 259, 292, 354 Roe, Richard Frederick (Fred) 268-9 Roobottom, George 1048, 1069 Roome, George 731 Roper (Jack) John F 680 Shipp, Ernest Alfred 832 Silvey, Eric 220 Smith, Derek 760, 818, 928 Smith, Jonathan 393 Smith, Revd David 196, 381, 392 Snack, Ronald 224, 697, 704 Spackman, Peter 1048 Stacey, Harry 364, 780, 805 Stracey, Arthur 880 Summerhayes, Graham 1156 Syrett, Betty 67, 268 Taylor, John W T 931, 976 Thirst, Alan F 492, 779, 780 Townsend, Bernard John Whitehouse 684, 945 Turley, Leonard Percy 936 Tuxford, Joy 265 Tyler, William Harper 416 Weaver, Nicholas 72, 209, 220 Whiddon, George 456, 464 Willcocks, Dennis F 192 Williams, Bryan 1124 Wratten, Cyril 56 corrections to 53-4 Young, Alan 880 odrau/odreu, translation from Welsh required 889 Offen, Richard 272, 637-9, 660, 832, 983, 1012, 1052 ‘Swan Bells, Perth – Five Years On’ 1246-8 Trafalgar Day ringing report 1125-7 Olympic Games bells for? 815 onions, biggest ever 1052 ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ 694, 739 Open University Society tour of Cornwall 1129 Orange, NSW, Australia 76 organ builders Grassin, Didier 879 Jordan, Abraham 879 Wilkinson of Kendal 100 ‘Original Project, An’ 176-7 Osborn, Edward John, historian 569 Overton, John 938 Ovington, Hants 917 Owslebury, Hants dedication of three bells (1905) 1123 Oxford St Giles celebration 343 Oxford Diocese, Gazeteer of Bell Towers ... (CD) 840 OXFORD D G AGM 561 Banbury 80th anniversary quarters 900 Central Bucks Trafalgar quarter peal week 1149 Chipping Norton Trafalgar celebrations 1132 competitions 6-bell 1093 8-bell 496-7 10-bell 1182 Festival 826 Firsts Event 266 handbell day 520 ringing to commemorate end of WWII 735 training day at Radley 417 wins Tewkesbury Shield 496 Oxford University Society library 1137 quarter peal day 216-7 quarter peals, Hilary Term 462-3 quarter peals, Trinity Term 825 Oxo 267 Paccard, Savoie 372 pacemakers 155, 571 Paddington, London SW2 St Michael’s, Star Street 613-4 Padiham, Lancs rededication 93 Page, Sue 60th birthday celebrations 698 Painswick Youths 195, 231 paintings 472-3 Palmer, Richard 227 panic attacks 473, 570 Papanui, Christchurch, N Zealand 125 years of bells at St Paul’s 929 Parish, Ken 1024 Pask, H Leslie 570 Pastoral Measure reports 1251 Pawley, Julian 278 Peachey, Barry 6, 474-6, 1004 consecrated Bishop 564 series of articles, refs 588 ‘Teaching Ringing V – Bridging the Gap’ 1096-7 comment 1129 Peachey, Heather 641 Peake, Andrew 887 15 PEAL BOARDS Cheltenham, Glos 321 Drayton, Oxon F E Robinson’s 1000th peal 910 in pubs 1081, 1129 Rapson, Paul 320 Semley, Wilts 1100 Stebbing, Essex 982 Stockport, Gtr Manchester St Mary’s 863 Uxbridge, Middlesex St Andrew’s 987 Wokingham, Berks ODG peal following F E Robinson’s death 912 PEAL BOOKS Barham, John 1162, 1187, 1249 Cumberland Youths, Junior 99, 116 Liverpool College Youths 180082 998 St Martin’s Youths 886, 891 St Philip’s Society 891 peal fees 814, 843 PEAL RINGERS 50th peal Baker, K G 308, Butler, J E 967, Cripps, J E 182, Faux, D M 719, Greatrex, A 353, Hodge, R 259, McCoy, P W 11, Moon, A 429, Pearson, G G 258, Poole, T R 719, Rogers, A W 406, Staves, I M 132 th 50 peal as conductor Forley, A C 56, Reading, A G 697 100th peal Andrew, R J 429, Bailey, P D 232, Barrington, D K 478, Bayton, T M 597, Beaumont, J St J 133, Bradshaw, D J 1167, Cansdale, M J 330, Crocker, A R 598, Dorking, R H 918, Downs, A R 1220, Eagle, R L 133, Harrison, P I 921, Hayward, G R 354, James, L A M 1014, King, P R 720, Lysaght, J A 504, Matthews, R J 599, Maynard, D G 695, Phillips, N R 573, Smith, A P 1014, Stevens, J J 550, Turner, M S 1062, Waters, J 743, Wilby, H L 332 100th peal as conductor Birks, G R 988, Whitby, M G 479 150th peal Austin, S M 207, Bone, F 56, Forley, A C 56, Garner, M S 108, Holden, M E 353, Lane, K E M 108, Penney, S W 57, Webb, S D G 1038 150th peal as conductor Mainwaring A L 33 200th peal Battye, R O 572, Eddleston, M R 1038, Fortey, A C 794, Hough, J K A 258, Hunter, P B 183, Reading, A G 818, Sheppard, P W J 9, Whittington, P M 671 250th peal Anderton, F N G 283, Constant, B D 59, Evans, H N 56, Evans, P M 309, Garrett, T R 329, Hall, O R 332, Haseldine, J A 379, Peachey, H L E 621, Sheppard, P W J 919, Winter, H 921, Winter, W 430 250th peal as conductor Churchill, R R 621 300th peal Bath, D C 133, Durham, J J 284, Field, S M 133, Jordan, R H 453, Lane, C M A 622, Murfin, J F 623, Sheasby, R A 1188, Simmonds, V J 1110, Wraight, D R 870 300th peal as conductor Rudd, S A 1132, Scudamore, K W 1036, Sibson, A D 1015 350th peal Beaumont, A B 1165, Birkbeck, M A 307, Brown, C I V 966, McFall, A 572, Marshall, C J B 1018, O’Mahony, C D 526 400th peal Astill, T M 9, Carey, I J 84, Chapman, C F 597, Cornwall, J 718, Edwards, M 695, Fielding, J R 817, Fisher, F W 817, Jones, D L 56, Kirk, M J 185, Pascoe, P J 232, Peachey, B F 549, Roberts, J 621, Semken, A G 33, Spencer, M R 208, Whittell, R L K 942 400th peal as conductor Holland, I