Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International inventory no. 506-514 IISH 733/1 AFR 01/01/88 733/2 AFR 03/01/88 733/3 AFR 12/01/88 733/4 733/5 AFR 12/02/88 AFR 12/03/88 733/6 AFR 12/04/88 733/7 733/8 733/9 733/10 AFR 12/05/88 AFR 12/06/88 AFR 12/07/88 AFR 12/08/88 733/11 AFR 14/01/88 733/12 AFR 14/02/88 733/13 AFR 14/03/88 733/14 733/15 AFR 14/04/88 AFR 14/05/88 733/16 733/17 733/18 AFR 14/06/88 AFR 14/07/88 AFR 14/08/88 733/19 AFR 14/09/88 733/20 733/21 AFR 14/10/88 AFR 14/11/88 733/22 AFR 14/12/88 733/23 733/24 AFR 16/01/88 AFR 16/02/88 Recent external documents on Sub-Saharan Africa (October 1987 - January 1988) MAGRAN 04/88 - Inquiries about individual prisoners in Angola and Mozambique MAGRAN 01/88 - Distribution of Amnesty International's compilation of international human rights standards to officials in the People's Republic of Angola Angola: Government authorities list UA 58/88 - Angola: Death penalty: Antonio Domingos, Guimaraes Domingos, Francisco Xavier Pedro, Jose Victor MAGRAN 02/88 - People's Republic of Angola: Inquiries concerning appeals against death sentences Angola: Government authorities list UA 166/88 - Angola: Death penalty: Francisco Dobras Angola: Death sentence commuted UA 290/88 - Angola: Death penalty: Marcolino Fazenda, Joaquim Antonio UA 25/88 - Benin: Fear of torture/Death in detention: Remy Glele Akpokpo and Bouraima Malehossou Further information on UA 25/88 - Benin: Fear of torture/Death in detention: Remi Glele Akpokpo and Bouraima Malehossou UA 69/88 - Benin: Torture / Incommunicado detention: Antoine Yelome, Marcellin Glele Akpokpo, Bah Bagnikan Yaya Malehossou Benin group work - New information and recommended actions UA 144/88 - Benin: Legal concern/Fear of torture: LieutenantColonel Hilaire Badjogounme, Luc Behanzin, Capitaine Hountondji, Georges Kitihoun, LieutenantColonel Francois Kouami and others Benin: Political imprisonment and torture Benin: Government authorities Benin: Intensified group level activities (17 August 1988 - 17 October 1988) WARAN 02/88 - Benin: Death in detention of prisoner of conscience and the practice of torture Advice to Editors: Benin: Political imprisonment and torture Benin: Official reaction to Amnesty International document and additional recommended actions for groups UA 350/88 - Benin: Torture / incommunicado detention: Leon Yelome, Moussa Mama Yari Republic of Burundi: Government authorities list CAFRAN 08/88 - Burundi: Reports of killings of civilians by government 733/25 AFR 16/03/88 733/26 733/27 AFR 16/04/88 AFR 16/05/88 733/28 733/29 733/30 AFR 16/06/88 AFR 16/07/88 AFR 16/08/88 733/31 733/32 AFR 16/09/88 AFR 17/01/88 733/33 AFR 17/02/88 733/34 733/35 733/36 733/37 AFR 17/03/88 AFR 17/04/88 AFR 17/05/88 AFR 17/06/88 733/38 AFR 18/01/88 733/39 733/40 733/41 AFR 19/01/88 AFR 19/02/88 AFR 20/01/88 733/42 AFR 20/02/88 733/43 AFR 20/03/88 733/44 733/45 733/46 733/47 AFR 20/04/88 AFR 20/05/88 AFR 20/06/88 AFR 20/07/88 733/48 733/49 733/50 AFR 20/08/88 AFR 20/09/88 AFR 21/01/88 733/51 AFR 21/02/88 733/52 AFR 21/03/88 733/53 AFR 22/01/88 UA 247/88 - Burundi: Legal concern: Bantigira Leon, Habonimana Aloys, Hakizimana Deo, Ndayakire Terence, Ndikumana Leonce, Nsanse Augustin, Sunzu Salvator Burundi: Killings of children by government troops UA 273/88 - Burundi: Legal concern: Bancako Charles, Ndikumana Gervais, Sirahenda Paul Burundi: Government authorities Republic of Burundi: Government authorities list UA 292/88 - Burundi: Legal concern: Ndadaye Melchior, Sendegeya Pierre Claver Burundi: Government authorities list UA 89/88 - Cameroon: Death penalty: Bell Bell Jean, Nyetam Jeremie, Oum Robert, Mpong Ignace, Essome Jean, Ngako Albert, Mbang Abel UA 94/88 - Cameroon: Death penalty: Elogo Mballa Jean Bosco, Bontchebe Abogo Jonas, Tsala Tsala Joseph, Moubepei Ferdinand, Mvogo Lucien, Ibock Ibock UA 171/88 - Cameroon: Legal concern: Albert Mukong Cameroon: Government authorities Cameroon: Provincial officials Further information on UA 171/88 - Cameroon: Legal concern: Albert Mukong MAGRAN 06/88 - Cape Verde: The case of Joao Alfredo Fortes Dias Central African Republic: Government authorities Central African Republic: Government authorities CAFRAN 02/88 - Republic of Chad: "Disappearances", extrajudicial executions and secret detention Update to CAFRAN 02/88 - Republic of Chad: "Disappearances", extrajudicial executions and secret detention Further information on UA 195/87 - Chad: Fear of extrajudicial execution/legal concern: Arrests of members of the Hadjerai ethnic group Chad: Government authorities Chad: Arrests of members of the Hadjerai ethnic group Chad: Government authorities Update to CAFRAN 02/88 - Republic of Chad: "Disappearances", extrajudicial executions and secret detention Republic of Chad: Political arrests in June and July 1988 UA 332/88 - Chad: Death in detention: Saleh Gaba UA 14/88 - Comoros: Deaths in detention / legal concern: Ali Ngaya, Ali Wadili, Idi Boina and others UA 95/88 - Comoros: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Mohibaca Baco, Salim Djabir, Said Dhoifir, Said Nassur Further information on UA 95/88 - Comoros: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Mohibaca Baco, Salim Djabir, Said Dhoifir, Said Nassur People's Republic of Congo: Government authorities list 733/54 AFR 22/02/88 733/55 AFR 22/03/88 733/56 AFR 22/04/88 733/57 733/58 AFR 22/05/88 AFR 22/06/88 733/59 733/60 AFR 22/07/88 AFR 22/08/88 733/61 AFR 22/09/88 733/62 AFR 22/10/88 733/63 733/64 AFR 22/11/88 AFR 22/12/88 733/65 AFR 24/01/88 733/66 733/67 733/68 733/69 733/70 AFR 24/02/88 AFR 24/03/88 AFR 24/04/88 AFR 24/05/88 AFR 24/06/88 733/71 AFR 25/01/88 733/-733/-733/72 AFR 28/01/88 AFR 28/02/88 AFR 28/03/88 733/73 AFR 28/04/88 733/74 AFR 28/05/88 733/75 AFR 28/06/88 733/76 733/77 AFR 28/07/88 AFR 28/08/88 733/78 733/79 733/80 AFR 28/09/88 AFR 28/10/88 AFR 28/11/88 CAFRAN 01/88 - Long-term detention without charge or trial of five prisoners of conscience in People's Republic of Congo Further information on UA 345/87 - Congo: Fear of refoulement: Lumbwele Boy Buta Jacques and others CAFRAN 06/88 - Congo: Appeal for release of long-term prisoners of conscience People's Republic of Congo: Government authorities list UA 213/88 - Congo: Health concern: Issembe Mercine, Anga Ongando Josiane, Issembe, Oukouli Therese, Issambo Julien, Ikhas Camille, Iloki Antoine, Apoya Emmanuel People's Republic of Congo: Government authorities list CAFRAN 09/88 - Congo: Unfair trial and detention without charge or trial Further information on UA 213/88 - Congo: Health concern: Issembe Mercine, Anga Ongando Josiane, Issembe, Okouli Therese, Issambo Julien, Ikhas Camille, Iloki Antoine, Apoya Emmanuel UA 281/88 - Congo: Legal concern: AtondiMonmondjo Lecas Congo: Background to political arrests in 1987 and 1988 Follow-up To CAFRAN action No 9/88 Congo: Unfair trial and detention without charge or trial UA 250/88 - Equatorial Guinea: Unfair trial: Joaquin Elema Boringue, Francisco Bonifacio Mba Nguema, Jose Primo Esono Mica, Jose Luis Jones Dougan and five others Equatorial Guinea: Recommended case action Equatorial Guinea: Recommended case action Equatorial Guinea: Background to seven investigation cases Equatorial Guinea: Government authorities list MAGRAN 08/88 - Equatorial Guinea: Inquiries concerning an unfair trial and untried detainees Group-level action with participation of EASRAN 02/88 Ethiopia: Extrajudicial executions in Eritrea and Tigray Not issued Not issued Ghana: Death sentence for economic sabotage: Frank Gardiner and three others Ghana: Death sentence for armed robbery: Christopher Awinkilo Asakiya Ghana: Death sentences for embezzlement: Ibrahim Maliki and 5 others Further information on UA 137/87 - Ghana: Legal concern: Yaw Tony Akoto-Ampaw and 6 others Ghana: Background to case: Geoffrey Kumfo Further information on UA 311/88 - Ghana: Legal concern: Ben Ephson Ghana: Advice to refugee coordinators Ghana: Government authorities Ghana: Death penalty for robbery: Mohammed Yao Midoagbadzi 733/81 AFR 28/12/88 733/82 AFR 28/13/88 733/83 733/84 AFR 28/14/88 AFR 28/15/88 733/85 733/86 AFR 29/01/88 AFR 30/01/88 733/87 AFR 30/02/88 733/88 AFR 30/03/88 733/89 733/90 AFR 30/04/88 AFR 30/05/88 733/91 733/92 733/93 733/94 AFR 31/01/88 AFR 31/02/88 AFR 31/03/88 AFR 31/04/88 733/95 733/96 733/97 AFR 31/05/88 AFR 32/01/88 AFR 32/02/88 733/98 733/99 AFR 32/03/88 AFR 32/04/88 733/100 733/101 AFR 32/05/88 AFR 32/06/88 733/102 733/103 AFR 32/07/88 AFR 32/08/88 733/104 AFR 32/09/88 733/105 AFR 32/10/88 733/106 AFR 32/11/88 Further information on UA 137/87 - Ghana: Legal concern: Yaw Tony Akoto-Ampaw, Kwesi Pratt, Kwame Karikari, Akwasi AduAmankwah, Yao Graham, Ralph Kugbe, John Ndebugre Ghana: Six sentenced to death for armed robbery: Mohammed Ali, Charles Bannerman, Kwadwo Frafra, Nuhu Gori, Karimu Seidu and Musah Sulemana UA 266/88 - Ghana: Legal concern: B.D.D Asamoah Ghana: Execution of 21 people: Baba Abana, Mohamudu Adamu, Joseph Jartro Annan, Kwabena Asare, Rashid Awolowo, Afatsawo Dogbatse, Sanni Haruna, Nahr Kofi, Meringe Mohammed and two others (convicted of armed robbery), Silikyi Abubakari, John Bosco, Koikoi Derbiere Derry, Nana Baffour Twene, Yaw Ackaah, Nana Gyabeng Akowuah, Paul Jackson, Yaw Kumah, Okomfo Ofori Agyeman, Kwame Ofori (convicted of ritual murder) Guinea: Government authorities Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action Guinea-Bissau: Rafael Barbosa Further information on limited Medical Letter-Writing Action Guinea-Bissau: Rafael Barbosa MAGRAN 05/88 - Guinea-Bissau: Inquiries about individual prisoners Guinea-Bissau: Government authorities list Guinea Bissau: Background to the cases of prisoners tried in June and July 1986 Cote d'Ivoire: Government authorities Cote d'Ivoire: Non-governmental organizations list Cote D'Ivoire: Forcible conscription of 10 trade unionists UA 46/88 - Cote d'Ivoire: Legal concern: Conscription into army of prisoner of conscience: Stephan Vangah UA 107/88 - Cote d'Ivoire: Legal concern: Laurent Akoun Kenya: Government authorities list Medical Letter-Writing Action - Kenya: Imprisonment of Dr Odhiambo Olel Kenya: Government authorities list Medical Letter-Writing Action - Kenya: Ill- treatment and medical concern: Mirugi Kariuki UA 236/88 - Kenya: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Raila Odinga Further information on UA 236/88 - Kenya: Fear of torture/Health concern: Raila Odinga UA 261/88 - Kenya: Legal concern: Israel Otieno Agina UA 295/88 - Kenya: Legal concern / Fear of torture: Gabriel Kariuki Mung'ura Kenya: Human rights - an update (Updates July 1987 report AFR 32/17/87) Human rights in Kenya: an update - Actions for groups working on Kenya prisoner dossiers UA 333/88 - Kenya: Legal concern / Fear of torture: David Owak 733/107 AFR 34/01/88 733/108 AFR 34/02/88 733/109 AFR 34/03/88 733/110 AFR 34/04/88 733/111 AFR 34/05/88 733/112 733/113 AFR 34/06/88 AFR 34/07/88 733/114 733/115 AFR 34/08/88 AFR 34/09/88 733/116 AFR 34/10/88 733/117 AFR 35/01/88 733/118 AFR 36/01/88 733/119 733/120 733/121 733/122 AFR 36/02/88 AFR 36/03/88 AFR 36/04/88 AFR 37/01/88 733/123 AFR 37/02/88 733/124 AFR 37/03/88 733/125 AFR 37/04/88 733/126 733/127 733/128 AFR 37/05/88 AFR 37/06/88 AFR 38/01/88 733/129 AFR 38/02/88 UA 78/88 - Liberia: Torture/Legal concern: Gabriel William Kpolleh, Harold Ndama and at least 10 others Further information on UA 78/88 - Liberia: Torture/Legal concern: Gabriel William Kpolleh, Harold Ndama, Joe Robert Kaipaye, Cephar A. Mbandi UA 97/88 - Liberia: Legal concern: Thomas Nimley, Isaac Bantu, Siaka Konneh, Arthur Massaquoi, Andrew Robinson, Michael Saa Further information on UA 97/88 - Liberia: Legal concern: Thomas Nimley, Isaac Bantu, Siaka Konneh, Arthur Massaquoi, Andrew Robinson, Michael Saa Further information on UA 78/88 - Liberia: Torture/legal concern: Gabriel William Kpolleh, Harold Ndama, Cephar A. Mbandi, Joe Robert Kaipaye, Moses Dennis and some 15 others Liberia: Death sentences for ritual murder UA 196/88 - Liberia: Torture / Killings / Legal concern: Colonel Larry Borteh, Colonel Fred Blay, James H Bush, William Elmer Curtis, Swen Dixon, General Nicholas Podier, Oscar Quiah Liberia: Further death sentences for ritual murder Further information on UA 196/88 - Liberia: Torture / Killings / Legal concern: Colonel Larry Borteh, Colonel Fred Blay, James Henry Bush, Curtis Hayes Williams, Swen Dixon, General Nicholas Podier, Oscar Quiah, Colonel Jerry Friday UA 254/88 - Liberia: Ill-treatment/Legal concern: Nathaniel Nimley Choloply EAFRAN 04/88 - Madagascar: Killings by government security forces in the provinces of Tulear, Fianarantsoa, Antananarivo and Majunga Malawi: Jack Mapanje: Imprisoned Malawian poet (Updates AFR 36/08/87) Malawi: Government authorities Malawi: Recommended case action (adoption cases) Malawi: Recommended case action (investigation cases) UA 10/88 - Mali: Death penalty: Sidiki Traore, Fabougari Tounkara and Boubo Sangare UA 64/88 - Mali: Legal concern: Charles Danioko, Komakan Keita Further information on UA 64/88 - Mali: Legal concern: Charles Danioko, Komakan Keita, Ibrahima Agali Traore, Yahya Kola Cisse, Zoumana Coulibaly and five other students Further information on UA 64/88 - Mali: Legal concern: Charles Danioko, Komakan Keita, Ibrahima Agali Traore, Yahya Kola Cisse, Zoumana Coulibaly and five other students UA 193/88 - Mali: Death penalty: Samba Diallo WARAN 05/88 - Mali: Taoudenit prison closed Recommended Case Action - Mauritania: The arson trial, March 1987, Nouakchott UA 207/88 - Mauritania: Legal concern: Memed Ould Ahmed, Tourad Ould Sidi, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Jidou, El Arby Ould Moulaye Zein, Yemhelou Ould Khattary, Maitre Mohamdy Ould 733/-733/130 AFR 38/03/88 AFR 38/04/88 733/131 AFR 38/05/88 733/132 AFR 38/06/88 733/133 AFR 38/07/88 733/134 AFR 38/08/88 733/135 AFR 38/09/88 733/136 733/137 AFR 38/10/88 AFR 38/11/88 733/-733/138 AFR 38/12/88 AFR 38/13/88 733/139 AFR 39/01/88 733/140 733/141 AFR 41/01/88 AFR 41/02/88 733/142 733/143 733/144 AFR 41/03/88 AFR 41/04/88 AFR 42/01/88 733/145 AFR 42/02/88 Babah, Mohamed Yehdih Ould Breidelleyl, Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Taleb Ahmed, Yahya Ould Ely, Sid'Ahmed Ould El Arby, Dr Abdellahi Ould Mohamed Not issued Further information on UA 207/88 Mauritania: Legal Concern: Memed Ould Ahmed, Mohamed Yehdih Ould Breidelleyl, Tourad Ould Sidi, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Jidou, El Arby Ould Moulaye Zein, Yemhelou Ould Khattary, Maitre Mohamdy Ould Babah, Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Taleb Ahmed, Yahya Ould Ely, Sid'Ahmed Ould El Arby, Abdallah Ould Mohamed Further information on UA 207/88 Mauritania: Legal concern: Memed Ould Ahmed and others UA 243/88 - Mauritania: Health concern / Deaths in detention: Ibrahima Sarr, Amadou Moctar Sow, Djibril Hameth Ly and other political prisoners held in Oualata Further information on UA 207/88 Mauritania: Legal concern: Memed Ould Ahmed, Mohammed Yedih Ould Breidelleyl, Maitre Mohamdy Ould Babah, Lieutenant Moctar Ould Saleck and some 12 others Further information on UA 243/88 Mauritania: Health concern / Deaths in detention: Ibrahima Sarr, Amadou Moctar Sow, Djibril Hameth Ly and other political prisoners held in Oualata Medical Letter-Writing Action - Mauritania: Deaths in detention and lack of medical care Mauritania: Government authorities UA 301/88 - Mauritania: Deaths in detention / Health concern: Ibrahima Sarr, Amadou Moctar Sow, Ly Mamadou Bocar and other political prisoners held in Oualata or elsewhere in southeast Mauritania Not issued Mauritania: Long-term detention without trial: Former President Haidalla and five others UA 151/88 - Mauritius: Death penalty: Mohammad Muktar Ali and Shaikh Murtasa Ali Haji Gulam Rassool People's Republic of Mozambique: The case of F. Gilbert Xulu MAGRAN 03/88 - People's Republic of Mozambique: Action against flogging Mozambique: Government authorities list Mozambique: Reports of floggings, 1984-1988 UA 28/88 - Namibia: Fear of torture/legal concern: Paulus Amadhila, Junias Kaapanda, Haili Mwetako, Nathaniel S Ndatyapo, Paulus Nghipunya and Andreas Shivute UA 51/88 - Namibia: Fear of torture/legal concern: Delfina Abraham, Joseph Dumeni, Sem Dumeni, Moses Errki, Katenga Herman, Gideon Kampulu, Julius Kapula, Tadius Malumo, Mwahafa Elia Mukawe, Albine Mulyau, Lukas Nghipandulwa, 733/146 733/147 733/148 AFR 42/03/88 AFR 42/04/88 AFR 42/05/88 733/149 AFR 42/06/88 733/150 AFR 42/07/88 733/151 AFR 44/01/88 733/152 AFR 44/02/88 733/153 733/-733/154 733/155/156 AFR 44/03/88 AFR 44/04/88 AFR 44/05/88 AFR 44/06/88 733/157/158 AFR 44/07/88 733/-733/159 AFR 44/08/88 AFR 44/09/88 733/160 733/161 AFR 44/10/88 AFR 44/11/88 733/162 AFR 44/12/88 733/163 AFR 44/13/88 733/164 733/165 AFR 44/14/88 AFR 44/15/88 733/166 AFR 44/16/88 733/167 AFR 44/17/88 733/168 733/169 AFR 44/18/88 AFR 44/19/88 Simon Nghipunya, Jason Shikomba, Heikki Shililifa, Immanuel Shivolo, Salomo Uusiku UA 109/88 - Namibia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Frans Hango UA 157/88 - Namibia: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Gwen Lister Further information on UA 157/88 - Namibia: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Gwen Lister UA 220/88 - Namibia: Fear of Torture/Legal Concern: Phillip Agrippa Mwandingi, Benjamin Ausiku Further information on UA 220/88 - Namibia: Fear of Torture/Legal Concern: Philip Agriep Mwandingi, Benjamin Haufiko Nigeria: Public executions in Maiduguri: Anadir Saed, Bukar Audu, Ajani Alhaji Ali, Suleiman Abubakar and Alhaji Ishaku Hassan Nigeria: Five death sentences for armed robbery: Saka Ayeni, Michael Adebowale, Adebayo Olusegun, Sunday Daramola and Kokumo Kosemi Nigeria: Public execution in Ibadan: Michael Otoro Not issued Nigeria: Death sentence for murder: Okezie Okara Nigeria: Slow death by firing squad: Saka Ayeni, Michael Adebowale, Adebayo Olusegun, Sunday Daramola and Kokumo Kosemi Nigeria: Death sentences in Borno and Anambra states: Ezekiel Okpurua, James Eseoma and Albert Owueziehua (Borno State) Not issued Nigeria: Three death sentences for armed robbery in Imo State: Gerald Ohiaeri, Gabriel Ajara and Ukandu Onwuka UA 52/88 - Nigeria: Death penalty: Recent executions Further information on UA 328/87 - Nigeria: Death penalty: Geniyu Ibrahim Nigeria: Public executions carried out: one hanging postponed: Clara Baada and others Nigeria: Death sentences for murder of security official: Suleiman Audu and Ali Sale Nigeria: Death sentence for armed robbery: Uchenna Ude Nigeria: Death sentence for armed robbery in Imo State: Romanus Ndubuisi Oguamanam Nigeria: Death sentences in Borno and Oyo States: Ibrahim Umaru (Borno State), Saka Adisa and Olanrewaju Adio (Oyo State) Nigeria: Death sentences in Anambra and Bendel States: Charles Dibuo (Anambra State), Frank Ejueyitsi (Bendel State) Nigeria: Five death sentences in the High Court Nigeria: Nine death sentences passed by Robbery and Firearms Tribunals: Peter Anyafulu, Mr Nkemdilim, Leonard Oramulu (Anambra State), Moshood Balogun, Alhaji Salisu Mohammed, Shehu Umaru, Mohammed Jibo (Oyo State), Abiodun Adekanbi, Isiaka Adegbenro (Ogun State) 733/170 AFR 44/20/88 733/171 733/172 AFR 44/21/88 AFR 44/22/88 733/173 AFR 44/23/88 733/174 AFR 44/24/88 733/175 733/176 AFR 44/25/88 AFR 44/26/88 733/177 AFR 44/27/88 733/178 AFR 44/28/88 733/179 733/180 AFR 44/29/88 AFR 44/30/88 733/181 AFR 44/31/88 733/182 733/183 733/184 733/185 733/186 AFR 46/01/88 AFR 47/01/88 AFR 47/02/88 AFR 48/01/88 AFR 48/02/88 733/187 733/188 AFR 49/01/88 AFR 51/01/88 Nigeria: Death sentences for armed robbery: Paul Amaechi (Rivers State), Augustine Eke, Kiki Francis, Isa Garuba, Mohammed Garuba, Seidu Garuba, Oluwole Jaferi, Mohammed Ibrahim, Jubril Ismaila, Kabiru Mohammed, Shahabu Muhazu, Awuyi Roshe, Mohammed Sanni (Lagos State) UA 197/88 - Nigeria: Death penalty: 13 youths sentenced to death Nigeria: Death sentences and a public execution: Dauda Balogun (Oyo State), Frank Gregory Osang, Joseph Otuba (Cross River State), London Uwajeya, Samuel Utuedor, Ambrose Ogbanefe (Bendel State), Abiodun Adekanbi (Ogun State) UA 210/88 - Nigeria: Legal concern: Zira Njidda, Ubale Anthony Amudu, Yusuf Laddan, Alfa Imam, Dr Festus Iyayi, Dr Frank Demowu, Dr Emmanuel Amade, Dr Attahiru Jega and others Nigeria: Death sentences for murder: Dick Aba, Alphonsus Nweke, Livinus Nwotolo, Samuel Oroke, Michael Umoke and 27 others (Anambra State), Anamaba Ohuka, Chika Uwadineke, Enyinnaya Uwadineke (Imo State), Latifu Yusufu (Lagos State), Foluso Oladele (Ondo State) Nigeria: Government authorities Nigeria: Military state officials, Governors and Commissioners for Justice Further information on UA 210/88 - Nigeria: Legal Concern: Zira Njidda, Ubale Anthony Amadu, Yusuf Laddan, Alfa Imam, Festus Iyayi, Frank Demowu, Emmanuel Amade, Attahiru Jega and others Further information on UA 210/88 - Nigeria: Legal concern: Zira Njidda, Ubale Anthony Amudu, Yusuf Laddan, Alfa Imam, Dr Festus Iyayi, Frank Dimowo, Emmanuel Amade, Dr Attahiru Jega, Paul Obanya, Ralph Obiechie, Kehinde Bello Nigeria: Three death sentences and 18 executions Further information on UA 197/88 - Nigeria: Death penalty: Augustine Eke, Kiki Francis, Isa Garuba, Mohammed Garuba, Saibu Garuba, Oluwole Jitrey, Mohammed Ibrahim, Kabiru Mohammed, Shahabu Mohasu, Awuji Roshe, Mohammed Sani, Jubril Sumaila UA 334/88 - Nigeria: Legal concern: Paul Obanya, Ralph Obiechie, Kehinde Bello, Chukwuemeka Udegbulem, Adedayo Ademoyero Zimbabwe: Government authorities Republic of Rwanda: Government authorities list Background to prisoners held without charge or trial in Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe: Fears of ill-treatment MAGRAN 07/88 - Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe: Inquiries concerning political detainees Senegal: Government authorities Further information on UA 288/87 - Sierra Leone: Death penalty: Gabriel Mohamed Tennyson Kai Kai, Prince Deen Kai Kai, Joseph John Harding, Daniel Suliman Kai Kai, Francis Mischeck Minah, David Abu Samu, Amara Allie Tarawallie, Josephus 733/189/190 AFR 52/01/88 733/191 AFR 52/02/88 733/192 AFR 52/03/88 733/193 AFR 52/04/88 733/194 AFR 52/05/88 733/195 AFR 52/06/88 733/196 AFR 52/07/88 733/197 733/198 AFR 52/08/88 AFR 52/09/88 733/199 AFR 52/10/88 733/200 733/201 733/202 AFR 52/11/88 AFR 52/12/88 AFR 52/13/88 733/203 AFR 52/14/88 733/204 AFR 52/15/88 733/205 AFR 52/16/88 733/206 AFR 52/17/88 Abiodu Williams, Hassan Morlai Conteh, Conrad Innis, Haruna Vandy Jimmy, Francis Massaquoi Somalia: Government authorities list UA 37/88 - Somalia: Death penalty: Ismail Ali Abokor, Omer Arteh Ghalib, Suleiman Nuh Ali, Abdi Ismail Yunis, Ahmed Mohamed Halla, Abdullahi Jama Gallal, Ahmed Omer Abdullah, Abdi Abdillahi Madar Regional News Item: Amnesty International says trial of condemned Somalis "gross miscarriage of justice" Further information on UA 37/88 - Somalia: Death penalty: Ismail Ali Abokor, Omer Arteh Ghalib, Suleiman Nuh Ali, Abdi Ismail Yunis, Ahmed Mohamed Halla, Abdullahi Jama Gallal, Ahmed Omer Abdullah, Abdi Abdillahi Madar Somalia: General recommended actions for groups with Somali adoption or investigation cases UA 72/88 - Somalia: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Mukhtar Deeg, Ismail Yusuf Ibrahim, Abdulleh Malik Mohamed, Ina Omar Qadoon, Mohamed Saeed Uddal UA 73/88 - Somalia: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Yusuf Hussein Abokor, Hassan Mohamed Adour, Yusuf Mohamed Adour, Ibrahim Mohamed Bileh, Mohamed Amin Egal, Hassan Mohamed Egeh, Yusuf Mohamed Egeh, Mawlid Ahmed Goleh, Yusuf Hussein Golhaya, Ahmed Yassin Sheikh Ibrahim, Mohamed Ali Samaleh UA 77/88 - Somalia: Health concern: Safia Hashi Madar UA 111/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Yusuf Ali Arapeh, Ali Hesse Badeh, Mohamed Bahir, Aden Abdullahi Dindeel, Ismail Jama Elmi, Abdi Musse Gadeed, Nur Mohamed Ibrahim, Ahmed Aw Jama, Mahdi Labaleh, Mohamud Mawel, Ahmed Meaad, Mohamed Musse, Mohamed Samatar, Mohamed Haji Tubeer, Aden Obsiyeh Warsame UA 135/88 - Somalia: Legal concern/Fear of torture or illtreatment: Aden Mussa Abdullahi, Faisal Abdullahi Aden, Abdulkadir Haji Arap, Abdulrahman Abdi Elmi, Ms Amal Jama Ibrahim, Mohamed Mohamoud Ismail, Abdullahi Kayd Mohamed, Ms Anisa Abdi Yusuf, Nasir Aden Yusuf, Abdi Abdullahi, Mahdi Osman, Ahmed Ali Toor Somalia: Torture Somalia: Detention without trial Further information on UA 111/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Yusuf Ali Arapeh and others Further information on UA 135/88 - Somalia: Legal concern/Fear of torture or ill-treatment: Aden Mussa Abdullahi and others Further information on UA 72/88 - Somalia: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Mukhtar Deeg and others Further information on UA 73/88 - Somalia: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Yusuf Hussein Abokor and others UA 154/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Nur Abby, Ali Saeed Arale, Ibrahim Elmi Bullale, Ahmed Duale, Hussein 733/207 AFR 52/18/88 733/208 AFR 52/19/88 733/209 AFR 52/20/88 733/210 AFR 52/21/88 733/211 AFR 52/22/88 733/212 AFR 52/23/88 733/213 733/214 AFR 52/24/88 AFR 52/25/88 733/215 733/216 AFR 52/26/88 AFR 52/27/88 733/217 AFR 52/28/88 733/218 AFR 52/29/88 Mohamed Egeh, Jama Abdi Farah, Mohamed Mohamoud Ismail, Haji Ahmed Sahardid Further information on UA 77/88 - Somalia: Health concern: Safia Hashi Madar Further information on UA 154/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Nur Abby and others Further information on UA 154/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Nur Abby, Haji Mohamed Bursade, Ali Mohamed Dirie, Abdillahi Jirre Duale, Ali Jirre Duale, Jama Abdi Farah, Ibrahim Osman Foad, Mohamed Mohamoud Ismail, Mohamed Karshe, Ahmed Saeed Arale, Aden Nur Awale, Ismail Hussein Handulle, Ali Ahmed Hassan, Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Abdillahi Kahin, Abdi Rageh Jama, Hassan Hawadle Madar, Omar Mohamed, Haji Ibrahim Osman Regional News Item: Amnesty International condemns torture in Somalia UA 179/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Mohamed Abdi, Ali Abdillahi, Salad Duale Adulleh, Ibrahim Ahmed Ali, Dahir Ahmed, Abdi Farah Ateeye, 'Dabakeere', Abdi Ali Dirie, Aden Dirie, Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Ahmed Hirrey, Omer Nur Ismail, Ismail Hashi Madar, Mohamoud Hashi Madar, Ali Meead, Abiib Mirreh, Haji Jama Mohamed Miyateen, Faiza Ahmed Mohamed, Ismail Jama Ahmed Haji Musse, Mohamed Sheikh Musse, Mohamed Sheikh Musse ('Dalab'), Abdi Ali Obsiye, Aden Abdillahi Raja, Jama Salah, Jama Meygag Samatar, Abdi Jama Sed, Mohamed Jama Warfa, Haji Nur Yassir and others Further information on UA 154/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Ahmed Saeed Arale, Aden Nur Awale, Jama Abdi Farah, Ismail Hussein Handulle, Mohamed Mohamoud Ismail, Abdi Rageh Jama, Hassan Hawadle Madar Somalia: Order form for photographs UA 191/88 - Somalia: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Arrests of Somali Airlines staff in Mogadishu: Mohamed Haji Abdi, Mohamed Abdillahi, Mohamed Jama Aden, Mohamed Ismail Awale, Hussein "Dheere", Abdi Mohamed Horre, Mohamed Ibrahim, Sulub Ibrahim, Hussein Hassan Jama, Ismail Jama Mohamed, Mohamoud Saeed Mohamed, Mohamed Guleid Olujog, Ahmed Robleh, Abdi Mohamed Rodol, Ahmed Hussein Shakur, Dahir Mohamed Warsame Amina Nuh Yusuf Somalia: A long-term human rights crisis Somalia: A long-term human rights crisis (Summary of AI report, Somalia: A long-term human rights crisis (AFR 52/26/88)) Somalia: Publication of research paper entitled "A long-term human rights crisis". Circular 1 : Actions for sections and section press officers Somalia: Publication of research paper entitled "A long-term human rights crisis". Circular 2 : Actions for Somalia coordinators and EAFRAN coordinators 733/219 AFR 52/30/88 733/220 AFR 52/31/88 733/221 AFR 52/32/88 733/222 AFR 52/33/88 733/223 AFR 52/34/88 733/224 733/225 733/226 733/227 AFR 52/35/88 AFR 52/36/88 AFR 52/37/88 AFR 52/38/88 733/228 AFR 52/39/88 733/229 AFR 52/40/88 733/230 AFR 52/41/88 733/231 AFR 52/42/88 733/232 AFR 53/01/88 733/233 AFR 53/02/88 733/234 AFR 53/03/88 733/235 AFR 53/04/88 733/236 733/237 AFR 53/05/88 AFR 53/06/88 733/238 AFR 53/07/88 733/239 AFR 53/08/88 Somalia: Publication of a research paper entitled "A long-term human rights crisis". Circular 3 : Actions for groups working on Somali prisoner dossiers EASRAN 03/88 - Somalia: Publication of research paper entitled "A long-term human rights crisis". Circular 4 : Actions for EAFRAN coordinators and EAFRAN groups UA 239/88 - Somalia: Refoulement / Fear of torture: Mohamed Hersi Diriye, Abdiwahab Haji Hassan, Mohamed Mohamoud Ibrahim, Ahmed Yasin Mohamed, Diriye Sugal Roble AI News Release: Amnesty International says Somalia in longterm human rights crisis Somalia: Lawyers group action in connection with the publication of a research paper entitled "Somalia: A long-term human rights crisis" UA 252/88 - Somalia: Health concern/Torture: Abdi Ismail Yunis Somalia: Prisoners of conscience arrested for their religious belief Somalia: Government authorities list General recommended actions for the Somalia Quick Case Sheet scheme: Actions for groups with Somalia adoption or investigation cases Medical Letter-Writing Action - Torture and ill-treatment in Somalia Further information on UA 239/88 - Somalia: Refoulement / Fear of torture: Mohamed Hersi Diriye, Abdiwahab Haji Hassan, Mohamed Mohamoud Ibrahim, Ahmed Yasin Mohamed, Diriye Sugal Roble Somalia: Imprisonment of members of the Issaq clan since mid1988 EAFRAN 05/88 - Somalia: Extrajudicial executions in northwest Somalia UA 01/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Christopher Giffard Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo and Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") Regional News Item: Amnesty International says banning of South African human rights groups would help to hide abuses Advice to Editors: Amnesty International adopts South African conscientious objector as prisoner of conscience Further information on UA 358/87 - South Africa: Lizo Pityana Regional News Item: Amnesty International appeals to South African authorities to spare lives of "Sharpeville Six" Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") Regional News Item: South Africa: "Sharpeville Six": Amnesty International welcomes stay of execution 733/240 AFR 53/09/88 733/241 AFR 53/10/88 733/242 AFR 53/11/88 733/243 AFR 53/12/88 733/244 AFR 53/13/88 733/245 733/246 AFR 53/14/88 AFR 53/15/88 733/247 AFR 53/16/88 733/248 AFR 53/17/88 733/249 AFR 53/18/88 733/250 733/251 AFR 53/19/88 AFR 53/20/88 733/252 AFR 53/21/88 733/253 AFR 53/22/88 733/254 AFR 53/23/88 Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") UA 81/88 - South Africa: Executions / Fear of execution: Michael Lucas, Similo Lennox Wonci, Mziwoxolo Christopher Makeleni, Ndumiso Silo Siphenuka, Mackezwana Menze and 13 others Further information on UA 01/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Christopher Giffard and 10 co-defendants including Lumka Nyamsa and Jenny Schreiner Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") SAN 01/88 - South Africa: Conscientious objection Medical Letter-Writing Action - South Africa: Imprisonment of Dr Ivan Toms for conscientious objection UA 143/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Ms Gertrude Fester Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") SAN 01/88 - Update 1 : South Africa: Conscientious objection Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") UA 188/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Omar Badsha, Zolli Malindi, Bulelani Ngcuka, Saleem Mouzer, Veronica Simmers, Rehana Rossouw, Jonathan Shapiro, Monde Balfour, June Esau Metrowich, Steven Metrowich, Aziza Charles, Dawn Adams, Nabawaya (Nabs) Wessels, Rev. Steven Ellis Constance Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo 733/255 AFR 53/24/88 733/256 733/257 AFR 53/25/88 AFR 53/26/88 733/258 AFR 53/27/88 733/-733/259 AFR 53/28/88 AFR 53/29/88 733/260 AFR 53/30/88 733/261 AFR 53/31/88 733/262 AFR 53/32/88 733/263 AFR 53/33/88 733/264 AFR 53/34/88 733/265 AFR 53/35/88 733/266 733/267 AFR 53/36/88 AFR 53/37/88 733/268 AFR 53/38/88 733/269 AFR 53/39/88 733/270 733/271 AFR 53/40/88 AFR 53/41/88 733/-733/-733/272 AFR 53/42/88 AFR 53/43/88 AFR 53/44/88 Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi ("Sharpeville Six") Further information on UA 188/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Omar Badsha and eight others, June Esau and four others, Rev. Steven Ellis Constance UA 202/88 - South Africa: Legal concern: Janet Small Further information on UA 372/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Eric Molobi and Khotso Crutse South Africa: Quick Case Sheets: General recommended actions for groups working on behalf of people detained or restricted under the state of emergency regulations Not issued South Africa: Government authorities list (with an appendix listing some non-governmental addresses) Further information on UA 143/88 - South Africa: Legal Concern: Gertrude Fester Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi (the "Sharpeville Six") Further information on UA 202/88 - South Africa: Legal concern: Janet Small Further information on UA 81/88 - South Africa: Executions / Fear of executions: Similo Lennox Wonci, Mziwoxolo Christopher Makeleni, Ndumiso Silo Siphenuka, Mackezwana Menze (the "Addo Four") and 9 others UA 259/88 - South Africa: Fear of torture/Health concern/Legal concern: Veliswa Mhlawuli Further information on UA 81/88 - South Africa: Executions / Fear of executions: Similo Lennox Wonci, Mziwoxolo Christopher Makeleni, Ndumiso Silo Siphenuka, Mackezwana Menze (the "Addo Four") and Johannes Nakana, Sarel M Malokase, Nelson Matebula, John Mlambo, David Madiakgotla, Zian Lewis, Ismail Simons, Michael Mnisi, Raymond Chozi UA 267/88 - South Africa: Legal concern: Janet Cherry UA 283/88 - South Africa: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Noma India Mfeketo UA 302/88 - South Africa: Fear of execution: Robert John McBride Further information on UA 267/88 - South Africa: Legal concern: Janet Cherry SAN 02/88 - South Africa: Death penalty UA 318/88 - South Africa: Death penalty / executions: Paul Tefo Setlaba, Mxolisi Isaac Tshongoyi, Kholisile Dyakala, Zwelindumile Mjekula, Paul Cedras, Flip Jansen, Adam Stevens Not issued Not issued Further information on UA 259/88 - South Africa: Fear of torture / Health concern / Legal concern: Veliswa Mhlawuli 733/273 AFR 53/45/88 733/274 AFR 53/46/88 733/275 AFR 53/47/88 733/276 733/277 733/278 AFR 54/01/88 AFR 54/02/88 AFR 54/03/88 733/279 733/280 733/281 733/282 733/283 733/284 733/285 AFR 54/04/88 AFR 54/05/88 AFR 54/06/88 AFR 56/01/88 AFR 56/02/88 AFR 56/03/88 AFR 56/04/88 733/286 AFR 56/05/88 733/287 AFR 56/06/88 733/288 733/289 733/290 733/291 AFR 56/07/88 AFR 59/01/88 AFR 59/02/88 AFR 59/03/88 733/292 AFR 59/04/88 733/293 AFR 59/05/88 733/294 AFR 60/01/88 733/295 AFR 60/02/88 733/296 AFR 60/03/88 733/297 AFR 60/04/88 733/298 AFR 60/05/88 Further information on UA 390/86 - South Africa: Legal concern: Zwelakhe Sisulu UA 328/88 - South Africa: Fear of torture / Legal concern: Misile Stemele, Mlimdele Majama, Twasile Mbandazayo, Mr Dayo Further information on UA 340/87 - South Africa: Death penalty: Mojalefa Reginald Sefatsa, Oupa Moses Diniso, Reid Malebo Mokoena, Theresa Ramashamole, Duma Joshua Khumalo, Francis Don Mokgesi (the "Sharpeville Six") Medical Letter-Writing Action - Sudan: Amputations UA 103/88 - Sudan: Amputation sentence: Martin Anuel Agulik EAFRAN 01/88 - Amnesty International's concerns in the Republic of Sudan Sudan: Government authorities list Sudan: Human rights developments since 1985 Advice to Editors: Sudan: Human rights developments since 1985 Tanzania: Detention without trial of two political prisoners Tanzania: Government authorities UA 139/88 - Tanzania: Legal concern: Ali Saleh and others Further information on UA 139/88 - Tanzania: Legal concern: Ali Saleh Further information on UA 139/88 - Tanzania: Legal concern: Prisoners arrested after religious demonstration Further information on UA 139/88 - Tanzania: Legal concern: Prisoners arrested after religious demonstration Tanzania: Government authorities Uganda: Government authorities Uganda: Criminal charges against critical journalists Uganda: Extrajudicial executions: Gabriel Oboya and family members, wife and children of Kezeroni Acok, family members of Gabriel Oriem, Blasio Olanga and family members, Jeremiah Moro and family members UA 323/88 - Uganda: "Disappearance": Mr Olwog, Mr Apota, Mr Oneka, Mr Luka Labeja Further information on UA 322/88 - Uganda: Extrajudicial executions: Gabriel Oboya and family members, wife and children of Kezeroni Acok, family members of Gabriel Oriem, Blasio Olanga and family members, Jeremiah Moro and family members UA 11/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern/torture: Over 40 arrests since 15 October 1987: Diallo Firmin and others Further information on UA 11/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern/Torture: Over 40 arrests since 15 October 1987 Further information on UA 11/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern/torture: Over 40 arrests since 15 October 1987 - more than 20 still detained UA 148/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern/Torture: Valere Some, Moussa Michel Tapsoba, Guy Yogo and other students Further information on UA 148/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern/Torture: Valere Some, Moussa Michel Tapsoba, Daouda 733/299 733/300 AFR 60/06/88 AFR 60/07/88 733/301 AFR 60/08/88 733/302 AFR 60/09/88 733/303 AFR 60/10/88 733/304 AFR 60/11/88 733/305 AFR 60/12/88 733/306 AFR 60/13/88 733/307 AFR 62/01/88 733/308 AFR 62/02/88 733/309 AFR 62/03/88 733/310 AFR 62/04/88 733/311 733/312 AFR 62/05/88 AFR 62/06/88 733/313 733/314 AFR 62/07/88 AFR 62/08/88 733/315 AFR 62/09/88 733/316 733/317 AFR 62/10/88 AFR 62/11/88 733/318 AFR 62/12/88 733/319 733/320 AFR 62/13/88 AFR 62/14/88 Traore, Guy Yogo, Sara Sereme, Serge Tall, Kanwoussou Tall, Christophe Dima Burkina Faso: Government authorities Medical Letter-Writing Action - Burkina Faso: Arrest and illtreatment of two medical students: Guy Yogo and Sara Sereme Further information on UA 148/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern/torture: Moussa Michel Tapsoba, Daouda Traore, Guy Yogo, Sara Sereme, Serge Tall, Kanwoussou Tall, Christophe Dima, Germain Bationo Burkina Faso: Political imprisonment and the use of torture from 1983 to 1988 WARAN 04/88 - Burkina Faso: Political imprisonment and torture Update to WARAN 04/88 - Burkina Faso: Political imprisonment and torture Further information on medical letter-writing action - Burkina Faso: Guy Yogo and Sara Sereme (see AFR 60/07/88) Further information on UA 148/88 - Burkina Faso: Legal concern / Fear of torture: Guy Yogo, Sara Sereme, Serge Tall, Kanwoussou Tall, Christophe Dima, Germain Bationo Zaire: Amnesty International concerns between January 1987 and January 1988 UA 15/88 - Fear of ill-treatment/legal concern: Tshisekedi wa Mulumba Further information on UA 15/88 - Zaire: Fear of illtreatment/legal concern: Tshisekedi wa Mulumba Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action Zaire: Possible detention of two psychiatrists Zaire: Government authorities list Further information on UA 15/88 - Zaire: Fear of illtreatment/Legal concern: Tshisekedi wa Mulumba UA 91/88 - Zaire: Health concern: Kyungu Mukange UA 96/88 - Zaire: Legal concern: Bijanu Mutunda, Birindwa ci Birhashira, Kabeya Kasuku, Kadima Mutuntu, Tshisekedi wa Mulumba CAFRAN 04/88 - "Disappearance" of Zairian refugees living in Tanzania CAFRAN 0588 - Zaire: Human rights violations in Kivu region Further information on UA 96/88 - Zaire: Legal concern: Bijanu Mutunda, Birindwa ci Birhashira, Kabeya Kasuku, Kadima Mutuntu, Kyungu Mukange, Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, Kanana Tshiongo, Mukandila Mpiana, Nsita, Nkengele wa Kawila, Dr Ndiadia Zaire: Background to the arrests of members of the Union pour la democratie et le progres social (UDPS) during the first half of 1988 Recommended case action: Untried political detainees in Zaire Background information for cases of political prisoners detained or banished in Zaire 733/321 733/322 733/323 AFR 62/15/88 AFR 62/16/88 AFR 62/17/88 733/324 AFR 62/18/88 733/325 AFR 62/19/88 733/326 AFR 62/20/88 733/327 AFR 62/21/88 Zaire: Government authorities list CAFRAN 07/88 - Zaire: Fair trial concerns Further information on UA 96/88 - Zaire: Legal Concern: Bijanu Mutunda, Birindwa ci Birhashira, Kabeya Kasuku, Kadima Mutuntu, Kyungu Mukange, Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, Kanana Tshiongo, Mukandila Mpiana, Nsita, Nkengele wa Kawila, Dr Ndiadia, Kakonge, Mangala Zaire: Further information on UA 15/88 (Tshisekedi wa Mulumba) and further information on UA 96/88 (Bijanu Mutunda and others) Further information on UA 96/88 - Zaire: Legal concern: Kabeya Kasuku, Kadima Mutuntu, Kyungu Mukange, Kanana Tshiongo, Mukandila Mpiana, Nsita, Nkengele wa Kawila, Dr Ndiadia, Kakonge, Mangala Further information on UA 96/88 - Zaire: Legal concern: Kyungu Mukange, Kakonge (ex-Roger) Zaire: Government authorities list 733/328 733/329 733/330 733/331 733/332 733/333 733/334 AMR 01/01/88 AMR 02/01/88 AMR 02/02/88 AMR 03/01/88 AMR 05/01/88 AMR 13/01/88 AMR 13/02/88 733/335 AMR 13/03/88 733/336 AMR 13/04/88 733/337 AMR 13/05/88 733/338 AMR 13/06/88 733/339/340 AMR 13/07/88 733/341 AMR 13/08/88 733/342 733/343 733/344 733/345 AMR 15/01/88 AMR 18/01/88 AMR 18/02/88 AMR 18/03/88 733/346 733/347 AMR 19/01/88 AMR 19/02/88 733/348 733/349 733/350 AMR 19/03/88 AMR 19/04/88 AMR 19/05/88 733/351 AMR 19/06/88 733/352 AMR 19/07/88 733/353 733/354 AMR 19/08/88 AMR 19/09/88 733/355 733/356 733/357 AMR 19/10/88 AMR 19/11/88 AMR 19/12/88 733/358 733/359 733/360 733/361 733/362 AMR 19/13/88 AMR 19/14/88 AMR 19/15/88 AMR 19/16/88 AMR 19/17/88 Americas RAN Bulletin : Issue 2 Central America: Summary of recent concerns CASA RAN survey for 1987 Andean RAN survey for 1987 English speaking Caribbean Death Penalty Dossier Argentina: Government authorities Update to PABRAN 07/87 - Argentina: Child born in secret camp identified: Maria Victoria Moyano (Update to AMR 13/07/87 Argentina: Missing children - latest developments) Update to PABRAN 08/87 - Argentina: Update on seven political prisoners (Updates AMR 13/08/87 Appeal for seven political prisoners) Further information on Medical Letter-Writing Action Argentina: Doctor convicted of torture released under "due obedience" law Follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - Argentina: Doctor convicted of torture released under "due obedience" law PABRAN 06/88 - Argentina: Tucuman case and appeal for six political prisoners Argentina: Missing children - further information Further information on PABRAN 08/88 - Argentina: Missing children update: National Genetic Data Bank Barbados: The death penalty Bolivia: Government authorities ARAN 04/88 - Bolivia: Miner's right to a fair trial denied ARAN 06/88 - Bolivia: Police killing of student Marco Antonio Uria Oropeza Brazil: Government authorities PABRAN 03/88 - Brazil: Police killings of miners at Tocantins Bridge Brazil: Briefing and research paper order amendment form Brazil campaign: Circular 1 - General activities Brazil campaign - Circular 2 : Religious target sector approaches. Violent assaults on church workers in rural Brazil Brazil campaign - Circular 3 : Actions for lawyers. Unlawful killing and harassment of lawyers in Brazil Brazil campaign - Circular 4 : Approaches to trade unions. Brazil: Political killings of peasant and trade union leaders Brazil campaign: Circular 5 - Approaches to various target sectors Brazil campaign: Circular 6 - Approaches to the European Parliament and to financial and commercial bodies Brazil campaign: Circular 7 - Approaches to anthropologists Brazil campaign: Circular 9 - Recommended minimum program Brazil: Cases of killings and ill-treatment of indigenous people (& errata) Brazil Campaign - Circular 10 : Photograph order form Brazil campaign - Circular 11 : Address lists Brazil campaign circular 12 : Transcripts of video clips Brazil: Authorized violence in rural areas Brazil Briefing: Killing with impunity 733/363 733/364 733/365 733/366 733/367 733/368 734/1 734/2 734/3 734/4 734/5 734/6 734/7 734/8 734/9 734/10 734/-734/11 734/12 734/13 734/14 734/15 734/16 734/17 734/18 734/19 734/20 734/21 734/22 734/23 734/24 734/25 AMR 19/18/88 Brazil campaign errata AMR 19/19/88 Brazil campaign: Open letter to state governors AMR 19/20/88 AI News Release: Brazilian government must act to end killing of peasants by hired gunmen, says Amnesty International AMR 19/21/88 Brazil: Updated information on cases in documents issued in September 1988 AMR 19/22/88 UA 289/88 - Brazil: Death in custody: Velario Damasio Macuxi AMR 19/23/88 UA 335/88 - Brazil: Possible extrajudicial execution: Joao Carlos Batista AMR 22/01/88 CHAN 01/88 - Chile: "Disappearances": Five new cases AMR 22/02/88 UA 03/88 - Chile: Death threats: Miguel Angel Alfaro and German Oschsenius AMR 22/03/88 Further information on UA 307/87 - Chile: Television and theatre actors, writers and directors: Carla Cristi AMR 22/04/88 Further information on UA 307/87 - Chile: Monica Garcia AMR 22/05/88 Chile Briefing: Order amendment form AMR 22/06/88 Chile Campaign (18 May - end July 1988): Circular 1 - Order form for photo-display ("Disappearances in Chile: Images of the search") AMR 22/07/88 Further information on UA 284/87 - Chile: Legal concern: Manuel Bustos and 4 others AMR 22/08/88 Further information on UA 307/87 - Chile: Television and theatre actors, writers, directors AMR 22/09/88 Chile Campaign: circular 2 - Order for video "No Olvidar" AMR 22/10/88 Chile Campaign: Circular 3 - order form for poster AMR 22/11/88 Not issued AMR 22/12/88 Chile: 15 death penalty cases: further developments (Update 2 to CHAN 06/87) AMR 22/13/88 Chile Briefing: "Disappearances": The truth must be revealed AMR 22/14/88 Chile Campaign (18 May - 31 July 1988) Circular 4: "Asi lo hemos vivido" - "This is our story". Drawings by the relatives of the disappeared prisoners AMR 22/15/88 Chile Campaign circular 5: Strategy and recommended actions AMR 22/16/88 Chile: Campaign circular 6: List of "disappeared" prisoners AMR 22/17/88 Further information on UA 307/87 - Chile: Television and theatre actors, writers, directors AMR 22/18/88 Chile Campaign Circular 7 - Poems about the "disappeared" by Chilean poet Ariel Dorfman AMR 22/19/88 Chile campaign circular 8 - "Disappearances" in Chile: A selection of individual cases AMR 22/20/88 Chile Campaign circular 9 - Order form for photographs AMR 22/21/88 "Disappearances" in Chile: Images of the search AMR 22/22/88 Chile: Campaign circular 10: Questions and Answers AMR 22/23/88 UA 70/88 - Chile: Death threats AMR 22/24/88 Further information on UA 03/88 - Chile: Death threats: Miguel Angel Alfaro AMR 22/25/88 CHAN 02/88 - Chile: Secret detention centres still in operation AMR 22/26/88 Update to CHAN 01/88 - Chile: Five "disappearances" in September 1987 : Further information 734/26 734/27 734/28 734/29 734/30 734/31 734/32 734/33 734/34 734/35 734/36 734/37 734/38 734/39 734/40 734/41 734/42 734/43 734/44 734/45 734/46 734/47 734/48 734/49 734/50 734/51 734/52 AMR 22/27/88 AI News Release: Amnesty International calls on the Chilean government to release information on the "disappeared" AMR 22/28/88 Further information on UA 284/87 - Chile: Legal concern: Manuel Bustos, Arturo Martinez, Moises Labrana AMR 22/29/88 Chile Action Network: CHAN survey for 1987 AMR 22/30/88 Chile: Harassment of women: The case of Fresia Mellado Opazo AMR 22/31/88 CHAN 03/88 - Chile: Arrest and harassment of journalists in 1988 AMR 22/32/88 CHAN 04/87 (Update 3) - Chile: Second anniversary of the burning of two youths by a military patrol AMR 22/33/88 Chile: Eight cases of torture AMR 22/34/88 UA 177/88 - Chile: Death threats: Adolfo Garces Scholer, Gino Sartori Munoz, Oscar Jara Duran, Fernando Fuentes Ramirez, Luis Morales de la Pina, Mary Espinoza Celis, Luis Jara Aedo AMR 22/35/88 CHAN 04/88 - Chile: Intimidation and harassment by clandestine groups AMR 22/36/88 Medical Letter-Writing Action - Chile: Medical concern: Jose Abelardo Moya Toro AMR 22/37/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 1 : Central government and military authorities AMR 22/38/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 2 : Judiciary AMR 22/39/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 3 : Police and prisons AMR 22/40/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 4 : Human rights organizations AMR 22/41/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 5 : Church AMR 22/42/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 6 : Professional and women's groups and trade unions AMR 22/43/88 Chile: Government authorities list and other useful addresses. Section 9 : Political parties AMR 22/44/88 Chile: The imprisonment of Clodomiro Almeyda Medina AMR 22/45/88 UA 208/88 - Chile: Legal Concern: Eduardo Valencia, Mauricio Rodriguez, Jose Hidalgo AMR 22/46/88 UA 209/88 - Chile: Legal Concern: Alvaro Rojas AMR 22/47/88 Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action -Chile: Pedro Enrique Mella Contreras AMR 22/48/88 Regional News Item: Secret groups linked to security forces step up political repression in Chile, says Amnesty International AMR 22/49/88 Further information