Letterbook 4.1

Prest. Henry Eyring,
Colonial Juarez, Mexico
Dear Bro. Eyring:
The cloth that I got of you to make me a pair of pants I am much pleased with.
Will you please send me address of person you got it of.
Please send me by first chance 3 pairs of pants cloth like I got if you have none of the
black & white send the brown & white $2.50 per yeard. Also 4 little silk handkerchiefs you have
at 4 of each two white ground and blue border & two other darer for dark complexioned persons.
We are all well . Hope you and yours are also.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonization in Mexico
No. 9
The Fair inside the building was in every way a success every Dep't well filled. One
room was devoted to Ladies Fancy Work and the exihibits would ahve done credit to any place.
the women's Building of The Worlds Fair in 1873 and did not see anything better
than some of the work exhibited by our sisters in this land. In the Fair, The Art & Relics Dep't
attracted much attention. Some fruits were out of season but are show of peaches, plums, grapes,
apples, pears &
fine. The exhibit of flowers from the Sanders of UT
surprise to our visiting neighbors and country of Dihlias, Monthly rose, Jimmie,
finest beauties. The vegetables and garden produces no better could be shown anywhere. Diary
products were equal to any made. Candy,
and dried fruits, honey and the skill of the Ladies
in cooking we especially
! The Home Manufactures were furniture, Cookware,
, Machinery were a great surprise to our Mexican neighbor. A good show of
imported Farming Machinery, as a contract to
the mexican Farmlands there with cart made
open with a stick shipped
also the
(rest of page illegible)
Colonization in Mexico #9
and we had no
in the future to raise sufficent means to exhibit and
no money for prize certificates were given
by the
T. Bery to those
exhibiting supervisor
named satisfied with the efforts of the people of Colonia Diaz
and in fact it was much better
hope for as it was our first Fair
designed by
the Association ot hold
September and we hope to improve each year.
In the summer of 1894 two new settlements were started in the Sierra Madine Mts. and
west of Colonia Juarez. The first
Round Valley 15 miles north of Colonia Pasheso by
Farnsworth and other 25 miles farther south
E. Johnson & Co. settled in Chihuahua
& the places are well adapted for cattle
and food farming, especially for
wheat and
to early and late foods.
Bro. J.W. Weler fo Colonia Juarez
Band of 14 young men of that
which they got from the
making wonderful
progress for
to become one of the best for the Prophet.
One circumstance I failed to write in
May of this year. (1894) it
was the visit of Bro. George Toddard & George Reynolds. In the holding of a grand Sunday
School Conference for the Mission the coming of these brethren were especially interesting to
the children they are love Bro. Toddard & his pleasing stone songs and wholesome counsel. He
is in his 80th year we can well remember when we used to sit on his knees as a child they visited
and held meeting in Colonial Juarez, Dableanth Diaz. All enjoyed their teaching and a marked
improvement they noticed in our social condition particularly in the Sabbeth schools since they
In Colonia Diaz in August a Cooperation Merchantile Association was orgainized with
W. D. Johnson, Jr. Prest. Joe B. Joesow, Vice Prest. W. D. JOhnson, Treas., Diman Hansen
& Erastus Back Dep't the stock of Merchandise of the late George M. Brown who died in July
and mines carried on in same building and the Coop doing well under the careful
managent of Sap's Bank;
The Diaz Academy
upon its 5th Academic year Sep't 17th 1894 under a new Faculty
as our late Principal J.m. Mills had returned to Utah. Bro. W. M. D
from Arizona
was chosen as Principal and W.C. Richardson a vice Principal and the
The Juarez Academy
the month under
direction of Principal D.E. Harris.
Colony Diaz is making quite an effort to obtain more water from beneath the surface.
Bro. W.W. Golbraith with aid of his staem pump engine is sinking an
well at present is
down one 200 feet with every indication of obtaining a flow of water and to eliminate the
enterprise. The State has offered $1000.00 of the fund obtain well.
Bro. J.H. Jarnes and others are trying another project to get water as the water under the
surfase is seemingly a vast lake and the fall of the land is sufficent, they are making a canal
drifting in the ground the valley to get under the level of the water above so as to drain it into
the land below and it seems quite feasible. Others are calculating to drain water by putting water
wheels on our present
canal and by this power bring it to the surface.
All we alck in this valley and
of that Dublau to make them one of the richest farming
districts in the southwest is water. The first fall in the rainy season sinks mostly and makes the
vast underground Lake. Windmill, Horse powers and steam have been and are still promising
large quantities of water and does not mean to diminsh to underground satisfy what we lack in
some way of getting the water to the surface and we feel comfident we will do so!
(to be continued.)
Aug. 13th 1885
John C. Harper, Carl Nielsen & Brigham Stowell
Colonia Juarez.
Dear Brethren:
We have been waiting to hear from you ever since the first of the month.
Please let us hear from you at once as to how much you have received on subscription to
help pay expenses for our coming Fair and how much space the people of your colony desire for
exhibits they wish to make and about how many people will come= so we can make the
necessary arrangements.
Please write at once as time is getting short. With Kind regards.
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 13th, 1885
Heleman Arath, Peter Hkowson & Joseph Cordon
Colonia Dublan
Dear Brethren:
We have been waiting to hear from you ever since first of the month.
Please write us as once as to how much you have received on subscription to help pay
expenses for our Coming Fair and how much space your folks will need & what they desire to
exhibit and about how many people will be here so we can make arrangements to make all
Let us hear from you with kind regards.
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug 14th, 1885
J.A. Mahoney
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Mahoney:
Will you please send at once by mail of you ahve no other chance sooner, the posters I
wrote to you to have finished we need them now.
If you have not sent the money you have collected do so soon as possible but please write
and let me know how much you have as we are now getting the house and grounds ready and
need the money to use.
Can you give me any idea about how many people from you city will be here at Fair
Let us hear from your at once.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 14th, 1885
D. Hare G. Madsen
Provo City, Ut U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
I send
introduce you to 3 suscribers from my Ward who got to Provo to attend
they B.Y. Academy. Bro Oliver W. Grawell, Sister Millien Gowell & Martha F. Sanders.
Will you please present them to Bro. Cluff Principle of the Academy as they have not had
much opportunity to get advanced in their studies, especially the brethren
on their farms
labors, will you please ask Bro. Cluff to give them what aid they need.
Any kindness you or Bro. Cluff will show them I will thoroughtly appreciate. With kind
Your fellow laboror,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 24th, 1885
Dear Cousin Joel:
Yours of 27th July came last mail. I have heard nothing from the cloth.
I send by the bearer Martin F. Sanders $2.50 to pay for the lindsey. Marty is out of my
best boys have in the Ward and
to Provo to atten the B.Y. Academy.
Any faover or kindness you can show him I will appreciate and he is worthy young man.
Please takes pain to introduce him to the friends there.
I have not got my money from the stock yet soon as I do will send you some. We are all
well and send love to you all.
God bless you always,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 27th, 1885
N.A. Bolich & J.A. Mohoney
Deming N.M.
Dear Friends:
Please let the bearer J.B. Jackson have the $200.00 Mexican Money you said I could
depend upon for our Fair. Let him have it in goods or credit on your boos there in favor of the
Coop Store and store will pay me here.
We are fixing up house etc. & need the means now.
Take out enough to pay for the posters you sent.
I am sorry to trouble you but as you told me I have counted on the $200.00 and so
expended it for the Fair please
it so I can get it here. Please send list of those who help so it
can be put on the books.
Regards, Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 18th, 1885
Kansas City Star
Kansas City, MO
Dear Sirs
Please find enclosed 25 cents for which send the Weekly Star to M.M. Sanders, Colonia
diaz dist Bravos Chihuahua, Mexico.
Please send me some sample copies of you Daily and all you publish as also copies of the
to get more subs
for you.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 18th, 1885
Dear Bro. Smith:
Please find enclosed $2.00 Mexican money to make up amount lacking to send the letters
to Caleb Rowen which please send and post enclosed letters.
I hope you will come down and pay us a visit during our Fair time in Sept. Weather very
dry here no rain for some time and everything begins to look bad and we are all wishing for rain.
I do hope
you have some news from John W.
Jennie says she hopes you will come to the Fair.
We are all well hopes this will find you comfortable as to health.
What are your ideas about John W. in what are you depending?
With Kind regards
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 18th, 1885
Mrs. Louisa W. Balck,
Safford, Graham Co. Arizona
Dear Sister:
Yours of 11th
just to hand I enclose recommend as you ask for yourself and family.
I cannot find Parley's Patriarchal blessing has got mislaid if I find it will send to you.
As to recommend of Sister H. Crandall I do not know her, as she never belonged to my
Ward and therefore cannot recommend her.
We are all well & hope you are and that you are doing well shall always be glad to hear
of your doing better than you did here.
With Kind regards,
Your Bro. in the Gospel
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
E. de Garcia Esgo.
Corralteton, Mexico
Dear Sir:
Your of recent date came some days ago. I got the subscription money of Mr. Carlos
What about the minial Exhibit and samller products Mr. Dann promised we have been
depending upon this as one of the principle features from Corralteton.
Will you please send a few of our posters up to the Corraleton mines. I did not know
who to send them to or I would have done so.
Will you need any more of them. Have you any hogs, sheep and goats you can exhibit?
What is price of wood for
I want some for family here?
With Kind regards.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
E. John C. Harper
Chairman of Subscription Committee
Colonia Juarez
Dear Brother:
Yours of recent date received and contents noted. I must say that I was disappointed that
you had only been able to get $20.00 toward halping pay the expenses of Our coming Fair.
I was in hopes you could have collected $60.00 as it would all go to the Juarez Braso
Band to help them pay for their instruments our expenses are going to be heavy. Don't you think
you could get the $60.00 it will be for the benefit and good of your own Ward=
Please see if you cannot do this. Please also send list neat as can what you will exhibit
and must have exhibits here at least day before Fair opens
you. Kind regards.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 21st, 1885
My dear Zeno:
I was much pleased to hear such a good report of you from you uncle Jewey that you
were quitting your rough talk and the $7.00 you
in cash and sent me just came in good time
as needed it very much.
We are all well except your mama has had a terrible time with a
on her foot but she
is much better.
All the children want to know when Zeno is coming home and we all miss you very
Everybody is busy working getting ready for the Fair I enclose some of the Fair Posters
please give one to Bro. Shayne and one to Bro. Snow.
We are fixing up the school House it will look splendid.
We are having some rain for the last day or two which makes the gardens and fields look
fine and fresh.
Your GandPa and Bro. Jasko
from Deming with good for the Coop and we are
selling Armanican good faster than Orson.
Bro. Jackson has gone to Deming again for more goods for the Store. Bro. Beck has not
come yet.
The Borps are practicing to play against the Base Ball Club of Juarez during the Fair.
We are having oh lots of
. Wish you had some of them we snt you a few. Will
have some grapes for you when you come to the Fair.
Be a good boy do not forget your prayers, be careful how you talk and act be a man so we
can all be proud of you do always remember you our prayers.
Lucite Ked grow fine is quite fat and gets prettier everday. Your mama, Aunt Yella Mary
and all the children send kisses. God bless you my dear son and is to prayers of your father.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 26th, 1885
Dr. N. C. Davis
Frankfort Ind, U.S.A.
Dear Sir.
Please find enclosed $2.00 (two dollars) for which please send me by mail 14 boxes of
your Half Hour Headache Healer. Address to W. Derby Johnson, jr. Deming Grand Co. New
Mexico and in case of
send bill of medicine addressed to me here.
I cannot have medicine come direct here by mail as Mexican mail is not safe & the
customs are so high htat way.
I am delighted with your remedy and
it in my practice and hope to soon be able to
for a
pack well, and address plain.
(rest of page illegible)
Aug. 26th, 1885
Dr. G.W. Shorea
Salt Lake City, UT U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
My mother showed my your letter proposing to
her of Catored for $25.00, or, $3.00
per month we are all anxious to hear her
but the long distance from RR & telegraph lines I
fear will be bad. We are 100 miles from Deming N.M. our nearest railroad, Express telegraphs
point. Then everything must pass the Mexican customs House at La Poloranco to
north of
How can you insure continuous medicine so far away
if you can cure my mother
there are a number of people in my Ward that will have you treat them also but are waiting to see
what you can do for my mother. If the medicine should fail in being here so as to be continous
we should not feel we ought to pay for lose of time & lengthening out the cure. I write you thus
for you information. If you are
fail in curing my mother you can rely upon my aid in
other patients.
With regards Your etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 26th, 1885
Dear Bro. Smith:
I sand enclosed $4.00 in Mexican money which I wish you would please change into U.S.
Curency and put $2.00 Money Order in enclosed letter to Dr. N.C. Davis and post it.
I am expectin a package by mail from Montgomery Ward & Co. please send by Bro.
Richins or any one else and those who bring it I will apy duty on and also for their trouble.
The Mexican mail is so
I dare not trust it and then I cannot get stamps or
register letters here so i trouble yu so much I hope I do tire or weary you and I will ahve a chance
some time to how you a favor in
& that I appreciate your kindness in this helping me. We are all well and send love to you
and Jessie sends kisses. With regards.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. We expect you to come to our Fair.
Aug. 28th, 1885
J.A. Mahoney,
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Friend Mahoney:
Many thanks for your endeavors to help in Our Fair. I need the subscription list and
appreciate your kindness as also Mr. Bolicks.
I understand you did not keep any posters to put up in Deming I return some please have
them posted up in different places.
Will you please me by Mr. Fenn. 1 bar of solder as I much need it to close my friut and
Tomatoe caus. Please don't fail to send it. i want enought ot solder tips into 12 at gal. cans and
will need I guess at least 1 large bar and charge it to my a/c.
Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 28th 1885
Dr. Karl G. Maeser:
Provo, Ut U.S.A.
Dear Bro. Maeser:
Your letter of Aug. 12th to hand was glad to hear from you many thanks for kind
expressions. Shall be gald to see you agin in this country when are you coming to visit us again?
You misunderstood me in my last Prest. Teasdale did not abolish the office of Supt. of
Church Schools for the Mission. Bro. D.E. Hansen told me when I asked him for his Report that
he had sent it direct to you as you had told him and Bro. Teasdale that there was no need of the
Mission Supt. anymore and he would be done away with. I felt put out in waiting for his Report
to be sent and I was late with
of the Reports. I have tried to do my duty and every year and
sustaine every 6 mo visited every school.
With regards, Praying the Lord to bless you.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept 2nd 1885
N.A. Boligh & J.A. Mahoney
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Friends:
Many thanks for your endeavors in getting subscriptions to help pay expenses of Our
coming Fair. I thank you in behalf of my associates and the people.
The Coop store has kindly said they would pay us here in money for
for these in for.
Please ask those who have subscribed and wish to pay
to let Mr. Josh have it at wholesale
prices as you have done if he has to take it at
notes it will
down the cash here and I've
need all we can get as expenses will be great for us.
With regards and hoping soon to see you. I remain,
Your Friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 2nd, 1885
Dear Bro. Smith:
Yours by Bro. Jackson and Sister Richardson received.
I do hope and pray that John W. may do something to redeem himself and help all of us
out of the terrible predeicament he got us into.
Please let Bro. Jackson have what packages you have for me in your care he will pay my
charges there may be.
I shall expect you to come ot our "Fair" as I have made arrangemtns for you to come with
Bro. Jackson and I will see that you get a chance to go back after the Fair is over so you must
come as we all wait to see you.
Praying the Lord to bless you. Jennie sends loves.
Your Brother
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 8th, 1885
Desert News, Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 75 cents due you which please ended my a/c and send receipt.
Yours etc.
W. D. Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 8th, 1885
Chars. F. Haand Publisher
St. Louis, MO U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 50 cents for which send me the House circle Magazine to the 4
names in slips for one year and me to
& to A.E. Johnson, Byros Johnson, & Jos H.
Johnson all of this place. This is all the U.S. stamps I have and I want the Big Value
Budget. Pease send it and I will send you at least 10 more subscribers to buy your magazine. I
will send in next letter the remainder.
We have no register mail here and U.S. currency or stamps is hard to get.
I have charge of this Colony we
we 800 American people in it.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 18th, 1885
Mr. E de Goucer,
Dear Sir:
We were very much disappointed that Mr. Davis, you nor many of our friends from
Corraliton could not be here at our Fair as we had arrangemtns all complete to take good care of
Your exhibits did not get here until the morning of the 2nd day and di were quite
disappointed as you sent
in cattle.
have been
but yours will be filled out
you. Your goats
and heap
Houses Leather, Saddle,
Exhibit took 1st prize.
With Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 21st, 1885
Dear Brother Teasdale=
We ahd a spendid time at Our Fair but we were very much disapoointed that you could
not attend. sister T. Jenny George & Russell staid with us and had a pleasant time. There were
100 people from Juarez alone the attendance for the 3 days were large in fact much better than
could have been expected. The best of order prevailed so much as in fact that one Mexican lady
was heard to say she was glad she had lived to see of Feast day. (& for 3 days) without a
gambling or drinking. All seemed much pleased by everything went off without even a
even the theatre and concert was largely attended by our Mexican friends. I felt well paid for all
my hard work by the complete satisfaction it gave our visitors from all
the only thing I
regretted was your absense and expected you to be here and enjoy with us our hard labor.
much grieved and still
when I heard that another had been appointed to take charge of
the Mexican Mission. You can little know my feelings to
you learning for your
has been such a comfort
are my funds and the aid you have given me in my poverty in
letting me look after the tithing of the Mission I appreciate very much.
I hope you will not turn over the Stake matters untill end of 1895 as i could not well turn
over the tithing a/c's until we settle for this year. Please see to tithing I can explain to you the
reason so you will see that
not well make a change until end of 1895. If you feel like
interesting yourself with Bro. Ivans in my behalf that I may still be
(rest of page illegible)
in so little for my large family of 20 and I have done just as you told me attended to my duties in
bishop of the Diaz Ward.
Will you please get an order to cover Labor Tithing for the Mission of 1,000.00 you will
remember we used $965.36 of Juarez Ward Order last year and they need some $ . of it this
year their Ward $350.00 and the remainder for the other Wards we could use $1,200.00 if you
would get it and by this means get tithing in, which if not allowed on late tithing the people could
not pay as we have had no fruit and the crops have not been good. We have already used on the
Diaz Ward Meeting & fruit orchard Conse $350.00. I promised them
on Labor tithing of
would fix the school House which has been
all through and painted etc and if the brethren
had had not done this on tithing they would not have paid the tithing as you are well
. Go
to the matter of Bros. E.C. Richardson & P.C. Hayina that I spoke to you about when I saw you
last I feel especially for the latter he should have a mission as also Bro. richardson but non
especially for Bro. Hayina as he is perfectly able to go plenty of means and small family and is
doing no good these brethren have been
in pay until I feel it is doing harm among the
Mexicans and they begin to feel bad over it. Please let thies be attented to and keeep what I say
to yourself for all liked you at Conference and now is truth and none think of at I feel more
impressed they should be called on a mission.
Kind love to Presidents Woodruff
Sept. 21st, 1885
Dear Cowein Audrest:
I received by last mail the linsey you sent me so long ago, it was not your fault it was so
long delayed but a mistake made in Deming.
I was in hopes in this letter to send you some more money on a/c but out cattle sale we
expected to take place this month will not be commenced until in Oct. when I will send you
some money.
I need six more yards of linsey like you sent me. Please send it by mail addressed to me
at Deming care of J. Franson Smith & then send me what it cost & postage & I will get check of
& send you at once.
Our Fair which closed a week ago was a perfect success we had a grand time how I
wished you & your dear ones could have been here ever
went off without a
a are
pleasant from the celebration and feast Days had by the Mexicans
gambling and drinking the 3 days of our Fair went off and not a person
influence of
liquor no gambling or
& no
of any kind also we had hundreds of people here and all
kinds of races & games etc & was said by the Mexican representatives to be the best Fair given
in northern Mexico which
me to a
for their hard & long labor to get it up. I send you
one of our posters so you can see what we doing.
I received a letter from Morty Sanders & Oliver Gruchth who said you had been kind to
them which I thank you for. I hope to get you paid up soon & then of all
well I expect to
send Zeno to live with you & go to the B.Y.U. next year. He is now 17 years old will be 18
. Hoping you are all well as this
live. Love to Ellen, Nellie, Dave & yourself
. God bless you & yours the prayer of
Your Cousin,
Sept. 24th, 1885
Dear Bro. Heleman Pratt,
I send enclosed Five 50/100 dollars ($5.00) from sale of the cheese you sent to the Fair=
the weight was 44 lbs @ 25 cents
I sold it to Don Carlos Gonzalez to send to the
I the other half ($5.50) I turned over tot he
and you have credit for it on the books
of the Fair Association. Many thanks for it.
We are expecting our Diploma's all the time when they arrive yours will be filled out and
sent you.
Please excuse delay as I only just got cash from Gonzalez.
With kind regards to yous & family.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 24th, 1885
Dear Bro. Thayne:
I wanted to talk to you about
when you were here but I was so busy I entirely
forgot it until you were gone.
I am much in need of the 4 M. feels you & Bro. Moon gave for tithing are fast gone as I
have commenced on the Tithing Office and for the Barn.
Can you not have the 2,000 feet of yours & the 2,000 for Bro. Moon or both of you do it,
and I will allow the hauling the best of prices & let it apply on this years tithing my kind even
cash as I must have the lumber & everybody here is busy putting up hay. If you can do this
hauling and deliver lumber soon I shall feel very grateful & if hauling comes to more than they
tithing you wish to pay this year will pay you remainder. Please do this if you can.
Let me hear from you at once. With kind regards to all-Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 24th, 1885
Eide Goucer Eager,
Corralitos, Mexico
Dear Sir:
We are desirous of laying out a large ditch or canal from the river to a reservior to store
water for the Colony the ditch will be some 6 or 8 miles in length we have no instruments to
level with all my instruments I lost while cennected with the de
Have you a level or transit inch horizontal level on the telescope that would do to lay our
a ditch or canal which you would loan or hire me long enough to lay out this ditch?
I understand use of thise instruments being a surveyor & will take good care of them.
Please let me hear from you at once. With kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 24th, 1885
George Tranddes
Salt Lake City
Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Please find enclosed a recommend for Sister Cecelia Acord who went north ot work in
the Temple to see if it would not help her in the imfirmity she has suffered from so long. Please
as she is
young sister &
& past in the envelope I send herewith.
I wrote you a long letter on the 21st hope you got it.
Hope you are well & having a good time. Give my love to Sister Le
Teasdale &
you desire & all my regards that hoping to soon see you
again. God bless you the prayer of
Your Brother-Willie
Sitibra 24th, 1885
Si Lic.
Paso del Oracte
Amy Armigo Anio.
Opostados de la preseseta is Ednnundo Richardson deiesta so lonis quieso ura frara isa sindad,
sobro uns asunito sa importruces' para une de lou colonis de ests y la presente va con al fin de
saludarle a Vot, y a introducesite a' Uel el Senor Richardson y a suphessle a' Ma's gne se sivea as
ailarde can conejos y su influenceia si' scuso tiene sceusidad y le estimeste' favor personal.
Dandola a Usl anticipatet gracias tingo el quito de auscribisane como senorpset
Sue niss alto S.S. y Amigo,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 26th, 1885
Skelton & Wolz
Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
Robb Skelton, Manager
Dear Bro.
Yours of 17th just to hand please find enclosed my Photograph & Five Dollars as you
requested. You state in your letter you had written me before above. Bro. Maeser desiring me to
appear in portrait in his book (to be shortly published by you) "School & Firesides".
I never received the letter. This one of yours 17th and is fine imitation of the desire
say old teacher & I cheerfully respond as I consider it an honor to be so remembered.
Wishing you success in the publishing of this valuable book.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Mongomery Ward & Co.
Chicago U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please send me your fall catalogue #58 by mail-I am unable to send you the 15 cents for it as I have no U.S. stamps but will send you the
amount with my next order. Please address plain as mexican mails are not so certain as in the
Send at once so as I desire to order some fall and winter goods.
With regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
J. Fewsom Smith
Deming, NM U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
I send enclosed $3.50 in Mexican money please get me the discount on U.S. 2 cent
stamps. Stamp enclosed letters to R. Skelton and Montgomery Ward etc. and send me the rest by
bearer Bro. Jackson.
We had fine time at our recent Fair regretted you could not come.
Any news from John W? All well here weather getting cool. How are you?
Please lets hear from you. Jessie sends love and is all J
with her.
With Kind regards-Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
N.A. Bolich
Deming NM
Dear Friend Bolich:
You & Friend mahoney did as much good in getting subscriptions to aid us in our Fair
which was a complete success. We feel to thank you again ofr you joint endeavors in this matter.
In our settlement of a/c's of Fair we find we are behind--& the amts from clerk & co.
$15.00 Albert Lindaner #10.00, H. Nordhaus 10.00 we have not got & they wanted us to take
goods at Retail. The stove here has advanced success to us if they get goods at retail will leave
us behind. Please be kind enough to ask them
Jackson have goods at
wholesale not as you & Mahoney did.
Please let Jackson have what goods he wants for store a time all we send you.
With Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. , 1885
Dear Brother Teasdale:
I wrote you
& sent recommend of Cecelia Acord but forgot to enclose the
envelope encolsed to her. I now enclose it.
You will remember that in May I spoke to you about the 27,500 acres of land John W.
Young deeded to Bp Preston two years ago in London and that the taxes on this land was
$46.65 for 1894 and 1895 which I had to pay yesterday or the land would have been sold. This
amount $46.65 U.S. currency is for this year and if it had not been paid there would have been a
good chance of losing it entirely. By my paying it the Government acknowledged me as agent
and Bro. Preston as owner and as to the invalidity of the deed in first place from Gonzalez he
sold good a deed
to the Mexicans Agricultural & Colonization Co.
needed according to law.
I had
the maney to pay this and you
my circumstances are such I can ill afford
. Please get a M.B.O for $46.65 U.S. for cash in the Diaz Tithing Office so I
can pay it back. There is cash
hand--& will be plenty more soon as I have charged our deal
for sale of all the Tithing cattle here.
I did this feeling it was the only way to save this land and I satisfied myself it was the
only way before I did it. Please send me the order soonas you can as I only borrowed the money
until I could write & receive an answer from you.
Further when John W. owned this land the tax was much higher and this porticular
27,500 acres. I got cut down over half by
the tax collector. Please
20 it will not be delayed--Love to you and all the
May the Lord bless you always.
Your Bro.
Oct. 1st, 1885
Oliver L. well
Provo, Utah U.S.A.
B.Y. Academy.
Dear Brother:
Your letter of Sept 9th came some days ago but I have been so busy I could not answer
until now.
I was very much pleased to hear from you and of your good intentions & hope & pray
you may carry them out. I showed your letter to your father & mother they shed tears of joy over
You can tell Bro. Cluff that he can ordain you a teacher as I presented your name before
the Ward and they all agreed that you should receive the Priesthood of a Teacher.
Your father has sent you some money and will soon send you some more.
Be a good boy, attend to you prayers and the Lord
with your studies. You have
all my faith & prayers. Love to you, Lulu and Morty.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct 2nd, 1885
Martin F. Sanders
B.Y. Academy, Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
Yours of the 30th of Aug. I received some time ago but have been so busy that I could
not answer until now.
I was pleased to hear from you and you have my faith and prayers that you may succeed
in the desighns of your heart to make a good man of yourself.
As to your ordination I went ot the Ward record and can find nothing as to who ordained
you a Priest but I think I did bacause not sure if I knew the dat I might find it in my journal if I
did it. I was ordained by Erausta Snow a High Priest.
Will be pleased to hear from you whenever.
Pray the Lord to Bless You.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 2nd, 1885
J.C. Ayon 7 Co.
Lowell, Mass. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please send me your Almanace for 1896 in Spanish & English also wrapping paper etc.
I use your preparations continously in my practice here both among my own people and
the Mexican and have the best results there
and sell them in the colony store.
Please send by mail plainly addressed as above.
Please print on back of Almanac presented with compliments to W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
and no adverisements as the stamp duty here is high on all advertisemtns of a local business none
on foreighn-Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 2nd, 1885
C. J. Hood & Co.
Lowell, Mass U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I have charge of an American Colony of 800 people here and I use your "Sarsaperialla" in
my practise amony them and the Mexican people with the best results and we also sell it in our
Colony store.