M 817 450th peal Carey, I J 1189, Jones, D L 941, Pascoe, P J 646 450th peal as conductor Halls, P A M 128 500th peal Beacham, D 1037, Bennett, C M 990, Cheshire, C P 130, Churchman, N A 430, Crowder, M W 1037, Foster, C M 696, Haseldine, J A 208, Hilling, M J 1109, Lee, R W 772, Marsden, S E 572, Matthews, S C 572, Mitchell, A M 130, Pascoe, P J 941, Pink, L G 259, Powell, M M 1254, Smith, C G 1166, Timms, P J 82 550th peal Newman, R A M 353, Soanes, N D 260 550th peal as conductor Allton, R I 1254 600th peal Andrews, V A 379, Barnes, J 1191, Bethell, M A 965, Cooper, J P 35, Dowse, W H 479, Edwards, A S 695, Galley, G C 896, Oram, M E 83, Ridley, H C 355, Soanes, N D 772, Wells, E J 37, Williamson, P J 8 600th peal as conductor Spiller, J W 967 650th peal Campling, P 671, Soanes, N D 1220, Wells, E J 1062 650th peal as conductor Ridley, J R 429 700th peal Avery, I W 1252, Campling, P 1086, Harrison, E N 621, Hodge, M C E 741, Waterfield, P J 849, Wilby, M P A 58 750th peal Bill, P L 306, Howell, C E 453, Mason, P M 308, Mould, E G 741, Randall, G L 896, Savory, R 286 800th peal Birks, G R 744, Davies, B 817, Dunbavin, M E 9, Lewis, A R 1189, Mason, P M 1063, Poyner, M C 405, Sanderson, P J 381, Smith, J A 672, Town, D A 109, Wilson, D J T 671 850th peal Buckley, D J 55, Slade, C E 80 900th peal Baldock, A R 183, Barton, S W 82, Blackwell, R 573, Clements, M 1191, Dunbavin, M E 1110, Higson, A D 157, Llewellyn, D J 183, Moreton, A M 1039, Thumwood, R L 647, Town, J A 380, Warwick, D A 57 900th peal as conductor Taylor, B H 331 950th peal Barton, S W 624, Uphill, M J 529 1000th peal Barton, S W 1052, 1055, 1062, Bostock, C 504, Brown, R D S 329, Champion, P 669, John, G A C 1018, Lacy, P S 284, Lane, N D 647, Lees, C 919, Riley, R 819, Salter, K J 11, Sheppard, J C 329, Thomas, D J 378, Towler, Y A 870 1000th peal as conductor Campling, G H 572, Wheeler, S A 107 1050th peal Hill, I P 1165 1100th peal Chester, M 1130 1150th peal Sibson, A D 1191 1200th peal Roulstone, I 771 1250th peal Allton, R I 648, Furniss, P L 896, Mayle, A P 695 1250th peal as conductor Hemming, G C 158 1300th peal Atkinson, J D 920, Jenner, S 430 1400th peal Piper, H J 894 1450th peal Dawson, G A 10, Rogers, R H 10 1500th peal Andrews, J E 478, Rogers, R H 1038, Saddleton, P A B 1191, Shallcross, F 259, Warboys, S J 183 1600th peal Smith, I V J 741 16 1650th peal Peake, A R 182 1700th peal Fielding, I R 55, Hudson, P J H 817, Moreton, M P 990, Sansum, D H 918 1750th peals Harris, B 478, Randall, G W 1062 1750th peal as conductor Morton, F R 285 1800th peal Harris, B (Revd) 1135, Towler, J L 124 1800th peal as conductor Collins, T F 156, Dove, C B 455, Smith, R B 380 1900th peal Flood, A D 8 2000th peal Flood, A D 850, Hemming, G C 380, Salter, D G 158, Thoday, G E 157 2000th peal as conductor Randall, P C 379 2200th peal Halls, P A M 1167 2300th peal Campling, G H 599, Curtis, P F 1130, Dove, C B 895 2400th peal Hird, D 378, Jelley, J M 406, Pett, T G 80 2500th peal Pett, T G 1166 2500th peal as conductor Pladdys, J 10 2600th peal Davies, S J 794, Gipson, J G 56 2750th peal Edwards, T P 896 2800th peal Curtis, R 1130 2850th peal as conductor Warwick, B G 429 3000th peal Mears, M E C 621, Pladdys, J 1064 3250th peal Ainsworth, J A 160, Ellis, P G C 33 3400th peal Bridle, P 622 3700th peal Dodd, G K 1136 peal ringers, prolific, 2004 general and with 1st pealers 257 gregarious and mobile 363 handbell ringers and conductors 305 tower bell 279-80 tower bell conductors 281-2 peal ringing attire (1955) 979 PEALS advertisement of 6, 53 ANNIVERSARY (35th) of 210 TDM methods peal 117, 119 (60th) end of WWII 743 (90th) ANZAC landings at Gallipoli 477 association disclaimer 32, 181 band born 1955 649 compliance with association rules 126, 155 consecutive Christmas Eve (50) 49-51, 58 CORRECTIONS Doubles, 2004 347 RW 1935 408 RW 1983 450 RW 1985 408, 552, 698, 819, 1255 RW 1986 552, 819, 1087, 1190, 1255 RW 1987 552, 698, 819, 967, 1255 RW 1988 698 RW 1989 552, 1255 RW 1990 456 RW 1991 450 RW 1993 450 RW 1994 408 RW 1995 408, 450 RW 1996 1255 RW 2001 967 RW 2002 408, 450 RW 2004 160, 286, 408, 450, 456, 504, 552, 625, 1255 RW 2005 160, 286, 408, 504, 552, 625, 698, 819, 967, 1087, 1190, 1255 debasement of 104 excuses for standing 159 false 6, 204 (and fiddled) 475 withdrawal (1890 peal) 127 fifteen handbell in a day 185 first of Stedman Cinques in Lancashire 955, 986 first of Spliced Delight Royal 477 first on the bells 58, 124, 185, 353, 379, 621, 622, 772, 1086, 1133, 1252 (1988) 1087 first since augmentation 10, 33, 37, 58, 83, 208, 209, 259, 308, 408, 527, 528, 572, 573, 696 on the ten 1189 for Blisworth Tunnel Bicentenary 408 for election of Pope Benedict XVI 572, 573 for Gunpowder Plot anniversary 1191 for Remembrance 1190 for victims of London bombings 7th July 2005 744 for wedding of Prince Charles and Mrs Parker-Bowles 407, 429, 430, 454 four of Maximus in a day 685-7 Gay, Thomas 891-2 hoax? 231 in memoriam Pope John Paul II 407, 428, 430, 433, 478 licensing of 6 late (and extraordinarily late) 1087 long length (see also ‘RECORD’) 430 refuelling and waste management during .. 