Organized 21 projects/ hosted 64/ sent 77 volunteers in 2013 (223

Organized 21 projects/ hosted 64/ sent 77 volunteers in 2013
(223 projects/ hosted 613/ sent 949 volunteers in 12 years since 2000)
- Pop bridge between local & global communities -
- Toward healthy & colorful world –
Invited home party to local house in
Minamata (Kumamoto)
Revival Farming in Samegawa
Planting rice in Kurogi (Fukuoka)
What is NICE?
(P 2-5)
General info. of LMTV
(P 6-21)
What is LMTV (LMTI/ LMTW)?
1-1) The common points
(P 6)
1-2) Application procedure
(P 6-8)
1-3) General Qualification
(P 8-9)
1-4) Summery List
(P 9-11)
1-5) Detailed project Information (LMTI) (P 11-18)
1-6) Detailed project Information (LMTW) (P18)
1-7) Detailed project Information (AVS)
1-8) Detailed project Information (JAVS) (P19-20)
1-9) Detailed project Information (Sri Lanka) (P20-21)
< Organizing International/ Weekend/ Long term Projects >
NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange)
Address : 2-1-14-401 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022 JAPAN
: 81-3-3358-7140 (Mon-Fri 10:00-12:30/ 13:30-18:00)
: 81-3-3358-7149
Web site
: (Yasu = IGUCHI Yasunori)
: (Nao = NAOI Tomoki)
What is NICE!?
* NGO/ NPO to organize workcamps and other voluntary service projects mainly in Japan
* President of NVDA (Asian network) and Treasurer of CCIVS at UNESCO (Global network)
* Enjoying to create a new global age by mentally young people!
1) Brief History;
NICE was founded on the 4th Feb. in 1990 by the 7 youth who had done the workcamps or other
types of voluntary service programs abroad.
In Sep. 1990, the first international workcamp of NICE was held at the foot of the Mt. Fuji of Japan.
It has been developing rapidly and variously with huge needs projects & motivations of people!
2) Aims and Goals;
Achieve the Healthy & Colorful World!
We believe, health can be a key, one of the most important values toward
the post-modern civilization. We mean not only physical health of human bodies,
but also mental, ecological, cultural, economic and communal health!
Many people seem afraid that a low carbon society may bring us inconvenient,
uncomfortable and unhappy life, but if we put more value on “health”, it may not!
To protect/ create a colorful world is our another important goal. This means,
Diverse ecologies, cultures and personalities are harmoniously co-existed and
glittered. Potential of each actor can be more brought out with various standards!
1) Improve the social &
environmental situation
by direct actions!
friendship/ cooperation
and personal growth!
2) Empower NPOs/ local
communities and raise
awareness & actions!
3) Activities; (see the page 4 for the way of categories)
To achieve the above aims, NICE mainly organizes the following activities;
1A) Organize Short Term (1
mainly in Japan
2) Organize LMTV (over 1
month) projects mainly in
Japan and send vols. abroad
1B) Send volunteers from
workcamps all over the world
In 2013: 796 volunteers
In 2013: 46 projects in 2
In 2013: 150 projects in 20
countries with 67 vols./ sent
were sent to 42 countries (369
countries were organized with
excl. co-organizing projects)
111 vols. to 22 countries
1,405 full time volunteers.
4) Organize Group Workcamps
3) To organize Weekend (less
(in 2013, 29 projects in 7
than 1 week) Workcamps in
countries) and
5) Many other ecological/ social/
educational actions such as
World Tanabata Action.
In 2013: 141 projects in 23
Asian LTV Summit to create AVS
4) Structure;
5) Finance;
< Settlement of account in 2012 >
A) General Assembly
D) Teams
C) Offices
Full members: 1,138 (76%:female, 74%:students)
* Over 300 of them are quite actively involved.
Associate members: 10,634 + 8 organizations
Income: 83,340,074 yen
Expense: 80,397,643 yen
Membership fee
Fund raising
Management A
Management B
Projects A
Projects B
* Membership fee consists of Annual membership
fee and project membership fee.
A) GA is held twice a year as the supreme body to
approve the annual plans and reports, etc.
* Management A: Human resources for management
(cost for staff, EC, GA, members activities, etc.)
Management B: Other management cost
(cost for offices, communication, copy, etc.)
Project A: Cost directly spent for the volunteers
(meals, accommodation, local transportation, etc.)
Project B: Other projects cost
(tools, materials, transportation of the leaders,
B) EC (Executive Committee) is held 6 times a
year. There are 13 EC members for 2014.
C) 5 offices have 12 full time/ paid and 10-15 part
time/ voluntary staff in 2014.
D) About 40 teams organize activities (weekend
workcamps, promotion, preparation of vols. etc.)
* This shows only the finance managed by NICE
office and there are much more contribution;
+ Local partners (meals & accommodations of vols.,
tools & materials for work: for Project 1A and 2)
+ Volunteers and members (Travel cost, etc.)
E) AB (Advisory Board) is held twice a year by 12
members of the specialists & the partner NGOs.
6) External Relations;
NICE has over 165 partner NGOs in 90 countries & 123 local project partner NGOs in Japan!
We are completely independent from any political, religious, economic power. NICE is (2014 Nov.);
a) President of NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia) since 1997 (besides 2008-09)
b) EC member (Treasurer from 2012 Dec.) of CCIVS at UNESCO since 1995
c) The first Asian member of ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organizations since 1996
d) Partner Organization of SCI (Service Civil International) officially since 2010
We also cooperate with a lot of governments, NGO/ NPOs, media, foundations and people and are
affiliated in some national networks of NGOs for advocacy, international cooperation, youth, etc.
Types and Definition of NICE Projects
< What is voluntary service? >
Profit making business
This is voluntary service!
Not by order
Social paid work not
by order (many NPO
paid staff, etc.)
For/ with society
Social paid work by order
(Many civil servants, etc.)
Personal hobby, willing
study, training, etc.
Not for profit
Unwilling housework,
study, training, etc.
Social service
* Actions mentioned here are just examples and not always apply to the case.
< What are workcamps? - Category in Voluntary Service - >
Group type
Living there together
Going to/ from home
Individual type
* Workcamp is a group living
type of voluntary service
< Categories of (i.)v.s. projects by length and sizes of groups >
Number of vols.
Very Short Term
(6 days or less)
Short Term
(1 week-1 month = 7-31 days)
Middle Term
(1-6 months = 32-182 days)
Long Term
(over 6 months = 183 days-)
Workcamp = group type
(more than 2 vols.)
VSTW (“Weekend
(all together)
STW (most of
(all together)
international ones)
(all together)
Individual type
(1 or 2 vols.)
* As most of Very Short Term Workcamps are done in weekends, many of the NGOs which organize this
type of projects call them “weekend workcamps” (even for the ones organized on Mon.-Fri.).
* LTV and MTV are usually called together (here as “LMTV” while some organizations call “MLTV”).
* Most of i.v.s. NGOs rarely organize/ exchange individual type of very short term or short term ones
(SSTI, STI) while many of LMTV projects are individual type (LMTI).
< Other ways of categories >
By the geographical scale (where the volunteers come from):
International (open to any nationalities)/ Regional (e.g. only for Asian)/ Trilateral (3 countries)/ Bilateral (2
countries)/ National/ Local. The projects that could finally get volunteers of only 2-3 nationalities can be
still called as “International” if it was originally open to the all over world.