on UA 284/87 - Chile: Legal Concern: Manuel Bustos, Arturo Martinez AMR 22/50/88 Further information on UA 208/88 - Chile: Legal Concern: Eduardo Valencia, Mauricio Rodriguez, Jose Hidalgo AMR 22/51/88 Further information on UA 209/88 - Chile: Legal Concern: Alvaro Rojas AMR 22/52/88 Chile: Military appeals court commutes three more death sentences AMR 22/53/88 Further information on UA 284/87 - Chile: Legal concern: Manuel Bustos, Arturo Martinez 734/53 734/54 734/55 734/56 734/57 734/58 734/59 734/60 734/61 734/62 734/63 734/64 734/-734/65 734/66 734/67 734/68 734/69 734/70 734/71 734/72 734/73 734/74 734/75 734/76 734/77 AMR 22/54/88 Further information on UA 208/88 - Chile: Legal concern: Eduardo Valencia, Mauricio Rodriguez, Jose Hidalgo AMR 22/55/88 Chile: Release of Clodomiro Almeyda AMR 22/56/88 Chile: Government authorities (update) AMR 23/01/88 Colombia Briefing: Order amendment form AMR 23/02/88 Colombia: New head of Antioquia's Human Rights Committee shot dead (Follow-up to ARAN 18/88 (AMR 23/41/87)) AMR 23/03/88 Colombia: Violence against trade union leaders continues AMR 23/04/88 Colombia campaign: 20 April to 10 September 1988: Main action circular AMR 23/05/88 Colombia Campaign: 20 April to 10 September 1988 - Circular for small sections or groups without a section AMR 23/06/88 Colombia campaign: Questions and Answers to assist groups and sections AMR 23/07/88 Colombia campaign: Approaches to trade unions AMR 23/08/88 Further information on UA 158/87 - Colombia: Death threat / fear of extrajudicial execution: Natanael Ceron Diaz AMR 23/09/88 Colombia campaign: Appeal cases AMR 23/10/88 Not issued AMR 23/11/88 Colombia: Further killings in cement factory of Puerto Nare (Update to AMR 23/03/88) AMR 23/12/88 Colombia campaign: Address lists AMR 23/13/88 Colombia campaign: Order form for photographs AMR 23/14/88 Colombia: Briefing: A human rights emergency AMR 23/15/88 Colombia Campaign: Order form for BBC documentary: "Who killed Hebert Marin?" AMR 23/16/88 Colombia campaign: Captions for exhibition of photographs AMR 23/17/88 UA 60/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Wilson Ortiz, Hermes Giraldo, Tarcisio Medina Charry AMR 23/18/88 UA 61/88 - Colombia: Fear of torture: Francisco Cantillo AMR 23/19/88 ARAN 03/88 - Colombia: 25 new political killings in the Uraba region AMR 23/20/88 UA 85/88 - Colombia: "Disappearances" / Extrajudicial executions: Jaime Tellez, Marlene Caraballo, Luis Antonio Bohorquez, Alfonso Cujavante Acevedo, Rodrigo Hoyos, Jesus Anibal Parra AMR 23/21/88 AI News Release: Colombia in grip of human rights emergency, says Amnesty International AMR 23/22/88 UA 86/88 - Colombia: Mass killing of peasants: Juan Saens Martinez, Donaldo Benitez Benitez, Dionisio Benitez Benitez, Tomas Rivero Aguirre, Pedro Pablo Marquez Benitez, Carlos Marquez Benitez, Oscar Sierra Mercado, Ivan Acevedo, Rogelio Mejia Medrano, Silvio Perez Perez, Silvio Melendez, Cleto Martinez Martinez, Tomas Berrio Weldes, Luis Sierra, Fredy Martinez, Jose Guevara, Domingo Salas, Carmen Barragan, Jaime Paternina, Ramon Nisperusa, Matencio Saenz, Silverio Saenz, Juan Ruiz, Marco Martinez and four others AMR 23/23/88 UA 90/88 - Colombia: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Asdrubal Jimenez Vaca 734/78 734/79 734/80 734/81 734/82 734/83 734/84 734/85 734/86 734/87 734/88 734/89 734/-734/90 734/91 734/92 734/93 734/94 734/95 734/96 734/97 734/98 734/99 734/100 734/101 734/102 734/103 734/104 734/105 AMR 23/24/88 UA 98/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Gabriel Antonio Barco Diaz AMR 23/25/88 Further information on UA 98/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Gabriel Antonio Barco Diaz AMR 23/26/88 UA 102/88 - Colombia: Fear of "disappearance": Fernando Erazo Murcia and Berta Lucia Martinez del Rio AMR 23/27/88 UA 106/88 - Colombia: "Disappearances": Hernan Mendez Villagra and Exequiel Asaiza AMR 23/28/88 UA 118/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Eugenio Mazabuel Lopez AMR 23/29/88 UA 124/88 - Colombia: Extrajudicial executions: Juan Diego Arango Morales, Ildebrando Lora Giraldo, Carlos Gonima Lopez AMR 23/30/88 Further information on UA 118/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Eugenio Mazabuel Lopez AMR 23/31/88 Further information on UA 60/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Tarcisio Medina Charry AMR 23/32/88 Colombia: Concern about physical safety of Indian leader released from unacknowledged detention AMR 23/33/88 UA 149/88 - Colombia: Fear of torture: Camilo Cardona Ocampo AMR 23/34/88 Colombia: Further information on the killing of banana plantation workers in Uraba, Antioquia Department (see AMR 23/19/88) AMR 23/35/88 UA 163/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Nilson Sierra Gomez and Leonardo Amaya AMR 23/36/88 Not issued AMR 23/37/88 UA 173/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Christian Roa AMR 23/38/88 UA 175/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Hernando Bustos Devia, Oscar Trujillo Ramirez AMR 23/39/88 Colombia address lists - Update AMR 23/40/88 Colombia: Letter from Brigadier General Puyana Garcia to AI members AMR 23/41/88 UA 204/88 - Colombia: Extrajudicial Executions: Luis Antonio Martinez Duarte, Juan Jose Hernandez, Alirio Zarza Martinez AMR 23/42/88 UA 218/88 - Colombia: "Disappearances": Javier Castillo, Luis Arevalo Blanco AMR 23/43/88 UA 222/88 - Colombia: Possible extrajudicial executions: Beatriz Monsalve, Luzmila Collantes AMR 23/44/88 UA 230/88 - Colombia: Fear of "Disappearance": Donald Gomez AMR 23/45/88 UA 237/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Rene Herreno Ortega AMR 23/46/88 Medical Letter-Writing Action - Colombia: Medical concern: Nelson de Jesus Alzate Sanchez AMR 23/47/88 Further information on UA 230/88 - Colombia: Fear of "disappearance": Donald Gomez AMR 23/48/88 Further information on ARAN 13/86 - Colombia: Additional information on the killing of two members of parliament: Pedro Nel Jimenez Obando and Leonardo Posada Pedraza AMR 23/49/88 Further information on UA 60/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Tarcisio Medina Charry AMR 23/50/88 Colombia: Death in custody: Carlos Arturo Munoz Giron AMR 23/51/88 Colombia: Killing, "disappearance" and harassment of Indians AMR 23/52/88 Colombia: Medical concern: Maria Antonia Espitia Barrero 734/106 734/107 734/108 734/109 734/110 734/111 734/112 734/113 734/114 734/115 734/116 734/117 734/118 734/119 734/120 734/121 734/122 734/123 734/124 734/125 734/126 734/127 734/128 734/129 734/130 734/131 AMR 23/53/88 UA 276/88 - Colombia: Death threats: Angela Tobon Puertas AMR 23/54/88 UA 277/88 - Colombia: Legal concern: Fabiola de Lalinde and Jorge Lalinde AMR 23/55/88 UA 279/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Horacio Flores Silva AMR 23/56/88 Colombia: Four trade unionists killed in Uraba AMR 23/57/88 Follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action -Colombia: Nelson de Jesus Alzate Sanchez (see AMR 23/46/88) AMR 23/58/88 Further information on UA 277/88 - Colombia: Legal concern: Fabiola de Lalinde, Jorge Lalinde AMR 23/59/88 UA 303/88 - Colombia: Mass killings: Killing of over 40 people in Segovia AMR 23/60/88 UA 304/88 - Colombia: Death threats: Padre Jorge Eduardo Serrano Ordonez AMR 23/61/88 UA 316/88 - Colombia: Fear of "disappearance": Francisco Antonio Arbelaez, Rodrigo Sanchez AMR 23/62/88 Further information on UA 173/88 - Colombia: "Disappearance": Christian Roa AMR 23/63/88 Further information on UA 316/88 - Colombia: Fear of "disappearance": Francisco Antonio Arbelaez, Rodrigo Sanchez AMR 23/64/88 Colombia: Death threats against priests AMR 23/65/88 Further information on UA 303/88 - Colombia: Mass killings: Killing of over 40 people in Segovia AMR 25/01/88 Further information on UA 316/87 - Cuba: Health concern: Eduardo Crespo Govea AMR 25/02/88 Cuba: Political imprisonment - an update (Updates AMR 25/06/86) AMR 25/03/88 CARRAN 01/88 - Cuba: Fernando Villalon Moreira AMR 25/04/88 Cuba: Recent developments affecting the situation of political prisoners and the use of the death penalty AMR 25/05/88 AI News Release: Steps taken to improve Cuban human rights situation, says Amnesty International AMR 25/06/88 UA 311/88 - Cuba: Death penalty: Evangelisto Almaguer Guillen AMR 26/01/88 CARRAN 03/88 - Dominica: Eric Joseph AMR 27/01/88 Further information on UA 359/87 - Dominican Republic: Legal concern/fear of refoulement: Elie Moise and two other Haitian refugees AMR 27/02/88 UA 67/88 - Dominican Republic: Legal concern: Victor Geronimo, Isidro Torres, Vinicio Nin, Frank Valdes, Johnny Portorreal and others AMR 27/03/88 Further information on UA 67/88 - Dominican Republic: Legal concern: Victor Geronimo, Isidro Torres, Vinicio Nin, Frank Valdes, Johnny Portorreal and others AMR 28/01/88 UA 140/88 - Ecuador: "Disappearance": Manuel Garcia Franco AMR 28/02/88 Ecuador: Government authorities AMR 29/01/88 UA 21/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture/"disappearance": Jose Edilberto Espinoza Abrego, Cristobal Lara Ramos, Adrian Portillo, Eleuterio Ramirez, Santiago Ruiz, Vicente Olivar, Miguel Angel Callejas, Jose Erasmo Cordoba, Ramiro Castellanos and Transito Umana 734/132 734/133 734/134 734/135 734/136 734/137 734/138 734/139 734/140 734/141 734/142 734/143 734/144 734/145 734/146 734/147 734/148 734/149 734/150 734/151 734/152 AMR 29/02/88 UA 30/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture / "disappearance" / extrajudicial executions: Abuses and threats directed at displaced persons and those assisting them, in and around the San Jose Calle Real camp for the displaced, north of the capital San Salvador AMR 29/03/88 Medical Letter-Writing Action - El Salvador: Death in custody: Gerardo Hernandez Torres AMR 29/04/88 UA 38/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture: Eugenio Leopoldo Galdamez Gomez and Victor Antonio Galdamez Lara AMR 29/05/88 Further information on UA 38/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture: Eugenio Leopoldo Galdamez Gomez and Victor Antonio Galdamez Lara AMR 29/06/88 UA 43/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture: Miguel Angel Montenegro and Pablo Martinez AMR 29/07/88 El Salvador: Investigation into killing of Herbert Anaya: New developments (with stop press) AMR 29/08/88 UA 65/88 - El Salvador: "Disappearance": Sebastian Gutierrez, Lucas Arias Chavez, Maria Ofelia Rodriguez Flores, Ofelia Chavez, Salvador Melara Chavez, Mario Melara Chavez AMR 29/09/88 Follow-up to CASA 09/87 (AMR 29/29/87) - El Salvador: "Disappearance" of three trade unionists following May Day demonstrations AMR 29/10/88 Follow-up to CASA 11/87 - El Salvador: Further information to AMR 29/31/87 : Alleged attempted extrajudicial execution of three peasants in the department of Chalatenango AMR 29/11/88 UA 82/88 - El Salvador: Extrajudicial execution: Oscar Leonel Corado Martinez AMR 29/12/88 CASA 07/88 - El Salvador: Four cases of extrajudicial execution by the Salvadorian armed forces AMR 29/13/88 CASA 08/88 - El Salvador: Investigation into the legal situation of 14 prisoners who have not benefitted from the October 1987 amnesty AMR 29/14/88 UA 184/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture: Fidel Angel Quintanilla AMR 29/15/88 Further information on UA 184/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture: Fidel Angel Quintanilla AMR 29/16/88 UA 189/88 - El Salvador: "Disappearance": Eliseo Cordova Aguilar AMR 29/17/88 El Salvador: Government authorities AMR 29/18/88 Follow-up to CASA 07/88 - El Salvador: Follow-up: Four cases of extrajudicial execution by the Salvadorian armed forces (updates AMR 29/12/88) AMR 29/19/88 CASA 10/88 - El Salvador: "Disappearance" of Balbino and Lorenzo Ramos Elias AMR 29/20/88 UA 245/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture / Unacknowledged detention / Health concern: Arrests of university staff and students and of trade unionists on 13 September 1988 AMR 29/21/88 El Salvador: "Death squads" - A government strategy AMR 29/22/88 El Salvador: Recommended actions in conjunction with a research paper entitled: "Death squads" - A government strategy 734/153 734/154 734/155 734/156 734/157 734/158 734/159 734/160 734/161 734/162 734/163 734/164 734/165 734/166 734/167 734/168 734/169 734/170 734/171 734/172 AMR 29/23/88 Further information on UA 245/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture / Unacknowledged detention / Health concern: Arrests of university staff and students and of trade unionists on 13 September 1988 AMR 29/24/88 AI News Release: El Salvador's human rights hit by renewed wave of "death squad" killings, says Amnesty International AMR 29/25/88 Further information on UA 21/88 - El Salvador: Fear of torture/"Disappearance": Jose Edilberto Espinoza Abrego, Cristobal Lara Ramos, Adrian Portillo, Eleuterio Ramirez, Santiago Ruiz, Vicente Olivar, Miguel Angel Callejas, Jose Erasmo Cordoba, Ramiro Castellanos, Transito Umana AMR 29/26/88 UA 271/88 - El Salvador: "Disappearance": Daniel Huezo AMR 29/27/88 El Salvador: Questions and Answers AMR 29/28/88 Further information on UA 271/88 - El Salvador: "Disappearance": Daniel Huezo AMR 29/29/88 UA 285/88 - El Salvador: Fear of "disappearance": Raquel Portillo AMR 29/30/88 Further information on UA 285/88 - El Salvador: Fear of "disappearance": Raquel Portillo AMR 29/31/88 UA 300/88 - El Salvador: "Disappearance": Andres Martinez, Adan Santos, Maria Cristina Mejia, Rufina Figueroa, Herculano Mendez AMR 29/32/88 CASA 20/88 - El Salvador: Extrajudicial execution of ten peasants AMR 29/33/88 UA 347/88 - El Salvador: Fear of "disappearance": Fidelina Diaz, Evaristo Ventura, Maria Candelaria Marquez, Patrocinio Martinez, Calixto Perez, Jose Vidal Interiano Diaz, Jose Esquivel Garcia, Jose Santos Ceron Vasquez, Andres Colindres Vasquez, Pedro Armando Colindres Panameno AMR 34/01/88 UA 26/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Tomas Tujal Cocon AMR 34/02/88 UA 29/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Jose Mecia Ramirez, Antonio Mecia Ramirez, Diego Sicay Puluc and Gaspar Yataz Pablo AMR 34/03/88 Further information on UA 312/87 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Jose Ruiz Ramirez, Jose Velasquez Garcia and Danilo Morales AMR 34/04/88 UA 42/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Ana Elizabeth Paniagua Morales AMR 34/05/88 UA 45/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Mariano Xocj Tsorin AMR 34/06/88 Further information on UA 29/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Jose Mecia Ramirez, Antonio Mecia Ramirez, Diego Sicay Puluc and Gaspar Yataz Pablo AMR 34/07/88 Further information on UA 42/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Ana Elizabeth Paniagua Morales AMR 34/08/88 UA 50/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Rodrigo Gomez Quisquina, Roberto Gomez Quisquina, Leonso Gomez Quisquina, Manuel Gomez Quisquina, Roberto Quisquina Ajpus, Pedro Gomez, Geronimo Chouai AMR 34/09/88 Further information on UA 29/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Jose Mecia Ramirez and Antonio Mecia Ramirez 734/173 AMR 34/10/88 Further information on UA 291/87 - Guatemala: "Disappearance" / Death threats: Danilo Sergio Alvarado Mejia, Rene Haroldo Leiva Caxaj 734/174 AMR 34/11/88 CASA 04/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance" and killing of Danilo Sergio Alvarado Mejia and Rene Haroldo Leiva Caxaj 734/175 AMR 34/12/88 UA 79/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Amilcar Mendez Zurita 734/176 AMR 34/13/88 Further information on UA 45/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Mariano Xocj Tsorin 734/177 AMR 34/14/88 Further information on UA 45/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Mariano Xocj Tsorin 734/178 AMR 34/15/88 UA 130/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Gaspar Mendoza y Mendoza and Gaspar Mendoza Mendoza 734/179 AMR 34/16/88 UA 132/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Diego Ramirez Sosos 734/180 AMR 34/17/88 Further information on UA 130/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Gaspar Mendoza y Mendoza and Gaspar Mendoza Mendoza 734/181 AMR 34/18/88 UA 168/88 - Guatemala: Death threats 734/182/183 AMR 34/18/88 UA 168/88 - Guatemala: Death threats -(corrections) 734/184 AMR 34/19/88 UA 192/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Adrian Guerra Roca 734/185 AMR 34/20/88 UA 194/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Amilcar Mendez Urizar 734/186 AMR 34/21/88 UA 198/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Ventura Lux Herrera 734/187 AMR 34/22/88 Further information on UA 192/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Adrian Guerra Roca 734/188 AMR 34/23/88 Guatemala: Government authorities 734/189 AMR 34/24/88 CASA 11/88 - Guatemala: Death threats against relatives of victims of extrajudicial execution 734/190 AMR 34/25/88 UA 244/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Father Andres Giron 734/191 AMR 34/26/88 CASA 14/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance" of Martin Juracan Tos, Jordan Solis Solis and Bonifacio Solis Salazar 734/192 AMR 34/27/88 Follow-up 1 to CASA 11/88 - Guatemala: Further information regarding death threats received by relatives of victims of extrajudicial execution 734/193 AMR 34/28/88 CASA 16/88 - Guatemala: Death threats against human rights worker in El Quiche 734/194 AMR 34/29/88 CASA 17/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance" of Pedro Cumes Perez and killing of Valerio Chijal and Pedro Pablo Ramos 734/195 AMR 34/30/88 UA 296/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Miguel Ventura Zapeta, Andres Lopez Lopez 734/196 AMR 34/31/88 Further information on UA 296/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Miguel Ventura Zapeta, Andres Lopez Lopez 734/197 AMR 34/32/88 UA 309/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Eldeodoro Ardon Camey 734/198 AMR 34/33/88 Further information on UA 296/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Miguel Ventura Zapeta and Andres Lopez Lopez 734/199 734/200 734/201 734/202 734/203 734/204 734/205 734/206 734/207 734/208 734/209 734/210 734/211 734/212 734/213 734/214 734/215 734/216 734/217 734/218 734/219 734/220 734/221 734/222 734/223 AMR 34/34/88 Further information on UA 309/88 - Guatemala: Fear of "disappearance": Eldeodoro Ardon Camey AMR 34/35/88 UA 321/88 - Guatemala: Fear of torture / "disappearance": Tomas Calel Lares AMR 34/36/88 Further information on UA 321/88 - Guatemala: Fear of torture / "disappearance": Tomas Calel Lares AMR 34/37/88 Further information on UA 296/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Miguel Ventura Zapeta, Andres Lopez Lopez AMR 34/38/88 Further information on UA 296/88 - Guatemala: "Disappearance": Miguel Ventura Zapeta, Andres Lopez Lopez AMR 34/39/88 UA 357/88 - Guatemala: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Cirilo Tzoc Zacarias AMR 36/01/88 UA 08/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Joe Lucy AMR 36/02/88 UA 12/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Mass arrests AMR 36/03/88 Further information on UA 364/87 - Haiti: Legal concern/fear of torture, and/or extrajudicial execution: Gesner Dieu and 23 others AMR 36/04/88 Further information on UA 12/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Mass arrests AMR 36/05/88 UA 16/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Alert Elveus AMR 36/06/88 Further information on UA 08/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Joe Lucy AMR 36/07/88 Further information on UA 12/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Mass arrests AMR 36/08/88 Further information on UA 354/87 - Haiti: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Ronald Philippe AMR 36/09/88 UA 31/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Recent arrests AMR 36/10/88 UA 34/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Edner Dorsainville AMR 36/11/88 Further information on UA 12/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: mass arrests AMR 36/12/88 Further information on UA 31/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: recent arrests AMR 36/13/88 Further information on UA 354/88 - Haiti: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Ronald Philippe AMR 36/14/88 Further information on UA 34/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Edner Dorsainville AMR 36/15/88 Further information on UA 215/87 - Haiti: Fear of illtreatment/legal concern: Chilneus Dorceant, Bernard Bertrand, Yves Joachim AMR 36/16/88 Haiti: Government authorities AMR 36/17/88 UA 128/88 - Haiti: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Fadine JeanLouis, Robert Metayer, Henriques Eltine, Bonel Jean-Baptiste, Dieulan Corgelas, Francois Jesilus, Mme Josephe Theophane (Catholic laypeople involved in local grassroots organizations in the Jean-Rabel area, including "Tet Ansamn" ("Heads Together") AMR 36/18/88 UA 129/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Rene Pierre Louis AMR 36/19/88 UA 137/88 - Haiti: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Solivert Belizaire Toussaint (member of "Tet Ansamn" movement ("Heads 734/224 AMR 36/20/88 734/225 AMR 36/21/88 734/226 AMR 36/22/88 734/227 AMR 36/23/88 734/228 AMR 36/24/88 734/229 AMR 36/25/88 734/230 AMR 36/26/88 734/231 AMR 36/27/88 734/232 734/233 AMR 36/28/88 AMR 36/29/88 734/234 AMR 36/30/88 734/235 AMR 36/31/88 734/236 AMR 36/32/88 734/237 AMR 36/33/88 734/238 AMR 36/34/88 734/239 734/240 AMR 36/35/88 AMR 36/36/88 734/241 AMR 36/37/88 734/242 AMR 36/38/88 734/243 AMR 36/39/88 Together"), a Catholic peasant community development organization Further information on UA 08/88 - Haiti: Health concern: Joe Lucy UA 153/88 - Haiti: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Sainrilus Sainterlien, Antoine Saintville, Vital Saintville, Mme Octave Villefranc, Nael Renosier, Marcel Brutus, Pere Eurisme Louime and other members and supporters of Floup-Got, a Catholic development organization in the area of Fond Verrettes UA 162/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Roger Savain, Roger Savain Junior, Robert Benodin, Mireille Benodin, Lionel Desgranges, Jean Narces Lescouflair, Rodney Marcellus, Frantz Jean Louis, Harry Carrenard, Jean Yves Noel, Georges Noel, Samy H. Williams, Pierre Richard Pierre, Reynold Ariste, Joseph Maxime, Jean Bogart, Jean Pyram, Jacques Douyon Haiti: Further information on UAs 128/88, 129/88, 137/88, 08/88, 153/88 (addresses for appeals following coup) Further information on UA 162/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Roger Savain and others UA 169/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Rene Louis, Etienne Philoctete and others UA 182/88 - Haiti: Possible extrajudicial execution: Maitre Lafontant Joseph Medical Letter-Writing Action - Haiti: Medical concern: Joe Lucy (also known as Joseph Pierre) UA 211/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/legal concern: Sergo Joseph UA 217/88 - Haiti: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Frantz Pascal, Larilien Lormil UA 221/88 - Haiti: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Vincent Etienne, Dony Axeus, Alex Alexandre, Armand Louismon Further information on UA 211/88 - Haiti: Fear of Torture/Legal Concern: Sergo Joseph Further information on UA 217/88 - Haiti: Legal Concern/Fear of Torture: Frantz Pascal, Larilien Lormil Further information on UA 169/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Rene Louis, Etienne Philoctete UA 242/88 - Haiti: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Father JeanBertrand Aristide and others Haiti: Government authorities Further information on UA 169/88 and UA 211/88 - Fear of torture/Legal concern; Further information on UA 221/88 and UA 242/88 - Fear of extrajudicial execution UA 268/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Madame Cirius Casseus, Madame Pierre, Mallet, Poudy, Clemont, Gedeus Porestil and two others Further information on UA 268/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Madame Cirius Casseus, Madame Pierre, Mallet, Poudy, Clemont, Gedeus Porestil and two others UA 282/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture and/or extrajudicial execution/legal concern: Patrick Frantz Beauchard, Pierre-Louis 734/244 AMR 36/40/88 734/245 734/246 AMR 36/41/88 AMR 36/42/88 734/247 AMR 36/43/88 734/248 AMR 36/44/88 734/249 AMR 36/45/88 734/250 AMR 36/46/88 734/251 734/252 AMR 37/01/88 AMR 37/02/88 734/253 AMR 37/03/88 734/254 AMR 37/04/88 734/255 AMR 37/05/88 734/256 AMR 37/06/88 734/257 AMR 37/07/88 734/258 AMR 37/08/88 734/259 AMR 37/09/88 734/260 AMR 37/10/88 734/261 AMR 37/11/88 Faudresse, Germain Sonthonax, Philemon Rene, Vilex