July 2002 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 IEEE 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks 1 2 Project IEEE 802.15 Working Group for WPANs Title 0250r0P802.15_WG-July02-Minutes Date Submitted [July 2002] Sources Mike McInnis The Boeing Company Jim Allen Appairent Technologies, Inc. 150 Lucius Gordon Dr. Rochester, NY 14586 Voice Fax Email Voice (585) 214-2465 Fax: E-mail:james.d.allen@ieee.org Re: [] Abstract [IEEE 802.15 WG meeting minutes] Purpose [WG minutes for the July Plenary in Vancouver, BC] Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. 3 Submission Page 1 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Monday July 8, 2002 802.15 Opening Plenary 3:00pm Bob Heile opened the WPAN Full Working Group meeting. Document 02244r1P802.15_WG July 0 meeting objectives and agenda. Bob asked David Cypher to come up and receive a plaque for his participation in 802.15.1 Approve/modify the 802.15 Opening Plenary agenda no additions from the .15 group no modifications proposed to the agende move to approve 802.15 Opening July 02 agenda Reed/paula, passed by unamious concent. move to approve Sydeny minutes Reed/Bains, approved by unamious consent 3:05pm Bob discussed Coexistence issues, a proposal is on the table to create a transitional policy statement so that the work in the pipeline does not stop due to coexistence issues. This policy statement will provide us with a consistent coexistence policy statement. There is more outside 802 that interferes than within 802. All the groups are dealing with coexistence comments in the comment resolution process. 3:13pm Bob Huang provided a report on ETSI Technical Committee ERM TG31A activity on UWB to write european guidelines for regulatory bodies to use UWB devices. 3:19pm Eric Schylander provided a Bran 29 meeting liason report. The BRAN, 5 ghz ad-hoc BRAN29 meeting BRAN29 occured last week July 2002. UWB sharing of specturm was the main cencern interference studies BRAB29do25 (IYU contribution. SE24 item, FCC mask might cause interference. WRC2006 item? WNG requirements review BRAB25d122 nd BRAN22d084 Improvements to provide global momadic roaming, scalabilty, flexibility, wider range of data rates, and IPv6 compatible. 3:28pm access to all the BRAN documents is at 802.15 document archive on the 802.15 web page. 3:31pm Bob Heile went through the Liason assigments: Bluetooth Tom Siep TG31a Bob Huang BRAN to Next Generation Jamshid Khun-Jush BRAN to 15.3 Erik Schylander 11e Jay Bain 11g Jayhan Karaoguz 11i Dan Bailey 11SC-WNG Tim Blaney 802.18 open John Barr asked if there are Liasons for Zigbee and Wimedia. Bob Heile will take liason work for Zigby, will John Barr take liason work for Wimedia? 3:40pm Bob Heile recessed the meeting. Submission Page 2 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Wednesday July 10, 2002 10:34am Bob Heile opened the WPAN Full Working Group meeting. Bob review Document 02244r2P802-15_WG_July-0-Meeting-Objectives-and-Agenda for Wednesday. Alfvin/Barr motion to approve the Wednesday WPAN Full Working Group meeting agenda, approved by unanamoious consent. Outstanding Document List reviewed by Bob Heile.. 201, 202, 220, 230, 234, 242, 242, 248, 259, 291, 302, 303313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325. 10:46am Status of TG2 Draft, Steve Shellhammer. Document IEEE 802.15-02/256r1 Working on comment resolution, comment database is on MARS server. There will be a Move on Friday to apply resolutions to the draft Recommendation Document. 10:49am Status of TG3 Draft, James Gilb. Document IEEE 802.15-02/272r1 Formed a Ballot Resolution Committee. Will resolve the "easy ones" via e-mail and ad-hoc meeting announced for Schaumburg, August 6-8. Hot button issues listed in document 02/273r1 There will be a motion on Friday for conditional approval. Rick Roberts asked if John Barr would go over the conditional approval motion coming up on Friday. The issue is a one-time recirc ballot Bob says on MARS there is a folder labeled 802/ folder New Rules, Procedure 10 goes over "conditional approval". we must document as much as we can the technical issues. 10:55am Status of TG4 Draft, Jose Gutierrez No document was presented. Verbal update Comment resolution activity is ongoing this week. Have resolved 1/3 of the comments. Hope to go out for recirc in August 02. 