A arteriole. A

A - A adenine.
A - A alanine.
A - A arteriole.
A - A asymptomatic no symptoms (e.g. in Hodgkin lymphoma).
a - a autopsy.
a -GPA - a -GPA alpha-D-glucose pentaacetate.
A&BC - A&BC air and bone conduction.
A&I - A&I allergy and immunology.
A&P - A&P anterior and posterior.
A&P - A&P auscultation and palpation.
A&P - A&P auscultation and percussion.
A&W - A&W alive and well.
A-a 02 - A-a 02 alveolo-arterial oxygen tension.
A-IC - A-IC average integrated concentration.
A-V - A-V arteriovenous.
A-V - A-V atrioventricular.
A/B acid-base ratio. - A/B acid-base ratio.
A/G - A/G albumin/globulin ratio.
A/O - A/O alert and orientated.
A/V - A/V ampere/volt.
A/V - A/V arteriovenous.
A>B - A>B air greater than bone (conduction).
A1 - A1 aortic first sound.
a1AT - a1AT alpha-1-antitrypsin.
A2 - A2 aortic second sound.
A2U - A2U alpha 2u-globulin.
aa - aa (Greek: Ana) of each.
AA - AA arachidonic acid.
aa - aa arteries.
AA - AA reactive (secondary) amyloidosis.
aa seq - aa seq amino acid sequence.
AAA - AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm.
AAA - AAA adenine-adenine-adenine codon for lysine.
AAA - AAA diagnostic arthroscopy operative arthroscopy and possible operative
AAAASF - AAAASF American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery
AAAP - AAAP activity of antiactivator in plasma.
AABB - AABB American Association of Blood Banks.
AAC - AAC adenine-adenine-cytosine codon for asparagine.
AACPDM - AACPDM American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental
Medicine (also: AAOS Specialty Societies).
AACR - AACR American Association for Cancer Research.
Aad - Aad aminoadipic acid.
AADC - AADC amino acid decarboxylase.
AAE - AAE American Association of Endodontists.
AAETS - AAETS American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
AAF - AAF 2-acetylaminofluorene.
AAF - AAF anterior auditory field.
AAF - AAF astrocytoma with atypical/anaplastic foci.
AAF/OL - AAF/OL anaplastic astrocytomas /oligodendrogliomas.
AAFP - AAFP American Academy of Family Physicians.
AAG - AAG adenine-adenine-guanine codon for lysine.
AAHKS - AAHKS American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (also: AAOS
Specialty Societies).
AAHS - AAHS American Association for Hand Surgery (also: AAOS Related
AAL - AAL anterior axillary line.
AAMC - AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges.
AAMI - AAMI Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
AAMT - AAMT American Association for Medical Transcriptionists.
AAN - AAN American Academy of Neurology.
AANA - AANA Arthroscopy Association of North America (also: AAOS Related
AANOS - AANOS The American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons.
AANS - AANS American Association of Neurological Surgeons.
AAO - AAO American Academy of Ophthalmology.
AAo - AAo ascending aorta.
AAOC - AAOC antacid of choice.
AAofA - AAofA Ambulance Association of America.
AAOFAS - AAOFAS American Association of Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeons.
AAOHN - AAOHN American Association of Occupational Health Nurses.
AAOM - AAOM American Academy of Oral Medicine.
AAOO - AAOO American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology.
AAOP - AAOP American Academy of Oral Pathology.
AAOP - AAOP American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
AAOPP - AAOPP American Association of Osteopathic Postgraduate Physicians.
AAOS - AAOS American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery.
AAOT - AAOT Asociacion Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatologia (Argentinian
Orthopaedic Association).
AAOx3 - AAOx3 awake alert and oriented x 3 (to person place and time).
AAP - AAP air at atmospheric pressure.
AAP - AAP American Academy of Pediatrics.
AAP - AAP American Academy of Pedodontics.
AAP - AAP American Academy of Periodontology.
AAP - AAP American Academy of Psychoanalysis.
AAP - AAP American Academy of Psychotherapists.
AAP - AAP American Association of Pathologists.
AAP - AAP aminoantipyrine.
AAP - AAP Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis.
AAP - AAP Association of Academic Physiatrists.
AAP - AAP Association of American Physicians.
AaP02 - AaP02 (A-a) P02 alveolo-arterial oxygen tension difference.
AAPA - AAPA American Academy of Physician Assistants.
AAPA - AAPA American Association of Pathologist Assistants.
AAPB - AAPB American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists.
AAPC - AAPC antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis.
AAPCC - AAPCC adjusted annual per capita cost.
AAPCC - AAPCC adjusted average per capita cost.
AAPCC - AAPCC American Association of Poison Control Centers.
AaPco2 - AaPco2 (A-a)Pc02 alveolo-arterial carbon dioxide tension difference.
AAPF - AAPF anti-arteriosclerosis polysaccharide factor.
AAPH - AAPH22'-azobis-(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride.
AAPHD - AAPHD American Association of Public Health Dentists.
AAPHP - AAPHP American Association of Public Health Physicians.
AAPL - AAPL American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.
AAPM - AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
AAPM&R - AAPM&R American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
AAPMC - AAPMC antibiotic-associated pseudo-membranous colitis.
AAPMR - AAPMR American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
AAPOS - AAPOS American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
AAPP - AAPP American Academy on Physician and Patient.
AAPPO - AAPPO American Association of Preferred Provider Organizations.
AAPS - AAPS American Association of Plastic Surgeons.
AAPS - AAPS Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale.
AAPS - AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
AAPSM - AAPSM American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.
AAR - AAR active avoidance reaction.
AAR - AAR acute articular rheumatism.
aar - aar against all risks.
AAR - AAR antigen-antiglobulin reaction.
AARC - AARC American Association for Respiratory Care.
AARDA - AARDA American Autoimune Related Diseases Association.
AARE - AARE automobile accident rear end.
AAROM - AAROM active assertive range of motion.
AAROM - AAROM active assisted range of motion.
AARP - AARP American Association of Retired Persons.
AAS - AAS Aarskog-Scott (syndrome).
AAS - AAS acid aspiration syndrome.
AAS - AAS alcoholic abstinence syndrome.
AAS - AAS American Academy of Sanitarians.
AAS - AAS American Analgesia Society.
AAS - AAS aneurysm of atrial septum.
AAS - AAS anthrax anti serum.
AAS - AAS aortic arch syndrome.
AAS - AAS atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
AASD - AASD American Academy of Stress Disorders.
AASH - AASH adrenal androgen stimulating hormone.
AASH - AASH American Association for the Study of Headache.
AASK - AASK African American Study of Kidney Diseases and Hypertension Pilot
AASP - AASP acute atrophic spinal paralysis.
AASP - AASP American Association of Senior Physicians.
AASP - AASP ascending aorta synchronized pulsation.
AASS - AASS American Association for Social Security.
AAST - AAST American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
AAT - AAT Aachen Aphasia Test.
AAT - AAT academic aptitude test.
AAT - AAT alanine aminotransferase.
AAT - AAT alkylating agent therapy.
AAT - AAT alpha-1-antitrypsin.
AAT - AAT atrial triggered (pacemaker).
AAT - AAT auditory apperception test.
AAT - AAT automatic atrial tachycardia.
AATS - AATS American Association for Thoracic Surgery.
AAU - AAU acute anterior uveitis.
AAU - AAU adenine-adenine-uracil codon for asparagine.
AAV - AAV adeno-associated virus.
AAVMC - AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges.
AAVP - AAVP American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists.
AAVPT - AAVPT American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
AAW - AAW anterior aortic wall.
AAWD - AAWD American Association of Women Dentists.
AAWM - AAWM American Academy of Wound Management.
AB - AB Ab abortion.
AB - AB abdominal.
AB - AB abnormal.
ab - ab abortion.
AB - AB Ace bandage.
AB - AB active bilaterally.
AB - AB aid to the blind.
AB - AB alcian blue.
AB - AB alertness behavior.
AB - AB antibiotic.