* In the wide definition, Regional/ Trilateral/ Bilateral ones can be also called as “international”.
* As most of international workcamps are short term, when we just call “international workcamps”,
it usually means STW (unless specifically mentioned like “long term (international) workcamps”).
By themes: Environmental/ Developmental/ Cultural/ Educational/ Social (or Peace and Human rights)
* This category is agreed by the Global Meeting of i.v.s. NGOs for the common statistics while again, there
are many ways in each organization and network.
By way of gathering volunteers: Group workcamps (organized for the specific groups such as schools,
companies, clubs) while others gather individual applications no matter the number of nationalities.
* Some organizations call above mentioned “Bilateral workcamps” as “Group workcamps”
-- 4 --
More info. about International Workcamps!
International voluntary service projects where volunteers from all over the world live &
work together with local people. Mostly for 2-3 weeks/ in Jul.-Sep. by 5-20 volunteers.
1) Brief History;
In 1920, the first one started in France mainly by German and French youth as reconstructing the
farms destroyed during the World War I. Since then, it has been spreading to all over the world.
In the 60s, many workcamps with construction works were organized in newly independent countries as
well as peace projects between East & West of Europe. Environmental ones have been increasing since
80s. According to our research, over 3,000 projects in about 100 countries are held in a year.
2) Common Aims and Voluntary Works;
Although each WOs and workcamps have their own aims, the common aim is to achieve peaceful,
healthy, just and sustainable world by
a) Creating/ supporting voluntary movements for ecology, human rights, self-sufficiency, etc.
b) Activating and involving new people to local communities and NGO/NPOs
c) Promoting global understanding, friendship and solidarity
Work is normally for 5-8 hours a day & 4-6 days a week. The types are varied (depend on the needs);
a) Environment: Cleaning rivers, planting trees, protecting animals, creating eco-villages, etc.
b) Agriculture: Picking fruits or seeding in organic farms, reviving uncultivated fields, etc.
c) Construction : schools, toilets, renovating castles, converting farms into youth centers, etc.
d) Social work: With/ for children, refugees, mentally/ physically disadvantaged, elders, etc.
e) Arts/Education: Organizing festivals, performing play against AIDS in schools, archaeology, etc.
f) Others: Making proposals of town planning, recycling & sending bicycles to India, etc.
3) Accommodations & Free time activities;
Usually youth centers, public halls, schools and sometimes tents or temples that are simple but
even better for the group life! Volunteers often cook by turns and enjoy global tastes.
The common language is English in most of workcamps though you had better to try local languages.
In some workcamps, the hosts or volunteers organize discussions, excursions, and exchange parties
with local people, school visit, sports programs, etc. It is very important to note that workcamps should
be made by all volunteers with local people. Volunteers are not guests!
4) Workcamp Organizations (WOs);
WOs are international voluntary service NGOs/NPOs (Non-Governmental/ Non-Profit
Organizations), most of which are affiliated in the international networks such as CCIVS (Coordinating
Committee for International Voluntary Service) founded by UNESCO, NVDA (Network for Voluntary
Development in Asia) and ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organizations.
Some are specialized for the specific areas and each WO independently & freely organizes projects
mainly in their own countries with local governments or NGO/NPOs and cooperates with other WOs
abroad. They are organized locally, coordinated nationally and exchanged internationally!
5) Finance;
Many WOs are managed by the inscription fee from volunteers but some are supported also by the
governments, foundations, etc. Volunteers need to pay the travel cost to/ from the projects and the fee
to WOs in their own countries. Meals & accommodations are normally provided by local partners while
there are participation fee of 100-300 US$ in most of the projects of Africa, Asia and L. America.
-- 5 --
Project 1: LMTV Projects
(Long & Middle Term Voluntary projects: over 1 month)
NICE categorizes LMTV projects into following two;
1) LI (Long and Middle Term Individual voluntary projects): LMTV projects where one or two volunteers
stay and work in the same period.
2) LW (Long and Middle Term Workcamps): LMTV projects where more than two volunteers stay and
work together in the same period.
Among LW, there are two special form of projects open to only Asian volunteers;
2A) AVS (Asian Voluntary Service)
This is special program of Long and Middle Term Workcamps created by NVDA (Network for
Voluntary Development in Asia) as the initiatives of international voluntary service NGOs. Since its start
in 2014 Apr., 14 volunteers from 3 countries participated in the projects in 6 countries.
2B) JAVS (Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service):
This is a similar type of program as AVS, but target only the volunteers from Japan and ASEAN
countries organized by NICE and NVDA together due to the regulation of the grant by Japan Foundation
Asia Center. It will be held in 5 countries from 2015 Jan. 24 to Apr. 22. For 3 months.
1-1) The common points (unless mentioned in each description of the detailed info.);
a) Age limit
b) Language
c) Insurance
d) Accommodations
From 18 (No maximum)
English and/ or Japanese (depending on the projects. See the detailed info.!)
We provide small insurance only for accidents during the projects IN JAPAN.
Basic, but enjoyable enough. Local host provide blanket and mattress to volunteer.
1-2) Application procedure
Step 1: Send application: through the partners!!
All applicants need to send the application forms with motivation letters. Non-Japanese volunteers
living outside Japan need to apply through our partner NGOs of their countries (if your country is in
Asia-Pacific and has no such NGOs, then you need to apply through NVDA (Network for Voluntary
Development in Asia) Only if you are Japanese or live in Japan for a year or more, you
can apply to NICE directly. Ask for more info., then we will send you the guidance
(procedure, fee, etc.) and the form. If volunteer can write motivation letter in Japanese, it is better to
write it in Japanese!
< How much should volunteers pay? >
Volunteers need to pay the travel cost to/ from the projects & the following Program fee while meals
and accommodation during the projects are provided by NICE & the local partners;
a) From the NGOs charging no fee in their LMTV projects to NICE vols.: No fee
b) From the NGOs charging some fee in their LMTV projects to NICE vols. or having no LMTV
projects to host NICE vols.: Program fee of 10,000 yen per one month to be paid on their arrivals.
* There is also a participation fee in some projects outside Japan (mentioned in each project description).
* Some projects in Japan provide pocket money (mentioned in each project description).
Step 2: Skype Interview (usually, only for some LMTI)
If you apply for LI which requires speaking GOOD Japanese, you will need to call the NICE office to
have Skype interview. Calling date/ time and the Skype account will be informed by NICE to your sending
NGO right after NICE will have received your application form.
-- 6 --
Step 3: Acceptance
Soon after having got the answer from the local host, NICE will inform your sending NGO whether
you can be accepted or not by e-mail (Acceptance Letter, Seminars info. and NICE Volunteers’ Guide will
be also sent if you are accepted). It usually takes 1-2 weeks (in some cases, even 3-4 weeks!).
Step4: Book the flights as soon as being accepted and do other preparation!
Don’t wait for the Information Sheets, otherwise you may miss economical flights!
If the final destination of your flight is not Tokyo/ Osaka, you need to book the flight to make stop-over in
Tokyo or Osaka to join Preparation and Evaluation Seminars. You need to arrive at Tokyo/ Osaka by the day
before the Seminars start and it is quite possible to stay in the houses of NICE members if you ask us early
enough! Volunteers should not expect so much time for sightseeing during the projects, so if you want to do it,
please take enough days before/ after the projects!
You can do any other preparation such as studying Japanese language/ culture/ history, etc.