522, 570, 595 Minimus, of 278, 351 multi-method, calling of 155, 180, 230 one hundredth on the bells 106, 131, 770, 818, 1014 publication of 53, 104 RECORD Burnley, Lancs 625 Loughborough Bell Foundry Spliced S Major 1076 Marston Bigot, Somerset 306, 669, 718, 893 Northallerton, Yorks 331 Spitalfields, London 469-71 Spliced TDMM, methods 32, 564, 694 (see also METHODS) wider audience? 6 St Martin’s Youths pre 1785 886 September 1755 885-8 St Mary de Castro, Leicester 1209 speed of 54, 155 Thomases (1905) 485 tsunami tragedy 128 VE Day 552, 564 VJ Day 872, 968 Williams’ (1905) 226 Peck, Humphrey 887-8 Peck, Robert 888 Pelloe, Revd J P 32 Penrith, Cumbria 100 special quarter 18 Penzance, Cornwall 1127, 1150 Perth, W Australia Swan Bells 616-7 a week in the life of 637-9 five years on 1246-8 quarter peal of spliced S Major 660 Peterborough Cathedral Rotary centenary service 368 PETERBOROUGH D G conducting course 525 Daventry 148, 171 Guilsborough quarter peal day 973 Wellingborough quarter peal day 534 Peterson, Magnus 1119 Pewsey, Wilts 501 Philadelphia, P A quarter peal weekend 536 Philharmonic Soc of Saratov, Russia 1104 Pickford, Chris 1206, 1249 Pickhill, N Yorks first peal on the bells 622 Pimlico, London St Barnabas 571, 619 ‘Pinchbeck Eight, The’ 1226-7 Pinchbeck, Frederick William 1226, 1227 Pipe, Alfred George Wilgress christening peals 1112 Pipe, David 644, 814, 1001, 1013, 1028 Pipe, George 767 Pipe, Roderick compositions for long length peals 571 follow-up correspondence 619 joint authorship of 10 and 12 bell composition collections 1099 Pitman, A J and family 127 place notation 1105 placing the band 474 Pladdys, John ‘Revd F E Robinson’s 1000th peal’ 909-10 17 Pladdys, John (cont) 60th birthday photo 932 3000th peal 1055 plain changes 1118 Plymouth, Devon fundraising for Emmanuel bells 811 POET’S CORNER Banks, Raymond 147 Butler, P G 1057 ‘Cumberland Youth’ 419 Dockery, Diana 856 ‘D W’ (Dyke, David) 256, 570 Hay, Deborah 282 Herraty, J 1049 disclaimer 1060 Inglis, Helen D 1219 Macniece, Louis 102 Moore, Thomas 102 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 1268 Watson, Dorothy D 1107 Polesworth, Warwicks 74 Police Ringers’ Guild quarter peal day 974 politicians/politics 571, 596, 667 Pontefract, W Yorks special peal 796 Ponteland, Northumberland special ringing 825 Poole, Harold J 127 ‘Port Arthur, Tasmania ..’ 633, 635 Port Stanley, Falklands Christchurch Cathedral 492, 499 Portsmouth, Hants Cathedral special peal 1223 Positano, Italy 808 positive discrimination 79 Post and Telecom Ringers’ Guild 755 posters commemorating end of WWII 564 Potter, David 732 Potterhanworth, Lincs 74 ringing ‘Fun Day’ 904 Powney, Dennis 267 practices nights, profitable use of 792-3 Prague House of the Stone Bell 204, 278 Preston ringers’ reunion 492 Price, Dr Percival 277 Price, Kenneth W 445-6, 499 ‘Price of Freedom, The’ 615 Price, Percival Bells and Man 868 Prior, Jim 467, 580-91, 592, 600, 635 ‘Progress in Ringing: an African Experience’ 293, 295 Project Lifepath 1137 Prosser, Rhys 951 pseudonyms 278, 303, 315, 328, 352, 404 public houses ‘Bell’ 31-2, 396 ‘Gate’ 105 peal boards in 1081 what makes a good one 193 public relations 595 (see also under ‘Central Council Committees’) public speaking 452 publicity 768 ‘Pulley, The Search for the Perfect’ 399-70 pulleys 369-70, 827 puns, ropey 952 Puriton, Somerset special quarter 679 Purton, Wilts church with tower and spire 219 Pye brothers 955 quarter peal ringers, leading 201-2 QUARTER PEALS analysis 2004 203 comment 231 error in leading towers’ column 278 call change 1035, 1060 commemorating end of WWII 745-9, 877 for Guy Fawkes/Gunpowder Plot anniversary 1198-9 for Remembrance 1195-8, 1237 for victims of London bombings 7th July 2005 750, 751 for wedding of Prince Charles and Mrs Parker-Bowles 410-11 four thousandth 303 Holocaust memorial 191 in memoriam Pope John Paul II 409-10, 417, 434, 530 report 2004 202-3 support from Central Council 491 Surprise Maximus in the City 463 tower totals, significant 44 January 147; February 229; May 559; July 825; August 907; September 999; November 1175 Trade Justice 439 Trafalgar Day 974 tsunami tragedy 134-5, 439 VE Day 553-6 VJ Day 873, 973 Queanbeyan, ACT, Australia 76 Quebec 175th anniversary of cathedral bells 1076 Queenstown (Cobh) Cathedral carillon 1216 Quex Institution 228 Quex Park, Birchington, Kent Powell Cotton Museum 844 Quex Park Society dinner 1119 Quorndon, Leics fund raising for church organ 51 Rackham Foundation - see Michigan Railway Guild 444 Rambling Ringers 955 Rapson, Paul 320 Raven, Canon J J, letter written by 230, 277 Rawtenstall, Lancs (1905) 319, 361 recasting 403, 472 Recollections of John Day 891, 892 record-keeping 95 importance of 127 Redgrave, Suffolk