THE SINGLE ITEM LOT SIZING PROBLEM WITH FUZZY PARAMETERS: A POSSIBILITY APPROACH Suphattra Ketsarapong*, Sripatum University, Thailand Email:, *corresponding author Varathorn Punyangarm, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand ABSTRACT The main objective of this paper is to deal with a single item lot sizing problem with fuzzy parameters, which is called the fuzzy single item lot sizing problem (F-SILSP). Since F-SILSP does not meet the crisp deterministic assumption, it cannot be solved by traditional mathematical programming. In this paper, the possibility approach is chosen to convert the fuzzy model to be an equivalent crisp single item lot sizing problem (EC-SILSP). The equivalent crisp model from this transformation procedure is in the form of mixed integer linear programming (MILP). It can be solved by traditional solver to find an optimal solution for each pre-specified possibility level. A numerical example with both trapezoidal and triangular fuzzy parameters is illustrated to demonstrate that an equivalent crisp model can be used. In addition, the equivalent crisp model is employed in inventory planning in a case study of inventory planning for bituminous coal with trapezoidal fuzzy demand and triangular fuzzy unit price in a power plant of an example petrochemical company. Keywords: Modeling, Inventory Planning, Lot Sizing Problem, Fuzzy Set Theory, Possibility Theory, Petrochemical Company INTRODUCTION Lot sizing problems are production planning problems with order quantity between purchasing or production lots (Brahimi et al., 2006). Small lot sizes lead to many orders and low inventory levels. On the other hand, big lot sizes lead to few orders and high inventory levels (Lee et al., 1991). Thus, the consideration of lot sizes is an economic problem in that the objective of inventory models is to minimize total inventory cost, which comprises unit price, ordering cost, and inventory holding cost, while satisfying demand (Lee et al., 1991; Brahimi et al., 2006). The first inventory planning model, namely Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), was proposed by Harris (1913). It is used to find an optimal order quantity in the case of an uncapacitated single stage and single item of inventory control with a well-defined demand pattern. However, sometimes the demand pattern cannot be defined. Wagner and Whitin (1958) proposed an inventory model with time-vary demand, namely dynamic lot sizing, and used dynamic programming techniques to find an optimal order quantity. Subsequently, other inventory models have been constructed, based on the above models, such as the Economic Manufactured Quantity (EMQ) model, the EOQ with backorder, the EOQ with price breaks, EOQ based period order quantity, the EOQ for multiple items with capacity constraints, the lot sizing problem for lead time minimization, the run-out time model, the lot sizing problem in the case of shortages causing lost sales, the order-level system with a power demand pattern, the uncapacitated single item lot sizing problem, the capacitated single item lot sizing problem, the uncapacitated multiple item lot sizing problem, the capacitated multiple item lot sizing problem, and so on (Baracsi et al., 1990; Askin and Goldberg, 2002; Brahimi et al., 2006). USILSP is a type of inventory model with time-vary demand. Brahimi et al. (2006) stated that there are four basic formulations of USILSP in the form of mixed integer linear programming (MILP), i.e., aggregate formulation (AGG), formulation without inventory variables (NIF), the shortest path formulation (SHP), and facility location-based formulation without inventory variables (FAL). They gave three reasons that motivate us to study USILSP, i.e., some industries can aggregate products to obtain a single product, USILSP is a basic model and can be extended towards a more complex model, and many solution approaches for solving complex lot sizing problems must use USILP as sub-problems. As a result, the authors focus on the AGG model in USILSP which is shown in equations (1)-(4). Notations The following