Please send me you calenders for 1896 by mail with address as ablve put on them plain
so Mexican mails are not as reliable as in the U.S.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 2nd, 1885
E. F. Hopzeltine
Warren, Pa. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Please send me your Pocket Almanacs for 1896 same as you did last year.
I use Piso Remedies in my practice and also see them in our Colony store and they give
the best results.
Please send by mail with above address plain upon them. Print on back of Almanac same
as before "with compliments of W. Derby Johnson, Jr." Colonia Diaz Bravos Chihuahua,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 7th 1895
Bp. Joel H. Johnson,
Kanab, Kausdso
Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Joel:
I have written you three times during the last year and received no answer from you.
Father has also wrote you twice and no answer. It seems to me that common courtesy may
of our relationship should cause you to answer our letters.
Please write me and tell me what condition your affairs are in and what probabilities you have of
ever paying part of all you owe father.
Father is getting old & he worries much over his loved ones and most of all that you
neglect to let him know how and what you are doing. For the sake of
is kindred.
Let me hear from you. Love to you & yours. Praying the Lord to bless you .
Love Your Brother
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
A. S. Farnsworth
Sabinal, Mexico
Dear Bro. Farnsworth:
Bro. A.M. Tenney of this Ward has placed before us the bishopric of the Diaz Ward, a
complaint against you for unbrotherly conduct in taking his contract or a part thereof to his great
injury & loss so much so that if continued in would ruin him financially.
We have set the time for investigationg this case on the 18th of Oct. 1895. You will
please be present on this day with your witnesses to
to this change or if you & Bro. Tenney
can agree to the time that will best for you mutually a few days before or after we will accept of
the change and be ready to attend to this case upon your arrival here.
Your brethren in the Gospel.
W. D. Johnson, Bishop
Charles Richards, 2nd councilor
Oct. 9th, 1895
R. F. Stowall, M.D.
Corralitos, Mexico
Dear Doctor:
You will remember that my little daughter Jessica was afflicted with a spell of Ecgensa,
in 1891 when I was in Deming. On her hands, the palms, feet and other parts of her body you
prescribed for her, gave us a lotion to put on wmuch faster to remove the hand skin and a salve.
I have lost the # of the perscription. Jessie has the same desease only worse than ever and covers
more places on her body. Please send me the medicine at one as she frets as bad about it and
cannot go to school.
Will send Mrs. Harris and her heair lip baby 1 comaliton next week so you can operate on
the baby.
Please let me hear from you at once.
With regards,
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 14th, 1895
F. Warren Eager.
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Your letter to E. Beck was showing me I was glad to see it as there was a
misunderstanding in solution to your action about taking our Produce as I felt disappointed as
your not taking the potatoes. I sent by Father & Jackson.
I have been desirous as I told you that when we started our Coop store that we would deal
with you ahd have you take all our produce.
Mr. Beck will come out in the course of two weeks and make arrangements for our
dealing with your. He is away from home, hence you will take this letter as an answer to your
letter to him.
With regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 13th, 1895
Dr. N.E. Davis
Frankfort, Ind. U.S.A.
Dear Doctor:
Please find enclosed $2.00 for which send me the amount in your "Antihead". Please do
best you can for me as I use these in my regular practice and hope soon to send for them by the
if you can afford to let me have more than the 14 boxes for $2.00 do so as the duty is so high
makes them cast me land down here 50 cents a box of 10 powders.
I am having the best possible results from these powders and am introducing them into all
the country here.
Send by Mail to W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Deming, Grand Co. New Mexico, U.S.A. care of
J. Fewson Smith and send letters to say address here.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Mar 6th 5.
Dear Mother:
It seems as long since we heard from you that I feel lonesome to hear from you. I had for the
past year been in so much trouble and distress that I could not write to anyone but Oh how often
I have longed (illegible) and hear your dear voice and get comfort from you.
The Lord has been so good to me and I feel assured that your prayers and others myself my dear
ones have been answered on my behalf as I have almost got out of debt.
What a comfort Lucy has been to me in my great trouble and also the others Charlesetta Mary
and children none of them ever complained of the poverty we had to pass through but all helped
in every way they could so that we are nearly out of debt and will soon be comfortable again.
Oh how I wish you could come and make us a visit what a comfort it would be and how happy
we would make you. and we all long to see you It seems evil we have to live so far apart.
I have just returned from a six weeks tour around the Mission settling tithing. on my return found
3 of the children sick withthe scarlet fever - Winnie. Beryl and Veva = a few days after Ivy came
down with it they all got along nicely except Winnie she is still suffering with pains in her Joints
resembling rheumatism with this exception we are all well only Lucy who is quite lame as she
always is when she is in the condition she is now. she expects to be sick about 1st of May.
I wish you could see our flowers Hyacinths and Crocuses which are in bloom.
Mary has been teaching in one of the Dep'ts of the academy as we had so many children to send
(9) that I thought best to furnish a teacher to save paying the tuition.
We are blest with plenty of food but have hard task to get clothes and shoes.
The prospects are good for another fruit year which will be a great blessing to us. as we have
had so much moisture the spring (illegible) in good condition for all kinds if (illegible) Hope
father and all the dear ones close please write Mother and father (illegible) all the (illegible) All
our love and blessing to you God bless you dear Mother and father also all the brothers
(illegible) is the prayer of your son Willie.
Mar 9th 5
John Lewis Childs
Floral Park, New York. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Please find enclosed 75 (cents) U.S. Postage Stamps. (sorry I cannot send you a Money Order
but in this far off land it is impossible)
Please send me the Mayflower for 1 year commencing with the March number and the premiums
the five Packets of choice flower seeds: New Early Blooming Heliotriope, Malmain Carnations,
New Dwarf Flowering Cannas, Centr(illegible) Grandiflora, and Verbena Giant Whiet Scented.
and the Additional Premium of 100 Choicest Mixed Gladiolus bulbs. Please pack seeds in one
bundle bulbs in another. And And plain as Mexican mail are so uncertain, Wrap well and mark
only seed only one to for garden Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Mar 9th 5
Geo W. Park.
B 23 Libonia Pa. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
I am desirous of obtaining flower and Vegetable seeds as also Plants etc for this colony of which
I have charge there are 800 Americans here.
I see by Advertisement in the Mayflower you offer to send for 10 (cents) 12 pks Flower seeds
choice and your Floral Magazine 3 mo trial. and five extra premium for club of 5
Find exclosed 50 (cents) for which send to following
W. Derby Johnson 12 Pks Flower seed and Magazine 10 (cents)
Jane C. Johnson "
" " 10 (cents)
S. C. Richardson " " " " " " 10 (cents)
Mary J. Johnson " " " " " " 10 (cents)
Zellie Johnson " " " " " " 10 (cents)
All of this colony above address. The New French Zinnias, Petunias, Carnations, Verbenas, etc
as getter up of club send to me Please wrap well and address plain Mexican mail are so
uncertain. Send also wholesale cataloge Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr M.D.
March 12th 5.
F. B. Mills
Box 110. Rose Hill. N.Y. W.S.A.
Dear Sir:
I have charge of an American colony in this country of 800 people and we wish to get seeds both
vegetable and flower bulbs and plants.
As we are Just starting to make some beartiful homes gardens etc there is much demand for
seeds of all Kinds.
I enclose 25 (cents) for which send by mail me the Collection you advertise in The Mayflower.
Please pack well. and address plain as above and mark package samples as Mexican Post
Masters are careless and mail uncertain here.
Please send Wholesale and retail Cataloges.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 12th 5.
Alfred F. Conrad
Box 6, West Grove, Pa. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
I have charge of an American Colony of 800 people and we wish to get vegetable and flower
seeds plants bulbs etc as we are Just starting. Please send me price list of your bulbs wholesale
and retail.
Please find enclosed 25 (cents) for which send me the bulbs you advertise (illegible) Iris, new, 5
French Hybrid Gladiolus and 3 Tuberoses.
Be sure and pack well and address plain and mark pack sample as Mexican P.M.s are not up to
much in way of mail matter and are careless.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
The Good and Reese Co.
Springfield Ohio. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I have charge of an American Colony here of 800 people am desirous to find out where I can get
best seeds and plants. both vegetable flower and fruit.
I enclose 50 (cents) U.S. Stamps for which send me set M.4 Dwarf Early Blooming French
Cannas all different, as advertised in The Mayflower. please pack well and send in mail
addressed plain as Mexican mails are unreliable.
Please send me your wholesale and retail prices and if your prices suit with order of you and thak
will be to your advantage. Let me have full list of all Kinds seeds plants.
Mark the package you mail (illegible) outside samples. address as above Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson Jr. Pres't
Mar 14th 5.
James Vicks Sons,
Rochester, N.Y. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I enclose $2.25 for which send me the list of seeds plants and bulbs which is enclosed.
Please pack in small packages as the Mexican mails are so uncertain, Please pack Roses and
Geraniums well as it is a long distance and I am so anxious to get them here alive and in good
I would suggest you make 3 packages 1 for seeds - 1 for plants and 1 for bulbs.
Small packages generally come all right if you mark them seeds samples and live plants.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Mar 14th 5
Dr. N.C. Davis
Frankfort, Indiana. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
I received your letter on my return home from a trip into the Interior two weeks ago. also the
samples but they had been opened by the Mexican P.M.s and many were gone.
I have tried you Anti Headache for the Neuralgia and Head and I am more than pleased wit it I
consider it a great boon to suffering humanity. I shall use it myself and also in the Colony in my
I enclose $2.00 for which send me 1 doz Boxes of your Anti Head-Ake as Mexican Mail is so
uncertain Please send to W. Derby Johnson Jr. Deming, N.M. U.S.A. care of J.Fewson Smith.
Please send me few more samples so I can give to my friends. I hope to soon send for a gross.
Please Let me hear from you at once. as I need the Medicine. Yours truly.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Mar 14th 5.
John Lewis Childs.
Floral Park. New York. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
I send enclosed $3.00 please send me the enclosed list of seeds plants and bulbs which amount to
$3.00. and also please send me the Marshal Niel Rose I ordered of you - per my letter of Nov
10 - 94. when you send the other Roses you did not have it on hand. Please send with this order.
Please put seeds in one package. bulbs and tubers in another. and plants in another. pack well
and wrap. address plain as Mexican mails are not like those inthe U.S. mark all as samples.
seeds and living plants. so I will be sure to get them.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
P.S. Small packages are always as fast in Mex. Mail
Mar 14th 5.
J. Chas. Smith Montgomery Ward & Co.
111 to 116 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, Ill.
Please send to W. Derby Johnson Jr. Deming, Grant co. New Mexico U.S.A. care of J. Fewson
Smith: - send by mail Inclosed please fing $
P.O. Money order
The following articles are selected from Catalouge No 56.
#36.314 3 pr Mens extra ankle fine seamless cotton 1/2 hose @ 19.
6.286 2 Records Bound in Red Leather stiff Corvers with
gold title stamps on cover 200 pages @ 50 (cents) 1.00
10.733 5 papers needles (illegible) 5 to 10, 1 #3. & 1 #4
8.424 1 doz Honey Comb bibs taped with wash lace.
466 6 yds Plain Chambray buff color
6 yds Plain Chambray blue in color
8.021 12 yds White Valenciennes Plat Lace Edging Fine
Insure Order
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 14th 5.
Deming. N.M. U.S.A.
Friend McKeyes:
Will you please let Mr. Smith have some calendars blotters etc for my own use and to distribute
here in the Colony.
Mr. Smith can send them to me blotters and Calendars are so hard to get here and your Kindness
in this request (is) much appreciated and this is why I trouble you again.
Myself and family are well hope you and yours are also. and that you (illegible) in your
business. any time I can do you good please command me.
with Kind Regards.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 14th 5.
Dear Bro Smith:
I rec'd yours by Bro Brown I do hope and pray that John S. will do something for us. Will you
please do me the favor of posting the enclosed letters. Get Money Orders (P.O.) for $4.40 and
put in one addressed to Montgomery Ward & Co. P.O. Money Order for $3.00 and put in letter
addressed to Child (illegible) Money Order for $2.25 put in one addressed (illegible) and P.O.
Money Order for #2.00 in letter to Dr. H.C. Davis. I send Mexican Money $217 which will
cover Cost of Money Orders and postage. My mother and others are sending in my name for
seeds plants etc. this will trouble you but we will appreciate as a favor I have asked the above
parties to send to Demeing in Your care. please look out for them when they come. I also
enclose letter to G. McKeyes asking for Calendars blotters etc please get them and send by Bro
Richison. I am working hard putting in garden and crops Folks all send regards to you and
Jeannie sends her love and a Kiss*. Kind regards. Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Colonization in Mexico
On account of those owning lands surrounding Colony Diaz demanding rent for our cattle
running on their land and for fire wood, which the 7.000 acres originally bot for this colony did
not have on it, nor running water, hence we were obliged to obtain more land.
We petitioned our brethren in the north to help us to purchase more land but was unsuccessful
until John W. Young came to our aid and bought a large tract of land lying on the north of the
Colony and taking in the whole of the central and northern part of the La Ascencion valley
embracing 150,000 acres with the Casas Grandes River running through it for $110,000 this land
he rented to the colony upon easy terms and allowed them to get all the wood they needed. this
to us was indeed a great blessing and wa the means enabling us to stay here and make a
settlement otherwise we could not have remained.
In 1889 The Mexican Colonization and Agricultural Co bot 28,000 acres of land from John W.
Young. (illegible) us plenty of grazing for stock and furnished us with wood to (illegible)
Early in 1890 we finished an addition to the school house to accomadate an increased number,
obtained a bell to put in the belfry and an organ for the School and choir. The General Board of
Education for Church Schools gave us an organization of The Diaz Academy with Bro Isaac J.
Hayes as Principal.
Colonia Juarez also finished their new and commodious School House and fitted up with bell
and organ. and a good school under the supervision of Bro D. E. Harris. as that our educational
and social status was in fair way of becoming as good as we could desire.
The industry of Tanning leather was started under the direction of Bro John Wasler in colonia
Juarez with good result as also a Coop Store with Henry Eyring as Sup't.
In Diaz Broom making was commenced by D.J. Wilson and others a splendid article was made
and a market was soon opened for all we could make. Bro Wilson also brought in a lot of bees.
which did well and made much honey.
The Colonists were all made glad when in October 1890 Apostle George Teasdale was called
from England to come to Mexico and take charge of this Mission. We had no organization
except as Wards and the affairs of the Mission had got into bad condition as we could not get the
priveleges due us as colonists as we had no one to look after our interests. We all felt the
solution of our difficulties would be arrived at when the Mission should be thoroughly
Thus the whole people rejoiced when Pres't Teasdale was returned to us as his labors when we
first came here had so endeared him to us as he labored wholly for our good and blessing. an
impetus was given to all the delayed improvements in building and other labors was commenced
in earnest and a spirit of thrift was manifest which had not existed for two years previous.
During the winter of 1890 & 91 arrangements were entered into by John W. Young with Luis
Huller and others who had received concessions from the Mexican Government to build
Railroads establish colonies and etc. in this Republic. This opening seemed to be as favorable
and of lasting benefit to the colonies that we all entered the scheme with great zeal Bro John W.
Young giving our people the first preferance to all work and Mexicans next.
The spring of 1891 opened with bright prospects for all and was a very busy one 3 corps of
Railroad Engineers surveyed and laid out the road bed from Deming to withing a few miles of
Diaz and a great many men were employed grading surveying hauling supplies, etc.
Everything went well and all were doing well until in July when we had completed about 75
miles of grade. when complications through Jealousy arose between Luis Huller and his
associates. which hampered and tied up John W. Young so that our hopes of having RR
communication with the outside world within the year was to say the least almost blighted and
more so as weeks and then months dragged along. we getting but little pay and many promises
until we were all worn out with waiting. the end of 1891 found the people out of work and no
pay for what work we had done. the farmer having left his farm the mechanic his shop to work
on the RR now found themselves without food or clothing for their families.
Thus the RR for us ended as a disaster and to make the matter worse the season had been drier
than ever before known no summer or fall rains hence crops were scant cattle poor and every
thing very dear and the condition of Colony Diaz especially seemed almost hopeless and with
any of the people than Latter Day Saints the settlement would have been abandoned.
(to be continued)
March 16th 5.
Walter Burpee & Co.
Philadelphia Pa U.S.A.
Dear Sirs=
I have charge of an American Colony here of 800 people. and I desire to supple them with seeds
plants and bulbs of al Kind.
I enclose 30 (cents) for which please send me your Gem Collection of 10 packet beautiful
flowere seeds also A Year Work at Forstbook Farm. Your catalouge both wholesale and retail.
Please give me your best prices and lowest terms to large dealers as also any books catalouges
etc that will be be of interest to us.
Address plain as Mexican amil is not reliable as in the U.S.
I hope we may be able to benefit (illegible) dealing let me hear from (illegible)
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 16th 5.
Binghampton N.Y. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
I have charge of an American Colony of 800 people here and we are desirous of obtaining for
our Colony all Kinds of Flower and Vegetable seeds.
Please send me your catalouges of Wholesale and Retail prices.
I enclose 25 (cents) for which please send me by mail the 2 bulbs tuberose and Gladiolus 15 pkts
of flower seeds etc. as also a copy of your floral Magazine as you advertize in the Mayflower.
Please let me hear from you at once as I feel it would be an advantage to both of us. Address
packets and catalouge plain as Mexican mails ar not reliable as those of the U.S.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 19th 5.
Senor Jose Maria Martinez
La Ascension
My Dear Sir:
We have concluded to allow you to build houses on the north line of our town plot for the
Interior Guarda under your charge.
If you will come over Saturday next 1 p.m. I will be here to show you the location and to receive
your plan for building etc.
Yours with Kind regard
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 24th 5
Isaac Smith
Logan City Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Yours of Feb 28th to hand and in reply will say.
I saw Bro Westerbert. he said he was willing to sign the deed if Sister Phelps would let him
move the Barn and corral on to the lot where his wife lives. he says Sister P said she did not care
for the barn and corral when he gave her the mortgage.
This much I will say for Bro Westerberg that I know he has been working hard and continuously
ever since he came here and has to my knowledge been sending back to Utah means to pay his
debts fast as he could.
I feel he has been unfortunate and we use all the leniency we can for him.
With Kind regards
Your Bro
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 23rd 5.
B.W. Spiermann
Logan Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Your last letter came while I was around visiting the Mission hence the delay. I gave your letter
to Bro Teasdale. he is here now on his way to Conference at Salt Lake City.
We talked the matter over and feel like doing all we can to help you.
I would advise you to go to Salt Lake City and see him. he Just told me to tell you he would visit
Logan and you could then see him.
I enclose a recommend for you to be baptized.
I hope you can see Bro Teasdale and he can explain all to you.
God bless and comfort you and open your way
Your Bro etc
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 24th 5.
To Whom it may Concern
This Certifies that C. W. Spie(illegible) was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints in the Diaz Ward of the Mexican Mission and as he has been away from this Ward
for about 2 years that he have the privelege of being rebaptized for the renewal of his covenants
into any Ward he may wish to Join.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 24th 5.
Caleb T. Rowen
Gen'l Agent American Bible Society
Bible House, Astor Place,
New York City
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed $8.00 (including postage) for which please send me as follows.
12 #401 Spanish & English Testaments parallel cols.
12 mo 4 3/4 x 7 roan @.31 1/2 ea.
12 #402 Spanish & English Testaments parallel cols.
4 3/4 x 7 cloth @ 22 (cents).
Please send by mail to Deming Grant Co. New Mexico. Care of J. Fawson Smith. as our
mexican mails are so uncertain.
Please wrap well. send letter of advice when you send them to me here and oblige
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 24th 5
Dear Bro Smith:
Your letter by Bro Petersen made me heart sick and I do feel all broke up over the matter. still I
feel there is no mistake as the old Judge is such an infernal liar I do not believe him.
I send enclosed $9.00 Mex money which change into U.S. Bro Teasdale will give you $4.50 U.S.
money. Please put $8.88 (in Money Order) in letter directed to Caleb F. Rowe stamp the 3
letters and pay 5 (cents) for Money Order.
We are all well weather fine and warm fruit trees all out in bloom prospects good for fruit grain
and vegetables here this year.
Jeanine sends love to you as also all of us.
I have asked Mr. Rowe to send the Spanish Testaments in your care please look out for them.
Your Bro
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
March 29th 5.
The Dingee & Conrad Co.
West Grove Pa. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs
I have charge of an American colony of 800 people here and I am very desirous of procuring
some monthy or Everblooming Roses. I have been recommended to you by an old customer of
yours C. H. Oliphant of Utah.
I enclose 30 (cents) stamps. please send me samples of your monthly Roses color yellow pink
and white so I can see if they will come thru the Mexican mail all O.K. If so I shall want a lot of
them please pack well wrap plain mark on outside live plants.
Please send me your catalouge wholesale and retail. and amy books you may have (illegible)
way to raise flowers etc.
Please let me hear from you at once as I Know it will be to your advantage.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
The Levott Co.
Little Silver. N.J. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I have Charge of an American Colony of 800 people here and we are desirous of obtaining the
best seeds, plants, shrubs, bulbs etc. You have been recommended.
Please find enclosed 25 (cents) stamps for which send me sample of your flower seeds also a
rose a bulb or two to see if they come all right through the Mexican mail also your catalouge for
wholesale and retail. Address plain as above and pack well as Mexican P.M.s are careless
Let me hear from you at once.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Sr Jose M. Martinez
La Ascencion
Dear Sir:
I placed your proposition before our people here about building houses for yourself and those
under your command. and they feel to build such a building or buildings as you wish it would be
necessary for you to give a guarantee that you would occupy and pay rent on them for 5 years.
as the outlay in putting up such buildings would be considerable for any one here.
If you can guarantee that the buildings would be occupied and rent paid for 5 years there might
be some one here who would build them. otherwise I do not think they would wish to do it.
Yours with Kind regards,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 5th 5.
Dear Bro Smith.
Andrew Peterson came to me and said he had sold 5 deer belongs to John W. Young and got $50
for them. and asked me what he should do with it and I told him to divide it with you E. Beck
himself and Wm Adams but he concluded to include me and give me cash $10.00 he says he will
send you check for same if I can see him I will send it enclosed.
I send enclosed 14.75 for which please get P.O. Money Order for $11.50 and put into letter
addressed to Nichols & Shepard $1.50 P.O. Money Order in letter for Childs & 1.50 P.O. M.
order in the letter to Wm Henry Manle & post the three letters enclosed besides. I send enough.
to pay for P.O. Money Orders I have stamped all the letters (illegible) We are all well hope you
are I fancy packages here save by Bro (illegible)
Praying the Lord bless You Your Bro
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 3rd 5
John C. Naagle
Oaxaca Sonora.
Dear Brother:
As the Custom House has not been reopened at Las Palomas as we expected I felt it would not be
safe to send for the extras for Chester from here for you but for you to send from there and have
them come to B(illegible)
The following is the address of (illegible) and the catalouge number and price of (illegible) you
1 spur pinion 105 speed 14 cogs (illegible) #763.S
1 wide grate for 30 such cylinders #1159
1 wide concave for two rows of teeth 30 inch cylinder #1.162
Nichols and Shepard Co. Route (illesgible) Michigan Kind regards to you and family.
Your bro etc
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 3rd 5.
Nichols And Shepard Co.
Boute Creek. Michigan. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs.
Please find enclosed $11.49 for which send me to to Deming. Grant Co. New Mexico by
Express. care of J. Fewson Smith.
1 #F 118 thimble to couple stacken to Elevator shaft since 1890
54. #1 cylinder teeth for 25 such cylinder without (illegible) @8(cents) 4.82
12 #2 "
" " " " "
9 #3 "
" " " " "
1 wide grate for 28 inch cylinder #271
1 spur pinion 105 speed 14 cogs (steel) #753.S
3 #5 concave teeth
The above separatio extras are for #5.744
Separator 28 x 40. got in 1893.
Please pack so they not weigh over a 100 lbs if possible. as expressage in this country is so high.
no Express near us in Mexico. Please send book explaining horse Power, and parts.
Yours etc
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 3rd 5.
John Lewis Childs.
Floral Park New York. U.S.A.
Dear Sir
In my order of Febry 26th I commenced my list with 1 packet shild new Hybrid 10 (cents) and
left out the word "petunia" if you have sent order and not the pk of Petunia seed please send it
with this order.
I also enclose $1.50 for which please send me by mail.
1 bulb Large white Day Lily. 1 bulb Large Blue Day Lily. 2 Hardy Marguerites 1 white 1 Blue.
1 Childs new Hybrid Hibiscus. 3 bulbs Coopana (illegible) 6 bulbs True Tanga Lily. the
remainder in Gladiolus.
Please address plain Colonia Diaz and (illegible)
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 3rd 5.
J. P. Byron
Deming. N.M.
Friend Byron:
Please find enclosed $30.00 U.S. currency which please place to my credit and send recipe by
the bearer O. Richins.
I a extremly sorry it has been so long sice sending you any mney and I thank you for your Kind
waiting. but I hope to soon send you some more
Times have been so hard and it has been a struggle for me to get along with my large family but I
will soon I hope be able to pay you all.
I enclose $1.00 extra for which please send me 1 cake Cashmere Bouquet Soap and the
remainder in perfume Lilac Sweet Iris for my wife in in delicate condition. With Kind regards
Your friend
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 3rd 5.
Dear Cousin Jock
I have not written to you for sometime but I think you owe me a letter - At last I have got $25.00
to send you and enclose a check of $25.00. on what I owe you and I do wish I had enough to pay
you all I owe you. but I have been powerless to do more as times have been so hard.
How much more am I owing you please send me word by next letter and I will try and get it to
send you.
We are all well at present but feel as the blue as the frost has killed all our fruit but I guess it is
all right.
How are you all please write a long letter and tell me how you are getting along.
The tenents have (illegiblle) nothing from John W. Young and I have give up even getting
anything from him. Love to You Ellen Nellie and Sadie Praying the Lord to bless you always
Your cousin Willie
April 3rd 5.
Dear Bro Smith:
The enclosed check was Just brought me $1.00 and Richins has started and I am sending Zeno to
try and overtake him.
It is the $10.00 of the amount got for the sakle of 5 deer of John W. for $50.00.
I hope you get it all right. excuse haste.
YOur Bro
W.D. Johnson Jr.
Colonia Diaz Chihuahua
District Bravos, Mexico
April 1st 1895
Consolidated Implement Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed a check on Your Savings Bank and Trust Co for ($219.40) Two hundred
and nineteen 40/100 Dollars in your favor to pay my note for $196.33 with interest from Jan'y
1st (illegible) up to date (April 1st 1895).
Please cancel note and send by return mail and oblige,
Yours truly,
W.D. Johnson Jr.
Colonia Diaz
District of Bravos
April 6th 5.
Britton Davis Esqr
Corralitos - Mexico
Friend Davis:
I rec'd note of De Yoncer stating you and Crosby would arrive at Corralitos last night. It is
utterly impossible for me to meet you on acc of the "delicate condition" of my wife.
I have not heard yet from my friend in the north and will not until Mr. Teasdale returns which
will be two or three weeks. I would not like any sale to be made until I can hear from them.
You know my feelings about this matter as I explained it to you when here and I authorize you to
act for me.
Mr. Kendricks is in Utah. Mr. Grewell can act for him. In relation to their cattle they have but
few on the Ranch to what they had 3 years ago having let out many on shares to San Diego
Ranch Colonias Juarez and Pachaco and sold many. Mr. Grewell has bot Dog Spring Ranch of
Lockhard and Cendrick has sold his cattle to Isreal King.
Mr Grewell is straightforward and square you can depend upon what he says. With Kind
Yours truly
W.D. Johnson Jr.
Colonization in Mexico
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
In January 1892 there occurred in La Ascencion one of those periodical revolutions which used
to be very frequent in this country. (but this is the only one that has taken place near us during
our 10 years residence her.)
In this Republic there are two parties the Conservative and Church. the former being now in
power. the Catholic Priests generally incite their followers against the Government.