special quarter 266 Rednock School anniversary peal 1167 Reeves, John 940 Regan, Mark 687 ‘Jim Wheeler’s ...Wooden Clapper’ 1245B-7B resistance to change 938 REVIEWS BOOK 267, 525, 641, 705, 767, 915, 1099, 1120, 1212-3 CD 769, 840, 1268 Computer Programs 839-40, 840-1 DVD 841, 1057 Reynolds, Laith 1246 Rhodes University 293 Richards, John 1181, 1184 Ridley, Christopher J 569 rhythm, teaching of 78, 126, 1059 Ridley, Simon 321-2, 324, 377, 403 Riley, Roger 1000th peal 819 ringer, oldest (1905) 171 RINGERS amateur and professional 878 dress code for 793, 868, 889 identical twins 694 novice 154 octogenarian 825 paintings of 472-3 peripatetic 645, 739 rules 644, 694, 815 silent 814-5, 916 uniform 793, 868, 889 young 344, 476, 522-3, 548, 588, 612, 736-7, 832 activity day, West Lindsey 928 alienated by politicians 571 KIDS.RING.OUT., Llandaff and Monmouth 1105 rising stars 72, 272, 872 Suffolk Guild 984 training of 913-5 RINGING and AIDS 6, 53 and dyslexia 53, 77, 79, 295 and sex 78, 104 and vertigo (see ‘vertigo’) aphrodisiac qualities 843 bicentenary of I K Brunel’s birth (9th April 2007) 1186, 1249 commemorating end WWII 149, 151, 277, 426, 632, 636, 660, 684, 735, 743, 745-50, 760, 784, 825, 979 thanks from Commemoration Project Manager 792 commemorative generally 302 date chosen 255 customs 1071, 1245 etiquette 916 films on 843, 889 For Christmas 1061 for guidance of travellers 227 for weddings 328 for peace 277 Holy Week 154 in glasshouses 328 in hats 425 in memoriam Pope John Paul II 381, 420 (see also ‘PEALS’ and ‘QUARTER PEALS’) in the news 737 periodicals 1118 physical aids to 105 publicity for 323, 325 recordings of 302-3, 377, 571 speed of 54, 79, 155, 254, 304 survey results 152-3, 254 talks on 323, 325 18 RINGING (cont) textbook, worst ever 440 Trafalgar Day - see ‘TRAFALGAR FESTIVAL’ uses of, other than for services 916 videos 962 VJ Day 873 walking to (1905) 4 warning of fire 180 warning of invasion 32, 78, 105, 127, 155, 180, 739 wartime ban 739 wearing varifocal lenses – see ‘varifocal lenses’ RINGING CENTRES Aston Clinton, Bucks Kenyan visitors 884 Barrow upon Humber 474-6 Bradpole 1075 Cinque Ports, Dover 564 Founders’ Prize award 1028 Docklands 433 Gwennap, Cornwall 28-9 Pimlico, London 571 Prittlewell, Essex Adult Education Classes 791 Ringing Master V3 840-1 Ringing Multi-Method Spliced T B Minor 705 ‘Ringing Survey Results’ 152-3 Ringing World, The appreciation of 104, 328 April 1st issue, comments on 328, 351, 404 Christmas issue 2004 6 content 154, 181 duplication 1061 too much prominence given to elite 868 Diary 2006 corrections to 1070 Diary 2007 inclusion of different methods 1186 Index 96 interview with William A Hibbert 300 peals, publication of 53, 104 record, publication of 105, 119 subscriptions by direct debit 427, 548 via Paypal 547 Ringing World, The Ltd board meeting report 1183 Chairman’s Report 2004 375-6 election of directors 300 ‘RISING STARS’ Johnstone, Peter 72 Jones, Matthew 272 Telford, Kate 872 ROADSHOW change ringing on handbells 1001 clothing range 681, 684 comments and suggestions after the event 889 feedback 907, 916, 944 mini-rings 889, 917, 963 Taylor’s 963 guide 833-8 handbell ringing 624 organiser’s diary 706-7, 731, 759, 783, 807, 859, 883 post-Roadshow 908 organising team 729, 857, 859 programme, first thoughts 47 review 933-7 seminars 811 tickets 588 updates 543, 697 website address 71 website up-dated 1018 Roberts, Syd 80 and 30 years as tower captain 72 Robinson, Rev F E 1000th peal (1905) 790 centenary of first peal on Lundy 912, 1012 ringers (1905) 1012 ‘F E Robinson and Wokingham’ 911-2 photo by grave 912, 986, 1034 ‘Revd R E Robinson’s 1000th peal’ 909-10, 938, 1034 Robinson, Tony 1177 Rogers, Phil 1088, 1100 roll ups 620 Romford, Essex 4 handbell peal (1905) 731 Romsey,Hants special quarter 368 rope guides 827; weight 7 ropes long 1186, 1249; slipping wheel 7; splicing 1120, 1251; springy 7; stiff 7 ropesight and vision 618-9 Rose, Thomas 95, 143 rosin 79 Rosscarbery, Co Cork St Fachtna’s Cathedral restoration 252 training a band 1013, 1119, 1264 Rotary movement 224, 396 Rothera, Janet 661-5 Rotherham United Company of Ringers 891, 986 Rotherhithe, Surrey special quarter 266 Rothwell, Northants special quarter 1092 Rougham, Suffolk special quarter 460, 468 Royal Air Force 445-6 Royal Engineers 98 Royal Naval Guild quarter peal day 487 Trafalgar ringing 1139 Royal Observer Corps 1128 Royal Romance peal? 320, 328 rules, ringers’ 644, 694 Rumburgh, Suffolk augmentation 421-2, 426 first peal since augmentation 259 Russia, The Bells of 868 Russian linguists 445-6, 499 Rye, Sussex proposed reunion 808, 1248B Saltcote Place 1248B Ryton, Tyne & Wear 681 Sabre composition generator 83940 safety issues 143, 147 St Agatha’s Guild 218 St Columb Major, Cornwall 166 St David’s Society 1184 St Dominick, Cornwall leaners’ quarters 218 St Guthlac 229 St James’s Guild 160, 433 St Marmaduke’s Society 45, 105 St