10:57am Status of SG3a, Rick Roberts No document was presented Verbal update PAR and 5 Criteria is in Bob Heile's hands Doc 104 is a low priority doc, mostly done Doc 105 needs a lot of work so will be worked on the reminder of this week. Channel model presentations (12 contributions from 9 contributors) were given earlier this week. The schedule will be worked on tomorrow, come to WG in Sept. for approval to go to EXCOM for TG status. Dispute about call for proposals before or after TG status. 11:00am Status of Marketing/PR group Jim Overview of WECA activity, dropping Wi-Fi 5 trademark Submission Page 3 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Changing corp name to wiFI alliance Introduction to WiMedia group TG chairs need to get their publicity "bullets" in at the end of this meeting 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Friday Morning July 12, 2002 11:12am 802.18 will not be making any motions this week according to Carl Stevenson. 11:10am Bob Heile reminder, Bob has received the sponsor ballot pool for TG4, many .15 folks are not in the pool. So go to the SA site and register for all the wireless ballot pools. Bob shows 50 currently validated members in the TG4 ballot pool, which will be gone through for "balance". 11:15am Bob says that there has been an issue about meeting "quorums" of all the .15 meetings we have held we have always had an official quorum except at one meeting. There is a discussion going on at the SEC level concerning changing the time period (number of interims and plenarys attended within a year) for obtaining voting rights. There is a rule where on letter ballots if a voter abstains due to lack of time, and that if the voter does this twice in a row, that the voter can loose his/her voting rights, Bob has not been enforcing this in the past, but it will be enforced from this point onward. 11:25am Bob asked if there are any other issues from the floor, none heard 11:26am Bob recessed the meeting. 8:03am Bob called the meeting to order Document 02/224r2 Friday agenda was displayed. Bob asked all interested parties to sign up for the wireless ballot pool at the SA webside Bob asked if there were any additions to the agenda, none were heard, Jim Allen/Rick Alfvin move/second to approve agenda, agenda approved. 8:07am Jose Gutierrez presented the TG4 Closing report 02/263r0. Only 300 editorial comments remain in the LB18 comment resolution process, Technical and TR comments are all resolved/closed. Plan is to finish all the remaining LB18 comments within the next month. 8:16am Bob Heile presented document 02/329r0 Schedule for confiemation ballot and resolution meeting process for TG4. Bob made a motion to the working group “Move to seek conditional approval from the SEC to forward IEEE P802.14.4 Draft to Sponser Ballot per Procedure 10 of the LMSC rules dated November 2001 Jose/ Jim Allen 29/0/4 Motion Carries. Submission Page 4 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Motion made to to empower the Sept mtg. to act upon the results fo the confirmation ballot for TG4 Moved/Seconded by James/Alfvin 27/0/7 Motion Carries. 8:24am Jim Allen presented document 02/262r1 TG3 Closing Report August 6-6 ad hoc meeting for the Ballot Resolution Committee was set. Editorial comments to be resolved by editor in preparation for second recirculation ballot. Motion made to Authorize802.15 TG3 20-day recirculation letter ballot following BRC completion of comment resolution for LB17. Starts August 16 and ends September 5. Moved/Seconded by Allen/Gilb Any objections to the motion – none Hearing no objections motion carries by unanimous consent. 8:34am Bob gave us an update on TG1 and the ISO process. IEEE is viewed nationwide as the International Standards Body so adding the ISO to the standard was of little benefit. The IEEE 802.15.1 2002 standard will become the normative standard for Bluetooth. 8:36am Jim Meyer presented a PC report. No closing report document was presented. Conference calls will take place between now and the Sept. Interim. 8:38am Steve Shellhammer presented document 02/261r0 TG2 Closing Report LB 14 in obtained 79.3% approval, LB31 in 802.11 garnered a 71% approval. Motion was made to Apply comment resolution database 02/219r5 and 02/236r5 to draft version D05 producing version D06 to be sent out for a 20 day IEEE 802.15 Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot. Moved/Seconded by Shellhammer/Cypher. Passed by unanimous consent. 