File - Putra Selaparang



Company Profile





Managing director CEO

Chief operating officer







SerindIT lab

: SerindIT COM UUM Sdn. Bhd.

: Ras Bawah, Pusat Pembangunan Esekutif (PPE)

Universiti Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok

Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia.

: Education and Training,

Technical Information and

Lab Information

: Prof. Madya Abdul Ghani Golamdin

: Cik Basma Zaihuddin

: Puan Salina

: 049285121

: Cik Kuzul and Liza for B Area (Maybank Residential

Hall, TM, Petronas, and Eon)

Cik fendi for A Area (Other Area)

: 04- 9285121 / 5130 / 5131

: 04- 9285132

: 04-9285758


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R&D SerindIT.Com UUM Sdn. Bhd. a company wholly owned by Universiti Utara

Malaysia (UUM) and is a 100% Bumiputra owned company registered with Ministry of Finance with a current paid-up capital of RM 1,200,000. R&D SerindIT Com Sdn bhd is mainly dedicated to the technology (ICT) industry.

R&D SerindIT.Com has been the backbone of research and development for in the area of information and communication technology, with the aim of improving the productivity and competitiveness of all industries through the use of ICT. The core competency of R&D SerindIT.Com is R&D-based. It covers a wide spectrum of ICT products, which include IT hardware, software solution, services and education. The research products have been commercialized for local as well as the export market.

We are continuously innovating to create the cutting-edge in core technologies and improve existing systems and technologies

Positioning itself as the R&D centre for the information industry, R&D SerindIT.Com provides continuous and systematic support through research and development activities, focusing on advanced technologies in ICT, multimedia and embedded systems, e-learning and e-Commerce fields.

R&D SerindIT.Com services have also been recognized for impacting the local and global communities, underscoring the importance of strategic and technological partnerships and alliances formed in Malaysia and abroad, and the resultant products and services. Our extensive network of resources and experiences has made us as a one-stop centre for ICT development and promotion source.

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Organization structure

At the helm of the R&D SerindIT Com does a board of prominent members comprise university staff, industry and government officials focusing its tasks on Malaysia's vision 2020 to develop the knowledge-based economy and society.

SerindIT members come from impressive, multidisciplinary backgrounds. This pool of experienced executives with backgrounds in academia, corporate, government and research sectors are deeply committed to carry out R&D SerindIT Com's mission and vision. Backing them is a strong force of researchers, engineers, technicians, computer analysts and programmers, management and technology consultants with a group of highly educated support staff.

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Human Resource Management (HRM) involves all management decision and practices that directly affects the people, or human resources, who work for the organization. Meanwhile the Human Resource practices are means the primary responsibilities of the human resource function within an organization (e.g., research and technology, training, development, selection, compensation). HRM practices would vary across industries, therefore, an attempt has been made to assess.



Recruitment is the way of the company try to identify and encourage the potential candidates to have the position their applied for now or in a future. Since the

SerindIT open many stages to the candidates to challenge themselves to enter the company it show that SerindIT acquired a great employees to fulfill the criteria. This recruitment base on Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991. the employee contract will be positioning as a staff. Different with laboratory assistant, R&D SerindIT will spread job application paper base on the criteria that SerindIT qualification, this will open every semester when the old laboratory assistance graduated and new candidate can replace the position as a laboratory assistant.



The SerindIT, tend to choose the qualification candidate to be worked with since their open for a wide range of region to apply in company. They only two types while doing the selecting, first is the appropriate candidates to the position they applied and second is suitable qualification of the educational background. It has to based on the acts of suits filed by job applicants such as Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991, Age

Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, American with Disabilities Act of 1991.

The SerindIT, do the processes through which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs contribute to the organization goals. Since they produce and fix the computers, the employees should know the component of their work. Update their

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software by reliable sources and alert to the issues have occur from the users. Means that they already covered the three purposes of performing skill there is, strategic purpose which is to achieve business objective, administrative purpose for use the system to provide information for day to day decision, and development purpose means that it serves as a basis for developing employees’ knowledge and skills.