Martin’s Guild (see also ‘BIRMINGHAM’) guild precursors 3, 5, 385-8 Henry Johnson Dinner 120, 332, 341 (1905) 731 peal books 2 Southern quarter peal weekend 17 striking competition 11 training day 1255 250th anniversary 1-2 quarters 997 visit to Perth 616-7, 623 St Marybourne, Hants special peal 407 St Osyth, Essex restoration 225-6 SALISBURY D G AGM and Festival 501 Dorchester 420 Llewellyn Edwards BRF 224 Marlborough 501 open day 884 peal week 109 quarter peal weeks 20, 140-1, 1175 sallies, slippery 54 magic potions, various 79, 155 Salter, David 54 Salter, Katharine J 11, 24 Saltley, Birmingham Our Lady of the Rosary & St Therese of Lisieux 1033 Samos Greek tower grab 640 Sandal Magna, W Yorks special quarter and handbell ringing 607 Sanderson, Ron 320 Santander, Spain cathedral bells 472 Sapcote, Leics 296 Sayers, Dorothy L 273, 274, 275 Society 274, 275 Sayers, Revd Henry 273, 274 Scarrington, Notts 73, 74 Schilling, Franz 277 Scott, George Gilbert 229, 642 Scott, Peter ‘Bell Founding in the EU ’ 713-5 Scraptoft, Leics 76 Screwtape-type letter 1210 Scroggs, Sir William 985 Seattle, USA 76 Seclin, Lille, France Gillett & Johnston carillon 958 Seekings, Bill 1040 semantron 868 Semley, Wilts peal board and special quarter 1100 Send, Surrey special quarter 219 Settle, N Yorks broken bell 224, 327-8, 352 Shabbington, Bucks rededication of the bells 809-10 Shackleton, Ernest 492 19 Shade, Isaac 955 Sharpe, Frederick 1212, 1213 Sheffield peal boards in pubs 1081, 1187 shellac 79 Shenfield, Essex special quarter 1238 Shepherd, Edgar C 224 Sheppard, John C 1000th peal 329 Sheppard, Lord David 319 Sherbourne Teaching Aids 96 Bell Club badge awards presentation 172 Sherriff Hales, Shropshire 31 Shifnal, Shropshire special peal (1905) 376 Shillington, Beds restoration 148 ships (see also HMS) Alyeciras 1138 Monarda 1138 Royal Sovereign 1138 Tonnant 1138 Shipton Gorge, Dorset first peal since augmentation 33 Shipton under Wychwood, Oxon 843 Shirley, W Midlands visitors from Belarus 905 Short, Joshua 1 shorts/trousers, dropping of 618, 645, 666 shouters/shouting 938, 963, 987, 1012-3, 1034, 1035, 1060 silencer, for clock chimes at night 180 simulators software for mini-dumbbells 1164 Skenfrith, Gwent fundraising 473 Skibbereen, Co Cork 1119 Slaidburn, Lancs ringing resumes 420 Smallfield, Frederick 1137 Smith, A Paddon, Lord Mayor of Birmingham 1102, 1103 Smith, Eva memorial: Avebury augmentation 715 Smith, George 909, 910 Smith, John 888 Smith, Peter 580 Smith, Phineas 888 Smith, Ray 712 Smith, Robert, killed at Trafalgar 983 Smith, Stan 90th birthday 141 Smith, Tessa and Tony 25th wedding anniversary 819 Smith, William (of Birmingham) 888 Smith, William (of Pymble, Australia) 243 Smith, William (of Shifnal) 888 Smith, W D 1214 Snowdon dinner 1180 software for mini-dumbbells 1164 Somersby, Lincs and neighbouring churches 1268 song(s), bellringers’ 1035 sonic mapping 763, 765 Sons of Liberty of Boston 985 Sotheran, Peter 889, 938 sound control 255, 278 Sound Solutions 278 Soundweld 422 SOUTH AFRICAN GUILD 293, 295 AGM 1175 South American Missionary Society 377 South Lopham, Norfolk special quarter 191 South Wigston, Leics record peal and Oxo advert (1904) 267 Southampton University Guild 332 Southover (Lewes) Guild (1905) 907 Southwark Cathedral, London S E 1 christening of Jim Prior bell 467 dedication of Jim Prior bell 58991, 600, 635 new sharp 2nd 592 special quarter 1078 SOUTHWELL D G Mansfield Trafalgar quarter peal day 1149 Speke, Merseyside 76 Spencer, Michael D 657 Spiers, Frank birthday celebration 120 spit 79 Spitalfields, London E1 record length London S Major 363, 420, 469-71 Splicing Bell Ropes 1120 splicing methods 1096-7; ropes 1120, 1251 “spurring” 1071 Staffordshire towers 1186 stained glass 516 Abbey Dore, Herefordshire 1265 Portsmouth Cathedral 879 Tresco, Scilly Isles 1076 Stamford, 7th Earl 727 standard pitch base 351 standing behind 1094 Stanworth, Catherine 363 Staverton, Northants 148 stays, first record of 927 stays, replacement of 1123 Stebbing, Essex first peal on the six 981-2 history of bells/ringing 981-2 peal board 982 ringers’ outing (1923) 982 special quarter 487 Stedman, Fabian 927 Stephenson, Blanche and John Golden Wedding 1088 Stevens, Andy 276 Stickland, Geoff bike and camera 1061 Stockport, Gtr Manchester St Mary’s history of bells and ringing 861-3 peals 863 Stogumber, Somerset special quarter 755 Stoke on Trent, Staffs (1905) death in belfry 95, 143 St Peter ad Vincula becomes a Minster 901 Stonar School Guild special quarter 1049 Stone, Nicholas 879 Stoodleigh, Devon first peal on the bells 1252 Strathdee, Tracey by bike to India 1052 striking 1183 Stroud, Glos arson and vandalism 636 structure - see ‘method structure’ Stuart, Christopher J 1121 Stubbington, Hants Narnia Campanile long length peal 430 Stubbs, Andrew 516, 956 Sturminster Marshall, Dorset 500, 571 corrections to article 540 Style, Colin 1181, 1184 Suffolk Archaeogical