The revolution was the result of the municipal election for Presidente (mayor in the U.S.) which
fell upon our particular Mexican friend Rafael Ancheta the church party was opposed to him and
tried to defeat himat the polls, but were unable to do so, they then endeavored to prove the
election false but failing in this they concluded to Kill him and threatened to do so but no notice
was taken of it.
They commenced a riot in the square in front of the Church and called the Presidente to come
and quell the disturbance. (illegible) out with his secretary and commanded them to disperse
when some fired at him killing the secretary in (illegible) Ancheta. they Knocked him down
with clubbed rifles and abused him shamefully. after which they took him prisoner to the old
mill west of town where they fortified themselves against the Authorities of La Ascension.
The following day 6th of January Senor Suefuentia Gov't Stamp Agent brother in law to Ancheta
went to the Mill with 25 men to rescue him. when he was shot from his horse. shortly after this
the revolutionists numbering 85 killed Ancheta torturing him in a brutal manner. Soon as this
was known all the citizens fled leaving their families there were only some 20 men left in the
town to protect the Custom House and Government property. so the Custom Officials called
upon Diaz to come and help them. 20 of the brethren went to La Ascension stood guard and
remained until The Jefe Politics Judge of District and other Government officials with soldiers
arrived from Chihuahua upon their arrival the rebels fled in all directions but most of them were
captured and brought to trial. six of their leaders were convicted and sent to Chihuahua under
military escort.
The revolution was the means of bringing us favorably to the notice of the Government for our
timely assistance in protecting the officials and property of the Gov't. they gave us a partial
municipal government of our own appointing Bros W.W. Galbraith and Joseph H. James as
Presidente and Vice Presidente.
As there had been no rains during the fall winter or spring our cattle died by the hundreds for
want of water. gardens fields orchards and vineyards were a failure and the condition of the
people was deplorable many discouraged returned to Utah and Arizona.
There was also much Typhoid fever many dying with it in Colonia Diaz and some in the other
colonies. thus it seemed the Power of Evil was nearly to break up the Mission but the Kind
attentions care and encouragement given by Pres't Geo Teasdale Keep us at our post.
In Sep't there recurred a heartrending catastrophe Ahashe Indians from San Carlos Reservation
Arizona came into the Sierra Madre Mtn and attacked the family of Ridolph Thompson who
were living on a Ranch 11 miles north of Corona. Pacheco (the latter 30 miles (illegible)
They were attacked Just after breakfast in the absence of Bro Thompson who was at colonia
Pacheco his tow sons aged 18 and 14 years were going from the house to the barn some 200
yards away to feed the pigs when they were fired upon from the barn Killing the eldest instantly
and wounding the younger. at the same time Indians rushed from the hills to the house yelling
shot sister Thompson who not being Killed ran around the house to warn the boys. they knocked
her down Killed her with rocks in sight of the wounded boy and little girl 5 years old. they paid
no attention to the childbut ransacked the house taking everything they wanted ripped open
feather beds for the ticking while they were doing this the little girl went to her wounded brother
and helped him crawl to the chicken coop and hide soon as the Indians missed the boy and girl
they hastened away taking all they could carry and some 14 head of horses the party consisted of
"Kid" 6 more bucks and one squaw. The little girl went 3 miles through the pines and gave the
alarm and the wounded boy crawled nearly a mile from the ranch toward Pacheco this
unexpected attack caused (illegible) consternation and dismay among our own people as also the
Mexicans. every effort was made to (illegible) and capture them but to no purpose.
These trials and hardships almost more than we could bear came upon us trying our faith.
to be continued
March 30th 5
J.H. Parry
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Bro
Please find enclosed 5 thru 6 of Colonization in Mexico.
Many thanks for the Semi weekly Herald I appreciate it very much.
If you (illegible) would please send me Zions Home Monthly Magazine.
I am so lost with out reading matter.
With Kind regards
Your Bro
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
PS In Printing these articles you say by W. Derby Johnson which is incorrect please put the "Jr"
after my name and oblige Your etc. WDJ Jr.
April 6th 5.
John Lewis Childs
Floral Park New York
Dear Sir
I am desirous of getting a start of gladiolus in the Colony here
Please find enclosed 50 (cents) for which send me by mail
25 mixed bulbs of Semoine's Hybrid Gladiolus
Please pack well and address plain as Mexican mails are so unreliable. Please write on package
only Bulb samples so they will not be opened With regards
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 6th 5.
James Vick's Sons
Rochester, N.Y.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 50 (cents) in for which send me by mail
1 package (dwarf petunia seed mixed
20 bulbs mixed Gladiolus good that will bloom this summer as I desire to get a start of the
glorious flowers in our Colony gardens.
Please pack well and address plain as Mexican mails are so uncertain and mark them only seeds
and bulbs samples so they will not be opened
With Kind regards
Your etc
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 7th 5
Prest George Teasdale
Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A.
Dear Bro Teasdale.
A week ago last night we had such a severe freeze that it killed all our fruit and of course we feel
terribly disappointed it has blowed fearfully and froze every day and night since and destroyed
nearly if not all the garden stuff. the people feel very blue but I Know the Lord does all things
well and it will all come right.
I hope you are having a good time - we are all well. and hope you are Will you please get me a yard of white linsey same as you got for me last fall my garments have
shrank so I can hardly wear them and I need some more to make them larger.
Please remember me kindly to sister Lillie Teasdale and all my friends there. We all send love to
Praying the Lord to ever bless You
I am ever Your Bro
April 15th 5.
The Good Reese and Co.
Springfield Ohio, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
The Carnations I sent to you for came 10 days ago. 3 of them truly were not alive I set all out to
see perchance the 4th one might come out but it has dead please send me another. I got
I enclose 50(cents) stamps please send me by mail 10 chrysanthumums some of the hardiest
Kinds (ILlegible) and all different colors. Please send me your catalouge Wholesale and retail.
Please pack well and address plain as Mexican mails are careless.
Let me here from you
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 15th 5
S.S. May and Co.
St. Paul Minn. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 1.00 in U.S. P.O. Stamps I have no way in this country of getting money
order or draft. This amount is sent as a trial order to see if I can get plants etc through the
Mexican mail.
I have charge of an American colony here of 800 people and I desire to get trees shrubs plants
bulbs seeds etc from you.
Send me for the 1.00 enclosed by Mail6 Japanese wineberries
1 Begonia bulb M.D. Lessep
4 Bulbs Lily Auratum
60 (cents) 1 package
of Sasabine
Please pack in two or more packages. mark them samples bulbs and plants they will not be
detained at Custom House. Address plain as Mexican mails are not reliable as those of the U.S.
Please send catalouge wholesale Retail if these come in good condition will need a lot of your
goods. Let me hear from You.
Yours truly
W. D. Johnson Jr.
April 15th 5
John Lewis Childs
Floral Park New York U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
My order to you March 14th came by last mail - all except 1 Dahlia bulb Floral Park, 1 Dahlia
Blk Prince and 1 Rose Childs Jewel, (strong plant 30 (cents)) all were in good condition except
the Mamoth sage Plant which was dead. please send it again and the others soon as You can.
I enclose $1.50 for which send me by mail
3 bulbs Tigridas
1 bulb Tritona Grandiflora
1 bulbs orange scented single Tuberose
2 plants Perenial Phlox white and crimson
3 bulbs Mexican Gems 2 Hardy Pinks
Please pack in small packages and address plain. send me your wholesale catalouge as I desire
to purchase of you for the Colony.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 20th 5
L.S. Hills
Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A.
Friend Hills:
For the sake of old acquaintance I wish you would please find out what is the status of T.G.
Webber and others claiming against Johnson Bros of Kanab and if there is any show for father to
get any thing on the property he let them have. He is out some $11,000 and at his age over 70 he
frets and worrys about it a great deal and in fact is shortening his days.
Please ascertain if it would do any good to put the matter into hands of lawyers and who of our
people would undertake it.
Please excuse me taking your attention asking this favor I do it for father only and as he has
shown confidence in your Judgements.
I thought for auld lang syne sake if you would do this for him. Please let me hear from you when
it is convenient. Kind regards
Yours truly
W. D. Johnson Jr.
April 20th 5.
Joel H. Johnson
Kanab, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Cousin Joel:
I wrote you a long letter Oct 27 - 1894 and have never received a line from you in reply why is
Father has aged fearfully since he feels loss on acc of your failure to pay him the notes you gave
him for his property.
I feel theleast you can do is to answer my former letter and answer questions askedFather mourns over his loss much and is wearing himself into the grave. he feels you have not
dealt squarely with him. the folks feel hard against you and I desire you to write me and let me
Know the time status of your affairs and what you can do as regards fathers property. With Kind
to you and yours
Your Cousin
April 20th 5.
James Vicks Sons:
Rochester New York U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
The order I sent you March 14th containing $2.20 for seed plants and bulbs came last mail and I
was terribly disappointed when I found the Roses Geraniums and Cannas Stars of 1891 was dead
- the Dahlia and seeds and two other Cannas were in good condition.
The Rose Princess de Sagan, Mrs James Wilson, Marchel Niel and Marie Lambert, Geraniums
Hoff Beach and Beaute Portenue and Canna Star 1891 all in one bundle were entirely dried out
and dead.
Please send them again put in little box and oil paper. Marked only plants so they will not be
opened by Custom Officials.
I shall appreciate it very much if you will send them again.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
PS Whats the matter with the magazines I have rec`d none since Feb number. I miss it very
much please send mar and april. WDJJr
April 20th 5.
John Lewis Childs
Floral Park. N.Y. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Please find enclosed your postal Card stating I have a credit of $1.30 on acc of you being out of
Rose and Dahlias I sent for.
Please send me for this amount
Hardy Azealea color red or scarlet
Hydrangea Poinculata
Siprea New Japanese color rose pink
Rosa Rugasa
Sweet Pea Shrub (Robinia Hispida
Trifolate Orange
20 (cents)
20 (cents)
20 (cents
20 (cents)
Please wrap well so they will not dry out as weather is warm here and address plain as I am
exceedingly anxious to get these shrubs.
Your truly,
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 22nd 5.
Dr. N.C. Davis.
Frankfort, Ind. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Some two weeks ago I received the Dozen Anti Head = as also the samples and have used most
of them.
Please find enclosed $2.00 M Order for which send me another dozen Anti-Headache. by mail to
Deming. Grant Co New Mexico. Care of J. Fewson Smith. as our Mexican mails are unreliable.
Please see that each box contains 10 parts as some I received only had nine in. and on acc of duty
at Custom House I can not sell them here for less than 50 (cents) box if I could afford to get a
gross would be better or could you let me have them less (illegible) as they charge less duty in
small lots (illegible)customs.
Please let me hear from you address me here and send bill but medicine to Deming.
Yours etc.
W.D. Johnson Jr. M.D.
April 22nd 5.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Chicago Ill. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed $4.35 for which send me the following by mail to Deming Grant Co. New
Mexico U.S.A. care of J. Fewson Smith (as our Mexican mail is unreliable). Catalouge #56
#2036 18 yds Victoria Lawn @ 10 (cents)
1/2 lb saxony wool yarn black
1 pr Misses Black Hose (illegible)
2 " " " " 8 " @.18
1 " " " " 8 1/2 "
#36314 3 pr Mens Extra Super fine Cotton 1/2 hose #87 (illegible)
Postage for Catalouge #57
" and Insurance
I enclose 4.05 Money Order & Your Treasurers Draft for 30 (cents). Please send Catalouge to
Deming. Grant Co. New Mexico care J. Fewson Smith. and send bill of Goods to me here. W.
Derby Johnson Jr. Colonia Diaz. District of Bravos Chihuahua Mexico. Yours etc
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 22nd 5.
Dear Bro Smith.
I enclose $12.35 in Mexican Money which please change into U.S. and get Money order for
$2.00 and put into letter (enclosed) addressed to Dr. N.C. Davis Money Order for $4.05 and put
into letter addressed to Montgomery WArd and Co. the remaining 13 (cents) to pay for stamps to
put on the two letters and pay for O.O. Momey Order.
I sent some time ago for some extras to the Thresher for father t cme by Express in your care.
only they made mistake in Your name of Fawson instead of Fewson. Please look out for it and
report to Bro Richins who will pay the Expressage on it.
If Bro Richins can I would like him to bring the Rockings Chairs of Lucy's and the large bake
pan belonging t the store. if not to much trouble to you to look them up.
We have the measles here Clare had them expect all to have a turn.
Jenny sends Kind love in which all Join. Any more from London? Yours etc.
W.D. Johnson Jr.
April 22nd 5.
J.P. Byron
Deming. U.S.A.
Friend Byron:
Please find enclosed $2.00 U.S. of mother's she wishes you to send her three bottles of Kathanon
for the hair and the remainder in P.O. Stamps.
I also enclose 75 (cents) U.S. for which send me Frangipani Perfume wrap all in one bundle and
send by the bearer Mr. Richins.
I expect to soon send you some more money.
Have you any Hoods Calendars or others? If so send me a few.
With Kind regards.
Your friend.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
April 23rd 5.
Walter Burpee & Co.
Philadelphia. Pa. U.S.A.Dear Sirs:
I received your Gern Collection of Flowers seeds Catalouges and am pleased with them all. and
feel I can do a good business with you. The season here is far advanced for seed this year but I
desire to obtain some bulbs plants etc and send you a small trial order to see if they will come
safe through the Mexican Mail. I enclose $1.00 which send me by mail in small packages
addressed plain well wrapped so not to dry out and mark plants only. 1 New Nympheea Dahlia
15(cents) 1 each Lilium speciosum Rubrum and Wallace #8 Everblooming Tea Rose 1 Rose
Clotilde Sompart 1 Baroness Burge. The Birde. 1 Corrina .35 1 white Calla. 1 Black Calla 30. a
few large Oxalis bulbs and seedling Gadiola. If they come safe will need a large order. Please
take Pains carry out directions so Custom officials not open & spoil them. Let me hear from you
soon as (illegible) YOurs etc.
W. Derby Johnson Jr. Sup't
March 19th 5.
Miss Ivia Burton
103 South Second West St.
Salt Lake City. Utah. U.S.A.
Dear Niece Ivy:
Your welcome letter of Jan'y 26th came while I was from home.
Dear Little Ivy: I commenced this letter the 19th of March but was called away on business and
here it is the 25th of April. I hope you will forgive me for delaying so long. and I will try and
not do so again. I have been so very busy. You must know dear Ivy that to be a Bishop in a far
off country town like this is much different than in the city where you live. here are 800 people
in this Ward to whom I am Lawyer, Doctor, and general Adviser in fact a father to them and to
look after them all the time is a great labor that takes all my time. to look to (illegible)
I was indeed pleased with your nice new little letter and hope you will write again
to be patient in all my trails but some times it seems I have had more than my share but the
Lord's will be done I want to do right and by the help of the Lord I am determined to do so.
The loss of our fruit crop by frost has been a severe disappointment.
I wouls so like to have you come and see us and hope ere long I can come and bring or send for
I should like to help you with your temple work but it is impossible now as I have no means to
come with. I am thankful today we are now quite comfortable for food and doctoring.
I have a houseful 18 under one roof - If I had all my dear ones now I would have a family of 25.
All my children are bright good children for which I feel thankful.
Please write and I will not be so neglectful again. All Join in love to you (illegible) God bless
you always is the prayer of Your son.
The news your letter contained about your brothers and sisters Your papa and mama was very
interesting to me I was glad to know you were doing so well in school and you are improving so
much in your (illegible)
My little Ivy your name sake is almost 3 years old and is a pretty as a picture has blonde curly
hair red cheeks blue eyes talks you almost to death and is a cute as she can be (illegible)
I am so sorry your mama suffers so with her head. I enclose 3 powders which I would like her to
take according to the directions and see if it wont help her. if so she can write to Dr. N.C. Davis
Frankfort Indiana and get them by mail and please say I gave them to her if they do her good. I
am subject to the neuralgia and these powders always help me.
I hope you will write to me again and tell me all the news about the folks and particularly
yourself - Love to your Papa Mama your brothers and sisters and your dear little self and a Kiss
for You from
Uncle Willie
April 23rd 5.
Mrs. Sarah Salisbury
Salt Lake City. Utah U.S.A.
Dear Mother:
I was glad to read your letter to Charlesetta and to learn you were well how I should like to see
your dear face.
I have had such a struggle to get along for the past two years that I have sadly neglected you dear
Mother but I have thought of you so often and would have been glad to see you and get some
comfort and consolation from you. but the Lord has been good to me and thanks to his Kindness
I have nearly cleared all my debts a few months more and I will be a free man again for which I
feel thankful. the (illegible) dark day I have (illegible) have been terrible and (illegible) have
been so good and patient I missed my dear Lulu Oh so much. but I have tried
April 27th 5.
Joseph Hyrum Parry
Salt Lake City. Utah. U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
March 30th I sent you article #6 on Colonization in Mexico. but have heard nothing from it or
the two last Utah Church and Farms have not got it in. is it lost? If so I can send a copy.
I herewith enclose #7 on the same subject.
Please let me know whether they are what you want or are worth sending you.
With Kind regards.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
P.S. In publishing these articles please put Jr. after my name.
Colonization in Mexico
In my last article I omitted to state that during 1891 Colonies Pacheco and Dublan were
organized into Wards.
The former is situate 30 miles west of Colonia Juarez in the Sierra Madre Mts. some 7,000 feet
above sea level. Bro Jesse N. Smith Jr. was chosen as Bishop. C.B. Heaton and James Sellers
counsellors. the little settlement of Corralis Basin 2 miles south was included in the Ward as
also the Company of brethren who had Joined together to work in the United Order at Cave
Valley. under the leadership of C.B. Heaton. six miles north, was also made a portion of this
Ward. the country in which these are located is cool and pleasant in summer heavily timbered.
good for stock especially for dairying, and an excellent place to raise potatoes cabbages and
other north temperate vegetables that cannot be so well grown in the lower vallies.
The colony of Dublan is situated 50 miles south from Colonia Diaz and 18 miles east from
Juarez Bro Winslow Farr was sustained as Bishop with Bros F.G. Williams and P H Hunt as
counsellors, this place is well adapted to raising wheat and corn and also a fair place for cattle.
In 1892 some of the brethren with Bro G.C. Williams went across the mountains into Sonora on
the Borispe River and bought a tract of land 100 miles west from Diaz. land was fertile and good
water abundant. but was so shut off from outside communication that it was hard to start a
settlement. the climate here was warm and very similiar to that of St. George Utah.
The extreme drought continued during the summer of 1892 which caused loss of crops and
people went short of food both among the colonists as well as Mexicans. the cattle interests also
suffered terribly for want of water and lack of grass.
In November the rains came in good earnest and in a few weeks the change was marvellous. it
looked like a meadew and the soil in fine condition for crops another year.
The 15th of this month Bro Karl G. Maeser visited us inspecting the Diaz Academy Dublan
Seminary the Juarez Academy and vave us a full organization in the Mission of the Church
School System. A general Board for the Mission with Apostle G. Teasdale as Pres't and local
Board of Education in each WArd. and W. Derby Johnson Jr. as Sup't of Church Schools in the
Mission. his visit was of incalculable worth to us and put our educational affairs in such a shape
that many of our Young People commenced to study Spanish. Bro Maesar's happy faculty for
doing good aroused the much needed interest in Education.
The change of feeling among the colonists on account of the rainy season returning altho late
was wonderful all were encouraged to put in fall wheat and prepare for a large sowing in the
spring of other crops.
In all the settlements the same spirit of improvement and determination to make the Mission
succeed prevailed. The Christmas Holidays was passed pleasantly.
In February of 1893 Bro B.H.Roberts came to see us and organized the 99th quorum of Seventies
as but few of our leading brethren had visited us his sojourn among us was much appreciated. In
March over thirty people from this Mission made the long Journey of 1,500 miles to Salt Lake
City to attend the dedication of The Temple.
On 27th of May the Diaz School House was dedicated by Apostle Geo. Teasdale. the large
(illegible) this house we were proud of as (illegible) built on the old School House on the west
(illegible) home has 5 room in West Front (illegible) 5th an upper story over the West Front of
18 x 36.
The Fruit crop at Juarez this year was something wonderful as the losses on acc of frost had
borne little or no fruit before they had an abundance of peaches plums apricots and many apples
grapes cherries and pears and plenty of small fruits Blackberries Strawberries and Raspberries.
At Diaz we were not so fortunate but the frost left us enough to show we could have fruit in
favorable years.
In every settlement of the mission a fine yield of grain and vegetables made the Saints generally
The brethren at Pacheco and Dublan had built large and commodious School Houses thus tking
everything into consideration. The Mexican Mission was on the improve and we all hoped had
past its worst trials, thus were we encouraged and prospered at the close of 1893.
(to be continued)
April 26th 5.
Consolidated Implement Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah. U.S.A.
Dear Sire=
Yours of 12th just in relation to ours of the 1st inst.
Will say in reply that we sent the draft to pay our last note that matures Jan 1st 1896.
Please cancel note and send us and oblige.
Yours truly,
W.D. Johnson Jr.
May 3rd 5.
Joseph H. James.
Diaz - Mexico
Dear Bro James=
The case of Bro C. Mathews handing steer of Bro Lyman Wilson is set for investigation
tomorrow at 9 am in the Bishop's House.
Please be on hand at appointed time as the case is an important one and as some of the parties are
going away must be attended to tomorrow. With Kind regards I am
Your Bro etc
W.Derby Johnson Jr.
May 3rd, 1895
Charles Richins
Diaz Ward, Mexico
Dear Bro. Richins:
The case against Bro. Charles Mathews for handing steer of J.L. Wilson is set for
tomorrow at 9 am in the bishops Court to be held in the School House.
Please be on hand to take your place at time appointed and bring your son Jessie as we
decire him for a witness.
This case is important and must be settled tomorrow as some of the brethren are going
away soon and case must be attended to tomorrow. With Kins regards.
Your Bro. in the Gospel
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 3rd, 1895
C. Whiting.
Preist Teachers Diaz Ward
Dear Bro. Whiting,
You will please attend the Bishop's Court tomorrow at 9 am in the School House.
Please notify Bro. Mathews to be present as his case comes up then and for him to notify
any witneses he may wish to be there to testify for him.
You will please notify Bro. Adams and Holday to be presant ans also Bro. M.L. Tyewell
and any other you think mcan throw any light upon this case. See that when parties are notified
in time to be on hand at time appointed.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 4th, 1895
John Lewis Child.
Floral Park, N.T. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
On April 3rd I sent you $1.50 for 1 bulbs each of White and Blue Day Lily, 2 Kearndy
Marguanites, 1 white and yellow, 1 Child ners Haybird Bibiam, 3 bulbs coopena Dramma , 6
bulbs True Fairy Lily,
in Gladish, I recieved by mail one week ago the bulds of Coopens
and 2 Marguanites, and Gladiolus but the white Margranite was dead. I waited for the next mail
to come (semiweekly) but none of the others have come= please send the White and Blue
again and the other bulbs and Hibia
I enclose $1.55 for which please send me by mail in small packages= 1 Blackberry Lily
10 cents, 1 Hemenanlles (Lemon Lily) 15 cents, 1 Syringa (Mock Orange) 10 cents, 1
Calycenthus 15 cents, 2 Mamoth Oxalis bulbs mixed 35 cents, 1 Coimson Rambler Rose 30
cents, 1 Camma Florence Taughaw 25 cents, and 1 Achillea Grandflora 15 cents. Please address
plain mark live plants so Custom Express will not open them and they dry our. Please wrap
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 4th, 1895
The Dingee and Conrad Co.
West Grove Pa U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
The two roses you sent me came in fine condition and I was much pleased with them. I
am desirous of supplying our colony here with a good collection of Roses and flowering shrubs
etc. as I dare not send large order by mail and we have no Express near us. I will send a mail
order-I enclose $1.10 for which please send me packed well (in small packages, so the Custom
Offices will not open them) address plain and mark live plants. 1 Rose lacks Caprisa, 1 Rose
Everblooming Tea Perledes Jardining and 1 Rose Everblooming Tea "Etocke de Lyon", 1 Madde
Wattavilla "Robbering the Rose, 1 Everblooming Bourbon and China rose Malmaison" and 1
Flowering Shrub "Andrsmuda and Narienda". Please send me copy of your maga
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
4th, 1895
Kansas City Star
Kansas City, MO U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
The subscribers to the Weekly Kansas City Star--complain they do not get their paper and
I find by enquiry that you do not address the bundle right as many of them only have Chihauhua
on and they go to the City of Chihuahua and we never get them. We are in the State of
Chihuahua not the city which is 300 miles for here.
Please address plain. Colonia Diaz. Districh of Bravosa Chihuahua, Mexico. or as
printed above please see to this. Send me few sample copies and order blanks.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 14th, 1895
J.P. Byron
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Byron:
Please find enclosed $5.00 Max Silver for which please send me by brother (illegible)
Mr. O. Richard Dutchen Fly Paper 25 cents worth, 2 Mettalic wire Kim Brushes-Bug or Insect Powder 25 cents and the remainder in 2 cent P.O. stamps please wrap well
in a bundle together.
Thanks for the calendars. With kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 15th, 1895
Dr. R. F. Stovale
Corraliton Mex.
Dear Doctor:
I have Ida Harris a widow lady of the Colony, who lost her husband in January last has a
baby with a hair lip. I wish you would come down and see what you could do it for. And when
it could be done as she is very poor and so would be glad to have you do it as cheap as you can
as the members of the Colony will have to pay for the operation.
Will you be coming this way soon? With regards?
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 25th, 1895
Britton Davis Esgr.
Corraliton, Mexico
Friend Davis:
I wish you would please notify Lena Corona your agent at la Ascencion and also agent
for Crosby. Not to ask sent for any of the cattle belonging to this colony and except Messno
Gaerwell and Hendesky as we have plenty and more than enough land for all of our cattle aside
from theirs.
The colong owns here 43,000 acres and besides I represant the Land of Mr. Preston of the
Gonzales tract 16 Ritio lying west of the Baca Grande Land= this we have more than enough for
all our cattle and the cattle from the Baca Grande Ranch is all the time on our Land. Please see
to this at once as Coroma is demanded sent of our people and they blame me= by seeing to this
matter at once you will greatly blessed.
Your Friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 25th, 1895
Dear Pres. Teasdale.
I enclose letters form Pres. Smith and W. E. Rorbothan also recommend for those you
married last Sunday. Jos. and Peter Morlainsen and their wives . Mud Prince and wife and Mary
Ellen Widson Cluff and send by the beans a packages combining Letter Heats and Envelopes I
sent for you sometime ago.
Pres. Rowbocham wisheds to marry Bro. Fennis daughter Victoria but he having a wife
not yet divorced from him in Utah in the whom he has not lived for 3 years and does not intend
to any more. On this a/c I could not marry them unless you authorized me to do so. They went
to Ascencion yesterday and declared their intention to marry and cannot consumate it for 15
days. He has no team and cannot well come to Juarez and leave his garden--he is worthy and
should have a wife. If you could authorize me to marry them for time and then when you come
seal them it would be a blessing to him. The day after you left May 22nd at 2 a.m. Lucy gave
birth to a fine son weighing 8 lbs. She and little doing well. Hope you got home all right. All
joins me in love to you and yours. God bless you always is the prayers of Your Brother,
May 25th, 1895
Bishop W. B. Preston
Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Prest. Geo. Geasdale asked me to write you explaining our circumstances here in relation
to our Charity a/c's. We are desirous of conforming with all requirements and be in harmony
with the rest of the Church but our condition at the present time will not admit of our taking care
of the Poor entirely from Fast Offerings and the Relief Societies.
The Saints of this mission with the exception of a very few are all poor people and the
many difficulties we have had to contend with hass been slow work getting a start.
The present year thus far is a very unfortunate one for us as all our joint crops has been
destroyed by frost the cold dry weather makes the gardens almost a failure and the grain harvest
will only be half a sheiskle and on a/c of the drought many of our cattle was dying for want of
and water.
During the last year a number of
have died-in the Diaz Ward 5 brethren two
leaving 2 wives each, two 3 wives and one 4 wives and all having large families so you see that
though the Mission makes a number of widows that have no way of making a living our situation
is so different from the older stakes of Zion in the north that we are satisfied that you
understanding these things could make an exception in our case at least for the present time hope
in few years to get better off or can do better.