Saintil, Althidor Jean-Alixon, Delile Fricot, Septembre Luckner, Jean Mathieu, Joseph Clebert, Cangar Robert, Timothee Jean-Frank, Figaro Getry Further information on UA 282/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture and/or extrajudicial execution / legal concern: Patrick Frantz Beauchard, Pierre-Louis Faudresse, Germain Sonthonax, Philemon Rene, Vilex Saintil, Althidor Jean-Alixon, Delile Fricot, Septembre Luckner, Jean Mathieu, Joseph Clebert, Cangar Robert, Timothee Jean-Frank, Figaro Getry, Joseph Job, Oupette Gasner Haiti: Current concerns CARRAN 04/88 - Haiti: Call for investigation into human rights abuses UA 324/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture / Extrajudicial executions: Rock Mondesir Further information on UA 324/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture / Extrajudicial execution: Rock Mondesir, Michelet Dubreus, Jean Felix Further information on UA 282/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture and/or extrajudicial execution / legal concern: Patrick Frantz Beauchard, Pierre-Louis Faudresse, Germain Sonthonax, Philemon Rene, Vilex Saintil, Althidor Jean-Alixon, Delile Fricot, Joseph Job, Septembre Luckner, Jean Mathieu, Joseph Clebert, Cangar Robert, Timothee Jean-Frank, Figaro Getry, Oupette Gasner Further information on UA 282/88 - Haiti: Fear of torture and/or extrajudicial execution / legal concern: Patrick Frantz Beauchard, Pierre-Louis Faudresse, Germain Sonthonnax, Philemon Rene, Vilex Saintil, Althidor Jean-Alixon, Delile Fricot, Joseph Job, Septembre Luckner, Jean Mathieu, Joseph Clebert, Cangar Robert, Timothee Jean-Frank, Figaro Getry, Oupette Gasner CASA 19/87 (Extended CASA action): Honduras: Update Honduras: Civilian authority, military power. Human rights violations in the 1980's UA 13/88 - Honduras: Possible extrajudicial execution: Miguel Angel Pavon Salazar and Moises Landaverde Further information on UA 369/87 - Honduras: Fear of extrajudicial execution: Dr Ramon Custodio Lopez AI News Release: Amnesty International calls for investigation of reported Honduran death squad killings UA 110/88 - Honduras: Unacknowledged detention/Fear of torture: Roger Gonzalez UA 178/88 - Honduras: Unacknowledged arrest/Fear of torture: Juan Ramon Flores CASA 09/88 - Honduras: Concern for Salvadorian refugees in Honduras Further information on UA 178/88 - Honduras: Unacknowledged detention/Fear of torture: Juan Ramon Flores CASA 12/88 - Honduras: Threats and intimidation of opposition figures Honduras: Government found responsible for "disappearances" 734/262 734/263 734/264 734/265 734/266 734/267 734/268 734/269 734/270 734/271 734/272 734/273 734/274 734/275 734/276 734/277 734/278 734/279 734/280 734/281 734/282 734/283 734/284 734/285 AMR 37/12/88 UA 288/88 - Honduras: Unacknowledged arrest / Fear of torture: Nelson Antonio Sanchez Rodriguez, Ramon Alfredo Betanco, Francisco Javier Ruiz, Javier Armando Sanchez Aguilar, Juan Bautista Valladares Aguilar, Marco Antonio Chevez Sovermelleri, Jacinto Martinez Davila AMR 37/13/88 Medical Letter-Writing Action - Honduras: Doctor and human rights worker under threat: Dr Ramon Custodio AMR 37/14/88 Further information on UA 288/88 - Honduras: Unacknowledged arrest / Fear of torture: Nelson Antonio Sanchez Rodriguez, Ramon Alfredo Betanco, Francisco Javier Ruiz, Javier Armando Sanchez Aguilar, Javier Bautista Valladares Aguilar, Marco Antonio Chevez Sovermelleri, Jacinto Martinez Davila AMR 37/15/88 Update to CASA 12/88 - Update to Honduras: Threats and intimidation of opposition figures (AMR 37/10/88). Exchange of letters between the Attorney General of the Republic and Amnesty International AMR 38/01/88 Advance notice of action to be taken on the death penalty in Jamaica AMR 38/02/88 Regional News Item: Amnesty International says Jamaican scheduled to be executed may be innocent AMR 38/03/88 Jamaica: The death penalty AMR 38/04/88 CARRAN 02/88 - Allegations of ill-treatment of prisoners in St Catherine's Prison, Jamaica AMR 41/01/88 CASA 03/88 - Mexico: Four men missing after violent eviction in the state of Chiapas AMR 41/02/88 Mexico: "Disappearances" AMR 41/03/88 Follow-up to CASA 06/87 - Mexico: Reinaldo Villa Ferreira AMR 41/04/88 CASA 15/88 - Mexico: Detention and ill-treatment of Gregorio Castanon Lopez AMR 41/05/88 CASA 19/88 - Mexico: Detention of peasant farmer and violent eviction in Chiapas AMR 41/06/88 Mexico: Government authorities and extended address list AMR 43/01/88 Nicaragua: Government authorities AMR 43/02/88 Nicaragua: Imprisonment of opposition party leaders AMR 44/01/88 UA 07/87 - Panama: Health concern: Astrid de Vasquez AMR 44/02/88 Further information on UA 07/88 - Panama: Health concern: Astrid de Vasquez AMR 44/03/88 Further information on UA 289/87 - Panama: Fear of torture: Roberto Arosemena Jaen, Enrique Mora and Leopoldo Augusto Aranda AMR 44/04/88 CASA 02/88 - Summary of Amnesty International's concerns in Panama AMR 44/05/88 Panama: Assault on human rights AMR 44/06/88 Panama: Assault on human rights (Research paper - recommended actions) AMR 44/07/88 UA 62/88 - Panama: Fear of ill-treatment: Enrique Antonio Herrera Cerrud, Bartolo Cisneros, Enrique Mora, Geronimo Fischer, Eduardo Real AMR 44/08/88 AI News Release: Alarming deterioration in Panama's human rights situation, says Amnesty International 734/286 734/287 AMR 44/09/88 Questions and Answers on Panama: Assault on Human Rights AMR 44/10/88 Further information on UA 62/88 - Panama: Fear of ill-treatment: Enrique Antonio Herrera Cerrud, Dr Bartolo Cisneros, Enrique Mora, Geronimo Fischer, Eduardo Real (& correction) 734/288 AMR 44/11/88 Further information on UA 62/88 - Panama: Fear of ill-treatment: Dr Bartolo Cisneros 734/289 AMR 44/12/88 UA 84/88 - Panama: Fear of torture: Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez de la Lastra and Major Cristobal Santiago Fundora 734/290 AMR 44/13/88 Further information on UA 84/88 - Panama: Fear of torture: Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez de la Lastra and Major Cristobal Santiago Fundora 734/291/292 AMR 44/14/88 CASA 05/88 - Panama: Fear of torture, detention without trial 734/293 AMR 44/15/88 CASA 06/88 - Panama: Reported ill-treatment in detention of Enrique Antonio Herrera Cerrud 734/294 AMR 44/16/88 UA 225/88 - Panama: Legal Concern/Fear of Ill-treatment: Isaac M Rodriguez 734/295 AMR 44/17/88 Further information on UA 225/88 - Panama: Legal Concern: Isaac M. Rodriguez 734/296 AMR 44/18/88 UA 306/88 - Panama: Health concern / Legal concern: Alberto Bolivar Conte Magdeleno 734/297 AMR 44/19/88 CASA 21/88 - Panama: Arrest, torture and incommunicado detention of students, trade unionists and members of the opposition 734/298 AMR 44/20/88 Panama: Government authorities 734/299 AMR 45/01/88 Further information on UA 352/87 - Paraguay: Unacknowledged detention/fear of torture: Bernardo Torales 734/300 AMR 45/02/88 Further information on Medical Letter-Writing Action - Paraguay: Napoleon Ortigoza 734/301 AMR 45/03/88 PABRAN 01/88 - Paraguay: Human rights activist threatened 734/302 AMR 45/04/88 Further information on UA 330/87 - Paraguay: Legal concern: Eduardo Morales 734/303 AMR 45/05/88 PABRAN 02/88 - Paraguay: Appeal for the release of student prisoner of conscience 734/304 AMR 45/06/88 PABRAN 04/88 - Paraguay: Ex-prisoners of conscience seek asylum 734/305 AMR 45/07/88 UA 165/88 - Paraguay: Death penalty: Luciano Cardozo 734/306 AMR 45/08/88 UA 183/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: Domingo Laino, Ramon Ferreira, Waldino Montes de Oca, Anibal Rojas, Avelino Encina 734/307 AMR 45/09/88 Further information on UA 183/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: Domingo Laino, Ramon Ferreira, Waldino Montes de Oca, Anibal Rojas, Avelino Encina 734/308 AMR 45/10/88 Further information on UA 165/88 - Paraguay: Death penalty: Luciano Cardozo 734/309 AMR 45/11/88 UA 201/88 - Paraguay: Fear of Torture/Legal Concern: Mariano Ibarra, Nicomedes Trinidad Olmedo, Evelio Allende Villagra, Martin Benites Roman, Antonio Ruiz Diaz 734/310 AMR 45/12/88 Further information on UA 183/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: Anibal Rojas, Avelino Encina 734/311 AMR 45/13/88 Paraguay: Detentions under Law 209 734/312 734/313 734/314 734/315 734/316 734/317 734/318 734/319 734/320 734/321 734/322 734/323 734/324 734/325 AMR 45/14/88 UA 264/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: Silvano Tessei, Antonio Cagna, Michel Deriux, Victor Barreiro, Luis Galloso AMR 45/15/88 UA 265/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: Sra. Regina Vda de Rodas, Corsino Coronel, Adolfo Gamarra AMR 45/16/88 Further information on UA 264/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern: Silvano Tessei, Antonio Cagna, Michel Deriux, Victor Barreiro, Luis Galloso, Pedro Theis AMR 45/17/88 Further information on UA 265/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: Sra. Regina Vda. de Rodas, Corsino Coronel, Adolfo Gamarra AMR 45/18/88 Paraguay: Continuing short-term arrests and new patterns of repression, May 1987 - mid-October 1988 AMR 45/19/88 Further information on UA 264/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern: Silvani Tessei, Antonio Cagna, Michel Deriux, Victor Barreiro, Luis Galloso, Pedro Theis AMR 45/20/88 Further information on UA 264/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern: Victor Barreiro, Luis Galloso AMR 45/21/88 Further information on UA 265/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Sra. Regina Vda. de Rodas AMR 45/22/88 UA 287/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Bernardo Torales, Emilio Barreto AMR 45/23/88 Further information on UA 287/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Bernardo Torales, Emilio Barreto AMR 45/24/88 UA 330/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Ligia Prieto de Centurion, Maria Ligia Centurion, Armando Centurion, Oscar Acosta, Pedro Dario Portillo, Juan Manuel Benitez Florentin, Domingo Laino, Luis Guanes Gondra, Fernando Vera, Eduardo San Martin, Felipe Duarte, Waldino Ramon Lovera, Alejandro Stumpfs, Marcial Gonzalez Safstrand, Marina Arron, Elsa Mereles AMR 45/25/88 Further information on UA 330/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Fernando Vera, Marcial Gonzalez Safstrand, Alejandro Stumpfs, Gustavo Galeano, Edilberto Vargas, Celso Velazquez, Juanita Carracela, Teresa Godoy, Miguel Angel Gonzalez Casabianca, Rene Recalde, Juan Gabriel Espinola, Cristina Vila, Alejandro Ladalardo, Ronald Orrego, Daniel Montero, Andres Candado, Reinaldo Valenzuela AMR 45/26/88 Further information on UA 330/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Oscar Acosta, Edilberto Vargas, Celso Velazquez, Juanita Carracela, Felipe Duarte, Marina Arron, Juan Manuel Benitez Florentin, Armando Centurion, Ligia Prieto de Centurion, Teresa Godoy, Luis Guanes Gondra, Domingo Laino, Waldino Ramon Lovera, Elsa Mereles, Pedro Dario Portillo, Eduardo San Martin, Alejandro Stumpfs, Alejandro Ladalardo, Cristina Vila, Maria Ligia Centurion, Juan Gabriel Espinola, Marcial Gonzalez Safstrand, Rene Recalde, Isidoro Coronel, Gilberto Medina AMR 45/27/88 UA 348/88 - Paraguay: Legal concern / Incommunicado detention: Dr Miguel Abdon Saguie 734/326 734/327 734/328 734/329 734/330 734/331 734/332 734/333 734/334 734/335 734/336 734/337 734/338 734/339 734/340 734/341 734/342 734/343 734/344 734/345 734/346 734/347 AMR 46/01/88 Peru: Follow-up to ARAN 08/87 (Detention and torture in the Peruvian Amazon) AMR 46/02/88 UA 20/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Jorge Perez Ore and Emilio Vargas Santiago AMR 46/03/88 Further information on UA 365/87 - Peru: "Disappearance" / unacknowledged detention: Elias Sulca Munalla and 6 others AMR 46/04/88 UA 23/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Doris Orosco Huamani, Nora Orosco Huamani, Alcides Orosco Huamani and Ricardo Orosco Quispe AMR 46/05/88 Peru: Congressional Commission of Inquiry into prison revolts AMR 46/06/88 Further information on ARAN 20/87 - Peru: No charges being pressed against Wilfredo Echacaya and Victor Vivanco AMR 46/07/88 Further information on UA 23/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Doris Orosco Huamani and 3 others AMR 46/08/88 UA 48/88 - Peru: Unacknowledged detention: Teodoro Quispe Enciso, Isidro Enciso Jaime, Pablo Arteaga Ayala, Pedro Paitan Ventura, Victor Enciso Cosio AMR 46/09/88 Further information on UA 48/88 - Peru: Unacknowledged detention: Teodoro Quispe Enciso, Isidro Enciso Jaime, Pablo Arteaga Ayala, Pedro Paitan Ventura and Victor Enciso Cosio AMR 46/10/88 ARAN 02/88 - Peru: Victor Enciso Rodriguez AMR 46/11/88 UA 59/88 - Peru: "Disappearance" / Fear of torture: Alejandro Leveau Garcia, Julio A. Garcia Torres, Fernando Pozo Mendoza, Carmelino Jimenez Jimenez, Gusman Rimarache Diaz, Reiber Murrieta Chistama, Exequiel Araujo Chapa, Rosvith Isuiza Vela, Raul Salas Saldana, Roberto Heredia, Robin Arteaga Bautista, Hilter Saboya Rodriguez, Tercero Alva Ramirez, Hilario Puelles Trolles, Julio Sangama AMR 46/12/88 UA 63/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Jose Guillen Meneses AMR 46/13/88 Peru: Government authorities AMR 46/14/88 Further information on UA 217/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Alejandro Mitma Barzola, Mauro Mitma Barzola, Juan Mitma Tito, Juan Escriba Ramos AMR 46/15/88 Further information on UA 46/87 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Benjamin Lapa Leon, Julian Huaylla Lapa, Maximo Infante Ccajapoma, Dionisio Huaraca Vargas, Paulino Huachaca Vargas, Asunto Huaman Pena AMR 46/16/88 Further information on UA 125/87 - Peru: "Disappearance": Angel Francisco Perez Ali, Dionisia Huamani Tineo, Humberto Orozco Tineo, Jesusa Quispe AMR 46/17/88 Further information on UA 31/87 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Gloria Marta Tineo Garcia and Pelayo Arotoma Cacnahuaray AMR 46/18/88 Peru: Further information on ARAN 08/87 AMR 46/19/88 UA 80/88 - Peru: Fear of torture: Marcial Cardenas Caceres AMR 46/20/88 Peru: Torture, "disappearances" and extrajudicial executions AMR 46/21/88 UA 100/88 - Peru: Unacknowledged detentions: Mariano Angel Cardenas Palacios, Marcial Medina Rameriez, Emiliano Ruiz Chavez, Victor Ruiz Chavez, Mariscot Calderon Rivera AMR 46/22/88 UA 113/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Aniceto Huayshuayo Huaytallo, Eugenio Villarroel Gastelu 734/348 734/349 734/350 734/351 734/352 734/353 734/354 734/355 734/356 734/357 734/358 734/359 734/360 734/361 734/362 734/363 734/364 734/365 734/366 AMR 46/23/88 UA 123/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Juan Amador Atau Anaya and Julio Tinoco Sanchez AMR 46/24/88 Follow-up to ARAN 05/88 - Peru: "Disappearance" cases in San Martin AMR 46/25/88 Peru: Violations of human rights in the emergency zones AMR 46/26/88 Peru: Government authorities AMR 46/27/88 UA 133/88 - Peru: Extrajudicial execution: Zocimo Taquiri Yanqui, Dionisio Suarez Palomino, Solano Ccayo Noa, Ignacio Tarqui Ccayo, Artemio Gonzalez Palomino, Ignacio Ipurre Suarez, Zacarias Palomino Bautista, Jose Ccayo Rivera, Indalecio Palomino Ipurre, Patricio Ccayo Palomino, Emilio Berrocal Palomino, Santiago Tello Crisostomo, Hermenegildo Apari Tello, David Ccayo Cahuaymi, Alejandro Choccna, Magdaleno Gutierrez Huaman, Idelfonso Hinostroza Bautista, Alfonso Huaynay Bautista, Eustaquio Ore Palomino, Prudencio Palomino Ccayo, Aurelio Palomino Choccona, Teodocio Palomino Suarez, Inda Felix Quispe Palomino, Dionisio Suarez Palomino, Prudencio Sulca Huayta, Emeron Sulca Ore, Teodosio Valenzuela Pisco, Segundina Marcatoma Vda. de Apujre, Esteban Asto Palomino AMR 46/28/88 Further information on UA 133/88 - Peru: Extrajudicial execution: Zocimo Taquiri Yanqui and others AMR 46/29/88 UA 155/88 - Peru: Fear of torture: Sonia Munoz de Yangali (alleged torture and attempted extrajudicial execution) AMR 46/30/88 UA 167/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Andres Huayhua and Ciro Huayhua AMR 46/31/88 UA 172/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Eferson La Torre Ramirez AMR 46/32/88 Further information on UA 172/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Eferson La Torre Ramirez AMR 46/33/88 Further information on UA 133/88 - Peru: Extrajudicial executions: Gregorio Ipurre Ramos, Guzman Bautista Palomino, Humberto Ipurre Palomino, Catalina Ramos Palomino, Benigna Palomino de Ipurre AMR 46/34/88 UA 190/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Pascal Chipana Huaya, Alfonso Chipana Huaya, Leon Huaya Chipana, Victor Meza Orocanqui, Alejandro Condori Alcalde, Beatriz Huamani Quispe, Francisco Resa Chipana AMR 46/35/88 ARAN 08/88 - Peru: "Disappearances" in Huancavelica department: Juan Condor Bendezu, Ezequiel Nateros Perez, Eleodoro Bendezu Anccasi, Lucia Garcia vda. de Huiza, Elsa Condor Huiza, Florencio Estalla Quispe, Juan Estalla Ramirez AMR 46/36/88 Advice to Editors: Peru: Violations of human rights in the emergency zones AMR 46/37/88 UA 216/88 - Peru: Legal concern: Cynthia McNamara AMR 46/38/88 UA 223/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Jose Perez Olivares AMR 46/39/88 Further information on UA 216/88 - Peru: Legal Concern: Cynthia McNamara AMR 46/40/88 UA 238/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Luis Miguel Pasache Vidal AMR 46/41/88 UA 241/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Eusebio Aquino Alegria, Anacleto Lliulli Carbajal, Valentin Aquino Perez, Eulogio 734/367 734/368 AMR 46/42/88 AMR 46/43/88 734/369 AMR 46/44/88 734/370 734/371 AMR 46/45/88 AMR 46/46/88 734/372 734/373 AMR 46/47/88 AMR 46/48/88 734/374 AMR 46/49/88 734/375 AMR 46/50/88 734/376 734/377 AMR 46/51/88 AMR 46/52/88 734/378 AMR 46/53/88 734/379 734/380 734/381 734/382 AMR 48/01/88 AMR 48/02/88 AMR 48/03/88 AMR 48/04/88 734/383 734/384 AMR 49/01/88 AMR 49/02/88 734/385 734/386 AMR 51/01/88 AMR 51/02/88 734/387 734/388 734/389 AMR 51/03/88 AMR 51/04/88 AMR 51/05/88 734/-734/390 AMR 51/06/88 AMR 51/07/88 Huamani Mondragon, Wenceslao Herrera Espinoza, Serapio Izquierdo Damian, Gabino Damian Valderrama, Jesus Chocllo Ferro, Leucadio Ferro Espinoza, Concepcion Huanaco Guayaba, Mario Torres Borda, Gabriel Utani Moya, Edgar Quiroga Vargas, Dalmiro Aquino Yupanqui, Valentin Torres Padilla, Gregorio Hurtado Sanchez, Isidoro Roman Jun, Manuel Huaranca Carvajal, Pelayo Terrazas Quino, Berta Trillo Moreno Peru: Government authorities Medical Letter-Writing Action - Peru: Detention of Dr Jorge Del Carpio Lazo Further information on UA 190/88 - Peru: "Disappearance": Pascal Chipana Huauya, Alfonso Chipana Huauya, Leon Huauya Chipana, Victor Meza Orocanqui, Alejandro Condori Alcade, Beatriz Huamani Quispe, Francisco Resa Chipana (and correction) Peru: Death threats against human rights activists in Ayacucho Further information on Medical Letter-Writing Action - Peru: Dr Jorge Del Carpio Lazo (see AMR 46/43/88) Peru: Detention and torture of peasant leader of Puno Further information on UA 216/88 - Peru: Legal concern: Cynthia McNamara UA 327/88 - Peru: Fear of torture / "disappearance": Jose Aliaga Hernando, Georgina Barboza Navarro UA 340/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Alejandro Huaman Ore, Daciano Orellana Cardenas UA 349/88 - Peru: Fear of "disappearance": Oscar Delgado Vera UA 352/88 - Peru: Extrajudicial executions / Fear of extrajudicial executions: Justiniano Tinco Garcia, Fernandina Palomino Quispe, Antonio Felix Garcia Tipe, Dr Carlos Escobar Pineda, Benedicta Maria Valenzuela Ccayo UA 355/88 - Peru: "Disappearance" / Extrajudicial execution: Maximo Villacrisis Henriquez, Wilberto Contreras Garcia, Juan Sosa Nolasco, Fidel Contreras Quispe Suriname: Government authorities list Suriname: Violations of human rights: an update UA 338/88 - Suriname: Legal concern: Stanley Rensch Further information on UA 338/88 - Suriname: Legal concern: Stanley Rensch Trinidad and Tobago: Government authorities list Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Trinidad and Tobago: Sentence of flogging: Mark Cuojoe -USA: The death penalty: Developments in 1987 UA 02/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: John Selvage and Raymond Landry UA 04/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Willie Jasper Darden UA 09/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Raymond Clark Further information on UA 04/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Willie Jasper Darden Not issued Further information on UA 04/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Willie Jasper Darden 734/391 734/392 734/393 734/394 734/395 734/396 734/397 734/398 734/399 734/400 734/401 734/402 734/403 734/404 734/405 734/406 734/407 734/408 734/409 734/410 734/411 734/-734/412 734/413 734/414 734/415 734/416 734/417 AMR 51/08/88 Further information on UA 02/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: John Selvage and Raymond Landry AMR 51/09/88 Further information on UA 09/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Raymond Clark AMR 51/10/88 UA 33/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Calvin Williams AMR 51/11/88 Further information on UA 09/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Raymond Clark AMR 51/12/88 UA 35/88 - USA (Virginia): Death penalty: Earl Clanton AMR 51/13/88 Further information on UA 09/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Raymond Clark AMR 51/14/88 Further information on UA 33/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Calvin Williams AMR 51/15/88 UA 53/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Jesse Tafero and Larry Joe Johnson AMR 51/16/88 Further information on UA 35/88 - USA (Virginia): Death penalty: Earl Clanton AMR 51/17/88 Further information on UA 04/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Willie Jasper Darden AMR 51/18/88 Further information on UA 04/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Willie Jasper Darden AMR 51/19/88 Further information on UA 53/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Jesse Tafero and Larry Joe Johnson AMR 51/20/88 Further information on UA 02/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: John Selvage AMR 51/21/88 Further information on UA 02/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: John Selvage AMR 51/22/88 Further information on UA 09/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Raymond Clark AMR 51/23/88 UA 93/88 - USA (Illinois): Death penalty: Charles Walker AMR 51/24/88 Further information on UA 35/88 - USA (Virginia): Death penalty: Earl Clanton AMR 51/25/88 Further information on UA 93/88 - USA (Illinois): Death penalty: Charles Walker AMR 51/26/88 Further information on UA 09/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Raymond Clark AMR 51/27/88 United States of America: The case of Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt AMR 51/28/88 UA 131/88 - USA (Georgia): Death penalty: Son Fleming AMR 51/29/88 Not issued AMR 51/30/88 Further information on UA 131/88 - USA (Georgia): Death penalty: Son Fleming AMR 51/31/88 UA 174/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Billy C Gardner, Warren Bridge, Billy Joe Woods, Walter Bell AMR 51/32/88 UA 176/88 - USA (Louisiana): Death penalty: Ronald Monroe AMR 51/33/88 Further information on UA 176/88 - USA (Louisiana): Death penalty: Ronald Monroe AMR 51/34/88 United States of America: The High Security Unit (HSU), Lexington Federal Prison, Kentucky AMR 51/35/88 Further information on UA 174/88 - USA: Death penalty: Billy C. Gardner, Warren Bridge, Billy Joe Woods, Walter Bell 734/418 734/419 734/420 734/421 734/422 734/423 734/424 734/425 734/426 734/427 734/428 734/429 734/430 734/431 734/432 734/433 734/434 734/435 AMR 51/36/88 Further information on UA 176/88 - USA: Death Penalty: Ronald Monroe AMR 51/37/88 Further information on UA 224/88 - USA: Death Penalty: Stephen Booker AMR 51/38/88 Further information on UA 224/88 - USA (Florida): Death penalty: Stephen Booker AMR 51/39/88 UA 224/88 - USA: Death Penalty: Stephen Booker AMR 51/40/88 Further information on UA 174/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Warren Bridge and Walter Bell AMR 51/41/88 UA 275/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Donald Gene Franklin AMR 51/42/88 Further information on UA 275/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Donald Gene Franklin AMR 51/43/88 UA 310/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Samuel Hawkins, Raymond Landry AMR 51/44/88 Further information on UA 176/88 - USA (Louisiana): Death penalty: Ronald Monroe AMR 51/45/88 Further information on UA 176/88 - USA (Louisiana): Death penalty: Ronald Monroe AMR 51/46/88 Further information on UA 310/88 - USA (Texas): Death penalty: Samuel Hawkins, Raymond Landry AMR 52/01/88 PABRAN 05/88 - Uruguay: Official