Feedback 11/12

University Attended McGill University
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There are two types of orientation at McGill, both of which I would recommend. The first is Discover McGill, this
is for freshman though it is helpful for getting to know McGill a bit and is something to do in the first couple of
days you are there. It is here you will meet your frosh group. Discover McGill is a typical north American
orientation, thousands of people and cheesy games, however it is a good place to meet your frosh group. Frosh
is the Canadian equivalent of fresher’s. It is 5 days of essentially bar crawls and events. It is completely different
than discover McGill as it is run by students and is a good place to meet people.
Though you get put in a group I actually switched when I met some exchange student from other UK universities,
I would recommend that if you do meet other exchange students to move to the same group as them, so it isn’t
just you and 10 fresher’s though I am sure you would still have a good time.
There are other societies like MISN host welcoming events though I did not attend these. So I would
recommend buying your frosh package, and go to discover McGill.
McGill is definitely a heavier course load than Manchester, though I think the classes were much more
interesting and interactive, and easier to do well. There is a heavy emphasis on participation and group work
which is great for meeting other students. The additional course work was quite easy, summaries, reviews, etc,
and they help for the exams. Exams are different in McGill than Manchester, there is usually a midterm and a
final, but some courses have no exams, or just a midterm etc.
I would say that McGill is definitely a hard university though I did enjoy the courses immensely. What I would
recommend though is to stick to management courses, there is such a wide range. I made the mistake of taking
a psychology and economics class and both were very hard as I didn’t have the background.
I think course material is very similar to Manchester, same level of information, though most classes I took when
there was a midterm, the final was not cumulative so it was quite easy to study for.
The marketing classes are all heavy of group work and finance classes based on exams and homework’s.
The MBS office were always quick in their responses, when I had questions. One thing I would suggest is that
there is a network for British students going to McGill on exchange, because there were a huge amount from
other universities and it would have been great to meet more people.
They were very helpful both in person and on the phone.
There is a price for health insurance that is mandatory though I cannot remember the exact amount (a couple of
hundred dollars I think). I used the McGill health clinic when I was ill as it was the closest and free. Truthfully, the
health service in Quebec is poor, you have to wait a long time and it is impossible to make appointments so you
have to go into the clinic at 8 am and wait. I was only mildly ill though so I cannot comment on more serious
I spent about the same in Montreal as I did in Manchester. I found food and alcohol to be marginally more
expensive but you really just need to look around different places and find the best place. Going out can be
cheaper or more expensive depending on the place. But overall I spent the same.
I would definitely budget for a good coat and possibly boots. It gets very cold and everyone is walking around in
their Canada Goose so I would recommend budgeting for this as it is an essential. I bought winter boots and only
used them a couple of times, realistically I think uggs, and hunters suffice.
Mobile phones, I would recommend fido, around $40 a month, but bring a phone from the UK and get it
Taxes can be annoying in Montreal as they aren’t included on the label price. And tipping is like in the US 1520%, and waiters will let you know you have to tip.
I chose to live in the student building called 515 ste Catherine. Though it is quite expensive relative to
Manchester, it was the easiest choice and I would highly recommend it. The building is for students only, but is
not affiliated to any university so there are no strict rules. The rooms are double beds, fully furnished and each
apartment has a 4/5 bedrooms, kitchen, two bathrooms, living room, storage room. The building hosts a gym,
games room, 24 hr security, reception, study rooms and is on the major shopping street of Montréal.
All the friends I met in Montréal stemmed from 515. It is a really fun place, lots of older students, exchange
students and everyone is extremely friendly.
All the utilities were included, internet and I didn’t have to worry about pots, pans, plates etc, as they were all
included. And 10 minute walk either underground or streets to McGill
Highly recommend it!
I absolutely loved Montreal as a city. It has many different areas that are all very different. The language is
French though everyone speaks English. I don’t speak French and had no problems. The city is an hour away
from ski slopes so I hired skis for the season (around $200) and 5 of us would hire a car for the day.
In terms of public transportation there is a metro, though as I was so close to McGill I would either walk, or walk
underground through the malls during winter.
