Open Letter to Chinese People and Government

Open Letter to the Chinese People and Government
Total 13 pages/page 1
A group of attendees to the
2014 Beijing Food Safety & Sustainable Agriculture Forum
Open Letter to the Chinese People and Government
Posted at MOMS ACROSS AMERICA's website Date:
There is a great opportunity for the Chinese government to lead nations to greater health
and prosperity.
A group of genetic researchers, university professors, medical doctors, veterinarians,
animal and crop farmers, agriculture consultants, food safety activists, moms of children,
from China, U.S.A, Russia, U.K., France, Denmark, Germany, Australia, New Zealand,
Argentina, Brazil and Peru, who attended the Food Safety and Sustainable Agriculture
Conference, July 25 - 26 in Beijing, shared our experience and concerns regarding the
serious harm caused by glyphosate/Roundup, GMs, and hexane residues (the solvent in
chemical extracted food oil) to the environment, ecology, biodiversity, animals and
human health and safety.
We express thanks to our Chinese hosts who invited us and enabled us to visit beautiful
and impressive Beijing, and to the Chinese people who extended their warm welcome
wherever we visited.
We take this opportunity to convey a series of suggestions to the Chinese people and the
Chinese government:
The damage caused by toxins in foods is creating a significant global problem of epic
proportions. In particular, genetically-modified (GM) corn and soy crops designed to
tolerate glyphosate are laden with this powerful chemical toxin.
There are striking correlations between the steady rise in the amount of glyphosate used
on corn and soy crops in the US over the past fifteen years and the corresponding rise in
the rates of autism, Parkinson's disease, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, kidney
failure, intestinal diseases, autoimmune diseases, infertility, birth defects and cancer.
As these GM foods are now being distributed from the Americas to all parts of the world,
we are likewise facing a rise in these debilitating conditions worldwide.
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This might well explain the rise in Parkinson’s disease, dementia, autism and infertility in
China in recent years, in step with the increased imports of GM corn and soy products
contaminated with glyphosate.
While the agrochemical companies have stated that glyphosate is low in toxicity, many
recent studies have shown that this is not true. Glyphosate’s known biological effects
align with the known pathologies of these diseases.
Glyphosate residue has been detected in human bodies, urine, blood, and breast milk in
the USA and Europe.
A key issue is the introduction of GM “Roundup Ready” crops that are tolerant to
glyphosate and the subsequent development of glyphosate-resistant weeds -- an
escalating disaster that cannot be solved.
We have unfortunately learned that China is the largest producer of glyphosate, and the
largest exporter of glyphosate in the world, including the supply of glyphosate to
Monsanto, who formulate it into Roundup and distribute it all over the world, including
to China.
Roundup now accounts for about 80% or more of the Chinese herbicide market.
Non-GM soybeans, corn, wheat, barley etc. normally should not contain any glyphosate
residues. However, the spraying of glyphosate as a desiccant ("uniform ripening agent")
before harvesting is being promoted in China to result in these non-GM food grains to
now also contain "hidden" glyphosate residues, as consumers do not know that these nonGM food grains are also being sprayed with glyphosate.
The top three ingredients in most infant formula are corn syrup, soy oil and soy protein
solids. Thus it comes as no surprise that an infant formula tested had 170 ppb of
glyphosate residues. Furthermore, the soybean oil is extracted using hexane solvent, a
known neurotoxin. Both the oil and especially soy protein solids contain residues of
glyphosate and hexane and both are endocrine disruptors.
Most corn is a stacked-trait containing both Bt toxins and glyphosate residues. Bt toxins
have been found in the blood of pregnant women in Canada, and glyphosate is present in
the breast milk of mothers in the US.
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Given wholesome, nutritious food and clean water, our bodies stay healthy. In contrast,
given food containing residues from multiple chemicals, our bodies can become
debilitated. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable.
From a planetary perspective, we are on the brink of destruction if these disastrous trends
are not stopped in the near future. What crops can grow in barren soil? What crops can
be pollinated without bees and butterflies?
History has shown that, when confronted with an emergency (e.g., SARS), the Chinese
government can be proactive and decisive in solving the problem. The current situation
with glyphosate is an emergency.
China can and should play a leadership role in banning the use of glyphosate on food
crops and the use of hexane in food processing.