< About VISA for Japan: Please check the information also in your side! >
Many of the volunteers can stay up to 3 months, but some can stay for 6 or 12 months and many of
the local hosts also welcome such longer term of participation!
A) 1 year stay: Nationalities of Germany, France, UK, Korea, Canada, Australia, NZ, Taiwan, Hong Kong
You can try to get Working Holiday Visa with which you are allowed to stay in Japan within 1 year!
In this case, you can apply and join the project for 1 year in maximum (if the local host also agrees).
B) 6 months stay: Those of Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, UK, Liechtenstein, Germany
You can stay in Japan within 6 months without visa as a tourist. And don’t worry, it is legal in Japan
to join voluntary service projects as a tourist (with extension process in the end of first 3 months stay).
In this case, you can apply and join the project for 6 months in maximum (if the local host also agrees).
C) 3 months stay as a tourist without our invitation if your nationalities are below
You can stay in Japan within 6 months without visa as a tourist if your nationalities are Malaysia,
Republic of Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Canada, USA, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados,
Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Surinam, Uruguay, Australia,
New Zealand, Israel, Turkey, Lesotho, Mauritius, Tunisia, Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Macedonia France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino,
Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain or Sweden.
* For those people, there is a way to get another 3 months stay by going to the neighboring country such
as Korea or Taiwan for more than 10 days stay though we are not sure if it is always possible.
D) 3 months stay by our invitation
If your nationalities are not any of the above mentioned countries, you need to apply for visa as a
volunteer with our invitation letter that should allow you to stay in Japan within 3 months.
Step 5: The detailed information of the project
By 1 month before the project will start, volunteers will receive ”Information Sheets” (details of the
project, what to bring, the meeting point, how to get there, etc.).
Step 6: On arrival program
NICE organizes Preparation Seminars for LMTV for Japanese/ foreign outgoing/ incoming volunteers
together with Evaluation Seminars where all volunteers need to join (LW projects often do it in the
project sites independently). Volunteers need to come to meeting point of Seminar by themselves.
-- 7 --
< List of Preparation/ Evaluation Seminars >
Dates (M/D)
Dates: From the afternoon on the first days to the noon on the third days
Location: Usually around Tokyo, but sometimes around Osaka which
information will be sent to the volunteers.
Participants: We usually have 15-25 each time (incl. some staff of NICE)
Program: Workshops (Setting up the goals, “my expectation, fear and
contribution”, Case study etc.), Orientation (advice from the staff/ ex.
volunteers, questions and answers, etc.) and games, (in some cases)
voluntary work, cooking, party, discussion, etc.
Fee: No fee! (NICE will provide meals, accommodation and meeting
rooms during the program by free). Transportation to/ from the place is
not included and should be paid by the vols. by themselves.
Step 7: Joining the project!
You will stay and work with your local hosts (and other vols. in some projects). Have a fruitful stay!
Step 8: Evaluation Seminar
As mentioned in Step 6, all vols. also need to join the Evaluation Seminar while LW projects often do
it at the project sites independently. You will share positive/ negative impact of their service to both local
communities and their own personal development. Then, they will also share the future proposals for the
projects and life plan with filling in the form and if possible, making the project report with some pictures.
You are also expected to advise the vols. of Preparation Seminar and surely, can have fun by all together!
< To join LMTV Projects all over the world>
(Organized by the partner NGOs)
1) Where and When organized?
NICE introduces about 500 projects in 30 countries organized by the partner NGOs.
The projects are held all through the year.
2) Who can apply (through NICE)?
Japanese citizen or other citizens who are living in Japan for a long time (for a year or more).
If you are NOT in the above criteria, you need to apply through our partner NGO in your country.
* If your country is in Asia-Pacific and has no such NGOs, then you need to apply through
NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia)
3) How can I apply and how much should I pay?
Ask for more info., then we will send you the guidance and the form.
1-3) General Qualification;
a) Best motivation for the voluntary work (special good skills and power are not necessary)
b) Responsibility to keep rules of NICE & the partners and cooperation to run the projects
c) Best efforts to understand and respect cultures both of the hosts and other volunteers
d) Open mind to make friends with trying to speak English (in the groups) and the local language
e) To adapt and enjoy simple conditions of the living such as food and accommodation
Though it'd be very funny and dramatic time for you, if your motivation is only for enjoying holidays,
please don't apply and do just travel. If it is more for voluntary service to respect local culture and
custom, to make a better world and friendship with local people and other volunteers, you are super
-- 8 --
1-4) Summery List (There may be some more!)
01/16-04/12 (or up to 10 months)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 9 months)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 7 months)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 6 months)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months)
< LI (Long & middle term Individual voluntary projects) >
Shintoku 15-1
Shintoku 15-2
Shintoku 15-3
Shintoku 15-4
Shintoku 15-5
Shintoku 15-6
Yoichi 15-1
Yoichi 15-2
Yoichi 15-3
Yoichi 15-4
Yoichi 15-5
Rokkasho 15-1
Rokkasho 15-2
Rokkasho 15-3
Rokkasho 15-4
Rokkasho 15-5
Fukushima 15-1
Fukushima 15-2
Fukushima 15-3
Fukushima 15-4
Fukushima 15-5
Fukushima 15-6
Fukushima 15-7
Samegawa 15-1
Samegawa 15-2
Samegawa 15-3
Samegawa 15-4
Samegawa 15-5
Samegawa 15-6
Maki 15-1
Maki 15-2
Maki 15-3
Maki 15-4
Maki 15-5
Tateya 15-1
Tateya 15-2
Tateya 15-3
Tateya 15-4
Tateya 15-6
Kamiichi 15-1
Nabari 15-1
Nabari 15-2
Nabari 15-3
Nabari 15-4
Nabari 15-5
Nabari 15-6
Nabari 15-7
Wazuka 15-1
Wazuka 15-2
Wazuka 15-3
Wazuka 15-4
Wazuka 15-5
Iwami-ginzan 15-1
Iwami-ginzan 15-2
Iwami-ginzan 15-3
Iwami-ginzan 15-4
Iwami-ginzan 15-5
Iwami-ginzan 15-6
-- 9 --
07/31-10/25 (3 months)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months)
01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months)
01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1year)
01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year)
Iwami-ginzan 15-7
Ikata 15-1
Ikata 15-2
Ikata 15-3
Ikata 15-4
Ikata 15-5
Ikata 15-6
Ikata 15-7
Minamata 15-1
Minamata 15-2
Kunigami 15-1
Kunigami 15-2
Kunigami 15-3
Kunigami 15-4
Kunigami 15-5
Kunigami 15-6
Kunigami 15-7
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year)
01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 7 months)
01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year)
02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year)
04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year)
09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year)
< LW (Long & middle term Workcamps) >
Kurogi 15-1
Mashiko 15-1
Kurogi 15-2
Mashiko 15-2
04/20-12/04 (3-7 months)
05/01-11/30 (3-7 months)
< LI (Long & middle term Individual voluntary projects) in Sri Lanka >
Pani 15-1
Pani 15-2
Pani 15-3
Mahi 15-1
Mahi 15-2
Galaha 15-1
Galaha 15-2
Galaha 15-3
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* Sri Lanka
* “Vols.” are the numbers of international volunteers to be recruited at the same period.
<For Projects in Japan>
* The period includes the dates of Preparation/ Evaluation Seminars.
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to join the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please choose
your ending date among the following ones and clearly write on your application form.