notations are used in the paper: St, xt , It , pt , the tth period in the planning horizon t = 1, 2,…, T, the ordering (or setup) variable, which is 1 when order or setup occurs in period t, and 0 otherwise, the ordering (or setup) cost in period t, the purchasing (or producing) quantity in period t, the inventory level at the end of period t, the unit price (or production cost) in period t, ht , dt , the inventory holding cost in period t, the demand in period t, d kT , the sufficiently large number, where d kT = d t ; ∀t. t, yt , T t 1 Focused on the AGG model in USILSP, assume that there are no beginning and ending stocks of the planning horizon ( I 0 I T 0 ), and inventory parameters i.e., s t , p t , h t , and d t are deterministic. The AGG of USILSP in a form of MILP is as follows: T (USILSP-AGG) Min TC = (s t y t p t x t h t I t ) t 1 (1) Subject to: I t -1 x t I t = d t ; ∀t, (2) y t d kT > x t ; ∀t, (3) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0; ∀t. (4) The objective function of USILSP-AGG in equation (1) is to minimize the total cost over the t period horizon. Constraints in equation (2) are inventory balance equations. Demand in period t ( d t ) can be satisfied when it is equal to the beginning inventory of period t ( I t -1 ) plus the purchasing or producing quantities in period t ( x t ) minus the available on-hand inventory at the end of period t ( I t ). Constraints in equation (3) are used to control ordering variables. Since d tT is a large number, then y t is treated as 1 when inventory is ordered in period t ( x t > 0), and y t is treated as 0 when inventory is not ordered in period t ( x t = 0). To answer how much inventory is required to minimize total cost and satisfy demand in each period, the inventory models are a good choice of approach. When a classical inventory model is used, a crisp deterministic assumption is required. However, sometimes, this assumption does not hold. In real-world problems, there are two types of uncertain parameter in the inventory model, i.e., randomness and fuzziness, which respectively lead to the fuzzy inventory model and the stochastic inventory model. Most information stochastic inventory models are described by statistical or probabilistic information, which deals with probability distributions of inventory parameters. Since statistical information is collected from a lot of sampling data, high cost and time lost for data collection must be considered. There are many researchers who use verbal information based on the experiences of veterans, and model these experiences to be fuzzy parameters (Mandal et. al., 2005; Yao et al., 2006; Dutta et. al., 2007; Tutuncu et. al., 2008). For these reasons, this paper used fuzzy set theory and deals with SILSP with fuzzy parameters. FUZZY UNCAPACITATED SINGLE ITEM LOT SIZING PROBLEM (F-USILSP) Fuzzy set theory was first proposed by Zadeh (1965). It is a mathematical tool to describe imprecision in the fuzzy environment. Imprecision refers to the sense of vagueness rather than the lack of knowledge about the value of parameters. The vagueness is due to the unique experiences and judgments of decision makers. For example, demand is classified as two verbal sets, medium and high. When a classical set is chosen to classify this demand as verbal classes, the range of 10,000-15,000 units of demand is defined as medium, and 15,00120,000 units of demand is defined as high. The exact boundary of medium and high is 15,000 units of demand. It means that 15,000 units of demand is assigned to the set of medium, but 15,001 units of demand is assigned to the set of high. This classification shows that when an event is classified by the judgment of decision maker(s), an exact set boundary is inappropriate. On the other hand, the fuzzy set boundary is not an exact demarcation but an area of boundary. Members in a fuzzy set must be linked with a degree of possibility in the range of [0, 1], which is called a membership function. The fuzzy set was designed for vagueness and uncertainty, which are found in real life. In addition, there are many fields