Ab - Ab antibiotic.
ab - ab antibody.
Ab - Ab antibody.
AB - AB antibody.
AB - AB antigen binding.
AB - AB apex beat.
AB - AB asbestos body.
AB - AB asthmatic bronchitis.
AB - AB axiobuccal.
aB - aB azure B.
AB - AB Bachelor of Arts (Lat.Artium Baccalaureus).
AB - AB blood group AB.
ABA - ABA abscissic acid.
ABA - ABA allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
ABA - ABA American Board of Anesthesiologists.
ABA - ABA antibacterial activity.
ABA - ABA arrest before arrival.
ABA - ABA Arthroscopie Belge - Belgian Arthroscopy Association.
ABAT - ABAT American Board of Applied Toxicology.
Abb - Abb abbreviations.
ABB - ABB Albright-Butler-Bloomberg syndrome.
ABB - ABB American Board of Bioanalysis.
ABB - ABB Asea Brown Boveri.
ABBQ - ABBQ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Beliefs and Behavior
abbr - abbr abbreviation abbreviated.
ABC - ABC absolute basophil count.
ABC - ABC absolute bone conduction.
ABC - ABC acalculous biliary colic.
ABC - ABC acid balance control.
ABC - ABC aconite-belladonna-chloroform.
ABC - ABC advanced breast cancer.
ABC - ABC airway breathing and circulation.
ABC - ABC alignment blue calcium (synovial fluid pearls in gout and pseudogout).
ABC - ABC alternative birth center.
ABC - ABC alum blood and charcoal (purification and deodorizing method).
ABC - ABC alum blood and clay (sludge deodorizing method).
ABC - ABC American Blood Commission.
ABC - ABC aneurysmal bone cyst.
ABC - ABC antigen-binding capacity.
ABC - ABC apnea bradycardia cyanosis.
ABC - ABC aspiration biopsy cytology.
ABC - ABC aspiration needle biopsy.
ABC - ABC assessment of basic competency.
ABC - ABC atomic biological and chemical (warfare).
Abc - Abc autoantibodies to collagen.
ABC - ABC avidin-biotin complex.
ABC - ABC axiobuccocervical.
ABCC - ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.
ABCD - ABCD airway breathing circulation differential diagnosis (or defibrillate) - in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
ABCD - ABCD asymmetry borders irregular color variegated diameter > 6 mm
(assessment of melanoma).
ABCDE - ABCDE airway breathing circulation disability
ABCDE - ABCDE botulism toxin pentavalent.
ABCDEFGH - ABCDEFGH air ways bones cardiac shadow diaphragm
ABCDES - ABCDES abnormal alignment bones-periarticular osteoporosis cartilage joint
space loss deformities
ABCDES - ABCDES adjust medication bacterial prophylaxis cervical spine disease deep
vein thrombosis prophylaxis
Abd - Abd (abdere) abdomen.
Abd - Abd abdominal.
Abd - Abd abduction.
ABE - ABE acetone-butanol-ethanol.
ABE - ABE acid-base equilibrium.
ABE - ABE activity before exercise.
ABE - ABE actual base excess.
ABE - ABE acute bacterial endocarditis.
ABE - ABE acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.
ABE - ABE Adult Basic Education Programs.
ABE - ABE American Board of Endodontics.
ABE - ABE aminobenzoate.
ABE - ABE anode-break excitation.
ABE - ABE antisheep beta-endorphin.
ABE - ABE atypical bronchial epithelium.
Abe - Abe autoantibodies to elastin.
ABE - ABE average bioequivalence.
ABe - ABe Averrhoa bilimbi.
ABE - ABE estradiol bound to albumin.
ABE - ABE trivalent botulinic antitoxin.
ABE-1 - ABE-1 a strain of the psychrophilic marine bacterium Vibrio
ABE-1. - ABE-1.
ABE-I - ABE-I anion-binding exosite I.
ABE-II - ABE-II anion-binding exosite II.
Abeta - Abeta beta-amyloid (component of Alzheimer's disease plaques).
ABF - ABF alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases.
ABG - ABG arterial blood gases.
ABG - ABG autogenous bone graft.
ABI - ABI ankle to brachial index.
ABJS - ABJS Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons (AAOS Specialty Societies).
ABMA - ABMA anti-basement membrane antibody disease (Goodpasture’s
ABMS - ABMS American Board of Medical Specialties.
ABMT - ABMT autologous bone marrow transplant.
ABN - ABN abducens nucleus.
AbN - AbN ablation nephropathy.
ABN - ABN Abn abnormal.
abn - abn abnormality of a chromosome (e.g.abn 12p).
ABN - ABN active bulimia nervosa (BN).
ABN - ABN acute bacterial nephritis.
ABN - ABN acute brachial neuropathy/neuritis.
ABN - ABN advance beneficiary notices.
ABN - ABN alkali-treated bound niacin.
ABN - ABN anterior BNST lesions (BNST bed nucleus of the stria terminalis).
AbN - AbN antibody nitrogen.
AbN - AbN antibody to the N terminus (of a protein or peptide).
ABN - ABN arched-back nursing (about laboratory rats).
ABN - ABN artificial background noise.
ABN - ABN aseptic (avascular) bone/bone marrow necrosis.
ABN - ABN Association of British Neurologists.
ABN - ABN endo-15-alpha-L-arabinase.
ABN - ABN The Brazilian Academy of Neurology.
Abn-cbd - Abn-cbd abnormal cannabidiol.
ABO - ABO blood grouping system.
ABOS - ABOS American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.
ABP - ABP American Board of Pathology.
ABP - ABP American Board of Pediatrics.
ABP - ABP androgen binding protein.
ABPA - ABPA allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
ABPB - ABPB abductor pollicis brevis (also APB).
ABPL - ABPL abductor pollicis longus (also APL).
ABR - ABR auditory brainstem response audiometry.
ABS - ABS American Back Society.
ABS - ABS arterial blood pressure.
ABTA - ABTA American Brain Tumor Association.
ABVD - ABVD adriamycin bleomycin vinblastine and dacarbazine (regimen used to
treat Hodgkin’s disease).
ABW - ABW actual body weight.
AC - AC acromioclavicular joint.
AC - AC air conduction.
AC - AC alternating current.
ac - ac ante cenam before meal/s.
AC-PH - AC-PH ac phos acid phosphatase.
AC/SIUG - AC/SIUG ambulatory care special-interest user group.
ACA - ACA adenine-cytosine-adenine codon for threonine.
ACA - ACA American Chiropractic Association.
ACA - ACA Amputee Coalition of America (also: AAOS Related
AcAAP - AcAAP N-acetylaminoantipyrine.
ACC - ACC adenine-cytosine-cytosine codon for serine.
ACC - ACC adenine-cytosine-cytosine codon for threonine.
ACC - ACC American College of Cardiology.
ACC - ACC anodal closure contraction.
ACCME - ACCME Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
Accom. - Accom. accommodation.
ACCP - ACCP American College Of Chest Physicians.
ACCx - ACCx anterior cingulate cortex.
ACD - ACD absorbent cover dressing.
ACD - ACD acid-citrate-dextrose.
ACD - ACD allergic contact dermatitis.
ACD - ACD anemia of chronic disease.
ACD - ACD anterior cervical discectomy.
ACD - ACD asymmetrical cortical degeneration syndromes.
ACD - ACD Available Chemical Directory.
ACDF - ACDF adult children from dysfunctional family.
ACDF - ACDF anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
ACDM - ACDM Association for Clinical Data Management
ACE - ACE angiotensin converting enzyme.
ACEI - ACEI angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
ACF - ACF anterior cervical fusion.
ACFAS - ACFAS American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.
ACG - ACG adenine-cytosine-guanine codon for threonine.
ACG - ACG angiocardiography
ACh - ACh acetylcholine.
AChR - AChR acetylcholine receptor.
ACI - ACI acute coronary insufficiency.
ACILS - ACILS American Center for International Labor Solidarity.
ACIP - ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
ACJ - ACJ acromioclavicular joint (also AC joint).