A moratorium on glyphosate and hexane will protect China’s children and elderly from
costly and debilitating diseases.
Simultaneously, the Chinese government should direct substantial research funds towards
finding safe, efficient and cost-effective approaches to sustainable farming and chemicalfree food processing to preserve soil quality and food safety. At this critical juncture in
human history, China has a golden opportunity to inspire other countries to follow their
lead and allow the earth and humanity to finally begin to heal.
Accordingly, we propose the following concrete suggestions to the Chinese government:
1. Glyphosate/Roundup:
When Monsanto applied for "pesticide registration" in China in 1988, it submitted a
toxicology test report to the Ministry of Agriculture on glyphosate herbicide ('Roundup')
issued by 'Younger Laboratories' on Dec. 23, 1985.
When Beijing citizens requested that Monsanto disclose this toxicology test report,
the Monsanto Far East Co. Ltd. Beijing Representative Office responded: The toxicology
test report on glyphosate herbicide 'Roundup' is an important commercial secret of
Monsanto and contains important privacy and commercial secret information. This
company has never disclosed it to the public and therefore does not agree to its release.
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The above toxicology test report forms the safety basis for the Ministry of
Agriculture to grant approval to Monsanto for "pesticide registration" of Roundup in
China, allowing Roundup enter the Chinese market, and misled China's glyphosate
industry develop into the largest producer and exporter of the world.
Furthermore, this toxicology test report also forms part of the safety basis for the
Ministry of Agriculture to grant the "safety certificate" to Monsanto RR soybeans, RR
corn, RR canola with high glyphosate/Roundup residue, allowing massive imports of
these Monsanto RR crop products into China.
Monsanto's Roundup is the most widest sprayed herbicide in the world, but
Monsanto to date has never disclosed its safety toxicology test report on Roundup in any
nation, accordingly, this critical document is essential not only to human safety of the
Chinese people, but also to the safety of global mankind.
We therefore request that the Chinese government disregard Monsanto's
unreasonable demands and disclose this toxicology test report on glyphosate herbicide
'Roundup' that was submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture in 1988.
We also urge the Chinese government to organize independent minimum two years
"food safety" toxicology tests on low levels of glyphosate/Roundup residues contained in
animal feed, in soybean food oil, in soybean protein powder, and in Non-GM soybeans,
corn, wheat and barley sprayed with glyphosate as a desiccant before harvest.
Until the independent minimum two years "food safety" toxicology tests on low
levels of glyphosate/Roundup residues are completed, we suggest that the Chinese
government issue a moratorium on glyphosate production, sales, application and exports,
and on Roundup imports, sales and application.
2. Imports of GM soybean/maize/rapeseed
For any nation to assure reliable "food safety" for any and all GM edible plants, or
plant components, which is processed into animal feed, food oil or food ingrediants, the
completion of independent toxicology tests is essential for:
a) Minimum two years long-term feeding chronic toxicology test
b) Minimum two years long-term carcinogenic tests
c) Multiple generation teratogenic test
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d) Minimum three generation reproduction toxicology test
To date, no independent complete set of such tests have been carried out on any
GM plants. And, "food safety" toxicology tests carried out by Monsanto or other
biotechnology companies have not been disclosed for independent evaluation.
Furthermore, it has already been documented that some "food safety" toxicology
tests carried out by biotechnology companies were falsified tests carried out on "false"
We therefore request that, for all GM crops already granted a "safety certificate"
issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of China, all of the "food safety" toxicology test
reports submitted by the biotechnology companies when they applied for the "safety
certificate" should be disclosed.
We further request that the Chinese government organize independent toxicology
tests on all GM crops that have already received the "safety certificate" issued by the
Ministry of Agriculture of China. Such toxicology tests should include the four types of
above mentioned toxicology tests.
Before the above-mentioned action is carried out on any GM crops that have already
received the "safety certificate" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the
Chinese government should issue a moratorium on the imports, processing, sales and
consumption of such GM crops until the four types of independent toxicology tests are
3. "Production/supply determining market demand" of GM plant products versus
"market demand determines production/supply" of GM plant products.
GM proponents worldwide have been emphasizing that the greater percentage of
GM planting in USA, Brazil and Argentina has promoted greater imports of these GM
plant products by China, Europe and other nations.