which are built based on fuzzy set theory, such as fuzzy logic and control, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy mathematical programming , etc. (Zimmermann, 1996). Fuzzy mathematical programming or fuzzy optimization, which was proposed by Zimmermann (1976, 1978, and 1983), is one application of fuzzy set theory. It was extended to many fields in production planning and control, such as transportation, scheduling, flexible manufacturing system (FMS) , location, aggregate planning, inventory planning, and so on (Zimmermann, 1996; Klir et al., 1997). There has been a lot of research which deals with vagueness in inventory models. For example, Yao and Lee (1999) introduced a group of computing schemata for the fuzzy EOQ of inventory with or without backorders. Hsieh (2002) used fuzzy arithmetical operations of the function principle to find the fuzzy total production inventory costs, and used Graded Mean Integration Representation and the Extension of the Lagrangean method to defuzzify and find optimal solutions for the inventory models. Pai (2003) applied fuzzy sets theory to solve capacitated lot size problems with fuzzy capacity. Yao and Chiang (2003) compared the results obtained by centroid and signed distance methods in the case of the total cost of inventory without backorders. Mandala et al. (2005) focused on fuzzy cost parameters, objective functions, and constraints in a multi-item multi-objective inventory model with shortages and demand dependent unit cost with storage space, number of orders and production cost restrictions. Chang et al. (2006) used fuzzy concepts to optimize total inventory cost in the case of a mixture inventory model involving variable lead time with backorders and lost sales. Chen and Chang (2008) studied the fuzzy EPQ in the case of unrepairable defective products with fuzzy opportunity cost and trapezoidal fuzzy costs under crisp or fuzzy production quantities in order to extend the traditional production inventory model to the fuzzy model. Halim et al. (2011) developed fuzzy production planning models for an unreliable production system with fuzzy production rate and stochastic/fuzzy demand rate. The AGG model is selected to show how the possibility approach can transform the fuzzy inventory model into an equivalent crisp inventory model. Let the unit price, ordering cost, inventory holding cost, and demand be fuzzy variables. Thus the F-USILSP can be modeled as follows: T ~ pt x t h t I t ) (F-USILSP) Min TC = (~st y t ~ (5) ~ Subject to I t -1 x t I t = dt ; ∀t, (6) ~ y t dkT > x t ; ∀t, (7) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0; ∀t. (8) t 1 The F-USILSP in equations (5)-(8) is in a form of fuzzy MILP. Thus, this model cannot be solved by classical mathematical methods. EQUIVALENT CRISP UNCAPACITATED SINGLE ITEM LOT SIZING PROBLEM (EC-USILSP) The possibility approach in the context of fuzzy set theory was introduced by Zadeh (1978) to deal with non- stochastic imprecision and vagueness. According to Dubois and Prade (1988) and Dubois (2006), the possibility approach appropriately was used to model various kinds of information, such as linguistic information and uncertain formulae, in logical settings. In this section, the possibility approach will be used to convert the F-USILSP to the EC-USILSP. ~ ~ ~ Let ~ a and b be fuzzy variables, and ~ a and b be the complements of ~ a and b , respectively. Operation * means any one of the operators >, >, =, <, <. The possibility and ~ necessity measure of fuzzy event ~ a * b are respectively defined by (Zimmermann, 1990). ~ π(~ a * b ) = sup{min( μ ~a (x), μ ~b (y))/x * y; x, y } (9) ~ ~ Ness(~ a * b ) = 1 π(~ a * b ) (10) ~ ) and Ness( ~ ) means possibility and necessity of fuzzy variable ~ . where π( ~ Let ~ a i for i = 1,…, n be n fuzzy variables, the right hand side b becomes a crisp variable, and let f : n be a real-value function. The possibility of fuzzy event f( ~ a ) * b is i defined by (Zimmermann, 1996). π(f( ~ ai ) * b) = sup {min {μ ~ai (x i )} / f(x i ) * b; x i , b , i} (11) x i 1in In this paper, Chance-Constrained