Prest. Teasdale and self think if you will let us have the $900.00 from the F.O. Dep't. we
worked for the 6 months ending June 30th, 1895 that we may be able to make it do for the whole
I'll be careful and do best we can. Please send order to my address. With kind regards to
you and all the brethren in the office. Praying the Lord to bless you.
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Mission Tithing Clerk
Good & Rease Co.
Springfield, Ohio, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
The 12 Chrysanthimums and 1 Camora came by mail but you did not put quite enough
soaking around them as six Chrysanthemums and the Camora was dry and dead. I was much
disappointed. Please send them again. The dead were Purtan, Co. Wm Blemik, "Mrs. E. B.
Knill" "Pitcher" and "Maula" "Eda Pras and Mr. Marioa Sivpaon, and Carma Duchean
Mortemale". I will keep ordering of you and hope my
for the Colony will pay upon for extra
trouble. As the Karets have to come as far please put little apha packing around them.
I enclose 50 cents for which please send me 1 each Camra "Cap'l Pde'feuzoun,' "Admual
Courbet", JD Cabos and Gash Hill. 6 salvias each different. Please address plain and send by
I like your way of sneding plants and shall order many things of you. It is hard matter
here I get American exchange or I could send
orders and pack
and I will
see the
be to your advantage. Yours,
W. Dearby Johnson, Jr.
May 25th, 1895
Bp. Char. G. Hyde
Hyde Park, Cache Cr. Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
Robert Reeder of your Ward is owing Bro. M. L. Grewell of this Ward some $2,200.00
on a note given some 8 years ago. Bro. Reeder refuses to pay on a/c of it becoming
. Bro.
Grewell was the former Bishop of Marsh Valley, he is in focal trouble has had very bad luck and
needs all that is due him, he is a cripple, is deaf and the sever losses he had sustained since
coming to Mexico is telling upon him. He is a worthy brother and your aid for his money will be
a real blessing and charity.
If Bro. Reeder has a
in the Church he should be compelled to pay this honest debt.
Bishop Lehi Wright of Marsh Valley can tell you all about it as he has the note. Please see him
and see what you can do for Brother as his situation is such he needs the means much.
Please let me hear from you in regard to this matter and obeyed. Your Brother in the
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. Anthing you can do for Bro Grewell will be appreciated and he will pay you for the trouble
if you can and get
do so.
May 25th, 1895
Jac F. Johnson
Mesa City, Maricopa Co.
Arizona, U.S.A.
Dear Cousin Frank:
Your short note "Oh so short written in statements of a/c came few days ago were glad to
hear from if it was so meager.
I appreciated your waiting solong on me for the $35.00 I owe you for
. I have given you
on this this years tithing and thank you for the opportunity of paying
it that way.
I would be glad if I had some of your dried grapes and peaches at Deming. Our fruits
entire failure this year.
Lucy gave birth to fine boy on the 22nd and both doing well. We are all well. Hope you
and yours are same. Kind love to your father, yourself and family and the the "kin".
God bless you. Your Cousin
May 30th, 1895
Al C. Admor de Correae.
So. Dm Jesus Fernandez hijo
La. Ascencion.
Muy Senor Mio=
Acompanio los 77cent gue Ud pide en on recado de 26 de Mayo. Suplicantola a la vez
me digo sobre give debo. dich susna: porgue estan mancados "Libre" los dos. y a' mac tiene
estounpillas perficiantes para ar porte sagun el pero que sobra ch corre de los Estados Meridas.
S. S. S.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
May 25th, 1895
Dear Mother and all:
Lucy has another fine 8 lbs. boy born on the 22nd inch. Both are doing well with this
exception we are all well. Lucy feels very proud of the new beby as it has black heair and is a
Mexican and looks like its father. We have named him Karl Brown Johnson. How are you all?
Is father still working on the Ranch Dain and Ditah? Have been expecting aletter from you for
The Spring here is fearful basken and cold also try until it looks and is very bad for us.
Our fruit all killed. Garden stuff doing but little and cattle poor item for good many years. The
crop of potatoes seems to be the only good one it has full of weeds and only 1/2 a crop.
Thank the Lord I am at least much
only $60.00 more to pay and
I will be out of the
I am
off as
far as
is concerned but
have had a hole lot of
even if it has been painful
. I hope will be of future benefit.
The Lord has been merciful and kind here and I appreciate it in helping me pay my debts
all I am houses 1 at last.
How we all should like to see you and all the dear ones
. I do hope the way will open
so we can once more meet here in this life.
The children Zenos, Jannie, Vera and Ivy as also Monela, Clare, Pito, Luke, Ruthie,
Wennie, Abra, Beryl and Roy all desire to be remembered to GrandPa and GrandMa and all the
Uncles and Aunts, even, Charlotta and Mary's children
aclaim on you. I do wish some
of you could come and see us. Love and Kindness to you all. God bless you dear father, mother
and all.
Your Son
May 31st, 1895
Dugee & Conrad Co.
West Grove Pa, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
The last order of Roses, etc. I sent to you for came last mail all in splendid condition.
Except Roses Ricks Capiner x Perledes Jardin & Shrub Androneda Mariana were entirely dead=
Please send these again.
I enclose 50 cents all I have of U.S. Stamps, but I have sent for more and some U.S.
Exchange here we cannot register and cannot get American money nor have any Express. Please
send me by mail for the 50 cents 2 Monthly Everblooming Tea Roses Yellow color. 2 year old
strong Reds, something hardy.
Our altitude here is high 5,000 feet just
so far south. Please pack well and address plain. I
shall order of your suffecient to make up for all the trouble. Please send me copy of your
Your truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 2nd, 1895
John Lewis Child
Floral Park, NY U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
All I have ordered of you for several times last some what you refilled came last mail for
which accept my thanks. All were in splendid condition except The trifotate Orange, 2 Pines
Fortunea Rosea & Hardy Pink Snow. Please send these 3 again.
I enclose 50 cents all I have now but I have sent for stamps and N.W. Exchange= here we
ahve no
Office nor Express so have to send U.S. Stamp when we can get them. for the 50
cents please send me Columbian Carrations: American Banner, Davis, and Fere Fly. Please
pack well address plain. I will keep ordering of you fast as I can get U.S. money or exchange to
pay you for your trouble.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 3rd, 1895
Dear Bro. Smith:
I enclose letter addressed to Montypoulry Ward and to please get a P.O. Money order for
$15.00 and put into the letter and post for me please. I send $10.90 U.S. currency and Bro
Riebuin will give you $4.20 U.S. cu to make the $15.00 postage and fee for Money Order:
In relation to the Crosby and Land matter by consulting our attorney I found that Crosby
could compel me to go to New York and fulfull the sald of the Land according to the
. So
to prevent that, I gave Land Bartton I are of Canolita a power of attorney to act for me and see
that land was sold for all it could be, pay Crosby the $46,000 and turn the remainder to me to pay
for as it will go to crediton of J.V. so no it cannot be sold until I am notified. Davis will do it
when I am for it and is best we can do. Crosby the rest for land last years to help for my sister
cna J.V. vote to win, do you hear from Young? I have
. Your Bro., W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 3rd, 1895
J.B. Hodgden
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Hodgden:
Please send me by mearer a pair of mens shoes, Lace for myself. #9 if wide of EE if
possible get wide #9, if not able to get them have to send me #10 calf shoes about $2.50 or $3.00.
Please do not fail to send me shoes as I am out and an extra pair shoe size or laces.
Send bill of shoes and also balance I owe you and will send the amount to you at once as
I have sold some cattle and have money by next week, for a change.
If you have not for shoes in you stock please get them and send by richins and I will
appreciate your kindness. Kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 3rd, 1895
Montgomery Ward & Co.
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, Il-U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed P.O. Money for $15.00 for which send me 1 bale (100) seamless
sacks #1608 Stark A Bags 2 bushels. $15.00 per bale fo 100. In cataloge #57.
Please ship by Express to W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Deming, New Mexico, U.S.A. care of J.
Fewson Smith.
Please send notice of shipment and invoice to address here, as above, W. Derby Johnson,
Jr. Colong Diaz, District of Bravo Chihuahua, Mexico.
Your truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Junis 5de 1895
El Senor Elbert F. Wilson de veta Conia sale de agui an busca de trabaja y para aprenda el
Castellano y a cuahquiera a quien come un Joven fial y horrado a quien se purade fiar en
enalqueir negocio y quiten pi le ayuda a colacacivir favoraeace a.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
11 ps 2 x 12 16 feet long for door front
23 ps 2 x 8 16 " " " "
250 feet 1 x 6 12 " " " "
750 feet 1 x 6 16 " " " "
28 ps 2 x 6 18 " " " "
4 in 12 x 4 18 " " " "
38 inch 2 x 4 14 " " " "
1600 feet sheeting
300 in Finishing Lumber
2 pa 4 x 6 feet long.
1 pa 4 x 4 16 " "
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 26th
12 ps 2 x8 in 16 feet long
500 ps 1 x 6 in 12 " "
850 1 x 6 16 " "
28 2 x 6 18 " "
18 2 x 4 18 " "
35 2 x 4 14 " "
2 4 x 6 18 " "
1 4 x 4 16 " "
1000 feet sheeting squr edge
300 ft finishing
June 6th, 1895
Nephi Thayne
San Pedro Ranch near Ojito
Dear Broth Thayne:
I enclose the bill of lumber for the
Granary, which
over a little the $4,000 feet
you own on tithing, bill on other side of letter.
I can get no one to go after the lumber just at present.
I wish you would please show the letter either to Bro. C.E. Jorgensen Orange Jones Johns
one else there who will haul the lumber from the mill down to you palce so it
will be safe and I will pay them on tithing for doing it and good pay for what they move than
their tithing. Please see to this and I am depending on this lumber
have it seasoned by all
Please let me hear form you. Kind regards to you and all friend there.
Your Bro.
W.D. Johnson, Jr.
June 8th, 1895
Walter Burpee & Co.
Philadelphia, Pa U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I sent you an order for Plants and bulbs, April 23rd the bulbs came last week all in good
condition except the White Calla Lily when I put in water, turned oft and rotted and dead--the 4
Roses Everblooming Tea Rose, "Clotilde Soupet," "Baroness Barge", Birds, and Corrina has not
come and must be lost a farce mail come & now mixed.
Please send the Rosa & Calta Liliy again.
I enclose 50 cent all I can get of U.S. money or currency for which please send me the
gollowing six Carnations. "Daybreak," "Lizzie Gowan," "Pontia," "Fred Johnson," "Tidal
Wave," and "Hauzes White." Please pack well inort paper and box with roses and send by mail
addressed plain. I will try and get some U.S. exchangeor mne stamps as we have no Registry
Office or Express Offices. I will try and pay you for trouble of sending
by future orders. I
want a few plants (6) of chrysanthemums if you would send them. I will send cash mail orders.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 10th, 1895
J.W.W. Lively
Safford Arizona, U.S.A.
Bro. Wilson:
I never was so hurt in my feelings and disappointed at the actions of a pretended brother
as at you. Prest. Teasdale desired me to write you and ask what you intend to do about what you
are sewing the Singer Sewing Machine Co. as they are now going to come onto Pres. George
Teasdale: Evan W. Beck and myself because we were kind enough to you to go on your bond
and now you go away and leave un in the lurch.
If you have a desire to do right I as well as Opostle Teasdale want to know it as you have
not treated us as brethren and according to you covenants in the House of the Lord. I have
befriended you and your family and feel hurt at your treatment. Let me hear from you.
Your Brother
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
E. Beck
Cindad Juarez, Mexico
Dear Brother:
I have thought of a few thing we need you to get.
3 doz show shtrings or lases for ments shoes long good. I want some for myself.
1/2 doz. boxes small, containing geletine capsules, leaving in them Capeiba and
Essantial oil of Cubebs= get these at Ionno for me.
1 pair boxing and ctinbles right and left for 3 inch nutchell wagon for hind
1 Thimble and boxing left for 3 1/4 inch Mitchell wagon for hind wheel for Ionno
and John Maybine.
Also 1/2 doz Feber's pencile #5.
Debbie and all you folks well a nor nerve only it is very hot and dry.
Just got letter from Smith who says the news from J. N. assures them the R.R. will
soon. This is a fearful old chestnut. Good luck to your come home soon.
Your Brother
W.D. Johnson, Jr.
June 15th, 1895
Wm Hewy Mante
No 1711 Filbert Street, Philadelphia
Pa, U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Please find enclosed yours of June 3rd which you said return to you as 25 cent due me. I
also enclose 25 cents making 50 cents in all for which please send me by mail the following 4
Carnations. Zebra Orent, Golden Gate and Wm P. Dreer. Please pack well in oil. To open and
box as Mexican mail are slow,
address plain.
I expect ot order of you for our colony the coming fall and winter please send me Fall
Cataloges and wholesale
Hoping our future as aquaintance may be pleasant and profitable to each.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonia Diaz
June 18th 1895
Dear Bro. Beck:
Will says we need cigarette paper and milk pans. We have just got 10 obs chocolate from
Bro. Eyring so you need not get any.
Your folks are all well as also mine, hope you are well.
there is a report that 4 men have been killed at La Carie Ranch aobut 20 miles north of
Ojitos by the Apaches. Very warm and dry. Cattle in bad shape. Kind regards.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 21st 1895
Britton Davis Esgar
Corralitos, Mexico
Friend Davis:
I would like very much to come up to the 4th but cannot tell whether I will be able to get
health is still very poor.
Will meet you next Monday in Ascencion.
As to
will see if Jean got a boy, the Hendricks boys are both in Utah. Sanders
in Utah at north and Giswell at La Springs but I will aquire
the boys
With kind regards,
Yours Truly
June 22, 1895
J.P. Byron
Deming, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Friend Byron:
I received you statement of my a/c by last mail showing I owe you $142.08 it is all right
with the exception of a credit for the 10 weeks you obarded with me in 1891, commenced Aug.
1st stopped Oct. 9th. Which ammounts to $70.00 leaving 72.08 due you. I enclose a check your
favor for $72.08 which I have managed to borrow of Mr. Griwell to close off my a/c with you. I
am sorry you have had to wait so long but with the hard luck I have had and my large family I
could not domor than I have done. I thoroughly appreciate your kindness in waiting on me and
hope some day I can return the favor. Please send me receipt in full of a/c by Mr. cichins. With
kind regards and thanking you for past favors.
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 22nd, 1895
J. B. Hodgdow:
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Hodgdow:
I enclose $6.20 which closes my a/c please send receipt by Mr. Richins.
You failed to send me a few extra pair of shoe lases with the shoes. Please send me two
extra pair as I cannot get any here.
Thanking you for your kindness and service.
Your Friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Chicago, Ill U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed $13.00 P.O. Money Order and list of goos ammounting to $11.85.
15 for Insurance and $1.00 for postage.
As Mexican Mail is so uncertain please send to W. Derby Johnson, Jr., Deming, Grant
Co., New Mexico. Care of J. fewson smith.
Please send bill of good and notice of shipment here.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johson, Jr.
Colonia diaz
District of Braros
Chihuahua, Mexico
Unable to read at all.
June 22nd, 1895
Dear Brother Smith
I send enclosed a letter addressed to Montgomery Ward & Co with $13.00 U.S. which
please get a P.O. Money Order for that amount $13.00 and put into the letter and post it for me. I
send 15 cents for
money order and postage.
I wish you would please send me by Bro. richins 2 or 3 #5 Faber pencils you have there
in the office I cannot get any hard pencils ehre. Please be sure and send them, I need them very
We are all well. Hope you are. What do you hear from John W. I do hope for your long
waiting something good may come to you for all of us the Lord knows how much we need it.
Weather very dry, crops and gardens poor here not a very encouraging outlook. Jenniw and all
send love. Praying that the Lord bless you.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
G. Wormser
Deming, N.Sm. U.S.A.
Friend Warmser:
I received from Mr. Geo Teasdale some statements of you firm
a number of
members of this Colony. I have been stirring them up and think some will pay you something
soon. Many are in hard circumstances and cannot pay a
O.M. Stewart and Parley Bigelow are now living in Mesa City, Maricopa co., Arizona.
lives at Pima or Ranichvilla Graham Co., Arizona. A.A. DeWith at St. John's Apache Co.,
Will do all I can to have the people of the colony pay you. Any way I can serve you will
be glad to do so.
With kind regards
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Lieut. Britton Davis
Corralito, Mexico
Dear Lieutenant:
I enclose a notice of your election as a member of Our Association, J.H. James, W.W.
Falbranth and myself was appointed by the Board of directos to attend you Festival on the 4th,
5th, 6ht to see what we oculd do to get more help on subscription, to aid in expenses of the
coming Fair in Sept., from those who will be there from all over the country.
Will you please help us to introduce the matter to your friends who will be there? As you
are now a member of the Association we take liberty to thus trouble you.
If you can do so without decommoding yourself we would like a room to lodge in while
with you.
With kind regards,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonization in Mexico
by W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
On the 9th Nov. 1898 a band of 100 mexicans from the U.S. frontier attacked the Curtain
House at
Palomas shooting one guard, taking all the Lords families, the other inhabitants of
the place were not molested, their anger was only against Gov't offices and property.
This revolution grew out of rebellion that
the year before at a village of Tenoche
Indians in the
of Godrerro. 200 miles south of Colonial Diaz the indians were civilized,
native Mexicans. A young woman named Dona terena whom the Catholic Priest had persuaded
that she was a notable person raised up before her people from the present Government, which
was apposed to the Catholics. Many wonderful cures were
to her power and faith and by
influence of the Priests.
as an
, when the tax
late Gov't cause for the
she told them
(rest of page illegible)
then find
them with guns, ammunitions,
came across the border between La Pokorman and Berkape then band along the
live on the Rio Grande in the East. The
came into their country offerring peace and
good will to all except Government Offices and
They gave printed circulars to all a whom they came in contact with, which hated their
against the Gov't for the wrongs they had suffered. The excitement was
for some six
weeks and had to guard and patrol the settlement.
At Colonia Juarez some 8 or 10 of the Cononists were out scouting and came across a
band of
. They were taken for Mexican soldiers by them and they opened fired upon
them. The brethren
the fire and it is supposed wounded some when they found who they
The vigorous policy of the
(rest of page illegible)
Timoracha village where the revolutionists were compelling routed 30 of the principals were
taken alive and heavy in chains, none daring to take their bodies down theyw ere left for the
vultures. This cruel way the Gov't thinks the only way of stopping their uprising. Prest Diaz is
determined to stop these periodical revolutions as this seems the only way to do it.
The opening of 189 in a/c of the previous
of the summer and fall before was in the
best condition for crops it ever had been since our coming into Mexico. The fruit trees were all
loaded down in Diaz but unfortunately the frost killed most of it in Juarez and Dublan but the
crops of grain and vegetables were excellant all through the Mission, ranges covered with grass
made the Diaz and Stock business very profitable, in fact this was a year full of wealth and
On the 21nd of June the people of Colonia Diaz organized themselves into the
Agricultural and Manufacturing Association of Colonia Diaz for the purposes of holding annual
Fairs and encouraging to our industry with W. D. Johnson, Jr., Prest. J.A. Little and
A.E. Johnson Sesy and A. Anderson T
. The Exhibits astonished the Mexicans as this was the 1st General Fair or Exposition in
Northern Mexico. The Products were shown in Departments as follows: Farming Products &
Farming machinery, Stock all kinds, Garden big tables, Fruits & Flowers, Daing, Cooking House
& Church foods. Fine Arts & Relics, Ladies Works & Home Manufactors of rooms,
Copperward, Furniture etc. In fact we had much more than we anticipated and filled our large
and commodious House. The Main Hall was decorated with a large mexican Flage and
appropriate Mottoes in Spanish, some interesting features were prizes for the best looking baby,
loviliest woman, handsomest man, ugliest man etc. and contests in Reading & Recitation in
English & Spanish, Writing, singing, music etc. Prest. Ball, Races re etc. Which in all made the
13th & 14th of April 1894 Red Letter days for Colonia Diaz. Better than all was the good will
and kindly feeling expressed by the Mexican officials one of whom paid "We acknowledge your
superiority and appreciate the example of thrift prosperty and progression have set us, and we
hope to improve by it. We open our arms to you and receive you as brethers. Our Motto I see
the head of the hall. Long live on
country gave me
(rest of page illegible)
June 28th, 1895
Bp. W.B. Preston
Salt Lake
City, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Yours of the 17th inst to hand, in relation to the matter of Bro. J.S. Emmett. I remember
nothing. I left all accounts of Tithing matters in Kanab.
On account
going to Washington, D.C. in 1882 and 3 as one of the Delegate of the
Constitutional Convention and being the only polygamist in the Delegation Judge Boreman
ofBeaver was determined to put me into the Penitentiary, so during 1884 and up to Jan. 1885,
when I was driven from home by Deputy Marshall, I was so harressed and so much from home,
that it is impossible to recollect business transactions that I booked at the time. I was told by
Prest. John Taylor and came to Mexico but I was hurried off so by Deputies that I was unable to
settle up all my business as I should liked to have done.
I wrote you about our Charity a/c's here may 25th did you get the letter. Please let me
hear from you in relation to it. Kind regards.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 29th, 1885
The Pinger & Conrad Co.
West Grove, Penn. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I received the packages of Roses you sent me on my last order and I was very much
disappointed on opening to find them entirely dried out and dead= please send them again as per
your guarantee.
2 year old plants of Everblomming Tea Roses "Coquatte de Lyon" and "Etoile de Lyon",
also Hichs Caprice and Perles dew Jardin
plants. Please wrap extra in ore paper and
wooden box, as weather is so dry
Will make up to you this extra trouble in future orders. I
am desirous to get them. Roses started this year in the Colony Garden. Please address plain.
Yours Truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 29th, 1885
L.S. May & Co.
St. Paul Minn. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed your letter of the 4th June= stating by returning to you I could select
plants to ammount of $1.00.
Please send me by mail, well packed in oil paper & wooden box and addressed palin the
following carnations "Wanda" "Germania" "Nancy Heaske" "Dorothy" "Marietta" and "Graca
Wilden". I am very anxious to get a start of these flowers in the Colony gardens. Please
they will come safe-- & I will make up to you for the trouble in future orders.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
June 29th, 1885
James Vicks Sons:
Rochester, New York, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed $1.00 for which please send me 8 rooted plants of Facaline (Saint
Knot Grass)x of there is my over please send me Carnations American Flag.
Please pack well in oiled paper and peper or wooden box so they will not dry out--send
by mail and address palin as Mexican Mails are not reliable so close in the U.S.
I am very anxious to test this enw forage plants here in the Colony please take pains so
plants will come all right and be alive when they get here-Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 10th 1885
Joel A. Johnson
Provo, Utah, U.S.A>
Dear Joel:
I answered your last letter two months ago but fear it got lost as you are so good to
I wish you would please send me by mail to Deming, N.M. in care of J. Ferason Smith
4yds of White Linsay double width same as you send me before. Don't send by Express buy by
mail then write how much it is as also postage and I will send you the money for it. I expect
manoey next month in fact am sure of it and I will also send you some on what I owe you.
Please send the Linsay at once as I need it very much. We are all well. Hope you all
are= Weather very dry and warm in fact a
that so that cattle are suffering on the range and
crops poor for want of rain. Love to you, Ellen, Nellie and Sadie. God bless you all. Your
Cousin Willie.
Dr. K.G. Maeser
Provo City, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Brother Maeser:
On the 22nd of May my wife Lucy gave birth to a fine boy: and we ahve anmed him Karl
Maeser Johnson on a/c of the esteem and love I have for you.
I enclose my report or the Report of the Diaz Academy. I did not send it before as I was
waiting to get the Juarez Academy Reports. When I asked for it Bro. Harris said he had sent it to
you. As you had told him and Prest. Teasdale that the office of Dep't for the Mission had been
done away with. This is the first I had ever heard of it.
ON a/c of absence of Pres. Teasdale and Bro. H.C. Bendley they told me to sign for them
which I have.
We are all well hope you and yours are also. God bless you always.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Elders C. Rhoakes, Henry C. Rogers & Wm Ja. LeBarron, Presidency of Maricopy Stake
Mesa City, Arizona, U.S.A>
Dear Brethren:
With the counsil and approal of Apostles Teasdale & Young we organized the
Agriculture and Manufacturing Association of Colonia Diaz, the object being to give Annual
Fairs, to set an example, to better preach the gospet to the natives of this land.
Our 1st Fair was held in Sept. last the 2nd will take place Sept 11th, 12th, and 13th of
1895 and we invite you to participate in any exhibits you wish to make.
As we have no fruit here this year could you not make exhibit of Fruit?
The Fair is free and open to all and so the expensenses will be great and the people here
are generally poor if you and the Saints in the Maricopa Stake feel towait and by subscription we
will appreciate it very much. Enclosed please find subscription list, will send more as ready
notes Fair prepare etc. Please let us hear from you soon as
. In behalf of Board of
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 22nd, 1885
Meser's Moses and George Thatcher
Logan, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Friends:
I have just returned from Sabinal where I went ot look over the mining property of
Meser's Hendrick, Borg and Levall.
I carefully examinined the mines going down each shaft to satisfy myslef as to the
charactor of the ore.
I consider them very valuable and the mines only need developing to insure large returns
on money invested.
The above named gentlemen would not think of disposing honorable men and my
particular frineds on whom you can rely implicitly.
The mining Camp of Sabinal in in better condidiont than ever having a
and concentration and they have all the work they can do.
I sincerely hope you will conclude to take hold of the mine and
work and
develope these mines as they
only be a good investment but
Colina Diaz.
now supply them with vegetable and other products. With kind regards to you and firends there.
Yours sincerely,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 23rd, 1885
D. J. Berasford Engr.
Opitos Ranch, Mexico
Dear Sir:
According to your request I write in relation to our coming Fair. As you were kind
enough to promise a subscription of twenty dollars ($20.00) will you please put your name at
head of the enclosed subscription List and be kind enough to see if any others at your place
desire to aid us in this enterprise for the advancement and progress of the country.
Will you please be kind enought to let me hear from you soon as possible so we may
know what to depend upon now. Let me know member calculations to
and what you wish to exhibit and send me amount subscribed. With kind regards.
In behalf of Board of Directors,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 25th, 1885
Poztilla Egar
Casas Grandes, Chihuahua
Friend Poztilla:
As per your request I
enclosed Subscription list gotten it to aid in paying expenses of
our Fair to be held in this place Sept. 11th, 12th & 13th, 1885.
Please let me hear from you soon as you can
. Those was desire to exhibit their
products at the Fair and about number of people calculating to come from you place.
Soon as we receive the printed notice I will send you some.
Hoping to hear from you soon with kind regards.
In behalf of Board of Directors
A.E. Johnson
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 23rd, 1885
J.A. Mahoney and N.S. Boliche
Deming, U.S.A.
Dear Friends:
The Board of Directors open the Fair Association derected me to thank you for the kind
interest you have
in relation our Coming Fair.
of the Association was also instructed to write an article about the Fair to be
published in the
light which will be sent to you.
We have not yet got the form for our Printed Notices ready but will soon send it to you to
get printed there.
Please inform by return mail as to how much you ahve got on subscription as we must
commence work at once. Can
the $200.00 or more. with kind regards hoping to hear
from you soon.
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
July 23rd, 1885
Bp. Franklin Scott
Oaxara Sonora, Mexico
Dear Brother:
The Agricultural and Manufacturing Association of this place will give a Fair on the
11th, 12th, and 13th of September 1895 at this place.
At our Conference jsut held at Juarez it was unanimously agreed that we
the brethren at Diaz with their Fair. The object is to show the products of Colonies of this
Mission as Stock all kinds, Farm Machinery and Products, Garden Products, Fruit & Flowers,
Dairy Products, Bees, Honey & Poultry, cooking all kinds, Ladies Work, fine Arts & Relics,
Home Industries all kinds.
We invite you to exhibit what you can and also toa id us to help pay the expenses I
enclose a subscription list and head it with
Prest. Teasdale, Eyring and McDonald
subscriptions to show you that they approve of the Fair. Please head the list yourself and ask
Bro. H. Williams, naegle and
to follow. Of course we do not expect anyone to donate
$10 or $5.00 but what they can.