This is not true; instead, it is the greater amount of imports of GM plant products by
China, Europe and other nations that have driven the greater percentage of GM planting
in the USA, Brazil and Argentina that has also created rapid massive increase of cancer,
infertility and birth defects in these nations by the greater massive spraying of
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We therefore recommend that the Chinese government dramatically reduce imports
of GM plant products, increase the import of non-GM plant products, and ban imports of
plant products with any glyphosate/Roundup residues.
Such action would have a dramatic impact on GM/non-GM cultivation, and turn the
trend towards a more ecological agriculture worldwide.
4. Chemical extracted food oil
Food production should not allow toxic chemicals to be used in contact with food
materials and processing food. Allowing toxic chemicals to directly contact food
materials and processing food not only violates the most basic common knowledge of
mankind, it is also a deliberate act against humanity.
There is no controversy in the scientific community that n-hexane is a neurotoxin
that causes serious developmental harm to the nervous system and brain. Independent
toxicology tests by researchers in China and abroad also clearly prove that n-hexane is an
endocrine disruptor and causes developmental harm to the reproductive system of both
females and males.
Chemical extracted oil using n-hexane as a solvent in direct contact with food
materials to extract food oil result in n-hexane residues in food oil, and extremely high nhexane residues in soybean protein powder (the Chinese national standard allows an nhexane residue <500 mg/kg for human consumption). Regardless of how long it has been
accepted in the market and by how many Western nations, this should in no case be the
excuse for allowing it in China.
We therefore suggest the Chinese government issue a moratorium on using
neurotoxin n-hexane for processing food oil.
We also recommend that the Chinese government organize the four types of
toxicology tests on all "chemical extracted" GM soybean food oils and "chemical
extracted" edible protein powders and animal feed. These tests should be:
a) A minimum of two years long-term chronic toxicology feeding test
b) A minimum of two years long-term carcinogenic test
c) Multiple generation teratogenic test
d) Minimum three generation reproduction toxicology test
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These four types of independent toxicology tests are essential to establish human
safety not only for the Chinese people, but also for global mankind.
5. Massive scale industrialized confined animal farms fed with GM feed, hormones
and antibiotics produce unhealthy animal products with toxic residuals and low
Scientific evidence in Germany, Denmark and the USA proves that GM soybean and
maize feed cause serious harm to animal health; chronic or visceral botulism causing
death, associated with glyphosate residue detected in the urine; pig farms in Denmark:
infertility, abortions, less reproduction, diarrhoea, newborn deformities that are also
associated with glyphosate residue detected in the urine; pig farms in the USA:
inflammation of stomach or small intestine, thin intestinal wall → rupture, uterus weights
25% higher, and abnormal behavior.
In order to combat serious harm caused to animals in confined conditions when no
sunshine is available, exercise is limited and especially when fed GM soybean maize feed
containing high levels of glyphosate residue, these massive scale industrialized animal
farms in the USA have to include excessive antibiotics in animal feed.
Scientific literature has shown that excessive use of antibiotics in China is even worse
than in the USA:
China is the largest antibiotics producer and consumer in the world, and, based on a
2007 survey, 46.1% was used by the livestock industries, at least four times the amount
used in the US livestock industry in 1999.
As a result, recent studies show that diverse, abundant, and potentially mobile
antibiotic-resistant genes found in swine farms in China, especially in manure, cause
serious pollution of rivers in China.
Recent disasters causing millions of dead pigs via PEDV and serious infertility and
abortion problems in the USA -- similar disasters emerging also in China -- indicate that
massive-scale industrialized farms of confined animals fed with GM feed, hormones and
antibiotics not only is not sustainable, but more importantly is producing unhealthy
animal "meat, eggs and milk" products with unacceptable residues of toxic glyphosate.
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On top of such disasters, Dr. Huber in early 2011 reported to Secretary Vilsack of the
USDA that U.S. researchers have discovered an "unknown entity" "in high
concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation
feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas", and he warned that, if
necessary attention is not taken, it could cause "a general collapse of our critical
agricultural infrastructure".
American researchers also found this "unidentified pathogen" in the body of a
woman who experienced a spontaneous abortion.