investigations fail to establish fate of the "disappeared" AMR 52/02/88 PABRAN 07/88 - Uruguay: Administrative detention of military signatories to plebiscite AMR 52/03/88 Uruguay: Naval officers released but concern continues about virtual impunity of human rights violators -AMR 53/01/88 Follow up 2 to ARAN 12/87 - Political prisoners in Venezuela: Follow-up 2 and action AMR 53/02/88 Venezuela: Memorandum to the Government AMR 53/03/88 Telexed UA - Venezuela: 14 fishermen and landworkers killed: Jose Ramon Puerta, Rigoberto Araujo, Pedro Indalecio Mosquera, Julio Pastor Caballos, Justo Mercado, Jose Gregorio Torrealba Bello, Rafael Marin Moreno, Marino Hemeterio Vivas, Moises Antonio Blanco, Antonio Eregua, Mariano Torrealba AMR 53/04/88 Venezuela: Government authorities 735/1 735/2 735/3 735/4 ASA 11/01/88 ASA 11/02/88 ASA 11/03/88 ASA 11/04/88 735/5 ASA 11/05/88 735/6 735/7 ASA 11/06/88 ASA 11/07/88 735/8 735/9 ASA 12/01/88 ASA 12/02/88 735/10 ASA 12/03/88 735/11 735/12 ASA 12/04/88 ASA 12/05/88 735/13 ASA 13/01/88 735/14 ASA 13/02/88 735/15 ASA 13/03/88 735/16 ASA 13/04/88 735/17 735/18 ASA 13/05/88 ASA 13/06/88 735/19 ASA 13/07/88 735/20 735/21 ASA 13/08/88 ASA 13/09/88 735/22 735/23 ASA 13/10/88 ASA 15/01/88 735/24 ASA 15/02/88 735/25 ASA 15/03/88 735/26 ASA 16/01/88 735/27 ASA 16/02/88 735/28 ASA 16/03/88 Afghanistan: Government authorities list Afghanistan: Unlawful killings and torture Afghanistan: Government authorities list Afghanistan: Group-level and SARAN action (4May - 4 July 1988) AI News Release: Soviet and Afghan government forces in apparent policy of killingrefugees, says Amnesty International Afghanistan: Government authorities list Afghanistan: Group-level and SARAN action (4 May to 4 July 1988) - concluding circular Amnesty International's concerns in Australia UA 187/88 - Australia: Death in custody:Edward Charles Cameron Further information on UA 187/88 - Australia: Death in custody: Edward Charles Cameron UA 284/88 - Australia: Death in custody:Graham Walley Further information on UA 284/88 - Australia: Death in custody: Graham Walley SARAN 02/88 - Bangladesh: Death in custody reportedly following torture of Abu Sayed Moksedul Huq Rintu Bangladesh: Large-scale detention without trial of opposition members (July 1987 - February 1988) Regional News Item: Amnesty International calls for release of hundreds of governmentopponents in Bangladesh Bangladesh: Report of a mission concerning reported human rights violations in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, 24-30 January 1988 Bangladesh: Government authorities list Update to SARAN 03/88 - Bangladesh: Further information on the detention of opposition members: Releases Update to SARAN 02/88 - Bangladesh: Further information on the death in custody of AbuSayed Moksedul Huq Rintu UA 134/88 - Bangladesh: Death penalty/legal concern: Mohiuddin Further information on UA 134/88 - Bangladesh: Death penalty/legal concern: Mohiuddin Bangladesh: Increase in number of offences punishable by death UA 54/88 - Brunei Darussalam: Legal concern:Abdul Latif Hamid and Abdul Latif Chuchu Death Penalty Action - Brunei Darussalam:Death sentences imposed for the second time in 20 years Brunei Darussalam: Long-term detention without trial of prisoners of conscience Further information on UA 318/87 - Burma:Legal concern: Aung Bwa, Yin, Yi, Da, Halai,Kownbal, Kain, Htay, Bala, Hla Yon, Pai, BowShein UA 74/88 - Burma: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Theing Maung and one other The Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma:Group-level and SEAMRAN campaign (SEAMRAN 02/88) - Circular 1 : Country work briefing 735/29 ASA 16/04/88 735/30/31 ASA 16/05/88 735/32 ASA 16/06/88 735/33 ASA 16/07/88 735/34 ASA 16/08/88 735/35 ASA 16/09/88 735/36 ASA 16/10/88 735/37 ASA 16/11/88 735/38 ASA 16/12/88 735/39 ASA 16/13/88 735/40 735/41 ASA 16/14/88 ASA 16/15/88 735/42 ASA 16/16/88 735/43 735/44 ASA 17/01/88 ASA 17/02/88 735/45 735/46 ASA 17/03/88 ASA 17/04/88 735/47 ASA 17/05/88 735/48 ASA 17/06/88 735/49 ASA 17/07/88 735/50 ASA 17/08/88 735/51 ASA 17/09/88 735/52 735/53 ASA 17/10/88 ASA 17/11/88 The Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma:Grouplevel/SEAMRAN campaign (SEAMRAN 02/88)- Circular 2 : Recommended actions for coordinators and groups and special recommendations for campaign target sections Burma: Extrajudicial execution and torture of members of ethnic minorities (separate appendices) AI News Release: Evidence of unlawful killing and torture of ethnic minorities in Burma says Amnesty International UA 125/88 - Burma: Legal concern/Fear of torture: Naw Mu and other residents of The Kwet village UA 200/88 - Burma: Legal Concern: U Aung Gyi, U Sein Win, Zaw Win, Tun Shwe, Kyi Maung, Khin Nyo, Aung Shwe, Kyi Han, Ba Shwe, Ko Ko Lay, Chit Ko Ko and up to 14 others Further information on UA 200/88 - Burma:Legal concern: U Aung Gyi, U Sein Win, ZawWin, Tun Shwe, Kyi Maung, Khin Nyo, Aung Shwe, Kyi Han, Ba Shwe, Ko Ko Lay, Chit Ko Ko, and up to 14 others Burma: Extrajudicial execution, torture and political imprisonment of members of the Shan and other ethnic minorities UA 314/88 - Burma: Legal concern: Aung Thet, Maung Maung Nyunt, Saw Phet Nyi Nyi, Ne Win UA 341/88 - Burma: Legal concern: Zaw Win, Kyaw Kyaw Myint, Moe Zaw Tun UA 342/88 - Burma: Legal concern: Soe Win Aung, Shan Gyi, Htein Lin Than UA 344/88 - Burma: Legal concern: San Thin Kyaw, Hla Kyaw SEAMRAN 07/88 - Burma: The 18 September 1988 military takeover and its aftermath UA 353/88 - Burma: Fear of torture / Denial of medical care: U Nay Min China: "Execution Day in Zhengzhou" China: Detention without trial, ill-treatment of detainees and police shooting of civilians in Tibet China: Executions before lunar new year UA 66/88 - People's Republic of China: Fear of execution: Yulo Dawa Tsering, TenpaTsering, Jigme Gyatso EASRAN 03/88 - People's Republic of China:Action about detainees in Tibet UA 108/88 - People's Republic of China: Fear of execution: Lobsang Tenzin, Tsering Dhondup, Sonam Wangdu, Gyaltsen Chophel People's Republic of China: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns (January1987 to April 1988) People's Republic of China: News of releasesand other information on prisoners of conscience Further information on UA 108/88 - People's Republic of China: Legal concern/Fear of execution: Lobsang Tenzin, Tsering Dhondup,Sonam Wangdu, Gyaltsen Chophel People's Republic of China: The case of Xu Yongze UA 229/88 - China: Fear of Death Penalty: Zhu Wenbo 735/54 735/55 735/56 ASA 17/12/88 ASA 17/13/88 ASA 18/01/88 735/57 ASA 19/01/88 735/58 ASA 19/02/88 735/59 ASA 19/03/88 735/60 ASA 19/04/88 735/61 ASA 20/01/88 735/62 ASA 20/02/88 735/63 735/64 ASA 20/03/88 ASA 20/04/88 735/65 735/66 ASA 20/05/88 ASA 20/06/88 735/67 ASA 20/07/88 735/68 735/69 ASA 20/08/88 ASA 20/09/88 735/70 ASA 20/10/88 735/71 ASA 20/11/88 735/72 735/73 735/74 ASA 20/12/88 ASA 20/13/88 ASA 20/14/88 735/75 ASA 21/01/88 735/76 735/77 735/78 735/79 735/80 735/81 735/82 ASA 21/02/88 ASA 21/03/88 ASA 21/04/88 ASA 21/05/88 ASA 21/06/88 ASA 21/07/88 ASA 21/08/88 People's Republic of China: The case of SongYude China: Xu Yongze reported ill in prison PIRAN 08/88 - Fiji: Arrests under a new Internal Security Decree (ISD) AI News Release: Hong Kong's "mini- constitution" seriously flawed on human rights, says Amnesty International Hong Kong: Memorandum on the Draft Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Hong Kong: Summary of comments presented by Amnesty International in a memorandum on the Draft Basic Law UA 227/88 - Hong Kong: Ill-treatment/Legal Concern: Illtreatment of Vietnamese refugees in Hong Kong detention centre (& correction30 August) SARAN 01/88 - India: Some allegations oftorture and illtreatment of tribal leadersin Rajasthan SARAN 06/88 - India: A review of human rights violations (Appendix: Allegations of torture,deaths in custody and "disappearances" concerning the Indian Peace Keeping Force(IPKF) stationed in Sri Lanka India: Government authorities SARAN 04/88 - India: Allegations of rape by police: The case of a tribal woman inGujarat, Gunta Behn India: Government authorities Medical Letter-Writing Action - India:Medical concern: Balkar Singh AI News Release: Indian government must actto stop unlawful killings and torture bypolice and security forces, AmnestyInternational says UA 231/88 - India: Death Penalty: SatwantSingh, Kehar Singh India: The need to review cases against 324Sikhs held for more than four years inJodhpur Jail, Rajasthan India: The need to review cases against 324 Sikhs held for more than four years inJodhpur jail, Rajasthan - Update Further information on UA 231/88 - India:Death penalty: Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh SARAN 08/88 - India: Reports of human rights violations in Bihar India: Appeals for clemency for Satwant Singhand Kehar Singh Further information on UA 231/88 - India:Death penalty: Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh Indonesia (East Timor): Additional information on the release of politicalprisoners (updates ASA 21/23/87 and ASA21/24/87) UA 39/88 - Indonesia: An execution and death sentence Indonesia: Imminent execution of a Muslim activist Indonesia: Supreme Court ruling against the death penalty Indonesia/East Timor: Allegations of torture PIRAN 03/88 - Indonesia: Deaths in police or military custody Indonesia/East Timor: Government and military authorities PIRAN 04/88 - Indonesia/East Timor: East Timor: Unfair trials and further releases ofpolitical prisoners 735/83 ASA 21/09/88 735/84 ASA 21/10/88 735/85 ASA 21/11/88 735/86 ASA 21/12/88 735/87 735/88 ASA 21/13/88 ASA 21/14/88 735/89 735/90 735/91 ASA 21/15/88 ASA 21/16/88 ASA 21/17/88 735/92 ASA 21/18/88 735/93 ASA 21/19/88 735/94 735/95 ASA 22/01/88 ASA 22/02/88 735/96 735/97 735/98 735/99 735/100 735/101 735/102 735/103 735/104 ASA 22/03/88 ASA 22/04/88 ASA 22/05/88 ASA 22/06/88 ASA 22/07/88 ASA 22/08/88 ASA 22/09/88 ASA 22/10/88 ASA 22/11/88 735/105 ASA 23/01/88 735/106 735/107 ASA 23/02/88 ASA 24/01/88 735/108 ASA 25/01/88 735/109 735/110 735/111 ASA 25/02/88 ASA 25/03/88 ASA 25/04/88 735/112 735/113 735/114 ASA 25/05/88 ASA 25/06/88 ASA 25/07/88 Indonesia: Summary of Amnesty International's concerns in Indonesia and East Timor Indonesia: The imprisonment of two Muslim activists in Temanggung Indonesia: Background to the arrest and detention of Bambang Supriyanto and TjiptoAriyono East Timor: Statement to the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization Indonesia: Two student prisoners of conscience Indonesia: Reports of the arrest and ill- treatment of Moluccans during 1988 Indonesia: The imprisonment of usroh activists in Central Java Indonesia: Arrest of a secondary school teacher in Madura UA 263/88 - Indonesia: Executions: Sukardjo,Giyadi Wignyosuharjo, Abdullah Umar, Bambang Sispoyo UA 286/88 - Indonesia: Fear of executions:Ruslan Wijayasastra, Sukatno, IskandarSubekti, Asep Suryaman, Satar Suryanto, I Bungkus, Surono, Athanasius Buang, Simon Petrus Soleiman, Marsudi, Norbertus Rohayan UA 313/88 - Indonesia: Death penalty: Azharbin Mohammad Safar Japan: Death sentence: Miyazaki Tomoko Japan: Death sentence: Mukai Shinji / Death sentence upheld: Hamada Takeshige / Deathsentence upheld: Katsuda Kiyotaka Japan: Six new death sentences passed inMarch 1988 Japan: The death penalty (Update to ASA22/04/87) Japan: Supreme Court upholds five deathsentences Japan: Makoto Sato: Over 33 years undersentence of death Japan: Two men executed on 16 June Japan: The retrial of death row prisonerMasao Akahori Japan: Death sentence: Horie Morio Japan: Post card action Japan: Four prisoners under death sentences withdraw their appeals and one more death sentence imposed by district court Kampuchea: Officially reported political arrests and allegations of torture andarbitrary detention Kampuchea campaign: concluding circular EASRAN 07/88 - North Korea: Reported arrestsof 40 university professors and students South Korea: President-elect Roh Tae-woopromises general amnesty (Update to EASRAN07/87 - South Korea: Call for amnesty ofprisoners of conscience and commutation ofdeath sentences (ASA 25/59/87)) South Korea: The Namnoryon case EASRAN 01/88 - South Korea: Torture testimony: Kim Keun-tae Republic of Korea (South Korea): Government authorities list (& correction) South Korea: Choi Hyok-bae South Korea: Kim Hyung-gyu South Korea: Human rights developmentsJanuary - March 1988 735/115 ASA 25/08/88 735/116 ASA 25/09/88 735/117 ASA 25/10/88 735/118 ASA 25/11/88 735/119 735/120 ASA 25/12/88 ASA 25/13/88 735/121 735/122 ASA 25/14/88 ASA 25/15/88 735/123 ASA 25/16/88 735/124 ASA 25/17/88 735/125 735/126 735/127 735/128 735/129 735/130 735/131 735/132 735/133 735/133.1 ASA 25/18/88 ASA 25/19/88 ASA 25/20/88 ASA 25/21/88 ASA 25/22/88 ASA 25/23/88 ASA 25/24/88 ASA 25/25/88 ASA 25/26/88 ASA 25/27/88 735/134 735/135 735/136 ASA 25/28/88 ASA 25/29/88 ASA 25/30/88 735/137 ASA 25/31/88 735/138 735/139 735/140 ASA 25/32/88 ASA 25/33/88 ASA 26/01/88 735/141 735/142 735/143 ASA 26/02/88 ASA 26/03/88 ASA 28/01/88 735/144 ASA 28/02/88 735/145 ASA 28/03/88 735/146 ASA 28/04/88 Medical Letter-Writing Action - Republic ofKorea (South Korea): Medical concern: PaikOk-kwan South Korea: Advice to groups on AIactivities during the summer Olympic Games1988 UA 121/88 - Republic of Korea (South Korea):Legal concern: Soh Joon-shik Republic of Korea (South Korea): Government authorities list (update) South Korea: Choi Hyok-bae (updates ASA25/05/88) Further information on UA 121/88 - South Korea: Legal concern: Soh Joon-shik Republic of Korea (South Korea): Government authorities list Medical Letter-Writing Action - Republic of Korea (South Korea): Medical concern: ChoeMin South Korea: Detention of prisoners of conscience and torture continue South Korea: Detention of prisoners of conscience and torture continue: Update 1 South Korea: Yang Seung-sun South Korea: Choi Eung-sok South Korea: Chang Ul-gyun South Korea: Lee San-ha, poet in prison South Korea: Approaches to local human rights groups South Korea: Information on recent EASRANs South Korea: Kang Chul-soon South Korea: Writings from prison South Korea: Ham Ju-myong South Korea: Detention of prisoners of conscience and torture continue: Update 2 South Korea: Cho Sang-nok UA 270/88 - South Korea: Hunger-strike: SohSung Further information on UA 270/88 - Republic of Korea (South Korea): Hunger-strike: SohSung UA 339/88 - South Korea (Republic of Korea):Legal concern: 37 prisoners held in preventive detention for between 6 and 13years Republic of Korea (South Korea): Governmentauthorities list South Korea: Song Un-hak Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Democratic People's Republic of Laos:Khamphouy Souksavath Laos: Recent information on "re-education" inAttapeu province Laos: Government authorities Further information on UA 299/87 - Malaysia:Detentions under the Internal Security Act Malaysia: Recent detention of prisoners of conscience under the Internal Security Act Further information on UA 326/87 and on UA356/87 - Mahbud Andiling, Aning Paradji,Basri Masse, Abdul Mutalid Hassan and KokSiew Hiong Malaysia: Updated government authorities list 735/147 ASA 28/05/88 735/148 ASA 28/06/88 735/149 ASA 28/07/88 735/150 ASA 28/08/88 735/151 ASA 28/09/88 735/152 735/153 ASA 28/10/88 ASA 28/11/88 735/154 ASA 28/12/88 735/155 735/156 735/157 ASA 28/13/88 ASA 28/14/88 ASA 28/15/88 735/158 735/159 ASA 28/16/88 ASA 28/17/88 735/160 ASA 28/18/88 735/161 ASA 28/19/88 735/162 735/163 735/164 735/165 ASA 28/20/88 ASA 31/01/88 ASA 31/02/88 ASA 31/03/88 735/166 ASA 31/04/88 735/167 ASA 31/05/88 735/168 ASA 31/06/88 735/169 735/170 ASA 33/01/88 ASA 33/02/88 Further information on UA 299/87 - Malaysia:Legal concern: Detentions under the Internal Security Act (ISA), Karpal Singh released andre-detained on same day UA 83/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Lim KongSeong and Nordin Abu Bakar UA 104/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Derrick Gregory (and correction) Further information on UA 299/87 - Malaysia:Detentions under the Internal Security Act(ISA): Conditional releases: Dr Tan SengGiaw, Dr V David, Lim Fong Seng, Sim Mou Yu, Theresa Lim Chin Chin, Cecilia Ng Choon Sim, Haji Suhaimi Said UA 160/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Arasad Asamlee and Kaboo Jaha UA 232/88 - Malaysia: Death Penalty: Swrit Changlek Further information on UA 299/87 - Malaysia:Legal concern: Detentions under the InternalSecurity Act (ISA): Tan Ka Kheng, Chee HengLeng, Brother Anthony Rogers, Chow Chee Keong Further information on UA 299/87 - Malaysia:Legal concern: Detentions under the InternalSecurity Act (ISA): Dr Poh Boon Sing,Bunyamin Haji Yaakob, Mohamad Yusof Abdul Karim, Julian Jayaseelan, Mahfuz Omar, HajiOmar Khalid, Chow Kai Foo UA 256/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Chuah Chap Seng UA 274/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Lim Thean Seong Further information on UA 299/87 - Malaysia:Legal concerns: Detentions under the Internal Security Act (ISA): Patricia Lourdes IreneXavier, Sebil John Joseet, Jamaluddin Othman UA 298/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Abner Ladja Bansa Malaysia death penalty dossier: Recommended actions for groups (December 1988 -December1989) Malaysia: "Operation Lallang": Detention without trial under the Internal Security Act(ISA) Regional News Item: Amnesty International calls on Malaysian government to release prisoners of conscience and investigate testimonies of torture UA 345/88 - Malaysia: Death penalty: Baldev Singh Nepal: Government authorities list UA 101/88 - Nepal: Health concern: Sushi lChandra Amatya Further information on the Nepal group-level action (November 1987 - February 1988) Nepal: Recommended Case Action: Recommended actions for groups with an adoption or investigation case Further information on UA 101/88 - Nepal:Health concern: Sushil Chandra Amatya Nepal: Detention of members and supporters ofNepal National Teachers Association (NNTA) Pakistan: The death penalty Pakistan death penalty dossier 1988:Recommended actions for groups 735/171 ASA 33/03/88 735/172 ASA 33/04/88 735/173 ASA 33/05/88 735/174 735/175 735/176 735/177 735/178 ASA 33/06/88 ASA 33/07/88 ASA 33/08/88 ASA 33/09/88 ASA 35/01/88 735/179 735/180 ASA 35/02/88 ASA 35/03/88 735/181 ASA 35/04/88 735/182 735/183 ASA 35/05/88 ASA 35/06/88 735/184 ASA 35/07/88 735/185 ASA 35/08/88 735/186 735/187 735/188 ASA 35/09/88 ASA 35/10/88 ASA 35/11/88 735/189 ASA 35/12/88 735/190 735/-735/191 ASA 35/13/88 ASA 35/14/88 ASA 35/15/88 735/-735/192 ASA 35/16/88 ASA 35/17/88 735/193 ASA 35/18/88 735/194 ASA 35/19/88 735/195 ASA 35/20/88 735/196 ASA 35/21/88 SARAN 05/88 - Pakistan: Reports of extrajudicial executions and death in police custody in Sind Province, December 1987 January 1988 Medical Letter-Writing Action - Pakistan:Imprisoned medical student: Ghanshyam Parkash Further information on Medical Letter-Writing action - Pakistan: Imprisoned medical student on hunger-strike: Ghanshyam Parkash (Further information on ASA 33/04/88) Pakistan: Government authorities list Pakistan: Group-level embassy visit action :concluding circular Pakistan: Political prisoners from the years of martial law Pakistan group-level action, November - December 1988 PIRAN 01/88 - Philippines: The killing of a tribal activist in Northern Luzon Philippines: Unlawful killings by military and paramilitary forces AI News Release: Amnesty International calls for end to unlawful killings by governmentand government-backed forces in Philippines Recommended actions in conjunction with the publication of a research paper on thePhilippines PIRAN 02/88 - Philippines: Killing of a human rights worker Philippines: Questions and Answers to assistgroups and coordinators in their work inconjunction with the research paper PIRAN 06/88 - Philippines: The killings oftwo Christian families in Negros PIRAN 05/88 - Philippines: Extrajudicialexecutions and "disappearances" in Manila PIRAN 07/88 - Philippines: Recent"disappearances" Philippines: Legislation to reintroduce thedeath penalty UA 150/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Ricardo Casidsid, Alejandro Casidsid, MarioTeodoro, Cesar Teodoro, Alberto Teodoro,Narcisso Semilliano, Herminio Demafiles,Jessie de la Cruz, Artemio Dughap, BequaLumogdang, Florencio Sanayluhan UA 164/88 - Philippines: Possibleextrajudicial execution: Alfonso Surigao UA 170/88 - Philippines: Report of torture:Armando Natividad Not issued UA 185/88 - Philippines: Torture / Incommunicado detention: Noel Villalba Not issued Further information on UA 185/88 - Philippines: Torture / Incommunicadodetention: Noel Villalba Regional News Item: Philippines: Amnesty International welcomes Aquino assurances on slain human rights activists Further information on UA 164/88 - Philippines: Possible extrajudicialexecution: Alfonso Surigao Medical Letter-Writing Action - Philippines:Medical concern: George Madlos UA 195/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance" / Extrajudicial executions: Flaviano Rudas,Sergio Aquino, Agustin Sambiog 735/197 735/198 735/199 735/200 735/201 ASA 35/22/88 ASA 35/23/88 ASA 35/24/88 ASA 35/25/88 ASA 35/26/88 735/202 ASA 35/27/88 735/203 ASA 35/28/88 735/204 735/205 735/206 ASA 35/29/88 ASA 35/30/88 ASA 35/31/88 735/207 ASA 35/32/88 735/208 735/209 735/210 735/211 735/212 735/213 ASA 35/33/88 ASA 35/34/88 ASA 35/35/88 ASA 35/36/88 ASA 35/37/88 ASA 35/38/88 735/214 ASA 35/39/88 735/215 ASA 35/40/88 735/216 ASA 35/41/88 735/217 ASA 35/42/88 735/218 ASA 36/01/88 735/219 ASA 36/02/88 735/220 735/221 ASA 36/03/88 ASA 36/04/88 735/222 ASA 36/05/88 735/223 ASA 36/06/88 735/224 ASA 36/07/88 UA 199/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Armando Cedro UA 205/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Bernabe Aguirre UA 214/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Ernesto Javier Philippines: The killing and intimidation of human rights lawyers UA 246/88 - Philippines: Possible"Disappearance": Benito Clutario UA 234/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Simplicio Anino, Raul Quiros Further information on UA 150/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance": RicardoCasidsid, Alejandro Casidsid, Mario Teodoro,Cesar Teodoro, Alberto Teodoro, NarcissoSemilliano, Herminio Demafiles, Jessie de laCruz, Artemio Dughap, Bequa Lumogdang,Florencio Sanayluhan UA 246/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Elmer Reyes UA 248/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Hilario Inez Further information on UA 246/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance": Elmer Reyes Further information on Medical Letter-Writing action Philippines: George Madlos (see ASA35/20/88) UA 278/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Virgilio Tundag Philippines: The imprisonment of farmers fromLeyte Philippines: The imprisonment of activistfarmers in Baguio City UA 294/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance":Benjamin Lazaro UA 297/88 - Philippines: Possible"disappearance": Elias Labro Sr UA 308/88 - Philippines: Possible"disappearance": Pearl Abaya, Lilian Mercado,Efren Bonagua Further information on UA 234/88 - Philippines: "Disappearance": Simplicio Aninoand Raul Quiros Philippines: Incommunicado detention, ill- treatment and torture during 1988 AI News Release: Amnesty International callsfor urgent action against "re-emerging" torture in Philippines Further information on UA 297/88 - Philippines: Possible "disappearance": Elias Labro Sr. Further information on UA 223/86 - Singapore:Death penalty: Tan Mui Choo, Hoe Kah Hong UA 105/88 - Singapore: Legal concern:Detentions under the Internal Security Act(ISA): Tang Lay Lee, Kenneth Tsang, Teo SohLung, Ng Bee Leng, Chng Suan Tze, William YapHong Ngia, Wong Souk Yee, Kevin de Souza,Patrick Seong Kwok Kei UA 117/88 - Singapore: Death penalty: TanToon Hock Regional News Item: Amnesty International sending observer to ISA detainees' courthearing in Singapore Further information on UA 105/88 - Singapore:Legal concern: Detentions under the Internal Security Act (ISA): Francis Seow and ChewKheng Chuan Further information on UA 105/88 - Singapore:Legal concern: Detentions under the Internal Security Act (ISA) Further information on UA 105/88 - Singapore:Legal concern: Continued detentions under theInternal Security Act (ISA): Chng 735/225 ASA 36/08/88 735/226 ASA 36/09/88 735/227 ASA 36/10/88 735/228 735/229 735/230 ASA 36/11/88 ASA 36/12/88 ASA 36/13/88 735/231 ASA 36/14/88 735/232 735/233 ASA 37/01/88 ASA 37/02/88 735/234 ASA 37/03/88 735/235 ASA 37/04/88 735/236 ASA 37/05/88 735/237 735/238 735/239 ASA 37/06/88 ASA 37/07/88 ASA 37/08/88 735/240 ASA 38/01/88 735/241 