We feel to urge you brethren to aid us in this enterprise as it will be a blessing
all the Saints in this land showing the Mexicans our purpose and
try and preach the gospel
to them more than by sending Elders among them.
All the other wards have appointed a committee to go around and list subscriptions and
exhibits for the Fair.
Please let us know soons as you possibly can how much you desire to exhibit from your
Ward and what you subscribe to help pay expenses and how many people will come. 2
Diploma's and prizes will be given for
exhibits of all Products.
Let us hear from you soon. With kind regards.
In behalf of Board of Directors
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 4th, 1885
J.A. Mahoney & N.A. Bolich
Deming, U.S.A.
Dear Friends:
I send enclosed the subject matter we want for a Poster for Our Fair written on the back
of the Correlitors Poster (in spanish, would like it same size as this one, in spanish and in Red &
Green ink if they have it, will only need 250). Please have Headright Office prints them at once
and send immediately as we have been delayed and must loose no time. Please don't delay and
send bill.
Please send by the first chance the subscriptions you have collected as we need the manes
to get ready for the Fair.
Please elt me hear from you at once. With kind regards.
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 5th, 1885
A.U. Cannon
Salt Lake City, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Bro. Cannon:
Our Fair Association need Diplomas and certificates fo Membership. They wrote Bro. G.
D. Pyper as to forms used by the Deseret A & M Society. I enclose the ones he sent us. He sent
us your term for printing them.
The Diplomas we want 250 ($15.00) with charge of printing as I have written in Spanish
and crossed out what we do not want. The word Diploma is the same in both languages.
The certificates to be about half size of enclosed form this also is in Sapnish as per
written form enclosed. We want 250 for $2.75. Please ahve them printed at once and sent
immediately to W.D. Johnson, Jr., care of J. Fewson Smith, Deming, New Mexico, U.S.A. As
our "Fair" is to be held on Sept. 11th, 12th, and 13th 1895 we must have them soon as possible.
Please have them got upin you best style. Excuse me for giving you so much trouble but
this is a particular matter and I felt you would gladly aid me in our enterprize in this far off land.
I enclose for above $17.75. With kind regards.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Caleb T. Rower:
Genl Agent American Bible Society
Bible House Astor Place
New York City
Dear Sir:
Please find enclosed $1,89 for which send to P.A. Dillman, Colonia Oaxaca, Sonora,
Mexico via "Bavisfce" 3 #4 Spanish & English Testaments parallel.
Coluors 4 3/4 x 7 clock @ 31st including postage and to Mra Pauline Maele Colonia
Oaxason Sonora, Mexico via Bauspe 3 #4 or a/c and
cloths @ 31.22 including
Please wrap well and address palin and send by mail to the persons named and send bill
to me here above address.
Yours Truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Chicago, IL U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed your Tree's Daft my favor for $1.27 and $2.28 Money Order for
which please send the following: from your cataloge #57.
#2,248,1 one shirt neck size 17= med ever're $1.45
#32,250,1 " " " " " " " $1.73
$ .07
Please send by Mail to W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Deming New Mexico U.S.A. care of J. Fewson
Smith. Send bill of goods to my address here.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Dear Brother Smith:
I send enclosed the Mexican money $6.80 which please change into U.S. cy and put in
the letter addressed to Caleb B. Rowe $1.96 in P.O. Money order and in letter to Montgomery
Ward & Co. $2.48 P.O. Money Order stamp & post letters for me.
I expect these in an express package
at Express office Bro Richins will pay
expect a package by mail from Provo. Bro. Richins will pay all charges please get
to me by him and will you be kind enough to ask Mr. Hodgden to send me to pans of
flat shoe strings for my shoes please get them and put in letter and send me. How are you? Got
any news? Jammie and all send love. God bless you.
Your Bro. and etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Bretton Davis
Dep't Corralitos Co.
Corralitos Mexico
Friend Davis:
We have commenced to get our House etc. in readiness for the coming Fair which
requires much Lumber, labor, etc.
If you would be kind enough to send me the $250.00 you subscribed to aid us in the
expenses of the Fair as we need it now.
Will please let usknow soon as possible what space you will need for your exhibits and
what you intend to exhibit so we can reserve plenty of room for you.
With Kind regards
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
W. R. Rowe:
Salt Lake City
Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
In this far off land we are trying to start a
hoe shop on a samll
and thought
perhaps you could aid me.
Bro. F. Acord who worked in the ZCMI shoe Dep't said you have a lot of
that would do for us. Would like
lasts for man 1 ea #5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Round
man sizes 1 ea #5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Boys
sizes 1 pair ea #1, 2, 3 & 4. Womens shoes 1 pair
each 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Misses & childrens 1 pair eac 3 to 3 sizes. womens dress shoe round french
toe 1 to 6. Ship by freight to W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Deming New Mexico care of J. Fewsor
Smith and if you can please
would be gald please
. Let us hear
from you.
Brother etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Brother E. W.
, Sonora Mexico
will say in and pay
Bro. Larsen the $27.50 you
you sell stock and pay me the money
I come to settle with you and then we can charge
you with the stock.
As to the Tithing stock pay postage on them for range.
You had better sell the Tithing stock for all you can. If you can get
not loose too much on
but bett sell if you have good chance and
I am glad to hear of your good
and good health of people.
Remember me kindly to all the Saints
you and yours.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Skelton & Co.
Provo, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brethren:
Yours of July 7th to hand with
in reply that Bro. S. C. Richardsen of this Colony is
best person I know of who would be successful as an agent for Bro. Maeser's book.
I assure you I will do all I can to help him sell the book if it as what I think it must be.
Please send me a copy.
With Kind regards
Your Bor.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Chihuahua Mesico
Dear Friend:
Your letter of May 1st has been waiting here for some time. I've been from home so
much and it got mislaid and in looking over my letters
found yours. I regret very much
that I did not answer before the other letters you spoke of writing me I never got.
As to business of
John W. Young he will still come our all night and build the
Railroad only wait a little longer so I can do nothing for him for a month or two please write me
again and I will keep you posted and will see that your letter is answered promptly in the future.
Please remember me to Couz and Ally in family not forgotten you with best wishes.
Your Friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 6th, 1885
Dear Uncle Charlie:
How homesick your letter made me how I long to see you and take you in my arms and
give you a "bear hug" dear old Uncle Charlie how my heart goes out to you and I would give a
whole lot to see your dear face.
When I feel tired downeast and in trouble how I long for your comforting presence and
company and the freshest comfort I take is to think when we get through this life we can enjoy
each others society and that of our dear ones.
I does seem a cruel fate to devide you and I as we enjoyed ourselves as much together
there is never a day passes but what I think of you and I never look at my flowers but what I wish
Uncle Charlie was here to see them.
Oh I have such a fine lot of Ca
, french
, Daher's and oh the monthly Roses
kind you would enjoy them about
while I am
my flowers, and this year
have remembered how lovely my flowers
to the Mexicans as well as our people.
I am now busy getting ready for our coming Fair Sept. 11th, 12th & 13th.
when our purposes are printed
send your some
so you see I have lot to do this is our 2nd Annual Fair.
Thank the Lord I am at last out of dept and am now doing well my family are
comfortable and are well and they wish to be remembered to you and all would so like to see
I would like to go to Oct. Conference but hardly dare hope to this year if I do come it will
heavenly to see your dear face again. God grant we may meet again in the flesh when I
have to much to tell you and can't write it my heart is too full.
I have now 14 children living and 3 wives all under one roof 7 children dead and dear
Lulu how I long to see my dear Lulu I miss her more as the years go by. Still Lucy, Charlerelta
and May do all they can to make me happy and they are dear good wives to and have been a
great blessing and comfort to me in all my trials. They all send love= How I should like a good
Cabinet photo of you.
Please write again. Every night when I set out on the road
and see the progress
of the
Your Willie
Aug, 6th, 1885
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
Your containing letters of Bro. Caldwell of United Co. came day before yesterday.
Mitchell and the woman were both gone to Deming. I rec'd letter from Bro. Caldwell his wife
and daughter and I sent letters by Sister Ann Little to Deming and for her to find the fire and give
her their letters. I enclose the letter you sent me.
I sent to Deming for the srap etc you wished me as also for the testaments to go to
Oaxaca when the things come will send first chance.
We have appointed Bro. A.C. Petemen foreman of the Ranch here (Colongy or company
land) so as 15 look after the Round ups and prevent marking and branding of Mavericks or
longeared calves, and to look after the Colony cattle generally and keep people off the land
hunting and driving stock without permission.
I wish you would please send me by written authority an Anget of The Co.
so we can show it here at the Presidentia @ La Ascencion.
As to the matter of Bro. Edmond Robinson and B. C. Hay
going upon a mission next
spring I think the circumstances are now that it would be for the best interests of all for them to
go. The have both plenty of means to go with what their families in their absense but I think
they should be notified so they would have time to get their grain
We have had some fine rains altho
cook pleasant)
We are all well hope you and your are the same. Please tell
would like to hear from him about
will no for the Fair
. God bless you
Your Brother
C. W. Caldwell
Fort Duabense, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
I sent your letters as also those of your wife and daoughter to your daughter Loretta.
When the letters came Loretta had gone back to Deming. Mitchell came from Poshaca
last week and went to Deming.
I sent your letter to Loretta by Sister Ann Little and asked her to be sure and find your
daughter and give her the letters and do all she could to get her the letters and do all she could to
get her to go back to you.
I would have been glad to have seen her if you had written sooner. Any aid I can give
will gladly do so.
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Prest. Henry Eyring,
Colonial Juarez, Mexico
Dear Bro. Eyring:
The cloth that I got of you to make me a pair of pants I am much pleased with.
Will you please send me address of person you got it of.
Please send me by first chance 3 pairs of pants cloth like I got if you havee none of the
black & white send the brown & white $2.50 per yeard. Also 4 little silk handkerchiefs you have
at 4 of each two white ground and blue border & two other darer for dark complexioned persons.
We are all well . Hope you and yours are also.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonization in Mexico
No. 9
The Fair inside the building was in every way a success every Dep't well filled. One
room was devoted to Ladies Fancy Work and the exihibits would ahve done credit to any place.
the women's Building of The Worlds Fair in 1873 and did not see anything better
than some of the work exhibited by our sisters in this land. In the Fair, The Art & Relics Dep't
attracted much attention. Some fruits were out of season but are show of peaches, plums, grapes,
apples, pears &
fine. The exhibit of flowers from the Sanders of UT
surprise to our visiting neighbors and country of Dihlias, Monthly rose, Jimmie,
finest beauties. The vegetables and garden produces no better could be shown anywhere. Diary
products were equal to any made. Candy,
and dried fruits, honey and the skill of the Ladies
in cooking we especially
! The Home Manufactures were furniture, Cookware,
, Machinery were a great surprise to our Mexican neighbor. A good show of
imported Farming Machinery, as a contract to
the mexican Farmlands there with cart made
open with a stick shipped
also the
(rest of page illegible)
Colonization in Mexico #9
and we had no
in the future to raise sufficent means to exhibit and
no money for prize certificates were given
by the
T. Bery to those
exhibiting supervisor
named satisfied with the efforts of the people of Colonia Diaz
and in fact it was much better
hope for as it was our first Fair
designed by
the Association ot hold
September and we hope to improve each year.
In the summer of 1894 two new settlements were started in the Sierra Madine Mts. and
west of Colonia Juarez. The first
Round Valley 15 miles north of Colonia Pasheso by
Farnsworth and other 25 miles farther south
E. Johnson & Co. settled in Chihuahua
& the places are well adapted for cattle
and food farming, especially for
wheat and
to early and late foods.
Bro. J.W. Weler fo Colonia Juarez
Band of 14 young men of that
which they got from the
making wonderful
progress for
to become one of the best for the Prophet.
One circumstance I failed to write in
May of this year. (1894) it
was the visit of Bro. George Toddard & George Reynolds. In the holding of a grand Sunday
School Conference for the Mission the coming of these brethren were especially interesting to
the children they are love Bro. Toddard & his pleasing stone songs and wholesome counsel. He
is in his 80th year we can well remember when we used to sit on his knees as a child they visited
and held meeting in Colonial Juarez, Dableanth Diaz. All enjoyed their teaching and a marked
improvement they noticed in our social condition particularly in the Sabbeth schools since they
In Colonia Diaz in August a Cooperation Merchantile Association was orgainized with
W. D. Johnson, Jr. Prest. Joe B. Joesow, Vice Prest. W. D. JOhnson, Treas., Diman Hansen
& Erastus Back Dep't the stock of Merchandise of the late George M. Brown who died in July
and mines carried on in same building and the Coop doing well under the careful
managent of Sap's Bank;
The Diaz Academy
upon its 5th Academic year Sep't 17th 1894 under a new Faculty
as our late Principal J.m. Mills had returned to Utah. Bro. W. M. D
from Arizona
was chosen as Principal and W.C. Richardson a vice Principal and the
The Juarez Academy
the month under
direction of Principal D.E. Harris.
Colony Diaz is making quite an effort to obtain more water from beneath the surface.
Bro. W.W. Golbraith with aid of his staem pump engine is sinking an
well at present is
down one 200 feet with every indication of obtaining a flow of water and to eliminate the
enterprise. The State has offered $1000.00 of the fund obtain well.
Bro. J.H. Jarnes and others are trying another project to get water as the water under the
surfase is seemingly a vast lake and the fall of the land is sufficent, they are making a canal
drifting in the ground the valley to get under the level of the water above so as to drain it into
the land below and it seems quite feasible. Others are calculating to drain water by putting water
wheels on our present
canal and by this power bring it to the surface.
All we alck in this valley and
of that Dublau to make them one of the richest farming
districts in the southwest is water. The first fall in the rainy season sinks mostly and makes the
vast underground Lake. Windmill, Horse powers and steam have been and are still promising
large quantities of water and does not mean to diminsh to underground satisfy what we lack in
some way of getting the water to the surface and we feel comfident we will do so!
(to be continued.)
Aug. 13th 1885
John C. Harper, Carl Nielsen & Brigham Stowell
Colonia Juarez.
Dear Brethren:
We have been waiting to hear from you ever since the first of the month.
Please let us hear from you at once as to how much you have received on subscription to
help pay expenses for our coming Fair and how much space the people of your colony desire for
exhibits they wish to make and about how many people will come= so we can make the
necessary arrangements.
Please write at once as time is getting short. With Kind regards.
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 13th, 1885
Heleman Arath, Peter Hkowson & Joseph Cordon
Colonia Dublan
Dear Brethren:
We have been waiting to hear from you ever since first of the month.
Please write us as once as to how much you have received on subscription to help pay
expenses for our Coming Fair and how much space your folks will need & what they desire to
exhibit and about how many people will be here so we can make arrangements to make all
Let us hear from you with kind regards.
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug 14th, 1885
J.A. Mahoney
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Mahoney:
Will you please send at once by mail of you ahve no other chance sooner, the posters I
wrote to you to have finished we need them now.
If you have not sent the money you have collected do so soon as possible but please write
and let me know how much you have as we are now getting the house and grounds ready and
need the money to use.
Can you give me any idea about how many people from you city will be here at Fair
Let us hear from your at once.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 14th, 1885
D. Hare G. Madsen
Provo City, Ut U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
I send
introduce you to 3 suscribers from my Ward who got to Provo to attend
they B.Y. Academy. Bro Oliver W. Grawell, Sister Millien Gowell & Martha F. Sanders.
Will you please present them to Bro. Cluff Principle of the Academy as they have not had
much opportunity to get advanced in their studies, especially the brethren
on their farms
labors, will you please ask Bro. Cluff to give them what aid they need.
Any kindness you or Bro. Cluff will show them I will thoroughtly appreciate. With kind
Your fellow laboror,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 24th, 1885
Dear Cousin Joel:
Yours of 27th July came last mail. I have heard nothing from the cloth.
I send by the bearer Martin F. Sanders $2.50 to pay for the lindsey. Marty is out of my
best boys have in the Ward and
to Provo to atten the B.Y. Academy.
Any faover or kindness you can show him I will appreciate and he is worthy young man.
Please takes pain to introduce him to the friends there.
I have not got my money from the stock yet soon as I do will send you some. We are all
well and send love to you all.
God bless you always,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 27th, 1885
N.A. Bolich & J.A. Mohoney
Deming N.M.
Dear Friends:
Please let the bearer J.B. Jackson have the $200.00 Mexican Money you said I could
depend upon for our Fair. Let him have it in goods or credit on your boos there in favor of the
Coop Store and store will pay me here.
We are fixing up house etc. & need the means now.
Take out enough to pay for the posters you sent.
I am sorry to trouble you but as you told me I have counted on the $200.00 and so
expended it for the Fair please
it so I can get it here. Please send list of those who help so it
can be put on the books.
Regards, Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 18th, 1885
Kansas City Star
Kansas City, MO
Dear Sirs
Please find enclosed 25 cents for which send the Weekly Star to M.M. Sanders, Colonia
diaz dist Bravos Chihuahua, Mexico.
Please send me some sample copies of you Daily and all you publish as also copies of the
to get more subs
for you.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 18th, 1885
Dear Bro. Smith:
Please find enclosed $2.00 Mexican money to make up amount lacking to send the letters
to Caleb Rowen which please send and post enclosed letters.
I hope you will come down and pay us a visit during our Fair time in Sept. Weather very
dry here no rain for some time and everything begins to look bad and we are all wishing for rain.
I do hope
you have some news from John W.
Jennie says she hopes you will come to the Fair.
We are all well hopes this will find you comfortable as to health.
What are your ideas about John W. in what are you depending?
With Kind regards
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 18th, 1885
Mrs. Louisa W. Balck,
Safford, Graham Co. Arizona
Dear Sister:
Yours of 11th
just to hand I enclose recommend as you ask for yourself and family.
I cannot find Parley's Patriarchal blessing has got mislaid if I find it will send to you.
As to recommend of Sister H. Crandall I do not know her, as she never belonged to my
Ward and therefore cannot recommend her.
We are all well & hope you are and that you are doing well shall always be glad to hear
of your doing better than you did here.
With Kind regards,
Your Bro. in the Gospel
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
E. de Garcia Esgo.
Corralteton, Mexico
Dear Sir:
Your of recent date came some days ago. I got the subscription money of Mr. Carlos
What about the minial Exhibit and samller products Mr. Dann promised we have been
depending upon this as one of the principle features from Corralteton.
Will you please send a few of our posters up to the Corraleton mines. I did not know
who to send them to or I would have done so.
Will you need any more of them. Have you any hogs, sheep and goats you can exhibit?
What is price of wood for
I want some for family here?
With Kind regards.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
E. John C. Harper
Chairman of Subscription Committee
Colonia Juarez
Dear Brother:
Yours of recent date received and contents noted. I must say that I was disappointed that
you had only been able to get $20.00 toward halping pay the expenses of Our coming Fair.
I was in hopes you could have collected $60.00 as it would all go to the Juarez Braso
Band to help them pay for their instruments our expenses are going to be heavy. Don't you think
you could get the $60.00 it will be for the benefit and good of your own Ward=
Please see if you cannot do this. Please also send list neat as can what you will exhibit
and must have exhibits here at least day before Fair opens
you. Kind regards.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 21st, 1885
My dear Zeno:
I was much pleased to hear such a good report of you from you uncle Jewey that you
were quitting your rough talk and the $7.00 you
in cash and sent me just came in good time
as needed it very much.
We are all well except your mama has had a terrible time with a
on her foot but she
is much better.
All the children want to know when Zeno is coming home and we all miss you very
Everybody is busy working getting ready for the Fair I enclose some of the Fair Posters
please give one to Bro. Shayne and one to Bro. Snow.
We are fixing up the school House it will look splendid.
We are having some rain for the last day or two which makes the gardens and fields look
fine and fresh.
Your GandPa and Bro. Jasko
from Deming with good for the Coop and we are
selling Armanican good faster than Orson.
Bro. Jackson has gone to Deming again for more goods for the Store. Bro. Beck has not
come yet.
The Borps are practicing to play against the Base Ball Club of Juarez during the Fair.
We are having oh lots of
. Wish you had some of them we snt you a few. Will
have some grapes for you when you come to the Fair.
Be a good boy do not forget your prayers, be careful how you talk and act be a man so we
can all be proud of you do always remember you our prayers.
Lucite Ked grow fine is quite fat and gets prettier everday. Your mama, Aunt Yella Mary
and all the children send kisses. God bless you my dear son and is to prayers of your father.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 26th, 1885
Dr. N. C. Davis
Frankfort Ind, U.S.A.
Dear Sir.
Please find enclosed $2.00 (two dollars) for which please send me by mail 14 boxes of
your Half Hour Headache Healer. Address to W. Derby Johnson, jr. Deming Grand Co. New
Mexico and in case of
send bill of medicine addressed to me here.
I cannot have medicine come direct here by mail as Mexican mail is not safe & the
customs are so high htat way.
I am delighted with your remedy and
it in my practice and hope to soon be able to
for a
pack well, and address plain.
(rest of page illegible)
Aug. 26th, 1885
Dr. G.W. Shorea
Salt Lake City, UT U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
My mother showed my your letter proposing to
her of Catored for $25.00, or, $3.00
per month we are all anxious to hear her
but the long distance from RR & telegraph lines I
fear will be bad. We are 100 miles from Deming N.M. our nearest railroad, Express telegraphs
point. Then everything must pass the Mexican customs House at La Poloranco to
north of
How can you insure continuous medicine so far away
if you can cure my mother
there are a number of people in my Ward that will have you treat them also but are waiting to see
what you can do for my mother. If the medicine should fail in being here so as to be continous
we should not feel we ought to pay for lose of time & lengthening out the cure. I write you thus
for you information. If you are
fail in curing my mother you can rely upon my aid in
other patients.
With regards Your etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 26th, 1885
Dear Bro. Smith:
I sand enclosed $4.00 in Mexican money which I wish you would please change into U.S.
Curency and put $2.00 Money Order in enclosed letter to Dr. N.C. Davis and post it.
I am expectin a package by mail from Montgomery Ward & Co. please send by Bro.
Richins or any one else and those who bring it I will apy duty on and also for their trouble.
The Mexican mail is so
I dare not trust it and then I cannot get stamps or
register letters here so i trouble yu so much I hope I do tire or weary you and I will ahve a chance
some time to how you a favor in
& that I appreciate your kindness in this helping me. We are all well and send love to you
and Jessie sends kisses. With regards.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. We expect you to come to our Fair.
Aug. 28th, 1885
J.A. Mahoney,
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Friend Mahoney:
Many thanks for your endeavors to help in Our Fair. I need the subscription list and
appreciate your kindness as also Mr. Bolicks.
I understand you did not keep any posters to put up in Deming I return some please have
them posted up in different places.
Will you please me by Mr. Fenn. 1 bar of solder as I much need it to close my friut and
Tomatoe caus. Please don't fail to send it. i want enought ot solder tips into 12 at gal. cans and
will need I guess at least 1 large bar and charge it to my a/c.
Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Aug. 28th 1885
Dr. Karl G. Maeser:
Provo, Ut U.S.A.
Dear Bro. Maeser:
Your letter of Aug. 12th to hand was glad to hear from you many thanks for kind
expressions. Shall be gald to see you agin in this country when are you coming to visit us again?
You misunderstood me in my last Prest. Teasdale did not abolish the office of Supt. of
Church Schools for the Mission. Bro. D.E. Hansen told me when I asked him for his Report that
he had sent it direct to you as you had told him and Bro. Teasdale that there was no need of the
Mission Supt. anymore and he would be done away with. I felt put out in waiting for his Report
to be sent and I was late with
of the Reports. I have tried to do my duty and every year and
sustaine every 6 mo visited every school.
With regards, Praying the Lord to bless you.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept 2nd 1885
N.A. Boligh & J.A. Mahoney
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Friends:
Many thanks for your endeavors in getting subscriptions to help pay expenses of Our
coming Fair. I thank you in behalf of my associates and the people.
The Coop store has kindly said they would pay us here in money for
for these in for.
Please ask those who have subscribed and wish to pay
to let Mr. Josh have it at wholesale
prices as you have done if he has to take it at
notes it will
down the cash here and I've
need all we can get as expenses will be great for us.
With regards and hoping soon to see you. I remain,
Your Friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 2nd, 1885
Dear Bro. Smith:
Yours by Bro. Jackson and Sister Richardson received.
I do hope and pray that John W. may do something to redeem himself and help all of us
out of the terrible predeicament he got us into.
Please let Bro. Jackson have what packages you have for me in your care he will pay my
charges there may be.
I shall expect you to come ot our "Fair" as I have made arrangemtns for you to come with
Bro. Jackson and I will see that you get a chance to go back after the Fair is over so you must
come as we all wait to see you.
Praying the Lord to bless you. Jennie sends loves.
Your Brother
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 8th, 1885
Desert News, Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 75 cents due you which please ended my a/c and send receipt.
Yours etc.
W. D. Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 8th, 1885
Chars. F. Haand Publisher
St. Louis, MO U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 50 cents for which send me the House circle Magazine to the 4
names in slips for one year and me to
& to A.E. Johnson, Byros Johnson, & Jos H.
Johnson all of this place. This is all the U.S. stamps I have and I want the Big Value
Budget. Pease send it and I will send you at least 10 more subscribers to buy your magazine. I
will send in next letter the remainder.
We have no register mail here and U.S. currency or stamps is hard to get.
I have charge of this Colony we
we 800 American people in it.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 18th, 1885
Mr. E de Goucer,
Dear Sir:
We were very much disappointed that Mr. Davis, you nor many of our friends from
Corraliton could not be here at our Fair as we had arrangemtns all complete to take good care of
Your exhibits did not get here until the morning of the 2nd day and di were quite
disappointed as you sent
in cattle.
have been
but yours will be filled out
you. Your goats
and heap
Houses Leather, Saddle,
Exhibit took 1st prize.
With Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 21st, 1885
Dear Brother Teasdale=
We ahd a spendid time at Our Fair but we were very much disapoointed that you could
not attend. sister T. Jenny George & Russell staid with us and had a pleasant time. There were
100 people from Juarez alone the attendance for the 3 days were large in fact much better than
could have been expected. The best of order prevailed so much as in fact that one Mexican lady
was heard to say she was glad she had lived to see of Feast day. (& for 3 days) without a
gambling or drinking. All seemed much pleased by everything went off without even a
even the theatre and concert was largely attended by our Mexican friends. I felt well paid for all
my hard work by the complete satisfaction it gave our visitors from all
the only thing I
regretted was your absense and expected you to be here and enjoy with us our hard labor.
much grieved and still
when I heard that another had been appointed to take charge of
the Mexican Mission. You can little know my feelings to
you learning for your
has been such a comfort
are my funds and the aid you have given me in my poverty in
letting me look after the tithing of the Mission I appreciate very much.
I hope you will not turn over the Stake matters untill end of 1895 as i could not well turn
over the tithing a/c's until we settle for this year. Please see to tithing I can explain to you the
reason so you will see that
not well make a change until end of 1895. If you feel like
interesting yourself with Bro. Ivans in my behalf that I may still be
(rest of page illegible)
in so little for my large family of 20 and I have done just as you told me attended to my duties in
bishop of the Diaz Ward.
Will you please get an order to cover Labor Tithing for the Mission of 1,000.00 you will
remember we used $965.36 of Juarez Ward Order last year and they need some $ . of it this
year their Ward $350.00 and the remainder for the other Wards we could use $1,200.00 if you
would get it and by this means get tithing in, which if not allowed on late tithing the people could
not pay as we have had no fruit and the crops have not been good. We have already used on the
Diaz Ward Meeting & fruit orchard Conse $350.00. I promised them
on Labor tithing of
would fix the school House which has been
all through and painted etc and if the brethren
had had not done this on tithing they would not have paid the tithing as you are well
. Go
to the matter of Bros. E.C. Richardson & P.C. Hayina that I spoke to you about when I saw you
last I feel especially for the latter he should have a mission as also Bro. richardson but non
especially for Bro. Hayina as he is perfectly able to go plenty of means and small family and is
doing no good these brethren have been
in pay until I feel it is doing harm among the
Mexicans and they begin to feel bad over it. Please let thies be attented to and keeep what I say
to yourself for all liked you at Conference and now is truth and none think of at I feel more
impressed they should be called on a mission.
