Board Meeting - Town of Union

Board Meeting
December 14, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Jim Volbrecht, Chair, at 6:30 pm at the Town of Union town hall.
People in attendance were: Supervisors – Chuck Zabrowski, Jeff Whyte, Deb Smith, Toby Myers
Treasurer, Betsy Bohlinger, Clerk, Polly Jensen, and see attached list of visitors.
Flag Salute
Land Use Decisions – Gillette-Certified Survey Map (CSM) – Kim Gillette presented a new CSM
changing to CSM to 3 lots with no shared driveway. She would have had to get a variance from Eau
Claire County for the long narrow lot that was on the previous CSM. There were no neighbors present.
Deb Smith stated that the Plan Commission that met on December 2 recommended approval of the
CSM. Jim Volbrecht made a motion to approve the Certified Survey Map in the SE ¼ - NE ¼ and SW ¼
- NE ¼, Section 16, T27N, R10W, Town of Union, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. Chuck Zabrowski
seconded the motion. Unanimously approved
Town Board Resolution #59-2010-2011
Be it resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Union, Eau Claire County, approve the Certified
Survey Map in the SE ¼ - NE ¼ and SW ¼ - NE ¼, Section 16, T27N, R10W, Town of Union, Eau
Claire County, Wisconsin.
Offered: Volbrecht
Passed: December 14, 2010
“WisDOT to present preliminary plans for the replacement of the CTH C and CTH E bridges on
IH 94. WisDOT is seeking local official and public comments regarding the proposed plans.” –
Matt Gundry, Fleming, Andre & Associates Inc and Rich Schermol, WisDOT explained that the
WisDOT is proposing to replace both the westbound and eastbound bridges on I-94 over W Cameron
Street (Cty C) and Crescent Avenue (Cty E) this includes pavement replacement and approaches. See
attached handout from DOT for proposed project details, traffic impacts, schedule, project location, and
DOT contact information. Eau Claire County is responsible for any detours that maybe needed. The
board asked that the DOT inform the County of the possible traffic congestion at the intersection of
Ferry Street and Crescent Avenue. There will be no construction during County Jam. Who is responsible
for the impact this construction will have on town roads? The WisDOT has in their contract that the
contractor repair roads that are damaged due to hauling for the construction –Maintenance/repair for
haul roads.
Plan Commission – The commission met on December 2 where they discussed Kim Gillette’s proposed
Roads – updates & decisions – Haas pay request – Chuck Zabrowski made a motion to pay Haas &
Sons $7,902.17 as final payment for the Skyline Dr and Skyline Ct project. Jeff Whyte seconded the
motion. Unanimously approved
Town Board Resolution #61-2010-2011
Be it resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Union, Eau Claire County, approve payment to Haas
& Sons for $7,902.17 as final payment for the Skyline Dr and Skyline Ct project.
Offered: Zabrowski
Passed: December 14, 2010
The county did an excellent job on cleaning the snow from the roads. On Sunset the end of the public
road is the power pole at the end of his driveway. Sunset is a trade off road with the City of Eau Claire.
Jim told the county to plow the town roads if there are 2-3” even if the city doesn’t plow their roads. The
county is to check the trade off roads that are in the Town of Union.
7:37 pm Recess to Public Hearing
8:44 pm Reconvene from Public Hearing
Intergovernmental Agreement - Jim Volbrecht made a motion that the Town of Union enter into an
Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Eau Claire. Toby Myers seconded the motion. Voting:
Deb Smith-no, Chuck Zabrowski-yes, Jeff Whyte-yes, Toby Myers-yes, Jim Volbrecht-yes
Town Board Resolution #60-2010-2011 – see attached resolution
Offered: Volbrecht
Passed: December 14, 2010
Fire Station #3 Report – Dave Kleist was asked by the local snowmobile club if their members could
use the fire station parking lot for parking and loading when snowmobiling. The board unanimously
agreed not to allow the use of the parking lot.
The men spent 2 days picking up large garbage items on town roads the items they collected were:
refrigerator, 13 TVs, sofa & love seat sleeper, mattress, trampoline, microwave, and tires.
The cottonwood on W Folsom has been removed and the trimming is done on Twilight.
January 8 is the firemen appreciation dinner at the Moose Club with the social starting at 5:00 pm and
dinner at 6:30 pm.
Building Inspector – Written report accepted as presented.
Driveway Permits – No permits issued
Constable Report – Approved as reported
Board Reports – MPO – The $810 million the state was to receive for the rail system between
Milwaukee and Madison was given back to the Federal Govt.
Towns Association – Next meeting is either January 26 or 27 and they will try to have Mel Erickson on
the agenda to discuss the Library
Tourism – At the last meeting the board finalized their grant decisions. The Town of Wheaton dropped
out of the Chippewa Valley tourism group.
Westgate – Toby Myers was at their last meeting. Toby checked the rifle range and everything looked
good and all the signage was up.
Citizen Input & Questions – none
Review/approval – Minutes previous meetings – Approved with grammical corrections
Treasurer’s Report – Placed on file
Review/approval of bills – Approved
Licenses – Operator – Approved as submitted
Review/approval of Underground Cables – None
Town properties – At the Special Town meeting in November the town approved the purchase of the
old Pleasant Hill School bell from Dave Flynn. Polly is to write a check for $250 to Dave Flynn for the
school bell.
The transfer station will be closed, Saturday, December 25, 2010 and January 1, 2011.
County P & D Violations & correspondences – None
Set next meeting dates and agendas –
Adjourned 9:45 pm