- Barguna Polytechnic Institute

Barguna Polytechnic Institute
Computer Technology
Subject: Computer Application –I
Subject Code: 6621
Job No:
Name of the job:
Name of the student:
Roll No:
Job Practicing Date :
Mark Distribution
Interest on Practicing Works
Precaution & Cleanliness
Signature of Teacher:
Experiment No: #1
Experiment Name: Show skill on computer hardware and Practice on windows operating system
Identify the different components of personal computer.
Identify the primary and secondary storage devices
Observe the windows screen & identify each item on desktop
Show the function of start button Taskbar
Start and quite programs
Switch between programs
Open and close a document
Start a program using run command
1. PC
2. Power
Identify the main components of personal computer:
Fig: All the ports in the back side
Fig: Port connection
Fig: Different parts of a computer
Fig: RAM
Fig: Dard Disk
Fig: Keyboard
Fig: Status Bar
Fig: Desktop
Start and quit a program:
1. Click on the Start button in Start menu. The following figure will appear.
Fig: Start Menu
2. Click on programs. A program list will open like follows.
3. Click on Microsoft Word. Then Microsoft word program will open.
Fig: Microsoft Word program
4. To exit the program click on File Menu and select Exit.
Fig: File menu to exit from the program
Start a program using start menu:
1. Click start button in the Status Bar. A list will open.
2. Select Run option. Run dialog box will open.
Fig: Run dialog box
3. Click on Brows button and select the program.
Fig: Brows dialog box
4. Click Ok.
From the experiment we can know different parts of a computer and the environment of the operating
Experiment No: #3
Experiment Name: Perform skill in working with files and folder and Perform skill in working with
utilities software and anti viruses.
1. To know how to Create, Rename, Delete file and folder.
2. Run Anti virus software and scan for virus.
1. PC
2. Anti virus software
3. Power
Create, Remane and Delete Folder and File:
1. Click right button of the mouse. A menu will open. Select Folder under sub menu of New
menu. Then a folder will create.
Fig: Folder create
2. To delete the folder right click on the folder and click on the delete option.
Fig: Folder Delete
3. To rename the folder right click on the folder and select rename option and change the
Fig: Folder Rename
Run Anti Virus software and perform Virus scan:
1. Click on Start Button and select Avast! Free Antivirus. Then a dialog box will open.
Fig: Virus scan
3. Click Start button at the bottom portion of the figure named Select folder to scan. Select
the areas dialog box will open.
4. After selecting drives click Ok button.
We come to know how to create, rename and delete folder and how to perform virus scan using Avast
Anti Virus.
Experiment No: # 2
Experiment Name: Connect each part of a personal computer (PC), operate it with windows operating
system and install / uninstall programs/software.
How to connect parts of a PC
How to ser desktop wallpaper.
How to set Screen Saver.
Install/Uninstall software
1. PC
2. Power
3. Different types of software
Fig: Different connection of computer
Fig: Different parts of system
1. Open the software package that is to install. Double click on installation exe file. A setup
window will open.
Fig: Setup dialog box
2. Click Next button. A license agreement dialog box will open. Select the checkbox and
click Next button.
Fig: License agreement dialog box
3. Click Next->Next. An Icon setting dialog box will open. Select the checkbox if you want
and click Next->Install.
4. Click Next->Next. An install progress bar shows the progress of the installation.
Fig: Progress bar dialog box
5. Click Next->Next and finally click on Close button.
Fig: Finish dialog box
From this experiment we can know how to connect different components of a PC and how to install/
uninstall different types of software.
Experiment No: #4
Experiment Name: Practice on creating a simple document using word processor.
To know about word processor.
Identify the different elements of the edition window.
Type text, edit text using word processor.
Save the document, quit and reopen the document.
Copy, Move and Delete text.
Copy from one word document to another
1. MS-Word software package.
2. PC
3. Power
A word processor is an electronic device or computer software application that, as directed by
the user, performs word processing: the composition, editing, formatting and sometimes
printing of any sort of written material.
1. Open word processor by clicking Start->Programs->Microsoft Word
Title Bar
Status bar
Menu Bar
Standard Toolbar
Drawing Toolbar
Fig: Word processor
Scroll Box
Scroll Bar
2. You can find the different parts of MS-Word
3. Type text, edit text in the word processor.
4. Click on File menu. A command list will open.
Fig: File menu
5. Select Save As option. Save As dialog box will open.
Fig: Save as dialog box
6. Type the name in the File Name text box
7. Click Save button
From this experiment we can know about different tools of word processor and how to work with word
Experiment No: #5
Experiment Name: Show skill on formatting a document.
1. Repaginate document.
2. Force page breaks and force paragraphs to start on a new page.
4. MS-Word software package.
5. PC
6. Power
Word processors are descended from early text formatting tools (sometimes called "text
justification" tools, from their only real capability). Word processing is one of the earliest
applications for the personal computer in office productivity.
Repaginate documents:
1. Open the document that is to repaginate
2. Click on File menu select page setup option. Page setup dialog box will open.
Fig: Page setup
3. Click on Margins option. Then anther dialog box will open
Fig: Margin setup
4. Select Lanscape/Portrain option under Orientation
5. Click Ok button
Page and paragraph break:
1. Place the mouse pointer at the position from where the page is to break.
2. Click inset menu. A command list will open.
Fig: Insert menu
3. Click on Break command. Break dialog box will open.
Fig: Break dialog box
4. Click Page Break radio button
5. Click Ok button
We come to know different formatting tools of MS-Word and their operation.
Experiment No: #6
Experiment Name: Practice on paragraphs, line spacing, borders and shading.
1. Create paragraphs and split text into multiple paragraphs.
2. Join and delete paragraph.
3. Intend paragraphs automatically and index with the ruler, toolbar, keyboard shortcuts and
with paragraph dialog box.
4. Align and justify text and adjust the space between lines such as single spacing etc.
5. Create and remove borders and shading.
7. MS-Word software package.
8. PC
9. Power
These are done to enhance attraction of the written document. We can do it in different ways such
as, using shortcut key, using format menu, selecting the text and clicking the right button of the
Alignment of paragraph:
Open the MS-Word software.
Write the paragraph.
Select the paragraph that is to align (right/left/center/justify).
Click on Format menu and select paragraph option. The following paragraph dialog box
will appear.
5. Select alignment from alignment menu.
6. Click Ok button.
Setting Border:
1. Click on format menu and select Borders and Shading option. A Borders and Shading
dialog box will appear.
2. Click your required option belong the setting of border.
3. Click Ok button.
4. For page bordering open the page. Click format menu and select Borders and Shading
option. A Borders and Shading dialog box will appear.
5. Set necessary setting under page border.
6. Click Ok button.
Setting Shading:
1. Block the document that is to shade.
2. Click on format menu and select Borders and Shading option. A Borders and Shading
dialog box will appear.
3. Click your required option belong the setting of shading.
4. Choice color from fill option.
5. Click Ok button.
Fig: Paragraph left alignment
Fig: Paragraph after right alignment
Fig: Paragraph after centre alignment
Fig: Shading Paragraph
From this experiment we can know about paragraph, line spacing, border and shading.