R&D SerindIT.Com helps the government, public and private sectors in the drive for education and training to their professionals in developing their skills in ICT. While offering affordable ICT education programmed to these people of all ages and backgrounds, R&D SerindIT.Com also provides activities to introduce ICT applications to these groups, with the main purpose of bridging the knowledge gap amongst them considering their different ages and social/educational backgrounds. In doing so R&D SerindIT.Com continually develops programs designed to increase

ICT awareness and promote the use of ICT in bridging the digital gap between rural and urban areas.

With the introduction of new methodologies in training, R&D SerindIT Com believes it can achieve the transformation of traditional workers into knowledge workers.

Needless to say that the future prosperity of Malaysia rests in the ability to remain competitive and to win the challenges brought about by the economic transformation from a production-based economy (p-economy) to a knowledge-based economy (keconomy). This new economic phenomenon together with the onset of globalization will certainly raise many new challenges that confront the nation, our companies and our workers.

The fact that k-economy is based on the exploitation of knowledge and brings with it many new tools and concepts. We therefore need to undergo the process of learning and relearning. We would need to relearn some concepts, which may have been modified by technology and more importantly to unlearn those concepts that worked well in the p-economy but will work against us in the k-economy.

The responsibility to transform existing traditional workers into a new breed of knowledge workers has been entrusted onto human resource practitioners and trainers.

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They are to ensure that Malaysian companies staffed by knowledge-workers, remain globally competitive.


Research Technology and Department

The R&D SerindIT.Com aggressively promotes and encourages the government, public and private sectors to enhance their applications of ICT. As a R&D and knowledge-based organization, R&D SerindIT.Com engages in consulting and R&D projects for strategic planning and implementation of Malaysia's ICT industry.

In developing the ICT, R&D SerindIT.Com utilizes this accumulated and integrated expertise to support its operations in the development of value- added products and services to enhance their competitive advantages.

Under the knowledge-based economy development strategy, R&D SerindIT.Com develops application systems and helps organizations to improve their operations and efficiency. The application of ICT introduced by R&D SerindIT.Com is geared towards the growth of their businesses in the knowledge-based economy, i.e. e-

Government, e-Commerce and e-Society.

R&D SerindIT.Com explores state-of- the-art technologies and advanced softwareengineering concepts by applying advanced approaches such as Web-based and

Internet application, n-tier application, workflow management, EIS, web hosting and

SMS applications.

Working closely with our global partners, we have introduced enterprise-wide process improvements methods to help improve the overall quality of software development for the organization.

Teaming up with local IT-related sectors, R&D SerindIT.Com assists the government and enterprises in drawing up ICT plans and their implementations. In addition R&D

SerindIT.Com provides consultation services, system integration, and development of key and critical systems in order to support the government and various industries in various aspects of ICT implementation.

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SerindIT R&D Department will compute employee, staff, and laboratory assistance’s salary based what they have achieved to the company. For the employee and the staff will get the salary fix every month but different with laboratory assistance that gain the salary base on the working hour they performance in a month. Avoid mistake or cheating than give by hand to hand plus it more reliable and register the precaution like insurance by the bank chosen. The act of The Employment Act 1955, every employer shall pay to each of employees not later than seventh day after the last day of any wage period the wages, less lawful deduction. The Employees Social Security

Act 1969, SOCSO provide protection to workers or insurance to them who may be involved in an accident at work or contract matter.

All of those choices of employees’ contribution with pay can be known as an incentive pay which is forms of pay linked to an employee’s performance as an individual, group member, or organization member either an incentive or a distraction, depending on how it is administered and communicated. It also influential because the amount paid is linked to certain predefined behaviors or outcomes. This incentive pay for motivate employees to contribute to the organization’s success the play plans must be well designed. For the SerindIT, pays employee based on the quality of working, what they have contribute by their performance even though they come from good educational person but the experience also counted to earn good result.



Bonuses must be designed in such a way that people understand that there is no payout unless the company hits a certain level of profitability. Divided with two areas there are group bonuses and team awards. For group bonuses it tends to be for smaller work groups and attaining the specific goal usually measured in terms of physical output. For team award, tend to use a broad range of performance measure like cost saving, successful completion of a project and meeting deadlines. SerindIT mostly do

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both of the strategies because they produce computers, laptops and the same time rewarding their other employees in a laboratory.

Any action taken to the employee will be recorded under their performance report.