Programming (CCP) (Charnes and Cooper, 1959), which is normally used to confront stochastic linear programming ( SLP) , is adopted as a way to convert the F-USILSP to the EC-USILSP. The concept of CCP guarantees that the probability of stochastic constraints is greater than or equal to a pre-specified minimum probability. Let ĉ j , â ij , and b̂i for j = 1, …, n and i = 1, …,m be continuous random variables, and xj be decision variables. The relationship between standard SLP and its n n j1 j1 probability SLP is given by Min Z = ĉ j x j ; subject to constraints, â ij x j < b̂i ; xj > 0 for n n all xj if and only if Min Z = f; Pr ĉ j x j f > 1 – ; Pr â ij x j b̂ i > 1 – i; f and xj > 0 j1 j1 for all xj, where f is an artificial variable, which should be the minimum value when it is not greater than the objective function of standard SLP, Pr means probability, 1 – and 1 – i are pre-specified minimum probabilities. The researchers who are interested in the field of SLP can refer to Birge and Louveaux (1997) for further details. In the same way, the F-USILSP becomes the following possibility USILSP: (Poss-USILSP) Min TC = Θ (12) T ~ Subject to π (~st y t ~ pt x t h t I t ) Θ > α; ∀t, t 1 (13) ~ π(I t-1 x t I t d t ) > α; ∀t, (14) ~ π(y t dkT x t ) > α; ∀t, (15) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0, Θ > 0; ∀t. (16) Based on the possibility ranking in equation (11), Lertworasirikul et al. (2003) proved and proposed the Lemma 1, as follows: a i for i = 1,..., n be fuzzy variables with normal and convex membership Lemma1. Let ~ a i are functions and b be a crisp variable. The lower and upper bounds of the -level set of ~ a ) L and (~ a ) U , respectively. Then, for any given possibility levels 1, 2 and 3 denoted by (~ i α with 0 < 1, 2, 3 < 1, i α (i) π(~ a1 ~ a n b) α1 iff (~ a1 )αL1 (~ a n )αL1 b , (ii) π(~ a1 ~ a n b) α 2 iff (~ a1 ) αU2 (~ a n ) αU2 b , (iii) π(~ a1 ~ an b) α3 iff (~ a1 ) αL3 (~ a n ) αL3 b and (~ a1 )αU3 (~ a n )αU3 b . The Poss-USILSP is transformed into the EC-USILSP by the Lemma 1, as follows: T ~ (EC-USILSP) Min TC = (~st ) L y t (~ pt ) L x t ( h t ) L I t α α α t 1 (17) ~ Subject to I t -1 x t I t > (dt ) L ; ∀t, (18) ~ I t -1 x t I t < (d t ) U ; ∀t, (19) ~ y t (dkT ) U > x t ; ∀t, (20) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0; ∀t. (21) α α α The special case of EC-USILSP, which is the EC-USILSP with trapezoidal and triangular fuzzy parameters, will be shown in next section. EC-USILSP WITH TRAPEZOIDAL AND TRIANGULAR FUZZY NUMBERS Since trapezoidal and triangular fuzzy numbers, which have linear membership functions, are basically fuzzy numbers, the F-USILSP with trapezoidal and triangular parameters will be ~ examined in this paper. Let A be the trapezoidal fuzzy number with a lower and upper crisp value at α = 0 and 1 at each corner point of trapezoidal membership function, which is ~ ~ ~ ~ denoted by (A) L , (A) L , (A) U , and (A) U , respectively (See Figure 1a). The membership 0 1 1 0 ~ function of A is given by ~ L r (A ) 0 ~ L ~ L (A)1 (A) 0 1 μ A~ (r) = ~ U r (A ) 0 ~ U ~ U (A ) (A) 1 0 0 ~ ~ ; (A) L r (A) L 0 1 ~ ~ ; (A) L r (A) U 1 1 ~ ~ ; (A) U r (A) U 1 ; Otherwise 0 (22) ~ where μ A~ (r) ∈ [0, 1], and r ∈ ℝ. Thus, the lower and upper crisp value of A at each α-cut ~ U ~ U ~ L ~ L ~ are defined by r ~ = (A)1 α (A) 0 (1 α) , and r ~ = (A)1 α (A) 0 (1 α) . Let B be Lower/A Upper/A ~ ~ ~ ~ a trapezoidal fuzzy number with (B)1L = (B)1U = (B)1 , then B is called a triangular fuzzy ~ number (see Figure 1b). The lower and upper crisp value of B at each α-cut are defined by ~ ~ L ~ ~ U r ~ = (B)1 α (B) 0 (1 α) , and r ~ = (B)1 α (B) 0 (1 α) . Lower/B Upper/B Figure 1: Membership Function of (a) Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number, and (b) Triangular Fuzzy Number ~ ~ If the fuzzy parameters of F-USILSP ~st , ~ pt , h t and dt are trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, then the general model of EC-USILSP follows mixed integer linear programming. T (EC-USILSP-Trapezoidal) Min TC = α( ~st ) L (1 α)(~st ) L y t 1 0 t 1 ~ ~ α(~ pt ) L (1 α)(~ pt ) L x t α( h t ) L (1 α)(h t ) L I t 1 0 1 0 (23) ~ ~ Subject to I t -1 x t I t > α( dt ) L (1 α)(dt ) L ; ∀t, (24) ~ ~ I t -1 x t I t < α( dt ) U (1 α)(dt ) U ; ∀t, (25) ~ ~ y t α( dkT ) U (1 α)(dtT ) U > x t ; ∀t, 1 0 (26) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0; ∀t, (27) 1 1 0 0 ~) L = ( ~ ) U . Thus, Note that a triangular fuzzy number is a trapezoidal fuzzy number with ( 1 1 EC-USILSP with triangular fuzzy parameters can be modeled as EC-USILSP with triangular fuzzy parameters. The numerical example with triangular fuzzy parameters is illustrated to show how to use this model in the next section. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE To show how to use the EC-USILSP model, a numerical example with trapezoidal fuzzy unit price and demand and triangular fuzzy inventory holding and ordering cost is discussed in this section. Assume that the beginning and ending stock of the planning horizon are both zero. Let the trapezoidal fuzzy unit price be classified as three levels, i.e., cheap, normal and expensive. It is respectively denoted by ~p c = (10, 15, 20, 25), ~ pn = (20, 25, 30, 35), and ~p e = (30, 35, 40, 45). The trapezoidal fuzzy demand is classified as three levels, i.e., low, medium, ~ ~ and high. It is respectively denoted by dl = (60, 80, 100, 120), d m = (100, 120, 150, 170), ~ and dh = (150, 170, 180, 200). The triangular fuzzy ordering cost is classified as three levels, i.e., low, medium, and high. ~sl = (200, 300, 400), ~sm = (300, 400, 500), and ~sh = (500, 600, 700). The triangular fuzzy inventory holding cost is classified as three levels, i.e., low, ~ ~ ~ medium, and high. hl = (1, 2, 3), h m = (2, 3, 4), and h h = (3, 4, 5). Based on the experience of the decision maker, the parameter levels of the F-USILSP in terms of the verbal classification for five periods are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Verbal Estimation of F-USILSP parameters for Five Periods. Period t Unit Price Demand Ordering Cost 1 Cheap Medium Medium 2 Expensive High High 3 Cheap Low Low 4 Normal Medium Low 5 Expensive High High Holding Cost High Medium High Medium Low From Table 1, the F-USILSP of this example is modeled as follows: (F-USILSP) Min TC = (Medium)y 1 (High)y 2 (Low)y 3 (Low)y 4 (High)y (Cheap)x 1 (Expensive )x 2 (Cheap)x 3 (Normal)x 4 (Expensive )x 5 (High)I 1 (Medium)I 2 (High)I 3 (Medium)I 4 (Low)I 5 5 (28) Subject to x1 I1 = Medium, (29) I1 x 2 I 2 = High, (30) I 2 x 3 I3 = Low, (31) (32) I 4 x 5 = High, (33) I 3 x 4 I 4 = Medium, ~ y1d15 > x 1 , ~ y 2 d25 > x 2 , (35) ~ y3 d35 > x t , (36) ~ y 4 d45 > x 4 , (37) ~ y5 d55 > x 5 , (38) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0 for t = 1, 2, …, 5 (34) (39) ~ In accordance with the extension principle, fuzzy numbers d tT for all t = 1, …, T are given 5 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ ~ 5 ~ by d15 = (d t ) L , (d t ) U = α (d t ) L (1 α) (d t ) L , α (d t ) U (1 α) (d t ) U , t 1 1 0 1 0 α t 1 α t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 ~ ~ U ~ U then the crisp interval of d15 is (d15 ) = 760α 860(1 α) . So, (d25 ) = 610α 690(1 α) , α α ~ ~ ~ (d35 ) U = 430α 490(1 α) , (d45 ) U = 330α 370(1 α) , and (d55 ) U = 180α 200(1 α) . α α α Thus, the EC-USILSP with triangular and trapezoidal parameters is a crisp MILP as follows: (EC-USILSP) Min TC = (400α 300(1 α))y1 (500α 400(1 α))y 2 (300α 200(1 α))y 3 (300α 200(1 α))y 4 (500α 400(1 α))y 5 (15α 10(1 α))x1 (35α 30(1 α))x 2 (15α 10(1 α))x 3 (25α 20(1 α))x 4 (35α 30(1 α))x 5 (4α 3(1 α))I1 (3α 2(1 α))I 2 (4α 3(1 α))I 3 (3α 2(1 α))I 4 (2α (1 α))I5 (40) Subject to x1 I1 > 120α 100(1 α) , (41) x1 I1 < 150α 170(1 α) , (42) I1 x 2 I 2 > 170α 150(1 α) , (43) I1 x 2 I 2 < 180α 200(1 α) , (44) I 2 x 3 I3 > 80α 60(1 α) , (45) I 2 x 3 I3 < 100α 120(1 α) , (46) I 3 x 4 I 4 > 120α 100(1 α) , (47) I 3 x 4 I 4 < 150α 170(1 α) , (48) I 4 x 5 > 170α 150(1 α) , (49) I 4 x 5 < 180α 200(1 α) , (50) y1 (760α 860(1 α)) > x 1 , (51) y 2 (610α 690(1 α)) > x 2 , (52) y3 (430α 490(1 α)) > x 3 , (53) y 4 (330α 370(1 α)) > x 4 , (54) y5 (180α 200(1 α)) > x 5 , (55) y t ∈ binary variables, x t > 