My biggest recommendation in Montreal for travelling would be to travel to the states if you want to fly to US.
Burlington airport is a $20 2 hour bus ride away (so is Plattsburg NY and other airports). Flights from Montréal to
the US are ridiculously expensive and flights from Burlington can be 4 or 5 times cheaper. Otherwise there is the
bus (greyhound) to NY, boston, DC. My other recommendation would be to think about hiring a car. A friend and
I hired a car and I drove to Boston (6 hours away), picked it up at Montréal airport and dropped it off in boston
city centre the same day, was $200 plus $45 for petrol .Much cheaper than flying and nearly the same price as
the bus, plus is there are more than 2 of you it will be way cheaper.
Finally, I heard horror stories about the weather in Montreal. Yes it is cold, but it is a city prepared for it, so it
isn’t like the UK when it snows. It was not as cold as I thought it would be. As long as you are prepared with a
coat and wool socks it is really fine.
One of the greatest experiences of my life, learnt a lot and cannot wait to go back and visit friends next year.
University Attended – McGill University
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What did this involve, how long did it last, was it useful?
Orientation lasted about 3 days and involved a tour around campus, an activity day in the McGill Stadium, a trip
to the beach and Frosh. Frosh is the Canadian equivalent of freshers week at Manchester.
I didn’t find the day activities in orientation to be that useful because its mostly for people in residence, so I
found this was the first question people ask other people they meet. It also seems to be more directed towards
the younger students. But I would say Frosh is worth doing.
Style of teaching, courses, ease of access to courses, methods of assessment, teaching support
I really liked the style of teaching at McGill. All lectures take seminar form and class sizes are no more than 40
students in the Management programme. It can be difficult to register for courses as an exchange student a
member of McGill staff has to register for you – but this is simple enough to do. The methods of assessment are
multiple exams and class tests, combined with group work, assignments, projects and presentations. This was
good in the sense that marks are spread out and not reliant on one exam, but frustrating in the sense that you
spend hours completing something that only counts for 5% towards one subject.
Level of support, additional information that could have been useful
I thought the support from the MBS International Office was great and cannot think of any additional materials
they could have provided me with.
Any additional information that you feel could have been provided
The MBS Second year meetings are really useful. However, I found because there are so many universities to
choose from when going on exchange, that it is difficult to remember all the information on each university
during the presentations. Also perhaps include more pictures in the presentations – I find it’s much easier to
visualise going somewhere when you’ve seen lots of pictures of the place.
Level of support, additional information that could be useful for future students
The host International Office was really useful. It gets very busy around course add / drop times (maybe go early
in the day if you plan to change courses) but they are very efficient and helpful.
Please include any information relating to the purchase of compulsory health insurance ie costs etc. or whether
this was waived by having the University of Manchester Insurance Policy
At McGill it is compulsory to purchase health insurance - it costs about $650.
This should be information on any extra fees that the University charged but should not include accommodation,
books, transport, visa etc.
There are fees of about $800 which need to be paid to McGill when you join. This is for additional health
insurance and for exchange student / some kind of society fees. They are obligatory. Also watch out for the
library fines – they are steep at McGill!
As much information as possible on what accommodation is recommended or not recommended.
For my trip I stayed at 515 ste Catherine. I found it to be great as McGill does not give residence unless you are
in 1st year. The building is nice, bills are included there is a free gym, but it is very expensive – around $900
Canadian each month. Note – it is full of exchange students.
Transport, travel, social life, integration with local students, student activity groups
McGill is right in the centre of Montreal so its within walking distance from everything almost wherever you live.
There is also a metro system which is really good value if you want to venture to other parts of the city.
Integration is easy with the local students as you do lots of group work so meet people that way as well as from
within the building you live in and from orientation. There are plenty of student activity groups to choose from.
They literally have one for everything at McGill – they even have one for a quidditch team....
Overall I had an amazing experience at McGill. It was not the experience I thought I would get (it was even
better) but it renewed my enthusiasm for university work and studying which is really what I needed before my
final year at Manchester.
Life changing - Mcgill renewed my enthusiasm for university work and studying which is really what I needed
before my final year at Manchester.