ACJT - ACJT acromioclavicular joint.
ACL - ACL Achievement Check List.
ACL - ACL acromegaloid features cutis verticis gyrata corneal leukoma (syndrome).
ACL - ACL anterior clavicular line.
ACL - ACL anterior cruciate ligament.
ACL - ACL anterior cruciate ligament.
ACL - ACL anticardiolipin (antibody).
ACl - ACl aspiryl chloride.
ACLA - ACLA American Clinical Laboratory Association
ACLC - ACLC Assessment of Children’s Language Comprehension.
ACLD - ACLD Association for Children with Learning Disabilities.
ACLF - ACLF adult congregate living facility.
ACLI - ACLI American Council on Life Insurance.
aCLL - aCLL atypical chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
ACLM - ACLM American College of Legal Medicine.
ACLPS - ACLPS Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists.
ACLR - ACLR anterior capsulolabral reconstruction.
ACLS - ACLS advanced cardiac life support.
AcLV - AcLV avian acute leukemia virus.
ACM - ACM acetaminophen.
ACM - ACM acute cerebrospinal meningitis.
ACM - ACM Adriamycin cyclophosphamide methotrexate.
ACM - ACM albumin-calcium-magnesium.
ACM - ACM alveolar capillary membrane.
ACM - ACM anticardiac myosin.
ACM - ACM Arnold-Chiari malformation.
ACMA - ACMA American Occupational Medical Association.
ACMC - ACMC Association of Canadian Medical Colleges.
ACMD - ACMD associate chief medical director.
ACME - ACME Advisory Council on Medical Education.
ACME - ACME Automated Classification of Medical Entities.
ACMF - ACMF arachnoid cyst of the middle fossa.
ACMI - ACMI American College of Medical Informatics.
ACML - ACML atypical chronic myeloid leukemia.
ACMP - ACMP alveolar-capillary membrane permeability.
ACMR - ACMR Advisory Committee on Medical Research.
ACMS - ACMS American Chinese Medical Society.
ACMSF - ACMSF Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (UK).
ACMT - ACMT artificial circus movement tachycardia.
ACMV - ACMV assist-controlled mechanical ventilation.
ACN - ACN acute conditioned neurosis ventilation.
ACN - ACN Ambulatory Care Network ventilation.
ACN - ACN American College of Neuropsychiatrists ventilation.
ACN - ACN American College of Nutrition.
ACNM - ACNM American College of Nuclear Medicine Nutrition.
ACNM - ACNM American College of Nurse-Midwives.
ACNP - ACNP acute care nurse practitioner Midwives.
ACNP - ACNP American College of Nuclear Physicians.
ACO - ACO acute coronary occlusion.
ACO - ACO alert cooperative oriented.
ACO - ACO anodal closure odor.
ACO-HNS - ACO-HNS American Council of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
ACOA - ACOA adult children of alcoholics.
ACoA - ACoA anterior communicating artery.
ACOAs - ACOAs collegiate adult children of alcoholics.
ACOEM - ACOEM American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
ACOEP - ACOEP American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians.
ACOG - ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
ACOHA - ACOHA American College of Osteopathic Hospital Administrators.
ACOI - ACOI American College of Osteopathic Internists.
ACOM - ACOM American College of Occupational Medicine.
ACOM - ACOM anterior communicating (artery).
AComA - AComA anterior communicating artery.
ACOMS - ACOMS American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
ACOOG - ACOOG American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
ACOP - ACOP American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians.
ACOP - ACOP approved code of practice.
ACORDE - ACORDE A Corsortium on Restorative Dentistry Education.
ACOS - ACOS American College of Osteopathic Surgeons
ACOS - ACOS American College of Osteopathic Surgeons.
ACOS - ACOS associate chief of staff.
ACOS/AC - ACOS/AC associate chief of staff for ambulatory care.
Acous - Acous acoustics acoustic.
ACP - ACP accessory conduction pathway.
ACP - ACP acetone powder.
ACP - ACP acid phosphatase. exposure/environmental control - trauma protocol.
AcP - AcP acid phosphatase.
ACP - ACP acyl carrier protein.
ACP - ACP American College of Pathologists.
ACP - ACP American College of Pharmacists. effusions fields (pulmonary) gastric
hardware (chest X-ray reading mnemonic).
ACP - ACP American College of Physicians.
ACP - ACP American College of Prosthodontists. marginal erosions soft tissue swelling
(x-ray features in rheumatoid arthritis).
ACP - ACP American College of Psychiatrists.
ACPA - ACPA American Cleft Palate Association. evaluate extent and activity of disease
stress-dose steroid coverage.
ACPC - ACPC aminocyclopentane carboxylic (acid).
ACPE - ACPE American College of Physician Executives.
ACPM - ACPM American College of Preventive Medicine.
ACPOC - ACPOC Association of Children's Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics (AAOS
Specialty Societies).
ACPP - ACPP adrenocortical polypeptide.
ACPP - ACPP prostate-specific acid phosphatase.
ACPS - ACPS acrocephalopolysyndactyly.
ACR - ACR abnormally contracting region.
ACR - ACR absolute catabolic rate.
ACR - ACR acriflavine.
Acr - Acr acrylic.
ACR - ACR adenomatosis of colon and rectum.
ACR - ACR adjusted community rate.
ACR - ACR ambulance call report.
ACR - ACR American College of Radiology.
ACR - ACR American College of Rheumatology.
ACR - ACR anticonstipation regimen.
ACR - ACR axillary count rate.
ACRF - ACRF ambulatory care research facility.
ACRI - ACRI Africa Crisis Response Initiative.
ACRM - ACRM American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine.
ACRPI - ACRPI Association of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
ACS - ACS acrocallosal syndrome.
ACS - ACS acrocephalosyndactyly.
ACS - ACS acute chest syndrome.
ACS - ACS acute confusional state.
ACS - ACS Alcon Closure System.
ACS - ACS American Cancer Society.
ACS - ACS American Chemical Society.
ACS - ACS American College of Surgeons.
ACS - ACS anodal closure sound.
ACS - ACS antireticular cytotoxic serum.
ACS - ACS aperture current setting.
ACS - ACS Association of Clinical Scientists
ACS - ACS acute cervical strain; acute cervical sprain.
ACSA - ACSA adenylate cyclase-stimulating activity.
ACSE - ACSE association control service element.
ACSF - ACSF artificial cerebrospinal fluid.
ACSM - ACSM American College of Sports Medicine.
ACSP - ACSP adenylate cyclase-stimulating protein.
ACSP - ACSP Australian College of Sports Physicians.
ACSV - ACSV aortocoronary saphenous vein.
ACSVBG - ACSVBG aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft.
AcT - AcT acceleration time.
ACT - ACT achievement through counseling and treatment.
ACT - ACT actin.
ACT - ACT actinomycin.
act - act actinomycin.
ACT - ACT activated clotting time.
ACT - ACT active motion.
act - act activity active.
ACT - ACT advanced coronary treatment.
ACT - ACT anterocolic transposition.
ACT - ACT antichymotrypsin.
ACT - ACT anticoagulant therapy.
ACT - ACT anxiety control training.
ACT - ACT asthma care training.
ACT - ACT atropine coma therapy.
Act-C - Act-C actinomycin C.
Act-D - Act-D actinomycin D.
ACTA - ACTA American Cardiology Technologists Association.
ACTA - ACTA automatic computerized transverse axial (scanning).
ACTe - ACTe anodal closure tetanus.
ACTG - ACTG AIDS Clinical Trial Group.
ACTH - ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone secreted by pituitary gland which strongly
stimulates the release of cortisol from adrenal cortex.
ACTH-LI - ACTH-LI adrenocorticotropin-like immunoreactivity.
ACTHR - ACTHR adrenocorticotropic hormone receptor.
ACTS - ACTS acute cervical trauma syndrome.
ACTZ - ACTZ acetazolamide.
ACU - ACU adenine-cytosine-uracil codon for threonine.
ACVB - ACVB aortocoronary venous bypass.
ACVD - ACVD acute cardiovascular disease.