735/242 ASA 38/02/88 ASA 38/03/88 735/-735/243 735/244 735/245 735/246 735/247 ASA 38/04/88 ASA 38/05/88 ASA 38/06/88 ASA 38/07/88 ASA 38/08/88 ASA 38/09/88 735/248 ASA 38/10/88 735/249 ASA 38/11/88 735/250 ASA 38/12/88 735/251 ASA 38/13/88 Suan Tze,Chew Kheng Chuan, Teo Soh Lung, Kevin deSouza, Kenneth Tsang Chi Seng, Wong Souk Yee,Vincent Cheng UA 203/88 - Singapore: Death Penalty: Ms Sim Ah Cheoh, Ronald Tan Chong Ngee, Lim Joo Yin Singapore: Continuing detentions under theInternal Security Act: Further evidence oftorture and ill-treatment of detainees Regional News Item: Amnesty International cites further evidence of torture and ill- treatment of ISA detainees in Singapore Singapore: government authorities Singapore: Chia Thye Poh - prisoner of conscience Further information on UA 223/86 - Singapore:Death penalty: Adrian Lim, Tan Mui Choo, Hoe Kah Hong Further information on UA 105/88 - Singapore:Legal concern: Teo Soh Lung, Chng Suan Tze,Wong Souk Yee, Kevin Desmond de Souza Sri Lanka: A review of alleged human rightsabuses Sri Lanka: What has happened to the"disappeared"? Reports of torture andkillings in custody and recent allegations of"disappearances" Regional News Item: Amnesty Internationalurges Sri Lankan government to preventtorture, political killing, and"disappearances" Sri Lanka: Amnesty International calls uponthe Sri Lankan government to withdrawindemnity bill before parliament Statement on the situation in Sri Lanka withrespect to the return of Tamils to Sri Lanka UA 240/88 - Sri Lanka: Death in custody:Wijedasa Liyanarachchi Sri Lanka: Government suspends the IndemnityBill UA 305/88 - Sri Lanka: Legal concern:Disposal of dead bodies without post mortemor inquest / shoot on sight orders Taiwan (Republic of China): List ofgovernment authorities and other officials (&update) Taiwan: Tsai Keh-tang Further information on UA 280/87 - Republicof China (Taiwan): Tsai Yu-chuan and HsuTsao-teh Not issued EASRAN 02/88 - Taiwan: Trial of two prisonersof conscience Taiwan: Green Island prison Taiwan: EASRAN 04/87 - Update 2 Taiwan: Death sentence: Wu Hsin-hua UA 71/88 - Republic of China (Taiwan): Fear of torture: Chuang Kuo-ming and Huang Kuang- hsiung UA 76/88 - Taiwan (Republic of China): Deathpenalty/legal concern: Amnesty of 22 April1988 (and correction) Further information on UA 76/88 - Taiwan (Republic of China): Death penalty/Legal concern: Amnesty of 22 April 1988 Further information on UA 76/88 - Taiwan (Republic of China): Death penalty/Legal concern: Amnesty of 22 April 1988 UA 127/88 - Taiwan (Republic of China):Hunger-strike: Shih Ming-teh 735/252 ASA 38/14/88 735/253 735/-735/254 735/255 ASA 38/15/88 ASA 38/16/88 ASA 38/17/88 ASA 38/18/88 735/256 ASA 38/19/88 735/257 735/258 735/259 735/260 735/261 ASA 38/20/88 ASA 38/21/88 ASA 38/22/88 ASA 38/23/88 ASA 38/24/88 735/262 ASA 38/25/88 735/263 ASA 38/26/88 735/264 ASA 38/27/88 735/265 735/266 735/267 735/268 ASA 38/28/88 ASA 38/29/88 ASA 38/30/88 ASA 39/01/88 735/269 ASA 39/02/88 735/270 735/271 ASA 39/03/88 ASA 39/04/88 735/272 735/273 735/274 735/275 ASA 39/05/88 ASA 39/06/88 ASA 39/07/88 ASA 41/01/88 735/276 ASA 41/02/88 735/277 ASA 41/03/88 735/278 ASA 41/04/88 735/279 ASA 41/05/88 735/280 ASA 41/06/88 735/281 ASA 48/01/88 Further information on UA 76/88 - Taiwan(Republic of China): Death penalty/Legal concern: Amnesty of 22 April 1988 Taiwan: Commutation of death sentences Not issued Taiwan: Death by firing-squad takes one hour (Wu Hsin-hua) Taiwan (Republic of China): List of government authorities and other officials Further information on UA 127/88 - Taiwan (Republic of China): Hunger-strike: ShihMing-teh Taiwan: Government orders death penalty forall kidnappers Taiwan: Cheung Ki-lok Taiwan: Tsai Keh-tang Taiwan: The death penalty Further information on UA 127/88 - Taiwan(Republic of China): Hunger-strike: ShihMing-teh Taiwan: China Post responds to AI appealsfollowing execution of Wu Hsin-hua (Follow-upto EASRAN 04/88 - ASA 38/17/88) Taiwan: Executions and new death sentences in July to September 1988 Further information on UA 127/88 - Taiwan (Republic of China): Hunger-strike: ShihMing-teh Taiwan: Death penalty dossier: Recommended actions Taiwan: Death penalty dossier: Introduction Taiwan: Taipei District Court sentences sixyoung men to death SEAMRAN 01/88 - Thailand: Extrajudicialexecutions of Kampuchean refugees Further information on UA 186/87 - Thailand:Death penalty/prisoners of conscience/legal concern: Royal Pardon on the occasion of theKing of Thailand's Birthday (5 December 1987) UA 159/88 - Thailand: Legal concern: WiiraMusikaphong Further information on UA 159/88 - Thailand:Legal concern: Wiira Musikaphong Thailand: Background to the case of Miss Siifaa Sawaangyen Thailand: Background to the case of Mr Wimon Choertchuuchon Thailand: Government authorities Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Possible continued detention in "re-education" campscauses concern Central government authorities and otherofficial bodies in the Socialist Republic ofViet Nam (Update 2) Viet Nam: Prisoners released in National Day amnesty, 2 September 1988 UA 269/88 - Socialist Republic of Viet Nam:Death penalty: Thich Tue Sy, Thich Tri Sieu Further information on UA 269/88 - Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Death penalty: ThichTue Sy and Thich Tri Sieu Further information on UA 269/88 - Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Death penalty: ThichTue Sy, Thich Tri Sieu New Caledonia (France): Statement to theUnited Nations Special Committee onDecolonization 735/282 735/283 EUR 02/01/88 EUR 02/02/88 735/284 EUR 03/01/88 735/285 EUR 15/01/88 735/286 EUR 15/02/88 735/287 735/288 EUR 15/03/88 EUR 15/04/88 735/289 EUR 15/05/88 735/290 EUR 15/06/88 735/291 EUR 15/07/88 735/292 EUR 16/01/88 735/293 EUR 16/02/88 735/294 735/295 EUR 22/01/88 EUR 22/02/88 735/296 EUR 22/03/88 735/297 EUR 25/01/88 735/298 EUR 25/02/88 735/299 EUR 25/03/88 735/300 735/301 EUR 25/04/88 EUR 25/05/88 735/302 EUR 25/06/88 735/303 735/304 EUR 25/07/88 EUR 25/08/88 735/305 EUR 25/09/88 735/306 735/307 EUR 25/10/88 EUR 25/11/88 735/308 735/309 EUR 25/12/88 EUR 25/13/88 International meeting on Eastern Europe (17- 18 September 1988) Report of the International Meeting on Eastern Europe, London, 17-18 September 1988 Amnesty International concerns in Western Europe, October 1987 - May 1988 Medical Letter-Writing Action - Bulgaria: Detained doctor: Dr Ibraim Ismailov Arifov UA 112/88 - Bulgaria: Death penalty: Elin Madjarov, Altsek Chakarov, Sava Georgiev List of Bulgarian Authorities UA 181/88 - Bulgaria: Legal/Health concern: Asen Filipov Stoyanov Further information on UA 181/88 - Bulgaria: Legal/Health concern: Asen Filipov Stoyanov UA 262/88 - Bulgaria: Legal concern/Health concern: Yanko Yankov Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Bulgaria: Nicolas Stefanov Chamurliski UA 158/88 - Czechoslovakia: Legal/Health concern: Ivan Polansky Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Czechoslovakia: Josef Romer German Democratic Republic: Recent developments German Democratic Republic: Prisoners of conscience currently imprisoned: Update Group level action on AI's concerns in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) UA 75/88 - Greece: Legal concern/Health concern: Michalis Maragakis Further information on UA 75/88 - Greece: Legal/Health concern: Michalis Maragakis UA 99/88 - Greece: Legal concern/Health concern: Thanasis Makris ANCOWE 01/88 - Greece: Thanasis Makris Further information on UA 75/88 - Greece: Legal/Health concern: Michalis Maragakis Further information on UA 75/88 - Greece: Legal/Health concern: Michalis Maragakis ANCOWE 01/88 - Greece: Thanasis Makris Further information on UA 99/88 and UA 75/88 - Greece: Legal concern/Health concern: Thanasis Makris and Michalis Maragakis Further information on UA 99/88 and UA 75/88 - Greece: Health concern/Legal concern: Thanasis Makris and Michalis Maragakis Greece: Government authorities Further information on UA 99/88 and UA 75/88 - Greece: Health concern/Legal concern: Thanasis Makris and Michalis Maragakis ANCOWE 01/88 (Update) - Greece: Thanasis Makris Greece: Conscientious objection 735/310 735/311 735/312 735/313 EUR 25/14/88 EUR 25/15/88 EUR 25/16/88 EUR 27/01/88 735/314 EUR 27/02/88 735/315 EUR 37/01/88 735/316 EUR 37/02/88 735/317 EUR 37/03/88 735/318 EUR 37/04/88 735/319 EUR 37/05/88 735/320 735/321 735/322 EUR 39/01/88 EUR 39/02/88 EUR 39/03/88 735/323 EUR 39/04/88 735/324 EUR 39/05/88 735/325 736/1 EUR 39/06/88 EUR 44/01/88 736/2 736/3 736/4 EUR 44/02/88 EUR 44/03/88 EUR 44/04/88 736/5 EUR 44/05/88 736/6 EUR 44/06/88 736/7 EUR 44/07/88 736/8 EUR 44/08/88 736/9 EUR 44/09/88 736/10 736/11 EUR 44/10/88 EUR 44/11/88 736/12 EUR 44/12/88 ANCOWE 01/88 - Update: Greece: Thanasis Makris ANCOWE 01/88 - Update: Greece: Thanasis Makris Government authorities in Greece Further information on UA 327/87 - Hungary: Legal concern: Laszlo Russai Further information on UA 327/87 - Hungary: Legal concern: Laszlo Russai Further information on UA 360/87 - Poland: Legal/health concern: Slawomir Dutkiewicz Further information on UA 360/87 - Poland: Legal/Health concern: Slawomir Dutkiewicz Further information on UA 360/87 - Poland: Legal/Health concern: Slawomir Dutkiewicz Further information on UA 360/87 - Poland: Legal/Health Concern: Slawomir Dutkiewicz Death Penalty Action - Poland: Moves towards abolition of the death penalty UA 17/88 - Romania: Legal concern: Gabriel Andreescu UA 40/88 - Romania: Legal concern: Dan Petrescu Further information on UA 17/88 - Romania: Legal concern: Gabriel Andreescu Further information on UA 40/88 - Romania: Legal concern: Dan Petrescu Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Romania: NestorCorneliu Popescu UA 336/88 - Romania: Legal concern: Doina Cornea Further information on UA 344/87 - Turkey: Legal concern: Celal Ozdogan and 4 others UA 06/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Zennun Ruzgar and others Turkey: Government authorities Further information on UA 324/87 - Turkey: Legal/health concern: Haydar Kutlu and Nihat Sargin Update to TURKRAN 09/87 - Turkey: Additional background to the case of Turkish asylum seeker Ibrahim Ozcan, returned from the Federal Republic of Germany Update to TURKRAN 13/87 - Turkey: Further information on the case of Nabi Yagci (Haydar Kutlu) and Dr Nihat Sargin (for full information see EUR 44/86/87) Further information on UA 06/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Zennun Ruzgar and others UA 27/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Baba (Babil) Erdogan and Dursan Onuk UA 41/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Halil Yagbasan and Ali Tasyurdu UA 44/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Fehmi Uzal Medical Letter-Writing Action - Turkey: Further information on the arrest and reported torture of Dr Nihat Sargin and Haydar Kutlu (Nabi Yagci) Further information on UA 27/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Baba (Babil) Erdogan and Dursan Onuk 736/13 EUR 44/13/88 736/14 EUR 44/14/88 736/15 EUR 44/15/88 736/16 EUR 44/16/88 736/17 EUR 44/17/88 736/18 736/19 EUR 44/18/88 EUR 44/19/88 736/20 EUR 44/20/88 736/21 736/22 EUR 44/21/88 EUR 44/22/88 736/23 EUR 44/23/88 736/24 EUR 44/24/88 736/25 EUR 44/25/88 736/26 736/27 EUR 44/26/88 EUR 44/27/88 736/28 736/29 EUR 44/28/88 EUR 44/29/88 736/30 EUR 44/30/88 736/31 EUR 44/31/88 736/32 EUR 44/32/88 736/33 736/34 EUR 44/33/88 EUR 44/34/88 736/35 EUR 44/35/88 736/36 EUR 44/36/88 Update to TURKRAN 08/87 - Turkey: Trials of prisoners' relatives in Istanbul and Izmir Update to TURKRAN 11/87 - Turkey: 13 alleged members of TKP in Izmir Further information on UA 44/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Fehmi Uzal Further information on UA 41/88 - Fear of torture: Halil Yagbasan and Ali Tasyurdu Further information on UA 335/87 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Murat Ozturk Turkey: Update to TURKRAN 10/87 and closure Update to TURKRAN 13/87 - Turkey: Further information on the case of Nabi Yagci (Haydar Kutlu) and Dr Nihat Sargin TURKRAN 01/88 - Turkey: Background to case of six demonstrators arrested outside Buca Prison, Izmir Turkey: Update to TURKRAN 01/87 - Recommended action Update to TURKRAN 11/87 - 13 Alleged Members of TKP in Izmir Further information on UA 06/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Zennun Ruzgar, Abdullah Ekinci, Mehmet Emin Ergin, Mehmet Direk, Abdurrahman Deger, Ahmet Uygun, Sirin Kaygisiz, Mahsun Kaya, Yusuf Gunes, Salih Uzumlu, Ahmet Arslan, Ismet Okan, Mehmet Can Demir, Metin Ergin Update to TURKRAN 14/87 - Turkey: Further background to the case of four alleged members of the Turkish Communist Party (TKP) in Izmir Turkey: The death penalty: recent developments and some sample cases Turkey: Death penalty dossier: recommended actions Medical Letter-Writing Action - Turkey: Medical concern: Garbis Altinoglu Turkey: Torture and medical neglect of prisoners UA 116/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Bahri Belen, Mebuse Cinmen, Ulku Oguzer, Zeynep Erkmen, Huseyin Karalay, Nese Ozan, Izzet Eray, Filiz Karakus Update 1 and closure of TURKRAN 01/88 - Turkey: Six demonstrators arrested outside Buca Prison, Izmir Further update to TURKRAN 10/87 (already closed) - Turkey: Trial of seven TSIP defendants in Izmir TURKRAN 02/88 - Turkey: Three protestors arrested on May Day in Izmir UA 120/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Aziz Celik Further information on UA 116/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Bahri Belen, Mebuse Cinmen, Ulku Oguzer, Izzet Eray, Zeynep Erkmen, Huseyin Karalay, Nese Ozan, Filiz Karakus TURKRAN 03/88 - Turkey: Background to arrest of 11 participants in a memorial ceremony on Labour Day 1988 in Istanbul Further information on UA 120/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture/Legal concern: Aziz Celik 736/37 EUR 44/37/88 736/38 736/39 736/40 EUR 44/38/88 EUR 44/39/88 EUR 44/40/88 736/41 EUR 44/41/88 736/42 736/43 EUR 44/42/88 EUR 44/43/88 736/44 EUR 44/44/88 736/45 736/46 EUR 44/45/88 EUR 44/46/88 736/47 EUR 44/47/88 736/48 736/49 EUR 44/48/88 EUR 44/49/88 736/50 736/51 EUR 44/50/88 EUR 44/51/88 736/52 EUR 44/52/88 736/53 EUR 44/53/88 736/54 EUR 44/54/88 736/55 EUR 44/55/88 736/56 736/57 EUR 44/56/88 EUR 44/57/88 736/58 EUR 44/58/88 736/59 EUR 44/59/88 736/60 EUR 44/60/88 736/61 736/62 EUR 44/61/88 EUR 44/62/88 736/63 EUR 44/63/88 736/63.1 EUR 44/64/88 736/64 736/65 EUR 44/65/88 EUR 44/66/88 Update 2 to TURKRAN 09/87 - Turkish asylum seeker Ibrahim Ozcan returned by Federal Republic of Germany Turkey campaign: Main action circular UA 138/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Imam Candan Further information on UA 120/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture/legal concern: Aziz Celik Further information on UA 138/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Imam Candan Turkey campaign: recommended actions for lawyers groups Turkey campaign: Circular for small sections and groups without a section UA 146/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture/Health concern: Yasar Ayas, Ali Bicer and others Turkey campaign: Address lists circular Update 1 to TURKRAN 03/88 - Turkey: Arrest of 11 participants in memorial ceremony, Istanbul TURKRAN 04/88 - Turkey: Background to Devrimci Yol trial in Ankara Turkey Briefing: Order amendment form TURKRAN 05/88 - Turkey: Background to arrests around political journal Toplumsal Kurtulus Turkey: Government authorities Medical Letter-Writing Action - Turkey: Medical concern: Abdulkadir Konuk Further information on UA 146/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture/Health concern: Yasar Ayas, Ali Bicer and others TURKRAN 06/87 - Update 3 and closure - Turkey: Sevim Erdem and Nukhet Cevikoglu Follow-up to Medical letter-writing action - Turkey: Further information on Veysel Kubat TURKRAN 06/88 - Turkey: Case of trade unionists Aziz Celik and Huseyin Bas, Istanbul Turkey: An unsafe country of waiting for Iranian refugees Update to TURKRAN 01/87 - Turkey: Case of Hasan Damar, Ankara TURKRAN 03/88 - Update 2 and closure (Turkey: Arrest of 11 participants in memorial ceremony in Istanbul) TURKRAN 02/88 - Update 1 and closure (Turkey: Three protestors arrested on May Day in Izmir UA 215/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Ahmet Timurtas, Emin Ergin, Suleyman Ayrilmak TURKRAN 07/88 - Turkey: Arrest of Veli Bas in Istanbul Further information on UA 215/88 - Turkey: Fear of Torture: Ahmet Timurtas, Emin Ergin, Suleyman Ayrilmak Update 1 to TURKRAN 05/88 - Turkey: Arrests around political journal Toplumsal Kurtulus Update 4 to TURKRAN 11/87 - Turkey: 13 alleged members of TKP in Izmir Turkey briefing: Human rights denied Turkey campaign: Update circular 736/66 736/67 EUR 44/67/88 EUR 44/68/88 736/68 EUR 44/69/88 736/69 EUR 44/70/88 736/70 EUR 44/71/88 736/71 EUR 44/72/88 736/72 EUR 44/73/88 736/73 736/74 EUR 44/74/88 EUR 44/75/88 736/75 EUR 44/76/88 736/76 EUR 44/77/88 736/77 EUR 44/78/88 736/78 EUR 44/79/88 736/79 EUR 44/80/88 736/80 EUR 44/81/88 736/81 EUR 44/82/88 736/82 EUR 44/83/88 736/83 EUR 44/84/88 736/84 736/85 EUR 44/85/88 EUR 44/86/88 736/86 EUR 44/87/88 736/87 736/88 EUR 44/88/88 EUR 44/89/88 736/89 EUR 44/90/88 Turkey Campaign: Order form for photographs Turkey campaign: Questions and answers circular for sections and groups UA 249/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Mahmut Aslan, Ali Ucak, Veysi Sami Turkmen, Adem Kutuk, Oguz Lule, Kamer Tayhani, Sehriban Tayhani UA 251/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Nadir Nadi Usta, Hatice Onat UA 253/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Mustafa Guler, Seher Guler, Ahmet Turan Guler TURKRAN 05/88 - Update 2 and closure. Turkey: Arrests around political journal Toplumsal Kurtulus Further information on UA 249/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Mahmut Aslan, Ali Ucak, Veysi Sami Turkmen, Adem Kutuk, Oguz Lule, Kamer Tayhani, Sehriban Tayhani UA 255/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Nazmi Ates and 40 others UA 258/88 - Turkey: Legal/health concern: Hasan Fikret Ulusoydan and some 70 others Further information on UA 251/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Nadir Nadi Usta and Hatice Onat Further information on UA 253/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Mustafa Guler, Seher Guler, Ahmet Turan Guler AI News Release: Brutal abuse of rights in Turkey, says new Amnesty International report TURKRAN 08/88 - Turkey: Prolonged imprisonment for prisoners of conscience and other political prisoners sentenced by military courts TURKRAN 01/87 - Update and closure - Turkey: Case of Hasan Damar, Ankara TURKRAN 09/87 - Update 3 and closure - Turkey: Turkish asylum seeker Ibrahim Ozcan returned by Federal Republic of Germany TURKRAN 14/87 - Update 2 and closure - Turkey: Trial of four alleged members of TKP in Izmir UA 272/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Fatma Unal, Senay Agan, Erbil Civmaz, Raif Gumus, Mukkader Gumus Further information on UA 255/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Nazmi Ates Turkey campaign: Council of Europe lobbying circular Regional News Item: Amnesty International expresses fears for safety of Kurdish refugees being sent back from Turkey TURKRAN 06/88 - Update 1 and closure - Turkey: Case of trade unionists Aziz Celik and Huseyin Bas Turkey: Torture, ill-treatment and medical neglect in prison Further information on UA 272/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Fatma Unal, Senay Agan, Erbil Civmaz, Raif Gumus, Mukkader Gumus UA 291/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Hatice Altun, Sukran Asuman, Emine Akdeniz, Rasan Poyraz, Emine Karasu, Ali 736/90 EUR 44/91/88 736/91 EUR 44/92/88 736/92 736/93 EUR 44/93/88 EUR 44/94/88 736/94 EUR 44/95/88 736/95 EUR 44/96/88 736/96 EUR 44/97/88 736/97 EUR 44/98/88 736/98 EUR 44/99/88 736/99 EUR 44/100/88 736/100 736/101 EUR 44/101/88 EUR 44/102/88 736/102 EUR 44/103/88 736/103 736/104 EUR 44/104/88 EUR 44/105/88 736/105 736/106 EUR 44/106/88 EUR 44/107/88 736/107 EUR 44/108/88 736/108 736/109 EUR 44/109/88 EUR 44/110/88 736/110 EUR 45/01/88 736/111 EUR 45/02/88 736/112 EUR 45/03/88 736/113 EUR 45/04/88 Sarikaya, Abdulgaffur Can, Ercan Kavak, Hikmet Kilic, Naci Demir Campaign on Turkey (November 1988 - March 1989) - Actions for medical groups Medical Letter-Writing Action - Turkey: Death of former prisoner of conscience: Ismail Hakki Inanc UA 307/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Erdal Cayar UA 312/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Riza Satilmis, Imdat Halis, Sunay Halis, Tarhan Alatas, Abdulcabbar Ozel Medical Letter-Writing Action - Turkey: Medical concern: Mehmet Sehmus Cibran Update 1 to TURKRAN 08/88 - Turkey: Prolonged imprisonment for POCs and other political prisoners sentenced by military courts UA 320/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Reha Maden, Aysegul Maden Further information on UA 307/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Erdal Cayir Update 5 to TURKRAN 11/87 - Turkey: 13 alleged members of TKP in Izmir UA 325/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture / Health concern: Recep Guler, Ilker Alcan, Meral Coskun Turkey: Torture and deaths in custody Further information on UA 320/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Reha Maden, Aysegul Maden Further information on UA 312/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Riza Satilmis, Imdat Halis, Sunay Halis, Tarhan Alatas, Abdulcabbar Ozel Nine Iranians summarily returned to Iran from Turkey Update 3 to TURKRAN 13/87 - Further information on the case of Nabi Yagci (Haydar Kutlu) and Dr Nihat Sargin UA 331/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture: Nurettin Karakoc Turkey: Update to torture, ill-treatment and medical neglect in prison Turkey campaign: Torture of journalists and political prisoners in Ankara TURKRAN 09/88 - Turkey: Case of Melih Calayoglu in Izmir Further information on UA 325/88 - Turkey: Fear of torture / Health concern: Recep Guler, Ilker Alcan, Meral Coskun United Kingdom: Alleged forced admissions during incommunicado detention AI News Release: Amnesty International questions fairness of British trials resulting from Broadwater Farm riot of 1985 Telexed action - United Kingdom: Refoulement: Saravamuthu Sivakumaran, Nadarajah Vilvarajah, Vinasithamby Rasalingan, Skandarajah Vaithialingam, Navaratnasingham Vathanan and Kandiah Navaratmam UA 47/88 (update to EUR 45/03/88) - United Kingdom: Refoulement: Saravamuthu Sivakumaran, Nadarajah Vilvarajah, 736/114 EUR 45/05/88 736/115 EUR 45/06/88 736/116 EUR 45/07/88 736/117 EUR 45/08/88 736/118 EUR 45/09/88 736/119 EUR 45/10/88 736/120 736/121 EUR 45/11/88 EUR 45/12/88 736/122 EUR 45/13/88 736/123 EUR 45/14/88 736/124 EUR 45/15/88 736/125 EUR 46/01/88 736/126 EUR 46/02/88 736/127 736/128 736/129 736/130 EUR 46/03/88 EUR 46/04/88 EUR 46/05/88 EUR 46/06/88 736/131 EUR 46/07/88 736/132 736/133 EUR 46/08/88 EUR 46/09/88 736/134 736/135 EUR 46/10/88 EUR 46/11/88 736/136 736/137 736/138 736/139 EUR 46/12/88 EUR 46/13/88 EUR 46/14/88 EUR 46/15/88 736/140 EUR 46/16/88 Vinasithamby Rasalingan, Skandarajah Vaithialingam, Navaratnasingham Vathanan and Kandiah Navaratmam Questions and Answers for guidance in answering queries related to news release and report about fairness of British trials resulting from Broadwater Farm riot of 1985 Regional News Item: United Kingdom: Amnesty International writes to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher about killings of IRA members in Gibraltar UA 92/88 - United Kingdom: Risk of refoulement: Shahriar Saeedvafa United Kingdom: Northern Ireland: Killings by security forces and "supergrass" trials United Kingdom: Northern Ireland: Killings by security forces and "supergrass" trials (summary of research paper) AI News Release: Amnesty International calls for comprehensive inquiry into use of lethal force by Northern Ireland security forces Northern Ireland: Questions and Answers AI News Release: United Kingdom (Northern Ireland): Amnesty International says clarification of disputed killings still needed United Kingdom (Northern Ireland): Recent cases of alleged illtreatment United Kingdom: Appeal hearing of six men convicted of bombings in Birmingham Advice to Editors: Amnesty International welcomes Northern Ireland Court of Appeal ruling on Coroners rules Further information on Medical Letter-Writing Action - USSR: Aleksandr Stepanov Follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - USSR: Dr Andrei Rukosuev USSR: Death penalty appeal: Khrapov List of useful addresses in the USSR List of useful addresses in the USSR for death penalty work Moscow News continues