碩士班社會學研究方法 (暫訂) 授課老師:熊瑞梅 本課程是社會學研究所第一年的下學期必修課。這門課的主要目的是要教授學生 如何發展有意義的研究問題,同時針對這些研究問題,如何分析因果關係。故在 學期的第一部份是以社會學研究問題的提出,到確立一個研究問題的理論建構因 果關係的方法論;其次要針對社會學研究方法的量化與質化分析方法進行教授。 在量化分析方法上,可分成個人調查資料的統計分析模型建立和分析方法;及以 行動者網絡資料為分析的模型和分析方法。量化分析的因果關係方法論放在反事 實分析和社會機制的方法論討論。最後則是介紹質化從事因果關係組合分析的質 化比較分析(qualitative comparative analysis)。 這門課的四大部分,主要會先使用關鍵教科書來介紹關鍵知識。最後都會請學生 閱讀討論指定參考論文。在課堂上討論相關方法論及分析。 參考書目: 謝宇,2006, 社會學方法與定量研究, 社會科學文獻出版社。 Lieberson, Stanley. 1985. Making I Count: The Improvement of Social Research and Theory(量化的反思:重探社會研究的邏輯). Berkeley: University of California Press. (陳孟君譯、郭文般校訂) Morgan, Stephen L. and Chrisopher Winship. 2007. Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research. Cambridge University Press. Carrington, Peter J., John Scott, and Stanley Wasserman. 2005. Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. Rihoux, Benoit and Charles C. Ragin. 2008. CONFIGURATIONAL COMPARATIVE METHODS: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques. Sage Publications Ragin, Charles. 2008. REDESIGNING SOCIAL INQUIRY: Fuzzy Sets and Beyond The University of Chicago Press Hedström, P. (2005) Dissecting the Social. On the Principles of Analytical Sociology. 1 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Henk Flap and Beate Volker. 2004. Creation and Returns of Social Capital. London: Routledge Pub. 簡介課程 2/25 一、因果關係的爭論 Lieberson, Stanley. 1985. Making I Count: The Improvement of Social Research and Theory(量化的反思:重探社會研究的邏輯). Berkeley: University of California Press.(陳孟君譯,郭文般校訂) Ch. 2 選擇性 23-50 Ch. 3 比較、反事實的條件和感染 51-70 Ch. 4 不對稱的因果關聯 71-96 3/4 謝宇,2006, 社會學方法與定量研究,社會科學文獻出版社。 Ch 4. 因果推理 40-49 Ch 11 市場回報、社會過程和統計至上主義 205-213 3/11 Tam, Tony. 2001. Three Common Myths in Quantitative Social Research. 臺灣社會 學刊 26:251-282. Morgan and Winship 2005. Disecting the Social On the Principles of Analytical Sociology. Part I Counterfactual Causality and Empirical Research in the Social Sciences Ch. 1 Introduction 3-30 Ch.2 The Counterfactual Model 31-58 3/18 Ch. 10 Counterfactual Causality and Future Empirical Research in the Social Sciences 277-290 Lin, Nan., Walter M. Ensel, and John C. Vaughn. 1981. "Social Resources and Strength of Ties: Structural Factors in Occupational Status Attainment." American Sociological Review 46(4):393-405. Mouw, Ted. 2003. “Social Capital and Finding A Job: Do Contacts Matter?” American Sociological Review 68:868-898. DiPrete, Thomas A. and Henriette Engelhardt. 2004. “Estimating Causal Effects with Matching Methods in the Presence and Absence of Bias Cancellation.” Sociological 2 Methods and Research 32 (4): 501-528. 3/25 Assignment one: Explore a significant research problem and do a research Design with consideration of causality in this course. Apply counter factual theories to criticize the causality. Bring new possible background causal relationships with some literature or empirical evidences to support your arguments. 二、社會機制(Social Mechanisms) Hedstrom, 2005, Dissecting the Social On the Principles of Analytical Sociology Ch. 1 The Analytical Tradition in Sociology 1-10 Ch. 2 Social Mechanisms and Explanatory Theory 11-33 Ch. 3 Action and Interaction 34-66 Ch. 4 Social Interaction and Social Change 67-100 4/1 Ch. 5 On Causal Modeling 101-113 Ch. 6 Quantitative Research, Agent-based Modeling and Theories of The Social 114-144 Ch. 7 Coda 145-155 4/8 Articles on Mechanisms of Social Capital Lin, Nan. 2001. "Building a Network Theory of Social Capital." Pp. 3-30 in Social Capital: Theory and Research, edited by Nan Lin, Karen Cook and Ronald S. Burt. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Flap, Henk. 2004. “Creation and Returns of Social Capital: A New Research Program.” In Henk Flap and Beate Volker. 2004. Creation and Returns of Social Capital. London: Routledge Pub. Pp. 3-24. Burt, Ronald. 2001. "Structural Holes Versus Network Closure as Social Capital." In Social Capital: Theory and Research, edited by N. Lin, K. Cook and R. S. Burt. Hawthorn, NY: Aldine de Gruyte 4/15 -------------------------- Mid-term Exam and Assignment 2-----------4/22 3 Assignment 2: Please set up a clearly specified framework and find the data to practice your research problem by means of the quantitative and qualitative data set and present how you plan to analyze these data set. 三、Social Network Analysis Ego networks and Complete Networks 熊瑞梅,1995,<社會網絡的資料蒐集、測量及分析>,收於章英華、傅仰止、 瞿海源編的《社會調查與分析:社會科學研究方法檢討與前瞻之一》 ,中央研 究院民族學研究所。 熊瑞梅,2001,<性別、個人網絡與社會資本>,收於邊燕杰、涂肇慶、蘇耀昌 編的《華人社會的調查研究:方法與發現》 ,香港科技大學社會科學部,牛津 出版社。頁 179-216. 4/29 Carrington, Peter J., John Scott, and Stanley Wasserman. 2005. Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. Marsden, Peter V. 2005. “Recent Development in Network Measurement.” Chapt. 2 in CSW. 8-30 CSW Chapt.12 “Graphic Techniques for Exploring Social Network Data.” 270-316 Valente, Thomas W. 2005. “Network Models and Methods for Studying the Diffusion of Innovations.” Chapt. 6 in CSW 98-116 5/6 Marsden, Peter V. 1987. “Core Discussion Networks of Americans.” American Sociological Review 52: 122-131 Mcpherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew Brashears. 2006. "Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades", American Sociological Review 71:353-375. 5/13 Burger, M. and V. Buskens (2009). Social Context and Network Formation: An Experimental Study. Social Networks 31: 63-75. 4 Buskens, V. and A. van de Rijt (2008). Dynamics of Networks If Everyone Strives for Structural Holes. American Journal of Sociology 114: 371-407. 5/20 Assignment 3: the preliminary analysis on your article and write some interpretation with the literature you have reviewed 四、the causality of qualitative analysis Rihoux, Benoit and Charles C. Ragin. 2009. Ch. 1 Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an Approach 1-18 Ch. 2 Comparative Research Design: Case and Variable Selection. 19-32 Ch. 5 Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using Fuzzy Sets 87-122 5/27 Ragin, Charles G. Redesigning Social Inquiry: Fuzzy Sets and Beyond Ch. 3 Evaluating Set Relations: Consistency and Coverage 44-70 Ch. 5 Calibrating Fuzzy Sets 85-108 Ch. 7 Configurational Analysis Using Fuzzy Sets and Truth Tables 124-146 6/3 Kogut, Bruce, John Paul MacDuffie, Charles Ragin. 2004. “Protypes and Strategy: Assigning Causal Credit Using Fussy Sets.” European Management Review 1: 114-131. Ishida, Atsushi, Miya YOnetani, Kenji Kosaka. 2006. “Determinants of Linguistic 5 Human Rights Movements: An Analysis of Mutiple Causation of LHRs Movements Using a Boolean Approach. “ Social Forces 84(4):1937-1955 6/10 Week 17 Presentation (9groups, team members should be fewer than three persons) Week 18 Final exam 6/17 Assignment 4: The final report should have the format of a formal journal article and include more than ten thousand words. Mid-term exam 20 Final Exam 20 Class participation 10 Asssignments 25 Final report 15 6