My Town

Primary Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Title: My Town
By Usborned Publishing
ISBN 978074603079-0
Text Structure:
Language Objective:
Literacy Standard: Standard 7 Objective 3c
Content Standard: Standard 3 Objective 3a
Identify information from pictures, captions, and
Enduring Understanding: (Purpose for reading)
Essential Questions:
Map skills will help use identify features of
neighborhood and community.
How can map skills help us identify features of a
neighborhood and community?
Before Reading
Vocabulary: Introduce the words and have the
students fill out the vocabulary chart.
Compound wordsUse the glossary at the back of the book to
introduce these words: commuter, council, factory, What is a compound word? A compound word is
key, rush hour, suburbs, superstore, tax, tourist
two words put together to make a new word.
For example, if I take butter and put it with fly what
new word do I get?
Activate/Build Prior Knowledge:
What is the name of your town? What are some of
the features of your town? What are some of your
favorite places to go in your town? What places in
your town do you go to every day? What places in
your town do you go to every week? What places
in your town do you only go to once a month?
Use the information cards and have the students
search for different features of the book.
Use the compound word worksheet to give children
the opportunity to discover other compound words.
Before you give the students their paper, make a
squiggly line down the left column with one color
marker and down the right column with a different
color. The left column is the first part of a
compound word and the right column is the second
part of the word.
Comprehension Strategy:
Identify information from pictures, captions, and
During Reading
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will
be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Suggested Pacing: One day
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
What did you like about this book? What did you not like about this book? Did using the information
cards help you understand the story? How did using the information cards before you read the story help
you understand the story? Do you think that using the information cards now would help you understand
the story even better?
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.) Social Studies
Check to see if students understand the vocabulary
words based on their responses on their vocabulary Use information cards to find different parts of a
Watch the students as they use the information
cards to find different parts of the story. See if
they can find those things.
Have students create a map of their room,
neighborhood, or town.
Listen to student responses to see if they are
appropriate for the material and questions.
*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete.
However, all students should be reading each time you meet.