0, I t > 0 for t = 1, 2, …, 5 (56) This above crisp mixed integer linear programming is solved with α = 0, 0.1, 0.2, …, 1. Then the total cost, ordering variable in period t, buying quantity in period t, and inventory level at the end of period t for t = 1, 2, …, 5 are shown in Table 2. Table 2: The result of numerical example. Alpha Level Total Cost Period t 0 7,600.00 0.1 8,082.80 0.2 8,577.20 0.3 9,083.20 0.4 9,600.80 0.5 10,130.00 0.6 10,670.80 0.7 11,223.20 0.8 11,787.20 0.9 12,362.80 1.0 12,950.00 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 yt xt It 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 250 0 310 0 0 254 0 316 0 0 258 0 322 0 0 262 0 328 0 0 266 0 334 0 0 270 0 340 0 0 274 0 346 0 0 278 0 352 0 0 282 0 358 0 0 286 0 364 0 0 290 0 370 0 0 150 0 250 150 0 152 0 254 152 0 154 0 258 154 0 156 0 262 156 0 158 0 266 158 0 160 0 270 160 0 162 0 274 162 0 164 0 278 164 0 166 0 282 166 0 168 0 286 168 0 170 0 290 170 0 From Table 2, at the lowest possible level (α = 0), the inventory plan orders 250 units in period one to cover the first two periods and 310 units to cover periods three, four, and five. The total cost is 7,600.00 THB. At the highest possible level (α = 1), the inventory plan orders 290 units in period one to cover the first two periods and 370 units to cover periods three, four, and five. The total cost is 12,950.00 THB. The trend of total cost from ECUSILSP, solving with α = 0, 0.1, 0.2,…, 1, is an increasing linear trend, which is illustrated by plotting TC and α in x and y axis, respectively. It means that when higher possible levels are required, the TC will increase. CASE STUDY The case study of this paper focuses on the inventory planning of bituminous coal in a power plant of a petrochemical company. The main purpose of this power plant is to produce electrical power for the company’s petrochemical plants, which is the core business of this company. Bituminous coal is the main raw material for the generation of the electrical power. Demand for bituminous coal measured in metric tons is dependent on the demand for electrical power, which is required for petrochemical production. In this study, the demand for bituminous coal is classified as 5 trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, i.e., lowest, low, medium, high, and highest (see the membership function of fuzzy demand in Figure 2). Based on the experience of the production manager and the fuzzy information in Figure 2, the demand for bituminous coal in the planning horizon (12 periods) is predicted in the form of verbal demand, which is shown in Table 3. The price of bituminous coal per metric ton is classified as 7 triangular fuzzy numbers, i.e., the cheapest, very cheap, cheap, normal, expensive, very expensive, the most expensive (see the membership function of fuzzy unit prices in Figure 3). Based on the experience of the purchasing manager and the fuzzy information in Figure 3, the unit price of bituminous coal in the planning horizon is predicted in the form of verbal unit prices, which are shown in Table 3. The company has two outsourcers, namely companies A and B, which transport bituminous coal from the distributor to the inventory area. Focusing on the inventory area, there is a large area for the storage of 80,000 metric tons of bituminous coal. According to the company’s policies, 20,000 metric tons of bituminous coal must be stored as a safety stock. It cannot be used up. Thus, the net inventory space is equal to 60,000 metric tons. The inventory level at the end of period 0, or the beginning stock of period 1, is equal to 15,000 tons. So the net demand of period 1 is equal to (20,000, 25,000, 30,000, 35,000) metric tons minus 15,000 metric tons, that is (5,000, 10,000, 15,000 20,000) metric tons. Company A charges 1 million Thai Baht (THB) per order, and the maximum transportation capacity of company A is 50,000 metric tons per period. Company B charges 1.5 million THB per order, and the maximum transportation capacity of company B is equal to that of company A. Note that although the quantity of each order is less than