This influence their annual salary increment, promotions and rewards. Their annual salary increment, promotions and rewards are given according to their performance.

The Head Of Department will refer to the employees appraisal before give them any reward, promotion or etc. The more bad record on their appraisal, the less they will be promoted by the company. On the other hand, as their appraisal recorded with the good record, SerindIT will offer them a good position in the organization, high salary with extra bonuses and other promotion.



As a punishment for the SerindIT’s employee whose disobey the company’s rule,

SerindIT applied the hold salary, suspended them from work and terminated or fired them. This is the punishment applied by SerindIT. SerindIT will hold the worker’s salary within one month or more, it according to the attitude of the worker. If the mistake worst, the company will suspend them from work or more worst terminate or fire them. The strict punishments are used to train the worker to obey the company rules.

SerindIT already setup the working procedure, each employee should follow the procedure, if not, normally company will refer the Employee Act 1965 to do the punishment. But before taken any action, probably company will observed the mistake level. From the evaluation, SerindIT will take action due to the observation.

The Employee Act 1965 will be taken as the mistake done by the employee hard to handle.


Job performance and Discipline

The supervisor of SerindIT will report to the upper management as the worker not took note on their advice. Usually the supervisor will report to the Head Of

Department. The Head Of Department will take any further action to the worker.

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Before taken any punishment, SerindIT will issue a warning letter for the workers who disobey the company’s rule. The warning letter used to remind the worker due to their mistake. It covered the mistake that made by the worker, any action that will be taken to them and some advice. This warning letter issued as a reminder for them to change them attitude or as guideline for them to avoid repeating the same mistake. If employee still doing the mistake and ignore the warning letter, company will hold salary or terminated the employee. This is the final solution that SerindIT will take to train their worker to watch on their attitude and commitment at work place. The discipline worker is needed in this organization because SerindIT also provide service instead of provide product.

SerindIT had well managed their working time to suit their employee schedule.

SerindIT have three core businesses and the organization had fixed time for each businesses. For the administration, finance and sales, SerindIT take the permanent staff, for the software development also SerindIT take the permanent staff usually

UUM staff. But for the laboratory privatization, SerindIT train permanent staff and part of lab assistant, mostly UUM student.

If face problem from customers, the assistant need to get the advice from the head of unit or department and also discussion to settle the customer problem. But before refer to the upper management, the assistant acquired to solve the problem by their selves.

If the problems cannot solve at that moment, they will refer to their supervisor before get any advice from the head of unit or department. The problems solution must be solved according to the position hierarchy.

To avoid any problem occur if the workers cannot attend or they have any emergency problem, SerindIT has its own solution. The Lab Assistant should report or refer to the leader or supervisor or Head of Department first regarding their emergency problem. They should not just hand over their work to other person without refer or inform the Head Of Department. They should manage their working time according to the schedule that provide by the organization even thought they have emergency problem. Refer to the Head of Department is the right approach as the leader/supervisor will do the arrangement or replacement with others to cover that time.

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Some of the computer lab cannot operation in gaining the benefit like lab in YAB and

Maybank, lab only provide the laboratory and its assistant, while to hire the assistant more than the cash input from each laboratory. Example in Maybank Laboratory, it was provide bad printing and for it was in one period no cash and less cash receipt from that lab itself while hire the staff or lab assistance is same with other laboratory which is gain printing payment.


Complex Structure

Another issues that face by SerindIT in organization structure are complexity, less of control and coordination among the employees that working inside the office and outside the office in University Utara Malaysia, most of laboratory inside the university cannot control properly by supervisor moreover Human Resources

Department, for example is a little problem that was happen in lower employee of

SerindIT is laboratory assistant sometime late and sometime have any emergency problem that must be leave the laboratory that impact to the job performance. Other that supervisor has to find the replacement assistant who has ID number given by



Less Knowledge Function about SerindIT among the students

Second issues is performance, students in University Utara Malaysia do not know more about SerindIT, they only know about laboratory as provide the internet protocol, student need to know what is SerindIT, function, and service provide beside of laboratory.


Salary Late Problem

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SerindIT R&D does not give any announcement for salary payment exactly, the employee just decide and check in the bank without any previous information from

SerindIT, but commonly salary payment will be made on the middle of month.

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