to discuss abolition of the death penalty: More follow-up on the letter writing action to Moscow News (EUR 46/23/87 and EUR 46/45/87) Further information on UA 336/87 - USSR: Legal / medical concern: Hanna Mykhaylenko UA 36/88 - USSR: Legal/health concern: Petras Grazulis Regional News Item: New Soviet psychiatric law an encouraging move, says Amnesty International USSR: Death penalty appeal: Gennady M. Mikhasevich Further information on UA 336/87 - USSR: Legal/Health concern: Hanna Mykhaylenko USSR: Review of punitive psychiatry since January 1987 USSR: Death penalty appeal: A. Khudaikulov UA 87/88 - USSR: Legal concern: Paruir Airikyan Further information on UA 336/87 - USSR: Legal/Health concern: Hanna Mykhaylenko Minutes of USSR Coordinators' Meeting (7-8 May 1988, London) 736/141 EUR 46/17/88 736/142 736/143 EUR 46/18/88 EUR 46/19/88 736/144 736/145 736/146 736/147/148 EUR 46/20/88 EUR 46/21/88 EUR 46/22/88 EUR 46/23/88 736/149 736/150 EUR 46/24/88 EUR 46/25/88 736/151 EUR 46/26/88 736/152 736/153 EUR 46/27/88 EUR 46/28/88 736/154 EUR 46/29/88 736/155 736/156 736/157 EUR 46/30/88 EUR 46/31/88 EUR 46/32/88 736/158 736/159 EUR 46/33/88 EUR 46/34/88 736/160 736/161 736/162 736/163 736/164 EUR 46/35/88 EUR 46/36/88 EUR 48/01/88 EUR 48/02/88 EUR 48/03/88 736/165 EUR 48/04/88 736/166 736/167 EUR 48/05/88 EUR 48/06/88 736/168 EUR 48/07/88 736/169 EUR 48/08/88 736/170 EUR 48/09/88 736/171 EUR 48/10/88 Regional News Item: Amnesty International meets Soviet human rights body in Paris USSR: Death Penalty Appeal: Nikolay Drozd Further information on UA 336/87 - USSR: Legal / Medical concern: Hanna Mykhaylenko UA 145/88 - USSR: Legal concern: Sivert Zholdin List of useful addresses in the USSR USSR: Death penalty appeal: Rakhimov USSR: Update to death penalty appeal (EUR 46/29/87): Further information on Abduvakhid Karimov USSR: Prospects for an alternative to military service Minutes of USSR Coordinators' Meeting (7-8 May 1988, London) (Short version of EUR 46/16/88) Further information on UA 87/88 - USSR: Legal concern: Paruir Airikyan USSR: Death penalty appeal: Aleksandr Posevin USSR: Update to death penalty appeal: Further information on Kairat Ryskulbekov USSR: Responses on the death penalty. Group level action update 1 USSR: Death penalty appeal: M. Lykov Long-term action on death penalty cases in the USSR USSR: New death penalty laws may soon be made public (Appendix: USSR: List of death sentences and executions in 1987) List of useful addresses in the USSR Further information on UA 145/88 - USSR: Legal concern: Sivert Zholdin USSR: Death penalty appeal: Akhmed Akhmedov USSR: Death Penalty Appeal: Redzhep Durdyyev UA 22/88 - Yugoslavia: Death penalty: Laszlo Egete UA 49/88 - Yugoslavia: Death penalty: Miodrag Milojevic Group level action - Special action in support of pardons for Yugoslav prisoners of conscience on the occasion of the anniversary of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ) UA 114/88 - Yugoslavia: Legal concern: Milaim Ziberi, Safet Shabani, Qamil Aliu, Basri Ahmedi, Shukri Fejza, Nuredin Nuredini, Rexhep Emini, Besim Shabani UA 115/88 - Yugoslavia: Legal concern: Dobroslav Paraga Group level action on Yugoslavia (Students and teachers in prison) Further information on UA 22/88 - Yugoslavia: Death Penalty: Laszlo Egete UA 257/88 - Yugoslavia: Fear of ill- treatment/Legal concern: 42 ethnic Albanians Medical Letter-Writing Action - Yugoslavia: Medical concern: Dr Alia Izetbegovic UA 329/88 - Yugoslavia: Legal concern: Ajradin Kaza, Nazif Sinani, Imerli Bekteshi, Zylqyfli Dalipi and four unnamed minors 736/172 EUR 48/11/88 Further information on UA 114/88 - Yugoslavia: Legal concern: Milaim Ziberi, Safet Shabani, Qamil Aliu, Basri Ahmedi, Shukri Fejza, Nuredin Nuredini, Rexhep Emini, Besim Shabani 736/173 MDE 11/01/88 736/174 736/175 736/176 736/177 MDE 11/02/88 MDE 11/03/88 MDE 12/01/88 MDE 12/02/88 736/178 MDE 12/03/88 736/179 736/180 736/181 736/182 MDE 12/04/88 MDE 12/05/88 MDE 13/01/88 MDE 13/02/88 736/183 736/184 MDE 13/03/88 MDE 13/04/88 736/185 736/186 MDE 13/05/88 MDE 13/06/88 736/187 736/188 736/189 MDE 13/07/88 MDE 13/08/88 MDE 13/09/88 736/190 MDE 13/10/88 736/191 MDE 13/11/88 736/192 MDE 13/12/88 736/193 736/194 736/195 MDE 13/13/88 MDE 13/14/88 MDE 13/15/88 736/196 MDE 13/16/88 736/197 MDE 13/17/88 736/198 736/199 MDE 13/18/88 MDE 13/19/88 MERAN 02/88 - Bahrain: Incommunicado detention and unfair trial MERAN 05/88 - Bahrain: Conviction of nine political prisoners Concerns in the State of Bahrain Egypt: Increase in the number of death sentences Medical Letter-Writing Action - Egypt: Medical concern: Abdul Amir Azab Gabr Rubi'iy Regional News Item: Egyptian government must act urgently to end torture, says Amnesty International Egypt: Government authorities Egypt: Imprisoned trade unionists may be prisoners of conscience UA 32/88 - Iran: Death penalty: 67 prisoners sentenced to death Amnesty International's written statement to the 44th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran UA 56/88 - Iran: Death penalty: Ajabnaz Keshavarz Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Iran: Soraya Ali Mohamedi Medical Letter-Writing Action - Iran: Amputation and flogging Follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - Iran: Further reports of amputations Iran: Persistent violations of human rights Iran campaign: Concluding circular UA 141/88 - Iran: Health/Legal concern: Dr Ali Ardalan, Mohammad Tavassoli, Hossain Shah-Hossaini, Khosrow Mansourian, Hashem Sabbaghian, Ahmad Zanjani UA 142/88 - Iran: Death penalty: Anoushirvan Lotfi, Hojat Mohammad Pour, Hojatollah Ma'Boudi Further information on UA 141/88 - Iran: Health/Legal concern: Dr Ali Ardalan, Mohammad Tavassoli, Hossain Shah-Hossaini, Khosrow Mansourian, Hashem Sabbaghian, Ahad Zanjani, Abdulkarim Hakimi, Amir Ebrahim Tavakoli, Mowahed MERAN 06/88 - Iran: Arbitrary arrest, and detention of prisoners of conscience UA 219/88 - Iran: Death Penalty: Political executions UA 235/88 - Iran: Death penalty: Political executions Medical Letter-Writing Action - Iran: Drs Ahmed Danesh and Borsu Bagheri Further information on UA 141/88 - Iran: Health/Legal concern: Ali Ardalan, Mohammad Tavassoli, Hossain Shah-Hossaini, Khrosrow Mansourian, Hashem Sabbaghian, Ahad Zanjani, Abdulkarim Hakimi, Amir Ebrahim Tavakoli, Mowahed Further information on UA 235/88 - Iran: Death penalty: Political executions Medical Letter-Writing Action - Iran: Amputations Further information on UA 141/88 - Iran: Health / legal concern: Ali Ardalan, Mohammad Tavassoli, Khosrow Mansourian, Hashem Sabbaghian, Ahad Zanjani, Amir Ebrahim Tavakoli, Nezammeddin Movahed 736/200 MDE 13/20/88 736/201 MDE 13/21/88 736/202 MDE 13/22/88 736/203 MDE 13/23/88 736/204 MDE 13/24/88 736/205 MDE 13/25/88 736/206 MDE 13/26/88 736/207 MDE 13/27/88 736/208 736/209 736/210 MDE 13/28/88 MDE 13/29/88 MDE 13/30/88 736/211 MDE 13/31/88 736/212 MDE 13/32/88 UA 293/88 - Iran: Fear of torture / Fear of execution: Fereidoun Faroughi Further information on UA 235/88 - Iran: Political executions: Khosro Asiabani, Badii, Salman Ghassemi, Haselou, Hashemian, Jabari, Jafarzadeh, Hassan Moezi, Javad Nasiri, Mohsen Piri, Mohammad Reza Saeidi Sharifabad, Houshang Aziami, Mahri Bazargani, Kiumars Godarzi, Masoud Hashemi, Baradaran Heydari, Jafari, Hussein Mahiguir, Reza Mohammadabadi, Mohammad Pasha, Jamshid Riazi, Najaf Zarei UA 299/88 - Iran: Death penalty: Hamzeh Mahjoub, Massoud Alla'i Khastou Further information on UA 299/88 - Iran: Death penalty: Hamzeh Mahjoub, Massoud Alla'i Khastou UA 315/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Ali Akbar Shalgoolney, Adel Talebi UA 317/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Assadollah Assadi, Daryoush Karimi, Jafar Jahangiri, Ebrahim Najaran, Khadijeh Jabiri, Sayed Kamaleddine Saidi, Sayed Jalaleddine Saidi, Munir Khosrowshahi Baradaran, Rahim Hossainpoor Roodsari, Lohrafb Salavati, Bahram Zolfakari, Behboudi, Mahmoud Parvari Moqaddam, Hamid Saidi, Hadi Mehrad, Siyavash Sanaki, Mandana Zandi, Lilik Sihakoubian, Azadeh Ebrahimi, Youssef Ab-Khun, Abdolreza Shoukouhi, Shuhreh Farzad, Askar Firouzi, Tamuchin Jahangiri, Sahad Ahmad Saidi Further information on UA 317/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Ahmad Mashadi Ali Farzad, Nader Ali Aghai, Mehrdad Farzaneh, Davoud Shakeri, Homayoun Farrokh-Nikpoor, Ali Ghorbani, Hassan Tabbar-Zadeh, Ali Baghai, Homayoun Solati, Mahshid Razavi, Ghassem Javanshoja, Mahmoud Faraji, Zahrah Mirza'i, Mohammad Monfared, Hassan Mahboubi, Behrouz Mohammadi, Sayid Imami, Mohsen Ahmadi, Nader Lisani, Hassan Dalman, Morteza Pahlevan-Nejad, Hassan Tarkhorani, Hossain Shirazi, Mojtabah Yashmi'iy, Esmail Hossaini, Rezvani, Majid Mahdavi, Abdi Akbari Monfared, Mohsen Javanshoja, Sadegh Karimi Further information on UA 317/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Ali Akbar Salehi, Hossein Kafashian, Ahmad Razaghi, Hassan Razavi, Karim Khodayari, Javad Taheri Kadr-Khoda, Bahman Moussapour, Ali Reza Salari, Mohammed Mehrabi, Nusrati (three brothers), Sadegh Fariden, Bahman Azimi, Asghar Afshar, Mohammed Ahmad, Anoush Ebrahimi, Abdullah Daroudian, Ghassem Gha'imi, Hossein Mohammed- Khah, Ardeshir Kalantari UA 326/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Soraya Ali Mohammadi Iran: Political executions Follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - Iran: Mass execution of political prisoners including Drs Ahmad Danesh and Borsu Bagheri AI News Release: Biggest wave of executions in Iran since early 1980s, says Amnesty International Amnesty International appeal cases among execution victims in Iran 736/213 MDE 13/33/88 736/214 MDE 13/34/88 736/215 MDE 13/35/88 736/216 MDE 13/36/88 736/217 MDE 14/01/88 736/218 736/219 MDE 14/02/88 MDE 14/03/88 736/220 MDE 14/04/88 736/221 MDE 14/05/88 736/222 MDE 14/06/88 736/223 MDE 14/07/88 UA 337/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Reza Mottaghi-Talab, Ahmad Assadi, Parviz Zamani, Mohammad Golriz, Hadi Mohammad-Nejad, Abdolrahman Darvishi, Moussa Moussavi, Siavash Mellati, Abbas Moussavi, Khosro Danesh Abkenari, Mohsen Mahdavi Abkenari, Ghassem Rajai, Sayeed Ghannadi, Asghar Vakhsuri, Ali Raad, Mostafa Etemadoleslam, Sassan Khanjani, Khosro Roodbari, Hadi Fooladi, Majid Abbassi, Parviz Shahbazi, Bahrami, Mehraban Balai, Jafar Mahmoudian, Nayereh Mahmoudian, Yadollah Sohrab-Zadeh UA 346/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Mohammad Ali Alikhah, Ahmad Mohtashemi, Nematollah Amir Shekari, Mohammad Ali Allah-Verdi, Tajodin Yavarian, Mohammad Reza Nikfar, Mohammad Reza Shariati, Ghassem Hassan-Zadeh, Batool Maleki, Abbass Salehi, Mostafa Gholam Nejad, Afrassiab Esmaeili, Leila Lagheid, Ardevan Sehat, Fazieh Allah-Verdi, Asghar Khabari, Hadi Jalalian, Mohammad Safari, Hassan Sekhavat, Hushang Maleki, Jamshid Adeli, Rajab Ali Razi, Shahrokh Noori UA 351/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Said Agha-Khani, Abbas Shateri, Gholam Reza Gholami, Abdol Reza Akbari Monfared, Roghieh Akbari Monfared, Massoud Jamassebi, Parviz Ruzi Talab, Koroush Bahrami, Jalal Noori, Shahriar Sanjabi, Eshrat Choganbaz, Hassan Alborzi, Ali Isfahani, Shahriar Gholami, Mohammed Reza Akbari Monfared, Iraj Del- Zendeh, Darioush Rasouli, Darioush Rezaiy, Mohammad Khan Mohammadi, Massoud Javid-Yar, Azam-os-Sadat Nassabi, Ali Kazemi-Zadeh UA 354/88 - Iran: Fear of execution: Mashallah Hashem-Zadeh Khorasani, Fereshteh Javad-Zadeh, Razieh Ranai Mehrpoor, Mohammad Safari, Rahmatollah Assadi-Poor, Ali Seddighi, Minoo Sefidgari Khamene, Akbar Biabadi, Mohammad Hedayati, Mehdi Ranjbar, Mohammad Hossein Khorsandi, Akbar Jafari, Majid Soruri, Hassan Akbari, Fariborz Eskandari, Massoud Kolah-Kaj, Shohreh Shahidi, Taj-Mah Saidi, Parviz Khosrow-Nia, Mohsen Kazemi-Zadeh, Jalal Layeghi AI News Release: Amnesty International calls on Iraqi government to investigate reports of security forces' use of thallium poisoning against political opponents Iraq: Executions AI News Release: Amnesty International says hundreds reported executed in Iraq aged from 14 to 73 UA 68/88 - Iraq: Death penalty/torture: Najat Ahmad Hussain, Sardar Hama Amin Qader, Ramadan 'Umar Karim Shamamki, Zirar Sigartakani, 'Abd al-Rahman 'Aziz Wasman Iraq: Oral statement to the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities UA 233/88 - Iraq: Deliberate killings of unarmed Kurdish civilians Further information on UA 233/88 - Iraq: Deliberate killings of unarmed Kurdish civilians 736/224 MDE 14/08/88 736/225 MDE 15/01/88 736/226 MDE 15/02/88 736/227 MDE 15/03/88 736/228 MDE 15/04/88 736/229 MDE 15/05/88 736/230 MDE 15/06/88 736/231 MDE 15/07/88 736/232 MDE 15/08/88 736/233 MDE 15/09/88 736/234 MDE 15/10/88 736/235 MDE 15/11/88 736/236 MDE 15/12/88 736/237 MDE 15/13/88 736/238 MDE 15/14/88 736/239 MDE 15/15/88 736/240 MDE 15/16/88 736/241 MDE 15/17/88 736/242 736/243 MDE 15/18/88 MDE 15/19/88 736/244 MDE 15/20/88 736/245 MDE 15/21/88 736/246 MDE 15/22/88 736/247 MDE 15/23/88 AI News Release: Amnesty International calls on UN Security Council to halt massacre of Kurds by Iraqi forces AI News Release: Arbitrary arrests and summary trials of Palestinians in Israeli occupied territories violate international standards, says Amnesty International Israel and the Occupied Territories: Sinan Muhammad Hatem Sinan: Town arrest (restriction) order Israeli Occupied Territories: Oral statement to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights Israel and the Occupied Territories: Faisal 'abd Al-Qader AlHussaini: Administrative detention (Update to MDE 15/13/87) Regional News Item: Amnesty International mission in Jerusalem calls for judicial inquiry into abuses Israel and the Occupied Territories: Raslan Khalid Muhajineh: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Raja Muhammad Aghbaria: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Juan Beri: Conscientious objector Israel and the Occupied Territories: Prisoner cases (September 1987 to February 1988) Israel and the Occupied Territories: Radwan Abu Ayyash: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ghazi Shashtari: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr Nabil Muhammed Ali alJa'bari: Administrative detention Regional News Item: Amnesty International says Israeli authorities must protect human rights in "sealed off" Occupied Territories Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ribhi al-Aruri: Administrative detention List of government authorities in Israel and the Occupied Territories Recommended Case Action for people held under administrative detention orders in Israel and the Occupied Territories Israel and the Occupied Territories: Muharram Sha'ban alBarghouti: Administrative detention (Update to MDE 15/16/87) Israel and the Occupied Territories: Prisoner cases (March 1988) Israel and the Occupied Territories: Sami Muhammad Salim alKilani: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Zahi Abdul Hadi Jaradat: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Rana Muhammad Hatem Sinan: Administrative detention (update to MDE 15/02/88) Israel and the Occupied Territories: Raji Khadar Sourani: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ziyad Ibrahim 'Abd-al-Khaleq Hamed: Allegation of ill-treatment 736/248 MDE 15/24/88 736/249 MDE 15/25/88 736/250 MDE 15/26/88 736/251 MDE 15/27/88 736/252 MDE 15/28/88 736/253 MDE 15/29/88 736/254 MDE 15/30/88 736/255 MDE 15/31/88 736/256 MDE 15/32/88 736/257 MDE 15/33/88 736/258 736/259 MDE 15/34/88 MDE 15/35/88 736/260 MDE 15/36/88 736/261 MDE 15/37/88 736/262 MDE 15/38/88 736/263 MDE 15/39/88 736/264 736/265 MDE 15/40/88 MDE 15/41/88 736/266 MDE 15/42/88 736/267 MDE 15/43/88 736/268 MDE 15/44/88 736/269 MDE 16/01/88 736/270 MDE 16/02/88 736/271 736/272 MDE 16/03/88 MDE 16/04/88 736/273 MDE 16/05/88 UA 136/88 - Israel: Fear of ill-treatment: Reports of ill-treatment by members of Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Israel and the Occupied Territories: Ali Muhammed Ahmed Jidda: Town arrest Israel and the Occupied Territories: The misuse of tear gas by Israeli army personnel in the Israeli Occupied Territories Medical Letter-Writing Action - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Misuse of tear-gas by army personnel UA 152/88 - Israel/Occupied Territories: Ill- treatment: Hussein Jamal Abu Jallala Regional News Item: Israel and the Occupied Territories: Amnesty International calls for urgent investigation into security forces' 'deliberate misuse' of tear-gas Israel and the Occupied Territories: The use of live ammunition by members of the Israel Defence Force (IDF) UA 180/88 - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Medical concern: Muharram Sha'ban al-Barghouti Israel and the Occupied Territories: Excessive force: Beatings to maintain law and order Israel and the Occupied Territories: Excessive Force: Beatings to maintain law and order - Recommended actions Israel and the Occupied Territories: Update to MERAN 04/88 Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr Jad Ishaq: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Dr Mohammed Mahmoud Shaker Awad Aboushi: Administrative detention Further information on UA 180/88 - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Medical concern: Muharram Sha'ban al-Barghouti UA 228/88 - Israel and the Occupied Territories: Legal concern: Taysir Aruri Israel and the Occupied Territories: Update to the use of live ammunition by members of the Israel Defence Force Israel and the Occupied Territories: Conscientious objection Israel and the Occupied Territories: Conscientious objection: Recommended actions Israel and the Occupied Territories: Prisoner cases (April to October 1988) Israel and the Occupied Territories: Hatem 'Abd Al-Qader: Administrative detention Israel and the Occupied Territories: Mustafa Abu Zahara: Administrative detention UA 05/88 - Jordan: Death penalty: Naser Muhammad 'Ali Najada and Ahmad Salim Jum'a Further information on UA 05/88 - Jordan: Death penalty: Naser Muhammad 'Ali Najada and Ahmad Salim Jum'a UA 24/88 - Jordan: Torture: Wajih Jiryis al- Nahhas Further information on UA 05/88 - Jordan: Death penalty: Naser Muhammad 'Ali Najada and Ahmad Salim Jum'a Government authorities in Jordan with names in English and Arabic 736/274 MDE 16/06/88 736/275 MDE 16/07/88 736/276 736/277 MDE 16/08/88 MDE 16/09/88 736/278 MDE 16/10/88 736/279 MDE 16/11/88 736/280 736/281 MDE 16/12/88 MDE 16/13/88 736/282 MDE 16/14/88 736/283 MDE 16/15/88 736/284 MDE 17/01/88 736/285 MDE 17/02/88 736/286 736/287 MDE 17/03/88 MDE 17/04/88 736/288 736/289 MDE 19/01/88 MDE 19/02/88 736/290 MDE 19/03/88 736/291 MDE 19/04/88 736/292 MDE 19/05/88 736/293 MDE 23/01/88 Further information on UA 24/88 - Jordan: Torture: Wajih Jiryis al-Nahhas UA 122/88 - Jordan: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: 'Azmi al- Khawajah UA 156/88 - Jordan: Death penalty: M.Y. 'A. 'A. and A. 'A.S. 'A UA 161/88 - Jordan: Death penalty: Fa'eq Saleh 'Abd al-'Aziz alSalti, Tayel 'Abd al- Halim Mahmud al-Salti, Faisal 'Ali Mustafa al-Salti, Muhammad Ahmad Mustafa al-Salti Further information on UA 122/88 - Jordan: Legal concern/Incommunicado detention: 'Azmi al-Khawajah Further information on UA 161/88 - Jordan: Death penalty: Fa'eq Saleh 'Abd al-'Aziz al- Salti, Tayel 'Abd al-Halim Mahmud alSalti, Faisal 'Ali Mustafa al-Salti, Muhammad Ahmad Mustafa alSalti MERAN 07/88 - Jordan: Detention without trial Jordan: Detention without trial and torture by the General Intelligence Department (GID) UA 319/88 - Jordan: Detention without trial: Nabil 'Abd al-Rahim 'Allan, Dhiyab Naji 'Amer, Khaled Ramadan 'Awwad, Ahmed Muhammad Dahbur, Salah Khalil al-Hindi, Muhammad Ghassan al-Ja'fari, Hasan Mahmud 'Abd al- Jawwad, Jibril Taher Jibril, Taysir Saleh al- Khatib, 'Azzam Salem Hasan Maluh, Hamdi Muhammad Matar, Ahmad Musa Muragha, Rafi' Muhammad Musa, Muhammad 'Abdullah al-Najjar, Nafeth Muhammad Tawfiq Nasef, 'Ali Musa Ahmad Abu Qalbayn, 'Isa Muhammad Khalil Qutayt, Muhammad Khalil 'Abd al-Rahman, 'Ahed Subhi Hasan al-Rimawi, Khaled Salim Muhammad Salim, Hukm Muhammad Dhiyab Abu Shamla, Subhi Shafiq Taha UA 343/88 - Jordan: Fear of ill-treatment: Maher Abu 'Ayyash, 'Umar Al-Dawaymah, Yusuf Al-Dawaymah, Ja'far Muhammad Fares, Nihad Hasuna Abu Ghawsh, Jamal Maqdawi, Jamal Ibrahim 'Ali Nusur Government authorities in Kuwait with names in English and Arabic Further information on UA 305/87 - Kuwait: Death penalty: Silvester Teyodi UA 126/88 - Kuwait: Death in custody: Abed Husayn Further information on UA 126/88 - Kuwait: Death in custody: Abed Husayn Libya: Prisoners released, abolition of the death penalty proposed Government authorities in Libya with names in English and Arabic Regional News Item: Amnesty International urges Libyan congresses to back Colonel Gaddafi's call for abolition of the death penalty Regional News Item: Amnesty International appeals to Libyan Basic People's Congresses to abolish death penalty AI News Release: Amnesty International welcomes latest moves to improve human rights in Libya MERAN 08/88 - Saudi Arabia: The death penalty 736/294 736/295 MDE 23/02/88 MDE 23/03/88 736/296 736/297 MDE 23/04/88 MDE 23/05/88 736/298 736/299 736/300 MDE 24/01/88 MDE 24/02/88 MDE 24/03/88 736/301 MDE 24/04/88 736/302 MDE 24/05/88 736/303 MDE 24/06/88 736/304 MDE 24/07/88 736/305 736/306 MDE 24/08/88 MDE 24/09/88 736/307 MDE 24/10/88 736/308 MDE 24/11/88 736/309 MDE 25/01/88 736/310 MDE 25/02/88 736/311 MDE 26/01/88 736/312 MDE 27/01/88 736/313 MDE 27/02/88 736/314 MDE 27/03/88 736/315 MDE 27/04/88 736/316 736/317 MDE 28/01/88 MDE 28/02/88 736/318 MDE 28/03/88 Saudi Arabia: Government authorities Death Penalty Action - Recent extension of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia Medical Letter-Writing Action - Death penalty in Saudi Arabia Medical Letter-Writing Action - Amputation in Saudi Arabia: Ahmad bin Qu'id bin Hassan UA 18/88 - Syria: Health concern: Riad al- Turk UA 19/88 - Syria: Death in custody: Ihsan 'Azzo Medical Letter-Writing Action - Syria: Imprisoned dentist: Ali Sarem UA 57/88 - Syria: Death in custody / torture: Muhammad al'Arraj, Trad Khalil, Na'man Abdo, Nizar Maradni, May al-Hafez, Na'man Jib, Sahar al-Bunni, Ghassan Maradni UA 119/88 - Syria: Torture/Death in custody: 'Abd al-Razzaq Abazid Further information on UA 18/88 - Syria: Health concern: Riad alTurk UA 186/88 - Syria: Torture / Health / Legal concern: Albert Laham, Victor Laham, Eli Swed, Salim Swed, Faraj Mamroud, Zaki Mamroud, Kassem Ghounegeh, Musa Khalife, Faraj Dirzieh UA 206/88 - Syria: Torture: Badr al-Din Shanan Further information on UA 18/88 - Syria: Health concern: Riad alTurk Further information on UA 186/88 - Syria: Torture / Health / Legal concern: Albert Laham, Victor Laham, Eli Swed, Salim Swed, Faraj Mamroud, Zaki Mamroud, Kassem Ghounegeh, Musa Khalife, Faraj Dirzieh, Jack Lalo UA 356/88 - Syria: Fear of torture: Sami Hilmi al-Sharif, Palestinian UA 147/88 - United Arab Emirates: Health concern/Legal concern: 'Ala' 'Abd al-Rasul Judi Further information on UA 147/88 - United Arab Emirates: Health concern/Legal concern: 'Ala' 'Abd al-Rasul Judi MERAN 01/88 - Yemen Arab Republic: Reported cases of incommunicado detention without trial Further information on UA 355/87 - People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen): Death penalty: Faruq 'Ali Ahmad and others People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: Reports of political arrests and continued detention without trial UA 212/88 - People's Democratic Republic of Yemen: Reports of deaths in custody: Sa'id ba Mu'awwad ba Qarwan, Ahmad Barghash Bin Daggar ba Qarwan, 'Ali Sa'id al-'Amudi UA 280/88 - People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen): Legal concern/Health concern: 'Abd al-Karim Shamsan UA 55/87 - Algeria: Death penalty: Fatima Mefred Limited follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - Algeria: Nabil Oumerzoug News item: Algeria: Amnesty International calls for inquiry into killing of civilians by security forces 736/319 736/320 MDE 29/01/88 MDE 29/02/88 736/321 MDE 29/03/88 736/322 MDE 29/04/88 736/323 MDE 29/05/88 736/324 MDE 29/06/88 736/325 MDE 29/07/88 736/326 MDE 30/01/88 736/327 736/328 MDE 30/02/88 MDE 30/03/88 736/329 736/330 MDE 30/04/88 MDE 30/05/88 736/331 MDE 30/06/88 736/332 MDE 30/07/88 Amended list of government authorities in Morocco UA 88/88 - Morocco: Ill-treatment and hunger- strike: Dahbi Machrouhi and Najib Hamdani Further information on UA 88/88 - Morocco: Ill-treatment / Hunger-strike: Dahbi Machrouhi and Najib Hamdani Medical Letter-Writing Action - Morocco: Ill- treatment of two prisoners in Laalou Civil Prison, Rabat: Ahmed Chaib and Ahmed Chahid Limited follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - Morocco: Hassan El Bou UA 260/88 - Morocco: Death penalty/Fear