8:42am Rick Roberts presented document 02/264r2 SG3a Closing Report Passed unanimously to approve charter renewal within 802.15 SG3a Motion made This is a motion to ask 802.15 to renew the 802.15.SG3a alternate PHY study group charter for another four months. Moved/Seconded by Roberts/Allen Motion passed by unanimous consent. Entertain a motion to empower the 802.15 WG to take action on the recommended par and 5 critera submitted by SG3a at the Monterey meeting. Moved/Seconded by Allen/Heberling Motion carries by unanimous consent In addition a Motion was made to empower the 802.15 WG to take action on the results of the next recirculation ballot for TG3. Submission Page 5 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Moved/Seconded by Gilb/Allen Motion carries by unanimous consent 8:51am Rick Roberts went through the highlights of the SG3a PAR and 5 Criteria document 02/103r7. Steve Shellhammer made the comment that it appears that there is no backward compatibility requirement for SG3a, and that 110Mb/s is mentioned by so is 400 Mb/s, what is the highest rate? Rick said it is 200 Mb/s at 4 meters. And an additional comment was made by Rick that this is a Study Group for an alternate PHY for TG# and that UWB is only one candidate . 9:02a, Jim Lansford presented document IEEE COEX 02/025r1 the IEEE 802 Coexistence Study Group Summary. The minutes are in document COEX-02024r0_Coexistence_Meeting_Mminutes_Vancouver. Developing: Mission Statement Statement of scope and purpose Definition of coexistence Summary of current standards where coexistence is an issue Recommendations to SEC Attendees at first meeting (November) will gain automatic voting status 9:13am Jay Bain presented document 02/266r0 802.11 TGe Liaison Report 9:21am Dan Bailey presented document 02/269r0 802.11 TGi Liason Report. 9:24am Jayhan Karaoguz presented document 02/267r0 802.11 TGg Liason Report A new letter ballot (LB#2) based on the 802.11g Draft 3.0 is expected out soon. 9:33am Tim Blaney presented document 02/268r0 on the 802.11 WNG Liason Report This group plans to discuss future WLAN directions and global standardization at the September meeting in Monterey. 9:46am Benno Ritter presented document 02/330r0 JEDIC Report. This group is working on standardizing interfaces between RF-BB and MAC-PHY. 9:55am Carl Stevenson presented document (will become an 802.18 number as a report to 802.15, but not given) 18-02-019r0 RR_TAG_802.11 by Denis Kuwahara was displayed. First official meeting was held during this week in Vancouver. Previously a Task Group of 802.11 Authorized in March 02 acted in Ad-hoc mode in May02 Current membership 21 attendees total, 15 voting members, attendees at this meeting in Vancouver became voting members. Motion moved to approve 18-02-13d8_cmts_FCC_Spect_Pol_TF.doc, empowering the Chair of 802.18 to do editorial changes and update revision numbers as required and to present the document to the SEC for Submission Page 6 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 approval as an IEEE 802 filing with the FCC. Moved/Seconded by Stevenson/Rypinski This document is a response to the FCC from IEEE 802 on how spectrum can be used more effectively. Motion carried by unanimous consent. Moved approve 18-02-016r0_Rep_Cmts_ARRL_Resp_to_Opp.doc, empowering the Chair of 802.18 to do editorial changes and update revision numbers as required and to present the document to the SEC for approval as an IEEE 802 filing with the FCC Moved/Seconded by Stevenson/Allen Motion approved by unanimous consent Moved Approve 18-02-017d0_Cmts_on_WAC_115_WRC_AI I.5.doc, empowering the Chair of 802.18 to do editorial changes and update revision numbers as required and to present the document to the SEC for approval as an IEEE 802 filing with the FCC. Moved/Seconded by Stevenson/Allen Bob asked if there was any discussion on the motion. Matt Welborn asks why Carl is asking 802.15 to approve this document when the document was created by an industry group which has not been friendly toward UWB technology when 802.15 is looking into using UWB technology within our SG3a group as an alternative PHY to TG3. Carl says that he is just asking for 802.15 to approve the IEEE 802 comments not the industry position on this matter. Rypinski spoke in favor of this motion and to have faith in Carl. Matt asked if there were any comments in this document about UWB? Carl says that this document does not specifically