Society 277 SUFFOLK GUILD library 962 North West quarter peal day 902 young ringers, shirts with logos 984 ‘Sunday Service Ringer’ 450 Surfleet cricket match (1905) 755 SURREY ASSOCIATION ‘A Brief History’ 766-7 anniversary (125th) 766-7, 773, 778 peal weekend 528 USA tour 68-9, 71 Surrey bells 228 SUSSEX C A library 962 Sutcliffe, Betty 1129 Sutherland, Jim 251 Sutton Cheney, Leics 76, 77 Swaffham Prior, Cambs 54 ‘Swan Bells, Perth – Five years On’ 1246-8 SWANSEA AND BRECON D G Young Ringers’ Day 393 Swindon, Wilts special quarter 148 swinging on ropes 1004, 1060 Sydney, NSW standard 8 quarter peal w/e 535 Symes, Emily 1004, 1060 symmetrisation 450, 498 syncopation 1075 tail ends, long 1186, 1249 ‘Tale of Three Towers’ (RW 2004, p. 1238) comment and correction 105 Tarrington, Herefords 1108 Tasmania 633, 635 Taw Torridge & Tamar Midweek Group 18 Taylor Bells – A Living Tradition (DVD) 1057 Taylor, Bernard correspondence on compositions 619, 694 responses: Pearce, Richard 738; Pipe, David 644, 814 Taylor, James R 571 Taylor, Malcolm and Sheila 25th wedding anniversary 819 Taylor, Robert 93 Taylor, Eayre and Smith of Loughborough 1069, 1124, 1216 Exeter, St Mark’s 1107 20 Taylors of Loughborough 76, 77, 100, 251, 266, 328, 391, 420, 580, Taylors of Loughborough (cont) 613, 642, 862, 982, 997, 1068, 1102, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1224 ‘A Bellfounder in Wartime’ 1216 Bluntisham, Cambs 273-5 Bristol, St Stephen’s 932 ‘Carillon, The Taylor Original’ 541-2, 546-7 Carlisle Cathedral, new bell 881 casting of Gillett & Johnston’s bells 1162 Cheltenham, Gloucs 321-2, 324 Dunham Massey, Cheshire 727 European Union 713, 715 family 1216 Goulburn, N S W 712, 1206 Grantham, Lincs 1226-7 Hell’s Bell 173-5 Home Bell 224 Irnham, Lincs 805 Leicester churches 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209 Madron, Cornwall 286 merger with Eayre & Smith 492 new appointments, executive directors 657 Shillington, Beds 148 Writtle, Essex 122, 124 teachers, female, married 938 TEACHING see ‘rhythm’; ‘conductors, training of’ ‘Teaching Ringing V – Bridging the Gap’ 1096-7 Teignmouth, Devon special quarter 487 Telford, Kate 872 tenor weights, trends 449 Terling, Essex first Essex tower to reach 300 peals 965 Terrington St Clement, Norfolk 588, 619 Thakeham, W Sussex special quarter 660 Thanet Youths 228 Thatcham, Berks record of ringing 302-3 Thatcher, Frances 1011 Thaxted, Essex 657 Theobald, William 1078 Thomas, Derek J 1000th peal 378 Thomas, Neil 1077-9 Thompson, Jacob 100 Thompson, John 888 Thompson, Joseph 888 Thompson, William 888 Thomson, Mike 1081 Thornbury Grammar School 1241 Thorne, David 468 Thornton in Craven, N Yorks first peal on the bells 772 Thoroton, Notts 76-7 ‘Thought for the Week’ 231, 303 Threadgold, Roy 736-7 Three Choirs’ Festival 732 ‘Three Out of Four’ 940 Tibberton, Glos 74 Tibbetts, Andrew J W 185, 1001, 1013 Tibenham, Norfolk special quarter 216 Ticker Kicker Group 571 (see also ‘pacemakers’) Tilton, A H 1210 Tilton, New Hampshire, USA Riverfront Park Committee 1210 steel bell restoration 1177 Tilton-on-the-Hill, Leics 74 first peal since augmentation 696 Tintinnalogia 927 Toller Whelme, Dorset quarter 932 tolling 1177 Torbryan, Devon 362 Toronto St James’s Cathedral first quarter on the twelve 145 touches – see ‘COMPOSITIONS’ TOURS Australia (Western) 1049, Australia and New Zealand 668, 671, 1218-9, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire 1209, Bristol 265, 1185, Buckinghamshire 190, 486, by boat 544-5, 596, 645, 667, 778, Cambridgeshire 824, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire 1099, Canada and USA 1228-9, Channel Islands 463, Cheshire 219, Cornwall 166, 921, Cornwall and Devon 968, Cumbria and surrounding counties 90-1, Cumbria/Lancashire 1263, Derbyshire 708, 996, 1073, Devon 166, 218, 487, 655, 679, 779, 877, 901, 1201, Devon and Somerset 925-6, Dorset 580, 1068, Dorset and Somerset 973, Dorset and Wiltshire 972-3, Essex 1071, Gloucestershire 551, 679, Gloucester, Warwick and Worcester 91, Guernsey 1069, Herefordshire 511, 974, Isle of Wight 642, Kent 1009, Lakes and Dales 1262, Lancashire 611, (1905) 955, 1139; Le Nord, France 957-9, Lundy Island 381, 803, 1088, Norfolk 901, 926, Norfolk and Suffolk 1046, Normandy 931, Northamptonshire 245, Northern Ireland 642-3, 744, Nottinghamshire 91, 166, Peak District 487, Perth, W Australia 616-7, Rochdale and area 1046, Scotland 1092, Somerset 266, 486-7, 997, 998, 1092, Suffolk 433, UK (visitors’ tour) 808, 1089, USA 68-69, 71, 160, 672, Vale of the White Horse 896, Wales (N E) 433, Wirral 1117, Wiltshire 1046-7, Worcestershire and area 45, Towcester, Northants 363 Towednack, Cornwall dedication of bells (1905) 1159 TOWER etiquette 938 (see also ‘shouting’) location databases 180, 255 movement 793, 843 movement measuring kit 495, 548, 595-6 photos 1061, 1106 tower grabbing by yacht 544-5, 1008 ‘Tower Grabbing With a Difference’ (1) 