Kind love to Presidents Woodruff
Sept. 21st, 1885
Dear Cowein Audrest:
I received by last mail the linsey you sent me so long ago, it was not your fault it was so
long delayed but a mistake made in Deming.
I was in hopes in this letter to send you some more money on a/c but out cattle sale we
expected to take place this month will not be commenced until in Oct. when I will send you
some money.
I need six more yards of linsey like you sent me. Please send it by mail addressed to me
at Deming care of J. Franson Smith & then send me what it cost & postage & I will get check of
& send you at once.
Our Fair which closed a week ago was a perfect success we had a grand time how I
wished you & your dear ones could have been here ever
went off without a
a are
pleasant from the celebration and feast Days had by the Mexicans
gambling and drinking the 3 days of our Fair went off and not a person
influence of
liquor no gambling or
& no
of any kind also we had hundreds of people here and all
kinds of races & games etc & was said by the Mexican representatives to be the best Fair given
in northern Mexico which
me to a
for their hard & long labor to get it up. I send you
one of our posters so you can see what we doing.
I received a letter from Morty Sanders & Oliver Gruchth who said you had been kind to
them which I thank you for. I hope to get you paid up soon & then of all
well I expect to
send Zeno to live with you & go to the B.Y.U. next year. He is now 17 years old will be 18
. Hoping you are all well as this
live. Love to Ellen, Nellie, Dave & yourself
. God bless you & yours the prayer of
Your Cousin,
Sept. 24th, 1885
Dear Bro. Heleman Pratt,
I send enclosed Five 50/100 dollars ($5.00) from sale of the cheese you sent to the Fair=
the weight was 44 lbs @ 25 cents
I sold it to Don Carlos Gonzalez to send to the
I the other half ($5.50) I turned over tot he
and you have credit for it on the books
of the Fair Association. Many thanks for it.
We are expecting our Diploma's all the time when they arrive yours will be filled out and
sent you.
Please excuse delay as I only just got cash from Gonzalez.
With kind regards to yous & family.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 24th, 1885
Dear Bro. Thayne:
I wanted to talk to you about
when you were here but I was so busy I entirely
forgot it until you were gone.
I am much in need of the 4 M. feels you & Bro. Moon gave for tithing are fast gone as I
have commenced on the Tithing Office and for the Barn.
Can you not have the 2,000 feet of yours & the 2,000 for Bro. Moon or both of you do it,
and I will allow the hauling the best of prices & let it apply on this years tithing my kind even
cash as I must have the lumber & everybody here is busy putting up hay. If you can do this
hauling and deliver lumber soon I shall feel very grateful & if hauling comes to more than they
tithing you wish to pay this year will pay you remainder. Please do this if you can.
Let me hear from you at once. With kind regards to all-Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 24th, 1885
Eide Goucer Eager,
Corralitos, Mexico
Dear Sir:
We are desirous of laying out a large ditch or canal from the river to a reservior to store
water for the Colony the ditch will be some 6 or 8 miles in length we have no instruments to
level with all my instruments I lost while cennected with the de
Have you a level or transit inch horizontal level on the telescope that would do to lay our
a ditch or canal which you would loan or hire me long enough to lay out this ditch?
I understand use of thise instruments being a surveyor & will take good care of them.
Please let me hear from you at once. With kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 24th, 1885
George Tranddes
Salt Lake City
Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Please find enclosed a recommend for Sister Cecelia Acord who went north ot work in
the Temple to see if it would not help her in the imfirmity she has suffered from so long. Please
as she is
young sister &
& past in the envelope I send herewith.
I wrote you a long letter on the 21st hope you got it.
Hope you are well & having a good time. Give my love to Sister Le
Teasdale &
you desire & all my regards that hoping to soon see you
again. God bless you the prayer of
Your Brother-Willie
Sitibra 24th, 1885
Si Lic.
Paso del Oracte
Amy Armigo Anio.
Opostados de la preseseta is Ednnundo Richardson deiesta so lonis quieso ura frara isa sindad,
sobro uns asunito sa importruces' para une de lou colonis de ests y la presente va con al fin de
saludarle a Vot, y a introducesite a' Uel el Senor Richardson y a suphessle a' Ma's gne se sivea as
ailarde can conejos y su influenceia si' scuso tiene sceusidad y le estimeste' favor personal.
Dandola a Usl anticipatet gracias tingo el quito de auscribisane como senorpset
Sue niss alto S.S. y Amigo,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Sept. 26th, 1885
Skelton & Wolz
Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
Robb Skelton, Manager
Dear Bro.
Yours of 17th just to hand please find enclosed my Photograph & Five Dollars as you
requested. You state in your letter you had written me before above. Bro. Maeser desiring me to
appear in portrait in his book (to be shortly published by you) "School & Firesides".
I never received the letter. This one of yours 17th and is fine imitation of the desire
say old teacher & I cheerfully respond as I consider it an honor to be so remembered.
Wishing you success in the publishing of this valuable book.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Mongomery Ward & Co.
Chicago U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please send me your fall catalogue #58 by mail-I am unable to send you the 15 cents for it as I have no U.S. stamps but will send you the
amount with my next order. Please address plain as mexican mails are not so certain as in the
Send at once so as I desire to order some fall and winter goods.
With regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
J. Fewsom Smith
Deming, NM U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
I send enclosed $3.50 in Mexican money please get me the discount on U.S. 2 cent
stamps. Stamp enclosed letters to R. Skelton and Montgomery Ward etc. and send me the rest by
bearer Bro. Jackson.
We had fine time at our recent Fair regretted you could not come.
Any news from John W? All well here weather getting cool. How are you?
Please lets hear from you. Jessie sends love and is all J
with her.
With Kind regards-Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
N.A. Bolich
Deming NM
Dear Friend Bolich:
You & Friend mahoney did as much good in getting subscriptions to aid us in our Fair
which was a complete success. We feel to thank you again ofr you joint endeavors in this matter.
In our settlement of a/c's of Fair we find we are behind--& the amts from clerk & co.
$15.00 Albert Lindaner #10.00, H. Nordhaus 10.00 we have not got & they wanted us to take
goods at Retail. The stove here has advanced success to us if they get goods at retail will leave
us behind. Please be kind enough to ask them
Jackson have goods at
wholesale not as you & Mahoney did.
Please let Jackson have what goods he wants for store a time all we send you.
With Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. , 1885
Dear Brother Teasdale:
I wrote you
& sent recommend of Cecelia Acord but forgot to enclose the
envelope encolsed to her. I now enclose it.
You will remember that in May I spoke to you about the 27,500 acres of land John W.
Young deeded to Bp Preston two years ago in London and that the taxes on this land was
$46.65 for 1894 and 1895 which I had to pay yesterday or the land would have been sold. This
amount $46.65 U.S. currency is for this year and if it had not been paid there would have been a
good chance of losing it entirely. By my paying it the Government acknowledged me as agent
and Bro. Preston as owner and as to the invalidity of the deed in first place from Gonzalez he
sold good a deed
to the Mexicans Agricultural & Colonization Co.
needed according to law.
I had
the maney to pay this and you
my circumstances are such I can ill afford
. Please get a M.B.O for $46.65 U.S. for cash in the Diaz Tithing Office so I
can pay it back. There is cash
hand--& will be plenty more soon as I have charged our deal
for sale of all the Tithing cattle here.
I did this feeling it was the only way to save this land and I satisfied myself it was the
only way before I did it. Please send me the order soonas you can as I only borrowed the money
until I could write & receive an answer from you.
Further when John W. owned this land the tax was much higher and this porticular
27,500 acres. I got cut down over half by
the tax collector. Please
20 it will not be delayed--Love to you and all the
May the Lord bless you always.
Your Bro.
Oct. 1st, 1885
Oliver L. well
Provo, Utah U.S.A.
B.Y. Academy.
Dear Brother:
Your letter of Sept 9th came some days ago but I have been so busy I could not answer
until now.
I was very much pleased to hear from you and of your good intentions & hope & pray
you may carry them out. I showed your letter to your father & mother they shed tears of joy over
You can tell Bro. Cluff that he can ordain you a teacher as I presented your name before
the Ward and they all agreed that you should receive the Priesthood of a Teacher.
Your father has sent you some money and will soon send you some more.
Be a good boy, attend to you prayers and the Lord
with your studies. You have
all my faith & prayers. Love to you, Lulu and Morty.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct 2nd, 1885
Martin F. Sanders
B.Y. Academy, Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
Yours of the 30th of Aug. I received some time ago but have been so busy that I could
not answer until now.
I was pleased to hear from you and you have my faith and prayers that you may succeed
in the desighns of your heart to make a good man of yourself.
As to your ordination I went ot the Ward record and can find nothing as to who ordained
you a Priest but I think I did bacause not sure if I knew the dat I might find it in my journal if I
did it. I was ordained by Erausta Snow a High Priest.
Will be pleased to hear from you whenever.
Pray the Lord to Bless You.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 2nd, 1885
J.C. Ayon 7 Co.
Lowell, Mass. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please send me your Almanace for 1896 in Spanish & English also wrapping paper etc.
I use your preparations continously in my practice here both among my own people and
the Mexican and have the best results there
and sell them in the colony store.
Please send by mail plainly addressed as above.
Please print on back of Almanac presented with compliments to W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
and no adverisements as the stamp duty here is high on all advertisemtns of a local business none
on foreighn-Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 2nd, 1885
C. J. Hood & Co.
Lowell, Mass U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
I have charge of an American Colony of 800 people here and I use your "Sarsaperialla" in
my practise amony them and the Mexican people with the best results and we also sell it in our
Colony store.
Please send me you calenders for 1896 by mail with address as ablve put on them plain
so Mexican mails are not as reliable as in the U.S.
Yours etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 2nd, 1885
E. F. Hopzeltine
Warren, Pa. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Please send me your Pocket Almanacs for 1896 same as you did last year.
I use Piso Remedies in my practice and also see them in our Colony store and they give
the best results.
Please send by mail with above address plain upon them. Print on back of Almanac same
as before "with compliments of W. Derby Johnson, Jr." Colonia Diaz Bravos Chihuahua,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 7th 1895
Bp. Joel H. Johnson,
Kanab, Kausdso
Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Joel:
I have written you three times during the last year and received no answer from you.
Father has also wrote you twice and no answer. It seems to me that common courtesy may
of our relationship should cause you to answer our letters.
Please write me and tell me what condition your affairs are in and what probabilities you have of
ever paying part of all you owe father.
Father is getting old & he worries much over his loved ones and most of all that you
neglect to let him know how and what you are doing. For the sake of
is kindred.
Let me hear from you. Love to you & yours. Praying the Lord to bless you .
Love Your Brother
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
A. S. Farnsworth
Sabinal, Mexico
Dear Bro. Farnsworth:
Bro. A.M. Tenney of this Ward has placed before us the bishopric of the Diaz Ward, a
complaint against you for unbrotherly conduct in taking his contract or a part thereof to his great
injury & loss so much so that if continued in would ruin him financially.
We have set the time for investigationg this case on the 18th of Oct. 1895. You will
please be present on this day with your witnesses to
to this change or if you & Bro. Tenney
can agree to the time that will best for you mutually a few days before or after we will accept of
the change and be ready to attend to this case upon your arrival here.
Your brethren in the Gospel.
W. D. Johnson, Bishop
Charles Richards, 2nd councilor
Oct. 9th, 1895
R. F. Stowall, M.D.
Corralitos, Mexico
Dear Doctor:
You will remember that my little daughter Jessica was afflicted with a spell of Ecgensa,
in 1891 when I was in Deming. On her hands, the palms, feet and other parts of her body you
prescribed for her, gave us a lotion to put on wmuch faster to remove the hand skin and a salve.
I have lost the # of the perscription. Jessie has the same desease only worse than ever and covers
more places on her body. Please send me the medicine at one as she frets as bad about it and
cannot go to school.
Will send Mrs. Harris and her heair lip baby 1 comaliton next week so you can operate on
the baby.
Please let me hear from you at once.
With regards,
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 14th, 1895
F. Warren Eager.
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Sir:
Your letter to E. Beck was showing me I was glad to see it as there was a
misunderstanding in solution to your action about taking our Produce as I felt disappointed as
your not taking the potatoes. I sent by Father & Jackson.
I have been desirous as I told you that when we started our Coop store that we would deal
with you ahd have you take all our produce.
Mr. Beck will come out in the course of two weeks and make arrangements for our
dealing with your. He is away from home, hence you will take this letter as an answer to your
letter to him.
With regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 13th, 1895
Dr. N.E. Davis
Frankfort, Ind. U.S.A.
Dear Doctor:
Please find enclosed $2.00 for which send me the amount in your "Antihead". Please do
best you can for me as I use these in my regular practice and hope soon to send for them by the
if you can afford to let me have more than the 14 boxes for $2.00 do so as the duty is so high
makes them cast me land down here 50 cents a box of 10 powders.
I am having the best possible results from these powders and am introducing them into all
the country here.
Send by Mail to W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Deming, Grand Co. New Mexico, U.S.A. care of
J. Fewson Smith and send letters to say address here.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 13th, 1895
Dear Bro. Smith
Please find enclosed four dollars and fifteen cents Mex. currency--$4.50 for which please
get a money Order for $2.00 and put into enclosed letter addressed to Dr. N.C. Davis Farnkfort
Ind. close letter stamp & post & also post letter to J.W. HendricksHas Mahoney disposed of the cupboard, chair table etc I left there? or cook stove?
We are all well except Jennie who is afflicted with same kind of a disease resembling Salt
Rhaum she feels very bad over it as she cannot go to school. We have had cold weather but it is
getting warmer now.
I do hope your last cable
has materalized are this. Please send fast in your care for
me by border an anything than my before me these.
Your Bro.
W. D. Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 18th, 1895
Dear Bro. Growell:
We have been unable to find any credit to Bro. Hendricks of the $260.00 U.S. check apid
you in Dec 1891. Did it have any connection with the horses bot by Alf & Jimmy Jacobson? or
any later affair? Bro H. says it was paid you to help pay expenses on
if he gets
for the amount he will owe you some $600.00 U.S. We have had a time of the matter I am tired
of it & want to finish at once so H can go next week. I have got the deed to the Birgen spring
Ranch & expect ot keep it until you are paid and also my due from him of the Bo of the $466.57
U.S. which he says he will pay Jimmy .
Any light you can give us let us have a anything you may wish to say.
As hoven out the horse matter back of them and all we have done has been with desrie to
be fast by bucks. Hope you are well and getting
etc. Kind
regards--send Ock back immediately as able.
Your Brother
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonization in Mexico
During the months of January and Feb. 1895 the
made a tour of all our settlements in
the Mexican Mission.
Dublan Ward under Farr Bp. Councilors F.G. Williams & P.H Huret a ste near Caner
Grande in a large flat valley nearly land surface, here they raised sufficent grain to bread them
and corn to spare. The have a Cheese Factory conducted by Bro. Helaman Pratt the settlement
furnished the milk and as paid for it in good merchantable cheese stock do well here. Then new
school house just finished as a credit to them. This is by far the best place in the Mission for
raising wheat in fact they produce more than all the other settlements, their only drawback is lack
of sufficient water but they are arranging to get out a large canal and reservoir the water during
the rainy season. This place has the bast facilities of any of our settlements in Mexico for mail
having a
by mail, they being on the main stageline.
Juarez Ward George W. Serry bp with M.P. Romney & R.S. Taylor counselor is 12 mile
from Caner Grande west on
of same name the year 1891 was a fruitful one the Canning
Factory canned a number of thousand cans of fruit, vegetables and meat to which they have a
splendid maskes in the Intemorr in fact cannot say why the makes here these a plenty of water
but land is limited and grazing facilities not very good but the best crops of lusame miex it the
Mission is found here, all kinds of fruit do well here especially, strawberries, blackberries &
Raspberries, German prunes & Mevacse of Alexander grapes these kinds are more
every year.
The have a Tannery doing a lood paying business under the management of J.J. Aalzer using the
great Tanning Product of this country the "CanagrcaRort which grows abundately here and yeids
a great amount of tuberous roots similiear in shape to the sweet potatoe. A shoe shop which
furnishes most of the shoes for the Colony also a Cooperatvie Cabinet Co. making all kinds of
furniture. A grist mill built by W.R.R. Stowell which is example for all the surrounding country
for some time to come. Then Coop
of Sup't N. Eyring doing a
business. The
lumber interest is also caoming land factor here, there is plenty of
which can be
the future prosperity and growth of this place will depend entirely upon its
manufacturing industries.
Pachacs Ward J.U. Smith for Bp with Austin Farnsworth & C Doyle Ceaton counselotrs
proper, Cave Valley, Round Valley and Chihuahua.
Pacheco is noted for fine potatores produced can and all kind of grain as well but water is
limited altho alltitude is 8000 ablove sea level vegetables grow well, Cave Valley presided over
by D.B. Heaton, has plenty of water and has little land raises fine potatoes cane etc good for
stock, shingle mill here produced shingles for the whole Mission. Round Valley along
Farnsworth Presiding Priest spleculate for potatoes water, limited fine for stock. Chichuahua,
Benjamin Johnson Presiding Priest, good place for grains of all kinds an excellent place for
stock. In fact all of the Pochea Ward is well adapted for cheese making and raising of cattle.
Oaxaca Ward Franklin Scott Bp. G.C. Williams and James Lanyton counselors. Situate
in sonora on the base of River. 80 miles West and north of Pacheco allitude 2500 above see
level. This place has the finest climate and most fertile soil of any of our settlements. Snow as a
ver rare thing
light we get cabbage taken from the garden to February that and grow all
winter having been
in November before having grown and made for the herds leave
only traces here they until fruits are off by the new one and grapes, figs and all tempered zone
fruits do well. Vegetables excellant and they have a market in the surrounding mine of all they
can produce. The Banpa River has plenty of fish & expecially catfish some weighing 25 lbs
caught in any month of hte year. Stock also do well here. There is plenty of water wood and
land which is the first
for a new country.
Diaz Ward. W. derby Johnson Jr Bp. J.H. James and Charles Richins counsellors. this
Ward is particularly adapted for raising stock as also for corn, fruit if uncertain altho in 1894 we
had a large crop of peaches plums and
canning many thousand cans and drying and
preserving a great deal which all brought good prices. Generally from past experiences we can
depend upon fruit
year altho grapes are a
the bottoms along the river is very fine
for corn & wheat and when the land is overgrown during the rainy season much of these grains
are raised without irr-igation. We have two
Mills. A Broom Factory and type
Refrigerators which some
produce well a thousand
of gruit
medicines from Dorghew came.
rained in great abundance and been do well.
In the near future we expect to have a creamery and Cheese Factory altho much butter and
cheese is now made
fashioned and was we got good prices for all our produce
to the surrounding
. Industries as Farming Cooperative,
shoe shop, a canning plant
to manufacture cans and to can fruit, vegetables & meats. We have good school facilities and
excellent society having neither gentile or apostates in our midst. the worst drawn block for this
place is the distance from timeber. Lumber having to be hauled 70 miles altho we have different
wood for fence.
(to be continued)
Oct. 21st, 1895
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
For fear you did not get my lwo last letters about my paying the taxes on land John W.
truned to BP Preston and asking you to get an order from him to cover the amount $46.65 U.S.
cy. I send you copy of my letter.
There is $56.00 U.S. money on the F.C. here can I use it? as I only borrowed money until
I could hear from you.
We wee all so disappointed at your not coming to home this way so we could see you.
When are you going to move to Utah. How I hate the idea of your going. How we shall miss
you. Why cannot you live here in Mexico and
from here. We need you so much more than they do in the
Please let me hear from you at once what
the money. Love to you and all
your dear ones. God bless you is the constant prayer of your Brother Willie.
Oct. 21st, 1895
Dear Friend Cruz:
I wrote you sometime ago in relation to Caleb and Gormwell telling you they were not
J.P. Johnson a particular friend of mind desires me to remember him to you. I understand
you have met him in Chihuahua. He is a reliable good man and anything you can do to help him
I will consider as a personal favor. My brother Elmer is working with him they have some
horses and cows to sell.
I was sorry you could not come ot our Fair so you could see what we are doing to help
build up this our adopted country.
Please remember me to you father and your folks. Not forgetting yourself.
I am expecting news from John W.
as to his RR here which I still think will come
out all right yet.
Kind regards
Your friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
R. F. Stovall, MD
Dear Doctor:
The bearer mr. A. N. Holden of this Colony takes Mrs. Harris and her baby the latter of
which yo will operate on for hairlip.
Please do your best for Mrs. Harris' baby get them comfortable quarters to stay while
there and I will be responsible for it.
As she is a widow and very poor do all you can for her and we will appreciate it fully.
Please be sure and send me medicine for my little daughter Jemmie who has the disease
on her hands and I wrote you about on the 9th and received no answer from you.
Please let her come home soon as you think it will do. with kind regards I am
Your Friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 23rd, 1895
J. Tewson Smith:
Deming, U.S.A.
Dear Bro. Smith:
Yours of 16th rec't Just to hand. I had already made arrangements to sell John W.'s
cattle. Bro. Acord told you something that was not true. I wish there was 30 head if we get 10
cents we will do well. I have been holding these cattle until according to Lou
years would
pass so Boaz & others could not scoop down and take all from us, the 4 years is not quite up but
seeing how hard up you, myself & all the brethren here were I concluded some time ago to seel.
I am sorry you expressed the doubt in your letter that you did as it made me feel bad as I
have appreciated you, your situation & the ddp feeling of sympathy grow stron and is so sad on
a/c of the suffering we have passed thro here together since 1891--I admire your family,
May God it may soon be rewarded--I stood with the Enterprise until James see timely named
financially and my large family of 20 would notallow me to stay large since I left Deming the
Lord only knows what I have
through in poverty and suffering the kind to see my children
go without necessary clothes to keep them warm and no shoes through whole year.
As to the cattle when sold I will write and the amount will be divided between you. J.
Esleuer, Abra Peterson, Adams, Beck, Father & others here who need the means will do here I
can for all.
I hope you do not feel as your letter would indicate I do not blame you for feeling bad &
discouraged you have cause & could I aid you I owuld do so willingly. God bless you. Your
Bro. W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 23rd, 1895
Prest. Geo. Teasdale:
Supt. Mexican Colonization & Agricultural Co.
Colonia Juarez, Mexico.
Dear Brother:
The following charges are made when I actually spent time surveying with Transit the
colony lines. The surveying of Lots and Plotting the town, I have made no change as also many
days I spent for colony business, identifying lines.
1886 1 day using transit with Apostle E. Snow
5 - running lines of colony bx ords of M. Thatcher &
A.F. Mcdonald surveying & setting corners
1887 2 days with Transit ascertaining lines for Judge
and Angel Brouquet.
1887 2 days ascertaining lines between Colony &
La Ascension of of Judge, surveying.
1888 2 days with Transit by order of Judge to
ascertain line between Colony & Bottom land
1888 1 day be order of Judge running line between
colony & Juan Miraval land.
1889 1 day order of Judge between us and Juan Conion & Co.
Total work with Transit
The foregoing a/c is for surveying 4 running lines of this Colony using my Transit Chain
I also apent 2 days to represent the Colony in identifying Colony lines by order of the
Judge of La Ascension without Transit.
Will you please present this Account to the Board and have me credited so it will apply
on my Rent a/c and also in payment for my lots and Land I need here for my family.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Oct. 24th, 1895
Prest. George Teasdale,
Supt. Mex. Cols & Agricultural Co.
Colonia Juarez,
Dear Brother:
The following named persons who are worthy but poor are owing the amounts see
opposite their names for Rent, which please
Jacob W. Norton
Trena Mortensen
Mortica Mortensen
J. M. S. Harris
A. N. Holden
Arcel Tenny
N.C. Holden
Wm M. Davis
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
James Vicken Sows,
Rochester, NY
Dear Sirs:
I need you fall catalouges Retail and wholesale- I desire to send for a wholesale bill of
bulbs for the Colony but I cannot get American exchange until 10 or 12 days when I will send
you a bill but I want a few early & good bulbs as i send all U.S. Stamps I have $1.00 for which
Please send me by mail=
4: roman Hyacauths= C. Chines Tacred Lily. 12 Freesias 8 Hyacinths nipd coloras good large
bulbs pack well & address plain as Mexican mails are not as certain as those in U.S.= will send
bill to come by Express to Deming U.S. please mail the above order in two parcels.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonia diaz
M. P. Romney
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Dear Brother:
I enclose statement of what our appraising Cormasllac did in relation to town lots and
land in field.
On a/c of the people here desiring to buy all water used in the colony land we felt price of
lots should be less than in Juarez which you can explain verbally better than I can in a letter.
They ranged from 2 to 5 dollars according to situation. Land in field 2 to 5 dollars per mese.
I did not think a list of the town lots & field was neccessary but if they wish it I can bring
it when I come to Conference. The aggregate total opprain went of Lots and acreage in field to
$4.12, 1.00. I expressed my news in full to you while here. With kind regards I am
Your Bro etc.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Prest. George Teasdale
Supt. Mex. Col. Agri. Co.
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Dear Brother:
As per your instructions I appointed J.A. Little A.N. Holden and E. Beck a committee to
appraise the Colands in the Colony. Bro. Beck being absent I appointed J.W. Norton in his
The town lots of 144 Blocks aggregate a sum of $1,461.00 the price being from 2 to 5
dollars per lot according to situations. The land in fields as laid out in 12 and 15 acre lots
amount ot $2,730.00 price ranging from 2 to 3 dollars per acre. Aggregate total $4,191.00.
Many of the people here would be pleased to pay for their city lots and land in field and if
you choose will receive the pay for them and pay in turn five their letters of credit. Kind regards,
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Chairman Land Committee
C. I. Hood & co.
Lowell, Mass. U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Yours of recent date to hand in reply will say that here in Mexico any advertising matter
is charged high duty in stamps. To avoid this please print on calendars etc instead of my card-Compliments of W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Colonia Diaz, District of Bravos, Chihuahua, Mexico.
All my friends & neighbors will understand and accomplish as much as my printed card and save
me much expense.
As most of us here can speak and read Spanish so please send me some in spanish to
distribute to my Mexican friends. I send enclosed a list of the heads (names) of families the
principal ones in this colony. I keep in store full stock of your medicines and sell a great deal of
the sasperilla & pills & use them in my practice.
With wished for success. Yours Truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
O.C. Wilson, Peter Mortensen, J.L. Wilson,
S.C. Tygersen,
A.E. Johnson, Orson Richins,
D.W. Johnson,
Andrew Andersen,
P. Maybin,
W.H. Laws,
J.C. Johnson,
Wm. Adams,
Trena Mortensen, W. D. Johnson,
Martina Mortensen, S.C. Richardson,
C.W. Merrill, C.E. Richardson, I.W. Pierce,
Peter Lemow,
Jesse Rowley, A.C. Petermen,
C. Rhower,
John Adams,
Ammie Jorgensen, A.N. Holden,
James Jacobsen, Martin M. Sanders,
A.C. Johnson, Maud Acord,
John Donaldson, L.A. Fredrickson,
J.J. Adams,
Charles Lohiting, J.H James,
Charles richins,
C.W. Mathews, A.M. Termly,
M.L. Growell,
A.E. Rhowborthan,
B.E. Johnson, E. Beck,
W.W. Galbraith, Ida Harris,
Hans Larden, E.W. Johnson,
J.W. Norton,
J. Jacobsen, Jr.
R. Larsen,
James Gale,
P.C. Heaynie,
J.B. Jackson,
J.D. Harvey, W.W. Daine
J.A. Little,
Joseph Mortensen,
P.P. Petersen, S.F. Wilson,
D.J. Wilson,
E.C. Jorgensen,
R.O. Growell, Miel Pierce,
A. Westerberg,
John Ferm,
Davis Robles, C.L. Golbraith,
J.P. Johnson,
R. J. Andersen,
Ammie Fenney, Leroy Cluff,
Lauritz Mortensen, Ammie Nielsen,
Simon Hansen, Julia O. Johnson, D.J. Wilson, Jr., J. Earl,
Dorothy Mortensen, John Mayburn
All of above--Colonia Diaz
Nov. 4th, 1895
A. H. Camusa
Salt Lake City, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Bro. Camusa:
For along time I have been receiving notices from the Continbutor Co. that I was owing
them $2.20 it is a mistake. In 1889 the IMMI assn of this Ward wanted to take their contribution
and as I was know to Bro. J.F. Welton I wrote for it and some books then came in Aug.
looking at the books of the Assn and talking to the officers the amount was paid laong ago,
sometime in 1889 or 1890 so please arange it so I will not be deemed any more.