mention UWB and that this is a get the spectrum now or forget about it thing. Getting spectrum now is very important to the industry. Motion approved by unanimous consent 10:24am Bob displayed the list of Liaison People Bluetooth Tom Siep TG31a Bob Huang BRAN to Next Generation Jamshid Khun-Jush BRAN to 15.3 Erik Schylander 11e Jay Bain 11g Jayhan Karaoguz 11i Dan Bailey 11SC-WNG Tim Blaney jedec Benno Ritter 802.18 Darren A motion was made to approve this slate of Liaison People by the 802.15 WG Submission Page 7 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Moved Allen/Stevenson Approved by unanimous consent 10:29am Bob reminded us that the September meeting will be in Monterey, CA on the week of September 9-13. 10:30am Bob reviewed the doc list Documents 201, 202, 230w, 234w, 241, 242, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269 , 291w, 303, 308, 313, 31, 315, 317w, 322, 324, 328, 329 were sought after by Bob from the authors. 10:35am New Business Formalize the change of the SEC closing meeting shifted from Thursday evening to Friday 1-6pm, .11, 15, and .17 are the primary chairs for wanting to close our Plenarys on Friday morning rather than Thusday evenings. Bob asked the WG for our views on closing the meeting on Friday morning, vote was 29/0/2 All in favor of having our closing plenary on Thursday night, vote was 0 Motion adjourn Allen/Gilb 10:40am Meeting is adjourned Final 802.15 July 02 Vancouver Meeting Attendance Roster (dated Friday July 12, 2002) Percentage 88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 100 100 100 100 100 100 13 Submission Last Name Adams Aiello Akahane Alfvin Allen Arunachalam Askar Bailey Bain Baker Barr Batliwala Batra Bentzion Blaney Boehike Bose Bottoms Bourgeois Brabenac Brummer First Jon Roberto Masaaki Richard James Arun Naiel Daniel Jay James John Edul Anuj Tomer Timothy J. Kenneth Pratik Stan Monique Chuck Robert Page 8 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 100 100 38 23 23 100 88 23 100 75 100 88 100 100 88 100 100 23 100 100 88 38 88 100 13 50 100 100 23 100 75 63 100 75 100 100 63 100 100 88 100 38 100 100 100 Submission IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Callaway Chang Chaplin Chindapol Crosswy Cypher Dacus Dahl Dombrowski Drory DuVal Dydyk Ellis Foerster Furuno Gandolfo Ghassemzadeh Ghazi Gilb Gillis Golmie Gorokhov Greer Gutierrez Haine Harada Heberling Herold Hessen-Schmidt Hlasny Hosur Huang Huang Huckabee Igler Ishii Izadpanah Jakusovszky Jamieson Jeon Ji Jong-Hun Jorgensen Karaoguz Kawakami Ed Soo-Young Clint Aik Wm. Caldwell David Farron L. Peter Kai Alon Mary Michael Jason Jeff David Pierre Saeed Vafa James Gregory Nada Alexei Kerry Jose John Yasuo Allen Barry Bent Daryl Srinath Mark Bob Laura L. Eran Katsumi Hossein Mark Phil Ho-In De Park Thomas Jeyhan Eiichiro Page 9 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 100 100 100 50 88 75 88 88 75 88 100 100 63 100 100 38 88 100 88 100 75 88 100 100 100 75 38 88 100 75 75 13 63 88 100 13 23 100 100 13 88 100 100 88 100 Submission IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Kelly Kim Kleindl Kohiyama Lansford Leeper Li Lieman Maa Mason McCambridge McInnis Michelson Miller Miura Mizukami Molisch Mondragon Morelli Moridi Mulhens Naeve Ngo Nielsen Obara Odman Ogawa Pardee Pendergrass Poor Popescu Press Puhl Rasor Reede Ritter Roberts Roberts Roberts Rofheart Rogers Rouzet Rypinski Santhoff Schrader Joy H. Yongsuk Gunter Tomohisa Jim David G. Liang Daniel Yeong-Chang Ralph Paul Michael D. David Leonard Akira Hiroyuki Andreas Antonio Tony Said Oliver Marco Chiu Y. Henry Kei Knut Hiroyo Jack Marcus Robert D. Paul Mike Larry Gregg Ivan Benno Glyn Richard William Martin Chris Philippe Chandos John Mark Page 10 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing July 2002 88 100 100 100 100 13 63 100 100 75 100 100 23 75 88 38 38 88 63 13 50 63 100 75 100 88 88 100 63 13 IEEE P802.15.3 doc:. 02/250r0 Schuster Schylander Seals Shellhammer Shepherd Shin Shochet Shor Shvodian Sim Siwiak Struik Su Takamura Taylor Tewfik Toba Udagawa VanLaningham Wallace Watanabe Watanabe Welborn Wilson Wood Woodrow Wu Yamaguchi Yew Yung Tom Erik Michael Stephen J. Nick Byung-Cheal Guy Gadi Bill Michael Kazimierz Rene Michael Kazuhisa Larry Ahmed Akira Tomoyuki Steven Brad Yoshinori Fujio Matthew Richard Stephen Edward G. Frank Hirohisa Tan Pek Hon Mo 349 Submission Page 11 of 11 Mike McInnis, Boeing