01/18, 02/15, 04/12, 05/10, 07/05, 08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date)
*In LW programs, Preparation/ Evaluation Seminar are including the program in project site.
<For Projects in Sri Lanka>
* There is on arrival training in each project sites by Lanka Green Volunteers (GV4GF).
< Location of the projects in Japan >
-- 10 --
ARCH: Archaeology
AGRI: Agriculture
ARTS: Arts
CONS: Construction
DISA: Disabled (“Challenged”)
EDUC: Teaching, Awareness
ENVI: Environmental
ELDE: Work with Elderly
FEST: Festival
HERI: Cultural or Heritage
KIDS: Work with Kids
MANU: Manual
MEDI: Medical
PEACE: Peace
RELIEF: Disaster Relief
RENO: Restoration, Renovation
SOCI: Social
STUDY: Study, Research
* "Social" means work with disadvantaged people besides ELDE and DISA (e.g. Orphans, Refugees,
Homeless) OR work with various types of such people with special need
Maintaining forest with
members in Mashiko(Tochigi)
Making bamboo craft with local
host in Minamata (Kumamoto)
Shodo with local students in
Kunigami (Okinawa)
1-5) Detailed project Information (LI in Japan)
After the backgrounds (partners, aims and histories) of the projects; W : Voluntary work/ S : Study
theme/ A : Accommodation/ L : Location /T : Terminal (the closest big international airport)/ LA : Leisure
Activities/ SR : Special Remarks (if any)/ PF : Participation Fees (if any)
[ About Japanese language level ]
Some: Those who can manage to speak some of basic daily conversation (e.g., it’s hot today, I’m hungry).
Good: Those who have basically no problem for daily conversation (including work).
NICE-LI-SH15-1 Shintoku 15-1 (Hokkaido) 01/16-04/12 (or up to 10 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SH15-2 Shintoku 15-2 (Hokkaido) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 9 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SH15-3 Shintoku 15-3 (Hokkaido) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 7 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SH15-4 Shintoku 15-4 (Hokkaido) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 6 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SH15-5 Shintoku 15-5 (Hokkaido) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SH15-6 Shintoku 15-6 (Hokkaido) 07/31-10/25 AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
Organized together with Kyodo Gakusha Shintoku Farm, a cooperative community where people
with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, people who are tired of city life, who wants to
learn farming, etc. They have five communities in Tokyo, Nagano and Hokkaido and grow animals and
vegetables in ecological, organic way with utilizing Bacterium. Their cheese got the 1st prize in the
national contest!
W: We will do various types of agricultural works (planting, weeding, cultivating, harvesting, to make
organic vegetables taking care of animals, etc.) as well as house work. We will develop the rangeland.
A: Shared room (male and female are separated), cooked as a group by turns (vegetarian is possible!)
L: Agricultural country side, 120 km east of Sapporo. Minus 20 degree in winter and 20 in summer.
T: From Sapporo, 4 hours by express train. From Tokyo, 13 hours by bullet train or 32 hours by ship.
SR: Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language, strong motivation for the host. Skills of
agriculture or construction can be useful!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05,
08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
Yoichi 15-1
Yoichi 15-2
Yoichi 15-3
Yoichi 15-4
04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months)
05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months)
07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months)
07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months)
2 vols.
2 vols.
2 vols.
2 vols.
NICE-LI-YO15-5 Yoichi 15-5 (Hokkaido) 09/24-11/15 CONS, AGRI 2 vols.
Organized together with Hokkaido Eco-village Promotion Project (HEPP). HEPP start to promote
"living and society for sustainable", to create better environmental and social community model for next
generation in Hokkaido since 2012. They want to product which it need our living life (foods, energy, etc.)
by themselves as much as possible, and want to share them in local area. They provide various chances to
learn comprehensive skill and knowledge. They also want to connect urban area and rural area,
producers and consumers and to contribute local revitalization.
W: We will build eco learning houses in this area. So, volunteer do various types of constructional
works (cutting woods, driving nails, painting walls etc.). We support carpenters. We organize event
which it is self-building workshop. We will do various types of agricultural works too.
A: Shared room (male and female are separated), cooked as a group by turns.
L: Agricultural country side, 60 km Northeast of Sapporo. Minus 10 degree in winter and 20 in summer.
T: From Sapporo, 1 hour by train. From Tokyo, 1.5 hours by airplane and 1.5 hours by train.
SR: Speaking some Japanese! Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language, strong motivation for
the host. Skills of construction or agriculture can be useful!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 07/05, 08/02, 09/26,
10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-TR15-1 Rokkasho 15-1 (Aomori) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 8months) AGRI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TR15-2 Rokkasho 15-2 (Aomori) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 7months) AGRI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TR15-3 Rokkasho 15-3 (Aomori) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 5months) AGRI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TR15-4 Rokkasho 15-4 (Aomori) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 4months) AGRI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TR15-5 Rokkasho 15-5 (Aomori) 09/24-12/18 AGRI, ENVI 2 vols.
Organized together with Tohoku-Ashitanomori(TA) since 2011 (but first time for the long term
voluntary program with NICE). TA is a NPO running organic farming and ecological life which isn't
depend on fossil fuels. Rokkasho village is known by nuclear fuel processing facility, but TA set up the
mission to set up the eco village only. We aim to organic farming and ecological lifestyle through as LMTV,
also conservation these mountains to save water, and activate the area.
W: We will do various types of organic agricultural works (planting, weeding, cultivating, harvesting, to
make vegetables, etc.). We set up sustainable lifestyle using forest (ex. thinning the forests, pealing
woods, utilize thinning etc.).
S: Similar type of eco-village communities in each country. Bring some info..!
A: movable house or TA office. Cooked as a group by turns SB! CV
L: On It is located Tohoku-cho and Rokkasho village. On the pacific side of Aomori prefecture. Rokkasho
village is 253.01 km2. There are many traditional summer festivals (ex. Nebuta, Neputa etc.) in Aomori.
T: Tokyo (7 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by bus.
SR: Speaking some Japanese! Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language, strong motivation for
the host. Interest in agricultural & exchange with a community. Adaptability to enjoy a simple lifestyle!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 07/05, 08/02, 09/26,
10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-FU15-1 Fukushima 15-1 (Fukushima) 01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
NICE-LI-FU15-2 Fukushima 15-2 (Fukushima) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
NICE-LI-FU15-3 Fukushima 15-3 (Fukushima) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
NICE-LI-FU15-4 Fukushima 15-4 (Fukushima) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
NICE-LI-FU15-5 Fukushima 15-5 (Fukushima) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
NICE-LI-FU15-6 Fukushima 15-6 (Fukushima) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
NICE-LI-FU15-7 Fukushima 15-7 (Fukushima) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) EDUC, RELI 1 vol.
Organized together with Fuku-Kan-Net (FKN), a special NPO dedicated to deepening the
understanding of South Korean language, culture, economy and history. It also seeks to develop mutual
understanding and friendship among Japanese and Korean through exchange activities. From now on,
they want to have international exchange more widely especially including Europe and USA. After big
earthquake, people in Fukushima got huge damaged by the earthquake and radioactivity and also by
harmful rumors still now.
W: We promote international culture through language classes and improve current classes and create
new ones. FKN organize community café, Korean events, we support it (to exchange with local people,
to widen international perspectives of local people etc.) FKN expects us to cheer up local people who still
have mental damaged by earthquake and harmful rumors. We write blog about daily life in Fukushima.