The 75 cents which was due for sometime from me and not paid until I cp'l of land was
owing to my being away from home and the trouble it as far as to obtain U.S. money ot stamps,
as we have no Register P.O. in Mexico. Since paying the 75 cents to the Des News, which I
have a receipt for I have received two
to sue me from The Merchants
Protective Assn of Salt Lake City. Please notify them that it is paid.
On a/c of very hard time here in Mexico and the decrease of Mexican silver
doctor here is only worth 50 cents in U.S. cy and we have to work as hard for a dollar here as
you do in the U.S. as wages are very similiar. The brethren have been unable to take the Desert
News and if we could change produce into money or through the Tithing Office I could get a
great many subscribers I feel lost without the Des. News and would like it very much but I
cannot tell when I can pay for it hense go without it.
I will try and see if I can get a few subscribers for the contributions if you could send me
the Weekly Des. News I will pay soon as i can. Please see if you can in any way help me in
change Produce or allow us more in Mexican money in
price of paper. Bless your
brethern in Mexico Please write. Pray the Lord to bless you.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 9th, 1895
David Ecater, Ecger
Ogden City, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Bro Ecater:
Bro. W. d. Hendricks before leaving for the north stated to me that you desired to sell you
land, you own near here and that Senor Gonzalez wished to buy it. He as well as myself well
know that if he buys it, that it will be a great detrmint to us here in this Colony.
Bro. E. Beck desires to buy it for the benefit of the members of the Colony. He has a
lggod house well furnished, and lot in the center of Springtown, Sanpota Co. and would like to
make an exchange the property is in his wife's name but she will deed it in Deming before U.S.
Notary Public from this interested party I learn that the property is good.
Please look into the matter and see if you can do anything with this as exchange for your
land here and also do us a good turn as your brethren of this colony. Please let me hear from you
at once. Kind regards. Your Bro etc. W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 18th, 1895
Prest. George Teasdale:
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
Your letter of 6th inst just came last night was glad to hear from you for various reasons
one was that I was getting ready to come to Juarez and attend Conference as stated in Des. New
Nov. 28 & 29. Had letter not come would have left here day after tomorrow.
I enclose $400.00 U.S. check on Kibtsere Dagetorn, tithing cash which I sold cattle for
and expect to get some 3 or 4 hundred dollars more. Please get me P.B.O Receipt for this
4400.00 U.S.
Has the tithing Blanks for Reports come yet? If so please have them with you when you
come. I will try and be ready to accompany you to Oaruca please let me know as much before
we go as you can. As to the Rent for the Poor. I can explain to Wilson has been sick and
helpless for months. sister Hans and her large family and others don't have to be supported here
but will a/c for my not having my thing in the TO to apply in this Rent a/c=
I will do just as you wish me
& when you desire in relation to the tithing a/c
could would like to be at home in Christmas and New Years. Am glad you got the $13 Labor
tithing as the Mission will need it please bring or send the Order for it.
You did not answer me in relation to Bro Haynes going upon a mission. We have no one
from this Ward on a mission and I feel we should have= I think Bro Haynes, Orson Richins &
Edmund Richardson could be approved for their good & the cause they are young men and able
to go. Please let me know if you approve of these or if missionaries are wanted. This I can
explain more fully wehn I see you. I will attend to paying Sister Lora Sanders the $2.00 U.S. on
As to the money I paid in taxes it is quite a hardship for me in my
circumstances as I
had to borrow it and I hope Bp Preston will send me order to cover it. Do you intend moving
North in spring? I hope not as I think we need you here in this land. Hope you and yours are
well. god bless you always.
Your Bro.
Nov. 18th, 1895
H. Grombay Esgar
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Dear Brother:
Yours of the 9th inst at hand in reply will say I was much astonished that you brethern
should feel that the bill for labor done by Bro. James and myself was too old to allow. The work
was all done in good faith and in a/c of the colony land here whether it was before or after. The
Mexican Colonization & Agriculture Company was organized we were told we would get pay in
sents and could apply as payment for land.
There is a great deal of time and labor I have spent for the Co for which I make no charge
and I think the least the 60 could so would be to allow my bill and Bro. James & let it apply on
our rent and for payment of land we wish to have.
The town or city lots and land in the field appraised by the
appointed here
amounts to over $4,000.00 and I think we pay enough for the land without my additional
assessment or increase price to meet the
of myself & Bro. James. I send enclosed a list of
Town & field Lots as appraised by the Committee J.A. Little, A.N. Holden to J.W. Norton.
Who do you wish to act as agent for the Company here in receiving pay for the town and
field lots and also range land & land will of town & field plot.
Please let me hear from you soon.
With kind regards i am
Your Bro. & fellow laboror
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. I need
for Bro. Bennett along with letter we will pull all we have to
(rest of page illegible)
Nov. 18th, 1895
Kansas City Star
Kansas City, MO U.S.A.
Please find enclosed 50 cents U.S. stamps for which please send the Weekly Kansas City
Star to W. E. rowbocham & John Donaldson for 1 year both of this Colony, above address.
Please send me a bundle of the "Star" samples so I can show it to other Americans of
Colonia Juarez, Dublan & Pacheco think I can get mine to subscribe for the cheapest paper put
listed in the world & we are all pleased with it (The Kansas City Star) weekly. with desire for
your success.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 24th, 1895
Bp W. B. Preston
Salt lake City, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Knowing you to be well acquainted with Bro. M.S. Grewell I aske your aid in his behalf.
Just before Broth Grewell was obliged to come to Mexico some 8 years ago Bro. Robert
Reeder of Hyde Park, Co. Utah gave him a note for $2,200.00 which Bro. Reeder refuses to pay
as it has become outlawed. Bro. Grewell is a worthy brother has had been sick since coming to
Mexico and is common with myself & others suffered terrible loss
. John W. Young, Bro.
is in straightened con
and of Bro. Reeds has a
in that he should be compelled to pay
this however Bp. Wright of Marsh Valley has the not and can give you all necessary information.
In May I wrote to bp. C. Hyde in relation to the matter and receive an answer in June that
he would try and do something but I have had no word from him since.
If you would interest yourself in this matter and get something for Bro Grewell of Reeder
it would be a a great blessing to his family as they need it very much-Bro. Grewell feels so discouraged over it that he did not pay anything to me about his but
I get my information from Sister Grewell who felt if you would be kind enough to look into this
matter you could get something for them.
In relation to paying the taxes $46.65 U.S. cy-- are the 28,000 acres of land deeded you
for John W. in London & then again here the taxes for 1894 & 95 were delinquent in Oct 7 had
to be sold or land be sold. I borrowed the money to pay the taxes and my circumstances are such
since being
by John W. Young that I cannot afford to loose this as I have a large family
of 20 & but little means . Please send me a P.B. Order for the amount from this office, I sent you
through Prest. Teasdale las week $400.00 U.S. for which I sold cattle Tithing & expect some
$200.00 more soon.
Please let me hear from you about the $46.65 as I am paying 2 percent postal.Praying the
Lord to bless you. I remain
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 24th, 1895
Seneca Falls Mfg. olse
Seneca Falls, N.Y.
We are desrious of obtaining some foot pwer 4 wood working machinery and seeing your
advertisement in Mrs. Frank Leslies Polular Monthly we write for a catalogue and your best
We want a timing lathe with scroll saw and circular saw attachments Mortissing-maching former and other machinery.
Please send us a catalogue, price list ad your best terms and oblige yours respectfully.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 24, 1895
Dear Mother & all-It has been so long since we heard anything from you that we all begin to feel you have
forgotten us entirely. What is the matter? Lucy worries about you all the time & wonders why
you do not write. We are all well. Weather very pleasnt but very busy. I have bought a place
just across the street for Charlotta & her children. It makes it so much more pleasant for all.
Times here are getting a little better our corn crop turned out well altho the wheat was
poor & ligho crop but in here plenty of corn to make & have had good chance to sell! Oh, cattle
and are doing better than we did last winter.
to Lord I am nearly out of debt. Jemmie has
been afflicted with a skin disease on her hands & feet but is little better. We all send love &
kisses to you all every one. Kind love especially to Father & You--God bless you always.
Your Son,
Upside down on page:
I sent you some flowers Lucy just picked out of the garden to show you how nice our climate is.
Nov. 26th, 1895
Prest. George Teasdale
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
Your letter by Bro. Norton came last evening glad to get it sorry to learn of Sister
Teasdales illness. We will exercise all our faith in circle for her. I will send for the Malted Milk
tomorrow to Deming and also the
the $4.00 Bro. McLellan left with me.
I received a letter few days ago from Bro. F.M. Lyman saying himself Bro. A.W. Ivris &
one of the First Seven Presidents of Seventies would be at Deming next Saturday Nov. 30th &
wanted us to send conveyance for them which i do tomorrow. They will get here Tuesday Dec.
3rd one week from today.
It would do no good to go to Oaxaca now as Bp. Sablt is at Deming with cattle & will not
be home to settle tithing until last of December and the weather is too severe for you to be out in
it. Please make you arrangments to be back at home Christams and New Years. Bp John
Jr. was here and stayed with me Sunday. He said he could not return until the last of December
as he was going to see his father in Arizona so that I do not think we can do anything settling
tithing until after Jan 14.
You did not say anything about the P.B. Order for the Labor tithing for $1,200.00 please
by to the missionaries. I wish you would please
names of P.C. Haynes & Orson Richins.
I feel they owuld go & are plenty able to do so. Please attend to this at once so they can make
I have written to Bro. Preston about the P.B. Order to cover amount I paid for taxes as
you suggested I borrowed of the TA the $46.65 and paid what I had borrowed of father to pay
the taxes.
We all feel very much shocked & pained to hear the death of Bro Heather's murcder. He
was indeed a good man & we shall miss him.
Please take care of yourself. I hope are
better &
(rest of page illegible)
Your Bro.
r. Co. here in this colony in receiving money for town & field lots and land that belongs to the
purchase here--but I think 2 cents to each dollar is not enough collecting as it will not much then
pay for time of writing Receipts & paper. Please give this your consideration. I never before
heard of collecting being done so cheap, never lower than 5% and generally 10% all I want is
what is right & fair.
I have already notified the people as to their Town & Field lots that could pay me & I
would give them receipts.
How shall I write the Receipts to save stamps in form of a letter? or perhaps you had
better send me a form of how you want them written. Also send me a list of those who have not
paid up their rents so I can work understandingly in fact I better have alist of all a/c's of the land
here and also rents due copy of the Map of original purchase and amount land it contains etc and
then I can do the business as is to meet desires of all parties concerned.
Please let me hear from you soon as to the Fair near Mexico. I ask the notice chees and
products of the Diaz does not open until Oct. next. Fruits & Vegetable in Agust flowers plants
in April & May. Farm Industry money for cattle sold till January more of them it is
poor time to get subscriptions & can do but little by Dec. 15th can we not have more time.
I will tell people of the Photographs. When will they be at Juarez and will they come
here? Kind regards. Your Bro. W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 28th, 1895
Dr. R.F. Stovall,
Corralitos, Mexico
Dear Doctor:
Mrs. harris and baby arrived home one week ago tonight. The baby was quite sick. I
went ot see it waited on it & did everything in my pwer but it sank rapidly and died Thursday
evening 6 o'clock. Poor Mrs. Harris feels broken hearted over it.
The lip of the child seemed to be all healed and ollked first rate, a good job I think. The
child took severe cold & turned to pnuemonia. It is a terrible loss for the poor woman she has
lost her husband & two children within a year without home or support only as the Colony
supply her.
Now as to the bill for operating on the child how much is is? do best you can as we will
have to get it form members of the colony.
As to my little daughter Jennie, she is not better, he and her mother feel very bad about it.
The liquid you sent took some of the scale off but then came on as fast as taken off for
last week not having any of your salve I used cuticara salve which seems to soften the hands &
feet more than anything used thus far.
What can I do for her. The medicine or perscription you gave me at Deming seemed to
be just the thing wish you could remember and send me the same perscription & I would send to
Byron at Deming & have it filled.
Sorry to trouble you so much but feel quite anxious atbout Jennie as she is so anxious to
go to school.
Please let me hear from your soon. Kind regards.
Your friend, W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 26th, 1895
The Good Resse Co.
Springfield, Ohio U.S.A.
Dear Sirs=
Please find enclosed 86 cents U.S. stamps all the U.S. money or stamps I can get here
now for which please send me 4 large bulbs of the Chinese S
Lily & the remainder in good bulbs of single Hyacinthes by mail to above address. Please pack
well and address plain on a/c of Mexican mails.
I wish to send you a large order if I can get U.S. money or stamps. Can you use Mexican
P.O. Stamps or money (paper)? It is hard matter to get U.S. exchange on money here.
Please let me hear from you
Yours truly-W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 26th, 1895
J. Vick's Sons rochester Office
Salt Lake City, Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brethren:
About year ago I sent you some $6.00 for the Mutual Improvement Assn here & got 5
manuals about The Gospel by Roberts which left any balance.
Please send by mail Record for G.M. M I Assn to my address as above 'via
Deming and bill of same and amount still due=
Please send me 1 Leyman LDS Book Calf Grain
L.D.S. Union Song Book, 1 Book
of Mormon Stories #1 x 4 S.S. Union Hymn Books, 1 Model Roll Book, 4 Children's Primary
Hymn Book, 1 Dialogue & Recitations #1, 1 March Stories. These please send by mail also &
sned bill & I will remit. Wrap well, address plain on a/c of Mexican mail. Be sure mark via
Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
J.P. Byron
Deming N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Mr. Byron:
I send enclosed $9.50 U.S. cy = $1.35 of which credit my a/c for 3 boxes cuticara salve
got by my brother. $7.50 please put into a P.O. Money Order for J. Vick's Sons Rochester NY &
put it into letter enclosed to them= seal put stamp on & mail for me & the remainder will pay for
stamp and money order.
I have taken the liberty of having these bulbs & seeds I am sending for to come in you
care by Express Please notify me when they come or if you get chance send them. I will send
money to pay for Expressage= If there are at P.O. any packages bundles or mail for me in care of
J. Fewson Smith Please send by Mr. Galbraith, I will gladly pay you for your trouble. Please
send receipt by Galbraith for $9.00.
Yours with regards-W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
J. Vic's Sons
Rochester NY U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed $7.50 for which send me the following bulbs & seeds by Express to
Deming New Mexico care of J.P. byron.
25 tulip bulbs single Early large size mixed color
25 " " Double "
" " " "
25 " " Parrot "
" " " "
25 " " Late Flowering " " " "
12 Hyacinths Blue Grape
" " " "
12 " White "
" " " "
12 " Feathered " " " " "
25 " " Single all colors mixed good bulb large
25 " " Double " "
" " " "
25 " Early Roman "
" " " "
100 Crocus giant all coloras large bulbs
12 Chinese Lilies large bulbs (Chines sacred Lily)
12 Amemone bulbs -- good mixed
50 Single Narcisues all kinds mixed colors
20 Double "
" " " "
25 Polyanthsis " " " " "
25 Giant Snow Drops Ellweni all colors mixed
25 Scillas mixed all colors
25 Iris all kinds mixed
Flowers also as follows: 2 kinds Petunias, 2 of Verbeuas,
striped and plain, Diauthus Pink, Calosias five mixed, Sweet
peas, cockcomb, Candy taffy Pinks, Carnations, Bapsaya, Sweet
Alyssun, pk each and all above seeds mixed colors, etc.
Please give me best selection you can from the money there are all for my own gardens.
Sned bill & notice of shipment here so I can teel when to send for them. Your old custormer &
wishing you every success-W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 28th, 1895
Friend Byron=
I wrote you a letter last night & gave mr. Galbraith what contained $7.00 U.S. cy & letter
enclosed for you to post for me & put a $7.00 money Order in it.
I now enclose three letters which please post for me put in the stamps & charge to my a/c
and please send me by bearer 78 cents worth of 2 cent U.S. P.O. stamps. I will send you money
for them in few days.
Please drop me a line & send by Mr. Galbraith so I may know you have received all three
letters, money etc.
Please be sure and send stamps as I borrowed them & need at once.
With wish for your success-W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Nov. 27th, 1985
Dear Cousin Joel.
Your kind note of recent date just came this evening and I hasten to answer. I am
ashamed of neglecting you so long but I was waiting to get some money to send you but have
been disappointed. Lucy had a little in the Desert Savings Bank but did not want to use it ubt
rather than have you wait she gave me a check to pay for the 6 yds of Linsey you sent me $2.00
postage 70 cents total $3.70 which please find check enclosed to cover it. I was really glad to
hear from you but would be much better pleased if I could see you & your dear ones again.
We are all well, having lovely weather. Ab wife Vidsh gave birth to an 8 lb girl some
weeks ago all doing will--& Byron's wife had a boy 6 weeks ago so they are both happy. The
boys are as
& doing well. Jackob is freighting, Elmer farming and Father begin to fail fast
& it worries him almost to death to think he cannot work as he used to. Aunt Susan is feeble has
to be helped in & out of bed she feels very bad and wants to die & cannot.
All the kins folks in this land are doing better this year and the people are beginning to
get over the terrible set back John W. Young gave us all. I am getting out of debt so I can begin
to feel I will be a free man again by another year the Lord's helping me. I hope before or near
New Years to send you some more money I appreciate your long patience but I have been so
badly broke up 7 could do no better altho my desire has been strong all the time= with my large
family of 20 it makes me struggle hard to keep them from want but the Lord has been good to me
and I am sure he will help me get on my feet again.
How are you situated? do you get plenty to do & have plenty to be comfortable? how is
Ellen's health? does Nollie Davis Laman come to see her yet? has Sadie many beaus? I am sure
she with her bright mind make many of the hear ache there.
I wish you would write me all about how your are feeling along
me Bro.
Maeser book out ask them for me. Kind love to you & Ellen &
& Sadie & a kiss form cousin
Willie to here.
God bless you and love you.
Your Cousin.
Dec. 4th, 1895
Dear Brother Teasdale:
Your letter of 2nd inst came
was glad to get it to hear that Sister Teasdale was
improving. Bro. Lyman & Irvin came last evening. Bro Galbraith & Stevenson came
They all leave here in the morning to go to bublan to see you and from
there to Juarez. I should so like to go with them & be with you at Juarez but hardly feel it owuld
be wisdom to do so. Lucy is quite feeble from a terrible attack of Cholera Musbus. Last night I
was up all night with her and these spells often last days and I fear to leave here & them I have
so much to do on a/c of my having to devide my family putting in two houses.
The tithing Blanks have not come yet so there would be no use of my going to settle
tithing. I explained the amtter to the brethren & they said not feel to say for me to go funds are
I am
pleased to think the program Bro Lyman has made out will give us ehre in
Diaz a 4 days visit and I think it is no more than our due.
I send by the brethren 1 bottle of Scalded Milk and enclose the remaining $2.00 M.S. as I
could not get the Gin and I did wish to tell Bro. Galbraith to get 2 bottles of Scalded Milk if there
was no Gin as I had no idea but Mr. Byron would ahve it. I also send a letter that came in the
mail here last Sunday.
When you come please bring the P.B.O. order for the $1,200.00 Tithing Labor used on
the Mission.
The brethren did not hold meeting with us as they were quite tired.
We prayed for Sister Teasdale in the Circle Sunday. Bp Scott also came this evening on
his way home to Oaxaca they will come out a day drive to meet you with teams & I am so
anxious to see you--do be careful of yourself do not get another does of La Grippe
think your conclusion not to go north during the winter is a wise one it is so cold there I owuld
to here you . Love to all & God bless.
Yours always,
Your Bro.
Dec. 8th, 1985
B.A. Reggs
Kanab, Kana Co., Utah
Dear Brother:
I was much pleased to hear from you through you letter to Agnes. I did feel bad toward
you as I thought you all had neglected your sister & she being my wife I could not well help it.
I was satisfied you knew of our hard times & the struggle we have been making for the
past three years trying to pay my debts 7 keep family out of want. We now number 20 we have
had a hard time of it but thank the Lord I have paid but $100.00 that I owe in Utah.
John W. Young ruined me entirely as I lost all I had except my home here= the amount I
lost beside my 3 year labor $100,000.00 whichw as a fearful blow to us with my large family &
debts ap John W. Young many of the
. I done best to pay to have my honor &
name and I have done I thought you were like many others because I was in trouble &
had forgotten me & your sister & her children but I am glad to hear different. If there is anything
coming to Mary please turn it into money & send it soon as you can so I can get her & her
children a home & furnish it. I think also you ought to send her some of her mothers things poor
girl hse is here away form all here relative & any little kindness you can show her I will
Now Brigham my dear brother do all you can for your sister as she ahs felt terribly down
hearted & sad because you have all neglected her. Do your duty & the Lord will bless
people. You & I have always felt kindly toward you & still do. I shoud be glad to see you &
yours. I want you to write me aletter so I may know how you feel and I will answer. Let my
knowmuch you have for Anges in cattle, lands & other property. Kind love to your Rachel 7 the
children. Praying the Lord to bless you. I remain-Your Brother
Dec. 9th, 1895
Dr. N.C. Davis
Frankfort, Ind.
Dear Doctor:
Please find enclosed $2.00 for which please send me 18 boxes of your Anti Headacke by
mail to W. Derby Johnson, Jr. Deming Grant Co. New Mexico care of J. P. Byron.
The bill for same please send me here so I may know when to send to Deming for it to
get it through the Custom House.
Your anit Headache growing in favor every day & I hope to soon be able to order by the
With kind regards,
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 9th, 1895
J. P. Byron Esgr
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Byron:
Please find enclosed $4.00 U.S. cy $2.00 of which please put Money Order in letter
enclosed addressed to Dr. N.C. Davis Frankfort Indiana stamp letter & pay for Money Order Fee
as also for 78 cents stamps you sent me & letter stamped of 6th the remainder please send me in
2 cents U.S. Postage stamps by the bearer D. J. Wilson.
If you have any mail matter or packages please send also.
I have taken the liberty to have some garden seeds I sent for come in your care please
look out for them. Will be pleased to pay you for all the trouble if you will send bill. Be kind
enough to notify me when the bulbs etc. arrive.
With kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 7th, 1895
"The World"
New York City,
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed 50 cents for which send me The Worlds Christmas Number and the
World's Monthly Magazine for one year.
I was much peased with your Thrice wek World & will get you some subscribers.
It comes like a blessing to us in this far off land-Please address as above plain on a/c of Mexican carelessness in mail matters.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Colonia Diaz
District Banagoa
Dec. 10th, 1895
J.P. Byron,
Deming N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Friend:
The bearer of this Mr. Oscar Griwell, son of M. G. Gimwell goes to Deming on local hast
to see what can be done about seeing the "Dog springs Ranch" which Mr. Gimwell bought of Co.
Lockhart lately. Mr. Gimwell is away from home & the Ranch has been jumped by some hard
citizens and we send his son to file on it. He takes acl papers deeds etc received from Col.
Lockhart please look at them & tell him what to do & how to do it.
Mr. Gimwell will pay you well for any aid you can give his son & appreciate your
kindness also. I will also consider it a personal favor any aid you give him in securing this
Ranch as mr. Gimwell is away from home do all you can for them.
With kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 14th, 1895
M.M. Sanders
Boca Grande
Dear Brother:
For the special benefit of Bro. gimwell it is imerative that Ock should reach Deming
tomorrow early as possible if can be done before train leaves Deming for El Paso.
Let Ock have a horse to change & go on & Bro. Gimwell will pay whatever it costs. This
is a matter that involves much for Bro. Gimwell so do the best you can to have him get there
soon as possible & Bro. gimwell will appreciate your kindness & pay you well for it he is not at
home is the reason I write you this.
With kind regards,
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 11th, 1895
E.L. Taylor
Deming, N.M.
Dear Brother:
Last evening Bro. C. Whiting told me he had turned into your herd & branded with your
hand 23 more head of Tithing Cattle. Just received letter from Bp Preston and I need $200.00
U.S. which I wish to send him soon as I can through Bro. Teasdale please send me a check for
this amt. it is a little more than cattle delivered but you will soon get them. You have had now
51% which = or 74 head & of my own g yearling & 2 4 yr. olds.
Please send me check at once so I can send to Bro. Teasdale.
With kind regards Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 11th, 1895
J.B. Hodgden
Deming, N.M.
Dear Friend:
I wish you would please send by bearer mr. J.W. Norton what Christmas numbers you
ahve of different papers. Magezines etc I would like some 6 or 8 different kinds.
Please wrap them well so they will not rub nor get dirty and state on outside who they are
for and that they are only papers so the custom Officials will not bother them.
Send bill of the papers etc & I will send it.
With Kind regards
Your Friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. If you should get any after Mr. Norton leaves send by other means coming only mail I must
have them
. Willie
Colonization in Mexico
The early part of 1895 was a fortunate one for the colonists as the embargo placed on
Mexican cattle was taken off as we had many cattle we were enabled to get a good price for them
this was a good aid to the mission and which we had been waiting for three years.
This sale of cattle for the
& we for the the great loss of our fruit by frost the
time in March made the finest display of boom and the best out look for a large crop we ahve
soon had in all the colonies. At Juarez the fruits was not all killed they having a partial crop of
peaches and a full one of strawberries, Blackberries & grapes & plums. At Diaz we had crop of
grapes & some plums, pears & apples but no peaches.
Wheat crops at Diaz was only 1/3 of crop on a/c of the
of rabbits. Many of the
Mexcian wheat fields were entirely mined & had to be plowed up and planted to
the field of wheat was good.
As we raise two crops of potatoes in
the first crop was numerally good in all the
colonies it was harvested in June & July ald sold on Oct. 4th per lb. The second crop of planted
August mature in November
For several years after we first came here we could not raise potatoes until we
a red
potatoes from California that is as early & well developed to the climate that two crops can be
easily grown in one year. The potatoes are of fine flavor, good for masket and withal as an
that is far ahead of the Early Rose in colonies.
In August a colony of Saints from Indian Territory came by El Paso with teams & wagon
and were located in Colonia dublan.
Sept. 11th, 12th & 13th, the 2nd Annual Fair of The Agricultural and Manufactoring
Association of Colonia Diaz was held at that place, Our Commodius School House of 4 large
rooms was thoroughly renovated a whitewashed & painted throughout the grounds
building leveled, stalls & beds corrals & pens made for animals and everything done on a much
grander scale the in 1894.
President Profivio Diaz took much interest in the Fair and wrote us akind & encouraging
letter as also the Governor & state Officials some of the letters attended the Fair all the Colonies
more or less participated as also our Mexican heighbors.
The West Front entrance (on the roof of which floated the Mexican flag) was draped in
green bands & flowers composing the word in large letters "Bienvenido" = Welcome.
The first room entered contained Art Relice & Minerals. The fine display of picture was
an astonishment to all as was also the relices. The mineral products of the country was well
represented from the mines of the Corralitors Co. Sabinal Smeltering Co. Flor de Margo & many
other mines with cruds ore & bullion. In the large main Hall the south half was entirely devoted
to Ladies Work of all kinds. The display was simply grand.
The center of the contained specimens of House Industry, Copperware, furniture, saddles
harness, blanket etc.etc. the north east corner was filled with flowers & some fruite the display of
flowers were elegant especially the Dahlias & Monthly Roses from the gardens of Bp. W Derby
Johnson, Jr. the exhibit of fruit was mostly grapes of many varieties with some pears, plums &
apples & fall strawberries.
The NW corner of the main Hall was totally filled
a private office for the officer &
committees of the Fair. The 3rd or long room was given to Garden & Farm Products & Home
Manufacture of Leather, shoes, Flour etc. etc.
The 4th or last room was filled with chees, butter, milk, eggs, honey, preserves, canned & dried
fruit, and also a splendid show of cookery of all kinds from roasted chicken to the finest pastry &
many toothsome things.
The exhibit of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, donkeys & pigs on the Fair grounds was far
ahead of anything before seen in Mexico. The Farming and other machinery was good for this
country & very interesting to the Mexicans.