It was reported earlier this year that a Chinese researcher also detected such an
"unknown pathogen" in GM soybeans imported from the USA. We also recently learned
that Chinese researchers found that this "unknown pathogen" not only can infect other
plants, but can also infect animals.
The above discoveries by researchers in China verify the discoveries by researchers in
the USA indicating that a massive biological disaster is emerging in both the USA and
China, which, most likely, if not contained, will spread worldwide!
We accordingly suggest to the Chinese government:
1) It is not only necessary but now even urgent to issue a moratorium banning the use
of GM soybean, GM maize ingredients and antibiotics used in animal feed, and banning
the use of hormones in the animal farming industry.
2) Together with veterinarians and animal farmers in the USA, Europe and South
America, jointly carry out a comprehensive study comparing the advantages and
problems of massive scale industrialized farms of confined animals fed with GM feed,
hormones and antibiotics with animal farms following traditional practices and organic
3) Jointly with Dr. Don Huber and other researchers in the USA, organize a
comprehensive independent research project on the above-mentioned "unknown
pathogen" "found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn,
distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle
placentas" and found in the body of a woman in the USA who experienced an abortion,
and found in GM soybeans imported from the USA.
4) Carry out independent studies on the biological and disease effects of this
"unknown pathogen" under real conditions in a pig farm.
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6. Infant formula products
Newly born infants are most vulnerable to any toxins contained in infant formula
Assuring that infant formula products meet the most stringent "food safety" standards
is thus the responsibility of all nations to global mankind.
The concurrent practice by a number of transnational corporations allowing chemical
extracted food oil and chemical extracted GM soybean protein powder to be added to
infant formula products can be viewed as criminal acts against humanity.
We therefore suggest that the Chinese government issue a moratorium on the practice
of allowing chemical extracted food oil and chemical extracted GM soybean protein
powder to be added to any and all infant formula products.
We also recommend that the Chinese government organize the same abovementioned four types of toxicology tests on infant formula products formulated with
chemical extracted food oil and chemical extracted GM soybean protein powder.
7. The present theory of GM technology is wrong
Our understanding of genetics has changed dramatically beginning in the mid-1990s
and especially since the human genome was sequenced. At the same time, analytical tools
have advanced to such an extent that it is now possible to read the nucleic acid sequences
of a single cell. Artificial genetic modification was motivated by a picture of organisms
being hardwired in their genes, with DNA passing genetic information to RNA and on to
proteins in linear causal chains. Now we see all of the molecular components constantly
talking to one another and to the environment and executing and changing genetic
information that is passed on to subsequent generations in a complex process of natural
genetic modification.
Natural genetic information is strictly context-dependent, precisely targeted and
implemented without damaging the genome, and negotiated by the organism as a whole.
In contrast artificial genetic modification depends on disrupting, overriding and hijacking
the natural process, which is why it is uncontrollable, unpredictable and most likely
unsafe. Reliable evidence obtained by scientists independent of the biotech industry fully
corroborates the experiences of farmers in the field. GM feed and other exposure to
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GMOs invariably causes harm; regardless of the species of animals, GM crop, or the
genes and GM constructs involved, and includes liver and kidney damage, early death,
birth defects, infertility, tumours, and cancers.
Based on our joint experiences, we recommend that the Chinese government support
the correct direction of GM technology research, and develop ecological, organic
1) Must study the harm caused by GMOs developed to date on the environment,
ecology, biodiversity, bacteria, health of animals and humans, and the mechanism
causing such harm;
2) Must study the basic reasons why all GMOs developed to date harm off-target
3) Must study the basic reasons why all GMOs developed to date are later found to
cause or result in a series of unexpected results;
4) Must study if it is possible to develop GMOs without such series of harms, not
harming off-target species, and without such unexpected results?
8. Small scale ecological organic farming, which achieves higher yield, produces
healthier agricultural edible products with better nutritional levels and minimal
toxic chemical residuals, is the only sustainable agriculture development direction
for China and global mankind.
It was small scale ecological organic farming that enabled the Chinese race to thrive
for over 5000 years, resulting in Chinese farmers accumulating abundant experience in
small scale ecological organic farming heritage in the world.