ACVD - ACVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
AD - AD Action for Democracy.
AD - AD admission and discharge.
AD - AD admitting diagnosis.
AD - AD adult disease.
AD - AD alternating days.
AD - AD Alzheimer’s disease.
AD - AD atopic dermatitis.
AD - AD auris dextra (right ear).
ad lib - ad lib at liberty as desired.
ADA - ADA American Dental Association.
ADA - ADA American Diabetes Association.
ADA - ADA anterior descending artery.
ADADS - ADADS Alcohol and Drug Abuse Data System.
ADAS-Cog - ADAS-Cog Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive
ADASP - ADASP Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology.
ADC - ADC AIDS dementia complex.
ADCC - ADCC antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
ADD - ADD addiction.
ADD - ADD adduct; adduction.
ADD - ADD attention deficit disorder.
ADD - ADD average daily dose.
ADEA - ADEA American Dental Education Association.
ADEA - ADEA Association for the Development of Education in Africa.
ADEM - ADEM acute disseminated encephalomyelitis/encephalopathy.
adeno-Ca - adeno-Ca adenocarcinoma.
ADF - ADF acid detergent fiber.
ADF - ADF actin depolymerizing factor.
ADG - ADG average daily gain.
ADH - ADH antidiuretic hormone called also vasopressin.
ADH - ADH atypical ductal hyperplasia.
ADHD - ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
ADI - ADI acceptable daily intake.
ADJ - ADJ adjacent.
ADJ - ADJ adjoining.
ADJ - ADJ adjunct.
ADJ - ADJ adjust.
ADJ - ADJ adjuvant chemotherapy.
ADL - ADL activities of daily living.
ADM - ADM abductor digiti minimi.
ADM - ADM Academy of Dental Materials.
ADM - ADM acellular dermal matrix.
ADM - ADM acetone dry mass.
ADM - ADM acetone-dissolution method.
ADM - ADM acquired dermal melanocytosis.
ADM - ADM action description resolution.
ADM - ADM adamantane.
ADM - ADM adaptive decision making.
ADM - ADM adenomyomatosis.
ADM - ADM adhesion molecules.
adm - adm administered.
ADM - ADM administration.
ADM - ADM administrative medicine.
ADM - ADM admission/admitted.
ADM - ADM adrenal medulla.
ADM - ADM adrenodemedullated.
ADM - ADM adrenomedullin.
ADM - ADM adriamycin.
ADM - ADM adult onset diabetes mellitus.
ADM - ADM advancement of the mandible.
ADM - ADM Aide au Diagnostic Medical (database).
adm - adm air dry mass.
ADM - ADM Alcohol Drug Abuse and Mental Health (grant of US Department of Health
and Human Services).
ADM - ADM alcohol drug and mental disorders.
ADM - ADM allogeneic dermal matrix.
ADM - ADM aminopyrine-N-demethylase.
ADM - ADM amyopathic dermatomyositis.
ADM - ADM angular dependence model
ADM - ADM anisodamine.
ADM - ADM anterior deep masseter.
ADM - ADM antroduodenal manometry.
ADM - ADM aperture-defined microvolume.
ADM - ADM appraisal-disruption model.
ADM - ADM arginine-deficient medium.
ADM - ADM armadillo-derived mycobacteria.
ADM - ADM aspergillus differential medium.
ADM - ADM atypical diabetes mellitus.
ADM - ADM auditory dominance model.
ADM - ADM average distance map.
ADM scale - ADM scale Acceptance of Disability Scale Modified.
ADP - ADP abductor pollicis.
ADP - ADP adenosine diphosphate.
ADP - ADP Agricultural Development Program.
ADR - ADR adverse drug reaction.
Adria - Adria Adriamycin trade name for doxorubicin.
ADS - ADS anterior dynamized system (produced by: Abbott Labs).
ADT - ADT admission-discharge-transfer.
ADV - ADV advised.
ADV - ADV arterial deep venous.
ADV - ADV Aujeszky's Disease Virus.
AE - AE above the elbow.
AE - AE active and equal.
AE - AE adverse event.
AEA - AEA Asociación Española de Artroscopia (Spanish Arthroscopy Association only Spanish).
AEA - AEA auricular electroacupuncture.
AEB - AEB as evidenced by.
AEC - AEC 5-amino 9 ethyl carbazol.
AED - AED antiepileptic drug.
AED - AED automated external defibrillator.
AEEC - AEEC attaching and effacing Escherichia coli.
AEH - AEH atypical endometrial hyperplasia.
AEI - AEI acetyleethyleneimine.
AER - AER auditory evoked response.
AER - AER average evoked response.
AERC - AERC African Economic Research Consortium.
AET - AET 2-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide hydrobromide.
AF - AF adult female.
AF - AF amniotic fluid.
AF - AF aortic flow.
AF - AF atrial fibrillation.
AF - AF atrial flutter.
AFB - AFB acid fast bacillus.
AFB1 - AFB1 aflatoxin B1.
AFB2a - AFB2a aflatoxin B2a.
AFC - AFC amniotic fluid cortisol.
AFC/MSC - AFC/MSC ratio of amniotic fluid cortisol and maternal serum cortisol.
aFGF - aFGF acidic fibroblast growth factor.
Afib - Afib atrial fibrillation.
AFIP - AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
AFL - AFL aflatoxicol.
AFL - AFL artificial limb.
AFL - AFL atrial flutter.
AFLM1 - AFLM1 aflatoxicol M1.
AFLP - AFLP acute fatty liver of pregnancy.
AFM - AFM atomic force microscope.
AFNOR - AFNOR French Standardisation Institut.
AFO - AFO ankle-foot orthoses.
AFP - AFP acute flaccid paralysis.
AFP - AFP alpha-fetoprotein (expressed by germ cell tumors and other cancers).
AFSI - AFSI Africa Food Security Initiative .
AFTR - AFTR atrophy fasciculation tremor rigidity.
AFX - AFX atypical fibroxanthoma.
AG - AG anion gap.
AGA - AGA adenine-guanine-adenine codon for arginine.
AGA - AGA appropriate-for-gestational age.
AGCT - AGCT adult granulosa cell tumour.
AGF - AGF angle of greatest flexion.
AGG - AGG adenine-guanine-guanine codon for arginine.
AGG - AGG aggravation.
AGI - AGI Academy for Guided Imagery.
AGL - AGL acute granulocytic leukemia.
AGN - AGN acute glomerulonephritis.
AGTT - AGTT abnormal glucose tolerance test.
AGU - AGU adenine-guanine-uracil codon for serine.
AGUS - AGUS atypical glands of unknown significance.
AH - AH abdominal hysterectomy.
AH - AH arterial hypertension.
AHA - AHA American Heart Association.
AHA - AHA American Hospital Association.
AHB - AHB alpha-hydroxybutyric acid.
AHC - AHC academic health care.
AHC - AHC academic health center.
AHC - AHC acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
AHC - AHC acute hemorrhagic cystitis.
AHC - AHC amygdalohippocampal complexes.
AHC - AHC antihemophilic factor C.
AHCA - AHCA Agency for Health Care Administration.
AHCA - AHCA American Health Care Association.
AHCD - AHCD acquired hepatocellular degeneration.
AHCPR - AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.
AHCy - AHCy adenosyl homocysteine.
AHD - AHD acquired hepatocerebral degeneration.
AHD - AHD acute heart disease.
AHD - AHD antihyaluronidase.
AHD - AHD antihypertensive drug.
AHD - AHD arterio-hepatic dysplasia.
AHD - AHD atherosclerotic heart disease.
AHD - AHD autoimmune hemolytic disease.
AHDMS - AHDMS automated hospital data management system.
AHDP - AHDP azacycloheptane diphosphonate.
AHDS - AHDS Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome.
AHE - AHE acute hazardous events (database).
AHE - AHE acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis.
AHEA - AHEA area health education activity.
AHEC - AHEC area health education center.
AHES - AHES artificial heart energy system.
AHF - AHF acute heart failure.