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S: International Exchange
A: Single room in volunteer house near FKN office. Volunteers cook for themselves.
L: The capital of the Fukushima prefecture, and the population is 290,000. 65km far from Fukushima
nuclear power plant that is far from dangerous!
T: From Tokyo, 5 hours by bus
LA: Participation in the local events; many opportunities to learn the cultures of Japan and Korea.
SR: Strong motivation and flexibility to work for revival of Fukushima. Speaking good Japanese (for
Korean vols. they need to speak very good Japanese) since the common language will be Japanese.
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05,
08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-SA15-1 Samegawa 15-1 (Fukushima) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, KIDS 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SA15-2 Samegawa 15-2 (Fukushima) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, KIDS 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SA15-3 Samegawa 15-3 (Fukushima) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, KIDS 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SA15-4 Samegawa 15-4 (Fukushima) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) KIDS, AGRI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SA15-5 Samegawa 15-5 (Fukushima) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) KIDS, AGRI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-SA15-6 Samegawa 15-6 (Fukushima) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, KIDS 2 vols.
Organized together with Abukuma Nature School Network (ANSN). Their theme is learning from
soil and nature, and live together. Many children in Fukushima are forced to stay indoors for the fear of
health risks from radioactivity having been released in the air by the nuclear disaster since March 2011.
ANSN started to organize kids camp for in Fukushima. It called “Fukushima Kids (FK)”. He became
chairperson of the Executive committee it. They got support from various famous people. FK bring about
more than 40 elementary, junior high or high school students at a time to areas with lower radiation
levels, to conduct a series of camps during vacations (some 5-day camps in summer and winter) and
W: We will do some farm and forest work such as planting rice, cutting the grasses, sowing seeds and
harvesting in the land of ANSN. ANSN organize many events on weekend. We will help to accept
smoothly people from kids to adults, family. We help and enjoy with them. We will support to organize
Fukushima kids program, during summer season. We will support the above events with ANSN.
A: Single room of the nature school. Volunteers cook with local host, if more than 3 volunteers together,
cooking by themselves. During kid camp, we will stay with kids (But it depend on case!)
L: Small village in the forest area, the population is about 5,000, surrounded by rich nature. The
temperature in winter can be minus 5-10 though the inside buildings are warm enough! 75km far from
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
T: From Tokyo, 2.5 hours by bus and 45 minutes by car.
LA: Participation in the local events, many opportunities to learn the local wisdom, etc.
SR: Speaking some Japanese, strong motivation to work with the host and live in the remote area with
a lot of nature, respect to the local custom and life, flexibility, friendliness, positive mind and those
who likes children. Interest in revival Fukushima. Experience of similar types of work is welcome!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish in other period (either shorter or longer), please choose among
the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05, 08/02, 09/26, 10/25,
12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-MK15-1 Maki 15-1 (Nagano) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months) AGRI, SOCI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-MK15-2 Maki 15-2 (Nagano) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months) AGRI, SOCI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-MK15-3 Maki 15-3 (Nagano) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months) AGRI, SOCI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-MK15-4 Maki 15-4 (Nagano) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months) AGRI, SOCI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-MK15-5 Maki 15-5 (Nagano) 09/24-12/18 SOCI, AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
Organized together with Maki Farm of Kyodo Gakusha (KG). KG is a NPO running 5 organic
farming communities in Japan where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged,
those who want to learn farming, etc. in order to change our society from competitive to cooperative. Maki
Farm has 5-10 members and is located in a very isolated area (no accessible for cars and we have to walk
4 km in the mountains!), so once it became an abandon village in 1970s. Tateya is one of brunch in KG
W: We will help their organic farming (weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking
care of goats and hens, etc.) and also carry the things from the town, renovate the trails, help their
house work, etc. Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with some brakes) and hard.
A: Building for volunteers in the farm, cooking as a group by turn (Vegetarian is possible!)
L: In the deep mountain. Very isolated, but beautiful village near “Japanese Northern Alps”. About 900
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meters asl. There are something remained here that most of Japanese areas have lost in
T: From Tokyo, 4 hours by express train or 6-8 hours by bus and train
SR: Speaking some Japanese (common language will be Japanese) and strong motivation to work and
enjoy simple life in the isolated area and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!
Skills of agriculture or construction can be useful!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 07/05, 08/02, 09/26,
10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-TT15-1 Tateya 15-1 (Nagano) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 8 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TT15-2 Tateya 15-2 (Nagano) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 7 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TT15-3 Tateya 15-3 (Nagano) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 5 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TT15-4 Tateya 15-4 (Nagano) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 4 months) AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-TT15-5 Tateya 15-5 (Nagano) 09/24-12/18 SOCI, AGRI 2 vols.
Organized together with Tateya Farm of Kyodo Gakusha (KG). KG is a NPO running 5 organic
farming communities in Japan where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged,
those who want to learn farming, etc. in order to change our society from competitive to cooperative.
Tateya Farm has 40 members, they have several backgrounds. LI-MK Maki is one of brunch in KG group.
W: We will help their organic farming (weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking
care of goats and chicken, etc.) and also making miso and soy-sauce, wooden toy, weaving and dyeing
cloths etc. Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with some brakes) and hard.
A: Building for volunteers in the farm, cooking as a group by turn (Vegetarian is possible!)
L: Otari village is a small village located in the region of stunning natural beauty in the northern part of
Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is beautiful village near “Japanese Northern Alps”.
T: From Tokyo, 4 hours by express train or 6-8 hours by bus and train
SR: Speaking some Japanese (common language will be Japanese) and strong motivation to work and
enjoy simple life in the isolated area and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!
Skills of agriculture or construction can be useful!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 07/05, 08/02, 09/26,
10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-KA15-1 Kamiichi 15-1 (Toyama) 07/03-08/31 KIDS, HERI 2 vols.
Organized together with “Aso Aso Nature School (AANS)”, a local NPO created in 2005 for “Joying
and learning for what?” “Creating slow time & space for communicating with nature without
constraint”. There are rich natural and farming culture, they were continued in project site. AANS
organize Kids camps there for joying nature and learning from these cultures all season. We support
these activities on summer season. We deal with regional contribution activities in this area through the
nature camps.
W: Local host organize many Kids camps during July to August. We will manage and support these
Kids camps. If you want, you organize these camps as camp leader. Hard!! We will organize some events
for kids on weekend. We will plan it with local host.
A: Single room in traditional old style Japanese house, cooking as a group by turn. During kid camp, we
will stay with kids (But it depend on case!).
L: Mountain area in the forest, but rich nature. It is close to Mt. Tsurugi-dake, it is an altitude of 2,999
meters. It include “Japanese Northern Alps”. About 15km from east of Toyama city.
T: From Tokyo, about 4 hours by express train or 6-8 hours by bus and train
SR: Speaking good Japanese (common language will be Japanese) and strong motivation to exchange
with kids, enjoy simple life in the isolated area and respect to the local culture and way of the local
organization! Experience of kid camp can be useful! There are many insects during this season!!
NICE-LI-NA15-1 Nabari 15-1
NICE-LI-NA15-2 Nabari 15-2
NICE-LI-NA15-3 Nabari 15-3
NICE-LI-NA15-4 Nabari 15-4
NICE-LI-NA15-5 Nabari 15-5
NICE-LI-NA15-6 Nabari 15-6
NICE-LI-NA15-7 Nabari 15-7
Organized together with is
(Mie) 01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
(Mie) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
(Mie) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
(Mie) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
(Mie) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
(Mie) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
(Mie) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, AGRI 2 vols.