of torture: Ahmed Chahid and Ahmed Chaib Limited Medical Letter-Writing Action - Morocco: Two deaths in detention in Ghbila prison: Sabouni El Mehdi, Adrioush bou Chaib Update to MERAN 12/87 - Tunisia: Release of members of an unauthorized leftist political organization, Le Parti communiste des ouvriers de Tunisie (PCOT) Further information on UA 121/87 - Tunisia: Khemais Chamari Follow-up to Medical Letter-Writing Action - Tunisia: Further information on death in detention: Nabil Barakati Amended list of government authorities in Tunisia Further information on UA 329/87 - Tunisia: Death penalty: Mohamed Ben Brahim Ben Amara, alias Mohamed Laabidi (name previously unknown) MERAN 10/88 - Tunisia: Imprisonment of prisoners of conscience and possible prisoners of conscience after unfair trial and allegations of torture Update to MERAN 10/88 - Tunisia: Imprisonment of prisoners of conscience and possible prisoners of conscience after unfair trial and allegations of torture 737/1 737/2 737/3 737/4 POL 10/01/88 POL 10/02/88 POL 10/03/88 POL 10/04/88 737/5 737/6 POL 10/05/88 POL 20/01/88 737/7 737/8 POL 21/01/88 POL 21/02/88 737/9 737/10 POL 30/01/88 POL 30/02/88 737/11 737/12 737/13 POL 30/03/88 POL 31/01/88 POL 32/01/88 737/14 737/15 737/16 737/17 POL 32/02/88 POL 32/03/88 POL 33/01/88 POL 33/02/88 737/18 POL 33/03/88 737/19 POL 33/04/88 737/20 POL 33/05/88 737/21 POL 34/01/88 737/22 POL 50/01/88 737/23 737/24 737/25 POL 50/02/88 POL 50/03/88 POL 50/04/88 737/26 POL 50/05/88 737/27 737/28 POL 50/06/88 POL 50/07/88 737/29 737/30 737/31 737/32 737/33 POL 50/08/88 POL 50/09/88 POL 51/01/88 POL 51/02/88 POL 51/03/88 Amnesty International Report 1988 Amnesty International Report 1988 - Order form Suggested uses of the Amnesty International Report 1988 AI News Release: Amnesty International annual report gives "ugly picture" of worldwide human rights violations 1988 Annual Report Summary Statute of Amnesty International (As amended by the 18th International Council, meeting in Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, 30 November - 6 December 1987) Dossier of AI mandate documents: Update 2 Letter to Section Chairpersons from Chairperson of Mandate Review Committee Administrative detention States of emergency: Torture and violations of the right to life under states of emergency Update to Administrative Detention (POL 30/01/88) Conscientious objection to military service Human Rights Education Bulletin 12 (special topic: the 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Report on Human Rights Education Human Rights Education Bulletin 13 Refugee work in AI sections: Questionnaire Harmonization of asylum policy in Europe: Amnesty International concerns Refugee work in AI sections: Sections' responses to the May 1988 questionnaire (POL 33/01/88) International Meeting on Refugee Work, 14-16 April 1989 Introductory circular AI refugee policy: Recommendations made by Reinhard Marx with some initial comments; Additional suggestions for other issues that may need to be discussed. Discussion paper for the international meeting on refugee work, 14-16 April 1989 Involving the military and police in human rights work: a further reminder Annual review of country work (Letter from acting Head of Research Department) Annual Review of Country Work Preparation of the 1990/91 two-year plan Program reviews 1988 - Public information program and information handling Annual Review of country work and work with Intergovernmental Organizations Annual program review 1988 - Development Program reviews 1989 - Annual review of membership techniques and campaigning Annual Review of Country Work - 1989 Public information: annual program review Quarterly Action Plan, third quarter 1988 Quarterly Action Plan, Fourth quarter 1988 Quarterly Action Plan, first quarter 1989 737/34 POL 51/04/88 Quarterly Action Plan, Second Quarter 1989 737/35 737/36 737/37 737/38 737/39 737/40 737/41 737/42 737/43 737/44 737/45 737/46 737/47 737/48 737/49 737/50 737/51 737/52 737/53 737/54 737/55 737/56 737/57 737/58 737/59 737/60 737/61 737/62 737/63 737/64 737/65 737/66 737/67/68 737/69 737/70 737/71 737/72 737/73 737/74 737/75 ACT 11/01/88 ACT 11/02/88 Nominations to SYSTEC Report of the meeting of the Committee for the Systematic Evaluation of Techniques (SYSTEC) held on 12-14 February 1988 ACT 11/03/88 Nominations to SYSTEC ACT 21/01/88 Letter from Acting Deputy Head of Research Department to Section Chairpersons about casesheets ACT 22/01/88 Review of Regional Action Networks in 1987 ACT 30/01/88 Human Rights Now! Campaign 1988 - Order form for photographs ACT 30/02/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 1 ACT 30/03/88 Human Rights Awareness Project: Circular 4 ACT 30/04/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 2 ACT 30/05/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 3 ACT 30/06/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 4 ACT 30/07/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 5 ACT 30/08/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 6 ACT 30/09/88 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights illustrated by JeanMichel Folon ACT 30/10/88 Human rights in 1988 ACT 30/11/88 AI News Release: Amnesty International cites worldwide rights violations in 40th anniversary year of Universal Declaration of Human Rights ACT 30/12/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 7 ACT 30/13/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 8 ACT 30/14/88 Human Rights Now! Despatch 9 --ACT 30/15/88 Not issued ACT 30/16/88 Human Rights Now! tour news conference documents ACT 30/17/88 Human Rights Awareness Project: Circular 5 : Update ACT 30/18/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 10 ACT 30/19/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 11 ACT 30/20/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 12 ACT 30/21/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 13 ACT 30/22/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 14 ACT 30/23/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 15 ACT 30/24/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 16 ACT 30/25/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 17 ACT 30/26/88 Human Rights Now! Campaign update ACT 30/27/88 Human Rights Now! campaign - The Human Rights Now! Appeal ACT 30/28/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 18 ACT 30/29/88 AI News Release: Amnesty International presents United Nations with worldwide appeal for urgent action on human rights ACT 30/30/88 Human Rights Now! Dispatch 19 ACT 31/01/88 Amnesty International Week 1988 - Human rights activists ACT 50/01/88 List of death penalty coordinators (January 1988) ACT 50/02/88 Article by a Yugoslav lawyer on socialism and the death penalty ACT 50/03/88 General advice to sections on membership training for the 1989 international campaign against the death penalty ACT 50/04/88 Death sentences and executions in 1987 ACT 50/05/88 List of death penalty coordinators - April 1988 737/76 737/77 737/78 737/79 737/80 737/81 737/82 737/83 737/84 737/85 737/86 737/87 737/88 737/89 737/90 737/91 737/92 737/93 737/94 737/95 ACT 50/06/88 The death penalty: list of abolitionist and retentionist countries (August 1988) ACT 50/07/88 The death penalty: List of abolitionist and retentionist countries (October 1988) (& correction - 10 November) ACT 50/08/88 The death penalty: List of abolitionist and retentionist countries (replaces ACT 50/07/88) ACT 51/01/88 AI proposal for action against the death penalty by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Includes: "Abolishing the death penalty: The contribution of the Council of Europe" - Statement by Amnesty International to the Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Paris, 21 December 1987) ACT 51/02/88 Proposed treaty to abolish the death penalty in the Americas: Request for action --ACT 51/03/88 Not issued ACT 51/04/88 Campaign against the death penalty 1989 - Circular 2 : Introduction for medical groups ACT 51/05/88 Campaign against the death penalty (1989) - Circular 3 : Campaign plan update (July 1988) ACT 51/06/88 Campaign against the death penalty (1989) - Circular 4 : Plan for activity on category "A" and "B" countries (& addendum 1 - 9 November and addendum 2 - 16 November) ACT 51/07/88 Campaign against the death penalty (1989) - Revised list of circulars to be issued (update to circular 3) ACT 51/08/88 Death penalty report and briefing: Order form ACT 53/01/88 Death Penalty News: December 1987 (Trial issue 5) A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/02/88 Death penalty log: December 1987 - Country appeals ACT 53/03/88 Death Penalty News: January 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/04/88 Death Penalty News: February 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/05/88 Death Penalty News: May 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty an moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/06/88 Death Penalty News: June 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/07/88 Death Penalty News: July 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/08/88 Death Penalty News : August 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/09/88 Death Penalty News: September 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition ACT 53/10/88 Death Penalty News: October 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition 737/96 ACT 53/11/88 Death Penalty News - November 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition 737/97 ACT 53/12/88 Death Penalty News - December 1988 - A monthly summary of events on the death penalty and moves towards worldwide abolition 737/98 ACT 61/01/88 Urgent actions issued during December 1987 737/99 ACT 61/02/88 Urgent actions issued during 1987 737/100 ACT 61/03/88 Urgent actions issued during January 1988 737/101 ACT 61/04/88 Urgent actions issued during February 1988 737/102 ACT 61/05/88 Urgent Actions issued during March 1988 737/103 ACT 61/06/88 Urgent Actions issued during April 1988 737/104 ACT 61/07/88 Urgent Actions issued during May 1988 737/105 ACT 61/08/88 Urgent Actions issued during June 1988 737/106 ACT 61/09/88 Urgent actions issued during July 1988 737/107 ACT 61/10/88 Urgent Actions issued during August 1988 737/108 ACT 61/11/88 Urgent Actions issued during September 1988 737/109 ACT 61/12/88 Urgent Actions issued during October 1988 737/110 ACT 61/13/88 Urgent Actions issued during November 1988 737/111 ACT 72/01/88 Advice for professional groups and target sector work in AI sections 737/112 ACT 73/01/88 Trade Union Bulletin 35 737/113 ACT 73/02/88 International Labour Day Action 1988 - Recommended actions 737/114 ACT 73/03/88 International Labour Day action 1988 - Appeal cases 737/115 ACT 73/04/88 Order form for film: "May Day - May Day" 737/116 ACT 73/05/88 Trade Union Bulletin 36 737/117 ACT 73/06/88 Trade Union Bulletin 36 (Internal) 737/118 ACT 73/07/88 Trade unions and human rights. The Amnesty International campaign for human rights 737/119 ACT 73/08/88 Trade Unions and Human Rights: Brochure and poster: Order form 737/120 ACT 73/10/88 Trade Union Bulletin 37 737/120.15 ACT 73/11/88 Trade Union Bulletin 37 (internal) 737/121 ACT 73/12/88 Trade Union Bulletin 38 737/122 ACT 75/01/88 Report on Medical Letter-Writing Actions issued in 1987 737/123 ACT 75/02/88 List of AI medical group coordinators (July 1988) 737/124 ACT 76/01/88 AI News Release: Amnesty International appeals on behalf of child victims of torture 737/125 ACT 76/02/88 Updates on Childrens' Action appeal cases (January 1988) 737/126 ACT 77/01/88 Women's Groups Action, March 1988 ("Women in Prison") 737/127 ACT 78/01/88 Writers and Journalists action: October 1988 737/128 ACT 78/02/88 Updates on Writers and Journalists appeal cases (October 1987) --ACT 78/03/88 Not issued 737/129 ACT 78/04/88 Update to Writers and Journalists Action: October 1988 737/130 ACT 78/05/88 Update on Writers and Journalists appeal cases 737/131 ACT 82/01/88 Action Bulletin (January/February) 737/132 ACT 82/02/88 Action Bulletin (March/April 1988) 737/133 ACT 82/03/88 Action Bulletin (April/May) 737/134 ACT 82/04/88 Action Bulletin (June/July 1988) 737/135 ACT 82/05/88 Action Bulletin (September/October 1988) 737/136 ACT 82/06/88 Action Bulletin (November/December 1988) 738/1 ORG 11/01/88 738/2 738/3 738/4 738/5 738/6 738/7 ORG 11/02/88 ORG 11/03/88 ORG 11/04/88 ORG 11/05/88 ORG 11/06/88 ORG 20/01/88 738/8 ORG 30/01/88 738/9 738/10 ORG 30/02/88 ORG 30/03/88 738/11 738/12 ORG 30/04/88 ORG 32/01/88 738/13 738/14 738/15 738/16 ORG 32/02/88 ORG 32/03/88 ORG 40/01/88 ORG 40/02/88 738/17 738/18 738/19 738/20 738/21 738/22 738/23 738/24 738/25 ORG 40/03/88 ORG 40/04/88 ORG 40/05/88 ORG 41/01/88 ORG 41/02/88 ORG 42/01/88 ORG 42/02/88 ORG 43/01/88 ORG 50/01/88 738/26 738/27 738/28 ORG 50/02/88 ORG 50/03/88 ORG 50/04/88 738/29 738/30 ORG 50/05/88 ORG 52/01/88 738/31 ORG 53/01/88 738/32 738/33 738/34 738/35 738/36 738/37 738/38 738/39 ORG 60/01/88 ORG 60/02/88 ORG 60/03/88 ORG 60/04/88 ORG 63/01/88 ORG 63/02/88 ORG 63/03/88 ORG 63/04/88 Report of the Secretary General (Mid-November 1987 - January 1988) Report of the Secretary General - February 1988 Report of the Secretary General - March 1988 Report of the Secretary General - April 1988 Report of the Secretary General - May 1988 Report of the Secretary General - June to August 1988 Guidelines on AI sections' activities concerning violations of human rights in their own countries Minutes of the Americas Regional Meeting (28- 29 November, Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil) News to groups and members (9) Minutes of Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting at 18th International Council Meeting 28-29 November 1987, Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil News to groups and members (10) Training VIII - (i) IS program on membership training (ii) section reports (iii) section contacts Workshop I - Arguing against the death penalty Workshop II - Public speaking against the death penalty Annual reports from sections to the IEC Letter from the IEC member responsible for development strategy about visits to sections by IEC members Basic principles in fund-raising and membership recruitment Section annual reports to the IEC Some statistics on AI membership around the world List of sections (& update 1 - 2 June 1988) List of sections Amnesty International group work Suggestions for group filing systems List of country coordinators/coordination groups 1987 International Council: Speeches by Franca Sciuto and Ian Martin The election system 19th International Council 1989 - Circular 1 Interpretation at the ICM - Implementation of decision 21 of the 1987 ICM 19th International Council 1989 - Circular II Report and decisions of the 18th International Council of Amnesty International (Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, 30 November - 6 December 1987) Interim report on the implementation of the decisions of the 1987 ICM and IS priorities for 1988/89 Holidays in the UK to 2 January 1989 (& addendum 5 May 1988) Units and Departments within the International Secretariat (IS) Visitors to the International Secretariat Correspondence with the IS Recruitment: Researcher, Asia Recruitment: Head of Membership Unit Recruitment: Campaign Coordinator Recruitment: Researcher (FTC) 738/40 738/41 738/42 738/43 738/44 738/45 738/46 738/47 738/48 738/49 738/50 738/51 738/52 738/53 738/54 738/55 738/56 738/57 738/58 738/59 738/60 738/61 738/62 738/63 738/64 738/65 738/66 738/67 738/68 ORG 63/05/88 ORG 63/06/88 ORG 63/07/88 ORG 63/08/88 ORG 63/09/88 ORG 63/10/88 ORG 63/11/88 ORG 63/12/88 Recruitment: Asia Researcher Recruitment: Head of Membership Unit Recruitment: Middle East Researcher Recruitment: Head of Library Services Recruitment: Campaign Coordinator Recruitment: Head of Language Program Unit Recruitment: South East Asia Researcher Recruitment of Head of Membership Unit - Letter from the Secretary General ORG 63/13/88 Recruitment: Fixed term contracts in Europe Research Region ORG 63/14/88 Recruitment: Arabic Editor ORG 63/15/88 Recruitment: Head of Asia and Pacific Region --ORG 63/16/88 Not issued ORG 63/17/88 Recruitment: Head of Language Program Unit ORG 63/18/88 Recruitment: Head of Computer Services Unit ORG 63/19/88 Recruitment: Head of Campaign and Membership Department ORG 63/20/88 Recruitment: Finance Officer ORG 63/21/88 Recruitment - Head of Research Office ORG 63/22/88 Recruitment - Executive Assistant, Middle East ORG 71/01/88 Agenda for the meeting of the International Executive Committee to be held 16-19 March 1988 at the International Secretariat, London ORG 72/01/88 Letter from the Chairperson of the IEC about the IEC meeting held 5-7 February 1988 in Paris ORG 72/02/88 Letter from the Chairperson of the IEC about the IEC meeting held 16-19 March 1988 ORG 72/03/88 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee held 16-19 March at the International Secretariat, London ORG 72/04/88 Letter from the Chairperson of the IEC about the IEC meeting held 23 - 25 June 1988 ORG 72/05/88 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee held 23-25 June 1988 at the International Secretariat, London ORG 72/06/88 Letter from the Chairperson of the IEC about the IEC meeting held 2-5 November 1988 ORG 72/07/88 Report of the meeting of the International Executive Committee held 2-5 November 1988 at the International Secretariat, London ORG 80/01/88 International meetings and consultations in 1988 ORG 80/02/88 Ad hoc International Committee on Consultation and Decisionmaking in AI : Discussion document ORG 80/03/88 International meetings and consultations in 1988 and 1989 : Update 1 ORG 80/04/88 International meetings and consultations in 1988 and 1989 Update II 738/69 738/70 FIN 10/01/88 FIN 21/01/88 738/71 738/72 738/73 738/74 738/75 738/76 738/77 738/78 FIN 30/01/88 FIN 40/01/88 FIN 40/02/88 FIN 40/03/88 FIN 50/01/88 FIN 50/02/88 FIN 60/01/88 FIN 61/01/88 Preventing future financial difficulties - Letters from the IEC Revised guidelines for the acceptance of funds and fund-raising by AI Revised budget for 1988 Audited accounts to 31 December 1987 and treasurer's report Amnesty International financial supplement Accounts for the six months to 30 June 1988 Relief issues: February 1988 Relief issues - April 1988 Standardized financial report Review of assessment system 738/79 738/80 738/81 738/82 738/83 738/84 738/85 738/86 738/87 738/88 738/89 738/90 738/91 738/92 738/93 738/94 738/95 738/96 738/97 738/98 738/99 738/100 738/101 738/102 738/103 738/104 738/105 738/106 738/107 738/108 738/109 738/110 738/111 738/112 738/113 738/114 738/115 738/116 738/117 738/118/119 738/120 738/121 738/122 738/123 738/124 NWS 11/01/88 NWS 11/02/88 NWS 11/03/88 NWS 11/04/88 NWS 11/05/88 NWS 11/06/88 NWS 11/07/88 NWS 11/08/88 NWS 11/09/88 NWS 11/10/88 NWS 11/11/88 NWS 11/12/88 NWS 11/13/88 NWS 11/14/88 NWS 11/15/88 NWS 11/16/88 NWS 11/17/88 NWS 11/18/88 NWS 11/19/88 NWS 11/20/88 NWS 11/21/88 NWS 11/22/88 NWS 11/23/88 NWS 11/24/88 NWS 11/25/88 NWS 11/26/88 NWS 11/27/88 NWS 11/28/88 NWS 11/29/88 NWS 11/30/88 NWS 11/31/88 NWS 11/32/88 NWS 11/33/88 NWS 11/34/88 NWS 11/35/88 NWS 11/36/88 NWS 11/37/88 NWS 11/38/88 NWS 11/39/88 NWS 11/40/88 NWS 11/41/88 NWS 11/42/88 NWS 11/43/88 NWS 11/44/88 NWS 11/45/88 Weekly Update Service 01/88 Weekly Update Service 02/88 Weekly Update Service 03/88 Weekly Update Service 04/88 Weekly Update Service 05/88 Weekly Update Service 06/88 Weekly Update Service 07/88 Weekly Update Service 08/88 Weekly Update Service 09/88 Weekly Update Service 10/88 Weekly Update Service 11/88 Weekly Update Service 12/88 Weekly Update Service 13/88 Weekly Update Service 14/88 Weekly Update Service 15/88 Weekly Update Service 16/88 Weekly Update Service 17/88 Weekly Update Service 18/88 Weekly Update Service 19/88 Weekly Update Service 20/88 Weekly Update Service 21/88 Weekly Update Service 22/88 Weekly Update Service 23/88 Weekly Update Service 24/88 Weekly Update Service 25/88 Weekly Update Service 26/88 Weekly Update Service 27/88 Weekly Update Service 28/88 Weekly Update Service 29/88 Weekly Update Service 30/88 Weekly Update Service 31/88 Weekly Update Service 32/88 Weekly Update Service 33/88 Weekly Update Service 34/88 Weekly Update Service 35/88 Weekly Update Service 36/88 Weekly Update Service 37/88 Weekly Update Service 38/88 Weekly Update Service 39/88 Weekly Update Service 40/88 Weekly Update Service 41/88 Weekly Update Service 42/88 Weekly Update Service 43/88 Weekly Update Service 44/88 Weekly Update Service 45/88 738/125 IOR 41/01/88 738/126 IOR 41/02/88 738/127 IOR 41/03/88 738/128 IOR 41/04/88 738/129 IOR 41/05/88 738/129.60 IOR 41/06/88 739/1 IOR 41/06/88 739/2 IOR 41/07/88 739/3 IOR 41/08/88 739/4 739/5 IOR 41/09/88 IOR 41/10/88 739/6 IOR 51/01/88 739/7 IOR 61/01/88 739/8 IOR 61/02/88 Report on the 42nd Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly (September - December 1987) Statements by Amnesty International to the 44th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights Report of the 44th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights 40th Session of the UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities: Section representation Amnesty International's concerns at the 43rd Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, SeptemberDecember 1988) Amnesty International statements to the 40th session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (Geneva, August to September 1988) Amnesty International statements to the 40th session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (Geneva, August to September 1988) (Internal part) Report on the 40th session of the UN Sub- Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (Geneva, 8 August to 2 September 1988) Amnesty International concerns at the 45th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, 30 January to 10 March 1989) Correction to IOR 41/08/88 45th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights: Participation of members in AI's delegation International conventions on human rights and humanitarian law: The case for ratification: Update 2 The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (& correction 21 April 1988) Update to IOR 61/01/88 : The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment 739/9 739/10 739/11 739/12 739/13 739/14 739/15 739/16 DOC 10/01/88 DOC 10/02/88 DOC 20/01/88 DOC 20/02/88 DOC 30/01/88 DOC 30/02/88 DOC 30/03/88 DOC 31/01/88 739/17 DOC 31/02/88 739/18 DOC 31/03/88 739/19 DOC 31/04/88 739/20 DOC 31/05/88 739/21 DOC 31/06/88 739/22 DOC 31/07/88 739/23 DOC 31/08/88 739/24 DOC 31/09/88 739/25 DOC 31/10/88 739/26 739/27 739/28 739/29 739/30 739/31 DOC 32/01/88 DOC 32/02/88 DOC 32/03/88 DOC 32/04/88 DOC 32/05/88 DOC 32/06/88 739/32 DOC 33/01/88 739/33 739/34 DOC 33/02/88 DOC 33/03/88 739/35 DOC 41/01/88 739/36 DOC 50/01/88 739/37 739/38 739/39 DOC 51/01/88 DOC 51/02/88 DOC 52/01/88 Some information handling issues Information handling program review 1989 A guide to handling AI information AI Index system: Details of changes New format for monthly lists of IS documents and publications AI-Indexed material available in microform A new monthly list of external documents List of IS documents and publications issued during January 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during February 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during March 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during April 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during May 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during June 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during July 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during August and September 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during October 1988 (including keyword index) List of IS documents and publications issued during November 1988 (including keyword index) Country Dossier List 1987 - Africa Country Dossier List 1987 - The Americas Country Dossier List 1987 - Asia and the Pacific Country Dossier List 1987 - Europe Country Dossier List 1987 - Middle East and North Africa Amnesty International country dossier list: update (country-related documentation produced by AI during the first six months of 1988) Amnesty International selected external documentation produced in 1987 Amnesty International documents and publications: October 1988 Amnesty International documents and publications: November 1988 Catalogue of audio-visual materials available from the International Secretariat Changes in the price of publications and discount levels to sections Amnesty International Publications Catalogue Amnesty International Publications catalogue Human Rights Now! response leaflet and other AI leaflets - order form