AHF - AHF American Health Foundation.
AHF - AHF American Hepatic Foundation.
AHF - AHF American Hospital Formulary.
AHF - AHF antihemophilic factor.
AHF - AHF Argentinian hemorrhagic fever.
AHF - AHF Associated Health Foundation.
AHFS - AHFS American Hospital Formulary Service.
AHG - AHG aggregated human globulin.
AHG - AHG antihemophilic globulin factor.
AHG - AHG antihemophilic globulin.
AHG - AHG antihuman globulin.
AHGG - AHGG aggregated human gammaglobulin.
AHGG - AHGG antihuman gammaglobulin.
AHGS - AHGS acute herpetic gingival stomatitis.
AHH - AHH alpha-hydrazine analog of histidine.
AHH - AHH anosmia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (syndrome).
AHH - AHH arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase.
AHH - AHH Association for Holistic Health.
AHI - AHI active hostility index.
AHI - AHI Animal Health Institute.
AHI - AHI apnea-plus-hypopnea index.
AHIMA - AHIMA American Health Information Management Association.
AHIMA - AHIMA American Health Information Management Association.
AHIP - AHIP assisted health insurance plan.
AHIS - AHIS automated hospital information system.
AHJ - AHJ artificial hip joint.
AHL - AHL acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa.
AHL - AHL acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis.
AHL - AHL apparent half-life.
AHLE - AHLE acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis.
AHLG - AHLG antihuman lymphocyte globulin.
AHLS - AHLS antihuman lymphocyte serum.
AHM - AHM Allied health manpower.
AHM - AHM ambulatory Holter monitor.
AHMA - AHMA American Holistic Medicine Association.
AHMA - AHMA antiheart muscle autoantibody.
AHMC - AHMC Association of Hospital Management Committees.
AHN - AHN Army Head Nurse.
AHN - AHN assistant head nurse.
AHNMD - AHNMD associated clonal hematopoietic non-mast cell lineage disorder.
AHO - AHO Albright hereditary osteodystrophy.
AHP - AHP accountable health plan or partnership.
AHP - AHP acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
AHP - AHP after hyperpolarization.
AHP - AHP air at high pressure.
AHP - AHP analytic hierarchy process.
AHP - AHP approved health plan.
AHP - AHP Assistant House Physician.
AHPA - AHPA American Health Planning Association.
AHPO - AHPO anterior hypothalamic preoptic (area).
AHR - AHR antihyaluronidase reaction.
AHR - AHR Association for Health Records.
AHR - AHR atrial heart rate.
AHRA - AHRA American Hospital Radiology Administration.
AHRF - AHRF acute hypoxemic respiratory failure.
AHRF - AHRF American Hearing Research Foundation.
AHRQ - AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
AHS - AHS Academy of Health Sciences.
AHS - AHS African horse sickness.
AHS - AHS alveolar hypoventilation syndrome.
AHS - AHS American Hearing Society.
AHS - AHS American Hospital Society.
AHS - AHS area health service.
AHS - AHS assistant house surgeon.
AHSA - AHSA American Health Security Act.
AHSCT - AHSCT autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
AHSDF - AHSDF area health service development fund.
AHSG - AHSG alpha-2HS-glycoprotein.
AHSN - AHSN Assembly of Hospital Schools of Nursing.
AHSP - AHSP AIDS Health Services Program (of the Robert Wood Johnson
AHSR - AHSR Association for Health Services Research.
AHT - AHT aggregation half time.
AHT - AHT antihyaluronidase titer.
AHT - AHT arterial hypertension.
AHT - AHT augmented histamine test.
AHT - AHT autogenous hamster tumor.
AHTG - AHTG antihuman thymocyte globulin.
AHTP - AHTP antihuman thymocyte plasma.
AHTS - AHTS antihuman thymus serum.
AHU - AHU acute hemolytic uremic (syndrome).
AHU - AHU arginine hypoxanthine and uracil.
AHuG - AHuG aggregated human IgG.
AHV - AHV avian herpes virus.
AI - AI accidental injury.
AI - AI accidentally incurred.
aI - aI active ingredient.
AI - AI adiposity index.
AI - AI aggregation index.
AI - AI allergy and immunology.
AI - AI amylogenesis imperfecta.
AI - AI anaphylatoxin inactivator.
AI - AI angiogenesis inhibitor.
AI - AI angiotensin I.
AI - AI anxiety index.
AI - AI aortic incompetence.
AI - AI aortic insufficiency.
AI - AI apical impulse.
AI - AI articulation index.
AI - AI artificial insemination.
AI - AI artificial intelligence.
AI - AI atherogenic index.
AI - AI atrial insufficiency.
AI - AI autoimmune autoimmunity.
AI - AI axio-incisal.
AI - AI first meiotic anaphase..
AI-CAH - AI-CAH autoimmune-type chronic active hepatitis.
AI/COAG - AI/COAG artificial intelligence hemostasis consultant system.
AIA - AIA allylisopropylacetamide.
AIA - AIA amylase inhibitor activity.
AIA - AIA anti-immunoglobulin antibody.
AIA - AIA anti-insulin antibody.
AIA - AIA aspirin-induced asthma.
AIA - AIA automated image analysis.
AIB - AIB aminoisobutyrate.
AIB - AIB avian infectious bronchitis.
AIBA - AIBA aminoisobutyric acid.
AIBS - AIBS American Institute of Biological Sciences.
AIC - AIC Akaike’s information criterion (a goodness-of-fit measure).
AIC - AIC aminoimidazole carboxamide.
AIC - AIC Association des Infirmières Canadiennes.
AICA - AICA anterior inferior cerebellar artery.
AICA - AICA anterior inferior communicating artery.
AICAR - AICAR aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide.
AICD - AICD automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
AICE - AICE angiotensin I converting enzyme.
AICF - AICF autoimmune complement fixation.
AID - AID acquired immunodeficiency disease.
AID - AID acute infectious disease.
AID - AID acute ionization detector.
AID - AID Agency for International Development.
AID - AID argon ionization detector.
AID - AID artificial insemination by donor.
AID - AID autoimmune deficiency.
AID - AID autoimmune disease.
AID - AID automatic implantable defibrillator.
AID - AID average interocular difference.
AIDP - AIDP acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy.
AIDS - AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
AIDS-KS - AIDS-KS acquired immune deficiency syndrome with Kaposi’s sarcoma.
AIDS-OI - AIDS-OI AIDS with opportunistic infections.
AIDSDRUGS - AIDSDRUGS clinical trials of acquired immunodeficiency drugs.
AIDSLINE - AIDSLINE on-line information on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
AIDSTRIALS - AIDSTRIALS clinical trials of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIIS - AIIS anterior inferior iliac spine.
AIL - AIL angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy.
AIMBE - AIMBE American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
AIN - AIN anterior interosseous nerve.
Aind - Aind indicative dosage.
AIOD - AIOD Association Internationale pour l'Ostéosynthèse Dynamique.
AIOM - AIOM Italian Association for Medical Oncology.
AION - AION anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.
AIOSM - AIOSM American Institute of Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine.
AIP - AIP acute interstitial pneumonia (Hamman-Rich disease).
AIRO - AIRO Associazione Italiana di Radioterapia Oncologica.
AIS - AIS adenocarcinoma in situ.
AIS - AIS adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
AIT - AIT acute intensive treatment.
AJ - AJ ankle jerk.
AJAO - AJAO American Juvenile Arthritis Organization.
AJCC - AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer.
AJKS - AJKS American Journal of Knee Surgery.
AJNR - AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology.
AJO - AJO American Journal of Orthopaedics.
AJR - AJR abdominojugular reflux maneuver.
AJR - AJR accelerated junctional rhythm.
AJR - AJR albumin-deficient and jaundiced strain of rats.
AK - AK above knee.
AK - AK above the knee (amputation).
AKA - AKA above knee amputation.
AKA - AKA also known as.
AKS - AKS American Knee Society.
AL - AL idiopathic (primary) amyloidosis.
AL - AL left ear.