Long term comparison studies between the "chemical agriculture, GM agriculture"
developed in the USA and the ecological agriculture developed in Western Europe has
clearly proven:
-- GM agriculture in general has lower yield than non-GM agriculture;
-- GM agriculture increases the total applied amount of chemical herbicides, pesticide
and fungicides than non-GM agriculture;
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-- GM plants in general not only contain lower nutritional levels, lack a series of
essential mineral nutrients, but also contain toxic chemical herbicide residues and/or toxic
GM Bt proteins;
-- Researchers from USA, Canada, Australia, India and China reveal: GM Bt rice, GM
Bt corn, GM Bt potatoes, through their root exudates release Bt toxin to the soil. Chinese
researchers also found that glyphosate-tolerant GM soybeans “reduce the number of
bacteria as well as the diversity of bacteria in the rhizosphere, and cause a certain degree
of inhibition to Nitrospira bacteria in the rhizosphere of the soil."
This shows that these most widely grown GMs have an accumulated harmful effect
on the health of soil -- convincingly showing that GM agriculture is not sustainable.
The International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, 3 - 5 May
2007 stressed:
"Organic agriculture as a holistic production management system that avoids use of
synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified organisms, minimizes pollution
of air, soil and water, and optimizes the health and productivity of interdependent
communities of plants, animals and people. The term `agriculture’ is used in its wider
sense to include crop/livestock systems, organic aquaculture and organic harvesting of
non-timber forest products."
"Overall, the world average organic yields are calculated to be 132 percent more
than current food production levels (Badgley, et al., 2006)."
We understand the difficulties and the heavy investment usually required to convert
cultivatable land extensively exhausted by chemical fertilizer, herbicide and pesticides,
heavy metal pollution etc.
We have also brought and shared our experience on some effective techniques
jointly developed by researchers in the USA, Germany and Brazil.
We also have great pleasure learning that some effective new techniques, some
based on Chinese ancient achievements over 2300 years ago, are now been trialed and
applied with encouraging results under different conditions in China.
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We therefore, based on our joint experience, strongly suggest to the Chinese
government that ecological and organic agriculture is the only long term sustainable
future for China's agriculture to develop and provide sufficient, high nutrient healthy
agricultural products without all the toxic residues brought by most GM products into the
food supply.
By the above-proposed suggestions, the Chinese government will lead nations to
greater health and prosperity, and make a great contribution to global mankind!
FORUM 2014, July 25- 26, Beijing:
(USA) Zen Honeycutt, Founder & Director, Moms Across America,
(USA) Dr. Don M. Huber, Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology, Purdue University
(USA) Howard Vlieger – Family Farmer / Crop and Livestock Nutrition Adviser
(USA) Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist, MIT's Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
(UK) Chen I-wan, Advisor, Committee of Disaster History to China Disaster Prevention
(UK) Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji, PhD Neurogenetics, Staff Researcher/Writer at Institute of
Science in Society, UK.
(Germany) Gottfried Glöckner, Master of Agriculture,
(Switzerland) Dr Hans R Herren, President and Founder Biovision Foundation, Zurich,
Switzerland, Right Livelihood Award Laureate 2013
(Peru) Roberto Ugas, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru
(Danmark) Ib Borup Pedersen – Conventional pig farmer, Denmark
Dr. Medardo Avila Vazquez: Medical Neonatologist and Pediatrician,
Physicians Network fumigated Peoples, Chair of Pediatric Clinic, National University of
Worldwide Supporters to this Open Letter:
(Note 1: Worldwide individuals who like to include their name expressing support to this
Open Letter are welcomed to send a supporting email with their name, profession and
nation to:
Open Letter to the Chinese People and Government
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(Note 2: Worldwide organizations who like to include their organization name expressing
support to this Open Letter are welcomed to send a supporting email with name of their
organization and nation to:
(USA) Dr. Nancy Swanson, Physicist
(UK) Rosemary Mason, MB ChB FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist (UK National Health
Service; retired)
(USA) Anthony Samsel, Scientist / Consultant
(UK) Dr Scott Thomson, PhD Molecular Immunology, Royal Veterinary School, University
of London, UK.
(Argentina)François Soulard, Social Communicator, Citizens Assembly of the Southern
Cone, Argentina.
(Argentina)Adriana Monzón, Professor, Argentine Network of Environmental
Educators, Argentina,