‘Akame no Satoyama wo Sodateru Kai’(ASSK), a local environmental
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NPO, since 1998. In an area between Osaka and Nagoya, there were plans for a golf course and disposal
of industrial garbage, but the local community has stopped them with the ‘Woods Trust’ movement. The
group was formed in 1996 to collect donations to buy and protect the land, to build an eco-resort to enjoy
nature, to maintain forests, to create a pond for dragonflies, etc…
W: We will do a various work to care of the forest such as cutting trees & branches, maintaining the
footpaths, etc… We will also support to organize some environmental events (e.g., to collect edible wild
plants, nature observation) in their field and to take care and harvest mushrooms.
S: Local participation to protect nature. Bring some info.!
A: Single room, in the pension named ‘Eco Resort Akame’. Volunteers cook for themselves.
L: About 60 km east of Osaka. There are famous falls nearby that many hikers visit. The climate in this
season is relatively cold; so don't forget to bring warm clothes.
T: From Osaka, 1 hour by train from each. From Tokyo, 4 hours by bullet train and 10 hours by bus
LA: Excursion, exchange parties, visiting schools, exchange with elderly people of the eco-resort, etc…
SR: Speaking some Japanese, strong motivation to work with the host, respect to the local custom and
life, open mind and flexibility.
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05,
08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-WA15-1 Wazuka 15-1 (Kyoto) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-WA15-2 Wazuka 15-2 (Kyoto) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-WA15-3 Wazuka 15-3 (Kyoto) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-WA15-4 Wazuka 15-4 (Kyoto) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-WA15-5 Wazuka 15-5 (Kyoto) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
Organized together with E-Wasa (EW) from 2015. It means good Japanese tea and is a local NPO
created in 2012 to organize agricultural events, support people who live in Wazuka as new tea farmers.
Short term workcamps are hosted every year since 2001 by other local group. One of tea farmers who was
camp leader in the workcamp in Wazuka was fascinated, so became a tea farmer here. Then, he
established EW for future of Wazuka. Wazuka is famous for green tea (called Uji-cha, but they want to
PR as Wazuka-cha), but has been facing depopulation, lack of workers and aging society since most of
youth leave the town. So, the number of abandoned tea farms are increasing and the town is losing its
tradition, life, custom and scenery. EW hopes to host vols. to work together to animate the town and
revive the tea farms.
W: We will do natural tea farming in abandoned tea farms with EA. After reviving farms, EA will provide
it for new tea farmer who want to start as new tea farmer. We will join the local events, weekend
workcamp too.
S: About natural faring. Bring some info.!
A: Single room at the volunteer’s house.. Volunteers cook for themselves.
L: About 80 km from the center of Osaka. Most of the peninsula was designated as a quasi-national park.
T: From Osaka/Kyoto: 1 hour and a half by train and bus. It is located near Nara. From Tokyo: 2 hours by
bullet train then 1 hour and half by train and bus.
LA: It was selected as “one pf the most beautiful villages in Japan” 2013. A famous landscape known as
the "Beautiful Tea farms" It is called “Chagenkyo”.
SR: Speaking some Japanese, strong motivation to work with the host, respect of the local customs
and life, open mind and flexibility.
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 07/05, 08/02, 09/26,
10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-IW15-1 Iwami-ginzan 15-1 (Shimane) 01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IW15-2 Iwami-ginzan 15-2 (Shimane) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IW15-3 Iwami-ginzan 15-3 (Shimane) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IW15-4 Iwami-ginzan 15-4 (Shimane) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IW15-5 Iwami-ginzan 15-5 (Shimane) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IW15-6 Iwami-ginzan 15-6 (Shimane) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IW15-7 Iwami-ginzan 15-7 (Shimane) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) SOCI, ENVI 2 vols.
Organized together with the ‘Organization of Green and Water’ (OGW) since 2011. It was founded in
1992. This organization was established to advocate for the importance of the prairie and forest in our
ecosystem. They work around Iwami Ginzan, a silver mine, which was registered as a World Heritage site
in 2007. The organization wants to care for the forests and prairies. It is important to continue to care for
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our forests after we have disrupted the ecosystem. Extension of bamboo forests is a serious problem in
W: Empowering NEET youth (Communication with them, they can get confidence by the experiences of
communicating foreign people, to talk, to do activities). We will do various work to maintain and protect
the forests such as cutting bamboos and grasses, burning grasses, etc…
S: Similar kinds of forest care, protection and youth empowerment in each country. Bring some info.
A: Share the rooms in the house named ‘Yukimi-ru’, it is the center of NEET youth members. Cooked by
vols. Pocket money is 30,000 yen per month.
L: About 250 km northwest of Osaka. Near the Sea of Japan.
T: From Osaka, 9 hours by train. From Tokyo, 6 hours by bullet train or 12 hours by midnight bus.
LA: Visiting school, exchange parties.
SR: Speaking good Japanese! Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language, strong motivation for
the host. Interested in nature conservation.
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05,
08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-IK15-1 Ikata 15-1 (Ehime) 01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year) AGRI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IK15-2 Ikata 15-2 (Ehime) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year) AGRI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IK15-3 Ikata 15-3 (Ehime) 04/10-07/05 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IK15-4 Ikata 15-4 (Ehime) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IK15-5 Ikata 15-5 (Ehime) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IK15-6 Ikata 15-6 (Ehime) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE-LI-IK15-7 Ikata 15-7 (Ehime) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) AGRI 2 vols.
Organized together with Kikuya Community Group (KCG), formed by the local young people to think
of the future of their small village. Ikata is famous for its main industry of oranges farming, but has been
facing depopulation, lack of workers and aging society since most of young people leave the town. So, the
number of abandoned orange farms is increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life, custom and
scenery. KCG strongly hopes to host vols. to work together to animate the town and revive the farms.
W: We will help orange farming (It is the main work!! Harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc.,
it depend on season! Especially, Nov. to April. is hard!!), support local youth club (If you have chance),
and create new activities to animate the town.
A: Share room at the volunteer’s house. Yu’ll cook for themselves. Pocket money is 20,000 yen per
L: In the edge of Sata Peninsula, surrounded by the sea, so fishing is also famous. There are only 30
houses in this community. The climate is relatively warm though it can be cold in winter.
T: Matsuyama (2.5 hours by bus). From Tokyo, 12-13 hours by highway bus.
LA: Participation in the local events, exchange with the local groups, etc.
SR: Speaking good Japanese, strong motivation to work with the host, respect to the local custom and
life, open mind and flexibility. Be ready that work is for quite a long and hard (Especially, Nov. to April.)
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05,
08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
NICE-LI-MI15-1 Minamata 15-1 (Kumamoto) 01/16-04/12 ENVI, AGRI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-MI15-2 Minamata 15-2 (Kumamoto) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 8 months) ENVI, AGRI 3 vols.
Organized together with Shokubutsu Shigen No Chikara’ (Power of Natural Resource), a local NPO
to recover natural ecosystem cycles by promoting the regeneration and rebirth of land & sea forests.
It’s been hosting short term international workcamps almost every year since 92 that has made a
significant impacts to create a forest on the reclaimed land. They will continue forest reconstruction,
environmental education, agricultural work and development work of the regional cultural activities.
Minamata had experienced the unique industrial pollution in the world(It is called Minamata disease).So,
they want to make natural ecosystem cycles here for global environment.