Al - Al porous alumni.
Ala - Ala alanine.
ALAT - ALAT alanine aminotransferase / alanine transaminase.
ALB - ALB albendazole.
ALC - ALC anaplastic large cell.
ALC - ALC approximate lethal concentration.
ALD - ALD alcoholic liver disease.
ALIP - ALIP atypical localization of immature precursors.
ALK - ALK anaplastic lymphoma kinase.
ALK - ALK automated lamellar keratoplasty.
alk phos - alk phos alkaline phosphatase.
ALL - ALL allergy.
ALL - ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
AlloSCT - AlloSCT allogeneic stem-cell transplantation.
ALMI - ALMI anterior lateral myocardial infarction.
ALP - ALP alkaline phosphatase.
alpha 2 - alpha 26-ST alpha 26 sialyltransferase.
alpha-MPT - alpha-MPT alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine.
alpha-T7 - alpha-T7 transgenic line of mice.
ALRI - ALRI antero-lateral rotatory instability.
ALS - ALS advanced life support.
ALS - ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
ALS - ALS anterolateral sclerosis.
ALS - ALS acute lumbar strain.
ALT - ALT alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT).
ALT - ALT alternate.
ALT - ALT altitude.
Alt - Alt aluminum tartrate.
ALT - ALT argon laser trabeculoplasty.
ALT - ALT autolymphocyte therapy.
ALT - ALT avian laryngotracheitis
alt hor - alt hor alternate hours/every other hour.
ALTB - ALTB acute laryngotracheobronchitis.
ALTE - ALTE acute life-threatening event.
ALTEE - ALTEE acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester.
ALTS - ALTS acute lumbar trauma syndrome.
ALVF - ALVF acute left ventricular failure.
AM - AM adult male.
AM - AM aerospace medicine.
AM - AM alveolar macrophages.
AM - AM anteromedial.
AM - AM before noon.
AMA - AMA against medical advice.
AMA - AMA American Medical Association.
AMAN - AMAN acute motor axonal neuropathy.
AMB - AMB ambulate; ambulatory.
AMD - AMD acid maltase deficiency.
AMD - AMD acromandibular dysplasia.
AMD - AMD actinomycyn d.
AMD - AMD adrenomyelodystrophy.
AMD - AMD age-related macular degeneration.
AMD - AMD air monitoring device.
AMD - AMD aleutian mink disease.
AMD - AMD alpha-methyldopa.
AMD - AMD amantadine.
AMD - AMD Association for Macular Diseases.
AMD - AMD axiomesiodistal.
AMD - AMD s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase.
AMDF - AMDF American Macular Degeneration Foundation.
AMG - AMG acceleromyography.
AMG - AMG ?2-macroglobulin.
AMI - AMI acute myocardial infarction.
AMIA - AMIA American Medical Informatics Association.
AML - AML acute myeloblastic leukemia.
AMM - AMM agnogenic myeloid metaplasia.
AMM&M - AMM&M agnogenic myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis.
amp - amp ampere.
AMP - AMP amphetamine.
AMP - AMP amputation.
AMS - AMS American Medical Systems Inc..
AMS - AMS Amsterdam.
AMS - AMS aseptic meningitis syndrome.
AMSAN - AMSAN acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy.
AMSSM - AMSSM American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.
amt - amt amount.
AMV - AMV alfalfa mosaic virus.
AMV - AMV anterior medullary velum.
AMV - AMV apical membrane vesicles (about lung).
AMV-RT - AMV-RT avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase.
AMY2 - AMY2 alpha-amylase 2.
AN69-S - AN69-S Biospal.
ANA - ANA anesthesia.
ANA - ANA antinuclear antibody test (see also FANA).
ANAL - ANAL analgesic.
ANC - ANC absolute neutrophil count.
ANCA - ANCA antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies.
AND - AND algoneurodystrophy.
AND - AND anterior nasal discharge.
ANED - ANED alive no evidence of disease.
ANES - ANES anesthesia.
ANG - ANG angle.
ANHE - ANHE acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy.
ANI - ANI acute nerve irritation.
ANLL - ANLL acute non-lymphocytic leukemia.
ANO - ANO amiodarone neuropathy of the optic nerve.
ANOVA - ANOVA analysis of variance.
ANP - ANP atrial natriuretic peptide.
ANPs - ANPs advanced nurse practitioners'.
ANRF - ANRF Arthritis National Research Foundation.
ANRI - ANRI acute nerve root irritation.
ANS - ANS autonomic nervous system.
ANSI - ANSI American National Standards Institute.
ANT - ANT anterior.
anti-OJ - anti-OJ anti-isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase.
ANX - ANX anxiety.
AO - AO angle of.
AO - AO aorta.
AO - AO Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen.
AO - AO inbred strains of rats [AO(RT1u/AgB2)].
AO ASIF - AO ASIF AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen) Association of
the Study of Internal Fixation.
AOA - AOA American Orthopaedic Association (also: AAOS Related Organizations).
AOA - AOA American Osteopathic Association.
AOA - AOA Asian Orthopaedic Association.
AOA - AOA Australian Orthopaedic Association.
AOAC - AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemist.
AOB - AOB Abteilung für Orthopädische Biomechanik (Orthopaedic Biomechanics
AOB - AOB alcohol on breath.
AOD - AOD arteriosclerotic occlusive disease.
AODA - AODA alcohol and other drugs of abuse.
AODM - AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus.
AOFAS - AOFAS American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (also: AAOS Related
AOI - AOI AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen) International.
AOLF - AOLF Association des Orthopédistes de Langue Française.
AOM - AOM acute otitis media.
AOPA - AOPA American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association.
AOQ - AOQ l'Association d'Orthopédie du Québec.
AORFA - AORFA American Orthopaedic Rugby Football Association.
AORN - AORN Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses.
AOS - AOS Academic Orthopaedic Society (also: AAOS Specialty Societies).
AOS - AOS Alaska Orthopaedic Society.
AOS - AOS Arizona Orthopaedic Society.
AOSSM - AOSSM American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (Journal) (also:
AAOS Related Organizations).
AOx4 - AOx4 alert and oriented in 4 questions asked in evaluation of metal status.
AP - AP (Lat. ante partum) before delivery.
AP - AP access permit.
AP - AP accessory pathway.
AP - AP accounts payable.
AP - AP acid phosphatase.
AP - AP acinar parenchyma.
AP - AP action potential.
AP - AP active pepsin.
AP - AP acute pancreatitis.
Ap - Ap acute phase.
AP - AP acute pneumonia.
AP - AP acute proliferative.
AP - AP adenomatous polyposis.
AP - AP adolescent psychiatry.
AP - AP aerosol pentamidine.
AP - AP after parturition.
AP - AP alkaline phosphatase.
AP - AP alum precipitated.
AP - AP aminopeptidase.
Ap - Ap aminopurine.
AP - AP amyloid p-component.
AP - AP angina pectoris.
AP - AP anterior pituitary.
AP - AP anteroposterior (view in X-rays).
AP - AP antidromic potential.
Ap - Ap antipyrine.
AP - AP antral peristalsis.
AP - AP aortic pressure.
AP - AP aortopulmonary.
Ap - Ap apex.
AP - AP apical pulse.
AP - AP apothecary.
AP - AP appendectomy.
AP - AP appendicitis; appendix.
AP - AP apurinic acid.
AP - AP area postrema.
AP - AP arithmetic progression.
AP - AP arterial pressure.
AP - AP artificial pneumothorax.
AP - AP aspiration pneumonia.
Ap - Ap assessment and plans.
AP - AP association period.
AP - AP atherosclerotic plaque.
AP - AP atrial pacing.
AP - AP atrioventricular pathway.
ap - ap attachment point.
AP - AP Australian pharmacist.
AP - AP axiopulpal.
ap - ap before dinner.
AP - AP BNP brain natriuretic peptide.
AP & L - AP & L anteroposterior and lateral.
APA - APA Abrus precatorius agglutinin.
APA - APA American Paralysis Association.
APA - APA American Psychiatric Association.