Each day of the Fair there was a games of Baseball between the Diaz & Juarez mines.
Foot & horse races, Jumping & other games. Meetins in the large open Bowery where the Fair
was officially open by the Prs. W. Derby Johnson, Jr. contests were also held here in Recitation
in spanish & English Reading, Singing, Music, Baby Show, Best looking young Lady &
gentleman at the Fair and other amusements etc. etc. at night Fair theatres & one concert.
A country photographer on the grounds was quite an important personage to many who
wished their "photos" taken. Fruit & Lunch stands & in fact a ventable Fair of Civilization with
the exception that there was no drinking nor gambling allowed on the grounds which entirely a
new feature to the Mexicans as they always gamble & drink at all the Tearbirals & holidays.
One old Mexican lady was heard to say "I am thankful that I have lived long enough to see such
a Fair or 3 Feast Days without anyone drunk & gambling."
The Juarez Brass Band made all glad with their exhibiting music than was 100 of the
Saints from Juarez along. The 3 days with its arrangements & exercises went off neatly and all
felt well paid for the great labor & means expanded in getting up this our 2nd Annual Exposition
of the Resurada of Northern Mexico.
A terrible and shocking accident occured in Diaz sunday Oct. 29th, byron Richins Young
son of Charles & Agnes Richins was dragged to death by a horse. All hearts went out in
sympathy to Bro. & Sister Richins.
Nov. 12th one of the fondest members was enacted in the territory of the Colonies. Bro.
G.B. Heaton of Pacheca Ward was at Dublan making
some Mexicans had stolen two
barrels of syrup, one was found hidden in the bages. Bro Heation was watching it about 8:00pm
Mexican came with ox team & wagon & got it. Bro. Heaton stopped them when they shot him
through the
shoulder as he fell & shouted & get
on & his senses when they beat him to
death smashing his head terribly. Bp. Brainholt at whose home Bro. Heaton was stopping heard
the shot & Bro. Heaton cry ran to the
mill, heard the wagon
off followed it & sent his
son to Casa Grande to notify the
. They responded promptly and the Murderers were
caught one has turned states evidence and the probabilities are all will be shot except him & he
be imprisoned for life.
The cause death of Bro. Heaton has cast a fearful gloom over all the mission as he was
known & beloved by all the Saints and all feel to pay another "good man" has gone. Everyone
feels great sympathy for his afflicted family.
(to be continued)
Dec. 15th, 1895
Bp. W. B. Preston
Salt Lake City
Dear Bro:
There have no Tithing Blanks for 1895 come yet please send them at once via Deming.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Mission Tithing Clerk
Dec. 15th, 1895
W. D. Hendricks
Richmond, Cache Co. Utah
Dear Bro:
The enclosed letter of Bro. Edmund Richardson explains itself. I enquired around until I
felt satisfied that something must be done at once or you would run great risk in losing your 1/2
of the La virgin Ranch. Bro. Peterson said before Bro. Beck & edmond & myself that all the
papers were to be kept in my hands & that he would transfer the land again to anyone you
desired all he asked was for you to pay him for the mule & his due & his expenses. I sent word
to Boaz to sell your mines to Beck so as to save that. What we have done have only been to save
the property to you. So you must acknowledge all we have done. Bailey is as mean as they
make them & we cannot thwart his devilishness. Kind regards to you & yours.
Your Bro. in Gospel
W. D. Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 17th, 1895
Dear Brother Beck-I wrote you last Sunday & sent it via Deming by mail but for fear you amy not get it I
wrote you.
David Wilson came Saturday night about 10 o;clock with the goods, he had tow ait at
Ahumada 3 days. The oil did not come so he came without it, he also signed for all the other
goods & when we unloaded & built of Manta (20ps) was gone. He could not seal the spanish bill
of Lading &
it without knowing what was in it he said Dally was drunk while he was there
that he only got & bults of Manta & the other
be there jst. so he will have to go back at once
to see about it & get the 2 tanks of Coal oil.
We concluded to send for 500 lbs Barbed fence wire black painted if they have not got it
to send
. You can send the wire or any other loading you think best to make up the 500
lbs. The goods from Richard came in good shape. Shall I sign your name to the notes & send
them to Richard--please see that goods are
at once. Your folks as also
are well. Kind
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. Just rec'd word Sister Teasdale dies at Juarez last Friday this is terrible blow to Bro.
Dec 17th, 1895
Prest. Britton Davis.
Corralitos, Mexico
Friend Davis:
Yours of yesterdays date to hand will say in reply. Mr. Gimwell has sold all his cattle but
to my certain knowledge he has some $2,000.00 US cy due him Febry 1st 1896 and he told me
of this note you hold & will meet it on time. He has some 200 cows left but has plenty of other
property here & as regards the note he will pay it.
Mr. Gimwell is now at Dog Springs and when he returns will show him your letter, but
you can rest accurred he will pay the note you hold.
With Kind regards
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 22nd, 1895
E.L. Taylor
Deming, N.M.
Dear Brother:
I wrote you some 10 days ago & sent by Bro. Heber Rowley & Bro. Nortons daughter
asking you to advance me $200.00 U.S. on 23 head of Tithing cattle Bro Whiting had branded
for you. I was much disappointed in getting no letter nor the check as I need the money very
much. Please send it at once.
I enclose your a/c at the Coop store which brings you in our debt--and as we have but
little capital we are unable to advance much money. There are other matters here waiting to be
paid please send check of $142.00 U.S. to cover a/c & another to fill orders you have given &
up. Please let me hear from you soon. With kind regards.
Your Brother in Gospel,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 22nd, 1895
James Vicks Son's
Rochester N.Y.
Dear Sirs:
I wrote you June 29th last enclosing $1.00 for 8 rooted plants of Sacerline or giant Kurz
Grass. I rev'd card from you stating the plants could not be sent until fall. I just received them
the other day all dried & ruined not a particle of life in them, it looked as though they had been
on the road some where for two months.
Please send them again and ablige so I am desirous of testing this plants. Wrap well in
oiled paper so it will not dry out.
With kind regards,
Your truly
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 29th, 1895
E.L. Taylor
Deming, U.S.A.
Dear Bro Taylor:
I rec'd your letter containing the check for $200.00 U.S. gold as to the $100.00 Mex
silver there is some mistake I did not get it. Father thinks it must be one Bro. Earl got for him &
had it drain in fathers name.
The amt's I have had are as follows rec'd
Oct. 21st check for US gold
Nov. 7th " " " "
Nov. 30the Mex. silver of J.H. Earl 30.00 $700.00 US
Dec. 23rd check for US gold
30.00 US
Nov. Delivered to you tithing Cattle 51 head @7.00 387.00
Dec. 10 " " " "
" 43 "
My own cattle
$518.00 US
9 head yearbinge @ $7.00
4 year old 12.00
24.00 89.00
Thanks for check you sent with kind regards
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 29th, 1895
J.C. Bentley,
Colonia Juarez
Dear Bro. Bentley:
Yours of 26th inst. came per hand of Apostle Teasdale, will do what I can about sending
Articles for Fair, at City of mexico.
The tithing blank Reports have yet come but expect them last of this week as you are
aware it will be necessary for you to be there to settle Tithing & make your Ward Reports so do
not go until I come unless you leave your books so we can make up the Reports form them. I
expect to be there not later than 9th or 10th of Jany and will come sooner if possible.
With kind regards
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Stake Tithing clerk
Dec. 31st, 1895
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
I wish you would please present before the First Presidency the name of Orson O.
Richins and P.C. Hayne for a foreign mission they are both able to go are young men and I am
satisfied it will be a blessing to them to you and also do good here. I have written & spoken to
you several times about this matter & feel the matter should be attended to at once so they can
get ready to go in the Spring. Please do not fail to see to this. Also as to Bro. Edmund Richards
he is a good missionary & is willing to go & will be his business in shpae some time this coming
summer or fall so he could go but as to Bros Richins & Haynes the circumstances are such here
that I feel they sould be called at once.
Since you left I have thought the matter over & made a subject of prayer of this affair and
felt I would write you in this way as I feel these brethren for their own good & good of the
Colony should take a mission.
I hope you had a pleasant trip I have thought of you
house since you left it has been
so cold.
Please write me as to this matter and to let me know how got along in going to Deming &
on to Salt lake.
Love to your & the general authorities
Letter. God bless and comfort you always is
the prayer of
Your Bro.
Dec. 20th, 1895
R. F. Stowell, M.D.
Corraliton, Mexico
Dear Doctor:
I wrote you several weeks ago about the operation you performed on mrs. Harris' baby.
What are your charges? Please be as
as you can as we ahve to support
her family & if you cut down on the bill it will be a personal favor.
I have agreed with
to take 13 share in the Copper
father is in with me &
has go to
we a
up and see it
& heal.
Please let me hear from you. Kind regards.
Yours turly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 30th, 1895
T. M. Boaz:
Sabinal Mexico
Friend Boaz:
Ras told me to write you that my father & self would take 1/3 interest in the copper
prospect. Soon like Ras comes back we will go up & see that prospect & pay our share of what
is necessary.
I have been away from home or I should ahve written you 10 days ago.
I hope
came to see you & you arranged about selling Hendricks mine to Ras so as
to secure it from Bailey.
Weather very cold here.
With Kind regards,
Your truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Dec. 27th, 1895
Dear Bro. Beck:
I rec'd your letter dated 21st inst. Bro. Whiting has not arrived & has heard nothing form
him. We need the goods very much.
As to the papers you wrote about. I gave you the original pawer of atty from Hendricks
as also a certificate from the Judge at Las Ascension stating that I had issued a bill of sale to
Petersen for the Ranch look among the papers and you will find
I hope you will soon be home as I don't know what to do about organizing the notes for
Orson has bought the land north lots of Galbraith so Frays but i think that G. is letting
him have it to stall a store
Lenn my Olsen wrote him Orson has not paid him the 450.00
amount he promised. Get home soon as you can as we need you. We went up & surveyed the
ditch & found it 5 cents percent better then we anticipated it is a good thing best I have seen=
Kind regards. Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Jan. 4th 1896
Dr. N.C. Davis
Frankfort, Ind.
Dear Doctor:
I have just rec'd the 18 boxes of your Anti Headache all came in good condition. Thanks
for them they are a boom to humanity.
Please find enclosed $2.00 for which send me 18 more boxes of your Antiheadache by
mail to Deming care of J.P. Byron and send notice of shipment to me here.
Please send as you did before medicine to my address taking care of J.P. Byron as Mr.
Byron got them
House for me.
Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Jan. 4th, 1896
Mr. I Brown E. Wells Fargo Co. Agent,
Deming, N.M.
Dear Frined:
Please deliver by the bearer Mr. Hyrum Mortensen the parcel of blanks you have for me
from Salt Lake.
As they cannot be rolled up & must not be subbed & Mr. Mortensen is bringing them on
horse back please give him some extra wrapping to put around them so they will not sub or wear.
Please do this a personal favor & I will appreciate it.
Kind regards,
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Jan. 4th, 1896
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
Bro. David Johnson got back last night glad to know you got to Deming all ok but I was
fearfully disappointed as he did not bring the tithing Blanks so am unable to start to Juarez
Monday as I expected this compels me to hire Bro. Hyrum Mortensen to after them.
We are all well 7 hope you are & the you are having a good time. You have all our faith
and prayers that you amy.
I wrote you last weel about Bro's Orson Richins and P.C. Haymore going upon foreign
missions. I am convinced that it would be a blessing to them for
& for the Colony.
Please present their names at once so they may be notified before arranging for spring work. The
are both young & have ample means to go with. We all send love and blessings. God bless you
Your Brother,
Jan. 4th, 1896
J. P. Byron
Deming N.M. U.S.A.
Friend Byron:
Please find enclosed $5.30 U.S. cy which pay yourself the $3.25 you paid exp
fpr ,e
fpr *42/00 please get Money Orders favor for M.C. Daivs Frankfort Ind. and enclose it in letter I
send addressed to him.
Please send me by the bearer 2 or 3 boxes of Cuticura Salve and 1 doz. small bottles
strychunie for Diaz Coop Store, send bill by bearer and I will send at once.
Please send me a/c of your trouble for these and my
I ask of you & will be glad to
Please post letters enclosed & mail put mail order in letter to Dr. DAvis and seal it.
With kind regards,
Your friend,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Enere 4ds 1896
Al C. Admor de la Aduana,
Las Palormas.
Muy Estimado Senor Mio:
Ma hallo en un a puro muy grave por anas formas estatisticos que me hau expresdao de
Utah. Para las cualies he mandado una vez y me hallo forgado mandan al portador a Deming
olm voz para allos y aunque llagora a la Aduaua de su digna el Domingo. Es saplics que Ha me
hava el gordu farvor de despacharle qiu mes dilate que lo necessario en ir y venir y as to estimare
al moi grave favor que puado padir y como sou un receivdad para todos colonos. todos uniremos
en saludarle. cou muchas expraions me queto como siempre in afectisimo y sequro seroidor
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Jan. 4th, 1896
Singer Manufacturing Co.
Chihuahua Mexico.
Dear Sirs:
Yours of Dec. 19th came to hand during an absense from home hence the delay.
I send enclosed contracts signed as you desired the bond I did not get any are to sign as
there is no stamps here in the stamp office & your forgot to put one on & no one will sign
without stamp being on it.
What about paying Municipal & State because to sell machines do you pay it?
Please send me price lists showing styles of Machines etc. so I can tell what I desire you
to send me. Also send list of those owing here & all information necessary for me to start.
With kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 7th, 1896
Patriarch Henry Lunt:
Pachecra Mexico
Dear Brother Lunt:
I arrived home the afternoon of the 4th all well after having had a splendid trip all around
the Stake.
I found Sister mary in bed with a baby boy weighing 12 lbs. it having been born the
evening before at 6 o'clock (Feb. 3rd) the baby arrived all choked up with cold but we felt he
would soon be all right but yesterday seemed to feel a little worse Bro Irvins being here we
blessed and I named him after my dear frined Henry Lunt. We called him Henry Lunt Johnson
after administering to him he felt better & we all thought he would soon be well: he grew
suddenly worse & death came 9 o'clock last night which John
us all in deep sorrow but feel
to asknowledge the hand of the Lord in this matter as in all other things.
Now, as to the wagon matter I found upon getting the $100.00 from Bro. Eyring which
maked $150.00 I have for you to pts as by . Bro Beck told me
that ot get in 3 us
Mitchell will steel tire with it and wagon cover
here would cost you $212.00 but if you
got it on the free list (which would necessite your going to El Paso) it would cost you $175.00
Mex Money. Now what shall I do about it. Please me word at once so if you wish it delivered
here ready for you to hitch onto please send $62.00 more . Conference at Juarez will the 22nd of
February so if you desire the wagon here by March please let me hear from you soonner. With
exception of sister Mary we are all well & all join me in love to you and Ellen, Sister Dorah &
all the folks.
God bless & comfort you my dear brother is the pray of you Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 9th, 1896
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
I returned from my trip around the Stake from settling tithing last Tuesday the 4th after
having been one month all but one day had a good trip & got along all right.
i expect to finish up the Reports this week.
What shall I do about you signing them keep them here till you return or send them to
On my arrival home I found Mary had given birth to a fine baby boy weighing 12 1/2 lbs.
the night before 3rd inst. but through the providence of God for some cause we cannot
understand He took it away again. died on the 7th. We all felt very bad over it, especially poor
Mary who nearly heart broken.
We are having a sever epidemic all through the Stake of "La Grip" everyone more or less
is effected. Bro. Holden's boy James and Bro. Beck's son Nate is very sick so many are sick we
may have to stop school=
In settling at Pacheco I found your a/c credited with 49.50 U.S. cy which you had
advanced- still with this you are still owing that office $5.00 for Dairy & Veg. U.S. cy and an
order given to Stevens of $20.98 U.S. and also one owe Bro. A. F. MacDonalds you endorsed
Feb. 11th 1985 for $26.25 M.S.
I turned all property over to B. Hoady and called this a/c of yours as property on hand-Was so in hopes you would be here for Conference= I want to see your children when in
Juarez was there on Jimmy's birthday. They were well & feeling & doing well. Love to you and
all frineds there. God bless you always are the prayers of
Your Bro.
Feb. 14th, 1896
C.N. Short
Qulin, No. U.S.A.
Dear Brother:
Yours of Dec. 7th 1895 came during my absence form home on my trip through the
I fear if you started as per your letter this is altogether too late.
There are some of our people at Deming N.M. all the teachers and some
are from the Colony here goes to that place with team nearly every week.
Bro. E.L. Taylor who is at Deming could tell you about our folks being there.
Hoping this may find you well & you can reach the saint in safety. With Kind regardsYour Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 15th, 1896
F.M. Young
Hemlington, Emery Co. Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Cousin Frank:
Yours of Jan. 25th came while I was away visiting the Colonies settling tithing when I
got your letter it was a treat and was like a ray of sunshine of long ago as I thought you have
forgotten me, as I worte you the last letter. Glad to know you had turned pedagogue as it is a
most honorable calling. Hope you may be entirely successful. We are daring a seige of "La
Grip" my folks we get it.
As to the invention of Bro. Hoppon if it is what you say & will bring water to surface
from depth of 12 & 16 feet it will be a forune for him to bring it here as in this valley we have on
abundance of water only to 16 feet from surface so we need something to reach it. The him to
come sooner the better as I know if he can make it work he will do well here not only for our
people but for many others who live in this an adjoin any valleys where water is near the surface.
Let me hear from you at once about this. Lucy & all send love. Praying the Lord to ever bless
you. I remain Your cousin-W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 15th, 1896
J. Fewson Smith Esgo
136 J Street
Salt Lake City
State of Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Bro. Smith:
Yours of Jan 14th came while I was visiting the Colonies settling tithing was glad to hear
from you and do hope sometime John W. may have the good luck to send something more
substantial than oft repeated cables.
As to the cattle Bros Petersen & Beck are getting them gathered & selling therefor we
haveonly got 25 head but as there is a herd putting now hope to find many more but i feat will
not get more than 50 or 75 we sell at $7.00 head when we get the money and divide it you will
be notified & have equal share with us. May folks are all quite poorly with "La Grip". Jennie
send love to you. Kind regards to you, Sister Smith & the boys.
Your Bro.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 18th, 1896
J.B. Hodgden
Deming, N.M. U.S.A.
Dear Friend Hodgden:
I send enclosed $4.75 U.S. cy, $1.75 to pay for Christmas papers you sent me 7 thanks
for them. I have been from home for month hence the delay. The remaining $3.00 please send
me in U.S. P.O. stamps 2 cents I also want a pair of shoes for myself please send by bearer
Orson Richins you know my size & kind I want.
I also sent some 6 weeks ago for small package of Medicines to come by mail to Deming
by Richins as I need them all send bill for shoes & milk & will at once be kind to pay you for
With kind regards,
Your friend
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. Congratulate Mrs. H. on getting Pth again.
Feb. 18th, 1896
J.P. Byron Eagr.
Deming, N.M.
Dear friend Byron:
I enclose $5.55 U.S. which will pay for strychine & Caticura salve got for me by Mr.
Jacksen last month. I have been away from home hence the delay. I sent for package of
medicine to come by mail your care please send by bearer mr. Richins.
Please do not neglect package as I need the medicine much-With Kind regards.
Yours truly,
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 18th, 1896
Kansas City Star,
Kansas City, Mo U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed One Dollar ($1.00) in U.S. P.O. Stamps for which send me= the
Weekly Star for one year to the following persons.
W. Derby Johnson Jr.
Colonia Diaz - districk
Peter Mortensen
of Bravos=
W. D. Johnson
Chihuahua Mexico.
Peter A. Dillman
Colonia Oaxaca Bavisfec
Franklin Scott
Sorrona Mexico.
I expect to send you a lot of new subscribers this years from other colonies like the
Weekly Star very much.
Kind regards
Yours truly
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Feb. 19th, 196
Dear Bro. Teasdale:
I got your letter of 7th inst last night was glad to hear from you.
I have been quite sick since I last wrote you in most of the time as also all my family & in
fact the whole Ward with "La Grip" I am feeling a little better & am starting for Conference this
I have arranged with Bro. David Johnson to go to Deming for you. If you would please
get him some godein to come back with and let him have $.00 or $10.00 in Mex money or its
equal start I will pay him the rest.
I expect to be back from Conference to meet you here then I hope to feel well enough to
finish the tithing Reports so you can sign them while here. Had it not been for sickness would
had them all completed are this.
The Grip is quite serious with us also A.S. Jensen lost his oldest boy 15 years old with it
and Jessie Rowley & Bro. Tenney's baby not expected to live but hope they may recover.
Brother Haynes, Richins, & Edmunds got their notifications to go upon missions. The
two former felt at first that I had them called to rid of them but when I told them that their names
had been presented to you over a year ago they felt all right about it and Bro. P.C. Haynes fixed
up his business & started the 7th feeling as splendid & also gled to go. Bro. Orson Richins feels
good about his mission & is getting ready & will go in October next. I am glad you have been
having a good time & will be glad to see you again in the Land of the Free etc.
My folks are all better this morning & the sick generally.
Hope you will have a pleasant trip from Deming hhere & your room will be ready for you
there is a package of medicine for me at Post Office 7 Mr. Byron to please remind David to get
it. Please also get me Woman & co. a few Calenders for 196. God bless & keep you here safe-Your Bro.
Mar. 1st, 196
Dear Cousin Joel:
I have been away from home for a long time around the Mission settling tithing. I have
at last succeeded in getting the $50.00 I owe you. I am ashamed of myself that I have not been
able to pay this to you years ago but I have been so terribly cramped on a/c of John W. Youngs
failings that I could not do betther but thank the Lord I am now out of debt & a free man. I
appreciate your kindness very much in waiting so patiently for me. I enclose a check on Kitchen
of Cuided Juarez (which place is just across the line in Mexico from El Paso, Texas) for
$6.00 U.S. currency in favor of W.D. Johnson Jr. given by Taylor & Brown # of check 288 and I
have endorsed it so no one else can use it but you. Please answer at once so I may know you got
it all right. My bank will give you cast for it.
We have been having an epidemic of "La Grip" here all through the country two of the
place died with it a 16 year old son of Arthur C. Jensen & Bro Oliver E. Witmers. Its whole
town nearly sick at once but all are feeling better.
The 3rd of February Mary gave birth to a fine boy of 12 lbs. but through some
only live 3 days she feel broken hearted over it but am thankful to say we are all well
Hope you & your are all well.
Heather fine base trees on bloom & spring here with good prospects for this year. There
is a
& see all well founded that John W. may do
(rest of page illegible)
Mar. 1st, 1896
Sunday Morning
Prst. George Teasdale:
Salt lake City
State of Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Brother Teasdale:
On my return from conference Thursday I found your letter saying you could not come
until after April Conference & next day received letter from Warnser & Co. stating you had
telegraphed them same information but both were too late as I made arrangements before going
to Juarez for Bro. David Johnson to go to Deming & meet you & he is there now waiting for you
but hope he will come in day or two as all passes will run out. Am sorry could not have got your
letter sooner so as to save the expense.
We have had an epidemic of La Grippe and many have been sick. I was sick for over a
week before going to Juarez bed fast most of the time & am still miserable barely able to do
anything. the whole place is afflicted again my family bad some are sick with it. Bro Andrew
Jenkins boy 16 yrs old died with it and also Bro. Oliver C. Wilson the latter we buried yesterday,
he leaves
helpless family of 7 for me to look after with
this Ward has more than
our share of widows.
Lucy & I went to see your children while in Juarez, they were all well. The baby
especially lovely Sister Allred is doing so well with them. I will try and finish up the T.O.
Reports this week & send by first chance & Express them to Bp. Preston & will notify you when
I do so. I wish you would please order the Young Womens Journal for me & have it sent to
Maneta Johnson also the Juvenilla Instruction &
and the Weekly Des. News and I will
pay for them when you return.
We had a splendid Conference but all missed you very much. Our next Conference is at
this place May 2st I do hope you can be with us then so you see we are to have
Conferences same as other stakes. I hope you are well all take good care of yourselfs. Love to
you always your
(rest of page illegible)
March 5th, 196
F. J. Williams
Dublan, Mexico
Dear Brother=
I wish you would please send me by my son Zeno 8 fenages of corn good to make meal
and anything he may need let him have and charge my a/c please send me a list of what he got.
Hope you & family are well we are all getting better here altho some are still afflicted
with "La Grip".
Bro. Oliver C. Wilson died here last Friday with it Buried Saturday all rest sick getting
Kind regards to you & yours.
Your Bro.
W. D. Johnson, Jr.
March 3rd, 196
Patriarch W. R. R. Stowell
Colonia Juarez, Mexico
Dear Bro. Stowell:
I send Zeno & Och. to Juarez after lath. They would like to stay with you one night as
Zeno says he would feel more at home at your place. Please let them sty with you if it will not
discommidate you & I will return compliments & feel grateful for this kindness.
We are all getting better of "La Grip" altho Bro. Loiver C. Wilson died with it last Friday.
Hope you & Sister Stowell are both better. Kind love to both of you. Lord bless you.
Your Bro. etc.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
P.S. We left one of our blankets at your place please see that Zeno does not forget ot bring it.
March 3rd, 1896
Bp. George W. Seavy
Juarez, Mexico
Dear Brother:
I send by son Zeno for 16 bunches or $1,600 cash. Please go with him to Bro. Romney 7
get them for him and you can pay Bro. Romney in Produce out of the tithing and charge my a/c.
If Zeno needs anything while at your place let him have it and charge me.
Please instruct him how to load etc and my acd you can give him I will appreciate.
Hope you & family are all well. We are all better here altho some are still afflicted with
"La Gripp."
Kind regards,
Your Bro.
W. D. Johnson, Jr.
Mar. 1st, 1896
Bp. Wm B. Preston
Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
Dear Bro:
I herewith enclose Tithing Reports for this stake of Zion for 1895.
You will notice there are no losses reported bu in Pacheas & Dublan Wards & these are
mostly due to depreciation of prices.
In Pacheco a change of Bishopric entailed some loss but the Tithing now reported on
hand is valued so all can be sold at figures given.
The cash on hand is in Mexican silver soon as can change it into U.S. cy will send most
of it to you.
Prest. Teasdale not bing here sent out word he would call at your Office and sign the
Stake a/c current balance sheet & Inventory.
Hope reports will reach you in due time & will snd by Express. Kind regards to you &
all brethren in the Office & ever Your Brother in the Gospel.
W. Derby Johnson, Jr.
Stake Tithing Clerk
Mar. 1st, 1896
Dear Bro. Teasdale=
I send today by Bro. Orson Richins the Tithing Reports for this Stake for year 1895.
Please go to Bp. Prestons place and sign Stake a/c Current Balance sheet and Inventory. They
are all correct as I have checked them all twice. Last year the percentage for Bps & clerks was
Bp. a/c this year it is less only 13/10 aps.
Please sign enclosed
Blank & give to Bp Preston at once as it is a little late as we
have so many widows we cannot get along with loss
the Saints are paying more Fast
Did you recommend me to Prest Smith to still be retained as Stake Tithing Clerk? If not
please do so.
I am desirous of coming to April Conference and perhaps going farther south to Kanab
for father. elmer will go with me= Dudley is going to Provo to go to the Academy for a few
months so as to help him in his teaching & to get the methods better so he can go on with our
Academy here as Bro. Daines has left. You know our
a few months ago as to help him
in his teaching & to get the methods better so he can go on with our Academy here as Bro.
Davies has left you know our circumstances are poor and we have but little money - would you
please tell Bro. Spence of this so he will get 1/2 fare for us to go and come - [without] fare or
permits we may not be able to come back from conference in 30 days may wish to go soon as
can hear from you - get for myself, Elmer & Sally - the latter will want to stay at least 2 months
and in case I wanted to take Zeno could he get 1/2 fare for him? I wish you would please do me
another kindness go to [Caldere] or some other musci store and get me a copy of the new and
enlarged edition of Karl Merz new & improved method for the Parlor Organ published by 3
Brainards Scip. Please, send by mail to me here via Deming. have them work it well. I will pay
you the U.S. money or mexican when you come. your a/c here in Diaz TD is $80.95 U.S. please
get a way to cover it. praying the Lord to bless you is the prayer of Your Bro William