W: Aim is to make cyclical environmental preservation within the affected areas. We will maintain
bamboo forest (cutting bamboo trees etc.), make bamboo charcoals. We will support local farmers
(harvesting, taking care of vegetables etc.).
A: Shared the room in local House. Volunteers cook for themselves.
L: Southern part of Kumamoto prefecture in Kyushu, one of the four main islands of Japan. It faces a
beautiful semi-closed sea called Shiranui-kai and has some gorgeous natural scenery.
T: From Osaka, 3 hours by airplane and bus. From Tokyo, 4 hours by airplane and bus.
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LA: Agricultural Assistance Program (Harvesting paper mulberry trees, citrus fruits, onions, etc.). Ocean
life investigation, Environmental education etc.
SR: Speaking some Japanese! Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language, strong motivation for
the host.
NICE-LI-KG15-1 Kunigami 15-1 (Okinawa) 01/16-04/12 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-KG15-2 Kunigami 15-2 (Okinawa) 02/13-05/10 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-KG15-3 Kunigami 15-3 (Okinawa) 04/10-07/05(or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-KG15-4 Kunigami 15-4 (Okinawa) 05/08-08/02 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-KG15-5 Kunigami 15-5 (Okinawa) 07/03-09/26 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-KG15-6 Kunigami 15-6 (Okinawa) 07/31-10/25 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
NICE-LI-KG15-7 Kunigami 15-7 (Okinawa) 09/24-12/18 (or up to 1 year) ENVI, HERI 3 vols.
Organized together with Yanbaru Regional Activation Supporting Center (YRASC) from
2014 .YRASC is a local NPO to conserve rare and endangered species from 2001 in Kunigami village.
Around Yanbaru area is designated as game reserve. Especially there are many Okinawa rails (special
birds in Yanbaru area). YRASC want to conserve these spices with young generations from all over the
world. They also aim for registered as a World Natural Heritage Site, Yanbaru area future.
W: We will conserve rare and endangered species (especially, Okinawa rails, sea turtles etc.) with local
host. We will maintain national park and wilderness area. We will promote ecotourism about this area
A: Traditional local house (it was Japanese inn before). You will have your own room. All basic facilities
are provided. Cooking as a group by turn.
L: Kunigami is a small village in north of Okinawa main island. It is currently a well-known, popular
ecotourism destination nationwide because of its pristine subtropical rainforest habitat not found on
the mainland Japan. Okinawa islands are called Oriental Galapagos.
T: From Tokyo, 3 hours half by airplane and 3 hours by bus. There are cheap frights (LCC) from Tokyo,
Osaka and Fukuoka now. You can go to Okinawa island easily now.
SR: Speaking good Japanese (common language will be Japanese) and strong motivation to work,
speaking Japanese language and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!
* IMPORTANT!! If you want to finish the project in other period (either shorter or longer), please
choose among the following dates and clearly write on your application form; 04/12, 05/10, 07/05,
08/02, 09/26, 10/25, 12/18 (if in 2016, just write your preferable date).
1-6) Detailed project Information (LW in Japan)
NICE-LW-KU15-1 Kurogi 15-1 (Fukuoka) 05/11-07/29 AGRI, ENVI, RELI 6 vols. (3 int.)
Organized together with Sansonjuku, founded in 1994, maintaining forest and step rice paddies
through the projects which involves people from the city and local. They started 80-days of
international workcamp with NICE since 2008 to make the footpath and maintain the forest. But on July
2012, the hardest rain ever attacked around this area. After that it had serious damages by flood. Their
aim is to activate the community and sustain the program with young people from the world to conserve
this rich nature and revival this area!
W: We will 1) cultivating rice (Ex. rice planting, cutting grass in terraced rice fields (main work), 2)
to help local farm (green tea, rice and vegetable, etc.), 3) to involves many people who has interesting
environmental projects(Ex. to organize environmental class and to support Sansonjuku events).
A: Egao no mori center (It was Kasahara-higashi elementary school until 2004). Volunteers cook for
themselves. There may be some pocket money to support additional cost by the group (e.g..transportation
and meals outside on free days) in some cases.
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L: Southern part of the Fukuoka prefecture. The Yame city is 482.53 km2. There are so many tee trees
and terraced paddy fields.
T: Fukuoka airport (1 hour by train and 1hours by bus). From Tokyo to Fukuoka airport, 1.5 hours by
airplane or from Tokyo to Hakata station, 5.5 hours by bullet train.
SR: Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language!! Respect to the local culture and way of the
local organization! Interested in environmental issues and agriculture. Motivation to work hard, open
mind, cooperation with others.
NICE-AVS/15-1 Mashiko 15-1 (Tochigi) 04/20-12/04 ENVI, RELI 5 vols. (2 Asian!)
Organized together with Tochigi Conservation Corps (TCC). Conservation Corps is long term
workcamp programs in USA where 10-20 youth work for local development and environment. About
25,000 vols. join every year. To create similar programs in Japan, TCC was created in 2009 by the leader
who was a LMTV coordinator of NICE. Because there are few children who are able to play and grown up
in nature, TCC creates a children’s forest in which local community residents can play.
W: We will 1) maintain/ upgrade the children's forest 2) maintain bamboo forest 3) involve many people
who has interesting environmental projects (Ex. to organize weekend workcamp) 4) revive the forest in
disaster area in Iwaki city, Fukushima that got huge damaged by Tsunami.
A: Single room in very big beautiful house, it called Meizai-an. Volunteers cook for themselves. All basic
facilities are provided. There may be some pocket money to support additional cost by the group
(e.g.,transportation and meals outside on free days) in some cases.
L: Mashiko town is located in the east part of Tochigi prefecture and famous for potter, so the atmosphere
of the town is artistic with some cultural heritages. The population of the town is about 25,000.
T: From Tokyo, 3-4 hours by train and then, 40 min. from Utsunomiya city by car
LA: We have opportunities learning leadership, NPO management, group work, that would be useful for
your future. Joining the local festivals. Sightseeing, short trip (hot springs, famous places here)
SR: ONLY Asian. 04/20-07/10 or 09/14-12/04 is the basic period to join, but if you can and want to join for
the full period, it may be possible, so let us know! Interests in Environment and local development.
Liking to work outside. Flexibility and cooperation are required. Speaking some or good Japanese. You
need to get special guidance and applications form before you will apply, so send inquiry to us!
NICE-AVS/15-2 Kurogi 15-2 (Fukuoka) 05/01-11/30 (3-7 months) AGRI, EVVI, RELI 3vols.(2 int.)
Organized together with Sansonjuku, founded in 1994, maintaining forest and step rice paddies
through the projects which involves people from the city and local. They started 80-days international
workcamp with NICE since 2008 to make footpath and maintain forests. But on July 2012, the hardest
rain ever attacked around this area. After that it had serious damages by flood. Their aim is to activate
the community and sustain the program with young people from the world to conserve this rich nature
and revival this area!
W: We will 1) help local farms who had damaged by the hardest rain (rice, tea and vegetable etc.), 2)
lead international workcamp and LMTV program as coordinator, 3) support local host events.
A: Egao no mori center (It was Kasahara-higashi elementary school until 2004). Volunteers cook for
themselves. There may be some pocket money to support additional cost by the group (e.g.,transportation
and meals outside on free days) in some cases.
L: Southern part of the Fukuoka prefecture. The Yame city is 482.53 km2. There are so many tee trees
and terraced paddy fields.