APAAP - APAAP alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase.
APACHE - APACHE acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of childhood.
APAP - APAP acetaminophen (paracetamol).
APB - APB abductor pollicis brevis (also ABPB).
APB - APB atrial premature beat.
APC - APC activated protein C.
APC - APC allophycocyanin.
APC - APC Ambulatory Patient Classification.
APC - APC anterior polar cataract.
APC - APC antero-posterior compression.
APC - APC antigen presenting cells.
APC - APC Argon Plasma Coagulation.
APC - APC aspirin phenacetin caffeine.
APCI - APCI atmosphere pressure chemical ionization.
APF - APF assigned protection factor.
APH - APH anterior pituitary hormone.
APH - APH aphasia.
APHIS - APHIS USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
API - API Association for Pathology Informatics.
APL - APL abductor pollicis longus (also ABPL).
APLAR - APLAR Asian Pacific League of Association for Rheumatology.
APLS - APLS advanced pediatric life support.
APM - APM apomorphine.
APMA - APMA American Podiatric Medical Association.
ApMV - ApMV apple mosaic virus.
APP - APP Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein.
APP - APP appears.
APP - APP appendix.
APP - APP appointment.
APP - APP approximate.
ApPC - ApPC anthrylvinyl-labeled phosphatidylcholine.
APPC - APPC aorto-pericardial pouch conduit.
APPC - APPC apalcillin.
APPC - APPC apoptotic cells.
APPc - APPc cytoplasmic tail of the amyloid precursor protein.
APPC - APPC knee arthroplasty with polyethylene patellar components.
APPC - APPC p-aminophenylphosphorylcholine.
APTA - APTA American Physical Therapy Association.
APTT - APTT automated partial thromboplastin time.
APUD - APUD amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation.
APVOD - APVOD arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular occlusive disease.
APX - APX ascorbate peroxidase.
AQ - AQ aq. water.
AQL - AQL acceptance quality level.
AR - AR active resistance.
AR - AR admitting room.
AR - AR apical rate.
AR - AR artificial respiration.
AR - AR assessment report.
AR - AR assisted respiration.
AR - AR at risk.
ARA-C - ARA-C cytarabine.
ARC - ARC AIDS related complex.
ARD - ARD acute respiratory disease.
ARD - ARD atheroembolic renal disease.
ARDS - ARDS acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome.
ARE - ARE active-resistance exercise.
ARF - ARF acute renal failure.
ARF - ARF acute respiratory failure.
ARF - ARF acute rheumatic fever.
Arg - Arg arginine.
ARI - ARI anxiety reaction intense.
ARIC - ARIC Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities.
ARM - ARM anxiety reaction mild.
ARNP - ARNP Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner.
AROM - AROM active range of motion.
AROM - AROM artificial rupture of membranes.
ARP - ARP American Registry of Pathology.
ARP - ARP American Registry of Pathology.
ARRT - ARRT American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
ART - ART absolute retention time (chromatography).
ART - ART Achilles' tendon reflex test.
ART - ART artery.
ART - ART articulation.
ART - ART artificial.
ARTH - ARTH arthritic.
ARVD - ARVD arrythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.
AS - AS alpha-synuclein.
AS - AS anal sphincter.
AS - AS aortic stenosis.
AS - AS arteriosclerosis.
AS - AS auris sinistra (left ear).
AS ankylosing spondylitis. - AS ankylosing spondylitis.
as to - as to as tolerated.
ASA - ASA acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
ASA - ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists.
ASAMI - ASAMI Association for the Study and Application of the Ilizarov Method.
ASAP - ASAP as soon as possible.
ASB - ASB American Society of Biomechanics.
ASBME - ASBME Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering.
ASBMR - ASBMR Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research (EFFO Member
ASC - ASC arteriosclerosis.
ASC - ASC ascending.
ASCAD - ASCAD arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease.
ASCO - ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncology.
ASCUS - ASCUS atypical squamous cells of unknown significance.
ASCVD - ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
ASD - ASD atrial septal defect.
ASD - ASD autosensitization spongiotic dermatitis.
ASDP - ASDP American Society of Dermatopathology.
ASES - ASES American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (also: AAOS Specialty
ASF - ASF African Swine Fever.
ASF - ASF anterior spinal fusion.
ASH - ASH American Society of Hematology.
ASH - ASH asymmetrical septal hypertrophy.
ASHD - ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease.
ASHD - ASHD atherosclerotic heart disease.
ASHNR - ASHNR American Society of Head and Neck Radiology.
ASI - ASI specific immunotherapy.
ASIA - ASIA American Spinal Injury Association (AAOS Related Organizations).
ASIC - ASIC application specific integrated circuit.
ASIS - ASIS anterior superior iliac spine.
ASM - ASM aggressive systemic mastocytosis.
ASM - ASM American Society for Microbiology.
ASMI - ASMI American Sports Medicine Institute.
Asn - Asn asparagine.
ASNR - ASNR American Society of Neuroradiology.
ASO - ASO Amplatzer septal occluder.
ASO - ASO antisense oligonucleotides.
ASO - ASO antistreptolysin-O.
ASO - ASO arteriosclerosis obliterans.
ASOPA - ASOPA American Society of Orthopaedic Physician's Assistants (also: AAOS
Specialty Societies).
ASOS - ASOS Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Asp - Asp aspartic acid.
ASPC - ASPC aspoxicillin.
ASPNR - ASPNR American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology.
ASPRS - ASPRS American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
ASPVD - ASPVD arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease
ASR - ASR age standardized rate (incidence).
ASRT - ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists.
ASS - ASS anterior superior spine.
Aß - Aß amyloid beta-peptides.
ASSH - ASSH American Society for Surgery of the Hand (also: AAOS Related
assist. - assist. assistive.
ASSR - ASSR American Society of Spine Radiology.
ASSV - ASSV apple scar skin viroid.
AST - AST all subjects treated.
AST - AST alternate-site-testing.
AST - AST antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
AST - AST aspartate aminotransferase (formerly SGOT).
AST - AST Association of Surgical Technologists.
AST - AST astigmatism.
Astigm. - Astigm. astigmatism.
ASTM - ASTM american standard test method.
ASTRO - ASTRO American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.
ASU - ASU ambulatory surgery unit.
AT - AT achilles tendon.
AT - AT anterior tibial.
AT - AT athletic trainer.
AT - AT atlas.
at - at vol atomic volume.
at - at wt atomic weight.
at bed time - at bed time hs.
AT/NC - AT/NC atraumatic normocephalic.
ATF - ATF amino-terminal fragment.
ATL - ATL adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
ATLL - ATLL adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
ATLS - ATLS advanced trauma life support (training course).
ATN - ATN acute tubular necrosis
ATP - ATP attending physician.
ATP - ATP autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura.
ATPS - ATPS ambient temperature and pressure saturated.
ATR - ATR Achilles tendon reflex.
ATR - ATR alpha-thalassemia-mental retardation (syndrome).
ATR - ATR atracurium.
ATR - ATR atrazine.
atr - atr atrophy.
ATR - ATR atrophy.
Atr fib - Atr fib atrial fibrillation.
ATRA - ATRA all-trans-retinoic acid (regimen used to treat acute promyelocytic
ATRIP - ATRIP Africa Trade and Investment Program.
ATRX - ATRX ATR-X X-linked alpha-thalassemia mental retardation (syndrome).
ATS - ATS Achard-Thiers syndrome.
ATS - ATS acid test solution.
ATS - ATS alpha-D-tocopherol acid succinate.
ATS - ATS American Thoracic Society.
ATS - ATS American Trauma Society.
ATS - ATS American Trudeau Society.
ATS - ATS antirat thymocyte serum.
ATS - ATS antitetanus serum.
ATS - ATS antithymocyte serum.
ATS - ATS anxiety tension state.
ATS - ATS arteriosclerosis.
ATSDR - ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
ATT - ATT arginine tolerance test.
ATT - ATT aspirin tolerance time.
att - att attending.