544-5; (2) 1008 Tower Handbook, The background 1011 bell handling 1033 checking and pulling 1033 general ringing knowledge 1118 ‘Helping’ 1094 listening, how to 1163 maintenance 1251 ropes 1251 splicing 1251 striking 1183 towers, ringable/unringable 448 Towler, Yvonne A 1000th peal 870 Town, Jennie 812-3 Towner, Becky 295 traditionalist forum 1035 TRAFALGAR FESTIVAL 272, 302, 498, 832, 884, 1012, 1028, 1034-5, 1052 Preparations peal compositions 961 quarter peals 974 suggested methods 498 touches 999 towers with traditions 983, 1007 Trafalgar Day Ringing 1186, 1204 date touches/date quarters 1148 Child Okeford, Dorset 1129 Cranfield, Beds 1156 Melksham, Wilts 1149 Milverton, Somerset 1138 Offton, Suffolk 1128 Whitehaven, Cumbria 1138 general ringing 1148-9 Birmingham St Chad’s 1156 St Martin’s 1156 St Paul’s, Jewellery Quarter 1156 St Philip’s 1156 Brent Pelham, Herts 1138 Bromham, Wilts 1128 Chatham, Kent 1128 Dawlish, Devon 1153 Essex Association 1155 Fillongley, Warks 1139 Fowey, Cornwall 1132 (and peal) 1133 Halesworth, Suffolk 1138 Hurstpierpoint, W Sussex rum doings 1129 Lancashire Association Fylde 1155 Mathern, Mon 1128 Neath, W Glamorgan 1128 North Shields, Tyne & Wear 1128 North Wales Association Wrexham branch outing 1139 Oxford DG Chipping Norton (and beacon lighting) 1132 Painswick, Glos 1128 Test Valley, Hants 1150 West Cornwall 1127, 1150 Yeovil, Somerset beacon lighting 1128 21 TRAFALGAR FESTIVAL (cont) peal reports 1133-6 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 1138 Hurstbourne Priors, Hants 1139 Norwich D A 1132, 1138 Royal Naval Guild (and celebrations) 1135, 1139 Shrivenham, Oxon 1135, 1139 quarter peals 1140-48, 1149, 1150 Ashill, Norfolk 1136, 1156 Claybrooke, Leics 1150 Derby Cathedral 1150 Milton Keynes, Bucks – a rum do 1150 Milverton, Somerset 1138, 1150 National Trust Bellringers 1156 Nelson, Lancs (and celebrations) 1153 Norwich D A 1136, 1138 Oxford D G Central Bucks quarter peal week 1149 West Cornwall 1127, 1150 Whitchurch, Hants 1131 report by Richard Offen 11257 ‘Trafalgar Ringing in 1805’ 1137 ‘Training, A New Framework for’ 1010-11 ‘Training Young People (Conclusions)’ 913-5 child protection 914-5 making ringing attractive 913-4 making things happen: association, ringing centre, tower 915 support for young people 914 ‘Travelogue, New Year’ 30, 54 Trellech, Monmouthshire first peal on the bells 379 Tremain, Phil forty years since first ringing lesson 1156 Tremain, Walter 1024 Tresco, Scilly Isles 1076 tricks, shabby 66 Trueman, Heather and Ivor Golden Wedding 456, 468 Trumper, Revd T W Walwyn 1000 Truro, Cornwall Kenwyn 446 TRURO D G 4, 28-9 Eastern Autumn Festival 998 2000 peals 540 Western 6-bell competition winners 1268 tsunami tragedy national day of mourning in Australia 123 peals 128 quarter peals 134-5 tuning 327, 352, 451, 713 five tone 958 listed bells 1251 Tunis Cathedral of St Vincent de Paul bells 278 Turnbull, Fr Brian and Mrs Anne 72 Turner, Harry centenary of a ringer 1221, 1238 Turner, Thomas 171 Turney, John 1120 Turramurra, N S W, Australia 243 turret clocks 1082, 1106 Turret Clock Keeper’s Handbook, The 1082 tweed 1210 twins, identical 694, 738, 768 Tyler, W A 940 Tyte, John 1212 Uckfield, Sussex 546 Universities’ Association 1201 university societies 27 affiliation to Central Council 440 Utrecht Cathedral new CD 1186 Vaihingen, Baden-Wurtemberg 249-50 Vale, Channel islands special quarters 580 Vancouver, B C special quarter 52 varifocal lenses 619, 666, 739, 7689, 815 Vatican City bells of San Pietro 396 VE/VJ Day (see also ‘Ringing’, Quarter Peals’ etc) graffitti 917 memories 548, 619, 867 Vernon, Keith and Joyce Ruby Wedding Anniversary quarters 679 vertigo 426, 473, 498, 548, 570, 618, 666, 716-7, 1162 headline in The Times 867 videos, ringing 962 Villedieu-les-Poeles, Normandy 372, 931 Vodaphone support for Roadshow 296, 303, 377 Vulliamy, Lewis 709 Wakefield Cathedral, W Yorks Queen’s visit, Maundy Thursday 350, 355 Wakefield, Gillian ‘Andrew Fosdike – The Truth?’ 1239 Wallis, Richard 766-7 Walmer, Kent 397, 398 special peal 408 Walsall, W Midlands special quarter 534 Walton, Douglas G 120 Wantage, Oxon broadcast 1241 clock chimes saga 148, 420, 468 Warboys, Frank 471 Warboys, Stephanie first female Master, College Youths 1101 Warfield, Berks special peal 1223 ‘Warner’s Long Range’ 1108 Warrington, Cheshire (NOT Gtr Manchester) 1129 Warwick, Brian and Winifred Golden Wedding 193 Warwick University Society brewery tour 200 Washbrook family 99 grave 962 Washbrook, James W 1013 and Mrs Washbrook 938 F E Robinson’s 1000th peal 90910, 1034 life, location of grave, handbell quarter 221 remembrances of E Barnett 351, 427 Washbrook, James W (Billy) Jr 221, 910, 1034, 1187 peals 1187 F E Robinson’s 1000th peal 90910, 1034 Washington DC Ringing Society quarter peals 727 Waterford, Ireland special peal (1905) 693 Watford, Herts St Michael 1215 Watt, Tim 633, 635 ways of doing things 1161 weatherproofing 