the maximum transportation capacity of each company, companies A and B cannot discount the charge rate per order. Based on the policies of the company, the holding cost is fixed as a crisp value. It is equal to 200 THB per metric ton per period. Table 3: Demand (x 1,000 Metric Tons) and Unit Price (x 100 THB per Metric Ton). Demand Unit Price Period Verbal Trapezoidal Verbal Triangular t Prediction Fuzzy Number Prediction Fuzzy Number 1 Low (20, 25, 30, 35) Normal (20, 25, 30) 2 Low (20, 25, 30, 35) Cheap (15, 20, 25) 3 Medium (30, 35, 40, 45) Cheap (15, 20, 25) 4 Medium (30, 35, 40, 45) Very Cheap (10, 15, 20) 5 Medium (30, 35, 40, 45) Cheap (15, 20, 25) 6 Medium (30, 35, 40, 45) Cheap (15, 20, 25) 7 High (40, 45, 50, 55) Normal (20, 25, 30) 8 High (40, 45, 50, 55) Expensive (25, 30, 35) 9 Medium (30, 35, 40, 45) Normal (20, 25, 30) 10 Low (20, 25, 30, 35) Expensive (25, 30, 35) 11 Lowest (15, 15, 20, 25) Normal (20, 25, 30) 12 Lowest (15, 15, 20, 25) Expensive (25, 30, 35) Figure 2: Membership Function of Fuzzy Demand. Figure 3: Membership Function of Fuzzy Unit Prices. This case study is different from the numerical example. Since there are two transporters, and transportation capacity of them is limited, sometimes only company A can be selected (the service charge of company A is less than that of company B), but sometimes both companies A and B must be selected (when the buying quantity exceeds the transportation capacity of company A). Let decision variables x t A and x tB for t = 1,…, 12 be the buying quantities which are transported by companies A and B in period t, respectively. Thus, the equation of the bituminous coal price can be formulated as follows: Unit price = (2,500α 2,000(1 α))(x1A x1B ) (2,000α 1,500(1 α))(x 2A x 2B ) (2,000α 1,500(1 α))(x 3A x 3B ) (1,500α 1,000(1 α))(x 4A x 4B ) (2,000α 1,500(1 α))(x 5A x 5B ) (2,000α 1,500(1 α))(x 5A x 5B ) (2,500α 2,000(1 α))(x 7A x 7B ) (3,000α 2,500(1 α))(x 8A x 8B ) (2,500α 2,000(1 α))(x 9A x 9B ) (3,000α 2,500(1 α))(x10A x10B) (2,500α 2,000(1 α))(x11A x11B) (3,000α 2,500(1 α))(x12A x12B) . (57) Let binary variables y tA and y tB for t = 1,…, 12 be ordering variable, which is one when companies A and B receive orders, respectively, and 0 otherwise. The equation of the ordering cost can be formulated as follows: 12 12 t 1 t 1 Ordering cost = 1,000,000y tA 1,500,000y tB . (58) Let decision variable I t be the inventory level at the end of period t. The equation of the inventory holding cost can be formulated as follows: 12 Inventory holding cost = 200I t . t 1 (59) Because the demand for bituminous coal for t = 1,…, 12 was based on the judgment of decision maker, it is a fuzzy demand. Therefore, there are 24 equivalent crisp inventory balance constraints of 12 periods, as follows: x1A x1B I1 > 10,000α 5,000(1 α) , (60) x1A x1B I1 < 15,000α 20,000(1 α) , (61) I1 x 2A x 2B I 2 > 25,000α 20,000(1 α) , (62) I1 x 2A x 2B I 2 < 30,000α 35,000(1 α) , (63) I 2 x 3A x 3B I3 > 35,000α 30,000(1 α) , (64) I 2 x 3A x 3B I3 < 40,000α 45,000(1 α) , (65) I3 x 4A x 4B I 4 > 35,000α 30,000(1 α) , (66) I3 x 4A x 4B I 4 < 40,000α 45,000(1 α) , (67) I 4 x 5A x 5B I 5 > 35,000α 30,000(1 α) , (68) I 4 x 5A x 5B I 5 < 40,000α 45,000(1 α) , (69) I5 x 6A x 6B I6 > 35,000α 30,000(1 α) , (70) I5 x 6A x 6B I6 < 40,000α 45,000(1 α) , (71) I6 x 7A x 7B I7 > 45,000α 40,000(1 α) , (72) I6 x 7A x 7B I7 < 50,000α 55,000(1 α) , (73) I7 x 8A x 8B I8 > 45,000α 40,000(1 α) , (74) I7 x 8A x 8B I8 < 50,000α 55,000(1 α) , (75) I8 x 9A x 9B I9 > 35,000α 30,000(1 α) , (76) I8 x 9A x 9B I9 < 40,000α 45,000(1 α) , (77) I9 x10A x10B I10 > 25,000α 20,000(1 α) , (78) I9 x10A x10B I10 < 30,000α 35,000(1 α) , (79) I10 x11A x11B I11 > 15,000, (80) I10 x11A x11B I11 < 20,000α 25,000(1 α) , (81) I11 x12A x12B > 15,000, (82) I11 x12A x12B < 20,000α 25,000(1 α) . (83) Based on transportation capacity limitations, the maximum transportation capacity of companies A and B is 50,000 metric tons per period, the constraint for the control ordering variable can be formulated as follows: 50,000y tA > x tA and 50,000y tB > x tB for t = 1,…, 