ATV - ATV Abelson virus transformed.
ATV - ATV avian tumor virus.
ATx - ATx adult thymectomy.
atyp - atyp atypical.
ATZ - ATZ atypical transformation zone.
AU - AU (auris unitas) both ears.
AU - AU according to custom (Lat.ad usum).
AU - AU allergenic unit.
AU - AU Angstrom unit.
AU - AU antitoxin unit.
AU - AU arbitrary unit.
Au - Au Australia (antigen).
AU - AU Australia antigen.
Au - Au authorization.
AU - AU azauridine.
Au - Au gold (Lat.Aurum).
Au Ag - Au Ag Australia antigen.
AUA - AUA adenine-uracil-adenine codon for isoleucine.
AUA - AUA American Urological Association.
AUA - AUA asymptomatic urinary abnormalities.
AUB - AUB abnormal uterine bleeding.
AUC - AUC adenine-uracil-cytosine codon for isoleucine.
AUC - AUC area under the curve.
AUD - AUD arthritis of unknown diagnosis.
aud - aud auditory.
aud-vis - aud-vis audiovisual.
AUDIT - AUDIT alcohol use disorders identification test.
AUG - AUG acute ulcerative gingivitis.
AUG - AUG adenine-uracil-guanine codon for methionine.
AUGH - AUGH acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
AuHAA - AuHAA Australia hepatitis-associated antigen.
AUI - AUI Alcohol Use Inventory.
AUL - AUL acute undifferentiated leukemia.
AUMC - AUMC area under the "moment" curve.
AUO - AUO amyloid of unknown origin.
AuP - AuP Australian antigen protein.
AUPHA - AUPHA Association of University Programs in Health Administration.
aur - aur auric auricle auricular.
AUS - AUS acute urethral syndrome.
AUs - AUs alcohol users.
aus - aus ausc auscultation.
AuS - AuS Australia serum hepatitis.
Ausc. - Ausc. auscultation.
AuSH - AuSH Australia serum hepatitis.
Auto-PEEP - Auto-PEEP self-controlled positive end-expiratory pressure.
AUU - AUU adenine-uracil-uracil codon for isoleucine.
AUV - AUV anterior urethral valve.
AUVIB - AUVIB autotransfusion of UV-irradiated blood.
aux - aux auxiliary.
aV - aV abvolt.
AV - AV Adriamycin and vincristine.
AV - AV air velocity.
av - av air velocity.
AV - AV allergic vasculitis.
AV - AV anteroventral.
AV - AV anteversion.
AV - AV anticipatory vomiting.
AV - AV antivirin.
AV - AV aortic valve.
AV - AV arteriovenous.
AV - AV artificial ventilation.
AV - AV assisted ventilation.
AV - AV atrioventricular.
AV - AV audio-visual.
AV - AV augmented vector.
AV - AV average.
av - av average.
Av - Av average.
AV - AV aviation medicine.
AV - AV avoirdupois.
Av - Av avoirdupois.
av - av avulsion.
AV - AV avulsion.
AV/AF - AV/AF anteverted anteflexed.
Av3V - Av3V anteroventral third ventricle.
AVA - AVA activity vector analysis.
AVA - AVA antiviral antibody.
AVA - AVA aortic valve area.
AVA - AVA aortic valve atresia.
AVA - AVA arteriovenous anastomosis.
AVB - AVB atrioventricular block.
AVC - AVC aberrant ventricular conduction.
AVC - AVC Academy of Veterinary Cardiology.
AVC - AVC aortic valve closure.
AVC - AVC Association of Vitamin Chemists.
AVC - AVC associative visual cortex.
AVC - AVC associative visual cortex.
AVC - AVC atrioventricular canal.
AVC - AVC automatic volume control.
AVCN - AVCN anteroventral cochlear nucleus.
AVCS - AVCS atrioventricular conduction system.
AVCx - AVCx atrioventricular circumflex branch.
AVD - AVD aortic valvular disease.
AVD - AVD apparent volume of distribution.
AVD - AVD Army Veterinary Department.
AVD - AVD atrioventricular dissociation.
AVDO2 - AVDO2 arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference.
AVDO2B - AVDO2B arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference basal.
AVDP - AVDP average diastolic pressure.
avdp - avdp avoirdupois.
AVE - AVE aortic valve echocardiogram.
ave - ave aver average.
AVF - AVF antiviral factor.
AVF - AVF arteriovenous fistula.
aVF - aVF automated volt foot.
aVF - aVF unipolar limb lead on the left leg in electrocardiography.
AVG - AVG ambulatory visit group.
avg - avg average.
AVG - AVG average.
AVH - AVH acute viral hepatitis.
AVHD - AVHD acquired valvular heart disease.
AVHS - AVHS acquired valvular heart syndrome.
AVI - AVI air velocity index.
AVI - AVI Association of Veterinary Inspectors.
AVJ - AVJ atrioventricular junction.
AVJR - AVJR atrioventricular junction rhythm.
AVJRe - AVJRe atrioventricular junctional reentrant.
aVL - aVL automated volt left.
aVL - aVL unipolar limb lead on the left arm in electrocardiography.
AVLINE - AVLINE Audiovisuals On-Line (database).
AVM - AVM arteriovenous malformations.
AVM - AVM atrio-ventricular malformations.
AVM - AVM aviation medicine.
AVMA - AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association.
AVN - AVN acute vasomotor nephropathy.
AVN - AVN atrioventricular nodal (conduction).
AVN - AVN atrioventricular node.
AVN - AVN avascular necrosis (MRI evaluation).
AVND - AVND atrioventricular node dysfunction.
AVNFH - AVNFH avascular necrosis of the femoral head.
AVNFRP - AVNFRP atrioventricular node functional refractory period.
AVNR - AVNR atrioventricular nodal reentry.
AVNRT - AVNRT atrioventricular node reentry tachycardia.
AVO - AVO aortic valve opening.
AVO - AVO aortic valve orifice.
AVO - AVO atrioventricular opening.
AVO2 - AVO2 arteriovenous oxygen ratio.
AVP - AVP abnormal vasopressin.
AVP - AVP actinomycin-vincristine-Platinol.
AVP - AVP ambulatory venous pressure.
AVP - AVP antiviral protein.
AVP - AVP aqueous vasopressin.
AVP - AVP arginine—vasopressin.
AVP - AVP arteriovenous passage time.
AVP - AVP vasopressin.
AVPU - AVPU alert verbal painful unresponsive (neurologic test).
AVR - AVR accelerated ventricular rhythm.
AVR - AVR antiviral regulator.
AVR - AVR aortic valve replacement.
aVR - aVR automated volt right.
aVR - aVR unipolar limb lead on the right arm in electrocardiography.
AVRI - AVRI acute viral respiratory infection.
AVRP - AVRP atrioventricular refractory period.
AVRR - AVRR antiviral repressor regulator.
AVRT - AVRT atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia; atrioventricular reciprocating
AVS - AVS aortic valve stenosis.
AVS - AVS arteriovenous shunt.
AVS - AVS auditory vocal sequencing.
AVSD - AVSD atrioventricular septal defect.
AVSV - AVSV aortic valve stroke volume.
AVT - AVT Allen vision test.
AVT - AVT arginine vasotocin.
AVT - AVT Aviation Medicine Technician.
AVZ - AVZ avascular zone.
AW - AW able to work.
AW - AW above waist.
AW - AW abrupt withdrawal.
aw - aw airway.
AW - AW alcohol withdrawal.
AW - AW alive and well.
AW - AW alveolar wall.
AW - AW anterior wall.
AW - AW atomic warfare.
AW - AW atomic weight.
aw - aw water activity.
AW-GC - AW-GC apatite and wollastonite containing glass-ceramic.
AWA - AWA animal waste ashes.
AWA - AWA as well as.
AWAR - AWAR anterior wall of aortic root.
AWBM - AWBM alveolar wall basement membrane.
AX - AX axial: axillary.
AZT - AZT azidothymidine (zidovudine).
AZUR - AZUR 6-azauridine.