180 Weathersfield/Finchingfold, Essex winners of prize for encouragement of young ringers 588 Webb, Iris guild member for 50 years 148 Webber, Bert 1024 Webber, Charles 1024 Webber, Gordon 1024 WEBSITES North American Guild 781 447 681 Trafalgar celebrations 1127 William Hall’s 197-8 Zimbabwe Guild 412 weddings dress code for ringers 793, 868, 916 planning and execution of 939, 986, 1034 suitable tunes for chiming frames 793, 916 visibility of ringers 793, 868 Wednesday Quarter Peal Band 578 Wells Cathedral Rotarians International Centenary 396 Welsh Colleges’ cycling tour 998 Welsh Frankton, Shropshire 77 Wenham, Peter 1103 West Grinstead, Sussex special peal 968 West Kirby, Wirral special quarter 319 Westminster, London Abbey quarter in memoriam Pope John Paul II 381 ringing commemorating end of WWII 636 ringing for installation of Lord Mayor 518, 523, 779 Academy of Bellringing 518 Cathedral ring of bells for? 571 Charmborough Mini-Ring in Trafalgar Square 1227 Lord Mayor of 120, 516, 517-8, 523, 596, 1227 St Barnabas, restoration of ten? 571 22 St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square 1227 Weston Turville, Bucks change of tower captain 120 special quarter 120 Wethersfield, Essex 767 special quarter 737 Wetton, Staffs 73, 74 Whalley, Lancs special quarter 867 ‘What of the Night’ 1240-1 Wheeler, Jim wooden-shafted clapper 1245B7B wheels 243, 864 Whitchurch, Hants first 10-bell peal after augmentation 1189 White, Jeff 75th birthday 52 White, Nick 544-5, 1008 White, the Misses of Basingstoke 1011 Whitechapel Foundry 122, 276, 293, 352, 396, 580, 1061, 1068, 1212, 1213 Abingdon, Oxon 832 Augusta, Georgia 609, 1077-9 ‘Bell Founding in the EU’ 713-5 Birmingham, Alabama 609 Boroughbridge, N Yorks 97-8 Brasted, Kent 1029-31 Ellesborough, Bucks, retuning 494 ‘Foundry Life During the Second World War ..’ 1214-5 Houston, Texas 609 Islington, London N1 734 Leicester churches 1207, 1208, 1209 Perth, W Australia, tuning of bells 1246 ‘Pulley, The Search for the Perfect’ 369-70 Rumburgh, Suffolk 422, 426 Sewannee, Tenessee 609 Shrivenham St Andrew’s, Oxon 1054, 1056 Wokingham, Berks, All Saints 345, 346, 348 Wokingham, Berks, St Paul’s 344 Whitehead, Mavis 60 years of peal ringing 1223 Whites of Appleton 346, 348, 832 Whites of Appleton (DVD) 841 Ellesborough, Bucks 493-5 Whiting Society 915 Whitting, Bryan 70th birthday 779 Whitmore, Staffs 74 Wicken, Northants 100 years of peal ringing 1160, 1166 Wickersley, Yorks 77 Wigton, Cumbria 872 Wilby, Hannah 760 Wilby, Michael 763, 765 Willcocks 1129 ‘Wilkes and Liberty’ 985-6 Wilkes, John 985-6 Wilks, Douglas 80th birthday quarter 877 Willans, R W ‘Three Out of Four’ (quarter peal compositions of Grandsire Triples) 940 comment 1034 Williams, Edward V The Bells of Russia 868 Williams, Keith 50 years in Walsall band 534 Williamson, Paul 80th birthday 698 Wilshaw, Fred 355 WINCHESTER & PORTSMOUTH D G 155 Alton & Petersfield quarter peal fortnight 115 Andover special peal 407 Basingstoke quarter peal fortnight 1117 Winchester quarter peal week 1068 Windsor and Horton weekend 956 Windsor Castle Curfew Tower 341 Wirdnam, Graham 90th birthday 148 Wirksworth, Derbys 229 Wistaston, Cheshire special peal 625 Withycombe Raleigh, Devon bells appeal 1162 Wokingham, Berks All Saints and F E Robinson 911-2 publicity and talks 323, 325 restoration 345-6, 348 St Paul’s restoration work in progress 344 Wollaston, Northants 827 women, status of 938-9 Women’s Institute 90th birthday quarter 997 Wood, Peter 981-2 Woodbridge, Suffolk 1239 ringers’ ‘festivity’ (1905) 219 Woodchester, Glos peal (1802) 195 Woodstock, Cape Colony, S Africa first peal rung in S Africa (1905) 44 Woollam, Peter 372, 939, 986 Woolley, John 829 Worcester All Saints (1905) 581 Cathedral wooden-shafted clapper 1245B-7B 3rd person to ring 1000th peal on the bells 1052 WORCESTERSHIRE & DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION 404, 427 AGM 522, 571 dinner 1180 rules about peals 126, 155 Workman, Trevor, carilloneur 1104 Worle, Somerset charity fundraising 48 first all-ladies’ quarter 195 Wormwell, Robert donor of Nelson, Lancs bells 1249 Wragby, Lincs new staircase and ringing room 251 Wratten, Cyril 117, 499, 1162, 1249 Writtle, Essex new bells 121-2, 124 Wymondham, Norfolk flower festival 679 yachting 544-5 Yardley – see ‘BIRMINGHAM’ Yates, J 1157-9 York Courant 985 York Minster Society Christmas 1904-July 31st 1905 1047 York University new chaplain 1204 YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION Central Lichfield mobile belfry at Barnsley 1009 Scarborough & District quarter peal day 1023 striking competition 878 Sheffield quarter peal weekend 17 Snowdon dinner 1180 striking competition 956 Western Trafalgar quarter peal weekend 1149 Young, Fr William 953, 955 ZIMBABWE GUILD AGM 248 meeting at Kwekwe 980 new website 412 Zoilus 519, 1007 zvon 714 at Newbury roadshow? 180, 204 Zwart, Boudewijn, carilloneur 1104 R.G.12/01/06 23