12. (84) Focusing on the inventory space limitations, the bituminous coal cannot be stored at a quantity greater than 60,000 metric tons. Thus the warehouse capacity constraints are added as follows: I t -1 x tA x tB < 60,000 for t = 1,…, 12. (85) The minimum total cost, binary variables, order quantity, and inventory level for each α-level set can found by solving MILP, min (57) + (58) + (59), subject to (60)-(85), where y tA and y tB ∈ binary variables, x t A , x tB , and I t > 0 for t = 1, …, 12. The results at α = 0 and 1 are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Inventory plan at α = 0 and 1. α = 0 and TC = 540,000,000 Period Company t y x I A 1 5,000 1 0 B 0 0 A 1 20,000 2 0 B 0 0 A 1 30,000 3 0 B 0 0 A 1 50,000 4 30,000 B 1 10,000 A 0 0 5 0 B 0 0 A 1 50,000 6 30,000 B 1 10,000 A 1 30,000 7 20,000 B 0 0 A 1 20,000 8 0 B 0 0 A 1 50,000 9 20,000 B 0 0 A 0 0 10 0 B 0 0 A 1 30,000 11 15,000 B 0 0 A 0 0 12 0 B 0 0 α = 1 and TC = 813,000,000 Y x I 1 10,000 0 0 0 1 25,000 0 0 0 1 35,000 0 0 0 1 50,000 25,000 1 10,000 1 10,000 0 0 0 1 50,000 25,000 1 10,000 1 35,000 15,000 0 0 1 30,000 0 0 0 1 50,000 25,000 1 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 1 30,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 If a decision maker wants to plan for the lowest total cost, the lowest of possible level (α = 0) is chosen. The inventory plan orders 5,000, 20,000, and 30,000 metric tons of bituminous coal, which is transported by company A, in periods one, two, and three, respectively. To serve the demand of periods four and five, 60,000 metric tons must be refilled. Since the maximum transportation capacity of company A is less than 60,000 metric tons, an excess demand (10,000 metric tons) must be transported by company B. In period six, 60,000 metric tons of bituminous coal is ordered. An aggregate total of 30,000 metric tons, which is ordered in period seven, and 30,000 metric tons, which was transferred from period six, must be used to serve the demand of periods seven and eight. In period nine, 50,000 metric tons is ordered to cover periods nine and ten, and 30,000 metric tons is ordered in period eleven to cover the demand of the last two periods. The total cost is 540 million THB. On the other hand, when the highest possible level (α = 1) is required, the total cost increases to 813 million THB. The inventory plan of this scenario orders 10,000, 25,000, and 35,000 metric tons in periods one, two, and three, respectively. To serve the demand of periods six, seven, and eight, 60,000 and 35,000 metric tons is ordered respectively, in periods six and seven. In period nine, 60,000 metric tons is ordered to cover periods nine and ten, and 30,000 metric tons is ordered in period eleven to cover the last two periods. CONCLUSIONS This paper used Possibility Approach to convert the fuzzy inventory model (F-USILSP) to an equivalent crisp inventory model (EC-USILSP). Consequently, the EC-USILSP can be solved by traditional mathematical programming methods. In addition, this EC-USILSP was adopted for inventory planning in the case study of inventory planning for bituminous coal with trapezoidal fuzzy demand and triangular fuzzy unit price in a power plant of a petrochemical company. The EC-USILSP is very flexible to solve problems, for example, before using EC-USILSP in the case study, the EC-USILSP could be modified to support additional restrictions on two issues; transportation capacity limitations and inventory space limitations. The results found higher possible levels are required, and the total cost will increase accordingly. FUTURE STUDIES In this article, SILSP with fuzzy parameters, which is the smallest problem, was selected as the sample to study. Future work could focus on, firstly, using other more sophisticated inventory models, such as a multiple item lot sizing problem in a single-stage and multiplestage production; and secondly, a study of SILSP with several periods, where these problems would be more complex. Consequently, solving these problems requires a lot of time. 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