T: Fukuoka airport (1 hour by train and 1hours by bus). From Tokyo to Fukuoka airport, 1.5 hours by
airplane or from Tokyo to Hakata station, 5.5 hours by bullet train.
SR: ONLY Asian. We will specially welcome full participation, but 05/01-07/31 or 09/01-11/30 are also
welcomed! Speaking some Japanese and good English! Motivation to learn and speak Japanese
language!! Experience of workcamp or LMTV project. Interested in environmental issues and
agriculture. Motivation to work hard, open mind, cooperation with others. You need to get special
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guidance and applications form before you will apply, so send inquiry to us!
JAVS/02 Mashiko 15-1 (Tochigi) 02/01-04/15 ENVI, RELI 3 vols. (2 Asian!)
Organized together with Tochigi Conservation Corp (TCC). Conservation Corps is long term
workcamp programs in USA where 10-20 youth work for local development and environment. About
25,000 vols. join every year. To create similar programs in Japan, TCC was created in 2009 by the leader
who was a LMTV coordinator of NICE. Because there are few children who are able to play and grown up
in nature, TCC creates a children’s forest in which local community residents can play.
W: We will 1) maintain/ upgrade the children's forest 2) to maintain bamboo forest 3) to involve many
people who has interesting environmental projects (Ex. to organize weekend workcamp) 4) revive the
forest in disaster area in Iwaki city that got huge damaged by Tsunami.
A: Meizai-an, very big beautiful house. You will have your own room. Volunteers cook for themselves. All
basic facilities are provided. There may be some pocket money to support additional cost by the group
(e.g.,transportation and meals outside on free days) in some cases.
L: Mashiko town is located in the east part of Tochigi prefecture and famous for potter, so the atmosphere
of the town is artistic with some cultural heritages. The population of the town is about 25,000.
T: From Tokyo, 3-4 hours by train and then, 40 min. from Utsunomiya city by car
LA: We will have time learning leadership, NPO management, group work, that would be useful for your
future. Joining the local festivals. Sightseeing, short trip (hot springs, famous places in this prefecture)
SR: ONLY Japanese & ASEAN nationalities. Interests in environment, local development and working
outside. Flexibility & cooperation are required. Speaking some Japanese (we use Japanese mainly).
You need to get special guidance and applications form before you will apply, so send inquiry to us!
1-7) Detailed project Information (LI in Sri Lanka)
NICE&GV4GF-LI-PA15-1 Pani 15-1 (Sri Lanka) 01/07-03/31 EDUC, ARTS 1 vol.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-PA15-2 Pani 15-2 (Sri Lanka) 05/31-08/22 EDUC, ARTS 1 vol.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-PA15-3 Pani 15-3 (Sri Lanka) 09/14-11/28 EDUC, ARTS 1 vol.
Organized together with Lanka Green Volunteers (GV4GF) since 2012 (first time in this place).
GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2011 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and
improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2015 to share know-how & networks.
From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization
called SAFE Foundation and it is working for mainly poverty eradication and child protection among the
rural villagers. They are working with some rural and hash areas, youths, children and women.
W: We will 1) teach English to local youths using informal way, rather than a following a book,
while speaking and doing games etc. or following your own way, 2) assist office work of the host
organization to do in English, 3) enhance English knowledge of the office staff of the host
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organization ,etc. or 1) collect necessary data and pictures,2) design a web site for nominated CBO.,
3) publish the web site, 4) assist office work of the host organization to do their computer work etc.
A: Village house. Be ready to enjoy simple life.
L: Anuradhapura is the most ancient kingdom in Sri Lanka and declared as a world heritage site. Lots of
ruins are still there including stone carvings, temples, pagodas, shrines, parks and lakes etc.
Paniyankadawala is a rural village, 21km from the nearest Anuradhapura.
T: Colombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)
SR: Above 20 years of age. Working ability with minimum supervision. Fluency in English, speaking,
reading and writing. Ability to work with all the necessary software such as php, photoshop, HTML etc.
High motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!
PF: LI-PA15-1, 15-2 is 865 US$, LI-PA15-3 is 820 US$ to be paid on your arrivals.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-MA15-1 Mahi 15-1 (Sri Lanka) 06/17-09/12 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-MA15-2 Mahi 15-2 (Sri Lanka) 08/30-11/21 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.
Organized together with Lanka Green Volunteers (GV4GF) since 2012 (first time in this place).
GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2011 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and
improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2015 to share know-how & networks.
From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization
called Farm and Agriculture Foundation, small Community Based Organization, and it is working for
mainly poverty eradication, Farmers awareness programs, working with dairy framers and child
protection among the rural villagers. They are working with some rural and hash areas, youths, children
and women.
W: Program name is “Teaching English language to children and youths”. We will 1) teach English to
local youths using informal way, rather than a following a book, while speaking and doing games
etc. or following your own way, 2) assist office work of the host organization to do in English, 3)
enhance English knowledge of the office staff of the host organization etc.
A: Village house. Be ready to enjoy simple life.
L: Mahiyanganaya, 56 mile post - Mahiyangana is home to the Veddh as known as "Vannilaetto",
meaning people of the forest who are in fact on the list of the world’s primitive tribes. Our location is
19km from the nearest city, Mahiyanganaya.
T: Colombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)
SR: Age above 20 years, Ability to work with minimum monitoring, Fluency in English, speaking, reading
and writing. Strictly no alcohol, smoking and/or drugs during the period of volunteer program. High
motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!
PF: LI-MA15-1, 15-2 is 865US$ to be paid on your arrivals.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA15-1 Galaha 15-1 (Sri Lanka) 04/26-07/18 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA15-2 Galaha 15-2 (Sri Lanka) 07/05-09/30 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.
NICE&GV4GF-LI-GA15-3 Galaha 15-3 (Sri Lanka) 09/17-12/06 EDUC, KIDS 1 vol.
Organized together with Lanka Green Volunteers (GV4GF) since 2012 (first time in this place).
GV4GF is a new NGO founded in 2011 to promote voluntary service, environmental protection and
improve rural life. NICE co-organized workcamps and continue till 2015 to share know-how & networks.
From 2014, GV4GF start LMTV (Long and Middle Term Volunteering) with NICE. Host Organization
called Gami Seva Sevana (GSS) literally mean Shelter to offer services for community, provided training
facilities to villages and organic farmers. But during the last few years during the lack of funds, now they
are developing their activities in various ways and they are working with some rural and hash areas,
youths, children and women.
W: Program name is “Teaching English language to children and youths”. We will 1) teach English to
local youths using informal way, rather than a following a book, while speaking and doing games
etc. or following your own way, 2) assist office work of the host organization to do in English, 3)
enhance English knowledge of the office staff of the host organization etc.
A: Farm Training Center. Be ready to enjoy simple life.
L: Located at 130km from Colombo. This is a mountainous area and elevation is 1100m above sea level.
Environment is cool, windy and low humid. Nearest town is Galaha and its 9km away from the center.
T: Colombo. (You need to arrive by the day before 1st day and stay there till last day of the morning)
SR: Age above 20 years, Ability to work with minimum monitoring, Fluency in English, speaking, reading
and writing. Strictly no alcohol, smoking and/or drugs during the period of volunteer program. High
motivation to work and respect to the local culture and way of the local organization!
PF: LI-GA15-1, 15-2, 15-3 is 865US$ to be paid on your arrivals.
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