Sixth ISSBD International Africa Regional Workshop Call for Papers Submission of a 250-word abstracts are solicited for the Sixth ISSBD International Africa Regional Workshop to be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon, July 25-31 2004 on the Theme: HIV/AIDS and the African Youth: Theory, Research and Practice with Youth in Peer Education, Families and Communities. Your submission should fit into a theme of any of the workshop forums. Accordingly, please indicate whether your submission should be considered for the symposia, workshops, and roundtables, poster or special event. We would like to notify you that the Organizing Committee retains the prerogative to decide the format for which your submission is most suitable and you will be accordingly informed. The deadline for receipt of abstracts shall be March 31, 2004. Because we intend to consider your submission for publication under the tentative title “Workshop Proceedings,” we would appreciate your submission of the completed paper by May 31, 2004. Limited financial support will be available for ISSBD African members on a competitive basis. Details of the workshop are as follows: Venue: Yaoundé, Cameroon (Site of the first workshop of this series) Theme: HIV/AIDS and the African Youth: Theory, Research and Practice with Youth in Peer Education, Families and Communities Date of the Workshop: Sunday, July 25 to Saturday, July 31, 2004 Organizing Committee: Chair – Prof. Therese M. Tchombe (, Secretary – Dr/Sr. Euphresia Yuh (, Liaison – Dr. Bame Nsamenang (, Coordinator, Francophone World – Prof. JacquesPhilippe Tsala-Tsala, ( Members – ISSBD President, ISSBD Secretary, ISSBD Treasurer, Dr. Brigitte Matchinda, Prof. Peter Baguma, and Prof. Robert Serpell. I. Targeted Speakers and Proposed Topics (Immediate feedback will be appreciated) 1. Chairman, National AIDS Commission, Cameroon: The current state of work on HIV/AIDS with Cameroonian youth 2. Peer Educators and Youth Living with HIV/AIDS: Youth voices: What youth feel and want to know/hear/see done about HIV/AIDS 3. Rainer Silbereisen & Verona Christmas-Best – Youth development: Framing questions and issues for African youth in Crisis with HIV/AIDS. 4. Tuntufye Mwamwenda – HIV/AIDS theorization in the context of (South) Africa’s youth: A critique and a proposal for a more appropriate sense of direction. 5. Elias Mpofu – Theory-based HIV/AIDS research: From HIV/AIDS research with Zimbabwean youth to intervention programs. 6. Robert Serpell and UNZA Researchers – HIV/AIDS researchers and communitybased service providers: Bridging the gap between the research, policy and practice arenas in Zambia. 7. Bame Nsamenang & Therese Tchombe – Trends, issues and lessons from community-based HIV/AIDS initiatives in Cameroon 8. UNICEF Cameroon – Life skills education and risk behavior mapping with young people: Lessons from Cameroon. 9. Kathryn Toure et al. (ROCARE, Bamako) – Jeunesse, Sexualite et SIDA en Afrique 10. Peter Baguma – AIDS education and prevention with youth: Success factors in the Ugandan experience. 11. Cheryl Grills – Empowerment evaluation: Lessons from HIV/AIDS interventions in West Africa and the US. II. Symposia 1. Peer Education and other HIV/AIDS Youth Intervention Curricula. (Lead Person: Prof Ivo Tambo Leke on Curricular Principles and Strategies for HIV/AIDS Education with youth) 2. The Changing Face of HIV Prevention: Emerging Areas of Research and Intervention (Lead Persons: Professor. Victor Anomah Ngu, Prof. Peter Ndoumbe and Dr. Julius Oben (on recent Research on the advances in HIV vaccine and AIDS control strategies ). 3. SIDA/IST et la Sexualite des Adolescents en Afrique 4. Adolescent Sexuality: Strategies for Reproductive Health in Africa III. Workshops 1. 2. 3. 4. Participatory Strategies in HIV/AIDS Research and Intervention with Youth AIDS Stigma Manifestations: Sharing Experiences and Interventions Culture, Youth and HIV/AIDS: Reflections on Interventions in Rural Communities Cultures, SIDA et le Developpement de L’Adolescent en Afrique: Perspectives francophones. IV. Roundtables 1. Indigenous Approaches to HIV/AIDS Interventions (Lead Person: National President of the Cameroon Association of Traditional Practitioners on Indigenous National and African Strategies) 2. HIV/AIDS on University Campuses: The Role of Cameroon University Women 3. HIV/AIDS and the African Youth: Exemplars of and Issues in International Collaboration (Lead Person: Dr Cosmas Cheka on GTZ Experiences in international collaboration for AIDS intervention in Cameroon) V. Posters A poster session will be organized during the workshop. Young scholars and graduate students are particularly encouraged to send in submissions. VI. Special Events (to be organized and presented by) - Africa Synergies-Cameroun - IIEP/UNESCO HIV.AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse - ADEA – Association pour le Developpement de l’Education en Afrique - British Council - American Cultural Centre - BIE – Bureau International d’Education - GTZ-Cameroon - UNICEF-Cameroon - Cameroon Indigenous Practitioners’ Association - African Youth Association - World Bank - UNDP Tentative Program: Sixth ISSBD Africa Regional Workshop, Yaoundé 2004 Time 8-10 am Sunday Monday Arrival & Symposium Registration I 10:10:30 B 10:30Arrival & Targeted 12:30 Registration Paper 1 Arrival & L 12:30Registration 1:30 1:30Arrival & Roundtable 3:30 Registration I 3:30B 4:00 4:00Opening Targeted 6:30 Ceremony Paper 2 6:30Welcome Special 7:30 Reception Event I 7:30SUPPER 8:30 Saturday Targeted Paper 9 Tuesday Symposium II R Targeted Paper 3 U Wednesday Symposium III E Targeted Paper 5 N Thursday Symposium IV A Targeted Paper 7 C Friday Workshop IV K Targeted Paper 11 H Workshop I R Workshop II E Workshop III A Roundtable To be III Scheduled K Targeted Paper 4 Roundtable II SUPPER Targeted Paper 6 Special Event II SUPPER Targeted Paper 8 Poster Session I SUPPER Free Free Free Free Free Social Event Targeted Paper 10